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Quote of the Day

“The strength of the sulfur of the Mercury is like the seed of the father and Luna the mother, that is the actual - The substance of Mercury, namely the watery subtle mixed with the earthly subtle is equal to the menstruum, and that is Argentum vivum, which is called Mercurius by the Philosophis . But because Mercurius is the Argentum vivum, the root of the art is Alchemy, then out of him through it and in him are all metals, as the philosophers say. Versus: Everything the Wise are looking for is in the Mercurio. Then under his shadow this substance lives and grows, which is why its middle substance is incombustible, as Geber says: Then every thing of this art is from him and with him every tincture is composed of its likeness, namely Mercurio .”


Clangor Buccinae - The Sound of Trumpets


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