Thesaurus & armamentarium medico-chymicum, or, A treasury of physick with the most secret way of preparing remedies against all diseases : obtained by labour, confirmed by practice, and published out of good will to mankind

Thesaurus & Armamentarium Medico-Chymicum OR A Treasury of Physick. WITH THE Most secret Way of Preparing REMEDIES Against all DISEASES. Obtained by Labour, confirmed by Practice, and published out of good will to Mankind. BEING A Work of great Use for the Publick. WRITTEN Originally in Latine by that Eminent Physician Hadrianus à Mynsicht, Com. Palat. Med. Phys.

And faithfully rendred into English by Iohn Partridge Physician to His Majesty.

LONDON, Printed by I. M. for Awnsham Churchill at the Black Swan near Amen Corner. 1682.

To the Honourable Lady Madam Frances Jenynes of St. Albans in the County of Hartford, Health and Happiness.

Honoured Madam,

THose many Favours that I have received by your generous Approbation of my unmeriting Endeavors were too considerable to be passed by without my remembrance, or immerged in the Gulf of Oblivion without my acknowledgment with thanks for the same; yet upon a review of what is done, methinks it appears so slender a piece of service, that I do indeed question your Acceptance. Yet I have ventured to present to your Ladiship's Patronage these few sheets as a digression

from my other Studies, and the Earnest of what I acknowledge my self in Arrears for your former Favours. Be pleased therefore, I beseech you, to accept my service, and pardon my presumption. The thing it self is really Foreign, only drest in an English Garb, but I fear not so fashionable as this captious Age may expect. However we are all bound by Nature to be Civil to Strangers: And seeing this is so, I presume to put it under your Protection, your Name being sufficient, but especially your verbal Commendation to give it a better Reception and Esteem among all Persons of Honour and Eminence, than he that is

YOUR LADISHIPS Humblest Servant, I. Partridge.


Friendly Reader,

I Here present thee with a Treatise in our own Language, that is, plain English, which I assure you is one of the best Pieces of its kind, and will, I question not, be serviceable to all those who understand not the Latine, and yet are willing to be acquainted with the Mystery of Physick; and therefore to omit all other Prolegomena's, I come to speak something to the Book in general and particular.

The Book is generally Chymical, and turned into as good English as the matter (without too much swelling the Book with impertinent words) would bear; and therefore for thy convenience and satisfaction I have added an Explanatory Table, to give the meaning of those words, which perhaps may not seem plain to every Reader, as Dysentery, Haemorrhage, Narcotick, Sudorisick, &c. But yet there are three or four words, which I do confess remain doubtful to me what English to give them; and therefore I have put them in the English, as I found them in the

Latine, that those who pretend to be Learned, may give their own sence of them. And the first is Sem. Cinae, mentioned in the Powder called Species Diamercurii, and in the Water called Aqua contra Vermes. The second is Antiphyllorum, mentioned in the Powder called Species Diajovis, and in the Marmelada Hysterica. The third is Boletus Cervinus, mentioned in the Species Diaveneris, Confectio Satyrii, Confectio Pacifica, and divers other Medicines: so that did I not think it a piece of modesty or honesty to translate them into such words as my Iudgment thought most congruous, there being no Authority for it but Opinion, and in so doing I should have abused both Reader and Author; and therefore I fairly expose them to every Reader that either is, or thinks himself able to give the true meaning of them.

Fourthly, In that Medicine called Morsuli Martiales, the Author hath prescribed half an ounce of Oyl of Cinamon, which I judge should be but half a dram; for half an ounce of that Oyl will cost of it self about forty shillings or three pound, and so make the Medicine too chargeable for common use: Hence I conclude it a mistake of the Printer, putting half an ounce for half a dram; yet I have in the English followed the Latine Prescript.

Fifthly, The Species Confectio Anacardinae being the first Ingredient mentioned in the Composition

of the Water called Aqua Xyloaloe, is a Composition of it self, and may be found in the Dispensatory of Valerius Cordus, pag. 83.

Sixthly, In several places of this Book the Author commands things to be duly gathered, as Peony in the Aqua Epileptica, in the Spiritus Vini Cephalicus, in the Elixir Poeoniae, and other places; there is no more designed by that, but to gather them Astrologically, in the hour of that Planet governing the same, the Planet at the same time being strong, also Angular, and every way fortified if possible.

Thou hast three several Tables; The first, of the Sections, in which thou mayst see the general Heads and Matter of the whole Book: The second, of all the distinct Medicines Alphabetically set down under the Letter beginning the first word of the Medicine, as Oleum Balsami under O, and Sal Apoplecticum under S, and so of the rest. The third Table shews the Diseases that the Medicines in this Book cure, and for the Printers ease and the Readers convenience, they are brought under as few Heads as may be: For instance sake thus, Burning Feaver, Intermitting Feaver and Hungarian Feaver, and others of that denomination, are all brought under the word Feaver. Likewise Wind in the Stomach, weakness of the Stomach, Diseases of the Stomach, &c. are all brought under the word Stomach, and so are Diseases of the Matrix brought under

the word Womb, and so of the rest, which thou wilt no sooner see but understand them.

Lastly, I recommend it to thy Perusal, not desiring thy Commendation of it beyond its Merit, nor expecting thee so disingenuous, as to condemn it without a cause; but wishing thy impartial Opinion, as if the Author hereof were thy real friend. But what need I say more to this purpose; for Books have their Horoscopes as well as Men, and therefore by consequence, Fate too.

Habent sua Fata Libelli. Fate is not bound to Man, to Prince or State; But Books have also their peculiar Fate.
And this Fate of Books is wrapt up in the Opinion and Iudgment of every Reader; for according as he understands, so he reports, and according to his Credit, so he is believed in the World; and therefore hard is the Fate of Authors, if thus to be dealt with. But I leave it with thee, hoping that my pains may be thy profit and advantage, which if it be, and that thou art satisfied with my well wishes and endeavours, 'tis all that is either desired or expected

By thy Friend J. Partridge.

A Physical Dictionary Explaining the Terms of Physick used in this Book derived from the Latine and Greek.

  • APozem is a Decoction of divers herbs and other ingredients, to which sometimes Syrups are added.
  • Acrimony, sharpness.
  • Anodyne, Medicines asswaging pain.
  • Acute, sharp.
  • Asthma, shortness of breath.
  • BOlus, a Bole, a Medicine to be taken from a knife's point.
  • CAtarrh, a defluxion of humors from the Brain upon the Iaws, Lungs, &c.
  • Constipate, to stop.
  • Cephalick, belonging to the Head.
  • Concoction, digestion or boiling.
  • Cataplasm, a Pultis.
  • Corrode, to eat or fret.
  • Chronical, to last long.
  • Cardialgia, Heart-burning.
  • DIuretick, to provoke Urine.
  • Decoction, the liquor wherein things are boiled.
  • Defluxion, the same as destillation.
  • Delirium, doting, raving, to talk idly.
  • Diarrhoea, a common loosness without blood, &c.
  • Diaphragma, the Midriff.
  • Dyspnoea, shortness of breath.
  • ...

  • ... Dysentery, a bloody Flux.
  • Diaphoretick, that causes sweating, &c.
  • EPispastick, a Plaster to draw Blisters.
  • Errhines, Medicines to be snuffed up the Nose to purge the Brain.
  • Empyema, a corrupt matter between the Breast and the Lungs.
  • Erysipelas, swellings on the skin caused by Choler.
  • Elephantiasis, a leprous disease over the whole body or some part of it.
  • Epithems, are Medicines applied in bags to the Liver, Spleen, Stomach, &c.
  • Eschar is the Core that falls off after a Caustick hath been applied.
  • FRacture, a breaking, as of a bone, or skull.
  • Fomentation, a Liquor made to bathe a part with Cloaths or Sponges dipt in the same.
  • Filter, to strain.
  • Fermentation, the working of humors, as drink in a Vessel.
  • Flatulent, windy.
  • GArgarisms, Medicines to gargle and wash the throat with.
  • Glandules, Kernels about the throat and other parts.
  • Gangrene, is the putrefaction of a part tending to death.
  • HHpochonders, the parts beneath the ribs, whence the disease takes its name.
  • Hemiplegia, the Palsie of one side only.
  • Haemorrhoids, Veins in the Fundament, to which Leeches are applied.
  • Haemorrhagia, blood breaking forth in any part of the body.
  • Hysterical Fits, Wombsickness.

    • INfuse, to steep.
    • Intestines, the Guts.
    • Injection, a Medicine cast into the body with a Syringe
    • LAxative, loosening of the Belly.
    • Lohoch or Lambitive, is a Medicine to lick up with a Liquorish-stick, or the like.
    • MEninges, are thin Coats that cover the Brain.
    • Mesaraick Veins, are little Veins near the Stomach.
    • Matrix, the Womb.
    • Mesentery, the skin which knits the Guts together.
    • NArcotick, Medicines that induce sleep, and stupifie, are so called.
    • Noxious, hurtful.
    • OPhistotones, a kind of Convulsion.
    • Oedema, a swelling caused by flegm.
    • Opiate, all Medicines are so called that procure sleep.
    • Orifice, is the mouth or entrance into a larger part, as the Womb, Stomach, &c. and that hole that is made in the opening of a Vein.
    • Ophthalmy, an inflammation of the Eyes causing redness.
    • Oxycrate, Vinegar and water mixed together.
    • PAralysis, the Palsie.
    • Peripneumonia, an inflammation of the Lungs.
    • Pericranium, the skin about the Skull.
    • Phrensie, Madness.
    • Plethorick, full of blood.
    • Peritonaeum, the inner Coat of the Belly.
    • Paroxysm, a Fit of any disease, suppose a Feaver.
    • ...

    • ... Putrid, rotten.
    • Pubes, the hairy part above the Privities.
    • Perinaeum, the space between the Privity and the Fundament.
    • QUittor, Matter in an Ulcer or Wound.
    • REspiration, breathing.
    • Refrigerate, to cool.
    • Relax, to loosen.
    • SUdorifick, causing sweat.
    • Subeth, a dead sleep.
    • Sphincter, the Muscle of the Arse.
    • Spasmus, the Convulsion.
    • Scorbute, the Scurvy.
    • Sal prunellae, is Salt-peter purified with Brimstone.
    • Sphacelus, deadness of any part.
    • Scirrhus, a hard swelling without pain.
    • Suffocating, choaking.
    • Seton, is a skain of Silk drawn through the flesh.
    • Sutures, the places where the Skull joyns.
    • TOrpor, Numbness.
    • Transpiration, the passage of the vapors and sweat through the Pores.
    • Tincture, the Essence of any thing drawn in Spirit of Wine.
    • VErtigo, a swimming of the Head.
    • Vertebrae, the bones of the Back.
    • Ureters, certain Pipes going from the Kidneys to the Bladder.
    • Venery, Lechery.

      The Names, Characters, and quantity of Physical Weights.
      • A Grain is thus character'd gr.
      • A Scruple is twenty Grains ℈.
      • A Dram is three Scruples ʒ.
      • An Ounce is eight Drams ℥.
      • A Pound is twelve Ounces lb.
      • This stands for half a Pound lbss.
      • A Pugil (or a small handful) is thus written P.
      • An Handful is thus written M.
      • q. s. stands for quantum sufficit, that is, as much as sufficeth.
      • q. v. stands for quantum voles, that is, as much as you please.
      • s. a. stands for secundum artem, that is, according to Art; and it is sometimes written among Physicians L. a. that is, Lege artis, which is to the same sense.

      In the Praise of his very worthy Friend Mr. Iohn Partridge upon his Translation of Adrian Mynsicht, &c.

      HAil gentle Muses of Parnassus's hill, Inspire my Genius by your glorious skill, To speak the praises of this worthy Piece Transcendently excelling Jason's golden Fleece. He! for his lucre and his envy too The Trojan's Treasure got, but this not so: This the Commune Bonum may be said, The best Translation that our Wits have made. Each joynt's unstirr'd, each knot so well unty'd, That nothing can be exquisite beside. Long hath bright Adrian eclipsed been; But now there's no defect that can be seen: Long hath his Treasure been obscure and hid; But now all difficulties are forbid. The Sacred Key we wanted of this Store; But now the passage's free, what need we more? Diseases now may flye from Britain's Isle, And Health without controul may raign and smile. This Antidote, like Mists before the Sun, Distempers dissipates, and makes them run. Here's a whole Army of such Sacred Charms, As conquers perfectly all Mortal's harms. Ampusa trembles, and each Mortal's foe Impressions cannot make or breed us woe. As long as Mynsicht thus is made our own, What greater kindness to the Nation's shown? Peruse, kind Reader, and admire my Friend, Let all the Universe his Praise extend, Extol his Name, and lift it up so high, That it may meet and kiss Eternity: For this I'm sure there can be none more fit Or trusty to translate this, speaketh it

      William Hide.

      To my good Friend Mr. Iohn Partridge upon his Translation.

      FAm'd Lilly did the Astrologick Art To English Men in English first impart; This Work of his thou didst abbreviate, Refining it at neat methodick rate. Great Mynsicht, in Poeonian Art renown'd, A Treasury for the Latine World did found, Wherein are laid of Iewels a great store, Which were to Phoebus's Sons unknown before: This on us English thou dost now bestow, Such as none else, save Mother-tongue, do know. As Mynsicht's Glory doth through Latium flourish, So England shall thy Praises ever nourish.

      Johannes Gibbon Fecialis Anglicus, Titulo Mantelii Caerulei.

      〈1 page duplicate〉〈1 page duplicate〉

      〈1 page duplicate〉〈1 page duplicate〉

      OF Chymical Medicines. (Book 1)

      SECTION I. Of select and other precious Chymical Medicines. (Book 1)

      Unicornu Minerale, or the Mineral Unicorn.

      THIS glorious and mysterious Medicine, by reason of the unworthy and ungrateful Sons of the World, was hidden and obscured, lest this Spagyrick Gemm should seem to be cast among Swine; nevertheless, out of affection to Christian love, and the impulse of the Deity, I was willing to make it publick; and among other Mysteries, which I have gained from the Light of Nature, and the inquiry of Grace; or have found by the scrutiny of my own Experience; or hath been revealed to me by the good will of excellent Spagyrick Artists, and the prudent Searchers into the things of Nature, I freely communicate to the Sons of Learning and Experience; yet I do appoint it as a thing beyond all doubt, that this healthy and celestial comfort may be received with a pleasant countenance,

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      and with the delight of a thankful mind dedicated to God in praise and thanksgiving.

      The Preparation.

      TAke native Vitriol green, and known to the Philosophers only, or for want of that, the Crystals of Vitriol of Venus well cleansed, sublimely mundified, and free from all its terrestrial quality; put it into a strong and well luted Retort, increase the fire by degrees, till it produceth a reddish Oyl, which carefully preserve: the use of it shall be shewed hereafter. Then take the Caput mortuum which is left in the bottom of the Vessel, and pour upon it an appropriate Menstruum, and set it in a cold place, and it will shoot into Crystals of the nature and savour of Vitriol. Calcine the Caput mortuum the second time, and proceed as before is directed, and it will again produce new Crystals almost of the same kind, but less profitable to this Mystery. Repeat this labour so often and so long, till no more smell remains in the Vitriol; and then lastly calcine the Caput mortuum throughly, but Philosophically, and extract from it its Salt, which will be excellent and pleasant to the taste, which also preserve in hope of the following doctrine, and in the mean time be mindful of what hath been spoken:

      You may by due rectifying of the terrene part, find a true occult Medicinal Stone.

      Then take the fore-mentioned Oyl, and pour into it Water, in that dissolve filings of Steel, and prepare Vitriol of it, which dissolve in distilled Rain-water, that the Crystal may the

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      better appear, which labour you shall so often repeat, till you have the pure from the impure, and that the Crystals appear clear and pellucid, without dimness and obscurity. From these Crystals of Mars in the former manner distil a red Oyl, and let it be well rectified, lest any of the flegm should remain in it: Then you shall have the blood of the red Lion, that is, a Mineral, the Sulphur of Mars and Venus together, of excellent virtue, and this taken from Vulcan, according to that saying:

      Mulciberis capti Marsque Venusque dolis.

      This being done, extract from the Caput mortuum a Salt void of all smell of Mars, prepare it after the same manner as is already shewed in the Extraction of Salt of Vitriol of Venus. Both these Salts mix together in equal weight, put it into some open Glass-vessel, and set it in a Cellar or other cold place, where it may resolve it self into a Mercurial water: Then take the solution, and from that again draw fresh Crystals; and then you will have a duplicate Mercury, the Salt of Sapience and Nature, the Salt of the Philosophers, under which is hidden the Basis of the World. And this duplicate Mercury being wrapped in a hood of obscurity, was never manifested so plainly by any of the Philosophers as by my self, although in certain obscure words it was delivered by them; which was not easie to be understood, till by the search of more laborious men, the thing was further sought into: and this Mercury is called by the Philosophers Rebis, which is as it were the terrestrial Treasure discovered by the mercy of God, an Experiment of the best and greatest knowledge which

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      you must reserve for the following use.

      Take the Mercury now mentioned, and that red Sulphur, those two joyn Philosophically by the rule of Reason and Understanding, and let the Spagyrick Vessel, in which they are mixed, be three parts empty, and the fourth part only filled with the Medicine; this seal Hermetically, and manage it with a Philosophical fire by degrees in a continual heat, till the whole mass be coagulated and brought into the form of a stone: Which being done, you may, if you please, reduce into its forms principally, and in a short time render it more noble and illustrious; and so you have made the great Mystery. If you are curious, you may observe before the Coagulation a wonderful appearance of many things, and many colours also: all which consider well, honour God, and accommodate your Neighbour.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose.

      IT is an universal Medicine, and such a Treasure that is able to cure all Diseases, by what name soever they are called, in all and every Creature. One, two, or more grains of this Arcanum taken, according to the age and constitution of the Patient, doth presently penetrate the whole body like smoke, it removes all the vicious and malignant attendants of Nature, and puts all into a better conformity, it doth renew the whole Creature, and as it were regenerates all de novo: it keeps the whole structure in order, beyond the power and disturbance of small accidental Diseases, even to old age, or to the end of life, which is determined by the Almighty, &c. For

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      Contra vim mortis non est medicamen in hortis. When death's impowered by the God above, No medicine can our miseries remove.

      Also this illustrious Medicine, when duly fermented with the pure Gold of Philosophers, cleanseth Metals from their original impurity, and renders them good by the virtue of the pure fixt Gold. For which immense and ineffable benefit, and every other gift and wisdom, let it be to the praise and glory of the great Creator, who is God blessed for ever.

      Unicornu Solare, or the Solar Unicorn.

      LIke as the Unicorn in the animal Kingdom, is esteemed of great price by all men, but especially great ones, and is esteemed of such a price, that it far exceeds all Gemms, precious Stones, Gold and Silver both in price and excellence, and hath a place among the richest of Treasures: So also the Solar Unicorn in the Mineral Kingdom is to be esteemed of great price for its great fixitude, and more than solid perfection; for it is the highest, most precious, and next to universal, to which it is joyned as a Partner both in virtue and operation, and so secret a Mystery, that it is not improper to call it a most powerful and inaccessible Remedy.


      ALthough it is easie to the knowing and skilful, yet it will be difficult to the ignorant and unskilful, they being wrapt in ignorance like a garment. Take the original Mineral

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      of Gold, broken into piece like Hazel-nuts, the quantity of a pound or less, put it into a Cornuta, or other Spagyrick Vessel, and with a gentle clear fire distil it, the work being made secure and all well luted, and let the matter in the bottom not melt, but sweat only without burning, that it may send forth a sweet and celestial Water, which is of great price. And indeed by the benefit of this Spagyrick Art, a pound of the Mineral will scarce cast forth by sweat the quantity of a spoonful of water; therefore you may reiterate this labour with new Mineral until you think you have water sufficient for your purpose. Then rectifie this water eight or nine times, that the pure may be separated from the impure; which being done, let it be reserved for use as the true Arcanum and Hermetical Treasure: and he that knows how to transmute this water into a viscous and vivid liquor, hath really that most secret and rare Key which is known but to a few, by which that golden Castle that is fenced with a threefold Wall, is most easily recluded, and by the thread of wisdom he legitimately enters to those Treasures hidden in Gold: But this work is the following labour, &c. Now take the best Arabick Gold, with Antimony according to Art purified to the height, and wrought into thin plates by the Goldsmith or otherwise, and then without any other additament it may be brought into a most fine Powder; or if you know how without Corrosives to prepare a fine Calx of the Sun Spagyrically, you may do it with more profit, &c. Then put of this most secret Powder what quantity you will into a Philosophical Glass, and

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      pour upon it a little of the Solar Menstruum, that it may exceed the Powder half the thickness of your little finger, seal the Glass Hermetically, and set it to digest in such a heat as the Embryo is nourished by in the Mothers womb, till the water is consumed, or drunk up by the Powder of Gold; then open your Glass, and pour upon it so much of your Solar Menstruum, as you did the first time: Let it dry again the same way as before, and repeat this work so often, till the Gold is changed into a reddish Powder, and then the Solar Unicorn is prepared; which is approved in many and most desperate Diseases a most profitable and sweet Remedy: It is truly that golden Fleece, which after a manifold and so often repeated Philosophical Concoction, doth overcome and conquer the heat of fire, neither can it be overcome by it. Hence you may recal the quality of this sort of Mystery to the Touchstone of a more ripe counsel.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose.

      BY this Arcanum the wiser Physicians not only conserved (by the will of God) the health and strength of the body, and prolonged life for many years, but also they cured the Epilepsie, the Apoplexy, the Elephantiasis, Morphew, Melancholy, Madness, Quartan Agues, Sciatica, Gout, pains in the Joynts, Dropsie, yellow Jaundice, Pox, Asthma, Phthisis, Pleurisie, Itch and Scurff, Cancers, Noli me tangere, and the like dangerous humane Diseases of this kind by other Remedies incurable; and this done by the strength of the fire contained in it, which doth

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      not only consume the lethal humors, but also doth repair and renovate the very marrow in the Bones, and raise and succour the whole humane body, though half dead. And one thing is worthy to be noted of this Medicine, that it contains in it self a most powerful and diaphoretick force: Therefore whosoever is willing to use this Remedy, especially if he labours under any of the fore-mentioned Diseases, let him repair to his Bed for one or two hours, and prepare for a Sweat, and it will cast it out sweetly and plentifully without any pain, and leave nothing impure or superfluous in the Body. To young men who desire a long life, it is given once a month, and the day he takes it, let him forbear both meat and drink till the evening, by which means the virtue of the Medicine will grow into a radical equality with the humors, and the strength of the Body will increase more and more, the natural beauty will increase, and out-do the art of paint, &c. giving a comliness pleasing and conspicuous to every beholder. But to those who labour under the before-mentioned Diseases, it ought to be given ten days successively in Vehicles proper and appropriate to the Disease, and so (God willing) they will be restored to their pristine health, as much as Art and Medicine can perform. To old people it is given twice a month, and by the Providence of God it preserves their Intellectuals firm and entire, and in their greatest age it renders their bodies vigorous and fresh even to their graves. To young Women and Virgins this Arcanum is given four times a week at the New Moon, it keeps Nature in its due current, and every part

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      of the body in order. Also if you should give it to a Woman who is long in Labour, and though the Birth were hindred by the bigness of the Child, yet immediately after the wished for Infant will be brought forth almost without any pain. If it be given to Women whose Courses have left them, it keeps them fresh, lusty, and fair, and sometimes it causes their Terms to come again, so that they are made capable of Child-bearing. It also cures the Pestilence, and if any Carbuncle should appear, it dispels the matter of it, and by a friendly Sweat drives forth the cause of it: For which great and glorious Mystery we ascribe honour to Jehovah and the individual Trinity for ever and ever.

      Aurum Potabile, or Potable Gold.

      TAke the best Hungarian Gold throughly prepared with Antimony and a strong fire, which done, let it be wrought into thin plates, then dissolve it with good and well rectified Oyl of Salt, known to none but to the absolute Chymist, and after solution draw off the humidity with an Alembick, and in the bottom you shall find the yellow Calx of the Sun. Take this and put it into a glass Vessel, and pour upon it so much of the Oyl of Cinnamon as will make a Mixture like a Pultis, and you will see the matter in the middle begin to boil and wax black; then have ready at hand good Spirit of Wine very well rectified and impregnated with the Tartar of the Philosophers, pour a little of that into the forementioned liquid Mass, that it may rise a fingers breadth above the matter, and the

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      Spirit will presently extract the soul of the Sun, clear and in colour like Gold; this being done, pour off the tinged Spirit, and pour on fresh, and this labour repeat so often, until the Spirit receives no more Tincture. Dissolve the remaining Calx of the Sun again anew, with fresh Oyl of Salt, and proceed as at the first, by repeating and continuing this work till the whole body is dissolved, and a potable Liquor made of the Gold: after all, let this Aromatick Liquor of the Sun be circulated, that it may be freed from all the acrimony of the Oyl of Salt, which still remains in it, or in the Spirit of Wine: and this is the first solution made without Corrosives, which no man will ever be able to reduce again into natural Gold.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose.

      AMong the best of Medicines this is the chief, it takes away most Diseases and Distempers of the Body, intrinsecally drawing away the original, and constantly works the Cure with great admiration; it renovates and conserves the whole body; it refreshes all the vital Spirits; consumes all malignant humors; it quiets the mind, makes them chearful and merry, and affords good blood; it is a specifical Cordial and the most noble Chymical Treasure, for which we are bound to give our greatest thanks to the Omnipotent God, &c. Dose from three drops to five and seven taken in some convenient Vehicle in a morning fasting.

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      Argentum Potabile, or Potable Silver.

      TAke of the finest Silver what quantity you will, and dissolve it in Aqua fortis, then set it in a cool place, and it will shoot forth into Crystals, pour off the flegm, and take the Crystals, put them into a Glass, or a well glazed earthen Dish, and set it in a Cellar or other such like place to dissolve, and it will be like water, evaporate the humidity, and you will have in the bottom a Powder, which mix with Sal Armoniack, and sublime them according to Art, and the Sal Armoniack will quickly rise and carry with it the true Soul of the Moon; put the sublimed matter into a Glass or well glazed Bason, and with distilled Rain-water let it be well edulcorated, and the corrosive and superfluous sharpness of the Aqua fortis and the Sal Armoniack may be separated. Afterwards dry the Powder, and put it into a Glass, and pour upon it the well rectified Spirit of the Microcosm, then set it in a warm place for 24 hours, and this Spirit will soon draw out the Soul of the Moon, fair, clear, but bluish, and in colour like a Saphir; pour off the tinged Liquor, and put on fresh, until all the sulphureous part be extracted: this done, let it evaporate of it self, or else draw it off by an Alembick in Sand, and again pour on Philosophical Spirit of Wine, and that will fundamentally extract the Soul of the Moon, and also constantly retain it. But if you are willing to have it in the form of a Powder, then draw off the Menstruum first by an Alembick, and the Soul of the Moon will remain in the bottom, which reserve for your use.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose.

      THis Potable Silver, or true Soul of the Moon cures the Epilepsie and all Lunatick Diseases, as well in general as in special; it takes away the cares of the mind, and gives quiet sleep; it consumes Catarrhs, and is a good remedy for the noise in the Ears; it also helps Deafness; it comforts the Brain; it helps Forgetfulness, and strengthens a weak Memory; it expels the Vertigo, Grief, and all those humors which are the ground of Melancholy-distempers; it is a Specifick for the Head, which in all ages and both Sexes cures the most dangerous distempers thereunto belonging. Lastly, it is a precious and noble Treasure, curing many diseases and imbecillities. The Dose from three drops to half a scruple, in any Vehicle proper to the distemper.

      Arcanum Duplicatum, or a double Secret.

      THis Arcanum is also called the Salt of Wisdom, also a Salt of two things, because it doth consist but of two things in its preparation, to wit, Vitriol and Nitre, and it is by the Chymists prepared in the following method. Extract from the Caput mortuum of Aqua fortis (distilled from equal parts of Vitriol and Nitre) a most white Salt with warm water. Take this Salt and grind it upon a Marble, and put it into a Cucurbit luted all over; let your fire be increased by degrees, and continued for twelve hours, till it be calcined, remembring to stir it often, towards the end let the bottom of the Cucurbit

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      grow red-hot, afterwards let all cool again: the Vessel being broken, take out your Salt, and work again as at the first, grinding it into sine Powder, &c. and let this labour be repeated the second and third time, and then it is truly prepared.

      But some of the more curious Spagyrists add to seven or ten parts of this Salt, one part of the Calx of the Sun or Moon well prepared; and being well mixed together, they grind them into a fine Powder upon a Marble, and after by the benefit of fire, as Artists well know how, they six and unite them: and being so prepared, they preserve it as a part of their Treasure.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose.

      IT is given in all Melancholy-distempers, in Madness, disturbance of Mind, the Pestilence, Epidemical Diseases, &c. This Medicine is a great Secret, and works variously, by Transpiration, by Stool, and sometimes also it causeth sleep. The Dose is from a scruple to half a dram in any Vehicle appropriate to the disease.

      Ros Mineralis, or the Mineral Dew.

      TAke the whole Spagyrical Lyon, not embowelled, but first Philosophically roasted in the Sun; put him into the Balneum of Wisdom; let it be ingeniously done, that it may sweat out the Mineral dew, which is sweet and lovely. Then rectifie this by it self often, until it be spiritual and celestial, and then you have the golden Fleece of Iupiter, the true

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      Spring of Venus, the Sweat or Labour of Pallas, the Tears of Diana, and the Metamorphosis of Actaeon, that is, its power over many and various Diseases. For which glorious and Divine gift, praise be to the immortal God for ever and ever.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose.

      IT is a general Medicine appropriate to extract the Essences and Tinctures of all Vegetables: For as the Heavens work powerfully upon these sublunary bodies, by giving life to all things; so also this heavenly Liquor preserves the body in health, prolongs life, preserves youth, keeps off old age, resists putrefaction, and expels all kind of diseases. The Dose from two drams to half an ounce, or an ounce either by it self, or in some specifick Vehicle.

      Bezoardicum Joviale, or the Iovial Bezoar.

      THis Secret the true and skilful Chymists do with me prepare after this manner. Take Regulus of Antimony three ounces, the best English Tin purified two ounces. Let them be melted together, and afterwards brought into a most fine Powder, then add of sublimate Mercury ten ounces. All which being well mixed and put into a Retort, let them be distilled, and there will appear a white matter, which Artists call Butter of Antimony. Put this into a Cucurbit, and draw off all this humidity, and then add to it so much Spirit of Sal Nitre as the Powder, being taken out, shall require in weight, and in Sand distil it dry; then take it out again,

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      and reduce it into fine Powder, and pour upon it the Liquor before drawn off with an addition of two ounces of fresh Spirit of Sal Nitre, and as before draw it off; take out the white Powder again, and powder it finely, and put it in again with the last Liquor drawn off, and add to it again two ounces more of fresh Spirit of Sal Nitre, and draw it off again the third time. Lastly, take it out again, and reduce it into powder, and lay it upon a smooth board before a hot fire for two or three hours, that it may dry, and afterwards keep it for your use. In this method I did first prepare it in the Year 1610. and found it strong and powerful in operation.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose.

      IT is a wonderful Diaphoretick, and a most powerful Secret in all Distempers of the Womb, and in many other Diseases belonging to Women: 'Tis very good in the Plague, Feavers, Seurvy, and all Epidemical Diseases; 'tis a present Remedy against Poyson of any kind that is drunk; also in all Falls where Bezoardick and Sudorifick Medicines are useful. The Dose from three grains to five and six in Treacle-water, or in our water of Harts-horn, or in any other convenient Liquor.

      Crocus Metallorum absinthiated.

      TAkeof the best bright crude Antimony, Salt of Wormwood of each four ounces. Mix them, and in a Crucible let them be calcined according to art, and you will find the Antimony

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      calcined, of a reddish colour, and fixt, being utterly bereaved of all its Arsenical Sulphur; this wash so often, till no more acrimony of the Salt of Wormwood be perceived by the taste: this Powder so edulcorated and dryed, keep for your use, as the true and most genuine Crocus Metallorum.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose.

      THis is an excellent profitable Remedy, accommodated to most Diseases; pain in the Head, Epilepsie of what kind soever, in all distempers of the Stomach, Feavers, Plague, Hypocondriack Melancholy, Asthma's, Pleurisies as well spurious as exquisite, Gouts, &c. in all which it hath most excellent effects. In the Dropsie it purgeth without any offence or nauseating, and that sometimes by Vomit, sometimes by Stool: In other Diseases it works by Vomit and Stool together. It opens the obstructions of the Liver, cures the yellow Jaundice, rectifies the Spleen, and is an excellent Medicine for the Scurvy. The Dose from three grains to four, five, or six in Conserves or other appropriate Vehicles; or what is better, let so many grains be infused in two ounces of Rhenish wine, and two drams of Cinamon-water all night; in the morning strain it, throw away the powder, and drink the clear Wine warm. If you infuse it in Spanish Wine, it seldom vomits, but works only by stool; therefore for Vomiting, white or Rhenish is best.

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      Tartarus Emeticus, or a Vomiting Tartar.

      TAke acid Tartar finely powdered, Crocus Metallorum absinthiated, of each two ounces: mix them well, and put them into a Viol, and pour upon it two pound of our Aqua Benedicta Serpilli, place it in warm Sand for three or four days, and keep it close covered or stopt; shake it often, that the acidity of the Tartar may be perfectly dissolved: afterwards while it is warm filter it through Hippocrates sleeve according to art, that the Crocus Metallorum being well separated from the solution, may remain in it; but the solution it self may pass through it clear and void of Feces. This done, set it in a cool place to crystallize, then take these Crystals impregnate with Tartar, which being dried and powdered, keep them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most excellent Vomit in all chronical and stubborn Diseases, especially in those men who are of weak Constitutions, seeing it is far more gentle and safe than Crocus Metallorum and other Mineral Vomits. It is good against all Melancholy, Madness, a distempered Mind, Deliriums, continual pains of the Head, which arise from other parts of the body by consent, the Vertigo, Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Fascination, difficulty of Hearing, ringing of the Ears. Also against nauseating and windiness of the Stomach and Sides, yellow Jaundice, Dropsie, Tertian, Quartan, and other chronical, continual, putrid and acute Feavers, Love-potions, poisonous Draughts, cholerick Pleurisies, and all Diseases in general that Choler hath a share in. It is also good against that poisonous Dysentery that happeneth commonly in the Plague. Also against the

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      Hangarian disease it is an excellent, divine, and safe remedy. If any have unadvisedly or unawares taken poisonous Meats or Drinks, or swallowed Flies, Spiders, and such like; also little Fish-bones, and other such like things sticking in the Throat, or from other things which are brought into the Stomach, by Inchantments, as hairs, nails, pins, yarn, or other prodigious things of that kind that are dangerous to life, are all removed by the wonderful effects of this Vomit. The Dose is from four to five and six grains, especially in robust bodies, in any appropriate Vehicle, taken two or three hours before or after meals, or at any time in necessity. But this is to be observed, That neither this nor any other Vomits may be given to every one without danger; but they are to be given to those only, who are apt to vomit, that have a strong stomach, a wide throat, and are accustomed to vomit, and in whom the peccant humors are naturally carried upwards. But cholerick men, and those who abhor vomiting, or have weak brains, or any weakness or imperfection in the Head, which doth properly reside there, and is not caused by consent from other parts of the body: All those who have Phthisicks, Asthma's, Coughs, Colicks, spit blood, are subject to be feaverish, those who have internal Imposthumes, or inveterate and confirmed obstructions of the Mesentery, Liver, and Spleen, or have schirrous Tumors in those parts, or have any of their principal members hurt: Also all those who have their spirits exhausted by burning and pestilential Feavers, all those who are troubled with a nauseating at the stomach, that they are not able to contain either meat or drink, (which is not from any inherent matter in the Ventricle, that Nature endeavours to cast off by Vomit, but it riseth accidentally from the

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      effects of the parts adjacent) all these are to abstain from Vomits. Lastly, as well Women with Child as other Women and Virgins, who are troubled with the obstruction of their Terms, not rising from the impurity of the Bowels, but from the obstruction of the Veins only which pass into the Womb, these likewise are to forbear Vomits. It is to be noted also, when any one begins to vomit, it is usual to give them Broth made of Pulse or flesh without fat, or a draught of warm drink; and if it be needful to reiterate the same, that so the Vomit may work the easier, and the motion of the Medicine may be hastened.

      Tartarus Nitratus, or Tartar Nitrified.

      Take Salt of Tartar, Nitre prepared, of each equal parts. Dissolve them in Rose-water warm, then filter it, and boil it gently over the fire, till there appear a crust on the top, then put it in a cool place, and it will crystallize, which Crystals keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. 'Tis a most excellent Medicine; for it hath a singular faculty in cutting and cleansing thick and tartarous humors, and in opening obstructions. Also in putrid Feavers, and hath been experimented both in the Hungarian and malignant, and it resisteth putrefaction. In the inflammation of the Throat, called the Prunella, it is a present remedy: it brings forth the stone in the Kidneys, cleanseth the Bladder of all impurities, and provokes Urine. The Dose is from one scruple to half a dram in some appropriate Liquor or other Medicine.

      Oxysaccharum Emeticum, or a Vomit of Vinegar and Sugar.

      Take Crocus Metallorum absinthiated half an ounce, Cassia lignea two drams, Lignum Aloes, Roots of Angelica, of each one dram; red Roses half a dram. Let

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      them be infused in fifteen ounces of Vinegar of Clovegilly-flowers: let them stand in infusion for 24 hours in a gentle heat, and afterwards filter them, and add of white Sugar Candy as much as will make it like a Syrup, and then keep it for your use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is excellent in pains of the Head, in Melancholy, Epilepsie of what sort soever, Quinsie, Plague, Pleurisie, Cough, Asthma, in all affections of the Stomach, in the Dysentery, Pox, Coagulation of blood, &c. it is good for those who have taken poisonous draughts; it preserves from the Gout. The Dose is from half an ounce to six drams in specifick Liquors, or given by it self.

      Catharticum Argenteum, or the Silver Cathartick.

      TAke of pure Silver an ounce, Aqua fortis distilled from the Salt of Nitre and Vitriol, and in a Retort in Sand over a gentle fire first rectified, six ounces. Dissolve the Moon in this water, and to the solution add of fresh Aqua fortis four ounces, of purified Nitre half an ounce, mix them well, and distil it in an Alembick in Balneo Mariae, or in Sand three times, still pouring on again the distilled Liquor on the Faeces according to art; then put the Cucurbit into Sand, that is, higher than it is luted, that so all the Aqua fortis may be drawn off till it be throughly dry. Then break the Glass, and take out the coagulated Medicine in the bottom, which is black without-side, but white within: break this into small pieces, and then dissolve it in about four ounces of Aqua fortis before drawn off, till the Powder grow black, and then you have the true Philosophical Moon; take this clear Liquor, and put it into a cold place, and it will shoot into Crystals. Take these Crystals and dry them by the fire, not in the

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      Sun, if you do, they will grow black and unprofitable: and when they are sufficiently dried, keep them for your use without edulcoration.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. 'Tis a most powerful Cathartick, with which the most skilful Chymists purge in the Cachexy and Dropsie, &c. it also purges all serous and watry Humors, and cures external Tumors of the Body in the strongest Constitutions; it expels the watrish humors in the sides, which cause various Symptoms and Diseases, and it relieves any parts of the body overprest with humors. The Dose is from four to five grains in a morning in a good draught of warm Wine: It is most proper to use it in the decrease of the Moon about her last Quarter, unless urgent occasion require otherwise.

      Turpethum Minerale verum, or the true Turbith Mineral.

      THE true and genuine Turbith Mineral is not (by the best Chymists) prepared from crude Mercury with Aqua fortis, but from sublimate, in the following manner: Take of the best sublimate Mercury what quantity you please, dissolve it in Aqua coelestis warm, filter the solution often, which being done, put the filtred Liquor into a Glass, and pour upon it by drops so much Oyl of the Salt of Tartar as is requisite, till you see a red Powder in the bottom of the Glass, then pour off the Liquor, and keep the red Powder, edulcorate that with common water, till it hath lost all its sharpness and saltness, then pour upon it Aqua Mellis six or seven times well rectified, and let this be repeated as many times, at last take the Powder (being dry) and pour upon it Alkohol of Wine that it may be well moistned, set the

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      humidity on fire, and keep it stirring with an Iron Spatula, till all the Wine be consumed, and so you have Turbith Mineral truly prepared, whose excellent virtue is known almost to all, neither shall I enlarge further upon it. The Dose is from four or five grains to six and seven in some convenient Vehicle.

      Mercurius Dulcis, or Sweet Mercury.

      MErcurius dulcis by the best of Spagyrists is thus prepared: Take of Mercury sublimate six ounces, of crude Mercury four ounces. Mix them well, that the crude Mercury may be no more seen, sublime it the common way; and this sublimation repeat five or six times, till the Mercury becomes insipid or sweet. The red Powder in the bottom, and the white which is sublimated into the neck of the Glass is to be thrown away, and that in the middle only reserved: and so you have Mercurius dulcis truly prepared, break the Glass and take it out, pulverize it, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth wonders in the Dropsie, Plague, Pleurisie, Gout, yellow Jaundice, &c. for by purifying the blood, and rectifying the marrow in the bones, it radically drives out all noxious humors from the body: it is also an excellent Cathartick, and by right deserves to be called a Panacea. In all desperate diseases caused by a putrefaction of humors it is of singular use; for it draws forth all poisonous and vitious humors, and doth not move Vomiting, but only by stool it gently purgeth, and performs all its operations without trouble. It kills Worms, heals all Venereal Ulcers, yea the Pox it self, and it powerfully dries and radically takes away the defluxions of the Brain. The Dose from one scruple to half a dram, and in strong bodies two scruples.

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      Mercurius Vitae Corrected.

      LET Mercurius vitae vitrified by the benefit of common Borax be finely powdered, pour upon it distilled Vinegar first strongly impregnated with Spirit of Salt of Nitre, and again well dryed in Sand, so shall you have (after due edulcoration) a Powder, which is safer to be taken, and whose desired operations are performed with less trouble, than by that of other preparations.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is good in Quartan and other intermitting Feavers, in most diseases of the Head; in the Plague, Dropsie, Leprosie, Pox, malignant Ulcers, and the like grievous affects, it works wonders. Dose in weak bodies from two grains to three, in strong bodies from four to five either by it self, or in Conserve of Roses or Violets, or so many grains may be infused in Wine or other convenient Liquor all night, in the morning let it be strained through a Cloth and drunk.

      The Aperitive Magistery of Mars.

      TAke of the Juyce of Sorrel depurated three pound, pour it upon eight ounces of the best Tamarinds; rub them well together either with your hands, or with a wooden Pestle in an earthen Bason (not a Pewter one) that it may be all like Pulp, or thick Pottage: then take out all the husks and little stringy fibres, boil it a little, and clarifie it with the whites of two Eggs; then strain it through a woollen Cloth, and being clear, put it into a glass Cucurbit, to which add filings of Steel well cleansed from all its filth four ounces. Let them digest together in Sand warm for three days and three nights, putting a blind head upon the Cucurbit, and stir it often with a wooden

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      Spatula. After digestion filter it into a Glass or earthen Bason, and in Sand let it evaporate to the consistence of a liquid Extract, and you shall have this Aperitive Magistery of Mars. What remains of the Steel let it be dried and brought into a most fine Powder, and reserved for use; and so you have Steel prepared with Vinegar of Tamarinds for Chalybeate Wine, whose description and use seek in its proper Section.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It hath a singular property in opening, dissolving, and drying; which admirable Title is not given to it only for opening the oppilations of the Liver, Spleen, and Meseraicks, but also for dissolving and consuming hard scirrhous Tumors, and for drying and corroborating the parts grieved and debilitated by a redundance of humors. Besides it hath an excellent faculty of attenuating, loosning and preparing black Choler; and therefore it hath been experimented in the Cure of Melancholy, black and yellow Jaundice, Quartan Agues, and all other affects arising from superfluity, obturation, putrefaction, and the like. It also by a specifick quality openeth the Veins of the Matrix being obstructed, and hence it moves and provokes the Terms, &c. It hath been also experimented in the Green-sickness, ill habit of Body, and the beginning of a Dropsie. It also corroborates the Genital parts of man or woman, debilitated and relaxed by a superfluity of moisture. Lastly, it is also very profitable in an inveterate Gonorrhoea, and the white stinking flux of the Womb. Moreover, if this liquid Magistery be mixed with a just quantity of Rhenish Wine, it colours it black; but if it be filtred again through a Paper, it becomes clear and dilucid as before, and doth no ways abate of its strength, it still retaining its

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      strong taste, and is of equal virtue and force; therefore in all affects where the Spaw-waters, or any other Medicinal Waters that are impregnated with the Minerals of Mars, which are so highly commended by our practical Physicians, are useful, this will supply the place, and may be given as effectually to the Patient to drink. For where the body is conveniently cleansed, and some Veins opened, if there be occasion, and afterwards for certain days drink this Martial Wine, and observe a good diet, there and then it works upon the same affects, which those Medicinal Waters are given for or can perform. The Dose of this Aperitive Magistery is from half a dram to a dram, more or less, in some appropriate Vehicle, or in Electuaries, Conserves, Boles, Rotula's, and in other Species of Medicines it may be mixed according to the judgment of the Physician. But the Dose of the Martial Wine is from two ounces to three, either by it self, or mixed with other Liquors.

      The Magistery of Jupiter.

      TAke the Ashes of fine Tin prepared in an open fire, and with strong distilled Vinegar extract a Salt according to Art; afterwards take Spirit of Vitriol well rectified, and drop it in upon this Extraction, being first filtred, and immediately it will become white like Milk, and a white Powder will precipitate to the bottom, which Powder take and edulcorate by washing it often with distilled Rainwater, till it hath lost all its acrimony, then dry the Powder, and keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of excellent virtue in the infirmities of the Womb and other Hysterical affects: It repels those Vapors which arise from the Womb to the upper parts, and doth prevent those

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      grievous Symptoms that are hence used to rise. The Dose is from four grains to six in proper Vehicles.

      The Magistery of Saturn.

      TAke of the clear and crystalline Salt of Saturn what quantity you will, dissolve it in Rose-water, afterwards pour upon it Spirit of Vitriol (there are some who use Oyl of Tartar, but Spirit of Vitriol is best) slowly, and yet with a quick fall, till it be of the colour of thick Milk; then filter it through a brown Paper, and a white Magistery will remain there, then with Cordial water edulcorate it according to the Spagyrick Art, and having dryed it, keep it for your use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Magistery of Saturn is freed from all its nauseous and noxious sweetness, and we happily use it in Phthisicks, Hecticks, burning Feavers, and in other internal Inflammations. Also in Quartan Agues, in affections of the Spleen, in the Colick and Venereal Lusts it is a great Secret, it being contrary to these things. The Dose is from four to six grains in some specifick and congruous Vehicle. It is also of excellent use in the rottenness and foulness of the Mouth, in malignant Ulcers, in Cancers, in all Saturnine Diseases, the Wolf (an Ulcer so called) Fistula's, all burning Sores, Burns, red Pustles of the Face, the redness of the Eyes, &c. and may be variously mixed either in Plasters or Liniments, or dissolved in other things for external use.

      Anima Vitrioli, or the Soul of Vitriol.

      TAke several great and large earthen Vessels, by how much the larger they are, by so much the better; fill those Vessels full with Rain-water, and into every Vessel put two, three, or more handfuls

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      of common Vitriol, yet measure the Vitriol, and either increase it or diminish it according to the bigness of the Vessels, and let this Vitriol dissolve in the water, let the Vessels stand where they may not be moved, and sometimes exposed to the Sun or the Air, yet so, that it may not rain into them, nor any filth be cast therein: Then you shall see the Soul of Vitriol swim on the top of the water in colour like the Rain-bow or a Peacocks tail; this being thin, you shall take it off with a Spoon divers times in the day: This being done, stir the water about, and by and by when it is setled again, there will appear fresh Soul, which take also, and so by little and little you shall gather as much as you shall think sufficient. Note, When there will no more colours rise in the water, the Soul is all extracted, and the water is to be replenished with fresh Vitriol. The Soul being all abstracted, it will at first appear like mud, which lay upon a Tile or other earthen Vessel, and put it into a strong fire till it be red-hot, and then it will be of the colour of blood, and endure the flame; which being done, though it should lye in the fire many days, it will not waste a grain.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Soul of Vitriol (Philosophically extracted, and Spagyrically prepared) is given in many Diseases, especially all fluxes of the Head and Belly, the flux of Blood and Terms, &c. in the Epilepsie, Dropsie, Gonorrhoea, prickings of the Sides, Gout, Feavers, Phrensie, &c. in all which it is of admirable use. The Dose from five grains to six or eight in appropriate Vehicles and Medicines respecting the Disease.

      The Arcanum of Vitriol.

      DIstil from native Vitriol calcined a very red Oyl, take the Caput mortuum, and from

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      thence extract the extreme Salt free from all the taste of Vitriol: then mix three parts of this extracted Salt with two parts of the distilled Oyl, put upon a fire till it be dry. Repeat this labour so often, till the Salt is double the weight it was at first, then put this Salt into a glass Cucurbit, and pour upon it so much Oyl of Vitriol, seal it Hermetically, and set it to putrifie, and afterwards into warm Sand, which within a few days you shall find coagulated; and so it is prepared.

      Vertue, Use, and Dose. This Arcanum is not only a stomachical Specifick, but also a most powerful Remedy against all kind of Diseases, which I happily use in general to conserve the Body in health. The Dose from three and five grains to six or eight in some appropriate Vehicle.

      Nitre Vitriolated.

      TAke of Nitre prepared one part, Spirit of Vitriol rectified two parts. Mix them, and distil it in a Retort by degrees, first with a gentle, then with a more strong fire, till the Retort wax very hot, and when the Spirit will no more ascend, let it cool by degrees, and in the bottom of the Retort will remain a white Powder almost void of its sharp, corrosive, and nitrous quality: Upon this Powder pour so much fresh Spirit of Vitriol as is sufficient for its dissolution, then filter it through a brown Paper, and let it half evaporate away, and put it then into a cool place to crystallize. Take these Crystals and dry them, and keep them for use, and so you have the true Nitrum vitriolatum, which by certain Chymists is called the Coagulated Spirit of Vitriol.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It hath the same virtue and

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      operation that the Spirit of Vitriol hath, only it refrigerates more, and hath a greater diuretick force; in colouring any thing it is also the same, only it exceeds the Spirit. The operation of it chiefly consists in cutting humors, in dissipating, mundifying, drying, contracting, and resisting putrefaction, and by its tartness it restrains thirst. Hence it is a most excellent Medicine in all Feavers, whether malignant, pestilential, putrid, Hungarian, or Epidemical, which from a sulphureous, astral, and poisonous influence are caused and kindled in mens bodies, containing in it a Bezoardick property, by which it often moves Sweat and Urine, and consumes all internal, fervid, noxious Vapors; it also purgeth and comforteth the Stomach by a natural heat, and helps it in Concoction; it stirs up the Appetite, takes away putrefaction, and the cause of a stinking Breath; it also kills the Worms, which are the effects of Putrefaction and Crudity. It is also a most profitable Remedy for all Hepatick diseases, and for those who have their Faces painted with red Pustles, or are subject to a Diarrhoea. It is an useful Medicine in the Quincy, pestilential Pleurisie, Tumors of the Spleen, putrid Gonorrhoea, the Whites in Women, the Scurvy, and the like. The Dose is from four or six grains to eight or ten in Conserves, Electuaries, Syrups, Juleps, or other convenient Liquors. In cold distempers it is given mixt with Wine; but in Feavers in Barley-water. In Diarrhoea's and imperfections of the Liver, as also in a Gonorrhoea and Fluxes in Women it is given mixed with Conserve of red Roses, that it may become tart, and red like blood. But all they who are subject to Contraction and Convulsion of the Nerves, and those who have dry Brains, or lean, spare Bodies; also those whose Stomachs

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      are small and weak, and have the mouth of their Ventricle small and tender; also Women and Virgins, who are troubled with the obstruction of the Terms, must abstain from the use of this Medicine.

      Flowers of Nitre.

      DIssolve Nitre prepared in Rose-water, then put the solution into a new Pot not glazed, and set it in a cold place for some days, till the flowers of the Nitre pass through the Pot, and stick to the outside of it; then with a Hares foot let them be diligently wiped off, and keep them for your use without any other preparation.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of excellent use in the Hungarian, and other malignant burning Feavers. It repels and takes off all Inflammations; also the roughness of the Jaws, and the heat of the parts adjoyning, especially when they begin to wax black. It is an admirable Remedy to alter and remove the intemperate heat of the Heart, Ventricle, Lungs, Liver, Spleen, Kidneys and Bladder. It brings away the Stone, and expels Urine too long retained. The Dose is from half a dram to a dram in some appropriate Medicine.

      Spirit of Salt Coagulated.

      TAke crystalline Salt of Wormwood, or the common Salt well rectified, add to this so much Spirit of Salt as will Spagyrically coagulate and unite these together; yet let it be so done, that the Spirit of Salt may abound both in favour and strength. This so coagulated and justly consistent, keep for your use in a glass Vessel: for this is much more profitable than the Spirit of Salt it self, both to take, keep and carry about, as need shall require.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a most excellent Medicine, having a Balsamick property, by which it renews the whole man, and purifies the Blood; it comforts the Head, Heart, and Stomach; opens obstructions of the Liver and Spleen; it takes away, discusses, mundifies, and resists putrefaction: It is also a most powerful Diuretick, and therefore a Specifick in Dropsies, powerfully expelling by Urine all the watry and flatulent humors, and all the tartarous and snivelly matter, by which the Stone in the Reins and Bladder is generated. It is a present Remedy in the Iliack and Colick passions, in the yellow Jaundice, in long burning Feavers, Dysenteries, Palsies, Apoplexies, Gout, Leprosie, Worms, Rupture, the English Sweat, the Plague, Poisons, &c. The Dose from six or seven to ten or fifteen grains in specifick and appropriate Vehicles. In the Dropsie it is given (other Remedies being given before) in Wormwood-water mixed with Spirit of the flowers of Elder, of each equal parts, and this continued daily, till the Dropsie or Tympany is cured, which will be in few days.

      Spirit of Vitriol Coagulated.

      IN the same manner is Spirit of Vitriol coagulated with Salt of Sorrel, and is without doubt of great force in Physick, as is witnessed by Experience the Mistress of all things.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a great Secret in corroborating a weak stomach, whose digestion it also helps; it is useful in Feavers of the Stomach, in Inflammations and Thirst. We also use it in all diseases of the Head, suffocation of the Womb, Stone, Jaundice, Plague, Epidemical diseases, &c. for it doth powerfully resist the Enemy of Nature, and

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      preserves from putrefaction. The Dose (the body being first cleansed) is so much as will make any thing sharp or tart, yet so, that it may not offend the Teeth; it is given in Mutton, or other warm Broth, or in any other proper Vehicle: yet cholerick men must abstain from the use of it. Some do coagulate the Spirit of Vitriol with the Salt of Wormwood, which way of preparing of it is equal in force of operation to the other.

      The Gemm of Life.

      TAke of Sal Gemm first prepared, then certain times Chymically dissolved in Rhenish Wine, then filtred and coagulated three pound. Put this into a Cucurbit well luted, and put upon it a double Alembick (as Artists well know) with a Receiver large enough, and by degrees sublime it with a strong fire, till all the white and corrosive Spirits go forth, and the Receiver be filled with clouds, then let all be cleared again, and take away the Salt which is risen into the Alembick, and with Spirit of Wine extract it: the Spirit being impregnate with the Salt take it by inclination, and keep it by it self. The Salt left in the bottom dissolve again in the Rhenish Wine before abstracted, then filter it, and with an Alembick draw off all the humidity: the Salt being dryed, sublime it the second time, and being sublimed again with Spirit of Wine, as before, extract it, and this labour repeat four times or more, till there can be no more extracted. Lastly, all the Spirit of Wine impregnate with the Salt and kept apart, now mix them together, and in a gentle heat in Balneo bring it to the driness of Salt, and so you have a Salt spiritual, lovely, fair and crystalline, of great force and operation. At last put this Salt into a silver

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      Vessel gilt with gold, melt it, and when it is melted, put to it (under an earthen covering) so many leaves of Gold by degrees, as may make it of a most red colour, and after a quarter of an hour take it away, let it cool, and reduce it into a most fine Powder, and keep it for your use as an incomparable Treasure.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a Medicine that deserves great praise and esteem; and that I may say all in a few words, it is the only Treasure of humane life against all diseases, even the most desperate: its force and power in altering, penetrating, comforting, expelling, and resisting putrefaction, is greater than can be found in any other. Besides, it opens all obstructions, dissipates poisons, it renders the substance of the blood and all the Spirits more pure and lightsom, and prolongs life, unless opposed by Fatal necessity, God so ordering it. The Dose is from four grains to half a scruple in some appropriate Medicine, which must be considered according to the quality of the disease.

      Alum Tinged.

      Take crude Alum an ounce, Magistery of Dragons blood half an ounce. Dissolve them in Carduus-water, and coagulate it according to art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Alum thus impregnate with Dragons blood, is of excellent use in Feavers and Quartan Agues, and a great Secret in Dysenteies, and all other Fluxes of the Belly. The Dose is from half a scruple to a whole scruple in some appropriate Vehicle; but in Feavers or Agues it is given some hours before the Fit in Tabaco-water, to move Sweat if possible.

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      Bezoar Potabile.

      TO accomplish and perfect this Arcanum, prepare with singular care and study the following dissolving Menstruum: Take Nitre cleansed, Spirit of Vitriol rectified, of each equal parts, distil it in Sand in a Retort, observing degrees in your fire. And this first time, when the fire hath been at the height, and is again abated, pour out the Liquor and weigh it, and add to it the same quantity in weight of Spirit of Wine Alkoholisated, and pour it on your Nitre again, and draw it off as at first, keeping a gentle fire in the beginning of your work, lest the Spirit of Wine should fly too soon; then gradually increase your fire to the fourth degree, until you can perceive no more to rise. This labour is performed in about three hours, ere you get your fire to the fourth degree; lastly you will see your Retort red-hot: from which, when it is cold, you may take your Receiver, and your Menstruum is prepared ready for use, and in the bottom of your Retort you shall find a very little white matter almost void of taste. Then take of the Oriental Bezoar-stone finely powdered an ounce, put it into a small glass Cucurbit, and pour upon it of this Menstruum (last mentioned) as much as will stand above the Medicine three fingers, and set it in Balneo with a moderate heat, and in the space of two or three hours the Menstruum will turn the Bezoar-stone into a red colour. Pour off this solution, and what still remains undissolved, pour upon it again the fore-mentioned Menstruum after the same manner as before, and again put that into a Bath, and repeat this work till it is all dissolved; and when it is so, put all the tinged Menstruum into a Cucurbit, and with an Alembick draw it off gently:

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      which being done, pour Spirit of Wine upon the mass left in the bottom, and again draw that off as before, and so do the second and third time (remembring to add new Spirit of Wine each time) until you can perceive no more acrimony of the Menstruum left; then again pour upon it water of Harts-horn, or other Cordial water, and again set it in Balneo, till all the Extract is dissolved in this Liquor: afterward filter it through a Paper, and evaporate it, that about four ounces may remain, which keep as the most excellent Treasure among all earthly things for your use. How this water of Harts-horn is truly and peculiarly prepared, shall be shewed in the Section of Waters.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This most noble and more than Royal Medicine is a singular Antidote against Poison of every kind, but chiefly against noxious vapors of a poisonous quality, and pestilential infections reigning in the habit of the body, and afflicting the vital Faculty, which it expels by Sweat and insensible Transpiration, and roborates the Heart, and all other of the principal internal parts. This I have found by Experience, that it operates with great virtue and force against all sudden and dangerous affects produced from pestilential Poison, in Feavers, the small Pox, Epidemical Pleurisies, the Hungarian disease, and all other diseases which arise from the same causes: neither is it used with less success against the Erysipelas and other poisonous Symptoms where Diaphoretick Bezoars are required; it is an enemy to all putrefaction and malignity, and it mundifies the blood. The Dose is from a scruple to a dram in proper Vehicles. It is also given to the sick in some Potion to be drunk, and not to put him into a violent heat, (therefore it may be taken early in the

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      morning, or if need require, at any other time of the day, being guided by your reason) lest it should weaken and abate the strength of the Patient by giving too much vent for the Spirits; and yet it is necessary that the Patient be warm, and do gently sweat, as much as may be without the debilitation and decrease of strength. Moreover this Medicine may be given two or three times or more, according to the condition of the Patient, &c. in all Complexions and Constitutions of bodies, to Women with Child, to Children and Infants, without any hurt or danger, especially if the state of the disease be such, that they dare not give those hot Theriacal and Alexiterical Antidotes. But if the condition of the sick seems so to require, that a Vein should be opened, or the body cleansed by some Vomit or Purge, these things ought first to be done, and after, if need be, some Sudorifick given. Also if the constitution of the Patient be such, that he cannot sweat easily, as indeed many such are sometimes found, when such a Patient shall be committed to your care that cannot sweat, though covered never so warm, and other means used to force it; give a Dose of this Arcanum, and it will work either by Vomit, or Stool, or by Urine, or some other insensible Perspiration, like a pestilential Vulnerary that drives the peccant matter from the Centre to the Emunctories and out of the body, and no other ways doth it invade the malignity; therefore we may also expect the same effect from this Antidote which in other cases and bodies is produced from Sweat-driving Medicines. Also in the giving of it great care is to be taken, lest any thing of Vinegar, or other sharp Liquor be mixed with it, nay any acetous Syrups are also forbidden, as Syrup of Citrons,

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      Goose-berries, Barberries, &c. But this Extract of Bezoar may be precipitated another way, which will fall to the bottom of the Vessel like Powder, and not easily dissolve. But if any should read this, especially one ignorant of the Secrets of Nature, and will not believe, or doth not know the efficacy and power of this Divine Medicine, let him prove it in this manner: let him give poison to a Pigeon, Hen, Dog, Cat, or any other Animal, and when it is ready to dye, then let him give it of this Medicine in some appropriate Vehicle, and he may see what is to be done by the works of his Creator. Moreover I have often proved it, and by the Grace of God I have given it with wonderful success among the infected, in acute Diseases, the Plague, Petechia, poisonous Draughts, &c. Lastly, it is to be observed, that this Potable Bezoar is not to be kept in Venice or Bohemian Glasses, but in thick German Glasses, for the more sure keeping of its spiritual virtue, for which give praise and honour to God.

      Magistery of the Bezoar-stone.

      OF the Oriental Bezoar-stone there is also a most excellent and precious dry Magistery prepared, of a subtile and penetrating virtue, thus: Dissolve the Bezoar according to art in the Menstruum, whose preparation was mentioned before; when it is dissolved, filter it through a Paper, and have ready at hand either distilled Vinegar, or Juyce of Citrons clarified, pour this by drops upon the solution, yet pour it on quick, holding your hand a good distance above it, and presently soft and subtile particles will precipitate to the bottom, almost without any acrimony; then draw off the Menstruum, and edulcorate it with Cordial waters; which being done, dry

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      it, and keep for use, as the true and sincere Magistery of Bezoar.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This noble Magistery thus prepared, is profitable in all malignant affects and Symptoms, and is given against all poisonous humors or vapors that infect the Heart, especially where the quality and putrefaction is judged to be hot; and therefore in all other cases where Bezoar is useful, it may be safely given, and in the first place to those who are of a tender Nature, and nauseate Physick; also to Women with Child and to Infants, because it hath almost neither smell nor taste. The Dose of it to Infants is from two or three grains to four; but to those of riper years, according as the age and necessity may require, from ten or twelve to fifteen grains, in distilled Waters, or other convenient Medicine, according as the skilful Physician shall think most fit.

      Magistery of Coral with Roses.

      Take of distilled Vinegar four pound, and red Roses dryed. Put the Roses into the Vinegar, and let them stand in infusion till it is of a red Tincture, which filter; and in this Liquor dissolve according to art red Coral, and into this solution drop Spirit of Vitriol, and there will suddenly a red Powder precipitate it self to the bottom; this Powder dry in the shade, and not in the Sun, or by the fire, without any edulcoration, (lest the sharpness of the Vitriol should be lost, and the Tincture of Roses washed away) and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Magistery is given in those cases, and to those persons where the use of the other Corals is thought too dear. It comforts the Heart and vital Spirits, and preserves the body from all poison: It purifies the blood, and resists putrefaction,

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      and all other diseases arising from blood corrupted. It gently refrigerates, drys and contracts: by which means it roborates all the internal members debilitated by an intemperate heat, and preserves the body in a good state of health. It is by Experiment found most profitable in a weak Stomach, Vomiting, Bleeding at the Nose, Flux of the Liver, Suffocation of the Matrix, superfluous Terms, the Whites, Abortion, Gonorrhoea, Stone in the Reins, Dysentery, and all other Fluxes of the Belly. The Dose is from four grains to six in any Vehicle appropriate to the Disease.

      Annotation. In like manner you may prepare Magistery of Corals from Flowers of Piony, good in the Epilepsie and other dangerous affects, and is a very commendable Medicine: and the same is to be understood in preparing it from certain other Flowers.

      Scammony Rosated.

      Take Spirit of Vitriol first rectified with Spirit of Wine three ounces, red Roses dryed a dram and a half. Infuse the Roses in the Spirit till it become red, then filter it, and you have the Spirit of Vitriol rosated. Afterward dissolve crude Scammony in the Spirit, that it may be like Broth or thick Pottage, then dry it again, and this labour repeat the second and third time; then add a little Spirit of Roses, (the Pestle being first smeared with Oyl of sweet Almonds) and work it strongly into a mass, from which afterward with some drops of Oyl of Roses and Cinamon make Troches of a fragrant and sweet odour, which may be kept many years.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth divers humors, but especially yellow Choler without any trouble, and cleanseth the Vessels and blood; hence it is given

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      with good success in many diseases that require evacuation; and this it performs gently without any Gripes of the Belly. The Dose is from thirteen or sixteen grains to twenty, either in Pills, or in Powder given in any proper Vehicle.

      Annotation. In the whole Spagyrick Republick I have not found a more noble Corrective for Scammony, as I can witness by my own Experience; for this doth exceed all other Preparations, yea the very Rosin of Scammony it self. For it dissipates its tough, viscous, and poisonous malignity, and doth correct it, and doth certainly purge; which doth not always follow from the taking of the Rosin only.

      Magistery of Scammony.

      THE true and Spagyrick Preparation and Correction of Scammony which is used as a Secret by Physicians, is this: Take a sufficient quantity of select Scammony, which dissolve in Philosophical Spirit of Wine; after due filtration draw it off again in an Alembick at least to half, then pour upon it Rose-water as much as shall seem necessary for precipitation, and the pure Rosin of Scammony will be precipitated, void of all its poisonous quality, and freed from its nauseous smell and taste, which (when the humidity is separated from it) reserve for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth the body of both sorts of Choler, and divers other diseases, without any offence to the body: neither can there be a more mild, sweet, and noble Cathartick found in the whole bosom of Nature. The Dose is from half a scruple to a whole scruple in Conserves or other appropriate Vehicles.

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      Magistery of Gum Guttemaw or Gambogia.

      BY the forementioned Method may a Magistery or Flowers be prepared of this Peruvian Gum, which is an incomparable Cathartick to purge serous and thick humors; let it be prepared carefully and reserved for use. The Dose is from ten, twelve or fifteen grains to a scruple, especially in robust bodies.

      Gum of Peru Rosated.

      Take Gum of Peru or Guttemaw well pulverized an ounce, Chicory-water half an ounce, Spirit of Vitriol rectified a dram. These being well mixed, put it into a Glass or a well glazed Vessel, and in a warm place (but if it be too hot, it will grow black and be spoiled) let it evaporate and grow dry, till it looks of an earthy colour. Afterward pulverize this, and add to it powder of red Roses an ounce, of red Sanders two drams, and pour upon it a sufficient quantity of Spirit of Wine, and let it circulate for twenty four hours, and when it is grown cold again filter it through a Paper, and by degrees let it evaporate till it is dry: and so you have a red Extract, of valid and excellent efficacy, and in aspect fair and lovely, though the Gum by it self or the Magistery of it is of an unpleasant yellow colour, and doth easily nauseate. Hitherto it is revealed and communicated to none, but to the ingenious and worthy, for which end it was found.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth serous humors without danger and difficulty from all parts of the body; for which reason it is used with excellent success in all ill habits of body, Dropsie, Gouts of all sorts, and such kind of diseases: also in the Scurvy and Greensickness it is found excellent by Experience.

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      The Dose is from fifteen grains to twenty one, especially in robust strong bodies.

      Amber Muskified.

      Take of the best pure Amber an ounce, of the most odorate Musk a dram, Elaeosaccharum of Citrons half a dram. Mix them, and bring the mass into a most subtile Powder, which moisten with Spirit of Roses hot, and let it dry again: and this labour repeat certain times, and afterward let it be again finely powdered, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It heats and drys: It comforts the Brain, it roborates and succours it in all its affects; it helps the continual pain of the Head; it cleanseth the Eyes of white specks, and consumes the moist defluxions thereof. It wonderfully gives help to old people, and to those who are naturally cold; it hastens drunkenness, being infused in Wine. The Dose is from four to six and eight grains at the most in Sack, or other proper Vehicle.

      Regal Diacinamon.

      Take of the best Cinamon four ounces, three Nutmegs, of our Syrup of Cinamon as much as will suffice. Make it into an Electuary, to which add Confectio Alkermes an ounce, Oyl of Cinamon half an ounce, Amber Muskified, Troches of Pearls, of each a dram; Leaves of Hungarian Gold thirty one. Mix them, and so make a Royal magnificent Medicine, which reserve for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of a hot quality: It comforts the Brain and Heart above measure; it discusseth the vitious humors of the Stomach, and helps Concoction; it helps the Syncope and Palpitation of the Heart; it resists the inflation and swelling of the Stomach, and dissipates wind. It allays

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      the Colick-pains proceeding from a cold Cause, and it sweetens the Breath. It resists all putrefaction. It is very agreeable to old people who are cold and debilitated, and in whom the native Balsam, and natural heat are lessened and impaired. It doth wonderfully recover strength, increase Seed, and promotes the strength of Procreation; it excites to Venery, and much sweetens the pleasure thereof, and safely increaseth the motion thereunto. The Dose in the morning fasting, and in the evening at going to bed, is the quantity of a Hazel-nut more or less, according to the Complexion and Sex of the Patient.

      Pearls Trochiscated.

      TAke white Salt of the Oriental Pearls, and free from all its acetosity, what quantity you please, dissolve it in water made of May-dew gathered from the standing Wheat, or in some Cordial liquor: to this solution add by drops of Spirit of Vitriol rectified as much as shall seem requisite for precipitation, and a white Powder will precipitate to the bottom, which (the flegm being removed) edulcorate and dry it according to art, and you have the true Magistery of Pearls. Then take of this Magistery an ounce, the true Oyl of Roses, and Oyl of Cinamon, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Tragacanth dissolved in equal parts of Rose-water and Cinamon-water, let little Troches be made according to art, which lay by for use, and reserve it like a Treasure.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most excellent Comfortative in all affects of the Heart, as Pain, Sorrow, Trembling, Pulsation, Palpitation, defects of the Mind, &c. Also in pains of the Head, Vertigo, Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Palsie, Contractures, resolution of the Nerves, Convulsion, Phrensie, Melancholy, Madness,

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      Gout, and Gouty pains in the Joynts, Consumption, Blasting, the numbness and decay by Age, Stone, Dropsie, Scurvy, French Pox, and Feavers, &c. It purifies the Blood; it comforts all the Senses, Brain, Memory, and Heart, and preserves the whole body sound. It fortifies Nature within, also the Child in the Womb; it roborates the Spirits, repairs the strength, and increaseth the humane Seed: it amends Milk in Women, takes away the spots of the Eyes, and consumes Catarrhs, &c. And these Troches of Pearls thus made by our ordination have been highly approved by many Great and Noble men, and by them esteemed as a great Secret, and equal in effect to the Aurum Potabile. The Dose, according to the nature of the infirm, and the Judgment of the Physician, is from six grains to eight in appropriate Vehicles.

      Elaeosaccharum of Citrons.

      Take of Rose-water sixteen pound, the exterior bark of Citrons one pound. Distil it, and separate the Oyl from the water, rectifie it, and reserve it for use. Then take of white Sugar Candy three ounces, Oyl of Citrons rectified half an ounce. Mix them and you have a most odorate Eleosaccharum of Citrons. Yet there is another more secret way of preparing an Eleosaccharum of Citrons and Oranges, and that is thus: from the exterior coat of them, being yet recent, the oily Juyce is prest, and mixt with a sufficient quantity of white Sugar Candy, and well incorporate, and so you have an Eleosaccharum far more sweet and excellent both in smell and taste, which is also easier to be prepared.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It helps the imbecillity of the Heart and Ventricle, it promotes Concoction, and discusseth Flatulencies; it is good against Poisons,

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      and causeth a sweet breath. It being also mixed with Wine, doth wonderfully advance it by its most sweet odour and taste. The Dose is from half a scruple to a scruple in any convenient Vehicle.

      Annotation. This way of Preparation may be observed almost in all Spices, Gums, Barks, Herbs, Flowers and Seeds, &c. to wit, in Clove-gilli-flowers, Cinamon, Cassia lignea, Nutmegs, Mace, Pepper, white Amber, Mastich, Marjoram, Sage, Rue, Lavender, flowers of Chamomil and Roses, Aniseeds, Fenil-seed, Angelica, Caraway, Cummin-seed, Dill, &c. From these and such like may Eleosaccharum be prepared, most friendly to humane Nature.

      Magistery of Parsley.

      Take Ashes of Hearts-ease, or Salt of Tartar half a pound, and with a sufficient quantity of Rain-water make a strong Lixivium clear, &c. Then take Parsley not dryed in the Sun, and cut small, what quantity you please. Put it into a Glass, and pour upon it your Lixivium already made; let them stand in digestion in a warm place to extract the Tincture: To this being impregnate, and the Lixivium yet hot, pour upon it warm, crude Alum half a pound dissolved in Rain-water, mix them well together, and the true Tincture of the Parsley will precipitate with the ebullition, and be a little green, which diligently edulcorate and keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It heats and cuts the Humors, it strongly provokes the Terms and Urine, it discusseth Wind, and expels the Stone. The Dose is from six grains to ten or twenty in some appropriate Vehicle.

      Annotation. In like manner Magisteries or Tinctures of green dryed Herbs, as of Rue, Watercresses,

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      Water-Mints, Rosemary, Sage, &c. are extracted, and kept for the use of them in Physick.

      SECT. II. Of Liquid Tinctures. (Book 2)

      Tincture of Coral.

      TAKE true Spirit of Honey, Philosophically distilled (but not that corrosive and poisonous vulgar sort) pour it upon the pure red fragments of Coral (first Spagyrically and without fire calcined) to draw the Tincture, until the body remains white, and as it were dead. All the Extractions being mixed, after due ablution and Coagulation draw it off gently in Balneo Mariae, and the remaining Essence of the dissolved matter (not of the dissolving Menstruum) again draw off with rectified Spirit of Wine, until you do receive a most red Tincture like blood, which you shall make into the form of an Oyl, at least of an Alcoole by evaporating the mediety thereof, and keep it for your use, as the true and genuine Preparation of Corals; but by no means make your Tincture with Aqua Mellis, as many have hitherto done by hiding of this Secret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Hitherto the Hermetical Artists have kept this noble and precious Essence to themselves; for they used it with happy and great success in Phantastical imaginations, Epilepsie, and Melancholy, because it mundifies and renews the blood throughout the whole body. It also resists all

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      defects rising in the blood by putrefaction and corruption, and it radically throws off all internal diseases. It also comforteth the seven principal Members, but especially the Heart and vital Spirits, which it defends against poison and all other evil and dangerous accidents. Also it wonderfully opens all obstructions of the principal Members, as the Lungs, Liver, Spleen, and Kidneys, and it allays Inflammations. It eats up the heat of Feavers, and consumes their matter, &c. It is a divine Medicine in the most vehement suffocation of the Matrix, superfluity of the Terms, in the Dropsie, Scurvy, Palsie, Pox, Leprosie, Dysentery, Gonorrhoea, Convulsions, and Blood congealed or stagnant. The Dose is from six drops to half a scruple, or a whole scruple, in Vehicles convenient and proper to the disease.

      Tincture of Mars.

      Take of Sal Armoniack two parts, of filing of Steel one part. Mix them, and in a Retort distil them by degrees, first with a gentle, after with a more strong fire, and the Essence of Mars will remain in the bottom; take this and edulcorate it well, that it may be free from all the sharpness of the Sal Armoniack: then put this matter thus edulcorated into a little Cucurbit, and with Spirit of Wine extract a Tincture, and when it will tinge no more, take away the tinctured Spirit, and draw it off to the half in an Alembick, that which remains with the Essence extracted, filter through a Paper, and reserve that for use as the true Tincture of Mars.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Tincture of Mars is by Experiment found to be of singular use in all obstructions of the Liver and Spleen. Also in Hypochondriack Melancholy, Quartan Agues, ill habit of

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      Body, Dropsie, Green-sickness, Scurvy, the Terms too much either in flux or retention. The Dose is from six drops to half a scruple, in Wine, Syrups, Decoctions, or other convenient Liquors, that the strength of it may so much the better penetrate, which is effectual even to the remote and extreme parts of the body; but in the use of this, the body ought to be often and gently purged of the peccant humors, and a good Diet to be observed.

      Tincture of Antimony.

      TAke Vitriol calcined to a redness what quantity you please, pour upon it distilled Vinegar. Let them stand in a warm place for two or three days, take the Tincture by inclination, filter it, and the Menstruum is prepared. Then take a sufficient quantity of crude Antimony well pulverized, and pour upon it of your Menstruum before-mentioned, what quantity you please, and let them digest according to art, until the Menstruum appear yellow, which pour off, and pour on fresh, till all the Tincture is extracted. This being done, and all the several Tinctures mixed, let them be distilled to the thickness of Honey, then at last draw it off again with Spirit of Wine to the half, and you shall then receive a reddish Tincture, which keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth wonders in the Epilepsie, Melancholy, Madness, Love, potions and poisonous Draughts. The Dose is six grains in some convenient Vehicle.

      Tincture of Sulphur.

      EXtract flowers of Sulphur with Spirit of Turpentine in the usual manner; which being done, let the Spirit evaporate by degrees till the rest is dry; then take out the dred matter, and pulverize

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      it, and with Spirit of Wine rectified extract a Tincture from it; and when it will give no more Tincture, add all the tinged Spirit together, and put to it the same quantity of our Pectoral water, and set them for some days in a warm place, that they may digest: afterward draw off the Spirit of Wine in B. M. with a gentle fire, and so the Tincture of Sulphur will remain in the Pectoral water. This take off by inclination to the quantity of half, evaporate the rest till it be like Oyl, what remains filter through a Paper, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Tincture doth not only free the Breast from all thick humors that obstruct the Organs of Respiration, and cause the Cough, and shortness of breathing; but it cleanseth the Thorax, Lungs and neighbouring parts of all putrid and imposthumous Tumors, and hastens their Cure, and gives freedom and ease in breathing. It succours, drys, and roborates a cold Brain in such as are falling into a Consumption. It also allays the pains of the Colick, and resists Putrefaction. It is likewise given with great success in the Plague proceeding from a moist Cause, but especially to the Common people, who by feeding upon gross and bad food, fill their blood with moist crude humors, and therefore more proper for this kind of infection, than to the others. The ordinary Dose is from five, six or seven to ten drops in a proper Vehicle.

      Tincture of Tartar.

      TAke Salt of Tartar well depurated by frequent solution and coagulation what quantity you will, pour upon it the best Spirit of Wine Alkoholisated to the eminence of three or four fingers; set it in digestion for certain days, and every day as

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      often as it is convenient shake it; but take heed lest the Spirit of Wine should break the Glass: let it stand so till it is tinged of a most red colour. This Spirit being tinctured pour it off, and pour on more that is fresh; and this work repeat so often, till it can receive no more Tincture from the Tartar. Lastly, the Spirit of Wine thus tinctured mix together, filter it through a Paper, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cleanseth the Reins and Bladder, it breaks the Stone, and brings it away like Bran; it works by Urine, and preserves Health. It is excellent to remove Obstructions and Putrefactions, and for penetrating and roborating it doth almost exceed all other Medicines and Arcana's. It preserves from the Palsie and Gout, if it be taken constantly morning and evening, either by it self or in specifick Liquors. Moreover in rectifying the blood it is of admirable use, and cannot be sufficiently praised for its effects as well in that as in the Headach, Dropsie, Erysipelas, Jaundice both black and yellow, Colick, Leprosie, Pox, Scabs, Itch, Tetters, Pimples, the Terms retained, Pleurisie, prickings in the Sides, Feavers, Contractures, Gout, and in other tartarous and venenate Diseases. The Dose is half a spoonful at the most by it self, or in some appropriate Liquor, but the Dose is to be increased or diminished according to the Age, Sex, Complexion, &c. of the Patient.

      Tincture of Lacca.

      Take Gumm Lacca finely powdered half an ounce, burnt Alum two drams. Mix them, and pour upon them water made of Lapis Medicamentosus with water of Sage and Roses three pound. Let them stand in digestion till it be perfectly tinctured: which being done, filter it, and keep the red Tincture for use.

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      Virtue and Use. It is experimented in the Scurvy, and cures the laxity and rottenness of the Gums, and takes away the stink thence arising, it repairs the decayed flesh about the Teeth: the way of using this Tincture, is to wash and rub those parts often.

      Tinctura Proprietatis.

      Take Spirit of Wine prepared with Aniseeds sixteen ounces, Elixir Proprietatis an ounce, Confectio Alkermes half an ounce, Clove-gilli-flowers a dram. Let them stand in digestion till the Spirit be perfectly tinged, then filter the tinctured Spirit, sweeten it with white Sugar Candy, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an excellent Medicine in Melancholy, Hemicrania, Vertigo, Palsie, Catarrh, Asthma, Cough, weakness of the Stomach, passion of the Heart, Quartan Ague, and Stone. Moreover it comforts the Heart, keeps back baldness, and makes the Patient merry and joyful, &c: The Dose is from one dram to two in some convenient Vehicle.

      Tincture of Iuniper-berries.

      Take of fresh Iuniper-berries grosly powdered a pound, Aniseed bruised four ounces, Angelica-roots an ounce, Nephritick wood half an ounce, of the best Mace two drams. Mix them, and infuse them in four quarts of Spanish Wine: let them infuse fourteen days, and every day let them be stirred or shaken, afterward distil them in B. M. and with this Liquor distilled, extract the Tincture of Juniper-berries according to art; which afterward filter and a little edulcorate, and preserve for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It heats, opens, attenuates and discusseth, and is good for the Stomach. It is effectually taken in all distempers of the Breast,

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      Cough, Wind, Gripings, and the biting of Serpents; and is very profitable in the Plague: it expels the Stone, provokes Urine, and helps the Convulsion and Suffocation of the Matrix. The Dose is from one spoonful to three in the morning fasting.

      Tincture of wild Poppy.

      Take the Conserve of the flowers of wild Poppy an ounce, flowers of wild Poppies moistned with Spirit of Vitriol a dram. Mix them, and with water distilled from the juyce of the before-mentioned flowers thirty ounces, draw a most red Tincture; which filter, and then add of the Syrup of the juyce of wild Poppies a little vitriolated eight ounces. Mix them, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is very profitable in hot, thin, and sharp Defluxions that trouble the rough Artery and Jaws, and it procures sleep; it helps the Cough, Catarrh, and Phthisick: it is an admirable remedy in Pleurisies and prickings in the Sides, it mitigates Pain, removes Inflammations, and causeth Sweat gently; moreover it is very profitable in Fluxes of the Belly and Dysenteries stirred up by the efflux of Choler and sharp Humors. The Dose is from one ounce to two by it self, or in any convenient Liquor.

      Tincture of Cassia Lignea.

      Take Cinamon-water made with Spanish Wine one pound, good Cassia Lignea six drams. Let them stand so long in digestion, till it be perfectly tinctured, which filter and keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is fit for all cold Distempers; it strengthens the Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Lungs, Heart, Brain and Nerves, and also sharpens the sight. It is good against Poisons and poisonous

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      bitings or stingings, &c. It sweetens the Breath, provokes Urine and the Terms; it helps Vomiting, and loathing at the Stomach; it gives ease in all diseases where we are willing to heat, open, attenuate, digest, and strengthen; yet they who are of a hot Constitution, or are troubled with inflammations, must for bear the use of this Medicine.

      Tincture of St. Iohns-wort.

      Take Iuyce of the Herbs and flowers of St. Iohnswort strained and depurated two pound, of Pimpernel with purple flowers strained and depurated one pound, blood of an Ass taken from the veins behind his ears half a pound, flowers of Bugloss, red Roses and Rosemary, of each six drams; Confectio Alkermes, and Cassia lignea, of each half an ounce; of Saffron one dram. Let them infuse all night, and then distil them in B. M. cohobate the Liquor, and repeat the work the second time.

      Take of this water two pound, Essence of the flowers of St. Iohns-wort made with Spirit of Wine half an ounce. Let them stand all night in a warm place, in the morning filter it so often till you have a most red Tincture, which edulcorate with white Sugar Candy, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Water is a great Secret in Melancholy, Madness, Witchcraft, Inchantments, yea in the Imagination impaired or abolished, and as much as lyeth in art, it amendeth the weakness, dulness, and stupidity of the Mind, and the slowness of the Understanding, it happily takes away all the affects of the Imagination. It also provokes Urine and the Terms; it helps Tertians and Quartans, and is useful for all diseases of the Reins and Bladder. The Dose is from three spoonfuls to four twice in the day, in the morning before Sunrising, and at night going to bed.

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      Tinctura Vitae.

      Take simple Spirit of Wine six pound, of the best Rosewater four pound, Orange peels, Citron peels, red Roses dryed, water-Mints, Balm, white Sanders, Cinamon, of each eight ounces; wood of Aloes, Mace, of each two drams; seeds of Angelica, Coriander, Anise and Fenil, of each a dram and a half; Spicknard, Galangal the less, Oriental Saffron, Cardamoms the less, Cloves, of each half a dram; Ambergriese and Alexandrian Musk, of each half a scruple. Let them stand in digestion for eight days, and then distil them in an Alembick.

      Then take of this Spirit drawn off seven pound, Cassia lignea two ounces, Confectio Alkermes half an ounce, Oriental Saffron a scruple. Let them digest until the liquor is perfectly tinctured, afterward let the tinged Spirit be edulcorated with a sufficient quantity of white Sugar Candy dissolved in its proper liquor, and reserved for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. By the pleasantness of its smell it refresheth the Heart and Spirits, it exhilarates, and prolongs life, and comforts the Stomach and Brain, it increaseth the heat of the Ventricle, confirms its strength, dissipates wind, and encourageth digestion, it helps the Gripings of the Guts, and keeps them sound; yea it is very profitable in the cold distempers of the Thorax, Liver, and Spleen. The Dose is from one spoonful to two.

      Tincture of Guajacum.

      Take raspings of Guajacum four ounces, of the best Mastich an ounce, resinous wood of Aloes a dram, Clovegilliflowers half a dram. These being mixed, pour upon them a sufficient quantity of Spirit of Wine to extract the Tincture, which afterward filter and reserve for use.

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      Virtue and Use. Let the Mouth and aking Teeth be washed often with this Tincture; for the pain often proceeds from the defluxions of the Head, it drys Catarrhs, takes away the stink and rottenness of the mouth, and renders the breath sweet: at the same time let there be warm Plasters applied to the Temples made of Mastich or Gum Elemi, and after spitting let the mouth be diligently washed with a Decoction of Aniseeds.

      Tincture of Sassafras.

      Take Fountain-water well boiled, and while it is yet hot eight pound, Sassafras cut into small thin chips two ounces. Let them stand in infusion all night in a new well glazed Pot close covered until it cools of it self; in the morning filter it, and the straining being clear, let it be a little aromatized with a Tincture of Cassia lignea, and keep it for your daily use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a Nectar in Catarrhs and Arthritick pains; because of its vast driness and moderate heat it is an excellent remedy in Defluxions of every kind, which it doth radically consume, and also expels the Stone. It discusseth Wind, prepares the Womb for Conception, provokes the Terms, helps Digestion, corrects Vomiting, and moves the Belly downwards; but to those who are weak and extenuated it is useless. The Dose is not strictly observed, but the Patient may drink his fill of it, and continue it for some weeks.

      A Tincture for the Toothach.

      Take Guajacum two ounces, Sassafras and Sarsa parilla, of each an ounce; roots of wild Pellitory, crude Alum, Nitre prepared, of each half an ounce; seeds of Staveacre and Henbane, of each two drams; Opium Spagyrically prepared, Cloves, of each a dram and a half; wild Time, Origanum and Saffron, of each a dram. Mix

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      them and make a Powder, which put into a Glass, and pour upon it simple Spirit of Wine, and Wine-Vinegar a pound and a half, and of these make a Tincture.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. A little of this Tincture held warm in the Mouth on the place where the Teeth ake (after a while spit it out and take in fresh, if need be) doth powerfully allay and take away all pains of the Teeth by hindring the sharp flux of Humors; nay it wonderfully takes away those humors that are already fallen on the part; and although at first it seems to increase the pain, yet it is suddenly mitigated and doth vanish.

      Tinctura Uterina.

      Take the berries of Elder and dwarff Elder, of each four ounces; roots of Bryony an ounce, of the herb Marjoram a dram. Mix them, and pour thereon a sufficient quantity of Aqua Hyster. Lit. A. add also a few drops of Spirit of Vitriol, and make a digestion in B. M. for certain days, till you shall receive a most red Tincture, which keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It hath a manifest Hysterical and Cephalick force against all suffocations and torsions of the Womb, and other dangerous affects; yea it takes away all dolors and compressions of the Diaphragma. The Dose is from half a spoonful to a whole spoonful by it self, or in some Hysterical liquor.

      A Diaphoretick Tincture.

      Take Spirit of Wine left in making our Solar Bezoar, and flowers of Elder rectified, of each four ounces; Tartar often rectified three ounces, of the best Vitriol an ounce, Confectio Alkermes six drams. Digest them for certain days, shaking them often, till the liquor be perfectly tinged.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a singular Medicine in the Plague, putrid Humors, diseases of the Head, Palsie, rectifying the Blood, trembling of the Heart, ill habit of Body, Dropsie, Jaundice, Asthma, Pleurisie, Quinsie, prickings of the Sides, Pox, Leprosie, Worms, Contractures, Courses retained, Feavers, &c. for it comforts the principal Members, consumes superfluities, corrects and expels noxious humors, and by its Diaphoretick force penetrates the Nerves, Muscles, and Marrow, and reduces all into its natural and pristine state. The Dose is from half a spoonful to a whole one, in water of Carduus, Elder, or Hearts-ease.

      Tinctura Stiptica, or the Stiptick Tincture.

      Take the yolks of twenty one Eggs boiled hard, Conserve of the roots of great Comfry, flowers of wild Poppy, of each four ounces; of the thorny pricks of Fishes, of Nutmegs, Gum Arabick, of each two ounces; the heads of Poppy with the seeds, flower of red Archangel, juyce of Acacia (or instead of it juyce of Sloes) of each an ounce. Mix them, and let them infuse 24 hours in six pints of red Stiptick Wine, then add of our Aqua Hypnotica ten ounces, and distil all in Balneo.

      Then take of this distilled liquor four pints, Dragons blood moistned with spirit of Vitriol as much as doth suffice to give it a red tincture, then filter it, and the red Tincture edulcorate with Syrup of the Juyce of wild Poppy-flowers, and reserve it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is very profitable, and of great power and force in all Fluxes of the Belly, as Dysenteries, Diarrhoea's, Lienteries, Tenesmus, &c. The Dose is four ounces.

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      SECT. III. Of Extracts. (Book 3)

      Bezoarticum Solare, or the Solar Bezoar.

      TAke Venice Treacle, Mithridate, of each eight ounces; shavings of Guajacum and Sassafras, of each six ounces; Bay-berries, roots of Elicampane, Angelica, of each four ounces; Swallow-wort, Zedoary, Tormentile, of each two ounces; Dragon-wort, Masterwort, Valerian, Scorzonera, white Dictamnus, Butter-bur, of each an ounce; elect Mastich, red Myrrh, wood of Aloes, Calamus aromaticus, Cardamoms the less, white Ginger, Cubebs, Oriental Saffron, Mace, of each six drams.

      These being pulverized and mixed, draw the Tincture Spagyrically with the best Spirit of Wine, and then separate the Spirit from the Essence by a gentle heat in Balneo, until it remains at the bottom thick like Honey; which being done, add of Confectio Alkermes an ounce, Iovial Bezoar, Diaphoretick Mineral, Oriental Bezoar, of each half an ounce; Elks hoofs and Harts-horn Hermetically calcined, native Cinnabar prepared, sealed Earth, flowers of Nitre, of each three drams; the Mineral, Solar, and Animal Unicorn, of each a dram and a half; Salt of Oriental Pearls, and of red Corals, flowers of Benjamin, milk of Sulphur, of each a dram; salt of Betony, of Scabious, of Scordium, of each three scruples; the five precious Stones prepared, the bone of a Stags heart, Vipers, of each half a dram; Ambergriese and Musk of each a scruple. These being all diligently mixed and incorporated, at last

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      add by drops true Oyl of Roses, of the Oyls of the seeds of Angelica, of Oranges, white Amber, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinamon, Camphire, Garden Rue, Citrons rectified, of each a dram. Mix them all together, and bring them into the due and just form of an Extract, to which you may add for the greater force of the Medicine, the Salt made of the calcined Feces, and extracted according to art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a great Secret, nay it is the best Medicine in many and almost all Diseases, against all metallick, animal, and vegetable Poisons, as Mercury, Arsenick, Wolf-bane, the brain of a Cat, poisonous Medicines, Love-potions, the poison of Spiders, Vipers, Serpents, Scorpions, Toads, &c. which doth powerfully expel it from the Heart and the other principal Members by Sweat, and penetrates and conserves the whole body. It is also useful after due Purging in all putrefactions and superfluous humors of the body from whencesoever they arise, in ill habits of Body, Dropsie, &c. In Erysipelas's (in which case open a Vein first in strong bodies) in the English Sweat, punctures of the Sides, small Pox, Asthma, Melancholy, Pox, obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, Leprosie, Contractures, all long and confirmed Diseases, &c. Also all Gouts in the Joynts, Knee, Foot, Hip, in all Feavers, Terms retained, Jaundice, yea in the Colick and Iliack Passion, &c. It is a singular and incomparable remedy in the Plague, the Hungarian disease, and in all Epidemical diseases it is a great Secret, and by the report of the Patient, it works to a miracle; and that I may speak all in a word, it is an universal Evacuative of all Poisons in the body. In Apostems, Carbuncles, the true Pleurisie, first give one Dose, and exactly five hours after give another, let this be gentle,

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      that he may have a third, and of the happy success let no man doubt. But if the Patient should cast up the Medicine by Vomit, repeat it again presently, yea though he should retain it, for it is not sufficient to give one Dose only; but give it so, that it may cast the pestilential Poison out of the body with power and safety, repeat this Alexipharmack Sudorifick five or six times in two days: Which seeing it is often neglected, how many may be saved which dye, and this noble Medicine is defamed! When the Patient is in his Sweat, let him refresh himself with Conserve of Roses vitriolated, Conserve of Sorrel, Rob of Goose-berries, Juyce and Syrup of Citrons, of Pomegranates, with Cordial and simple Waters, &c. and let the Patient abstain from sleep till he hath sweat twice. When his Sweat is over, let his body be dryed with clean Linen moderately warm, but take great care lest the expulsed Poison be driven in again by too cold Air; let the Sheets and Blankets of the Bed be changed: And if the sick were tyred with sweating, let him use comforting and refreshing Meats, as new-laid Eggs, Broth, Ptisans, and such like, which are pleasant, and nourish much in a small quantity. The Dose is from half a scruple to a scruple: But if he be seized with the Plague, or his case be desperate, let him take at first half a dram or two scruples in our water of Harts-horn, Treacle, or Carduus benedictus, or let him take it in any other appropriate Vehicle, and sweat; for it doth most powerfully drive all Poison out of the body by its Diaphoretick force; for you will see the whole body flow with sweat. For which Divine blessing let the Name of the Lord be blessed.

      Aurea Hadrianea, or the Golden Hadrianean.

      Take of the following Extracts made with distilled

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      Vinegar, Venice Treacle, Mithridate, Confectio Alkermes, of each an ounce; roots of Anthora, Angelica, Elicampane, of each half an ounce; Scordium, Oriental Saffron, Lupines, of each three drams; Harts-horn and Elks hoof Hermetically calcined, Bole prepared with juyce of Citrons, sealed Earth, Bezoar, Diaphoretick Mineral, Iovial Bezoar, of each two drams; Hyacinth prepared, Emerauld prepared, salt of Pontick Wormwood, Carduus, the lesser Centaury, of each a dram and a half; Magistery of Pearls, of red Corals, and of Crabs eyes, of each a dram; bone of a Stags heart, bones of Vipers, Unicorns horn, Extract of Lignum Aloes, of each half a dram; then add by drops Oyl of white Amber rectified, of Camphire, Zedoary, Roses, Cloves, Cinamon, Citrons rectified, Angelica, Rue, of each half a scruple. First mix the Extracts carefully, that they may all well incorporate one with another, which being well mixed, add the other Oyls and Powders, which by little and little sprinkle on the mass; which being warm, bring it into the form of an Extract.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Antidote from its value and excellence is called Golden, and in virtue and operation it comes near our Solar Bezoar, only it is easier prepared. In the first place it is a most excellent remedy against the Plague, Epidemical diseases, and all kinds of Poison. For whosoever in time of the Plague shall use this Medicine, keep it in their bodies, and sweat with it, do by the Providence of God escape, without having the distemper. But let one that is insected use it from half a dram to a dram in his greatest necessity, expecting the operation of it in his bed; and while he sweats let him forbear sleep, which many Physicians do not permit under the space of 24 hours, especially when the Bubo and Carbuncle appear; yet seeing it doth restore strength,

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      and that heat in sleep is carried rather to the exteriors than to the interiors, it ought not to be forbidden beyond the time of Sweating: neither let the sick use any rigorous means to procure Sweat; for I observe, that either with or without it, by the use of this Alexitery, Evacuation is made by insensible Transpiration, and the pestiferous matter is retunded, which ought to be observed in giving all Diaphoreticks. Moreover it helps Epilepsies, Apoplexies, Hemicrania's, Cephalalgia's, Vertigoes, Convulsions, Palsie and Melancholy. It is a present help in the Asthma, pains of the Heart, Spleen and Liver, Dropsies, spitting of Blood, the bloody Flux, Colick, Sciatica, Gout; and all kinds of Feavers either Quotidian, Tertian, or Quartan. The Dose is from half a scruple to a scruple and half a dram in some specifick and appropriate Vehicle.

      Extractum Panchymagogon.

      Take leaves of Sena eight ounces, Pulp of Coloquintida, roots of white Turbith, black Hellebore, of each four ounces; Mechoacan, Hermodactyls, Elateris, resinous Ialap, of each three ounces; Aloe rosata, elect Rhubarb, dwarff Elder-berries, of each two ounces. Of these Hermetically make an Extract of a just consistence, to which add of Scammony rosated, acid Tartar, of each an ounce; these Oyls, of Cloves, Cinamon, Mastich, Fenil, Chamomil, Oranges, Mace, of each a scruple. Mix all into a mass for Pills, which keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an universal Cathartick profitable for all ages; because as well in general as particular it purgeth all superabounding humors in what parts of the body soever they lurk, and that pleasantly without any nauseating. The Dose is from one scruple to two, or a dram, especially in strong bodies.

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      Extractum Polychrestum, or an Extract good for many things.

      Take Aloe rosata, leaves of Sena, of each four ounces; Hermodactyls, white and gummy Turbith, Ialap, of each three ounces; black Hellebore, Mechoacan, Troches Alhandal, Gum of Peru, red Myrrh, the best Mastich, Ammoniacum, Sagapen, Opopanax, Sarcocol, of each an ounce and a half; Troches of Agarick, dwarff Elder-berries dryed, the best Rhubarb, of each an ounce; Myrobalans Indian and yellow, Polypody of the Oak, Dodder, Cummin seeds, flowers of Arabick, Stoechas, of each half an ounce; true Castor, Indian Spike, Cloves, of each two drams. These being mixed, draw a Tincture according to art in the best Spirit of Wine, of which make an Extract of a just consistence for our Pills, called Pilulae Polychrestae.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is called Polychrestum, because it is profitable in many distempers of the body, and purgeth all humors. The Dose is from half a dram to a dram by it self, or mixed with other Pills: it is quickned with our Scammony rosated.

      Extractum Specificum Hydropicum, or a Specifick Extract against the Dropsie.

      Take juyce of the roots of Flower-de-luce made thick, Elatery, of each eight ounces. Mix them, and in Spirit of Wine, in which Species Diarrhodon Abbatis hath been infused, draw a Tincture according to art, which preserve till hereafter; then take Pulp of Coloquintida, roots of white and gummy Turbith, black Hellebore, of each four ounces; the best Rhubarb, gummy Ialap, Mechoacan, of each two ounces; the inner bark of the roots of Elder, Walnut-tree, Alder-tree, of each an ounce; Hedge-Hysop, Fumitory, grains of Pepper of the Mount, dwarff Elder-berries, of each six drams. Mix

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      these likewise, and with Spirit of Wine rectified, in which Species Diacubeba hath been infused, extract a Tincture, with which mix the former, and draw off the humidity in Balneo, leaving the Extract at the bottom, of the consistence of a Pultis; to which add Magistery of Gutta Gamba, Scammony rosated, of each an ounce; Tartar vitriolated, Hyacinth prepared, of each half an ounce; Crocus Metallorum absinthiated, Mercurius vitae, of each two drams; Spirit of Vitriol rectified a dram. Let all these be carefully pulverized by themselves, and faithfully mixed with the Medicine, and about the end add of the Oyls of Cinamon, Cloves, Mace, Chamomil, Oranges and Mint, of each half a dram; and of all make a Mass of a consistence like an Extract.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is specifick in Dropsies; for it principally purgeth those serous Excrements, and carries off all superfluous humidities, and discusseth the matter of Tumors. It also prevents and cures all diseases arising from a salt and burnt humor; as Elephantiasis, Mange, Leprosie, Cancer, Tetters, running Sores, Ulcers malignant and fistulous. It is given in the morning with care, because it is a strong Cathartick, and powerfully purgeth Flegm and all watry humors from the whole body.

      Extractum Diasenae, or an Extract of Sena.

      Take of elect Sena four ounces, Ialap, Polypody, of each two ounces; Agarick, black Hellebore prepared, elect Rhubarb, of each an ounce; Fenil seeds half an ounce, Cinamon, Squinanth, of each two drams; Ginger, Zedoary, of each a dram. After they are bruised, infuse them in a sufficient quantity of warm water, then shift the water and pour on new, until all the virtue be draw forth; which being done, evaporate the humidity till it comes to the thickness of Honey,

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      and then add Oyl of Aniseeds and Cloves, of each a scruple: which being well incorporated, the work is ended.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most profitable Purge in all Constitutions, especially Melancholy, &c. Dose from one dram to four scruples.

      Extractum Specificum Emeticum, or a Specifick Vomiting Extract.

      Take Diar hodn Abbatis half an ounce, fresh roots of Asarabacca, Bryony, Sowbread, of each an ounce; the inner bark of the roots of Alder, the best Rhubarb, juyce of Liquorish, elect Mastich, of each half an ounce. From these with Spirit of Wine draw a Tincture by digestion, stirring it often in the day, which being done, reserve it. Then take Roots of the lesser Spurge prepared, white Hellebore prepared, of each eight ounces. These being cut and moderately bruised, pour upon them the Tincture you before prepared, and let them stand in a gentle heat in Balneo for fourteen days; then take the Spirit by inclination, and pour on fresh; do this so long till all the virtue is extracted. Lastly, the Spirit truly tinged being mixed together, draw off the humidity according to art, until the Extract doth appear in the bottom like Honey; to which add Salt of Vitriol half an ounce, Gutta Gamba, Tartar vitriolated, of each two drams; Oyl of Cloves, of Cinamon, Nutmegs, of each a scruple. Mix them all carefully, and make an Extract according to art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a specifick Vomit, and works variously by Vomit and Stool, and is of great force and virtue in all Feavers, pains of the Head and Joynts, Gout, Jaundice, Dropsie, and in obstructions of the Liver and Spleen; yea in the Appetite depraved, and the Stomach debilitated, for

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      it leaves nothing of a depraved nature in it, but radically casts forth all the impure and peccant humors, nor doth it do any injury. The Dose is to be regulated according to the Age, Sex, and Complexion, &c. from a scruple to half a dram in some convenient liquor, or in the form of a Pill, &c. having eaten something convenient before; for then it works with the most ease and the least trouble.

      Extractum Specificum Colicum, or a Specifick Extract for the Colick.

      Take of the yellow rind of Oranges six ounces, specie of Diacymini, Iuniper-berries, of each three ounces; roots of Elicampane, Pimpernel, Cloves, Zedoary, of each an ounce and a half; seeds of Chervil, Bay-berries dryed, Mother of Time, Marjoram, juyce of Liquorish, of each an ounce; Cardamoms the less, Oriental Saffron, of each six drams. Mix them, and with Spirit of Wine draw a Tincture, which afterward in Balneo abstract to the thickness of Honey, and add of Nitre vitriolated thra drams, Harts-horn Hermetically calcined, Swines and Hares Cockal-bones calcined, of each two drams; white Amber prepared, Magistery of Corals, the Carp-stone, of each a dram and a half; Diaphoretick Mineral, Iovial Bezoar, the Bezoar stone, Lac Sulphuris, of each a dram; Spirit of Salt rectified half a dram. Mix them all together, and make of it a Mass like an Extract, to which add of our Carminative Oyl two drams, the Oyls of Angelica, Cloves, white Amber, Mastich, Mace, Cinamon, Citrons, of each a scruple. All being well incorporated, make an Extract and reserve it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a Specifick in the Colick, and is properly applied to the Colick and Iliack Passion rising from a cold, moist and flatuous

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      Cause, and (the Excrements of the Guts being evacuated) it is a Secret in allaying the vehement and mos grievous pains of the Intestines; for it dissolves and attenuates the thick and viscous humors, and dissipates wind. It helps the distension and windiness of the Hypochonders and Stomach, and wonderfully relieves the coldness of the Stomach, and the weakness of the Bowels. It is also profitable for old Folks, and those who have the Quartan Age, &c. It repairs Concoction, and effectually expels the Tartar that is dissolved and loosned in the Guts. The Dose is from a scruple to half a dram, in our Water against the Colick, or in any other appropriate.

      Extractum Specificum Uterinum, or a Specifick Extract for the Womb.

      Take Elder-berries dryed, dwarff Elder-berries, of each four ounces; roots of Piony duly gathered, red Mugwort, white Dictamnus, Briony, of each two ounces; Misleto of the Oak, Climmin seeds, Pennyroyal, Balm new dryed, Cassia lignea, of each an ounce; Oriental Saffron, true Castor, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and draw a Tincture with Spirit of Wine; which being done, separate the Spirit, and the Extract will remain in the bottom: to which add the blood of a Hog dryed in an Oven, and prepared with the Hysterical water half an ounce, Iovial Bezoar two drams, Magistery of English Tin, of Mother of Pearls, and Coral, of each a dram and a half; Oyl of Cloves, of Angelica, white Amber, Oranges, of each a dram. Let them be all well mixed, and made into the form of an Extract, which keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. We have not a greater Secret for the Womb than this is; for in the suffocations of the Matrix, where all things are irritated,

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      and as it were desperate, it is a most salubrious Medicine; for it takes away the cause of these most cruel effects, and all, or at least-wise the most deplorable fits and strangulations of the Womb, caused by a retention of the Seed, and it resisteth many other things of the same nature; it also perfectly quiets the motion of the Matrix. The Dose is from a scruple to half a dram three or four mornings together, in our Hysterical water, or any other appropriate, as those of Mugwort, Balm, Motherwort, Pennyroyal, &c.

      Laudanum Opiatum.

      Take of Thebane Opium Spagyrically prepared two ounces, juyce of wild Poppy-flowers made thick an ounce, roots of Hounds-tongue, transmarine Mummy, Styrax calamitis, juyce of Liquorish, Oriental Saffron, of each half an ounce. With Spirit of Wine draw the Tincture of each of them apart, except the Opium, which is to be drawn in distilled Vinegar, or Juyce of Citrons, then abstract the Spirit of all the Extractions in gentle heat of Balneo, to the thickness of Honey, and add to it the Extract of Bezoar stone, Anodyne Sulphur of Vitriol, of each two drams; Salt of Oriental Pearls, red Coral, of each a dram; Elks hoofs Hermetically calcined, bone of a Stags heart, white Amber prepared, of each half a dram; Ambergriese a scruple, Musk half a scruple. These being all well incorporate and mixt, add of our Aurum potabile a dram and a half, Oyls of Chamomil, Dill, Wormwood, Oyl of Oranges, Cloves, Nutmegs, of Citrons rectified, of Aniseeds and Caraway seeds, of each half a scruple. Let all be well mixed, and brought into a Mass or Extract.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an admirable Medicine in stopping all fluxes of Humors and Catarrhs, and all excretions of Blood and Terms, in unreasonable

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      watchings and want of rest, in Feavers of all kinds, and in sudden weakness: In Phrensie, Madness, Melancholy, Vomiting, Epilepsie, Heart-passions, Hiccupping, Colick, weakness of the Stomach, Pleurisie, pains of the Joynts, Gouts of all kinds, Sciatica, Stone, Nephritick pains, &c. For in allaying all vehement and sharp pains it is really a Divine help, and as it were our last refuge, there being not a Medicine to be found in the Spagyrick Republick more excellent, speedy, safe, and secret than this is, witness the very Mother and Nurse of Physick, Experience; therefore use this Divine Medicine only to the Glory of the most high God, and the Health of your sick Neighbour, and with me give thanks for the same. The Dose is from two or three to four, five or six grains, which is given at bed time, the body being empty; for when the Patient takes it, he should omit his Supper that evening, lest his food should obstruct the Medicine. And because the use of Laudanum Opiatum is grown so famous and frequent, I will here subjoyn the various use thereof.

      In Affects of the Head.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiatum three, four, five or six grains, Marjoram-water half an ounce, Syrup of Betony two drams, Confection of Smaragdus a scruple, oyl of Oriental Pearls three drops, oyl of Fenil one drop, spirit of Vitriol as much as doth suffice to make it grateful. Mix them, and make a Draught for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiatum what quantity you please, Syrup of the juyce of black Cherries, water of Vervain, Nutmegs, of each two drams; Confection of Hyacinth a scruple, salt of red Corals three grains, oyl of white Amber a drop. Mix them, and make a draught for one Dose.

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      Pills. Take Laudanum Opiatum what quantity is convenient, Magistery of Pearls, Smaragd or Emerauld prepared, of each three grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Fenil make little Pills, which gild for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiatum a convenient quantity, Magistery of red Corals, Hyacinth prepared, of each three grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of white Amber or Marjoram make little Pills, which gild for one Dose.

      A Bole or Bolus.

      Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, conserve of Marjoram a dram, confection of Smaragdus a scruple, species of Diambrae half a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Cinamom a sufficient quantity to make it into a Bole for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, conserve of Rosemary flowers a dram, confect. of Hyacinth a scruple, species of Diamoscu dulce half a scruple, oyl of Mace one drop, Manus Christi Perlats a sufficient quantity to make it into a Bole for a Dose.

      In Affects of the Heart.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, Syrup of Lemmons two drams, water of Borage, Cinnamon, Roses, and Water-Lily, of each a dram; Confectio Alkermes, Tincture of Corals, of each half a scruple; Salt of Oriental Pearls three grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, Syrup of the juyce of Citrons and of Black-berries, of each two drams; water of Balm and Bugloss, of each a dram and a half; of our Confectio pretiosa a scruple, Tincture of Coral half a scruple. Mix them, and make a draught for one Dose.

      Pills. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity,

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      our Magistery of Pearls and the bone of a Stags heart, of each three grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Mace make little Pills, and gild them for one Dose.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, of the five precious Stones prepared, Oriental Bezoar, of each a grain. With Oyl of Cinamon make Pills and gild them, for one Dose.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, confection of Borage vitriolated a dram, confection of Alkermes a scruple, species of Diamargariton frigidum half a scruple, of Manus Christi Perlat. enough to make it into a Bole for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, conserve of Clovegilliflowers vitriolated one dram, our confection of Citrons a scruple, species Diarrhodon Abbatis half a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Cinamon enough to make it into a Bole for one Dose.

      In the Epilepsie and Vertigo, &c.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, Syrup of Piony flowers, waters of the Lily of the Valley, of our Epileptick, of each two drams; of our Cephalick Confect a scruple, oyls of Cubebs and Elks hoofs, of each a drop; Spirit of Vitriol a sufficient quantity to make it grateful. Mix them, and make a draught for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, Syrup of Betony, water of Lavender and Teil-tree, of each two drams; confection of Smaragdus a scruple, essence of Camphire three grains, oyl of white Amber and Harts-horn, of each a drop; of our Elixir of Piony so much as will make it grateful. Mix them, and make a draught for one Dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, of the

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      Animal Unicorn, Magistery of Corals, of each three grains. With Oyl of Mans Scull make Pills and gild them, for one Dose.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, Magistery of mans Scull, Sulphur of the Moon, of each three grains. With Oyl of Elks hoofs make Pills which gild, for one Dose.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, confection of Piony flowers vitriolated a dram, confection of Smaragdus a scruple, of our species Dialunae half a scruple, oyl of Rosemary a drop. Mix them, and with Troches of Diambra q. s. make a Bole for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, conserve of Rosemary flowers a dram of our Cephalick confect a scruple, of our species Diacranei half a scruple, oyl of Lavender a drop. Mix them, and with Troches of Diamoscu dulce make a Bole for one Dose.

      In Vomiting, Hiccup, and a weak Stomach, &c.

      Take Laudanum Opiatum a sufficient quantity, syrup of Mint, our Stomach-water, of each three drams; Extract of Calamus Aromaticus, our Sal stomachicum, of each four grains; oyl of Nutmegs and Mace, of each a drop; our Elixir of Vitriol q. s. to mae it grateful. Mix them, and make a draught for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate a sufficient quantity, syrup of Quinces, water of Calamus aromaticus, of each three drams; Extract of Galangal the less, Nitre vitriolated, of each four grains; oyl of Cloves, of Water-mints, of each a drop; of our Elixir of Sulphur q. s. to make it grateful. Mix them, and make a draught for one Dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiate a sufficient quantity, Diagalangal

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      ten grains. With Oyl of Sage make small Pills for one Dose, which gild.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. species of Aromaticus Caryophyllat. ten grains. With Oyl of Wormwood make Pills for one Dose, which gild.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. preserved Ginger a dram, preserved Acoras half a dram, oyl of Mastich and Zedoary, of each a drop. Mix them, and with Troches of Diagalangal make a Bole for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. conserve of Water-mint a dram, Diacydon. aromat. half a dram, oyl of Cinamon and Calamus aromaticus, of each a drop. Mix them, and with Troches of Aromaticus Caryophyllatus make a Bole for one Dose.

      In Melancholy, Madness, and Phrensie, &c.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Basilicon Iulip, Bugloss water, of each three drams; spirit of sealed Earth, essence of St. Iohns-wort, of each a scruple; Elixir Proprietatis q. s. to render it grateful. Of these make a draught for one Dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Balm water half an ounce, syrup of Bugloss two drams, our confection of Citrons half a dram, essence of Saffron, tincture of Smaragdus ten grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one Dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Sulphur of the Moon, Magistery of Oriental Pearls, of each three grains. With Oyl of Cinamon make Pills for one Dose, which gild.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. powder of burnt Crab-fish, magistery of red Coral, of each three grains. With distilled Oyl of Roses make little Pills for one Dose, and gild them.

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      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Confection of Hyacinth a dram, Essence of St. Iohns-wort a scruple, species of Diamargariton frigidum, Elaeosaccharum of Citrons, of each half a scruple. Mix them, and with Manus Christi Perlat. q. s. make a Bole for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. confection of Smaragds a dram, essence of St. Iohns-wort a scruple, tincture of Corals, Elaeosaccharum of Cinamon, of each half a scruple. Mix them, and with Troches of Diarrhodon Abbatis make a Bole for one dose.

      In Feavers of all kinds.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Carduus water an ounce, syrup of the lesser Centaury two drams, of our febrile Salt ten grains, Extract of Zedoary half a scruple. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of our Aqua febrifuga an ounce, syrup of Wormwood two drams, of our febrile Elixir a scruple, Extract of Cloves half a scruple. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of our febrile Salt half a scruple. With Oyl of Wormwood make small Pills for one dose, and gild them.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of Nitre vitriolated half a scruple. Mix them, and with Oyl of Camphire make little Pills for one dose, and gild them.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of our febrile Treacle a dram, preserved Ginger half a dram, species of our Febrifuge a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Myrrh half a scruple. Mix them, and with white Sugar Candy make a Bole for one dose.

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      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of our febrile Treacle a dram, preserved Calamus aromaticus half a dram, of our febrile Salt a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Rue half a scruple. Mix them, and with Diarrhodon Abbatis make a Bole for one dose.

      In Pectoral Diseases, Cough, Asthma, and Phthisick, &c.

      A draught. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. syrup of Liquorish and Horehound, of each a dram and a half; water of Lohoch sanum, Hysop, and Fenil, of each a dram; Elaeosaccharum of Aniseeds ten grains. Of these make a draught for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. water of Horehound, Coltsfoot, and Betony, of each a dram and a half, syrup of Hysop and Iujubes, of each a dram; Rob of Nuts, Elaeosaccharum of Fenil ten grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. compound flowers of Sulphur, Benjamin, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Sage make Pills for one dose.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Lac Sulphuris, white Tragacanth, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Chamomil make small Pills for one dose, which gild with Leaf-gold.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of o r Pectoral Confection a dram, Lohoch sanum & exper. half a dram, juyce of Liquorish, Elaeosaccharum of Fenil, of each half a scruple; Extract of Oriental Saffron three grains. Mix them, and with Troches of simple Diaireos make a Bole for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Conserve of Violets a dram, conserve de Pino half a dram, of our species of Diasulphuris a scruple, Extract of Elicampane,

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      Elaeosaccharum of Aniseeds, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with simple Manus Christi q. s. make a Bole for one dose.

      For the stopping of Defluxions of Humors and thin Catarrhs, falling from the Head upon the Wind-pipe, which causeth broken rest and a continual Cough.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. water of the bark of green Walnuts and Scabiose, of each two drams; Syrup of wild Poppies a dram and a half, Rob of Nuts a dram, Elaeosaccharum of Nutmegs ten grains. Of these make a draught for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of our Aqua Serpilli benedict. half an ounce, syrup of Iujubes two drams, of our Diacodium with Saffron a dram, Elaeosaccharum o Cubebs ten grains. Of these make a draught for one dose.

      Another in a very hot Cause.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of Pomgranate-wine half an ounce, water of Roses two drams, syrup of Poppies simple, Diamorum, of each a dram and a half; Nitre vitriolated two grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Magistery of Sandaraca, Emerauld prepared, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Mastich make Pills for one dose, and gild them.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Magistery of Mastich, white Amber prepared, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Frankincense make it up into Pills for one dose, and gild them.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Conserve of the flowers of wild Poppies half a dram, Rob de Cornis half a dram,

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      of the species of Diamargariton frigidum a scruple. Mix them, and with Sugar Penids make a Bole for one dose.

      In all Fluxes of the Bowels.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Tormentil water half an ounce, of our Stiptick Syrup two drams, essence of the flowers of red Nettles (or Archangel) half a scruple, Extract of the roots of Bistort, Elaeosaccharum of Nutmegs, of each ten grains. Of these make a draught for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Plantanewater half an ounce, syrup of Quinces two drams, essence of Balaustins a scruple, Extract of Tormentil, Elaeosaccharum of Cloves, of each ten grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Magistery of Coral rosated, Crocus Martis, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Mastich make little Pills for one dose.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Magistery of Gum Arabick, Harts-horn burnt and prepared, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Sage make it into small Pills, and gild them.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiate. q. s. Confection of dryed Roses a dram, of our Narcotick Confect a scruple, our species of Diamartis and Elaeosaccharum of Oranges, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with Troches of Diarrhodon Abbatis q. s. make a Bole for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Conserve of Comfry flowers a dram, of our Stiptick Confect half a dram, species of our Diaplantaginis, Elaeosaccharum of Citrons, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with Troches of Diamargariton frigidum make a Bole for one dose.

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      In Excretion of Blood, and over-much Evacuation of the Terms.

      A Draught. Take shavings of Brasil a handful, of Gum Arabick three drams. Boil these in a sufficient quantity of white Wine in Balneo. Then take of this liquor being strained and clear, and of Laudanum q. s. syrup of Quinces, Diacodium with Saffron, of each two drams; Magistery of Coral rosated, essence of Crocus Martis, of each ten grains; Elaeosaccharum of Cloves four grains, Rob of Barberries q. s. to give it a grateful relish. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.

      Another. Take Tormentil, Dragonwort, Chicory, of each a dram; shavings of Harts-horn, seeds of Roses, Plantane, and Sorrel, of each half a dram; Shepherds purse, Pimpernel, and Liverwort, of each a scruple; flowers of Millefoil, red Roses, and Rosemary, of each ten grains; Sebestens two. Boil these in a sufficient quantity of red Stiptick Wine in Balneo. Then take of the clear straining an ounce and a half, Laudanum q. s. syrup of wild Poppies, syrup of Comfry, of each two drams; essence of Dragons blood a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Nutmegs ten grains, Rob of Gooseberries q. s. to make it grateful. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.

      Another most excellent in the overflowing of the Terms.

      Take Laudanum five grains, water of Shepherds purse an ounce and an half, Rob of Elder three drams, Sal Prunellae two scruples, Extract of Tormentil ten grains, Camphire four grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.


      Take Laudanum q. s. red Bole prepared, Magistery of Corals Rosated, of each four grains. Mix them,

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      and with Oyl of Rosemary make Pills, and gild them.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. moss of the Sloe-tree, Magistery of the mother of Pearls, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Sage make little Pills and gild them for one dose.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. the preserved rind of Quinces a dram, Troches of Spodium half a scruple, powder of Cuttle-fish bones, Elaeosaccharum of Zedoary, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with Troches of Diamargariton frigidum make a Bole for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. roots of Comfry preserved a dram, Troches of sealed Earth a scruple, white Amber prepared, Elaeosaccharum of Nutmegs, of each ten grains. Mix them, and make them into a Bole for one dose.

      In the Colick and Iliack Passion, &c.

      A Draught. Take Conserve of red Roses an ounce, roots of Zedoary a dram. Boil them in three ounces of Chamomil water. To an ounce and a half of this water strained, add Laudanum six grains, syrup of Oranges two drams, of our Colick Extract a scruple, of our Carminative Elaeosaccharum ten grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of our Aqua benedicta Serpilli half an ounce, syrup of Mint two drams, of our Colick Extract a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Oranges ten grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of our Aqua Carminativa half an ounce, syrup of Citron rinds two drams, Extract of Zedoary, Elaeosaccharum of Angelica, of each ten grains, spirit of Salt of Nitre q. s. to make it grateful. Of these being mixed make a draught for one dose.

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      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Magistery of the Carpstone, bones of the Hares foot calcined, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of white Amber make small Pills for one dose which gild

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Oriental Bezoar stone, the Cockal-bone of a Hogs foot calcined, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Cummin seed make little Pills for one dose, which gild.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Confection of Mint a dram, of our Extractum Colicum half a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Cinamon ten grains. Mix them, and with Rowls of Dianisi make a Bole for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Conserve of the flowers of wild Poppy a dram, Elaeosaccharum of Chamomil a scruple, of Nitre vitriolated four grains. Mix them, and with Rotula's of Diacymini make a Bole for one dose.

      In the Pleurisie.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. water of wild Poppy flowers half an ounce, syrup of Maidenhair two drams, Extract of Liquorish a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Aniseeds ten grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. water of Carduus Mariae half an ounce, syrup of Iujubes two drams, essence of the flowers of wild Poppy, Elaeosaccharum of Fenil, of each ten grains. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of the jaw-bone of a Pike, the tooth of a wild Boar, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Benjamin make little Pills, which gild for one dose.

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      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. compound flowers of Sulphur, Extract of the juyce of Liquorish, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Hysop make little Pills for one dose, which you may gild.

      A Bolus.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Conserve of the flowers of wild Poppies a dram, Lohoch sanum & expert. half a dram, of our Species Pleuritica a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Cummin seeds ten grains. Mix them, and with Diatragacanthum frigidum make a Bole for one time.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Conserve of Violets a dram, of our Diacodium crocatum half a dram, our secret Pulvis Pleuriticus a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Chamomil ten grains. Mix them, and with Rotula's of Diaireos simple make a Bole for one dose.

      In the Stone and Gout.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of our Aqua Nephritica half an ounce, syrup of Marsh-mallows two drams, salt of the Perch-stone ten grains, oyl of Oriental Pearls sour drops. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. water of Germander half an ounce, syrup of Mallows two drams, salt of Crabs eyes ten grains, oyl of red Coral four drops. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Magistery of the Iewish Stone, of Venetian Borax, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Spirit of Turpentine make little Pills for one dose, which you may gild.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Magistery of the Spunge-stone, Nitre prepared, of each four grains. Mix them, and with Oyl of Parsley make

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      little Pills for one dose, which gild.

      A Bole. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Conserve of Violets, preserved roots of Pimpernel half a dram, of our species Dianitri a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Parsley ten grains. Mix them, and with Sugar of Violets make a Bole for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Confection of Mallow flowers a dram, preserved roots of Eryngo half a dram, of our Species Nephriticus a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Citrons ten grains. Mix them, and with Syrup of Roses make a Bole for one dose.

      In immoderate Watching and unquiet Rest.

      A Draught. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Poppywater half an ounce, Syrup of Poppies two drams, Elaeosaccharum of Aniseeds ten grains, Spirit of Vitriol three drops. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose to be taken in the Evening.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. of our Aqua Hypnotica half an ounce, syrup of flowers of wild Poppies two drams, Elaeosaccharum of Fenil ten grains, oyl of Oriental Pearls three drops. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.


      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Magistery of Pearls, of Ambergriese, of each four grains. With Oyl of Styrax make Pills for one dose, and gild them.

      Others. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Magistery of red Coral, Lignum Aloes, of each three grains. With Oyl of Benjamim make small Pills for one dose, and gild them.

      A Bole.

      Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Conserve of red Roses vitriolated a dram, Lohoch de Papavere half a dram, species of Diamoschu dulce ten grains, Extract of Saffron three grains. Mix them, and with Rotula's of

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      Diarrhodon Abbatis make a Bole for one dose.

      Another. Take Laudanum Opiate q. s. Conserve of Violets vitriolated a dram, Diacodium crociated half a dram, species of Diambra ten grains, Extract of Elicampane flowers three grains. Mix them, and with Rotula's of Diamargariton frigidum make a Bole for one dose.

      Laudanum Minerale, or the Mineral Laudanum

      Take of the Anodyne Sulphur of Vitriol corrected and fixt two drams, Magistery of Pearls, Extract of Lignum Aloes, of each a dram and a half; of Saffron a scruple, Bezoar stone, the Animal Unicorn, of each fifteen grains; oyls of Cloves and Cinamon, of each half a scruple. Mix them, and with Syrup of the Juyce of wild Poppy flowers make a soft Mass according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most excellent Anodyne, and most profitable to procure sleep, also to stop Catarrhs, Defluxions (from the Brain upon the Nose or Eyes) Coughs, and other such kind of affects; it helps the Distillations that fall upon the Thorax, Lungs, &c. The Dose is from six grains to eight or ten in any Conserve or convenient Liquor, or in the form of a Pill.

      SECT. IV. Of the Preparing certain things, &c. (Book 4)

      The Calcination and Preparation of Harts-horn, Elks hoofs, Mans Skull, &c. Spagyrically or without Fire.

      THis Calcination is effectually performed in a Bladder by continual boiling or digesting in

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      fair water, by which vapor the Horn hanging in the neck of the Bladder, in which place it may be best wrought and penetrated, by a pleasant and wonderful manner is calcined to a perfect whiteness, without those violent flames which otherwise consume its virtues (as is used to be done in the vulgar Calcination) but let the fourth part of the Bladder be empty: And if in boiling the water should consume, pour on more scalding hot, and this do until this fumigatory Calcination (for whatsoever is calcined by this method, is not undeservedly said to be calcined by Suffumigation) be absolutely finished.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Harts-horn thus prepared, is equal to the Unicorns horn in its Diaphoretick force; for it is profitable in all affects of the Heart, and wonderfully excellent in all kind of Poison. Moreover it is very effectual in the yellow Jaundice, Dysenteries, pains of the Guts, voiding of blood either upwards or downwards, pains in the Bladder, Fluxes of blood in Women, &c. The Elks hoof also of the same Preparation is of great efficacy, being a noble Cordial in malignant Feavers, and a Secret in many other diseases, likewise mans Skull wonderfully cures the Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Vertigo, &c. The Dose is from ten to twenty or thirty grains in some appropriate Vehicle.

      The true Spagyrical Preparation of Thebane Opium.

      Put Thebane Opium cut into small pieces upon an Iron plate, and set it upon hot coals, constantly stirring it, till all the poisonous and corrosive quality is separated by Evaporation. Yet take this caution, let not him that tends it receive the Fumes, for it is hurtful. When this is evaporated, the Opium left upon the Plate will have a fragrant smell like Violets,

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      which is a true sign that all its malignity is separated; then dissolve this Opium thus prepared either in Wine-vinegar distilled, or in Juyce of Citrons: which being done, again draw off the Menstruum, and keep it for use.

      The Preparation of Nitre.

      Take of Nitre purified with Flos Sulphuris half a pound, dissolve it in Spirit of Wine and Vitriol, of each a like quantity; then draw off the Spirit, until the mass remains crusty; what is left in the bottom, put into a cool place, and the Nitre will shoot into Crystals, from which take the humidity, and dry the Crystal, and reserve them for use.

      The Preparation of Millepedes commonly called Wood-lice.

      Take Millepedes what quantity you please, wash them in Spanish Wine, and in a Glass close stopped, and covered with Paste all over, dry them in an Oven; again wash them in Spanish Wine, and dry them as before, and repeat this the third time; fourthly infuse them in our Aqua Nephritica vitriolated for two or three days, afterwards dry them, and pulverize them, and keep them for use.

      The Preparation of white Hellebore.

      Take white Hellebore finely pulverized, pour upon it often Vinegar, left after the dissolution of red Coral being abstracted and vitriolated (but first infuse in it the Cordial flowers and grains of Chermes) dry it again, and so you shall have white Hellebore well and Spagyrically prepared, which may safely be given inwardly in many diseases in a certain dose and mixture without any danger.

      The Preparation of Fish-shells.

      Take oblong shells which are found near Fishponds and Lakes, pour upon them distilled Vinegar,

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      and let them lye therein a whole night, to extract the filth from them, which you shall carefully scrape off, and afterwards pulverize them, and with Carduus water prepare it upon a Marble; for the volatile Powder of them made by Calcination is of no worth nor use in Physick.

      The Calcination and Preparation of River flints.

      Take River-flints white and shining, and heat them red-hot in a strong fire, then quench them in water in which Sal Armoniack hath been dissolved, and repeat this work often, till at last the Flints appear white like Snow, and may be easily brought to a Powder. This Powder edulcorate with Rose water, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Powder is not only a powerful Dentifricium, cleansing the Teeth on a sudden from all their corrosive Tartar and other filth, and makes them white, but also Iron and Steel, and hence it takes away all rust from Arms and Weapons presently, and makes them fair and clean, especially if the rust be first rubbed with Oleum Templini, and then afterward scoured with this Powder. By this way Arms that are kept in store may be preserved pure and clean for many years from the filth and damage of rust. And indeed it is of great use not only for the Armory of Princes, but of Cities and Persons of Honour; and though it is but an ordinary thing, it ought not to be contemned.

      The Preparation of the Pumice-stone.

      Quench a red-hot Pumice-stone in Cows milk thrice, and the fourth time leave it in the Milk until all grow cold, then pulverize it, and it is prepared for our Farina Virginea.

      The Preparation of the sweet Earth of Vitriol.

      Take of green Vitriol calcined to a perfect redness

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      what quantity you please, pulverize it, and edulcorate it by often washing it in distilled Rain-water, till the red Earth is freed from all its saltness and acrimony; then dry this sweet (or rather insipid) Earth, and reserve it for use.

      The Preparation and Calcination of Alum.

      Take of common Salt two parts, of the best Alum one part. Mix them, and in a convenient Vessel reverberate them according to art for twelve hours, then take away the reverberated matter, and wash it so often with warm water, till it is perfectly edulcorated, and the Powder is quite freed from all its saltness, then pour upon it our Juniper Spirit of Wine, that it may swim three or four fingers above it, and keep it for use.

      To the candid Reader.

      THou hast here, courteous Reader, these Arcana's being Chymical and other Preparations, partly private, elaborated with my own care and Experience, and partly from others (yet by a due method) produced in this place, which for the dispensing our following Compositions, are wholly necessary for thee; with which few in this place, I do satisfie my self. I do neither hope for, nor expect any other thing than thanks for things found, and pardon for those omitted; therefore do thou accept of these things (such as they are) as well with a benevolent as a ready hand, and give, when need requires, thy assistance to those that want it, improve all prudently, and by these things preserve thy Neighbours health.

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      SECT. V. Of Species and Powders. (Book 5)

      Species Diasolis, or the Compound Species of the Sun.

      TAke Harts-horn and Elks hoof Spagyrically calcined, sealed Earth, of each a dram and an half; Oriental Bezoar a dram, Diaphoretick Mineral, Iovial Bezoar, of each two scruples; Magistery of Pearls and-red Corals, white Amber prepared, of each half a dram; the Solar and Animal Unicorn, bone of a Stags heart, of each a scruple; true Gallia moschata eleven grains, Oyls of Cinamon and Citrons, of each half a scruple. Mix them, and make of all a most subtil Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an Arcanum in all Epidemical and Pestilential diseases, Erysipelas's, poysonous draughts, and in the Asthma, or most dangerous straitness of the Breast; for it defends the Heart from danger of poyson, and expels by Sweat all noxious humors from it, and doth wonderfully relieve it in all its distempers. The Dose is from half a scruple to a scruple in Carduus water, Elder flowers, or Treacle, or any other appropriate Vehicle.

      Pulvis Bezoarticus Imperialis, or the Imperial Bezoartick Powder.

      Take of Elks hoofs and Harts horn Spagyrically calcined, of each three drams; the red Oriental Bole prepared, Iovial Bezoar, of each two drams; Oriental Bezoar stone, sealed Earth, of each a dram and a half; flower of Sulphur compound, the Animal Unicorn, Magistery

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      of Oriental Pearls, red Coral, of each half a dram; native Cinnabar prepared, bone of a Stags heart, white Amber prepared, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make of all a most subtil Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most excellent Diaphoretick in all peracute diseases, in burning, malignant and Epidemical Feavers; for it wonderfully drives out by Sweat all poisonous and vitious humors from the Heart and other principal Members. The Dose is from half a scruple to a scruple in appropriate sudorifick Waters, or in Water or Decoction of the shaving of Hartshorn.

      Species Dialunae, or compound Species of the Moon.

      Take roots and seeds of Peony gathered in a due time, Elks hoofs Spagyrically calcined, Magistery of Mans Skull, of each half an ounce; of the true Soul of the Moon in powder, Lunar Bezoar, of each four drams; native Cinnabar prepared, Misleto of the Oak, Squills prepared, of each two drams; the Secundine of a Woman dryed, but it must be of her first child, and that a son also, Peacocks dung prepared, of each a dram and a half; Salt of Oriental Pearls and red Corals, of each a dram; true Castor, long Pepper, Cubebs, of each a scruple; the best Musk and Ambergriese, of each half a scruple. Mix them, and make of all a most subtil Powder, to which add Oyl of Hartshorn rectified, Oyl of white Amber, Nutmegs and Rue, of each half a scruple. Mix them again, and keep them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth wonders in Lunatisms, Epilepsies, or Comitials, Vertigo's, Lethargies, Subeth, and in all cold congealed evils of the Brain; it doth also relieve those who are troubled with frightful dreams, and uncertain fears. The Dose in curing is from a scruple to half a dram given in the Fit in our Epileptick, or Apoplectick, or any

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      other convenient water. But in preservation it is given in all Quarters of the Moon, and in all moist and unconstant seasons of Air, from half a scruple to a scruple in the fore-mentioned Waters.

      Pulvis Epilepticus mirabilis, or the wonderful Epileptick Powder.

      Take of the Skull of a man strangled, and calcined without fire an ounce, Misleto of the Oak, counterfeit Cinnabar, Elks boofs, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and make a Powder, of which give a scruple to Children immediately after the Fit, but to full grown persons a scruple: let this be repeated, and it cures them.

      Pulvis Ophthalmicus, or a Powder for the Eyes.

      Take of white Sugar Candy and Tuty prepared, of each two drams; Pearls prepared and Sarcocol, of each half a dram; Beans prepared a seruple. Mix them, and make a most fine Powder for the Eyes.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Powder is a great Secret to me in many affects of the Eyes: and first it heals dulness and spots in the Eyes, it wipes away the little clouds and specks therein, and is a present remedy for watry Eyes. It sharpens the Sight, and makes it clear, and then conserves the Eyes sound and well. It being used in time, a small part of this Powder is sprinkled into the Eyes morning and evening, or it may also be mixed with other Eye-medicines.

      Species Diamartis, or the Compound Species of Mars.

      Take Tormentil, Nutmegs, Galls, of each half an ounce; Crocus Haematitis, Crocus Martis made by calcination, of each three drams; Zedoary, Calamus aromaticus, white Amber prepared, roots of Cinquefoil and Cloves, of each two drams; ashes of Spunge, Oriental

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      red Bole prepared, sealed Earth, Acacia, of each a dram and a half; seeds of Plantane, those things corruptly called Rose seeds, of each four scruples; Harts horn and Mans bones Hermetically calcined, of each a dram; burnt Alum, Soul of Vitriol, of each half a dram. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It helps the tenderness of the Stomach, also Dysenteries, pains in the Guts, and spitting of blood and matter, the Gonorrhoea, Haemorrhoids: It helps those that cannot hold their water, or have a bloody Urine; it stops Womens menstrual Purgations: And lastly, it stops all Haemorragies of blood from what part soever it proceeds. The Dose from a scruple and half a dram to one dram in some convenient Liquor.

      Species Diamercurii, or the Compound Powder of Mercury.

      Take seeds of Cina thirteen drams, Mercurius dulcis five drams, the best Rhubarb, Gummi Turbith, Corallina, of each two drams; shavings of Harts horn, red Myrrh, of each a dram; tops of the lesser Centaury, Tansie, Camphire, of each a scruple; Oyl of Hazel-wood distilled per descensum, Spirit of Vitriol, of each half a scruple. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is given for the Worms, the Moon decreasing, from a scruple to a dram, according to the age and strength of the Patient, it is given in Milk, and is an excellent Medicine against all kind of Worms; for having killed them, it brings them away by stool. It is given also in water of Wormwood, Centaury the less, Tansie, and Nettles, or Archangel. Also in Oxymel of Squills, Honey clarified, Syrup of Citrons, Sorrel, Hydromel, or any other way which Children best like.

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      Species Diajovis, or the Compound Powder of Jupiter.

      Take Faecula Bryoniae half an ounce, Salt of English Tin, Mother of Pearl, red Coral, of each three drams; roots of white Dictamnus and Peony, of each two drams; white Amber prepared, Oriental Saffron, Misleto of the Oak, Antophyllorum, of each a dram; true Castor a scruple. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a blessed Medicine in the most vehement and desperate suffocation and strangulation of the Womb, and as it were sent from Heaven of God to Women: For which Divine help let the Name of the Lord be blessed. The Dose is from a scruple to half a dram three or four mornings together, or in time of necessity, in our Hysterical water, or any other appropriate Liquor.

      Species Diaveneris, or a Compound Powder of Venus.

      Take Sulphur of Vitriol of Venus sublimate, and Spagyrically prepared half an ounce, Venetian Borax two drams, seeds of Ashen-keys, of Rocket, of each two drams; of Parsneps, Nettles and Leeks, of each a dram and a half; roots of Pellitory of Spain, Boletus cervinus, of each four scruples, Galangal the less, white Ginger, Cinamon, of each a dram; Sea-Skinck prepared, Magistery of Pearls, Oriental Saffron, of each half a dram; Cantharides with the wings cut off, Ambergriese, each a scruple; Musk, Oyl of Mace, of each ten grains. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder, with which mix an ounce of white Sugar Candy, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is by Experience the most effectual, and indeed the last and most powerful remedy of all, against the defect in the act of Venus: And he that is willing to please his Consort, and would to the utmost prove his virile force, let him

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      take after Supper (if he desires the effect presently) at his going to bed; or if he would continue that work, every morning from one scruple to two, or a dram in warm Milk, Sack, &c. It may also be prepared without Cantharides.

      Species Diasaturni, or the Compound Powder of Saturn.

      Take Magistery of Saturn an ounce, juyce of Liquorish depurated, Lac Sulphuris compound, roots of elect China, of each three drams; Salt of Oriental Pearls, salt of red Coral, salt of Wheat bread, of each two drams; red Bole prepared, Benjamin sublimate, Olibanum, of each a dram; Oriental Saffron, Cassia lignea, of each half a dram. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder, to which add of white Sugar Candy three ounces, and being well mixed with the Powder, keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. I know not with what words to extol this incomparable Medicine! For a Consumption that cannot otherwise be cured by humane skill, is oftentimes by this Medicine. The Dose morning and evening is from half a dram to a dram, in our Specifick water against Consumptions, or in any other appropriate Vehicle.

      Species Diasulphuris, or a Compound Powder of Sulphur.

      Take Lac and compound flowers of Sulphur, of each an ounce and a half; juyce of Liquorish cleansed, Cardamoms the less, sealed Earth, of each six drams; seeds of Roman Nettles, seeds of Quinces, Cinamon, Ginger, Nutmegs, Saffron, long Pepper, Mace, of each three drams; Tragacanth, roots of Flower-de-luce, flowers of wild Poppy, Mastich, cream of Tartar, of each a dram and a half. Mix them, and of all make a Powder, to which add Oyls of Hysop, Fenil, Sage, Aniseeds,

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      and Chamomil, of each a scruple; and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use and Dose. It helps continual Coughs, difficulty of Breathing, chronical Asthma's. It doth cut and attenuate divers thick and gross humors in the Breast; it preserves and cures without any other Medicine, the Consumption, Wasting, Pleurisie, and all Putrefactions and Imposthumes, and is wonderfully effectual in all affects of the Throat, and doth quickly restore the loss of the Voice. It also drys up the Rheum from the Head, and the evil humors in the Body, from which are used to proceed Gouts, pains in the Joynts, and such like dolors. It is a good Medicine in the Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Leprosie, Pox, Convulsion of the Nerves, Colick and Dropsie, &c. The Dose is from a scruple to a dram morning and evening in some convenient Vehicle; but in the Dropsie it is given with the like quantity of Magistery of Crocus Martis, the body being first cleansed, and it never fails. In the affects of the Throat we use it in the form of a Tragaea, by adding white Sugar Candy, or mixed with Pectoral Syrups in the form of an Electuary or Lambitive.

      Pulvis Refectivus, or a Refective Powder.

      Take white Sugar Candy concrete in Syrup of Violets an ounce, Lac Sulphuris half an ounce, compound flowers of Sulphur, Confectio Alkermes, of each two drams; Magistery of Pearls, red Coral, and Saturn, of each a dram. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use and Dose. It repairs strength, comforts the Heart, and Nature it self; it nourishes and fattens; it drys up the Rheum in the Head, roborates the Brain, allays the Cough, cures the Asthma, Consumption and wasting. The Dose is a scruple in water of Calves Lungs, or Aqua Caponis, or any other

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      Specifick, or so much of the Powder is mixed with any thing as will tinge the Vehiculum white: and of this mixt Liquor the Dose is morning and evening one or two spoonfuls.

      Pulvis excellens contra Tussim Infantum, or an excellent Powder against the Cough in Children.

      Take of Sugar Penids three ounces, species of Diatragacanth frigid, Diaireos simple, of each half an ounce; roots of Peony two drams, juyce of Liquorish a dram, Lac Sulphuris, Saffron, of each two scruples; Mans skull calcined without fire, seeds of white Poppy, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make of all a most fine Powder.

      Species Diavitrioli, or a Compound Powder of Vitriol.

      Take Galangal the less an ounce, Magistery of Vitriol, roots of water Acorus, of each half an ounce; long Pepper, Cummin seeds, Zedoary, of each two drams; Cinamon, Calamus aromaticus, Mace, of each a dram and a half; Cardamoms the less, white Ginger, Cloves, Saffron, Indian Spicknard, wood of Aloes, of each half a dram; Musk and Ambergriese, of each half a scruple. Make them into a fine Powder for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a profitable Medicine against frigid humors of the Ventricle, and putrefaction in the parts thereof, and it digests flegm. It helps digestion and concoction, nauseating and vomiting, and preserves the natural heat, and warms the members of nutrition. It dissipates flatulent humors, it restrains four belchings, and is useful in all diseases of the Liver. It is profitable for those who are upon recovery after a long disease; it helps the stink of the Nose and Mouth, which ariseth from the consent of the Stomach. The dose is from half a scruple to half a dram, or by adding Sugar may be made a

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      Tragea. Note, That this and all other Compositions which have a great quantity of Musk, may be also prepared without it.

      Species Diacinnabaris, or a Compound Powder of Cinnabar.

      Take native Cinnabar prepared half an ounce, Lapis stellaris prepared, Elks hoofs Spagyrically calcined, of each three drams; the raspings of the fore-part of a Mans skull, Misleto of the Oak, of each two drams; roots and seeds of Peony, of each a dram and a half; species Diamoschu dulce and Diambrae, of each a dram; Magistery of Pearl and red Coral, of each half a dram; Oriental Saffron, Oyl of white Amber, of each a scruple; Leaves of Gold thirteen. Make all into a fine Powder, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It hath a wonderful force and power in the Epilepsie, and in all other kinds of dangerous diseases belonging to the Head, and is both a sure and certain Experiment, by which (God assisting) we have perfectly restored to health an incredible number, who were incurable by other means, and some of them labouring under that sorrowful disease nine, ten, twelve, and some eighteen years and more, and yet have been happily restored by this Medicine. The dose is from a scruple to two, according to the age and strength of the Patient, in appropriate and specifick Vehicles, to be repeated every morning till the Patient enjoys perfect health.

      Species Dianitri, or a Compound Powder of Nitre.

      Take Crystals of Nitre prepared with spirit of Wine and Vitriol an ounce, salts of Pearch stones, Crabs eyes, white Amber, of each two drams; roots of Dropwort and Liquorish, of each a dram and a half; seeds of the lesser Nettle, Burdock, Saxifrage, Gromel, Broom, of each a

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      dram; berries of Bays huskt, Iuniper, of each four scruples; Cinamon, white Ginger, Saffron, long Pepper and Mace, of each two scruples; a burnt Hare, Goats blood prepared, powder of Ceterach, red Sanders, of each half a dram; Millepedes prepared a scruple, white Sugar four ounces. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an excellent powerful Medicine in breaking and expelling the Stone in the Reins and Bladder. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram, early in the morning in a specifick Vehicle.

      Species Diatartari, or a Powder compounded with Tartar.

      Take Tartar vitriolated, Magistery of Scammony, of each two ounces; white and gummy Turbith, Hermodactyls, of each half an ounce; Oyl of Cloves and Cinamon, of each ten grains. Mix them, and make a Powder, which reserve for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It gently resolves Tartar coagulated in any part of the body, and being resolved, it safely and easily brings it away by stool, with all other Podagrical defluxions. It purges yellow Choler plentifully, and watry humors lying between the Skin. It also cleanseth the Skin of foulness, Scabs, Leprosie, and such kind of filth. Moreover it cures the Scurvy, and mitigates the pains in the Joynts. The dose from half a dram to a dram, especially in strong bodies.

      Species Diacrystalli, or a Powder compounded with Crystals.

      Take the flesh of a young red Cows udder boiled in Wine, and dryed in a Furnace an ounce, long Pepper five drams, Crystals prepared half an ounce, Pearls prepared wo drams, seeds of Borage, Fenil, Lettice and Nigella, of each a dram; roots of Goats-beard, Cardnus, and wild

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      Rape, of each half a dram; white Sugar three ounces. Mix them, and make all into a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a specifick Medicine for Mothers and Nurses that give suck; for it doth so increase milk in them, that it doth turn almost all their food they take, into milk: And it hath also a secret quality to increase milk of it self. The dose is from half a dram to a dram morning, noon and night in Broth, Carduus-water, or any other convenient Vehicle.

      Species Diasuccini, or a Powder compounded with Amber.

      Take white Amber prepared half an ounce, Magistery of red Coral rosated, Nutmegs torrified, red Orienta Bole, Smaragdus prepared, of each two drams; Crocus Martis made by reverberation, Dragons blood, of each a dram and a half; Styrax Calamitis, burnt Harts-horn prepared, Laudanum Opiate, of each a dram; Rose seeds, seeds of Plantane, flowers of wild Poppy, of each half a dram; Cloves, Saffron, Cinamon and Mace, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Powder restrains and obtunds the viscous and tartarous Salts which erode the Bowels, and doth disquiet the ordure of the Guts. Hence it is the only healing Medicine in al Dysenteries and Fluxes of blood by stool. The dose is from a scruple to a dram in appropriate Vehicles.

      Species Diacretae, or a compound Powder of Chalk.

      Take Chalk prepared with Rose-water three drams Nutmegs a dram and a half, roots of Liquorish and se•••• of Quinces, of each a dram; Oriental Bole prepares red Coral prepared, of each half a dram; the Carp f•••••••• prepared with Plantane water, Mace a little torrifies best Mastich, Oriental Saffron, of each a scruple; w••••••

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      Sugar three ounces. Mix them, and make a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a Catholick Medicine in the Orexis or burning of the Stomach; for these Species have such a power, that they hinder the ebullition and tartarous sublimation of yellow Choler into the Orifice of the Stomach, and do powerfully resolve and precipitate it. The dose is from half a dram to a dram in the Fit: For Medicines in this case are to be given whensoever the stomach is distempered, and to continue taking, till it is restored to health again.

      Species Diaboracis, or a compound Powder of Borax.

      Take Venetian Borax half an ounce, Cassia lignea, Oriental Saffron, of each a dram; shavings of the Savintree, white Amber prepared, of each half a dram; bone of a Stags heart, Misleto of the Oak, flowers of white Violets, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make them into a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is successfully given to Women who are inclined to be barren, and to those who bear them with difficulty: It is most excellent to facilitate the Birth, to cast out the dead Child, or After-birth retained. The dose is from a scruple to a dram in water of Cinamon, white Violets, Mugwort, or in good white Wine.

      Species Diaterebinthinae, or a Powder compounded with Turpentine.

      Take Turpentine twice washed in Citron water two ounces, Magistery of Scammony an ounce, white and gummy Turbith six drams, Tartar vitriolated, white Hermodactyls, of each three drams; species of Lithortrib two drams, Saffron and Mace, of each a scruple Sugar of Violets four ounces. Mix them, and make of

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      all a Powder, to which add Oyls of Aniseeds, Oranges, Cloves, Cinamon and Fenil, of each ten grains. Mix them well, and keep them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an excellent Cathartick, and wonderfully experimented in the Gout, Colick, Gonorrhoea, Dysury, Strangury, Stone in the Reins and Bladder, and in other distempers of the Urinal passages. The dose is from half a dram to a dram and a half in Broth of a Capon, Beef, Cicers, or in Ale, Beer, or white Wine: But it is given to Women in water of Balm or Juniper-berries.

      Species Diamumiae, or a compound Powder of Mumy.

      Take Foreign Mumy, Magistery of Pearch stones, of each two drams; Goats blood prepared, Cloves, Sperma Ceti, of each a dram and an half; roots of Madder, Swallow-wort and Tormentil, of each a dram; white Amber prepared, salt of red Coral, Oriental red Bole, of each half a dram. Mix them, and make all into a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Powder is excellent in all distempers that happen by Falls; for it dissolves blood coagulated. It is effectually used in Fractures, Contusions and Ruptures falling down, and glutinates all internal Wounds, and prevents Impostumes that usually happen after Falls from on high. The dose is from a scruple to a dram in Chervil water, Wine, or wine-Vinegar.

      Pulvis Stipticus ejusdem ferè efficaciae, or a Stiptick Powder almost of the same force.

      Take Swallow-wort roots an ounce, elect Rhubarb and Foreign Mumy, of each half an ounce; red Lacca, Sperma Ceti, of each two drams; Bole Armoniack prepared, sealed Earth, of each a dram. Mix them, and make a Powder for the same use.

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      Another. Pulvis Stipticus valde efficax, or a Stiptick Powder of great force.

      Take Sperma Ceti an ounce, sealed Earth half an ounce, Bole Armoniack, Dragons blood, Blood-stone, of each two drams; Crabs eyes prepared a dram, roots of sweet Angelica, Pontick Rhubarb, elect Rhubarb, of each half a dram. Mix them, and make a Powder. The dose of which is half a dram in warm Wine, expecting sweat after it, by which way it operates and passeth to the Wounds.

      Species Diaolibani, or a compound Powder of Olibanum.

      Take the roots of Peony duly gathered, and Flower-deluce, of each three drams; the best Olibanum a dram and a half, Elks claws calcined without fire, Magistery of Mans skull, Oriental Saffron, Misleto of the Oak, of each a dram; Sugar penids two ounces. Mix them, and make a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is given in the Epilepsie, Apoplexy, suffocative Catarrhs, Cough, Cardiack Passions, and in every sudden disease, and any dangerous accidents in Children and Infants; for it comforts the Heart and Brain, and throws off the peccant matter from those parts. The dose is from half a scruple to a scruple by it self, or in Mothers milk, or any other convenient liquor.

      Species Diatabaci, or a compound Powder of Tabaco.

      Take Indian Tabaco prepared with Oyl of Aniseeds half an ounce, roots of white Hellebore, of Lily of the valley, Pellitory of Spain, of each half a dram; seeds of male Peony, flowers of Lavender, Rosemary, Marjoram and Origanum, of each a scruple; long Pepper, Peruvian Gum, Agarick Troches, Gallia Moschata, of each ren grains. Mix them, &c.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. A little of this Powder snuffed up the Nostrils, doth immediately cause Sneezing, by which means it purgeth the Brain kindly: It is very effectual in all dolors of the Head, Catarrhs, Vertigo, Epilepsie, in all Imposthumes and other obstructions of the Nostrils; for the Excrements as well thick as putrid it plentifully casts off, and also strengthens the Brain. The dose is the quantity of a Pease in the morning fasting, which is to be snuffed up the Nose.

      Species Diamarjoranae, or a compound Powder of Marjoram.

      Take flowers of the Lily of the valley half an ounce, Marjoram first moistned with its own Oyl two drams, wood of Aloes a dram, Cubebs a scruple, Ambergriese ten grains. Mix them, and make a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. We happily use this Powder in all diseases and affects where Sneezing is needful; for it purgeth the Head exceedingly from all thick and flegmy humors, and wonderfully comforts the Brain, and the Organs of Sense also. The dose is the quantity of a Pease snuffed up the Nose in a morning.

      Species Diabalaustinae, or a Powder compounded with Balaustines.

      Take Balaustines six drams, roots of Avens and round Galingale, elect Mastich, sealed Earth, Cloves, Sandarack, Citron peels, Rosemary, of each half an ounce; Coral prepared, white Amber, flowers of Pcony, and red Roses, Olibanum, of each three drams; Nutmegs, seeds of wild Rue, Coriander seeds prepared, yellow Sanders, Sassafras, Cubebs, of each two drams. Mix them, and make a Powder to be applied to the Coronal suture.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is applied in Consumptions, Hecticks, dry Feavers, pains in the Head, to

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      stop Loosnesses, to dry Catarrhs, and comfort the Brain, let it be sprinkled upon the Coronal suture at night going to bed. But in cold and moist distempers of the Brain, let the Head be first bathed with Spirit of Wine, and after sprinkle the Powder, and you shall see a wonderful effect; for it hinders the defluxion of the Rheum to the Nose, Eyes, and other parts.

      Species Diabuglossae, or a compound Powder of Bugloss.

      Take the bark of the roots of Bugloss an ounce, Elaeosaccharum of Citrons half an ounce, red Roses dryed, yellow Sanders, wood of Aloes, of each three drams; Magistery of Pearls and red Coral, of each a dram; bone of a Stags heart, Oriental Saffron prepared, of each half a dram; Gallia Moschata, our Aurum Potabile, Indian Spicknard, of each a scruple; Oyl of Roses and Cinamon, of each ten grains; Manus Christi simple three ounces. Mix them, and make a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a most excellent Medicine, where any one is come as it were to desperation by over-much sorrow. The efficacy of this Medicine is such against the affects of Melancholy and Cardiack Passions, &c. that it quickly restores them to health, and is a most friendly Medicine to the Heart. It comforts all members, whose natural and animal sense is impaired; it helps the trembling of the Heart and Syncope; it repels evil cogitations, relieves the solitary, begets good manners, abolisheth false imaginations, and brings joy. The dose is from a scruple to a dram.

      Species Diaplantaginis, or a compound Powder of Plantane.

      Take juyce of Liquorish extracted, sealed Earth, of each an ounce; roots of Plantane, Dragonwort and Tormentil,

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      of each six drams; Magistery of Crocus Martis made by reverberation, Harts-horn burnt and prepared, rind of Pomegranate, of each half an ounce; Blood-stone, Nutmegs, Orange peel, Cloves, of each three drams; leaves of Sage, Misleto of the Oak, Balaustines, of each two drams; our Magistery of Coral prepared with Barberries, feeds of Plantane, a Harts pizzle, of each a dram and an half; the inside skins of Hens gizards prepared, Dragons blood, Hypocistis, of each a dram. Mix them, and make them into a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Powder helps those that loath their meat, that piss or spit blood; yea young Women, whose Urinary passage is injured after a hard labour. In Dysenteries, pains in the Guts, and superfluous Menstrua's; it yields great relief to all Ulcerations in the Guts, Reins, Bladder and Urinary passage, and soon removes all the Symptoms. The dose is from half a dram to a dram in the morning fasting, and before dinner and supper, in two or three ounces of Plantane water.

      Pulvis Polychrestus Imperialis, or an Imperial Powder good for many things.

      Take white Sugar Candy six ounces, Crocus Martis prepared with Vinegar of Tamarinds an ounce and an half, seeds of Fenil, shavings of Ivory, the Ankle-bone of a Hare, Pikes eyes, Cardamoms the less, white Ginger, Nutmegs, roots of Liquorish, of each an ounce; Cinamon, Cubebs, Cassia lignea, Spicknard, roots and seeds of Peony, Misleto of the Oak, acid Tartar, of each an ounce and a half; Magistery of the Carp-stone, of Crabs eyes, of the Pearch-stone, Oriental Saffron, seeds of Parsly and Smallage, true Castor, Cloves, red Myrrh, wood of Aloes, Hysop, Oyl of Aniseeds, each two drams; Magistery of Pearls and red Coral, the best Mace, of

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      each a dram; leaves of Hungarian Gold forty three. Mix them, and make them all into a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It expels wind, flatulencies, and all peccant humors from the Stomach and Intestines, and also comforts those parts; it preserves from putrefaction, and roborates the Brain; it increaseth Memory, and is excellent in the Epilepsie, in the trembling and debility of the Heart, difficulty and straitness of the Breast, Cough, Asthma, &c. It sweetens grief, exhilarates sorrow, removes timidity, and opens all obstructions of the Liver and Spleen. It cures the Tympany coming of a cold cause, and many other long and confirmed diseases. It stops the running of the Piles, purifies the blood, procures a fresh colour; it warms a frigid Matrix, and amends a corrupt intemperature of the Womb; it purgeth the Reins and Bladder of stones, sand, &c. It opens the Urinary passage, and gives ease in the Strangury. The dose every morning is the quantity of a Chestnut, either by it self, or in some Liquor respecting the disease.

      Pulvis Dysentericus, or a Dysenterick Powder.

      Take Harts horn Spagyrically calcined an ounce and a half, seeds of Bloodwort and Plantane, of each an ounce; Chalk prepared, Nutmegs, Misleto of the Oak, Nitre prepared, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and make a fine Powder, which is effectually given in all Fluxes of the Belly. The dose is one dram in some specifick Vehicle.

      Species Dialauri, or a compound Powder of Bay-berries.

      Take Bay-berries dryed in an Oven in paste, and pulverize an ounce, flowers of Centaury the less three drams, Madder, red Myrrh, Oriental Saffron, of each a dram; round Birthwort, Cardamoms the less, Galangal the less,

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      of each two scruples; salt of Cinamon and Savin, of each half a dram. Mix them into a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They powerfully open obstructions of the Womb, and as wonderfully stir suppressed Terms, and bring them down in a large quantity too. The dose is from half a dram to a dram in decoction of Savin with Saffron, or in Beer, Ale, or Wine twice a day, in the morning fasting, or at night going to bed, and to continue it till the Courses are produced.

      Species Diajalapiae, or a compound Powder of Ialap.

      Take the best and resinous roots of Ialap two ounces, acid Tartar eleven scruples, Oyl of Cinamon a scruple. Mix them, and make a Powder according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purges by stool without any trouble, and mundifies the blood. It draws away Flegm, Choler, and ll other impurities from the whole body, and removes obstructions: For that reason it is given in pains of the Joynts and Hypochonders. Dose from half a dram to a dram, especially in strong bodies.

      Species Diaesulae, or a compound Powder of Spurge.

      Take the lesser Spurge prepared, Rotula's of Diarrhodon Abbatis, of each an ounce and a half; white Hellebore prepared, salt of white Vitriol, of each three drams; juyce of Liquorish extracted, red Sanders, of each a dram; Cinamon, Flower—de-luce, white Ginger, of each two scruples; Magistery of Pearls and red Coral, of each a scruple, Elaeosaccharum of Cloves, Nutmegs, Mastich, of each half a scruple. Mix them, and make a Powder according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is successfully given in all Quotidian Feavers, also in all Tertian and burning Feavers, and all other infirmities of the Stomach,

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      in salt Defluxions, Worms, pains of the Back, Plague, Epidemical diseases, in poisonous draughts, and carries off the slimy matter from the Joynts that causeth the Gout, it works both upwards and downwards, but without any trouble or molestation. The dose is from half a dram to a dram.

      Species Stomachicae, or a Powder compounded for the Stomach.

      Take acid Tartar three ounces, Galangal the less, white Ginger, long Pepper, of each a dram and a half; Cardamoms the less, Nutmegs, Cloves, Zedoary, of each a dram; roots of Liquorish, leaves of Sage, seeds of Rue and Caraways, Olibanum, of each half a dram; Oyl of Cinamon a scruple, Oyl of Water-mint, of Oranges and Aniseeds, of each ten grains; white Sugar Candy eight ounces. Mix them, and make a Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It stirs up lost Appetite, takes away pains, Vomiting and Hiccup; it helps the Asthma, prevents surfeiting, and other disorders by excess; it expels flatuosity, and roborates the Stomach: And lastly it hastens the distribution of Aliment. The dose morning and evening is from half a dram to a dram in Sack or other Cordial Wine.

      Pulvis Stomachicus, or a Stomachical Powder.

      Take the Cream of white Tartar oftentimes moistned with spirit of Vitriol and dryed again two ounces, Hartshorn Spagyrically calcined half an ounce, salt of Pearchstones and Crabs eyes, of each two drams; Magistery of Pearls and red Corals, of each a dram; Oyls of Cloves and Cinamon, of each half a scruple; white Sugar Candy eight ounces. Make of all a Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. As the Medicine is noble, so it nobly comforts the Heart, the Stomach, and all the rest of the members of nutrition; it corrects the niceness and crudities of the Stomach, and prevents

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      putrefaction and flegm. It wonderfully helps those troubled with the Gravel, Spleen, or vomiting their food; also those who by continual and Chronical diseases are utterly extenuated, and by that means are grown very weak, it roborates and strengthens. Dose from half a dram to a dram in appropriate Vehicles.

      Species Pleuriticae, or a Pleuritick Powder.

      Take Sulphur sublimate two drams, Carduus seeds, Bay-berries husked, Misleto of the Oak, roots of Zedoary, Olibanum, of each a dram and a half; teeth of a wild Boar and of a Pike, flowers of wild Poppy, of each a dram. Make all into a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a great Secret against all Pleuritick pains and punctures of the sides, where the sick by reason of their violence is almost dead. The dose is from half a dram to a dram in water of Hysop and Fenil, or in wild Poppy-flowerwater morning, noon, and night, or be sure at the least five hours between every dose. It is also given in Scabious water, and God assisting it certainly cures.

      Pulvis Pleuriticus secretissimus, or a secret Powder for the Pleurisie.

      Take compound flowers of Sulphur half an ounce, wild Boars teeth and the Iaw-bone of a Pike, of each two drams; Poppy flowers a dram. Mix them, and make a fine Powder, which keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cures, not without amazement to the Beholders, the Pleurisie, all putrefactions, Imposthumes, &c. Dose from half a dram to a dram in Chamomil flower and Poppy water, of each a sufficient quantity. There is not a Remedy more effectual to be given, and certainly this only draught edulcorated with a little white Sugar Candy,

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      and given often, is a most admirable help; which I have very often used, and always (by the blessing of God) restored the sick to their former health.

      Species Febrifugae.

      Take the long shells of Shell-fish prepared, Elks claws calcined without fire, of each an ounce; salts of the lesser Centaury, of Carduus benedictus and Wormwood, of each half an ounce; Tartar vitriolated, Magistery of Vitriol, of each three drams; Calamus Aromaticus, Nutmegs, of each a dram and a half; seeds of St. Iohns-wort, Cloves, long Pepper, Camphire, of each a dram; roots of Tormentil, round Birthwort, Zedoary and Laserpitium, of each half a dram. Mix them, and make a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It drives away all Feavers, especially Quotidian, Tertian, and sometimes the Quartan is by it cured also. It is given in the Fit or a little before in water of Carduus or a little Centaury, or in a draught of warm Beer or Ale. The Patient being in his Bed, let him compose himself to sweat. The dose is from a scruple to a dram, the age and strength of the Patient considered.

      Pulvis Febrilis probatus, or an approved Feaver-powder.

      Take Calamus Aromaticus an ounce, roots of Gentian, round Birthwort, white Ginger, of each half an ounce; salt of the lesser Centaury, Carduus, Wormwood, of each three drams; Harts-horn calcined without fire, seeds of Marigold, Camphire, of each a dram; white Sugar Candy an ounce and a half. Mix them, and make a fine Powder. The dose is from half a dram to a dram in specifick and appropriate Vehicles.

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      Species Nephriticae, or a Powder for distempered Kidneys.

      Take Crystals of Tartar an ounce, Magistery of Pearch stones and Crabs eyes, of each half an ounce; salt of white Amber a dram, Oyl of Aniseeds a scruple, white Sugar Candy four ounces. Mix all into a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It gives ease to those who are pained in the Kidneys; it breaks the Stone and tartarous matter in the Reins and Bladder, and other members, and brings it away. It is a present help for the Ischury, Dysury and Strangury without any great trouble; it is indeed a Secret, and so it ought to be esteemed against Stones of all kinds. The dose for preservation is one scruple at the Quarters of the Moon in our Nephritick water; but in curing, the dose is from half a dram to a dram in the before-said water, or in the water of Restharrow, Parsley, or Ground-lvy.

      Species Cholagogae, or a Choler-purging Powder.

      Take Magistery of Scammony an ounce, species Diarrhodon Abbatis half an ounce, acid Tartar two drams, red Roses vitriolated, flowers of the lesser Centaury, of each a dram. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It carries off yellow Choler without trouble, and opens obstructions; it relieves the Stomach, Heart, Liver, Lungs, Joynts and Bowels, and conserves and increaseth their strength; it cures the Heart-passion, Consumptions, yellow Jaundice, &c. It is taken with good success by ancient and weak people in burning and Tertian Feavers. Dose from half a dram to two scruples.

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      Pulvis Carminativus, or a Carminative Powder.

      Take Cummin seed prepared with Vinegar, seeds of Car away and Anise, of each three ounces; white Ginger six drams, Mace three drams, Oriental Saffron a dram. Of these make a Powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It discusseth that wind that distends the Guts, and by its acrimony causeth pains. It may be taken constantly, or in time of necessity, by continuing of it certain days, and for the first month in some Broth, or with water of Fenil, or Anise, or our Carminative water. The dose is from a dram to a dram and a half.

      Farina Virginea Nobilis.

      Take River-flints calcined and pulverized six ounces, Pumice-stone prepared an ounce, roots of Flower-de-luce half an ounce, Gallia moschata a dram, Oyl of Roses a scruple. Mix all, and make a Powder like Meal, which keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. There is not a more excellent Medicine to cleanse the Teeth, and take off the corrosive Tartar, if they be daily and diligently rubbed with a woollen Cloth and this powder, than this is; and therefore I do commend this sweet and pleasant powder of Flints to the use of all.

      Pulvis Haemorrhoidalis, or a Powder for the Piles.

      Take fine Flour an ounce, Crocus Martis half an ounce, red Oriental Bole prepared, roots of Mullein, of each two drams; white Hermodactyls infused all night in spirit of Wine, and again dryed, flowers of wild Poppy, white Sugar Candy, Dragons blood, Olibanum, of each a dram and a half. Mix them, and of all make a fine powder.

      Virtue and Use. It presently stops the bleeding of the Haemorrhoids, and wonderfully allays their vehement

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      pains: And when it is used, make a Cataplasm either of the White of an Egg spread upon a Pledget of Tow, or of stale Butter upon Lint, on which sprinkle a little of this powder, and so apply it to the bleeding Piles or Haemorrhoids.

      Pulvis de Verbasco, or a Powder of Mullein.

      Take of the green herb Mullein what quantity you please, put it into a Crucible, and stuff in as much as you can, cover it with another Crucible, and lute it well, then set it on the fire, that it may wax black, but not burn to ashes, and when it seems to be enough, let the Crucible cool, and take out that black matter, and reduce it into a fine powder; then

      Take of this black powder an ounce, elect Rhubarb two drams. Mix them, and make of all a fine powder.

      Virtue and Use. This powder is a certain Experiment against the Condylomata and blind Piles, the use of which is thus: Let such person take a piece of Linen that is much worn, and wet a little of it with his own Spittle, and upon that sprinkle some of this powder, and so apply it to the part, repeating it so often, till the Piles are dissolved and discussed, which will be in a short time.

      Pulvis probatus, or an approved Powder, to dry, consolidate and heal the small Pox.

      Take meal of Lentils, Beans, and Orobus or Fitches, of each half an ounce; of Litharge, of Ceruss washed, Tutty prepared, Pompholix, of each two drams; shells of Sea-shell-fish prepared, roots of Reeds, Crocus Metallorum, of each a dram. Mix them, and make a fine powder.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. After the seventh day when the small Pox are ripe, open them with a golden or silver Needle, wipe off the matter, lest it should annoy the part, and make them pit, or rather clip them

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      with a pair of Scissers, lest they should close up again; then sprinkle upon them the aforesaid Powder, and strew it also in the Patients bed.

      Pulvis Cyprius Violato-rosatus.

      Take the roots of Florence Flower-de-luce four ounces, flowers of Violets new dryed an ounce, roots of round Galangal two drams, Oyl of Roses truly drawn a dram and a half. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder.

      Virtue and Use. Of this most sweet and delectable Powder little Bags may be filled, which are variously used both by women and others. It may be also used by it self, for hair, garments, linen, &c. and being sprinkled, doth send forth a most pleasant odor, recreating the Brain and all the Spirits. And this we have invented for those who abhor Musk, Amber, Civet, and other most powerful Odorificks.

      Pulvis Cyprius Moschatus.

      Take Styrax Calamitis five ounces, roots of the Florence Flower-de-luce four ounces, the best red Roses, Rosemary, of each two ounces; Benjamin, Cassia lignea, of each an ounce; Ladanum, Calamus aromaticus, Cloves and Coriander seeds, of each six drams; wood of Aloes, yellow Sanders, Rhodium, of each half an ounce; Orange and Citron peels, round Galangal, of each three drams; Origanum, Marjoram, of each two drams; flowers of Bays three, flowers of Lavender and Violets, of each a dram and a half; Musk half a dram, Ambergriese a scruple. Mix them, and make a Powder for Cloaths; the use of which was shewed before.

      Pulvis Manualis Odoratus, or a Powder to wash the Hands with.

      Take the exprest Faeces of sweet and bitter Almonds, of each four ounces; Bean-meal two ounces, meal of Rice and Lupins, of each an ounce and an half; roots of Flower-de-luce an ounce, white Roses dryed, Benjamin, of each

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      six drams; Salt of white Tartar, white Chalk prepared, Spodium prepared, fresh Sperma Ceti, of each half an ounce; Oyl of Rhodium a scruple, Oyl of Cloves and Lavender, of each ten grains. Mix them, and make of all a Powder or Mixture.

      Virtue and Use. This Powder makes the hands white and clean, and the skin soft, if they are frequently rubbed and washed with it.

      Pulvis Erysipelatodes.

      Take fine Flour six ounces, burnt Lead, red Bole, of each two ounces; Mastich, Olibanum, Ceruss, of each an ounce. Mix them, and make of all a fine Powder.

      Virtue and Use. This Powder strewed upon blue Paper, is in the Erysipelas, or such burning Sores, by it self applied to the part affected, and it is incredible to tell how singular a Remedy it is in such a case; yet universal things are to be premised, together with Bleeding, especially in strong robust bodies.

      SECT. VI. Of Pills. (Book 6)

      Pilulae Alcephanginae nostrae.

      TAke Leaves of Sena four ounces, roots of Polypody an ounce, black Hellebore an ounce, Troches Alhandal, Orange peel, Cummin seeds, of each half an ounce; Pontick Wormwood, Groundpine, Carduus and Pauls Betony, of each a handful; the Cordial flowers, flowers of Stoechas, lesser Centaury and Chamomil, of each three pugils. Let them be a little bruised,

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      and then infused in a sufficient quantity of Spanish Wine, then boil it away upon a gentle fire to the third part, let all be strongly prest and strained; and in two pound of the strained Liquor dissolve of the best bright Aloe succotrina sixteen ounces. Keep it stirring in a warm place, till it grows thick; and add Species of Diamoschu dulce and Diambrae, of each half an ounce; magistery of red Myrrh and Mastich, Oriental Saffron, of each three drams; Oyls of Chamomil, white Amber rectified, Rosemary, Cummin and Caraway seeds, of each ten grains. Let them be mixed and well incorporated into a just consistence of Pills stuff.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is proper for all vices and pains of the Head, the Vertigo, Hemicrania, Epilepsic, &c. it strengthens the sight, and preserves the vigor of the mind; it repairs and restores lost hearing; it is excellent in Hypochondriack Melancholy, and other melancholy Affects, in the Cancer, Elephantiasis, Quartans, black Jaundice, &c. it opens all obstructions as well of the Liver as Spleen, and also purifies the Blood; it pleasntly and gently purges the Stomach of thick, flatu••••nt, and vicious humors, and strengthens digestion; and lastly it preserves all the internal members from putrefaction. The dose is from a scruple to a dram.

      Pilulae Catholicae.

      Take Pil. sine quibus, Aurea, Cochia, of each half an ounce; Extract of black Hellebore and Coloquintida, of each three drams; Tartar vitriolated and Scammony rosated, of each two drams; Spirit of Vitriol a scruple. Mix them, and with Oyl of Fenil seed make a mass for Pills: And if the Extracts be too liquid, evaporate the Spirit of Wine over a gentle fire, till it is come to a due consistence; and this direction is to be observed in all the other Compositions of this kind.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It works by stool nobly and without any trouble: It purges effectually the Brain, Stomach, and all the Organs of Sense of thick, putrid, flegmy, cholerick and tartarous humors, and all parts afflicted with windy humors. It is very effectual in long lingering Feavers, in the Gout, and other pains of the Joynts, the Catarrh and Ringing in the Ears, &c. It clarifies and keeps the Sight, and also strengthens it, and takes away those clouds and obscurities that use to infest the Eyes. The dose is from ten grains to a scruple.

      Pilulae Benedictae.

      Take Troches Alhandal first moistned with spirit of Sulphur, and again dryed, our Pil. Aloephanginae, Scammony rosated, of each a dram; spirit of Vitriol a scruple. Mix them, and in a stone-Mortar and stone-Pestle, with our Aqua benedicta Serpilli make a mass for Pills; from which afterward with Oyl of Chamomil Pills may be made, of every scruple five Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They plentifully discharge all complicated humors from the Head, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Bowels and Nerves. The dose is from three to four, five, or six Pills, especially in robust bodies.

      Pilulae Familiares, or the Familiar Pills.

      Take of our Pil. Aloephanginae two ounces, roots of resinous Ialap an ounce, acid Tartar half an ounce, Magistery of Scammony, Extract of Rhubarb, of each two drams; spirit of Salt rectified a dram. Mix them, and with Spanish Wine make a mass for Pills: from which when need requires, with Oyl of Aniseeds, or the like, may be formed small Pills, which gild with gold.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. These Pills are excellent in drying Catarrhs, and in opening Obstructions, nay, and have great virtue in various affects and distempers

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      of the Head, Stomach, Spleen, &c. They genttly purge the Brain, Bowels, and sensitive Organs from thick, putrid, flegmy, cholerick and tartarous humors; and they also purifie the Blood and Spirits, strengthen digestion, and move appetite. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram, taken daily till the desired effect be happily wrought.

      Pilulae Proprietatis.

      Take of our Pil. Aloephanginae four ounces, Tartar vitriolated an ounce, Lac Sulphuris half an ounce, Extract of Lignum Aloes a dram. Mix them, and with Malmsey Wine make a mass; from which with Oyl of Fenil, Pills may be made in the manner of Aloephanginae, that is, in quantity greater or lesser, and also in number more or fewer, as there is occasion; then let them be well gilt, and reserved for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth gently, yet radically all flegmy, thick and putrid humors from the Head, Breast, Hypochonders and Stomach; also the corrupt tartarous humors that are setled in the Ventricle, &c. and comforts and preserves from putrefaction all the principal members. Furthermore it drys and takes away all Fluxes or Catarrhs that fall upon any part from the Brain: It helps Concoction, moves Appetite, fortifies the natural powers of the Body, and clarifies the Blood and Spirit. It is of great force and virtue in all pestilential Contagions, and kills and brings away Worms as well in Children as in elderly people. They are of excellent use in the Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Cough, Asthma, Consumption, Hectick Feaver, Pox, Convulsion of the Nerves, pains in the Joynts, Gout, Sciatica, obstructions of the Veins and Bowels, &c. and are ordinarily used by me rather to comfort than purge the body; yet they may be used to lenifie and lubricate the Bowels, giving

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      them at any time, either morning or evening, or at any hour of the day, before or after meat, in almost all diseases, but chiefly phlegmatick and Corrosives. They are also given with good success in all continual and intermitting Feavers; for they do not only relax the Belly, but restore and invigorate the strength of the whole body. The dose is the same as in Aloephanginae nostrae.

      Pilulae Anodynae, or a Pill easing Pains.

      Take our Aloephanginae three drams, Tartar vitriolated, our Laudanum Opiate, of each a dram. Mix them, and with Confectio Alkermes dissolved in our Aqua Hypnotica make a mass for Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They do only excel in mitigating and allaying sharp pains, gripes, &c. and to procure sleep: and are useful in the Colick, pains in the Kidneys, Joynts, in the Pleurisie, and in all other diseases, and are far more safe than Laudanum Opiatum, by reason the Tartar vitriolated and the Aloephanginae are added, which prevent Constipations of the Belly, with which the sick is often troubled after the taking Laudanum by it self. The dose is from twelve grains to fifteen and a scruple, and from fifteen grains to half a dram: For fifteen grains of this Pill contains in it three grains of Laudanum, a scruple, four grains: twenty five grains of the Pill contain five grains of Laudanum, and half a dram six grains, and they are to be taken at night going to bed.

      Pilulae Narcoticae, or a Narcotick Pill.

      Take Thebane Opium Spagirically prepared and extracted three drams, species Diambrae a dram, Salt of Oriental Pearls and red Coral of each half a dram; Extract of wild Poppy flowers and Oriental Saffron, of each a scruple; Bezoar stone, bone of a Stags heart, of each

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      ten grains; the best Musk five grains, the Oyls of Cloves, Cinamon, Marjoram, white Amber and Caraway seeds, of each four drops. Mix them, and with Confectio Alkermes dissolved in our Aqua Narcotica make a mass for Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. For want of Laudanum Opiate we happily use these Pills, which have frequently very good success. The dose is from three grains to four, five, or six, going to bed.

      Pilulae Cephalicae, or Head-Pills.

      Take Scammony rosated three drams, Extracts of Pil. Cochiae and black Hellebore, of each a dram and a half; Tartar vitriolated and species Diambrae, of each half a dram; Oyls of white Amber and Marjoram, of each ten grains. Mix them, and make of all a mass, which afterward with Oyl of Fenil make into Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They wonderfully purge the Head, Brain, all the parts of Sense, the Ventricle, Womb, and the other Bowels from cold, thick, serous, flegmy and putrid humors; and it is excellent in the pains of the Joynts, Colick, &c. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram.

      Pilulae Senectutis.

      Take Extract of Balm three drams, species of Diamoschu dulce a dram and a half, white Amber prepared a dram, our Troches of Pearls, Ambergriese, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Confectio Alkermes dissolved in water of Lily of the valley make a mass for Pills; afterward with Oyl of Cloves and Marjoram, of each a like quantity, make Pills of the bigness of a small Pease, which gild with gold.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. These Pills help and relieve the watchings of old men, and those who are conversant in the greatest cares and troubles; For they give hilarity and tranquillity of mind; and are of

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      excellent use to drive away thoughtful cares. The dose is from three Pills to four or six at night.

      Pilulae Smaragdinae, or Pills of Emeraulds.

      Take Emeraulds prepared a dram and a half, Sulphur of the Moon dryed two scruples, Hyacinth prepared half a dram, Magisteries of Oriental Pearls and of red Corals of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Syrup of Citron rinds and Nutmegs make a mass for Pills; from which mass make small Pills with Oyl of Aniseeds, and gild them with silver.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They drive away grievous and terrible dreams (which otherwise debilitate the body by breaking the rest) and procure sleep: they resist Poysons, and are effectually given to comfort the Spirits through the whole body. The dose is a scruple at going to bed.

      Pilulae Odontalgicae, or Pills for the Tooth-ach.

      Take Thebane Opium a dram, Camphire, seeds of Stavesacre, white Ginger, long Pepper, Turkish Galls, white Chalk, burnt Alum, of each half a dram; roots of Hog-Fenil, of Henbane, and the lesser Nettles, of each a scruple, species of Sal Nitre a sufficient quantity to make it tart. Mix them carefully, and with our Odontalgick Balsam make a mass for Pills; from which afterward with the same Balsam make little oblong Pills sharp at one end.

      Virtue and Use. By daily use we do esteem this a Secret; for if it be but applied to the hollow Tooth, it immediately takes away the most tormenting pain.

      Pilulae de Calce viva, or Pills of quick Lime.

      Take unslakt Lime a dram, fine Wheat flour, long Pepper, Pomegranate rinds, Turkish Galls, of each half a dram; seed of Henbane, Cloves, Thebane Opium, burnt Alum, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with the

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      Juyce of the Roots of Pellitory of Spain made thick, make a mass of Pills; from which afterward with Oyl of Origanum and Camphire, of each a like quantity, make little long Pills.

      Virtue and Use. These Pills applied to aking Teeth, do presently remove the pain, and render them more firm and sound: They kill the Worms that breed in the hollow parts of the Teeth, and remove the Defluxions that fall upon the Gums.

      Pilulae Odoriferae, or Odoriferous Pills.

      Take Styrax Calamitis two drams, Benjamin a dram, roots of Flower-de-luce half a dram, Gallia Moschata and yellow Sanders, of each a scruple; distilled Oyl of Roses ten grains. Mix them, and with a little Infusion made of Cinamon water and Gum Tragacanth make a mass for Pills, to be applied to the Teeth, when there is occasion.

      Virtue and Use. They being applied to the hollow Teeth, take away the ill favour and stink of them, and make the Breath sweet and pleasant.

      Pilulae de Origano Cretico, or Pills of Origanum.

      Take Origanum of Creet a dram, Gallia Moschata, Cassia lignea, Lignum Aloes, yellow Sanders, Flower-de-luce, of each half a dram; Styrax Calamitis, Benjamin, Cloves, Galangal the less, Nutmegs, Cubebs, Mace, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Confectio Alkermes dissolved in Marjoram water make a mass; from which with Oyl of Roses di••••i••••ed and Oyl of Cinamon, of each a like quantity, make small Pills to the bigness of a Pease.

      Virtue and Use. Purgation and other universal Medicines being first given, and then three or four of these Pills taken, do wonderfully correct and amend the stink and ill savour of the Mouth or Nose, whether

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      it rise from the Brain or Stomach, and render the Breath more sweet and pleasant. They also comfort the Stomach, and help Digestion.

      Pilulae Rosatae.

      Take Scammony rosated half an ounce, Magistery of Ialap and Turbith, of each two drams; Tartar vitriolated a dram, distilled Oyl of Roses ten grains. Mix them, and with Spirit of Roses make Pills of such a bigness, that nine may go to a scruple.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They purge Choler powerfully, and also thick tough Flegm, and this they draw from the Ventricle, Thorax, Nerves, and the remote parts of the body. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram and two scruples.

      Pilulae Polychrestae, or Pills good for many things.

      Take of our Extractum Polychrestum, Scammony rosated, of each half an ounce; Tartar vitriolated a dram. Mix them, and with Oyl of Aniseeds make a mass; from which afterward with Oyl of Marjoram make Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are called Polychrestae, because they are proper to most affects of the whole body, and do almost purge all humors in it: For which reason they are highly approved in complicated and Chronical Feavers, Quartans, Melancholy, Apoplexy, Epilepsie, and various diseases of the Head, Eyes, Ventricle, Liver and Spleen; for they purge Flegm and both kinds of Choler. They are also of excellent use in the Gout and pains of the Joynts. The dose from a scruple to half a dram and two scruples, especially in robust bodies.

      Pilulae Melanagogae.

      Take of Pil. Indarum half an ounce, Lapis Lazuli prepared, Scammony rosated, of each two drams; Extracts

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      of Troches Alhandal, black Hellebore and Ialap, of each a dram and a half; Essence of Sena and St. Iohnswort, of each a dram; Oriental Saffron prepared. Dodder, of each half a dram; Indian Spicknard, Cloves, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with Confectio Alkermes dissolved in Rose-water make a mass; from which afterward with Oyl of Citrons make Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. How the impaired Intellect is restored by these Pills, is yet a Secret; for they are of an excellent virtue in distractions of the Mind, Madness, Melancholy, and Fear thence rising. Also to all vices that proceed from Melancholy, as Cancer, Leprosie, Elephantiasis, Quartan, black Jaundice, which is generated from the vices of the Spleen. They also cleanse the blood, and purge serous humors, so that all that use them shall receive as well health of body as mind. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram.

      Pilulae Hydragogae.

      Take true Turbith Mineral half an ounce, Extracts of black Hellebore and Coloquintida, of each three drams; Extracts of Rhubarb and Elaterium, of each two drams; Magistery of Coral rosated, Hyacinth prepared, of each a dram and a half; Crocus Metallorum absinthiated, Gum of Peru rosated, sweet Spirit of Vitriol, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with Oyls of Cloves, Cummin, Mace and Cinamon, of each a like quantity make a mass; from which afterward with Oyl of Chamomil make Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a stupendious and specifick Cathartick in all ill habits of body, Dropsie, Scald, Tetter, Ring-worm, and Itch, &c. For it purget all thick and serous humors, and roborates the Bowels for nutrition. Furthermore in the Gout, Jaundice, Pox, in all its Species, and to Patients

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      of all ages; yea in all kinds of inveterate and worst of Ulcers, as the Wolf, Cancer, Fistula's, and others of this order: It is also a Remedy appropriate to all Feavers as well continual as intermitting. The dose is from half a scruple to a scruple, more or less; and it is given twice in the week, if strength will permit.

      Pilulae Spleneticae, or Pills for the Spleen.

      Take Gum Ammoniacum dissolved in Vinegar of Squills, and then boiled to a just consistence an ounce, Steel prepared with Vinegar of Tamarinds, Extract of Fern roots, of each half an ounce; Tartar vitriolated and Aloes not washed, of each two drams; Magistery of red Myrrh and of Mace, of each a dram; Salts of Wormwood, Harts-tongue, and the lesser Centaury, of each half a dram; seeds of Ash and Oriental Saffron, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Juyce of Fumitory made thick make a mass, which should be kept in Leather moistned with Oyl of Benjamin; and when it is to be used, with Oyl of Rosemary make Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It gives wonderful relief in all deplorable pains and obstructions of the Liver and Spleen; for it moderately opens and strengthens the Spleen, yea (universal Medicines being used before, as Attenuatives and Purgatives) it takes away its hardness, tumor, and scirrhus, and this gently and without trouble: And they ought to give before and after the use of these Pills, Clysters, and to apply to the part affected Fomentations. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram morning or evening, as the Disease and Complexion requires.

      Pilulae Dulces.

      Take Iuyce of Liquorish dissolved in our pectoral Water strained, and again boiled to a just consistence half an

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      ounce, our species Diasaturni and our Diasulphuris, of each half an ounce; Extract of the roots of Kexes, white Sugar Candy, of each two drams; flowers of Benjamin, seeds of Quinces, of each a dram. Mix them, and with our Diacodium Crocatum make a mass; from which afterward with Oyl of Aniseeds and Fenil make Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. I do commend it in Catarrhs and all Pectoral diseases, as the Cough, Asthma, straitness of the Breast, Phthisick, Hectick, Pleurisie, &c. Dose from a scruple to a dram morning and evening.

      Pilulae Peruvianae.

      Take Magistery of the best Peruvian Gum, our Extractum Panchymagogon, of each six drams; acid Tartar a dram and a half, rectified Spirit of Vitriol a scruple. Mix them, and make a mass; from which afterward with Oyl of Chamomil make Pills so big, that a scruple may make five.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is used to evacuate thick and serous humors in ill habits of body, Dropsie, pains of the Joynts, Scabs or Scald, Jaundice, obstructions of the Liver and Spleen; and also in Quotidian and Tertian Feavers: in all which diseases we happily use it as an experienced Medicine. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram and two scruples, especially in strong bodies.

      Pilulae Terebinthinae, or Pills of Turpentine.

      Take Cyprus Turpentine washed in juyce of Lemmons an ounce and a half, juyce of Purslain made thick six drams, Extract of the roots of Liquorish and Rhubarb, Tartar vitriolated, of each three drams; the spongy brush that grows upon sweet Bryars, the stones of Medlars, of each a dram and a half; Salt of white Amber, Nitre prepared, of each a dram; Magistery of the

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      Peach stone, Crabs eyes, of each half a dram. Mix them, and make a mass according to Art; from which afterward with rectified Oyl of Citrons make Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are admirably good to break the stone in the Reins, and provoke Urine, and this chiefly to those of a hot Constitution; for they expel the Tartar and Sand even to a miracle. They cure the Running of the Reins, and such like Fluxes, and open the obstructions of the Liver and Spleen. The dose is from half a dram to a dram taken a good distance of time before and after meat.

      Pilulae Stipticae, or the Stiptick Pills.

      Take Extract of the juyce of Liquorish half an ounce, species of Diaplantaginis and Diamartis, of each three drams; Laudanum Opiate two drams, Birch-fungus, Runnet of a Hare, Camphire, of each half a dram; Horse hoofs burnt, Sandarac, Olibanum, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Juyce of Liquorish dissolved in Pomegranate-wine make a mass; from which afterward with Oyls of Nutmegs and Cloves make Pills of the bigness of small Pease, and gild them.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It stays all Fluxes of the Belly, from what cause soever, and stops blood flowing from any part of the body; it stays the Courses in Women, mitigates pain, and procures sleep. The dose from a scruple to half a dram at bed-time.

      Cicera Tartari.

      Take Cyprus Turpentine washed in Violet water, and in the same water boiled to a just consistence two ounces, acid Tartar an ounce, species of Diaireos simple two drams, Nitre prepared a dram. Mix them, and keep your hands wetted in cold Violet-water, and so make Pills the bigness of a Pease.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. We happily use it in all diseases

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      proceeding from a thick tartarous matter: And it is known by Experience, that some by the use of this Pill have so cured and prevented the Gout, that it hath not returned again for many years, or else it returned more slowly; but in others it hath been more mild, and went off sooner. They are also commendable in all obstructions of the Bowels and Veins, in the Hemicrania, Jaundice, Contractures, Dropsie, Feavers, retention of the Terms, &c. It fortifies the Reins, and expels the Stones from the Kidneys and Bladder, and doth not only relieve the Ventricle and parts about it, but strengthens them also. The use of these Pills is excellent in the Asthma, Phthisick, Cough, &c. and in all other Pectoral diseases. They sometimes work by Sweat, and sometimes by Urine, according as the sick is propense to this or that. The dose in preservation, at the Quarters of the Moon is from half a dram to a dram; but in curing, every morning from a dram to a dram and a half.

      Pilulae de Sandaraca.

      Take of the best Sandarac half an ounce, Extract of Polypody, white Tartar, of each two drams; white Amber prepared, black Pepper, Roch-Alum, red Sarcocol, of each half a dram; Lacca washed, Nitre prepared, round Birthwort, seeds of wild Rue and Parsley, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with the Juyce of the lesser Centaury made thick make a mass according to Art, and of every scruple make two Pills, and gild them.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It extenuates fat, and makes people lean, and attenuates all preternatural Carnosities in the humane body. It is given every morning one Pill gilded.

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      Pilulae de Sabina, or Pills of Savin.

      Take salt of Savin two parts, Oyl stilled from Savin one part. They being mixed, seal them Hermetically, and set them in a Philosophical fire so long, till they are hard like a stone; afterwards, Take of our Pil. Aloephanginae an ounce and a half, of this Stone prepared an ounce, Venetian Borax three drams, Extract of our species Dialauri, flowers of the lesser Centaury, the herb Savin, of each half a dram; Oriental Saffron a scruple. Mix them, and with Oyl of Juniper make a mass; from which afterward with Oyl of Cinamon and Mace make Pills.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. These Pills do so happily open the obstructions of the Womb, and so plentifully move the Terms retained, that they deservedly claim the first place among Physical Arcana's that move the Courses. The dose morning and evening is from a scruple to half a dram.

      Pilulae Uterinae, or Pills for the Womb.

      Take Pilulae Aloephanginae an ounce, Faecula Bryoniae a dram, salt of English Tin, salt of Mother of Pearl, salt of red Coral, of each half a dram; Extracts of Castor and the Callus of Mares, of each a scruple; Oyl of Angelica ten grains. Mix them, and make a mass according to Art, of which when need requires, with Oyl of Amber make Pills, and gild them.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a peculiar and specifick Medicine for the suffocation of the Womb; for it happily raiseth women that are as it were suffocated by Hysterical passion. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram, continued for certain mornings successively.

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      SECT. VII. Of Rotula's, or little Rowls or Cakes. (Book 7)

      Rotulae Imperiales.

      TAke Confectio Alkermes half an ounce, Troches of Pearls a dram, Ambergriese a scruple, the best Musk half a scruple, white Sugar dissolved in Rose-water eight ounces. Mix them, and make Rotula's according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It strengthens the Head, Brain and Memory to admiration: It also roborates the Heart afflicted with cold and trembling, and affords great help in all its other affects. It gently draws away the continued pains of the Head, discusseth the Vertigo, sharpens the Sight, drys up moist defluxions of the Eyes; it prevents baldness, and prolongs life shortned by bad diet, &c. The dose is one, two or three at a time often in the day.

      Rotulae Smaragdinae, or Rowls of Emerauld.

      Take of Emerauld prepared two drams, Elks horn Spagirically calcined a dram and a half, seeds of male Peony gathered the Moon decreasing, Citron seeds huskt, of each a dram; roots of white Diptamus, grains of Kermes, the lesser Galangal, Oriental Saffron prepared, Cubebs, Misleto of the Oak, of each half a dram; Magistery of Oriental Pearls, red Coral, Hyacinth prepared, of each a scruple; Oyl of white Amber rectified, Oyl of Nutmegs, Mace and Cinamon, of each ten grains; Oyl of Rosemary and Lavender, of each four drops; white Sugar dissolved in an equal quantity of our Epileptick and Apoplectick

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      Water sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make of all little Rowls or Cakes.

      Virtue and Use. They wonderfully preserve from the Apoplexy, Epilepsie, Palsie, &c. They correct the Vertigo, and take away the debility of the Brain, sharpen the Memory and Sense, comfort the Head, refresh the Spirits, support and relieve the Faculties of the Mind, debilitated by study and continual cares, which are dangerous to the Animal Faculties.

      Rotulae Hyacinthinae, or Rowls of Hyacinth.

      Take species Diarrhodon Abbatis, Diamargariton frigidum, of each half an ounce; Hyacinth prepared two drams, flowers of Nitre a dram, Magistery of red Coral a scruple, distilled Oyl of Roses ten grains, white Sugar dissolved in Water-lily-flower water sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make Rotula's according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It gives relief to the heat and inflammation of the whole body, and repairs the imbecillity of the virile force. They help the Syncope, and wonderfully refresh, refrigerate, and strengthen those who have long been dejected and afflicted with a long tedious disease. They do wonders in Asthma's, Heart-passions, Epatick diseases, Jaundice, Consumptions, Coughs and malignant Feavers. The dose is two, three, four or five often in the day.

      Rotulae Cordiales, or Cordial Rowls.

      Take species Diarrhodon Abbatis half an ounce, Confectio Alkermes two drams, Troches of Pearls, Magistery of red Coral, of each a scruple; Oyl of Cloves and Mace, of each four drops; white Sugar dissolved in Cinamon water eight ounces. Mix them, and make a Confection in little Rowls.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are great Fortifiers of

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      the Heart, and preserve it safe from all corruption and putrefaction, that it cannot be vitiated by the malignant Air. The dose is two, three, or four for one time.

      Rotulae Pectorales albae, or white Pectoral Rowls.

      Take species Diatragacanth. frigidum and Diaireos simple, of each half an ounce; Lac Sulphuris two drams, powder of Benjamin a dram, Oyl of Fenil a scruple, the whitest Sugar dissolved in milk of the seeds of white Poppy, and Violet water, sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make Rowls according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are good for the asperity of the Tongue and Jaws, and alleviate the hardness and compression of the Breast and Thorax. They give ease to those troubled with the Cough, Phthisick, Consumption and wasting, and to those who are obnoxious to defluxions and destillations from the Head. The dose every hour one, two, or three at a time.

      Rotulae Pectorales Citrinae, or yellow Pectoral Rowls.

      Take Lohoch sanum & expertum, species Diarrhodon Abbatis, of each half an ounce; juyce of Liquorish extracted, flowers of Sulphur, of each a dram; powder of Benjamin, roots of Flower-de-luce, of each two scruples; Extract of Oriental Saffron, Balsam of Sulphur with Oyl of Aniseeds, of each a scruple; white Sugar dissolved in Fenil water sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make Rotula's.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They purge the Lungs, lenifie the Breast, facilitate the Spittle, and therefore give ease in a wonderful manner to those troubled with the Cough, Pleurisie, difficulty of breathing,

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      &c. The dose often in the day from one or two, to three or four at a time.

      Rotulae Pectorales rubrae, or red Pectoral Rowls.

      Take species Diarrhodon Abbatis an ounce, Lohoch sanum & expertum half an ounce, Confectio Alkermes two drams, juyce of Liquorish extracted, flowers of Sulphur, of each a dram; powder of Benjamin, roots of Flowerde-luce, of each half a dram; Oyl of Anisceds a scruple, white Sugar dissolved in Hyssop water, first tinctured with red Sanders, sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make Rotula's according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They purge the Thorax and Lungs, and strengthen them to expectorate the thick and gross matter there lodged. Hence they give ease in tedious Coughs, Asthma's and Pleurisies. The dose is one, two, three or four at a time.

      Rotulae Lac provocantes, or Rowls provoking Milk.

      Take Crystals prepared half an ounce, red Corals prepared a dram, Pearls prepared, long Pepper, of each half a dram; Oyl of Fenil seeds a scruple, white Sugar dissolved in water of Nutmegs three ounces. Mix them, and make Confectionary Rotula's.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a great Secret in provoking Milk, and is therefore given to Nurses every day, morning, noon and night. The dose is four or five at a time.

      Rotulae refectivae.

      Take Troches of Pearls a dram, Magistery of red Coral, Ambergriese, of each a scruple, white Sugar dissolved and extracted in milk of sweet Almonds with Rosewater four ounces. Mix them, and make little Rowls.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They nourish and give strength in Chronical diseases, they restore health and strength to those who despair of Cure, they conserve

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      Nature by roboration, and help to recover pristine strength. The dose is as necessity requires, two or three being taken, and by degrees rubbed upon the tongue, and afterward swallowed.

      Rotulae stimulantes.

      Take Venetian Borax two drams, seeds of Ashenkeys a dram, Boletus Cervinus, flesh of Skinks, of each half a dram; long Pepper a scruple, the bodies of Cantharides, Oyl of Cinamon, of each half a scruple; white Sugar dissolved in water of Satyrion, and Rosemary flowers six ounces. Mix them, and make Rotula's.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They wonderfully irritate and excite Venery, and are very effectual to repair that kind of impotence and lost virility. The dose is at going to bed from three, four or five to six, more or less according as the Patient requires. They may also be taken after the first digestion, that is, after midnight.

      Rotulae Aromaticae.

      Take Galangal the less a dram and a half, Calamus aromaticus, grains of Paradise, white Ginger, of each a dram; Cloves, Cassia lignea, Zedoary, Burnet, long Pepper, Caraway seeds, of each half a dram; Cubebs, Nutmegs, Oriental Saffron, Mace, of each a scruple; Oyls of Cinamon, Mint, Oranges and Rosemary, of each ten grains; white Sugar dissolved in our Stomach-water sixteen ounces. Mix them, and according to Art make a Confection in Rowls.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They calefie, corroborate and preserve from pain all the principal members, the Head, Brain, Stomach, Heart, Liver, Spleen, Guts, &c. They prevent the Colick, stay Vomiting coming of a phlegmatick cause, excite Appetite, discuss the Flatulencies that distend the Ventricle, and cure all that hurts the body coming of a cold cause.

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      The dose is two, three, four or five at a time.

      Rotulae refrigerantes, or cooling Rowls.

      Take species Diarrhodon Abbatis an ounce, Elaeosaccharum of Citrons, flowers of Nitre, of each two drams; Crystals prepared a dram, Tinctures of red Coral, and grains of Kermes, Sanders, of each half a dram; Magistery of Saturn a scruple, distilled Oyl of Roses four grains, white Sugar dissolved in juyce of Barberries and Goosberries equal in quantity sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make Rotula's.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are very cooling, and of excellent use to allay thirst in acute Diseases and burning Feavers. They comfort the Stomach and its natural heat, and relieve the Heart and Liver once heated. They gently and pleasantly remove and repel all Inflammations as well internal as external. The dose is two, three, four or five at a time.

      Rotulae Carminativae, or Carminative Rowls.

      Take of our Carminative Oyl a dram and a half, Cinamon and Cloves, of each ten grains; white Sugar dissolved in our Carminative water sixteen ounces. Mix them, and according to Art make all into little Rowls.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They dissipate the wind and ventose humors lurking in the Ventricle and Guts. They help Digestion, and sour Belchings, and give ease in the Nephritick pains by moving Urine, and bringing away the Stone. They are given as necessity requires three, four or five at a time.

      Rotulae Diacymini.

      Take the species of Diacymini and Dianisi, of each half an ounce; of Diamoschu dulce and Diambrae, of each a dram; Balsam of Sulphur with Aniseeds, Oyl of Fenil, of each a scruple; Oyl of Oranges and Mace, of each ten grains, white Sugar dissolved in our Aqua benedicta

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      Serpilli sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make a Confection in Rowls.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They powerfully dissipate the flatulencies of the Bowels, and are good in all cold Distempers. They wonderfully relieve old Folks, and all those troubled with distempers of the Brain, Vertigo, Stomach, Arteries, Liver, Spleen; also in the Cough, Asthma, passion of the Heart, Wind-Colick, Quartan Agues, &c. They help digestion, amend ill habits of body, and free the Hypochonders when distended with wind. Let the sick take one or more as he pleases.

      Rotulae contra Vermes, or Rowls against the Worms.

      Take of our species Diacina two ounces, white Sugar dissolved in water of the roots of Couch-grass and Tansie, of each sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make little Rowls according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They kill Worms and bring them away. They are given some days together to Children troubled with the Worms, two, three, four or five, at a time more or less, as need requires.

      Rotulae Mithridaticae praeservantes, or preservative Rowls of Mithridate.

      Take Extract of Mithridate prepared with distilled Vinegar a dram and a half, Harts-horn Spagirically calcined, Citron seeds husked, compound flowers of Sulphur, Emerauld prepared, Oriental red Bole prepared, of each a dram; roots of Tormentil and Zedoary, of each half a dram; Troches of Pearls, Magistery of red Coral, Camphire, of each a scruple; Oyl of white Amber rectified, Oyl of Angelica, of each ten grains; Oyl of Cloves and Rue, of each four grains; the best Sugar dissolved in the waters of Sorrel and Roses sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make all into little Rowls.

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      Rotulae Theriacales liberantes.

      Take Extract of Venice Treacle prepared with distilled Vinegar a dram and an half, Elks horn Spagirically calcined, sealed Earth, seeds of Sorrel, Tincture of Sulphur, Hyacinth prepared, of each a dram; roots of Elicampane and Angelica, of each half a dram; wood of Aloes, bone of a Stags heart, white Amber prepared, of each a scruple; Oyl of Camphire and red Myrrh, of each ten grains; Oyl of Cassia lignea and Zedoary, of each four grains; white Sugar sixteen ounces. Dissolve the Sugar in Carduus and Scabious-water, and make little Rowls for use.

      Rotulae Angelicae praeservativae pro gravidis, or preservative Rowls of Angelica for Women with Child.

      Take Extract of the roots of Angelica made with distilled Vinegar a dram and a half, Harts-horn Spagirically calcined, sealed Earth, Bole Armenick prepared, roots of female Peony, seeds of Sorrel, of each a dram; Troches of Pearls, Magistery of red Coral, Hyacinth prepared, of each half a dram; Mace macerated in Vinegar and again dryed, Cassia lignea, Oriental Saffron, of each a scruple; Oyls of white Amber rectified and Zedoary, of each ten grains; Oyl of Cloves and Citrons, of each four grains; white Sugar dissolved in water of Tormentil and Betony sixteen ounces. Mix all, and make little Cakes.

      Rotulae Zedoarticae pro Pueris, or Rowls of Zedoary for Children.

      Take Extract of Zedoary made with distilled Vinegar a dram and a half, Elks horn Spagirically calcined, white Amber prepared, sealed Earth, Oriental red Bole prepared, of each a dram; roots of male Peony, of white Diptamus and Tormentil, of each two scruples; Emerauld prepared, Hyacinth prepared, seeds of Citrons

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      husked, seeds of Sorrel and Cina, of each half a dram; Magisteries of red Coral, Oriental Pearls and Crabs eyes, the bone of a Stags heart, Balsam of Sulphur with Oyl of Aniseeds, of each a scruple; Oyls of Cinamon, Mace, Citrons, of each four drops; white Sugar sixteen ounces. Mix all, and with the Sugar dissolved in water of Roses and Water-lily flowers make little Cakes.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are good against the Contagion of the Plague, and defend and preserve the body from being hurt by any malignant and infectious Air. The dose, when there is occasion, is two or three at a time.

      Rotulae Catarrhales calidae, or hot Rowls for a Catarrh.

      Take species of Diamoschu dulce and Diambrae, of each a dram; species of Aromaticum rosatum, Diaireos simple, of each half a dram; Frankincense, Mastich, Hartshorn prepared, of each a scruple; white Sugar dissolved in Betony-water five ounces. Make little Rowls, and smear them gently with Oyl of Cloves.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. When the humor is preternaturally sent from the Brain to the Eyes, Nose, Mouth, &c. or if it falls upon any other part, and is perceived to hurt the actions of that part, by altering it from its natural quality and state, in such a case these Rotula's are of excellent use; for they stop all cold Catarrhs, and comfort the Head and Breast. The dose is three or four at a time.

      Rotulae Catarrhales frigidae, or Rotula's for a cold Catarrh.

      Take seeds of white Poppy brused four ounces, of the heads that contain the seeds grosly powdered two ounces. Let them infuse a few days in water of Scabious and Coltsfoot, of each a like quantity: then distil them,

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      and in a sufficient quantity of this distilled Liquor dissolve an ounce of Mastich: let it boil a little, and then filter it, to which add of white Sugar eight ounces, and so make little Rowls according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. When the Catarrh is thin and sharp, the Head hot, and the Face and Eyes appear red, the humor exasperating and exulcerating the part upon which it falls, and a bitter saltness is perceived, and a Feaver begun, then are these Rotula's of great use. The dose is three or four at a time.

      SECT. VIII. Of Morsels. (Book 8)

      Morsuli Cephalici, or Cephalick Morsels.

      TAke Conserve of the flowers of Peony and Rosemary, of each half an ounce; species of Diamoschu dulce and Diambra, of each two ounces; Mans skull Spagirically calcined, Elks horn prepared in the same manner, of each a dram; roots and seeds of Peony duly gathered, Misleto of the Oak, of each half a dram; Oyl of white Amber rectified a scruple, Oyls of Lavender, Nutmegs and Caraways, of each four grains; white Sugar dissolved in our Epileptick and Apoplectick Waters, of each sixteen ounces. Mix them, and according to Art make little Morsels.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are used as well in preserving from, as curing the Epilepsie, Apoplexy and Palsie, and other dangerous diseases of the Head, Brain and Nerves. The dose in preservation is from

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      half a dram to a dram at all Quarters of the Moon; but in curing it is given from a dram to two or three in the Fit or a little after, either by it self, or in some proper Vehicle: And if necessary, repeat it; but to Children, by reason of their age, half so much or less is a sufficient dose.

      Morsuli Regii.

      Take green Pistick Nuts two ounces, Pines cleansed, sweet Almonds, of each an ounce; Troches of Pearls, Magistery of red Coral, of each a dram; the Cordial Flowers cut small of each a pugil, Oyl of Mace a scruple, white Sugar dissolved in Rose-water sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make them into little bits or Morsels according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are of a grateful taste, and comfortable above measure. They nourish and restore those who languish under any Weakness, Phthisick, Consumption, or are extenuated with a long Disease. You cannot err in the dose, for they may be taken at Meat, or before or after it, as the sick pleaseth.

      Morsuli Rosati.

      Take the best Conserve of red Roses two ounces, species of Diarrhodon Abbatis half an ounce, species de Gemmis frig. Diamargar. frigid. of each two drams; Confectio Alkermes, Troches of Barberries, flowers of Nitre, of each a dram; Magistery of Pearls and red Coral, of each half a dram; Elaeosaccharum of Roses and Citrons, of each a scruple; Cinamon and Mace, of each ten grains; white Sugar sixteen ounces, dissolve it in water of Roses and Strawberries, of each a like quantity. Mix all, and make little Morsels according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are proper for all intemperate heat of the Head, Heart, Stomach, Liver, Womb and Reins, and are given successfully in burburning

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      cholerick Feavers. They refresh those that are weak and dejected with a long Disease, and restore them to their pristine strength. They help the trembling of the Heart, the defection of the Spirits and Digestion, and those whose Countenance is vitiated. The dose is from two drams to half an ounce.

      Morsuli Pectorales, or Pectoral Morsels.

      Take Lohoch sanum & expert. two ounces, species Diarrhodon Abbatis an ounce, compound flowers of Sulphur, juyce of Liquorish extracted, of each two drams; roots of Flower-de-luce, Aliptae Moschatae, of each a dram; Balsam of Sulphur anisat. Oyl of Fenil, of each ten grains; white Sugar sixteen ounces, dissolve the Sugar in water of Horehound and Coltsfoot, of each a like quantity. Mix them, and make little Morsels according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They relieve those afflicted with a lingering Cough, Hoarsness, Asthma, &c. They help difficulty of Breathing, cut and attenuate the thick humors in the Breast and Lungs, and ease pain there. The dose is from half a dram to one or two every hour, or when the Patient pleaseth.

      Morsuli Refectivi de Cancris, or Refective Morsels of Crabs.

      Take the carnous part of River-Crabs boiled in pectoral Waters two ounces, Conserve of Damask Roses an ounce and a half, Pines cleansed, green Pistick Nuts, sweet Almonds, of each macerated all night in Scabious-water an ounce; white Sugar dissolved in our water of Calves Lungs five ounces. Mix them, and in the end add Syrup of Mastich two ounces, Lac Sulphuris two drams, Troches of Pearls and Oyl of Nutmegs exprest, of each a dram; Balsam of Sulphur with Oyl of Aniseeds a scruple. Mix them, and with great diligence, according to Art make a Confection into little Morsels.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an Arcanum against the Phthisick and Consumption of the body, which ought to be preferred deservedly before many other Remedies; for there is nothing almost that doth more conserve the radical moisture than these. It restores lost strength, and comforts the principal members. The dose is often in the day from two drams to half an ounce, more or less according to the Complexion and Sex of the Patient.

      Morsuli Stomachici, or Stomach-morsels.

      Take Diacydonium simple two ounces, preserved China Ginger an ounce, Calamus aromaticus preserved green half an ounce, Nutmegs, Cassia lignea, the lesser Galangal, Mace, of each a dram; seeds of Coriander prepared, Cummin seeds, of each half a dram; Oyls of Cloves and Cinamon, of each a scruple; white Sugar dissolved in our stomachical Water sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make all into little Morsels according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They wonderfully comfort a cold Stomach, and help it to retain the meat. They roborate and strengthen the members of Nutrition hurt and debilitated, and do powerfully excite the Appetite and Taste. They discuss Flatulencies, and dissolve ventose Humors. They abate and take away the swelling and extension of the Hypochonders, and restore the native heat. They take away the ill savour of the body, and wonderfully help those who have cold Bowels. The dose is from one dram to two.

      Morsuli Epatici, or Morsels for the Liver.

      Take roots of Scorzonera and Succory preserved, of each an ounce; species Diarrhodon Abbatis, Conserve of red Roses, Raisins, of each half an ounce; Citron flowers preserved two drams, Magistery of red Coral, Steel prepared

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      with Vinegar of Tamarinds, Spodium of Wolfs lungs dryed, of each a dram; seeds of Sorrel and Purslain, of each half a dram; flowers of white Agrimony, white Sugar dissolved in our Epatick water frigid and calid sixteen ounces. Mix them, and make all into little Tablets, and gild them with gold.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are very good for the weakness and imbecillity of the Liver, they take away its obstructions, and give it strength. They are good in the Jaundice, some kind of Dropsies, and ill habit of body. The dose is from a dram to two and half an ounce.

      Morsuli Martiales, or Morsels of Mars.

      Take filings of Steel prepared with Vinegar of Tamarinds an ounce, Cassia lignea, the lesser Galangal, Cloves, of each a dram; Mace, Oriental Saffron, of each a scruple; Oyl of Cinamon half a scruple, white Sugar dissolved in water of Wormwood and lesser Centaury eight ounces. Mix all, and make little morsels according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are profitable in all Obstructions, especially of the Spleen, and help all the vices of the Stomach, Heart, Head, the paleness of the Face, and provoke the Courses in Women, &c. They are taken in the morning four hours before dinner, drinking a draught of Wormwood-wine after it, and after taking it to use exercise for an hour. The dose from two drams to three at a time.

      Morsuli Viriles.

      Take of our Confection succulata Inda an ounce, green Pistick Nuts, sweet Almonds, Pine-nuts, of each half an ounce; preserved Nutmegs two drams, Venetian Borax, lesser Galangal, long Pepper, Cardamoms the less, of each a dram; the pizzle of a Bull and a Hart, of each half a dram; Galliae Moschatae, seeds of Ashen-keys and Nettles, flesh of Skinks, Oriental Saffron, of each a scruple; Oyls

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      of Cloves, Mace exprest, Cinamon, of each ten grains; white Sugar (dissolved in water of the roots of Satyrion and Rosemary flowers) sixteen ounces. Mix all, and make little morsels according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They have an excellent and indeed a sudden operation on those who are willing to be abundantly kind to the Women. I also commend them to those who are slow, idle, or negligent in their duty (called by St. Paul 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, debitam benevolentiam) so that when their cause comes before the Judge, there is a Verdict against them, or to use my Authors own words for it, Ita ut si deferantur ad Iudicem, causâ cadant. The dose is upon occasion, happily begun in the evening, and continued from a dram to two and half an ounce, drinking after it a little Sack or other rich Wine.

      Morsuli Diacretae.

      Take Chalk three or four times washed in Violet water half an ounce, Crabs eyes prepared two drams, Nutmegs, Bole Armeniack, of each a dram; Coral prepared half a dram, Pearls prepared, Cinamon cut small, of each a scruple; Carp-stone, Mace torrefied, Oriental Saffron, of each ten grains; white Sugar dissolved in Rose-water eight ounces. Mix them, and make little morsels according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are profitable and useful against the heat of the Stomach (commonly called Heart-burning) which is no ways dangerous but troublesom, and is often common to those most healthy, coming sometimes by eating and drinking, as well as fasting, and they are desirous to belch, as it were a fiery vapour shut in, that hath not force enough to break forth: This boiling pain do they resist, and also take away its cause. The dose is from one dram to two.

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      SECT. IX. Of Troches. (Book 9)

      Trochisci Vitae.

      TAke Manus Christi simple eight cunces, Confectio Alkermes an ounce and a half, our Troches of Pearls, Ambergriese, of each a dram; the best Musk, the five precious Stones prepared, of each a scruple; Elaeosaccharum of Cinamon and Cloves, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with Tragacanth dissolved in Rose-water, make little Troches sor use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They increase and renew decayed strength, and repair it wonderfully, as it were by a Celestial power. They recreate the Spirits, support the radical Moisture, and roborate the Head, Heart, Stomach and Liver, &c. above measure; they discuss the vicious humors of the Stomach, and open the obstructions of the Veins. They are proper in all cold Distempers, restoring Age, helping Digestion, and resist all Putresaction. They prevent the Vertigo, sharpen the Sight, and are a great Preservative from the Epilepsie and Apoplexy. They hasten the Birth, and are a present Remedy in the distempers of the Mind. The dose is one or two at a time. They may also be prepared with Musk.

      Trochisci de Radice Rhodia, or Troches of Rose-root.

      Take of the roots of Rhodia an ounce, the bark of the roots of Mandrake, Peach-kernels, Opium Hermetically prepared, red Myrrh, of each six drams; flowers of wild Poppy, Oriental Saffron, red Roses, of each half an

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      ounce; seeds of Henbane, Dill and Smallage, of each three drams; Nutmegs, Cubebs, Camphire, of each two drams. Mix them, and with Mucilage of the seeds of Fleabane and Quinces made of Lettice-water make Troches according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. I have had Experience of these Troches in Melancholy, Madness, Pleurisie, and excessive Watchings, yea in all pains of the Head, if they be applied like a Liniment, or dissolved in water of Lettice and Roses, or in our Hypnotick, or Womans milk, and applied to the Forehead and Temples.

      Trochisci Ophthalmici, or Troches for the Eyes.

      Take white Lead washed an ounce, Harts-horn calcined without fire, Sarcocol, Tutty prepared, of each half an ounce; Gum Arabick, white Tragacanth, dust of Flour of each two drams; Mother of Pearls prepared, white Pompholix, Olibanum, of each a dram; Opium Spagirically prepared, Camphire, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with the Whites of Eggs make Troches for the Eyes, to be used in Collyriums with appropriate Waters.

      Virtue and Use. They are proper and useful for all kind of accidents and passions of the Eyes, as Rheumatisms, Blood-shot, thin sharp Rheums, Pustules, Burnings, Ruptures, Fistula's, Roughness, Itching, and all pains there; they also consolidate and heal Ulcers of the Eyes.

      Trochisci de Papavere, or Troches of Poppy.

      Take Sugar Penids two ounces, white Poppy seeds half n ounce, Melon seeds huskt, Gourd seeds, of each two rams; juyce of Liquorish extracted, red Bole Armenick repared, compound flowers of Sulphur, of each a dram and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 half; white Tragacanth, dust of Flour, of each a dram; Extract of wild Poppy flowers half a dram. Mix them,

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      and with Mucilage of the seeds of Quinces and water of wild Poppies make little Troches.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. We happily use these in all sharp Catarrhs falling from the Head upon the Breast and Lungs, which they powerfully stop, and restore the Head to its pristine state again, and powerfully lenifie the pains of the Breast. The dose is every hour or at certain hours, two or three rubbed on the tongue till they dissolve.

      Trochisci Glycyrrhizae, or Troches of Liquorish.

      Take white Sugar Candy and Penids, of each four ounces; juyce of Liquorish extracted ten drams, powder of Diaireos simple, Diarrhodon Abbatis, Diamagariton frigid, of each a dram; the four greater cold Seeds, Alipt Moschatae, Lac Sulphuris, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with a Mucilage made of roots of Marshmallows and Violet-water make Troches.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are of great use in hot and dry Coughs, they restore the Voice lost, cleanse the Thorax, and are excellent with other remedies to facilitate Spitting. They are proper for Children troubled with Asthma's and straitness of the Breast, &c. They are given many times in the day two or three at a time, according to the disease and strength of the Patient.

      Trochisci Cordiales, or Cordial Troches.

      Take white Sugar Candy eight ounces, Consectio Alkermes an ounce, of the five precious Stones prepared, of each a scruple; Oyl of Cloves and Cinamon, of each t•••• grains. Mix them, and with Mucilage made of Tragacanth and Rose-water make little Troches.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They comfort the Heart, and relieve the faintings thereof, also the infirmities of the Mind. They help those who lye long unde Distempers, or languish under any weakness, and

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      conduce much to the recovery of their former strength. They take away the loathing of the Stomach, and help Digestion. The dose is from three to six at a time.

      Trochisci Ioviales.

      Take Magistery of English Tin, Mother of Pearls, red Coral, of each a dram; Oyl of white Amber rectified a scruple. Mix them, and with Gum Tragacanth dissolved in our Hysterical water make little Troches, each weighing half a scruple.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are of admirable force and operation in all kinds of Suffocation; for if one or two be taken in the morning for three days together in our Hysterical water, or in any other appropriate, they do, under God, cure the Patient: for which Divine gift let God alone be blessed.

      Trochisci de Alumine, or Troches of Alum.

      Take crude Alum, roots of Pellitory, of each half an ounce, long Pepper a dram, seeds of Henbane, Wheatmeal, white Chalk, Nitre prepared, of each a dram and a half; white Ginger, Cloves, Opium prepared, of each a dram. Mix them, and with Juyce of the lesser Nettles make Troches.

      Virtue and Use. They take away pain, being applied to the Teeth and Gums, due Purgation or Phlebotomy being first used.

      Trochisci de Satureja pro Lixivio, or Troches of Summer-Savory for a Lixivium.

      Take dryed Savory half an ounce, Marjoram and Origanum, of each two drams; Lavender flowers, red Roses, Rosemary flowers, of each a dram and a half; wood of Aloes, Gum Arabick, white Tragacanth, roots of Avens and Flower-de-luce, of each a dram; Cloves, Nutmegs, Cardamoms the less, Cubebs, of each a dram; Ambergriese and Musk, of each a scruple. Mix them,

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      and with the Whites of Eggs make Troches, each weighing a dram.

      Virtue and Use. Boil two, three, or more of these Troches in a sufficient quantity of Lixivium, and with that wash the Head in the morning fasting (having first been at stool) and presently let the Head be rubbed and dryed with warm Linen: It takes away all the sweat and filth of the Head, and strengthens it, opens the Pores of the Skin, drys up Catarrhs, comforts the Memory, and quickens the Sense.

      Trochisci de Nitro, or Troches of Nitre.

      Take Rotula's of the juyce of Barberries, and Rotula's of the juyce of Goosberries, of each eight ounces; species of Diarrhodon Abbatis moistned with spirit of Vitriol, Nitre prepared, of each an ounce; powder of red Roses vitriolated two drams, Oyl of Cinamon four drops. Mix them, and with Tragacanth dissolved in Juyce of Citrons make Troches.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They are of great use in the Quincy, Inflammation of the Mouth and Tongue, boiling of the Blood, heat of Urine, burning Feavers, and especially putrid Semi-tertains. The dose is from one dram to two in appropriate Vehicles.

      Styli Dentrifricii, or a Medicine for the Teeth.

      Take the powder of calcined River-flints two ounce, Pumice stone prepared, burnt Alum, of each half 〈◊〉〈◊〉 ounce; roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce, white ashes of Indian Tabaco, of each two drams; Gallia Moschata, oyl of Rhodium, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Gum Tragacanth dissolved in Rose-water make little Rowls to cleanse the Teeth.

      Virtue and Use. They are most used to cleanse the Teeth, and to remove their ill colour: For when the Teeth turn yellow, black, &c. this Powder doth wonderfully

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      cleanse them and make them white, if they be often rubbed and cleansed with it.

      Pomum Ambrae.

      Take roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce, Cloves, Mace, Cinamon, of each half an ounce; wood of Aloes, yellow Sanders, Styrax Calamit. Benjamin, of each two drams; Ambergriese a dram, Alexandrian Musk half a dram, Balsam of Peru, Oyl of Rhodium, of each a scruple. All being diligently mixed, add of true Civet two drams: then with Gum Arabick and Tragacanth, of each alike dissolved in water of Marjoram, Narcissus, Roses and Lavender make a mass; of which make Troches, Balls, Cakes, &c. which put into a Glass and kept, will grow hard.

      Virtue and Use. It is a specifick odoriferous Medicine, which in cold Cephalalgia's, Vertigo, Epilepsie, Apoplexy, pestilential Air, Colick, suffocation of the Matrix, falling out of the Womb, &c. and especially when Medicines cannot be taken into the Body, if these be applied to the Nose or other parts, they comfort the Heart and vital Spirits exceedingly.

      Sapo odoratus, or perfumed Sope.

      Take Venetian Sope dissolved in water of Narcissus a pound, roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce an ounce, Styrax Calamit. Benjamin, of each half an ounce; wood of Aloes, yellow Sanders, of each two drams; Ambergriese and Civet, of each a dram; of Musk, Balsam of Peru, of each half a dram; the Oyls of Rhodium, Lavender, Cinamon and Cloves, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Oyl of Tartar per deliquium make little Balls: and as you are making them up, anoint your hands with the aforesaid Oyls.

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      SECT. X. Of Suffiments. (Book 10)

      Suffimentum Angelicum.

      TAke Styrax Calamitis and Benjamin, of each equal parts. Dissolve these in the best Rose-water, and presently well prest, afterwards dryed, pulverized, and kept for use.

      Take of this powder thus prepared an ounce, wood of Aloes two drams, red Roses dryed, and Ambergriese, of each a dram; true Civet and Musk, of each half a dram; Balsam of Peru and Oyl of Rhodium, of each a scruple; Ivory calcined till it be black, a sufficient quantity. Mix all well, and with Rose-water make a Paste, of which make little black Cakes, put them among Rose-leaves, and dry them in the shade, then put them in a glass Vessel, and keep them for use.

      Virtue and Use. They are used for a Perfume by Kings, Princes, and Great men; for one or two being laid upon hot Coals, or infused and boiled in Rose-water, give a most sweet, delectable, and celestial Odor, which doth refresh the Brain and vital Spirits, and prevents the contagious Infection of a malignant Air.

      Suffimentum Imperiale, or an Imperial Perfume.

      Take Styrax cleansed, Benjamin, of each half a ounce, wood of Aloes two drams, true Civet a dram, Gallia Moschata a scruple, Oyl of Cloves and Roses, f each ten grains. Mix them, and make all into little Balls or Cakes, which keep for use.

      Virtue and Use. These sweet Balls being laid upon

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      hot coals, send forth a most grateful Odor, which doth not only correct a poisonous, stinking and putrid Air, but sweetly and pleasantly refresh the internal Spirits of man; the Fume also conveyed by a Tunnel (or other such Instrument) into the Orifice of the Womb, doth wonderfully help Women that are almost suffocated, and stays all the inordinate motions of the Matrix. But when it is thus used, take care to cover the Head close, lest the Patient should receive the odor by the Nostrils also.

      Suffimentum Epilepticum, or an Epileptick Fume.

      Take white Amber eleven drams, red Myrrh, elect Mastich, Gum Animae, Galbanum and Elemi, of each two drams; Misleto of the Oak, seeds of Peony huked, Iuniper-berries, shavings of Elks horn, of each a dram; Wormwood, Marjoram, Lavender flowers, flower of Lily of the valley, red Roses, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with an Infusion of Tragacanth made in our Epileptick water, make little Troches or Balls.

      Virtue and Use. These being laid on coals, and the Fume received up into the Nose by one that is grieved with the Epilepsie, takes away the fit; and is very profitable for those who are troubled with dangerous diseases of the Head, as the Apoplexy and Palsie, &c. It is also used against the suffocation and falling out of the Womb.

      Suffimentum de Sandaracha.

      Take of the best Sandarack four ounces, white Amber two ounces, elect Mastich, seeds of Nigella, Coriander seed prepared, of each an ounce; red Roses dryed, Gum Animae, Olibanum, of each half an ounce; Styrax and Benjamin, of each two drams; flowers of wild Poppy, and wood of Aloes, of each a dram. Mix them, and make a gross Powder for a Fume.

      Virtue and Use. Sprinkle this Powder upon hot

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      coals, and let the Fume thereof be received up into the Nose and Head, &c. for it is of excellent use in stopping and drying Catarrhs, as well hot as cold.

      Suffimentum de Succino albo, or a Fume of white Amber.

      Take of white Amber four ounces, of Sandarack two ounces, elect Mastich, Olibanum, of each an ounce; Gum Animae, red Myrrh, red Roses, of each half an ounce; Tacamahac, Styrax, Ladanum, of each two drams; Origanum of Creet, Tyme dryed, Mother of Tyme, of each a dram. Mix all into a gross Powder for a Fume.

      Virtue and Use. This is a most excellent Powder, for if it be laid upon hot coals, and the Head and Caps, &c. fumed with it, it stops all Rheums, Catarrhs and Defluxions, and defends and preserves the Head from those accidents.

      Suffimentum de Tacamahaca.

      Take of the Excrescences growing on Horses legs a ounce, Tacamahac, Galbanum, of each half an ounce; Goats hoofs and yellow Amber, of each two drams; Byzantian Blatta and true Castor, of each a dram Mix them, and with Turpentine make all into Troches for a Perfume.

      Virtue and Use. This Fume made in a Mortar, and a Retort cut in the middle and set on it, and so by the little end of it conveyed to the Womb; and some also applied to the Nose in the Fit, doth instantly recover one that is suffocated, and is sufficient to take away all suffocations of the Matrix. But the wonder is, that the Womb should quietly sustain the stink of this Fume, seeing it is so impatient and restless without it.

      Suffimentum de Sabina, or a Perfume of Savin.

      Take of fresh dryed Savin seven ounces, Styrax, red Myrrh, Opopanax, Sagapen, of each two drams; Cinamon,

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      both sorts of Pennyroyal, Bay-berries, Cummin seeds, of each a aram; Troches Alhandal, Florentine Flower-de-luce, Asarum, of each half a dram; Gallia Moschata, Alipta Moschata, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Turpentine make large Troches for a Perfume.

      Virtue and Use. One of these Troches laid upon hot coals, and the smoak received by a Tunnel (provided it be not a young Maid not devirginated, for to such neither Suppositories nor Pessaries may be applied) it is a most approved Medicine for the infirmities of those parts; but if the Woman be with Child, the Musk and Amber may be omitted.

      Suffimentum de Hypocistide, or a Perfume of Hypocistis.

      Take Hypocistis an ounce, white Amber, bark of the Frankincense-tree, of each half an ounce; moss of the Oak dryed, Galbanum, Colophony, Asphaltus, of each two drams; cups of Acorns, Bistort, Balaustines, of each a dram; red Roses, Cloves, Castor, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with Turpentine make large Troches for a Fume.

      Virtue and Use. It is experimentally found good against the falling out of the Womb, that is, when the Matrix falls from its natural place lower into the privy passage, then let her receive this Fume by a large Tunnel morning and evening, and she will be quickly eased.

      Suffimentum de Cornu Caprino, or a Perfume of Goats Horn.

      Take Shavings of Goats horn two ounces, yellow Amber, red Myrrh, of each an ounce; wood of Iumper, flower of Sulphur, of each six drams; roots of Elicampane, of Garden Angelica, Clovegilly-flowers, of each half an ounce; Olibanum, Benjamin, Ladanum, Styrax, of

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      each three drams; red Roses, Wormwood, Garden Rue, Scordium, of each two drams; Bay leaves, Cloves, Camphire, of each a dram. Mix them, and with Cyprus Turpentine make Troches for a Perfume.

      Virtue and Use. It is good in time of the Plague to make a Fume in the Chambers and other parts of the House with these Troches; for they do in a wonderful manner rectifie a corrupt and pestiferous Air, and cleanse and preserve the whole House from all kind of Infection. Yet it is not convenient to shut in this artificial Air all day; but (the North wind blowing, the Air clear, and no ways tempestuous) let the windows be opened, and let the Sun-beams be admitted, but chiefly in the morning about two hours after Sunrising, because these winds have a singular faculty of frigidity and driness, and are judged to resist Putrefaction better than the Southern and Western.

      Suffimentum de Vitriolo, or a Perfume of Vitriol.

      Take green Vitriol eight ounces, Nitre cleansed, red Myrrh, of each four ounces; flower of Sulphur, yellow Amber, of each two ounces; fresh Bay-berries and Iuniper-berries, of each an ounce and a half; shavings of Harts-horn, Olibanum, of each an ounce; leaves of Scordium and Rue, red Roses, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and make a Powder for a Fume.

      Virtue and Use. Put this Powder into a sufficient quantity of white Wine Vinegar, then pour by drops upon the sides of the fire (the better to make a Fume) of this Liquor, and it consumes all poisonous Air in places where it is used. It is also used to infectious Cloaths, and renders them free from danger, &c.

      Suffimentum de Verbasco, or a Fume made of Mullein.

      Take of the roots and leaves of Mullein, of each an ounce. Let them be pulverized and mixed with Turpentine,

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      of which make Troches according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. Lay two or three of these Troches upon hot coals, so that the fume may arise to the Intestinum rectum, and it is a singular and experimented Medicine in the Tenesmus, and other fluxes of the Belly; but let the Patient receive the Fume on a Closestool, or other such like convenience that is close, lest the fume of the Medicine pass away without effect: And this is to be used three or four times, or oftner in the day, and the Patient will quickly be well.

      SECT. XI. Of Compound Salts. (Book 11)

      Sal Apoplecticum, or an Apoplectick Salt.

      TAke seeds of Rocket two pound, roots of the Lily of the valley, of Pellitory, Avens, of each a pound; of wild black Cherries half a pound, berries of Iumper and Bays, of each four ounces; Groundpine, Marjoram, Rosemary, Origanum, Hyssop, Sage, of each three ounces; flowers of Marigold, Lavender, Primrose and Betony, of each two ounces. Mix them in a Reverberatory, and thence (not in the vulgar way, but) according to Spagirick Art draw a white and crystalline Salt; which method observe in all others, and let this admonition be sufficient for all.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a present Remedy in the Apoplexy and Palsie, &c. for it excites, discusseth and attenuates the Humors, and restores sense and motion to the whole body. The dose is from ten grains to twenty or thirty in specifick Vehicles.

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      Sal Epilepticum, or an Epileptick Salt.

      Take roots of Palma Christi two pound, roots of Angelica, Peony and Pellitory of the wall, of each a pound; seeds of Peony, shavings of Cyprus wood, Misleto of the Oak, of each half a pound; Cinquefoil, Millefoil, Rue, Mullein, Lavender, Rosemary, Henbane, of each four ounces; flower of Primrose, Stoechas, Teil-tree, Peony, and Elder, of each two ounces. Being mixed, let them be calcined in a Reverberatory, and then add the ashes of young Magpies and Swallows, and Peacocks dung, of each an ounce. And with an appropriate Liquor, according to Art, make a white crystalline Salt.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is effectual in all Epilepsies, Vertigo, Lethargies, and other stupefying Diseases; 'tis also given to those who fear or are troubled with dangerous diseases of the Head. The dose is from ten to twenty or thirty grains in Teil-tree flower-water, or in our Epileptick water.

      Sal Cordiale, or a Cordial Salt.

      Take roots of Avens and Bugloss, of each two pound; the herbs Rosemary, Sage and Balm, of each a pound; seeds of sweet Basil, Citron peels, of each half a pound; the five Cordial flowers, Clovegilly-flowers, of each four ounces. Mix them, and calcine them into ashes, the Vessel being close shut; then add ashes of Cinamon three ounces, ashes of Cloves and Cardamoms, of each an ounce and a half; ashes of Oriental Saffron and Mace, of each three drams. From these ashes thus mixed with Cordial waters, extract a white Salt according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is most useful in Lipothymies, Syncopes, and other affects of the Heart, to strengthen and refresh the Spirits. The dose is from ten to twenty grains, more or less, in Cordial waters.

      Sal Pectorale.

      Take roots of Liquorish two pound, Florentine Flowerde-luce,

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      Elicampane, and Marsh-mallows, of each a pound; roots of Comfry and Mallows, of each eight ounces; both sorts of the herb Lungwort, Horehound, Hyssop, Coltsfoot, Fluellin, Ground Ivy, Maidenhair, Scabious, of each four ounces; seeds of Fenil and Anise, of each three ounces; flowers of Coltsfoot, Chamomil, and Hearts-ease, of each two ounces. From these being mixed, and well calcined, with Pectoral waters extract a most splendid Salt.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is excellent in Pectoral Diseases; for it doth attenuate thick, tough, and viscous Flegm gathered in the Lungs, and doth inlarge and cleanse the Breast. Moreover it provokes Urine, and purgeth the Reins and Ventricle. The dose is from ten to twenty and thirty grains in Pectoral or other appropriate Vehicles.

      Sal Stomachicum, or a Salt for the Stomach.

      Take roots of Burnet two pound, Calamus aromaticus, white Ginger, of each a pound; Sea-wormwood, Water-Mint, Sage, Rosemary, of each half a pound; Quinces dryed, and Zedoary, of each four ounces. Calcine all in a close Vessel, and then add the ashes of the lesser Galangal, and Cinamon, of each three ounces; ashes of Cloves, both sorts of Cardamoms, Nutmegs, round Pepper, of each an ounce. Mix them, and with Mint or other specifick Water make a Spagirick Salt according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It wonderfully roborates and warms a cold Stomach; it helps Digestion, and Loathing of Meat. It is useful in all distempers of the Nerves; it quickens all the Senses, allays pains of the Head, preserves old people from Catarrhs, and gives ease in the Dropsie. The dose is a scruple, more or less, respecting both Disease and Patient, in specifick Vehicles.

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      Sal Epaticum.

      Take roots of Agrimony two pound, roots of Chicory, and Scorzonera, of each a pound; bitter Costus, Eryngo, Turmerick, of each half a pound; Calamus aromaticus, Rhapontick, of each four ounces; Pontick Wormwood, Southernwood, Agrimony, Harts-tongue, Fluellin, Liverwort, Cascula, of each three ounces. These being mixed, let them be calcined in a Reverberatory, then add ashes of Rhubard and Cassia lignea, of each an ounce and a half. Then with some Epatick or other convenient water draw a Spagirick Salt.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It takes away the hardness, wind, and obstructions of the Liver, and dissolves the scirrhous Tumors there. It helps the ill habit of body, and takes away dropsical Humors. It cures the Jaundice, and amends the ill colour of the Skin, moves the Terms, provokes Urine, and dissolves the Stone. The dose is from a scruple to two in appropriate Vehicles.

      Sal Spleneticum, or a Salt for the Spleen.

      Take Pontick Wormwood two pound, Carduus benedictus a pound, Rosemary, Harts-tongue, Fluellin, and Ceterach, of each half a pound; roots of both sorts of Fern, Calamus aromaticus, of each four ounces; bark of the Caper-tree Tamarisk, Ash, of each three ounces; flower of Chamomil, the lesser Centaury, Broom, of each two ounces. Bring all into Ashes, and with the distilled water of the aforesaid Herbs extract a Salt according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It opens Obstructions, mollifies and resolves the pains, tumors, and hardness of the Spleen. It is good for aged people, and those troubled with Quartan Agues. The dose is every morning from a scruple to half a dram in Harts-tongue water or other convenient Liquor.

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      Sal Nephriticum.

      Take roots of Parsley and Restharrow, of each two pound; roots of Dropwort and Vervain, of each a pound; roots of Eryngo and Burnet, of each half a pound; Beans dryed, the cores of Medlars, of each six ounces; berries of Bays and Iuniper, Winter-cherries, and seeds of Gromel, of each four ounces; Ground-Ivy, Fluellin, Horstail, Fumitory, Strawberry leaves, of each three ounces; flowers of great Mallows, Elder and Broom, of each two ounces; seeds of white Lilies, of white Saxifrage, and Burdock, Barberries, of each an ounce and a half. Let all be calcined into white Ashes according to Art, to which add ashes of Lignum Nephriticum, of Peachstones and kernels, bitter Almonds, round Pepper, the lesser Galangal, white Ginger, of each an ounce; Nitre prepared six drams. Mix all, and with Rain-water make a most white Salt according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It breaks the Stone, expels Urine and Gravel, and helps those that piss with difficulty, and relieves those who are troubled with other distempers of the Reins and Bladder. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram in water of Restharrow, Parsley, Burnet, or Ground-Ivy, or any other other Specifick.

      Sal Hydropicum.

      Take of the whole Iuniper-tree cut small two pound, roots of Flower-de-luce, Elder, red Mugwort, and Dwarf-Elder, of each a pound; roots of Swallow-wort, Acorus, and Turmerick, of each half a pound; leaves and stalks of Pontick Wormwood, the lesser Centaury, Agrimony, Carduus benedictus, Bindweed, of each six ounces; flowers of Liverwort, Elder, and Broom, of each four ounces; seeds of Ash, Rocket, and Cummin, of each three ounces. All being mixed, let them be calcined in a Reverberatory, then add the ashes of Sarsaparilla, Cubebs, Rhubarb,

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      Nutmegs, and Mace, of each an ounce. Mix these Ashes, and with Elder-water make a crystalline Salt.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It discusseth wind, and carries away water, and is good in Dropsies of every kind; for it potently drys up the swellings of the Microcosmical Earth, caused by too much moisture. It corrects the ill habit of body, and exterminates all depraved Humors. The dose is from a scruple to a dram in appropriate Vehicles.

      Sal Uterinum.

      Take roots of Bryony two pound, roots of white Diptamus, and Peony, of each a pound; Misleto of the Oak, Dwarff Elder and common Elder-berries, of each half a pound; Rosemary, Balm, Motherwort, Nep, and Pennyroyal, of each four ounces. Mix all, and calcine them to ashes, and with Balm water or any other appropriate Water extract a most white Salt.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It opens all obstructions of the Womb, helps Convulsions, precipitates Suffocations and Fumes, and provokes the Terms. It removes sterility, and takes away many other infirmities of those parts. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram in appropriate Vehicles.

      Sal Carminativum.

      Take Chamomil two pound, Pennyroyal, Mother of Tyme, Water-mints, and Dill, of each a pound. Let them be calcined according to Art into white Ashes, then add the Ashes following, i. e. ashes of Anise, Cummin, Caraway and Fenil seeds, of each two ounces; ashes of the lesser Galangal, white Ginger and Zedoary, of each an ounce. Mix all, and with Chervil-water make a most white Salt according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is excellent to discuss wind. It helps the Gripes, and allays all pain proceeding

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      from wind. The dose is from a scruple to half a dram in our Carminative water.

      Sal Febrile.

      Take Sal Armoniack divers times sublimed, Nitre prepared, Salt of Carduus benedictus, of Wormwood, and the lesser Centaury, of each an ounce. Dissolve them all in Succory-water, and make of all a most white Salt according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most excellent Alexipyretick in Feavers of all kinds, whether Quotidians, Tertians, Semitertians or Quartans, &c. without danger. It is given from half a dram to a dram two or three hours before the Fit in Centaury-water or any other Specifick, expecting Sweat toward the end of the Fit: And the same dose is to be repeated, if the first or second dose doth not perform it.

      Annotation. If any one proceeds so ingeniously, that from the forementioned specifick Compositions, he desires to prepare with the safe and secret Spagiists the Essential Salts, as they call them, let him ake the simple Herbs, or mixt with other Ingredints, and being well dryed by a temperate heat, boil hem in common Water (according to Art) till all heir strength and native Salt is well excocted, (for otherwise his labour is in vain) then pour off the Deoction, and again boil that to the consistence of Hoey, or to the thickness of a Syrup; put that into a ery cool place, till it shoots into Crystals, which ake off, and purifie well by divers Solutions, Filtra••••ons and Coagulations, until it be fit for Physical se. This excellent Salt is also extracted from the uyce of Herbs made thick, concerning which see eguinus, Lib. 2. cap. 17. And do thou know, Reaer, that three grains of these Essential Salts will be ore effectual than a scruple of the vulgar made by alcinations.

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      SECT. XII. Of Marmelades. (Book 12)

      Marmelada Cephalica, or a Marmelade for the Head.

      TAke Diacydonium simple four ounces, Rotula's of Diamoschu dulce and Diambrae, of each two ounces; preserved roots of Peony an ounce, Conserve of Rosemary flowers half an ounce, preserved Walnuts three, Nutmegs preserved in India one, Emerauld prepared a dram, Elaeosaccharum of white Amber, Marjoram and Rosemary, of each a scruple. Mix them, and without any other additional Medicine make a Marmelade according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It roborates the Brain, and resists all the affects thereof. It is also happily given in the Apoplexy, Epilepsie, Vertigo, Lethargy, Palsie, Trembling, &c. The dose is from a dram to half an ounce.

      Marmelada Stomachica frigida, or a cold Marmelade for the Stomach.

      Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, preserved roo of Succory two ounces, Rotula's of Diarrhodon Abbat an ounce, preserved Emblick Myrobalans, Conserve 〈◊〉〈◊〉 red Roses, of each half an ounce; Nitre vitriolated ha•••• a dram. Mix them, and without any additional Medicine make a Marmelade according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It relieves the Stomach oppressed with hot Humors: It comforts and provokes Appetite. Moreover it alters a hot Temperature, and is happily given to those that have pains about

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      the Heart, or are subject to vomit. The dose is the quantity of a Chestnut.

      Marmelada Stomachica calida, or a warming Marmelade for the Stomach.

      Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, aromatick Rotula's, Succulata Inda, of each an ounce; Bengale Ginger preserved, Calamus aromaticus preserved, Chebul Myrobalans preserved, of each half an ounce; preserved Orange and Citron peels, of each two drams; Elaeosaccharum of Cinamon and Cloves, of each a scruple. Mix all, and without any addition make a Marmelade according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It roborates the Ventricle and parts serving for nutrition. It helps Digestion, moves Appetite, discusseth wind, and preserves from putrefaction. It opens the obstructions of the Veins, and helps Hiccup and Vomiting. The dose is the quantity of a Nutmeg.

      Marmelada Pectoralis, or a Pectoral Marmelade.

      Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, our Pectoral Morsels and Rotula's prepared with the juyce of Violets, of each two ounces; compound flowers of Sulphur an ounce, preserved roots of Fenil and Elicampane, of each half an ounce; extracted juyce of Liquorish two drams, species Diaireos simple, Confectio Alkermes, of each a dram. Mix them, and without any other addition make a Marmelade, and cover it with gold.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It helps those who are troubled with infirmities of the Lungs, Coughs, Asthma's, pains of the Breast. It also helps those who are subject to a deflux of humors from the Brain upon the Thorax and vital parts. The dose is from a dram to two.

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      Marmelada Cordialis calida, or a hot Cordial Marmelade.

      Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, preserved roots of Borage and Bugloss, of each an ounce and a half; aromatick Rotula's, species of Aromaticum Rosarum, species de Gemmis and Diambra, of each six drams; preserved Citron peels and Confectio Alkermes, of each half an ounce; Magistery of Oriental Pearls and red Coral, of each a dram. Mix all, and make a Marmelade according to Art without any other addition.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It strengthens and exhilarates the Heart and all the vital Spirits hurt by cold, and refreshes them by its heat: It wonderfully helps old people and women troubled with cold Diseases, and is very proper for the distempers of the Womb. The dose is the quantity of a Nutmeg.

      Marmelada Cordialis frigida, or a cold Cordial Marmelade.

      Take Diacydonium simple three ounces, Manus Christi perlati, Rotula's of Diamargariton frigid, of each an ounce and an half; Pulp of preserved Citrons, Conserve of red Roses, of each six drams; preserved roots of Succory half an ounce, Confectio Alkermes two drams, precious Stones prepared, of each a scruple. Mix them, and bring all into a Marmelade.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It comforts the Heart, and extinguisheth the heat thereof: it contemperates the heat of the Bowels, and is of excellent use in Cardialgia's, Feavers, cholerick Vomitings and extreme Thirst. The dose is from half a dram to two.

      Marmelada Epatica calida, or a hot Marmelade for the Liver.

      Take Pulp of preserved Quinces four ounces, Diacubeba, Diacurcuma, Dialacca, of each an ounce; preserved roots of Burnet, Fenil and Eryngo, of each half an

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      ounce; Cinamon two drams, Rhubarb a dram, spirit of Salt congealed with Salt of Wormwood half a dram. Mix them, and make of all a Marmelade according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is given to open obstructions of the Liver and Spleen in intemperate and cold Constitutions; and is therefore good in all ill Habits and Dropsies, and provokes Urine. The dose is from a dram to two, more or less.

      Marmelada Epatica frigida, or a cold Marmelade for the Liver.

      Take the Pulp of preserved Quinces three ounces, preserved roots of Succory and Scorzonera, of each an ounce and a half; Rotula's prepared with the juyce of Barberries and Goosberries, of each six drams; preserved pulp of Citrons, preserved Spanish Lettice half an ounce, species Diarrhodon Abbatis first moistned with Spirit of Vitriol two drams, the four greater cold Seeds, Nitre prepared, of each a dram. Mix all, and make them into a Marmelade.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cools the heat of the Liver, Stomach and Praecordia: It extinguisheth thirst, and gives ease to those troubled with Feavers and a heat in their Bowels. The dose is the quantity of a Chestnut.

      Marmelada magnanima, or a magnanimous Marmelade.

      Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, preserved roots of Satyrion, Succulata Inda, of each two ounces, Pinenuts cleansed, and green Pistick Nuts, of each an ounce; Chestnuts boiled in Sack, Nutmegs preserved in India, Confectio Alkermes, of each half an ounce; Oyl of Mace exprest two drams, Gallia Moschata, Magistery of Oriental Pearls, of each a dram; Oyl of Cinamon a scruple. Mix them, and without any other Ingredient make a Marmelade.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It incites to Venery, fattens, nourisheth, restores strength, comforts the Heart, and refresheth Nature. It roborates the Liver and Ventricle, and digesteth Flegm, &c. The dose is morning and evening the quantity of a Nutmeg.

      Marmelada Carminativa, or a Carminative Marmelade.

      Take Diacydonium simple three ounces, preserved Orange peel, preserved Citrons, of each an ounce and a half; preserved roots of Fenil, preserved Calamus aromaticus, our Carminative Rotula's, of each six drams; preserved Nutmegs, bone of a Hares foot, of each two drams; Zedoary, white Ginger, the lesser Galangal, of each a dram; Elaeosaccharum of Cinamon, Cloves, Aniseeds and Mace, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make a Marmelade according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It discusseth the flatulencies of the Ventricle, which are generated from thick and flegmy Humors. It allays the Gripes of the Belly, and is effectually used against the Colick and Tympany. The dose is from one dram to two.

      Marmelada Splenetica, or a Marmelade for the Spleen.

      Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, Diacurcuma, Dianthos, of each an ounce; preserved roots of Elicampane and Scorzonera, of each six drams; Essence of Harts-tongue and Broom flowers, of each two drams; the fruit of Tamarisk and bark of Caper roots, of each half a dram; Elaeosaccharum of Rosemary, Cloves and Cinamon, of each a scruple. Mix them, and without any other Medicine make a Marmelade.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It roborates the Spleen, and dissolves the Scirrhus and hard Tumors thereof: It removes Obstructions, and digests and cuts tough

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      Humors, it alters all its intemperance, and helps other Diseases thence proceeding, the Body being first purged. The dose morning and evening is the quantity of a Chestnut.

      Marmelada Stegnotica, or an astringent Marmelade.

      Take Diacydonium simple six ounces, preserved roots of Comfry and Succory, of each two ounces; powder of the roots of Tormentil half an ounce, Magistery of Coral rosated, Extract of Dragons blood, Harts-horn burnt and prepared, of each two drams; Crocus Martis made by reverberation, Emeraulds prepared, sealed Earth, of each a dram and a half; Oriental Bole, Nutmegs, seeds of Plantane, seeds of Roses, of each a dram; Cassia lignea, Cloves, of each half a dram; Oriental Saffron, Oyl of Mace exprest, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make all into a Marmelade of a just consistence.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It stays a Loosness although old, and in a wonderful manner helps Dysenteries and pains in the Guts: It stays the immoderate flux of the Terms and Piles, and all fluxes of humors from the Head to the lower parts. The dose is from one dram to three in appropriate Vehicles.

      Marmelada Terebinthinata, or a Marmelade of Turpentine.

      Take Pulp of preserved Quinces four ounces, Cyprus Turpentine washed in Rhenish Wine two ounces, species Diarrhodon Abbatis, roots of Liquorish, of each half an ounce; powder of Aniseeds a little moistned with the Oyl thereof two drams, the four greater cold Seeds, of each a dram. Mix them, and without any other additional Medicine make a Marmelade.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth the Reins, and carries off Sand and other things that offend the parts. It mitigates the pains of the Loyns and Back.

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      It removes Obstructions, provokes Urine, opens the Passages, cures the Strangury and virulent Gonorrhoea: For the Turpentine is endued with excellent virtues, and is an admirable help in many cases. The dose is from one dram to two early in the morning.

      Marmelada Nephritica, or a Marmelade for the Reins and Kidneys.

      Take Diacydonium simple three ounces, preserved roots of Eryngo, Parsley and Fenil, of each an ounce and a half; ripe Winter-cherries six drams, acid Tartar three drams, Magistery of Perch stones, Crabs eyes, of each a dram; Salt of white Amber a scruple. Mix them, and make a Marmelade of a just consistence.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It brings away the Stone and Gravel from the Reins, Ureters and Bladder: It removes Obstructions, opens the Passages, and powerfully provokes Urine. The dose is from one dram to two in specifick Vehicles.

      Marmelada Hysterica, or a Marmelade for the Womb.

      Take Diacydonium simple four ounces, Sugar prepared with Rosemary flowers two ounces, preserved Calamus arcmaticus, preserved roots of Peony, of each an ounce; Cinamon, Faecula Bryoniae, of each two drams; seeds of Parsneps, Agnus castus and Garden Rue, of each a dram and a half; Cardamoms the less, Antophyllorum, Mace, of each a dram; Magisteries of English Tin, of Mother of Pearl and red Coral, of each half a dram; Elaeosaccharum of the seeds of Angelica, Marjoram, white Amber and Aniseeds, of each a scruple. Mix them, and according to Art make a Marmelade of a just consistence.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It helps the suffocation of the Womb and the Whites, and brings away any depraved Humor that is contained in those parts, by opening the Passages, and removing Obstructions.

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      The dose is the quantity of a Chestnut, by it self, or in warm Wine, or in any Hysterical water.

      SECT. XIII. Of liquid Confections and Electuaries. (Book 13)

      Confectio Cephalica, or a Medicine for the Head.

      TAke our species Dialunae an ounce and a half, roots of white Diptamus, Citron seeds huskt, of each half an ounce; Kermes seeds or berries, seeds of Sorrel, Extract of Lilies of the valley, of each two drams; Emerauld prepared, Salt of mans Skull, white Amber prepared, of each a dram and a half; Essence of Oriental Pearls and red Coral, of each four scruples; Oriental Saffron prepared, lesser Galangal, Cubebs, of each a dram; bone of a Stags heart, Hyacinth prepared, of each two scruples; Conserve of Peony flowers vitriolated, Rosemary flowers, of each an ounce; white Sugar Candy dissolved in Aqua Apoplectica, Syrup of the juyce of Citrons, of each eight ounces. Mix them, and make of all an Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is good for all, or at least the most dangerous diseases of the Head, which it takes away and happily cures. And is very agreeable to Suffocations, Vertigo, Apoplexy, Epilepsie and Lunacy, and was only invented to dry the humidity of the Brain. The dose is from a dram to a dram and a half, more or less, in appropriate Vehicles.

      Confectio Opiata, or an Electuary of Opium.

      Take Opium Spagirically prepared and extracted half

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      an ounce, species Diamoschu dulce and Diambrae, of each a dram; Magistery of Oriental Pearls and red Coral, of each half a dram; Extract of wild Poppy flowers and Oriental Saffron, Foreign Mumy, of each a scruple; Gallia Moschata, Oriental Bezoar, bone of a Stags heart, Unicorns horn, of each half a dram. And with Confectio Alkermes make an Electuary according to Art, to which add Oyls of Cinamon, Nutmegs, Marjoram, Sage, white Amber and Cloves, of each four drops.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Medicine is called by this name, which signifies an Opiate or an Electuary of Laudanum; for Laudanum opiatum is hard to dissolve, and doth usually remain in drops or little particles undissolved; therefore in place of it this Electuary may be profitably used, the effect of which is the same in use. It is given from five to six, seven and ten grains in some appropriate Liquor, or in our Aqua Hypnotica, Cinamon-water, &c. or in any other respecting the Disease.

      Confectio Narcotica, or a stupefying Medicine.

      Take Nutmegs half an ounce, Bole Armoniack, Opium Spagirically extracted, of each three drams; Extract of wild Poppy flowers, Oriental Saffron, Trochisci Ramich, of each two drams; Crocus Martis made by reverberation a dram and a half, roots of Tormentil, Snakeweed and Zedoary, of each a dram; Magistery of red Coral, white Amber prepared, burnt Harts-horn, Cloves, of each half a dram; Camphire five grains. Mix them, and with simple Syrups of Poppies and Jujubes, of each four ounces, make an Electuary according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It wonderfully mitigates all pain, but chiefly of the Head, Breast, Stomach, Matrix and Belly: It doth safely and powerfully provoke

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      sleep: It cures the bleeding of any part, gripes of the Guts, bloody Flux, Pleurisie, Iliack Passion and Colick pains, pains in the Kidneys, &c. It allays Vomiting, Hiccup and Cough. It gives ease in shortness of breath. It stops the Terms and Piles; and is good in a Gonorrhoea and Satyriasm. The dose is from half a dram to a dram at going to bed.

      Confectio pretiosa, or a precious Electuary.

      Take Elaeosaccharum of Citrons six drams, true Tincture of Coral, Magistery of Oriental Pearls, of each two drams; Kermes berries, Elks horn Spagirically calcined, of each a dram and a half; the best Mastich, wood of Aloes, lesser Galangal. the lesser Cardamoms, of each a dram; Nutmegs preserved in India one, the five precious Stones prepared, Ambergriese, Extract of Oriental Saffron, of each two scruples, Alexandrian Musk, bone of a Stags heart, of each a scruple; our Aurum Potabile half an ounce, Oyl of Cinamon and Mace, of each a scruple; Oyl of Cloves and Roses, of each a scruple; Conserve of Gilly-flowers, Conserve of red Roses vitriolated, of each eight ounces. Mix them, and with Syrup of Chermes berries make an Electuary according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most noble Cordial Medicine against the trembling and violent pulsation of the Heart; and there is not a more excellent Medicine in the whole Republick of Physick for the distempers of the Mind than this is: It is given with good success to old and weak people that are sick, to recover their strength; for it refresheth and fortifies the vital, animal and natural Spirits in all the Members, renews the humidum Radicale, and is a true Preservative from the Vertigo, Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Leprosie, Gout, Scurvy and Dropsie. The dose is from half a dram to a dram by it self, or in appropriate Vehicles.

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      Confectio Pectoralis, or a Pectoral Electuary.

      Take our species of Diasulphur nineteen drams, Diarrhodon Abbatis eleven drams, of our simple Pectoral Syrup a pound, Conserve of red Roses tinctured with our Elixir of Sulphur two pound, Oyl of Cinamon a dram. Mix them, and make an Electuary according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a very pleasant Medicine to the Sight, Taste and Smell; and is by me used in the Asthma, straitness of the Breast, Phthisick, Hectick, and all affects of the Thorax, in which cases I have experienced its wonderful power beyond other Medicines, and am willing to communicate it to be used by others. It is to be given a little at a time, and often in the day, and not to swallow it presently; for if so, then it passeth to the Ventricle, and not to the place affected. The dose is the quantity of a Hazel-nut, or of a Nutmeg, more or less, according to the Disease and Age of the Patient.

      Confectio Zingiberis Indi, or an Electuary of green Ginger.

      Take green Ginger preserved in India fourteen ounces, species Aromaticum Caryophyllatum, Diagalangal, Diarrhodon Abbatis, of each an ounce; Diacydonium simple eight ounces, Oyl of Cinamon a dram, Conserve of red Roses vitriolated a pound. Mix them, and with Syrup of the before-mentioned Ginger make an Electuary according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It comforts the Heart and Stomach, helps Digestion, takes away Nauseating and Vomiting, warms and assists the parts and Organs of Nutrition, resists Putrefaction, dissolves and discusseth ventose Humors, excites the native Heat, repels all noxious humors of the Breast, and cures a Cough contracted from Cold, it restores the Liver, Spleen, Reins, and other Members to their native

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      action, being depraved by Cold. This is a most excellent and stately Electuary, and I often use it for great and rich people. The dose is the quantity of a Nutmeg morning or evening, or in time of necessity; but you may give more or less according to the Age, Sex and Complexion of the Patient.

      Zingiber Rosatum, or Ginger prepared with Roses.

      Take Conserve of red Roses vitriolated twelve ounces, green Ginger preserved in India four ounces, Oyl of Cinamon a scruple, Oyl of Cloves half a scruple. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of Syrup of the Juyce of Violets vitriolated, make an Electuary according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It comforts the Heart and Stomach, helps Concoction, stirs up Appetite, allays Vomiting and Loathing, raiseth the native Heat, refresheth the Spirits, takes away Putrefaction, dissipates Wind; and is a famous and present Remedy in all cold Diseases. The dose is the quantity of a Chestnut.

      Confectio Citri, or an Electuary of Citrons.

      Take Conserve of red Roses vitriolated a pound and a half, Rob of Barberries and Goosberries, of each a pound; Syrup of the juyce of Citrons, Oxysaccharum, Syrup of the juyce of unripe Grapes, of each half a pound; Pulp of Citrons preserved, Citron peel preserved, species of Diarrhodon Abbatis moistned with Spirit of Vitriol, of each six ounces; Nitre prepared thirteen drams. Mix them, and with a little Cinamon-water make an Electuary: And let the Reader take notice, That the pound here mentioned is not the Physical, but the common pound, used in other things; and this is to be observed in all the Compositions through the whole Book, therefore let this admonition serve for all.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. By cooling and moistning it doth extinguish the heat of burning Feavers, and mitigates the vehemence of their fiery quality. It cures the Disease called Cholera, the bloody Flux, and contagious Diseases. It resists Venery and Drunkenness. It roborates the noble Members, i. e. the Heart, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Reins, and other Bowels, and defends the weak parts from an intemperate heat. It opens and resists putrefaction. It represseth cholerick Vomiting, stops bleeding, and is a good Medicine for cholerick Pustles. The dose is from a dram to two or half an ounce certain times in the day.

      Confectio Theriacalis, or an Electuary of Treacle.

      Take roots of Tormentil, white Diptamus, the best Camphire, of each two drams; Harts-horn and Elks horn Spagirically calcined, of each a dram and a half; white Amber, Oriental red Bole, Hyacinth, Emer auld, of each prepared a dram; Salt of Wormwood, Scordium and Carduus, of each half a dram; Magistery of Oriental Pearls and red Coral, of each a scruple. Let them be all pulverized asunder, and then mixed, and divers times moistned with Spirit of Juniper, in which Roots of Butter-bur, Betony and Ginger have been steeped: Then add Venice Treacle and Mithridate of Damocratis, of each two ounces; Extract of Elicampane roots and Angelica, of each half an ounce; juyce of Fumitory made thick, juyce of Elder-berries, of each three drams; flower of Sulphur two drams, distilled Oyl of Garden Rue, Oyls of Zedoary, Cinamon, Myrrh, Cloves and Citrons rectified, of each half a scruple. Mix them, and with Rob of Elder-berries make an Electuary.

      Virtue Use, and Dose. In operation and virtue this Composition far exceeds the Treacle and Mithridate; and hence the reasonable Reader may easily

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      gather its use and strength. It is experimentally good in the Dropsie, Erysipelas, Jaundice, Scab, Lues Venerea, &c. It is a most excellent Alexetery against the Plague and all other Poysons, all which it virtually expels from the Heart by Sweat to the circumference and superficies of the body: And the Poyson being once driven forth, the Patient ought to refresh himself with comfortable things. The dose is from half a dram to a dram, more or less, according to the age and strength of the Patient, the disease and time of the year, &c. it is given in specifick and appropriate Vehicles. In the Dropsie, &c. it is exhibited in Water or Spirit of Elder four or five hours after supper, at going to bed, and then toward morning it will sweat powerfully.

      Confectio Magnanimitatis, or a Magnanimous Electuary.

      Take Essence of Satyrion two ounces, recent Indian Nuts, Pine-nuts cleansed, of each an ounce and a half; green Pistick-nuts, kernels of Hazel-nuts, sweet Almonds, each an ounce; white Pepper, Calamus aromaticus, white Ginger, the lesser Galangal, Cardamoms, of each half an ounce; Venetian Borax, our Aurum Potabile, of each three drams; seeds of Rocket, Ashen-keys and Nettles, of each two drams; Magistery of Oriental Pearls and red Coral, Salt of Sparrows, of each four scruples; Boletus cervinus, of Bulls and Harts pizles, the stones of a Badger dryed, the flesh of Sea-Skinks, of each a dram and a half; the best Musk, Ambergriese, Oyl of Mace, of each two scruples; Oyl of Nutmegs, Cinamon and Cloves, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Syrup of the Roots of preserved Satyrion make an Electuary according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a great Secret in comforting the Venereal parts, and is given to those who

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      are debilitated there; for it gives help wonderfully to old people, and to those who are cold by Nature. It potently restores Virility lost, and stirs up Venery in those who have forgot it. It causeth erection of the Genital parts, though cold and utterly decayed. It increaseth and correcteth the Seed in both Sexes. The dose is from a dram to two or three, at bed-time in Sack or Muskadine; or it is given in time of necessity to the quantity of a Nutmeg, drinking after it a draught of good old odoriferous Wine. But if the impotency were from birth, it cannot be cured, because the defects of Nature are hard to be restored.

      Confectio Pacifica de Succulata Inda, or a Pacifick Electuary of Succulata Inda.

      Take Succulata Inda four ounces, the preserved roots of Satyrion two ounces, Cocks stones boiled in milk, preserved roots of Eryngo, Chestnuts boiled in Sack, of each an ounce; sweet Almonds, Pine-nuts, green Pistick-nuts, kernels of Indian Nuts, of each half an ounce; Cassia lignea, Boletus cervinus, of each three drams; seeds of Ashen-keys, Venetian Borax, of each two drams; species of Diamoschu dulce and Diambra, of each half a dram; Lignum Aloes, leaves of Marjoram, Oriental Saffron, Nutmegs, of each a dram; Cloves, the lesser Galangal, white Ginger, Cardamoms the less, long Pepper, of each two scruples; Oyl of Cinamon and Mace, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Syrup of preserved Nutmegs make an Electuary according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Medicine is a great Arcanum for the weakness and impotence in the virile parts, and hath been hitherto reserved for my Friends only. It restores impaired and lost Virility, it stirs up Venery in those who have lost it, by taking away the cold impediments of the Testicles and Seminal Vessels, and increaseth Seed in both Sexes, it doth

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      in a short space reduce the weak, old and impotent persons to their pristine pleasure again. The dose is daily (the body being empty) the quantity of a Chestnut, more or less, according to the age, time and custom of the Patient, drinking after it a good draught of rich Wine.

      Confectio Satyrii, or an Electuary of Satyrion.

      Take the preserved Testicle-like roots of Satyrion four ounces, Conserve of Clovegilly-flowers, preserved Ginger of Bengal, of each two ounces; seeds of Ashen keys, Venetian Borax, of each half an ounce; species of Diathamar three drams, Nutmegs preserved in India one, Teticles of a Hart and a Badger dryed, of each a dram and a half; Boletus cervinus two drams, Cinamon and long Pepper, of each a dram; Magistery of Pearl and red Coral, of each half adram; Gallia Moschata and Oyl f Cloves, of each a scruple; leaves of pure Gold fifteen. Mix all, and with Syrup of preserved Ginger make n Electuary according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It hath a great force to provoke the desire of Coition, and doth egregiously excite oth Sexes thereunto; it doth wonderfully increase Sperm, and singularly restore those that are consumed and emaciated. The dose is morning and evening from two drams to three with old rich Wine.

      Confectio Stiptica, or a Stiptick Electuary.

      Take Tinctures of Crocus Martis, of Celandine, Rhubarb and dryed Nuts, of each an ounce; Tormentil, Zedoary, Gum Arabick, Cloves, white Ginger, torrefied Nutmegs, of each six drams; sealed Earth, white Amer prepared, Calamus aromaticus, the lesser Galangal, oth sorts of Cardamoms, Cinamon, of each half an unce; shells of River-crabs boiled in Vinegar, seeds of Bloodwort, Plantane, and black Poppy, Orange peel, f each three drams; leaves of Sage, Burnet and Mint,

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      of each two drams; Bulls pizle, Coriander prepared, Acatia, of each a dram and a half; Cypress-nuts, burnt Frogs, calcined Talk, of each a dram. Let all be subtilly powdered and mixed, and with Miva of Quinces make an Electuary according to Art, to which add of our Carminative Oyl three drams, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It hath been wonderfully experimented in all fluxes of the Belly, as Dysenteries, Diarrhoea's, Hepatick Fluxes, bleeding at the Nose and Terms, and also in other desperate ruptures of Blood: For it comforts the Guts and internal Bowels, and refresheth Nature by Constipation. The dose is from a dram to half an ounce in Sack or other generous Wine, either in the morning fasting, or at any other time, the Stomach being empty.

      Confectio Terebinthinata, or an Electuary of Turpentine.

      Take Cyprus Turpentine washed in Rhenish Wine two ounces, white Sugar Candy an ounce and a half, powder of Liquorish six drams, species Diarrhodon Abbatis an ounce, the four greater cold Seeds, of each a dram; Nitre prepared a scruple. Mix them, and with Syrup of Violets make a mixture.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is proper for those troubled with a Cough or Consumption. It cleanseth the Breast, and provokes Urine. It helps the Strangury, purgeth the Reins, and easeth the pains of them. It digesteth crude Humors, loosens the Belly, &c. The dose is from a dram to two.

      Theriaca Mulierum, or a Treacle for Women.

      Take Venice Treacle three ounces, Iovial Bezoar half an ounce, Elks horn and Harts horn, of each Spagirically calcined a dram and a half, Extract of roots of Angelica and Elicampane, of each a dram; Essence of Castor

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      half a dram, Magistery of Pearls and red Coral, of each a scruple; Oyl of white Amber half a scruple. Mix them, and with Rob of Elder-berries make an Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cures almost all Diseases (in Women by Sweat) as well hot as cold by a certain occult property; and for that Sex there is not a more excellent and noble Diaphoretick given. The dose is from a scruple to a dram in waters appropriate to the Disease: yet where the Disease is of a hot Cause, we give it in cold Vehicles.

      Theriaca Saxonica, or the Saxonick Treacle.

      Take Rob of Elder-berries and dwarff Elder-berries, of each two ounces; Harts horn Spagirically calcined an ounce, juyce of Fumitory made thick, simple Syrup of Poppies, Spirit of Iuniper, of each half an ounce; Oriental rod Bole two drams, Oyl of the seeds of Angelica, Oyl of Zedoary, of each a dram. Mix them, and over a gentle clear fire make them into the form of an Opiate.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most noble Antidote, powerfully working by Sweat and insensible Transpiration, it defends men from, and cures many and grievous Diseases. It profligates and extinguisheth Feavers of all kinds, whether intermitting, continual, or malignant: Also the Dropsie, Erysipelas, Scurvy, Jaundice, Plague, suffocation of the Matrix, and other affects of the Womb, the Pox, Scab, Itch, Leprosie, &c. nay, it deserves its praise so justly, that no man is sufficiently able to proclaim its virtues. The dose is the quantity of a Nutmeg, according to the Sex, Age, and Constitution of the Patient, and the urgency of the Disease, it is given in any fit and congruous Liquor, especially such as is appropriate to the Disease. I give it in many affects

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      (the body being first purged) in the evening at going to bed four or five hours after supper, with a sufficient quantity of our Harts-horn water; and toward morning it doth use to sweat powerfully.

      Theriaca Febrilis, or an Electuary for Feavers.

      Take species of our Febrifuge three ounces, Conserve of Pontick Wormwood, Conserve of Carduus and the lesser Centaury, of each two ounces; Venice Treacle an ounce and a half, Harts-horn calcined without fire, Mineral Diaphoretick, white Ginger, of each three drams; species of Diamoschu dulce and Diambra, of each a dram and a half; Camphire dissolved in Spirit of Angelica half a dram. Mix them, and with Rob of Elder-berries make an Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cures almost all Feavers, and is very profitable also in the Plague. The dose is from a dram to two in our Aqua Febrifuge, or in Carduus, Scabious, or Marigold-water, &c. let the Patient drink it two hours before the Fit, and being in bed, let him sweat; for by this means it cures the Feaver.

      Electuarium Opticum, or an Electuary for the Eyes.

      Take preserved Elicampane roots and preserved Chebul Myrobalans, of each two ounces; long Pepper and Cloves, of each an ounce; Mace, the lesser Galangal, white Ginger and Cubebs, of each half an ounce; Sea-Beans prepared, Pikes eyes, Eyebright, Pennyroyal, Germander, Clovegilly-flowers, Rosemary, of each three drams; seeds of the Mountain Osier and Fenil, of each two drams; seeds of Parsley, Anise, Smallage, Dill, and white Saxifrage, of each a dram and a half. All being pulverized, mix them, then with twenty four ounces of white Sugar Candy dissolved in Spirit of Juniper, and the depurated Juyces of Sage, Rue, Celandine and Hyssop, of each a sufficient quantity, and then

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      boiled to a just consistence, make an Electuary, to which add Oyl of Cinamon and Nutmegs, of each a dram. And then again mix them, and reserve it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It comforts the Stomach, consumes superfluous Humors, cleanseth the Reins, and is good to expel all flatulent Humors. But it chiefly restores a weak Sight, and hath been wonderfully experimented in weakness of the Eyes, Suffusions, &c. let the cause be what it will. The dose is constantly in the morning fasting, and at night going to bed the quantity of a Chestnut: And by so using of it, the Patient shall be able to read a small print by a clear and free sight, without Spectacles, even to his life's end.

      Electuarium Stomachicum, or an Electuary for the Stomach.

      Take sweet Almonds eight ounces, aromatical Reed, white Ginger and Grains of Paradise, of each an ounce; Water-mint, Zedoary, Iuniper-berries, roots of Burnet, of each six drams; of Avens, Tormentil, Elicampane and Water-flag, of each half an ounce; the lesser Galangal, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, elect Mastich, long Pepper, Cinamon and Cummin seeds, of each two drams. All being pulverized, mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of Sugar dissolved in our Aqua stomachali, make an Electuary; to which add of our Elixir of Vitriol a sufficient quantity to make it tart, or you may use it without if you please.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It roborates the Stomach by heat, corrects its softness, and helps its imbecillity. It helps Concoction, and raiseth a dejected Appetite. It comforts the lower Venter, and all the instruments of nutrition. It is almost a peculiar Remedy for all cold Distempers; but it is especially found

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      to dry the superfluous humidities of the Stomach. The dose by it self, is morning, noon, and night the quantity of a Nutmeg, drinking after it three or four spoonfuls of Spanish Wine, or an ounce of our Stomachical water.

      Electuarium Absinthiacum, or an Electuary of Wormwood.

      Take Conserve of Pontick Wormwood three ounces, Carduus, Fumitory, Scurvygrass, of each an ounce; flowers of the lesser Centaury, Succory and Elder, of each half an ounce; preserved Orange peels, preserved Indian Nuts, of each six drams; species of Diacurcuma, Diacubeba and Dialacca, of each three drams; Tincture of red Coral, Magistery of Crocus Martis, of each two drams; Goose dung gathered in the Spring, elect Rhubarb, of each a dram and a half; Salt of Wormwood a dram, Oyl of Salt rectified a scruple. Mix them, and with an equal quantity of Syrup of Harts-tongue and Maidenhair make an Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It opens and removes all stubborn and desperate obstructions of the Liver, Spleen and Gall, and is a noble Remedy in both kinds of Jaundice, Dropsie, &c. The dose in the morning three hours before meat, and at night going to bed, the quantity of a Chestnut, more or less.

      Electuarium de Scorzonera, or an Electuary of Scorzonera.

      Take preserved roots of Scorzoner a six ounces, Conserve of red Roses vitriolated four ounces, species Diarrhodon Abbatis and Diacubeba, of each an ounce; a Wolfs liver prepared, Nitre prepared, of each a dram; seeds of Sorrel and Melons huskt, of each four scruples; Tincture of red Coral, Salt of Warmwood, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with Rob of Barberries and Goosberries, of each a like quantity, make an

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      Electuary; to which add so much Spirit of Sulphur as may make it grateful.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is generally good for all hot Constitutions, but especially in the debility, obstruction and pains of the Liver: It mitigates the heat and fervor of yellow Choler and burning Feavers, but chiefly it cools and comforts a flatulent Liver. The dose is from a dram to half an ounce.

      Electuarium de Nitro, or an Electuary of Nitre.

      Take preserved Eryngo roots four ounces, species of Lithontribon two ounces, simple Manus Christi an ounce and a half, Nitre prepared with Spirit of Vitriol, Salt of Wormwood, of each six drams; Oyl of white Amber rectified, Oyl of Aniseeds, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with Syrup of green Ginger make an Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It powerfully breaks the Stone in the Reins and Bladder, and expels it by Urine. Moreover it is a great Secret in the Colick, suffocation of the Matrix, obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, debilitated Stomach, and in most Feavers. The dose is from a dram to two or three morning, noon and night at a distance from eating.

      Electuarium Dysentericum, or an Electuary for the bloody Flux.

      Take Conserve of wild Poppy flowers, old Conserve of Roses, of each three ounces; our Narcotick Confection two ounces, Venice Treacle, Tincture of red Coral, Bloodstone, Essence of Crocus Martis, of each two drams; Troches of Amber, sealed Earth and Spodium, of each a dram; Oyl of Nutmegs and Cloves, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with our Diacodium Crocatum make an Electuary according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a specifick Medicine to stay all dolorifick fluxes of the Belly, and blood flowing

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      from any part, the Terms, Spitting, &c. and is also good in the Piles, it induceth sleep, consolidates Ulcers of the Breast, Lungs and Bladder. The dose is from a dram to two or three at night going to bed, or afterward, or in the morning fasting, or at any time of the day, the Stomach being empty: It is given either by it self, or in Vehicles respecting the Disease and part affected.

      Diascordium Rosatum, or Diascordium Rosated.

      Take Conserve of red Roses vitriolated eleven ounces, Bole Armoniack prepared three drams, Scordium two drams, Diptamus of Creet, roots of Tormentil, Bistort, and Gentian, Terra Lemnia, Cinamon, Lignum Cassie, Gum Arabick, Galbanum, Styrax Calamitis, of each a dram; long Pepper, white Ginger, Opium prepared Spagirically and dissolved in aromatick Wine, seeds of Sorrel, of each twenty three grains. Mix them, and with Syrup of the Juyce of Citrons bring all into the form of a thick Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. We happily use it according to the mind of Hieronymus Fracastorius, in those cases where Treacle is not allowed, as to Children and great-bellied Women: But in the Plague, and other desperate Epidemical diseases, we are used to give it in this manner following.

      Take of the exprest iuyce of Citrons an ounce, Syrup of the juyce of Sorrel, Vinegar of Elder flowers, of each half an ounce; Diascordium rosatum a dram and a half, of our Bezoar powder half a scruple. Mix them, and make a Draught, which works wonderfully, and virtually expels all poysonous noxious Humors by Sweat.

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      SECT. XIV. Of purging Confections and Electuaries. (Book 14)

      Catharticum Caesareum, or an Imperial Cathartick.

      TAke green Ginger of China an ounce, Magistery of Scammony half an ounce, Confectio Alkermes a dram and a half, species of Diarrhodon Abbatis moistned with Spirit of Vitriol, Cream of Tartar, of each a dram; Gallia Moschata a scruple, Oyl of Cinamon ten grains. Of the above mentioned Ginger so much as will suffice to make all into the form of a Bole.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a pleasant Cathartick n all cold Distempers, and is by us prescribed for Princes and Great persons: For it throughly purgeth the body without any hurt or molestation. It refresheth the Mind, provokes Appetite, strengthens all the principal Members, takes away the stink of the Nose and Mouth, rectifies the Blood, dissipates Wind. The dose is from a dram to four scruples.

      Catharticum Regium, or the Royal Cathartick.

      Take Confectio Alkermes vitriolated ten drams, Magistery of Scammony half an ounce, powder of red Roses moistned with Spirit of Vitriol, acid Tartar, of each a dram; Nitre prepared a scruple. Mix them, and bring all into the form of a Bole.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This solutive Confection of Alkermes I invented for dainty Constitutions; and

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      is a most excellent Purge in malignant Feavers, and all other hot Cholerick distempers proceeding from mixt and complicated causes; and is used by Kings and Princes: It purgeth both kinds of Choler without trouble or any offence to the Stomach, and kindly draws out the other offending humors, even from the Joynts and Limbs, and carries off the tartarous humors that oppress the Reins and Bladder: It refrigerates the Heart, mundifies the Blood, and addeth strength to all the principal Members. The dose is from a dram to four scruples.

      Annotation. For the ordinary and common sort of people, you may instead of Confectio Alkermes substitute Conserve of Violets vitriolated, and the Composition will be equally efficacious.

      Catharticum Rosatum, or a Purge compounded with Roses.

      Take Conserve of red Roses vitriolated seven ounce, Scammony rosated ten drams, species Diarrhodon Abbatis moistned with Spirit of Vitriol an ounce, Nitre prepared a dram and a half, Oyl of Cinamon a scruple. With a little Syrup of Roses solutive vitriolated, mix them into the form of a Bole.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It expels yellow Choler without trouble, and purgeth a hot Liver. It is a worthy Remedy for all distempers of the Joynts proceeding from a hot Cause, and for Tertian Feavers; and is also of a good and grateful taste, and therefore pleasant to the Stomach and Bowels. It is an appropriate and suitable Purge for tender Virgins, Children, and Old people that are oppressed with Choler and cholerick Nauseating. The dose is from two drams to three, given with great profit and no trouble nor disturbance to the sick.

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      Catharticum Violatum, or a Purge compounded of Violets.

      Take new Conserve of Violets vitriolated four drams, true Hermodactyls cleansed from their busks three ounces, Magistery of Scammony ten drams, Tartar vitriolated six drams, Cinamon, Cloves, white Ginger, of each a dram; Oyl of Cummin seeds a scruple. With Syrup of the Juyce of Violets vitriolated mix all into the form of a Bole.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Confection of Hermodactyls is of admirable virtue and forde in the Gout, Sciatica, and such like pains of the Joynts; for it safely purges all gouty humors: we have also seen many Patients languishing with that tormenting pain, and rouling in their beds, to have been so restored by the use of this Medicine twice, thrice, or more, and the help of external Unctions, that they have soon returned to their former business. And they would do wisely not to use it only under the impending pain; but for their preservation, to use it twice every year, that is, Spring and Fall. The dose is from two drams to three.

      Catharticum Caryophyllatum, or a Purge of Clovegilly-flowers.

      Take Conserve of Clovegilly-flowers vitriolated seven ounces, white and gummy Turbith two ounces, Scammony rosated ten drams, of the best Cloves an ounce, Cream of Tartar six drams, Cinamon and Mace, of each a dram and a half; Oyl of Oranges a scruple. And with Syrup of Citron peels muskified mix all into the form of a Bole.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth pleasantly and plentifully purge all cold Humors (but chiefly Flegm) from the Head, Breast, Stomach, Joynts, Guts, and other principal Members, and also from those deputed

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      for nutrition. It is good for complicated and continual Feavers, and is very useful in the Colick coming of a cold Cause; and for all other Diseases that proceed from frigid humors. It is a good Remedy for those who are troubled with sour Belchings, they being constantly troubled with Loathings, and do generally abound with Spittle. The dose is from a dram and a half to three drams, (especially in strong bodies) more or less, according to the age, strength, and season.

      Zingiber Purgans, or Purging Ginger.

      Take Conserve of Rosemary flowers four ounces, condited Ginger of Bengal three ounces, Scammony rosated ten drams, species Diarrhodon Abbatis half an ounce, the lesser Galangal and Mace, of each a dram; Cardamoms the less, Cloves, of each two scruples; yellow Orange peels and Citron peels, of each half a dram; Gallia Moschata a scruple. And with Syrup of the before-mentioned candied Ginger, make all into the form of a Bole.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It safely purgeth the whole body of Flegm and all other vicious Humors. It draws away Choler of both kinds from the Stomach, gives a sweet Breath, comforts the Intestines being too cold, and removes all Frigidity. It dissolves thick flatulent Humors, and clarifies the Blood; neither hath it any ungrateful smell or taste. It is very profitable in all kind of Feavers, and in all other Diseases proceeding from a cold Cause; also in the Colick, Wind, and pain of the Stomach, Heart, Liver, Spleen, Reins and Back. The dose is from two drams to three in the morning early.

      Cinamomum Laxativum, or Laxative Cinamon.

      Take white Sugar dissolved in Cinamon water four ounces, Scammony rosated six drams, species of Diacinamon

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      half an ounce, Oyl of Cinamon a scruple. Mix all into the form of a Bole.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth Choler, Flegm and Melancholy from the Head, Thorax, Stomach, Liver and Joynts, &c. and that without any trouble: And this Composition may be also made into a solid form. The dose is from two drams to three.

      Catharticum Cholagogum, or a Cholerpurging Medicine.

      Take juyce of red Roses exprest, white Sugar, of each eight ounces; species of Diarrhodon vitriolated nine drams, Magistery of Scammony an ounce, Spodium a dram and a half, Gallia Moschata a scruple. Let the Sugar be boiled to a consistence with the Juyce of Roses, and then let the Species (being pulverized) be added, so make all into an Electuary of the Juyce of Roses.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. I happily use it to purge hot and cholerick Humors in all hot and cholerick Diseases and Affects. The dose is from two drams to three.

      Catharticum Vitae, or the Purge of Life.

      Take Venice Treacle three ounces, our species of Diaesula an ounce and a half, Mercurius vitae a dram. Mix them, and with our Pectoral Syrup make an Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an excellent Medicine in Feavers, Plague, diseases of the Head, Pox, Leprosie, ill habit of Body, Dropsie, fetid Ulcers, &c. and is a Secret in Quartan Agues; for it leaves no impurity behind it in the body. The dose is from a dram to two: But let it not be given before meat, but after it; and so the sick do vomit sooner and easier.

      Diaturbith Minerale.

      Take Mithridate of Damocratis four ounces, true

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      Turbith Mineral, species Diarrhodon Abbatis, of each half an ounce; our species of Diavitrioli and our Carminative Oyl, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Syrup of Jujubes bring them into the form of a thick Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an excellent Purge in all desperate Diseases, as the Dropsie, Pox, Gout and Jaundice; and by its expulsive force nothing is more excellent and noble in Fistula's, malignant Ulcers, Plague, and most kind of Feavers, &c. The dose is from a dram to a dram and a half, drinking after it a little white Wine.

      Confectio Passulata, or a Confection with Raisons.

      Take Sena four ounces, roots of Polypody of the Oak two ounces, roots of Scorzonera and Bugloss, of each an ounce; roots of Succory and Liquorish, of each half an ounce; Spanish Wine four pound. In which boil the other Ingredients being cut and bruised, and after it is prest and strained, infuse in it all night Flowers of red Holy-hocks, Peaches, Violets and Roses, of each two pugils, Acacia, white Ginger, Cinamon, and the lesser Galangal, of each a dram. Then let them be strained and well prest, and in the strained Liquor again infuse small Raisons stoned and washed in white Wine six ounces, Carthamus seeds husked three drams, Iujubes, Sebestens and Prunes stoned, of each twenty one. Boil them, and extract the Pulp with a Sieve, and then add of Manus Christi anisati four ounces, Pulp of Tamarinds and the best Manna, of each an ounce and a half; Cream of Tartar an ounce. Mix them, and make them into a soft Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most sweet, mild and lenifying Medicine, and is good for those who are apt to be bound in their body: For without trouble it moves the Belly downwards, and gently purgeth

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      yellow and black Choler. It also mundifies the blood, and takes off its acrimony. It is also profitable in the distempers of the Reins and Bladder, and prevents the generation of the Stone. The dose is from three drams to half an ounce, more or less.

      Catharticum Passulatum, or a Purge of Raisons.

      Take of our Confectio passulata two ounces, powder of Ialap an ounce, Oyl of Aniseeds a scruple. With Syrup of Cinamon make them into the form of a Bole.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth Choler of both sorts, Flegm and Water, and other offending Humors. It expels Wind, opens Obstructions, purifies the Blood, and is good in the pains of the Joynts, Colick and Reins. It helps those that are troubled with the Asthma, old Cough and Pox. It is no trouble to the Patient in the taking this Medicine, because it doth partake of no ill savour, and is therefore proper for those who loath other Medicines. The dose is from two drams to three.

      Cartharticum Peruvianum liquidum, or the moist Peruvian Cathartick.

      Take of the Electuary Diacorus six ounces, Extract of Gum of Peru rosated an ounce, species of Diarrhodon Abbatis half an ounce, Extract of Kermes-berries three drams, Gallia Moschata half a dram, Oyl of Mace a scruple. With a little Syrup of preserved Citronpeels make all into a thick Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a good Medicine in all strong and contumacious Diseases: It powerfully purgeth all serous humors, and water gathered in the Abdomen, together with crude and thick Flegm, from the remote parts of the body; and is therefore good in the Gout and all distempers of the Joynts,

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      the Dropsie Ascites and Anasarca also. The dose is from two drams to three.

      Catharticum Peruvianum solidum pretiosum, or a solid and precious Purge of Gum Peru.

      Take Extract of Gum Peru rosated half an ounce, species Diarrhodon Abbatis two drams, Confectio Alkermes a dram, Gallia Moschata a scruple, Oyl of Cinamon half a scruple. Mix them, and with four ounces of white Sugar first dissolved in Rose-water make them into little Morsels.

      Catharticum Peruvianum solidum commune, pro tenuioris fortunae hominibus: Or, a solid Purge of Gum Peru for the poorer sort of People.

      Take Extract of Gum Peru rosated half an ounce, preserved Orange and Citron peels, of each a dram; Cassia lignea, Cloves, white Ginger, Mace, of each a scruple; Oyl of Aniseeds ten grains. Mix them, and with four ounces of white Sugar dissolved in Fenil-water make, according to Art, a Confection in little Morsels.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth thick, serous and tartarous humors in the Dropsie, Gout, Jaundice, Scab, Pox, and the like, and is in these cases a Secret. The dose is from a dram and a half to two.

      Passulae Laxativae, or Laxative Raisons.

      Take leaves of Sena four ounces, roots of the best Turbith and Ialap, of each an ounce; Magistery of Scammony, elect Rhubarb, of each half an ounce; Anise and Fenil seeds, of each three drams; the cordial Flowers, of each a pugil. Mix all these, and then infuse them in a sufficient quantity of rectified Spirit of Wine, let them stand in infusion until the Spirit hath imbided the Tincture, together with the taste and virtue of the Ingredients: Then pour off the

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      tinged Spirit, and put into it nine ounces of small Raisons, let them digest until the Raisons have sufficiently imbided the Spirit: Then at last (the Raisons being taken out) add Cinamon and Cloves, of each two drams; long Pepper, the lesser Galangal, white Ginger, of each a dram and a half; Indian Spicknard, Gallia Moschata, of each ten grains. With a sufficient quantity of solutive Syrup of Roses make a Condite according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. They purge Melancholy and adust Humors, and carry off serous Excrements, and keep down salt Flegm, and neatly cleanse the body of the Leprosie, foulness of the Skin and Scabs. It is an excellent Remedy in the Gout, straitness of the Breast, Stone, Catarrhs, and the pain and tumor of the Sides. The dose is from half an ounce to six drams, more or less, according to the Sex and Complexion of the Patient.

      Catharticum Terebinthinatum, or a Purge with Turpentine.

      Take Turpentine often washed in juyce of Lemmons three ounces, species of Lithontribon an ounce, Magistery of Scammony seven drams, Cassia newly extracted, the pith of Carthamus seeds, of each half an ounce; white and gummy Turbith, Tartar vitriolated, of each two drams; Oyl of Cinamon a scruple, Oyl of Chamomil and Aniseeds, of each ten grains. With a sufficient quantity of Syrup of Roses solutive mix all into the form of a Bole or a thick Electuary.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Terebinthinated Cathartick doth chiefly purge all flegmatick, thick and tartarous humors that oppress the Reins and Bladder. It dissolves coagulated Tartar; and it is an admirable Purge for all kinds of stones in what part of the body soever they lye. The dose is from a dram and

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      a half to two, in good odoriferous Wine.

      Terebinthina Laxativa, or Laxative Turpentine.

      Take Turpentine washed in Rose-water two drams, Tartar vitriolated half a dram, Salt of white Amber, elect Rhubarb, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with Sugar and powder of Liquorish make a Bole for a dose.

      Terebinthina Purgans, or purging Turpentine.

      Take Turpentine washed in Violet-water two drams, acid Tartar a scruple, Magistery of Perch stone, Crabs eyes and Scammony, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with Sugar and powder of Cinamon make a Bole for a dose.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a great Secret in the Gonorrhoea, Stone in the Reins and Bladder, pains of the Back, &c. It is given an hour before supper, or early in the morning, and it may be taken in a Wafer moistned in Wine.

      SECT. XV. Of Lohochs or Eclegma's. (Book 15)

      Lohoch Rosatum, or a Lohoch of Roses.

      TAke Conserve of Roses tinctured with Spirit of Sulphur four ounces, Lohoch of Coltsfoot roots prepared with Sugar two ounces, species Diarrhodon Abbatis an ounce, Lac Sulphuris half an ounce, red Oriental Bole prepared, juyce of Liquorish extracted, of each two drams; Oriental Saffron prepared a dram, flowers of Benjamin, Cardamoms the less, Mace, of each half a dram; Balsam of Sulphur prepared with Oyl of Aniseeds a scruple, true Oyl of Roses four grains. Mix

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      them, and with our simple Pectoral Syrup make a Lohoch.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It helps those who are troubled with continual Coughs, Hoarsness, Pleurisies, &c. It brings offensive matter from the Lungs with ease, and effectually heals purulent Exulcerations as well of the Breast as Lungs, and takes away the ill smell thence proceeding. It also helps those who spit blood. The dose is the quantity of a Hazel-nut taken often.

      Lohoch Violatum, or Lohoch of Violets.

      Take fresh Conserve of Violets tinged with our Elixir of Sulphur four ounces, Lohoch sanum & expert. two ounces, species of Diamargariton frigid. Diaireos simple, of each half an ounce; compound flowers of Sulphur, Extract of Liquorish roots, of each three drams; Oriental Saffron prepared, Styrax Calamit. of each a scruple; Oyl of Hyssop and Benjamin, of each four grains. Mix them, and with our compound Pectoral Syrup make a Pectoral Lohoch.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Medicine is experimented in the Cough, Asthma, Phthisick, difficulty of breathing and straitness of the Breast, and in other diseases of the Breast and Lungs. The dose is the same as before.

      Lohoch Pectorale, or a Pectoral Lohoch.

      Take both our simple and compound pectoral Syrups, of each two ounces; Lohoch of Coltsfoot roots, of sanum & expertum, of each an ounce; Manus Christi with Aniseeds prepared six drams, species Diarrhodon Abbatis half an ounce, green Ginger, of each three drams. Mix them, and make a Pectoral Lohoch according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a certain Medicine for a Cough and Hoarsness coming of cold or thick Flegm

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      contained in the Thorax and Lungs. It is a present Remedy for all distempers of the Breast, difficulty of Breathing, Pleurisie, pain of the Ribs, &c. The dose is the quantity of a Nutmeg often in the day.

      Lohoch seu Diacodium Crocatum, or a Lohoch or Diacodium with Saffron.

      Take of the heads and seeds of white Poppy twenty one, sweet Bean cods, the seeds being cast away, roots of Liquorish, of each three ounces; seeds of Bombace, Marsh mallows and Quinces, Myrtle-berries, of each half an ounce; fat Figs, Dates and Sebestens, of each eleven; flowers of great red Mallows, Violets and Hearts-ease, of each two drams. Boil them in a sufficient quantity of Fountain-water according to Art. Then take of this Decoction being strained two pound, Sugar Candy rosated, Penids, of each half a pound. Make of all a thick Syrup: Then toward the end of the Preparation add Syrup of the juyce of wild Poppies, Iujubes, of each two ounces; Extract of Saffron half a dram. Mix them, and over a gentle fire let them boil to the consistence of Honey, which aromatize with a scruple of Gallia Moschata.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a great Secret in all hot, thin, sharp, and salt Defluxions and Destillations from the Head upon the Thorax and rough Artery, which cause continual Coughs and Watchings: For it lenifies the roughness of the Throat, and maturates the Spittle, by making it thick and glutinous, and fit to expectorate. It allays thirst, mitigates heat, and procures sleep: Also by cooling and moistning it roborates the Spirits, repairs strength, and preserves the native heat. Moreover it cannot be expressed how profitable it is for those who are afflicted with the Colick, Stone, and Gravel, Pleurisie Gout, &c. It is also good for the over-great excretion

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      and evacuation of the Blood and Terms; nay 'tis of good use in burning Feavers, Fluxes of the Belly, Dysenteries, &c. which are caused by a sharp and cholerick matter. The dose is from a dram to two, three or four.

      Lohoch Antiphthisicum, or a Lohoch for the Consumption or wasting of the Lungs.

      Take of our Diacodium crocatum four ounces, Lohoch sanum & expertum and de pulmone Vulpis, of each two ounces; our white, red and citrine pectoral Rotula's, of each an ounce; our simple and compound pectoral Syrups, of each six drams; green Ginger half an ounce, species Diarrhodon Abbatis, Diamargariton frigid. of each two drams. Mix them, and with an Emulsion made of white Poppy seeds, and the water of Calves Lungs an ounce and a half, over a gentle sire boil it to the consistence of a Lohoch.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of great efficacy and power in the Phthilick, Asthma, Cough, Pleurisie, Catarrh, Hoarsness, and other vices of the Thorax and Lungs: It extenuates those humors that are hard to be spit forth, and induceth sleep. The dose is the quantity of a Hazel-nut often in the day.

      SECT. XVI. Of Syrups. (Book 16)

      Syrupus Perlarum Orientalium, or Syrup of Oriental Pearls.

      TAke water of Roses, Borage and Bugloss, of each six ounces; Salt of Oriental Pearls half an ounce.

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      These being mixed and dissolved, add of sweet Almonds a quantity sufficient to make an Emulsion, with which afterward mix white Sugar a pound, and then boil it to the consistence of a Syrup.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It roborates the Heart, Brain and Memory, preserves the Body sound. It relieves the Consumptive, and keeps off Old age. It drys up vicious Humors, amends Milk in Women, restores the humidum Radicale, and increaseth Seed in both Sexes. It is also a certain Preservative from the Apoplexy, Epilepsie and Palsie, and is to be given divers times in the week. The dose is from half an ounce to six drams, by it self or with other Specificks.

      Syrupus Corallorum rubrorum, or Syrup of red Coral.

      Take Tincture of red Roses extracted with Succorywater, distilled from the juyce of the whole Plant, and as it were red, ten ounces, Salt of red Coral half an ounce. These being mixed, dissolved and filtred, add of white Sugar a pound, exprest juyce of Barberries and Goosberries, of each four ounces. Again mix them, and bring all into the consistence of a Syrup.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It comforts the weakness of the Heart, and much increaseth its strength: It mitigates the intemperate heat of the Liver, Spleen and Reins, and wonderfully relieves them in Obstructions. It cures any Haemorrhage, mundifies the blood through the whole body. It is a good Remedy for cholerick Vomitings. It allays Thirst, refrigerates and strengthens the Stomach. It restores and amends the other internal Bowels distempered by heat: Whence it is a great Secret in the Dysentery, Lientery, pains in the Guts, Liver-fluxes, Gonorrhoea, Flux from the Womb, &c. It is also good in contagious

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      Diseases, and gives ease in malignant Defluxions and Colliquations. It strengthens and preserves the Child in the Womb, and prevents Abortion, if while she goes with Child she takes half a spoonful at a time twice in a month. The dose is from half an ounce to an ounce, either by it self, or in appropriate Medicines.

      Syrupus Vitriolato-rosatus, or a vitriolated Syrup with Roses.

      In the Preparation of our Magistery of Corals (already mentioned) a red Liquor will remain in the separation of the Coral from the Menstruum; to which if a sufficient quantity of white Sugar be added and boiled to the consistence of a Syrup, it will be red, and a most noble and efficacious Medicine, very profitable in the Plague, Epidemical Diseases, Feavers, Dysenteries, Liver-fluxes, vices of the Stomach, Scurvy, obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, Inflammations, and many other Diseases. The dose is from an ounce to two, by it self or with other appropriate Vehicles.

      Syrupus Cephalicus, or a Syrup for the Head.

      Take the juyce of Carduus and Millefoil depurated, of each a pound; water of Lavender and Betony, of each half a pound; roots of Avens and Peony, of each an ounce; Cassia lignea, Nutmegs, Cubebs, of each an ounce and a half; Marjoram, Vervain, Rosemary and Origanum, of each three drams; flowers of Lilies of the valley, Teiltree, Primroses, Rosemary and red Roses, of each two drams; seeds of Lavender, Fenil, Sage and Peony, of each a dram and a half; wood of Aloes, Misleto of the Oak, Oriental Saffron, of each a dram. Boil them to the consumption of the third part; afterward let them be strained and clarified, and then add of white Sugar a sufficient quantity to bring it

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      into a Syrup according to Art, which aromatize with Species Diamoschu dulce and Diambrae, of each a dram.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an excellent Remedy in all dangerous distempers of the Head, as inveterate Head-ach, Hemicrania, Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Palsie, &c. It roborates the Head, Brain, and Ventricle, and is agreeable to those who are troubled with a trembling of the Head and Heart. The dose is from half an ounce to an ounce, by it self or with other appropriate Medicines.

      Syrupus Pectoralis, or a Syrup for the Breast.

      Take roots of Liquorish sliced, Coltsfoot, of each two ounces; roots of Elicampane, Flower-de-luce, Angelica, of each an ounce; both sorts of Lungwort, Maidenhair, sharp Sage, Horehound, Scabious, of each half an ounce; flowers of Coltsfoot, Violets, Chamomil and Hearts-ease, of each two drams. Let them be cut, bruised, and infused in water of Carduus and Fenil, of each three pound; of Mallows, Fluellin and Marsh-mallows, of each a pound. Let them be boiled to the consumption of the third part. Take of this Liquor strained six pound, and infuse in it small Raisons four ounces, seeds of Carduus, Anise, Roman Nettles, Quinces and Myrtleberries, of each half an ounce; of Dates, Iujubes, Sebestens and fat Figs, of each twenty one. Boil them again to the consumption of the third part, and then let them be strongly prest and strained. Take of this strained Liquor four pound, white Sugar two pound Boil them again, and as they are boiling aromatize it with Oriental Saffron, Cardamoms the less, Mace and Cinamon, of each two drams. Let these be tyed up in a thin Cloth, and boil together with the rest, till it comes to the consistence of a Syrup; to which last of all add three ounces of Cinamon-water, and keep it for use.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of wonderful force and power in all affects of the Thorax, Vitals, Destillations and Obstructions; for it cuts and attenuates thick Humors. It is also of good use in Consumptions, Wastings, and Ulcers of the Lungs: And is a present Remedy for Asthma's and Coughs, and is profitably used in the pains of the Hypochonders, and a Pleurisie beginning. It dissolves suppurated matter, and helps to cast it forth; and is a great Secret in Hoarsness and defect of the Voice. The dose is from half an ounce to six drams, by it self or in appropriate Vehicles.

      Syrupus Asthmaticus, or a Syrup for the Asthma.

      Take white Sugar Candy a pound, water of Lohoch sanum eight ounces, Syrup of Horehound and Liquorish, of each four ounces; Syrup of Maidenhair and Iujubes, of each three ounces; Syrup of Hyssop and the juyce of Violets, of each two ounces. Mix them all well together, and boil them to the consistence of a Syrup.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth chiefly help in the Asthma and Pleurisie. It safely cleanseth, opens and inlargeth the Thorax and Lungs, and also opens Obstructions. It helps wheesing dry Coughs; and is profitably given in the pain of the Breast and Hypochonders, the Stone in the Reins, &c. It is also very agreeable to old people, and those who are cold by Nature. The dose is by it self, or with Pectoral Waters, from half an ounce to an ounce.

      Syrupus Cordialis, or a Cordial Syrup.

      Take Cinamon two ounces, roots of Bugloss an ounce, flowers of red Roses, Borage, Balm and Violets, of each half an ounce; Cardamoms the less, Nutmegs, wood of Aloes, of each two drams; Oriental Saffron and Mace, of each a dram. All being cut and bruised, let them be macerated in three pound of good odoriferous

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      Wine, until the Wine hath imbibed all the virtue of the Ingredients; then boil it to the consumption of a pound. Take of this Liquor strained two pound, white Sugar a pound and a half. Boil these together, and toward the end add of each of our Cordial Waters four ounces. And boil all to the just consistence of a Syrup.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It exhilarates and daily increaseth the Magnanimity of the mind, and is a most efficacious Medicine in almost all melancholy Diseases. Moreover it is of singular use in the passions of the Heart proceeding from grief or sorrow, and this it doth by roborating of that part. The dose is from half an ounce to an ounce by it self, or in other convenient Vehicles.

      Syrupus de Cassia Lignea.

      Take Gelly of Quinces a pound. Boil it over a gentle fire to the thickness of Honey; then mix with it our Tincture of Cassia lignea so much as may bring it to the consistence of a Syrup: at last add to it an ounce of Elaeosaccharum of Cassia lignea, and again mix them and reserve it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is agreeable to old, weak and frigid Patients, and to those in whom the Radical moisture and natural heat are diminished. It comforts all the principal Members: It roborates the Heart and a cold Stomach. It helps the Syncope and trembling of the Heart: It allays Nauseousness, Vomiting and Hiccup. It takes away the ill savour of the Breath, and makes it sweet. The dose is from half an ounce to an ounce, either by it self, or in any other specifick Medicine.

      Syrupus Diacitri Rosatus, or a compound Syrup of Citrons and Roses.

      Take juyce of Citrons and Lemmons first strained through a cloth or strainer (but not prest) and tinctured

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      with powder of red Roses a pound, Rob of Barberries and Goosberries, of each seven ounces; Syrup of the juyce of unripe Grapes, Syrup of Vinegar, Rasberries and Strawberries, of each four ounces; Cinamon water buglossated, in which species Diarrhodon Abbatis hath been infused, two ounces, Nitre prepared a dram and a half. Mix them, and boil all into the consistence of a Syrup according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It potently refrigerates, penetrates, drys, and defends the parts from Putrefaction. It is of excellent use in malignant cholerick Feavers and other contagious Diseases. It powerfully resists Sur feits by drinking, Poysons and Pestilence. It extinguisheth Thirst, and all intemperate heat of the Head, Heart, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Reins and Bowels. It provokes Sweat and Urine, represseth cholerick Vomitings, and cures the Cholera. It helps the passions of the Heart, Dysenteries, and griping of the Guts, the body being first purged. The dose is from half an ounce to two, either by it self, or in any other Vehicle respecting the Disease.

      Syrupus Antiscorbuticus, or a Syrup against the Scurvy.

      Take of the juyce of Norway black Berries three pound, juyce of Watercresses, Brooklime, Sorrel and Scurvygrass, of each half a pound. These being mixed, add of white Sugar a pound and a half, and so make a Syrup according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most noble and approved Remedy against the Scurvy. The dose is from an ounce to two or three, by it self, or with our Antiscorbutick Water.

      Syrupus de Pyrethro, or a Syrup of Pellitory.

      Take of the best Agarick an ounce and a half, roots of Pellitory an ounce, roots of Acorus, Burnet and male

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      Peony, of each half an ounce; seeds of Peony and Fenil, Iuniper-berries, of each three drams; Motherwort, Agrimony, Hyssop, Primrose, wild Mints, Nep, of each two drams; flowers of Lily of the valley, Mullein, Bugloss and Rosemary, of each a dram and a half; Cinamon, Nutmegs and Cubebs, of each a dram All being cut and bruised, let them be infused in water of Sage and Rosemary, of each three pound. Let them stand and infuse a whole night, and then boil them to the consumption of the third part. Take of this Liquor strained and clear four pound, white Sugar two pound. Mix them, and boil them to the consistence of a Syrup.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is very useful in all passions of the Nerves, as the Palsie, Convulsions, Epilepsie, Hip-gout, &c. For it potently dissolves the peccant matter, and mitigates pain. The dose is from half an ounce to an ounce, by it self, or in any other convenient Vehicle.

      Syrupus Nephriticus, or a Syrup against the Stone in the Reins.

      Take of our Aqua Antinephritica and Lithontriptica, of each ten ounces; Salt of the Pearch stone and Crabs eyes, of each half an ounce. Being mixed and dissolved, add flowers of Marsh-mallows new dryed as many as sufficeth. Let them stand in digestion a few days, until the Liquor be perfectly tinctured; afterward with two pound of white Sugar boil it to the consistence of a Syrup.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is given to those troubled with the Stone and Gravel from an ounce to an ounce and a half, by it self, or with some other agreeable Vehicle; for it breaks and expels the Stone, though great, as you may see by daily Experience how sand and fragments of Stones lye at the bottom of the Urine.

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      Syrupus Stipticus, or a Stiptick Syrup.

      Take Sloes ripe and dryed a pound, roots of water-Acorus, Snakeweed, Tormentil and Zedoary, of each an ounce; rinds of Pomegranates, dryed Quinces, of each half an ounce; Turkish Galls, red Roses, Balaustines, of each two drams; seeds of Sorrel, Bloodworth and Plantane, of each a dram and a half. Boil all according to Art in a sufficient quantity of white Wine till it be perfectly tinctured. Take of this clear strained Liquor four pound, white Sugar two pound. Boil it again till it comes to the thickness of a Syrup, and let it be aromatized with Cinamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Oriental Saffron, white Ginger, the lesser Galangal, of each a dram; wild Poppyflowers and Clovegillyflowers, of each half a dram. Let these be all tyed up in a thin Cloth, and boiled in the Syrup according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It helps Hepatick Dysenteries that arise from the sharpness of the Humors. It moves Appetite to meat, helps those that cannot hold their water. But it is chiefly agreeable to those who are afflicted with long protracted Fluxes of the Belly, caused of a watry humor as well cold as hot. It stops Vomiting, the flux of the Haemorrhoids, overflowing of the Terms, &c. The dose is from an ounce to two, universal Medicines being premised.

      Syrupus Dysentericus laxativus, or a purging Syrup for a bloody Flux.

      Take roots of Polypody of the Oak two ounces, Liquorish, Burnet, of each an ounce; roots of Tormentil and Succory, of each six drams; leaves of Harts-tongue, Agrimony, Fluellin, Knotgrass, of each half an ounce. Make a Decoction in water of Comfry-roots, Plantane and Oak-leaves, of each a like quantity: boil it to the consumption of the third part, and strain it.

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      Take of this strained Liquor three pound, the best Rhubarb an ounce and a half, Mechoacan, yellow Myrobalans, leaves of Sena, of each an ounce; Troches of Agarick half an ounce, flowers of red Roses, white Lilies, Elder, Chamomil and Mullein, of each two drams; seeds of Anise, Quinces and Dill, of each a dram and a half; Cassia lignea, Cloves and Nutmegs, of each a dram. Let them infuse in a warm place all night, and in the morning let them be gently boiled, and strained and prest; and to the strained Liquor add of white Sugar two pound, and make it into a just consistence of a Syrup according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It gently moves the Belly downwards without trouble, and purgeth all sharp and cholerick Humors, from whence proceed the Ulcerations of the Bowels. Moreover it mitigates the pain, and its purging operation being over, it stays the Flux. The dose in young people is from an ounce to an ounce and a half: But in those full-grown, from two ounces to three.

      Syrupus Pantagogus.

      Take roots of Polypody of the Oak, white Hermodactyls, of each four ounces; white and gummy Turbith, Mechoacan, of each two ounces; the best Rhubarb an ounce and a half, black Hellebore prepared, the best Ialap, of each an ounce; Troches of Agarick, of all the Myrobalans, of each half an ounce. Let them be cut and bruised, and put into a sufficient quantity of white Wine, in which let them infuse for certain days; afterward boil them according to Art, and in four pound of the strained Liquor again infuse the following Ingredients: Sena three ounces, small Raisons three ounces, Cream of Tartar an ounce, Maidenhair, Fluellin and Fumitory, of each half an ounce; Anise and Fenil seeds, of each two drams; flowers of

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      Peaches, Violets and Roses, of Acacia and Epithymum, of each a dram. Let them stand in Infusion all night, in the morning let them be boiled, strained and pressed; and then with two pound of white Sugar boil them to the consistence of a Syrup, adding these things following, Cardamoms the less, Cloves, Galangal the less, Mace, white Ginger, Cinamon, Spicknard, of each half a dram. Let them be pulverized and tyed up in a Linen cloth, and as they boil rub them in the Cloth, that as they boil with the Syrup, they may leave their virtue in it.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth kindly, readily, and safely purge alk morbifick and peccant Humors in all Diseases where Purging is requisite, and it opens the obstructions of the Veins and Bowels. It is given to men or women of all ages, to Old folks and Children, and to weak delicate bodies; yea, if need requires, it is given to Women with Child, either by it self, or in waters that respect the part affected. But in robust bodies it is quickned with some other strong purgative Medicine, according to the diversity of the Disease. The dose is from an ounce to two or three.

      Syrupus Hydragogus, or a Water-purging Syrup.

      Take German Flower-de-luce cleansed from its exterior bark, let it be well stamped and pressed, and the juyce pressed out put into a glass, and let it stand till it settle and grow clear of it self; then take of this Iuyce sixteen ounces, Cinamon water four ounces, Magistery of Gum of Peru an ounce. Let them infuse together in a Glass close stopt for twenty four hours, then pour it forth, and add to it sixteen ounces of white Sugar, species Diarrhodon Abbatis, the best Rhubarb, of each half an ounce; red Sanders and roots of Alkanet, of each two drams. These being mixed must be tyed up in a

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      Cloth, and boiled with the Syrup to a just consistence: And lastly, let the Syrup thus prepared be aromatized with Cloves, Cinamon, Mace, of each a dram; Gallia Moschata a scruple.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most glorious and Divine Cathartick in the ill Habit of Body, and in Dropsies of all sorts, if from an ounce and a half to two ounces, more or less, according as the Belly is loose or bound, it be given twice or thrice in the week: For that Dropsie which cannot otherwise be cured by humane skill, is cured by this Syrup alone.

      SECT. XVII. Of Elixirs. (Book 17)

      Elixir Vitrioli, or Elixir of Vitriol.

      TAke Galangal the less an ounce and a half, Calamus aromaticus an ounce, water Mints and Sage, of each half an ounce; the best Cinamon, Cloves and white Ginger, of each three drams; Nutmegs and Cubebs, of each two drams; wood of Aloes and Citron peel, of each a dram. Pulverize all and mix them, and then add to the Powder white Sugar Candy four ounces: let all be moistned like Spirit of Wine, that it may make a Mixture like Honey, which put into a Glass, and pour upon it the height of four fingers Oyl of Vitriol of Venus or Mars, or in defect of those, Spirit of Vitriol often rectified, and let them stand in digestion three weeks or a month; at last pour off the Tincture and filter it, and pour on more

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      Spirit of Wine upon that which is left in the bottom of the Glass, and draw a Tincture as before; and this work repeat the third time, if need require, till all the Essence be extracted. Mix the several Extractions and circulate them, and reserve it for use; yet it would be of far more efficacy, if it were set in Balneo the space of fourteen days.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. There is not a more noble and efficacious Medicine in the whole Republick of Physick for the Stomach than this is, as I can justifie by Experience; and therefore I will be brief in declaring its Virtues. It is an incomparable Medicine in all distempers of the Stomach, and is given in our Stomach-water or in water of water Mint, or in any other appropriate Liquor. It comforts the Stomach and Intestines exceedingly, and warms all the principal Members debilitated by Cold, and provokes Appetite. Moreover it preserves from the Epilepsie and Apoplexy, purgeth the Brain, drys the Head and whole Body oppressed with flegmatick Humors and Catarrhs, and defends the Head from pain. In the Epilepsie it is given in Peony-water, Lily of the valley, &c. In pains of the Head, often proceeding from the impurities of the Stomach afflicting the Brain, it is given in Betony-water, &c. In all Feavers it is given in water of the lesser Centaury, Carduus, &c. The dose is from half a scruple to a scruple.

      Elixir Sulphuris, or Elixir of Sulphur.

      Take Oriental Saffron and red Myrrh, of each an unce and a half; Mastich, Benzoin, Cardamoms the ess, Cinamon, of each an ounce; juyce of Liquorish, Conectio Alkermes, roots of Elicampane, of each six drams; Alipta Moschata a dram. Mix all and make a Powder, to which add white Sugar Candy two ounces,

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      then wet it with rectified Spirit of Wine, so as it may be made into a Paste; afterward pour upon it well rectified Spirit of Sulphur, that it may swim above it four fingers, let them stand thus and digest and circulate for a month. At last what is tinctured and extracted separate by inclination, and what remains in the bottom, pour on it fresh Spirit of Wine, separate them as before, and mix the tinctured Liquors together, and keep them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an excellent Medicine in the affects of the Thorax and Lungs. It cleanseth the Breast from impurities and Catarrhs. It takes away the Cough as well new as inveterate and confirmed. It gives content of Mind to those afflicted with Consumptions, Melancholy, Sorrow, and easeth the pain of the Heart or Stomach. It helpeth the straitness of the Breast, difficulty of Breathing, Chronical Asthma. Moreover it comforts the Heart, preserves from Putrefaction, prolongs Life, and keeps back Old age: Neither need we fear that its sharpness will irritate the Cough, for it soon penetrates and resolves, and immediately gives ease. The dose or way of giving of it is in some Vehicle that may take off its sharpness; for it cannot be taken by it self, but always with an appropriate Vehicle: And is most profitably given in our Pectoral Syrups or Waters.

      Elixir Poeoniae, or Elixir of Peony.

      Take roots of Palma Christi, Angelica and Pellitory, of each an ounce; Misleto of the Oak, Fenil seed, Anacardus, of each six drams; flowers of Rosemary, Stoechas and Lavender, of each three drams; shavings 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Elks horn and Mans Skull, true Castor, of each a dra and a half; dryed Marjoram a handful, Spirit of Win rectified two pound. Let all be cut and bruised an

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      infused in a glass Vessel close stopt, let them macerate and digest for fourteen days, and afterward distil it by an Alembick: Then to the distilled Liquor add roots, flowers and seeds of Peony duly gathered, of each an ounce; species Diamoschu dulce, Diaxyloaloes, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and set them to digest in a gentle heat for a month, often stirring them; afterward take the tinged Spirit of Wine by inclination, and draw off at least half of it: let the rest remain with the extracted Essence, of which take twelve ounces, Spirit of Vitriol carefully rectified and Spagirically impregnate with native Cinnabar, four ounces, Salt of Peony a dram and a half. Let them be all well mixed, and set to digest and circulate for eight days.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It may be deservedly called a specifick Epileptick Medicine for its admirable virtues and properties: For in curing the Epilepsie, it exceeds all other Remedies. It is also good in all dangerous diseases of the Head, such are the Apoplexy, Palsie, Vertigo, Swimming, &c. Also in the stupor of the Brain, Catarrhs, Suffocation of the Matrix, Colick, &c. it is of great use. The dose and way of giving is to alter its acid sapor, and give it in appropriate Vehicles, as suppose our Epileptick water, or in water of the flowers of Peony, Lavender, Tiel-tree, Lily of the valley, &c. continuing of it nine days together; and let the Patient fast for two or three hours at least after the taking of the Medicine.

      Elixir Febrile, or an Elixir for Feavers.

      Take of our Species febrifuge four ounces, long Pepper, Cloves and Nutmegs, of each an ounce; the lesser Centaury, Carduus and Wormwood, of each six handfuls; Cinquefoil and Rue, of each three handfuls. All

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      being pulverized and mixed, extract their Tincture with the best Spirit of Wine, pour off the tinctured Spirit and pour on fresh, so long till all the Tincture and Essence be throughly extracted. Lastly, draw off half the Spirit in Balneo, and the remaining Spirit, together with the Essence, filter through a brown Paper, and in a glass Vessel well stopt keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. After the body hath been duly purged, it preserves, cures and drives away all kinds of Feavers. It is given in the Fit, or just before it, so that it may work with the Fit. The dose is from a dram to half an ounce in water of the lesser Centaury, Carduus, Wormwood, or in a draught of warm Beer: But in robust bodies it is given from half an ounce to six drams. Or it may in ill habits of body, Dropsie, &c. with good success be mixed with common Drink; for by its bitterness it expels all Putrefaction, and by its thinness it opens all Obstru ctions.

      SECT. XVIII. Of compound Spirits of Wine. (Book 18)

      Spiritus Vini Cephalicus, or a Spirit of Wine for the Head.

      TAke Fenil seeds three ounces, roots of Peony dul collected, Misleto of the Oak, Anacardus, o each an ounce; Iuniper-berries six drams Marjoram, Balm, Origanum, Hyssop and Sage, of eac a handful; flowers of Stoechas, Lily of the Valley, Ros mary, Primrose and Lavender, of each two pugils. L

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      them be grosly cut and bruised, and then infused in eight pound of common Spirit of Wine; after due digestion, let them be distilled in B M. and in the distilled Liquor again infuse Coriander seeds prepared, seeds of mountain Osier, Peony and Caraways, of each half an ounce; species of Diomoschu dulce and Diambra, of each three drams; Cardamoms the less, Nutmegs, the lesser Galangal, Coves, of each two drams; sweet Cane, Cubebs and Mace, of each a dram; white Amber prepared, wood of Aloes, Clovegilly-flowers, red Roses, of each half a dram. Let them all stand in digestion for eight days, then distil them in Balnco, and reserve the Spirit for use: they that please may edulcorate it with white Sugar Candy, or with Essence of Peony flowers, Clovegilly-flowers, Violets, red Roses, or grains of Chermes, or any other with which it may be variously tinged.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of great use in all cold affects of the Head, applied both internally and externally: Also it easeth those who are sorrowful and fearful, and it helpeth those also that talk in their sleep; for it doth not only warm, dry and comfort the Head, and consume cold Catarrhs, but also roborates the other Members. I commend it for an excellent Medicine in the Vertigo, Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Palsie, Convulsions and Trembling. The dose is from one spoonful to two, &c.

      Spiritus Vini Aromaticus, or an Aromatick Spirit of Wine.

      Take Confectio Alkermes an ounce, roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce, red Roses, of each half an ounce; wood of Cassia, Citron peel, wood of Aloes, Cloves, of each two drams; Cardamoms the less, Nutmegs, Cubebs, Mace, Zedoary, of each a dram. All being pulvetized and mixed, infuse them in six pound of simple

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      Spirit of Wine for eight days, shaking them often in the time; afterward distil them in an Alembick, and the distilled Spirit edulcorate with a sufficient quantity of white Sugar Candy.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It comforts the Heart in full-grown persons who are of a cold Constitution; it also roborates the Breast, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, &c. it also strengthens the Reins, and expels cold and serous Humors. The dose is morning and evening from one spoonful to two.

      Spiritus Vini Odontalgicus, or Spirit of Wine good for the Tooth-ach.

      Take Chips of Guajacnm four ounces, roots of Pellitory two ounces, seeds of Stavesacre and Henbane, Pomegranate peels, Turkish Galls, of each four ounces; Cloves, white Ginger, long Pepper and Olibanum, of each half an ounce; flowers of wild Poppy, Thebane Opium, Camphire, of each two drams; Indian Tabaco, Sage, Arsmart, wild Mints, of each a dram. Being bruised and mixed, infuse them in six pound of simple Spirit of Wine, and let them stand in digestion fourteen days, and then distil them in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Let it be held in the mouth a while, and spit out again, and let this be repeated if there be occasion, and it is a present Remedy; for it effectually takes away all the pain of the Teeth. Sometimes also for the greater content of those who use it, it may be tinctured with flowers of Poppies, and being tinctured, kept for use.

      Spiritus Vini Otalgicus, or Spirit of Wine for the Hearing.

      Take a hundred Pismires Eggs, bitter Almonds an ounce, roots of black Hellebore, Garden Radishes, Sowbread, English Galangal, of each an ounce; Pomegranate peel six drams, Bay-berries husked, Iuniper-berries,

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      of each half an ounce; seeds of Fenil, Cummin, Anise and Caraway, of each three drams; Pulp of Coloquintida, true Castor, of each a dram and a half; Marjoram, Wormwood, Savin and Rue, of each a dram. Bruise them, and being mixed, infuse them in four pound of the best rectified Spirit of Wine, and after due digestion, let them be distilled in Balneo; yet do it ingeniously, lest you break your Glass. The Spirit being abstracted, add to it a sufficient quantity of live Millepedes, and digest them all, so long till the Spirit be tinctured: this being done, filter it and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. A few drops of this Spirit dropped into the Ears morning and evening, and the Ears stopped with muskified Cotton, take away deafness and thickness of hearing; nay, it is an excellent Medicine in the ringing, noise and hissing of the Ears, also in the thickness of hearing, &c. But in these Affects, Bread a little under-baked and taken hot out of the Oven, and the lower Crust broken off and dipped into this Spirit, and so applied to the Ear (but it will be convenient to lay some Cloth to the part to keep it from burning) so that the Vapor may be received into the Head, is much better. And let this Method be continued till the evil ceaseth.

      Spiritus Vini Acovisticus.

      Take Pismires Eggs and Millepedes alive, of each thirty one; bitter Almonds half an ounce, Bay-berries husked, Iuniper-berries and Savin, of each two drams; Cummin seeds, roots of round Cyperus Grass, of each a dram; Earth-worms thrice dryed, Tabaco, Wormwood, of each half a dram; white Amber prepared, true Castor, of each a scruple; Oriental Saffron ten grains. Let them be grosly bruised and infused in sixteen ounces of Spirit of Wine, let them digest for eight days,

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      often shaking them in the time, then filter it, and keep the tinged Spirit for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Spirit is a Secret in Deafness and thickness of Hearing, and the noise in the Ears also, though inveterate. And the use of it is this, drop a few drops into the Ear in the morning fasting, and at night before supper, and afterward stop the Ear with some muskified Cotton.

      Spiritus Vini Pectoralis, or a Pectoral Spirit of Wine.

      Take small Raisons and Aniseeds, of each four ounces; Lohoch sanum & expert. and Pine-nuts, of each two ounces; extracted juyce of Liquorish an ounce and a half, Conserve of flowers of Hyssop, Violets and Comfrey, of each an ounce; Cinamon six drams, species of Diatragacanth frigid. Diaireos simple, Diarrhodon Abbatis, of each half an ounce; Cardamoms the less, Oriental Saffron, Mace, of each a dram and a half; Maidenhair, Horehound, of each a dram; flowers of Marshmallows, Clotsfoot and Sage, of each half a dram. All being bruised and mixed, let them infuse eight days in eight pound of simple Spirit of Wine, then distl in Balneo, and the abstracted Liquor edulcorate with white Sugar Candy.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of excellent use in cold Catarrhs, diseases of the Breast, Cough, old Asthma's and difficulty of Breathing. The dose is from one spoonful to two. It also purgeth and cleanseth the Breast from all thick and viscid Humors, and opens all Obstructions there.

      Spiritus Vini Juniperinus, or a Spirit of Wine with Iuniper.

      Take Spirit of Wine Iuniperated two pound, Sugar Candy bruised half a pound. Mix them in a fit Vessel, and let the Spirit be set on fire, that they may mix

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      together, and while the Spirit flames, stir it sometimes with a Knife or a Spatula, till the Sugar is all dissolved, then strain it, and tye up two scruples of Oriental Saffron in a Nodulus, and let it hang in the Liquor, and so keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a good Medicine in the Asthma, difficulty of Breathing, vices of the Breast, Cough, weakness and windiness of the Stomach, pains of the Belly, &c. Moreover it provokes Urine, helps the Stone, Ruptures, Convulsions, and Suffocations of the Womb. The dose is from one spoonful to two at a time.

      Spiritus Vini Stomachicus, or Spirit of Wine for the Stomach.

      Take of the best Cinamon four ounces, Galangal the less, Aniseeds, of each two ounces; Cloves, Nutmegs, of each an ounce; water Mints, Rosemary, of each half an ounce; sweet Cane, white Ginger, red Roses, of each two drams. All being grosly bruised, let them infuse in eight pound of simple Spirit of Wine, and after due digestion, let them be distilled in Balneo, and the Spirit being drawn off, edulcorate either with white Sugar Candy or with Gelly of Quinces.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is good for those who have a bad Appetite, and a depraved Digestion, a cold distempered Stomach, Hiccup, Loathing of Meat, Vomiting, Dog-hunger, four Belchings, straitness of the Breast, and for cold Constitutions oppressed with too much humidity; but it is most agreeable to Old folks, &c. It wonderfully comforts and restores the natural Heat, preserves from Putrefaction. It sharpens the Sight, and the Mind also in those who are apt to be forgetful, and keeps back Old age. The dose is from one spoonful to two.

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      Spiritus Vini Nephriticus, or a Spirit of Wine for the Stone in the Kidneys, &c.

      Take roots of Restharrow and Marshmallows, of each three ounces; Cucumer two ounces, Liquorish, Asarabacca, of each an ounce and a half; seeds of Gromel three ounces, seeds of white Saxifrage, Roman Nettles, Parsley, Radishes and Anise, of Rhubarb, round Birthwort, the lesser Galangal, Cinamon, Mace, white Ginger and Horstail, of each an ounce; Pearch stone, Iews stone, Sponge, Lapis Lyncis, Snail-shells prepared, of each six drams; Cassia fistula, Winter Cherries, Iuniper-berries, Venice Treacle, Goats blood, Crabs eyes, Cockal bone of a Hares foot, of each half an ounce. Being pulverized and mixed, let them infuse in six pound of simple Spirit of Wine (or a sufficient quantity) let them stand in digestion fourteen days, after let them be distilled in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It breaks the Stone, and brings it away in small pieces: It cleanseth the Reins and Bladder from all impurities, and at last makes the Patient produce a clear Urine: And what is more, it doth so cure and bring away the gravelly matter by Urine, that it shall never breed nor generate any more. Moreover there is not a Remedy like it in the Colick and suffocation of the Matrix; for it loosens most humors, and dissolves all ventosity. The dose is from one spoonful to two or three.

      Spiritus Vini Lithontripticus, or a Spirit of Wine for the Stone.

      Take roots of Elicampane, Pimpinella and Parsley, of each an ounce; Pearch-stone, River Crabs eyes, Goats blood, of each six drams; seeds of Water-Carrots, white Saxifrage, Fenil, Anise, Gromel, Roman Nettles, Broom, Iuniper-berries, Winter-Cherries, of each half an ounce; species of Lithrontribon, Diathamaron,

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      and Trion Pipereon, of each two drams. All being bruised and mixed, let them infuse in four pound of simple Spirit of Wine for the space of fourteen days, then distil them in Balneo for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth not only break the Stone in the Reins and Bladder, but brings it away also in sand and small pieces by Urine. The dose either for Preservation or Cure, is from one spoonful to two, by it self, or mixed with other Medicines.

      Spiritus Vini Paralyticus, or a Spirit of Wine for the Palsie.

      Take Earth-worms dryed, Iuniper-berries, seeds of Rocket, of each two ounces; roots of Angelica, Pellitory and Aron, of each an ounce; flowers of Lavender, long Pepper, Rosemary, Sage, green Garlick, of each half an ounce; Mastich, Myrrh, yellow Amber, Euphorbium, Castor, of each three drams. Let them be bruised and mixed, and then infused in four pound of well rectified Spirit of Wine: let them digest for a month, then filter it, and the Spirit with the Essence extracted reserve for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. The paralytick Members anointed with this tinctured Spirit (universal Remedies being premised) and Linen Cloaths wet in it, and applied to the affected parts, you will find a wonderful operation, and a happy restitution in a short time.

      Spiritus Vini Theriacalis, or Spirit of Wine with Treacle.

      Take Venice Treacle four ounces, roots of Angelica, Elicampane and Swallow-wort, white Diptamus, Devilsbit, Snakeweed, Pimpinella, Tormentil, Zedoary, Citron seeds, of each an ounce. Make all into a gross Powder and mix them: on which pour eight pound of simple Spirit of Wine. Let them digest fourteen days, and then digest them in B. M. and keep the abstracted liquor for use.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a most excellent Spirit to preserve people from the Plague: And is also called a Catholick Medicine, because it consisteth of just twelve Ingredients. It may be taken from one spoonful to two, three or four hours before dinner, or before they go abroad; and is to be used every morning. It prevents the danger of contagious Air, and doth revive the Spirits: But in curing it is given from two spoonfuls to three in Carduus-water, or in our Aqua Cornu Cervi, and it expels the Venom plentifully by Sweat.

      SECT. XIX. Of compound distilled Waters. (Book 19)

      Aqua Epileptica, or an Epileptick Water.

      TAke Roots of Peony duly gathered two ounces, roots of round Birthwort, white Diptamus and Angelica, of each an ounce and a half; Misleto of the Oak, Peacocks dung, Squills prepared, Anacardus, of each an ounce; seeds of male Peony, Coriander, Caraway and Fenil, of each six drams; a dryed Secundine of a male Birth, Castor, of each half an ounce; Carduus, Millefoil, wild Rue, Sage and Rosemary, of each two drams. Let them be cut and bruised, and infused in twelve pound of Spanish Wine, and set to digest in a warm place for eight days, the Vessel being often shaken in the time; afterward distil them by an Alembick, and into the distilled Liquor again put these things following: Flowers of male Peony, Lily of the valley, of each four ounces;

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      flowers of Betony, Teil-tree, Lavender, Balm, Borage and Bugloss, of each an ounce and a half; Nutmeg, Cinamon, Cubebs, Mace, long Pepper and Cloves, of each an ounce. Mix them, and over a gentle fire in Balneo, distil them the second time.

      Virtue, Use and Dose. It is an effectual Medicine against the Epilepsie, Vertigo, Lethargy, Catalepsie and Subeth: which Diseases it chiefly cureth. It is given in the Fit from an ounce to an ounce and a half: But in preservation at the four Quarters of the Moon, especially in all moist and nebuous constitution of the Air, from one spoonful to two.

      Aqua Apoplectica, or a Water for the Apoplexy.

      Take seeds of Rocket a pound, seeds of Mountain-Osier, Caraway and Anise, of each an ounce; roots of Avens four ounces, roots of male Peony, Pellitory and water Acorus, of each two ounces; Iuniper-berries four ounces, Bay-berries husked an ounce and an half, Groundpine, Hyssop, Marjoram, Origanum and Vervain, of each half an ounce. Let them be grosly buised and beaten, and put into a large Matrace with ten pound of Spanish Wine, and two pound of Spirit of Roses. Let them stand in digestion fourteen days, and then distil them in Balneo, and into the distilled Liquor put fresh flowers of the Lily of the valley, Primroses and Lavender, of each four ounces; Sage, Marigold, Betony and Rosemary, of each an ounce and a half; both sorts of Cardamoms, Cabebs, wood of Aloes, Nutmegs, Mace, Cinamon, the lesser Galangal, long Pepper and Cloves, of each an ounce. Mix them, and again digest them for three days, and over a gentle fire distil it in Balneo; and afterward rectifie it by it self with a scruple of Gallia Moschata, wrapping Cotton about the Snout of the Alembick. At last the water being put into a close Glass, keep it for use.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is rightly called the water of Philosophers, because it is of a wonderful virtue in comforting the Brain and Nerves. It also strengthens the Memory and Intellect exceedingly. It preserves from the Apoplexy and Palsie, and all other dangerous diseases of the Head. It doth excellently discuss and attenuate Humors, renders the Blood pure, and gives a lively Colour to the body: But chiefly and especially it cures the Apoplexy, and may be as well outwardly applied as taken inwardly. The dose is from one spoonful to two, &c.

      Aqua de Xyloaloe, or a Water of Wood of Aloes.

      Take of the species of Confectio Anacardina an ounce, seeds of mountain Osier, Caraway, Fenil and Lavender, of each six drams; leaves of Marjoram, Rosemary and Sage, flowers of Primrose, Stoechas, red Roses and Rosemary, of each two drams; lesser Galangal, Cinamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Cubebs, the lesser Cardamoms, of each a dram. Let them be grosly bruised and cut, and infused in four pound of Spanish Wine, let them stand in the Sun, or in some other place to digest for a month; and then add to it water of the Lily of the valley and flowers of St. Iohns-wort, of each two pound; water of the flowers of Bugloss, Balm and Betony, of each a pound. Mix them and distil all in Balneo; and in the distilled Liquor again infuse the best wood of Aloes four ounces, Cassia lignea an ounce, species of Diaxyloaloes and Diambra, of each half an ounce; Oriental Saffron a dram. Mix them, and after due digestion again distil them in Balneo, and the distilled water reserve for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a most illustrious and renowned Water in comforting and strengthening a weak Memory; for it opens all the obstructions in the passages of the Brain, and consumes all thick and

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      viscous humors in the Head. The dose is from one spoonful to two taken in the morning, and at the same time to anoint the nape of the Neck with the same liquor, and also rub it in well, and let the Patient observe a regular Diet: So it strengthens the Intellect, removes forgetfulness, and wonderfully sharpens the Wit.

      Aqua Mastichina.

      Take water of Water-Mints a pound, Cloves infused in Spanish Wine, of the best Mastich an ounce. Let them boil in a double Vessel for two hours, and then filter it, and edulcorate it with Syrup of Quinces, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Water is of great efficacy in the nauseousness and loathing of the Stomach, in Vomiting and the Disease Cholera, which are known Evils. It also strengthens the Stomach, and roborates the retentive Faculty. The dose is two ounces.

      Aqua Hypnotica, or a Somniferous Water.

      Take seeds of white and black Poppy, of each seven ounces, Melon seeds husked, seeds of Anise and Dill, of each an ounce; bitter Almonds two ounces, Liquorish and Nutmegs, of each an ounce and a half; Cardamoms the less and Mace, of each an ounce and half; Oriental Saffron, flowers of wild Poppy and Violets, of each a dram. Let them be cut and bruised, and then infused in waters of Lettice three pound, of red Roses and Water-Lily, of each two pound; of Purslain and Endive, of each a pound. Mix them, and set them to digest in a warm place for two or three days, and then distil them in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Water is far more safe in continual watching, sharp pains, and in the heat and driness of burning Feavers, than those Medicines

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      made out of the substance of Henbane, Mandrake and Opium, because of their virulence and excessive stupefactive quality. The dose is from half an ounce to two, either by it self, or by adding Almonds and the four greater cold Seeds to it, and so make it into an Emulsion.

      Aqua Narcotica, or a Narcotick Water.

      Take juyce of the flowers of wild Poppy depurated sixteen ounces, Opium dissolved in water of Nightshade two ounces, bark of the roots of Mandrake, Oriental Saffron, of each half an ounce; Styrax Calamit. two drams, wood of Aloes a dram. Mix them, and distil them in Balneo, drawing off the Liquor three times from the same Faeces, which Chymists call Cohobation.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It provokes sleep wonderfully, and is a most excellent profitable Anodyne in all pains, unquietness and extreme watchings: And it operates to a Miracle in those troubled with sorrowful and pensive Melancholy; for it refresheth the animal Spirits, takes away sorrow, and discusseth all those ill Vapors that rise and offend the Brain. It restrains the heat of Choler, and mitigates the fury of Phrensies and Madness, and suddenly produceth rest. The dose is from one dram to two.

      Aqua Ophthalmica aurea, or the golden Water for the Eyes.

      Take the Decoction of Brasil wood made with a little Alum in Spanish Wine, water of the roots, herb and flowers of Valerian distilled in the same Wine, Sugar distilled with a like quantity of ripe Strawberries, of each twelve ounces; of fragrant Rose-water eight ounces, water of Fenil and Vervain, of flowers of Succory, Eyebright, Pennyroyal and Garden Rue, of each six ounces; Virgin Honey four ounces, Tutty prepared an ounce and a half, white Vitriol, Crocus Metallorum, red Myrrh, Aloes

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      rosata, of each half an ounce; white Sugar Candy and Camphire, of each three drams; white Ginger, Cloves, black Pepper, Bay-berries and Cinamon, of each a dram; Salt of Celandine, Valerian and Saturn, of each a scruple. All these being well mixed one with another, make of all, according to Art, a Collyrium, which in a Glass close shut, set to digest for a month either in the Sun, or in a gentle heat, shaking it every day, and so keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of admirable use in all affects of the Eyes: For it perfectly cures all distempers of the Eyes, as Inflammations, Bleer-eyedness, Fistula's, Films, Spots, &c. and it takes away the violent pain thereof; and if it doth not cure the same day, yet it doth in a short time, if a drop or two be but dropped into the Eyes carefully morning, noon and night.

      Aqua Ophthalmica viridis, or a green Water for the Eyes.

      Take Virgin Honey eight ounces, ripe Strawberries three ounces, white Vitriol and common Salt, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and let them stand in a cool moist place, in a Copper Vessel often stirring it, till it wax green, or shews it self of a green colour; then add of Spanish Wine a pound, water of Roses and flowers of Elder, of each half a pound; waters of wild Cummin, Eyebright, Celandine, Valerian and Blue-bottles, of each four ounces. Let them be mixed and set to digest in a well stopt Glass for a month in a gentle heat, or what is better, exposed abroad both to the Sun and Dew for certain weeks, and then the Liquor will appear green, and separate it self into the superficies, the impure Faeces remaining in the bottom, from which it is separated; at last having

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      stood in the Sun long enough, pour it off and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most solemn Medicine for all distempers of the Eyes, as Contusions, Inflammations, Ardor, Redness, Blearedness, Fistula's, Pustles, thin Rheum, &c. And the use of it is thus, drop a drop or two into the Eyes twice or thrice a day, and let the water be diffused all over the Eye, that so the infirm part may be the sooner cured.

      Aqua Ophthalmica subnigra.

      Take of generous Greek Wine a pound, water of Celandine, white Roses, Eyebright, Fenil and Garden Rue, of each six ounces; Cloves, Epatick Aloes, Tutty prepared, of each five drams; Camphire six drams. Mix them, and in a glass Viol expose them to the Sun all the Dog-days, shaking the Glass once a day; whic being done, keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It makes Rheum thin, discusseth redness, sucks up the cause of Blearedness renders the Eye clear, and by its nourishing quality extenuates the adjacent thick humors. The way of using it, is to drop a little of it into the Eye, as before; or you may dip a Rag in this Collyrium, and lay it upon the Eye.

      Aqua Ophthalmica de Cancris, or an Eyewater of Crabs.

      Take River Crabs alive (in the month of June, t•••• Sun and Moon being both in Cancer) thirty one. Ad to these as much Celandine as will equal them i weight, beat these together, and then add to the Fenil seeds bruised an ounce, Sea-Beans prepared, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Camphire, of each half an ounce; Cloves, Epatick Al•••• and Tutty prepared, of each two drams. Mix them, an divide them into three equal parts, and distil the

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      first in Balneo, then put the second part into a Cucurbit, and pour the distilled water upon it, and draw it off again, as at first, then put the third part in, and pour upon that all the distilled water already drawn off, and so distil it the third time. And so you have that most famous Water of Celandine truly prepared. And if you will, calcine the Faeces, and extract a Salt, and add it to the Medicine, it will be far more efficacious.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a most precious Eyewater, and also esteemed at a great price, of which Crollius in his Basilica Chymica hath made mention in these words: There may be made a wonderful and stupendious Ophthalmick of Celandine and Crabs. Which if it be prepared by due artifice and time, it virtually restores the Eye, though hurt to desperation, and agglutinates all wounds in those parts in the space of twenty four hours. Thus far Crollius. But the way of preparing it, out of meer envy he would not reveal, or else he never knew it, unless by relation, or perhaps had stole it from another. Of this Water drop one, two or more drops into the Eyes of the Patient, or it may be used with a Feather dipped in the water, and then anointed with it twice, thrice or four times a day, according as necessity requires: and let this be continued till the Patient be restored to his former health again.

      Aqua Ocularis interna, or a Water for the Eyes inwardly taken.

      Take Iuniper berries two ounces, Cassia lignea an ounce, seeds of Mountain Osier and Fenil, of each half an ounce; seeds of Rue three drams, species Diamoschu dulce, Nutmegs, wood of Aloes, of each two drams; leaves of Eyebright, Vervain and Rue, tops of Rosemary, Sage, of Pennyroyal, Dill and Fenil, of each a dram and a half;

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      flowers of greater Celandine, Betony, Lavender, red Roses and Rosemary, of each a dram. Let them be macerated in six pound of Spanish Wine the space of eight days, and afterward distilled in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is very effectual (universal Medicines being premised) for the weakness and dulness of sight, and to comfort the visive Spirits, and to rectifie the Brain and the humors thereof. The dose morning and evening is from half an ounce to an ounce and a half.

      Aqua Pectoralis, or a Pectoral Water.

      Take bitter Almonds and small Raisons, of each half a pound; roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce, roots of Liquorish, Marsh-mallows and Coltsfoot, of each an ounce; roots of lesser Mallows, Comfrey and Elicampane, of each half an ounce; seeds of Fenil, Anise, Quinces, Carduus benedictus, Carduus Mariae, Myrtles and Nettles, of each three drams; Oriental Saffron, Cardamoms the less, Mace, Cinamon, of each two drams; both sorts of Lungwort, Fluellin, Horehound, Ground-Ivy, Maidenhair, Scabious, Hyssop and Sage, of each a dra and a half; flowers of Chamomil, Coltsfoot, Violets and Hearts-ease, of each a dram. Let them be cut and bruised, and infused in twelve pound of the best old Hydromel, and digested for eight days, afterward distilled in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It operates to a Miracle in all the distempers of the Thorax, as straitness of the Breast, Asthma and Cough, &c. It cuts, attenuates and deterges thick and viscous flegm gathered in the Lungs and cavity of the Breast, and renders it easie to be spit out. It also comforts the Stomach, and with the help of our Species Diasulphuris it preserves from, and cures all Putrefaction and Apostems. Moreover it doth effectually help those who are troubled

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      with Phthisicks, Pleurisies, shortness of Breath, destillations of Rheum, spitting of Blood, and other purulent Matter. The dose is from half an ounce to one or two.

      Aqua Antiphthisica, or an Anticonsumptive Water.

      Take roots of great Comfry, flowers of red Roses, of each a pound; crums of Wheat-bread four ounces, Pineapples and green Pistick Nuts, of each three ounces; roots of China two ounces, flowers of Liverwort and Rosemary, pith of Indian Nuts, of each an ounce; Mace half an ounce. Let them be bruised and broken, and put into a large Matrace with water of Calves Lungs two pound, Plantane water and Capon water, of each a pound; water of Cinamon buglossated, water of Fluellin and Scabious, of each half a pound. Let them stand in digestion for eight days, often shaking them in the time; and afterward add to them exprest juyce of Coltsfoot and Goats milk, of each half a pound; the blood of one Pig, Snails taken from their shells and bruised an ounce and a half, Hens Livers three, Oriental Saffron a dram. Again mix them, and distil them by an Alembick in Balneo Mariae.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Water hath a wonderful operation, it certinly cures the Phthisick or Consumption, it heals Ulcers of the Lungs, and cleanseth the Breast from thick humors: But in Phthisicks coming of Rheumatisms in the Thorax, and in Asthma's, Pleurisie, &c. we usually give it in this Form following with good success. Take of Aqua Antiphthisica nineteen ounces, white Sugar candy three ounces, Lac Sulphuris two drams, flower of Sulphur a dram and a half, Magistery of Oriental Pearls and red Coral, of each a dram. Mix them ready for use. The dose is morning, noon and night from a spoonful to two. And by the use of this Liquor only a man will grow

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      fat, because it moistens, lenifies, nourishes, comforts, restores the radical Moisture, and allays the Cough: and is the only relief to extenuated, consumptive and hectical bodies; for it restores them to their pristine health, and expels the Disease: but before it be made use of, it should be diligently moved.

      Aqua Pulmonis Vituli, or Water of a Calves Lungs.

      Take the Heart, Lungs and Liver of a Calf (the fat and veins being cut off) and add to it great Comfry roots four ounces, French Lungwort, Pimpernel, Fluellin, Hyssop, Sage and Agrimony, of each half an ounce. Pour upon them a sufficient quantity of the same water also, and boil them in a new well glazed earthen Pot close covered. Take of this Broth, with the other things, three pound, water of Borage, Bugloss and Roses, of each a pound; species Diamargariton frigid. roots of Pimpinella, Cinamon, of each an ounce; the fo greater cold Seeds, of each two drams; the Cordial Flowers, of each a dram. Mix them, and distil them in an Alembick.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Hectical and consumptive people may be nourished a long time by the use of this Water; therefore not without reason was this Description always esteemed among us of great price. The dose by it self is from one spoonful to two.

      Aqua Caponis, or Capon-water.

      Take a Capon which you must boil in a well glazed new earthen Pot, according to Art, with small Raisons, Pine-nuts and Liquorish, of each an ounce; Iujubes and Sebestens, of each twelve; new dryed Figs eight, Lungwort, Coltsfoot, Endive and Lettice, of each half an ounce; flower of Violets and Betony, of each a dram. The Decoction being finished, let all be bruised in a stone Mortar, then take good Canary Wine three

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      pound, water of Coltsfoot, Horehound and Bugloss, of each a pound; the crum of white Bread steeped in Goats milk half a pound, Conserve of Borage, Roses and Maidenhair, of each four ounces; species of Diamargariton frigid. half an ounce, Cinamon, Mace and Aniseeds, of each two drams. Mix them, and distil it in an Alembick according to Art, and the distilled Liquor keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Capon-water is most famous and effectual in all Pectoral Diseases, as the Cough, Asthma, Phthisick, &c. and is given by it self. The dose is from one spoonful to two or three.

      Aqua Cinamomi Buglossata, or Cinamonwater Buglossated.

      Take Bugloss water six pound, flowers of Violets and Roses, of each two pound; Cinamon a pound; bark of the roots of Bugloss three ounces, flowers of Borage and Balm, of each an ounce; species Diarrhodon Abbatis half an ounce. Mix them, and after due digestion distil them in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It concocts, mollifies and resists Poysons; it also comforts the Brain, Heart, Stomach, Liver and Spleen. It clears the Sight, provokes Urine, and gives ease in diseases of the Reins and Bladder. The dose is from one spoonful to two or three.

      Aqua ex Corde Cervi, or Water of a Stags Heart.

      Take a Stags heart cut into small pieces, Cinamon half an ounce, Cloves, Cardamoms the less, Galangal the less, Mace, Oriental Saffron, of each two drams; wood of Aloes, yellow Sanders, Citron peels, seeds of Basil that smells like Avens, of each a dram and a half; flowers of Lavender, Rosemary, Balm and Sage, of each a dram. Let them be macerated all night in Spanish

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      Wine, and in the morning distil them in an Alembick in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It comforts the Heart, and preserves it from trembling and other dangerous accidents; sometimes also it cures the loss of Reason and the defect of the Mind: For by its nourishing and increasing quality it raiseth both the vital and natural Spirits, and relieves the Heart as speedily as any thing. The dose is from one spoonful to two or three.

      Aqua Cordialis frigida, or a cooling Cordial Water.

      Take Conserve of red Roses a pound and a half, Rasberries a pound, species Diarrhodon Abbatis, Diamargariton frigid. of each an ounce and a half; seeds of Docks an ounce, Sanders red, white and yellow, of each half an ounce; the Cordial Flowers, of each two drams. Mix them, and infuse them in these Waters following: water of Sorrel, water-Lily, Strawberries, Violets, Borage and Bugloss, of each a pound. Mix them, and digest them for some days, and then again add Cinamon water buglossated a pound and a half, juyce of Quinces depurated, juyce of Lemmons and Citrons, of each half a pound. Again mix them; and distil them by an Alembick in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth sweetly and effectually refresh and strengthen the Heart in all burning Feavers, and all other hot and corrosive Diseases, by which means it removes imbecillity, and fortifies strength through the whole body. It also helps those who are disturbed in Mind, whether it takes its Original from the Heart or Stomach, it discusseth, and throws off all Poyson, and poysonous qualities that offend the Vitals, and it restores the Spirits that languish with weakness from an excessive heat, to

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      their pristine state and strength. The dose is from one ounce to two.

      Aqua Cordialis calida, or a hot Cordial Water.

      Take Cinamon four ounces, roots of Avens three ounces, Cloves, sealed Earth, of each an ounce; both sorts of Cardamoms, Galangal the less, Mace, Zedoary, the peels of yellow Oranges, Citron peels, seeds of Basil, of each half an ounce; odoriferous wood of Aloes, Oriental Saffron, Spicknard, Pennyroyal dryed, of each three drams; flowers of Borage and Bugloss, of each a dram and a half. All being pulverized and mixed, let them infuse eight days in four pound of Spanish Wine; then add Cinamon water distilled with Wine, Clove gillyflowers, of each a pound and a half; flowers of Rosemary, Lavender, Balm and Sage, of each a pound. Mix them, and in an Alembick in Balneo let it be distilled.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth help wonderfully in all cold affects of the Heart, and is a good Remedy for its palpitation, and the defect of the Mind. It cureth the Syncope and Swooning, refresheth the vital Spirits: it takes away a sorrowful heaviness and the cause thereof, and exhilarates the Heart. It also restores those to health, who are weak by the continuance of a lingering Disease, and is an excellent Roborative. It renders the whole body lively, retards Baldness: For whosoever is old, and useth this Medicine, will need no other Conservation for his Health. The dose is from one spoonful to two or three at a time.

      Aqua acetosa Stomachalis, or a tart Stomach-water.

      Take white Sugar a pound, Conserve of Roses and Rose-water, of each four ounces; Spirit of Vitriol rectified half an ounce. Make a Mixture; and when it is strained, keep it for use.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This tart Stomach-water is good in any intemperance as well cold as hot; and is very effectual in the loss of Appetite or Loathing, which is caused by the vitriolated Juyce that is vitiated in the bottom of the Stomach, and for this property it cannot be sufficiently praised: For it doth most excellently restore Concoction whether it be lost, impaired, or vitiated, and fortifies the Stomach. It is to be given in some proper Vehicle (two hours before meat without exercise, or an hour before meat with exercise after it) respecting the disease; for in a hot distemper it may be given in Pomegranate-wine or Syrup of Lemmons or of the Juyce of Citrons, or Tincture of Roses, &c. but in a cold defect with our hot Cordial or Stomach-water, Wormwood-wine, Malmsy, or other generous Wine, &c. The dose of it is so much as will make the Liquor it is taken in tart and sharp.

      Aqua Stomachica calida, or a hot Stomach-water.

      Take lesser Galangal an ounce and a half, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinamon, white Ginger, Mastich, roots of Burnet, Elicampane, water-Acorus, of each an ounce; water-Mints six drams, Rosemary, Sage and Wormwood, of each half an ounce; both sorts of Cardamoms, sweet Reed, Mace, long Pepper, Cummin seeds, of each three drams; Squinanth, Spicknard, wood of Aloes, of each two drams. Bruise and mix them, and macerate them in eight pound of Malmsy Wine, and of Balm and Pennyroyal water, of each a pound: let them digest eight days, and then distil them in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It warms the Ventricle, and rectifies the coldness thereof. It allays the Gripes, pains and punctures of it. It also digests and concocts Flegm and crude Humors collected there. It stays Vomiting and Loathing, and is a present Remedy for

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      sour Belching. It is a Divine help in Leanness and the disposition of Old age, and to excite appetite and heat in old people, to expel thick ventose humors, to open obstructions, and to resolve moist humors and corrupt superfluities. The dose is from one spoonful to two or three, or from half an ounce to one or two.

      Aqua Epatica frigida, or a cold Epatick Water.

      Take ripe Strawberries a pound, species Diarrhodon Abbatis four ounces, roots of Succory, Agrimony, Scorzonera and Eryngo, of each an ounce; flowers of the lesser Centaury, Liverwort, Borage and red Roses, of each half an ounce; Rhubarb three drams, Sanders three sorts, of each two drams; the four greater and lesser cold Seeds, Dock seeds, of each a dram and a half. Let them be cut and bruised, and infused in four pound of red Wine. Let them infuse eight days, and then add water of the flowers of Liverwort, Purslain, Sorrel, Endive, Melons, Succory, Rasberries and Dodder, of each a pound. Mix them, and distil by an Alembick in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. The use of this Water is most safe and happy in its success, in all Feavers, as burning, Tertians, Quotidians, Quartans, and other noxious distempers rising from the heat of body, in which the Liver suffers. Moreover it corrects and amends the intolerable and corrosive heat of the Stomach, Lungs and Spleen. The dose is every other hour from one ounce to two or three, by it self or with some specifick Syrup.

      Aqua Epatica calida, or a hot Epatick Water.

      Take species Diacubeba three ounces, roots of bitter Costus, roots of Smallage, Turmerick and Fenil, Iuniperberries, seeds of Anise, Cummin and Carrots, of each an ounce; sweet Reed, Rhubarb, Cassia lignea, of each

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      six drams; Spicknard, Oriental Saffron and Squinanth, of each three drams; Southernwood, Wormwood, Agrimony, Mother of Thyme and water-Germander, of each half an ounce; flowers of Liverwort and golden Stoechas, of each a dram and a half. All being faithfully bruised and mixed, put them into six pound of generous Wine, and let them digest eight days; afterward add waters of lesser Centaury, Succory, Fluellin, Maidenhair, Chamomil, Fumitory, Horehound, Harts-tongne and Liverwort, of each half a pound. Mix them, and distil them in an Alembick in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is happily given in all cold diseases of the Liver, and the obstructions thereof. It is good in ill habits of body and Dropsie. It also eradicates the old chronical distempers both of Liver and Spleen, and is a good remedy against their cold and moist affects: For it cuts and attenuates thick and viscous humors collected in those parts. The dose is from one ounce to two or three, by it self or with appropriate Syrups.

      Aqua Splenetica, or a Water for the Spleen.

      Take roots of both sorts of Fern, of Polypody and Smallage, of each an ounce and a half; roots of round Birthwort, water-Acorus, sweet Reed and Lovage, of each an ounce; Rhubarb, Cappar bark and Tamarisk, of each six drams; Pontick Wormwood, Mugwort, Agrimony, Fumitory, Harts-tongue, Dodder and Spleenwort, of each half an ounce; seeds of Lovage, Fenil, Anise and Caraway, of each two drams. Let them be grosly bruised and mixed, and put into ten pints of Rhenish Wine, and after eight days digestion distil them in an Alembick in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It attenuates and mollifies thick matter and melancholy Juyce collected in the Spleen and Mesaraick Veins, and opens their obstructions.

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      It dissolves Wind and Tumors, and cures the black Jaundice, Hypochondriack Melancholy, and Quartan Agues. The dose is morning and evening from one ounce to three.

      Aqua Antihydropica, or a Water against the Dropsie.

      Take seeds of Rocket half a pound, Ash, Cummin and Smallage, of each an ounce and a half; roots of Acorus, Avens, Swallow-wort, Turmerick, bitter Costus, dwarff Elder, Carduus and Sarsaparilla, of each an ounce; Rhubarb, the lesser Galangal, Nutmegs and Cloves, of each six drams; Cappar bark, the middle bark of Elder and Tamarisk, of each half an ounce; Agrimony and Bindweed, the tops of green Iuniper, of each half an ounce; flowers of Liverwort and Elder, of each two drams. Let them be cut, bruised and mixed, and put into eight pound of Malmsey Wine, and after fourteen days digestion in a warm place (the Vessel being shaken often every day) then add water of Pontick Wormwood and Southernwood, of each half a pound; of both sorts of Liverwort, Mugwort, Carduus and Mother of Thyme, of each a pound. Mix them, and distil them in an Alembick in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most proper Remedy for the Dropsie: For it heats and comforts a cold Liver, opens its obstructions, and restores it to its faculties. It dissipates thick flatulent Humors, consumes the cause of ill Habits and Dropsies, and expels it by its Diaphoretick force. The dose is from one ounce to two or three.

      Aqua Antiscorbutica, or an Antiscorbutick Water.

      Take wild Radishes cut into small pieces a pound, roots of Polypody two ounces, Masterwort, Angelica and Zedoary, of each an ounce and a half; chips of Guajacam and Sassafras, sweet Reed, the lesser Galangal, of each

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      an ounce, Cardamoms the less, Oriental Saffron, Fenil seeds, bark of Cappars and Tamarick, of each six drams. Let them be cut and bruised, and put them into six pound of Spanish Wine, and set to digest in a warm place for eight days, shaking the Vessel often; and then add water of Scurvy-grass, of the lesser Nettle, of Water-cresses, of Stone-crop, of Celandine, of Moneywort and Fumitory, of each a pound. Mix them, and distil them in an Alembick in Balneo Mariae.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It properly cures in these Northern maritime Regions that disease which they call the Scorbute or Scurvy; for it opens obstructions of the Spleen, mollifies and attenuates the feculent melancholy humor. It also rectifies the blood through the whole body, and comforts the Spleen exceedingly. It is to be given for divers mornings successively from one ounce to two or three.

      Aqua Anticolica seu Carminativa, or a Carminative against the Colick.

      Take the rind of yellow Oranges six ounces, roots of Zedoary three ounces, Bay-berries husked and Iuniperberries, of each an ounce and a half; sweet Reed, lesser Galangal, Cinamon, of each an ounce; of the four greater and lesser hot Seeds, seeds of Chervil, Nigella and Dill, of each three drams. Let them be grosly bruised and mixed, and put into eight pound of Malmsey Wine. Let them infuse eight days; and then add water of the juyce of Chamomil thrice distilled, of Mother of Thyme distilled with Wine, of each a pound. Mix them, and in an Alembick in Balneo distil them.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cures the Colick to a Miracle, which hath its Original from a cold and moist matter with wind, universal Medicines being premised. The dose is from one spoonful to two or three, or from one ounce to two or three.

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      Aqua Benedicta Serpilli, or Aqua Benedicta of Mother of Thyme.

      Take Mother of Thyme with its flowers, and gather it in the morning before Sun-rising, the Moon decreasing, eight ounces, Roman Chamomil two ounces, Savory and Thyme, of each an ounce. Put them into eight pound of the best Rhenish Wine, and let them infuse certain days, and distil them, and in the distilled Liquor again infuse Mother of Thyme with its flowers eight ounces, Cassia lignea an ounce, wood of Aloes and Mace, of each half an ounce. Cut them small, and after due digestion, distil them again in an Alembick in Balneo, and so it is truly prepared.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It stops all Catarrhs and Defluxions, and preserves the Head from them. It roborates the Brain, Stomach, and all the Intestines being vitiated with Cold. It stirs an Appetite, provokes Urine, expels the Stone, mitigates the pains of the Belly, but chiefly the Colick. It dissipates wind from the Bowels and Hypochonders. It allays Pains and Hiccup, stays Vomiting, provokes Womens Courses, brings forth the Birth, After-birth, and dead Child. It dissolves concreted Blood. It is a good Remedy for those oppressed with a Compression of the Lungs, difficulty of Breathing, or any Rupture in those parts. The dose is from half an ounce to two.

      Aqua Castitatis, or the Chast Water.

      Take sealed Earth four ounces, seeds of Agnus castus an ounce and a half, seeds of Rue, water-Lily, Lettice and white Poppy, of each an ounce; seeds of Hemp, Sorrel, Purslain, Gromel, Endive, Cummin and Coriander prepared, of each six drams; roots of white Diptamus, Hounds-tongue, Bistort and Florentine Flower de luce, of each half an ounce; of all the sorts of Sanders, Magistery

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      of Saturn and Camphire, of each three drams; Pontick Wormwood, water-Mints, Shepherds-purse, Sowthistle, Vervain and leaves of Willow, of each two drams. Let them be cut and bruised, and put into ten pound of red Stiptick Wine, let them digest eight days, and then digest them in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Water is not undeservedly called Chast, because it doth so restrain and bridle the fiery prolifick Seed of Monks, Nuns, Widows, and others who are appointed to live a single life, so that all libidinous persons use it, who are Lovers of Chastity and Modesty, and are willing to suppress those excitements without danger to their health: For by its frigidity and a certain occult quality it dissolves the Venereal matter. Besides, it cures the Gonorrhoea or Flux of Seed without any trouble, universal Remedies being premised. The dose is morning or evening, or in time of necessity, from one ounce to three.

      Aqua Febrifuga, or an Ague-shasing Water.

      Take of our Species febrifuga, the lesser Centaury, Carduus benedictus, Cinquefoil and Wormwood, of each four ounces. Macerate them in Goats whey, and distil them in Sand, cohobating thrice, that is, pour the abstracted Liquor upon the Faeces three times, and draw it off again.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth without doubt utterly extirpate bastard Tertians and Quartans, universal Medicines being premised. The dose is from two ounces to three either in the morning or in time of the Fit.

      Aqua Hysterica, or a Hysterical Water.

      Take dryed Elder-berries three ounces, roots of Bryony, white Diptamus, Peony and Zedoary, of each an ounce; Misleto of the Oak six drams, Cassia lignea, red

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      Myrrh, Cardamoms the less, Oriental Saffron and true Castor, of each half an ounce; seeds of Agnus castus, Cummin, Carrots, of each three drams; flowers of black Hellebore two drams. Let them be cut and bruised, and put into six pound of Malmsey Wine, and there macerated for fourteen days; then add water of Mugwort, Motherwort, Pennyroyal, Balm and Nep, of each a pound. Mix them, and distii them in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This salubrious Water cures and mitigates all the Suffocations of the Womb, nay the worst of them, and all the grievous Symptoms thence arising. The dose is from two spoonfuls to three by it self in the Fit, or it may be given with a scruple of Species Diajovis, or with ten grains of our Jovial Troches, or with twenty grains of our uterine Specifick: But in preservation it is given only one spoonful at a time at the four Quarters of the Moon.

      There is also another most famous Hysterical water for the Epilepsie, formerly given by that excellent and worthy Man Dr. Iacob Martin, Physician of Lubeck, and my Honoured Friend; and this Water is still used in the Shops, and is vulgarly called Aq. Lit. A. and is thus made:

      Take the best Cinamon an ounce, Cloves, Ginger and Nutmegs, of each six drams; peels of Citrons and Oranges, of each half an ounce; Spicknard four scruples, Endive, Pennyroyal, Scordium, Balm, Mint, female Southernwood and Motherwort, of each two ounces; Sage eight ounces, Marjoram half an ounce, Rosemary four ounces, true Castor sixteen scruples, burnt Wine six pound, Rhenish Wine sixteen pound. Let them digest three days in a warm place, and afterward distil them in Balneo.

      Aqua Dominarum, or the Ladies Water.

      Take Cassia lignea two ounces, roots of red Mugwort,

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      Gentian and white Diptamus, of each an ounce and a half; bitter Almonds, kernels of Peaches and Cherries, of each an ounce; red Myrrh, Venetian Borax, seeds of Lavender, of each half an ounce; Horehound, Rue and Savin, of each three drams; flowers of Centaury the less, of Elder and white Violets, of each two drams; the kernel of the stone Aetites, true Castor, Opopanax, Sagapen and Assa foetida, of each a dram and a half; black Pepper, Oriental Saffron and white Amber, of each a dram. Let them be grosly cut and bruised, and put into six pound of Malmsey Wine, and digest them for eight days; then add water of Calamint, Bugloss, Motherwort, Mugwort, Pennyroyal and Vervain, of each a pound. Mix them, and distil them in Balneo by an Alembick.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It facilitates the Birth, and expels the dead Child and the Secundine without delay, which if it be long detained, doth great injury to the Brain, Heart and Stomach, by the depraved Vapors that arise from it to those parts: wherefore the education of it is not to be neglected, nor yet to be done irregularly. This Water also by its present help provokes the detained Courses. The dose is from a spoonful to three.

      Aqua Antinephritica, or a Water for the Stone in the Reins.

      Take roots of Restharrow a pound. Cut them small, and steep them in three pound of generous Wine for three days, and then press them, and in the strained Liquor infuse Liquorish, Saxifrage root and branch roots of Parsley, Eryngo and Burnet, of each three ounces; Winter-cherries and Iuniper-berries, of each fou ounces; seeds of Gromel, Fenil, Melons and Nettles of each two ounces; Sassafras and Nephritick wood, o each an ounce; Cinamon and Mace, of each half a

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      ounce. Let them stand in Infusion for certain days; and then add juyce of Ground-Ivy and Purslain, of each a pound and a half; juyce of Fumitory, Parsley and Fluellin, of each a pound. Distil them in Balneo, and cohobate the second time.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It doth to a Miracle amend the calculous disposition of the Reins, by comforting the parts, and casting forth the stony matter. The dose is two spoonfuls both for Cure and Preservation.

      Aqua Lithontriptica, or a Water for the Stone.

      Take the kernels of Cherries and Peaches, of each ten ounces; bitter Almonds five ounces, flowers of Elder and Acacia, of each three ounces; roots of Burnet, Restharrow, Vervain, Eryngo and common Mallows, of each an ounce; chips of Ashen-tree, the stony part of Medlars, Goats blood prepared, Cinnamon, the lesser Galangal, Perch-stone and Crabs eyes, of each six drams; Bayberries busked, Iuniper-berries, Winter-cherries, of each half an ounce; leaves of Ground-Ivy three drams, seeds of white Saxifrage, and Roman Nettles, seeds of Burdock, Parsley, Broom, Gromel, Carrots, of each a dram: Let all be cut and bruised, and put into sixteen pound of Malmsey Wine, and digested fourteen days, often shaking the Vessel, and afterward distil them in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is given for the Stone of all kinds, but chiefly in the Reins and Bladder, where it potently breaks and dissipates it, and from thence wonderfully expels the long detained Sand with the Urine. It easeth the pains of the Loyns, and in an instant opens the passage in the Strangury and Dysary. The dose is from one ounce to two in the morning fasting, either by it self or with appropriate Syrups.

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      Aqua contra ardorem Urinae, or a Water against the heat of Urine.

      Take roots of Liquorish, Marsh-mallows, common Mallows and Florentine Flower-de-luce, of each two ounces; of Pine-nuts cleansed and sweet Almonds, of each an ounce and a half; seeds of Melons husked and Quinces, seeds of Smallage, white Poppy, Endive and Lettice, of each six drams; Winter-cherries and Myrtle-berries, Cassia fistula, and the lesser Galangal, of each three drams; leaves of Violets, Dazies and Betony, of each two drams. Let them be cut and bruised, and then infused in the following Waters: i. e. water of wild Poppy flowers and both kind of Mallows, of each a pound and a half; water of Plantane, Purslain, Violets, Lettice, leaves of Oak and Moneywort, of each a pound. Let them digest some days, and then distil them in an Alembick in Balneo.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It takes off the heat and difficulty of Urine, and obtunds the acrimony thereof that arises from hot Meats, &c. It deterges, glutinates and cicatriseth all Ulcers and Ulcerations in the Bladder, Reins, Ureters and urinary passages: For which it is a present Remedy, which I have also experienced in Old people, who are subject to a heat in the Bladder, and from thence are subject to make water often: This Water therefore sweeps away all mucous, rough and painful filth and dregs of the Urine. The dose is from one ounce to three.

      Aqua contra Vermes, or a Water against the Worms.

      Take shavings of Harts horn four ounces, crude Mercury well cleansed with Salt and Vinegar two ounces, the best Sena, seeds of Cina and Citrons, true Corallina, of each an ounce and a half; Peach kernels, Rhubarb, Agarick and Myrrh, of each an ounce; roots of white Diptamus

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      the pith taken away, round Birthwort and Zedoary, of each six drams; white Tartar, Nitre prepared, Oriental Saffron, of each half an ounce; the tops of lesser Cantaury and Tansie, chips of Hazel-tree, of each three drams. Let them be cut and bruised, and then infused in four pound of Hydromel, and after eight days digestion add to it water of Pontick Wormwood and Southernwood, of each a pound and a half; of Carduus, Grass and Scordium, of each a pound. Mix all, and distil them by an Alembick in Balneo.

      Aqua Theriacalis, or Treacle-water.

      Take Venice Treacle eight ounces, sealed Earth two ounces, roots of Angelica and Tormentil, Elicampane, of each half an ounce; Harts-horn and Elks hoof Spagirically calcined, Sassafras, Iuniper-berries, Citron peels, of each an ounce; Boletus cervinus, red Myrrh, of each six drams; Diaphoretick Antimony and Oriental Saffron, of each three drams. All being pulverized and mixed, let them be infused in eight pound of Malmsey Wine for fourteen days, and then distilled in Balneo with a gentle fire.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Because this Water by its tenuity and thinness doth quickly insinuate it self into all the Members, and puts the native heat into action, we happily use it in all diseases where Sweat is desired, as Feavers, Jaundice, Putrefaction, Worms, Pox, punctures of the Sides, trembling of the Heart, Plague, rectification of the Blood, &c. The dose is from half an ounce to an ounce.

      Aqua de Cornu cervino, or Water of Harts-horn.

      Take Harts-horn Spagirically calcined two ounces, sealed Earth and Oriental red Bole, of each an ounce; roots of Tormentil, white Diptamus, Scorzonera and Zedoary, of each half an ounce; Sassafras, yellow Sanders, Cassia lignea, of each three drams; seeds of Sorrel, Angelica

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      and Citrons dryed, of each two drams; Oriental Saffron, Mace and Marigold flowers, of each a dram and a half. These being cut and bruised, let them be infused in the depurated Juyce of Carduus and Sorrel, of each two pound; of Scabious and Fluellin, of each a pound; of the husks of green Nuts and Scordium, of each half a pound. Let them macerate 24 hours, then with a gentle fire distil them in Balneo with glass Vessels, cohobating the second time.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Water hath great force in the Plague and all other poysonous Diseases, but especially in Women and Children, for whom the Treacle-waters are not convenient. Of this water an ounce or two or more, according to the strength and nature of the Patient, may be given either by it self, or with other sudorifick Medicines in the place of Specificks, &c.

      Aqua Aloetica solutiva, or a solutive Water of Aloes.

      Take Epatick Aloes sixteen ounces, juyce of the leaves of green Sena expressed, Elaterium, of each four ounces; red Myrrh an ounce. All being well mixed, let them be distilled in glass in Balneo by the help of a gentle fire.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Anoint the Stomach often with this water, and lay on after it a warm Cloth or Sponge, and you shall see a wondrous Operation: For it is a most excellent Medicine, and only fit for Kings and Princes.

      Aqua Cosmetica, or a Beauty-water.

      Take Goats milk four pound, water of Aron roots, Bean flowers, white Roses, white Lilies and Solomons seal, of each a pound; white Virgin Honey four ounces, white Sugar candy and white Frankincense, of each two ounces; white Hermodactyls, Florentine Flower-de-luce, Venetian

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      Borax, of each an ounce; Salt of white Tartar, burnt Ivory and Camphire, of each half an ounce; flowers of white Narcissus, of common white Mallows, of white water Lily, of each two drams. Mix them and distil them in Balneo; for the richer sort, you may add a scruple of Gallia Moschata with Cotton to the neck of the Alembick.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is used outwardly to cleanse and clarifie the Face: For it takes off Spots, Pimples, &c. from the Face, and it hath a singular faculty in amending the foulness of the Skin in the Jaundice. To accomplish which, the Face must be often washed with it in the day. Or take of this Cosmetick water six ounces, of the Mercurial Cosmetick two drams. Mix them, and make a Lotion like Milk, with which anoint the Face often.

      SECT. XX. Of mixed Liquors. (Book 20)

      Nectar Vitrioli, or Nectar of Vitriol.

      TAke white Sugar candy ten ounces, Spirit of Vitriol rectified two ounces. Mix them, and in a glass Vessel close covered keep out the flies and filth: let them stand for some months, till it all appear black like Pitch; then take of this black matter four ounces, Rose-water an ounce and a half, water Mint-water half a pound, Cinamon water buglossated six pound, Syrup of the juyce of Citrons four ounces, Manus Christi simple two ounces. Mix them, and keep it for use.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is commended in all intemperature of the Stomach as well cold as hot: For it refresheth the languid and decayed strength thereof. It provokes Appetite, prevents Putrefaction. It is good in malignant Feavers, and allays Thirst. The dose by it self is from two ounces to three.

      Liquor Vitriolatus, or a Vitriolated Liquor.

      Take Syrup of Violets and Roses, of each half a pound; juyce of Citrons or Lemmons four ounces. Mix them diligently, and being mixed, add water of Endive ten ounces, water of Sorrel and Roses, of each eight ounces; of water-Lily and Scabious, of each six ounces; of Cinamon water buglossated two ounces, Spirit of Vitriol so much as will make all tart and grateful. Again mix them, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of a curious cooling quality in the Plague, Hungarian disease, burning Feavers, and all other Inflammations. It also allays Thirst, &c. The dose is from two ounces to three.

      Liquor Ophthalmicus subalbidus, or a whitish Water for the Eyes.

      Take our Ophthalmick water of Crabs half an ounce, water of Eyebright and Fenil, of each two drams; our Ophthalmick Troches and Powder, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make according to Art a whitish Collyrium.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of great virtue in the dimness and dulness of Sight, and in Suffusions of the Eyes; and it may be dropped into the Eyes without any pain, it being void of all acrimony whatsoever, and with it the Eyes may be washed every morning, and so continue it for many days together.

      Liquor Nitratus, or a Nitrified Liquor.

      Take water distilled from the juyce of Carduus benedictus nineteen ounces, Rob of Goosberries four ounces,

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      simple Manus Christi two ounces, Nitre prepared an ounce. Mix them well, and keep them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a most admirable Diaphoretick, Diuretick, Bezoartick, Refrigerative, &c. and is good in all hot and malignant Diseases whatsoever. The dose is by it self from one ounce to two or three.

      Liquor Cephalicus, or a Cephalick Liquor.

      Take of our Aqua Apoplectica four ounces, Aqua Epileptica and Lily of the valley, of each three ounces; water of Marjoram, Betony and Sage, of each an ounce and a half; Rotula's of Diambra an ounce, Confectio Smaragdina half an ounce, Salt of white Amber a scruple. Mix them faithfully, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of good use in all diseases of the Head, and gives present help in the Cephalalgia, Hemicrania, Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Madness, Vertigo, &c. It quickens the Senses, sharpens the Understanding, and recovers a lost Memory. The dose is from one spoonful to two.

      Liquor Pectoralis, or a Pectoral Liquor.

      Take Cinamon water buglossated and Capon water, of each four ounces; water of Calves lungs, Ground-Ivy, Fluellin and Coltsfoot, of each three ounces; milk of Sulphur three drams, flower of Sulphur a dram and a half, Magistery of red Coral and Oriental Pearls, of each half a dram. Mix all, and with Manus Christi simple three ounces edulcorate it, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of admirable use to all those who are troubled with the Asthma, Pleurisie, Phthisick and Hectick. It comforts the Heart, and to admiration it takes away the grievous and dangerous Coughs, and restores the Patient to his former health. The dose morning, noon and night is from

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      one spoonful to two: But before this Liquor is given, it ought to be well shaken.

      Liquor Cordialis, or a Cordial Liquor.

      Take of our hot and cold Cordial waters, of each four ounces; of Cinamon water buglossated and water of a Stags heart, of each an ounce; Confectio Alkermes two drams, Salt of Oriental Pearls and red Coral, of each a scruple. All being mixed, let it be edulcorated with an ounce and a half of simple Manus Christi, and reserved for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is good for the Heartburning and pains of the Heart caused by sorrow. It cures Palpitation, Trembling and Swooning. It animates the Spirits, exhilarates the Mind, refresheth those who are weak and languid. It comforts the Heart in general, and preserves it from the Plague, and many other evils. The dose is from one spoonful to two.

      Liquor acidus Perlarum Orientalium, or an acid Liquor of Oriental Pearls.

      Take Vinegar of the solution of Oriental Pearls, and again drawn off in Balneo two ounces, Spirit of Vitriol duly rectified with Spirit of Wine. Mix them, and you shall have a whitish liquor of wonderful operation, which keep as a Treasure for your use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It strengthens the Head, Brain, Stomach, Heart, Liver, and all the other principal Members. It preserves the body from the Apoplexy, Epilepsie, Vertigo, Leprosie, Pox, &c. It raiseth an appetite in recovering Patients. It cleanseth the Eyes of clouds and dimness, resists Putrefaction and Poyson, and is the last refuge in all malignant Feavers and hot Diseases. The dose is from half a scruple to half a dram.

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      Liquor acidus Corallorum rubeorum, or an acid Liquor of red Coral.

      After the preceding manner is this acid Liquor of Coral prepared for the affects of the Head, as Epilepsie, Melancholy, also the Dysentery, Flux of the Womb, &c. and to rectifie the Stomach and Blood. It is also a good Medicine to root out many internal Diseases, and to refresh the Spirits and Mind. The dose is from half a scruple to half a dram.

      Liquor Nephriticus, or a Liquor for the Stone and Urine.

      Take Citron water distilled by it self in Balneo, our Nephritical water, of each a pound and a half; Syrup of the juyce of Violets a pound, white Sugar candy an ounce, Salt of Perch stone and Crabs eyes, of each two drams; Nitre prepared with flower of Sulphur, salt of white Amber, of each a dram. Mix them, and keep them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is very effectual in breaking and expelling the Stone both in the Reins and Bladder. It provokes Urine, and takes away the pain which happens in those parts. The dose is in the morning fasting, or at a good distance from eating, from one spoonful to three.

      Liquor Diaphoreticus.

      Take of our Treacle water six ounces, Spirit of Tartar often rectified three ounces, Spirit of sealed Earth distilled by it self and rectified, Spirit of Guajacum rectified, the acid liquor of Oriental Pearls, the acid liquor of red Coral, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and in a Glass close shut let them digest for three or four weeks, then filter it, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It expels all Poyson from the Heart by Sweat. It is good in Syncopes, sudden Fits, Epilepsie, Melancholy, Quinsie, Palsie, Dropsie,

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      Jaundice, Pleurisie, Pox, Plague, Epidemical disease, Asthma, malignant and putrid Feavers, retention of the Courses, Contractures, Scurvy, Scabs or Itch: For this Medicine doth excel all others in taking away all Obstructions and Putrefactions. And if it be given daily in the Palsie, it doth wonders. It penetrates the Nerves, Muscles, Marrow, and whatsoever it finds hurtful it expels. The dose is from half a dram to two drams in our Harts-horn water, or Carduus water, or any other Vehicle respecting the Disease.

      Liquor refrigerans, or a cooling Liquor.

      Take water of the juyce of Succory four ounces, water of Rasberries, Carduus, Roses, Endive and Sorrel, of each four ounces; Rob of Goosberries and Barberries prepared without Sugar, syrup of the juyce of Citrons, of each three ounces; Nitre prepared eleven scruples. Mix them.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cools and comforts admirably in Feavers and all acute hot Diseases. The dose is from two ounces to three at a time.

      Liquor Vulnerarius, or a Wound-Liquor.

      Take roots of the lesser Galangal, Zedoary, Crabs eyes and Mace, of each half an ounce; Foreign Mummy two drams, of Nux vomica fifteen grains. Let them be grolly bruised, and infused in a pound of good generous Wine, let them stand in a warm place.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. The dose of this Mixture is morning and evening a spoonful, and if any thing remains fixed in the bottom of the body, it removes it; but in wounds of the Head let the Nux vomica be omitted.

      Liquor Camphoratus.

      Take spirit of Wine camphorated two ounces, water of all the flowers and Frogs spawn, of each an ounce and a half; the Anodyne Sulphur of Vitriol a dram, liquid

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      Styrax, Thebane Opium, spirit of Vitriol, of each half a dram. Mix them, and keep them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Let it be applied to the part affected; for it allays the pain of the Gout; and all pains proceeding of a hot Cause. Or it may be given twice in the day with two scruples of prepared Nitre in Elder-flower water.

      Liquor Tartareus, or a Tartarized Liquor.

      Take of the best Rhenish Wine a pound, Tartar vitriolated an ounce. Let them be mixed and dissolved according to Art, and then add Barley water with Raisons, boiled Cinamon water and syrup of the juyce of Violets, of each half a pound. Mix them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an universal Digestive, and is given in many Diseases, where purging Medicines are requisite. It is given warm, unless in an intense Feaver, or a hot intemperature of the Stomach be present. It is given for a Feaver in the morning; but if the Fit happen in the morning, it is to be given in the evening. In Chronical diseases it is continued for five days, and may be given twice in a day, that is, morning and noon: But in diseases of the Head it is given at going to bed, and the Belly ought to be loose; for if the Belly is bound, pain doth usually succeed, because the matter that is moved and cleansed away by the Medicine, if it cannot pass out of the body, it is converted into wind, and that causeth pain. The dose is, when occasion requires, a good draught at a time.

      Liquor Arthriticus, or a Liquor for the Gout.

      Take Virgin Honey with the comb two pound, Vitriol calcined to a yellowness a pound, River Flints calcined half a pound, Rosemary and Vervain, of each six ounces; white Hermodactyls three ounces, Gum Ammoniacum, Mastich, Olibanum, red Myrrh, Bdellium, Opopanax,

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      of each two ounces; yellow Sulphur, Sea-salt, white Tartar, of each an ounce and a half; juyce of Henbane made thick, Foreign Mummy, Thebane Opium, of each an ounce. All being mixed, pour upon them the Spirit made of the Faeces of red Wine, or else of that Spirit which is left in making Laudanum Opiatum, five pound, or so much as will suffice, and let them digest for certain days: then put all into a glass Alembick well luted, with a head sufficiently large, and a large Receiver, and distil them so long as you can see any Spirit come forth. When all is cold, take the Caput mortuum, and pulverize it, and pour the distilled Liquor upon it the second time and distil it: And repeat this labour three or four times, and so you have the Liquor Arthriticus prepared.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a Secret in all continual and inveterate pains, and defluxions on the Members and Joynts: Let the part affected be anointed with it often in the day warmed, and at certain intervals of time also, till all the tormenting pains cease.

      Liquor Antipodagricus triunus, or an Antipodagrick Liquor of a threefold Preparation.

      1. Take of spirit of Wine well rectified two pound, Frog spawn water a pound and a half, of Virgin Honey a pound. Mix them, and distil it in Balneo, and the Liquor drawn off keep by it self; then take the Caput mortuum and pulverize it, and then add to it Lixivium made of Vine twigs two pound, white Tartar half a pound, flegm of Vitriol not yet separated from the spirit four ounces, true Castor six drams, Oriental Saffron half an ounce, Venice Turpentine two drams, calcined Salt a dram. Let them macerate for the space of 24 hours, then distil it, and keep the distilled Liquor by it self, then take out the Caput mortuum, and pulverize it,

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      and pour upon it all the Liquor before drawn off in the first distillation. Mix them, and after due digestion distil them again the third time: Lastly, the Liquors being mixed, rectifie them in Balneo Mariae, and let it be called, A Compound Water of Frog-spawn.

      2. Take Cloves six drams, white Hermodactyls and Iuniper-berries, of each half an ounce; Nutmegs two drams, Vervain and Elder flowers, of each two handfuls; flowers of Lavender, Spicknard, Marjoram, Rosemary and Betony, of each a handful. Cut those that are to be cut, and bruise the other, and infuse them in five pound of Rhenish Wine: Let them stand in digestion 24 nights and days, and then distilled in an Alembick, and called Aqua Arthritica, or the Gout-water.

      3. Take Alum two pound, white Vitriol and Verdigriese, of each half a pound; white Tartar, Litharge, Cuttlebone and Ceruss, of each four ounces. Let all be most finely powdered and then mixed, set it upon the fire, and let it fume, so that the Verdigriese may evaporate, and then call it Lapi Admirabilis, or the wonderful Stone.

      4. Now follows the Composition.

      Take of the Compound water of Frog spawn four pound, of the Aqua Arthritica a pound, of the Lapis admirabilis three drams, clear and white Nitre two drams, Oriental Saffron ten grains. Mix them, and let them stand in infusion a whole night, and afterward filter the Liquor, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. In this Liquor (which Chymists and Practitioners in Physick use at this time with good success) wet linen Cloaths, and frequently apply these warm to the part affected, or at least

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      three or four times a day, and this continue till all the intolerable tormenting pains cease and utterly vanish: For it is a singular and an incomparable Medicine in all Gouty pains, and is well experienced in repelling the violence of the adventitious Humor, and it is called Triunus from the three several Preparations in the Composition.

      Liquor Vestimentalis, or a Liquor for Cloaths.

      Take Fountain water two pound, ashes of Hearts-ease the quantity of a great Walnut, one Citron cut into small pieces. Mix them, and let them stand in digestion twenty four hours, then filter it, and keep the clear liquor for use.

      Virtue and Use. It takes away the filth, all greasie and pitchy Spots, as well from Hats as Cloaths, either in Silk, Woollen, or Linen. And the Spots being taken out, and the place clean, it is to be rinsed immediately with fair water.

      Liquor Mercurii vivi.

      Take crude Mercury and Aqua fortis, of each an ounce. Dissolve the Mercury in the Aqua fortis, and to the solution add Plantane water two pound, Lapis medicamentosus made with Rose-water. Mix all, and keep it for use.

      Virtue and Use. This whitish Mercurial water is to be applied to all the external parts and diseases thereof: It drys up all old Ulcers and Wounds, and skinneth them over, but especially the old sordid Aphrodisia. It takes away all Morphew, Spots, Scurff and Pimples of the Face. It is also a good Remedy in drying Erysipelas's, and healing Fistula's: But in applying it take heed, lest you touch the Eyes or Teeth therewith.

      Liquor Cerussae, or a Liquor of white Lead.

      Take the best white Lead an ounce, of Pompholix half

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      an ounce, of Lapis Calaminaris and Litharge, of each two drams; Tutty prepared and Spodium, of each a dram. Let all be finely pulverized and mixed, and then pour upon them water of Housleek, Plantane and red Roses, of each three ounces. Again mix them, and keep them for use.

      Virtue and Use. It is used externally, and cools and drys any part infested with a Tumor, Redness, or Inflammation. It allays pain, cures blood-shot Eyes. It takes away the yellow spots of the Face and Body, and renders a mans Countenance clear and vivid. The use of it consists in often using divers day together.

      Liquor Tutiae, or a Liquor of Tutty.

      Take Tutty prepared, Litharge and Ceruss, of each half an ounce; Camphire a dram, crude Alum half a dram. Let all be diligently mixed, and then add water of Plantane and Roses, of each four ounces. Again mix them, and keep it for use.

      Virtue and Use. It cools and drys the external parts of the Body infested with Tumors and Inflammations.

      Liquor Mercurii Saccharatus, or a Liquor of Mercury with Sugar.

      Take water of Plantane and Roses, of each four ounces; Ceruss an ounce, sublimate Mercury, white Sugar Candy, and the best Spirit of Wine, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and then add to it a scruple of Aqua fortis.

      Virtue and Use. It cures all contumacious Ringworms, Tetters, and such like disease of the Skin. But before it is used, let it be shaken, and the part effected touched with a Feather or such like thing.

      Liquor Mercurii Acetosus, or a sour Liquor of Mercury.

      Take white Vitriol and Camphire, of each half an

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      ounce; sublimate Mercury, Ceruss, white Tartar and burnt Alum, of each two drams; white Pompholix half a dram. Mix all and make a Powder. Take of this powder half an ounce, the best Wine Vinegar four ounces. Mix these, and keep it for use.

      Virtue and Use. We use it in the same manner as before, to cleanse the Skin. It perfectly cures all Ring-worms, Tetters, and such like.

      SECT. XXI. Of Emulsions. (Book 21)

      Emulsio Rosata, or an Emulsion with Roses.

      TAke sweet Almonds an ounce, seeds of white Poppy two drams, of the four greater cold Seeds, of each a dram; Rose-water eight ounces, water of Strawberries and Vervain, of each four ounces. Of these make an Emulsion, and edulcorate it with Julep of Roses.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. I happily use it in all hot affects of the Head, burning of the Stomach, Thorax, Breast, Heart, and all the lower Belly.

      Emulsio Violata, or an Emulsion with Violets.

      Take sweet Almonds an ounce, seeds of Violets tw drams, seeds of white Poppy a dram, water of Violet eight ounces, water of Lettice and water-Lily, of eac four ounces. Of these make an Emulsion, which edu corate with Julep of Violets to make it grateful.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is good in a hot intempe rature of the whole Body; for it cools and moisten allays Thirst, induceth Sleep, relieveth the Breas

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      and resists the Acrimony of Choler. The dose is a moderate draught.

      Emulsio Somnifera, or a sleeping Emulsion.

      Take sweet Almonds two drams, white Poppy seeds a dram, Melon seeds half a dram, Lettice seeds half a scruple, water of Violets and water-Lilies, of each an ounce and a half; of our Hypnotick water a dram. Make an Emulsion, and edulcorate it with a sufficient quantity of white Sugar Candy, and add Magistery of Oriental Pearls and red Coral, of each three grains. Mix all for one dose, and drink it in the evening at going to bed, and it gives rest.

      Emulsio Pleuritica, or an Emulsion for the Pleurisie.

      Take seeds of Carduus Mariae an ounce, seeds of Carduus benedictus half an ounce, seeds of white Poppy two drams, water of Carduus Mariae six ounces, water of Carduus benedictus, water of wild Poppy flowers, Chamomil flowers and Scabious flowers, of each four ounces. Make an Emulsion according to Art, and edulcorate it with Sugar Candy concrete in Syrup of Violets.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cures the Pleurisie, and suddenly it allays all the pains of the Sides, to the amazement of the Beholders; but it is convenient that the sick should be daily purged, or at least the Belly kept open by continual Clysters. The dose is from two ounces to three or four.

      Emulsio Laxativa, or a Laxative Emulsion.

      Take sweet Almonds two ounces, of the four greater cold Seeds, of each a dram; water of Succory and Peach flowers, Acacia and Violets, of each four ounces. Make an Emulsion according to Art, in which dissolve Manna two ounces. Let it be then strained, and then add Cinamon water buglossated half an ounce. Mix them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is experienced in Children

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      who are subject to be bound in their bodies. Also in acute and burning Feavers, in continual Tertians, Hecticks, Marasmus, Synochus, &c. The dose is a moderate draught.

      Emulsio Stiptica, or a Stiptick Emulsion.

      Take sweet Almonds two ounces, white Poppy seeds half an ounce, the four greater cold Seeds, of each a dram; Lettice seeds half a dram, water distilled from the juyce of Quinces and Millefoil, of each four ounces; water of Plantane, Tormentil and wild Poppy, of each three ounces; water of Oaken leaves and Cinamon buglossated, of each an ounce and a half. Of these make an Emulsion according to Art, to which add Iulep of Roses four ounces, Magistery of red Coral a dram. Mix them.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cools and binds, it cures the loosness of the Belly and Dysentery coming of a hot cholerick Cause: It also helps cholerick Coughs, and brings sleep. The dose is a good draught at a time.

      Emulsio Cannabina, or an Emulsion of Hemp seed.

      Take Hemp seed an ounce and a half, the four greater cold Seeds, of each a dram. With water of Water-Lily flowers and Roses, of each a like quantity to make an Emulsion. Take of this Emulsion fourteen ounces, Syrup of the juyce of Violets two ounces, Cinamon water buglossated an ounce. Mix them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is profitably given to stop the Gonorrhoea or Flux of Seed, Pollutions, and other vices of those parts: It is also good in burning Feavers, and other distempers of Choler and Blood. The dose is from two ounces to three.

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      SECT. XXII. Of Clarets and medicated Wines. (Book 22)

      Claretum Antepilepticum Laxativum, or a Laxative Antepileptick Claret.

      TAke leaves of Sena two ounces, the best Turbith and Mechoacan, of each half an ounce; filings of Elks hoof and mans Skull, Nutmegs, of each two drams; roots and seeds of Peony duly gathered, Misleto of the Oak, of each a dram and a half; the lesser Cardamoms, Cassia lignea, Cloves, of each a dram; flowers of male Peony, Lily of the valley, Lavender, Teiltree, of each half a dram. Let them be macerated in twenty six ounces of Rhenish Wine, and set in a warm place to digest; afterward boil them a little, and then add of white Sugar three ounces, strain them through Hippocrates Sleeve, and make a Claret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth the Brain of those humors that breed diseases there, as the Epilepsie, Failing-sickness, &c. and is indeed a Divine remedy for the Epilepsie; for it effectually takes away the cause and tinder of the disease. But all Epileptical persons who use this Claret, must take heed to keep themselves from fear, anger, water, fire, wine, thoughts of grief, &c. nay, let them shun all vehement motions of the mind while they are under their Cure, and let them shun Drunkenness as the Plague. The dose is from three ounces to four.

      Claretum Antapoplecticum laxativum, or a laxative Antapoplectick Claret.

      Take leaves of Sena two ounces, the best Turbith an

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      ounce, Iuniper-berries and roots of Zedoary, of each half an ounce; the best Agarick and black Hellebore prepared, of each two drams; lesser Galangal, Cubebs, white Ginger and Cinamon, of each a dram; flowers of Lavender, Primrose, Marigold and Lily of the valley, of each half a dram. Let all be infused and macerated in thirty six ounces of Rhenish Wine in Balneo for two days; afterward boil it a little, and then add four ounces of white Sugar, clarifie it with Hippocrates Sleeve, and make a Claret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of admirable use in the Apoplexy, Palsie, Sleepiness, Stupor, and all other sleepy Diseases, walking in their sleep, Memory lost, and in all other vices of the Brain. The dose is from three ounces to four or five in the morning.

      Claretum Passulatum laxativum, or laxative Claret of Raisons.

      Take of small Raisons washed in Wine two ounces, leaves of Sena and Mechoacan, of each an ounce; Liquorish, Cinamon and Aniseeds bruised, of each half an ounce; spotted Lungwort, Harts-tongue, Coltsfoot and Horehound, of each a dram; flowers of Liverwort, Hyssop and Sage, of each a dram; Oriental Saffron and Mace, of each half a dram; fat Figs, Iujubes, Sebestens and Dates, of each eight. Let them be macerated twenty four hours in Hydromel and old Barley-water, of each three pound; then boil them a little, and add to it four ounces of white Sugar, strain it through Hippocrates Sleeve, and make a Claret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an appropriate and praise-worthy Laxative in difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, Pleurisie, inveterate Cough, pains of the Sides, and in all other continual straitness of the Breast, &c. also in the distempers of the Liver and Spleen. The dose is from four ounces to six.

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      Claretum Absinthiacum laxativum, or a laxative Claret of Wormwood.

      Take leaves of Sena half an ounce, white Turbith and Mechoacan, of each six drams; Pontick Wormwood and Iuniper-berries, of each half an ounce; roots of our Flower-de-luce and Esula prepared, of each three drams; seeds of Fenil and Caraway, of each two drams; sweet Cane, white Ginger, Cinamon, Cloves and Zedoary, of each a dram; flowers of Liverwort, Elder and Broom, of each half a dram; Oriental Saffron and Dodder, of each a scruple. Let them be cut and bruised, and infused in thirty six ounces of Rhenish Wine. Let them macerate in Balneo, and after due digestion boil them a little, and add four ounces of white Sugar, then strain it through Hippocrates his sleeve, and make a Claret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a specifick and select Laxative in the ill Habit, Dropsie, obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, Feavers, Colick, Scurvy, Itch, &c. and it doth by degrees prepare and evacuate the peccant humors. The dose is four ounces.

      Claretum Rhabarbaratum, or a Claret Rhubarbized.

      Take leaves of Sena two ounces, the best Rhubarb an ounce, roots of Scorzonera half an ounce, Harts-tongue and Liverwort, of each three drams; seeds of Parsley and Smallage, of each two drams; the lesser Galangal, Cassia lignea, white Ginger and Cloves, of each a dram; flowers of lesser Centaury, Liverwort, red Roses and Succory, of each half a dram; Oriental Saffron and Dodder, of each a scruple. Let all macerate in Balneo in thirty six ounces of Rhenish Wine for two days, then boil it a little, and add to it four ounces of white Sugar, strain it through Hippocrates sleeve, and make a Claret.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth Choler as well black as yellow from the Stomach, Liver and Spleen, it also rectifies the Blood, opens Obstructions, and cures the Affects thence proceeding. Hence it is an agrecable and appropriate laxative Medicine in the Dropsie, Jaundice, Scurvy, tumor of the Spleen, and pain of the Hypochonders, Feavers, &c. The dose is four ounces, adding a dram of acid Tartar to the Liquor, and give it warm.

      Claretum Antipodagricum laxativum, or a laxative Claret against the Gout.

      Take Hermodactyls, the outer rind being taken off, leaves of Sena, of each an ounce; white and gummy Turbith, Mechoacan, of each half an ounce; Germander and Vervain, of each two drams; seeds of Anise and Fenil, of each a dram and a half; Cardamoms the less, Cinamon, Mace, Oriental Saffron, of each a dram; flowers of Flower-de-luce, Mullein, Violets, Rosemary, of each half a dram. Let them macerate in thirty six ounces of small white Wine in a warm place for two days, then boil it a little, and add to it four ounces of white Sugar, and strain it through Hippocrates sleeve, and make a Claret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth thick Flegm, especially from the Joynts and remote parts. And for that reason it is solely proper for the Gout, and other differences and pains of the Joynts. The dose is four ounces, adding to it a dram of Crystal of Tartar, and so mix them and make a draught, which is to be given warm in the morning; but if it should chance not to work by ten of the Clock, especially in robust bodies, let the Patient take another draught again after dinner: and thus repeat it for certain days, while there is occasion.

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      Claretum Stomachicum confortans, or a Claret to comfort the Stomach.

      Take Cinamon an ounce, water-Mints half an ounce, Mastich, Galangal the less and Cloves, of each two drams; sweet Cane, Cardamoms the less and white Ginger, of each a dram; heavy wood of Aloes, roots of Burnet and Zedoary, of each half a dram. Let them macerate in thirty two ounces of Malmsey Wine for certain days, afterward clarifie it through Hippocrates sleeve, and so make a Physical Claret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a specisick Medicine almost against all the cold vices of the Stomach, also against the trembling of the Heart, Syncope and Vomiting; of which the Patient may take morning or evening, or in time of necessity, from one spoonful to two or three, with a drop or two of Spirit of Vitriol well mixed together.

      Claretum Juniperinum, or a Claret of Iuniper.

      Take Spirit of Iuniper-wine three pound, water of Elicampane roots, of Coltsfoot, Lohoch sanum, of each a pound; Cinamon two ounces, Cloves whole half an ounce. Let them infuse together for certain days, afterward strain them through Hippocrates sleeve, and edulcorate the Liquor with sixteen ounces of white Sugar Candy, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of excellent use in the Asthma, Cough, and other vices of the Breast, also in the weakness and windiness of the Stomach, Dysury, Strangury and Stone. The dose is from one spoonful to two or three often in the week.

      Claretum Anisatum, or a Claret prepared with Aniseeds.

      Take Spirit of Wine anisated three pound, water of Lohoch sanum, Horehound and Violet flowers, of each a pound; Cassia lignea two ounces, Mace cut small half

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      an ounce. Let them macerate eight days, and then add twelve ounces of white Sugar Candy to it, strain it through Hippocrates sleeve, and make a Claret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is very good and proper for difficulty of Breathing and Asthma's, and other cold affects of the Thorax arising from thick humors, sticking to the Bronchia of the Lungs, also for an old Cough, Dyspnoea. The dose, as before, is from one spoonful to two or three.

      Claretum Chalybeatum, or a Claret prepared with Steel.

      Take the best Malmsey Wine three pound, Steel prepared with Vinegar of Tamarinds an ounce, roots of Scorzonera and cream of Tartar, of each half an ounce; the lesser Galangal, Cassia lignea and Cloves, of each a dram. Put these mixed into a glass Vessel, and let them digest in a warm place, often shaking them for the space of two days; afterward strain them, and clarifie them through Hippocrates sleeve, and you have a chalybeate Claret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It opens all the obstructions of the Liver, Spleen and Meseraick Veins. It corrects an ill habit of Body, and expels all vicious Humors, cures the black Jaundice, provokes the Terms, and stays them if too superfluous. It expels water in Dropsies, and discusseth Wind: it promotes the resolution of the Salt tending to Coagulation, and by its Martial rays it drys the Microcosmical Earth swelling with too much moisture. But in the use of this Liquor for the aforesaid Affects, it is convenient to give gentle Purgers as often as may be, that as this Wine prepares the body and humors fit to be purged, so the purging Medicines cleanse and carry it off, as in other Cures. The dose of this Claret is from one ounce to two or three morning and evening:

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      But in defect of the Courses in Women, it is given five days before the New Moon to young ones; but to those more in years, so many days before the Full Moon, and so to proceed till the Courses appear.

      Claretum Antinephriticum, or an Antinephritical Claret.

      Take whole Barley and red Cicers, of each an ounce and a half; roots of Restharrow and Eryngo, of each an ounce; Liquorish and Parsley, of each half an ounce; Iuniper-berries bruised and Winter-cherries, of each two drams; seeds of Gromel, white Thorn-berries, seeds of Marsh-mallows and small Mallows, of each a dram and ahalf; flowers of Broom and Violets, of each a dram; fat Figs and Sebestens, of each eleven. Let them be infused in small white Wine and Rain-water, of each three pound for 24 hours, then boil them to the consumption of the third part, that there may four pound remain, to which add of white Sugar four ounces, clarifie it with Hippocrates his sleeve, and make a Claret of it.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It gives great ease to those troubled with the Stone; for it dissolves, breaks and drives forth the Stone in the Reins and Bladder with the Urine, by inlarging the Ureters and urinary passage, and by opening the obstructions of the Loyns and Reins and the other parts. The dose is every morning fasting a good draught from three ounces to four.

      Claretum Moschatum, or a Muskified Claret.

      Take Cassia lignea half an ounce, Cloves two drams, Nutmegs, Mace and Citron peels, of each a dram; roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce and the lesser Galangal, of each half a dram; yellow Sanders and wood of Aloes, of each a scruple; Ambergriese and the best Musk, of each ten grains. All being pulverized and mixed, add to them

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      twenty ounces of odoriferous Spanish Wine, and let them stand in digestion for certain days; afterward add Spirit of Roses four ounces, clarifie them in Hippocrates his sleeve, and make a Claret, which for delicate Palates may be edulcorated with Sugar Candy.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of admirable use (other universal Medicines and Purgations being premised) to amend the ill savour of the Mouth and Nose, and render them sweet, it also roborates the Heart and Ventricle. Let the Patient take a spoonful or two every morning fasting.

      Claretum purgans, or a purging Claret.

      Take leaves of Sena two ounces, roots of our Flowerde-luce an ounce, Mechoacan, white Hermodactyls and Turbith, of each half an ounce; Agrimony, Harts-tongue and Fluellin, of each two drams; seeds of Fenil and Anise, of each a dram and a half; Cassia lignea, Cloves, white Ginger and Cinamon, of each a dram; flowers of Broom, Balm, Bugloss and Sage, of each a dram and a half. Infuse them all in a sufficient quantity of old Wine for 24 hours, and then boil them, and in sixteen ounces of the strained Liquor warm dissolve four ounces of the best Manna: Again strain it, and add of Cinamon water an ounce, Elaeosaccharum of Citrons a dram. Mix them well again, and make of all a laxative Claret.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth flegm and water, and that from the Joynts: It gives ease in the Headach and Epilepsie, and checks old Defluxions; and for that reason gives ease in Gouts of all kinds. It is also a good Purge in all pains of the Joynts, Colon and Reins. The dose is from three ounces to four.

      Vinum Antiscorbuticum, or an Antiscorbutick Wine.

      Take Rhenish Wine four pound, juyce of Scurvy grass, Water-cresses, Brooklime and Sorrel, of each depurated

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      four ounces, roots of wild Radishes, Elicampane, and our Flower-de-luce, of each cut into small pieces anounce and a half; seeds of Rocket bruised an ounce. All being mixed, put them into a Glass in a cool place, and reserve it for use, adding to it two Nutmegs.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This medicated Wine (universals being premised, and the body duly purged) perfectly cures the Scurvy in these Northern and Maritime Regions, where it is natural and domestick, and is also an infallible Medicine in rectifying the Blood. The dose is from three ounces to four morning and evening two hours before meat, and let the sick continue the use of this Medicine till he finds himself better.

      SECT. XXIII. Of compound medicated Vinegars. (Book 23)

      Acetum Aromaticum odoratum, or a sweet Aromatick Vinegar.

      TAke Florentine Flower-de-luce an ounce and a half, flowers of Lavender, red Roses and Clovegilliflowers, of each an ounce; Cloves and Cinamon, of each half an ounce; Nutmegs, Mace, lesser. Galangal and Zedoary, of each three drams; Orange and Citron peels, of each two drams; Styrax Calamitis, red Myrrh, Benjamin, of each a dram and a half; flowers of Rosemary, Rue, Marjoram and Sage, of each a dram; Gallia Moschata, wood of Aloes, Spicknard, of each half a dram; of Wine Vinegar a sufficient quantity. Mix them, and when the Vinegar is tinctured and

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      well impregnated with the Ingredients, keep it for use.

      Virtue and Use. A linen Cloth wetted in this Liquor, and applied to the Nose, and the smell thereof received up into the Nostrils, doth very much comfort the Brain, quickens the Sense, refresheth the Spirits, and doth plentifully restore the decayed strength of the Mind and Intellect, and is of singular use in the other diseases of the Heart.

      Acetum Theriacale, or a Vinegar of Treacle.

      Take Venice Treacle an ounce, Elks hoofs Spagirically calcined, Bay-berries, seeds of Carduus benedictus, of each half an ounce; leaves of Vervain, Scordium and Rue, of each two drams; red Myrrh and Citron peels, of each a dram and a half; roots of Tormentil, Angelica, Zedoary and Butterbur, of each a dram; Camphire, wood of Aloes, Mace, of each half a dram; Wine-Vinegar in which Lavender flowers have been infused, a sufficient quantity. Mix them, and let them stand till the Vinegar be well tinctured, which pour off and keep for use.

      Acetum Mithridaticum, or Vinegar of Mithridate.

      Take Mithridate of Damocratis, sealed Earth, roots of Tormentil, Elicampane and Angelica, of each six drams; Harts-horn calcined without fire, powder of Vipers and red Myrrh, of each half an ounce; seeds of Citron husked, seeds of Sorrel and Bay-berries, of each three drams; flowers of Marigold and Clove-gillyflowers, of each two drams; Oriental Saffron, Cloves and Camphire, of each a dram; Wine Vinegar in which Roses have been infused, a sufficient quantity. Mix them, and when the Vinegar is well coloured, keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. These two Vinegars are of excellent use in the Plague; for they resist its impression, and preserve from Putrefaction, and whosoever

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      shall take a spoonful of either of them in the morning, shall not (by the Providence of God) be infected that day. But in the Cure the dose of either of them is two spoonfuls, with a scruple of our Solar Bezoar or Aurea Hadrianea, &c. There is another way commended for its use, which is this: In the morning before the Patient goes abroad, let him wash the Pulse of his Wrists with these Vinegars, and also carry a Sponge in his hand wet in the same. But those who have a dry Brain, and are troubled with watching, must not smell to it often, if at all.

      Acetum Zedoarticum, or a Vinegar of Zedoary.

      Take roots of Zedoary an ounce, roots of Tormentil, Angelica and Scorzonera, of each half an ounce; Bayberries husked, Iuniper-berries, of each three drams; flowers of Marigold, Lavender and red Roses, of each two drams; red Myrrh, wood of Aloes and Mace, of each a dram and a half; Cloves and Nutmegs, of each a dram. Infuse them in Wine Vinegar in which Elder flowers have been steeped, a sufficient quantity, till it be perfectly coloured, then strain the Vinegar, and keep it for use.

      Acetum Myrrhatum, or a Vinegar with Myrrh.

      Take red Myrrh an ounce, roots of Gentian half an ounce, Carduus, Rue, Wormwood, Scabious, Fluellin and Scordium, of each two drams; Oriental Saffron, Cassia lignea and Castor, of each a dram. Macerate these in a sufficient quantity of Wine Vinegar in which Clovegillyflowers have been infused, and after eight days digestion filter the Liquor, and being clear, keep it for use.

      Acetum Rhizoticum, or a Vinegar of Roots.

      Take the roots of Tormentil, Snakeweed, Burnet, Angelica, Valerian, Masterwort, Devils-bit, white Dictamus, Elicampane, Swallow-wort, Zedoary and Burdock,

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      of each half an ounce. Let them infuse in a sufficient quantity of Wine Vinegar impregnate with Sage, and after due digestion strain it, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. These three preceding Vinegars have great force against pestilential Poysons, and are armed with various virtues to that purpose; for if the Nostrils or Pulses be often wet therewith, or a Sponge wet therewith, and often smelt to, or Flints or Bricks red-hot and quenched in it, and the Liquor drunk, is very effectual both for Preservation and Cure; but in the Cure a spoonful or two may be given to provoke Sweat, the strength of the Patient considered; but for Preservation half a spoonful is sufficient.

      Acetum Bezoarticum, or a Bezoartick Vinegar.

      Take roots of Scorzonera, Angelica and white Dictamus, of each an ounce; roots of Tormentil, Zedoary and Elicampane, of each half an ounce; Camphire a dram and a half. All being pulverized and mixed, infuse them in Spirit of Wine left in making our Solar Bezoar, and distilled Wine Vinegar in which Elder flowers were infused, of each equal parts to that quantity, that it may rise six fingers above the Ingredients; let them stand in a Glass close stopt, till the Liquor be perfectly tinctured, then filter it, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Bezoartick Vinegar is endued with excellent virtues, that if half an ounce or an ounce be taken by it self, or with a small quantity of any Cordial water, it wonderfully relieves those infected with the Plague, or bit or stung with any venemous Creature, to the admiration of the Beholders, and restores them to perfect health again. It is of no less effect in poysonous Draughts; it srengthens the Heart, refresheth the Spirits, &c.

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      And for preservation's sake in any of the cases mentioned, you may give half a spoonful in the morning; but to cure give it from half an ounce to an ounce in water of Carduus, Swallow-wort, Scordium, and the like.

      Acetum Diaphoreticum, or a Diaphoretick Vinegar.

      Take Sarsa parilla and China, of each an ounce; Sassafras six drams, Elder flowers half an ounce, Cassia lignea two drams. Let them be cut and bruised, and infused in a sufficient quantity of sharp Wine Vinegar, let them digest so long till it be of a red colour, then filter it, and keep the filtred Vinegar for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Vinegar is commendable for its use in curing the diseases of the Head and Brain, strengthening the Liver, opening the Spleen and the obstructions in the Dropsie, expelling the Stone, in discussing Wind, staying Vomiting, helping Digestion, resisting Putresaction, and curing the Pox, and incipient Elephantiasis; in all which cases it hath an excellent Diaphoretick faculty. Also by reason of its great driness and moderate heat, it is an excellent Remedy for all kind of Defluxions; but it is hurtful to those who are extenuated and weak. Also a Sponge dipped in this Vinegar and smelt to often, is very profitable against the Plague, especially other Remedies not being neglected. The dose is from one spoonful to two by it self, or in appropriate Vehicles.

      Acetum Hystericum, or a Hysterical Vinegar.

      Take dryed Rue and dwarff Elder-berries, of each an ounce; Sagapen and Galbanum, of each half an ounce; roots of Hogs sesmel and Castor, of each two drams; the Callus or Protuberances on Mares legs, Assa foetida, of each a dram. Let them infuse in a sufficient quantity

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      of sharp Wine in Balneo for five or six days, till the Vinegar be perfectly tinctured, then filter it, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. The smell and odor of the Fume upon hot Coals, immediately raiseth Women that are suffocated, &c. it is also good in the Vertigo's, Lethargies, and other sleepy diseases. And if it be taken inwardly, it also performs the same. The dose is from half a spoonful to a whole one.

      Acetum Vomitorium, or a Vomiting Vinegar.

      Take bark of the roots of Thapsia four ounces, oots of fresh dryed Asarabacca two ounces, seeds of Cart aus or bastard Saffron an ounce, Cinamon half an ounce. All being bruised and mixed, infuse them in four pound of the best Wine Vinegar. Let them digest in a Glass close shut for a month, often shaking them in the time; after distil them in Sand in a Copper body with a Leaden top to it: And so you shall have distilled Vinegar impregnated with Saturn, and a little sweet; all which keep for use, not rejecting the flegm.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a sweet and pleasant Vomit, and purgeth all Humors as well cold as hot, and is given in Quotidian and Tertian as well true as bastard, both which it cures: it takes away debility and loathing caused by super fluous sharp humors: it is also an approved Medicine in renewed Feavers after seven Fits. The dose is from two ounces to three, more or less. And to delicate bodies it is given in Syrup of Vinegar.

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      SECT. XXIV. Of Epithems. (Book 24)

      Epithema generale, or a general Epithem

      GOod in Melancholy, Madness, Phrensies, immoderate Watchings, pain and disorder of the Head in general from any cause.

      Take water of wild Poppy, Lettice and Roses, of each four ounces; of our Troches of Radice Rhodia an ounce. Mix them for an Epithem.

      Another of the same efficacy.

      Take water of Henbane, Sage and Vervain, of each four ounces; our Troches of roots of Rhodia an ounce. Mix them for an Epithem; and when there is a necessity of using it, wet a double linen Rag therein, and press it gently, and apply it warm to the Temples and Forehead: and this direction is also to be observed in the following Epithems.

      An Epithem for the pain in the Head coming of a cold Cause with or without a Catarrh. Take water of Betony, Rosemary and Vervain, of each four ounces; Peach kernels half an ounce; Cubebs three drams, Nutmegs and Sandarack, of each a dram; roots of Mandrakes half a dram. Mix them, and make an Epithem, and apply it warm.

      Another in a hot Cause.

      Take water of Chamomil, Sage and Rosemary, of each four ounces; Peach kernels half an ounce, the best Olibanum two drams, Cloves, Mace and wood of Aloes, of each a dram; roots of Zedoary half a dram. Mix them for an Epithem.

      An Epithem for pains of the Head coming of a ho

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      Cause, with or without a Catarrh. Take water of Roses, Violets and common Mallows, of each three ounces; all the Sanders, of each a dram and a half; white Amber prepared a dram, flowers of wild Poppy and Vervain, of each half a dram; Camphire a scruple. Mix them for an Epithem for the Head.

      Another in the same Case.

      Take water of wild Poppy and Roses, of each three ounces; mans Skull calcined without fire a dram, Oriental Saffron half a dram. Mix them for an Epithem for the Head, which operates wonderfully.

      Epithema Hypnoticum, or a Sleep-bringing Epithem.

      Take water of Roses and Lettice, of each four ounces; Opium Spagirically prepared a dram, Oriental Saffron half a dram, of the spongy knot growing on wild Roses a scruple. Mix them and dissolve them faithfully; the mixture being prepared, wet a linen Cloth in it, and apply it warm to the Temples, and moisten the Nostrils with it also, and presently they begin to sleep.

      Another to procure Sleep.

      Take water of Nutmegs, Lettice and Night shade, of each four ounces; seeds of white Poppy half an ounce, seeds of Henbane and Dill, of each two drams; roots of Hounds-tongue a dram and a half, flowers of Elicampane, yellow water-Lily and Violets, of each a scruple. Bruise the Seeds in a stone Mortar with a wooden Pestle, then mix them and press them, and so make an Epithem for the Head.

      An experienced warming Cordial Epithem.

      Take water of Cinamon, Balm and Bugloss, of each three ounces, Elks horn Spagirically calcined, Cloves, Nutmegs and Citron peels, of each a dram and a half; wood of Aloes a dram, Pearls prepared, red Coral prepared,

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      of each half a dram; seeds of Marjoram and Basil, of each a scruple; Oriental Saffron and Rosemary, of each a scruple. Mix them for an Epithem for the Heart.

      Another for the same Case.

      Take water of Roses, Basil and Clove-gillyflowers, of each three ounces; species of Diamoschu dulce and Diambra, of each a dram and a half; Dianthos and Gems calcined, of each a dram. Mix them, and make an Epithem to be applied to the region of the Heart.

      A cooling Epithem in the Syncope and other Affects of the Heart.

      Take water of red Roses four ounces, water of Sarrel and water-Lily, of each four ounces; Vinegar violated an ounce, red Coral prepared, all the Sanders, of each a dram; sealed Earth and Bole Armeniack, of each two scruples; of the five precious Stones prepared, bone of a Stags heart, Pearls prepared, Mace, Cinamon, Camphire, of each ten grains. Mix them for an Epithem for the Heart.

      A most noble Epithem in the Palpitation of the Heart.

      Take water of Marjoram, Basil, Balm, Roses and Malmsey Wine, of each three ounces; Vinegar rosated an ounce, species de Gemmis calid. of Diambra and Diamoschu dulce, of each a dram; wood of Aloes and Mace, of each two scruples; Cinamon and Rosemary, of each half a dram; bone of a Stags heart, Pearls and red Coral prepared, Citron peel, of each a scruple; the five precious Stones prepared a scruple. Mix all for an Epithem for the Heart.

      Another for the Palpitation of the Heart.

      Take water of Roses, Sage and Borage, of each three ounces; odoriferous Wine an ounce, Vinegar violated half an ounce, species Diathameron and Diamargariton

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      frigid. of each a dram and a half; Harts-horn Spagirically calcined, Cassia lignea, yellow Sanders, Cardamoms the less, of each half a dram; Oriental Saffron, flowers of Cloves and Rosemary, of each a scruple. Mix them for an Epithem to be applied to the Breast.

      An Epithem for the Weakness and Inflammation of the Liver.

      Take water of Water-Lilies, Wormwood, Endive, Roses and Succory, of each two ounces; Vinegar rosated an ounce, species Diatrion santalon half an ounce, Crystals of Saturn two drams, Rhubarb a dram and a half, red Coral prepared two scruples, seeds of Purslain and Sorrel, of each a scruple; Camphire, Mace and Spike, of each ten grains. Mix them, and make an Epithem according to Art.

      Another in the same Case.

      Take water of white Epatick flowers, Rasberries, Strawberries, and the lesser Centaury, of each three ounces; Vinegar prepared with Sanders an ounce and a half, species Diarrhodon Abbatis, roots of Scorzonera and Plantane, of each two drams; Salt of Endive and Succory, of each half a dram; the four greater cold Seeds and the four lesser cold Seeds, of each a scruple. Mix them for an Epithem for the Liver.

      Epithema Hepaticum in causa frigida, or an Epithem for the Liver grieved with a cold Distemper.

      Take Malmsey Wine four ounces, water of Agrimony, Pauls Betony and Mother of Thyme, of each three ounces; Spirit of Iuniper an ounce and a half, species of Diacurcuma and Diacubeba, of each two drams; Rhubarb, sweet Cane, Cane, Cassia lignea, of each a dram; Salt of Pontick Wormwood and Southernwood, of each two scruples; Oriental Saffron, seeds of Cummin and Lavender, of each half a dram; Squinanth, flowers of

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      yellow Stoechas, of each a scruple. Mix all for an Epithem.

      Epithema in Inflammatione Renum praesentissimum, or an Epithem for an Inflammation of the Reins.

      Take juyce of Plantane and Night shade depurated, of each four ounces; water of Housleek and Purslain, of each three ounces; odoriferous Wine and Wine Vinegar violated, of each an ounce and a half; Nitre prepared. Mix them, and make an Epithem to be applied to the region of the Reins, as the manner is. But it is to be noted, If cooling Epithems are to be applied to noble parts, they are not to be applied cold, but warm, except the heat be very intense, and then it may be used cold.

      SECT. XXV. Of Decoctions. (Book 25)

      Decoctum Catarrhaie, or a Decoction for a Catarrh.

      TAke clear Fountain water nine pound, clarified Honey five pound, Sage, Origanum, Marjaram, Hyssop and Rosemary, of each an ounce. Boil it to the consumption of the third part, and then strain it, and to the strained Liquor add roots of Elicampane, Coltsfoot and Florentine Flower-de luce, of each six drams; seeds of Roman Nettles, Carduus, Anise and Fenil, of each half an ounce; Maidenhair, spotted Lungwort, Scabious and Horehound, of each two drams; the Cordial Flowers, and flowers of Coltsfoot and wild

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      Poppy, of each a dram. Let these macerate 24 hours, and then add Cubebs, Cinamon, Nutmegs, Cardamoms the less, white Ginger, Galangal the less, Cloves, of each a dram. Then let them boil once, and so put them into some glass Vessel, and let it there stand a whole day, and make a clear Decoction according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is very effectual in Catarrhs falling from the Head upon the Breast and the parts thereabouts. The dose is a good draught at a time, or the Patient may drink so much daily, as his thirst requires.

      Decoctum Cosmeticum, or a Beautifying Water.

      Take Venetian Borax, white Sugar Candy and sublimated Mercury, of each two drams. Let them be finely pulverized and tyed up apart in a linen Rag, and boiled in four pound of May-dew gathered off from the Wheat, till the Mercury be dissolved, and in the strained Liquor while warm, dissolve two drams of Camphire, then filter it, and keep it for use.

      Virtue and Use. It is only applied outwardly to the spots of the Face, which it takes away, and leaves the Skin white and clean: But in using of it, take heed lest it touch the Eyes or Teeth.

      Decoctum Arthriticum, or a Decoction for the Gout.

      Take small Raisons eight ounces, shavings of Guajacum eight ounces, roots of China an ounce, roots of Liquorish and water-Acorus, of each half an ounce; Cinamon and the lesser Galangal, of each a dram. Let them be cut and bruised, and then infused 24 hours in ten pound of Barley-water; afterward boil them over a gentle fire to the consumption of the third part, and make a clear Potion according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. I use this happily in all Catarrhs and running Gouts, proceeding from a destillation

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      of cold Humors, especially where the sick is very dry, I also ordinarily give it in ill Habits and Dropsies for their common drink; for it roborates and drys the body of all its superfluity. The Patient cannot well erre in the dose, but let him drink at his pleasure.

      Decoctum Pectorale subacidum, or a Pectoral Decoction a little tart.

      Take Fountain-water two pound and a half, Virgin Honey two pound, the best Wine Vinegar a pound and a half. Boil it over a gentle fire, till it comes to four pound, in which infuse small Raisons three ounces, seeds of Carduus and Roman Nettles, of each an ounce; roots of Elicampane, Florentine Flower-de-uce and Coltsfoot, of each half an ounce; Maidenhair, Scabious and Hyssop, of each two drams; Dates, Iujubes and Figs, of each eight; flowers of Coltsfoot, Violets, Borage and Bugloss, of each a dram. Let them macerate twenty four hours, and then boil them over a gentle fire to the consumption of one part, at last strain it through Hippocrates sleeve, and aromatize it with a little Cinamon.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It attenuates thick humors in the Phthisick, Asthma, Cough, and other Pectoral diseases, it cuts the tough, softens the hard, and brings forth the unprofitable humors, it also resists Putrefaction. The dose is from half an ounce to an ounce.

      Decoctum Pectorale subdulce, or a sweetish Pectoral Decoction.

      Take small Raisons and white Sugar Candy, of each four ounces; roots of Liquorish, Coltsfoot and Florentine Flower-de-luce, of each an ounce; spotted Lungwort, Pauls Betony, Harts-tongue, Maidenhair and Horehound, of each an ounce; seeds of Myrtles, Anise and

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      Fenil, of each three drams; flowers of Chamomil, Marshmallows, Bugloss, Liverwort, lesser Centaury and Violets, of each a dram and a half; Dates, dryed Figs, Iujubes and Sebestens, of each eight. Let them be cut and bruised, and infused 24 hours in four pound of Hydromel, two pound of the water of the Juyce of Scabious distilled, then boil them to the consumption of the third part, and about the end of the Decoction let it be aromatized with Galangal the less, Cinamon, Cardamoms the less, and white Ginger, of each a dram; Oriental Saffron half a dram. Then strain it through Hippocrates sleeve, and make a clear Potion, which edulcorate with white Sugar Candy.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It relieves those troubled with Asthma's, distempers of the Liver, Pleurisies, Coughs, &c. and the continual use of this Decoction for some time cures the Consumption: For it facilitates the Spitting, mundifies the Breast, heals the Ulcers of the Lungs, &c. nay, and it opens the obstructions of the Liver and Spleen also. The dose is morning, noon and night from two ounces to three.

      Decoctum Rad. Chinae Pectorale, or a Pectoral Decoction of the Roots of China.

      Take the best and heavy roots of China cut cross into little round and thin pieces three ounces. Infuse it in water of Scabious, Coltsfoot and Pauls Betony, of each two pound. Let them stand in infusion 24 hours in a glazed Vessel in a warm place, well covered with Cloaths; then add Bugloss an ounce, roots of Liquorish and Elicampane, of each half an ounce; seeds of Cudwort and Fenil, of each two drams. Mix them, and boil it to the consumption of the half, and towards the end of its boiling aromatize it with a dram and a half of Cinamon, let it cool by degrees, and strain it through Hippocrates sleeve, and make a clear Potion

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      of it, which edulcorate with Syrup of Violets four ounces.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. The use of this Decoction doth not only give ease in the Catarrh, Asthma, and Pectoral diseases, but also rectifies the whole Body; and hath a singular force in curing Ulcers of the Lungs: But it ought to be considered, whether the Patient hath a Feaver or not; for if he hath a Feaver, he must abstain from the use of this Decoction. It is given twice in the day for sweating; but in the Cure it is used to be made of the Diaphoretick wood: and for his ordinary drink at dinner and supper, he may use the following Decoction of Raisons.

      Decoctum Passulatum, or a Decoction of Raisons.

      Take small Raisons four ounces, Barley husked three ounces, roots of the best China, Liquorish and Scorzonera, of each half an ounce; Cinamon two drams, flowers of Violets dryed a scruple. Boil them in six pound of Fountain-water to the consumption of the third part, then let it be strained and clarified with the Whites of two Eggs, and make a clear Potion of it.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Let the sick use this Decoction at Meals for his ordinary drink; for it hath a certain singular faculty in curing the distempers of the Thorax and Liver; for by lenifying and deterging, it gives great ease in the vices of the Lungs. The dose is a good draught at a time.

      Decoctum Citri, or a Decoction of Citrons.

      Take Citrons (rind and pulp cut into thin round pieces) three or five, white Sugar four ounces, Fountain-water six pound. Boil it to the consumption of the third part, then strain it, and the Decoction being clear like Wine, keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. We do usually appoint this for a common drink to those who are sick of the

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      Plague, Epidemical diseases, burning Feavers, Cholerick diseases, Inflammations, small Pox and Meazles, Stone, immoderate Thirst, Cholera, &c. because it curiously cools and moistens the Heart, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Reins, and also comforts the other Bowels that are hot and impaired, and preserves them from putrefaction. The dose is a good draught at a time; but for delicate Palates, it is prepared without the rind of Citrons, and so prepared it is more palatable. And a little Wine being mixed with it, may prove an honest excuse to prevent drunkenness.

      Decoctum Hepaticum, or a Decoction for the Liver.

      Take the stalks of Spanish Lettice preserved three ounces, roots of Succory and Scorzonera preserved, of each an ounce and a half; seeds of Melons bruised and Currans, of each an ounce; the Liver of a Wolf half an ounce, flower of white Epatice, Violets, Succory and water-Lilies, of each a dram; species Diarrhodon Abbatis, Triasantalon, of each tyed up in a Nodulus half a dram. Let all be boiled in six pound of Barleywater to the consumption of the half, and being strained, clarifie it with the Whites of Eggs; afterward add the juyce of acid Pomegranates and Citrons, of each six ounces; Syrup of blue Violets vitriolated four ounces, Cinamon water half an ounce. Mix them, and make a clear Decoction.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of great power and use in contemperating the heat of the Heart and Liver; for it cools and comforts, and is good to lenifie the Breast and Lungs, and to humect the Praecordia's. The dose is from three ounces to four, or a good draught.

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      Decoctum Spleneticum, or a Decoction for the Spleen.

      Take leaves of Sena and Sea Coleworts, of each an ounce; roots of Cappars, Fenil, Grass, Flower-de-luce and dwarff Elder, of each three drams; Rhubarb, Dodder, species Diarrhodon Abbatis, of each two drams and a half; Maidenhair, Hyssop, Harts tongue and Betony, flowers of the lesser Centaury, Hops and white Liverwort, of each a dram. Let them be cut and bruised, and then infused 24 hours in water of Scurvy-grass, Fumitory, Sorrel and Pauls Betony, of each eight ounces. Afterward boil it according to Art, and make a clear Decoction, in which dissolve Cream of Tartar six drams: that being dissolved, add these Syrups following, i. e. Syrup of Scurvy-grass, of Succory simple, of Fumitory and Agrimony, of each an ounce; Spirit of Salt corrected half a dram. Mix all.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Decoction is excellent in the Obstruction, Tumor and Scirrhus of the Spleen; also in the Scurvy, rectification of the Blood, ill disposition or inclining to a Dropsie. The dose is every day from two ounces to three.

      Decoctum Antictericum, or a Decoction for the Iaundice.

      Take Southernwood half an ounce, Goose dung collected in the Spring, and tyed up in a Nodulus three drams, roots of Celandine, Turmerick, Rhubarb and Zedoary, of each a dram and a half; Nutmegs and Bay-berries uked, of each a dram; seeds of Cummin and Anise, of each half a dram; Oriental Saffron and white Lilies, of each ten grains; the best white Wine four pound. Boil all to the consumption of the third part, and make a clear Potion.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Let him that is sick with the Jaundice drink a draught of this Decoction warm

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      every morning for six days together, and it perfectly cures the yellow Jaundice. But the poorer sort may instead of Wine use good clear Beer or Ale, and be as effectual.

      Decoctum Ficuum, or a Decoction of Figs.

      Take fifteen fat Figs, Raisons two ounces, Harts-horn and pulp of Tamarinds, of each an ounce; roots of Liquorish and Mock-chervil, of each half an ounce; Barberries two drams, seeds of Carduus and Fenil, of each a dram and a half. Make a Decoction in Barley water, and being strained, clarifie it with the White of an Egg, then take of this Liquor a pound and a half, Syrup of the juyce of Citrons four ounces. Mix them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It safely and without any danger expels and drives forth the small Pox and Meazles, and curbs the malignity of them. The dose is often in the day from one spoonful to two; but if the Belly were too loose, add Gum Tragacanth in the place of Pulp of Tamarinds.

      Decoctum contra Mictionem Sanguinis, or a Decoction against Pissing of Blood.

      Take roots of Liquorish an ounce, seeds of white Poppy and Myrtle-berries, of each half an ounce; Acorns and Acatia, of each two drams; Pauls Betony, Maidenhair, Ceterach, Sage and Burnet, of each a dram and a half; flowers of red Roses a dram, and of wild Poppy a scruple. Boil them in a sufficient quantity of Fountain-water, so that two pound may remain, which edulcorate with Syrup of the Juyce of Violets for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a very good Medicine for those who piss blood; for it doth quickly and without any trouble take away the affect, and cure it really. The dose is morning and evening from two ounces to three or four.

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      Decoctum Satyriacum.

      Take seeds of Ashen-keys an ounce, Boletus cervinus, Bulls pizzle, Venetian Borax, of each half an ounce; roots of Pellitory and Aron, of each three drams; long Pepper, Castor, Ginger and Canamon, of each two drams; Cloves, the lesser Cardamoms and Cubebs, of each a scruple. All being cut and bruised, let them be put into a new clean glazed Vessel, and pour upon it a sufficient quantity of Malmsey Wine, and let them boil in a Vessel well luted according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. He that would be presently and powerfully armed for the Sports of Venus, let him drink a little draught of this Decoction morning and evening.

      Decoctum contra Herniam Intestinalem, or a Decoction against the Rupture of the Bowels.

      Take seeds of Thorough-leaf and Cummin, of each an ounce; roots of Aron fresh dryed, roots of water-Acorus, Tormentil and great Comfry, of each half an ounce; the herb Perwincle, Sanicle, Winter-green, golden Rod, Mouse-ear, Rupturewort and Orpine, of each two drams; red Roses, Balaustines, the lesser Galangal and Cloves, of each a dram. Let them be cut and bruised, and boiled in a sufficient quantity of the best white Wine to the consumption of the third part, and make a clear Decoction according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Internal Balsams being given with it, cure the Rupture without any trouble, and is in this case a singular Experiment. The dose is a good draught morning and evening.

      Decoctum contra Uteri Haemorrhagiam, or a Decoction against a Plux of Blood from the Womb.

      Take roots of Succory an ounce, roots of Tormentil, Avens, Liquorish and Plantane, of each half an ounce;

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      Gum Arabick, Elder-berries dryed, Harts-horn, Coriander prepared, of each three drams; Shepherds-purse, Bloodwort, Burnet, Sorrel, Horstail, Rosemary, of each two drams; grains of Mastich a dram and a half, red Roses dryed, Nutmegs, of each a dram. Make a Decoction in a sufficient quantity of Water of Millefoil and white Wine to twenty four ounces, and in the clear strained Liquor dissolve four ounces of Syrup of the Juyce of Quinces.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is a Secret in the unmeasurable purgation of the Terms, and the continual destillation from the Womb. The dose is morning and evening from three spoonfuls to four, or a little draught.

      Decoctum contra Menses suppressos, or a Decoction against the suppression of the Terms.

      Take Cinamon an ounce and a half, roots of red Mugwort, Smallage, Asparagus and Fenil, of each half an ounce; Venetian Borax, Bay-berries husked, Iuniperberries, of each three drams; Centaury and Savin, of each two drams; Motherwort, Maidenhair, Nep, Pennyroyal, Calamint, Mother of Thyme, of each a dram and a half; flowers of Chamomil and Bugloss, Oriental Saffron and Mace, of each a dram. Boil all (but the Saffron, Mace and Cinamon) in a sufficient quantity of good old Wine to the consumption of the third part, and then at last add the Species, and make a clear Decoction according to Art, which edulcorate with Syrup of the Juyce of Mugwort and Maidenhair.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Decoction is approved by often Experience; for it wonderfully and potently brings down the Terms, the retained Secundine and dead Child (if not rightly disposed for birth)

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      it brings away without danger. The dose is morning and evening at going to bed a moderate draught drunk warm, and continue it so long till the Terms appear.

      Decoctum contra Scabiem, or a Decoction against the Itch and Scab.

      Take Agrimony, Origanum and Pauls Betony, of each half an ounce; roots of Elicampane, Scorzonera and Swallow-wort, of each two drams; Cinamon and Mace, of each a dram. Boil them in four pound of the best Beer to the consumption of the half, and make a clear Potion.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. Universal Remedies premised, and the Body being duly purged, it certainly drives forth the Itch and cures it. The dose is morning and evening a good draught at a time warm.

      Decoctum Vulnerarium, or a Vulnerary Decoction.

      Take Ladies mantle, red Beets, Winter-green, Sanicle, Periwincle, golden Rod, seeds of Angelica, of each equal parts. Let the Herbs be cut small, and the seeds of Angelica bruised only, and let them be well mixed one with another, then take * 31.1 half an ounce of this mixed Powder tyed up in a linen Rag, and boiled in two pound of Rhenish Wine in Balneo, and make a clear Decoction.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It cures all Wounds and Blows in what part of the body soever they are, and expels Iron, Wood, Lead, and other such things. And it consolidates and heals more in a week, than other vulnerary Potions do in a month, and is such an Experiment, that all Chirurgions deservedly ought to receive it with both hands, and with a thankful

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      mind. The dose is morning, noon and night two or three spoonfuls warm.

      Decoctum Ligni Guajaci, or a Decoction of Guajacum.

      Take shavings of Guajacum a pound, the bark of it four ounces, roots of China two ounces, Sarsaparilla and Sassafras, of each an ounce. Infuse it according to Art in sixteen pound of clear Fountain-water for 24 hours, and then boil it in a new glazed Pot close covered to the consumption of one half, and let this serve for a Sudorifick. Afterward boil it again in twelve pound of Barley water to the consumption of one third, and keep this for ordinary drink. And to this last Decoction you may add a few Raisons, and aromatize it with Cinamon, if you please.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Decoction hath a most admirable faculty in the French Pox, and chiefly in those who are full with Ulcers, which loathsom disease this Decoction cures. Of this first Decoction the Patient may take one good draught warm in a morning, and another two or three hours before supper, and let him drink of the second Decoction as often as he pleaseth in the day besides.

      Another of Lignum Sanctum, or the Holy Wood.

      Take Lignum Sanctum a pound, the bark of it four ounces, Sarsaparilla two ounces, Sassafras an ounce. Let them digest 24 hours in sixteen pound of Fumitorywater, and then distil them in an Alembick, and in the distilled Liquor boil Raisons four ounces, roots of Liquorish and China, of each an ounce; seeds of Fenil and Anise, of each half an ounce; the herbs Betony and Succory, of each two drams. Let it be strained according to Art, and keep the strained Liquor for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It drys, attenuates, expurgates, and provokes Sweat; and therefore doth resist

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      Putrefaction and Contagion. It amends the vices of the Brain, cures the Pox, strengthens the Liver, opens the Spleen, and is very good in the Scirrhus thereof. It is of good use in the Dropsie. It heals malignant Ulcers, and cures the Leprosie and Elephantiasis, &c. The dose is a good draught at a time twice a day given warm.

      Dococtum adstringens, or an astringent Decoction.

      Take roots of Tormentil and Snakeweed, of each an ounce; dryed Quince six drams, seeds of Docks and seeds of Roses, of each two drams; dead Nettles with their red flowers a dram and a half, Nutmegs, Cinamon, the lesser Galangal and Cloves, of each a dram; Sebestens nine. Boil these according to Art in three pound of Plantane to the consumption of one third, and in the clear strained Liquor dissolve one dram of Camphire, and if you please edulcorate it also with Miya of Quinces.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is an experienced Medicine in Dysenteries and other Fluxes of the Belly; and it also cures divers Haemorrhages. The dose is a good draught in a morning fasting.

      Decoctum Polypodii purgans, or a purging Decoction of Polypody.

      Take roots of Polypody of the Oak and Raisons stoned, of each two ounces; Carthamus seeds and Barley, of each an ounce and a half; Liquorish half an ounce, Hyssop, Scabious, Coltsfoot and Germander, of each a dram; Iujubes fifteen, fat Figs six, and Dates cleansed from their skin four. Boil them in so much Whey, that there may remain about twenty one ounces, and about the end of the Decoction add Leaves of Sena three ounces, Troches of Agarick three drams, seeds of Fenil and Anise, of each a dram and a half. Let them

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      stand over the fire a while, but not boil much, then make a clear Potion according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. We happily use it in the Asthma, Phthisick, Pleurisie, and other Pectoral diseases. The dose is from four ounces to five; and the body being purged, let the Patient drink our Pectoral Decoction called Subacidum or Subdulce, as occasion serves.

      Decoctum Galli antiqui farcinati, or a Decoction of an old Cock stuffed.

      Take Polypody an ounce and a half, Carthamus seeds an ounce, Cinamon three drams, leaves of Sena, white Turbith and Orange peel, of each two drams; white Ginger, the lesser Galangal and Mace, of each a dram; species Diacymini and Dianisi, of each half a dram; and one Bay-berry. The Species being mixed and put in a linen Rag, let them be put in when the Cock is almost boiled enough.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is very useful in the Colick, when it proceeds from a thick, flatulent and flegmatick Cause.

      Decoctum Sanguinem mundificans, or a Decoction to cleanse the Blood.

      Take Citrine Myrobalans an ounce, flowers of Violets dryed a dram, Prunes nineteen, Sebestens and Iujubes, of each eight. Boil them in water of the flowers of Acatia to three ounces, in which dissolve of our potable Scammony a scruple, Oyl of Cinamon and Aniseeds, of each a drop. Mix them, and make a draught for one dose.

      Virtue and Use. It purgeth Choler of both kinds, Flegm and other Humors: It also mundifies the Blood, and keeps the body laxative in Feavers.

      Decoctum Senae, or a Decoction of Sena.

      Take elect Sena three drams, acid Tartar a dram,

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      Fumitory water warm four ounces. Let them infuse all night, and in the morning let them boil a little, yet so, as that the Tartar may be throughly dissolved, and in the strained Liquor, while it is warm, dissolve of the best Manna six drams. Again strain it, and then add Cinamon water a dram, Elaeosaccharum of Citrons ten grains. Mix them, and make a purging draught for one dose to be given warm.

      Virtue and Use. It is a good Purge for the whole Body; for it opens the obstructions of all the Bowels, and mundifies the blood. But in the first place it purgeth Choler both black and yellow, and Flegm also. It cleanseth and strengthens the Head, Brain, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Spleen, and all the Senses of the Body, and carrieth off all that offends them: It retardes Age, increaseth Youth. Moreover it is an excellent Medicine in all chronical, tartarous, and melancholy diseases, as the Epilepsie, Dotage, Deliria's, Heach-ach, Gout, Elephantiasis, Scabs, Pustles, Itch, and all other vices of the Skin. It is also profitably given to Women with Child and to Children and Men of all ages; for it purgeth modestly without any molestation: But for Children and young Patients half, or a third part of it, is sufficient.

      Decoctum Senae cum Rhabarbaro, or a Decoction of Sena with Rhubarb.

      Take elect Sena two drams, the best Rhubarb and acid Tartar, of each a dram; of Fumitory water warm four ounces. Let them infuse all night, and in the morning let them boil a little, enough to dissolve the Tartar; afterward, the expression being made, and in the strained Liquor while warm, dissolve of the best Manna six drams. Again strain it, and then add Cinamon water a dram, Elaeosaccharum of Aniseeds ten grains. Mix them, and make a purging draught

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      for one dose, which is to be taken warm.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It purgeth Flegm and both kinds of Choler chiefly from the Stomach, Liver and Spleen, &c. It mundifies the Blood, opens all Obstructions, and cures all Affects thence proceeding, as Jaundice, Dropsie, Tumor of the Spleen, putrid and continual Feavers, pains of the Hypochonders, &c. Let no man wonder at the small dose of Sena in this Prescript; for four drams of Sena infused in four ounces of Fumitory water, do not purge more than two drams macerated in the like quantity, because the water doth extract as much as it can, and leaves the rest: therefore two drams of Sena are sufficient to quicken other things in four ounces of Water.

      Decoctum Rhabarbari, or a Decoction of Rhubarb.

      Take of the best Rhubarb a dram and a half, red Roses dryed half a dram, roots of Liquorish sliced, and flowers of Marsh-mallows, of each a scruple. Let them be cut and bruised, and infused all night in three ounces of Plantane water warm, in the morning strain it, in the strained Liquor dissolve of the best Manna half an ounce, Elaeosaccharum of Nutmegs ten grains, Spirit of Vitriol four drops. Mix them for one dose, and give it warm in the morning for a draught.

      Virtue and Use. It is very effectual in all Fluxes of the Belly: it gives one or two motions, and by those it expels the cause of the bloody Flux.

      Annotation. Many use Rhubarb torrefied, which is an evil practice, because it consumes the virtue of it, and the terrene part only remains, and so makes it more stiptick.

      Decoctum Violatum purgans, or a purging Decoction of Violets.

      Take leaves of Sena two ounces, Fenil seeds and acid

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      Tartar, of each half an ounce; dryed Violet flowers, and the best Rhubarb, of each a dram and a half; white Ginger and Cinamon, of each a dram; Galangal the less and Cloves, of each half a dram. Let them infuse all night in Fumitory water warm, in the morning boil them a little, and afterward strain it, and take of the clear strained Liquor ten ounces, Syrup of Succory with Rhubarb and Syrup of the juyce of Violets, Syrup of the juyce of Sorrel and Oxysaccharum simple, of each an ounce. Mix them and make a Potion, which divide into four equal parts for four doses.

      Virtue and Use. It is good in Tertian and Quotidian Feavers, &c. and gently purgeth all humors that offend, it is likewise an excellent Remedy for the Stone. And is given in the running Gout, Scurvy, Sciatica, and such like diseases, and is to be continued four mornings successively.

      Decoctum Nucis Cupressi, or a Decoction of Cyprus Nuts.

      Take Cyprus Nuts, Turkish Galls, of each eight ounces; filings of Iron prepared with Vinegar, Roch Alum, of each four ounces; medicinal Stone and Pomegranate peel, of each an ounce and a half. Let them be bruised and mixed, and boiled according to Art in a sufficient quantity of red Wine or Plantane water.

      Virtue and Use. It is applied outwardly, and doth extenuate and consume all superfluous Carnosities, &c. The way of using is to wet a Sponge in it warm, and having squeezed it, bind it upon the part.

      Decoctum Nigrum, or a black Decoction.

      Take crude Alum a pound, green Vitriol half a pound, Turkish Galls four ounces, Verdigriese and white Tartar, of each two ounces. Mix them, and boil them in eight pound of Wine Vinegar to the consumption of one half; then add of Spirit of Wine rectified a pound.

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      Again let them be mixed and filtred, and then kept for use.

      Virtue and Use. A linen Rag wet in it and applied to the part, drys and heals old Venereal Ulcers in any part of the body, and takes away other Defluxions and Excrescences of evil flesh, and roborates and mundifies the part affected. It also perfectly cures Wounds and Bruises in other Creatures.

      SECT. XXVI. Of Gargarisms. (Book 26)

      Gargarismus de Althaea, or a Gargarism of Marsh-mallows.

      TAke Roots of Marsh-mallows an ounce, of common Mallows half an ounce, leaves of Violets, Strawberries, Hyssop and Sage, of each three drams; leaves of Peaches and Cherries, of each two drams; shavings of Ivy wood, Album Graecum prepared with Marigold water, Honey of Saturn, of each a dram and a half; Vitriol of Mars and Venus, of each a dram; flowers of Marigolds, Marsh-mallows, wild Poppies and Bugle, of each a dram. Let them be grosly cut, bruised, then mixed and boiled in Fountain-water and Wine Vinegar, of each a pound and a half: let them boil to the consumption of one third, and toward the end of its boiling add of Rob of Elder a sufficient quantity to make it grateful.

      Virtue and Use. It is of good use in the Quinsie, Imposthumes of the Throat, Jaws, Tongue and Uvula, it dissolves and discusseth the Inflammations of the

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      Tonsils, and allays and amends the pain and difficulty in swallowing; but the Patient ought to use this Gargarism every hour. And it is to be observed, That all Gargarisms are to be used warm.

      Gargarismus de Glycyrrhiza, or a Gargarism of Liquorish.

      Take roots of Liquorish sliced an ounce, Album Graecum two drams, Roch Alum a dram. Boil these a little in water of Plantane, Roses, common Mallows and Bugle, of each equal parts, and a sufficient quantity of all. Take of this strained Liquor a pound, white Wine three ounces, Diamoron and Dianucum, of each a dram and a half. Mix them, and make a Gargarism.

      Virtue, and Use. It is of excellent use in a desperate Quinsie and other distempers of the Mouth and Throat, if the Patient useth it often and warm.

      Gargarismus Lacteatus, or a Gargarism of Milk.

      Take new Milk from the Cow two pound, Album Graecum half an ounce, Honey of Roses two spoonfuls, Verdigriese half a dram. Boil them, and when strained, make a Gargarism.

      Virtue and Use. It is effectual in the Quinsie, repels the Tumors and pains of the Jaws and Mouth, and detergeth and heals Ulcers in those parts: and it is to be used often.

      Gargarismus de Cortice Granatorum, or a Gargarism of Pomegranate bark.

      Take of Pomegranate rind half an ounce, Endive, Scabious, Night shade and Burnet, of each three drams; seeds of Sorrel and Quinces, Barberries, of each two drams; burnt Alum a dram and a half, flowers of Marshmallows, Balaustines and Bugle, of each a dram. Boil them in water of Roses and Plantane and red Stiptick Wine, of each a pound, to the consumption of the third part, Take of this strained Liquor two pound,

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      Diamoron and Dianucum, of each two ounces; Syrup of Pomegranates, clarified Honey and Vinegar of Roses, of each an ounce; Spirit of Nitre so much as will make it grateful. Mix them, and make a Gargarism to be applied warm.

      Virtue and Use. This is also proper for the Quinsie; and it doth in a wonderful manner as well allay the Inflammation, as dissolve the Imposthume, and is attended with a singular discussive faculty: But the use of it must be often repeated.

      Gargarismus de Auricula Judae, or a Gargarism of Iews Ears.

      Take Barley husked half an ounce, Liquorish sliced and Iews Ears cut, of each two drams; flowers of Marshmallows a dram. Let them boil a little in a sufficient quantity of Plantane water. Take of this clear Decoction a pound, Syrup of Violets two ounces, Nitre prepared a dram. Mix them for a Gargarism, with which let the Mouth be often washed.

      Virtue and Use. The Medicine is of great worth, as by Experience it hath been proved, against Inflammations, driness, roughness, sores and fissures of the Tongue, Jaws, and neighbouring parts, which often happens in continual, malignant and burning Feavers, from hot, sharp and putrid Vapors that rise to those parts.

      Gargarismus de Tormentilla, or a Gargarism of Tormentil.

      Take roots of Tormentil and water-Acorus, of each an ounce; Pomegranate bark and bark of the roots of Acatia, of each half a dram; Balaustines and Alum, of each three drams; Rosemary, Cinquefoil, Stone-crop, Sage, Plantane and Hyssop, of each two drams; flowers of Marigolds and red Roses, of each a dram. Boil them in Fountain-water and Wine Vinegar, of each a

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      pound and a half, to the consumption of one third, in the end add of Honey of Roses so much as will make it grateful.

      Virtue and Use. It cures the Putrefaction and Scurvy of the Mouth, it renews the Gums perished by any disease, or rotted by an Imposthume. It fastens the Teeth, and makes the flesh grow up to them again; and it also contracts the Uvula that is fallen. In short, it is of good use in all the vices of the Mouth, Tongue, Palate and Tonsils, nay Ulcers and Inflammations also: And if used warm often or every hour, it restores them to their perfect health again.

      Gargarismus de Pyrethro, or a Gargarism of Pellitory.

      Take roots of Pellitory of Spain two drams, the best Olibanum and white Ginger, of each a dram and a half; seeds of Henbane bruised, of Sage, of each a dram; long Pepper a scruple. Boil them in Wine Vinegar and Fountain-water, of each half a pound, and make a Gargarism.

      Virtue and Use. It is excellent and very effectual in pains of the Teeth; for it hath an Anodyne faculty. But the sick must use it often in the day, till the pain ceaseth.

      Gargarismus de Hyoscyamo, or a Gargarism of Henbane.

      Take roots of Henbane an ounce, roots of the lesser Nettles, Cinquefoil and Pellitory of Spain, of each six drams; shavings of Lignum Sanctum, Box and Tamarisk, white Frankincense, seeds of Stavesacre, of each half an ounce; Pomegranate rind, long Pepper, white Ginger and Cloves, of each three drams; Sage, Mother of Thyme, Calamint, Peachwort, Origanum, of each two drams. Mix them, and make a gross Powder, which keep for use. And when the use of it is required,

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      Take of this gross Powder an ounce and a half, Wine Vinegar and Fountain-water, of each a pound. Boil them, and make a Gargarism.

      Virtue and Use. The Liquor being strained & warm is to be held in the mouth: and being so used, it stays the most painful and tormenting pains of the Teeth.

      Gargarismus de Acatia, or a Gargarism of Acatia.

      Take of the best and fresh Acatia half an ounce, of Cyprus Nuts, Balaustines, the outer rind of Pomegranate, of each two drams; the herbs Marjoram, Hyssop and Sage, of each a dram and a half; roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce and Alum, of each a dram; Acorns and red Roses, of each half a dram. Let them boil in a sufficient quantity and equal parts of red Wine and water of Oaken leaves, to the consumption of the third part; then take of this strained Liquor a pound and a half, Rob of Nuts two ounces, Spirit of Vitriol a scruple. Mix them, and keep it in an earthen Vessel.

      Virtue and Use. It fastens loose Teeth, and preserves them so; but the Gums and Teeth must be often washed with it.

      Gargarismus de Papavere, or a Gargarism of Poppy.

      Take four heads with the seeds of white Poppy, the spongy heads that grow upon sweet Bryar two, roots of Plantane and Bistort, of each half an ounce; seeds of Nigella, flowers of wild Poppy, of red Roses and Balaustines, of each a dram. Boil them in Lettice and Rosewater, of each a sufficient quantity. Take of this strained Liquor twelve ounces, Syrup of Poppy simple, Diacodium violated, of each an ounce and a half; Pomegranate Wine and Tincture of wild Poppy, of each an ounce; phlegm of Alum rectified half an ounce. Mix them for a Gargarism, which is to be held in the mouth.

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      Virtue and Use. With this Gargarism let the Mouth be often washed; and let it be also held in the Mouth without gargling, and it prevents Catarrhs caused by sharp, thin and hot Rheums.

      SECT. XXVII. Of Lixiviums. (Book 27)

      Lixivium Benedictum.

      TAke Ashes of common wood of Iuniper, of red Mugwort, of Broom, of Beans in the shells, of Wormwood, of each an ounce. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of strong white Wine make a Lixivium according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is of excellent use for those grieved with the Dropsie, called Hydrops; for it doth powerfully and effectually expel the water by Urine, and by this means we have cured several of the Dropsie, giving no other remedy than this for certain days. The dose is in the morning fasting from two ounces to three.

      Lixivium Sapientiae.

      Take roots of Avens, Pellitory of Spain and Asarabacca, Misleto of the Oak, of each an ounce; Olibanum and yellow Amber, of each half an ounce; Rosemary, Marjoram, Balm, Origanum, leaves of Sage and Bays, of each two drams; flowers of Lavender, red Roses, Peony, Betony and Primrose, of each a dram. Boil all these in a sweet Lixivium, and keep it for use.

      Virtue and Use. The Body being purged once a week, let the Head be diligently washed with this

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      Lixivium, and it restores the loss of Memory, &c. caused by cold and moisture: For it wonderfully comforts the Brain and Memory, and strengthens the animal Spirits, and also preserves from the Apoplexy and Epilepsie.

      Lixivium Cephalicum, or a Lixivium for the Head.

      Take leaves of Sena six drams, roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce, and seeds of Carduus, of each three drams; the herb Eyebright with the flowers, Vervain, Marjoram, Rosemary, Sage and Origanum, of each three drams; the best Agarick a dram and a half, flowers of yellow Stoechas, Chamomil, red Roses and white Violets, of each a dram. They being all cut and mixt, let them be boiled in a good Lixivium, then let it be clarified according to Art, and it is prepared.

      Virtue and Use. It is very profitable in pains of the Head. It roborates the Brain, Nerves, Eyes, and all the other Senses. Let the Head be washed with it twice in the week: But they who are cold and moist naturally, ought to use Lotions for the Head but seldom; but those who are hot and dry, may use them more frequently.

      Lixivium Antiasthmaticum, or a Lixivium for the Asthma.

      Take roots of Liquorish sliced, Florentine Flower-de-luce and Elicampane, of each half an ounce; yellow Amber, white Frankincense and Myrtle-berries, of each three drams; Sage, Betony, Hyssop and Origanum, of each two drams; seeds of Nigella and Caraways, of each a dram and a half; flowers of Chamomil, red Roses, wild Poppies and Rosemary, of each a dram. Let them all be put into a little Bag, and boiled in a sweet Lixivium, afterward clarified and kept for use.

      Virtue and Use. Let the Head be washed with this Lixivium once or twice in the week: For in the Asthma

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      it drys and stops Defluxious falling from the Head upon the other parts; but after the Head is washed, let it be quickly dryed and covered.

      Lixivium Diureticum, or a Diuretick Lixivium.

      Take wild Flax with its flowers, Broom with its flowers, dwarff Elder both root and branoh, leaves and flowers of Elder, of each a like, and a sufficient quantity of all. Burn them to ashes according to Art, of which with a sufficient quantity of Rhenish Wine, make a clear Lixivium.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It powerfully expels water by Urine from those who have the Dropsie, and is a Secret in the Dysury, &c. The dose is from two ounces to three, by it self, or in any other specifick Vehicles.

      Lixivium Tartari, or a Lixivium of Tartar.

      Take white Tartar calcined till it is black what quantity you will: And with distilled Rain-water make a Lixivium, in which afterward boil Orange peel, and the tinctured Lixivium being strained and clear, keep for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This being given for certain days, doth dissolve and expel the Stone, and insensibly brings away all the mucilaginous matter as well from the Reins as Bladder. The dose is one spoonful in some specifick Vehicle.

      Lixivium Tingens, or a Dying Lixivium.

      Take of Lixivium of Vine branches or cuttings two pound, roots of Bryony, Celandine and Turmerick, of each half an ounce; of Saffron two drams, flowers of Mullein, yellow Stoechas, Broom and St. Iohns-wont, of each a dram. Let them boil together, and make a clear Lixivium according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It cleanseth the Hair, and makes it clear and yellow; but it must be often washed with it, till it be perfectly dyed.

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      SECT. XXVIII. Of Baths. (Book 28)

      Balneum Artificiale ubi Thermae naturales desunt, or an Artificial Bath where the natural are wanting.

      TAke of yellow Sulphur three pound, Sea-Salt and roots of Pellitory of Spain, of each a pound; white Tartar and Nitre, of each half a pound; Iuniper and Bay-berries, of each seven ounces; of Earth-worms washed in Spirit of Wine, and again dryed six ounces, Rosemary, Sage, Marjoram, Lavender, Hyssop, Groundpine and Thyme, of each an ounce; flowers of Chamomil, Mullein, Melilot and St. Iohns-wort, of each half an ounce. Boil them in water for a Bath according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. This Bath should be often used; for it refresheth paralytick Members, warms the nervous parts, drys, roborates, and restores them to their pristine motion: Yet general and particular Evacuations ought to precede.

      Balneum contra Sterilitatem seu difficultatem impraegnationis probatum: Or an approved Bath against Barrenness or difficulty of Conception.

      Take roots of Madder, Parsley, Polypody and Valerian, of each three ounces; seeds of wild Rue and Darnel, of each two ounces; green Iuniper-berries an ounce and a half, Motherwort, Mother of Thyme, Balm, Mugwort, Fumitory, of each an ounce; Marjoram, Lavender,

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      Agrimony, Melilot and Mullein, of each six drams; Calamint, Chamomil and Origanum, of each half an ounce. All being grosly cut and bruised, let them be boiled in a great Cauldron to the consumption of the third part, of which make a Bath according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. This Decoction together with the Herbs, Roots and Seeds, put into a great Vessel or Bathing Tub, and in that let the barren Woman, after she hath been well purged from her Terms, sit up to the Navil, so that all the lower Belly may be bathed and refreshed; and let this be continued for twelve days, and the Bath to be renewed every third day: And during the twelve days let her forbear Coition; for by the use of this Bath only, many barren Women have been made fruitful. But when the Woman goes out of the Bath, let her body be well covered with Cloths, lest the cold Air should hurt her.

      Balneum Stipticum contra Uteri Haemorrhagiam probatum, or a Stiptick Bath approved of in Fluxes of Blood from the Womb.

      Take crude Alum two pound, roots of Plantane, Tormentil, water-Acorus and Bistort, of each four ounces; bark of the roots of Acacia, Pomegranate rind and Turkish Galls, of each three ounces; flowers of red Roses and Balaustines, of each two ounces; the herb Burnet, Shepherds-purse, Sage and Millefoil, of each an ounce. Boil all in a sufficient quantity of water, in which while it is boiling, Iron and Steel is quenched often, and make a Bath according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. Let the Bath be moderately hot, and the Woman sit therein up to the Navil every morning fasting for an hour or two, and let this be continued for certain days, and by the Providence of God she will be perfectly cured.

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      Balneum contra suppressionem Menstruorum probatum, or an approved Bath against the suppression of the Terms.

      Take of the whole plant of Mugwort four ounces, roots of Angelica, Madder, Asparagus and Smallage, of each two ounces; seeds of Parsley, Iuniper-berries, and Bayberries ••••••ked, red Myrrh, of each a dram and a half; the herbs Centaury, Savin and Pennyroyal, of each an ounce; Fenil, Mother of Thyme and Balm, of each six drams; Wormwood, Groundpine, Horehound, Pellitory, Nep, Mercury and Rosemary, of each half an ounce. Let them boil in a large Vessel in a sufficient quantity of River-water to the consumption of the third part, then put it into a bathing Tub for use.

      Virtue and Use. Let the Woman sit in it up to the Navil, and continue in it for half an hour, then let her be dryed and put to bed: yet this is not to be used once only, but to be repeated three or four times a week.

      Balneum in Icteritia ad Cutem detergendam expertum, or a Bath to cleanse the Skin in the Iaundice.

      Take white Tartar a pound, roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce, white Hermodactyls and Solomons Seal, of each four ounces; whole Beans, Lupines, whole Barley, of each two drams; leaves of Misleto of the Oak an ounce and a half, Wormwood, common Mallows, Pellitory, Celandine and Sopewort, of each an ounce; flowers of the lesser Centaury, Chamomil and water-Lilies, of each half an ounce. Make a Decoction for a Bath according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. Let the Patient as it were swim in the Bath, that is, be covered all over with the water; and when he goes out of the Bath, let him go into his bed, and sweat there the space of an hour, and let this be continued.

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      Balneum contra Calculum Renum & Vesicae, or a Bath against the Stone in the Reins and Bladder.

      Take roots of Marsh-mallows and common Mallows, of each three ounces; roots of Parsley and Restharrow, of each two ounces; roots of Vervain, Eryngo, Fenil and Brambles, of each an ounce and a half; Bay-berries husked and Linseeds, of each an ounce; flowers of Marsh-mallows six drams, of the herbs Chamomil, Tansie, Dill, Melilot, Mullein, Pellitory of the Wall, Saxifrage, Cinqfoil, Violets and Strawberries, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and boil them for a Bath according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. Let the Patient sit in this Bath while he is in his greatest pains. And it is successfully used after other Evacuations: but while the sick is in the Bath; Potions should be given him for to break the Stone.

      Balneum medicamentosum, sive Lotio pedum, or a medicinal Bath, or Wash for the Feet.

      Take Lapis medicamentosus four ounces, the best Alum three ounces, the inner bark of green Elder an ounce and a half, of the herbs Mugwort, dwarff Elder, Cinqfoil, St. Iohns-wort, Dill, Maidenhair, of each six drams; ashes of Guajacum, common Salt, of each half an ounce. Boil all in River-water for a Bath for the Feet.

      Virtue and Use. Pour it into some convenient Vessel fit to bathe the Feet in; it is good in the Scurvy, and in other diseases to take away Tumors of the Feet: but the Patient ought to continue in the Bath two or three hours in the morning fasting, and this must be continued for three or four days together; and when he comes out of the Bath, let him wipe his Feet with a Towel.

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      Balneum Nitrosum pro pedibus, or a Nitrous Bath for the Feet.

      Take of the best Nitre half a pound, Sea-Salt four ounces, flowers of Chamomil, Marsh-mallows and red Roses, of each an ounce; of the herbs Betony, Origanum, Sage and Rue, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and boil them, and make a Bath for the Feet.

      Virtue and Use. Let the sick use this, morning and evening; for it draws away the flegmy matter that lies in the Joynts, and draws down the humors from the upper parts; when he hath done bathing, let him wipe his Feet with a clean Cloth.

      Balneum Hypnoticum pro pedibus, or a Bath for the Feet to procure Sleep.

      Take the bark of the roots of Mandrake, of Henbane and common Mallows, of each an ounce; leaves of Violets, Melilot, Lettice, Nightshade and Dill, of each half an ounce; eleven heads of white Poppy with the seeds, flowers of water-Lily, Chamomil and Roses, of each two drams; one of the spongy brushes growing on sweet Bryar. Mix them, and according to Art, make a Bath for the Feet.

      Virtue and Use. This Lotion for the Feet should be used in the evening either before supper, or going to bed, for so it discusseth lassitudes, and sweetly induceth sleep; but let not the Feet be wiped after the use of it, but wrapped in linen Cloaths.

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      SECT. XXIX. Of Vesicatories. (Book 29)

      Vesicatorium in dolore Capitis & Dentium, occipiti post aures applicandum: Or a Vesicatory to be applied behind the Ears in the pain of the Head and Teeth.

      TAke Venice Treacle two scruples, Cantharides their wings and heads cut off, Hares fat, of each half a dram; roots of Pellitory of Spain and Nutmegs, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of Leaven make a Vesicatory according to Art for the part where the pain is.

      Vesicatorium aliud in Cephalaea, &c. or another Vesicatory in the Head-ach.

      Take Cantharides macerated in Vinegar a dram, white Ginger and long Pepper, of each half a dram; Marjoram a scruple. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of Leaven make it into a good convenient body; afterward with half a Nut-shell apply it, till the Blister be raised; which being cut, apply Colewort leaves to it, and keep it running.

      Vesicatorium in omni mentis Alienatione, Phrenesi, Melancholia, Mania &c. probatum: Or an approved Vesicatory for all distempers of the Mind, as Phrensie, Melancholy, Madness.

      Take Cantharides with their heads and wings cut off four scruples, Hares fat a dram, white Amber prepared and Cubebs, of each a scruple; fat Figs two, and a little Vinegar. Mix them with a sufficient quantity of Leaven and a few drops of Spirit of Wine, and without

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      fire bring them into the form of a Plaster, which apply to the Crown of the Head, the hair being shaved off.

      Vesicatorium in Augina expertum, or an experienced Vesicatory in the Quinsie.

      Take Leaven half-an ounce, roots of Marsh-mallows and Florentine Flower-de-luce, of each two drams; Cantharides a dram and a half, juyce of Liquorish and Oriental Saffron, of each a scruple, fat Figs two. Mix them into the form of a Plaster, and lay it on the Breast; for it draws the matter thither, and is a worthy Experiment.

      SECT. XXX. Of Pessaries. (Book 30)

      Pessus aperiens contra Menses suppressos, or an opening Pessary for the suppressed Terms.

      TAke Roots of red Mugwort, white Diptamus, Asarum, white Hellebore and Madder, of each two drams; Scammony, Marjoram, Savin, Oriental Saffron, of each a dram; Bay-berries husked, red Myrrh, true Castor, Sagapen, Epatick Aloes, of each a scruple; seeds of Stavesacre, Nigella, Water-cresses and Rue, of each half a dram. Let all these be well incorporated with Juyce of red Mugwort, or with Turpentine, and make a Pessary the length of the middle finger, and the bigness of it also; and in making of it up, let a third pass along the middle of it, coming out at the end a hands breadth, to pull it out of the body again; or the Powder may be put into a

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      Bag made of a thin Cloth, with the addition of a little Cotton, make it to the bigness of a large finger, and put it into the body.

      Pessus adstringens contra Uteri Haemorrhagiam, or an astringent Pessary against a Flux of Blood from the Womb.

      Take Mill-dust half an ounce, roots of Tormentil and Bistort, of each two drams; Ashes of Frogs, Crocus Martis, Turkish Galls, Dragons blood, Bole Armeniack and burnt Harts-horn, of each a dram; Hypocistis, red Roses, Balaustines, Acacia, Olibanum, Mastich, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with Plantane water and the White of an Egg make a Pessary according to Art, which is to be put into the privy parts of a Woman.

      Pessus contra Suffocationem & Praecipitationem Uteri, or a Pessary against the Suffocation and Precipitancy of the Womb.

      Take roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce and red Roses, of each three drams; Styrax Calamitis and Benjamin, Cloves, Spicknard and Gallia Moschata, of each a scruple. Mix them, and according to Art make a Pessary in the form of a Suppository, which being tyed with a thrid, let it be put up into the body at night.

      If the Woman be barren because of fatness or much moisture, then the following Pessary is of good use.

      Take Darnel seed which is found growing among Wheat half an ounce, Hares Runnet, burnt Alum, Castor and liquid Styrax, of each two drams; red Myrrh, Opopanax, Galbanum, Calamint, round Pepper, of each a dram; Musk and Amber, of each half a scruple. Let all be well incorporated, and make two Pessaries of this Composition, one of which let the Woman keep in her privy parts from noon till night.

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      1. If after sharp Pessaries, a pain remains in the passage, let them immediately put up something dipped in Oyl of Violets, or it may be mixed with some Mucilage of Fleabane to prevent Ulceration.

      2. If the Pessaries are strong, they cannot retain them above an hour; but if weak, a whole night.

      3. Pessaries are generally put up after Bathing, and in like manner so are Pessaries made of soft Cotton or Woollen, and dipped in Juyces.

      SECT. XXXI. Of Suppositories. (Book 31)

      Species ad Suppositoria acuta conficienda, or a Species to make sharp Suppositories.

      TAke Seeds of Coloquintida half an ounce, roots of white Hellebore, the lesser Esla, and white Hermodactyls, of each an ounce; bark of yellow Myrobalans, roots of Polypody, leaves of Sena, Troches of Agarick, of each half an ounce; Sal Gem and Nitre, of each two drams; flowers of Chamomil a dram. Mix them, and make a Powder which keep for use.

      Suppositoria sicca, or dry Suppositories.

      Take Wheat flour four ounces, common Salt half an ounce, Coloquintida seeds an ounce, white Hermodactyls, white Hellebore, the lesser Esula prepared, of each half an ounce; roots of common Mallows and white Tartar, of each two drams; Opopanax and Sagapen, of each a dram. Mix them, and with the Yolks of Eggs, according to Art, make dry Suppositories.

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      A Suppository in the Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Vertigo, Subeth, Congelation, Stupor, &c.

      Take Troches of Alhandal, Troches of Agarick, of each a dram; black Hellebore, leaves of Sena, of each half a dram; Sal Gem and Nitre, of each a scruple. With a sufficient quantity of Honey make two Suppositories thick and long, as the manner is.

      Suppositoria Anodyna, or an Anodyne Suppository.

      Take seeds of Cummin and Rue, of each two drams; Foreign Mummy, Thebane Opium, of each a dram; wild Poppy flowers and Oriental Saffron, of each half a scruple; Styrax Calamitis and true Castor, of each a scruple. Mix them and make a Powder, which mix with Honey for use.

      Suppositoria Stiptica contra Dysenteriam Ventrisque fluxus, or a Stiptick Suppository against the Dysentery and Flux of the Belly.

      Take Hypocistis an ounce, Turkish Galls and Acacia, of each half an ounce; Pomegranate rind three drams, roots of Marsh-mallows and Liquorish, of each a dram; Harts-horn burnt, Crocus Martis and Dragons blood, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with the White of an Egg and Juyce of Plantane make Suppositories according to Art.

      Suppositoria Dysenterica Anodyna & somnum conciliantia, or a Dysenterical Anodyne and Sleep-procuring Suppository.

      Take of boiled Honey three ounces, seeds of white Henbane and black Poppy, of each a dram and a half; Thebane Opium, Balaustines, Spodium and Olibanum, of each a dram; flowers of wild Poppy and Oriental Saffron, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make Suppositories according to Art.

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      Suppositoria Carminativa, or a Wind-breaking Suppository.

      Take Orange peel and Chamomil flowers, of each a dram and a half; seeds of Cummin, Caraway, Mountain-Osier, Ameos; Agnus castus, Chervil and Rue, of each a dram; pulp of Coloquintida and common Salt, of each a scruple. With a sufficient quantity of Honey make Suppositories according to Art.

      SECT. XXXII. Of Clysters. (Book 32)

      Enema Nutriens, or a nourishing Clyster.

      TAke of Beef and Capon Broth, of each eight ounces; Barley cream and Cows milk, of each four ounces; the best Wine three ounces, Sugar of Roses an ounce, Wheat bread dryed and pulverized half an ounce, Yolks of two Eggs. Mix them, and make a Clyster according to Art, and let it be injected, as the manner is.

      Annotation. Such Clysters are sometimes given in the Quinsie to nourish and conserve strength; also in the Tumors of the Jaws, not being able to open their mouths; in the Stomach, being stopped either with Tubercles or Ulcers; in the Convulsion of the Mouth, Palsie of the Tongue, and the like Diseases. It is also of great use when the sick can take nothing of nourishment by the mouth, nor retain any thing in the stomach: But it is to be given when the body is emptied of Excrements, or when they go to rest; for otherwise it mixeth with the Excrements,

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      and so becomes ineffectual. In short, it is a great Nutritive to the sick.

      Enema Bilem evacuans, or a Clyster evacuating Choler.

      Take small Raisons three ounces, Barley husked and Linseeds, of each two ounces; Rhubarb an ounce. Boil these, and when it is strained, Take one pound of the Liquor, Oyl of Violets three ounces, the best Manna an ounce, Electuary of the juyce of Roses an ounce. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema Pituitam purgans, or a Clyster purging Elegm.

      Take roots of Elicampane and Pellitory of Spain, of each an ounce; the herbs Calamint, Horebound and Pennyroyal, of each half an ounce; Troches of Agarick tyed up in a thin rag, white Turbith, of each three drams; Carthamus seeds two drams, flowers of Chamomil and Rosemary, of each a dram and a half. Boil these, and take of the strained Liquor a pound, Oyl of Rue three ounces, Malmsey Wine two ounces, Honey of Squills an ounce, benedicta Laxativa and Diaphaenicon, of each half an ounce; common Salt two drams. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema Humores melancholicos deturbans, or a Clyster purging Melancholy.

      Take roots of Polypody of the Oak an ounce, roots of Parsley, Fenil and Asparagus, of each six drams; the herbs Fumitory, Dodder, Harts-tongue and Melilot, of each half an ounce; flowers of Chamomil, Borage, and Bugloss, of each two drams; seeds of Fenil and Anise, of each a dram, Boil these, and take of the strained Liquor a pound, Oyl of Dill two ounces, Honey of Rosemary an ounce, Confectio Hamech and Diacatholicon, of each half an ounce, Sal Gem a dram and a half, Extract of black Hellebore two scruples. Mix these, and make a Clyster.

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      Enema Phlegma & Hydropicorum aquas purgans, or a Clyster purging Flegm and water in Dropsies.

      Take roots of Couch-grass, Parsley, Asparagus and Cinqfoil, of each an ounce; leaves of Sea, Coleworts and Mercury, of each six drams; flowers of Elder, Broom, Stoechas and Rosemary, of each half an ounce; Agarick tyed up in a thin cloth, Mechoacan and Bay-berries, of each three drams; seeds of Fenil, Caraway and Cummin, of each two drams. Boil these, and take of the strained Liquor a pound, the exprest juyce of the roots of our Flower-de luce three ounces, the exprest juyce of the inner bark of Elder two ounces, Oyl of Rue and Dill, of each half an ounce; Benedicta laxativa six drams, common Sa't two drams. Mix these, and make a Clyster.

      Enema in Cephalalgia, Vertigine, Scotomia, Phrenetide, & in aliis Capitis affectibus: Or a Clyster in the Head-ach, Vertigo, Giddiness, Phrensie, and other affects of the Head.

      Take leaves of Alexandrian Sena an ounce, roots of Bryony and Agarick, of each half an ounce; leaves of Marjoram, Chamomil, the lesser Centaury, Sage and Origanum, of each two drams; flowers of Lilies of the valley and Rosemary, of each a dram and a half; pulp of Coloquintida and black Hellebore, of each a dram. Mix them, and boil them in a sufficient quantity of Rainwater to the consumption of half; and then take of the strained Liquor one pound, Oyl of Vervain three ounces, Honey of Rosemary flowers an ounce and a half, common Salt two drams. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Aliud Enema Cephalicum, or another Cephalick Clyster.

      Take roots of Asarabacca newly dryed an ounce, Wheat bran half an ounce, Calamint, Betony, Mallows, Mercury and Chamomil, of each two drams. With these

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      make a Decoction, and of it when it is strained, take one pound, and add to it Oyl of Elder flowers three ounces, Honey of Roses two ounces, Electuary of Diasena an ounce, Sal Gem a dram and a half. Mix these for a Clyster.

      Aliud Enema fortius, or another Clyster stronger.

      Take roots of black Hellebore half an ounce, seeds of Coloquintida bruised three drams, Chamomil, Vervain, Marjoram, Origanum and Marsh-mallows, of each two drams; seeds of Fenil, Caraway and Anise, of each a dram. Boil them, and take of the strained Liquor a pound, Sallet Oyl three ounces, Honey of Rosemary flowers an ounce and an half, common Salt three drams, Essence of the leaves of Sena a dram. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Annotation. Concerning the Laxatives in these Clysters, it may be either increased or diminished according to the Sex, Age, and Complexion of the Patient, which is also to be observed in all the other Compositions.

      A specifick Clyster in Melancholy, Madness, Sorrow, Congelation, Quartans, Scabs, Ring-worms, Morphew, Cancer, Elephantiasis, Scirrhus of the Spleen, and all other Diseases proceeding from Melancholy.

      Take roots of Polypody of the Oak two ounces, bark of Indian Myrobalans an ounce, Fumitory, St. Iohnswort, Marjoram, Dodder, Hops, Stoechas, of each half an ounce; black Hellebore two drams. Boil these, and take of the strained Liquor a pound, Oyl of Chamomil three ounces, Hiera Logadi, Tartar vitriolated and Sal Gem, of each a dram and a half. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Aliud Enema specificum in Melancholia, or another specifick Clyster for Melancholy.

      Take the bark of Bugloss roots two ounces, leaves of

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      Alexandrian Sena an ounce, Masterwort, lesser Celandine, Dill, Roman Chamomil, Fumitory and Gentian, of each half an ounce. Boil all, and take of the strained Liquor a pound, Oyl of Roses three ounces, Confectio Hamech an ounce, common Salt two drams, Oriental Saffron a scruple. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema in Subeth & Stupore, or a Clyster in the Lethargy, &c.

      Take roots of the Lily of the valley an ounce, leaves of the lesser Centaury, Stoechas and Origanum, Calamint, Sage and Asarabacca, of each half an ounce; Cartha•••••• and Coloquintida seeds, the best Agarick, of each three drams. Boil these, and take of the strained Liquor a pound, Oyl of Chamomil three ounces, Diasena half an ounce, common Salt three drams, Extract of black Hellebore. Mix them for a Clyster, and give it warmer than ordinary.

      Enema forte in Epilepsia & Suffocationibus, or a strong Clyster in the Epilepsie and Suffocations.

      Take seeds of Carthamus an ounce, the best Agarick half an ounce, pulp of Coloquintida three drams, lesser Centaury, Lavender, Marjoram, Hyssop, Betony and Rue, of each two drams; true Castor, flowers of the Lily of the valley and Rosemary, of each a dram and a half. Boil these, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Chamomil three ounces, Honey of Roses two ounces, Cream of Tartar and Sal Gem, of each a dram. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Aliud Specificum, or another Specifick.

      Take roots of Angelica and Peony, of each an ounce; the best Agarick and Misleto of the Oak, of each half an ounce; Peacocks dung and yellow Amber, of each three drams; Lavender, Sage, Chamomil, Mallows, Origanum and Stoechas, of each two drams; seeds of Fenil, Caraway and Dill, of each a dram. Boil them, and

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      take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Rue three ounces, Hier a Pachii an ounce, common Salt three drams. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema in Spasmo, or a Clyster for Convulsions.

      Take roots of Pellitory of Spain and dwarff Elder, of each an ounce; leaves of Betony, Sage, Marsh-mallows, common Mallows, Mother of Thyme, of each half an ounce; flowers of Marsh-mallows, St. Iohns-wort and Mullein, of each two drams. Boil these, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Chamomil three ounces, Diaphaenicon an ounce, Fat of an Eel half an ounce, Sal Gem a dram and a half, the best Turbith a dram and a half. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema forte in Apoplexia & similibus, &c. or a strong Clyster in the Apoplexy and the like, &c.

      Take the best Agarick half an ounce, lesser Centaury, Origanum, Rosemary, Stoechas, Germander and Calamint, of each two drams; pulp of Coloquintida a dram and a half. Boil all, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Rue three ounces, benedicta Laxativa an ounce, Honey of Rosemary flowers half an ounce, common Salt two drams, vitriolated Tartar a dram. Mix them, and make a Clyster, which apply presently.

      Aliud Enema Apoplecticum fortius, or a stronger Apoplectick Clyster.

      Take roots of our Flower-de-luce, wild Cucumers and Sowbread, of each an ounce; Troches of Agarick half an ounce, leaves of lesser Centaury, Marjoram, Origanum, Lavender and Calamint, of each three drams; Gum Bdellium, Opopanax and Ammoniacum, of each two drams; pulp of Coloquintida a dram and a half. Boil all, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Rue three ounces, Benedicta laxativa and Electuary Episcopi, of each six drams; common Salt three drams,

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      Essence of the leaves of Sena a dram. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema in Paralysi & Resolutione, or a Clyster in the Palsie.

      Take roots of Pellitory of Spain and Acorus, of each an ounce; white Hermodactyls and the best Agarick, of each half an ounce; the herbs Rosemary, Asarum, Cowslips, Hyssop, Calamints, of each two drams; pulp of Coloquintida a dram. Boil all, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Rue three ounces, Hiera Pachii an ounce, common Salt half an ounce. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Aliud Enema Paralyticum specificum, or another specifick Clyster for the Palsie.

      Take Iuniper-berries and roots of dwarff Elder, of each an ounce; white Hermodactyls and seeds of Coloquintida, of each three drams; Marjoram, Groundpine, Stoechas, Rue, Sage and Origanum, of each two drams. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Primrose flowers three ounces, Diaphaenicon an ounce, Sal Gem a dram and a half. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema contra inflationem Ventriculi, or a Clyster for the Wind in the Stomach.

      Take bark of the roots of Elder an ounce, the herbs Calamint, Pennyroyal, Garden Rue, Chamomil and Bayleaves, of each half an ounce; seeds of Fenil, Anise, Cummin and Carrots, of each two drams; of fat Figs seven. Boil these, and take of the strained Liquor a pound, Oyl of Dill three ounces, clarified Honey an ounce and a half, Diacatholicon and Diaphaenicon, of each three drams; common Salt a dram and a half. Mix them, and make a Clyster, which give warm.

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      Enema ad Iliacam Passionem, or a Clyster for the Iliack Passion.

      Take Marsh-mallows root and leaves an ounce and a half, Barley husked an ounce, flowers of Chamomil and Elder, of each half an ounce. Boil them, and take of the strained Liquor a pound, Linseed Oyl three ounces, Cassia extracted an ounce, Epatick Aloes half an ounce, Sal Nitre a dram and half. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema Carminativum, or a Carminative Clyster.

      Take roots of Zedoary and Iuniper-berries, of each an ounce; Roman Chamomil, Dill, Fenil, Mercury and Chervil, of each half an ounce; seeds of Agnus castus, Caraway, Cummin, Anise and Bishops-weed, of each three drams; pulp of Coloquintida a dram and a half. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Rue three ounces, Electuary of Bay-berries an ounce, Cassia new drawn half an ounce, common Salt two drams, Castor a scruple. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema discutiens, or a discussive Clyster.

      Take roots of Elicampane and Orange peel, of each an ounce; the four Emollient Herbs, Calamint and Origanum, of each half an ounce; seeds of Fenil, Dill, Anise, Cummin, Caraway and Mountain Osier, of each two drams. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Chamomil and Rue, of each a dram and a half; Diaphaenicon an ounce, Honey of Rosemary flowers and brown Sugar, of each six drams; Electuary of Bay-berries half an ounce, Sal Gem a dram. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema Ventrem leniens in Colica, or a lenifying Clyster in the Colick.

      Take the inner bark of Alder and Elder, of each an ounce; Chamomil, Melilot, Pennyroyal, Calamint and Origanum, of each half an ounce; seeds of Fenil, Anise,

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      Carthamus and Mallows, of each two drams. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Dill three ounces, Diacarthamus an ounce, common Salt two drams. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema aliud Ventrem leniens in Colica, or another lenifying Clyster in the Colick.

      Take roots of Fenil and Smallage, of each an ounce; the herbs Mercury, common Mallows, Pellitory of the Wall and Arrach, of each half an ounce; flowers of Chamomil, Elder and Peaches, of each two drams. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Linseed four ounces, brown Sugar Candy an ounce, Diaphaenicon six drams, Sal Gem a dram and a half. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema Ventrem leniens in Colica ab Apostemate, or a lenifying Clyster in the Colick caused by an Imposthume.

      Take roots of Comfry and Marsh-mallows, of each an ounce; leaves of common Mallows, Violets and Melilot, of each half an ounce; flowers of Marsh-mallows, Acacia and white Lilies, of each two drams. Boil them, and take of the clear Decoction a pound, Oyl of Chamomil four ounces, Electuary of the juyce of Roses six drams, Cassia fresh drawn half an ounce, Cream of Tartar two drams, common Salt a dram and a half. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema in causa à duritie Faecum, or a Clyster in Costiveness of the Bowels.

      Take roots of Marsh-mallows and common Mallows, of each an ounce; leaves of branch Ursine, Pellitory of the Wall, Marsh-mallows, of each six drams; flowers of Chamomil, Linseed and Foenugreek, of each half an ounce. Boil them, and take of the clear Decoction a pound, Oyl of Sesamum three ounces, Benedicta laxativa a ounce, common Salt three drams. Mix them for a Clyster.

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      Enema Colicum, quod vehementer probatur, or a Clyster for the Colick, when the pain is vehement.

      Take Broth of fat Meat a pound, Oyl of Chamomil and Dill, of each two ounces; clarified Honey an ounce and a half; Cream of Tartar three drams, Gal Gem a dram and a half.

      Enema dolorem Colicum sedans, or a Clyster allaying the pain of the Colick.

      Take roots of Marsh-mallows and common Mallows, of each an ounce; flowers of Chamomil, Melilot and Elder, of each half an ounce; seeds of Fenil, Anise, Cummin, Flax and Smallage, of each two drams. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction twelve ounces, Malmsey Wine four ounces, Oyl of Chamomil and Dill, of each two ounces; Benedicta laxativa an ounce, the Yolk of an Egg. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema Anodynum, or an Anodyne Clyster.

      Take roots of Marsh-mallows, white Lilies and Liquorish, of each an ounce; leaves of Melilot, Chamomil, Violets and common Mallows, of each half an ounce; seeds of Foenugreek, Flax and Quinces, of each three ounces; the bark of Mandrake and wild Poppy flowers, of each a dram. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction a pound and a half, fresh Butter not seasoned, the Yolk of an Egg, Extract of Oriental Saffron ten grains Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema refrigerans, or a cooling Clyster.

      Take leaves of Strawberries, Purslain, Violets and Lettice, of each half an ounce; the four greater cold Seeds, of each three drams; Damask Prunes twenty, flowers of water-Lilies, Mullein and Roses, of each a dram. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Violets three ounces, Honey of Roses an ounce, Electuary of the juyce of Roses six drams, Nitre prepared a dram. Mix them, and inject it.

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      Enema calefaciens, or a warming Clyster.

      Take roots of Elicampane and Pellitory of Spain, of each an ounce; leaves of Calamint, Mercury, Hyssop and Origanum, of each half an ounce; flowers of Chamomil, Stoechas, Rosemary and Sage, of each two drams; Agarick tyed up in a cloth, seeds of Cummin, Anise and Bishops-weed, of each a dram and a half. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Oyl of Rue three ounces, Benedicta laxativa an ounce, Sea Salt three drams, Extract of Wormwood a scruple. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema Stipticum in fluxibus Ventris, or a Clyster in Fluxes of the Belly.

      Take of dry Cheese prepared an ounce and an half, roots of Hounds-tongue, Pomegranate rind, Turkish Galls, of each an ounce. Boil them in a sufficient quantity of Stiptick Wine, and take of the clear Decoction a pound, Frankincense pulverized three drams, the Yolk of an Egg. Mix them, and give the Clyster warm.

      Enema aliud Stipticum, or another Stiptick Clyster.

      Take Oyl of St. Iohns-wort six ounces, Honey of Roses, Goats Suet and new Wax, of each three ounces. Melt them together over the fire, and make a restringent Clyster.

      Enema adstringens, or an astringent Clyster.

      Take roots of water-Acorus, Tormentil and Snakeweed, of each an ounce; leaves of Pimpernel, Ribwort and Plantane, of each half an ounce; seeds of Sorrel, Purslain and Myrtle, of each three drams; flowers of yellow Mullein, red Roses and Balaustines, of each a dram and a half. Boil them all in Milk burnt to, or in Smiths water, and take of the clear Decoction a pound, Mill-dust an ounce, Gum Arabick and Tragacanth, of each a dram. Mix them, and make a Clyster without Oyls.

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      Enema aliud adstringens, or another astringent Clyster.

      Take roots of Tapsus barbatus, Plantane and Bistort, of each an ounce; leaves of Horstail, Knotgrass and Rupturewort, of each half an ounce; Balaustines and Pomegranate peel, of each two drams; red Roses and Sumach, of each a dram. Boil them in Chalybeate or Smiths water, and take of the clear Decoction a pound, juyce of Millefoil two ounces, Goats Suet an ounce and a half, Oriental Saffron a scruple. Mix them, and make a Clyster, which give after detersive or purgative Clysters.

      Enema ad Lienteriam & Diarrhoeam.

      Take roots of Mullein, Snakeweed and Tormentil, of each an ounce; leaves of Millefoil, St. Iohns-wort and Bramble, of each half an ounce; Cyprus Nuts and Myrtle-berries, of each two drams. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction a pound; Honey of Roses an ounce; Hypocistis and Acacia, of each two drams; Laudanum a dram. Mix them, and give it Clyster-wise aft•••• Detersives by purging and astringent Medicines.

      Enema & tergens & siccans, or a drying and cleansing Clyster.

      Take whole Barley half an ounce, leaves of Wormwood and Myrtle, of each half an ounce; Lupines and Lentils, of each two drams, flowers of the lesser Centaury and red Roses, of each a dram. Boil them in Rain-water, and take of the strained Decoction a pound, Honey of Roses three ounces. Make a Clyster, and give it warm.

      Enema consolidans, or a consolidating Clyster.

      Take roots of Tapsus barbatus and great Comfry, of each a dram and a half; of the herb Plantane, Horstail and leaves of Myrtle, of each half an ounce; red Roses

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      two drams. Make a Decoction in Chalybeate or Smiths water, and take of it when strained a pound, of Goats Suet two ounces, Mill-dust a dram, Mastich half a dram. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema ad Bilem alterandum in Dysenteria, &c. or a Clyster altering Choler in a Dysentery.

      Take Barley husked and Linseed, of each two ounces; small Raisons an ounce, common Mallows and Violets, of each half an ounce. Make a Decoction, and when strained take of it a pound, Oyl of Roses three ounces, brown Sugar an ounce and a half, the Yolk of an Egg and a little Salt. Mix them, and give it for a Clyster.

      Enema dolores Dysentericos sedans, or a Clyster allaying pains in the bloody Flux.

      Take of Cows milk half a pint, Oyl of Violets three ounces, the marrow of a Stag an ounce, Mill-dust half an ounce, Tragacanth two drams, of the fish called a Pike two drams. Mix all for a Clyster, which inject warm.

      Enema aliud dolores Dysentericos sistens, or another Clyster taking away pain in the bloody Flux.

      Take Liquorish and Rice, of each an ounce; red Roses two drams, flowers of wild Poppy a dram, Oriental Saffron half a dram. Boil them in Cows milk, and take of the clear Decoction a pound, Oyl of white Lilies three ounces, Goats Suet an ounce, Mill-dust half an ounce, Olibanum two drams, Styrax Calamitis a dram. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema aliud Anodynum, or another Anodyne Clyster.

      Take Barley husked two ounces, roots of great Comfry and Linseed, of each an ounce; flowers of wild Poppy, Violets and Roses, of each a dram and a half. Make a Decoction in Milk, of which take a pound, brown Sugar an ounce, the Yolks of two Eggs, Extract of Oriental

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      Saffron a scruple, Opium Spagirically prepared ten grains. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema dolorem & ardorem leniens, or a Clyster asswaging Pain and Heat.

      Take Oyl of sweet Almonds, Oyl of Linseed exprest, of each half a pound; Mucilage of Quince seeds made with Milk four ounces. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema aliud dolores Dysentericos placans, or another Clyster asswaging pain in the bloody Flux.

      Take of the Decoction of Barley and Milk, of each half a pound; Oyl of Roses three ounces, juyce of Plantane two ounces, brown Sugar an ounce, Goats fat half an ounce, Philonium persicum a dram. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema Diureticum, or a Diuretick Clyster.

      Take roots of Liquorish, Marsh-mallows and Couchgrass, of each an ounce; the herbs Saxifrage, Pellitory of the Wall and Mallows, of each half an ounce; Raisons and Iujubes, of each three drams; of the four greater cold Seeds bruised, Winter-Cherries and seeds of Gromel, of each two drams; flowers of Chamomil, Broom and Mother of Thyme, of each a dram and a half. Boil them, and take of the clear Decoction a pound, Oyl of bitter Almonds and Oyl of Scorpions, of each an ounce and a half; Salt of Restharrow a dram and a half. Mix them, and make a Clyster to be injected.

      Enema in Calculo Renum & Visicae, or a Clyster for the Stone in the Reins and Bladder.

      Take roots of Liquorish, Marsh-mallows and common Mallows, of each an ounce; seeds of Gromel and stones of Medlars, of each half an ounce. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction ten ounces, Oyl of Violets three ounces, Cassia new drawn ten drams, Benedicta

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      laxativa half an ounce, common Salt a dram and a half. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema Calculum comminuens, or a Clyster to break the Stone.

      Take roots of Parsley, Restharrow and Marsh-mallows, of each an ounce; the herbs Pellitory of the Wall, Pauls Betony and Ground-Ivy, of each half an ounce; seeds of Burdock, common Mallows, Gromel and Saxifrage, of each two drams; Iuniper-berries and Bay-berries husked. Winter-Cherries, of each a dram and a half; flowers of Chamomil, white Lilies and Marsh-mallows, of each a dram. Make a Decoction, and of that take twelve ounces, Oyl of Scorpions simple and Violets, of each two ounces; Salt of Eryngo and Fenil, of each a dram. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema aliud in Calculo Renum & Vesicae, or another Clyster for the Stone in the Reins and Bladder.

      Take roots of Liquorish, Marsh-mallows and white Lilies, of each an ounce; the herbs Pellitory of the Wall, Flaxweed, Ground-Ivy and Pauls Betony, of each half an ounce; flowers of Marsh-mallows, Elder and Chamomil, of each two drams. Boil them, and take of the strained Decoction twelve ounces, Oyl of Mullein two ounces, Honey of Roses an ounce, Cassia new drawn six drams, Cyprus Turpentine and Benedicta laxativa, of each half an ounce; the Yolk of an Egg, Sal Nitre half a dram. Mix them for a Clyster.

      Enema aliud in eodem casu, or another in the same case.

      Take roots of Marsh and common Mallows, of each half an ounce, white Hermodactyls, Album Graecum and Ground-Ivy, of each two drams; seeds of Marsh-mallows, Gromel and Fleabane, of each a dram and a half; flowers of St. Iohns-wort, Broom, Melilot and Flaxweed, of each a dram. Boil them, and take of the Decoction

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      twelve ounces, Anodyne Oyl of the seven Flowers two ounces, Cyprus Turpentine mixed with the Yolk of an Egg an ounce, Benedicta laxativa half an ounce, Nitre prepared a dram. Mix them and make a Clyster, which I my self make use of.

      Enema mirabile in Calculo renato, or a wonderful Clyster for the Stone in the Reins.

      Take the roots of marsh and common Mallows, of each an ounce; white Hermodactyls six drams, the four emollient Herbs and Dovesfoot, of each half an ounce; seeds of Parsley, Anise, Ivy and Seseli, of each three drams; the four greater cold Seeds, of each a dram and a half; flowers of Chamomil, Broom, Marsh-mallows and Melilot, of each a dram. Boil them, and take of the Decoction twelve ounces, Oyl of Scorpions simple and Oyl of sweet Almonds, of each an ounce and a half; brown Sugar two ounces, Cyprus Turpentine washed in white Wine an ounce, Benedicta laxativa an ounce and a half, Salt of Nitre a dram. Mix them and make a Clyster, which doth use to bring away great plenty of thick gross humors.

      Enema in dolore Calculi, or a Clyster in the pain of the Stone.

      Take Album Graecum an ounce, Figs fifteen. Boil them in white Wine, and take of the Decoction twelve ounces, Oyl of bitter Almonds and Oyl of Poplar buds, of each an ounce and a half; the fat of a Duck, fresh Butter not seasoned, of each half an ounce; common Salt a dram and a half, the Yolk of an Egg. Of these make a Clyster, which works wonderfully.

      Enema ad dolorem Nephriticum, or a Clyster for the pain in the Kidneys.

      Take roots of Liquorish, Marsh-mallows, Couchgrass and Asparagus, of each an ounce; of the herb Flaxweed, Mallows and Melilot, of each half an ounce; flowers of Marsh-mallows, Chamomil, St. Iohns-wort and Broom,

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      of each a dram; seeds of Parsley, Winter-Cherries and Gromel, of each a dram and a half. Boil them, and take of the Decoction twelve ounces, Oyls of white Lilies, bitter Almonds and Scorpions, of each an ounce; clarified Honey, Benedicta laxativa and Venice Turpentine, of each half an ounce; Sal Gem a dram and a half. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema ad Scirrhum Uteri, or a Clyster for the Scirrhus of the Womb.

      Take roots of white Lilies, Marsh and common Mallows, of each an ounce; the herbs Mercury, Pellitory of the Wall and Arach, of each half an ounce; seeds of Quinces and Flax, of each two drams; flowers of Chamomil, Melilot, Mullein and Marsh mallows, of each a dram. Make a Decoction in water, and to the Decoction add fresh Butter not seasoned and Sallet Oyl, of each four ounces. Let it be often injected to the quantity of four ounces at a time.

      Enema ad Vermes in Ventriculo, or a Clyster for Worms in the Stomach.

      Take Liquorish and Barley cleansed, of each an ounce; sat Figs and Damask Prunes, of each twenty; Aniseeds a dram and a half. Boil them, and take of the Decoction half a pound, brown Sugar and the best Honey, of each an ounce and a half. Mix them, and make a Clyster without Oyl or Salt.

      Enema ad Ascarides, or a Clyster for the little Worms in the Guts.

      Take roots of round Birthwort and Gentian, of each an ounce; the herbs Wormwood, Southernwood and Carduus, of each half an ounce; Peach leaves and the tops of the lesser Centaury, of each two drams; flowers of Horehound two drams. Make a Decoction, of which take twelve ounces, of a Lixivium four ounces. Mix

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      them for a Clyster, which inject by degrees, that is, twice in the same hour.

      Enema ad evacuandum Vermes interfectos, or a Clyster to bring away Worms.

      Take Liquorish and Myrrh, of each an ounce; Sebestens twenty five. Make a Decoction, of which take a pound, brown Sugar an ounce, crude Honey six drams, the Yolk of an Egg and a little Salt. Mix them, and without Oyl make a Clyster.

      Enema in Rhagadiis, rimis, seu scissuris Ani, or a Clyster for the chops or clefts of the Fundament. Probatum.

      Take Oyl of Violets five ounces, Butter not seasoned three ounces, Mucilage of Tragacanth, seeds of Fleabane and Quinces, of each an ounce and a half; brown Sugar an ounce. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema pro Pueris, or a Clyster for Children

      Take Chamomil and Pellitory of the Wall, of each half an ounce; roots of Liquorish two drams, leaves of Sena a dram. Boil them, and take of the clear Decoction six ounces, the best Manna half an ounce, Oyl of white Lilies two drams, common Salt a scruple. Mix them, and make a Clyster.

      Enema aliud pro Infantibus, or another Clyster for Infants.

      Take of Marsh-mallow roots half an ounce, the herb Melilot two drams, flowers of Marsh-mallows and Mullein, of each a dram. Boil them, and take of the Decoction three ounces, brown Sugar half an ounce, Oyl of Chamomil a dram and a half, Calabrian Manna a dram. Mix them and make a Clyster, which give warm.


      1. Clysters are of great use, and are most noble and mild Medicines in all passions and affects of the Head.

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      2. If a Purge he given, and it should not work in two or three hours, let a moderate Clyster be applied, that it may be drawn downwards.

      3. If the Patient should not retain his Clyster long enough, let there be another presently applied; and if this should not stay with him, a third also is to be given; for the sick person is not to be constrained to keep them, but others to be again repeated.

      4. Commonly two Clysters a day may be administred, or at the most three, beyond which it is not safe to proceed, and let there be at least four hours between each of them.

      5. But if one Clyster should work well and effectually, let that one suffice.

      6. In the Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Convulsion, Palsie, &c. sharp Clysters are generally to be used; yet let not one or the other be used that may hinder.

      7. In the bloody Flux, because of Ulcers in the Bowels, Clysters are to be used warm, but not hot.

      8. In the Stone of the Reins and Bladder nothing is more excellent than Clysters for the drawing away of the superfluous humors; but the quantity of them ought to be sometimes less than usual, because repletion increaseth the pain of the Bowels. Afterward the matter being thus discharged, the parts mundified, and the pain asswaged, Diureticks may be given.

      9. If you would give Clysters for the Worms, Oyls are not to be mixed therewith; for the Worms do usually shun Oyl.

      10. If one Clyster or more should be given in a day, although compounded with the strongest Catharticks, and should have no operation, in such a case take water well impregnate with Salt, and make a Clyster which apply warm; for this never fails,

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      but returns with great plenty of the offending Excrements, and is indeed a great Secret. For example, Take warm water a pound, common Salt an ounce and a half: which being mixed and dissolved, give it for a Clyster.

      11. Whosoever is troubled with difficulty of breathing, is not to be forced to retain a Clyster.

      SECT. XXXIII. Of compound Oyls. (Book 33)

      Oleum Otalgicum, or an Oyl for the Hearing.

      TAke Roots of black Hellebore half an ounce, pulp of Coloquintida three drams, leaves of Sena and Bay-berries, of each two drams; Millepedes alive, Alipta Moschata and Cloves, of each a dram and a half; the herb Rosemary, Mouse-ear, Marjoram and Savin, of each half a handful. Boil them in Wine, and take of the strained Decoction three ounces, Oyl of bitter Almonds two ounces, Oyl of Iuniperberries and Oyl of Peter, of each half an ounce; Oyl of Pismires a dram and a half. Again boil them to the consumption of the humidity, and reserve the Oyl for use.

      Virtue and Use. It helps difficulty of Hearing, and takes away the ringing in the Ears, if a few drops of it be dropped prudently into the Ears morning and evening, or Cotton dropped therein and applied.

      Oleum Acovisticum ambratum, or an Oyl for the Hearing with Amber.

      Take Oyl of bitter Almonds four ounces, Oleum Nardinum

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      compound, Oyl of white Lilies, of each two ounces; the juyce of Origanum, Marjoram, Rue, Leeks, Radishes and Onions, of each an ounce. All being mixed, boil it to the consumption of the Juyces, and the Oyl being strained, add to it Spirit of Wine well impregnate with Millepedes, sharp Wine Vinegar, of each half an ounce; Ambergriese, flowers of Mother of Thyme, Savin-berries, Cummin seed and Mace, of each a dram; Cubebs, white Hellebore, Mastich, Ladanum and Styrax Calamitis, of each half a dram; true Castor, long Pepper, Oriental Saffron and Nitre prepared, of each a scruple. Every Medicine being pulverized by it self, and all diligently shaken together, let them be again boiled in Balneo to the consumption of all the humidity, and being cold, and the Oyl pressed and strained, mix with it Oyl of Pismires and Aniseeds, of each a dram; Gallia Moschata finely powdered a scruple. Mix them, and keep them for use.

      Virtue and Use. It is an excellent experienced Medicine against Deafness and thickness of Hearing, also for the ringing in the Ears, caused of Vapors, Humors or Wind: It also asswageth the pain of the Ears, breaks Imposthumes, and cures running Ulcers. And the use of it is thus, drop a few drops of it into the Ears morning and evening, stopping the Ears after it with muskified Cotton, and thus using it for three or four days, it performs the Cure.

      Oleum Carminativum, or a Carminative Oyl.

      Take Oyl of Cummin seed half an ounce, Oyl of Fenil seed, Aniseed and Caraway seed, of each a dram; Oyl of Dill, Oranges and Chamomil, of each half a dram. Mix them and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a true Anodyne Medicine; for it discusseth Wind, and cureth the pain of the Belly and Matrix, and all other diseases arising

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      from Wind. Sometimes also it lenifies and allays the pains of the Breast, Stomach, Spleen, Guts, Reins and Bladder. It is also a present help for flatulent and Hypochondriack Melancholy. The dose is from four drops to five in appropriate Vehicles.

      Oleum Nephriticum, or an Oyl good in the Stone.

      Take Oyl of white Amber rectified, Oyl of Turpentine and Iuniper, of each four ounces; Leaven of coarse Bread, common Salt and white Tartar, of each two ounces; water of Ground-Ivy, Parsley and Restharrow, of each three pound. Mix them, and distil them in an Alembick, afterward separate the Oyl, and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It potently breaks the Stone in the Reins and Bladder, and expels it by Urine: And moreover it allays the pains of the Colick. It roborates the Womb, and makes the Birth easie, if it be drunk in water of Vervain. And being taken in Teil-tree-flower-water, it helps in diseases of the Head and Nerves, as the Falling-sickness, Stupefaction, &c. and the Nostrils anointed with it, preserves from all Poison and pestilential Air. The dose is from five drops to six in specisick Vehicles.

      Oleum septem Florum, or an Oyl of the seven Flowers.

      It is prepared of Oyl Olive by many repeated Infusions of the flowers of Violets, Elder, Roses, Chamomil, white Lilies, Mullein and red Marsh-mallows. Let the flowers be infused apart in Oyl, every sort in its season, so that they may be fresh, let them digest in the Sun, and after due maceration let every sort by themselves be strongly pressed, and this labour with other fresh flowers is often to be repeated, &c. And at last you shall have a true Balsamick and

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      Anodyne Oyl appropriate to all pains, as well cold as hot, and this Oyl keep for use.

      Virtue and Use. It is truly Anodyne, and mitigates the pains of the Head and Cephalalgia; and being laid to the Forehead and Temples of those in a Phrensie and watching, induceth sleep. It easeth the distension of the Hypochonders, and allays the pains of the Thorax, Ventricle, Colon, Womb, and nervous parts. It is a present remedy for Pleuritick, Consumptive and Hectical persons, and soon allays the intolerable heat of burning Feavers, and the immoderate heat of the Liver and Reins. In short, it extinguisheth all intemperate heat. It mollifies the hardness of the Womb, and composeth many other accidents of those parts. It ripens all hot Tumors, and discusseth Lassitudes. It is also effectually used with the White of an Egg, or the Mucilage of Quince seeds for Burns and Scalds. Lastly, given in Clysters, it allayeth the pain of the Belly, moves to stool, and carries off serous Excrements.

      Oleum Sabinae Crocinum, or Oyl of Savin with Saffron.

      Take distilled Oyl of Savin four ounces, Oyl of Oriental Saffron three drams. Mix them, and put to it two ounces of rectified Spirit of Wine impregnate with Mugwort, lesser Centaury and Cinamon. Boil it to the consumption of the Spirit, then separate the Oyl and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It is approved in moving the Courses in Women. The dose is morning and evening from five drops to six or seven in water of Mugwort or Pennyroyal. Also in Malmsey, or other generous strong Wine, or in our Decoction against the Terms suppressed, it is profitably given: But is most usually given at the time when the Courses

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      use to come down, that Nature assisting, the Medicine may work with more force and efficacy.

      Oleum Balsami, or the Oyl of Balsam.

      Take Sallet Oyl a pound, Oyl of St. Iohns-wort and Bay-berries, of each an ounce; Oyl of Iuniper-berries and Peter, of each half an ounce; Oyl of Rhodium and Spike, of each two drams; Oyl of Angelica seeds and Aniseeds, of each a dram; Cyprus Turpentine washed in Violet water half a pound. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of Roots of Alkanet, make according to Art an Oyl or red Balsam.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It heats, opens, discusseth, attenuates and penetrates. Hence it helps in all cold distempers, and dissipates wind wonderfully. It is of excellent use in the Palsie, the Original of the Nerves being anointed with it. It cures deafness, singing, and pain of the Ears, coming of a cold Cause. The Spine of the Back being anointed with it, it takes away the pain and shivering cold of the Reins in Agues. It drives away Feavers, resists Putrefaction and the Plague. It breaks the Stone and expels it. It provokes Sweat, and is an excellent Remedy used internally and externally in the Convulsions, Colick, Dropsie, Tympany, Contractures, Suffocation of the Matrix, debility of the Stomach, &c. The dose is from a scruple to a dram in Vehicles respecting the disease.

      Oleum Formicarum, or Oyl of Pi••••ures.

      Take Pismires alive and seeds of Rocket, of each what quantity you please. Mix them and bruise them, and make as it were a Paste: Put this into a Glass, and expose it so long to the Sun and Air, till it becomes Oyl, which separate by expression, and keep for use for our Venereal Balsam.

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      Virtue and Use. If the soles of the Feet, Privy parts, and Perinaeum be anointed with this Oyl, it wonderfully raiseth and revives those who are stupefied and benum'd, and is good in other such kind of cases.

      Oleum Lignorum, or Oyl of Woods.

      Take Lignum sanctum three pound, Sassafras and Rhodium, of each eight ounces. Mix and distil them according to Art, and you shall have an Oyl and Spirit, which often rectifie apart, and keep them for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This Spirit hath a Diaphoretick force, and expels by Sweat whatsoever is noxious to the body. The dose is from half a dram to a dram in specifick Vehicles; but the Oyl is experimentally found good in a Gonorrhoea, and doth powerfully resist Contagion and Putrefaction: and for that reason is of great use in the French Pox, for pocky Ulcers, Pustles, Crusts, Tetters and Scabs, by anointing them with Oyl only, are cured. The dose internally is from three drops to six in some convenient and appropriate Liquor.

      SECT. XXXIV. Of Balsams and odoriferous Medicines. (Book 34)

      Balsamum Polychrestum.

      TAke Sallet Oyl a pound, Oyl of St. Iohns-wort and Bays, of each an ounce; Oyl of white Amber rectified, of Iuniper-berries and Peter, of each half an ounce; Oyl of Spike two drams, Oyl of Nutmegs, Oranges and Rosemary, of each a dram; Oyl of Chamomil and Cummin, of each half a dram. Mix

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      them, and add a pound of well rectified Spirit of Wine, in which for eight days, Frankincense, Mastich, Benjamin, Styrax Calamitis, Mumy, Cochinel, flowers of lesser Centaury, great Comfry, Roses and Violets; also the Roots of Alkanet have been all infused. Then add Cyprus Turpentine well washed in Rose-water half a pound, our Balsam of Sulphur with Aniseeds six drams. Again carefully mix them, and let them stand either in a Furnace or the Sun, often stirring them for fourteen days; afterwards abstract the Spirit of Wine by a gentle heat in Balneo, and in the bottom will remain a most red Balsam, to be reserved for publick and common use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This noble Balsam is very effectual as well internally as externally used; it is thin in substance, because of penetration, by which means it refresheth all the Members; for it drys, attenuates, opens, discusseth, and heats. It wonderfully assists in all cold Destillations of the Head, but doth principally relieve those troubled with the Apoplexy, Epilepsie, Vertigo, and loss of Memory, if the Coronal Suture, the Nostrils, Temples, hinderpart of the Head, Crown, &c. are frequently anointed therewith. It is happily given in the ringing of the Ears, caused by thick Vapors, dulness of Sense proceeding from cold and frigid Humors. It doth to a Miracle cure all the cold punctures and pains of the Brain, Breast, Liver, Spleen, Womb, and all the Nerves and Joynts, and all other nervous parts. It is of good use in the extensions of the Hypochondres, and dissipates and discusseth the Scirrhus and hard Tumors there, and produceth a good Colour. It is a Scret in the Palsie, Convulsions, Hip-gout, &c. It purgeth the Lungs of thick and viscid humors, and roborates the Stomach, if it be

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      anointed therewith. It helps shortness of Breath, and potently dissipates internal Wind. It is an Arcanum in the Colick, if the Navil is but anointed therewith, and at the same time taken inwardly. It dissolves coagulated Blood, the part being anointed, and at the same time taken inwardly to procure Sweat. It being taken in Parsley water, or any other convenient Liquor, and at the same time the Region of the Reins and Bladder anointed therewith, expels the Stone, and other impurities in the Urinary passage, and also provokes Lust and causeth erection. It helps the Suffocation of the Womb, and the parts being anointed, brings away the Child from the Womb. In Quartans and other Agues and Feavers, if it be applied warm from the Nape of the Neck down to the Hips, and rubbed in before a good fire a little before the Fit comes, it mitigates and takes away with the using the cold pain and shiverings of the Back and Shoulders, and drives away the Feaver. Lastly, it preserves the whole body, and defends it from Putrefaction, Poison, and all pestilential Air. The dose internally is from a scruple to half a dram or a dram in specifick and appropriate Vehicles.

      Balsamum Apoplecticum, or a Balsam for the Apoplexy.

      Take Oyl of Nutmegs an ounce, Oyl of white Amber rectified half a dram, true Oyl of Roses and Cinamon, of each a scruple; Oyl of Lavender and Marjoram, of each fifteen grains; Oyl of Benjamin and Rue, of each ten grains; Oyl of Cloves and Citrons, of each four grains. Having mixed them well, add thereto Ambergriese a dram and a half, true Civet four scruples, the best Musk a dram. Mix them faith••••lly, and make a Balsam of a just consistence according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. There is scarcely to be found in the

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      whole Republick of Physick an Apoplectick Balsam, which is more illustrious in Fame, more noble in Virtue, more worthy in Honour, more ready for Help, and more fragrant in Smell, than this is: For by anointing the top of the Head, the Nostrils and Pulses therewith, it doth miraculously raise the vital, animal and natural Spirits, and most sweetly refresh them.

      Balsamum Hypnoticum, or a Balsam to procure Sleep.

      Take Oyl of Nutmegs exprest five drams, vulgar Oyl of Roses, Violets and water-Lily, of each two drams; Oyl of Henbane seeds exprest, and of white Poppy seeds exprest, Oyl of Bricks and Benjamin, of each a dram. Mix them faithfully, and then add these following: Unguentum Populeon an ounce, a Stags marrow three drams, Opium dissolved in Spirit of Wine, Extract of Oriental Saffron, of each a dram; Amber and Musk and true Oyl of Roses, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make a Balsam according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. By anointing the Nose, and Pulses of the Temple and Arms, and if need be, the Ears and soles of the Feet with it, it sweetly produceth sleep, and mitigateth the pains of the Head.

      Balsamum Memoriae, or a Balsam for the Memory.

      Take Oyl of Nuts exprest half an ounce, oyl of Bricks and Castor, of each three drams; oyl of Myrrh and Frankincense, of each a dram; oyl of Lavender, Rosemary, Marjoram and Rue, of each a scruple; oyl of Cloves, white Amber, Cinamon and Benjamin, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with the Caput mortuum of exprest Oyl of Nutmegs make a Balsam of a just consistence, to which add true Gallia Moschata two scruples. Again mix them, and keep it for use.

      Virtue and Use. It is a great Secret in recovering the Memory lost, or to comfort and conserve it: But

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      it is hurtful in Womens Hysterical distempers, and therefore the Gallia Moschata may be omitted, or to suppress the odor of it, the weight of Oyl of white Amber may be increased. The use of it is thus, anoint the hinder-part of the Head therewith morning and evening.

      Balsamum Odontalgicum, or a Balsam for the Tooth-ach.

      Take the Oyls of Origanum, Cloves and Camphire, of each two drams; Opium Spagirically prepared, flowers of Nitre, of each a dram; species Diambrae and red Sanders, of each half a dram. Mix them, and with the Caput mortuum of exprest Oyl of Nutmegs, or in defect of this, white Wax half an ounce, make a Balsam according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It is effectual in the Tooth-ach of what cause soever, but especially cold. A little Lint or Cotton wet in it, and the Tooth stopped therewith, doth immediately take away the pain, if the Tooth be hollow. Moreover it kills Worms, and brings away humors plentifully by the Mouth.

      Balsamum Puerorum dentientium, or a Balsam for Children breeding Teeth.

      Take May Butter not salted three ounces, sat of a Hen and a Duck, of each two drams; flowers of wild Poppies a dram. Boil them in Juyce of living Crabs bruised and with water of Blue-bottles and Extract of roots of Marsh-mallows, of each two ounces. Let them boil to the consumption of the Juyces; then being prest, add white Sugar Candy four ounces, Gallia Moschata vera a scruple, the Yolk of one Egg. Mix them, and make a Balsam according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. Infants in breeding their Teeth, are often in danger of their life, because of the hardness of the Gums, by reason of the great pain that

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      attends it; but the use of this Balsam doth so rarifie and mollifie the Gums, that it removes all fear of danger, and makes them breed their Teeth easily, if the Gums be frequently anointed therewith.

      Balsamum Paralyticum, or a Balsam for the Palsie.

      Take Oyl of Galbanum distilled with Spirit of Turpentine, oyl of Amber rectified, of each an ounce; oyl of Rosemary and Angelica, of each a dram; oyl of Chamomil, Cloves and Sage, of each half a dram; oyl of Lavender a scruple. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of exprest Oyl of Nutmegs make a Balsam or soft Liniment of a just consistence, to which for the Rich you may add Troches of Gallia Moschata a scruple.

      Virtue and Use. This Balsam applied to the Nape of the Neck and Brain, as to the Original of all the Nerves, also to the paralytick Member, doth wonderfully help and relieve the part afflicted with the Palsie, because it penetrates and roborates all the Nerves, which in this disease is most requisite.

      Balsamum Spasmaticum.

      Take the fat of an Eel an ounce, oyl of Galbanum distilled with Spirit of Turpentine half an ounce, oyl of Earth-worms and white Lilies, of each three drams; oyl of white Amber rectified, of Rosemary and Angelica, of each a dram and a half; oyl of Iuniper-berries, Chamomil, Origanum and Bays, of each a dram; oyl of Cloves, Lavender, Sage and Rue, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with Oyl of Nutmegs exprest and white Wax, of each a sufficient quantity make it into a Balsam according to Art.

      Virtue, and Use. This Balsam challengeth the first place in the Cure of Convulsions (which Disease usually proceeds from the repletion of cold humors in the Nerves) Universals being premised, and the

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      body duly cleansed, it cures the Members convulsed and infested with trembling, by penetrating the Nerves; nay, and it stops the convulsive motion also. And in the use of it observe, That the Unction be not applied to the part affected only, but from the Neck down to the last Vertebrae of the Back twice or thrice a day. In the mean time let the Patient take care that he takes not cold, lest a cold and moist humor should fall upon the part affected. Let him or her also shun windy Diet, Gluttony, Crudity and Lechery.

      Balsamum Stomachicum, or a Balsam for the Stomach.

      Take Oyl of Nutmegs by expression two ounces and a half, oyl of water-Mints half an ounce, oyl of Oranges, Cloves and Mace, of each a dram; oyl of Rosemary, Lavender, Wormwood, Cummin and Dill, of each half a dram. Mix them, to which mixture, if you please, add, to contemperate the heat of it, vulgar Oyl of red Roses and white Wax a sufficient quantity, to make a Balsam according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It is good for a cold Stomach when digestion is hurt by wind and flatulencies; it also corrects the acid and nauseous belchings of the Stomach. It stays flegmatick Vomiting, and discusseth the wind that offends the Guts. The Stomach is to be anointed therewith twice a day, that is, morning and evening when digestion is finished.

      Balsamum Aromaticum, or an Aromatick Balsam.

      Take common oyls of Wormwood, of Nard compound, of water-Mints and Mastich, of each two ounces; oyl of Nutmegs by expression six drams, distilled Oyl of Cloves and Calamus aromaticus, of each a dram; oyls of Rosemary, Lavender, Oranges, Benjamin and Cummin, of each a scraple. Let them be diligently and faithfully

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      mixed, and then add Species Diatrion Pipereon, Gum Tacamahacca, of each two drams, Gallia Moschata ten grains. And with a sufficient quantity of the Caput mortuum of the Oyl of Nutmegs by expression make a Balsam according to Art.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It warms a cold Stomach, helps Digestion, dissipates Wind, &c. The dose at once is the quantity of a Hazel-nut, and after unction a double warm Cloth to be laid upon the place.

      Balsamum Absinthiacum, or a Balsam with Oyl of Wormwood.

      Take Oyl of Nutmegs by expression two ounces, common oyl of Wormwood and compound oyl of Nard, of each an ounce; oyl of Mastich half an ounce, distilled oyl of Wormwood a dram, oyl of water-Mints and Thyme, of each a dram; oyl of Cloves and Mace, of each a dram. Mix them, and make a Balsam of a just consistence.

      Virtue and Use. The Stomach anointed therewith wonderfully helps the coldness of it, strengthens digestion and retention, and stirs up an Appetite to eat, it also dissipates wind. It is also very profitably used for the pains in the Guts, Stomach, Colick, bloody Flux. It also helps the cold affects of the Brain and Nerves.

      Balsamum Sulphuris Anisatum, or a Balsam of Sulphur with Oyl of Aniseeds.

      Take Oyl of Aniseeds six ounces, flower of Sulphur àn ounce. Mix them, and digest them in a Glass so long, till the Oyl of Aniseeds hath perfectly extracted the Tincture of the Sulphur, then pour off the red Oyl, filter it and keep it for use.

      Virtue, Use, and Dose. This is a perfect Balsam heating, drying and preserving from putrefaction, in which are all the virtues of the natural Balsam, and its greatest conservative virtue. It is of admirable

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      use in all pectoral Catarrhs, Coughs, Asthma's, Phthisicks, Pleurisie, Colick, Plague, Feavers, Epidemical diseases, Epilepsie, French Pox; yea in all Imposthumes and Putrefactions of the whole body, &c. The dose is from three drops to five or six in specifick and appropriate Vehicles.

      Balsamum Zibethae, or a Balsam of Civet.

      Take Oyl of Nutmegs by expression an ounce, true Civet half an ounce. These being well and faithfully mixed, add distilled oyl of Sope rectified, our Carminative oyl, oyl of Wax rectified, of each a dram; oyl of Cloves and Mace, of each half a dram; Amber and Musk, of each a scruple. Again mix them, and make a Balsam according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. By anointing the Navel with this Balsam, it doth not only allay the intolerable pains of the Colick, but also discusseth and resolves the malignant, crude, Nitrous and vicious humors. In Coition also it affords great pleasure to Women, if the Glans is but anointed with it. Also in the Suffocation of the Womb, if the Husband do but anoint himself in the aforesaid manner, and cohabit with his Wife, it is a most excellent and present Remedy; for the Matrix immediately descends. It would also be better, if at the same time some fetid thing were applied to the Nostrils, such as Castor or Assa foetida.

      Balsamum Terebinthinae, or a Balsam of Turpentine.

      Take of that bright red Powder made by evaporation from oyl of Turpentine what quantity you please. Pulverize it well, and extract a Tincture according to Art in the best Spirit of Wine, digest the tinged Spirit for fourteen days; afterwards again abstract it by the gentle heat of Balneo to the mediety, or till the oiliness appears, which after due filtration keep for use.

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      Virtue, Use, and Dose. It potently expels the stones of the Reins and Bladder, mitigates the pains of those parts, and cures the Gonorrhoea. The dose is from five to seven drops or half a scruple in some convenient Vehicles. Also externally used to the Region of the Reins by unction, doth wonderfully relieve the Patient troubled with the Stone in the Kidneys.

      Balsamum Medicamentosum, or a Medicinal Balsam.

      Take Tincture of Roses extracted with water of Lapis medicamentosus, Virgin Honey, of each four ounces; burnt Alum an ounce, the sweet Earth of Vitriol and Gum Lacca, of each three drams. Boil them to the consistence of a Balsam, then add red Coral prepared, Dragons blood, of each two drams; Sarcocol, red Myrrh and Mastich, of each a dram; oyl of Rhodium, Nutmegs and Savin, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make them into a Balsam of a just consistence.

      Virtue and Use. It is of good use to the Gums when they are putrid, swelled, over-grown and black; for it preserves them from putrefaction and cures them. Moreover it fastens loose Teeth, and covers them with new flesh, and amends other vices of the Mouth. It perfectly and suddenly heals the Cancer, Noli me tangere, Scurvy, Imposthume, Ulcers, Corrosion, &c. and takes away all impurities of the Gums. Use it morning and evening, or often in the day by rubbing the part affected, and let the Mouth be washed with Sage water or any other appropriate Liquor.

      Balsamum Stipticum, or a Stiptick Balsam.

      Take of our Stiptick Plaster four ounces, oyl of the Yolks of Eggs so much as is sufficient to make it into a Balsam, to which add Oyl of Cloves, Nutmegs and Sage, of each a scruple. Mix them, and keep it for use.

      Virtue and Use. It roborates the Stomach, and

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      strengthens the whole lower Belly anointed therewith, it helps Digestion, stays Vomiting, cures the disease Cholera, Lientery, Diarrhoea and bloody Flux. It also strengthens the Womb, restrains the Courses when immoderate, prevents Abortion, and roborates the Reins.

      Balsamum Venereum, or a Venereal Balsam.

      Take roots of Pellitory of Spain and Euphorbium, of each an ounce; Cantharides half an ounce. Boil them in two pound of Malmsey Wine to the consumption of half, and to the strained Decoction add Sallet Oyl four ounces. Again boil it till the humidity be consumed, and to the remaining Oyl add Oyl of Nutmegs exprest an ounce, of our oyl of Pismires half an ounce, oyl of Indian Nuts and Castor, of each a dram and a half; Oleum Moschatellinum, oyl of Cloves, Mace and Spike, of each a dram; pure and true Civet, the best Musk, of each a scruple. Mix them, and with the Caput mortuum of Oyl of Nutmegs exprest, or in defect thereof a sufficient quantity of white Wax, make a Balsam of a just consistence.

      Virtue and Use. If the Yard and parts adjacent, to wit, the Region between the Anus and the Scrotum where the body of the Yard lies, also the great Toe of the right Foot are bathed with this Balsam, it provokes Lust. It is an excellent enticement of the Womb, and causeth a wonderful erection by stimulating the parts, and that constantly, neither doth it suffer erection to cease; but when you are willing it should cease; wash the parts which were before anointed.

      Balsamum Uterinum, or a Balsam for the Womb.

      Take May Butter without salt an ounce, oyl of English Tin, oyl of yellow Amber and Turpentine, of each a dram and a half; Gum Tacamahacca, Assa foetida,

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      Galbanum and Savin, of each a dam; true Castor half a dram, Goats Suet a sufficient quantity to make all into the consistence of a Balsam.

      Virtue and Use. If the Navil be anointed with this Balsam warm, and a piece of Walnut-tree rind laid thereon, it mitigates all the pains of the Womb, and brings it into its proper place; but let the Woman abstain from sweet things, and instead thereof anoint her Nostrils and Breast with Oyl of white Amber and Oyl of Castor.

      Balsamum Podagricum, or a Balsam for the Gout.

      Take juyces of Housleek, Rosemary, Gourd, Tabaco, Henbane, Germander and Vervain, of each six ounces; Vitriol calcined till it be yellow, white Tartar, Sea-salt calcined, of each three ounces; the Fat of a wild Cat, of a Goose and Fox, the Marrow of a Stag, of each an ounce and a half; oyl of Turpentine, Bricks, Iuniper and Sope, of each an ounce; oyl of the lower Iaw-bone of a Horse, oyl of Saturn and Spike, of each a dram; Gum Ammoniack, Opopanax, Sagapen, Mastich, Olibanum and Foreign Mumy, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and boil them to the consumption of the humidity, and reserve all the fatty part for use.

      Virtue and Use. Bathe the parts grieved with this Balsam warm morning and evening, and lay Linen Cloaths upon the part affected after bathing, and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 doth to a miracle allay the pains of the Gout; for it doth quickly, by altering and penetrating, dissolve the tartarous and knotty Concretions, and takes away at once almost all gouty and cramp-like pains proceeding from a cold Cause.

      Balsamum Saponis, or a Balsam of Sope.

      Take Venice Sope dissolved in juyce of Lemmons a pound, white Virgin Honey four ounces; Mercurial Cosmetick, white Sugar Candy and roots of Florentine Flowerde

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      luce, of each an ounce; Salt of white Tartar, white Sperma Ceti, Alum saccharated, Venetian Borax, of each half an ounce; odoriferous Balsam of P•••••••• two drams, Gallia Moschata a dram, oyl of Rhodiu•••• ••••••amon, Cloves and Lavender, of each a scruple. Mix them, and make of all a Mixture like Balsam.

      Virtue and Use. Use it in washing and rubbing the Hands, which it makes white as Snow, and renders the Skin neat and soft.

      SECT. XXXV. Of Oyntments. (Book 35)

      Unguentum Paralyticum, or an Oyntment for the Palsie.

      TAke Oyl of Amber rectified, oyl of Bricks, of each an ounce and a half; oyl of Iuniper, Templinum and Turpentine, of each an ounce; oyl of Bays, Peter and Spike, of each half an ounce; oyl of Castor and Pepper, of each two drams. All being mixed, pour upon it four ounces of our Paralytick Spirit, ••••d boil it to the consumption of the Spirit; afterward add Alum prepared an ounce, distilled oyl of Rosemary, Nutmegs, Cloves, Origanum, Wormwood, Lavender, Angelica and Sage, of each a dram. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of yellow Wax make an Oyntment according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It powerfully restores paralytick Members, and by digestion consumes the peccant matter sticking to the Nerves, Muscles and Tendons: it comforts the nervous parts with heat, and restores

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      them to their pristine motion, and is of good use in the Gout proceeding of a cold Cause; and in the Hip-gout, called the Sciatica, it is most excellent. Let the Patient be anointed morning and evening in a warm place, universal Medicines being before used.

      Unguentum Ophthalmicum, or an Oyntment for the Eyes.

      Take May Butter not salted, and washed in Eyebright water four ounces, true Dragons blood finely powdered half an ounce, white Sugar Candy and Tutty prepared, of each two drams; Pearls prepared and Sarcocol, of each half a dram; Camphire ten grains, Opium Spagirically prepared four grains. Mix them, and make an Oyntment according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. If a little of this Oyntment (universal Medicines being premised) be applied to the corners of the Eyes and to the edges of the Eyebrows, it takes away all defluxions of Rheum, by temperating the heat, allaying the pain, removing the redness, mitigating the sharpness, and stopping and drying the Rheum, and it also wonderfully strengthens the Eyes.

      Unguentum Pectorale, or a Pectoral Oyntment.

      Take Oyl of Pistick Nuts exprest, oyl of Pine-nuts exprest, and oyl of sweet Almonds, of each an ounce and a half; May Butter unsalted, Capons grease and Goats Suet, of each an ounce. These being mixed, add to it three ounces of our Pectoral water, and boil them together to the consumption of the water, then add Essence of Oriental Saffron two drams, distilled oyl of Chamomil, oyl of Fenil, Mace, Dill and Aniseeds, of each a dram. Mix them, and with white Wax make an Unguent according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It is properly applied to the pains of the Breast, for by anointing it therewith, it dissolves

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      flegm in it, and heals all imperfections there, it warms, moistens and mollifies, &c. Use it morning and evening before a gentle fire.

      Unguentum Pleuriticum, or an Unguent for the Pleurisie.

      Take the Fat of Field-Mice four ounces, May Butter without salt two ounces, oyl of Walnuts, sweet Almonds, of Poppy by expression, and oyl of Bays, of each an ounce; juyce of wild Poppy flowers six ounces. Mix them, and boil all to the consumption of the Juyce; afterward add Oyl of distilled Chamomil and Dill, of each a dram and a half; oyl of Bricks and Cummin seed, of each a dram. Again mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of white Wax make an Unguent.

      Virtue and Use. After the beginning of its violence, and in allaying the pain of the Pleurisie, and dissolving the Imposthume, this Unguent is of wonderful use, which is applied to the part grieved, not ceasing from anointing till the pain desists: And know for your credit, that this Remedy is effectually prevalent, used to any other strong pain in the whole body, to the great profit of the Patient. Note, That Plasters and Unguents in all Pectoral diseases, ought to be laid upon the Breast before, and upon the Back behind; but in the Pleurisie they must be applied more upon the Sides.

      Unguentum Anodynum, or an Anodyne Oyntment.

      Take our Anodyne oyl of the seven Flowers six ounces, oyl of sweet Almonds, oyl of Henbane and Poppy exprest, oyl of Earth-worms and St. Iohns-wort, of each an ounce; Fat of a Goose and wild Cat, of each six drams; juyce of Tabaco depurated, juyce of Germander and Vervain, of each four ounces. Mix all, and boil them to the consumption of the Juyces, afterward

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      with a sufficient quantity of white Wax, make an Oyntment according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It mitigates pain in any part of the body, from whence indeed it hath its name: But in a case where excessive cold is the cause, add to two ounces of the Oyntment. Oyl of Peter, Juniper and Bricks, of each a scruple, and mix them for use.

      Unguentum Spleneticum, or an Oyntment for the Spleen.

      Take Oyl of Capers three ounces, oyl of Rocket seeds exprest, of Nigella exprest, of Hemp exprest, of sweet Almonds, of each an ounce; oyl of Iuniper half an ounce. All being mixed, pour upon them four ounces of Juyce of Harts-tongue exprest, and boil them to the consumption of the Juyce; then add distilled Oyl of Mastich, Cummin and Myrrh, of each a dram; oyl of Ammoniacum, Chamomil and Wormwood, of each half a dam; Extract of Saffron two scruples. Again mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of white Wax, make an Oyntment.

      Virtue and Use. The Region of the Spleen being bathed with this Oyntment before a fire, opens and comforts it, and preserves it from scirrhous Tumors; it also easeth the pains, and discusseth the flatulency thereof.

      Unguentum Spasmaticum, or an Unguent for Convulsions.

      Take Oyl of Snails distilled per descensum, oyl of Earthworms and Sesamus, of each an ounce and a half; the Fat of a gelded Ram, Hedge hog and Fox, of each an ounce; May Butter without salt, Stags marrow, of each half an ounce; Spirit of Iuniper three ounces. Mix them, and boil them to the consumption of the Spirit; then add distilled oyl of white Amber three dras, oyl of Chamomil and Bays, of each a dram and a half;

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      oyl of Rosemary and Sage, of each a dram. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of white Wax, make an Oyntment.

      Virtue and Use. It is chiefly useful in Convulsions, after due Evacuation; for it being applied to the grieved part, and the Nerves with their Originals being anointed, doth mollifie, resolve and refresh the Nerves, &c. Let the part grieved be anointed morning and evening warm, and you will quickly find ease.

      Unguentum Renale, or an Unguent for the Reins.

      Take our Anodyne oyl of the seven Flowers four ounces, oyl of white Poppy seeds exprest two ounces, Oyntment of fresh Roses and Populeon, of each an ounce; Capons grease and the marrow of a Stag, of each half an ounce; red Sanders and Nitre prepared, of each two drams; juyce of the flowers of red Marsh-mallows six ounces. Mix these, and boil them to the consumption of the Juyces, after with yellow Wax make an Oyntment.

      Virtue and Use. It hath an excellent faculty in cooling and moistning; for wheresoever there is need of humectation and refrigeration, this may safely be used. But first the Back, Loins, &c. anointed with it, cures all heat, inflammation of the Reins, and Stone, nay, it allays and mitigates pain coming of a hot Cause in any part of the body.

      Unguentum Nephriticum.

      Take simple oyl of Scorpions six ounces, oyl of flowers of Mullein, Chamomil, Poplar and Dill, of each an ounce; oyl of Cherry kernels exprest and bitter Almonds, of each an ounce and a half; fat of a Hen, Goose and Duck, of each six drams; Butter made red with Crabs, Oyntment of Marsh-mallows, of each two ounces; Balsam of Turpentine three drams, juyce of Pellitory of the Wall exprest a pound. Mix them, and boil it to the

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      consumption of the Juyce, and then with Wax make an Oyntment.

      Virtue and Use. Let the Reins, Loins, and Back downwards as far as the Privy parts, be often in the day anointed with this Unguent; for being so anointed, it wonderfully dilates and opens the passages, that the stones and sand may pass downward with the more ease. It lenifies the pains in the Kidneys, relaxeth the Ureters, and makes the stone and tartarous matter soft.

      Unguentum ad Ambusta, or an Oyntment for Burns.

      Take Whites of Eggs two parts, Sallet oyl one part. Let them be wrought diligently together and exactly mixed, that they may be made into a white Oyntment.

      Virtue and Use. This Liniment is of most excellent use, although it seems to be but of little worth or esteem; yet I tell you, That there hath not been found hitherto a more secret and present Remedy for all Burns than this is: For it quickly, safely and perfectly takes out the fire, lenifies and stops the pain, and cures all Ulcers by fire, let them be made of what matter they will, and leaves no Scar behind it, so that it may be deservedly reckoned among the domestick Arcana's, and communicated to Posterity. And this is the way of using it: Let the Patient anoint it often in the day with a black Hens feather, till the Crust falls off, and the part be perfectly restored (but let no other external Applications or Ligatures, &c. be used.)

      Unguentum de Calce viva, or an Unguent of quick Lime.

      Take quick Lime four ounces, Auripigmentum an ounce and a half, roots of Florentine Flower-de-luce an

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      ounce, yellow Sulphur and Nitre, of each half an ounce; of the strong Stiptick Lixivium of Beans two pound. Mix them, and boil them in a glazed Pot to a just consistence, which you may thus know: If a Feather be smeared therewith, and it easily sheds its doune, then add Oyl of Spike half an ounce, or any other odoriferous Oyl, and so make an Unguent or Pultis.

      Virtue and Use. The Hair in any part of the body being anointed with this Unguent, doth in a wonderful manner soon fall off, and then the bare place must be anointed with Oyntment of Roses.

      Unguentum de Rapis, or an Oyntment of Turneps.

      Take Hogs Lard two ounces, oyl of Chamomil, Roses and Violets, of each an ounce; oyl of Wheat exprest, oyl of Urine, of each half an ounce; Mans Grease and Deers Suet, of each three drams; Ashes of River Crabs, Olibanum, of each two drams; Mucilage of Marsh-mallow roots, of Linseed and Foenugreek seed, of each six drams; juyce of Turneps exprest eight ounces. Mix all, and boil them to the consumption of the Juyce, and with yellow Wax make an Unguent, and toward the end mix with it the Yolks of four Eggs.

      Virtue and Use. It cures Fissures, Ulcers and Imposthumes on the Hands, Feet and other Members which are caused by Cold, &c. and the part affected is to be anointed twice or thrice a day till it be healed.

      Unguentem Medicamentosum, or a Medicinal Oyntment.

      Take old Hogs grease a pound, white Turpentine six ounces, Lapis medicamentosus and white Tartar, of each an ounce and a half; crude yellow Sulphur, white Lead washed, Litharge, red Lead, of each an ounce; both sorts of Hellebore, long Pepper, Tutty prepared, Pompholix, of each half an ounce. Being mixed, add the depurated

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      Juyces of Dock roots, Pilewrt, the herb Fumitory, Scabious, the inner bark of Elder, of Lemmons, of each four ounces: boil them to the consumption of the Juyces; and then add liquid Styrax, counterfeit Cinnabar, of each an ounce and a half; oyls of Bays, Iuniper and Eggs, of each an ounce; sublimate Mercury three drams. Mix them, and make an Unguent for use.

      Virtue and Use. It heals the Scabs of the Hands and whole Body: It also cures running Sores, Tetters, Itch, Elephantiasis, sore Heads, and Alopecia; it also takes away the Scurff and Scabs of the Head. Let the parts be anointed every morning; but the disease declining, it may be done once in two or three days. But use not the Oyntment before the body hath been duly purged, because by anointing the parts the Pores are contracted and shut, and the respiration of the evil humors hindred, by which means they putrifie within, from whence Feavers and Imposthumes are often produced.

      Unguentum de Sevo hircino, or an Unguent of Goats Suet.

      Take Goats Suet an ounce, oyl of Eggs, sweet Almonds, Henbane seeds exprest, and oyl of Poppy, of each half an ounce; Duck, Hen and Goose grease, of each three drams; Litharge of Silver prepared, white Lead washed, Tutty prepared, red Lead, of each a dram and a half; Pompholix, burnt Alum, white Sugar Candy and Olibanum, of each a dram; Oriental Saffron a scruple, Camphire, Opium prepared, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with white Wax make an Oyntment.

      Virtue and Use. It heals without trouble Fissures, Clefts and Chops in the Hands, Feet, Breech, Breasts and Privy parts of Women, on the Prepuce in men, on the Eye-brows, Nose, Ears, or any where else,

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      caused from cold, heat, and driness, salt, sharp or cholerick humors.

      Unguentum Mobile.

      Take Gum Galbanum, Opopanax and Ammoniacum, of each an ounce. Dissolve them in Wine Vinegar, then let them be strained and well prest, separate them from the Vinegar, and being separated, add of Mans grease, of Dogs, Stags and Bears grease, of each half an ounce. Mix them and put them into a Cucurbit, adding to them Oyl of Turpentine and Bays, of each half an ounce; oyl of Harts-horn two drams, oyl of Sulphur prepared with half so much oyl of Walnut, oyl of sweet Antimony distilled from the Emetick powder by a Retort, oyl of Vitriol edulcorated with flakes of Iron, oyl of Saturn, of each a dram. Again mix them, and let them digest in the Sun or other warm place for certain days, stirring them daily with a wooden Spatula, and so you will have a most precious Oyntment, with which Paracelsus cured as well inveterate as recent Ulcers in a few days.

      Virtue and Use. It cures all inveterate, putrid and rotten Sores; also Wounds, Venereal Ulcers, Pimples, &c. the Wolf, Cancer and Gout. It also heals all Amputations, and bruised Muscles and Members, &c. It doth well in the Leucophlegmatica in the Head, the hair being shaved off, and this applied to the part affected. In Ruptures and other old affects of the Groyn it gives present ease: and that I may speak all in short, the virtue of this Unguent cannot be expressed in a few words. Let it be used either with the Feather of a black Hen, or with Stuphs, applying after it a Plaster of Sticticum or Diasulphuris.

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      Unguentum Carminativum, or a Carminative Oyntment.

      Take Elder flowers two pound, May Butter without salt a pound, juyce of Chamomil exprest with Wine half a pound. Boil them in Balneo to the consumption of the humidity, and when it is strained, add Oyl of Caraways six drams, oyl of Cummin two drams, oyl of Fenil seeds a dram. Mix them, and make an Unguent or Liniment.

      Virtue and Use. It is a Secret in the Tympany and flatulency of the Ventricle: the whole Belly must be anointed with it twice a day, in the morning and at night going to bed.

      Unguentum Stipticum, or a Stiptick Unguent.

      Take Oyl of Myrtles eight ounces, oyl of Quinces and water-Lilies, of each four ounces; oyl of St. Iohn-wort and Roses, of each two ounces; juyce of Plantane, Shepherds-purse and Millefoil, of each seven ounces. Mix all, and boil them to the consumption of the Juyces; then add Dragons blood and Crocus Martis, of each an ounce; Oriental red Bole prepared, sweet Earth of Vitriol, red Coral prepared, of each half an ounce; rots of Tormentil and Bistort, of each two drams; seeds of Roses, Plantane and Barberries, of each a dram; a little Vinegar. Mix them, and with Wax make an Unguent according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It is wholly Stiptick, and by unction it is used to the Reins and Belly: It stops the Terms, and other immoderate Fluxes as well of the Womb as Reins.

      Unguentum contra Vermes, or an Oyntment against the Worms.

      Take Epatick Aloes three ounces, Extract of Gentian an ounce and a half. Dissolve them together in a sufficient quantity of Spirit of Wine, and being dissolved,

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      add Oyl of bitter Almonds, and Peach kernels, common oyl of Wormwood, of each six ounces; Bulls gall three ounces, Wine Vinegar an ounce and a half. Mix them, and boil it to the consumption of the Spirit of Wine, Vinegar and Gall, and toward the end add red Myrrh an ounce, Troches of Alhandal and oyl of Savin, of each three drams. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of Wax make an Oyntment.

      Unguentum Herniosum, or an Unguent for Ruptures.

      Take five and thirty Yolks of Eggs boiled hard, May Butter without salt half a pound. Mix them, and upon a Charcoal fire boil them, always stirring and scumming it, and when it appears like pure Oyl, let it be strongly prest, and reject the Faeces; afterward in the exprest Oyl, being yet warm, dissolve of our Balsamick oyl six ounces, oyl of Peter four ounces, Oxycroceum Plaster five ounces. Mix them, and make an Unguent according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It cures the Rupture of the Bowels; but the Patient must lye on his back in bed for eight or fourteen days, shunning excess both of meat and drink, and let him take heed of windy Diet, the part affected must be anointed twice a day, morning and evening, and the part duly swaddled or bound with things convenient, and by the Blessing of God he will be certainly cured. But in the mean time let him drink of our Decoction contra Herniam three or four spoonfuls at a time, and with these Remedies I have cured innumerable.

      Unguentum contra Pediculos, or an Oyntment to kill Lice.

      Take Oyl of Bays and Templinum, of each four ounces; juyce of Rue exprest six ounces. Mix them, and boil it to the consumption of the Juyce, then add

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      Quick-silver killed with the juyce of Sage an ounce and a half, seeds of Stavesacre, Nitre prepared, Epatick Aloes, of each half an ounce; roots of Docks and white Hellebore, Indian Tabaco, of each two drams; Camphire and oyl of Spike, of each a dram. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of Wax make an Unguent.

      Virtue and Use. Experience it self teacheth the excellent use of this Oyntment; for it kills all kind of Lice, and is of good use in the Camp of Mars as well as Venus.

      Unguentum ad Livorem Faciei, or an Oyntment for the black Bruises of the Face.

      Take white Tragacanth half an ounce. Dissolve it in Rose-water to the form of a Liniment, then add Roots of Solomons Seal finely powdered four scruples, Camphire two scruples. Mix them, and make a Liniment.

      Virtue and Use. It is by Experience found good for the black and blue spots or marks on the Face or elsewhere, caused either by Contusions, Blows, or any other violence, and restores the part to its native and pristine colour, if the part affected be anointed or imeared with it, and so continue using it till it be well.

      SECT. XXXVI. Of Plasters. (Book 36)

      Emplastrum Epilepticum, or a Plaster for the Epilepsie.

      TAke Oyls of Castor, Rue, Flower-de-luce, of each an ounce; roots and seeds of Peony and Pellitory of

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      Spain, of each a dram; Misleto of the Oak, Squills prepared, Elks horn and Mans Skull both Spagirically calcined, of each two scruples; Frankincense, Mastich, Ladanum, Galbanum and Opopanax, of each a dram; flowers of Lavender, Arabian Stoechas and Indian Spike, of each a pugil; distilled oyl of Rosemary and Hyssop, of Nutmegs by expression, of each a scruple; of Rosin and Wax a sufficient quantity to make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It is applied to the Coronal Suture in the Epilepsie and other dangerous affects of the Head, and gives present help, and by a specifick quality doth virtually resist it.

      Emplastrum Hypnoticum, or a somniferous Plaster.

      Take Unguentum Populeon and yellow Wax, of each three drams; Opium Spagirically prepared, oyl of Nutmegs by expression, of each a dram and a half; Tacamahacca, Mastich and Sandarack, of each a dram; Styrax Calamitis, Olibanum and Rosin, of each half a dram; Gallia Moschata, Extract of Saffron, of each a scruple; distilled oyl of Roses ten grains. Mix them, and make a Plaster of a just consistence according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It being laid to the Temples, Forehead and Pulses, it produceth a pleasant sleep, and that especially if it be laid on at night going to bed. Moreover it is of excellent use to stop Defluxions from the Head, and to allay pain: But for Hysterical Women, the Gallia Moschata is to be omitted.

      Emplastrum Stomachicum, or a Plaster for the Stomach.

      Take of Gum Tacamahacca four ounces, the best Ladanum and Benjamin, of each two ounces; Colophony and yellow Wax, of each an ounce; our Balsamum Absinthiacum

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      and Balsam of Peru, of each half an ounce; distilled oyl of Origanum, Mother of Thyme, Zedoary and Rosemary, of each a scruple; white Turpentine a sufficient quantity to make it into a Plaster of a just consistence.

      Virtue and Use. It frees the Stomach from crudity and wind, and helps the weakness and distention of it; for it heats and wonderfully helps digestion, and stays Vomiting and Loathing, if it be laid to the Stomach, and there continued.

      Emplastrum Spleneticum, or a Plaster for the Spleen.

      Take Oyl of Capers and Chamomil, of each four ounces; juyces of Harts-tongue, Wormwood, Rosemary and Agrimony, of each three ounces. Boil them in Balneo to the consumption of the Juyces, then add Galbanum dissolved in Vinegar, Ammoniacum and Bdellium, of each an ounce; of Melilot Plaster and Diachylon simple, of each six drams; distilled oyl of Iuniper, juyce of both sorts of Fern made thick, of each half an ounce; seeds of Agnus castus, Garden Rue and Broom, of each a dram and a half; Rosin and Wax so much as will make all into a Plaster of a just consistence according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. Spread this Plaster upon red Leather, and being covered with a fine Linen Cloth, sprinkle upon a sufficient quantity of Oyl of Rosemary, and so lay it to the Region of the Spleen, whose swelling and hardness it softens and dissolves: it likewise comforts and opens the Spleen.

      Emplastrum Marciale.

      Take Galbanum dissolved in Vinegar, Tacamahacca, of each an ounce; white Turpentine and yellow Wax, of each six drams; Assa foetida, red Myrrh and Castor, of each three drams; Magistery of English Tin, oyl of yellow

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      Amber, of each a dram and a half. Mix them, and make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It is effectually useful either in the rising or falling of the Matrix; for being laid to the Navil, it refresheth the Womb, and suddenly reduceth it into its proper place: and indeed in this most cruel Disease it is the only and best Plaster for the Womb in being, and also approved, &c.

      Emplastrum Carminativum, or a Carminative Plaster.

      Take Oyl of Iuniper-berries and oyl of Rays, of each four ounces; juyce of Elder made thick, juyce of Rue and dwarff Elder, of each three ounces; Pigeons and Goats dung macerated in Vinegar, Ship Pitch, of each two ounces; flowers of Chamomil an ounce and a half, red Myrrh, Sandarack, Mastich and Olibanum, of each an ounce; roots of Angelica and Elicampane, roots of English Galangal and sweet Costus, round Cyperus, Zedoary, of each half an ounce; white Turpentine sufficient to make a Plaster, toward the end add distilled Oyl of Cummin and Caraways, of each six drams; and so make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It is effectually applied in the Dropsie, and to discuss wind: It also allays all pain proceeding from a cold intemperature of the Stomach, Guts, Liver, Reins, Bladder, Womb, and from the flatulencies of those and other parts. In the Dropsie it is to be spread upon a thick Linen Cloth, and applied to the whole Belly, shunning the Region of the Liver.

      Emplastrum Stipticum, or a Stiptick Plaster.

      Take Colophony, Turpentine and yellow Wax, of each six ounces; Crust of Bread toasted and macerated in Vinegar four ounces, oyl of Nutmegs exprest three ounces, Mastich, Sandarack and Olibanum, of each two ounees;

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      sealed Earth, Bole Armenick, water-Mints and Wormwood, of each an ounce; sweet Cane and Cloves, of each half an ounce; Balaustines, red Roses, Cyprus Nuts, Pomegranate peels, Turkish Galls and Dragons blood, of each two drams. Mix them, and with a sufficient quantity of Oyl of Quinces, make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It is a most excellent Plaster in the Dysentery, Lientery, Diarrhoea, the Cholera and Vomiting in Children, and for those who cannot retain their meat: in all Fluxes it is applied to the lower Belly; but for disorders of the Ventricle it is applied to the Stomach, being spread upon Leather cut like a Buckler, and laid on: cover it with a Linen Cloth, and let it be neatly applied.

      Emplastrum Sticticum seu Puncturale, or a Stictick Plaster for Punctures, &c.

      Take Cyprus Turpentine four ounces, Gum Elami two ounces, yellow Wax and Colophony, of each an ounce; red Lead finely powdered and Dragons blood, of each six drams; Styrax Calamitis and the Load-stone, of each half an ounce; roots of round Birthwort, Foreign Mumy, of each two drams; Epatick Aloes and burnt Alum, of each a dram. Mix them, and with Vulnerary Balsam make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. This Plaster is of excellent use in green Wounds and Punctures, in what part of the body soever they are, though in the Head: all which it drys, mundifies, consolidates and heals, and hinders the growth of corrupt proud flesh. Moreover it draws out Iron, Lead, Arrows, pieces of Wood, Darts, &c. that are struck into any part of the body; it also draws any thing out of Wounds that offends them, it mitigates pain, and cures the biting or stinging of any venemous Beast.

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      Emplastrum Diaphoreticum, or a Diaphoretick Plaster.

      Take yellow Wax eleven ounces, Colophony and Bdellium, of each four ounces; yellow Amber three ounces, Gum Ammoniack dissolved in Vinegar and white Turpentine, of each two ounces; Galbanum dissolved in Vinegar, Sandarack, of each an ounce; Mastich and Frankincense, of each half an ounce. Mix them, and make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It consumes, discusseth and draws out Flegm, as by the use of it may appear, certain drops of water standing upon the Skin and Plaster when it is pulled off: Hence it is good in the Sciatica, swellings of the Feet, Kings-evil swellings, and Tumors of the Glandules, where we are not willing to bring them to Suppuration. It takes away pain and the Scorbutick hardness of the Legs, and is of good use in fractured Bones, pains of the Joynts, Luxations, Falls and Contusions; for it consumes the humidity of humors that falls upon the part. Other ingenious and successful Practitioners use this following, which is of great virtue also, which use is the same with this: Take yellow Wax sixteen ounces, Bdellium pulverized five ounces, Colophony and Ship Pitch, of each four ounces; yellow Amber three ounces, Gum Ammoniack two ounces. Mix them, and make a Plaster, which make soft with Oyl of Eggs.

      Emplastrum de Pice, ejusdem fere operationis, pro tenuioribus fortunae hominibus: Or a Plaster of Pitch, of the same operation, for the poorer sort of people.

      Take Ship Pitch a pound, yellow Wax four ounces, white Turpentine two ounces, yellow Amber an ounce and a half, Frankincense an ounce, clarified Honey and liquid Varnish, of each two spoonfuls. Mix them, and make a Plaster.

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      Emplastrum de Galbano Crocatum, or a Plaster of Galbanum with Saffron.

      Take Galbanum dissolved in Vinegar six ounces, Melilot Plaster and Diachylon simple, of each three ounces; yellow Wax two ounces, white Turpentine an ounce; Oriental Saffron six drams. Mix all, and make it into the just consistence of a Plaster.

      Virtue and Use. It is of most excellent use to mollifie and dissolve hard and scirrhous Tumors, and to allay and mitigate the vehement pains of the Breast, Shoulders, Dugs, Sides, Hypochonders, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Reins and Womb, &c. whether they arife from crude humors, or thick flatulencies, or any other cold intemperature of the Members. Moreover it mollifies, asswages, concocts, digests, incides and dissolves Wens as well inveterate, as those more new and recent. We also use it happily in Convulsions and Hiccupping, &c.

      Emplastrum de Galbano, or a Plaster of Galbanum.

      Take Galbanum dissolved in Vinegar an ounce, Ship Pitch half an ounce, Diachylon simple two drams, Sal Armoniack a scruple. Mix them, and make a Plaster.

      Virtue and Use. It being spread upon Linen, it is applied to the Corns and other Excrescences of the Feet that are troublesom and painful in travelling, and it is changed once in three or four days.

      Emplastrum mitigativum, emolliens, sedans, or a mitigating emollient Plaster.

      Take Oxycroceum Plasters two ounces, Diachylon simple, Diachylon compound and Melilot, of each an ounce. Mix them, and with Oyl of Chamomil make a Plaster.

      Virtue and Use. It maturates, extracts, discusseth, resolves and mollifies all hardness and scirrhous Tumors in the Hypochonders, Breast, Stomach, Liver,

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      Spleen and other parts, it also forcibly mitigates and allays pain.

      Minium coctum, or red Lead boiled.

      Take eleven ounces of Oyl Olive, white Lead pulverized two ounces. Boil them to the consistence of a Plaster, then add red Lead finely powdered four ounces, Goats Suet a pound and a half, red Sanders six drams, yellow Wax and burnt Alum, of each three drams; red Roses pulverized a dram. Mix them, and make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It cools and drys; and is therefore effectually applied to burning Sores. It potently cures Wounds, old, malignant and inveterate Ulcers, which spread by the Acrimony of the humor, and are difficult to consolidate; it heals all the Exulcerations of the Skin, Heats and Excoriations, be the cause what it will.

      Galbanum coctum, or boiled Galbanum.

      Take Galbanum dissolved in Vinegar and yellow Wax, of each six ounces; white Turpentine four ounces. Mix them, and make a Plaster of a just consistence.

      Virtue and Use. Great are the virtues of this Plaster in mollifying and dissolving; for it digests, mollifies and dissolves the knots and hard scrofulous Tumors arising on any of the principal Joynts and Members. It takes away the Warts and Corns on the Feet. Being applied to the part affected, it removes the pain in the Head called Hemicrania. It roborates the Nerves and Womb, and easeth pain in any part proceeding from an influx of cold humors. Being applied, it heals the biting and stinging of any venemous Creature, Scorpions, Weasles, Polcats, &c.

      Emplastrum Saturni, or a Plaster of Saturn.

      Take Lead burnt and washed two ounces, Goats Suet and yellow Wax, of each an ounce and a half; Turpentine

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      six drams, Lapis Calaminaris prepared, and white Lead washed, of each half an ounce; Pompholix, Tutty prepared, of each two drams; red Myrrh, Mastich and Olibanum, of each a dram; Epatick Aloes, Camphire and Nitre prepared, of each half a dram. Mix them, and make a Plaster of a just consistence.

      Virtue and Use. This noble Plaster of Saturn is as it were a Divine help, of late found out by me, and by my Experience I have found it good for Burns, Inflammations, Tumors, the Persian Fire, &c. It is also good for Wounds, all malignant, fetid, insanable and corroding Ulcers, as Fistula's, Wolf, Cancer, Polypus, Noli me tangere, &c. and the like deplorable Ulcers of Saturn, which by this Plaster are cured and filled with flesh in a few days. And this is our true and sincere Description of the Plaster of Saturn, of which there are many Prescripts abroad, but there is none true but this.

      Emplastrum Arthriticum, or a Plaster for the Gout.

      Take fresh Sallet Oyl a pound, red Lead finely powdered two ounces. Being mixed, boil them to a moderate consistence of a Plaster; then add yellow Wax a pound, seeds of Henbane finely powdered, Colophony, white Turpentine, of each four ounces. Mix them, and make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. The Plaster is really Anodyne; and therefore universal Medicines being first prescribed, it is most profitable in the Gout and running pains, and to other cruciating pains also at any time; for it wonderfully allays and pacifies all the injuries of pain.

      Emplastrum Narcoticum, or a Narcotick Plaster.

      Take the juyces of Housleek six ounces, of Henbane, Hemlock, Rosemary, Vervain and Nightshade, of each

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      three ounces; Oyl of white Lilies, Camphire, flowers of Mullein and Chamomil, of each an ounce and a half; Marrow of a Stag an ounce. Let them be boiled according to Art in Balneo to the consumption of the Juyces; then add of Virgins Wax and Colophony, of each two ounces; Ceruss an ounce and a half, Opium Spagirically extracted, flowers of wild Poppy, of each three drams; Foreign Mumy two drams. Mix them, and make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It cools and wonderfully allays the tormenting pains of the Gout, and mitigates the Herpes, Erysipelas and Phlegmons. It potently extinguisheth all other hot intemperatures, nay, the burning heat of Inflammations. It also easeth the pains of the Head, and being applied to the Temples and Pulses, it induceth sleep.

      Emplastrum foetidum, or a fetid Plaster.

      Take Assa foetida three ounces, seeds of Snap-dragon seven, three Oaken Leaves, red Coral and powder of the Load-stone, of each a dram and a half. Mix them, and make a Plaster with Oyl of St. Johns-wort.

      Virtue and Use. It hath been stupendiously experimented in any kind of Witchcraft, and is as it were a thing sent down from Heaven: For being laid upon the Centre of the Member where the tormenting pain is, it doth not only drive away the Witchcraft, but also all Phantasms and Inchantments, without Superstition, immediately vanish; yet in the interim let the Patient drink of the following Decoction.

      Take the herb Snap-dragon with the seeds, St. Iohns-wort and Winter-green, of each alike. Boil them in Oyl or Wine to the consumption of the third part, and drink a good draught morning and evening.

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      Emplastrum de Carne bubula, or a Plaster of Beef.

      Take Beef well dryed and pulverized, Oyl of Tartar and yellow Wax, of each two ounces; white Turpentine, Lapis Calaminaris, Pumice-stone, red and white Bole, Litharge, Mastich, burnt Alum, Oyl of Eggs, of each half an ounce; red Myrrh, Olibanum and Camphire, of each two drams. Mix them, and with two ounces of sharp Wine Vinegar, make a Plaster according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It heals Wound, and old, malignant, corroding, cancrous, Saturnie Ulcers, which are difficult to consolidate, it fills them with flesh, drys them, and brings them to cicatrize. And Fistula's which are not grown callous, this Plaster heals. It is also of good use in all Putrefaction, Piles, and other Swellings of the Fundament, as also all other distempers and accidents in those parts, as Chops, Fici, &c. And lastly, it is successfully applied to all depascent Ulcers of the Paps and Privities.

      Emplastrum Talpinum, or a Plaster of a Mole.

      Take May Butter without salt half a pound, green Rue and fresh roots of Solomons-seal. Boil these till the Butter appear green, then let it be strained and prest, and to the exprest Butter add yellow Wax half a pound, Ship Pitch four ounces, Oyl of Saturn an ounce, one live Mole burnt, Virgin Honey two spoonfuls, white Oats and Wheat dryed over the fire in a Frying-pan till they be black, and then pulverized, of each a handful. Of these make a Plaster.

      Virtue and Use. It is most properly applied to Wounds and old stinking Ulcers; all which it drys and heals, fills them with good flesh, and brings them

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      to cicatrize, drawing from them all sordid and filthy humors, though they lye deep in the flesh.

      Emplastrum contra Herniam, or a Plaster for the Rupture.

      Take Rosin six ounces, Turpentine three ounces, Oyl of Eggs and Dragons blood, of each an ounce; great Comfry roots and red Sanders, of each half an ounce; Crocus Martis made by reverberation two drams, burnt Alum a dram. Let the Rosin and Turpentine be melted together, and being removed from the fire, sprinkle the Powders in, and then add the Oyl; all being well mixed make a Plaster, which by the help of hot water may be made into Rolls.

      Virtue and Use. It is a present Remedy in all kind of Ruptures; but in the first place it cures the Rupture of the Guts and Navil. Let this Plaster be applied to the part affected, that is, to the lower Belly, first bringing the Guts into their place by degrees, then the Mons Pubis and the Scrotum being shaved, apply it there also, and let all be kept together by fit Ligation or strait Drawers, lest the things fall off, and let this be continued till the Patient be perfectly well. During which time let him lye on a soft bed, and be at quiet, observing a regular Diet, and let him shun a cold intemperate Air, Wind, Noise, Clamor, Singing, Laughing, Weeping, lifting great weights, or any other violent motion. And let him also abstain from all flatulent windy Diet, and eat only thick, viscid and adstringent Aliment, the quantity of which ought to be small, for hunger helps forward the Cure.

      Emplastrum Diachylon Anodynum, or an Anodyne Diachylon Plaster.

      Take the Anodyne Oyl prepared from the seven Flowers four and twenty ounces, Litharge well cleansed twelve

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      ounces, Mucilage of the seed of Henbane and Fleabane, of Quinces and Flax, the middle bark of the Teil tree, roots of Marsh-mallows extracted with water of Nightshade four ounces. Let the Litharge be finely powdered and prepared, and then put to the Anodyne Oyl, then let them boil over a gentle fire, always stirring them till they are well mixed. Remove them from the fire, and let it cool a little, the put in the Mucilages, and mix them all well together, and bring them all to a just consistence, &c.

      Virtue and Use. It mollifies, allays pain, dissolves humors gathered in any part; it digests and ripens hard Inflammations and hot Tumors, and cures all things that are inflamed. Moreover it gives ease in the Gout, and is an excellent Medicine to bring down and abate a hot intemperature.

      Emplastrum de Spermate Ceti, or a Plaster of Sperma Ceti.

      Take white Wax four ounces, Sperma Ceti two ounces, Galbanum dissolved in Vinegar an ounce. Mix them, and make a Plaster.

      Virtue and Use. It being laid to the Breast of Women after their Delivery that do not give suck, and there worn for certain days, heals and removes all the pain caused by the Milk, and all hard Tumors and swellings in those parts: The Milk also coagulated or concreted it dissolves, and also consumes the abundance of it.

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      SECT. XXXVII. Of Cataplasms. (Book 37)

      Cataplasma de Fermento, or a Cataplasm of Leaven.

      TAke old Leaven an ounce and a half, yellow Amber three drams, Nutmegs and Cubebs, of each half a dram; water-Mints and Cloves, of each a scruple; Castor and wood of Aloes, of each ten grains. Mix them, and with a little simple Spirit of Wine and Wine Vinegar, of each alike, bring all into the form of a Cataplasm.

      Virtue and Use. Let it be applied warm to the top of the Head, and repeat it often, it curiously discusseth the cause of the Palsie of the Tongue, and doth so consume and evacuate the matter from the superiour parts, that always, not without admiration, the motion and speech returns: and indeed it is a Secret in recovering the Speech, and drying Catarrhs.

      Cataplasma Febrile, or a Cataplaesm for Feavers.

      Take Gun-powder pulverized, common Salt melted, of each an ounce; Spiders web, Nutmegs and Olibanum, of each two drams; the herb Wormwood, Shepherds-purse, small Nettles and Rue, of each a handful; white Turpentine a sufficient quantity to make a Cataplasm for the Pulses.

      Virtue and Use. This Cataplasm being put between two Cloths, and laid to both the Wrists two hours before the Fit, cures all Feavers in Children, but especially bastard or spurious Tertians, and wonderfully allays the violence of the Fit.

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      Cataplasma Scorbuticum contra Tumores Pedum, or a Scorbutick Cataplasm against the Swelling of the Feet.

      Take Wheat-bran well powdered half a pound, Meal of Barley and Beans, of each three ounces; Meal of Lupines and Lentils, of each an ounce and a half; Venice Sope two ounces, flowers of Chamomil two ounces, of Marsh-mallows an ounce, Litharge of Silver and red Bole Armeniack, of each half an ounce; roots of China and Rhubarb, of each three drams; Fungus of Eldertree (I suppose he means Jews Ears) seven. Boil them in Juyce of Elder exprest to such a thickness as may make a Cataplasm.

      Virtue and Use. This Cataplasm in the Scurvy is applied warm to the Feet at night, so that the whole Tumor be covered with it, and there lye all night, the next night let it be renewed and again applied, and this continue and repeat so long till the Tumor be dissolved; which by the use of this Cataplasm and the Blessing of God will soon succeed, and the parts be corroborated.

      Cataplasma de Cineribus, or a Cataplasm of Ashes.

      Take the Ashes of Hermodactyls, roots of Asphodel, Bean stalks, Elder wood, Figs, Cutting of Vines, dwarff Elder, of each alike. Mix them, and with white Wine make a Lixivium.

      Take of this Lixivium four pound, of brown houshold Bread a sufficient quantity. Boil them to a thickness, and then add sharp Wine Vinegar half a pound, Lapis medicamentosus three ounces, powder of Cummin seed, Bay-berries and Cloves, of each an ounce. Boil them gently, and make a Cataplasm according to Art.

      Virtue and Use. It is spread upon Linen Cloths, and applied to Dropsical Tumors and Swellings (Evacuation

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      being first made) there let it lye for certain hours, and when it begins to raise the skin, apply it lower toward the Knees, and so by degrees still downwards till you come to the Feet.

      Cataplasma de Nido Hirundinis, or a Cataplasm of a Swallows Nest.

      Take a Swallows Nest, Album Graecum an ounce and a half, roots of Marsh-mallows and white Lilies, of each an ounce; Figs and Dates, of each three. Boil them in common water to the form of a thin Pultis, then add Oyl of Violets, meal of Chamomil, Foenugreek, Flax and Wheat, of each six drams; the brain of a Cat half an ounce, of an Owl and Swallow burnt, of each two drams; the Yolk of an Egg, Oriental Saffron a scruple. Mix them, and make a Cataplasm for the Neck.

      Virtue and Use. It is often applied warm to the Neck in a desperate Quinsie, and is indeed a Secret. But the Album Graecum should be gathered from the Dog when the Sun is in Leo, and the Dog should be shut up and fed with nothing but bones of a Calf gelt or otherwise, and give him not much water, and the first three days what the Dog voids throw away, but what comes afterward gather for use.

      Cataplasma contra Singultum, or a Cataplasm against Hiccupping.

      Take Leaven three ounces, Iuniper-berries, red Roses and water-Mints, of each a dram; Cloves, Nutmegs and Mace, of each half a dram; strong Wine Vinegar a sufficient quantity, make a Cataplasm, with which mix Oyl of Cummin and Caraway, of each half a scruple.

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      Virtue and Use. This is only useful in the Hiccup, which being put between two Cloths, and laid to the Stomach warm, gives ease, especially if it be often applied, and it is a singular Medicine.

      Pannus Linteus Crocatus, or a Linen Cloth prepared with Saffron.

      Take a coarse Linen hempen Cloth, wash it five or six times in Frog Spawn gathered in March and filtred, so that the little black things like Eyes may be separated, and dry this Cloth by it self in the shade, not in the Sun, or by any other heat. Then take Vinegar of Elder-flowers and Oriental Saffron a sufficient quantity, and make a Tincture, in which boil that coarse hempen Cloth, till it hath imbibed a deep Saffron-colour: this being done, remove them from the fire, and let them cool together, then take the Linen Cloth thus saffronized, dry it in the shade, and keep it for use.

      Virtue and Use. It hath been often experienced in the Gout and Erysipelas (yet general Medicines and Evacuations ought not to be omitted) for this Cloth being laid to the part affected, that being first anointed with Venice Sope, stops and allays all pain, and in the most racking pains of the Gout is really a Divine Remedy.


      THus at length, benevolent Reader, by the favour of God I have finished this new Edition of my Medico-Chymical Compositions, increased and inriched with many Additions, and this with much diligence used in revising, correcting and amending (where perhaps any thing amiss, or less fit for Publick use had casually slipt in) which Edition so revised, corrected and amended is such, as not in Title only, but in very deed it proves it self a real Treasury and Store-house of Medico-Chymical Preparations, most efficacious in expelling all Diseases of humane Bodies: Yet I doubt not, but I shall find some Hadriano-Mastiges, like Dogs, barking and biting at, sometimes this and sometimes that in this my Work, and not only at the Work, but the Author himself also. And if perhaps they cannot disparage the Work as being good in it self, and already enough praised by the most expert Physicians, yet will they calumniate me the Author, (I say next to God) me the Author of this Work. And these, as I have already found, snarling and biting, are not of one sort, but of divers. Some of them not having any thing like it, much less better; (therefore it is plain, either they are wholly unwilling to excel, being hindred perhaps by Envy, if not Idleness, or which is most probable, a non-ability) and what is my real Work, by the Grace of God, they ascribe

      to the borrowed Labours of others, lest the proper Author should injoy the Reputation due to his Merit, (which he himself denies to none who deserves it) and already set up in the Temple of Fame (by all good men) as a token of Gratitude. Which that they may throw down, or at least asperse with blots of suspicion, they use their best endeavour, casting abroad divers suggestions, but those vain and frivolous. The chiefest, and which they think will carry the Prize, is this: Art is long and tedious in attaining, mans life short; How then can it be (say they) that these so many singular Experiments diffused through the whole Art of Physick (struggling with a most long Experience and Practice) can be the work of one man? I could here, if I would, make long Recitals, what, and how much others before me have performed singly and alone, both in this and other Faculties not only to their own praise, but to the admiration of others, and not in any extraordinary number of years neither; but letting them pass, I will now speak to my own Work, performed by the Blessing of God, that when I am dead, my Labours may speak for me. I confess I found the Work difficult and toilsom; but yet (by Gods assistance) so attainable, that by the Light of Grace and Nature, and with great Cost, I have found out and discovered such things, as have been happily used and approved, in the many and divers cures of great Princes and others in the current of my life, which I am not now afraid (desiring to promote the Publick Good) to expose to the whole World. Which things thus published by me, if they shall enviously proceed in denying them to be mine alone, let them go on, and shew by what other persons they have been found out, and by whom communicated to me.

      But this demonstration being likely to fail, another sort worse than the first, supplying their places, and aiding their Malice, whenas whatever is performed in this Treatise, is neither in it self, nor otherwise discommendable, being like good Wine, its own Bush, they ascribe all to a familiar Spirit. They did well, if by this Spirit they chiefly meant him by whom all things are wrought in all, from whom and in whom, and by whom all things are, in whom we are, live, and move, i. e. the Divine and Omnipotent Spirit, familiar to all good men, of whom a Heathen Poet, acknowledging his gifts, says:

      Est Deus in nobis, agitante calescimus illo, Sedibus aethereis Spiritus ille venit.
      God moves in us, seen by our vital heat, Sent from above from his Aethereal seat.
      To whom alone, as Giver and Mover of all things, whatsoever is good I ascribe as received from him, and that he may still remain in communion, and be merciful and propitious to me, is always my daily prayer: Again, if in a secondary and subordinate respect, they intended or designed under the Name of a familiar Spirit, the Spirit given me by the gift of the Omnipotent, whereby as a subservient and instrumental Cause, it being moved and instructed by its Principle, I was enabled to take this Labour upon me, and bring it to effect, I mean the Power, Genius and Faculties of my Mind, informed, inlightned and confirmed by Art, Use and Experience: which Spirit, unless I should have always familiar to me, and never separated from my actions, sayings and thoughts, there would be but little difference betwixt me and a Brute, a Trunk, or a Stock: I say, if they

      meant this Spirit, they meant right. But whereas by apparent signs it appears what Spirit they point at, i. e. that, which committing it self to the service of rash impious men, desiring his privy suggestions, permits it self to be kept sometimes in Crystals, sometimes in Rings, and other sorts of Inclosures, nay to be bought and sold (to the great danger both of Soul and Body) to the Possessors, and that indeed deservedly: but injoying the testimony of God the Searcher of hearts, and of a good Conscience void of those impious Accusations, I account these my Traducers and Detractors, attributing to an evil Daemon the gifts of God divinely bestowed upon me, and which I have used to his Glory and the good of Mankind, worthy of no other Title than what our Lord Christ gave the Pharisees, A generation of Vipers, who ascribed his Divine Works to Beelzebub, who being totally evil himself, and Author of all that is bad, can do nothing but ill, ad if he seems to do any thing under the appearance of good, his design is for mischief. They therefore who through Envy and Malice ascribe to the Devil and Satan Gifts divinely given for the good of Mankind, and as they deserve with their Patron a Satanical and Diabolical Name and Title, so also, unless they repent seriously, they shall not escape a punishment worthy their wicked offence. Besides these, I have experience of the sawciness and audacious boldness of some (whom I may call Catapancritons) who according to their custom and Dog-like impudence wherewith they bark at, inveigh against, and bite at every thing, and esteem nothing but what is their own, all things else, even the Arts and Liberal Sciences, with their Founders and Favourers (altho' themselves have scarce tasted them) they look on

      them with a disdainful frown; neither do they entertain them only with derision and mocks, but with scurrilous reproaches, terming them vain Trifles, nay Dung and Dross. Without doubt with the same temerity and boldness will they handle me, unmindful in the mean time, poor wretched Fellows, unseasoned, parboiled, Medicasters and Mountebanks, or to speak more plainly, Asses in Folio, how meanly they themselves are furnisht with the knowledge of Physick and all other Arts and Sciences. But as the Proverb is, The more ignorant, the more impudent: so is it customary with these acute Zoilus's and Aristarchus's (forsooth) that when they cannot become known by their own Worth and Virtue, they endeavour it another way, that is, by detracting the Fame of others, and crying up themselves and their own Deeds, they hope for Esteem and Repute, and this chiefly among the ignorant and simple; but remember the Proverb, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, It is easier to carp than to copy. But alas what a pitiful Fame and a vain empty Glory is that, which when it comes to the Touch, what they so Thrasonically boast of plainly comes to nothing, and so runs the fortune of Icarus, and undergoes the like disgrace, having arrogantly emulated his temerity, that it becomes subject to Horace his Scoff, Risum teneatis amici. The Disease which by such an ignominious Event, this affected Glory and repulse draws upon it self (I speak both what I have known and seen) finds no Cure by Chickens boiled over and over again, much less by Sigils, Amulets, Characters, Superstitions, Incantations, Rites, Ceremonies, Figures, Cabalistical Tables, Magical Cures, and a thousand other vanities, which as it self is mightily pleased in, so it imposeth upon others, under the name of

      a more secret sort of Physick. But as to this Thrasonical Tribe of Censors, admiring only themselves and their own Works according to the supercilious Authority and Licence which they arrogate to themselves, Marking (as the Proverb is) with a black Coal the Works of others; but whatever they be, why make I many words? Rats betray themselves by the mark they leave behind them, so our Censors do themselves by their own rash and insipid Judgments: For which they deserve no other reward, than what Midas had for his Judgment against Apollo, as the old By-word goes, King Midas wears the Asses Ears: But Ovid expresseth it more fully in Lib. 11. Fab. 4. of his Metamorphosis.

      ——Nec Delius aures Humanum patitur stolidas retinere figuram; Sed trahit in spacium, Villis{que} albentibus implet, Instabilés{que} illas facit, & dat posse moveri. Caetera sunt hominis, partem damnatur in unam Induitúr{que} aures tardè gradientis aselli.
      Which is thus translated by our Country-man Sandys,
      ——Phoebus for this gross abuse Transforms his ears his folly to declare, Stretcht out in length, and covered with gray hair, Unstable, and now apt to move. The rest The former figure of a man possest Punisht in that offending part, who bears Upon his skull a slow-pac'd Asses ears.
      And let not this reward be envied, our Midas lets them please themselves, that they are conspicuous, when compared with others, let them live after their

      own wishes, let them abound in their own sense, and perswade themselves that they only know, and are able to do what others may admire. In the mean time, candid Reader, I shall not desist to improve the Talent that is given me, but improve all my endeavours for the service of the Physical Republick, and promote whatsoever may accommodate thee. Upon which account I had rather obey the desires of my friends, Princes and Great men, both in publishing this and my former Piece, than fear the Currish Censures of barking Zoilus's. First of all I collected these things for my own Use and private Practice, as a Store-house always at hand, where-ever I should be, at home or abroad, and had no thoughts of publishing them; but the Authority of the chiefest Physicians of almost all Germany, being importunate with me, and perswading me to a Publication, prevailed with me to change my mind, and to make those things publick, which were collected only for private use, considering also, that I was not born for my self alone, but also for such as should need my Labours. To such then do I willingly communicate these things of mine, and not to those 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 self-conceited Aristarchus's, of whose Judgments (whenas they themselves are as yet ignorant of the Fundamentals of Physick, or prepossest with natural defect, or perhaps newly come out of the Barbers Shop or Stable, unpreparedly rushing upon these our Labours, precipitately judge them either imperfect, unprofitable, or more than needs, and yet themselves produce nothing of more Wit, Excellency, or Safety) I make no reckoning nor account. I was unwilling enviously to keep any thing secret, to the end, that he who pleaseth, may to the Glory of God and good of his Neighbour, put

      them in practice; and that any one being in peril of Health and Life, and want help, may come hither as to a Sanctuary, and take hence, as from a well-furnisht Armory, wholesom Weapons and Remedies against all Diseases and Distempers whatsoever, the various and manifold use of which, as it abundantly affords, so it evidently approves them to those who make tryal, which all Fundamental and Dogmatical Physicians and safe Practitioners confess with open mouth. Try you that please, the Event will administer Praise and Commendation enough; if they cannot please and satisfie all, it is enough that they content the Good, Skilful and Experienced.

      Sincere Reader, let these things suffice, spoken by way of Epilogue, concerning this our Physico-Chymical Treasury and Store-house, a Work of great Labour and Toil, and now enriched with not a few Additions promised in my former Edition, use it and enjoy it, till such time, as by Licence of the Fates, other things perhaps more secret (and no less my own Inventions than the former) may be made publick for the Eternal benefit of the Physical Republick: In the mean time farewel.


      The first Table of the Sections.

      • ...Sect. Page.
      • 1. Of select and other precious Chymical Medicines 1
      • 2. Of liquid Tinctures 46
      • 3. Of Extracts 58
      • 4. Of certain Preparations 83
      • 5. Of Species and Powders 88
      • 6. Of Pills 114
      • 7. Of Rotula's or Cakes 129
      • 8. Of Morsels 138
      • 9. Of Troches 144
      • 10. Of Suffiments 150
      • 11. Of compound Salts 155
      • 12. Of Marmelades 162
      • 13. Of liquid Confects and Electuaries 169
      • 14. Of purging Confects and Electuaries 185
      • 15. Of Lohochs or Eclegma's 194
      • 16. Of Syrups 197
      • 17. Of Elixirs 208
      • 18. Of compound Spirits of Wine 212
      • 19. Of compound distilled Waters 220
      • 20. Of mixed Liquors 247
      • 21. Of Emulsions 259
      • 22. Of Clarets and medicated, Wines 261
      • 23. Of compound medicated Vinegars 269
      • 24. Of Epithems 279
      • 25. Of Decoctions 279
      • 26. Of Gargarisms 296
      • 27. Of Lixiviums 301
      • 28. Of Baths 304
      • 29. Of Vesicatories 309
      • 30. Of Pessaries 310
      • 31. Of Suppositories 312
      • 32. Of Clysters 314
      • 33. Of compound Oyls 333
      • 34. Of Balsams and odoriferous Medicines 338
      • 35. Of Oyntments 350
      • 36. Of Plasters 361
      • 37. Of Cataplasms 374

      The Second Table.

      Of Chymical Operations, and the Preparations of Medicines.

      • ARcanum duplicatum 12
      • Arcanum Vitrioli, or the Arcanum of Vitriol 27
      • Aurea Hadrianea 60
      • Amber muskified 42
      • Aurum potabile 9
      • Argentum potabile 11
      • Aqua Apoplectica, or a water for

      • the Apoplexy 221
      • Aqua Epileptica, or a water for the Epilepsie 220
      • Aqua de Xyloaoe, or a w•••••• of the wood of Aloes 222
      • Aqua Mastichina, or a water of Mastich 223
      • Aqua Hypnotica, or a somniserous water ibid.
      • Aqua Narcotica, or a Narcotick water 224
      • Aqua Ophthalmica aurea, or a golden water for the eyes ibid.
      • Aqua Ophthalmica viridis, or a green water for the eyes 225
      • Aqua Ophthalmica subnigra, or a blckish water for the eyes 226
      • Aqua Ophthalmica de Cancris, or an Eye-water of Crabs ibid.
      • Aqua ocularis interna, or an internal water for the eyes 227
      • Aqa pectoralis, or a pectoral water 228
      • Aqua Antiphthisica, or a water for a Consumption 229
      • Aqua pulmonis vituli, or a water of a Calves lungs 230
      • Aqua Caponis, or Capon-water ibid.
      • Aqua Cinamomi buglossata, or water of Cinamon with Bugloss 231
      • Aqua ex corde Cervi, or water of a Stags heart ibid.
      • Aqua cordialis frigida, or a cooling cordial water 232
      • Aqua cordialis calida, or a hot cordial water 233
      • Aqua acetosa stomachalis, or a tart tomach-water ibid.
      • Aqua stomachica, or a hot Stomach water 134
      • Aqua Epatica frigida, or a cold Epatick water 135
      • Aqua Epatica calida, or a hot Epatick water ibid.
      • Aqua spl••••etica, or a water for the Spleen 136
      • Aqua Antihydropica, or a water against the Dropsie 237
      • Aqua Antiscorbutica, or an Antiscorbutick water ibid.
      • Aqua Anticolica, or a water against the Colick 239
      • Aqua castitatis, or a chast water, i. e. to induce it ibid.
      • Aqua sebrifuga, or an Ague-chasing water 240
      • Aqua Hysterica, or a Hysterical water ibid.
      • Aqua Dominarum, or the Ladis water 241
      • Aqua Antinephritica, or a water for the stone in the Reins 242
      • Aqua Lithontriptica, or a water for the Stone 243
      • Aqua contra ardorem urinae, or a water against heat of rine 244
      • Aqua contra vermes, or a water against the worms ibid.
      • Aqua Theriacalis, or Treacle water 245
      • Aqua de cornu cervino, or a water of Harts-horn ibid.
      • Aqua Aloetica, solutiva, or a soutive water of Aloes 246
      • Aqua Cosmetica, or a Beauty-water ibid.
      • Acetum aromaticum, or aromatick Vinegar 269
      • Acetum Theriacale, or Vinegar of Treacle 270
      • Acetum Mithridaticum, or V••••••gar of Mithridate ibid.
      • Acetum Zedorticum, or Vinegar

      • of Zedoary 271
      • Acetum Myrrhatum, or Vinegar of Myrrh ibid.
      • Acetum Rhizoticum, or Vinegar of Roots ibid.
      • Acetum Bezoarticum, or a Bezoartick Vinegar 272
      • Acetum Diaphoreticum, or a Diaphoretick Vinegar 273
      • Acetum Hystericum, or a Hysterical Vinegar ibid.
      • Acetum vomitorium, or a vomiting Vinegar 274
      • Aurea Hadrianea, or the golden Hadrianean medicine
      • BEzoarticum Ioviale, or Iovial Bezoar 14
      • Bezoar potabile 34
      • Balneum artificiosum, &c. or an artificial Bath 304
      • A Bath against barreness ibid.
      • A Stiptick Bath approved in fluxes of the womb 305
      • A Bath approved against the suppression of the Terms 306
      • A Bath cleansing the skin in the Iaundice ibid.
      • A Bath for the stone in the Reins 307
      • A Bath or Wash for the Feet ibid.
      • A Nitrous Bath for the feet 308
      • A Bath for the feet to procure sleep ibid.
      • Balsamum Polychrestum 338
      • Balsamum Apoplecticum, or a Balsam for the Apoplexy 340
      • Balsamum Hypnoticum, or a Balsam to procure sleep 341
      • Balsamum memoriae, or a Balsam for the memory ibid.
      • Balsamum Odontalgicum, or a Balsam for the Tooth-ach 342
      • Balsamum puerorum, &c. or a Balsam for breeding of teeth ibid.
      • Balsamum paralyticum, or a Balsam for the Palsie 343
      • Balsamum spasmaticum ibid.
      • Balsamum stomachicum, or a Balsam for the Stomach 344
      • Balsamum aromaticum, or an aromatick Balsam ibid.
      • Balsamum absinthiacum, or a Balsam with oyl of Wormwood 345
      • Balsamum Sulphuris aisatm, or Balsam of Sulphur with oyl of Aniseeds ibid.
      • Balsamum Zibethae, or a Balsam of Civet 346
      • Balsamum Terebinthinae, or a Balsam of Turpentine ibid.
      • Balsamum medicamentosum, or a medicinal Balsam 347
      • Balsamum Stipticum, or a Stiptick Balsam ibid.
      • Balsamum Venereum, or a Vereal Balsam 34
      • Balsaum Uterinum, or a Balsam for the Womb ibid.
      • Balsamum Podagricum, or a Balsam for the Gout 349
      • Balsamum Saponis, or a Balsam of Sope ibid.
      • Bezoarticum Solare, or the Solar Bezoar 358
      • CRocus Metallorum absinthiacus, or Crocus Metallorum absinthiated 15
      • Catharticum argenteum, or a siver Cathartick 20
      • ...

      • Cinamomum laxativum, or laxative Cinamon 188
      • Cornu cervini praeparatio, or the preparation of Harts-horn 84
      • Cranei praeparatio, or a preparation of mans Skull ibid.
      • Cochlearum testarum praeparatio, or a preparation of fish-shells 85
      • Cicera Tartaris 126
      • Confectio cephalica, or a Confection for the head 169
      • Confectio Narcotica, or a stupefying Medicine 170
      • Confectio pretiosa, or a precious Electuary 171
      • Confectio pectoralis, or a pectoral Confection 172
      • Confectio Zingiberis Indi, or an Electuary of green Ginger ibid.
      • Confectio Citri, or an Electuary of Citrons 173
      • Confectio Theriacalis, or an Electuary of Treacle 174
      • Confectio Magnanimitatis, or a magnanimous Electuary 175
      • Confectio pacifica, or a pacifick Electuary 176
      • Confectio Satyrii, or a Confect of Satyrion 177
      • Confectio Stiptica ibid.
      • Confectio Terebinthinata, or an Electuary of Turpentine 178
      • Confectio passulata, or a Confection with Raisons 190
      • Confectio Opiata 169
      • Catharticum Caesareum, or an Imperial Cathartick 185
      • Catharticum Regium, or a Royal Cathartick ibid.
      • Catharticum rosatum, or a P••••ge of Roses 186
      • Catharticum violatum, or a purge with Violets 187
      • Catharticum Caryophylatum, or a Purge of Clove-gillyflowers ib.
      • Catharticum Cholagogum, or a Purge for Choler 189
      • Catharticum vitae, or the vital Cathartick ibid.
      • Catharticum passulatum, or a purge of Raisons 191
      • Catharticum Peruvian. liquid ib.
      • Catharticum Peruvianum solid 197
      • Catharticum Peruvianum solidum commune, all three made with Gum of Peru ibid.
      • Catharticum Terebinthinatum, or a purge of Turpentine 193
      • Claretum Antepilepticum laxative 260
      • Claretum Antapoplecticum laxative ibid.
      • Claretum passulatum laxativum, or a laxative Claret of Raisons 262
      • Claretum Absinthiacum, or a laxative Claret of Wormwood 263
      • Claretum Rhabarbaratum, or Claret Rhubarbarized ibid.
      • Claretum Antipodagricum, &c. or a laxative Claret for the Gout 264
      • Claretum stomachicum confortans, or a comforting Claret for the Stomach 265
      • Claretum Iuniperinum, or a Claret of Iuniper ibid.
      • Claretum Anisatum, or Claret with Aniseeds ibid.
      • Claretum Chalybeatum, or a Claret of Steel 266
      • Claretum Antinephriticum, or Claret for the Stone 267
      • Claretum moschatum, or a muskified Claret ibid.
      • ...

      • Claretum purgans, or purging Claret 268
      • Cataplasma de Fermento, or a Pultis of Leaven 374
      • Cataplasma febrile, or a Pultis for Feavers ibid.
      • Cataplasma scorbuticum, &c. or a Pultis for Tumors of the Feet 375
      • Cataplasma de Cineribus, or a Pultis of Ashes ibid.
      • Cataplasma de nido Hirundinis, or a Pultis of a Swallows nest 376
      • Cataplasmacontra singultum, or a Pultis for the Hiccup ibid.
      • DIascordium rosated 184
      • Diaturbith Minerale 189
      • Diacodium with Saffron 196
      • Decoctum Catarrhale, or a decoction for a Catarrh 279
      • Decoctum Cosmeticum, or a beautifying water 280
      • Decoctum Arthriticum, or a decoction for the Gout ibid.
      • Decoctum pectorale, &c. or a tart pectoral decoction 281
      • Decoctum pectorale subdulce, or a sweet pectoral decoction ibid.
      • Decoctum Chinae pectorale, or a pectoral decoction of China 282
      • Decoctum passulatum, or a decoction of Raisons 283
      • Decoctum Citrinum, or a decoction of Citrons ibid.
      • Decoctum Hepaticum, or a decoction for the Liver 284
      • Decoctum Spleneticum, or a decoction for the Spleen 285
      • Decoctum Antictericum, or a decoction for the Iaundice ibid.
      • Decoctum Ficuum, or a decoction of Figs 286
      • Decoctum contra mictionem sanguinis, or a decoction against spitting of blood ibid.
      • Decoctum Satyriacum 287
      • Decoctum contra Herniam, &c. or a decoction for the Rupture ib.
      • Decoctum contra Haemorrhagiam Uteri, or a decoction against a flux of blood from the Womb ib.
      • Decoctum contra Menses suppressos, or a decoction against the suppression of the Terms 288
      • Decoctum contra scabiem, or a decoction for the Itch 289
      • Decoctum vulnerarium, or a vulnerary decoction ibid.
      • Decoctum Guajaci, or a decoction of Guajacum, & sanctum 290
      • Decoctum adstringens, or an astringent decoction 291
      • Decoctum Polypodii purgans, or a purging decoction of Polypody ibid.
      • Decoctum antiqui Galli, or a decoction of an old Cock 292
      • Decoctum sanguinis mundificans, or a decoction to cleanse the blood ibid.
      • Decoctum Senae cum Rhabarbo, or a decoction of Sena and Rhubarb 293
      • Decoctum Rhabarbi, or a decoction of Rhubarb 294
      • Decoctum violatum purgans, or a purging decoction of Violets ibid.
      • Decoctum Nucis Cupressi, or a decoction of Cypress-nuts 295
      • Decoctum nigrum, or a black decoction ibid.
      • ...

      • Divers Prescripts with Laudaum from page 69 to 83
      • ELaeosaccharum of Citrons 44
      • Extractum Panchymagogon 62
      • Extractum Polychrestum, or an extract good for many things 63
      • Extractum specificum, or an extract for the Dropsie ibid.
      • Extractum Diasenae or an extract of Sena 64
      • Extractum specificum Emeticum, or a vomiting extract 65
      • Extractum specificum Colicum, or an extract for the Colick 66
      • Extractum specificum uterinum, or an extract for the Womb 67
      • Electuarium stomachicum, or an electuary for the Stomach 181
      • Elctucrium Absinthiacum, or an electuary of Wormwood 182
      • Electuary of Scorzonera ibid.
      • Electuarium Opticum, or an electuary for the Eyes 180
      • Electuary of Nitre 183
      • Electuarium Dysentericum, or an electuary for the bloody Flux ibid.
      • Elixir of Vitriol 208
      • Elixir of Sulphur 209
      • Elixir of Peony 210
      • Elixir for Feavers 211
      • Emulsion with Roses 258
      • Emulsion with Violets ibid.
      • Emulsion to procure sleep 259
      • Emulsion for the Pleurisie ibid.
      • Emulsion laxative ibid.
      • Emulsion Stiptick 260
      • Emulsion of Hemp seed ibid.
      • Epithema generale, or a general Epithem 275
      • Epithems for a pain in the head ibid.
      • Epithems to procure sleep 276
      • Epithem for the Syncope 277
      • Epithem for the palpitation ibid.
      • —Another for the same ibid.
      • Epithem for inflammations of the Liver 278
      • —Another in the same case ibid.
      • Epithem for a cold distemper of the Liver ibid.
      • Epithem for the inflammation of the Reins 279
      • Enema nutriens, or a nourishing Clyster 314
      • Enema bilem evacuans, or a Choler-purging Clyster 315
      • Enema pituitam purgans, or a Flegm-purging Clyster ibid.
      • Enema humores melancholicos, &c. or a Clyster purging Melancholy ibid.
      • Enema Phlegma & Hydropicorum aquas purgans, or a Clyster purging water and flegm in Dropsies 316
      • Enema in Cephalalgia, Vertigine, &c. or a Clyster for the Headach, Vertigo, and other affects of the head ibid.
      • Enema aliud Cephalicum, or another Clyster for the head ibid.
      • Enema aliud fortius, or another stronger 377
      • Enema specificum, or a specifick Clyster good in all melancholy diseases ibid.
      • Enema aliud specificum, &c. or another specifick Clyster for melancholy ibid.
      • Enema in Subeth, &c. or a Clyster for the Lethargy 318
      • ...

      • Enema forte in Epilepsia & suffocationibus, or a strong Clyster in the Epilepsie and Suffocations ibid.
      • —Aliud specificum ibid.
      • Enema in Spasmo, or a clyster in Convulsions 319
      • Enema forte in Apoplexia & similibus, or a strong clyster in the Apoplexy, &c. ibid.
      • Enema aliud Apoplecticum fortius, or a stronger Apoplectick clyster ibid.
      • Enema in Paralysi, or a clyster in the Palsie 320
      • Enema aliud Paralyticum, or another clyster for the Palsie ib.
      • Enema contra inflationem Ventriculi, or a clyster for wind in the Stomach ibid.
      • Enema ad Iliacam passionem, or a clyster for the Iliack passion 321
      • Enema Carminativum, or a Carminative clyster ibid.
      • Enema discutiens, or a discussive clyster ibid.
      • Enema ventrem leniens in Colica, or a lenifying clyster in the Colick ibid.
      • Enema aliud ventrem, &c. or another lenifying clyster in the Colick 322
      • Enema ventrem leniens in Colica ab Apostemate, or a lenifying clyster in the Colick from an Aposthume ibid.
      • Enema in causa à duritie faecum, or a clyster in costiveness of the bowels ibid.
      • Enema Colicum, &c. or a clyster for the Colick when the pain is vehement 323
      • Enema dolorem Colicum sedans, or a clyster allaying pain in the Colick ibid.
      • Enema Anodynum, or an Anodyne clyster ibid.
      • Enema refrigerans, or a cooling. clyster ibid.
      • Enema calefaciens, or a warming clyster 324
      • Enema Stipticum in fluxibus ventris, or a clyster for the fluxs of the belly ibid.
      • Enema aliud Stipticum, another ibid.
      • Enema adstringens, or an astringent clyster ibid.
      • Enema aliud adstringens, or another astringent clyster 325
      • Enema ad Lienteriam & Diarrhoeam ibid.
      • Enema & tergens & siccans, or a clyster cleansing and drying ibid.
      • Enema consolidans, or a consolidating clyster ibid.
      • Enema ad bilem alterandum, or a clyster to alter Choler in Dysenteries 326
      • Enema dolores Dysentericos sedans, or a clyster allaying pain in the bloody flux ibid.
      • Enema aliud dolores, &c. or another clyster to asswage pain in fluxes ibid.
      • Enema aliud Anodynum, or another Anodyne clyster ibid.
      • Enema ardorem & dolorem leniens, or a clyster asswaging heat and pain 327
      • Enema aliud dolores Dysentericos placans, or another clyster asswaging pain in bloody fluxes ibid.
      • ...

      • Enema Diureticum, or a Diuretick clyster ibid.
      • Enema in calculo Renum & Vesicae, or a clyster for the stone in the Reins and Bladder ibid.
      • Enema Calculum comminuens, or a cylster to break the stone 328
      • Enema aliud in calculo Renum & Vesicae, or another for the Stone, &c. ibid.
      • Enema aliud, &c. or another in the same case ibid.
      • Enema Mirabile in Calculo renato, or a wonderful clyster for the stone in the Reins 329
      • Enema in dolore Calculi, or a clyster for the pain of the Stone ibid.
      • Enema ad dolorem Nephriticum, or a clyster for the pain in the Kidneys ibid.
      • Enema ad Scirrhum uteri, or a clyster for a Scirrhus of the womb 330
      • Enema ad vermes in ventriculo, or a clyster for worms in the Stomach ibid.
      • Enema ad Ascarides, or a clyster for the little worms in the guts ibid.
      • Enema ad evacuandum vermes intersectos, or a clyster to bring away dead worms 331
      • Enema in Rhagadiis, rimis seuscissuris, or a clyster for chaps or clefts in the Fundament ibid.
      • Enema pro pueris, or a clyster for children ibid.
      • Enema aliud pro infantibus, or another for infants ibid.
      • Emplastrum Epilepticum, or a plaster for the Epilepsie 361
      • Emplastrum Hypnoticum, or a plaster to procure sleep 362
      • Emplastrum Stomachicum, or a plaster for the Stomach ibid.
      • Emplastrum Spleneticum, or a plaster for the Spleen 363
      • Emplastrum Martiale ibid.
      • Emplastrum Carminativum, or a Carminative plaster 364
      • Emplastrum Stipticum, or a Stiptick plaster ibid.
      • Emplastrum sticticum seu puncturale, or a plaster for punctures 365
      • Emplastrum Diaphoreticum, or a Diaphoretick plaster 366
      • Emplastrum de pice, &c. or a plaster of pitch of the same operation ibid.
      • Emplastrum de Galbano Crocatum, or a plaster of Galbanum with Saffron 369
      • Emplastrum de Galbano, or a plaster of Galbanum ibid.
      • Emplastrum mitigativum emolliens sedans, or an emollient mitigating plaster ibid.
      • Emplastrum Minii cocti, or a plaster of red Lead boiled 368
      • Emplastrum Galbani cocti, or a plaster of boiled Galbanum ibid.
      • Emplastrum Saturni, or a plaster of Saturn ibid.
      • Emplastrum Arthriticum, or a plaster for the Gout 369
      • Emplastrum Narcoticum, or a Narcotick plaster ibid.
      • Emplastrum foetidum, or a fetid plaster 370
      • Emplastrum de Carne bubula, or a plaster of Beef 371
      • Emplastrum Talpinum, or a plaster of a Mole ibid.
      • Emplastrum contra Herniam, or a

      • plaster for the Rupture 372
      • Emplastrum Diachylon Anodynum, or an Anodyne Diachylon plaster ibid.
      • Emplastrum de Spermate Ceti, or a plaster of Sperma Ceti 373
      • FArina Virginea 111
      • Flowers of Nitre 30
      • Flints prepared 86
      • GEmma vitae, or the Gem of life 32
      • Guin of Peru rosated 41
      • Gargarismus de Althaea, or a Gargarism of Marsh-mallows 296
      • Gargarism of Liquorish 297
      • Gargarism of Milk ibid.
      • Gargarism of Pomegranate bark ibid.
      • Gargarism of Iews Ears 298
      • Gargarisms of Tormentil ibid.
      • Gargarisms of Pelitory 299
      • Gargarism of Henbane ibid.
      • Gargarism of Acatia 300
      • Gargarism of Poppy ibid.
      • HEllebore white its preparation 85
      • LIxivium Benedictum 301
      • Lixivium Sapientiae ibid.
      • Lixivium Cephalicum, or a lixivium for the head 302
      • Lixivium Antasthmaticum, or a lixivium for an Asthma ibid.
      • Lixivium Diureticum, or a Diuretick lixivium 303
      • Lixivium Tactari, or a lixivium of Tartar ibid.
      • Lixivium tingens, or a dying lixivium ibid.
      • Liquor Vitriolatus, or a Vitriolated liquor 248
      • Liquor Ophthalmics subalbidus, or a whitish liquor for the eyes ibid.
      • Liquor Nitratus, or a liquor Nitrified ibid.
      • Liquor Cephalicus, or a liquor for the head 249
      • Liquor pectoralis, or a pectoral liquor ibid.
      • Liquor cordialis, or a cordial liquor 250
      • Liquor acidus Perlarum Orientalium, or an acid liquor of Oriental Pearls ibid.
      • Liquor acidus Corallorum rubeorum, or an acid liquor of red Coral 251
      • Liquor Nephriticus, or liquor for the Stone ibid.
      • Liquor Diaphoreticus ibid.
      • Liquor refrigerans, or a cooling liquor 252
      • Liquor vulnerarius, or a Woundliquor ibid.
      • Liquor Camphoratus ibid.
      • Liquor Tartareus, or a Tartarized liquor 253
      • Liquor Arthriticus, or a liquor for the Gout ibid.
      • Liquor Antipodagricus triunus, or an Antipodagrick liquor of a threefold preparation 254
      • Liquor vestimentalis, or a liquor for cloaths 256
      • ...

      • Liquor Mercurii vivi ibid.
      • Liquor Cerussae, or a liquor of white Lead ibid.
      • Liquor Tutiae, or a liquor of Tutty 257
      • Liquor Mercurii saccharatus, or a liquor of Mercury with Sugar ibid.
      • Liquor Mercurii acetosus, or a sour liquor of Mercury ibid.
      • Lohoch Antiphthisicum, or a Lohoch for a Consumption 197
      • Lohoch rosatum, or a Lohoch of Roses 194
      • Lohoch violatum, or a Lohoch of Violets 195
      • Lohoch pectorale, or a pectoral Lohoch ibid.
      • Lohoch seu Diacodium crocatum, or a Lohoch with Saffron 196
      • Linen Cloth prepared with Saffron 377
      • MAgistery of Coral rosated 38
      • Magistery of Bezoar 37
      • Magistery of Scammony 40
      • Magistery of Gambogia 41
      • Magistery of Mars aperitive 23
      • Magistery of Jupiter 25
      • Magistery of Saturn 26
      • Magistery of Parsley 45
      • Marmelada Cephalica, or a Marmelade for the head 162
      • Marmelada Stomachica, &c. or a cold Marmelade for the Stomach ibid.
      • Marmelada Stomachica calida, or a hot Marmelade for the Stomach 163
      • Marmelada pectoralis, or a pectoral Marmelade ibid.
      • Marmelada cordialis calida, or a hot cordial Marmelade 164
      • Marmelada cordialis frigida, or a cold cordial Marmelade ib.
      • Marmelada Epatica calida, or a hot Marmelade for the Liver ibid.
      • Marmelada Epatica frigida, or an Epatick Marmelade 165
      • Marmelada magnanima, or a magnanimous Marmelade ib.
      • Marmelada Carminativa, or a Carminative Marmelade 166
      • Marmelada Splenetica, or a Marmelade for the Spleen ibid.
      • Marmelada Segnotica, or an astringent Marmelade 167
      • Marmelada Terebinthinata, or a Marmelade of Turpentine ibid.
      • Marmelada Nephritica, or a Marmelade for the pain in the Kidneys 186
      • Marmelada Hysterica, or a Marmelade for the womb ibid.
      • Mercurius dulcis 22
      • Mercurius vitae corrected 23
      • Millepedes prepared 85
      • Morsuli Cephalici 138
      • Morsuli Regii 139
      • Morsuli rosati ibid.
      • Morsuli pectorales, or pectoral Morsels 140
      • Morsuli refectivi de Cancris, or refective morsels of Crabs ibid.
      • Morsuli Stomachici, or Stomachmorsels 141
      • Morsuli Epatici, or morsels for the Liver ibid.
      • Morsuli Martiales, or morsels of Mars 142
      • Morsuli viriles ibid.
      • Morsuli Diacretae, or morsels of Chalk 143

        • NEctar of Vitriol 247
        • Nitre prepared 85
        • Nitre vitriolated 28
        • OLeum Acovisticum ambratum, or an Oyl for the Hearing, with Amber 333
        • Oleum Otalgitum, or an Oyl for hearing ibid.
        • Oleum Carminativum, or a Carminative Oyl 334
        • Oleum Nephriticum, or an Oyl good in the Stone 335
        • Oleum septem florum, or an Oyl of the seven flowers ibid.
        • Oleum Sabinae crocinum, or Oyl of Savin with Saffron 336
        • Oleum Balsami, or the Oyl of Balsam 337
        • Oleum Formicarum, or Oyl of Pismires ibid.
        • Oleum Lignorum, or Oyl of Woods 338
        • Opium prepared 96
        • Oxysaccharum Emeticum, or a Vomit of Oxysaccharum 19
        • PAssulae laxativae, or laxative Raisons 192
        • Pessaries for the suppression of the Terms 310
        • Pessaries astringent for fluxes of blood from the womb 311
        • Pessaries for the suffocation and precipitation of the womb ib.
        • Pilulae Aloephanginae nostrae, or our Pills, &c. 114
        • Pilulae Catholicae 115
        • Pilulae Benedictae 116
        • Pilulae familiares, or familiar pills ibid.
        • Pilulae proprietatis 117
        • Pilulae Anodynae, or pills easing pain 118
        • Pilulae Narcoticae, or Narcotick pills ibid.
        • Pilulae cephalicae, or head-pills 119
        • Pilulae senectutis ibid.
        • Pilulae Smaragdinae, or pills of Emerauld 120
        • Pilulae Odontalgicae, or pills for the Tooth-ach ibid.
        • Pilulae de Calce viva, or pills of quick Lime ibid.
        • Pilulae odoriferae, or odoriferous pills 121
        • Pilulae de Origano, or pills of Origanum ibid.
        • Pilulae rosatae 122
        • Pilulae polychrestae, or pills good for many things ibid.
        • Pilulae Melanagogae ibid.
        • Pilulae Hydragogae 123
        • Pilulae spleneticae, or pills for the spleen 124
        • Pilulae dulces ibid.
        • Pilulae Peruvianae 125
        • Pilulae Terebinthinae, or pills of Turpentine ibid.
        • Pilulae Stipticae, or the Stiptick pills 126
        • Pilulae de Sandarach 127
        • Pilulae de Sabina, or pills of Savin 128
        • Pilulae uterinae, or pills for the womb ibid.
        • Pomum Ambrae 149
        • Pulvis Bezoarticus Imperialis, or the Imperial Bezoartick powder 88
        • ...

        • Pulvis Epilepticus, &c. or the wonderful Epileptick powder 90
        • Pulvis Ophthalmicus, or a powder for the Eyes ibid.
        • Pulvis refectivus, or a refective powder 94
        • Pulvis excellens contra tussim infantum, or an excellent powder for the Cough in children 95
        • Pulvis Stipticus, &c. 100
        • Pulvis Stipticus aliud, or another Stiptick powder 101
        • Pulvis Polychrestus Imperialis, or the Imperial powder good for many things 104
        • Pulvis Dysentericus, or a powder for the bloody flux 105
        • Pulvis Stomachicus, or a Stomachpowder 107
        • Pulvis Pleuriticus secretissimus, or a most secret powder for the Pleurisie 108
        • Pulvis Febrilis probatus, or an approved Feaver-powder 109
        • Pulvis Carminativus, or a Carminative powder 111
        • Pulvis Haemorrhoidalis, or a powder for the Piles ibid.
        • Pulvis de Verbasco, or a powder of Mullein 112
        • Pulvis probatus, or an approved powder to heal the small Pox ibid.
        • Pulvis Cyprius Violato-rosatus 113
        • Pulvis Cyprius moschatus ibid.
        • Pulvis Manualis odoratus, or a powder to wash the hands ib.
        • Pulvis Erysipelatodes 114
        • Preparation and Calcination of River-flints 86
        • Preparation of the sweet earth of Vitriol ibid.
        • ROs Mineralis, or the Mineral Dew 13
        • Rotulae Imperiales 129
        • Rotulae Smaragdinae, or rowls of Emerauld ibid.
        • Rotulae Hyacinthinae, or rowls of Hyacinth 130
        • Rotulae Cordiales, &c. ibid.
        • Rotulae pectorales albae, or white pectoral rowls 131
        • Rotulae pectorales citrinae, or yellow pectoral rowls ibid.
        • Rotulae pectorales rubrae, or red pectoral rowls 132
        • Rotulae lac provocantes, or rowls provoking milk ibid.
        • Rotulae refectivae ibid.
        • Rotulae stimulantes 133
        • Rotulae Aromaticae ibid.
        • Rotulae refrigerantes, or cooling rowls 134
        • Rotulae Carminativae, or Carminative rowls ibid.
        • Rotulae Diacymini ibid.
        • Rotulae contra vermes, or rowls for the worms 135
        • Rotulae Mithridaticae praeservantes, or preservative rowls of Mithridate ibid.
        • Rotulae Theriacales liberantes 136
        • Rotulae Angelicae, &c. or rowls for women with child ibid.
        • Rotulae Zedoarticae pro pueris, or rowls with Zedoary for children ibid.
        • Rotulae Catarrhales calidae, or rowls for a hot Catarrh 137
        • Rotulae Catarrhales frigidae ibid.

          • SApo odoratus, or persumed sope 149
          • Sal Apoplecticum, or an Apoplectick salt 155
          • Sal Epilepticum, or an Epileptick salt 150
          • Sal Cordiale, or a Cordial salt ibid.
          • Sal pectorale ibid.
          • Sal stomachicum, or salt for the stomach 157
          • Sal Epaticum 158
          • Sal Nephriticum 159
          • Sal Hydropicum ibid.
          • Sal Uterinum 160
          • Sal Carminativum ibid.
          • Sal Febrile 161
          • Sal Spleneticum, or a salt for the spleen 158
          • Scammony rosated 39
          • Species Diasolis 88
          • Species Dialunae, or the compound species of the Moon 89
          • Species Diamartis, or the compound species of Mars 90
          • Species Diamercurii, or a species compounded of Mercury 91
          • Species Diajovis, or a compound powder of Jupiter 92
          • Species Diaveneris, or a compound species of Venus ibid.
          • Species Diasaturni, or a compound species of Saturn 93
          • Species Diasulphuris, or a compound species of sulphur ibid.
          • Species Diavitrioli, or a compound species of Vitriol 95
          • Species Diacinnabaris, or a compound powder of Cinnabar 96
          • Species Dianitri, or a compound species of Nitre ibid.
          • Species Diatartari, or a compound powder of Tartar 97
          • Species Diacrystalli, or a compound powder of Crystal ibid.
          • Species Diasuccini, or a powder compounded with Amber 98
          • Species Diacretae, or a compound powder of Chalk ibid.
          • Species Diaboracis, or a compound species of Borax 99
          • Species Diaterebinthinae, or a compound powder of Turpentine ib.
          • Species Diamumiae, or a compound species of Mumy 100
          • Species Diaolibani, or a species compounded of Olibanum 101
          • Species Diatabaci, or a compound species of Tabaco ibid.
          • Species Diamarjoranae, or a compound species of Marjoram 102
          • Species Diabalustinae, or a compound species of Balaustines ib.
          • Species Diabuglossae, or a compound species of Bugloss 103
          • Species Diaplantaginis, or a compound powder of Plantane ib.
          • Species Dialauri, or a compound powder of Bay-berries 105
          • Species Diajalapiae, or a compound powder of Ialap 106
          • Species Diaesulae, or a compound powder of Esula ibid.
          • Species stomachicae, or a compound powder for the stomach 107
          • Species Pleuriticae, or a Pleuritick species 108
          • Species Febrisugae 109
          • Species Nephriticae, or a compound powder for distempered Kidneys 110
          • Species Cholagogae, or a Cholerpurging powder ibid.
          • ...

          • Spiritus vini cephalicus, or a spirit of wine for the head 212
          • Spiritus vini Aromaticus, or an Aromatick spirit of wine 213
          • Spirit of wine for the Tooth-ach 214
          • Syirit of wine for the Ears ibid.
          • Spiritus vini Acovisticus 215
          • Spiritus vini pectoralis, or a pectoral spirit of wine 216
          • Spirit of wine with Iuniper ibid.
          • Spirit of wine for the stomach 217
          • Spirit of wine for the pain in the kidneys 218
          • Spiritus vini Lithontripticus, or a spirit of wine for the Stone ibid.
          • Spirit of wine for the Palsie 219
          • Spirit of wine with Treacle ibid.
          • Spirit of salt coagulated 30
          • Spirit of Vitriol coagulated 31
          • Styli dentifricii, or a cleansing medicine for the teeth 148
          • Syrupus Perlarum, &c. or syrup of Pearls 197
          • Syrup of red Coral 198
          • Syrup of Roses vitriolated 199
          • Syrupus Cephalicus, or a syrup for the head ibid.
          • Syrupus pectoralis, or a pectoral syrup 200
          • Syrupus Asthmaticus, or a syrup for the Asthma 201
          • Syrupus Cordialis, or a Cordial syrup ibid.
          • Syrupus de Cassia lignea 202
          • Syrupus Diacitri rosatus, or a syrup compounded with Citrons and Roses ibid.
          • Syrupus Antiscorbuticus, or a syrup against the Scurvy 203
          • Syrupus de Pyrethro, or a syrup of Pellitory ibid.
          • Syrupus Nephriticus, or a syrup against the stone in the Reis 204
          • Syrupus Stipticus, or a Stiptick syrup 205
          • Syrupus Dysentericus laxativus, or a purging syrup for the bloody flax ibid.
          • Syrupus Pantagogus 206
          • Syrupus Hydragogus, or a water purging syrup 207
          • Suffimentum Angelicum 150
          • Suffimentum Imperiale, or an Imperial Perfume ibid.
          • Suffimentum Epilepticum, or an Epileptick Perfume 151
          • Suffimentum de Sandaracha ibid.
          • Suffiment of white Amber 152
          • Suffiment of Tacamahaca ibid.
          • Suffiment of Savin ibid.
          • Suffiment of Hypocistis 153
          • Suffiment of Goats horn ibid.
          • Suffiment of Vitriol 154
          • Suffiment of Mullein ibid.
          • Species for sharp Suppositories 312
          • Suppositoria sicca, or dry Suppositories ibid.
          • Suppositories in the Epilepsie 313
          • Suppositories in the Dysentery ibid.
          • Suppositories to procure sleep and ease pain ibid.
          • Suppositories to bring away wind 314
          • TArtar to vomit 17
          • Fartar Nitrified ibid.
          • Theriaca Mulierum, or a Treacle for Women 178
          • ...

          • Theriaca Saxonica, or the Saxonick Treacle 179
          • Theriaca Febrilis, or an Electuary for Feavers 180
          • Terebinthina laxativa, or laxative Turpentine 194
          • Terebinthina purgans, or purging Turpentine ibid.
          • Turbith Minerale verum, or the true Turbith Mineral 21
          • Tincture of Antimony 48
          • Tincture of Coral 46
          • Tincture of Mars 47
          • Tincture of Sulphur 48
          • Tincture of Tartar 49
          • Tincture of Lacca 50
          • Tinctura Proprietatis 51
          • Tincture of Iuniper-berries ibid
          • Tincture of wild Poppy 52
          • Tincture of Cassia lignea ibid.
          • Tincture of St. Iohns-wort 53
          • Tinctura Vitae 54
          • Tincture of Guajacum ibid.
          • Tincture of Sassafras 55
          • Tincture for the Tooth-ach ibid.
          • Tinctura Uterina 56
          • Tinctura Diaphoretica, or a Diaphoretick Tincture ibid.
          • Tinctura Stipica, or the Stiptick Tincture 57
          • Trochisci Vitae, or Troches of Life 144
          • Trochisci de Radice Rhodia, or Troches of Rose-root ibid.
          • Trochisci Ophthalmici, or Troches for the Eyes 145
          • Trochisci de Papavere, or Troches of Poppy ibid.
          • Troches of Liquorish 146
          • Trochisci Cordiales, or Cordial Troches ibid.
          • Trochisci Ioviales 147
          • Troches of Alum ibid.
          • Trochisci de Satureia pro Lixivio, or Troches of Summer-Savory for a Lixivium ibid.
          • Troches of Nitre 148
          • VEsicatorium in dolore Capitis, &c. or a Vesicatory for a pain of the Head and Teeth 309
          • Vesicatorium aliud, &c. or another Vesicatory for the Head-ach ibid.
          • Vesicatory for distempers of the mind, madness, &c. ibid.
          • Vesicatorium in Angina expertum, or an experienced Vesicatory in the Quincy 310
          • Vinum Antiscorbuticum, or an Antiscorbutick Wine 268
          • Unguentum Paralyticum, or an Oyntment for the Palsie 350
          • Unguentum Ophthalmicum, or an Oyntment for the Eyes 351
          • Unguentum pectorale, or a pectral Oyntment ibid.
          • Unguentum Pleuriticum, or an Oyntment for the Pleurise 352
          • Unguentum Anodynum, or an Anodyne Oyntment ibid.
          • Unguentum Spleneticum, or an Oyntment for the Spleen 353
          • Unguentum Spasmaticum, or an Oyntment for Convulsions ibid.
          • Unguentum Renale, or an oyntment for the Reins 354
          • Unguentum Nephriticum ibid.
          • Unguentum ad Ambusta, or an oyntment for Burns 355
          • Unguentum de Calce viva, or an oyntment of quick Lime ibid.
          • Unguentum de Rapis, or an oyntment
          • ...

          • of Turneps 356
          • Unguentum Medicamentosum, or a medicinal oyntment ibid.
          • Unguentum de Sevo Hircino, or an oyntment of Goats Suet 357
          • Unguentum Mobile 358
          • Unguentum Carminativum, or a Carminative oyntment 359
          • Unguentum Stipticum, or a Stiptick oyntment ibid.
          • Unguentum contra Vermes, or an oyntment against the Worms ib.
          • Unguntum Herniosum, or an Unguent for Ruptures 360
          • Unguentum contra Pediculos, or an oyntment to kill Lice ibid.
          • Unguentum ad Livorem faciei, or an oyntment for the Bruises of the face 361
          • Unicornu Minerale, or the Mineral Unicorn 1
          • Unicornu Solare, or the Solar Unicorn 5
          • ZIngiber purgans, or purging Ginger 188
          • Zingiber Rosatum, or Ginger prepared with Roses 173

          THE THIRD TABLE.

          Of the Diseases mentioned in this Treatise.

          • ABortion prevents, &c. 39 199 348
          • Amends milk in Women 44
          • Agues 7 17 53 135 158 189 237 240 274 295 317 340 374
          • Anodyne 83 147 224 234 239 334 336 353 368 369
          • Appetite 29 65 104 107 117 133 141 162 163 173 181 185 209 217 234 235 239 248 250 345
          • Apoplexy 7 17 31 43 62 84 94 101 117 122 130 138 144 149 151 155 162 169 171 198 200 209 211 213 222 249 250 262 302 313 319 339 341
          • Asthma 7 16 20 51 57 59 62 88 94 94 105 107 117 125 127 130 132 135 140 146 163 171 172 191 195 197 201 201 216 217 228 229 231 249 252 262 265 266 281 282 292 346
          • Arthritick pains 54 See Gout.
          • Arteries 135
          • Amputations 358
          • After-birth 239 242 288
          • BAldness 51 129 233
          • Barrenness to cure 99 160 305 311
          • Belly loosen 178 190 206 292 322
          • Birth to help 9 99 144 239 242 335 340
          • Bladder 50 53 See Stone
          • Burning and Scaldings 336 355 369
          • Bitings of Serpents 52 365
          • Bleeding to stop 174 178
          • Blood congealed 20 47 100 239
          • Bloody flux 17 33 62 126 171 174 345 348
          • Blood rectifies 44 38 57 105 106 117 185 186 188 191 198 238 251 269 285 293 294
          • Blasting 44
          • Breast pains in Women 373
          • Breast 49 51 94 112 131 132 140 146 157 163 170 178 195 196 201 201 210 214 216 217 217 228 229 231 265 281 282 283 283 335 336 339 352 367 367
          • ...

          • Brain strengthens 49 52 54 89 94 101 105 116 117 119 129 133 135 138 150 162 163 198 209 211 222 222 231 239 250 270 291 293 302 339 345
          • Bowels 91 98 104 110 111 116 117 127 133 135 141 164 165 167 174 178 186 188 198 198 203 207 335 364
          • Breathing difficult 94 105 125 131 171 193 195 196 217 229 239 262 266 340
          • Bruises 100 366
          • Broken bones 366
          • Breath to sweeten 29 43 53 55 95 121 121 185 188 195 202 268
          • CHaps on the hands, &c. 357
          • Choler 292 293 294
          • Cancers 7 64 115 123 317 347 358 369
          • Catarrhs 12 44 51 52 55 55 68 83 101 102 103 116 117 125 137 146 152 152 157 193 196 197 199 201 209 210 211 213 216 229 239 268 273 279 280 283 303 339 346 374
          • Cephalalgia 62 149 249 336
          • Child dead 239
          • Child in the Womb 44 199
          • Chronical diseases 17 59 132 191 253
          • Carbuncle 9 59 7
          • Cleanseth the Eyes 42 See Eyes.
          • Comforts the Brain 12 42 44 See Brain.
          • Comforts the Heart 38 42 44 51 See Heart.
          • Concoction, See Digestion.
          • Consumptions 44 49 93 94 94 102 110 117 130 131 139 141 178 198 201 210 229 230 282 336
          • Colick 26 31 42 49 50 62 66 69 94 100 118 133 135 149 166 171 183 188 188 191 196 211 218 238 239 263 292 321 322 322 323 323 335 337 340 345 346 346
          • Contractures or Cramps 43 50 57 59 127 252 337
          • Convulsions 43 47 52 62 160 204 213 217 319 337 339 343 354
          • Conception 55
          • Cough 20 51 52 83 94 94 101 105 117 125 127 130 131 132 135 140 146 163 171 172 178 191 195 195 197 201 201 210 216 217 228 230 249 260 262 265 266 281 282 346
          • Carnosities 127 295 296 349 See Wens.
          • Cardialgia's 164
          • Corns 367 368
          • Catalepsie 221
          • Cholera, See Humors cholerick.
          • Chast to keep 240 See Venereal Lust to restrain.
          • Clysters how to use them 331
          • Cramp 349

            • DEafness, See Hearing.
            • Decay by age 44 See Nature restore.
            • Distempers of Mind 12 17 43 See Melancholy.
            • Deliriums 17
            • Digestion helps 29 42 44 54 55 67 117 144 147 157 163 172 173 217 273 345 348 363
            • Diaphragma 56
            • Defluxions and Destillations, See Catarrhs.
            • Dropsie 16 17 21 22 23 24 27 31 41 44 47 48 50 57 59 62 64 65 94 123 125 127 142 157 158 160 165 171 175 179 182 189 190 192 208 212 236 237 251 263 264 273 285 291 294 237 364
            • Diarrhoea 29 57 178
            • Dysentery 31 33 47 52 57 84 91 98 104 167 178 197 198 203 205 251 260 291 313 326 326 327 365
            • Dislocations 366
            • Dropsical swellings 375
            • EYes 90 115 116 122 129 144 145 181 225 226 226 227 228 231 248 250 257 302 351
            • English sweat 31 59
            • Epilepsie or Falling sickness 7 12 16 17 20 27 43 46 62 69 84 89 90 94 96 101 102 105 115 117 122 130 138 144 149 151 156 169 171 198 204 209 211 213 221 241 249 250 251 251 261 268 293 302 313 318 335 346 362
            • Elephantiasis 7 64 115 123 273 291 293 317 339
            • Erysipelas 35 59 88 114 175 179 256 370 377
            • Epidemical diseases 14 20 31 35 39 61 107 252 284 346
            • FAce to beautifie 247 256 257 280
            • Feavers 15 16 26 27 29 31 31 33 35 44 47 50 57 59 62 65 69 89 102 106 109 110 115 116 117 118 122 123 125 127 130 140 148 161 161 164 165 174 179 180 183 183 186 186 188 189 190 197 203 209 212 223 232 235 248 248 249 253 260 260 263 264 284 294 336 340 346
            • Flux of the Womb 198 305
            • Flux of blood in Women 84 311
            • Flux of the Liver 198
            • Fluxes of the Belly 27 39 52 57 68 98 103 126 155 167 178 183 197 205 206 260 291 294 313 324 324 324 325 359
            • Flegm to cut 140 166 201 228 282
            • Fat to make 166
            • Feet swelled 365 375
            • Fundament chaps, &c. 331

              • GAll 182
              • Giddiness, see Vertigo.
              • Green-sickness 24 41 48
              • Gout 7 16 20 22 31 44 50 59 62 65 69 94 97 100 106 107 116 117 122 127 171 187 190 191 192 193 196 253 256 264 268 280 293 295 349 369 370 373 377
              • Gonorrhoea 24 27 29 39 41 47 91 100 168 171 194 198 240 260 338 347
              • Gripings 52 54 160 171 203 234 See Bowels.
              • Gravel, See Stone.
              • HAir to cleanse 303
              • Hair to fall off 356
              • Hands to whiten 114 350
              • Hands Ulcers there 356
              • Head-diseases 23 56 96 102 102 103 115 116 117 122 129 130 138 142 144 145 156 157 167 169 170 189 200 213 249 250 353 258 268 273 275 276 293 335 336 368
              • Haemorrhoids 91 111 205
              • Haemorrhage 198 291 See flux of Blood.
              • Heat of Urine 148
              • Hearing 17 115 116 215 216 333 334 337 339
              • Heart pains or distempers 69 89 101 103 105 130 135 140 142 143 163 164 171 188 203 210 233 250 258
              • Heart strengthens 47 52 54 94 107 110 129 131 133 134 144 146 164 171 173 174 186 198 198 202 202 214 231 232 232 249 250 268 293
              • Hypochonders easeth 67 106 117 141 201 201 237 239 264 294 335 336 339 367 367
              • Hypochondriack Melancholy 47 115 335
              • Hungarian Feaver 18 19 29 29 30 35 59 See Feavers.
              • Hemicrania 51 62 127 200 249
              • Hiccup 69 107 163 171 202 217 239 377
              • Humors cold and flegmatick 95 97 102 108 116 117 117 119 122 166 187 188 189 191 193 214 234 292 292 293 294 315 316 366
              • Humors Cholerick 39 40 97 106 110 116 117 122 122 162 174 183 186 186 188 189 190 191 193 203 206 224 264 284 315 326 348 365
              • Hysterical Passions 128 See Suffocation of the Womb.
              • Hectick, see Feavers.
              • Hoarsne's 140 195 195 197
              • JAundice black 115 123 125 127 130 142 158 175 179 182 190 192 237 252 264 266 285 294 306
              • Jaundice yellow 7 16 17 22 24 31 31 50 57 59 65 84 110 125 127 130 142 158

              • 175 179 182 190 192 252 264 285 294 306
              • Ill habit of Body 24 41 47 57 59 189 208 263
              • Inflammations of the Throat 19 47 148
              • Inchantments 7 53
              • Intermitting Feavers 23 See Feavers.
              • Imposthumes 49 59 94 100 102 108 228 296 346 347
              • Iliack Passions 59 66 171 321
              • Inflammations 30 31 52 130 134 257 296 320 369 370 373
              • Joynts distempered 7 44 65 69 106 107 110 116 117 118 125 186 186 187 191 191 254 268 308 339 366
              • Itch 7 50 123 179 263 289 293
              • KIngs-evil swellings 366
              • Kidneys 47 50 53 110 118 157 167 171 172 174 178 181 188 191 193 198 214 218 279 335 336 355 359 364 367
              • LEprosie 23 31 47 50 57 59 64 94 97 123 171 179 189 193 250 291
              • Lientery 57 198 326 348 365
              • Life prolongs 14 33 54
              • Liver 31 52 54 59 62 65 105 110 115 116 122 124 125 126 128 133 134 135 142 144 158 165 166 172 174 182 183 186 188 198 214 231 236 237 250 262 263 273 278 278 282 283 291 293 336 339 367 367
              • Love-potions 17
              • Lungs 52 110 132 157 163 195 201 201 210 228 229 239 266 283 283 293 339
              • Lunacy 89 169
              • Lethargy 89 156 162 221 262 274 313 318
              • Loosness, See Flux.
              • Lice 361
              • Lipothymies 156 See Syncope.
              • Loins 167 243 354
              • MAtrix, see Womb.
              • Madness 7 13 17 43 53 69 123 145 224 249 275 309 316 317
              • Malignant Feavers 30 84 See Feavers.
              • Mange 64 123 179
              • Marrow 57 252
              • Melancholy 7 13 16 17 20 24 43 46 51 53 59 62 65 69 103 105 122 123 130 145 189 191 193 202 210 224 236 251 251 275 293 309 315 317
              • Menses to stop 91 104 See Terms.
              • Mind dulness amends 53 115 144 146 See Spirits and Memory.
              • Muscles 57 252 358 358
              • Morphew 7
              • Milk increaseth 98 132 198
              • Members or parts, &c. 103 115 117 185 254 358
              • Memory 12 44 105 129 148

              • 198 222 222 232 232 233 249 262 270 302 339 341
              • Measles 284 286
              • Mouth sore, &c. 297 298 299 314
              • NAture restores 43 See Spirits restores.
              • Nerves strengthens 52 57 94 116 117 127 138 157 204 222 252 302 335 336 339 345 350 354 368
              • Nephritick pains 69
              • Noli me tangere 7 347 369
              • Numbness of the Limbs 338
              • OBstructions opens 16 24 31 33 47 50 53 59 65 168 168 191 201 201 212 235 237 252 266 282 293 294
              • Obstructions of the Liver 47 See Liver.
              • Obstructions of the Spleen, See Spleen.
              • PAleness of the Face 142
              • Pains in the Back 107 188 194 337 340 354
              • Pains in the Sides 193 196 259 262 367
              • Palpitation of the Heart 42 43 See Trembling.
              • Palsie of the Tongue 374
              • Palsie 31 43 47 50 51 56 62 130 138 151 151 162 198 200 204 211 213 219 222 251 252 262 304 320 320 337 339 343 350
              • Pain in the Guts 84 See Bowels.
              • Pains in the Head 16 17 20 42 65 See Head.
              • Plague 13 15 16 20 22 29 31 31 49 52 56 59 61 107 117 137 175 179 180 184 189 190 220 246 248 252 270 272 273 284 346
              • Pestilential Feavers 29 See Feavers.
              • Pimples in the Face 29 50
              • Pleurisie 7 16 20 22 50 52 57 59 69 94 118 125 131 132 145 171 195 196 196 197 201 201 229 229 249 252 259 262 282 292 336 346 352
              • Poisonous Draughts 20 88
              • Poison 31 35 38 44 52 59 84 107 175 203 231 32 250 335 340
              • Pestilential Infection 3 38 149 150 151 154 199 203 220 246 250 252 272 335 338 340
              • Phrensie 27 43 69 See Madness.
              • Phthisis or Consumption 7 26 52 127 131 139 172 195 197 229 229 231 249 281 292 346
              • Prolongs life 14 33
              • Polypus 369
              • Provokes lust 43 See Venereal.
              • Provokes sleep 52 83 See Sleep.
              • Pox French 20 22 23 44 47 50 57 59 94 117 175 290 338 346
              • Purge Choler 39 40

              • ... See Humors cholerick.
              • Putrid Humors 56 108
              • Preserves from old age 4 10 14
              • Prickings in the sides 27 50 52 57 59 108 108
              • Pissing of blood 104 286
              • Piles 105 112 167 171 184 371
              • Pox small 35 59 112 179 189 190 191 192 250 252 273 284 286 291
              • Powder-bags 113
              • Pleasure in Coition 346
              • QUincy 20 29 57 148 251 296 297 298 310 314 379
              • REstrain Thirst 29 See Thirst.
              • Resists Putrefaction 19 29 31 31 33 38 43 49 50
              • Ringworms, See Tetters.
              • Restore strength 44 See Spirits restore.
              • Reins, See Kidneys.
              • Resolution of the Nerves 43 See Nerves.
              • Respiration 49 See Breathing.
              • Rottenness of the Gums, See Teeth.
              • Running Sores 64 See Ulcers.
              • Rust cleanseth 86
              • Rupture 31 217 239 287 358 360 372
              • Rheums 94 94 107 152 226 301
              • Running of the Reins 126
              • SCabs, Scalds, Itch 59 97 123 125 175 179 192 193 252 293 317 357 358
              • Sciatica 7 62 69 117 187 204 295 339 351 366
              • Scrofulous Tumors 368
              • Sinews, See Nerves.
              • Sight, See Eyes.
              • Seed increaseth 43 44 198
              • Subeth 221 313 See Lethargy.
              • Scurvy 15 16 29 41 47 48 51 97 171 179 203 238 252 263 264 269 295 307 347 366
              • Sleepy disease, See Lethargy.
              • Spleen 16 26 29 31 52 54 59 62 65 105 108 115 116 122 124 125 126 133 135 142 158 165 166 172 174 182 183 188 198 214 231 236 262 263 264 273 291 293 335 339 353 363 367 367
              • Spitting of blood 62 91 104 229
              • Spots in the face 361 See Face.
              • Spots in the Eyes 44 See Eyes.
              • Spots in Cloaths 256
              • Stomach 16 20 28 51 52 54 65 67 91 99 107 110 115 116 116 117 133 134 135 141 142 143 144 157 162 165 170 172 174 181 181 183 186 188 198 209 210 214 223 228 231 239 239 248 250 251 258 265 337 339 344 345 363 367 367
              • Stone 30 31 44 45 50 52 69 97 100 105 108 126 127 134 158 159 167 168 183 186 191 193 193 194 196 201 204 217 218 219 231 239 243 243 251 265 267

              • 273 284 293 303 307 327 328 328 328 329 335 335 337 340 347 354
              • Stone in the Kidneys 19 30 31 31 39 44 97 100 110
              • Sores old 358 368 371 371
              • Sweat to provoke 203 245 251 272 291 337 338
              • Stomach loathing 53 See Appetite and Stomach.
              • Stinging of venemous Creatures 52
              • Schirrus of the Womb 330
              • Suffocation of the Womb 31 39 47 52 56 67 68 147 149 151 151 152 153 160 168 179 183 211 217 218 241 274 311 337 340 346
              • Syncope or Swooning 42 130 156 202 233 250 251 265 277 335
              • Strangury 100 105 110 168 178 243 265
              • Sleep to provoke 52 83 118 119 120 126 184 196 197 223 224 258 260 276 276 277 308 313 336 341 362 370
              • Spirits restores and refresheth 119 120 140 144 150 151 15 164 171 173 185 196 202 202 210 232 232 233 250 251 270 302
              • Surfeits 203
              • Swellings, See Tumors.
              • TEtters or Ringworms 50 64 257 258 293 317
              • Teeth 55 56 86 111 120 121 147 148 214 299 300 309 342 347
              • Terms provokes 24 45 48 53 53 55 57 59 106 127 128 142 158 160 239 252 266 288 306 310 336
              • Terms stops 39 47 48 68 91 104 126 167 171 184 197 205 266 288 248 359
              • Thirst in Feavers 29 31 134 164 196 198 203 235 248 252 258 284 284
              • Thorax 54 See Breast.
              • Trembling 213
              • Trembling of the Heart 43 57 162 200 202 232 233 250 265 277 277
              • Tenesmus 57 155
              • Throat 94 296 297
              • Tympany 105 166 337 359
              • Tumors, and Tumors of the Spleen 257 257 264 285 291 294 307 317 336 353 366 367
              • VEins obstructed 207 Venereal Lust to abate 26 174 240
              • Vapors from the Womb 25 See Womb.
              • Venereal Lust to increase 92 133 143 166 175 176 177 287 340 348
              • Venereal Ulcers 22 296 358
              • Vertigo 12 17 43 51 62 84 89 102 115 129 130 135 144 149 156 162 169 171 211 213 221 249 250 274 313 316 339
              • Urine to stop 91
              • Urine provokes 19 45 50 52 53 53 105 134 157 158

              • 159 160 165 168 168 178 203 217 218 231 237 239 243 249 251 303 327
              • Vomiting 39 53 59 69 107 108 133 163 163 164 171 172 173 174 198 203 205 217 239 265 273 344 348 363 365
              • Ulcers 64 104 124 184 189 190 229 244 256 256 283 291 297 338 347 369
              • Voice restore 94 146 See Hoarsness.
              • Urine hot 244
              • WAlking in ones sleep 262
              • Watry humors purge 21 See Humors flegmatick.
              • Weakness of the Stomach 44 51 69 See Stomach.
              • Whites 24 29 39 168
              • Wens or Carnosities 367
              • Warts 368
              • Weakness 69 See Spirits restore.
              • Worms 22 29 31 57 91 107 117 117 135 330 330 331 359
              • Wind in the Stomach 42 105 134 141 265
              • Wind 44 45 52 54 55 67 134 160 160 166 172 173 185 188 191 217 266 273 314 334 340 344 345 363
              • Witchcraft 52 370
              • Wounds 101 252 256 289 296 358 365
              • Womb and Matrix 15 55 92 105 106 119 128 128 149 153 160 164 170 251 334 335 336 339 348 449 34 367 368
              • Wolf 358 369

              Books Printed for Awnsham Churchill.

              DIaling: Plain, Concave, Convex, Projective, Reflective, Refractive. Shewing how to make all such Dials, and to adorn them with all useful Furniture, relating to the Course of the SUN. Performed Arithmetically, Geometrically, Instrumentally and Mechanically: And illustrated by Sculptures, Engraven in Copper. Comprised in Eleven distinct Tractates, the Contents whereof follow next after the Presace to the Reader. Collected, Methodised and Published by William Leybourn.

              The Touch-stone of Precedents, relating to Judicial Proceedings at Common Law. By G. F. of Grays-Inn, Equire.


              • * 31.1

                I suppose there may be a mistake in that half ounce, which is but a little to boil in two pound of any Menstruum.

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              Quote of the Day

              “Thou who wouldest attain our object must first endeavour to dissolve and sublime the two luminaries, which is the first stage of the experiment, that they may become quicksilver.”


              The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers


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