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Q: What is
A: It is a public library website on the subject of religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric. People can read for free on the internet, it is accessible to anyone, contains unfiltered information.
Q: Why did you do it?
A: To learn about the future, you must know about the past. All ancient texts are VERY important.
Q: Do you sell links to my site?
A: Sorry, we don't sell any links, the website is about Ancient Texts and Books.
Q: Can I use stuff from this site?
A: Yes, feel free to use any parts, most of the site is not copyrighted.
Q: Did you write all this stuff?
A: No. Most of it was written by dead people, a long time ago.
1. Adept - man who has done the Great Work, because he knows and has seen.
2. Enlightened - knows and has seen the marvels of the Enlightenment, but he has not known how to do the Great Work.
3. Initiate - has not done the Great Work, but he knows its Secret; he has not seen the Light but he knows its Mystery and he can very rightly speak of the Light, and of the Great Work.
Most of the files at this site are in the public domain in the United States. This is because they were originally printed in the US and:
Books and other content become public domain in different ways in different countries. So if you reside outside the US, you will have to use different criteria to determine if a text is in the public domain. In some countries, this is determined by the date of death of the author. For instance, in the United Kindom or European Union books become public domain 70 years after the death of the author. This means that some books are in the public domain in the US but not the UK. For instance, the book ‘The Tarot Unveiled’ was published in 1910 in England. This means that it is in the public domain in the US (it was published prior to 1922). However, the author, A.E. Waite, died in 1942. For this reason this book will not enter the public domain in the UK or the EU until 2012. Public domain files from this site can be used for any purposes.
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Note that this doesn’t restrict you from using these books for commercial use if you are willing to make your own transcription of them. We have no objection to this as we do not claim to own these works.
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Quote of the Day
“The salt of metals is the Philosopher's Stone; for our Stone is water congealed in gold and silver; it is hostile to fire and may be dissolved into the water of which it is composed after its kind.”
Rosary of the Philosophers
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