That is: On Universal Medicine, How it can be found and extracted in the three kingdoms of minerals, animals, and vegetables through a special universal menstruum, which can open and close, and bring each metal to its prime matter,
How the indestructible gold can be made into true potable gold, which can never be reduced back to fixed gold, for the glory of God and the special benefit of mankind, newly reprinted and illustrated with a short, thorough explanation and appended spagyric basic rules By A. Gottlob B.
A. Gottlob B.
Herein, as in a short table, the foundation of natural spagyric wisdom is presented.
The emotions of people are varied, but none is commendable if the thoughts are not first directed to the honor of God and subsequently to the benefit of one’s neighbor. How vain is all happiness that is founded on the abyss of vain honor and transient fame; the reward is rarely given out of natural sympathetic inclination, and the glow of fame, which most long for, seldom shines beyond the place where an honored person has lived with many worries; indeed, even the greatest leaders of the world are soon forgotten, like any other dead person. I consider this and realize that the firm foundation of happiness lies solely in being content in one’s mind. But what is true contentment? When one’s conscience attests that they have served God with a pure soul and treated their fellow Christians as a Christian. The bright light of God’s commandments guides us to true worship of God, and the benefit of one’s neighbor can be promoted most suitably through the study of natural sciences.
No one endowed with right reason can deny this basic rule, for the various inventions of natural science particularly serve to preserve human happiness. It would be too lengthy to touch upon all useful sciences that prove their effect through natural and supernatural reasons, for they are generally known to the wise world, and their recitation is of no use to foolish scorners. But two things among worldly matters especially rule, namely health and wealth. Whoever lacks these is considered by most to be wretched and unfortunate. Health is valued higher than all treasures; its absence makes even the richest and most powerful more miserable than the poorest healthy person. Indeed, all the treasures of the world are nothing compared to the treasure of health. It is common, yet unfortunate, that most people strive for great wealth and set aside all good thoughts, but how difficult it is for thoughts directed solely to such vanity to be without sin can be easily understood by any reasonable person.
Dear Reader, I will open my thoughts to you sincerely, but whether they will please everyone does not concern me much. For just as not every person’s intentions are pleasing to me, I also know very well that I cannot please everyone. Formerly, I sought through courteous and forced positions to see myself remembered favorably by the prominent so that I might sooner find an opportunity to spend my life at a distinguished court through the grace of the powerful. But how uncertain are human thoughts! Past times, which I have very diligently observed through history, have shown me sufficiently through countless events that the favor of princes is not fixed with nails, but rather seems to be attached with wax, which can very easily melt with the slightest heat of anger. Indeed, I have seen that the first entry into court life often led to disgraceful neglect of divine sacrifices, and thus brought the greatest misfortune and damage. I changed my mind and looked around to see if there was another way to satisfy the desire of my thoughts. God has planted in man, right from the beginning of his youth, a drive for good things, and whoever follows the reasonable impulse of his mind can promise himself the most pleasant happiness throughout his life. From childhood, I have been very strongly driven by the desire to explore natural sciences, and I find now that the knowledge of God and his glorious creations, through which he presents himself, brings with it a large part of the greatest happiness. Therefore, I have turned my desires from other worldly vanities and have been eager to delve into the secrets of nature.
My God, to you alone do I owe all my good intentions. Through your grace, I have been guided, continue to assist me, so that I may serve you and my neighbor without hypocrisy in the future. Dear Reader, although I am still in my growing youth, and thus this writing may be pursued with poisonous envy by those who know me, believe me, everything presented here is written from experience, and the next time will reveal that I could have shown even more important things. For the exploration of natural sciences is not bound only to old age (as some schoolmasters imagine). God’s blessing, which guides human minds, can achieve more in one hour than could be accomplished in many years without it. However, I do not claim that everything has been revealed to me through special divine inspiration at this time, but the wisdom of the Highest has governed my mind, and because I have not only been diligent in reading good books, engaging in confidential conversation with learned people (whom God bless), and traveling through many mines, but also experimenting in the fire without neglect, I can say without vain glory that I have learned much good in true Spagyrica. It is to be lamented that the exploration of natural sciences has been corrupted by many worthless deceptive writings! You high-flown individuals, have your philosophical heathen idols promoted the honor of God and brought beneficial use to your neighbor? In truth, the noble, irreplaceable time wasted in idle word disputes is to be lamented. But blessed is he who recognizes the heathen errors of philosophy and does not delve too deeply into the worthless absurdities. Dear Reader, my current intention is to speak of a highly useful matter, for I want to clearly present the complete explanation of all hidden words belonging to true philosophical spagyric wisdom, so that one can comprehend the principal preparation of mineral medicines and thereby lend a helping hand to his neighbor. But it is necessary that I first briefly present the true foundation of human health.
It is known that all elementary things on the globe are aptly divided into three kingdoms. For although some also count the superterrestrial as the fourth and fifth, I hesitate to speak of them, knowing that the knowledge thereof is deeply hidden and that few can properly imagine what they cannot see with their eyes. Yet I will also in time reveal some of my thoughts on this matter. All that has a living spirit and can move from one place to another by virtue of its lively archeus is counted among the animal kingdom. How animals are born and maintained, I will briefly mention. Man, who has received dominion from God over all kingdoms because of his rational soul, cannot be animated by mere chance, as seems to occur with some animals that attain life through mere putrefaction of vegetative and animal matter. Instead, human seed comes from the center of man and is formed and shaped by divine direction in the center of the female body. The heart is generated there first and distributes its powers to the other members. What the sun is to the great world, the heart is to the human body, which can rightly be called the small world. The heart is the most important part of the animal creatures, for it is observed that some animals can do without lungs, kidneys, and other internal organs, but no living animal has ever been born without a heart. As soon as the heart suffers any injury, the other members are deprived of strength, for the blood must, through its sulfurous mercurial moisture, as if through streams, give growth to all members. In the blood resides the sulfurous life spirit, and sulfur is the magnet of fire, and without the archeus fire, no creature can be alive.
The life of all people is an invisible fire, and just as fire gives off a bright or dark flame, depending on whether it has much or little, pure or impure air to enjoy, or must go out entirely due to lack of air, so it is with the life of animals. We also see that no fire can burn without constant nutrition. The nutrition of the fire is an oiliness, which, mixed with different colors, imparts the same color to the flame. Now it is known that life must have the sulfurous power of the blood as its own nourishment, otherwise, it could not last long in the human body. The blood is increased by fermentation from nourishment, and although something is always consumed by the sulfur of nature, the purest part of food and drink transforms back into a sulfurous mercurial substance in animals, which we call blood. Thus, the decrease is offset, and life is sustained like a lamp by its nourishment. As the blood is pure or impure, so is the life force and health, as I have mentioned. Therefore, the wise must agree with me that the heart alone houses the blood-making power. Hence, all diseases primarily originate when the heart is affected, causing the blood to become impure, as all internal organs are maintained by the blood. Where the heart is unaffected, there is life and health. But when the heart encounters an issue, the other members lose their life force until finally, the heart’s life itself comes to an end. For it is and remains true that the heart is the beginning and end of life. Even if all internal organs have died, one can still feel life in the heart, but eventually, due to lack of nourishment, the fiery life spirit must also depart.
From the aforementioned, a rational person can easily conclude what is most useful for the preservation of human strength and health, namely everything that particularly strengthens the heart and thus maintains the sulfur of nature, that is, the blood, in a good state. For everything that has a particular sympathy with the heart shows its special power immediately upon the first digestion and, as a general comforter, imparts strength and health to all internal organs. I know very well that the wisest naturalists claim that animals consist of three things, which they call mercury, sulfur, and salt. But since in all things the sulfuric power is the noblest, and sulfur is not easily separated entirely from the mercurial part, I have spoken so much of human blood because it is mostly sulfur, and a good part of it is also mercury. For these two principles are mostly found in animals, and one can derive only a very small part of a fixed fire-resistant salt from the whole body, even from the bones. Since animals mostly consist of a volatile mercurial salt and thick sulfur, one can easily calculate why volatile salt spirits and purified vegetal and mineral oils perform their effects in the human body with wonder. The fact that fixed salts, both mineral and vegetal, show their power in various conditions also has this cause. For through the volatile salt spirits that the human body contains, a new fermentation soon brings about a transformation. I could tell much about how magnificent medicines could be made from the blood and excrements of humans, as well as from various animals and insects. But it is not difficult, for whoever will rightly decompose the minerals and fixed metals and thus learn the fundamental cause of true destruction, will also not be ignorant of these simpler matters. Moreover, it is by no means my intention to write a large medical book with many processes, but rather to indicate and explain, as it were, the first letters of the secret natural spagyric art based on my experience.
First, I must remind that although most natural diseases originate from heart troubles, I know that some cannot be cured by any medical means. Often, severe, even deadly ailments occur despite the best constitution of the blood, and these stem from affected minds. For mental disturbances overpower the body’s strengths, hence resulting in conditions that can neither be cured by potable gold nor universal medicine but only by satisfying the mind. Yet, I do not deny that a wise physician, who understands the signature of diseases well, can easily discern whether the illness is caused by the depletion of natural forces or by overly intense mental affections. Woe to those whose restless conscience is more troubled than their body! There are also supernatural diseases, which come immediately from God, in which case the physician’s hand can do little. Yes, if the sick seek more from the doctors than from the Lord, all help is in vain, and the wretched one may see to it that he does not depart from this life with a sick soul.
Now I should report on the other two kingdoms, namely the mineral and vegetal. However, I consider it unnecessary, for anyone who wants to know in detail about all kingdoms need not begrudge reading the well-founded writings of the pious and open-hearted Basil Valentine, the highly experienced Theophrastus, and the famous Helmont. Although they seem to contradict each other in some points, they are nonetheless highly commendable. But because the highest and most glorious thing is valued above all else, from which the greatest benefit has been derived, I commend above all others, and will perhaps often praise, the books of the God-blessed and wise JOHAN. de MONTE-SNYDERS, whose splendor cannot be sufficiently expressed. For although they are not written in the most elegant style, I say that they reveal in the shortest possible way the foundation of all natural spagyric philosophy, in spiritual and worldly terms. Indeed, I firmly believe that whoever understands these two writings well will find all the doors of natural spagyric science open. I wish I knew the life of the blessed Joh. de MONTE-SNYDERS well enough to present it to the dear reader. But in the meantime, I will briefly tell what I have learned from some well-traveled persons about this JOHAN. de MONTE-SNYDER.
I have been told: His real name was JOHAN. SNEYDER, who initially spent much on alchemy but finally prepared the tincture in Cologne through the double Saturnian spirit (which must be essentialized with golden sulfur and vitriolic metallic salts). Therefore, he performed great miracles in curing many diseases and transforming metals. One, who told me much praiseworthy about his life, said: He had seen this JOHAN. SNEYDER in Amsterdam transform 400 parts of Saturn into gold with a part of the easily flowing Philosophical Stone. Otherwise, he praised this JOHAN. de MONTE-SNYDER’s exemplary life very much, especially because he was very kind to the poor and sick, as is still well known in Holland. It is also known that one, whose name is printed in notable letters in the other treatise, by cunningly staged hypocrisy, extorted much from this MONTE-SNYDER but due to his own negligence experienced little good. That this JOHAN. de MONTE-SNYDER (who seems to have been of reformed religion) stayed in Cologne among the papists is not very credible, especially since no man named Jacob Hansen, to whom he refers, is known there. Therefore, it is judged that he lived in Cologne on the Spree, for the all-too-smooth fine gold that was often sold to the mint in Berlin at that time, as well as several other notable incidents, bring me to such thoughts. What else is judged about this blessed man’s errors concerning the Christian religion by some, I leave with their thoughts until they learn to understand that MONTE-SNYDERS’ writings must not be taken literally, and that it is permissible to symbolize natural things through spiritual and worldly parables. Others say that this JOHAN. de MONTE-SNYDER died many years ago at the age of 45 in the Palatinate. Whether these accounts rest on infallible grounds, I leave to be determined. But these two German writings of JOHAN. de MONTE-SNYDER are very good and worthy of great praise: The first treatise on the Universal Medicine, printed in Frankfurt am Main in 1662, and some years later in Latin at the Vanno Chymica, is as if the theory. The other, printed the following year in Amsterdam and called the Transformation of Planets, describes the artificial processes in a hieroglyphic manner. Since the foundation of these two books (which, as I can surely say, have been bought up by some envious people out of jealousy) lies mainly in recognizing the Philosophical Universal Menstruum or the Spirit of Mercury, and learning thoroughly how to bring the blood and salt from all metals through the Universal Matter, which seems difficult, even almost impossible, to most because of the many changeable names, which often mean only one thing, I have out of love for my neighbor created this table of spagyric philosophy, which is written for true naturalists who do not want to be completely blind and not for philosophical word brawlers. For I say in truth, this is the key to all writings ever written on secret spagyrics.
Prime Matter or Proximate Matter. First Being of the Sun and Moon. The Universal Character. The Hermaphroditic Birth. Magnesia. Heaven of the Philosophers. The very best concentrated Mineral. The Seed of all Metals. The Metallic Mountain. The Fountain of all Metallic Misfortune. The Tree with 3 Branches. Helper of the Planets. Crucifer. Major Misfortune. The small irrational world. Heliotrope. The Metallic Water. The Golden Apple, which is the adornment of all Royal Crowns. The highest double Saturn. Three-headed Dragon. The Ruler. The Most Powerful. The Lord and King of all Metals.
Earth. Body. Earthly Dragon. Caput Mortuum. Ash. Bone. All in all. Crystal. Salt. Great World. The mother of Fixed Tartar. Dryness. Emerald. Salt.
Fire. Soul. Fiery Dragon. Blood. Fatness. Color. Bright red Being. Bloody Sacrifice. Oil. Purple robe. Pluto. Male seed. Tincture. Air. Water. Wind. Snake. Lunary feminine birth. Cold water mineral. The primordial metallic water. Phlegmatic matter. Hydra. Eagle. Snow. Flying poisonous dragon. Water swan, sal armoniac. The white bird. Sedated mercury. Mercury of the philosophers. Philosophic balsam. The permanent water. Virgin’s milk. Essential mercury. Blessed oil. Ice. Double spirit. Spirit of double nature. Salty sea. Fiery spirit. Sweet royal bath. The spiritual water of eagles and dragons. Spirit and living water. The subject of all wretchedness. The lively fountain. Water of Saturn.
A spagyric must primarily know how to regularly bring all metals and minerals into their prime matter, for this is the foundation (according to Monte-Snyders’ guidance) of all mineral and metallic radical destruction. This reduction occurs when the mineral spirits are incorporated into the philosophical heaven, thus giving the metal the form of a royal mineral, from which the sympathetic fire can easily tear its limbs. This burning fire is a part of the magical elements, for it is composed of an airy salt, dry delicacy, and vegetal earth, called by Joh. de Monte-Snyders (following Theophrastus’ guidance) Pingues adole Verbenas. Through this, each metal can be dissolved via the dry way, whereupon the soul first appears, and after reverberation, the salt becomes known to the loving and combative Mars or diligent philosopher in the common watery element. How much of the Fulminating Powder is necessary for destruction can easily be discerned by anyone who has understood the preceding, for Bernhardus says that more parts are required for the destruction of fixed and hard metals than for the easily flowing ones. What the comforting alkaline salts can accomplish instead of the Fulminating Powder, I leave to each experience. The sign of complete metal destruction will be revealed by nature: When the bright shiny glow hovering above the cavity (crucible) is no longer visible, one must hurry, otherwise the matter will become a hard glassy mass. Then the right handling is required, as the blessed philosopher says: ”Take again, mix and let it flow, then everything will be open,” etc. Then you will recognize the redness described at the same place and rejoice. Nothing more is needed for the destruction of all metals, for thus one can destroy a large amount of gold in a few hours and obtain its sulfur, from which, by means of the Spiritus Mercurii, potable gold can be made.
The Spiritus Mercurii Philosophicus is mentioned once in the writings of JOH. de MONTE-SNYDERS by its common name used in the laboratories. For it is a double menstruum made from the eagle and the dragon, that is, from all metallic minerals and the philosophical sal ammoniac or feathered mercury, as well as from the prime matter and the great world alone. Then it is called the true royal bath, in which the metallic salt and sulfur purify themselves. Whoever extracts a tincture for the second time from the spirit essenced with golden blood with the Arcanum Tartarizatum will obtain no poor medicine.
The sulfur of the metal must be completely combustible. For although the philosophers say that gold carries an incombustible blood within itself, this is to be understood as long as the sulfur is connected with the salt. Therefore, if the properties attributed by the philosophers to the metallic sulfur are to apply, it must be purified of all saltiness. Whoever has come so far as to prepare the metallic sulfurs will also easily find this.
The proper clarification of the salt should be done through the Spiritus Vini. But since no brandy can mix with a vitriolic salt, a special medium is required, which the philosophers have kept secret. However, knowing that all fixed salts can be completely resolved into air by common water, I have also found a way for the metallic earth to mix and clarify with the airy vegetal spirit. One thing must be noted here: In general, with the venereal salt, some metallic substance remains attached, which can also be reduced. But I do not intend to accuse the blessed Monte-Snyder of ignorance, especially since I know that metallic salts, appearing in the form of a vitriol, are very different from other vitriol both in their volatility and fixedness.
God has pleased to show me much good, as I have described and also otherwise, and therefore I give Him the honor first and foremost, for all good gifts come from Him, and the understanding of natural sciences must be sought from the all-knowing God. Dear reader! Although I could have prescribed the destruction of mineral things in another way, I have only wanted to show the principal method from which the foundation of all spagyric wisdom flows.
In the foregoing, I mentioned that worldly happiness rests on the full possession of health and wealth. I have spoken about the first; as for attaining wealth, I can say nothing certain. The philosophers indeed claim that whoever understands the destruction of metals will also easily find their regeneration. But I say frankly that until the hour when I wrote these pages, I have seen no transformation of base metals into gold and silver, nor have I particularly sought or needed to desire it. For nature is content with little, and the one who lives contentedly with what he has is rich enough. However, I do not intend to accuse the famous philosophers of outright lies, nor to doubt all metallic transformation, especially since countless examples prove that base things can be changed into better ones, and metals differ not essentially but only in parity and disparity of principles, as their radical destruction shows.
But I would advise no one particularly to spend all their life searching for the transformation of metals. Instead, I once again commend and praise the wise, blessed, and excellent Joh. de Monte-Snyder’s writings because I have found good medicines from the destroyed metals and learned much good in physical science from them. For I seek to serve my neighbor well in the future, especially as a physician. And it is absolutely necessary for physicians to be determined to use magnificent, refined, and universal medicines that act quickly, pleasantly, and safely because the exact cause of a disease is rarely discovered, and often more than one organ is afflicted. The universal medicine (as the philosophers testify) quickly penetrates all the limbs like a poison and restores them like a healing spiritual balsam. But if someone’s inherited dogmas blind them too much, making them think they should not believe in the universal medicine, neither Monte-Snyder nor anyone else can change this simple-minded opinion. But in truth, there is still great simplicity in some who completely reject all mineral medicines (in which a much more concentrated power resides than in vegetal ones). You clever thinkers, I will present you with a common matter: Tell me, how can vinum emeticum act, when the antimonial on which it is poured almost never loses any strength or weight? Show me vegetal and animal substances that demonstrate their power almost by irradiation in the same way, and I will hold your Galenic rules as better than the Hermetic ones. Otherwise, you will achieve little with your ungrounded reasons, etc. I especially pity those who, lured by the desire for excessive wealth, allow themselves to be misled by unworthy, ignorant laborers through countless unfounded processes. The gentlemen Nitristen, who strive to catch the universal spirit from the common air, may perhaps cast their nets in vain until they observe the conjunction of the double Saturn and Mercury in Aquarius correctly, and thus recognize that the philosophers named the universal material the true spirit of the lesser world and have therefore marked it with a very significant character, about which I have spoken more than clearly.
Natural law commands that all good things be common, and the essence of divine order partly lies in this, that what one desires from others, one should also do for one’s neighbor. Therefore, I have revealed all this sincerely; whoever benefits from my well-intentioned writing should give God alone the glory, for just as I have received my knowledge of natural sciences freely from God, so do I demand no special gratitude from my neighbor for it. Dear reader, do not seek my name; for if God wills that I learn more in spagyric matters, my future brief and well-founded treatise (on sulfur, salt, and mercurial spirit) will present the final conclusion of my spagyric writings in such a way that I cannot remain unknown through the actual services I intend to render to my neighbor.
You, blessed Johan de Monte-Snyder, if you are still alive, will forgive me for revealing this out of love for my neighbor, for the hour of our mortality is uncertain. Therefore, I have written this to serve the beginning lovers of spagyrics.
God! You who are the beginning and end of all wisdom, help me always to praise Your name and to serve my neighbor until my end.
Dear Reader,
As I have considered the deceit and cunning with which the children of this world deal and infect each other, and also nourish themselves, and have deeply felt the sentence that he who seeks to become rich will not be innocent, my spirit was moved within me to think of ways and means by which I might live innocently, honestly, and beneficially to my neighbor. Therefore, I turned to the science of hidden secrets in chemistry, especially because I found that through this science I could serve my soul and my neighbor most safely without revealing divine secrets.
And since Almighty God, after much expense and great effort, heard my prayer and enlightened me with the spirit of truth, I was moved out of true Christian love for my neighbor not to hide this light given to me graciously under a bushel or a table but to set it on the table so that it may shine around and serve people. For I did not intend to bury the talent I received out of envy, but to work with it in the best possible way. And since this can be done very well with my universal medicine, I have had this little work printed. For the proverb says, ”Your knowledge is nothing unless another knows that you know it.” In this little work, the kind reader will be truthfully instructed and find that I have written not from opinion but from my own experience, all out of love for the erring lovers and to comfort the afflicted, also to benefit the doctors, for whom I intend to prepare and keep in stock such a universal medicine, namely a true potable gold that can never be reduced again, in the way that the needy will always find it available with me. With it, I have already performed wonderful cures, namely in phthisis, head diseases, and other stubborn illnesses, etc., which I consider unnecessary to recount because it might otherwise seem as if I were seeking vain glory. I testify before God that I intend nothing other than His glory and the welfare of my neighbor, otherwise, I could not have made such a brief and clear revelation.
All those who wish to walk in this light of nature must first and foremost, as far as possible, have a pure, unblemished conscience and a steadfast holy intention. They must also be patient, constant, and most of all, discreet and devoted to sobriety, for in a full, drunken, impure, defiled heart, the spirit of wisdom, namely the spirit of God, finds no rest or dwelling. Outside of divine grace and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, nothing in chemical science can be hoped for that could be beneficial to the soul and the neighbor. Therefore, a common saying has arisen: Chemistry finds a devout person or makes a person devout. For the closer one comes to the knowledge of temporal perishable things, the closer one reaches the Creator and His knowledge. The better one recognizes his Creator and the Creator of all things, the more fervently he loves his Creator and strives to conform to His will.
Almighty God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the desired end, the goal of our endeavor, who must lead and illuminate us to the goal with His divine light. Blessed are those who grasp this light with their fleshly reason, are illuminated by it, and are led away from errors. And if it happens that out of human weakness you, O true and faithful lover, fall from light into the darkness of sins through the constant temptation of the hellish dragon, do not despair but immediately return to the Father with the lost son, repent of your sins, and ask for grace and forgiveness. Know in the highest truth that it is human to sin and devilish to persist in it. It is divine, however, to always spare and forgive. Therefore, do not despair, persevere in your purpose, for God knows how and has the custom to give even greater things freely, ungratefully. Herein you must remember that to have a good will is a holy sacrifice to Almighty God. For action follows will, hence the proverb: ”When strength is lacking, yet the will is commendable.”
The angels of the Lord did not without reason sing at the incarnation of our Savior Jesus Christ, ”Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” Lord, just as we forgive those who have offended us and intend to forgive future offenses, forgive and give to us as we give and forgive, and our good will be rewarded a thousandfold.
Discretion is also a main part of our science. For even if you, due to this received grace, show ingratitude toward your good God and desecrate the sanctuary, it happens only for your person alone, and you are only held accountable for your own errors before the severe judgment of God in that dreadful deluge of fire. But if you also, in addition to this, are malicious and godless enough to reveal this entrusted treasure to thieves, robbers, and tyrants, you must take upon yourself all the evil they commit, as if you had committed it for your person, and receive the same punishment.
Therefore, be mindful, keep the true light, which illuminates the darkness of our mind, always before your eyes, do good as much as possible, and earnestly pray for this grace. The Highest will impart it and open your eyes so that you may clearly understand everything I will treat here for your true instruction. For eternal truth has commanded you to ask and promised to give. Therefore, it is a sin to doubt the efficacy of your request, as God is inviolable truth and infallible salvation for the faithful. Moreover, Christ the Lord says: ”Until now you have asked nothing in my name; ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” And this for the honor and dignity of His holy name, ”because His name is invoked over us, as terrible, lovely, and admirable as it is for the salvation of all the faithful, worthy of eternal praise, Amen.”
In this chapter, I will truthfully report to the kind and dedicated lovers with a sincere heart and instruct them in simple words that are to be understood literally. Therefore, pay attention to my words and repeat the section as often as necessary until you have grasped the thorough understanding and true meaning of this little book.
Know that there are two solutions found among the philosophers: the first solution is when the matter through the prime matter is brought into prime matter, namely into its three initial things, as into a dry water, which is not only called mercury but also sulfur. The dry solution occurs through the magical elements in open fire.
The second solution, however, is through the astral seed, which is a dry liquor that flows and melts like wax: In this solution, one observes a separation, for the menstruum takes only the noblest soul from the acquired metallic sulfur and leaves behind some feces. Just as this menstruum behaves towards the sulfur, so it also shows itself towards the sulfur’s magnet, namely the salt, for these originate from its blood and state. Therefore, this metallic fire acts only on its kind, taking nothing unsuitable, remaining inseparably united with its solution. How and with what these two highly valuable reductions and solutions occur, you will learn from the following report, namely through the magical elements.
The four elements are the first foundations of all corporeal things, for all elementals come from them and are likewise born and formed from one mother in this world. When the elementals are corrupted, they resolve back into the elements. Among these visible elements, none exists per se and pure, but are mixed in various degrees. They are also transmutable into one another. For from earth comes water, and again earth; from evaporated water comes air, and from the condensation of air, water again; from ignited air comes fire, this fire by extinction becomes water, and this water through great cold becomes earth, and through heat, a stone or sulphur. All this happens through the contrary and concordant qualities of the elements. From contrary qualities results antipathy or conflict; from concordant qualities, as if by sympathy, comes assistance and victory, which is the cause of new generation.
Therefore, it is and remains the undeniable fundamental truth that everything below is born from the elements, and everything can be transformed into each other. Every element through its own contrary and concordant qualities is destroyed and resolved into its elements under another form. Destruction is nothing else but the abolition of old forms and the transformation of qualities into a new form and better essence.
Just as everything under the moon has its origin from the gross visible elements, so also do the elements have their origin from their superiors. For as in the archetypal world all things are in all things, so in this corporeal world all things are found in all things, though in different modes according to the nature of the recipients. On this account, the elements are not only found in the heavenly bodies but also in the angels, etc. In the lower world, they are gross forms and material elements, but above they exist in their own power and nature in a sublime heavenly manner, and from this our gross material elements have their origin.
For fire has its origin from the sun, Mars, and their domiciles; air from Jupiter and Venus; water from Saturn and Mercury; earth from the moon and all these, for the earth is a receptacle of heavenly influences and a bearer of all minerals and vegetables, etc. With the help of the elements, I say, in the upper world, there are the ideas of what is to be produced, in the intelligences distributed powers, in the heavens virtues, and in the lower world gross forms. From this, our matter is generated and endowed with contrary and inconsistent qualities, from which results the corruption of all minerals, vegetables, and animals. In the latter, this corruption is called death.
Since the qualities of an element agree, the same follows that it is fixed or not fixed, that is, it can be resolved easily or with difficulty. Gold and silver are both fixed bodies, especially gold, in which the qualities of the elements agree and harmonize so well that no one has preeminence or dominion. If gold is to be corrupted, one element must obtain dominion and rule over its enemy, suppress or destroy it, and totally triumph. This happens with the help of concordant qualities by its like. It is observed that much fire overcomes water as its enemy and drives it into the air; much water, however, subdues and extinguishes fire.
Likewise, when the sulfur of the sun is overly nourished and ignited by sulfur, the bond is weakened, and the binding spirit, namely mercurial water, must dry up due to the excess of fire and transform into another element, which agrees with it in one quality. Therefore, it is then immediately absorbed by the next element and transformed into the nature of the recipient.
This is the separation, the soul is dilated and has freed itself from its bonds and now fights against its own body. If you do not immediately assist the body, the soul will also leave this earthly body and resolve into another element, namely air, since it agrees with its first quality of heat with air, which is likewise warm. Thus, one element always destroys and produces another element. This happens continuously, also in the mountains, otherwise, no improvement could occur. At this point, I will leave off discussing the elements in general and turn to the fiery magical element, which I will explain thoroughly, as it has threefold nature or three kinds.
The philosophers and chemists can never bring about a true, correct, irreducible solution without these three secret fires, of which the first fire must bring the metal into flux.
The second, however, has a sympathy with the metallic fire, and although it is also twofold or double, I will take it as single and not consider that it has contrary nature in qualities, but only attend to that it produces an effect in my endeavor. This second fire now enkindles the metallic sulphur and increases the element of fire in the metallic body.
The third fire is a cold metallic fire, almost comparable to mercury, for it penetrates the metal like a spirit, promoting that the sympathetic fire can penetrate in total and ignite the soul at all ends. It makes the metal porous, opens and closes, is the beginning and the end, the first and last key, in summary, is the foundation of the whole work, for it is also a vehicle of the sympathetic fire and is destroyed by this fire, corrupted. This comes from the antipathy and sympathy, for the burning fire is related to the cold metallic fire in the lateral line and is a double fire as I said above, comparable to sulphur and mercury or serpents themselves. It is called sulphur and nitre by the philosophers, and thereby the philosophers have always understood the double sympathetic fire, as it brings forth two opposing qualities.
For it is cold and warm, moist and dry, hence it is rightly considered the true universal menstruum, yes, the prima materia itself, as in this dry liquid, from which the philosophers’ mercury is prepared, the metals dissolve readily and easily without the center being disturbed.
The radical solution must be such that it cannot be brought back to its previous shape and form by any means, and yet it must retain the metallic nature and property. This is the foremost piece I have experienced and could demonstrate visibly in a very short time. For through my destruction, one finds first and foremost the sulphur, then the salt, and the mercury, which has been the binding link, is also at hand. The metallic property is in all, for the sulphur gilds, the salt and mercury color both. If you now rightly recognize these two last fires through which this destruction must happen and do not let the soul burn in the fire and turn into air, you have achieved your intent. But trust me, you will find a hard nut to crack here, therefore consider before you and not behind you. And just as you have ignited the metallic fire through the increase of the sympathetic fire and brought about a destruction or separation, so you must also make the soul corporeal through another element and prevent it from turning into air. For this, you must choose an element that is totally or at most opposed to the air, which is performed by the earth, which can only become air through the medium of water. For from extreme to extreme, there is no progression without a medium, this medium is the air.
You have previously understood that mercury as the binding link is first resolved into another element, therefore you have only two elements left, namely fire and earth. If you want to preserve this, augment the solar earth, that is, the solar body, wherein the fire hides from the burning sympathetic fire, which you can recognize and take away by a certain sign. And when the sign appears to you, you must with great agility free the enkindled soul with its body from the fire, otherwise, you will only keep a dead body, like looking at an electrum. The process required for this cannot be described. In no other way can the soul be saved through a metallic magnetic body. The magnet of the soul is the salt, in this net the foremost elements are caught, and these two also have the third with and in them, but in a peculiar way. Where the metallic sulphur is extracted, as I have taught, there the noblest mercury is also extracted at the same time, for one is always the magnet of the other and they reluctantly part from one another.
Mercury and sulphur are very closely related to each other, this the wise have made us understand through the character of mercury and sulphur, both of which bear the cross in their coats of arms below, indicating that they are related and do not want to be subjected to the earthly cross but intend to soar over it like spirits. Sulphur is a fiery element and is therefore designated with the character of fire, for it is pure fire and wholly combustible, everything that burns is sulphur and must be recognized as such.
Mercury is also pure heat and fire, which keeps its body in constant flow. However, its fire is a mineral metallic fire that burns without burning, and can only be ignited by the philosophers through the companionship and love of Venus, etc., and then it is capable of warming the cold Saturn, for it expects its coagulation from him, and the philosophers say the coagulation of mercury is found in Saturn.
The wise have always understood the soul through sulphur and the spirit through mercury. And just as these two can hardly be separated, so can spirit and soul not be separated without harm.
Through sulphur, fire is understood, and through mercury, air is understood, this happens because they both accord with fire and air. For common sulphur is warm and dry and is compared to fire in these qualities.
Mercury is moist and warm, thus it agrees with air. And although mercury is the most ponderous star, it still wants to be the lightest and escape the burning fire, ascend, and resolve into another element, namely air, thus it is rightly compared to air. For just as sulphur is understood through fire, nitre must be understood through air, and vice versa, as in mercury, two elements, namely fire and air, are most and evidently found and both are outwardly cold but inwardly fiery and hot.
Herein lies the whole purpose, that one knows to distinguish this correctly and to choose the figured in place of the written thing. I have spoken here as clearly and thoroughly about the philosophical fire as possible and tell you again, as sulphur agrees with fire, fire with mercury, and mercury with air, these with nitre in their elemental qualities through a peculiar harmony. It is thus right that their characters also correspond, especially as they are born and formed in the earth. Therefore, nitre and sulphur are particularly attached to metals and related to them in a collateral line.
One sees how the spirit of nitre and sulphur attacks metals and can turn them into a vitriol. This is truly also highly remarkable and worth pondering. This is indeed not my intention, but my intention is that you learn to use distinction between fire, sulphur, mercury, and air, as well as between the false nitre and the spirit of tartar and its clarified and comforted salt. For although tartar is a vegetable, the creator of nature has befriended this vegetable with the minerals in a peculiar way and imparted a wonderful property to it so that this vegetable gives nothing to nitre, notwithstanding that nitre is compared to and attached to the sun’s heat by reason of the circle and heat.
Tartar is compared to the earth by reason of the square or cube, for it has besides the dry earthly property, it is called a vegetable lye, has a peculiar sympathy with the salt of metals, they hold each other magnetically. For the seed of metals is preserved in this vegetable earth and maintained against its enemies. The enemy of all seeds is the combustible fire, and the enemy of tartar is the vegetable salt. The common sal ammoniac enhances metals, makes them malleable, thus it accords with the metallic salt, which is increased by tartar. For the abundance of salt is the pliability of metals. If a metal becomes malleable through tartar, it must indeed be true that its salt has increased. Through the help of tartar, metals are transformed into a living mercury, this happens when the salt increases in quantity, the earth begins to rule, breaks the bond. For as the earth increases, the spirit, which is an intense spirit, not extensive, must extend itself too far, causing a separation, as it visibly contracts into a living mercury, as the earth has gained the upper hand and taken over the rule from the one who previously ruled the earthly body through the soul.
Just as the earth relates to air, so does salt relate to the spirit, and as air is the medium between fire and earth, so the wise man’s lye is a medium between body and soul, the true medium for joining the soul with the body. This medium I speak of is comparable to a double fiery man, in the great philosophical work it is double and now a hermaphrodite due to its received fiery vivacity. For life consists in fire, which lives and moves from no one but itself, etc.
To come to the point and to my purpose, know that the mineral and metallic fire in and of itself is the prima materia found in the mineral of Saturn, as in its receptacle or universal house. From this universal house, it must sometimes depart out of fear of the flying fiery dragon, which so ignites the dwelling of the cold Saturn that he must die therein and give up his spirit. If you can catch this animated spirit in a recipient, you have thus, I say, the universal menstruum, a secret astral fire, which has the form of a dry and at the same time wet metallic water, and with this, it is extremely heavy and light in weight. This is, I say again in the highest truth, the universal menstruum or philosopher’s stone, which mixes with nothing else but what comes from its nature and blood.
This is the true separator and true chemist, who separates for the second time the impurities of the metallic sulphurs. It is rightly called the spirit of life, it kills and makes alive, is a glorified resurrection of all metals, is in form not unlike a double mercurial water, which is also otherwise called spiritus acidus and double corrosive. Through this spirit alone and no other can the soul of the king be brought into an oil. And just as the metallic salt is the cause of the durability and hardness of metals, so is the aforementioned spirit, the warm frozen water, a cause of the right and radical dissolution of sulphur and salt, to which also the desired medium for joining the soul with its body belongs. The hermaphroditic spirit, however, carries the soul in its belly and brings it into the clarified body, namely into the purified metallic salt, this is resolved into a brown-red oil alongside its sulphur. From this the raven’s head is born, which is the first sign, and usually something wondrous happens when the sun and moon are eclipsed.
Then the mighty one is born, who holds the spiritual and temporal right in his hands. This sign indicates the conception and conjunction of the astral seed, thereafter the salt in its action grasps the solvent and the seed or sulphur, brings them into its nature, that is, into a dry hard body, which can then be brought into a high white, and finally red, pure medicine through the proper handling of Vulcan. However, special attention must be paid to the regulation of the fire, it must remain constantly in its degree and never stop. For when the natural heat fails, death must follow, and an untimely birth occurs, and the utterly untimely acts according to its nature.
And just as the fire must be observed, so too must the seal of Hermes be well impressed and tightly sealed, so that the solvent remains with its solute and is fixed with it. For the solvent is not called the permanent water in vain, but because it is to remain and become an everlasting essence. How could I describe this more clearly than by the aforementioned external effects and qualities? He who intends to obtain the dry and wet solutions through the prima materia into the prima materia must pay special attention to the qualities of the elements, as I have said so far and above, and particularly to the sympathetic and cold metallic fire.
When you have gained the right understanding of the sympathetic magical elements through me, you can boldly go through the world, examine and visit the mines everywhere. But you must not lift your mind above you, but stay firmly with the earth in all humility according to my teaching. For the earth is a bearer of all minerals and vegetables and is also a sustainer of all things and a nourisher of many animals.
Here I must again make a reminder that the philosophers have always understood nothing but the body and through the body the salt alone when they spoke of the earth.
He who rightly grasps this understanding and practices it according to my teaching finds therein everything in all, also all in one, and one in all, that is, he finds the prima materia, the proximate and remote, in one material latent. The philosophers say, visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying, you will find the hidden stone, the true medicine. This is the Adamic earth. Keep this always in mind, therein you find wisdom, for you will understand how and in what way the metals are worked and formed in the earth, namely in the workshops and mines of the earth. You will also see and experience how the perishable is to be distinguished and separated from the imperishable, and I tell you in conclusion that you have thereby conquered the glory of the world and made it subject to you. This cannot happen unless you clarify the earth, that is, as I have said, its salt. For the philosophers understand by the earth the salt, and the salt of metals is the philosopher’s stone, but I do not want it to be understood this way.
Without corruption, there is no resurrection, glorification, or multiplication to hope for. For corruption is the highest degree and the first beginning of a new generation and multiplication. Therefore, we will deal here with the principal point, namely the destruction and reduction to the primal matter.
This destruction and corruption can only happen in the manner with the thing from which the matter came and to which it should return. For in each thing is the cause of its birth and also the cause of its destruction. The latter cause must be particularly observed by the chemists.
Therefore, if you intend to multiply your seed in the metals or otherwise prepare a universal medicine, be informed that this seed must also be extracted from the metal you wish to multiply or sow, through the help of the astral universal seed, which is a mercurial spirit and sulfuric soul, of which I have spoken before and will treat further. However, I will now speak only of the metallic matter, and since this matter is twofold, you should receive the following report from me accordingly.
The philosophers only have two metals from which they usually make the great work and the universal. One is called the first, and the other the last metal.
The first metal is that in which the metallic nature begins and is called the primal matter. For it has first received the progressing metallic seed in metallic form and property from the heavenly influence.
The other and last metal is that in which nature ceases to work and must equally stand still, and cannot have further progress. Where nature ceases and stands still, art begins, making nature its servant. For it must obey art and serve it when art uses natural means.
Nature stands still and ceases to work in gold, which is the end of all metals. Nature can bring no metal further or higher per se, for it has gone from the three primary things into a pure fixed coagulation and fixation. Therefore, it is difficult to corrupt.
Now, it is particularly to be noted and has been thought of by me several times that every thing carries within itself the cause of its corruption, and that every thing must be corrupted by that from which it has come and into which it must be resolved again.
We know that all metals are born from mercury, sulfur, and salt. We also want to start with the last matter and consider it our first. Therefore, we must bring this matter back into its three primary things through its three primary things, namely mercury, sulfur, and salt.
Basil Valentine says that all metals grow and generate from vitriol and antimony. Vitriol is sulfur, antimony is mercury. Here you have the true report: for vitriol is not only the sulfur of the metals but also the salt of the metals. Under antimony, mercury is understood.
And to prove that each thing carries within itself the cause of its corruption, know that if you strengthen the mercury of the metals with its kind, it must result in a separation in the metallic sulfur and salt.
Likewise, if you increase, prepare, and ignite the metallic sulfur, a separation into the three primary things must also occur. And as with these two, so it is also with the salt.
The best separation is when the sulfur is first extracted through the ignition of a magical fire that has sympathy with the metal. This separation can happen in a short time with open fire. However, one must particularly take care that the sulfur of the metals does not burn during ignition. Therefore, a protector must be present to prevent this. I have named this protector to you, and do not doubt that you will be able to find it, especially if you consider how nature matures, forms, and brings the metals to their end. This happens in the earth through the spirit of the earth, which is the life of the earth, through which everything is born.
If you have observed all this well, that like is born from like, and that like must be brought back into like, then it cannot fail you unless God is against you, without whose special will no one can come to the desired effect. For God Almighty must give enlightenment, and those whom the true divine light does not illuminate have nothing good to expect. And if they were to work on it, they would still fail. In summary, they would despise what they seek, tread it underfoot unknowingly, and instead bring forth a useless process or particular and take another worthless process before the first is half completed.
It has become true for me that although I knew this destruction and reduction long ago and recognized the medium coniungendi, namely the permanent water, I still achieved little benefit because the Creator of heaven and earth had not yet granted it to me but had sent one misfortune after another, so that my glass broke, and little remained, which, however, had the possibility to tinge, for this part tinged ten parts of Saturn into pure moon. And although I had taken it upon myself several times afterward and brought the necessary preparations to hand to make this conjunction anew, there were always so many impediments and interruptions that it is hard to describe. Yes, I even lacked my own will. This is the providence of God, who has appointed a certain goal and measure for all things.
Just as we read that Moses, because of sin, wandered with the children of Israel in the wilderness for forty years and saw the promised land from afar but did not enter it and finally died over it, so Rhenanus testifies, Sol e puteo emergens, that he knew the great work for eighteen years and still did not take it to hand, not because he doubted, but because it was not the will of God. Et non est mirum, cum Deus summus illud soli cui et quando vult largitur, nec est volentis aut currentis, sed solius miserentis Dei - And it is not it is strange, when God bestows it on whom and when He wills, and is not willing or running, but only of God's mercy.
Believe me, you faithful lover of this medicine, for I speak from experience, that although this light now shines so clearly in the world, it is still recognized by few. For the whole world is blind, and people wander in darkness, do not recognize the earth they tread with their feet, and seek the spirit of the world in the wide air above them, while they have it close by their feet. What use is light or glasses if one forcibly does not want to see?
The greatest error comes from the fact that our matter is far too insignificant to consider and is fiercely hated by many. And just as the outcasts are separated far from the healthy, so also is our matter separated far from medicine and equally disregarded. With this, I will refrain from writing about the two solutions and magical elements and will treat something about the nature of the three primary things in general.
The Mercury of the metals in general is of a hot complexion, its true quality is moisture and warmth, therefore it has a concordance with the air. The philosophers understand under the element of air the mercury itself because of its great affinity with the air. It is by nature volatile, spiritual, and corporeal, like niter, to which it is particularly attached as a fire or spirit. Mercury has much sulfur and no salt; it is particularly suitable for the lungs due to the element of air, which the lungs cannot do without.
Mercury, as a spirit, penetrates and permeates the other two principles, namely salt and sulfur, meaning body and soul, which it unites and binds firmly through natural warmth.
The philosophers call mercury a medium coniungendi animam cum corpore, it carries the soul in its belly and dissolves the body so that the soul can dwell and delight therein.
Besides this penetrability and other properties, it is of a dissolving nature due to its radical moisture and is particularly useful in diseases that originate from viscous tartar.
And although mercury seems to have no association with tartar, this happens because of the internal secret fire, and otherwise because tartar gives up its property through the warm moisture of mercury and follows the mercury. In this way, tartar is dissolved and removed by mercury, especially when its own or any metallic salt is added to mercury. But the mercury must be prepared beforehand and not the common mercury, but the mercury of the metals.
It is particularly to be noted here that, after each metal in particular has a specific faculty, the mercury of that metal tends to retain this specific faculty in itself. I will refrain from discussing it further for now, because the Mercury I am now speaking of is not the Mercury of the Philosophers, but of metals, which in the great work does very little and minor progress: But if it is also specially prepared, it performs its work masterfully and well.
The sulphurs of the metals are all unfixed, fiery, and combustible unless they have been aided by art. The sulphurs are all of a healing nature, they carry a pure oiliness, dissolve in warmth after their preparation, penetrate due to their fiery nature like a spirit or mercury, promote sweating, unite with the sulphur of the natural archeus, enjoy their own kind, dry out, purify, and heal exceedingly.
They provide nourishment and growth to every thing.
The vital spirit or mercury, which stays mostly by the heart, cannot do without this sulphur. For through this sulphur the natural heat is maintained and nourished, and just as material fire is strengthened and maintained by the addition of wood, so it is also with our internal fire.
The metallic sulphurs resist corruption, especially when strengthened with their own salt, they accomplish this much more magnificently, according to the natural order or the faculty of the thing from which the said sulphur is extracted. For they all follow the nature of the thing from which they are drawn, and that nature adheres to them particularly.
Salt is the preservation, stability, and hardening of all things, especially preventing corruption. Therefore, nature has assigned it as a companion and protector to all its elementata or stable creations. It is the most fire-resistant principle, which must maintain the other two in their being and state. Salt is of an earthly nature.
The philosopher’s earth is salt; it is indestructible, incombustible, and invincible. Because of its mighty and powerful virtues, the ancient philosophers compared salt to the divine majesty, attributed divine power to it, and called it an electrum. If God Almighty had not ordained this principle as a protection for the two weaker principles, sulphur and mercury, his creation would have perished and been reduced to nothing.
It is the fundamental truth that if God Almighty had not created salt, the Philosopher’s Stone could not be made. For the preservation and formation of all things are effected solely by salt. Salt is most felt in the blood and bladder of humans. Salt is the flexibility of all metals, and due to the lack of salt, they are inflexible. This is verified by Saturn, which is mostly salt, as the calcination shows. The salt of metals is a very high medicine; what mercury and sulphur achieve in medicine, salt enhances, and it surpasses the others because it dissolves more easily, distributes itself, and thus maintains the human sulphur and vital spirit and protects against all accidents.
All the philosophers who have written about the universal medicine and prima materia before and up to this date are not only of different, opposing opinions but also so obscure that no foundation can be found in their words. Sometimes it appears they mean common mercury, common Saturn; sometimes it seems they intend to denote niter or vitriol alone, using this or that name while understanding something quite different. There have been few philosophers who have not always spoken metaphorically or in some other concealed manner about the matter. Yes, what is more, they treat more about the medicinal effect, virtue, and powers than about the matter itself, how to recognize it, or where it can be found, and how to proceed most shortly and securely once the matter is known. They only speak of the effect while hiding the matter itself.
But here I will give such clear and sure instruction as has never been given before me. For I will deal plainly and clearly not with the virtues, but rather with the matter itself and how to bring it to medicine with simple words and in a humble style, considering that almost all philosophical books are full of praise, and it has been doubted about the matter until now.
Therefore, I trust you on your conscience once again that our matter is to be compared to the whole world and the earth itself, namely concerning its virtues, etc. For here is an attracting power of all mineral and metallic things, for the anima or spirit of the world is the medicine, and the universal menstruum, through which the medicine is begun and completed. Such a matter is found in all melted metals, but mostly in unmelted ones, as I will teach about each metal in particular.
The universal medicine, which cures all metallic and human diseases, consists not only in all metals together but also in gold alone and its magnet. Some believe it is to be found only in the root and beginning of all metals because the progressing seed is buried there, and this seed is our true prima materia, a double-armed and armed Saturn, and in truth a double mercury that carries its own sulfur. From this, all metals are born and generated, and are only to be distinguished by their sulphurs and salts, namely their abundance, for therein lies the highly valuable medicine, especially when the sulfur and salt are extracted from gold. For this alone possesses the power and property of all other earthly planets. In the absence of gold, the said medicine can also be made from the prima materia and all metals together, united into one. Namely, from their sulphur and salt, which must be extracted through a sympathetic metallic fire, for these are the magical elements that attract their kind in and to themselves in the metals, increase and ignite their sulfur or element of fire, so that the mercurial bond becomes too weak, and the earth is too insignificant against such ignited fire and ruling soul to be reckoned with, thus the same must follow the experienced laborer. When you have brought such a soul through the magical elements, see to its own salt and the spirit of the world from the anima mundi, and dissolve the two principles therein, so the spirit is tinged with its own blood and strengthened with its own salt. Then pour three parts of a good tartarized spirit of wine, let it digest for a while, and you will get the true and highly valuable potable gold. If you want a metallic medicine, fix the aforementioned sulfur and salt with its spirit of the world, which always goes before and after. In my opinion, enough has been said for now about the universal medicine, the magical elements, and the necessary dissolving fiery key, as I have shown you here that the universal medicine lies buried in gold, in the prima materia, and also in all metals together, and is to be brought out by the magical elements and reduced to potable gold and also to a metallic medicine with its own spirit.
Therefore, I will leave it at that and proceed to deal with a particular metal, always remembering the prima materia and gradually presenting it clearly before your eyes.
Saturn is of a terrestrial cold nature, surpassing all metals in the abundance of its brittle salt. It also has much mercury and little good sulfur with it, and these are full of unseemliness that is inherent to them in their matrix.
This unseemliness prevents the anima mundi through its astral influence from making a firm bond between the three primary things, which are easily brought out of such a weak and mortal body.
Those who strive to extract the salt of Saturn with vinegar, after prior calcination, are far, yes far deceived, especially if they use common vinegar and not the wise men’s azoth, which is made in a special way from unripe grapes, that is, from an unripe metal. Those who do not know this unripe metal will get no salt but only a raw Saturn and are thus deceived.
The right philosophical way is when the sulfur is first extracted, and the salt at the end, the common dissolver or the medium coniungendi has not been able to make a permanent dwelling in this Saturn as in a perishable house.
The salt of Saturn is exceedingly cold, but the sulfur is watery and yet warm; this discord destroys the household of cold Saturn. Saturn mitigates and tempers the excessive heat in the French body of Venus. He is the unfriend, enemy, and death of all metals. He is also, in turn, their resurrection and life. I mean the philosophical Saturn, in which alone the true resurrection and the true indestructible life dwell.
This is the true child eater, a father, brother, sister, friend, enemy, and murderer of all planets. Therefore, such a Saturn carries a scythe on both sides and in both hands to signify his nature and property. In summary, he is a double Saturn, doubly armed from the waxing and waning moon (as it stood in tactu primo & ultimo), becoming a true philosophical Saturn, and with such a constellation coming into the world from the earth and transformed into a solar shine and luster by the full lunar light. See how quickly the lame stilt-walker can transform and disguise himself into a straight active mercury of the philosophers. He is now the universal receptacle of azoth.
The common Saturn, namely the mineral, unscathed, gives the right instruction to the mercury of the philosophers. If one asks and examines him well, one will be directly pointed to the prima materia. One must, however, observe and not ask the morose Saturn for instruction until he is happily conjugated with the growing moon on one side and also not prevented by any bad aspects on the other side. You must have him clearly before your eyes and see who you are talking to; otherwise, you will achieve nothing, for the stars, as lights of heaven, have a special association with the eyes of our mind and reason, which alone must grasp and understand this.
But that I may also mention his medicinal virtue, he is by himself a particular specific for the spleen and what further depends on it. The salt of Saturn is warmed and brought into a good temperament by two parts of its own properly prepared sulfur.
What Saturn can further do can be found elsewhere described in more detail and extensively by famous and experienced doctors, to which I refer and will now turn to the good Jupiter.
The benevolent and just Jupiter has its influence on the earthly Jupiter, which, after its preparation, reveals itself with a clear, airy, sweet salt and lunar sulfur, and presents its virtues to humans.
The good Jupiter also has its regular influence on the liver, thereby curing it and all ailments arising from it. However, it must be freed from its cube, which has dominated the ternary until now, and must have a certain part of the prima materia within itself. This Jupiter, because it carries no ray or spark or sign of the prima materia within itself, is to be considered a contrary, perverse Saturn. Jupiter does not align with lead, and thus, it does not align with the prima materia either. For these reasons, I will not dwell longer with Jupiter but will proceed to the mighty warlord, whom the philosophers call the iron captain.
The philosophers say: ”Qui ignorat Martem, non novit artem,” which means, ”He who does not know Mars, does not know art.” That is, anyone who does not know or recognize the qualities of iron is not a skilled artisan. Moreover, anyone who does not know how to destroy Mars by that which is hidden within it and bring it back to its prima materia will find that Mars, the unconquerable warlord, will provide no assistance in his highest needs in his chemical endeavors. Mars possesses a solar, fiery sulfur; it is white externally but red internally. Its salt is not animated and energized by any inherent sulfur to such an extent that it even greatly troubles the volatile thief, namely Mercury. For Mars’ salt can consistently coagulate and fix Mercury, especially when aided by old Saturn with his double-edged sword and weapons. Without this aid, however, Mars cannot achieve anything significant and heroic against his enemies nor in favor of his friends, considering that coagulation (as all philosophers besides me testify) is found only in Saturn. However, how the stubborn Mars should ally and bond with this Saturn and make use of Saturn’s aid has been partly reported before. For he must first be brought into his three initial substances through the magical fires, which are the philosophical elements and keys to salvation. Therefore, pay attention to understand my meaning correctly, read my writings often until you have well comprehended their fundamental understanding. This will not happen if you imagine that I use a high philosophical style: just as I have described and depicted the matters to you, so they should always appear before your eyes in no other form, shape, or figure, like a beautiful painting.
But to get to the matter, know that it is very difficult to capture a prize from the brave, triumphant warlord Mars. One must outwit him with cunning, namely with female cunning, for the strongest and wisest of this world cannot overcome it.
Take, for example, how Judith brought Holofernes, Delilah brought Samson, and the pagan women brought the wise Solomon to ruin.
Similarly, in ancient times, the stern Mars was subdued by Venus and her qualities, not without sport and shame for the other planets, as the poet fables about it, etc. If Venus is to trick Mars again, she must do so wisely, she must be prepared and adorned differently, no longer have her previous lecherous, wanton demeanor or form, but must be transformed and born anew. She must bear the sign of the new birth, the sign of life, in the form of a solar glow set in gold, on her forehead. With this sign, the medicinal Raphael has honored and adorned her: for the angel of the Lord will mark his own with a character of life on that great day for clarification, just as the destroyer will mark his followers with a special sign of destruction, the sign of deadly Saturn, who guides his scythe from the right hand to the left side.
We also note and observe that when the inner hidden qualities of Venus become external and the invisible, unrecognizable qualities become visible and recognizable, one no longer knows Venus. For she has been born anew through the sign of faith, and especially the holy baptism. Therefore, the martial hero can now trust and believe in her. For she has completely abandoned her nature and form, her fiery lecherous heart is like the heart of the cold old Saturn when he has entered the first degree of the earthly Capricorn and strikes with one scythe towards the east and with the other towards the west, reaping and harvesting. With such a cold-hearted Venus, Mars’ fiery blood is tempered and united so that both will produce endless fruit and solar children in multitude, like the sand of the sea and the stars in the sky. The union of Mars and the newly born Venus must take place in the flood of fire.
If you know how to prepare this Venus properly and have understood my meaning correctly, you are fortunate in this world. For you need only follow my truthful instructions to turn Venus into a mineral, then to an aqua mercurial, and finally into a clear oil. Guard this oil well with the astral salt, for it has generative and reproductive virtue in it. Therefore, observe this well, for it will no longer remain hidden from you what the philosophers have kept secret in the heights and depths. The planets of heaven with their adverse aspects will no longer be able to hinder you from giving birth to wisdom and wealth.
However, do not imagine that I mean the vitriol of Venus here, lest you be deceived by your own fantasy.
Vitriol is the salt of Venus, and all metals’ salts have a vitriolic taste and appearance: I speak from experience, so believe me. I speak no more than I intend to defend before God, and if necessary, I can present it before the Almighty God. Therefore, pay close attention, for everything depends on this. If you err in this beginning, it is impossible for you to come to a good end, as the saying goes: ”He who begins well is halfway done”; I need not write more about Mars for now. He is an old knight, bearing his arrow on his coat of arms and the knightly lance in his shield, thus showing his noble birth and noble descent, which Tubalcain can testify to. I have now clearly and extensively presented and revealed to the true lover what has been hidden so far. Therefore, I consider it unnecessary to give further instruction on the nature and origin of Mars, for one can also well deduce from Mars’ external behavior and appearance his father and mother and all his ancestors, since he conquers the world through his person and almost brings it under his feet. For Mars is the cross of the world and the scourge with which its inhabitants are chastised and brought to improve their sinful conduct. Therefore, I must not speak too closely about his fierce angry nature but must attend to my medicine, although I could still well remember him for the good of the miners here. For iron can be improved to steel with good profit in a very short time, and Mars can also be transformed into copper over a longer time. The proof of this can be demonstrated in a short time, which serves against those who do not want to admit any transmutation, which I will consider in due course, etc. Now I turn to my medicine.
Mars heals first all defects that have arisen from the gall, and these occur through a special sympathy, for his sulfur is very beneficial to the heart and liver.
The salt of Mars has great power in the chemical art and has received great praise in medicine because it serves in all diseases that have arisen from the ignited human sulfur. And since the gall also follows a very poisonous watery sulfur alongside the salt, the salt of Mars also heals all stomach fevers caused by the excessive gall, and much more, which is impossible to recount in this small compendium, also for certain reasons I will refrain from doing so, considering that I intend to write more thoroughly and extensively about it after this edition. However, I must wait until I know how this effort and experience of mine are received by the present world and what benefit it has gained from it, etc.
The medics might also possibly be annoyed with me for scattering the chemical roses so carelessly before the unworthy, who will trample and defile them underfoot, as is the habit of the unwise to despise everything they obtain so easily or cannot understand.
The true lovers and disciples of this science might also, when they perceive the medics’ displeasure, turn away and reject and mock my treatise, which I have written for their benefit, especially because many pseudo-chemists and false philosophers have almost infected the whole world and brought great harm with many thousands of practices. However, my intent is not to deceive anyone or bring them to ruin, but only to prevent all evil, eradicate it, and guide the erring on the right path, I testify before God and the whole world that I have not revealed the true foundation out of vanity, but out of divine inspiration and urging, so that the true lovers of this high science can proceed safely, knowing that I have not written out of opinion or from someone else’s mouth, I declare again that I will show the principalist of this art to one or another honest lover. The principalist is the reduction or destruction to the prima materia, namely to its three initial things: this is the main piece to the universal generalissimo, of which the philosophers speak: ”Facilius fit Aurum, quam corrumpitur aurum,” I, however, can accomplish this in three days, and all this through the prima materia, etc.
To confirm this, I will prepare all sulfurs and metallic salts, especially those of the sun and moon, as well as potable gold and silver, which those who need it will find with me, all sincerely, as is proper, etc.
Gold is the purest, finest, and most perfect metal in which the elemental qualities harmonize best; and although one might judge from the bright color of gold that the sulfur in gold surpasses the other principles or the elements of water and earth, experience shows the true and fundamental truth, namely when gold is brought back to what it was before through the power of the magical elements by anatomy, namely Mercury, Sulfur, and Salt. How such a radical solution is achieved has been initially and more than clearly stated, therefore you should pay special attention to it, for it is indeed no small thing, but the highest arcane of this world and the most necessary of this art to bring such a fire-resistant body to its initial things, and to make from it what it was before conjunction and fixation, and thereby separate the earthly curse or mole from these initial things in such a short time, also otherwise to fix it into a lasting body through the spirit of the world, which is a medicine for metallic and human bodies, certainly to be used in all diseases without worry.
This conjunction happens when the highest star has passed through all the planets through the aforementioned spirit, and otherwise not.
And just as it is impossible to accomplish or perfect any particular or universal without the spirit of the world, instead of which the spirit of the Saturnine double Mercury is to be used, it is also impossible to make the universal generalissimo without the initial things of gold, etc. For these reasons, the wise have the three fiery keys, which I call the magical elements here, with which one can safely bring out the soul and clarified body from the solid body of the sun, which is hidden so deeply and highly, so that no one should reach it without the special will and fate of God.
Now, to fulfill my promise and not forget the material here, as I have previously stated that the material can be found in all metals and promised to think of the medicine or material of each metal in particular.
As you know, our material in gold is to be considered like the center or point in the circle and circumference. For gold is like a round ball, therefore full of perfection, it imparts a solar body to the prima materia, for these reasons the prima materia is rightly called a solar magnet, because it constantly draws the sulfuric soul from the prima materia to itself. From this, the philosophers’ Azoth and the universal menstruum can be easily made, which the wise call our vinegar because without effigies the aforementioned material cannot be made known; for the material is full of sulfur, but the common effigy reveals this sulfur when you add the effigy in the proper quantity, so that it stands about three fingers above, then you recognize by the effigy what kind of sulfur was hidden in it. Herein lies the highest medicine in the whole world, from which the true potable gold is made with the help of the aforementioned Azoth or prima materia, which is now known to us through the effigy, so that we are quite certain that in this gold the soul and the spirit of the world are enclosed as a point in its circle, which I have called the prima materia here. And since I promised to give a clear and thorough report in a few words about the universal medicine, it is also appropriate that I return to the common gold.
The sun is likewise the life and heart of all planets, therefore it is rightly placed in the middle of the planets: just as the heart in the human body, from the middle, as it were, moves and governs all limbs, also from all limbs it is administered there simultaneously; likewise, the sun must impart its shine, radiance, or light to all other stars from the middle. Conversely, however, the sun is also served on both sides by the other planets, for the sun is often served, strengthened, and greatly clarified and ignited by the properties of the other adjacent planets, this is done by the fiery Mars and the hot Venus, for the house of Mars, which is Aries, is the principle of the element of fire, so one fire is ignited and increased in quantity and quality by another. The fire of gold is nothing but its sulfur; thus, it is also understood in Mars and Venus. For these reasons, the highest and noblest medicine, indeed the strength and power of all metals, is found in this alone.
Gold is a specific cordial, which modern medics cannot deny with a foundation of truth, as they prescribe the coarse corporal gold (and other unrefined precious stones) in their recipes, believing that the patient’s stomach can extract their virtue and property by dissolving or digesting them and further lead the dissolved property to the place where it is required.
Although a true chemist, through thorough experience to which I always refer, could argue against these errors, I will refrain from doing so for now and let it pass, but I will use it to assert that, according to their own opinion, the attributed medicine is in gold. And since this is so, why shouldn’t this highly purified gold, namely its three initial substances, be able to perform much more excellently and safely, since this same gold has been freed from all impurity and earthly bonds, and brought into clarified salt and illuminated soul, indeed, what is more, has become potable?
Just as this potable gold or liquor readily dissolves in the human body or stomach, so it also readily distributes itself, passes through all limbs and the entire blood, showing its universal power and effect as a universal medicine, and that with the greatest wonder.
How to apply this medicine, let it be entrusted to the medics who may also prescribe an appropriate vehicle for it.
So far, the dry and wet radical solution has been hidden, so the medics had to prescribe the undissolved corporal gold with its impurity to the patients, applying the core along with the shells.
However, now to the comfort of the whole world, the true solution, the universal menstruum, by which all and every metallic body must be reduced to the prima materia, is clearly revealed and brought to light in this treatise, so that now a clear shining light has risen and appeared from the old world.
And although this light has long been created by God, the Creator of all things, not all inhabitants of this world have comprehended it. For these reasons, I have been moved to reveal the goodness of God and to open windows and doors to the prima materia on this day, as I have already widely opened them. All who recognize themselves, whether they are capable of this high work or not, come forward. For it can also be said here: ”Many are called, but few are chosen.” But you who are especially chosen for this, go in without delay, undaunted, join the philosophers, let their seal be imprinted on you, lead a sincere life until your end, and you will achieve your heart’s desire here and there, knowing to thank God for it always.
I would like to add something here, but I fear the wrath of Mars and the justice of Jupiter, so I must break off my intention. Meanwhile, be comforted, repeat the reading of this booklet until you have drawn light from it, which I grant to no one but the chosen ones, to whom I am also ready to show more, etc. Let those who deserve it rejoice, others may toil and hang their own on it as I have done, and thus try if they are chosen, and in the meantime be content with this my effort and sincere instruction.
For those to whom it is granted by God, I grant it from the bottom of my heart: the proud and vain, who seek only vanity and not the honor of God or the salvation of their neighbor, may you, O Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, strike with blindness as you struck the Sodomites so they could not find the door of righteous Lot. May the angel of the Lord always stand in their way, just as he opposed Balaam, who was summoned to curse the people of Israel, and prevented him from fulfilling his will. May it be so for all those who think evil and are neither called nor chosen by the Almighty. Amen.
The lustful Venus has a very earthly body, filled with a high solar sulphur. However, due to the weakness of its structure and its fragile, impure housing, it could not make a permanent dwelling therein. When the body is destroyed, the soul must depart and leave its abode.
Whoever knows how to nourish and preserve this soul through the magical elements in the fire, and then extract it from the calcined body, has attained the true understanding of this little book, for he may rejoice in the light that shines upon him.
This sulphur, with which Venus is clothed, surpasses the solar one in color, considering that the sulphur of the sun is significantly improved by the sulphur of Venus. Just as the lion is nourished with the blood of the green lion and thus becomes rich in blood and inflamed, so too does gold rejoice, feed, and strengthen itself with the tincture of Venus and Mars, wherefore the philosophers rightly say, ”The sun does not tinge unless it is tinged.”
The king has only one ceremonial robe. If this is taken from him, he would be naked and exposed, which would be against all royal honor and dignity. Especially since it is the custom of kings to enrich their courtiers from their royal revenues and means, which they have previously collected from their subjects.
If our philosophical king or gold is to do good to his servants and courtiers, enrich them, and bring them to high honor, he must first demand taxes, contributions, and levies from his subjects. The subjects of the sun are Mars and Venus, who, as serfs, are devoted to gold with their goods and blood, ready to serve the king in all emergencies. For the mighty war prince Mars knows various ways and means, such as contributions, evacuations, satisfactions, munitions, and fortifications, to raise money, all in the service of his king and principal, for, as he claims, it is applied to the service and benefit of the kingdom.
Mars can do even greater things, for he believes that where the subjects are rich, the kings must necessarily be poor, and where the kings are rich, there must be poor and obedient subjects, thus eliminating any fear of rebellion. And if a revolt arises out of desperation, Mars immediately suppresses it. Therefore, Mars is most highly honored at court, for he is the honor and strength of the kingdom.
Venus, although she can prosper before the king with cunning, as her husband Mars does, does not rest day or night but uses her own body and entices everyone for money, whether they are spiritual or worldly, living or married persons; this does not concern her. She strives to seduce everyone for money, for she must give her king an annual regular and extraordinary tribute, making the king rich. In summary, Venus does her part and is a faithful servant to the king, just as is evident in the Venetian lands in the most prominent cities, where the high authorities have, to prevent sodomitic sins, permitted Venus an eternal residence and palace, as it were, and award a certain annual tribute.
Just as this Venus, as a subject of the king, must contribute, so must our Venus, with her body and especially with her soul, bring a rich luster to the gold. And although Venus can do this, she is not alone, for everything found with a red metallic sulphur is related to the solar astrum and readily ferments with the solar sulphur. For it is born of its kind and thus always rejoices with its kind.
Venus with her properties provides no small guide to preparing the universal menstruum, for the properly prepared and fundamentally transformed Venus has now become a mineral, and the mineral has become a philosopher’s mercury.
From this, with the help of sal ammoniac, comes the true virgin milk, the permanent water, which is the true universal menstruum, the true hermaphroditic spirit, the dual-natured mercury, and the only medium for dissolving and conjoining the soul with the body, etc.
And although the body of Venus is infected with disgusting leprosy, it nevertheless performs many wonderful effects and great miracles after its preparation.
The Venus astrum has its influence on the microcosm in the kidneys, and in the macrocosm in copper or earthly Venus, which, due to the received favor of its astrum, comes to the aid of the kidneys.
The sulphur of Venus is also a cordial medicine, just like the sulphur of Mars, because they are solar, as I have mentioned above. But when Venus is brought to a transparent glass, crystal, or icicle through solution and reduction, it becomes an excellent medicine and is particularly useful for the high work of the wise, especially its soul, which should appear in the form of a red heavy oil.
The internal sulphur of man is improved, strengthened, and renewed by the sulphur of Venus, for it also dries out dropsy, aids the liver, and stops all bleeding in men and women, especially when some universal menstruum remains, which reluctantly separates from the soul.
I will continue translating more pages. Let me know if you have any specific requests or if you’d like to see the translations as they progress.
It is difficult for a spirit to separate from its soul, just as our solvent cannot be separated from its solution without harm. The vitrified and figured Venus only induces sweating; the salt, however, clarified through the spirit of wine, cleanses and makes for good digestion, dissolves kidney stones without pain, and otherwise resolves all viscous tartar that resides in the bladder and elsewhere.
So as not to forget about mercury, I must refrain from praising the aforementioned Venus and take up the volatile servant, namely the winged mercury, which is both a servant and not a servant, a master and not a master, as I will explain in detail in the following.
The ancient philosophers have placed mercury only on the second level of honor, which is very surprising, considering that mercury is by nature proud and haughty and generally elevates itself above all stars, claiming that its seat should rightly be at the top, and that it deserves the highest honor because the greatest secret of human health is found in it. It otherwise suits all stars due to its astral seed and planets with which it unites; it is strengthened in its point, becomes even worse if it is evil, but if it is good, it is improved and strengthened in its endeavor through the union with mercury; in summary, mercury is like a hypocrite or politician who offends no one but agrees with everyone. Otherwise, it is by nature quick and fiery in its entire being. The metallic fire in mercury is so powerful that its body must remain in a fluid state. Although this mercury has many powerful medicinal properties and virtues, it is by no means the philosopher’s mercury.
The philosopher’s mercury is the mercury of metals, which is never hot and cold, dry and warm, etc. It contains within itself the four qualities of the elements. The common mercury is hot in its entire being; therefore, it cannot be the philosopher’s mercury.
Even though it is so, it should not be despised or rejected, as the ancient sages highly valued it, adorning it like a deserved crown with the moon and marking it with the sun. Make this visible into something invisible, strip mercury of its office, appearance, and dignity, treat it then among yourselves, make it into earth from which it was born, and it will be able to endure much more than before; ask it then, and it can show you the materia prima and the right key to the high work. Its feathers are plucked, and its wings have taken the shape of a bat, it has become an earthly dragon, its hot nature has turned into a very cold poison, this happens through the removal of honor and the precipitation of the haughty head. This, however, all happens for its best, as it goes through dishonor, shame, and ruin to the highest dignity and constancy.
One must beware of it, as it is more poisonous than before, its blood is brownred, like true dragon’s blood, from which one also distills the Virgin’s Milk, which, when united with the fiery lion’s blood and the spirit of the eagle or sal ammoniac, must, after digestion with the spirit of wine, become a true potable gold, which, although sought by many from afar, is found nearby.
This medicine can be felt universally in mercury, and whoever knows how to prepare, precipitate, and sublime mercury in the special way mentioned above, and otherwise handle it as I have said, will experience the truth of what kind of medicine he has obtained. Mercury cures not only the lungs and the defects arising therefrom, but as a spirit, it penetrates all limbs and restores the vital spirits within them, consuming as a spiritual fire all peccant material, which the mercury of antimony can particularly do, surpassing all other minerals.
Although vitriol must also be involved, as mercury is transformed into an oil by means of vitriol, when it has first become a mercurial water through the spirit of vitriol, which cannot happen without vitriol. Therefore, the volatile mercury thanks Venus exceedingly for her friendliness, which the wise particularly observe. And since this belongs to the hidden writings of the sages, I will stop here for now and leave the aforementioned mercury along with Venus’s properties for examination. May God grant success.
The moon shows its astral influence through the help of the cold Saturn in the silver ore, which, as a receptacle of lunar forces, imparts its benefits to humans. Just as the moon has its influence in silver and particularly shows its effect therein, it likewise rules in the microcosm the brain, hence the lunar inferior, that is, the prepared silver cures all brain ailments from the root because this power is imparted to the silver by the lunar superior. ”Nam illud, quod est inferius, est sicut illud, quod est superius,” etc. And when the lunar superior is hindered in its good effects by other adverse aspects opposing the moon, intending to accomplish something other than what the moon intends or otherwise poisoning it, not only is the lunar inferior, as a receptacle of the superior virtue, weakened in its spirit and its effect hindered, but the human brain also suffers according to the superior’s condition, resulting in an astral disease that plagues the microcosm.
These diseases can hardly be cured by common vegetation because they are in a lower and unequal degree.
For these reasons, one must take a medicine that stands in a higher or at least the same degree. For example: the moon is infected and oppressed by very bad poisonous adverse planets; therefore, the human brain, as a receptacle, is weakened or poisoned. If this weakness is to be cured, it must be done with a sympathetic medicine. This medicine, however, must first be freed and purified from all infection it has absorbed from its superior and must stand in the next equal or even higher degree to the cause.
No one can truthfully deny that metals and gemstones stand in a nobler and higher degree than weak, easily destructible vegetation. Therefore, they must also have the advantage. Consequently, silver can cure these otherwise incurable main diseases, but the silver must be properly and well separated from the earthly curse or impurity in which the infection, received from the superior, resides.
This separation is the reduction to the three primary substances, where the three pure parts are brought together, and the curse or infected impurity is cast away. In this manner and no other, can these diseases be cured: ”Nam superius ligat et regit suum inferius, et inferius ostendit obedientiam suam suo superi38 ori,” therefore the poison must yield and make way for the pure lunar sulphur. Under the sulphur of the moon is understood the potable moon, which stands in the equal degree, while the figured and boiled white and red substance of our stone stands in the highest degree; thus, it is an infallible remedy in the mentioned weaknesses and above all exalted.
Otherwise, the moon is of a cold phlegmatic nature, concordant in part with Saturn. Just as Saturn is the highest, so the moon is the lowest planet, and both stand equally distant from the sun, which, as the heart of all planets, stands in the middle of the heavens.
The moon has a constant salt, which has firmly fixed its own mercury, and this mercury has united the soul with the lunar body, that is, the salt with good concordance. In this union, the earthly curse or the low nature, which is found outside the three primary substances in everything, could not prevent the connection.
The moon per se gives little instruction or advancement to the universal fountain or the high work of the wise. No matter how you turn it, you find nothing solar about it unless you know how to add a solar hot sulphur to the cold lunar one, warming it and igniting it with solar rays, also tinging it into true gold, which happens not from the moon but from the pure red sulphur. Nothing solar can be extracted from the moon unless it has been previously introduced. This is experienced with the fixed moon when the blue watery sulphur of silver has been ignited and compacted by a solar, and when this is then dissolved, either a certain amount of gold remains or otherwise a fixed moon, which could not have happened without prior introduction. Just as gold cannot tinge unless it has been tinged before, so nothing can be drawn from the moon unless it has been previously introduced through a special arsenical ingress. However, how to do this properly belongs to the universal and can only be achieved through the philosophical alkahest, either via dry or wet way, as you have understood from my previous writings. I could indeed introduce a process here on how to produce a fixed moon, etc., and how to make a perpetual augmentation through the double mercury, but as I hate prolixity, I must refrain, put a seal on it, and put a bridle on my tongue so that I do not, like an unrestrained horse, fall and break my own neck. Whoever desires to experience this, may think over these matters and take my labors, which I have written for the benefit of the lover, to heart. And if it may seem difficult for some to achieve a clear understanding in all this, let him resort to prayer, for ”to the one who asks, it will be given,” and ”test yourself before you drink from this cup,” and if you are not predestined, make sure you are predestined. For I have wanted to hide nothing from the chosen ones. Therefore, humble your heart, ask the one who has gained experience through harm and certain experiments, and you will achieve your intention, for which you must thank the Almighty to the highest.
Be especially mindful of the poor, and pay attention to yourself.
The precious stones have their origin from the astral prime mover, as well as the highest and lowest metals; therefore, they correspond in their colors, sulphurs, and other properties with the seven superior and inferior stars and perform their effects when they have been freed from their earthly bonds and shackles of the earthly curse and have entered into their three primary substances, which should be done through the universal menstruum.
The menstruum that unlocks metals into sulphur and salt must also be used to extract the precious stones’ colors and salt, as they are all brought into one body by a spirit of the world. This spirit, however, is the universal menstruum, in which there is an attracting force of all mineral and metallic substances, it is called ”all in all” by Basil. Believe me, the spirit of the earth must extract its sulphur and lead it back into the earth. Therefore, in this spirit lies the highest secret of the whole chemical science. Without this spirit, we could not take the benefits of our Creator in the precious stones.
And so that I do not pass by the medicine found in the precious stones, it serves to report that among the precious stones, each has its own star from which it receives its power and effect, just as the metals do, and what the metallic medicines achieve in the seven principal members of man, the precious stones also do.
The garnet, due to the siderial saturnine influence of its Orphiel, heals the ailments of the spleen, just as lead does, for they both have a single star, which infuses its nature from above into them. Therefore, it happens that minerals, vegetables, and also animals have some of the same virtues.
The topaz, due to the influence of Jovial Zachariel, greatly aids the liver and all defects arising from it, just as prepared Jupiter could or might do.
The martial sympathetic ruby receives a special influence and power from the intelligence of Mars, which is Samuel, therefore it is ordained for the gall and is useful for all defects arising from it.
The solar carbuncle surpasses all precious stones in light, brilliance, and virtue, for its infusing intelligence is the mighty Michael, whose name means ”Who is like God,” as if the intelligence wanted to imply that just as there is nothing higher than God, so there is nothing higher in the world than God and the solar carbuncle.
Nature has elevated the carbuncle above gold, having matured it into glass, which is the end and the most perfect effect that nature or art can achieve. For beyond vitrification, nothing more can be conceived; hence it is concluded that the sulphur of the carbuncle brings more strength to the heart than the sulphur of the sun, both being cordial in all diseases.
The venerable emerald, through the intelligence of Unael, which infuses the earthly Venus and its emerald, can cure kidney disease and pains in a very short time.
The mercurial crystal, however, works through the influence of the divine medicinal intelligence Raphael, and is assigned to the lungs and what depends on them.
Mercury has an affinity with the saturnine cure of the spleen, which cannot be deprived of air; otherwise, its movement causes many stings, and Saturn is mostly mercurial. Just as mercury, as a spirit or air, penetrates the porous lungs and opens their obstructions, also correcting the infection of the air, which otherwise causes putrefaction in the lungs, so Saturn cures the spleen and its stings due to its mercury.
The lungs cannot be deprived of air, and all elements are nourished through the air. The air is a vehicle through which the superior stars impart and perform their influence on the earthly bodies.
And as the air relates to fire and water, so does the airy mercury relate to the nourishing sulphur and salt, etc. In summary, mercury and air are a vehicle or medium between two extremes, etc. And what is said here about mercury also applies in part to Saturn, as they have a particular affinity with each other. Pay special attention to this concordance of mercury with Saturn, especially those who intend to achieve victory in the chemical struggle.
The philosophers have thoughtfully ascribed the high work to Saturn and have hinted in their writings as if Saturn were the materia prima. For Basil says that although Saturn has the least esteem in our art and is placed on the lowest level of honor, it is nevertheless not to be despised but held in the highest regard. For the coagulation of mercury is found in Saturn, especially when a certain part of a pure metallic salt is added to it.
You may be highly surprised that I have spoken so much of Saturn here, whereas my intention is directed towards the mercurial crystal. Know, therefore, that I have done this for special reasons, to enlighten your darkened understanding and to cause you to think further.
One can see how Saturn is so readily found in iron and copper ores; from this, an understanding person can easily draw a conclusion and ponder the matter until he captures the mercury of Saturn, which must be driven out with great skill from a rich unrefined mineral, through the help of the eagle and dragon, which is also called a stone snake; it is all one thing, just has different names. Whoever does not notice this and take it to heart will never attain understanding or benefit from the philosophical books.
Here, however, I should not forget that just as mercury in some respects agrees with Saturn, so does the garnet with the crystal, as their intelligences and influences in the celestial world through a special distance and figure cause such harmony. From these reasons, I have mentioned Saturn here. For Saturn is an earthly planet and has a dry and cold quality, so it agrees with mercury, which represents water and has a cold wet quality, and further, mercury agrees with its own cold watery quality with Saturn’s other corresponding quality, which is also cold, etc.
The blue lunar sapphire has received its astral power from the moon, for the intelligence of the moon is its angel, namely Gabriel, who completes his influence through the moon and air with the help of the elements. This happens not only in its inferior star but also in its sapphire, which is endowed with the same power as silver, both of which are very reliable to use in all main or brain weaknesses and show their effect with the greatest amazement. However, their compact closed bodies must first be broken apart, and their noble soul or sulphur and salt, etc., extracted, which must also become potable. It is impossible to bring about such potability without the saturnine spirit, which must be driven either from saccharum or better from the mercury of Saturn through the help of sal ammoniac, as I briefly mentioned before; you should not underestimate this but hold it in high esteem.
Sal ammoniac is compared to an eagle, and sulphur to a dragon. Just as an eagle can fly very high, so does sal ammoniac, and just as a fiery dragon devours everything, so does sulphur consume all bodies, calcining them to dust and ashes. A heavy oil is also driven over from the aforementioned two spirits through the help of Vulcan, which dissolves all metallic and mineral sulphurs and resolves them into an oil; here it is time to prick up your ears.
If you apply a part of it to two parts of cleanly separated silver lime, the oil will fix itself together with the metallic sulphur into the moon, warming it and bringing it into a solar nature, etc. If you can achieve this, you need nothing else, for it takes on, absorbs, dissolves, and remains with its solution. One sees how cinnabar tends to penetrate with the vigor of sulphur, as it is also transformed into the moon through the help of a pure body and metallic juice; this deserves further reflection. For if the dragon alone can make mercury so suitable that it qualifies for the mentioned work, what should the white eagle not further it, etc.?
Wherever such light is felt, there a lover of art should remain silent and investigate the matter to the extent that he reaches the efficient cause; this is the right way to gain knowledge. Whoever does otherwise and jumps from one thing to another learns nothing. And if he encounters a difficulty, he cannot help himself, for he knows neither the nature nor its qualities.
Herewith I will for this time stop writing about the magical elements, the universal medicine, and its menstruum, because I have fulfilled my promise regarding the mineral kingdom. I hope the sincere and inclined reader will accept this report with satisfaction and not read this little book cursorily, as is often done, but repeat the reading with great attention frequently, for I have written few words, but all have a special meaning, are all necessary, and brought together as closely as possible.
So as to prevent this and better show my sincere affection to all true lovers, I will, since the previous lesson is still fresh in the reader’s memory, add a very brief repetition of the magical elements, the universal medicine, or true irreducible potable gold, and the universal menstruum through which this is so highly prepared. Therefore, pay special attention, for in it, I will present the whole core, completely freed from the husks, clearly before your eyes.
It is said, and it is true, that man, wine, and gold are all one. They are fond of each other. Wine has a powerful invigorating spirit with which it can refresh the heart of man. Wine refreshes the spirit in old men, which otherwise lies buried so deeply within them as if it were dead, that it cannot be felt. But when wine is drunk by a person, it makes a conjunction with the animal and vegetable spirit, thereby exciting the vital spirit, namely Mercury, and spreading through the whole body so that all its members become aware and must move. Mercury governs the small world, and wine is equally a vehicle of universal and particular medicine. Furthermore, the spirit of wine is not only a vegetable menstruum but also a mineral one. Such friendship it has as a burning sulfur with the metallic sulfur. Therefore, it comes that no potable gold can be made without it. The spirit of Mercury extracts the tincture from the sulfur of the sun, as the innermost from the soul. But the spirit of wine extracts the innermost from this innermost, then the dregs which do not enter nor can be brought to the tincture separate again.
The tincture is a dry sulfur, which is dissolved by the philosophical Mercury and united with it so that the solution cannot be separated from the solvent, for they have become like water mixed with another water. Just as water willingly mixes with another water, and they cannot be separated, so does the menstruum, namely the Mercury of Saturn, which I have called the Soul of the World elsewhere. And the fact that the spirit of wine is also a true dissolving menstruum is evidenced by the experience with potable gold. For this cannot be separated from the first menstruum nor from the extraction with nothing, just as water cannot be separated from water, etc. This is the true sign: for the philosophers all agree that the solvent should remain with the solution in the great magistery. This is rightly and well said, because the true solvent should remain with the solution. This is rightly and well said, because the true solvent cannot be separated from the solution but must remain with it for at least twelve days in digestion and turn into a red form if it is to be called true potable gold. And since the spirit of wine is a vegetable menstruum, it is also a vegetable medicine, otherwise, it would not stay with the potable gold, to which nothing foreign but only pure medicine must come.
And just as the spirit of wine can and must be regarded as a high menstruum and medicine, so must tartar, whose spirit is also used to open metals. It is very attached to metals, increases their flexibility, that is, their salt, because the salt is the flexibility of the metals, therefore, what makes them flexible increases their salt. Therefore, one could also well use tartar or better its spirit to achieve the three initial things, as I have described before, that a separation must occur in the three initial things when the salt or the element of earth is increased so that it begins to dominate, then two must immediately yield. But since this is not the way and intention that we want to lose the sulfur, I leave this to everyone to think further about. For my part, I am content with what I have experienced until I find a better and closer way to bring the three initial things from the four metals.
There is truly no small medicine in tartar, because besides the clarified salt, there is still a wonderful tincture in it, which can be safely and surely applied against calculi and many other diseases through its vehicle.
With the help of sulfur, a liquor menstruum or oil is distilled from tartar, which draws the tinctures and essences from all vegetables, especially when the spirit of living lime is incorporated into it. However, the spirit of wine can again extract the tinctures from this menstruum, so that the menstruum always remains fixed. Whether this oil also affects metals, I leave undecided, but I am aware that an oil can be driven from these two fiery spirits, which immediately dissolves and devours everything of its kind like a dragon, because in it the snake and the dragon are united, etc. Only with the addition of the flying dragon, which the philosophers call sal ammoniac, can a very fiery secret spirit be driven from the dragon, which is truly not to be despised, who knows how to feed this spirit with its like, does not need my instruction, and I wish him luck with it.
To return to the tartar and report how the tincture can be obtained, know briefly that the salt of tartar must be calcined in the fire until the desired color appears, then pour rectified brandy on it, so you have the tincture of tartar in the spirit of wine, in the form of blood red. You may separate this or keep it together, as you wish. It is enough for me that I have shown you the way to obtain such a wonderful medicine and menstruum in the vegetable kingdom.
And since this can also extract the tinctures and essences from the animal kingdom, I will briefly reveal to you here that just as in gold all the virtues of other metals are contained, so too in the mummy, understand, in the human heart itself is the highest medicine for human health to be found. But since one cannot always have a fresh human heart to use in medicine, what is closest to the heart must be used instead and you must also prepare specialties and cure like with like.
/However, in this one is not as sure as with a universal medicine, because the medicines do not always agree in their judgment, and rarely hit the cause and foundation of the disease. Sometimes more than one part of the body is sick and weak, and what is useful for one part is sometimes harmful to another. In the universal medicine, however, this is not to be feared, because in the heart, gold, and wine, all animal, mineral, and vegetable forces are brought together in one, all for the comfort and benefit of the human race, which should highly rejoice in this and thank the creator of all things from the bottom of their hearts for this precious medicine.
Praise and glory be to the eternal Prince of Heaven for his grace, which he has granted me, in writing this my little treatise, which was done not for any vain honor, but because I have seen that through many long philosophical writings the world has fallen into such error and turmoil, that it is a pity to see how many thus toil in vain, seek, and find nothing, and beside the money, also waste the irretrievable time, and yet experience nothing. Therefore, it is fair that someone should come forward with the matter and the key before the whole world falls into error, and the righteous themselves despair, to whom I hereby wish happiness, temporal and eternal welfare: I commend my treatise to God, the fountain of all sciences, who will give the right understanding to whom he wills at the right time, Amen.
So it remains true: Man, wine, and gold, remain fond of each other. Persevere and endure, this labor can one day be useful to you; Often the bitter juice has brought help to the physicians.
In the previous chapters, I have written about the prima materia, the menstruum, and the universal medicine, according to magical elements or keys, as much as God has allowed me, clearly and sufficiently. But since this may seem difficult to the incoming novices, in view of the philosophical style being unknown to them, and I intend nothing other than to serve all true pious hearts: I have found it necessary to start from the lower understanding, and to add here the chemical ABC, also some new characters, which clearly indicate the properties of the marked things.
Therefore, the true lover should apply special diligence in examining this ABC and the added new characters, for from this arises the first light. The philosophers have compared their materia or menstruum to a very sharp vinegar, and have also referred to vitriol or nitre, for these have all the qualities attributed to the prima materia by the philosophers, because it is found to be wet and dry, cold and hot, light and heavy, depending on how one wants to lift it.
Mercury also has these properties, and it is clear that the philosopher’s stone cannot be made without it. Therefore, the wise do no wrong when they call their materia a Mercury. But many who hope to obtain their salvation from the old Saturn, because the great work is attributed to him, I let them persist in their opinion until they realize what qualities Saturn has. The wise men’s materia is solar and hot, etc. But Saturn is lunar, as his character shows, which is a half-moon. The wise men’s Saturn is not only rightly depicted by the philosophers, nor called by its own name, for it should rightly be marked with the character of the sun, because the circle is the most perfect figure. And although all metals are born from the prima materia, and therefore it would not be unreasonable for the sign to agree with all metal characters, yet the wise have not wanted to do this for special reasons, but have only partly united it with the signs of vitriol, nitre, vinegar, Saturn, or Mercury, who knows how to form this into one character according to the art, so that harmony is also present in the conjunction, has the materia before his eyes, therefore you must resort to the alphabet of the wise and see if you succeed.
The sign of vinegar or azoth must have the precedence, the others that are most closely related to and associated with vinegar should immediately follow, and so on in this way a wonderful character is formed, which comprehends the nature of the aforementioned things in all respects, except that the common Mercury is not entirely obvious and recognizable to everyone. But I tell you that you should not only recognize Mercury by his wings but also by his fire, and this is cold and earthly, like the old decrepit Saturn’s. In this way, you are assured, especially when you can see a hot fiery sign in this character, with this fire the excessively poisonous coldness of your materia is tempered and finally acquires all qualities; hence the universal menstruum & king’s bath is prepared.
Here it should be noted that by vitriol the burning sulfur should be understood, which is also sometimes called a fiery dragon. For just as the dragon devours everything, so does sulfur burn and calcine everything with its fire. But whoever understands my cold dragon correctly and has found it in the aforementioned figures, needs nothing more than to add a red fiery flying dragon to this his brother, so he has brought two natures into one nature, which were both one before and only differed in qualities, but both retain a spiritual mercurial nature, without this the universal generalissimo cannot be achieved. It should rightly be marked with the living character of the Most High, for the goodness that God Almighty has placed in the whole world is shared only with this aforementioned materia. And just as all good comes to the human race from the earth, so health and wealth sprout from this materia, as I have mentioned before, which is compared to the divine majesty, in which everything is contained, and which also comprehends everything.
The divine character is a round circle or globe, whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere ends, according to this divine character God Almighty has created the heavens and the whole world in a round perfect circular form. The more an astral body corresponds with this divine form and signature, the more noble it should be considered, for it not only bears the figure of him from whom everything originates, but also of the great elemental earth, or rather of the pure indestructible salt, its savior, for the philosophers, as I have explained many times, also sometimes understand by the earth the salt. In my purpose here, it does not matter whether you imagine the globe of this world as a circle, or whether you consider the salt and nitre, you must not proceed with this as taught above, but you should mix these two well and incorporate them with their own effigy, so that the same stands in the quantity of materia upon it. The effigy must be made from the aforementioned salts, through the diameter of the salt or vitriol and the perpendicular line of nitre, making the sharpest vinegar, through the effigy the azoth or the cross is understood, and vice versa; through the cross again the azoth, namely the redeemer, who descended from above upon this world and floats like the spirit of God upon the water of the salt or vitriol and nitre, from which it is born and extracted.
Here I could have helped you very easily, but it is not allowed for me to reveal more in writing from above, for the sake of the tyrants and unworthy ones of this world, who wander in darkness and do not want to accept the light, which has now risen in these last times and shines bright and clear. For these reasons, the world is punished by God Almighty for such gross pride that it cannot recognize itself, for the worldly spirit, namely, its own evil and good spirit, which is a double spiritual conjunction that can kill and bring to life everything, has departed from it, and when a thing is once separated with force or art from its earthly curse or peccant materia, which was a matrix and domicile of this evil and good, it can no longer be brought back together in the same way, namely with such harmony and under such form as before the separation. Therefore, the world is alive dead and seeing blind; I have spoken very simply, and marked the ABC with my fingers on the earth, from which you were created, in the dust, and hereunder is only one single thing that comprehends the power of all planets, also the properties of all minerals and vegetables.
This is the prima materia of our stone, which is born from the A. and O., the beginning and the end of our work, is called a double-tailed Saturn. These tails are lunar and have been formed into such a high virtue and decent character through a special conjunction and heavenly figure in the first and last touch of the moon. This contains the whole chemical alphabet, for herein the highest Saturn is also most visible. The iron captain is recognized from this universal character, but you should look at his helmet, so Mars offers his services, clearly indicating the beginning of the prima materia in the earth in its mountains, for the same likes to be there without it.
Mercury is nothing but a true Venus, which carries a lunar crown, and because she has a solar sulfur, the kind and just Jupiter wants to elevate her to higher honors, see Mercury’s horns, that is, burn his wings, so he is a Venus, turn the same around, so you have a powerful sulfur, because vitriol is sulfur, and antimony is Mercury, this is the seed and the matrix, etc., which are born from the earth and follow an earthly shape and form, also again coalesce corporally and permanently with the help of the earth, congruo beneficio Vulcani - with the appropriate favor of Vulcan.
The proud Mercury has mocked and trampled the healing sign, which Moses set up in the wilderness with a snake attached to it. It is imposed on him to devour the cross, consume it in his stomach, and feed on the cross for a certain time, just as the proud Nabuchodonosor was humbled by the contrary, and the wicked suffer evil, as they fear most.
Mercury is the metallic Lucifer, Hesperus & Vesperus, deprive him of the ornament of his head, so he is a round clock, over which Fortuna runs until his raw and undigested nourishment bursts out above him, so he is completely humbled, as if you had made him into a vitriol through his own effigy, which is subjected to him. Whoever knows this rightly, treats it correctly, is healthy and rich until the end. Make Mercury into a crystal, add his salt, so you have everything, namely the universal.
My intention is not to speak of high things here, but of the ABC, namely how syllables and then words are formed from it. This ABC are the simple characters, the syllables their conjunction, when several characters are contracted into one, the syllables become words, and these give a sense and meaning, explain the nature and property of the marked and figured thing: for what can be made from one thing was also already in it, ratione virtutis: From a general chemical character, which is assigned to the prima materia, Mercury, Saturn, Salt, Antimony, Vitriol, Nitre, Venus, etc. can be made, therefore all their virtues are naturally and artfully combined in a round globe, as its figure shows. And to conclude, I tell you again, you should undertake nothing more than just the joined ABC. You must observe my instruction well for examples declare, but do not teach, and what you find depicted before your eyes, reason grasps much easier, otherwise, I would not have brought the chemical ABC before your eyes, and thereby also everything I have dealt with before, both in the beginning and in the end, repeated the whole little work anew and for the third time, as if repeating. The reason for this is that I am not inclined to write more clearly or further on this matter in the future, therefore I will very briefly only speak of the seven stars, their right own character, their combination and composition, as well as some half metals, and things otherwise mentioned sparsely, indicated by each own figure and attached name, as follows from the...
Lead, also called the black wolf, death, and gold.
Tin, sometimes understood as sublimated Mercury. And sal-armoniac.
Gold, the king, red lion, and dragon.
Copper, green lady and green lion.
Quicksilver. Serpentine Tilbon. Hermes or interpreter of the gods. The snake. Volatile salt, these make a metallic water in the earth, called the swan bath, where the queen purifies herself.
Silver, has saturnalian weapons, makes it suitable for universal, ratione qualitatis, etc.
Nitre, stone snake Mercury, white dragon, etc. Eagle also Saturn.
Salt. The venereal property. Green lion: dragon’s drink, Venus’s bath. Salt of metals, etc. Sulfur.
Sulfur: The infernal Cerberus. And fiery dragon. Flood of fire. Arrow of death. Oil & spirit of life, vivifying soul, living by itself. Key of keys. Winged dragon.
Under antimony, Mercury is always understood, called new life, unknown medicine. Tree of life and knowledge of good and evil. Black death arsenic. Noli me tangere. Cerberus infernalis triceps.
Whoever wants to know the right name and character of the prima materia should know that from the combination of the figures, syllables arise, from these the significant word or the universal character, which I have depicted above in the title, it is not included in such a simple insignificant adverse form as the philosophers have done, and yet it can be found clearly in it and composed from it very simply. This is the reason why I have only wanted to list these few characters, these are as lucioli, which must guide you in the true light of knowledge. And although I intended to reveal more here, I am prevented from doing so by the brevity of time, and especially because I am aware that such characters are not found in the print shops, and it would take too long to cast them, and thus it would be prevented that this new light may not rise at this fair, which I would not like to have in view of the time, which has now come that I would like to be beneficial to people in the few remaining years of my life: Therefore, I must break off, and meanwhile commend to you this chemical alphabet most highly, with the promise, if God would grant me grace, to add the few missing new figures on the first occasion. But it is, God knows, unnecessary, therefore, take until then with what is communicated to you, and trust in your soul’s salvation with the magical elements, twofold fires, with the menstruum and the universal medicine tripartite, prima materia, also the reduction of all metals into their three principles, and especially with this chemical alphabet, which will be useful both to the experienced and the incoming. Therefore, follow my teaching, do not forget God and your needy neighbor, and beware of your inner enemy.
Dear Reader, I have previously discussed and written, inspired by God’s special inspiration, how the Universal Medicine can be obtained through the Universal Menstruum. I have done my best to condense this information.
However, I would like to provide even shorter instructions and guidance on how the ancients maintained their health and reached old age.
Therefore, be aware that, although I can testify before God Almighty, who knows and tests all hearts, with a clear conscience that I have not written out of pride, vain glory, opinion, or arrogance, but from my own experience, I will still have to endure criticism from both the good and the wicked. The pious and intelligent disapprove of my clear writing: The wicked, who are not favored by the Almighty, will think that I have treated the subject too obscurely or will form other contrary opinions.
Even though the complaints of experienced and pious individuals should deter me, I am nevertheless moved by the pious and innocent-hearted lovers of wisdom, to whom I would gladly communicate my experiences. I am also concerned about those who have been led astray and labored in vain by many misleading chemical books.
Therefore, first know that all things from their essence are formed and made into such and such bodies through astral impressions and elementary actions. The elements are found in the metals, and not the metals in the elements. For the metallic seed is not as perceived as some foolishly imagine. And although the elements must work together in the formation of every body, they are not the philosophical prima materia or the astral seed; they are, however, a cause of generation and corruption, as corruption of one is the generation of another.
The ancient philosophers believed that all things were created out of hate or love, that is, out of sympathy and antipathy, from two opposing qualities of the elements, which perform these functions through a heavenly influence and especially astral impression. The elements are incorporated into the metals and minerals, hence they also have their qualities.
There are only two opposing qualities through which everything is generated and born. Fire is hot and dry; its opposite is the cold, moist element water. Air is moist and warm, and its opposite is the dry, cold earth. Since no body can be found without the four elements, and the elements are incorporated into all things, there is thus a contrariety in every element. For these reasons, all things are perishable and destructible. When two opposing things stand in one subject, there is a constant conflict until one part receives external elemental assistance, so the opposing part must immediately give way, yielding to the stronger and granting it victory. This results in the corruption or separation of the whole essence, so that a new form lies before our eyes, which has been generated by corruption.
The elements of metals are their three principal matrices: Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt. These are in constant conflict and enmity. Mercury, as a spirit, has enmity with salt, which represents the earth, and the fiery Sulphur, as fire, is opposed to water, namely the moisture of Mercury. Mercury represents two elements, air and water.
These three matrices or metallic elements have their nourishment from our material, visible, and tangible elements, contending in their mortal house until the appointed time when one element, with external help, assists the other and suppresses it because it is not helped by its own kind.
When a man has one element dominating within him, he falls into a severe illness. First, his fat, as the Sulphur, then also his flesh and blood must decrease and die unless he receives proper restitution in the suffering or ruling element and a proper harmony is re-established. On the other hand, a physician must necessarily know which principle or element governs the patient and which one is suffering.
Just as with the microcosm, so it is with metals and minerals. When one element is strengthened, it suppresses and destroys the opposite element, resulting in corruption and separation. Whoever can capture the metallic Sulphur, as the soul or fire, during this corruption, has won the glory of this world.
This fire is of two kinds, and you must pay particular attention that, as the two elements have their two enemies, they can be the cause of the entire corruption. Likewise, the wise have two elements or rather receptacles of the elements through which they augment and strengthen one element and thus destroy the other.
You have heard from my previous tract that the philosophers use two opposing elements in the dissolution of all metals, which I then called two fires: a sympathetic burning Hermaphroditic fire and a cold metallic fire.
The fiery element, or the soul of the metals, is their Sulphur. The cold fire is Mercury, which is called the water of metals and is reduced by salt.
Further, remember that all things are to be destroyed by that from which they originated and to which they shall return, namely Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt.
The Sulphur of the metals has its own Sulphur, through which it must be strengthened and ignited, so that it may maintain its dominion. This cannot happen unless the water yields to the fire, namely the watery Mercury to its fiery Sulphur. Common Sulphur and Nitre are both powerful fires, but very great enemies. If you can reconcile these and then ignite a metallic Sulphur through their fiery spirit, no one but God can prevent you from obtaining health and wealth. This is what I have reserved for myself, but it is still for the best of those who are chosen and inclined to do good.
You can also destroy metals by increasing salt through a mineral and tartaric salt, as I have drawn out at length, but it does not serve to obtain the metallic Sulphur, which is the soul of all metals. This must first be captured with great care by its kind, namely through the two opposing burning fires, called Sulphur and Nitre, sometimes understood as one.
However, to have knowledge of the cold metallic fire, know that it is nothing but the Mercury of Saturn, which amalgamates with the metals and, with the help of the aforementioned fiery double element, can be calcined in fire.
Now you have received a clear, even exceedingly clear, report from me on how all metals are born from astral siderial impressions and elementary actions from Sulphur and Mercury. Thus, metals are nourished, live, and die again by the elements, meaning they must be brought back to their first essence.
Metals cannot do without the elements, and philosophers only have two elements, each having an enemy. These two elements are fire and water, namely Mercury and Sulphur. From these two, through salt, everything has become an element and must therefore be destroyed again by Sulphur and Mercury and brought to a Sulphur, etc. These are now the magical elements that destroy everything and reveal a new birth. This, I say, is the dry first solution, which I have written about extensively at the beginning.
The second moist solution is done through the Mercury of Saturn, which I have called the soul of the world. For just as Saturn is the first planet in the sky and is called the father of all planets, so is earthly Saturn the first. All metals have their origin from him and can be found in all. Therefore, I have rightly called his spirit the spirit of the world.
Before I proceed further with this second solution, I must inform you from a sincere heart that the philosophers not only have two magical elements, two Mercuries, and two Saturns, but also only two metals.
As for the two Mercuries, I intend to instruct you in all truth, without deception, on how to handle such matters.
First, know that when philosophers speak of their Mercury, you should not understand the common one at all. Their Mercury is a metallic one, namely the Mercury of metals, which is hot and dry, moist and cold. The common Mercury, however, is hot in its entire essence, therefore it cannot be considered or taken for the Mercury of philosophers. The common Mercury carries the seed of silver in itself. However, their Mercury has the Sulphur of the Sun in metallic form and property, obtained from the Creator of heaven and earth. It is a solar magnet, just as the common Mercury can be called a lunar magnet. This is evidenced by Mercury with its half-moon, by which they have distinguished and separated it from the right solar Mercury. These two quicksilvers can be recognized by their smoke, which is their Sulphur. However, one must also observe how volatile, firm, or unfirm they are, how quickly or slowly they can be sublimed and precipitated. This is the correct method for identifying the two Mercuries.
And know further, just as nature has generated two Mercuries, a lunar and a solar, so can such a Mercury be prepared by art from the two purest bodies. Moreover, what is more, a living Mercury can also be made from the half-metals like antimony, bismuth, or arsenic, which particularly belong to medicine. Although these are used in medicine, they cannot be considered or extracted as the Mercury of philosophers since Mercury is the universal menstruum and has been born twice from Mercury. Understand, first from the lunar, then from the solar. This Mercury can rightly be called a double Mercury. The lunar Mercury can also be driven and distilled from the saturnal body with easier effort, having the same nature and property as the lunar Mercury itself. For through Saturn, the Moon is generated. And just as a lunar Mercury can be brought from Saturn, so a hot solar Mercury can be made from the mineral of Venus through tartar and sal ammoniac, which, although they possess the highest purity, must nevertheless promote the work so far. Whoever knows how to reduce the Mercury of cold Saturn and the Mercury of hot Venus into an oil has obtained the universal menstruum and the solid key with which all Sulphurs can be brought to potability. But to the matter.
Know further that for the reasons mentioned, the philosophers have not unjustly had two Saturns. For under the aforementioned double Mercurial spirit, they understand the two Saturns from which the two Mercuries and, subsequently, the spirit have been drawn and distilled. Many have called lead gold and gold lead. This is the philosopher’s lead and has been unknown to the world until now.
The second lead is also the philosopher’s lead, but it is recognized by all. It is rich in silver, etc. However, the golden lead is rarely seen among the metals. In the apothecaries, it is traded under its incorrect name, despite its white and even silver color, it is scarcely valued. It is heavy in weight, both spiritually and bodily, comparable to arsenic, as it is born from it and its brothers and is related to each other on the collateral line.
Just as arsenic is related to arsenic, so it also has a relationship with this hidden lead of the ancient wise, who also used only two metals for the great magistery.
Therefore, I will let it rest and bring my experience with the two metals of the ancient wise to light.
The philosophers say that only the first and the last metal are to be considered as a metal, namely a metal used for the art and promotion of the universal medicine.
The first metal is the true seed of metals, for from it the advancing metallic seed and Sulphur can be clearly brought to light. Such a metal is found in the mineral of Saturn, is a root of perfect and imperfect metals, is endowed with a special saturnal spirit, looks like a mineral of Mercury, is called the lead of the wise, and the philosopher’s azoth, from which the milk of the Virgin is distilled and has a benevolent property.
The last metal is called the last metal because it has reached a ripe perfection and end. However, the end of all metals is gold, beyond which nature works nothing in metals but must pause and stand still until the ruling art comes to its aid. This goes so far in our time, yet also through nature, that from the solar body a transparent diaphoretic body is formed, which the philosophers call vitrification. This is the noblest that nature and art can accomplish and work. How to make this vitrification, I cannot describe here in detail because it would turn this compendium into a large volume. However, so that it does not seem that I want to keep this for myself and, like the ancient wise, take it with me to the grave, pay attention.
Take this fiery magical element, composed of two hellish opposing materials, namely Sulphur and Nitre. With this hellish consuming fire, begin at the end of nature, that is, dispute and calcine the otherwise invincible gates of the solar fortress, namely gold. Ignite a fire where one Sulphur ignites the other, and when that happens, the element of fire, which is the second principle in the solar body, dominates. The fire in gold is called Sulphur and the soul. When the fire takes over, the watery element, namely the moist liquid Mercury, must flee to its star. And since the mercurial spirit is a binder of souls and is called a bond that connects the body with the soul, the first separation and division of the soul and body occur. The other cold metallic fire, extracted from a mineral unprocessed Saturn, called Mercury of Saturn, must also be used here.
This saturnal Mercury, made from unprocessed and unmelted lead, does not burn like common Mercury, but has an earthy dry quality. Therefore, it can help coat the Sulphur of the Sun so that it does not burn and flee with its Mercury. When gold is amalgamated with a Mercury of Saturn, it becomes porous, and the hellish fire can calcine the solid body much faster and better and ignite the solar fire from all sides and turn it into ashes. From these, with clear heavenly dew, the Sulphur is extracted, and from the remaining body, after proper reverberation, the precious medicinal salt is obtained, of which the wise have said: ”Salt of metals is the philosopher’s stone.”
Another philosopher says: ”If God had not created the salt, the philosopher’s stone could not be made.” This salt must be clarified with the spirit of wine as required. When that is done, it is united with its Sulphur and imbued with the spirit of the world, that is, with the spirit distilled from the Mercury of Saturn, putrefied and fixed in a single glass and oven, thus completing the great work up to fermentation and augmentation. It is a universal medicine for all diseases. Whoever enjoys it will receive the renewal of his spirit and strengthening of all his waning powers.
And whoever wants to know how and when to apply this medicine, I will refer to the books of philosophers and stick to my proposal.
The kind reader will undoubtedly be greatly amazed at my clear and thorough report, which I have given in the repetition, especially regarding the cold Mercury of Saturn and the hellish magical fiery element, without which nothing fruitful can be accomplished in the entire chemical science. To this, the answer shall be that, although I have brought many clear and more detailed than any philosopher ever written, there is still a little I have withheld, namely, how to make such a precious Mercury from an unprocessed brittle mineral Saturn and how to turn it into a red spirit. This can only be done through a single way and means. I have indeed kindled a light on this matter, but I hope that if God does not grant it, no one will understand or grasp it. This is one thing that I cannot and may not report in print.
Secondly, I have not only partially concealed the preparation of the cold metallic fire but also the preparation of the fiery magical key, which, as you have understood many times, is prepared from two opposing contending fires, namely Sulphur and Nitre. Although they are both hellish contending fires, they must nevertheless be united and produce one effect.
How this purification happens, pray to God for the enlightenment of your mind. I have done my duty and revealed more than enough in this little book. The reason is the love of my neighbor, whom I would like to encourage with my modest experience and guide on the right path. For what good is my knowledge to me? What good is the buried talent? Truly nothing. In consideration of this, I have been moved to such clear descriptions of the truth, especially since I have felt in my heart that knowing nothing means that no one else knows it either.
Secondly, it is also right and just that all that is good should be shared, namely with those who have united and sworn with the philosophers and are among their number. To others, however, who are outside, everything happens through parables, so they hear but do not understand, see but do not perceive. One should not throw pearls before swine, for they will trample them underfoot and disregard them.
One thing that might cause you great confusion regarding the two Saturns or Mercuries, I should not overlook here. Therefore, pay special attention to my report.
Earlier, you understood that a Mercury can be made from the Moon and also from the cold saturnal stone, and that this is particularly suitable for the work of the wise.
Secondly, that a solar Mercury can also be made from the mineral of Venus, which is endowed with a solar Sulphur. Therefore, I called it Mercury of the Sun at that time because it is used for the generation of the Sun.
Thirdly, although I have used the Mercury of Saturn for the destruction of gold, understand that the red Mercury can also be used with greater and better benefit in the lunar white tincture. And just as one cannot go from one extreme to the other without a means, so one cannot come to the red tincture without first attaining the white. Now, the kind reader can resolve his doubt and think that I am not writing here about the universal generali, but only about a mere universal.
The universal generali is born from a double Mercury, as I mentioned earlier, animated and fermented with a solar Sulphur, fixed with the constant salt of gold, and further augmented in quantity and quality through two other Sulphurs. The quality, as a life, is nourished by Sulphur; the quantity is augmented by the aforementioned Mercury, which carries not only the nature and power of the Venusian property but also the nature of the mineral cold Saturn with it, thus compared to a double Mercury and called a twofold Mercury, to which all qualities are attributed. It has the quality of Venus regarding the hot Sulphur and the coldness regarding Saturn.
The kind-hearted, inclined lover should let all doubts go and believe in my experience in truth. You may do whatever you wish, but you cannot accuse me of lying because I did not compile this from other books to perhaps make a name for myself, but experienced it through hands-on work, and subsequently understood what I should have known before. To the inclined lover, however, the fundamental explanation of the secret of all the wise is given, which I described earlier but in this repetition have summarized in the briefest possible way, so that you should read this repetition frequently and repeat it until you have learned everything by heart.
And since I know that my little treatise cannot be attacked, it will be purchased everywhere out of fear and hatred and envy, so few will have it at hand. I will take my part from it and know what I have done and what I still have to do. Meanwhile, I will conclude my repetition regarding the two magical elements of the menstruum or double Mercury and stop discussing the medicine that exists in the mineral kingdom.
Therefore, be content with the magical elements, the menstruum, and the universal medicine, with the prima materia, through which each metal can be brought into its three principal things and thereby the true potable gold must be made. The prima materia has been presented to you in German words, as well as the two elements or fiery keys so clearly that you cannot desire them more clearly.
May the eternal, merciful Creator of heaven and earth, the first and the last, who holds the keys of heaven and hell, enlighten the minds and reason of the worthy and humble and close and lock the understanding and will of the godless, proud, and greedy so that nothing evil may arise from my sincere intention, but all good may be worked herewith, to the praise and glory of His holy name, for the best of our neighbor and for the salvation and well-being of our own souls.
Dear Reader, Since in my previous work I made certain obligations which could benefit and serve the kind-hearted reader, and otherwise promised to produce and manufacture the true irreducible Aurum Potabile, so that those in need of it as a universal medicine could find and have it; and because I decided to settle in a particular place for specific thoughtful reasons, meanwhile, to fulfill my obligations and promises accordingly, I should fairly inform the kind reader where I can be found. Due to lack of obligations and promises it would be powerless and appear as mere boasting.
Therefore, the kind-hearted reader is informed here, although I will not be found in Cologne, where I have stayed for a considerable time, he can still learn of my presence from Jacob Hansen, whose name is known at the post offices there and to many enthusiasts in various places.
The reason I wish to remain unknown is that I intend to retire. Meanwhile, Aurum Potabile will be available in Cologne from the said Jacob Hansen, which has been made from the true lion’s blood. When the king reduces his beginnings, and the sulfur or soul of the sun is present, it must be resolved into an oil through the friendly philosophical spirit without noise or burning or heating, etc. Thus, with the help of the spirit of wine, Aurum Potabile is made, otherwise without it, the tincture can be made by Vulcan, but the salt of gold must be present, which can easily be obtained from a dead body, where the soul has departed, so that besides the initial things, a fourth can be seen, which I usually call the earthly curse and the peccant matter, or the receptacle of its own evil and others’ good.
Here, through such separation from the solar sulfur through the universal menstruum, a tincture is drawn, which cannot be reduced to its previous form for all eternity. The soft metallic body must have its hardness and flexibility from its salt; here, however, it is all soul and the spirit of Hermes, etc. Therefore, our solution or irreducible Aurum Potabile should be mentioned here in truth: Therefore, the inclined reader should believe me and not doubt, to obtain a tincture through this: But give the glorified fiery soul its own clarified body and salt again and bring this spirited spirit through the salt into the hardness, so that the spiritual becomes bodily...
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... and you will see what the Almighty will give you if you wait with patience and caution, to whom you should attribute the honor alone, for I am nothing more than a calling voice in the desert world, announcing to you the light, wisdom, wealth, and health to be gained. The light, however, is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all things,
the beginning without a beginning, and the end without an end. Grant to all those who have obtained the beginning of this wisdom from you a blessed effect, for your honor and the salvation of their souls, so that those who have their beginning from the Alpha, may henceforth enjoy your Omega without end, your infinite goodness for eternity, and praise, honor, and thank you, Amen.
Hoc dico.
Dear Reader, Here comes a brief writing before your eyes, which is not new, but where the treatise of the excellent JOH. de MONTE - SNYDERS is composed in a few basic rules. I do not seek any fame through it; therefore, I have not fully written my name. If I have done something good, it is mostly that I have thoughtfully compiled the rules while always retaining the words of the blessed philosopher. I own this: out of love for my neighbor, I have clearly revealed the most important points in a few words, which few are accustomed to doing. Let everyone judge me as they will; it will not affect me. For surely, time will reveal that most of my thoughts have been directed towards promoting the honor of the Highest and the beneficial use of my neighbor. If God grants me further grace, it will be sufficiently shown in a short time. However, regarding the highest metallic transformation, as I have previously thought, I have not yet seen anything, as such things can indeed be hindered by divine direction when one is almost at the goal, as all diligent naturalists must admit. Meanwhile, I praise the excellent writings of Joh. de Monte - Snyders on Spagyrics, for I know their worth. I do not have more to say because boasting of great things contradicts divine order. Accept, dear reader, this work, and soon expect the publication of another treatise, namely Joh. de Monte Snyders’ Metamorphosis of the Planets, for I will diligently ensure that such good writing also sees the light of day. My wish is to serve every Spagyric lover, as those who know me must testify. God, you know why I particularly love the study of medicine. I seek your honor and my neighbor’s benefit; you have shown me much grace in a short time. If you will, let me use this knowledge for greater well-being and live contentedly, if it pleases you. Dear reader, may God also satisfy you; remember while reading this that the one who seeks to serve his neighbor is not to be mocked. Given on June 3, 1678.
Through the exploration of natural sciences and chemical sciences, one can best serve oneself and one’s neighbor. When God enlightens someone through the Spirit of Truth to discover hidden and secret things in natural sciences, they should not bury their received talents but use them for the greatest good.
To walk in the light of nature, one must endeavor (1) to have a pure and unblemished conscience, (2) to have a strong holy intention, (3) to be unassuming, (4) to be discreet, (5) to have a steadfast and (6) sober life, for in such a one, the Spirit of God dwells. Outside of divine grace, nothing fruitful is to be hoped for in natural and chemical science.
Chemistry finds or makes a pious person, for the closer one comes to understanding temporal and transitory things, the closer they come to the Creator and knowledge of Him. The better one understands their Creator and all things, the more fervently they love Him and strive to conform to Him.
Ask God with a pure heart to let the true light of wisdom shine upon you, for the eternal truth has commanded to ask and also promised to give.
I. The first foundations of all corporeal things are the four elements, which take their beginning from the superior ones; from them, all elemental things originate.
II. When the elemental things are corrupted, they dissolve back into the elements.
III. None of the visible elements exist purely by themselves but are mixed to a greater or lesser extent, and one can be transformed into another.
IV. This transformation occurs through the contrary and agreeing qualities of the elements.
V. Through contrary qualities arises antipathy or strife; through agreeing ones, as if by sympathy, arises assistance and victory.
VI. Each elemental thing is destroyed by its own contrary and agreeing qualities and thus resolved back into its elements in another form.
VII. There are only two contrary qualities through which everything is generated and born. Fire is hot and dry; its contrary is the cold moist element of water. Air is moist and warm; its contrary is the cold dry earth.
VIII. Since no body can be found without the four elements and the elements are corporeal in all things, there is a contrariety in every elemental thing. For these reasons, all things are perishable and destructible.
IX. When two contrary things exist in one subject, it is a perpetual conflict until one part gains aid from its external element and the other must yield, making way for the stronger part and conceding victory. This results in a corruption or separation of the entire essence, presenting a new form generated by the corruption.
X. When an element dominates in a person, they fall into a severe illness, where firstly, their fat, as the sulfur, then their flesh and blood diminish and must die unless the afflicted and dominating element is duly restored and true harmony is reestablished. Therefore, a physician must necessarily know which principle or element governs in the patient and which one suffers.
XI. Know that all things are formed and made into bodies from three substances by an astral impression and elemental action.
XII. The elements are found in metals, not metals in the elements, for the metallic seed is not as distant as some fools imagine.
XIII. Although the elements must cooperate in the formation of every body, they are not the Philosophical Materia Prima, but rather the astral seed. They are, however, a cause of generation and corruption, and all destruction is a cause of new generation.
XIV. The elements of metals are their burning matrices, mercury, sulfur, and salt. These are in constant conflict and enmity. For mercury, as an aerial spirit, bears enmity with salt, which represents the earth, and the hot sulfur, as fire, is opposed to the moisture of mercury.
XV. The three matrices or elements of metals derive their nourishment from our material, visible, and tangible elements. They fight in their mortal house until the appointed time when one element, through external air, becomes too strong for the other and suppresses it, since no help is given from its kind.
XVI. Depending on how the qualities in the elemental things accord, they are either firm or unfirm, that is, difficult or easy to dissolve.
XVII. Without corruption, no resurrection, glorification, or multiplication can be hoped for.
XVIII. Corruption is the highest degree and first beginning of a new generation and multiplication.
XIX. Destruction and corruption occur only with things from which the material itself has originated and to which it must return. For in everything, the cause of its birth is also the cause of its destruction.
XX. Whoever wants to multiply the seed of metals or otherwise prepare a universal medicine must extract the seed from the metal they wish to multiply or create through the help of the astral universal seed, which is a mercurial spirit and sulfuric soul.
XXI. The principal thing in chemical science is the reduction or destruction into the Materia Prima, namely into its original components. This happens in a short time through the Materia Prima and magical fire, which are the philosophical elements and keys to salvation.
XXII. The philosophers have only two metals from which the great work and universal are made. One is called the first, the other the last metal.
XXIII. The first metal is that where the metallic nature begins and is called Materia Prima, for it has obtained the advancing metallic seed in metallic form and property from heavenly influence for the first time. Such a metal is found in the Minera Saturni, a root of perfect and imperfect metals, like a Minera Mercurii, called the lead of the wise and the philosopher’s Azoth, from which they distill the Lac Virginis, having a beneficial property.
XXIV. The other, as the last metal, is where nature ceases to work and must stand still, having no further progress. This happens in gold, for it is the end of all metals. Nature can bring no metal further or higher.
XXV. Where nature stops and ceases, art begins and makes nature its servant. Nature must obey art and serve it when art uses natural means.
XXVI. It is known that much fire overcomes water as its enemy and drives it into the air. Conversely, much water extinguishes the fire.
XXVII. Know that if one strengthens the mercury of metals through its kind, separation must soon occur in the metallic sulfur and salt.
XXVIII. Similarly, when the sulfur of metals and minerals is excessively fed and ignited by sulfur, the bond weakens, and the binding spirit, namely the mercurial water, due to the excess of fire, must dry up and partially transform into another element agreeing with its quality, which the nearest element then absorbs and transforms into its nature.
XXIX. When the soul is dilated and freed from its bonds, it fights against its own body. If you do not help the body immediately, the soul will also leave this earthly body and resolve into another element, namely air.
XXX. One element always destroys and generates another element. This happens continuously, even in the mountains, otherwise no improvement could follow.
XXXI. It is certain that all things must be destroyed by what they are made of and where they shall return, namely mercury, sulfur, and salt.
XXXII. Without the three secret fires, philosophers and chemists can never achieve an irreversible solution for eternity.
XXXIII. The first fire must melt the metal.
XXXIV. One fire has a sympathy with the metallic fire, igniting the metallic sulfur and increasing the fire element in the metallic body.
XXXV. The third fire is a cold metallic fire, almost like mercury, as it penetrates the metal like a spirit, promotes the sympathetic fire so that it can penetrate the whole and ignite the anima at all ends, makes the metal porous, opens and closes, is the beginning and the end, the first and last key in sum. It is the foundation of the whole work, to be regarded as the Menstruum Universale and even the Materia Prima itself.
XXXVI. The double metallic fire has contrary qualities in itself, being cold and warm, moist and dry. In this dry liquid, from which the Mercurius Philosophorum is prepared, all metals melt very easily.
XXXVII. Common sulfur and nitrum are both powerful fires but great enemies. Whoever reconciles them and can then ignite a metallic sulfur with their fiery spirit, none but God can prevent him from achieving health and wealth. This dry solution can occur in a short time in open fire.
XXXVIII. By increasing the sympathetic fire, the metallic fire is ignited, bringing about a destruction. The fire salt protects the soul from the burning fire, but one must take certain signs into account, otherwise the material will become an electro.
XXXIX. The soul’s magnet is the salt. In this bond, the other two main elements are captured.
XL. Where the metallic sulfur is extracted, its finest mercury is also drawn out because one is always the magnet of the other and very unwillingly separates.
XLI. Sulfur and mercury are closely related, which the ancients symbolized by the cross in their character. Both are volatile fiery spirits.
XLII. The wise have always understood the soul by sulfur and the spirit by mercury. As these two can hardly be separated, spirit and anima cannot be divided without harm.
XLIII. Through sulfur, the fat is understood, and through mercury, the air.
XLIV. Nitrum and sulfur are particularly attached to metals and are related to them in a collateral line. For the spirit of nitrum and sulfur attacks all metals and can turn them into vitriol.
XLV. Tartarus, which is compared to the earth in the rationale of the cube and called a vegetative field, has a special sympathy with the salt of metals, through which the metallic seed or sulfur can be protected against its enemies.
XLVI. The enemy of all seeds is the burning fire, and the fire of tartar is common sal ammoniac.
XLVII. The life of all things consists in the fire, which lives and moves within and out of itself.
XLVIII. The mineral fire found in Minera Saturni is, in and of itself, the Materia Prima.
XLIX. The best separation of metals is when sulfur is first extracted, and finally the salt, which is done through the help of the Wise’s Azoth and the ignition of a magical fire that has sympathy with the metal. This separation and division can occur in a short time in open fire.
L. The MENSTRUUM UNIVERSALE is an astral fire, which takes the form of a dry and simultaneously moist metallic water and is extremely heavy and yet volatile. Thus, the Menstruum Universale of the philosophers cannot mix with anything except what derives from its own blood and nature.
LI. The Wise’s Ruha is a means to unite salt and sulfur. For the Menstruum Universale is the true separator and chemist, which separates the impurities of the metallic sulfur for the second time. This air is called a hermaphrodite in the philosophical work due to its received vitality.
LII. The Menstruum Universale is truly called the Spirit of Life, for it kills and makes alive, being a glorious resurrection of all metals.
LIII. The Mercurius Philosophorum purifies itself with the tincture of dry sulfur such that the solution cannot be separated from the solvent, for they have entered each other like water into water.
LIV. It is impossible to achieve any particular or universal without the Spirit of the World, for which the spirit of the double saturnian mercury is used in its place to bring about or perfect it.
LV. The Menstruum Universale is not unlike a double mercurial water, also called spiritus acidus and double corrosive, and is also called a saturnian mercurial spirit.
LVI. The Menstruum Universale is born twice from mercury, namely from a lunar one and then from a solar one. This can be rightly called a double mercury.
LVII. When the Venus prepared and fundamentally inverted according to art has become a mineral, the true virgin milk and the permanent water can be easily prepared with the help of the Philosopher’s sal ammoniac, which is the true upright Menstruum Universale, the true hermaphroditic spirit, the double mercury, the only medium for uniting anima with corpore.
LVIII. Whoever intends to achieve the dry and wet solution must particularly pay attention to the quality of the elements and observe the sympathetic and cold metallic fire.
LIX. The dry solution happens through the magical elements in open fire. The other through the Menstruum Universale, which flows like wax.
LX. When a thing is once separated by force or art from its earthly curse or peccant matter, which was a matrix and domicile of both good and bad, it cannot be brought back together in the same harmony and form as before. Therefore, the radical solution of metals must be such that it cannot be reduced to its previous form by any means, yet it must retain the metallic nature and property.
LXI. The metallic property exists in all three principles, for sulfur ennobles, salt and mercury color both.
LXII. The MERCURIUS METALLORUM generally is a hot companion. Its true quality is moisture and warmth, thus having a concordance with the air, and the philosophers understand mercury itself under the element of air.
LXIII. Mercury is naturally volatile, spiritual, and corporeal like nitrum, which it especially is inclined to as a fire or spirit.
LXIV. Mercury contains much sulfur and no salt. The mineral fire in mercury is so strong that it must remain in a state of flux.
LXV. Mercury, as a spirit, penetrates and traverses the other two principles, namely salt and sulfur, which it also unites and binds firmly through natural warmth.
LXVI. The mercury mentioned is not the Mercurius Philosophorum but the common mercury of metals, which, in the great work, contributes little and minor advancement. However, if it is specially prepared, it performs masterfully and well. Thus, mercury can be prepared from metals and semi-metals like antimony, bismuth, or arsenic through the help of tartar and sal ammoniac. Though these mercuries are suitable for medicine, they cannot be compared to the Mercurius Philosophorum.
LXVII. When philosophers speak of their mercury, they do not mean the common one, for their mercury is a metallic mercury, hot and dry, moist and cold, while the common mercury is hot in its entire essence. Therefore, it cannot be regarded or used as the Mercurius Philosophorum.
LXVIII. All sulfurs are impure, fiery, and combustible unless helped by art.
LXIX. Everything that burns is sulfur and must be recognized as such.
LXX. All sulfurs have a similar nature, carrying a pure oil and readily evaporating in warmth, penetrating due to their fiery nature like a gust or mercury, promoting sweat, uniting with the sulfur of nature’s archeus, enjoying its kind, drying out, purifying, and healing exceedingly.
LXXI. Sulfur gives nourishment and growth to all things.
LXXII. The metallic sulfurs resist corruption, especially when strengthened with their own salt. They do this much more splendidly, depending on the strength and nature of what they are extracted from.
LXXIII. Salt is the conservation, stability, and induration of all things, particularly protecting against corruption. Therefore, nature has added it to all pure elemental things as a companion and protector.
LXXIV. Salt is the most enduring principle, maintaining the other two in their essence and state.
LXXV. Salt is of an earthly nature; the wise’s earth is salt. It is indestructible, incombustible, and invincible.
LXXVI. The ancient philosophers compared salt to divine majesty, attributing divine power to it due to its mighty virtues and calling it an electrum.
LXXVII. If God Almighty had not ordained salt as a protector of the weaker principles of sulfur and mercury, His creation would have had to perish and be reduced to nothing.
LXXVIII. It is a fundamental truth that if God Almighty had not created salt, the Philosopher’s Stone could not be made, for the preservation and shaping are done by salt alone.
LXXIX. The salt of metals is a high medicine. What mercury and sulfur accomplish in medicine, salt undertakes to improve and surpass the others. This happens because it dissolves easily, distributes itself, and thus protects the human sulfur and vital spirit from all harm.
LXXX. Vitriol is the salt of Venus and the salt of all metals. It has a vitriolic taste and appearance, and this metallic salt should be crystallized with the spirit of wine as appropriate.
LXXXI. Tartarus improves metals, making them malleable, as it agrees with metallic salt.
LXXXII. The philosophical Materia contains all the concentrated power of metals.
LXXXIII. Without knowledge of the true philosophical Materia, nothing fruitful can be achieved in chemical science.
LXXXIV. The greatest error of chemists comes from underestimating our Materia, which is despised by many. Just as the weak are separated from the healthy, so is our Materia far removed from medicine.
LXXXV. The philosophical Materia Prima is a double-armed and armed Saturn, and in truth, a double mercury with its own sulfur. From this, all metals are born and generated, for within it lies the highly valued medicine.
LXXXVI. Metals are distinguished only by the abundance of sulfurs and salts, and besides the three principles, all metals have an impurity called the terrestrial curse.
LXXXVII. Common Saturn is of terrestrial cold nature, surpassing all metals in the amount of its defective salt, having much mercury and little good sulfur. These are full of impurities inherent in their matrix. This impurity causes the Anima Mundi to make a very weak connection between the three initial things, which can be easily extracted from such a weak and mortal body.
LXXXVIII. Those who try to extract salt from Saturn after calcination are greatly deceived, especially if they use the common effigy and not the Wise’s Azoth. Those who do not know this obtain no salt but only pure Saturn and are thus deceived.
LXXXIX. The salt of Saturn is extremely cold, and while its sulfur is also watery, it is warm. This discord destroys the constancy of cold Saturn.
XC. The salt of Saturn is warmed and brought to a good temperament by two parts of its own properly prepared sulfur.
XCI. Many hope to attain their salvation from cold Saturn because the great work is attributed to it. They may remain in their opinion until they realize the qualities of Saturn. The Materia of the wise is solar and hot, while Saturn is lunar, as its character indicates.
XCII. Many have called lead gold and gold lead. This is the philosopher’s lead, and it is still unknown to the world. The second lead is also the wise’s lead, but not recognized by all. It is rich in silver, while the golden lead is rarely seen among metals. In the apothecaries, it is traded under its incorrect name. Despite its white and high yellow color (hidden within), it is of little value, being heavy in weight, spiritual, and corporeal, comparable to arsenic, from which it and its brothers are born, related to each other like arsenic to arsenic.
XCIII. The double Saturn is the enemy, foe, and death of all metals. It is also their resurrection and life. This is a true devourer of children, a father, brother, sister, friend, and foe, and a destroyer of all planets. Therefore, such Saturn is depicted with double scythes.
XCIV. Antimony is a magnificent saturnian mineral. Those who recognize that almost no other mineral equals it in extraordinary powers need no further instruction.
XCV. Jupiter, after its preparation, is endowed with a clear, airy, sweet salt and lunar sulfur.
XCVI. Jovial medicines have a particular influence on the liver and cure it and all ailments arising from it.
XCVII. Jupiter does not compare to lead at all, nor to the Materia Prima.
XCVIII. Mars has a hot solar sulfur, though externally white, internally red. Its salt is thus tempered and animated by its sulfur that it poses significant challenges to the volatile robber.
XCIX. The salt of Mars can constantly coagulate and fix mercury, especially when the old Saturn comes to its aid with its dual weapons.
C. Without the help and assistance of double Saturn, Mars can achieve nothing significant or heroic against its enemies or in favor of its friends.
CI. The stubborn Mars joins forces with Saturn through the magical elements, which are the philosophical elements and keys to salvation.
CII. Mars governs and conquers the (philosophical) world, trampling it underfoot. It is the scourge of the world, disciplining its inhabitants and improving their sinful behavior.
CIII. Martial medicines cure all defects originating from the gall and benefit the heart and liver greatly.
CIV. Those who do not know or understand the qualities of iron are not knowledgeable in art. Those who do not know how to destroy Mars through what is hidden within it and bring it to its Materia Prima will find no assistance from the martial invincible warlord in their chemical endeavors.
CV. Gold is the purest, finest, and most perfect metal, in which the qualities of the elements best concord, as shown by its destruction through the philosophical elements.
CVI. It is impossible to achieve the universal generalissimo without the three initial things of gold.
CVII. The Materia Prima is rightly called a solar magnet because it attracts a solar body from gold, and gold, in turn, consistently attracts the sulfuric soul of the Materia Prima to itself.
CVIII. To corrupt gold as a pure body, an element within it must dominate and overpower its enemy, suppress it, or completely triumph over it. This is done through the help of agreeing qualities of its kind.
CIX. When the king is reduced to his initial things and the sulfur or anima of the sun is at hand, it must be amicably resolved into an oil through the philosophical spirit, without noise, burning, or agitation. From this, a true potable gold is made by adding a highly rectified spirit of wine, but by adding metallic salt, the tincture is made.
CX. The sun is the life and heart of all planets. Therefore, it is rightly placed in the middle of the planets. Just as the heart in the human body moves and governs all limbs from the middle and is administered by all limbs, so the sun must share its light, shine, and glow with all other stars from the middle. Conversely, the sun is supported by the other planets on all sides. The sun is often strengthened and greatly clarified and ignited by the qualities of the assisting planets, particularly by the fiery Mars and hot Venus.
CXI. The philosophers say: Sol non tingit, nisi tingatur; for the philosophical king or gold has only a robe of honor. If he is to do good to his attendants and courtiers, enrich them, and bring them to high honors, he must first be adorned with metallic and venereal colors. Everything endowed with a red metallic sulfur is related to the sun and gladly ferments with the sulfur of the sun.
CXII. Gold is a specific cordial medicine but must first be freed from all impurities and earthly bonds, transformed into a clarified salt and illuminated soul, and finally made potable.
CXIII. Lustful Venus has an earthly body filled with solar sulfur, which, due to the fragility of its structure and impure dwelling, could not make a permanent habitation within it. When the body is destroyed, the soul must depart and leave its dwelling. Whoever knows how to feed, preserve, and eventually extract the soul from the calcined body through the magical elements in fire may rejoice in the light shining upon them.
CXIV. The sulfur with which Venus is clothed surpasses the solar sulfur in color, considering that the sulfur of Venus significantly improves the sulfur of the sun.
CXV. Although the body of Venus is contaminated with hideous filth, it still performs many magnificent effects and great wonders after preparation. Its medicinal power shows in kidney diseases, and its sulfur is a special cordial medicine.
CXVI. When Venus is transformed into a transparent glass, crystal, or ice through solution and reduction, it becomes an excellent medicine, especially serving the high work of the wise, particularly its soul, which should appear as a red, heavy oil.
CXVII. The MERCURIUS is placed on the second step of honor by all philosophers, although naturally proud and arrogant, raising itself above all stars to testify that its sign should be above, and it deserves the highest honor because the greatest secret of human health is found in it.
CXVIII. Mercury is sociable with all stars due to its astral seed, and the planet it joins is strengthened in its point. If it is malevolent, it becomes even more so; if it is good, it is improved by the union with mercury.
CXIX. Mercury is naturally hot and fiery in its entire being. The metallic fire in it is so powerful that its body must remain in a state of flux.
CXX. Although common mercury has many powerful medicinal properties, it is far from the Mercurius Philosophorum. The common mercury carries the seed of silver, while the philosophical mercury has the sulfur of the sun in metallic form and property, bestowed by the Creator of heaven and earth, and is a solar magnet, just as the common one can be called a lunar magnet.
CXXI. Make the visible invisible, strip mercury of its appearance and dignity, turn it into the earth from which it was born, and it will be able to rise more gloriously than before. Thus, it becomes an earthly poison. Then ask it, and it can show you the Materia Prima and the true key to the high work.
CXXII. By means of vitriol, mercury is transformed into an oil when it has first been turned into a mercurial water by the spirit of vitriol, which cannot happen without vitriol.
CXXIII. Mercury not only cures the lungs and defects arising from them after preparation but also, as a spirit, penetrates all limbs and restores them like a spiritual fire, which the mercurial antimony can also do.
CXXIV. Everything said about mercury should also partly be understood about Saturn, for they have a special concord with each other, to which those who intend to achieve victory in chemical strife must pay particular attention.
CXXV. When the fire of mercury is ignited by the conjunction of Venus, it is suited to warm cold Saturn, for the coagulation of mercury is found in Saturn.
CXXVI. The MOON is of a phlegmatic nature and partly concords with Saturn, as both are at the same distance from the sun.
CXXVII. The moon has a constant salt, which has constantly fixed its own mercury. This mercury has united the soul with the lunar body, namely the salt, in good concord.
CXXVIII. The moon itself provides little promotion to the universal fountain or the great work of the wise, due to the lack of a golden blood.
CXXIX. (content continues on the next page)
CXXIX. The moon does not contain anything solar by itself. However, through art, a hot solar sulfur can be added to the cold lunar substance to warm it, bathe it in solar rays, and tint it into true gold. This does not happen from the lunar part but from the fiery red sulfur.
CXXX. As stated, nothing solar can be drawn from the moon unless it has been brought into it beforehand. This is evident in the fixed moon when the blue watery sulfur is ignited and compacted by a solar sulfur, resulting in either a certain amount of gold or a fixed moon. This process cannot happen without adding a particular arsenical ingress.
CXXXI. Through the spirit of Saturn, which is essentialized with golden sulfurs, the moon can be transformed into gold.
CXXXII. (content continues on the next page)
CXXXII. Cinnabar is transformed into silver by means of a fiery body and metallic salt.
CXXXIII. The properly prepared lunar medicines can cure all defects of the brain and diseases caused by the bad influence of the moon.
CXXXIV. Precious stones originate from the astral prime mover, just like the highest and lowest metals. They correspond in color, sulfur, and other properties with the seven superior and inferior stars, executing their effects once freed from their earthly impurities.
CXXXV. The metallic medicines act on the primary limbs of the human body in the same way as the precious stones.
CXXXVI. Garnet is Saturnian, topaz is Jovian, ruby is Martian, carbuncle is solar, emerald is Venusian, crystal is Mercurial, and sapphire is lunar.
CXXXVII. (content continues on the next page)
CXXXVII. It is impossible to achieve a proper potability of the sulfurs, extracted in a special way from metals and precious stones, without the Saturnian spirit, which must be driven either from sugar or better from Mercury of Saturn with the help of the philosophical sal ammoniac.
CXXXVIII. Mercury governs the small world. Wine is also a vehicle for universal and particular medicine. The spirit of wine is not only a vegetable menstruum but also a mineral one, sharing a great affinity with the metallic sulfur. Therefore, potable gold cannot be made without it.
CXXXIX. The spirit of Mercury extracts the tincture from the sulfur of the sun, the innermost part of the soul. The spirit of wine extracts the innermost from this innermost, leaving behind feces that do not enter nor contribute to the tincture.
CXL. The spirit of wine is also a true dissolving menstruum, as evidenced by the experience with potable gold. This is inseparable from the first menstruum, like water from water.
CXLI. Just as the spirit of wine is considered a high menstruum and medicine, so too is tartar, whose spirit can be used to dissolve metals to some extent.
v CXLII. A liquorous menstruum or oil is prepared from tartar with the help of sulfur, extracting the tinctures and essences from all vegetables, especially when the spirit of living lime is incorporated into it. The spirit of wine can then extract the tincture from this menstruum, leaving the menstruum last. This oil’s ability to affect metals is still a question.
CXLIII. From the dragon alone, with the addition of the flying dragon, known to the philosophers as sal ammoniac, a very fiery secret spirit can be driven out, which should not be underestimated. Those who know how to feed this spirit with its like need no further instruction.
CXLIV. The universal medicine, which cures all metallic and human diseases, exists not only in all metals combined but also in gold and its magnet.
CXLV. The universal is prepared as follows: when the liquid spirit or mercury of the philosophers extracts the tincture from the dry solar sulfur and is combined with a refined metallic salt, a substance is produced through digestion and fixation, which is called the highest medicine by the philosophers.
CXLVI. The tincture is increased in quantity and quality. The quantity is achieved through the double Saturnian spirit, while the quality is augmented by two high sulfurs.
CXLVII. During the philosophical work, when the principles are united with the universal menstruum in liquid form, the regimen of fire must be carefully observed. A deficiency in natural heat leads to death and an untimely birth, producing an immature substance. The fire must be observed just as the hermetic seal (through sealing the vessel) must be well applied and firmly closed.
CXLVIII. The royal hall (or the vial) should also be clean or clear, so that nothing impure is introduced to the most subtle metallic essence.
CXLIX. Blessed is the one who is not misled by yellow-mouthed false laborers, process-mongers, and deceitful particularists, but always considers how to establish the foundation on which the building rests. Then his eyes will be opened, and he will distinguish the good processes from the false ones.
It remains indisputably true that the fear of the Lord, in the investigation of all good sciences, must be the beginning and the END.
Quote of the Day
“But because with philosophers gold is the most temperate body, having equal parts of hot, cold, moist and dry. Therefore it may with the more difficulty be corrupted and dissolved by reason of the equal agreement and proportion of the elements. Therefore there must a disagreement be made among the elements by contrary elements: and this discord makes a solution and mortification of the body: which being done there is made a cleansing mundification of Nature, which nevertheless cannot be done without a physical separation of the elements”
Marsilio Ficino
Book of the Chemical Art - Liber de Arte Chemica
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