Urine and how all the dyes can be extracted by his mind


and how all the dyes

can be extracted by his mind


16th - 17th centuries

You should know that all dyes, whatever they are, end in white or red, and that their manufacture is always the same.

Take a pot vitrified with old and clear urine, fit a still to it with its receptacle and distill as much as you can; then a black deposit (feces) will remain at the bottom; calcine it for three hours so that it whitens little by little. Dissolve in common water, and when you have cooked for two hours, without stopping, pour out what is clear: cook it again up to the "little skin" (cuticula) without interruption, place in a cool place or cellar, and you will see a clear salt crystallize. Remove this salt, cook this water again and let it crystallize as before. Dry this crystallized salt in an earthen pan (sartagine figulina), then blanch gently in the pot, but take care that it does not melt; dissolved again in common distilled water,

You should always decant while it's still hot; again cook this liquid "with the small skin" until it "bears beans" (fabas referat), then place it in the air or in a cellar as before, remove the crystallized salt, cook again with the "small skin" the rest of the water or urine which has not produced salt, until the salt appears. Dry this salt well in a saucepan and set it aside until I tell you how to use it.

Now distills all urine obtained. If it floats on it like a light oil or grease, remove it with a feather or a spoon until you obtain purity. Again proceed to the extraction of this urine in the vitrified pot with alembic and receptacle, and repeat this operation as many times as necessary, until there is no longer any deposit in the earthenware container, from which nothing can be extracted by any distillation whatsoever, and which is to be thrown away.

The extraction is then repeated by BM and a black deposit will remain; repeat this operation until the water becomes clear, and always throw the deposit.

Now take the salt which thou hast obtained and dried, and put it with thy clear water into the tightly stoppered vitrified pot, place it for three or four days on hot ashes, until the salt is dissolved in the clear water purified of all starch.

NB . : When the salt is dissolved in Eau Claire without residue, it is then perfectly prepared. It is again complete and made pure as before, but stripped of its residues and gross humors, and made so subtle that it cannot be expressed.

Take six parts of this urine, four parts of distilled vinegar, three parts of brandy, half a pound of salt, half a pound of sal ammoniac and half a pound of common quicklime, mix everything; let it dissolve in clear water rid of its deposits, and you will obtain an admirable material which will reduce all the limes of the bodies to their first material; that is to say in Mercury. With this water one can extract the blessed Quintessence (benedicta) of Antimony and of all things white or red. Thus prepared, after having used it ten or twenty times and again having proceeded to its extraction, this water retains all its powers as if you had never used it, but it is necessary to rectify it.

Manner of extracting all the tinctures with this water thus obtained:

Take sulphur, auripigment, or ochre, or something similar from which you have in mind to extract a tincture; pulverize into impalpable dust and grind with distilled vinegar so that it has the consistency of liniment (smegmatis). Put this in a large container and place it on a hearth of ashes or sand, pour your clear urine or water, that your container is half full, cover with a stopper (subere, m to m. a cork stopper), and with your hands shake it so that the mixture is homogeneous. This done, put it back on the ashes or sand, first give a low fire, by which the liquid gets extremely hot, and note that the mash (? Turunda) or the lid must be taken out all the time so that the air comes out, otherwise the glass could break,

When you see the vinegar saturated with color, then pour what is hot and clear, taking care to leave the deposit at the bottom.

Put aside what you poured and close well; pour out the rest of the urine with a part of distilled vinegar, mouth, and work by swirling with the hands as before to mix. When it has absorbed the color, decant again by gravity while pouring and make sure to stopper well.

Note that on what remains, you must pour new urine with a little vinegar and repeat the whole operation as many times as necessary, until the vinegar no longer absorbs color. This done, you will have extracted all the tincture; you can then throw away the residue or put it to whatever use you want.

Put your tincture in a container and evaporate in the humidity until a film appears; let cool and place this material, on which this film is, in the pot, with its well-luted still; in the ashes or the sand extract all the humidity, and the white or red Tincture, depending on the material used, will remain at the bottom, which will be the Quinte Essence. If you put white matter, your quintessence will be white like snow, but if your matter is red, it will be red and shimmering like gold.

According to this same procedure one can extract the Quintessence of Mercury sublimated from red or white. The same applies to the filings of Mars, verdigris, Cinnabar or burnt bronze (aere usto) and also lime of Gold and Silver, or copper, in short of all the things of the world.

Note : To make the urine stronger, add sal ammoniac at will and a drachm of common salt; and you will be able to extract the Tincture with more happiness (felicius).

Note : From these extracted dyes can be made cements with which you can cement, which is a secret art. Also some red and sparkling water like Ruby. With this water wonderful things can be done which are not allowed to be revealed.

Quote of the Day

“There is yet one thing in the Metallick Kingdom of an admirable beginning, etc. though many Philosophers would have this vile price to be understood of our dissolving Menstruum”


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