Antoine-Joseph Pernety, 1716-1801
The secrets of the reverend Maister Alexis of Piemont : containing excellent remedies against diverse diseases, wounds, and other accidents, with the maner to make distillations, parfumes, confitures, dying, colours, fusions, and meltings ...
This is the first edition containing all the four parts and each has a separate t.p. The fourth part is 'Translated out of Italian into English by Richard Androse'
Pagination sequential but only right hand side of each two page spread is included in pagination. p283 is followed by a different page marked as as p283 instead of p284. That page is followed by p285
Quote of the Day
“Convert the natures of the Elements and thou shalt find what thou seekest. To convert the natures is to make a body a spirit in our Magistery, first we make of gross thin, and of a body water, and by consequent we make that which is beneath as that which is above, and the contrary, for the bodies dissolved are reduced to the nature of spirits, and they be never separated asunder, like as water is mixed with water, and truly all the regiment and work is none other, but water permanent having in himself all things which we need.”
Georgius Aurach de Argentina
Donum Dei
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