Treatise on Gold

Treatise on Gold -by Joannes Agricola

Johann AGRICOLA [1589-1643].
Commentariorum, Notarum, Observationum & Animadversionum in Johannis Poppii chymische Medicin, darinnen alle Process mit fleiss examinirt, von den Irrungen corrigirt, und mit etlich hundert newen Processen, geheimen Handgriffen, aus eigener Erfahrung vermehrt und illustrirt, Auch der rechte und warhafftige Gebrauch der Artzeneyen, mit etlich hundert Historien verificirt, Darneben was in Chirurgia und Alchimia oder transmutatione metallorum damit zu verrichten gründlichen offenbahret allen Standes-Personen, Medicis, Chirurgis, Chymicis, Balbirern, Feld-Scherern, Ross-ärtzten, Goldschmieden, und allen Haus-Wirthen hochnützlich zu lesen und zu gebrauchen. Leipzig. 1638-39.
This is a translation of part of the text made by Leone Muller and transcribed by Mark House.

Quote of the Day

“Also the whole Magisterium is nothing other than perfectly dissolving and perfectly congealing the Spirit: and these operations have such a connection between them, that never the Body does not dissolve, that the Spirit does not freeze nor the Spirit does not freeze, that the Body does not dissolve. Which makes Raimond Lully say that all the Philosophers have declared that the entire work of the Magisterium is only Dissolution and Congelation.”

Bernard Trevisan

Verbum Dismissum


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