Treatise on the three primary essences


Theophrastus Paracelsus

of which is composed every being begotten, by the

Doctor Auréolus Philippe Théophraste Bombast of Hohenheim



— Translation by Grillot de Givry —


Any thing generated and produced by its constituent elements, can be broken down into three elements: Salt, Sulfur and Mercury.

From these three elements a conjunction is formed which constitutes a single body and essence. This body is not thus defined according to its particular properties, but at least according to its ternary constitution.

Its operation is threefold. The first is that of the saline principle. This acts by purging, mondifying, softening (balsamando) and in other ways as well; it also preserves what tends to putrefy.

The second is that of the sulphurous principle. This one moderates the excess which can come from the two other principles, or else is dissolved.

The third is that of the mercurial principle. This one restores what falls into consumption.

As to the form of each of these three principles, one is a Liquor, it is Mercury; the other is an Oleity (oleitas), it is Sulphur; the third an alkali is Salt. Mercury contains neither Sulfur nor Salt; Sulfur, neither Mercury nor Salt; Salt, Sulfur or Mercury. And by this means each of these things preserves the virtue which is proper to it.

These operations are really met with in complex illnesses; but it must be known that this separation of things is not perfect, but that two of these are united into one as in dropsy and the like, for these diseases are complex because they exceed the temperate humidity and the usual dose of humor in the individual . Thus Mercury and Sulfur sometimes cure paralysis, because the bodily Sulfur is there in superabundance or because some lesion is close to it. Also it should be noted that any disease can exist doubly or triply, which causes the complexity of the disease. Therefore the physician should observe in this whether the disease he treats is simple, what is its degree in liquor, in oil or salt and how far the limits of the lesion are from the seat of the disease;and it is according to this degree that he will have to extract the Liquor, the Salt and the Sulphur, and that he will have to order what will be necessary. Remember then this brief rule, that one medication must be ordered for the lesion, another for the disease.


Salts purify, but in different ways. Some by evacuation; and these are of two kinds: the salt contained in the remedy itself, which prepares and promotes the separation of foreign matters, then the salt of nature contained in the body of the individual, which expels them. That is why without salt, no excretion can take place; whence it follows that the vulgar salt must come to the aid of the salts of nature.

Other salts purify by vomiting; which takes place when the Salt is of such a coarse kind that it cannot be digested, and produces strangulation in the upper part of the stomach.

Still others by perspiration, such as the infinitely subtle Salt which mixes intimately with the blood, for the Salts which produce evacuation and vomiting do not mix with the blood; also these do not cause any sweat because it is only the Salt which separates from the body.

Others purify by urine, because urine is nothing but superfluous salt. Feces are superfluous Sulphur; as for the liquor, nothing superfluous escapes from it from the body; but it remains on the contrary inside. This is the secret of all the evacuations of the body, which are only a phlegm expelled by means of Salt, by the nostrils, the ears, the eyes and by the other ways. And this must be understood with the Archea, by means of which they carry out all their operations, as will be indicated later.

So since the evacuating Salt (taxations) comes from the Archaea, if one purges the stomach, it is because it proceeds from the stomach of the Archaea; if the other purges the spleen, it comes from the spleen of the Archaea, and so on for the brain, the liver, the lungs and the other limbs. For each member of the Archaea communicates movement to the corresponding member of the microcosm. However, know that there are several kinds of Salts or Alkalis: one is as sweet as cassia, and it is the 1st mixed Salt (separatum) which is called antimony in minerals; the other is acidic (acetosus), like rock salt. Another is sour, like ginger;others, bitters, like rhubarb and colocynth. Know also on this subject, that several Alkalis are generated, like the Harmel; several are extracted, like the Scamonea; several are coagulated, like Absinthe. And it is necessary to distinguish in this all that one has already experienced with regard to Salt. Some, in fact, similarly purge by mere perspiration, others by mere consumption, and so on, for so many particular flavors of the Salt, so many particular operations and expulsions, although in truth these last two things form but one, for the first is the very operation of the remedy, and the second the completion of this same operation.


Sulfur works by drying up and consuming superfluity. This, either by itself or by means of other agents, must be consumed, unless it is preserved by the Salts. Thus to combat Dropsy it is necessary to seek a remedy against the salts engendered by the liver of the Archaea, in order to consume what is putrefied and corrupted; it is more necessary that this evil be cured by the force of the Sulfur to which all diseases of this kind are subjected, each according to its kind, although however the Sulfur does not suit all indifferently. And so it is produced by the nature of the Element, so that any disease engendered by the nature of the body, has its opposite by the nature of the Element. And this takes place universally and particularly;this is why by the genus of the Element must be known the genera themselves of diseases, for one is often the sign and index of the other.

All that has just been said applies equally to Mercury. This is the basis of all that operates the separation (divortium) of Salt and Sulphur. It is from it that the diseases of the ligaments, arteries, joints, joints, and the like arise; therefore the only means of curing them is to diminish the mercurial liquor.

The aforesaid illnesses must therefore be combated by things which will be judged suitable for producing the desired effect, and which will be indicated by the specialty of things according to their nature, and by the philosophical study of this same nature and of these same things, which are omitted here for brevity.


Let the doctor know that all diseases can therefore be reduced to three kinds: one coming from Salt; the other, sulfur; the third, Mercury. Let us first examine the diseases of the first kind. Any disease causing laxity (morbus laxus) is produced by Salt, such as belly flow, Dysentery, Diarrhea, Lienterie, etc.

This Salt is the one that has become vitiated in the place where it usually stays. For all evacuation is provoked by Salt just as much in the body in a state of health as in that which is sick; in the first case, it is the Salt of nature which acts; in the second, it is this same Salt, denatured, corrupted and dissolved (resolutum). It is fitting, therefore, for these diseases, that the healing be obtained entirely by means of the Salts, so that the Salt rectifies again and separates the corrupted Salt from that which is intact.

As for the treatment of diseases caused by Sulphur, it is the confirmation of the operation which takes place for Salt; for this one dominates that one; and this Sulfur is specified by the force of the Archaea. Finally, it is from Mercury that come all the diseases that affect the arteries, ligaments, joints, bones, nerves, etc. For in the other parts of the body the substance of the corporeal Mercury does not dominate, but only in the outer limbs. Sulfur on the contrary softens and penetrates the lower limbs, that is to say the heart, the brain, the kidneys, etc. And the diseases of these parts must be called sulphurous (morbi sulphurei) because in them the substance is formed completely of sulphur.

We have an example of this in what happens in colic. The cause of these is in the Salt which affects the intestines and which predominates there, generating several kinds of colic, depending on whether it dissolves there or whether it hardens there, because it then deviates from its perfect temperament and is altered by excess humidity or dryness. Also, in the treatment of colic, it is necessary that the human Salt be rectified by the Salts drawn from the elements (salia elementata). For if another Salt than that which relates to Sulfur were to appear, you would judge that there is then a submersion of the Salts for which it would be necessary to employ, not the treatment of the diseases caused by the sulphurous or mercurial principles, but that of the very nature of Salt;and not to make the contrary react on the contrary, but to accommodate the like to the like. For what is cold does not drive out (not drive out) what is hot, nor does hot combat what is cold, in diseases which present these symptoms. The treatment proceeds from what engendered the evil and gave it its position.


These three kinds of diseases are like the trunks of a tree which are subdivided into branches, twigs and leaves; however, the treatment is identical for each of these genera. Indeed the mercurial disease, for example, is that in which the liquor, also mercurial, escapes by the various branches, branches and leaves of the human body. Thus pustules of all kinds are produced by Mercury because this evil is itself Mercurian; certain kinds of mange, for example, are under the influence of common Mercury; certain pustules under that of metallic Mercury, others under those of Xylohebenic Mercury; others under that of the Mercury of Antimony; the cause is clear. Mercury escapes by various branches and not in a uniform manner.

It is therefore extremely important to know all the liquors of Mercury, because one cures what Salt of the same kind dissolves; there is another which acts by itself and thus becomes an incarnating and consolidating force, for such is the nature of Mercury. This one is, indeed, multiple in its forms. In metals, the liquor of Mercury is similar to a metal; in juniper and ebony it is ligniform; in marcasites, talcs, cachymia it is similar to a mineral; in the brassatelle, the persicaire, the serpentine, similar to a grass. And yet it is only one and the same Mercury presenting itself in multiple forms, which also manifest themselves in the various kinds of pustules and ulcers.

The Physician must therefore know the tree of illnesses and things, because there are several of them: one is the tree of Salt which is double: that of the Element and that of the compound substance; the other, the Sulfur Tree; finally that of Mercury.

Let the doctor be careful not to graft two trees in the treatment of the same disease, but let him hold as a certain rule that it is necessary to administer Mercury to diseases which come from Mercury, Salt to Diseases which come from Salt, and Sulfur to the diseases coming from the Sulfur, that is to say to each disease an appropriate treatment as it is appropriate. Because, in truth, it takes at least three medicines, since there are three kinds of illnesses. It is therefore necessary to subtract and omit all these long ambages, these trifles and these cavillations of Avicenna, Mesue and others.


According to all that we have said up to now, it is therefore necessary that the Doctor, in order to form an easy and brief summary which he always has with him, classifies all the diseases by placing them each under the name of his particular medication , as we have already begun to do for the illnesses already described.

Let him therefore very carefully avoid saying: such a disease is icteria (jaundice), because to speak thus is against the practice of the art, since the first peasant to come knows it and will be able to say the same. It will be necessary to say on the contrary: this is the disease of Leseolus; because thus you will contain the treatment, the property, the name, the disposition, finally all your science and your art under a single term. Indeed, Leseolus cures Jaundice and no other substance than it cures this disease.Thus you will free yourself from all errors and the cure will be demonstrated thus: as in Leseolus there is the greatest transparency of salt which represents an even more vivid color than that of the topaz in fusion, so Icteria is similarly (as I have already said) a diaphanous salt coming from jaundice; it's necessary,

The same applies to arsenic disease because the salt which produces icteria is both the origin (mater) of arsenic and of Leseolus, although it nevertheless comes from two mothers, that is to say from the annual and elementary.

I therefore urge all doctors to know these three trees perfectly and solidly, because whoever does not know the seed of these three trees is plunged into the greatest errors. We can say the same of leprosy. There is no need to call it by its specific name; it is necessary to speak truly medically, that is, to give it a name which indicates sufficiently what treatment is necessary for leprosy. If I say, for example, this is the disease of the tincture, he who is clever can understand by this that I have discovered what this tincture is, and of what kind, and how it can regenerate and rejuvenate old age. If I say again: this is the sickness of vitriol,we immediately remember that experience proves that all kinds of epilepsy are cured by the oil or spirit of vitriol. And although numerous writings prove it sufficiently, nevertheless since this is useful to the theory of my doctrine, who prevents repeating here by what theoretical reason all this must be accomplished? We are indeed in the presence of a special mode of understanding these things theoretically, from which all the above has been deduced as well as the mysteries of nature, which were hidden which prevents repeating here by what theoretical reason all this must be accomplished ? We are indeed in the presence of a special mode of understanding these things theoretically, from which all the above has been deduced as well as the mysteries of nature, which were hiddenwho prevents repeating here by what theoretical reason all this must be accomplished? We are indeed in the presence of a special mode of understanding these things theoretically, from which all the above has been deduced as well as the mysteries of nature, which were hidden(occlusa) by the alchemical authors and by means of which I prove and rightly demonstrate my theory of the one and the other origin, namely: Elementary in its production, and Annual in its generation, and that I build the foundation of all my theory .

We will then seek by this theory from which virtue the incarnative forces come. I will answer; from that of Mercury alone. This heals the wounds after a fairly long time, as does the Mercury which is in the resin, more quickly however than the mercury in the Mumia,faster also than mercury in tartar. It acts in the same way in ulcers, as are certain ulcers of cancers, devouring wounds and erysipelas. Thus many of the mercurial forces and operations exist in elementary and annual things, and are found by experience by those who know in which bodies the Mercury resides, and in which others reside the other principles, and who know how to prepare this Mercury. , and forming it, one from Topazinum, the other from Saffron (Crocum Sandalium), another in his spirit of distillation, another in his exaltation, in which he behaves very well. And although there is really only one and only Mercury, yet if need be, it can be produced in any of these ways.We therefore certify here that the incarnative and consolidating force proceeds from Mercury alone, in which no Sulfur or Salt exists, but which must be extracted and reduced to its pure liquor. It is according to the same rules that you will have to proceed with Sulfur and Salt, and also study their exaltation if you really want to deserve the name of doctor and cure your patients successfully. I know enough that Porphyry will be surprised if he hears that the Sapphire is only a mercury as well as the shining Jasper,(nescio) that during this time he amuses himself with trifles and dreams.


So why is ginger sudorific? Because of the salt of which this body is formed. But the force of it is the fire by which the generations boil (ebulliunt) (as I said in my Philosophy) and which, opening the pores by this boiling, reduces or drives out the humors of Sulphur, Salt and of Mercury, in the second to the third and fourth degrees of boiling. And according to what the igneous force of the Salt determines, the degree of boiling increases and it is by this degree that the humidity escapes outside through the pores and the interstices. Thus purifying things (mundificativa)also purify by the sole force of Salt, like honey and the like, which indicates that in honey is contained the balsamic principle of Salt, which prevents it from becoming corrupted, because balsam is the most noble Salt that nature produces.

The attractive force is of sulfur nature or essence, as in gums; these attract because of their sulphurity. Mastic is also a Sulfur produced in the same way, as also opoponax, galbanum and others. We must not believe this axiom of doctors: it is a property of warm bodies to be endowed with an attractive virtue. This is true, but hot bodies attract where they are, that is to say where they burn; now what makes them burn is the Sulfur which is the non-fixed part, and this is why it escapes, as happens in gummy substances. In the same way laxative substances attract places where they are not, in imitation of the magnet.The reason why salts also attract is because the salt of Sulfur is pressed and coagulated by the spirit of Sulfur; that is why he draws distant places to himself.

And thus the sulphurous substances are reverberating or cold, whether they are green or red according to their particular species. The nature of this repercussion force of the Sulfur is such, that it goes towards the center, and pushes back all that it can move; for it is also not true, as many say, that it is of the nature of what is cold to produce repercussion. For they believe these simple and miserable men (homunculi) that they hold the fox by the tail when they seize only its behind. He must be a subtle Albertist who can and wants to keep this rule of their own accord; but we will see this in more detail in the Philosophy.


What we need to know now about the comforting substances is taught to us by the explanation of the Archaea who is similar to man and is permanently in the four elements, so that there is only one Archaea distributed in four parts. This is the great world (magnus cosmos), and man is the small world and one is similar to the other. It is from this that the comforting force is produced. Thus what proceeds from the heart of the Archaea comforts the heart of man, like gold, emerald, coral; what proceeds from the liver of the Archaea naturally comforts the liver of the Microcosm. It is not the Mercury nor the Sulfur, nor the Salt which produces this comforting force; it is the heart of the Elements that gives birth to it,

In the elements is the strength and the power which from the seed produces the tree; while from this major Element is born the force by which the tree lives, subsists and strengthens itself. If grass and straw support each other and stay straight. by an external force as can be seen by sight, there is a similar force in animals, by virtue of which they walk, support themselves and move; and the same phenomenon occurs in the same way in all other creatures. Besides this force, there is yet another force not exposed to sight, that by which he is kept healthy and valid in whom it resides. This is the Spirit of Nature without which everything perishes. This Spirit remains fixed in his body and it is he who also comforts man.


Quote of the Day

“Let me tell the gentle reader that the metals, that is to say, gold and silver in their metallic form, are not the Matter of our Stone—being in the middle between them and the base metals, as our Matter is in the middle between the former and our Great Stone.”


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