Treatise on Gold Joannes Agricola 1638
Commentaries, Notes, and Observations
Where also the right use of medicines is verified by several hundred case histories,in addition to a complete revelation of what is to be done with them in surgery, and alchemy, or the transmutations of metals.For all persons of respectability, physicians, surgeons, chymists, barbers, army-surgeons, horse-doctors, goldsmiths, and all householders most useful to read and use. Oportet sapietiam transferre ad medicinam, & medicinam ad sapientiam. Medicus enim Philosophus est Deo aequalis.
With the Privileges of His Roman Imperial Majesty and the Elector of Saxony.
Leipzig, Publ. by Thomas Schurer's heirs and Matthias Gotzen.
Printed by Gregorius Ritzschen in the year
Translated from the original by Leone Muller, 1988.
Quote of the Day
“if Gold be decocted and dissolved rightly in the natural way of Art, Quick-silver it self will obtain the natural properties of that Gold.”
Bernard Trevisan
The Answer of Bernardus Trevisanus, to the Epistle of Thomas of Bononia
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