The Testament of Raymond Lully

1 The testamente of Raymunde Lully

2 God who? art glorius & onypotent I Beg ye in thy
3 name, as(?) Reduce or torne into writyng this
4 volume arte or scyens, to that in tente that
5 thou myghtist Be sought, worshipt, vudstand(?)
6 Lovdyd(?), Blyssyd, honoryd, &(?) withe a faythefull
7 foice(?) praysyd, who(?) in perfyt(?) trynytie(?) of iii persons(?)
8 the father the Son & the holy ghoste, in our ?stans(?)
9 &(?) unite of one only eternall & gloryus god
10 Livithe(?) & Reignythe without Begynnyg & without
11 ende, and(?) that the thinge(?) may Be made
12 manifest unto the children of varytie, that who(?)
13 hathe(?) Ben(?) many manner(?) of wayes to [ ] and
14 covryd(?) By our(?) prdysessors(?) phors(?) and that this
15 most excellent & most noble worke(?) of naturall
16 phire(?) may be made(?) compleat(?), which(?) we shall declare
17 & showe in this our(?) volume, as well of the
18 transmutacion.

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1 transmutacion of Bode imperyt(?) moste perfytly(?) as of the
2 [ ] of [ ] stones, to the which(?) things Sophists
3 may not(?) attayne(?) in the Begynnyg of the transmutacio
4 of Bode imperfyte(?)
5 This booke we have Lefte to our children of Doctrine
6 By the manner(?) of a testament, which(?) we have Devidyd(?) in
7 to iii princypall Booke in(?) theoricle(?) practicle(?) &
8 Codycall, which(?) iii parts(?) Be devidid into 4 Distinccyons
9 which(?) Be fygures circulors(?) Definycions inscyptions(?)
10 aplycations Differenciall, for the second Booke practicall
11 & the fyrst Booke theorycall for(?) the name of the Devine(?)
12 Wysdome we intende to Declare to evry(?) childe of
13 Doctrine the gyfte gyven(?) unto vs. for a nessesary(?)
14 process(?), without(?) the which(?) full knowledge of the thing
15 which(?) is one composycion(?) of those things which(?) Be the matters(?)
16 of nature(?) which(?) Be Desolusions(?) founde in the ordinary
17 wines prepperithe(?) to Be stone(?), and By cause the
18 Doctrine

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1 Doctrine Desolutyne(?) of the things soughe(?) Dothe Breathe(?) &
2 Inpire and evr(?) more Desyrithe an ende. & to to? to acosumate(?)
3 into wherof thou(?) woldest(?) be(?) illuminatid with(?) the moste
4 hyghe eternall sapience(?) & ?durable wysdome to know(?)
5 the(?) fabrycat veryte(?) By antique(?) wise men without the which(?)
6 this scyence which(?) [ ] the marie(?) of the noble parte(?) of phyre(?)
7 maye not Be kept hole(?), and to introduce you By cause(?) it
8 is nowe(?) tyme that we(?) ought(?) to put forthe the
9 Deffinitions therof.
10 Off the Dyfinicyons of this scienc of wherof
11 some Be theoricall and som practicall
12 The beginning & Royall standinge in theyr primordiall & [ ]
13 principlle causeth(?) us(?) to know the nature of Bode
14 [ ] the meanes with(?) all the extremes of the? knowne,
15 which(?) meanes(?) & extremes(?)Leste the true cause of mutacion
16 of them accordinge to things Roote(?) and purpose(?) in a forme(?)
17 Ryall(?) & a Kynde(?) parmanent, By theyr Disposiors(?)
18 in to [ ] they Be [ ] table into a moste(?) true(?)
19 perphycable(?) forme, & also they Be cause of ?ing
20 &

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1 & Losing(?) the essence & [ ] of perfyt(?) things, & in as(?) mych
2 as is possible to Deduce & bringe them to the hyghest & to
3 [ ] temprament But yf I show spede(?) in this first
4 Booke without(?) any naturall refraynyge, Lett me have
5 a commandment from Lady natur, for she hathe aperyd
6 manyfestly onto me wepinge, Lamenting & cryinge
7 out alas for my fulfillment & wille trayne me, &(?) my secrete
8 will Discrybe & manifest me & those things which(?) be
9 formyd & made by my master wille my Deathe. this is
10 the sorowe that(?) nature made Before(?) her follower, & to make
11 short she wept so sore that(?) [ ] was no hart(?) that(?) hathe my
11 Love & pittie that(?) colde(?) have Refraynyd from weping(?)
12 to Beholde her, for she felt such sorowe in her Body
13 that(?) ?gtly she forthought her selfe(?) of the worlde(?) that(?) she
14 had(?) made in this world, in to wyche that(?) she wolde(?)
15 have ceasd(?) from all her worde yf(?) she myght have
16 had Lycence of her master, & therefore she Desiry(?) I to
17 hand(?) out a p?cept or comanndment that(?) her instrmente
18 myght

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1 myght Be Kept(?) secret [ ] the hande of her(?) [ ]
2 ?esse in [ ] [ ] we wyll(?) Declare all the hole(?)
3 yf [ ] canst(?) understand, for those thinge Be Devidid By,
4 generall chaptr into 5(?) Devisions, & for as myche as this
5 prte of [ ] can not Begyn without theorin be & [ ] be
6 therfore wesaye that(?) the(?) theoreticle is that(?) parte(?) in the
which(?) the
7 Disposicions of the Bode ?sable or able to Be changid
8 Be she?id or assiynid to temprment & to Be made
9 knowne as myche as is nessesary to the prfecion(?) of
10 the mastry(?). practice is that(?) prte in the which(?) the forme
11 & mannr of Ryght working(?) is Discrybyd accordinge
12 to the necesessite of the Disposicion Before(?) knowne(?) by the
13 theoritcle(?), and By cause that(?) nother(?) the Disposicions of
14 the Bode afore said wy(?) theyr nature maye Be knowne
15 But By the consideracion(?) of naturall thinge innaturall(?)
16 & agenst(?) nature. for a Bettr(?) undrstanding therefore(?) we
17 have Devidid the theoricle into iii prts(?), for as
18 wyche(?) as the(?) Disposicions of all bode transmutable Be
19 in Bynde(?) But iii. temprment itemprmet and
20 newtralyte

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1 Newtrlite, & it is to Be(?) understand that temprment is [ ]
2 undr(?) naturalle for complexcion is formally of prte(?) subtyle
3 ioynid together, or ells to speke(?) Lardgly it is the compo
4 sition of them, in so myche it maye comprhende a content(?)
5 of his prte as myche as the said content Reseyvithe
6 or comprehendithe composycion. Tutempatnos(?) is
7 comprhendid undr(?) thinge which? Be ageynst nature, which
8 By another name is called corruption or agoinge
9 awaye from true tempratues(?), what? the(?) which(?) is all & witout
10 the which? is nothing. Neutralite is a means contayning
11 in him selfe Both of the one & of the other & it is
12 callid other wayesthe(?) Bande of 2 extremes.
13 Of the temprment & itempment(?) of bode & of
14 the neutrlytie & of the medizin & instrmente
15 naturall innaturall & ageynst natur
16 For as myche as fyrst the(?) oughtyst? to consider that the
17 temprment is a dysposicion or nature of a prfyt body
18 By the which(?) naturall arte Be prfyt & made perfyt une(?)
19 lyatly(?) & without any other meane, which(?) so, as mych is

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1 judgid to Be a Dispocision or a glue of, all(?) Bode(?) & not of arte
2 for yf so be a medicionall substans Be not well ?prat it shall(?)
3 seace(?) [ ] to thinge imprfyt Bode to prfecion; Bycause it
4 wantith som thing which(?) ought to be put unto it, which(?) [ ]
5 dowe(?) queccion is made prfyt, Neverthelesse it is namyd
6 amyghty temprment only that is apte to Do the(?) acte, which(?) is
7 givinge(?) complexion to the same By complexion of his
8 temprment, which(?) is Don By waie of pleccion(?) knowne,
9 this arte causithe the medycin to Be apte by his
10 temprment, to the knowledge wherof ought prncipally
11 thyne entrent to Be Redressyd, which(?) entendyst(?) to bringe
12 our(?) worlde(?) of noble temprment to an ende with(?) the instrment
13 of noble & prudent wisdome, for the whole consideration(?)
14 is abought the tmprment(?), which(?) we can not grante(?) By
15 any meanes to him which(?) is made wholy strange
16 from our(?) Lytall place which(?) contaynithe prfecion, and
17 By this thing suche a considrer(?) is Banished from
18 his hole purpose, even as he is Banished By
19 suprflus fantasis, which(?) inqirithe(?) whether company

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1 By an inward wytt of nature & By the will of a mastr
2 is founde(?) in the firment, or ells By god(?) hering together
3 of thinge [ ], By crafte instructe(?) in medicin
4 making one forme or Dyvers(?), for temprment as it is
5 a thinge prfyt of acte is not knowne more clerar(?), [ ]
6 [ ] or founde more ryghtlyer, wherfore by this
7 said science whether it Be of one forme or of Dyvers
8 nevrtheless evrmore [ ] is one manr to observe & kepe(?) the
9 termes of going to the ende of the said temprment,
10 which(?) temprment we will to Be signified by./C/ itemprment(?)
11 is one Disposition innaturall corruptid which(?) is causyd(?) by
12 Resolution ellymentall, By the which(?) imedyatly & with(?)
13 out meane the arte of the individually of nature
14 Be corruptid, for ther slyper?es(?) & [ ] far of(?)
15 from the temprment which(?) cam By contynuans and
16 gethering together of ther prte in the compounde, which(?)
17 in?empratnes(?) we will to Be [ ] By /G/ in
18 the condision of /D/&/if/into/G/ Newtralite is
19 arisane(?)

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1 arisan(?) or Disposicion in the which By arrisane(?) manr the acte of
2 [ ] Be formyd with(?) ?vacyon of the Bynde as [ ]
3 the Judgment of experiens of the sences(?) & it is signified
4 By [ ] pluctyd(?) out of /B/&/ff/ turning agayne into
5 /D/ By tho(?) is formyd /O/ as we shall showe in the
6 practice which(?) is the seconde prte, & lyke(?) as we have
7 shewyd Before that the theorycle of this crafte is Devidid
8 into iii prte, & of these iii prte you(?) must Dygye(?) & plucke(?) out
9 the same. Therefore you(?) oughtist to understand that evry
10 childe of Doctrine ought to consider all the prte of the
11 theorycle [ ] manr of wayes takinge them as narrowly(?)
12 as they may be taken accordinge to the nature of
13 the kynde, & ther sore(?) some tyme they ought to Be
14 consyderyd & undrstand By Reason according to that(?)
15 thinge that be in them, & some tyme according to
16 that thinge that the Ryght signes & that Be moste
17 next(?) according unto nature By any Respecteabull
18 to Be notyd By knowledge in Bode temprall
19 But the first consideracion ought to [ ] in ordr
20 of Doctrine

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1 of doctrine intelectuall as you(?) shalt fynde Declaryd in
2 the tretice of questions of the Breve art in the 4 chaptr
3 in the qestyon of the second book of this art complete(?)
4 for a noble infstruction & inobill appetite ought to be
5 syngid(?) in the hart of this childe of Doctrine, to when(?)
6 we wyll make manifest our secret with Revelacion, which
7 is movyd of the creator of all intellygence, for By
8 consyderacyon of this second Booke Doinge no Snibry(?)
9 to nature, this shall we Declare the whole that is nedfull
10 to this mastry By a Devine xcesse(?) Revelat and
11 sheweyd(?) unto us, & yf so Be you Be afaythfull som
12 unto us we shall make mayfest unto the that(?) thing
13 of secret which is the instrment making prfyt of the
14 whole mastry & of all nature, & to evry childe of
15 Doctrine we commande & exhibite undr payne of
16 cursing(?) & of the maledicyon of almighty god
17 that he Do not Revele or shew our said secret unto the
18 Dummies(?) or infidelle ageynst the faythe But to hide

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1 it & hold that secret it it [ ] not to [ ] knowledge, [ ]
2 [ ] it out of mouth(?) of man who then(?) shalt fynde
3 in the same, in the second prte.
4 Of the ?sall principills of nature, & howe they be
5 Deavine(?) out of a compusyd(?) mass(?) & of the 4
6 & of the iii primordiall principills for the gretter(?)
7 forme of the worlde, in Reducing unto 3 mastry
8 the leser forme as of a lesser worlde
9 the principille naturall promordiall & succedent in the
10 Worlde of nature, Be universally all extremes which maie be
11 with meanes, Betwen the which(?) as I have said or shewyd
12 to be Declaryd, other shall Decllare the nature of the
13 primordiall principille in the second prte practicall
14 above the powr of natur is the most hyght celestiall
15 god who is XIPHA(?) et(?) OO(?). ?end without begynnyg
16 & begynnyge without ende, creator & formar of all
17 principille afore said & succedent who(?) called the
18 extremes & meanes in the worlde of nature, this
19 natur Did god create of nothing in to one pur
20 substans

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1 substans which(?) we call the quintessencs in the which(?) all natur
2 is comprehended, of this substans devidid in to iii prte
3 according unto the devyne essens, of the pur prte god
4 created angelle, of the seconde prte he created planette
5 & all the sterres, & of the iii prte which(?) was not so pur
6 god creatyd this world in this manner. But sonn(?) thou(?)
7 oughtist not to undrstand this as it is given to the
8 But that it is as that was creatyd all together at the wyll
9 of the most hyghe creator without any succession or
10 following of worke & without any matter procedinge
11 which dyd(?) beholde [ ] ?session or following of [ ]
12 for yt shold not Be [ ] creation or operacion which
13 Beholdithe a creacion of Beinge comynge By crafts
14 for By crecion is nothing in the being substanciall
15 wherfore we shall shew the this thing yf than
16 wylt understand what a speriite(?) of sciens, & not
17 a Riyticall(?) of [ ] for we speke(?) thus to the
18 Respecte of the worlde of nature, to the which you(?) ought
19 to Be

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1 to Be [ ] in this mastey & [ ] [ ] have(?)
2 said thes thinge as an example that thou myghte undrstand
3 us well as is afore said & not as it is wryten. The most
4 highest creator Devidid this prte in to 5 prte & of one prte
5 most oure, god created the great G?essions of ellemente
6 which takithe prte with a heavinly thing which is signified By [symbol]
7 & he Devidid this into 4 prte, the fyst prte most pur is
8 signified By /P/ which is given to the second prte Lesse(?)
9 of the second prte of the elelmente, & the second prte Lesse
10 pur is signified By /Q/ which is given to the ayre(?), which is
11 creatid of the 3rd(?) prte of the ellemente, & the iii prte of the
12 ellemente Lesse pur is signified By /R? & this is atri-
13 Butid unto the water, which is an element creat of the
14 4t prte of ellemente Lesse pur, & the 4th prte Lesse pur
15 is signified By /S/ & this is to the element terestriall
16 [ ] was created of the 5 prte of ellemente lesse pur,
17 and for to my he that nature is Lesse pur & lesse fyt
18 it Disservithe(?) perfecyon, & the one with the others is made
19 prfecte By concordans of theyr properties(?), of her instrmente
20 of the first beinge, which Be pricipant with a thing celestiall

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1 Nevertheless this apetid(?) of percection of nature /~/ from
2 generacion to corruption & from corruption to generacion
3 for the most hyhist instincyon or apetid(?) comyth(?) not
4 imediately of the creator of nature, for yf so be that he
5 sholde make the thing, then it shold be made By the
6 creator & not By nature & then shold it be perfyt
7 without Distincyon, and therefore when the sustinc(?)
8 or apetid(?) comythe of nature, she can not make any
9 thing perfyt without it be made perfyt By the nature
10 Devine or By the Devine intelligens, as By in the
11 quick nature which is Rectyfyed By the intelligens
12 Devine, as By the master of the worlde, By this
13 thing thou maist understand and that nature of the fyst
14 ellemente after the devision of the iii substans
15 primordyally creatid, not that you shalt understand that
16 the substans of them Be symple the [ ] element
17 But the substans fourthe, thyrd, seconde & fyrst
18 ellymente of the 5th prte which we call the primordiall
19 elyment & substans symple By the which the forsaid

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1 substans ellymentally Be ellementale(?) [ ] [ ] according(?)
2 as it is above Declarid so these 4 ellemente truly [ ]
3 pur & clere By the Reason of the clere(?) prte of nature of the which
4 they were created unto the tyme of [ ] which came(?)
5 out of nature, & is there yet until the tyme of sudnlyenis(?)
6 & [ ] after [ ], But afterward that men Be dead &
7 Beaste & thinges springing of the erthe Be Dessicate
8 & made [ ] what Distanttion(?) of generation coming from
9 corruption into generacion & from generacion into
10 corrupcion, so that of the Bode in pur [ ] Be [ ]
11 the elements into that thing which hapnithe(?) or changithe
12 the elements, By the which corruption evry(?) thing Lyving
13 is of a chort Lyffe, for nature can nevr make a thing
14 so perfyt By the Reason of his grace & corruptible
15 mattr as she did in the Beginning [ ]
16 shall, But nature in working takithe som prte
17 of imperfection with great corrupcion, By cause of the
18 mattr of element Lesse which fyndithe Dayly(?)
19 for

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1 for that thinge which she putithe [ ] to change her compound
2 then she Dyd put in compounding the string prte of the
3 said Bande, & By this Doctrine sonn you maist understand
4 the philososopicall speche(?) which shal(?) be endyd in the end of
5 the worlde, thoe [ ] christ shall com to judge the
6 worlde By fyre /~/ with the fyre of [ ] wihich burnithe
7 evry thing that is not of the puryte of the said ellemente
8 & all that thing which is componde of evylnes(?) & impuritye
9 [ ] conformdyd into the depe(?), & that thing which the fyre
10 hath fynde compound of pure virtu(?) above his spe?
11 he shall shut it up Lyving by & eternally, & the
12 wyll & impure(?) shall fall upon those that Be Damd(?)
13 & all the pure virtu(?) upon them that Be Blessid,
14 and By this thy consyderacyon may take light(?)
15 that in the ende evry thing shall go to his []
16 pace from whence it cam out fyst, understand
17 yet further that this erthe which we tread upon is
18 not very ellyment, But it is ellymentatal of the
19 very [ ]

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1 very 1st(?) element, [ ] that [ ]
2 the first substands ellementall of the Bode
3 elementate wherof the erthe is formid
4 which the 1st cause woyde from virtu(?) forma-
5 tyme as a Body many made(?) & in one
6 compunde adiomid(?) to putryfaction as
7 elle matter compound without forme of the for said in[ ]
8 By a Recipricat action to the elements of [ ] or [ ]
9 But in the conture of the erthe, the reste is acting(?) in
10 & [ ] ellyment ehivh the fyre can not destoye or
11 Burne in the fearfull daye, & so By kewyse(?) of other
12 ellementes Then By this Declaracion mayst under-
13 stande [ ] a substans principale simple materyall
14 of the which without devision were formyd all thinges in one
15 thoughe we have spoken to the which devision, not [ ] it
16 from the kynde which is the quintessence, & you shalt subtra?
17 the whole principalitie from the compound ellementes
18 & which shalt saie that you be iii principalles of all thinges /?/
19 artificiall [ ], and matter, The first
20 principall

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1 principle artificiall is god creator of all thinges the
2 2 principle is callid example & [ ] [ ] of him
3 which is wyssdom & the 3 principle following is callid
4 the mattres created By him with wisdom which procedithe(?)
5 from him selfe & it is the primordiall element
6 which we call the which we have declared yf you hast
7 well understand us By the which you nedyst not to
8 [ ] to [ ] him in his [ ] essences or simple
9 kynde, or to Begyn our opericional
10 thoughe thou canst not doyt(?) nor
11 [ ] it without the same, But
12 [ ] you oughtist to searche it in the
13 kynde compound, in which is I have
14 said to you all the elements Be cre-
15 atid of the said substans & of the
16 same Be animatyd to creat & corrupt,
17 wherfore it is necessary as it aperith
18 By nature that when all thinge being under
19 the

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1 the globe of the moone Be compounde created & formid [ ]
2 of the said matter which is callyd the(?), Bycause from that
3 ys [ ] influence into one thing than in other thinges
4 as we have presevid in nature which is borne [ ] in [ ]
5 therfore Be which sure(?) that nothing of this worlde maie be creatid
6 nor ingendryd without it for this thing is the gathering(?)
7 of every Body ellementale in the worlde of nature, & therefore
8 we call this nature the primordyall Beginning of evry(?)
9 thing ellementale in the worlde of nature, for of her simple
10 substans the element which Be the matters of nature were
11 together created what Devine separacion /~/ erthe water
12 eyer & fyre which Be Dodes elymentale By the said
13 primoryall simple ellemente which is in them, & of this
14 understanding prededithe the meth?ers which said that the
15 kynde of elements is founde in the said principle
16 in only fornes which is the primoryall principle of
17 things & for this cause if you require or seke(?) sutche
18 a matter understand the same to Be a pure subiect, which
19 is

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1 is the union of motion of formes in the which is retainis(?) all
2 formes with possibilitie for it containithe many influences
3 & ?yding infinite after the Densite of the extreme
4 formes & meanes which it containithe in himselfe & by som
5 proces(?) it is callid the receptacle & forme which is producyd
6 of a celestiall matter which was of his nature, & By other
7 that is callid silva(?) /~/ a woode comparing the same to
8 a [ ] & ?sticall thing, & that By the reason of his
9 possibilite, & By other it is callyd posyblylyte Bycause
10 it hathe no forme in that selfe naturally, But it fol-
11 dythe all formes with possibilitie, as silence hathe hy(?)
12 selfe without hering of any thinge, & By ?eas to
13 him that seythe not.Darkness is fine, so this matter is to
14 understand as nothing to Be understand, & howe(?) the
15 ellemente Be ordered(?) in the worlde, of which althing
16 Be ingendrid in manner as it aperithe in the chapter
17 following. Of the Lesse form with the principilles
18 ?dent

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Note: This entire page is a diagram. It is a circle divided into 8 parts:

A: deus(?)
B: 4 elementes
C: vapors & ponds(?) of 4 [ ]
D: [ ][ ] of the 4 elements
E: the stincking(?) spirits
F: argent(?) vi. phila pop [ ]
G: [ ] philophitall
H: mettall

There are three abbreviations to the left of the diagram:

C: temperament
G: itemperament
F(?): neutralits

There are three abbreviations to the right of the diagram:

B: naturall
D: innaturall
H: ageynste nature

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1 In the [ ] of nature more(?) nere(?) according to the [ ]
2 & meanes of ther(?) more nere operacions, and formyth as with [ ]
3 said many tymes that the principles Be universally all extremes(?) [ ]
4 meanes of them, therefore we saie that the first principall
5 extreme of all things Be the 4 ellementes which we shall
6 shall Declare to Be the elements which is signified by B
7 the 2 Be the vapours which Be compound of the said ellementes
8 imedyatly & they Be of the first composicion of nature, & is
9 signified By C into the which vapoures all bodes ellemetave(?)
10 Be resolvyd to enter(?) into a new generacyon. [ ] is the clere
11 water compounde of the said vapoures of the 4 ellementes
12 with condensacyon of the nature which comythe
13 in the said vapoures of the 4 ellementes, & this is
14 signified By D which is the most nere(?) matter of any [ ]
15 which is not to Be founde running(?) upon the erthe& this
16 iis ingendrid [ ] in evry Body ellementat ?edent
17 of the matter of the ayre, & that humidite [ ] is
18 ponderus & what an homogenious ayre rainithe(?) abought
19 By moving of the wynde By [ ] placis [ ]
20 or perforat(?)

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1 or perforat(?) placis(?) [ ] under the erthe [ ] places
2 & it fallithe in sulphery mynes caused of the [ ] [ ]
3 [ ], and the 4th is one substans which is within the myne
4 Drawing more near to nature of mettall & it is callid
5 Carcadis(?) & glasse(?) [ ]which is an erthe & the manner of
6 mettalls, By another manner it is callid [ ]
7 [ ] & [ ] in [ ], red, Blacke & grene many-
8 fest or openly & he hathe the coller of the [ ]
9 Lyzard imedyatly ingendrid of that matter, of the said any
10 [ ] of a [ ] vapoure & dry sulpherins(?), & in
11 his [ ] [ ] into the Lyssard in the which is the
12 forme & kynde of the st? sprite, in the mix ever of
13 when(?) is multyplyd the mynerall heat which is the Lysse(?) of
14 mettalls & is signified By [ ]. The [ ] extreme
15 or meane Be the vapors imedyatly ingenderid withe
16 resolusion By rectificacion of the said glassy ?stans
17 & thys is the first & next matter to veneracion(?) of all
18 mettall ingendrid of naturall [ ] & revyvid
19 in the

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1 in the forme(?) [ ] of [ ] water of the which all the
2 investygated of this science ought to understand in the
3 worde of nature to Be [ ] [ ] But not suche as is founde
4 upon the grounde, nor shall not Be untyll suche tyme
5 that it Be formid first into a [ ] & Blood(?) & Penem(?) &
6 & that is to Be signified by H. The which(?) Be [ ]
7 By succession medyatly ingenerid By nature from
8 substans of the said quicke(?) water of the which a vaporie
9 congilithe(?) all that arg. vi. which is the rety? of
10 the said vapore into that mettall wherof the vapore is,
11 & that is done By Separacion which the matter tabithe(?)
12 By nature with informacion such or Lyke as is admin-
13 istrat to the forme & kynde of the said mettall
14 & these sulphurs Be signified By /G? The [ ] is
15 ingendryd By vapors of the said sulphurs and
16 quickfilness By [ ] deccyon(?) & By the mettals
17 which Be very extremes with a perfyt closure in the
18 worde of nature, yet By corrupcion when they
19 Be out

Page 25

1 Be out of the mynes nature dothe intende to reduce them
2 By cirules(?) [ ] the [ ] in the corrupting & agayne
3 ingendring & those Be terminate agayne or another
4 tyme into a newe(?) generacion By disgestion in the [ ]
5 in the which the vapors Be shutt from these corruptible things
6 By naturull [ ] for the vaygh tymes of the ellementes
7 & By the [ ] dygestyd [ ] suche tyme they Be
8 [ ] into a Better kynde, as the generacion of [ ]
9 is made in the Body of the Beat By disgest ing of
10 datings(?) as it is declaryd in the greate arte in the chapter
11 which Beginnithe manifest de generacione et corruptione in
12 mettallis & for as whyche as it is ther(?) wryten with determinacion(?)
13 Litterall, that the phors(?) is not forced to [ ] to any
14 aforine(?) Lyke to another mettall, Lyke as a painter or
15 a carvar which in a great piece of tymbar or in a store(?)
16 dothe in printe the forme of a man artificially, which
17 forme hathe a great discripcion with the matter, wherfore
18 in this case it is said that the forme is very strange from
19 the matter which is ina shorte(?) tyme corruptible & suche
20 wordes Be not asimulate(?) to the worde of nature
21 in her

Page 26

1 in her operacions or matter, for as they fabte(?) of the matter of [ ]
2 nature, Lykewise they Be not asimulate(?) of operation, for they
3 can not gyve the vertu(?) informatyve to the matter convenyent(?) which
4 hathe an sustincte(?) or desire to Refyne the [ ] where(?) he
5 is adminstred there(?) unto By naturall informacion. But it hen(?)
6 By crafte knowne which is a substract of nature which is callid
7 examples or a thing Lyke ?wise & an Ingenious [ ]
8 dothe [ ] his worke to the worke of nature with
9 ?action of his kynde mynerall after that he formyth a
10 thing of suche vurtu which dothe ?come the hole course of
11 nature, & By this thy understanding may knowe a perfeyte(?)
12 that naturall work may be formid(?) Bt science & crafte
13 of the workar(?), after the doctrine of his [ ] insterment
14 and Son knowe you(?) futher that men knowe not howe to
15 to use ther memory to understand & investigat the very
16 true(?) Beings(?), wether the wyll of chosing(?) the good
17 Beings & forsaking the evyll Beings which Be agaynst
18 natur(?) therfor, Bycause they can not put these power as
19 in crafte which is the instrument of them, of the which we

Page 27

1 shall instruct you(?) in the second parte that you mayst touché the
2 ryall in our worke & mastry for witche the [ ] of which of the
3 which we shall inform you in the second parte you shalt have
4 a prefounde(?) & a perfyt science which a delectacion(?) By the which
5 standing may attayne one kynde what another & what the order
6 of one kynde attayne to the order of another kynde, & so
7 shall he have an ordynate delectacion, & shall under-
8 stand what is [ ] & comen & for this cause sciens(?) is
9 [ ] Be [ ] & not [ ] makithe groce(?) the understanding
10 & [ ] them from the understanding the necessities
11 of the true Beings, as it is declaryd in the desiryd tree(?) of
12 phire(?) in the [ ] distinctcion in chapter understanding
13 of the pacens of /ff/C?/ wherfore it aperithe that suche
14 as Be ignorant in our mastrye have an inordinate
15 displeasure. Wherfore Son we shall gyve to the other
16 principills which Be succedent in the chapter which suche
17 intencyon that the forsaid mettalls Be signified by /G?/
18 & so note of them that wantithe & hathe no paciens
19 shall never attayne the syens.
20 Nowe(?)

Page 28

1 Now followeth of the figure of [ ] of what principal
2 the mastry is made & howe many they Be in
3 nombar & of the conversion or forming.
4 The primordiall principills in our mastry Be iii principally
5 quicke(?) nature with the stincking spirit of the which sulphur is
6 creat. which is our stone. But for Bycause these Be not above the
7 erthe in the naturall acte as it Be ?ithe. But Be founde
8 in an erthely matter in forme of mettall in the which is the
9 vapore of them therfore we take the extremes of nature
10 By the meanes of crafte(?) passing to a substans within his
11 myne /~/D/C?/B?/ But Bycause these be contraries
12 [ ] of, Bycause of the extremes of theyr nature, wsydome
13 hathe shewyd(?) us that we shold take /ff?/ which is the meane
14 disposicion of the extremes of the said nature, which disposician
15 is chosen of, I as asperithe(?) [ ] the figure of them
16 declaryd in the second [ ] By the chapter precedinge,
17 so that ff? convertithe /d?/ in C? that all together maye be
18 convertid into /B/ & that this /B/ By circulacion Be
19 reducyd into /G?/ of the which you shalt derive /ff/ in our
20 mastry in the place of quicke nature & of the stinking

Page 29

1 spirit, for so ff hathe power to counte [ ] /G?/ [ ] [ ]
2 of the forme & that shalle all actually that thing which was in power
3 in the worke of nature & of the Best meanes By reason of the
4 extremes within /ff/ & /d/ Be actually /H?/ G/ & /d/ decocte pure
5 & strongly digest By the [ ] of the nature of the wise artic(?)
6 sicer(?) wherfore it is not convenient But only to remove
7 & separate one parte of /d/ & one parte of R(?), & then you shalt
8 [ ] in the worke of crafe(?) [ ] to nature, other changing
9 of nature & myche more Letter By the helpe of /C/ & d, which
10 came of [ ] & H which is Brought out By the roots of, by [ ]
11 /B of the [ ] is made ff which is creat & [ ] into
12 /G By the course of nature in our mastry, & this /G/ is
13 the first & next matter of the which we creat our perfight(?)
14 [ ] which is the firment of the elixir.

Page 30

1 The Worke of Crystall Berrall(?) & Corroll
2 Ry? deare frende ye shall understand that to the worhip
3 of god & for more understanding & knowing of kynde
4 althoughe I Be uncomming of the simple understanding
5 of naturall [ ], with the helpe of the grate of the
6 holy trinite I write to you this tretis determininge
7 the worke according to [ ] of 3 elyxers,
8 elyxir vite, & elixir mytall(?), the elixir vitre is made
9 of 2 Bodes of Lyght that [ ] fayre & Bright, the which
10 Ben Dead Lyinge in the erthe, & when ye have
11 them ye must put them in purgatory to change(?)
12 them(?) of their superfluities, then after you must [ ] you from
13 Deathe to Lyffe(?), & with the sope of amaydon [ ] you(?), &
14 then they Be brought into a fyzt Body ?nall
15 of the 5th(?) Beings, the which is callid the philosophors(?) stone
16 then after that he is fed with his mothers mylke
17 & is

Page 31

1 & is incresid Bodely with Bodely firment & then he
2 hathe power to heale perfitly all the imperfyt Bodes of
3 the myne,& also all the sicke(?) Bodes of mankynde, as
4 I shalldeclare more openly in the Last ende of this
5 Booke, for the multiplycacions & the firmentacions of this
6 elyxir is almost Lyke. Nowe openly I will declare
7 the [ ] of the elixir vite for sothe it is made of
8 3 materials /~/3 ?sions stones /~/ Cristall Berall,
9 & Corall in the Beginning of this worke Let us
10 wisly drawe out cristall [ ] of the 5th Being, for
11 without dought this [ ] hathe power of disolving
12 of Corall & to Redresse you into the first matter, so that
13 they Be first all dep? of theyr corruption, &
14 when they Be perfytly clensid & dyolvid wisly
15 dystillid singularly, & afterward[ ] closyd that they
16 flye not awaye, & kost(?) you & seethe you kyndly after
17 the

Page 32

1 the waies of philosophers(?) & it shalle congelid(?) into [ ] body
2 saving the coller of Sirop(?) & that is callid [] Blyssid stone
3 after his Bodely firmentacion hathe a Blyssyd virtu
4 to heale all manner of sicknes, as well of the Bodes of the
5 myne as of mankynde, & when this stone is kyndly
6 fermentyd(?) & disolvid with his owne Blude(?) pure, and
7 noryshed(?) & incresid as well in quantite as in qualite
8 then it is properly(?) callid the elixir whit & afterward
9 when it is caste upon marce(?) it formithe it into the
10 elixir whit sodenly, & then it is callid properly(?) a perfyt
11 medicine. also I said unto you openly ye shall
12 understand the matrimony of the body & the [ ] shalle [ ]
13 anon after the water is drawne out, or at the least waye with
14 in 3 ?wars, & the first fecis(?) to Be cast awaye, also
15 the vessel must Be stopid with [ ] clothe after the in?-
16 nacyon, also ye shall understand that the red(?) may not
17 Be disolvyd with his first water that the whit erthe is
18 disolvid in


Page 33

1 But the red erthe is calcinid therein for fothe(?) that
2 all [ ] & makithe them(?) to enter I saye the [ ] of the blessid
3 stone, not the [ ] of fools as sulpher [ ] & comen(?)
4 mercury & fake(?) armonyack, none of these is our Blessid stone,
5 [ ] ye(?) shall understand that the bodes(?) of Lyght /~/ [ ] &
6 Corall Be of subtler substans & of Lyter fucion(?) then be
7 the perfyt Bodes of kynde, for they Be of fixer(?) retencion(?)
8 then is come mercury in his kynde, for these bodes be
9 But Lytell [ ], & they Be callid the meane bodes
10 Betwene comen mercury & the perfyt Bodes of kynde, therfore
11 saithe Bacon it is to those our(?) matter to the elixir vite in
12 which is cleane [ ] & pure & not fulle decocte, But
13 evenly(?) & proportcionally comyxt with suche a [ ] for whit
14 or red, & congilid into a masse that our naturall win
15 & craftie(?) fyre we maye com to [ ] clensing &
16 complet to purify so that after the ende of the worke
17 it Be 2000 parte more perfyt thenthe perfyt bodes of
18 of

Page 34

1 kynde that Before decocte, of the form(?) & the [ ] is ingendrid
2 [ ] of the 5th Being that is our ston, & without the spine(?) of some
3 & moone is made no perfyt generacion nor light of fucion
4 of the elixir vito. But note well that this do? [ ] is of
5 the myne of the erthe the first [ ] is callid [ ] of the myne
6 & this is the pp? sperme(?) of the 6 Bodes of the myne. the seconnd
7 [ ] is that thing that is shed out & dep? from the perfyt stone
8 of the myne in his myne & in his decoction, the which being
9 is properly(?) callid the superfluite of him what a temperat decoccion
10 of naturall heate into a subtile red Body corruptible
11 naturally [ ] worthily is calllid the sperme(?)of
12 of the son, in the same manner comithe for the in the myne
13 the whit sperme of perfit mone(?) of the myne for G?
14 saithe, when Bothe Ben pperat(?) from the filthynes
15 corruption they Be redy to(?) dissolve, & connection(?) to be
16 maide of them Bothe ageyne & is redy to make son &
17 moone better then any of the myne, & yf any philosopher(?) will
saie that

Page 35

1 saye that this is false(?), answer ageyn & say experfly(?) this
2 the philosophers(?) stone is quicksilver(?) But not common mercury, the
which is
3 a [ ] water but not a vis? nor unpure / the most pure
4 ?yght [ ] & [ ] whit cleare & shining throws(?)
5 out as hevin, & [ ] saythe that of everything that
6 maye Be made mercury pure son & moone maye be made
7 expelling / for as [ ] as mercury is [ ] & matter
8 of all mettalls & of all the Bodes of the erthe & of the mines
9 Ergo(?) the philosophers(?) stone is founde in evry place, & yet
10 especially in the myne of man, for that is the hyest & the
11 most virtuose(?) myne of all [ ] / Macrobart(?) saithe
12 that there be /3/ manner of mynes /~/ the myne of the erthe
13 out of which comythe many diverse kynde ?yght
14 pp?fitable to good workes/ & also the myne of the
15 sea, & [ ] a myne(?) of man, for sothe(?) the myne of the
16 sea is But our(?) & that is Cristall without the which the elixir
17 vite wyll never Be made & the myne of man is
18 properly(?)

Page 36

1 properly(?) but one thing & in especiall(?) But one Byside [ ]
2 pasathe(?) all only kynde of mynes of the ertze, in the which myne
3 is formede(?) the stone of philosophers(?), & therefore in the myne of
4 his head that purest mercury & sulpher passing alloy?
5 kynde, of mynes, & therefore Aristocell(?), plato, Virgille
6 & many [ ] philosophers say this Gecarliche(?) in order & in
7 mans Bloode. 34the(?) nighty(?) of the complexion of colleric be
8 & sanguine, is founde our stone of the myne of the erthe
9 & so it is founde in every man, & it is of the foulist
10 thing & of vile purpose(?). So that of every poore sicke philosophor(?) &
11 nedy(?), may this worke Be made that By his reason &
12 wisdome that god hathe given him of his specyall
13 grace/ also it founde after philosophers(?) in mercury that is mother
14 of all mettalls & of all Lyqibills. & yet it is callid
15 a stone of the myne/ of the erthe it is callid a vegetable /
16 or an erball, for of the juce of /3/ erbes By evin porion
17 myxid together / ther Be the erbes, ?curyalis, portulata,
18 marina

Page 37

1 marine that makithe the whit mylke, & the erbe of [ ]
2 Belydome(?), & for certen there is no differens Betwixte(?) thes
3 mercury of thes /3/ erbes & the mercury of the myne of
4 the erthe, Ergo this stone is of vegitable things, & so that
5 is founde in every place, also it is callid a beast, for
6 when the elements of this mercury Ben deptid(?)
7 & By evyn(?)wouyght(?) Be mynid together with
8 out any [ ] thing & well closed in a glasse & set(?) in
9 horse some(?) /3/ monthes,then Be Brought for the horible
10 wormes(?) of the philosophers(?), & one devotithe(?) a [ ], tyll they
11 have made & Brought forthe a great toode(?), & this
12 Beast of himselfe is elixir upon Jupiter & saturne
13 Ergo this stone is a Beast, & therefore no man(?) dought that
14 [symbol - Sol] to be a ston that sheithe(?) himselfe & raysithe him
15 selfe agen, & quickithe(?) himselfe with ioyning to of
16 firment, & formithe into son or(?) a nome(?) / also the philosopher(?)
17 said as I sayd tofore(?), it is founde in every man
18 &

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1 & therefore it is callid the philosophers egge, as Aristoteyl(?) saithe
2 egge Lyethe/3/ things a shell(?) a whit & a yolke so in the philosophers
3 stone Lyethe /3/ things according therto, a vessel of glasse, for the
4 shell, a whit Lycore for the whit & a red fore the yolke, & so
5 of the red(?) of the whit is made the Birde of the philosophers(?),
6 as they said Before & the stone made of /3/ things as [ ]
7 cristall Birrall, & corrall, cristall that groweth in the myne
8 is not so good as the artificiall, for he is Best of all
9 cristalls, for why, he rednises(?) all calsis(?) of Bodes into water
10 when they Be medlyd & ground with [ ] & afterward put
11 into a moyst place to dissolve, for truly this crystall
12 Bringithe marce(?) & saturne into mercury the vertu
13 & properte(?) of cristall artificiall is this, for soothe he
14 disolvithe Birrall & corrall, & he incresithe in birrall
15 his whitnes & in corroll his rednes, & changithe
16 you from your corporalyte(?) into [ ], & with him at
17 the Best they Be purged, & it is the myne of the elixir
18 vite, for why the philosophers with them makithe the resolucions
19 &

Page 39

1 & ther coagulacions of the elixir for why with him they solve &
2 congyle the worke of the cristall is callid the first of the
3 elixir vite the which closithe & openithe & ofte(?) ageyn clothithe
4 & openithe, without this keye(?) the which the first philosophers shewid
5 not for soothe(?) this key is [ ] flying a stone gendering
6 & an helper to the elixir for [ ] nether he wolde nother(?)
7 [ ] enter we Be complet, also this key is flying as a
8 [ ] & with a body he is a body, & therefore in him is great
9 previte hid, & in the Booke of Lume(?) Lumenin(?) saithe
10 in crystal [ ] shall serve, for why, yf god had
11 not made him this elixir vite a nyght(?) [ ] Be complet
12 & also the stove(?) of alkamye ware vayne, therefore who that
13 workithe without cristall he dothe wast, for wyt(?) ye
14 well else bodes of dead stones in the [ ] may not
15 [ ] without him, wherefore I aske forgyvnes of
16 almyghty god for this that I have said, for this shalle
17 sufficient to the, for soothe all the hid [ ] is in his
18 solucion dystillacion & coagulacion it neadithe but
19 a Light

Page 40

1 a Light preparacion & it is of great [ ] for why he By
2 By himselfe alone & also with Bodes craftily fixithe [ ]
3 without when [symbol: mercury?] By himselfe & also with Bodes flyethe
4 for soothe as many philosophers say that crystal alone all [ ]erthly
5 thing is most commendable, for with is rectified every
6 man, of all the purite(?) is in crystal in the [ ] preparat(?)
7 for he that knowest every hid privite(?) for that is wise mens(?) sope
8 & maydens [ ], for why he makithe Bodes whit therfore
9 put they mynde in cristall & thinke But on him
10 Bacon saithe yf you wilt be ritche preparat well cristall
11 with his Bretherne & use him not in no worke But he
12 Be preparat solvid & coagulid & ells you shalt not have
13 the properties(?) of a Lembroke(?) he is red(?) without & whight
14 within.
15 Of the [ ] high minerall
16 Nowe I will Beginn to determine & declare to you the true
17 naturyally thereof, But first Aristotell saithe that [ ]
18 may not Be changed or transmuted But yf they Be
19 Brought ageyn unto the first matter, & Be clensid
20 from the

Page 41

1 from ther corrupcion By a dustion(?) of fyre, But what is
2 materia prima there is doble(?) material prima ~ one first matter
3 that was water Before hevin & erthe ware made as it is said in
4 the booke of genisis, this the erthe was vague & voyd & the
5 [ ] of our Lorde was borne upon waters, & god made the firmament
6 in the mydst of the waters & departed waters from waters,/ Ergo
7 water was Before hevin & erthe, & so water was the first matter
8 of all things & Lylly saithe in the Booke of phisicke that the
9 first mater of all things of all(?) is a Being in [ ] [ ]
10 or reduciable(?) to the acte that is of no qualite nor quantite, of the
11 which matter & substanciall forme Brought for the the seconde
12 matter that is a beinge in acte of the Being in power and
13 substanciall forme together [ ] is [ ] made for
14 sothe that other first matter of the Bodes of the myne of the erthe
15 that philosophers call a stone & it is no stone the which is colde and
16 mayst in the 4th degree, for sothe this stone is genderid
17 in the reste as water flowing, & it is a viscos water running(?)
18 in the vaynes of the erthe of a subtill erthely substans
19 By a

Page 42

1 By a temperat heat of sulpher & thickid(?) & come(?) By sutche
2 mynglid By the finalist(?) [ ] fill the moyst Be temperid that the [ ]
3 the deye(?) with the mayst(?) so evinly(?) that when he is put upon a
4 thing he hathe no rest But Lyghtly flyithe [ ] he
5 may not drawe to the touchar(?) for his viscos water dimes(?) of
6 of sulpher Blacke foule & adustible(?) understanding that this
7 viscos matter was made of the first matter of all things By the
8 myght & power of god, & of this viscos nature the Bodes of the
9 myne of the erthe had the first Beginning, & this viscos nature
10 is [ ] our stone, naturally is more(?) moyst then drye, &
11 also more colde in acte then hite, & the cause of his wayght
12 is his moystnes that is so great, that the dry erthe, viscos it
13 of sulpher hathe temperid & [ ] the vaynes of the erthe
14 By temperat greate till it changed By transmutacyon
15 naturally in the forme of a [ ] Body [ ] having
16 no rest for his coldness & the moisture of his great wayght
17 within his viscos dr? [ ] & closed in / & also this stone is
18 hote & moyst as it is [ ] By his [ ] for why
19 he dysolvithe & [ ] blottithe & [ ], & ther(?)
20 whitnes

Page 43

1 whitnes of this stone is made of clernes of his moystur or of
2 the whitenes of his suttell dryness that is in him, & also of
3 the comyxtion(?) of the suttell ayre that is in him, wherfore without
4 forthe(?) he is whit Bycause of his coldness & moysture
5 & within for the he is red Bycause of his dryness & heate
6 the which rednes is hid in his worke as a mans(?) soule is hyd in
7 his Body & therefore of all [ ] he is most homogenie(?)
8 for he is first & Last in planets(?) as the son in starrs
9 & also he is in the midst of son & moone, wherfore I
10 saie his substans is good & of the Best working raising(?)
11 collors, with the same master hathe provid(?) the mastry for
12 sothe this stone Be all is [ ] [ ], for why the water
13 that is drawne from [ ], is callid after philosophers in latine
14 argentin(?) vitin(?),the which they departed in [ ] & callid it
15 2 names /~/ ?evin, & of the which pewter(?) the elixir mynerall
16 is made & some callithe it Beaste, the which is the figure
17 of 2 thigs in one thing & that makithe 3 things
18 But in substans they be but one, & it hathe 10(?) princypall
19 collers

Page 44

1 collers, & if he Be dead, he Bringithe forthe myc? when
2 the operacions therof Be compleat, for soothe ye shall understand that
3 difference Betwixt the first matter sperme(?) of Ligibill(?),& the first
4 matter of the stone, for soothe the first matter of Lygibill(?) is the
5 stone himself as I said Before, But the first matter of the
6 stone is the philosophers mercury, & therefore saithe the philosophers
that thoughe
7 mercury & quicksilver Be Bothe one in kynde, yet they are
8 [ ] in spice(?), & therefore they saye that there Be /2/ manner of
9 & all is But one quicksilver in kynde , for the first is [symbol]
10 of kynde & it is the purist matter of the erthe & it is callid
11 a pure sperme or else a clene viscos water of the which quicksilver
12 is ingendrid & all Liquibills(?), for soothe the seconde [symbol] is
13 quicksilber that which our Bodes Lyqibill(?) dissolve youselfe with you
14 without any other(?) Body, of other kynde comnyg Betwene &
15 when they be thus disolvid & losid9?) on this manner
16 then they Be very mercury, & sulpher, & then it is
17 callid water permanent, having in itselfe all that ever
18 that nedithe

Page 45

1 it needithe to his perfecion, for truly it is the mercury of
2 crafte that the philosophers [ ] & the same that it was Before it was
3 [ ] into lyquibills(?), for when our lyquibills Be formid downe
4 ageyn to the seat(?) therefore the philosophers saithe that the effects
of soll
5 & Lune is only holdyn(?) in mercury, & the deathe of our mercury
6 is the Beginning of this syence, for it shewith well that it
7 is no matter combustible, & also it is of the 4 ellement ~
8 water ayre erthe & fyr, wherefore saithe Aristotell
9 when you hast water of ayre & agen ayre of fyre & fyre
10 of erthe then you hast all the mastry Therefore
11 when this elixir mynerall is compliet it helithe sodenly
12 & makithe perfit all the sicke & imperfyt Bodes of the
13 myne of the erthe, therefore this elixir is callid strong
14 venom, for when a man takithe a litell venom
15 into his Body it shewithe(?) him ano(?) right so this
16 elixir when a litell therof is put into the Body of the
17 myne sodenly it persithe(?) thorowe(?) out the Body & chn-
18 githe it into the forme of another Body of the myne,
19 this

Page 46

1 this elixir is [ ] made By workinge of hands. But only changing
2 of kynde & of the same kyndes also in his worke that is made [ ]
3 mariage Betwixt a man & a woman, understand that the woman
4 hathe wings(?), therefore make the woman to assend upon the man
5 & the man shall assende upon the woman, & then they Be
6 made Blacke & disolvid together well & perfytly, all the mercury
7 water in palpable, then it is a token of perfytnes of Bothe
8 together, & then there is a very maryage made, in the joyning of
9 the man & the woman,& this Blackness the philosophers callithe
10 the first ?miccion, & so they call it satorne, the
11 2 tynture when it is putryfied the call it Brasse, the
12 3 tyncture when moyst(?) of the quicke(?) golde is distillid & is
13 molt upon him they call it putryfacyon & after the going(?)
14 out of the Blacknes when the Citren(?) calls(?) shewithe they call
15 golde, the 4 tyncures they call brass I Brent(?) red Lead
16 flower of golde & the firment of golde, the 5th tincture is callid
17 purple golde & that tincture they call fiery veno(?) tayming(?)
18 & all the philosophers [ ] that all the preparacyon of our stone is nothing
19 ells But [ ] sethe(?) dissolve & congile [ ] ///
20 Nowe

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1 Nowe I will declare Briefly the operacion of our stone, & of the which
2 stone the elixir vite is made for many philosophers said
3 that the elixir vite & the elixir mynerall is all one, & that parithe(?)
4 well prelimi(?) saing in this wise our stone that the elixir vite
5 is made of is not chosin of many dyveste(?) things as
6 som men suppose. But all only of one thing /~/ A Body
7 contayning the 4 ellements in the pure Bodes & it hathe
8 one name, the which Body willinge no [ ] knows & yet
9 every man knowithe it & also every man hathe it &
10 no man hathe it, & therefore tell no man what it is [ ] the
11 [ ] therof, for it shall not Be made on the [ ] & his
12 more of the philosophers tyll they Be brought into one frigid
13 Body for soth thes Bodes when they Be dysolvid they
14 Be formid into the nature of [ ] changing into another
15 forme, as it shewith well in the worke of oulde(?) men, that of
16 stones they make [ ], & of as his(?) they make glasse
17 right(?) so a wise workar. By our naturall crafte formithe
18 this Bodes & Bringithe them(?) into a new forme for the
19 Intencyon

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1 intencion of our geracion is now other thing [ ] that the puryst
2 substans of mercury Be chosin & takin out of thes Bodes, for
3 the elixir is all only in thes Bodes & in none other, & it is
4 callid the elixir vite, for it hemlithe(?) as well Bodes of man
5 kynde, as at the myne of the erthe//
6 Nowe I will declare what is sublimation & afterward the
7 naturall operacion of our stone./ after Jeber sublimacion
8 is not ells But for to depart the sottil(?) parts from the grose
9 & that is with a heat(?) fyre, for yf we shold make separacion
10 with violent fyre then the gross part wolde assende with the
11 sutell & that is naught, for the worke must be made with
12 sutellist parts & that it Be cleare & cleane, wherfore Jeber
13 saithe that all is in sublimacion, But right fewe understande
14 what it is, The philosophers sublymacion is a rearing [ ] the
15 elevacion of the sutillist parts from the grose, & the separacion
16 of parts not fixt from first parts, for soothe the parts not fixt
17 Be rerid up By fume(?) & whynde, therefore [ ] you will
18 that they flye not, But they be fixt with the fixt parts
19 & abyde also well that after our stone is cleansid first
20 which is

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1 which is cleansis By sublimacion & solucion, there is not founde
2 in him to [ ] me to Lytell, & therefore sutill the stone
3 to the utermost(?) cleansing & it is without any strange thing
4 then take this cleane Body & put him in his vessell
5 & cloce(?) him well with good Lute so that he spere(?) not, nor
6 never opened unto the perfyt whitnes apere, & witye(?)
7 well that when our stone is put in our vessel & our matter
8 selithe(?) our son ano(?) he is disolvid into water, and
9 Morien saithe that all the mastry is not ells but drawing(?)
10 out of the water from the erthe & the reduccion of that
11 water into erthe tyll that the erthe rose/ then the erthe
12 rollithe with his water & is made cleane, & when
13 it is cleane then with the helpe of god all the mastry
14 is fulfilled, also the philosophers say that our stone is founde in
15 the first(?) of the worke, & Albarte & Bacon saithe Bothe
16 that the first hyll(?) of this worke is man, for why,
17 mankynde is exalted above all the angels of heven
18 also

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1 also it is to knowe that there is a quicke lymethat which reducithe
2 all sottell Bodes into the first matter or kynde, & that sussicithe(?)
3 us, for he is animall to lyquibills(?), & meane to [ ] these
4 tynctures for why into him he takithe that is of his owne
5 kynde & strange things resusithe, for he is one only
6 substans in all his parts [ ], he it is that in
7 powder(?) firmentithe, But in him friendly he rytithe(?)
8 [ ] of him for the good assembling of his partes
9 & his stronge myxtion(?), Grosly(?) we fynde Bodes of
10 most perfection that holdithe most of quicklyme, & that that(?)
11 holdithe Lesse is of Lesse perfecion, & the wanting of the
12 in perfyt bodes is Litellnes of quicklyme & the inspisacion(?)
13 therof, stody the therefore when ye wyll [ ] mercury in
14 comyxtion(?), & if ye By him only may fulfill it
15 ye Be a sercher of most perfyt perfecion, & ye shalle
16 at reasurar(?) of his perfecyon that firmentithe(?)
17 worke of kynde, & shortly ye shall reioyse(?) of it
18 for ye may so inwardly cleanse him to the which kynde
19 may not attaine

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1 may not attaine, & so By [ ] which may therof one thing to
2 made that all kynde shall furmente(?), & there is no differens
3 whether it Be don(?) in [ ] of kynde or artificiall
4 therfore Let us take of hym(?) to mercury draweth(?), but [ ] truly(?)
5 mercury most Loving [ ] draweth(?) of all other, and
6 afterward to soll & then to lune [ ] & he is as well in
7 Bodes as on the selfe(?) mercury after kynde fo rthey [ ] of
8 one rose, But in Bodes is most harde in quicklyme
9 most next & perfitist / the sulpher & mercury in bodes
10 in the endes is the radicall senter(?), & also I councell you
11 take the Best [ ] of mynes of the erthe & make of
12 [ ] [ ] worke & that is the Body that I have declared to you
13 for he hathe in him his whit sulpher & red
14 with which he is [ ] into son & moone,
15 therfore saithe the philosophers in one stone ther is one
16 nature one worke one disposycion to the
17 whit sulphur & to the red & [ ] no [ ]
18 thing

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1 thing therto nor we shall not Lessin [ ] [ ] his
2 preparacyion we shall remove that is to [ ] & fulfyll
3 that wantithe, & nothing shall not enter to him that is not
4 borne of him, all note that you put your matter into the
5 vessell But ons & for [ ] ye do it oftner ye [ ] that
6 for it is byden(?) you ofte inbybe(?), they byd you so for
7 hyding of the crafte, for ye can not open your
8 vessell But it will take in son ayre and that
9 is contrary to the stone//
10 Finis

Quote of the Day

“The cause of all my errors alas! was this alone, that wandering astray I never operated in the congruous matter...”

Bernard Trevisan

Quest for the Stone


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