Orphic Hymns The Holy Spirit of Mary Orphica carmina

Orphic Hymns
The Holy Spirit of Mary ( Hymnoi pròs Mousaion )

Orphica carmina

Written by Orpheus

Literature (poetry) Greece

Translation 1: Leconte de Lisle

Translation 2: Ernest Falconnet


Perfume of Prothyraia
The Styrax
Hear me, O venerable Goddess, Daimon of a thousand names, who comes to the aid of the pains of childbirth, who delights in nuptial unions, protector of women, who loves children, sweet and pleasant, who watches over childbirth, Prothyraia! ever present to men, guardian of the doors, friend of infants, who dwells in the homes of all and rejoices in feasts. Invisible, you untie the belts of those who give birth, you come to the aid of the pains of childbirth and you are joyful in fertility. Eileithyia! who eases painful labor, it is you alone, O rest of the soul, that those who give birth invoke, when their sufferings are intolerable. Artemis Eileithyia, venerable Prothyraia, hear me, Blessed One! Give me children and preserve them, since you are the preserver of all.
The Styrax.
Hear my songs, O venerable goddess, you who protect the women's beds, you who love the mysteries of generation; protector of the female sex, goddess who presides over weddings, hail. You are sweet, you are good, you are pleasant to all men. You inhabit the buildings of all mortals and you frequent their feasts. You are invincible, but you always watch over all childbirth. You take pity on those who are difficult and you rejoice in those who multiply. It is you whom pregnant women invoke, you who can bring relief to their sufferings, for it is you who always watch over the part of the woman where the breast ceases. O benevolent Artemisia, on whom depend happy deliverances, grant me a pleasant offspring, preside over the pains of women in labor, and preserve them as Juno, the excellent protectress, preserves them.


Perfume of Nyx
I will sing to Nyx, begetter of Gods and men, Nyx, source of all things, she whom we call Kypris.
Hear me, blessed Goddess, who has a black splendor, shining with stars, who rejoices in rest and deep sleep, joyful, charming, who loves long vigils, mother of dreams, forgetter of sorrows, propitious, who rests from labors, inspirer of hymns, friend of all, drawn by horses, who shines in the darkness, half-accomplished, earthly and ouranian by turns, who circulates and plays, gliding by the leaks of the air, who chases the light towards Aides or returns to him, for heavy necessity tames all things!
Now, blessed Nyx, very rich and desirable to all, be present and hear the suppliant voice of those who pray to you! Come, full of benevolence, and dispel terrors by shining in the darkness.
I invoke you, O goddess who engenders gods and men. Night is the principle of all things. Listen to me, great goddess, alternately veiled in darkness or covered with a brilliant mantle of stars. You love places inhabited by silent sleep and by pleasant laziness; good goddess who pleases you at feasts, the mother of dreams, enemies of all worries, and of rest, the most tranquil of all things. Friend of all, preceded by twilight, you inhabit by turns the earth and the sky; you come from Tartarus and you return to Orcus, chasing light before you, for the eternal laws of things irrevocably constrain you there. Be present at our songs, O venerable goddess loved by all, listen to the humble prayers of those who implore you; goddess, come to us fleeing the uncertain images of twilight.


Perfume of Ouranos
Ouranos, generator of all things, ever tireless part of the Kosmos, ancient source and end of all, O universal Father, who makes the earth roll in a circle, dwelling place of the happy Gods, who walk in the vertigo of a whirlwind, ouranian and terrestrial, who envelop and guard all, who contain in your breast the ineluctable necessity of what is, blue, untamed, changing, of varied form, seeing all, father of Kronos, blessed and most powerful Daimon, hear me, and give a pious life to the Neophant who serves the mysteries.
Ouranos, father of all things, eternally active part of the world, principle and end of the whole universe, you who make the earth roll in immense circles, abode of the immortals who turn whirling in the infinite spheres, celestial and terrestrial god who guards and veils all things, who summarizes in you alone all the eternal laws of nature, eternal father, powerful, indomitable, always changing form, universal protector, creator of Saturn, the greatest of the gods, come to my prayers and grant life to the young child who serves the mysteries.


Perfume of Aithèe
O you who possess the high abode of Zeus, tireless and dominating part of Helios and Selenaiè, tamer of all things, who breathes fire, torch of all living things, who reigns in the heights, Aithér! O best element of the Kosmos, O illustrious flower, who carries light and gives splendor to the stars, I invoke you and implore you to be gentle and temperate.
Sacred flame, which watches eternally in the lofty palaces of Jupiter, almighty portion of the stars, the sun and the moon, Ether dominator of all things, living ardor of all that breathes, you who reign in the azure heights, noble element of the world, flaming flower, radiant ray, I implore you with prayer to be innocent and temperate for me.


Perfume of Protogonus
I invoke Protogonus of both sexes, great, who wanders in the Aither, emerged from the Egg, with golden wings, having the roar of the bull, source of the Blessed and of mortal men, memorable, with many orgies, ineffable, hidden, sonorous, who chased away from all eyes the black primeval cloud, who flies through the Kosmos on propitious wings, who brings the brilliant light, and whom, for this, I name Phanes. Blessed, very wise, with diverse seeds, descend, joyful, to the sacrifices of the Orgiophantes!
I invoke you, great primigene couple, you who sail in the air and who support yourself on wings of gold, genitrix and fertile seed of gods and men, divinity famous and memorable on the primitive earth, noble germ of the other divinities, who have removed from all eyes the profound darkness which blinded them in the beginning, law which hovers over the walls of the world supported by the wings which are favorable signs, you who spread the light and who have taken from there the name of Phanetes (Lunus), god of the night, blessed immortal, be favorable to us, assist in the sacrifices of the priests, in the universal expiations which they present to you.


Perfume of the Stars
The Aromatics
I invoke first the sacred light of the Uranian Stars, calling with holy words the guiding Daimons. Uranian Stars, dear race of the black Nyx, who whirl around her throne, resplendent, similar to fire, who engender all that is subject to the Moirai, Revealers of all destinies, who show the divine way to mortal men, who have seven rays, who illuminate all zones, who wander in the air and run in the fire, Uranian and terrestrial, always illuminating the black peplos of Nyx, clothed in splendors, amiable and nocturnal, come! come to the sacred mysteries, and give a happy course to the illustrious sacrifices.
The Aromatics.
Flaming light, brilliant signals of the sky, I invoke you with a chaste voice, you and the geniuses of the rounded firmament, sparkling stars of the world, beloved companions of the night, traversing in your immense orbits all the cavities of the sky, primitive origin of all things, you who announce destinies and indicate the severe laws of the future! torches of the road of the firmament indicated to the first mortals, aerial tribunes of the celestial camp, restless nation, always vague and traveling, nocturnal nation, scattered on the dark mantle of the nights, scintillating flames, joyful and full of vigilance, I invoke you for the sacred mysteries of your worship: let shine a favorable light to the sacrifices by which we adore you.


Perfume of Helios
Hear me, Blessed One, who eternally sees all things, Titan resplendent with gold, Hyperion, Uranian light, natural force, tireless and gentle mirror of the living, on the right engendering the morning, and, on the left, the night; moderator of times, who leads four horses with sonorous feet, who hurls you, strident, on fire, with a clear face, and who makes your way in the whirlwinds of an endless movement! Guider of the pious in the right way, enemy of the impious, who carries a golden lyre, who directs the harmonious course of the Kosmos, master of excellent works, who leads the Kosmos, player of the syrinx, who runs in the fire, who rolls in a circle, Light-bearer illuminating changeable things, who brings life, ardent and pure, term of time, immortal, tranquil, everywhere visible, circular light of the Kosmos, who sparkles with beautiful rays, instituter of justice, lover of fountains, master of the Kosmos, guardian of the sworn faith, the most powerful of protectors, eye of justice, light of life, drawn by horses, and who drives your quadriga with the whistling whip, hear the words that implore you, and give a pious and sweet life to those who are initiated into the mysteries.
O god whose eternal eye embraces all works, illustrious Titan, almighty light, tireless light, animated mirror of all that breathes, father of the morning when you are on the right, and of the night when you arrive on the left, moderator of time, drawn by four horses with a resounding race; torrent of fire, amiable divinity, finishing your course with a rapid whirlwind; favorable conductor of pious men and hostile to the wicked; law which on your lyre makes harmonious sounds heard, master of works that succeed, father of storms, almighty god, radiant and agile, eye of the starry world, which dies and lives again each day in immortal flames; Grand Inquisitor of Justice, Master of the World, Son of Jupiter, Ever Present for Mortals, Light of Life, You Who with Your Whistling Whip Hurries the Course of Your Chariot Drawn by Four Horses, We Beg You, Grant a Happy Life to the Young Children Who Dedicate themselves to Your Mysteries.


Perfume of Selene
The Aromatics
Hear me, Goddess, Queen, who brings light, divine Selene! Selene, who has the horns of the bull, nocturnal, who walks in the air, virgin who carries torches, surrounded by stars, who increases and decreases, male and female, brilliant, loving horses, mother of time, who produces fruits, resplendent, full of sadness, nocturnal illuminator, who sees everything, who loves the vigils, flowered with beautiful stars, who rejoices in rest and joy, inflamed, amiable, productive, upright, with the long peplos, walking in a circle, wise virgin, come, Blessed, splendid, radiant, protect your supplicants in the sacrifices.
The Aromatics.
O powerful queen, Selene, most illustrious of virgins, watchful moon, inhabitant of the air, faithful companion of the night, moon escorted by your faithful stars, by turns new and becoming older, always brilliant; mother of centuries, you who protect all men, light with sleep, and presiding over the fiery signs of the heavens, lover of amiable joy and peace, be present, O splendid, brilliant, starry virgin, protect our sacrifices.


Perfume of Nature
Nature, Queen mother of all things, inexhaustible mother, venerable, creator, Daimon queen, who subdues all, invincible, resplendent, who directs all, honored, very powerful, incorruptible, born first, ancient, fertile in heroes, nocturnal, who destroys all, who brings light, who contains all with force and who walks leaving only a light trace, chaste queen of the Gods, end that has no end! common to all, but alone incommunicable! born of yourself, rejoicing in your supreme virtue, flourishing, machinating, mixed with all and knowing all! powerful mistress, giving life, virgin who nourishes all, just, persuasive, Aithèrean, terrestrial and marine, bitter to the wicked, sweet to the pious, very wise, dispenser, nourisher, universal Queen! Blessed, who makest to grow and dissolveth, father and mother of all things, who begettest spontaneously, who aboundeth in seed, who ripen, universal Worker, venerable Daimon, eternal, who moveth all, with a thousand forms, prudent, rolling in an endless whirlwind, preserver, who sustainest thyself by eternal transformations, seated on a throne, rendering justice, excellent dominatrix of the Scepter-bearers, intrepid, all-powerful, inevitable destiny, who breatheth fire, eternal Life, immortal providence, to whom all things belong, and who alone doeth all things! I beseech thee, O Goddess, thou and the happy Seasons, to give me peace, health, and to increase all things!
The Aromatics.
Nature all-powerful, skillful and knowing all things, majestic worker, superb queen, victorious and invincible, alive for all, the most honorable, the most magnificent of all things; virgin born first, eternal virgin, all-powerful force which guides in the night the stars of the heavens, virgin whose swift feet leave only light traces on the ground; you who adorn the gods, infinite end of all things, common to all and unknown in your secret depths, born of yourself without a father, illustrious by your virtues; marvelous and flowery divinity who carries in you all the divinities; divinity who produces and nourishes all, who inhabits heaven and earth and who still imposes your laws on the all-powerful waves, always formidable to the wicked and always friend of the just; all-powerful, victorious, eternal queen; goddess of young people and men; father and mother of all, beneficent nourisher; Almighty and blessed goddess, perfection of all things, universal wisdom that moves you regularly in the universe; honorable and majestic goddess who takes all forms, who dictates laws to mortals and who makes the heads of kings bow under your scepter; intrepid queen, universal dominatrix, flower of eternal life, immortal goddess, you alone are everything, for you alone produce all things. I beg you and the benevolent Seasons to give me peace and health and to increase all things.


Perfume of Pan
Miscellaneous Incense
I invoke the robust Pan, substance of the Kosmos, of the Ouranos, of the sea, of the earth queen of all things and of the immortal flame, for these are the members of Pan. Come, Blessed, wanderer, circular, having for throne the Seasons, with goat's feet, who are frenzied, who loves to play, conductor of the stars, directing the harmony of the Kosmos, and who delights in song! Terror of the living, master of visions, who rejoices in shepherds of goats, cowherds and fountains, hunter, friend of sound and Nymphs, generator of all things, Universal Creator, Daimôn with a thousand names, who rules the Kosmos, who brings light, who loves caves, who remembers insults, true horned Zeus! It is upon you that rest both the surface of the immense earth and the wave of the tireless sea and Okeanos who rolls his waves around the earth, and a part of the air and the brilliance of the most subtle fire, O you who foment life! All these divine elements are subject to you and you change according to your will the nature of things, and you lead the race of men by the immense Kosmos. O blessed Orgiast, descend upon these sacred libations and give a happy end to my life, by removing from the limits of the earth the terror Panic.
All Incense.
I invoke Pan, universal substance of the world, of the sky, of the deep sea, of the earth with varied forms and of the imperishable flame. These are only scattered members of Pan. Pan with goats' feet, wandering god, master of storms, who makes the stars roll and whose voice figures the eternal concerts of the world, god loved by cowherds and shepherds who love clear fountains, swift god who inhabits the hills, friend of sound, god dear to nymphs, god who engenders all things, procreative power of the universe, inhabitant of caves, irascible god, armed with goats' horns by the will of Jupiter; it is on law that rest the solid limits of the generative earth, the noisy waves of the eternal sea and the ocean which envelops the earth with its salty waves; It is in you that rests a portion of the air and fire, powerful element of all things, basis of the eternal flame; it is to you that all the divine elements are subject: your powerful orders change the laws of nature and you can increase at your pleasure the number of years of the life of mortals. Almighty Father, triumphant Father, accept these libations, allow my life to have a just and favorable end, and remove from the limits of the earth all panic terrors.


Perfume of Heracles
Heracles, who has an unwavering heart, robust, with vigorous hands, O Titan, untamed, flourishing in terrible battles, with changing forms, father of time, eternal, venerable, ineffable, fierce, desirable, all-powerful, magnanimous and divining, who devours and creates all things, supreme ally of men, who pursues the wild races and nourishes the illustrious youth, born of yourself, indefatigable, excellent germ of the earth, resplendent with the primitive flames, who supports the morning and the dark night, who has accomplished twelve labors, from your birth to your death, powerful against the Immortals, great and unconquered, come, Blessed One! Bring all the remedies for diseases, chase away cruel evils by waving a branch in your hands, and with the help of your winged arrows.
Hail, father Titan, Hercules of courageous heart, endowed with prodigious strength; invincible god of vast hands, skilled in the most terrible combats, father of Time, eternal and benevolent, god of changing forms, savage god, invoked by innumerable prayers, all-powerful dominator, great-hearted, strong-limbed, divinity of favorable augury; procreative god, illustrious god who subdues all things and tames ferocious monsters, born of your own genius, invincible race of the earth; O favorable god, animated by the eternally primitive flame, you who carry on your head the morning and the night covered with thick darkness, you who from birth to death have endured twelve illustrious combats, who in turn have known how to do without the immortals and have sat among them, be propitious to us, bring us the remedies which charm illnesses, give us favorable omens, drive away dangerous fevers with your sacred hands and chase away terrible evils with the help of your rapid arrows.


Perfume of Kronos
The Styrax
O Illustrious! Father of the happy Gods and men, of many wiles, undefiled, robust and courageous. O Titan, who destroys all things and reproduces them, burdened with ineffable chains in the immense Kosmos, eternal Kronos, universal generator, Kronos of innumerable wiles, son of Gaia and of starry Ouranos, First Origin, venerable Titan, who inhabits at once all the parts of the Kosmos, circular and most excellent, hear my suppliant voice and grant to my life a happy and irreproachable end.
The Styrax.
Illustrious stock of men and gods who inhabit the sky, almighty Titan, fertile in ruses and endowed with prodigious force, who sums up all things and who ends all things, bound by mysterious chains across the silent plains of the earth. Saturn father of Time, Saturn full of trickery, engendered by the earth and by the sky populated with stars; primitive stock, indestructible Titan, favorable god, who by your members are present on the whole surface of the globe, be propitious to our wishes, bring to mortals a happy end for their life.


Perfume of Rhea
The Aromatics
Venerable Rhea, daughter of the changeable Protogonos, who are drawn by bulls on a sacred chariot, who makes the tympanums resound, furious Virgin, who loves the noise of cymbals, honored in all places, very beautiful, blessed, who shares the bed of Kronos, who rejoices in the mountains and the horrible howls of men! Rhea, universal Queen, who excites to combat, with an unshakeable heart, protector, preserver, born at the origin, mother of the Gods and of mortal men! From you came Gaia, and Ouranos, and Pontos, and the breath of the Winds which have the form of air. Come, blessed, propitious Goddess, give me peace and great riches, and chase away to the ends of the earth the plagues and the Keres.
The Aromatics.
Venerable Rhea, mother of the primitive gods, of varied forms; virgin who loves the noise of cymbals and the clanging of drums, powerful mother of Jupiter, goddess quick to succor men, beautiful and honored goddess who shares the august bed of Saturn, you who delight in the mountains and who love the sacred howls of men, benevolent majesty, endowed with prodigious strength, mother of the gods who inhabit the sky and of mortal men! it is from you that the earth and the high sky proceed, and the salt sea and the winds that run over the world. Illustrious goddess, be favorable to us, protect us, give us peace and the abundance of all goods and drive away from us plagues, dangers and all terrible things.


Perfume of Zeus
The Styrax
Most venerable Zeus, incorruptible Zeus, we offer you our testimony, our expiations and our prayers. O King, you command Gaia, mother of the mountains, and the high and sonorous mountains, and Pontus, and all things that Ouranos envelops. Zeus Kroniôn! Scepter-bearer, great-hearted, Universal Generator, source and end of all things, who moves the earth, who shakes everything, sparkling, thundering, thundering, creative Zeus, hear me, changeable God, give me health, peace and the blameless glory of riches.
The Styrax.
O venerable Jupiter! Eternal Jupiter, we present to you our prayers, our testimonies and our wishes. O Jupiter! all things depend on your divinity: the earth and the immense summits of the earth, the mountains and the sea, and all that the air surrounds with its fluid element, all this is yours, Jupiter, son of Saturn, universal generator, beginning and end of all things; Jupiter, who holds in your hands thunder, lightning and thunderbolt, hear me favorably, grant me divine peace and the happiness of riches.


Perfume of Hera
The Aromatics
Covered in blue garments, having an aerial form, Hera, universal Queen, Hera, blessed Wife of Zeus, nourishing with sweet breaths the souls of mortals, generator of rains and winds, who, alone, allows one to live, who communicates yourself to all, who reigns over all and animates all by the whistling of the air, come with benevolence, blessed Goddess, illustrious, universal Queen, joyful and full of beauty.
The Aromatics.
O Queen Juno! illustrious wife of Jupiter, seated in your aerial and azure-veiled dwellings, who by sweet favorable zephyrs charms the hearts of mortals, mother of the clouds, generator of the winds! without you the breath of life is not breathable; you penetrate all things by mingling with the breath of the winds, alone you reign over all nature, you dominate it entirely; you come to us, divine Juno, in the whistling of the air; I implore you, divine goddess, great queen, come to us and be favorable to us by smiling with your benevolent lips.


Perfume of Poseidaon
Hear me, Poseidaon, who shakes the earth, blue-haired, Rider who holds in his hand the trident of bronze, who dwells in the deep bosom of the sea, King of the sea, resounding, who shakes the earth, crowned with foam, who has a beautiful face, who drives your four-horse chariot through the salt and resounding water, to whom the Moirai have granted the deep water of the sea, who rejoices in the waves, Daimon of the sea and the sea beasts! Protect the foundations of the earth and the course of the swift ships, give me peace, health and irreproachable riches.
Listen to me, Neptune, with hair wet with the salty waves of the sea, Neptune drawn by swift steeds and holding in his hand your sharp trident, you who always dwell in the immense depths of the sea, king of the waves, you who press the earth with your tumultuous waters, you who throw the foam far away and who lead your swift quadriga across the waves; azure god to whom fate granted the empire of the seas, you who love your flock armed with scales and the salty waters of the ocean, stop on the shores of the earth, give a good breath to the ships and add to them for us peace, salvation and the golden gifts of riches.


Perfume of Plouton
Plouton, courageous heart, who dwells, under the earth, in the dark and ever-deprived Tartaros, Plouton, scepter-bearer, receive my sacred gifts, you who surround the foundations of the earth, who grant to the living the riches of the years, to whom the Moirai have given the subterranean empire, abode of the Immortals and unshakable support of mortals, who has seated your throne in the darkness, on the black Acheron, distant, indefatigable, who embraces the roots of the earth, you who commands men by the will of Thanatos, Daimon of a thousand names, who once ravished, to marry her, the daughter of Demeter, from a meadow, across the sea, on your chariot drawn by four horses, and led her to the cave of Athis, to the Deme of Eleusis where are the gates of Hades! Only master of things known and hidden, God who governs all, most sacred, most honored, who delights you with beautiful praises and pious worship, I beg you to be propitious to those who sacrifice to you.
Magnanimous Pluto, you who roam the dark spaces of hell, the dark Tartarus and the silent immensities veiled by darkness, I implore you by offering you a favorable gift; you who surround the earth on all sides, who produce all things, you who have obtained by lot the empire of Avernus, home of the immortals, last abode of men, you have for empire only fields surrounded by darkness, the fields of distant, eternal, inexorable Acheron, and black Acheron itself, dark girdle of the earth; you who hold your rights over men from the largesse of death, powerful god who, conquered by love, abducted the daughter of Ceres in the middle of a flowery meadow and dragged her in your chariot across the azure plains of the sea to the cave of Atthides, where are the gates of Avernus; God who knows all things known or unknown, powerful God, illustrious God, most holy God, who delights in the praises and sacred worship of your altars, be propitious to us, I beg you, be favorable to the crowd who venerate you.


Perfume of thundering Zeus
The Styrax
Father Zeus, who courses flaming in the heights, who agitates the flaming Kosmos, burning with the brilliant splendor of the Aither, who shakes with your divine thunders the whole dwelling of the Blessed, who marches spreading thick torrents of fire, who rolls the clouds, the rains, the Uranian flame, the terrible thunderbolts that set everything on fire, winged, with bristling manes, invincible weapon that springs from thunder, that devours everything in the impetuous whirlwinds of an immense noise, sure weapon, credible and inexorable, Uranian and swift arrow of Zeus that burns, that terrifies the earth and the sea, and that terrifies wild beasts when they hear it; for then all is resplendent, thunder roars in the depths of Aither, and you hurl the lightning that rends the vault of ouran! O Blessed One, strike only the waves of the sea and the summits of the mountains, for we know your power. Receive our libations favorably, grant happy gifts to our spirits, propitious days, health and a life always joyful and such as we wish it.
The Styrax.
O Jupiter, who roams the fiery places of the resounding world, you whose sparkling flames frighten all spirits, whose sacred lightning shakes the dwelling of the immortals, you who rolls in the sky the resounding torrent of your fires, you who directs the clouds, the reddened lines and the thunders, and who envelops with your lines all that is animated, you who vomits flame and noise and who sows ruins in your path! Terrible lightning accompanied by a frightful mane, fiery messenger of a victorious hand, you who devour every indomitable and horrible weapon, who plunge all things into horror and tumult, weapon of Jupiter, rapid shaft that crosses the heavens preceded by an avenging flame, the nourishing, fertile earth, the salty ocean, the living centuries fear you when your frightful noise is heard: then a glow and a red flash are seen, and you hurl into the sky, powerful god, you hurl your sparkling thunderbolt. O god, pour out your anger on the salty seas and on the high peaks: we know your strength! Favor our sacrifices, grant to our spirits favorable gifts, the goods of life, and strength and health, and the peace of the honorable gods, and grant us also a food always in accordance with our desires.


Perfume of Zeus thunderbolt
I invoke Zeus, great, sacred, resounding, illustrious, aerial, burning, who runs in fire, who bursts in the air, thunderbolt, who raises his terrible voice in the flight of clouds, frightening, remembering injuries, indomitable, sacred, Zeus thunderbolt, Universal Generator, most powerful King, and I implore him to give my life a happy end.
Incense from Lebanon.
I beg Lightning Jupiter, all-powerful king who rules all things, fiery, resounding god, who inhabits the air and commands the clouds that generate lightning, terrible, indomitable and invincible god, to grant my existence a peaceful and happy end.


Perfume of the Clouds
Aerial clouds, which cause fruits to sprout, which wander in Ouranos, generators of rains, which the wind rolls through the Kosmos, roaring, fiery, sonorous clouds, which bring the waters, which awaken in the depths of the air terrible tremors, which fight against the whistling winds, I implore you now, you who give us the dews, to blow gently and grant us on the maternal earth the rains which cause fruits to sprout.
Aerial clouds, celestial travelers, generators of all fruits, you who contain in your bosom the treasures of rain, you who travel the world pushed by the strong breath of zephyrs, thunderous, fiery, resounding clouds, you who alternately spread in the air an inimitable murmur or who make heard dreadful whistles under the breath of storms, I implore you now to pour on the earth, with gentle winds, the fertile rains which fertilize the fruits.


Perfume of the Sea
I invoke the Nymph, daughter of Okeanos, Tethys with clear eyes, with blue peplos, Queen of foaming waters, who exhales sweet whales around the earth by pushing the long waves on the stony shores, who rejoices in ships, who feeds sea beasts and who has moist paths. Mother of Kypris, mother of dark clouds and of all the springs that filter their waters, hear me, O Venerable One! Be favorable to me! Send, O Blessed One, a wind favorable to swift ships.
Incense of Lebanon.
I beseech you, blue-eyed Thetis, azure-robed, who inhabits the charming vastness of the sea, driven by gentle zephyrs to the ends of the earth, you who make delicious murmurs heard on your shores, proud of the ships you carry, you who nourish in your bosom numerous flocks of fish, mother of Venus, mother of dark clouds, mother of all the fountains that spread in gentle waves, be propitious to us, bless our wishes and send favorable winds to our ships.


Perfume of Nereus
O thou who dost envelop the roots of the sea, sitting in thy blue abode and rejoicing, beneath the foam, in the eighty beautiful virgins thy daughters, Nereus, Daimon of illustrious name, foundation of the sea, limit of the earth, principle of all things, who shakes the sacred abode of Demeter when thou swallowest up in thy secret depths the agitated waves, O Blessed One, shake not the earth and send to those who make sacrifices to thee happiness, peace, health and wealth.
O you who command the liquid world and who, in the bosom of your azure empire, rejoice in the eighty virgins who are your daughters, god of the sea, powerful Nereus, base of the ocean, boundary of the earth, principle of all things, you who shake the universe when you hurl your tumultuous waves into the caverns, be propitious to us, respect the earth and send to your sacred priests peace, riches and happiness.


Perfume of the Nereids
The Aromatics
Nymphs of Nereus, fair-faced, chaste, full of health, who love the deep waters and follow the damp paths, and who, eighty virgins that you are, rejoice on the surface of the waters, joyous around the Tritones and the Gods in the forms of beasts that the sea nourishes, and the other inhabitants of the Tritonian wave who leap and roll in the water, and the wandering dolphins of blue color, I beg you to give happiness to those who make sacrifices to you, for you were the first to institute the sacred festivals of Bakkhos, of the Virgin Persephoneia, with the Mother Kalliope and King Apollo.
The Aromatics.
Daughters of Nereus, charming nymphs with beautiful eyes, you who live under the waters, inhabitants of the agitated waves, you who, eighty in number, sail on the surface of the seas and follow the chariots of the Tritons, mingling with the numerous half-monster genies that the liquid element nourishes, with all those who inhabit the seas and travel their immensity, and with the wandering dolphins who gaze with a blue eye, I pray you, fill with your favors the young children who offer you sacrifices, for it was you who first made festivals with the august Bacchus, with the goddess Proserpine, with the mother Calliope and the powerful Apollo.


Perfume of Proteus
The Styrax
I invoke Proteus who holds the keys of the sea, born first, who affirmed the principles of things, who varied the forces of sacred matter, who is everywhere honored, who knows the things present, and those that have been and those that will be in the future, for primitive Nature has entrusted everything to Proteus. O Father, grant your holy oracles to those who make sacrifices to you and give a happy end to our life.
I honor you, Proteus, you who hold the keys of the sea, Proteus Primogenus, you who first push nature to its limits, you who change in different ways the sacred laws of matter, you who know all things that are, all those that were at first and those that the future reserves for us, for in the beginning nature entrusted all her secrets to you; therefore be propitious to us, give us true oracles and grant our life a happy end.


Perfume of Gaia
All seeds, except Beans and Aromatics
O Goddess Gaia, mother of the Blessed and of mortal men, who nourishes and gives all things, who produces fruits and destroys all, ever verdant, fertile, who blooms in the beautiful seasons, changing Virgin, foundation of the immortal Kosmos, who gives birth to the multitude of varied fruits, eternal, most venerable, who has a broad and rich breast, who rejoices in plants with sweet breaths, adorned with countless flowers, Daimôn who rejoices in the rains, around whom roll the changing world of the stars and eternal Nature, O blessed Goddess, multiply the joyful fruits and be favorable to us with the happy Seasons.
All seeds except Beans and Aromatics.
O Earth, great goddess, mother of gods and men, powerful goddess, large, fertile in all things, always young, always loaded with beautiful products; skillful virgin, foundation of the eternal world; you who give birth to all different fruits, august goddess, eternal, blessed, proud to be adorned with the grass of the lawn, eager for rain; goddess around whom float the spaces sown with stars and the eternal sky, mother goddess, increase the verdant productions of the earth and be propitious to us with favorable seasons.


Perfume of the Mother of the Gods
Miscellaneous Incense
Mother of the Immortals, honored by the Gods, Universal Nurse, venerable Goddess, all-powerful, come to our prayers, harness to your swift chariot the bull-killing lions, Queen of the illustrious Pole, with a thousand names, venerable one, who stands on your throne in the center of the Kosmos, because you rule the earth and offer sweet food to mortals! It is from you that the race of Immortals and mortals has come. The rivers are subject to you and all the sea is yours, Histia! and you are called the dispenser of riches, because you lavish all blessings on mortals. Come to our sacrifices, O Venerable One, who rejoices in the tympanums, who subdues all things, protectress of Phrygia, Wife of Kronos, Queen of Ouranos, O Venerable One, source of life, friend of sacred fury, come, and be propitious to us.
Several kinds of perfumes.
Most august mother of all the gods, come to us, great goddess, hasten to the sacrifices that we offer you, harness to your chariot the terrible lions that kill the bulls. Eternal queen of the universe, famous and justly honored, you who stand at the center of the world, because, good goddess, you command all the earth and you nourish men with your divine milk; it is from you that gods and mortals draw their origin, it is through you that the liquid element and the sea itself flow; she is called Vesta, she is also called the generous dispenser of goods, because you grant men your many benefits. Come to us, O goddess whom we worship by beating the sacred drums, victorious goddess, protector of the Phrygians, great wife of Saturn, inhabitant of heaven, you who nourish men, come and attend the sacred worship that we address to you.


Perfume of Hermeias
Hear me, Hermeias, messenger of Zeus, son of Maia, who has a great heart, who presides over dissensions, master of men, joyful, full of tricks, intermediary, slayer of Argos, who has winged heels, friend of men, inspirer of eloquence, who rejoices in dissensions and cunning lies, Universal interpreter, who loves gain, who dissipates worries, who holds in your hands the irreproachable sign of peace, Blessed worker, very useful, with a changeable mind, who comes to the aid of men in their works and their necessities, and who protects them when they speak. Hear me, give a happy end to my life, works, eloquence and memory.
Beloved son of Maia and Jupiter, traveling god, messenger of the immortals, gifted with a great heart, severe censor of men, prudent god with a thousand forms, murderer of Argus, god with winged feet, friend of men, protector of eloquence, you who love trickery and combats, interpreter of all languages, friend of peace, who carry a bloody caduceus, happy god, very useful god, who presides over the works and necessities of men, generous helper for the language of mortals, grant to my prayers a peaceful end to my existence, grant me happy works, a mind gifted with memory and chosen speeches.


Perfume of Persephone
Persephone, daughter of great Zeus, come, O Blessed One! Goddess born only, welcome this sacrifice, venerable Wife of Plouton, illustrious dispenser of life, who commands the Gates of Aides in the depths of the earth, with beautiful tresses, illustrious race of Zeus, mother of the Erinnyes, queen of the subterranean places, whom Zeus engendered from ineffable seeds, mother of Eribremetos, who has a thousand forms, full of wisdom, who commands the Seasons, luminous, beautiful, venerable, invincible, Virgin who makes fruits sprout, horned, alone desirable for mortals, spring-born, rejoicing in the breath of the meadows, manifesting your sacred body or hiding yourself, life and death of men, Persephoneia! Who gives birth and death to all things, hear me, blessed Goddess, make plants sprout from the earth, give us flourishing peace, sweet health, happy life and abundant old age, until we arrive where you reign, you, O Queen, and the terrible Ploutôn.
Be favorable to us, Proserpine, illustrious daughter of the magnanimous Jupiter, goddess of the monogenes, be appeased by this libation; honored wife of Pluto, nourishing goddess, who dominates the dark Arvernus in the deep bowels of the earth, illustrious descendant of Jupiter, generatrix of the Eumenides, goddess of the underworld, whom Jupiter engendered from a mysterious seed; mother of Velthurnus, you who dominate the storms, goddess of beautiful forms, illustrious, brow adorned with horns, virgin beloved of mortals, you who love to breathe the delicious breath of the lawns, you who delight in seeing the verdant vegetation of the earth, you who bring equally to mortals life or death, and who are called for this reason Proserpine (Phersephonia), for you make live and you make die equally, protect us, great goddess; make the harvests grow out of the earth, grant us strength and ever-active health, a happy and favorable life at the foot of your altars and those of the terrible Pluto.


Perfume of Dionysus
The Styrax
I invoke roaring Dionysus, first-born, of both sexes, thrice returned, King Bakkhos, fierce, ineffable, hidden, with two horns, with two forms, crowned with ivy, having the face of a bull, warlike, prophetic, venerable, who eats raw flesh, triennial, who bears grapes, having a garment of foliage, full of wisdom, counselor of Zeus and Persephoneiè, immortal Daimôn born on ineffable beds. Hear my voice, O Blessed One, and be favorable to us, and be kind to your beautiful nurses.
I honor Bacchus, who makes a frightening noise, primitive, having a double nature and who has returned to the world three times. Bacchus, who wears horns, wild god, rustic, obscure, with double form; god crowned with tree leaves, god with the bull's forehead, amiable god, who wears a garland of roses; prudent god, counselor of Jupiter and Proserpine; most pure god, united to the immortals by mysterious bonds, listen favorably to our supplications, be favorable to us, and full of sweet feelings for all those who are assembled here, come among us.


Perfume of the Kouretes
Leaping Kouretes, who march armed, proud of your feet, who whirl, wild and prophetic, lyre players, weapon bearers, vigilant, illustrious princes, companions of the Mother on the mountains, Orgiophantes! Come, be favorable to our supplications and always propitious to the cowherd.
Curetes, skilled dancers, who dressed in armor hasten your steps, and with your light feet make prodigious leaps on the earth, bearers of weapons, watchmen, thieves and priests of the great goddess who delights in the mountains, listen favorably to our prayers and may your soul always be benevolent towards the cowherd.


Perfume of Athena
Pallas, only-born, venerable daughter of great Zeus, blessed Goddess, great-hearted, who excites to combat, of illustrious name, who dwells in caves, who traverses high peaks and shady mountains, and rejoices in the woods, friend of arms, who troubles and terrifies the minds of men, who exercises gymnastic eyes, slayer of Gorgo, coming to the aid of the pious, terrible to the impious, impetuous and furious, who stirs up wars, destroyer of the Phlegraeans, who pursues the horsemen, Tritogeneia, who heals ills, Daimon who gives victory! Hear me, and, during the days and nights, until the end, grant me peace, wealth, health and happy days, clear-eyed Goddess, you who invented the arts, most desirable Queen!
Illustrious daughter of Jupiter, begotten all by herself, goddess Minerva, immortal goddess, terrible, happy, who loves the resounding noises of war, famous goddess who dwells in caves, who pleases you in palaces raised among rocks and on the verdant summits of mountains, goddess powerful in arms and who freezes with terror the hearts of mortals, virgin Bellona, ​​who pleases you in the terrible exercises of battles, illustrious in the arts, inaccessible to troubles, murderer of the Gorgon, formidable for impious mortals, benevolent and full of wisdom for good men, giving birth to war, honest goddess, avenger of Titan, inexorable virgin for the wicked, now in the night as in the last moments of our life, be favorable to us, grant us a happy peace and tranquil days; illustrious and skillful goddess, be propitious to our wishes.


Perfume of Nike
The Manna
I invoke the powerful Nike, desirable for mortals, who alone breaks the uncertainty of combat and gives the sweetest victory to those she favors. Indeed, you triumph over all, O glorious Nike, illustrious prize of combat and crowned with palms! Come, Blessed and desirable One, and always grant illustrious glory to our labors!
I beseech you, almighty Victory, sweetest of divinities for all mortals, you who decide between the armed battalions, to which of the two parties the prize of battle should be awarded, to whom you must give the palm, thus fulfilling all his most ardent wishes, for it is you who decides everything, it is you who awards the triumph crowned with verdant branches: come to us, illustrious goddess, we will always bless your works and surround him with praise.


Perfume of Apollo
Come, blessed Paian, slayer of Tityos, Phoibos Lykorean, venerable God of Memphis, dispenser of riches, who has a golden lyre, sower, plowman, Pythian, ancient Titan, Smintheus, slayer of Python, Delphian prophet, rustic, Light-Bearer, propitious Daimon, glorious youth, conductor of the Muses, who leads the choirs, Archer who shoots arrows, King Delian whose sparkling eye distributes light to men, God with golden hair, who manifests holy lessons and oracles, hear me favorably while I pray to you for the peoples. You see, in fact, all the immense Aither and the rich earth below you, and, during the quiet night, you veil your face from the cloud of the Stars. Your roots are beyond, and you possess the limits of the Kosmos, and you are the beginning and the end of all things. You make everything flourish; your sonorous kithar fills space and is heard to the last extremities; but when you sing in the Dorian mode, you regulate all space, you harmoniously vary the races of men, mixing winters and summers, the former with the help of the low strings, the latter with the help of the high strings, and the flowering springs, by the Dorian mode. And it is for this that you are called King Pan, with the two horns, who sends the whistling of the winds. Since you hold the seals of the Kosmos, hear me, Blessed One! Listen to the suppliant voices of your sacrificers.
I implore you, Phoebus, god illustrious in medicine; Phoebus Lykorean, murderer of Titye, venerable god of Memphis, dispenser of health and honors; Apollo who carries a lyre; famous Titan, god of Smynthaea, who killed the serpent Python; you who carry the light, rural god, noble, adolescent; Musagetes, chief of the muses, you who launch your arrows far away, twin god, inhabitant of the hills, king of Delos, who with a benevolent gaze distributes to men the floods of divine light; god with golden hair, whose precepts and oracles are infallible, look favorably on me from the heights of heaven, me who pray for the people: for you see above the immense plains of the firmament, above the fertile earth; and in the silent hours of the dark night you rest beneath the celestial flames of the stars. You have planted your roots still deeper, you hold to the limits of the world, you are the beginning and the end. Everything flourishes around you: alternately you sing on your lyre the celestial dwellings and you descend to the most distant confines of your dwelling; you lead the whole sky according to the Dorian mode, you vary the animated generations, you distribute equally to men the seasons, you grant them similar destinies, you equally intermix summer and winter: while you give winter to those who inhabit this side of our globe, you give summer to the others, and you bring back according to the Dorian mode the delightful spring for mortals; therefore men have justly surnamed you the god Pan, who wears horns and who dominates the breath of the winds. You who command the constellations of the heavens, be favorable to us, hear the suppliant wishes of your priests.


Perfume of Leto
Leto! Who has a blue peplos, venerable Goddess who hast given birth to twins, most desirable Queen with a great heart, whose destiny was to be impregnated by Zeus, who hast given birth to Phoebus and Artemis who rejoices in his arrows, the latter in Ortygia, the former in harsh Delos, hear me, mistress Goddess, with a favorable spirit; descend upon this divine sacrifice and end it happily.
O Latona, who hast begotten two children, venerable goddess, goddess with the azure veil, goddess with the great heart, illustrious goddess, fulfilled with wishes, you have merited to conceive in the arms of Jupiter and to give birth to two children, Phoebus and Artemis-Diana with the powerful arrows, this one on the island of Delos and that one in Upper Ortygia, great goddess, be favorable to us, look with a favorable eye on the sacrifices that we offer to you.


Perfume of Artemis
Hear me, O Queen, illustrious virgin daughter of Zeus, Titanian, resounding, Archer of great heart, venerable, visible to all, who carries a torch, Dictynian Goddess, who protects those who give birth, who comes to the aid of the pains of childbirth and who has never felt them, who unties your belt, furious, huntress, who soothes worries, who runs quickly, who rejoices in your arrows, who loves the fields, who walks during the night, who watches at the gates, dangerous, virile, equitable, nurse of young men, immortal Daimon, earthly, who kills wild beasts, who haunts the forests of the mountains, who pierces the deer, incorruptible, venerable, queen of all, always endowed with youth and beauty, wild, rejoicing with dogs, illustrious and changeable! Come, tutelary Goddess, who loves those initiated into the mysteries, give us the beautiful fruits of the earth, desirable peace, beautiful health with beautiful hair, and send back to the tops of the mountains illnesses and pains.
Be favorable to us, O great queen, famous virgin, daughter of Jupiter, Titanian goddess, goddess with a great heart, with powerful arrows, goddess of the hunt with nets, goddess visible to all, goddess who carries a torch, you who preside over childbirth and who have always been exempt from it, you who untie your belt, you who make furious, Diana the huntress, who runs at night, dangerous goddess, feared and esteemed, with masculine forms, holy nurse of men, incorruptible goddess, wild goddess, powerful and blessed, murderer of wild beasts, chaste divinity who inhabits the forests and who kills the deer; august queen, and who enjoys an ever-flourishing age, goddess of the woods, goddess of Crete, come to us, be favorable to us, bring us the delicious gifts of the earth, the charming gifts of peace, precious health, and relegate all illnesses to distant mountains.


Perfume of the Titans
Titans, illustrious race of Gaia and Ouranos, Ancestors of our ancestors, who dwell beneath the earth of the Tartarean dwellings, sources and principles of all living beings overwhelmed by evils, of those who inhabit the sea, the air and the earth, for all that exists in the Kosmos comes from you, I invoke you! Turn away from us the dangerous anger, if an earthly enemy were to approach the dwellings of our ancestors.
Titans, illustrious race of the earth and the sky, ancestors of our fathers, dwelling in the bowels of the globe in horrible dwellings, in the midst of the Tartar empire; principle and seed of all that breathes, of the air, of the sea and of the earth that bears fruit; it is from you that all generations of men come; I adore you; keep from us dangerous anger if there were any that came to threaten our homes.


Perfume of the Kouretes
Kouretes resounding with the sound of bronze, dressed in the arms of Ares, Uranian Gods, earthly, marine and very rich, generators of breath, preservers of the splendid Kosmos, who inhabit the sacred land of Samothrake, who ward off dangers far from those who travel the sea, who were the first to teach sacrifices to men, immortal Kouretes dressed in the arms of Ares, who shake Okeanos and the sea and the oaks, who run to the earth with your resounding and swift feet, who shine resplendent under your arms, all the wild beasts are terrified at your approach, and the tumult and the clamour rise in Ouranos, and the dust of their flight reaches the clouds, and all the flowers wither under their feet. Immortal Daemons, who give life and destroy, when the angry Gods rush against men, you take away from them riches and life itself; the great Pontos with deep chasms is filled with groans, the oaks with lofty tops fall uprooted, and the Uranian Ekho resounds with the noise of their fall. Kouretes, Korybantes, powerful kings, who rule in Samothrake, own sons of Zeus, immortal breaths, who nourish souls, aerial, who are called Gemini in Olympos, who exhale a sweet breath, tranquil, gentle and tutelary, who nourish the Seasons and make the fruits germinate, hail, O inspiring Kings!
Resounding Curetes, Salians who bear the shields of Mars, rich inhabitants of the air, the earth and the sea, generative breaths, preserving seeds of the world, you who, dwelling in the sacred places of Samothrace, run with full sails across the ocean to the ends of the world, you were the first to teach sacrifices to mortals; Eternal Salians who bear the shields of Mars, you strike the ocean, the sea and the lofty oaks; you strike the earth with your feet in your prodigious leaps, and you make your weapons flash as you wave them. All the wild beasts tremble, the noise and the crash spread across the azure immensities of the sky. Their agile feet cause clouds of dust to spring up which surround them, and the brilliance of the verdant flowers is tarnished. O eternal geniuses, when the wrath of the gods falls upon men, you immediately take away their wealth, their food, and you strike the guilty themselves. Then the ocean utters strange roars, the oaks fall with a crash to the ground, and the celestial echo resounds with the noise of their fall. O Curetes, Corybantes, formidable and all-powerful princes of Samothrace, illustrious descendants of Jupiter, eternal breaths, you who love the cold, you who inhabit the temples of the two heavens, you whose breath is pleasant and gives health, gods who bring the seasons, who engender fruits, all-powerful gods, greetings.


Perfume of Eleusinian Demeter
The Styrax
Demeter, mother of all things, Daimon of a thousand names among the Gods, venerable Demeter, who nourishes young men, dispenser of goods, Goddess who gives riches, who makes the ears of corn sprout, who rejoices in peace and rustic work, who sows and multiplies the harvests, who dwells in the holy depths of Eleusis, desirable, lovable, nurse of all living things, who first subjected the necks of ploughing oxen to the yoke, and thus gave a happy life and many riches to men, who makes vegetation grow, companion of Dionysus, venerable, splendid, chaste, who rejoices in the sickles in summer, earthly, who appears to all men and who are benevolent to them, fruitful, venerable, Virgin loving young virgins, giving to your chariot of snakes for reins, howling and wandering in immense circles, unique born, fertile Goddess, much venerated by mortals, and whose numerous sacred images are always in flower, come, Blessed, chaste, laden with the fruits of summer! Give us peace, sweet concord, riches, and health, which prevails over all.
Good Ceres, mother of the gods, the most illustrious of divinities, venerable goddess, dispenser of all blessings, you who give us fruits and harvests, you who love only peace and the work of the countryside, Ceres who sows the fields, who fertilizes them, and makes them produce crops, who reigns in the sanctuaries of narrow Eleusis, kind, gentle and benevolent nurse of mortals, who first taught the ploughmen to join the oxen under the yoke, to harness them to the plough, you who by your charms make life pleasant and easy for men, friend of Bacchus, goddess justly honored, you who make the harvests grow and delight in seeing them reaped; Goddess who smiles at all men, mother full of tenderness for your heavenly nourishing daughter, who, joining snakes under the reins of your chariot, leads you by wide detours in the sacred fields; single goddess, venerated by mortals, to whom are addressed prayers and wishes accompanied by offerings and fruits, here I am before you loaded with a beautiful gift of ears of corn; grant us peace and concord, which respects all sacred rights; grant us the abundant riches of fertility and health, the most precious of all gifts.


Perfume of Mise
The Styrax
I invoke Dionysus Thesmophorus, who bears a rod, who remembers excellently, wise counselor, male and female, endowed with a dual nature, chaste, sacred, frenzied queen, Iakkhos! Whether you rejoice in the perfumed temple of Eleusis, or whether, in Kypros, you are charmed by Kytherea with the beautiful crown, or whether you haunt the fertile plains with the Goddess, your mother Isis, dressed in black, and her priestesses on the banks of Aigyptos, come, O Benevolent One, and grant us the sacred rewards.
The Styrax.
I invoke Bacchus, bearer of a rod, Bacchus the lawgiver, illustrious divinity of two sexes, pure and sacred queen, man and maiden at once, woman of double forms, whether he abandons himself to joy in the fragrant temple of Eleusis, or whether, in Phrygia, he accomplishes sacred mysteries with the mother of the gods, or whether she sojourns in Cyprus with the charming Cytherea, or whether she gives herself over to dancing in the midst of the fields covered with harvests with her sacred mother Isis, and whether she is found among her priestesses on the banks of Egypt; be favorable to us, great goddess, and grant us sacred rewards.


Perfume of the Seasons
The Aromatics
Seasons, daughters of Themis and King Zeus, equity, justice, peace abundant in riches, spring-like, meadow-like, flowery, chaste, with a thousand colors, a thousand scents, in the flowering grasses, Seasons always green, circular, who have sweet breaths and peplos soaked in dew, who rejoice in flowers, companions of Persephone when the Moirai and the Kharites bring her back to the light in circular dances, giving thanks to Zeus and to his mother Demeter who makes the fruits sprout, come to the pious sacrifices of the Neophantes, and, with your irreproachable hands, bring us the abundant harvests!
The Aromatics.
Seasons, beloved daughters of Jupiter and Themis, blessed peace, most fertile of goddesses, you who fill us with blessings; Green seasons, flowered in lawns, pure and delicious; Seasons with a thousand colors and breathing a charming breath; Seasons ever green, ever changing and well loved; companions of the games of Proserpine, who wear flowers in your tunics rippling with dew when the fates and the graces recall her from the charming detours of the woods so that she may attend their solemnities by the order of Jupiter and his mother Ceres, who produces fruits, be favorable to our pious sacrifices, bring us the help of the sweet breaths which ripen the fruits.


Perfume of Semele
The Styrax
I invoke the Kadmèide Virgin, queen of all, the beautiful Semele who has rich hair and a deep breast, mother of Dionysus with a thousand crowns, She whom lightning made conceive of the immortal Zeus Kroniôn. Persephone herself did you this honor of taking her part in the triennial festivals that celebrate the birth of Bakkhos, at the sacred table and the illustrious mysteries. Now, I beg you, Goddess, Kadmèide virgin, to be favorable to those who initiate into the mysteries.
The Styrax.
I invoke you, illustrious daughter, born of Prince Cadmus, beautiful Semele, beauty with a ravishing breast, mother of joyful Bacchus, who wears a rod! Young girl, you conceived by the eternal Jupiter, and lightning made your son come from your womb. The flourishing Proserpine judged you worthy of the honor of having you participate in the Triennales, which are instituted to celebrate your son Bacchus. I pray you, goddess, born of Prince Cadmus, be favorable to your priests, be propitious to us.


Perfume of Dionysus Bassarean
Come, blessed Dionysus, born by lightning, bull-faced, Bassarean, Bakkhos, of a thousand names, who subdues all, who rejoices in swords and blood and chaste Mainades, who moans on Olympos, who roars with might, furious Bakkhos, bearer of the thyrsus, who remembers insults, venerable to all the Gods and to all mortal men who inhabit the earth! Come, leaping God, and give happiness to all.
I invoke you, illustrious Bacchus, born by lightning; be favorable to us, god who wears horns, Bacchus Bassarean, indomitable god, you who are charmed by swords, combats and sacred Maenads. Bacchus foolish, furious, who carries the thyrsus, be favorable to the mortals who inhabit the sacred land, grant them gifts that make them happy.


Perfume of Liknites
The Manna
I invoke with these prayers Dionysus Liknites, the flourishing Nysian, the desirable and joyful Bakkhos, infant of the Nymphs and of Aphrodite with the beautiful crown, who leaps through the woods with the Nymphs and the furious women, and who, by the counsels of Zeus, and instructed by Persephoneia, has become the terror of the immortal Gods. Come, Blessed One, and receive our sacrifices with kindness.
I venerate and adore with vows and prayers Bacchus, god without clothes, god of the flourishing breast, god of persuasion, god beloved of the nymphs and of Venus with the beautiful hair, who walks through the woods stamping the earth in time, accompanied by nymphs and delirious women; you who, according to the advice of Jupiter, were raised by Proserpine and became the terror of the immortal gods, be favorable to us and look with a favorable eye on the present we offer you.


Perfume of Bakkhos
The Aromatics
I invoke Bakkhos who gives wine, who, turning around the Kadmean dwellings, stopped the earthquakes. When the splendor of fire invaded the whole earth, he alone chained the strident whirlwinds of flame. Come, blessed Bakkhos with a benevolent heart.
The Aromatics.
I invoke Bacchus, cultivator of the vine, he who, walking around the houses of the Cadmeans, calmed the fires of the earth. When rivers of flame flooded the earth with their swirling waves, he alone stopped their progress. Be favorable to us, O Bacchus, and let your lips smile upon us.


Perfume of Sabazios
The Aromatics
Hear me, Father Sabazios, son of Kronos, illustrious Daimon, who enclosed in your thigh the roaring Bakkhos Dionysus, so that he might later go to the sacred Tmolos, to Hippa with the beautiful cheeks. O Blessed master of Phrygia, the most powerful of all the Gods, be favorable to those who initiate into the mysteries.
The Aromatics.
Hear me, Salazius almighty, son of Kronos (Saturn), you who have concealed in your thigh Bacchus, the noisy and restless god, so that he could later retire to the sacred mount Tmolus, where was Ippia his fair-cheeked nurse. Be favorable to us, O king of Phrygia, most powerful of the inhabitants of heaven, and grant favors to your priests.


Perfume of Hippa
The Styrax
I invoke Hippa, nurse of Bakkhos, who celebrates the sacred mysteries of illustrious Sabos with nocturnal dances, by firelight, and with horrible howls. Hear my prayers, earthly Mother, O Queen! Whether you haunt, in Phrygia, the holy mountain of Ida, or whether you rejoice on Tmolos, a place dear to Lydian dances, come, joyful, to the sacred mysteries.
I invoke Ippa, nurse of Bacchus, goddess who celebrates the sacred mysteries of the Salians in assemblies where the flame shines and by choirs that gather at night. I beg you, good mother, benevolent goddess, whether you roam the sacred peaks of Mount Ida in Phrygia, or Mount Tmolus, beloved of the Lydians, look upon us, I beseech you, with a benevolent eye.


Perfume of lysios lenaios
Hear me, blessed son of Zeus, who is sung around the winepress, Bakkhos of the two mothers, Venerable Seed, illustrious Daimon liberator, hidden by your parents, Sacred Germ of the Gods, Euios, Bakkhos, fruitful, who multiplies the harvests, resounding Lenaios, vigorous, with varied forms, who rests from work, visible remedy to mortals, sacred flower, friend of joy, who has beautiful hair, Lysios, roaring Euios, pleasant to all, whether you shine for the Immortals or for mortals, I beg you now to be propitious to those who initiate into your mysteries.
Illustrious race of Jupiter, hear me, O Bacchus, who had two mothers; seed worthy of honors, famous god, most holy god, secret germ of the gods, joyful Bacchus, you who increase and fertilize the fruits and harvests of the earth; magnanimous god, fearsome god, god of varied forms, remedy of mortals, sacred flower, you who relax them from their labors, happy subject of joy for all men, god of well-groomed hair, you who deliver from all sorrows, friend of all, whether you favor the gods or men, I pray you, be propitious to us.


Perfume of the Nymphs
The Aromatics
Nymphs, magnanimous daughters of Okeanos, who have your dwellings in the liquid depths of the earth, with a hidden course, earthly and joyful nurses of Bakkhos, who nourish the fruits, meadows, running obliquely, chaste, rejoicing in others, joyful of the caves, who fly in the air, Goddesses of the springs, rapid, who pour the dews, with light traces, visible and hidden, who haunt the valleys, crowned with flowers, who dance on the mountains with the Aigipans, who flow from the rocks, harmonious, covered with foliage, who wander in the woods, Perfumed virgins, white, with sweet breath, friends of goatherds and shepherds, rich in beautiful fruits, who love the freshness, friends of the flocks, who nourish everything, Hamadryad virgins, who love the ewes, who walk by liquid paths, Nysians Furious, joyful Paiônides, who, with Bakkhos and Demeter, are propitious to mortals, come, benevolent, to the sacred mysteries, and increase our goods in all seasons.
The Aromatics.
Nymphs, illustrious goddesses, race of the illustrious ocean, who dwell beneath the depths of the earth in liquid dwellings; secret nurses of Bacchus, joyous divinities of the household, flowery divinities who wander at the corners of the paths, inhabitants of caverns and lairs, you who fly in the air, nymphs of fountains, wandering nymphs who spread the dew, nymphs with winged feet, visible and invisible, running and dancing with the fauns on the summits of the mountains; nymphs of the rocks, of the forests; nymphs who animate all things, nymphs with the sweet odor, with dazzling whiteness and who breathe sweet zephyrs, friends of shepherds and goatherds, tender nurses who dwell in the depths of all things, amadriades whose dwelling is in the oaks; O you who fly in the air, friends of spring, be favorable to mortals with Ceres and Bacchus, and, looking upon us with a benevolent eye, send us the pleasant breaths of the sweet seasons.


Perfume of triennial Bakkhos
The Aromatics
I invoke you, O Blessed One, with a thousand names, frenetic Bakkhos, with the bull's forehead, Lenaios, who spreads fire, furious Nysian, who carries a rod, Liknites, prince of mysteries, nocturnal, prudent, wearing a mitre, armed with the thyrsus, sacred Orgiast, triple, hidden seed of Zeus, born first, father and son of the Gods, eater of raw flesh, Scepter-bearer, furious dancer, conductor of Orgies, who mixes with the Triennials, who opens the earth, flamboyant, who had two mothers, who runs on the mountains dressed in deer skins. celebrated from year to year, Paian, who has a golden lance, crowned with grapes, Bassarean, who loves ivy, virgin God! Come, Blessed One, and be always propitious to those who teach the mysteries.
The Aromatics.
I implore you, Bacchus, famous god who bears many names, god with the bull's forehead, fearsome thunderbolt, pupil of the mother, Licnitus, god who vomits flames, nocturnal god who carries a rod and who is armed with the thyrsus; terrible race of Jupiter, god with the terrible form, primitive god, father and root of the gods; you who carry a scepter and who preside over the choirs of the Salians, you who celebrate your divine mysteries in your triennial festivals, god who pleases you with frightening noises, god ardent as the flame, son of two mothers, solemn god who wears horns on his forehead, god armed with a golden lance, god with golden hair, god dressed in a fawn's skin, god who has long remained a virgin, Bacchus, friend of wine, be favorable to your priests, be always favorable to us.


Perfume of Amphites
All perfumes except Incense
I invoke Bakkhos Amphites, the earthly Dionysus, as well as the Nymphs, virgins with beautiful hair, who, around the sacred dwellings of Persephone, celebrate the chaste Bakkhos three years in three years. And, when the triennial time returns, he sings the sacred hymn with his beautiful nurses, leading their dances during the circular hours. Come, Blessed One, full of vigor, with horned brow, be favorable to sacrifices and ripen for the initiates the excellent fruits.
Everything except Incense.
I implore Bacchus who returns every year, I implore at the same time the tender nymphs his companions: gathered around the altars of the terrible Proserpine, they celebrate every three years the mysteries of Bacchus. Illustrious God accept in these festivals as in the triennial festivals the sacred hymns that we sing in your honor, lead the choirs with your nurses with tunics rolled up and with the rapid hours; ever-green god, god who wears horns, benevolent god, accept these sacred offerings with a favorable eye and make the eternal fruits of the earth spring forth for us.


Perfume of the Satyr Silenos
The Manna
Hear me, O venerable foster-mother of Bakkhos, excellent Silenos, honored by all the Gods and mortal men during the triennial festivals, chaste and venerable, prince of the sacred mysteries, friend of the vigils, dressed in goatskins, leader of the Baklthantes crowned with ivy! Come to the divine sacrifice with all the Satyrs with bodies of wild beasts, singing of king Bakkhos, and with the Bakkhantes also, and be present at the divine sacrifices during the nocturnal Orgies, and sing, you who carry a thyrsus, and preside over the Thyades.
Listen to me, foster father of Bacchus, illustrious Silenus, whom the gods take special care of, esteemed and adored by mortals, O most famous of the Sylvans! You who wear a goatskin for clothing and who preside over sacred festivals, vigilant god, always young in the midst of your fauns, chief of all the bacchantes clad in ivy, come with all your companions whose bodies end in wild beasts, come with the bacchantes to take their place at our mysteries, and make resound the airs of the cry of the bacchanals; accompany our sacred mysteries, join in our orgies of the night, preside over our solemn rites, O you who carry a thyrsus and preside over the choirs of the bacchantes.


Perfume of Aphrodite
of Ouranos, celebrated by a thousand hymns, Aphrodite who loves smiles, born of the foam, Goddess generative, who pleases you in the dark night, venerable, nocturnal, who unites, full of tricks, mother of necessity, all things come out of you, for you have subdued the Kosmos and all that is in Ouranos and in the deep sea and on the fertile earth, O Venerable One! Counsellor of Bakkhos, who rejoices in crowns and weddings, mother of Eros, who loves the wedding bed, who secretly grants grace, visible and invisible, to beautiful hair, scepter-bearing she-wolf of the Gods, generatrix, who loves men, most desirable dispenser of life, who unites the living by invincible necessities and who seizes, with the help of your charms, with a furious desire, the innumerable race of wild beasts, come, Goddess born in Kypros, be favorable to us, beautiful Queen, whether you smile in Olympos, or whether you travel your dwellings in Syria which abounds in incense, or whether, on your chariots adorned with gold, you visit the fertile banks of the river Aigyptos; Whether on the heights that overlook the sea wave, you rejoice in the circular dances of men, or whether you delight, on the divine earth and in your swift chariot, among the blue-eyed Nymphs, along the sands of the shore; or whether, in royal Kypros that nourished you, the fair virgins and the newly-weds, O Blessed One, praise you with their hymns, you and the ambrosial Adonis, come, O fair and most desirable Goddess! I invoke you with an innocent heart and with sacred words
Aphrodite, daughter of heaven, illustrious and smiling daughter, goddess born of the foam of the sea, venerable goddess who loves the darkness of the night, Venus, goddess of marriage and of the night, clever without tricks, mother of necessity, all things come from you, for you give laws to the whole world, you even command the three fates, and you engender all things of heaven, earth and the salt element; sacred counselor of Bacchus, you who delight in joys and feasts, mother of loves, marvelous conciliator, you who grant the gift of grace, goddess with beautiful hair, goddess visible and invisible, goddess of weddings and feasts, the most illustrious of divinities, goddess who delights in the embraces of men and who engenders children; Thou who rulest mortals with thy charming seducers, and strikest all that breathes with the eternal wound of love, be gracious to us, goddess born in the island of Cyprus, whether thou travelest the immensities of heaven smiling with thy seductive lips, or visitest thy happy temples in Syria, or wanderest, drawn by thy shining steeds, on the august banks of the river Egyptus, or rejoicest near the shores of the sea, divine queen, in the midst of the eager throng of nymphs, or rushest over the turf of the earth, mounted on thy swift chariot, to the sandy shores of the shore, or lastly, whether thou goest to Cyprus, thy native land, where young virgins and young brides celebrate thee every year in sacred rites like Adonis. Happy goddess, be favorable to us, I beseech you with sacred prayers and a pure heart.


Perfume of Adonis
The Aromatics
Hear my prayer, most excellent Daimon of a thousand names, adorned with beautiful hair, who loves solitude, celebrated by most desirable songs, Universal Food, virgin and young man, Adonis ever flourishing, who died and who shines again at the return of the beautiful seasons, ever young, with two horns, desirable and mourned, beautiful, who loves hunting, who has abundant hair, dear to the heart of Kypris, sweet flower, germ of love, born in the bed of Persephone with charming hair, you who now inhabit the Tartarean darkness, return again to Olympos and ripen the fruits! Come, O Blessed One, and bring the fruits of the earth to those who initiate into your mysteries.
The Aromatics.
Hear me, illustrious Adonis, whom I invoke under different names, god of beautiful hair, who pleases you in solitude and shines with the most delicate graces, benevolent counselor, god of varied forms, noble nourishment of all things, young virgin and young man all at once, Adonis ever flourishing, you who have succumbed and are reborn at the return of the annual seasons, god ever young and lovable, you who are adored with tears, charming god who loves the chase, god of magnificent hair, beloved heart of Cypris, seed of love, you whom the divine Proserpine of beautiful hair gave birth to, you who now dwell in the depths of Tartarus, return again to Olympus and grant to your priests the delicious fruits of the earth.


Perfume of Hermes Underground
The Styrax
You who haunt the path of the inevitable Kokytos from which no one returns, and who lead underground the souls of the dead, Hermes, son of Bakkhos-Dionysus and the Paphian Virgin, Aphrodite with arched eyebrows; you who travel the sacred dwellings of Persephone, eternal Messenger who leads underground the gloomy Souls when the fatal time has arrived, whose sacred wand lulls and soothes evils, and who, once again, awakens the dead, for Persephone has granted you this honor of leading to the wide Tartaros the souls of the dead, O Blessed One, give a happy accomplishment to the works of your sacrificers.
The Styrax.
You who inhabit the road of the inexorable Avernus and who lead the souls of mortals into the depths of the earth, Mercury, beloved son of Bacchus and of the virgin of Paphos, the charming Venus, you who frequent the sacred sanctuaries of Proserpine, eternal traveler, companion of souls under the earth, god of sleep whose caduceus softens all ills and eternally closes by death the eyes of those who suffer, for Proserpine has entrusted to you the care of always accompanying the souls who engage in the road of Avernus, grant to your priests in their works the help of your benevolent protection.


Perfume of Eros
The Aromatics
I invoke Eros, great, chaste, amiable and charming, powerful with his lance, winged, running in fire, impetuous, who plays with the Gods and mortal men, clever, cunning, who holds all the keys of Aither, of Ouranos, of the sea and of the earth. The Goddess who generates all things, breathes the living and who makes fruits germinate, and Pontos who resounds in the sea, and the wide Tartaros, recognize Eros as their only king. Come, O Blessed One, approach those who initiate into your mysteries with sacred words, and drive away from them evil thoughts and designs.
The Aromatics
I invoke you, pure, lovely, charming Cupid, winged child, armed with a lance, prompt, rapid, impetuous as the flame, who plays equally with gods and men. Cunning child, who holds the keys of the whole world, of the sky, of the ether, of the sea and of the earth; you whom the universal mother goddess, who produces all things, and Avernus, and the sea with limpid waves recognize equally; for you alone command all these elements, be favorable to us, be favorable to your ministers, whose soul is pure, keep away from them the dangerous breaths of illegitimate passions.


Perfume of the Moirai
The Aromatics
Infinite Moirai, dear daughters of black Nyx, hear my prayer, O Moirai of a thousand names, who, around the Uranian marsh, where clear Water flows from the rocks under a thick cloud, haunt the immense Abyss where are the souls of the dead; you who go towards the race of the living, accompanied by sweet Hope and hidden under purple veils, across the fateful Meadow, there where Wisdom directs your all-embracing chariot in its course, to the limits of Justice, Hope and Anxieties, and of the ancient Law, and of the Empire ruled by powerful laws, for Necessity alone knows what life holds, and none other of the Immortals who are on the snowy peak of Olympos knows it, except Zeus; and Necessity and the spirit of Zeus alone know all that will happen to us. But, O Nocturnes, be kind to me, Atropos, Lakhésis, Klothô! Come, O Illustrious, aerial, invisible, inexorable, always untamed, universal dispensers, rapacious Goddesses, necessarily inflicted on mortals! O Moirai, receive my sacred libations and my prayers, be propitious to your sacrificers and to the supreme song that Orpheus has composed for you.
The Aromatics.
Infinite Fates, daughters of the dark night, I implore you, O you who on the banks of the celestial marsh, in places where dark water flows eternally from an infernal fountain under a thick fog, preside over the souls of the dead who are taken refuge in the depths of the earth, you come to the tumultuous dwellings of men, accompanied by Hope and your eyes covered with veils of porphyry; thus drawn by your swift steeds, you arrive in the fatal field, at the limits of Justice, Hope and Anxieties, for Fate is the mistress of life. None other of the divinities who inhabit the sanctuaries of heaven accompanies Jupiter so faithfully. Fate knows all that the future holds for us, all that is known to the skillful thought of eternal Jupiter. O virgins of the night, be favorable to us, be kind to us; Atropos, Lachesis, Clothos, invisible goddesses, fearsome, ever anxious, for all that you give to mortals, it is you yourselves who take away from them; O Fates, hear the prayers of the priests, remove from the soul of Orpheus all terrible sorrows.


Perfume of the Kharites
The Styrax
Hear me, O venerable Kharites of illustrious names, daughters of Zeus and of deep-breasted Eunomia, Aglaia, Thalia and Euphrosyne, mothers of joy, amiable, charming, chaste, changeable and ever-flourishing, desired by mortals and desirable, rosy-cheeked Kyklades! Come, dispensers of riches, and be ever propitious to those who celebrate your mysteries.
The Styrax.
Listen to me, illustrious Graces, worthy of honor, lovely daughters of Jupiter and Eunomia with the beautiful breast, Aglaea, Thalia and Euphrosina, august virgins, mothers of joy, pure, benevolent and smiling with delicacy, goddesses with varied forms, always flourishing and agreeable to mortals, goddesses invoked by all, lovely goddesses with beautiful eyes, deign to attend the mysteries of your priests and be favorable to them.


Perfume of Nemesis
O Nemesis, I invoke you, Goddess, most great Queen, who sees all, who watches the life of mortals with diverse thoughts. Eternal and venerable, rejoicing in the Just, you change according to your will the resolutions of men, who all fear the yoke that you make weigh on their necks; for you know the thought of all, and nothing is hidden from you from the soul that audaciously despises your words. You see all, you hear all and you dispose of all. The rights of men are in you, O most powerful Daimôn! Come, O Blessed, chaste, and be always favorable to those who celebrate your mysteries, give us good inspirations and drive away from us evil, unjust and proud thoughts.
I implore you, Nemesis, victorious goddess, great queen who sees all things! You scrutinize the mysterious thoughts of mortal hearts. Eternal and formidable, rigid observer of sacred rights, you change human wills according to your will. All men attached to this life recognize your power; you penetrate into the interior of souls, nothing is hidden from you: you restore to reason all its empire when an evil passion has shaken off its yoke. You see all, you hear all, you govern all. In you rest the rights of mortals, powerful goddess; be favorable to the priests who celebrate your mysteries, lend them your help; grant strength to reason so that it may drive away from us the enemy's counsels, insidious, proud and harmful.


Perfume of Dikè
I invoke the beautiful Dikè who sees the multitude of things and who sits on the throne of King Zeus, watching from the height of Ouranos the lives of men of many races, punishing iniquity and putting aside all that is different from the truth. She judges the bad actions inspired in men by iniquity, when they want to accomplish unjust designs. She is the enemy of the perverse and the friend of the good. O Goddess, come to our pious invocations, until the fateful end of our life.
I invoke Justice, whose eye embraces all things; she is seated on the sacred throne of illustrious Jupiter; from the heights of heaven she watches over the morals of all men; inexorable avenger, she punishes evil actions; she drives away all that is not according to the just truth. She imposes her yoke on all unjust men who are driven by an evil resolution and who want to commit guilty actions in the eyes of the immortals; she is the enemy of the wicked and the friend of the just: goddess of truth, be always propitious to us so that we may happily arrive at the end of our life that Fate has announced to us.


Perfume of Dikaiosunè
O most equitable to men, O most rich and most desirable, who rejoices in the Just, honored, happy, magnanimous Dikaiosunè, O invulnerable Conscience, you dispense justice to the good by virtue of sacred judgments, but you strike all those who, not wishing to bear your yoke, indomitably avoid your vigorous whips. Enemy of dissensions, benevolent to all, friend of hymns, rejoicing in peace, you love steadfast souls, you pursue with your hatred what lies, you delight in what is equitable, and the end of all wisdom and all virtue is in you. Hear me, Goddess. who fights the wickedness of men, so that all may walk in the way of Justice, mortal men who eat the fruits of the earth, and all the living that the Queen Mother Gaia nourishes in her womb, and those that the Zeus of the sea contains.
Good counselor of men, opulent and very just virgin, friend of men who respect justice, O venerable and blessed goddess, illustrious Equity, you share among all equal rights according to sacred judgments. You break all those who do not want to submit to your chariot, and who, indomitable for you, escape the terrible blows of your whip. Divinity full of concord, equitable for all, benevolent, friend of peace, the most desirable of the gifts of this life; you hate all that is false, you cherish the true; you are the goal of virtue and wisdom. Be favorable to me, goddess who destroys the audacious actions of men, so that all those who enjoy the gifts of the earth, all those who breathe and whom the Universe nourishes in its bosom, all those whom the powerful God of the sea holds, may direct their lives in the path of justice.


Perfume of Nomos
I invoke the sacred King of the Immortals and mortals, the Uranian Nomos, conductor of the Stars, sign of justice, firm support of nature, of the earth and of the sea, who is the enemy of trouble and who preserves the laws by which the great Uranus rolls; Nomos, who gives a happy end to the life of mortals and who governs all the living and all things by very equitable judgments. O ancient and very clever one, who dwells with the Just and punishes the wicked harshly, come, Blessed One, everywhere honored, desirable, and who brings riches! Be kind, and keep an excellent memory of us.
I invoke the divine Law, genius of men and immortals; celestial goddess, ruler of the stars, common sign of all things, foundation of nature, of the sea and of the earth. Constant goddess, preserving the eternal laws of heaven and making it faithfully accomplish its immense revolutions; you who grant to mortals the benefits of a prudent life and who govern all that breathes; you whose wise counsels direct all things according to equity, goddess always favorable to the just, but overwhelming the wicked with severe punishments, sweet goddess who distributes goods with a delicious largesse, remember us and pronounce our name with friendship.


Perfume of Ares
O Indomitable, great-hearted, robust and terrible Daimon, who delights in arms, invincible slayer of men, who overthrows walls, King Ares, who loves murder, always soiled with human blood, frightening, who excites to combat, who delights in the clash of swords and lances, cease the furious battle and its disastrous work, be full of the desire of Kypris and Lyaios, exchange the strength of arms for the works of Demeter, and bring the peace that nourishes children and gives riches.
Mars, magnanimous, terrible, invincible and fearless, Mars indomitable, powerful in arms, impetuous friend of the crash and dripping with blood, formidable god who always thirsts for human blood, you who delight in the clash of swords, in the noise of combats and disputes, suspend your battles, let your frightening tumults rest. Abandon yourself to the charms of Cypris and Bacchus, give yourself over to the works of Ceres, and be a friend of Peace, who largely distributes copious food and blessed riches.


Perfume of Hephaestus
Hephaestus, who hast a firm heart, O Robust, tireless flame, you who bring light to men, with vigorous hands, eternal Worker, master of the arts, part of the Kosmos, irreproachable Element, who devours all, who subdues all, powerful master of all, for the Aither, Helios, Selene, the pure light of the stars which shine for men, are the members of Hephaestus; you who haunt all the dwellings, all the cities, all the races and the bodies of all mortals, very rich, very robust, hear me, O Blessed One! I invoke you by the sacred libations, that you may come to the aid of our works. Appease the fury of the tireless fire, while preserving for us the natural light.
The incense of Lebanon.
Vulcan all-powerful, very strong god, eternal flame, always fed by fiery breaths, god of light, brilliant god, eternal and skillful god; you who work iron, pure element, portion of the world that devours everything, that subdues everything, that surpasses everything, that invades everything. The sun, the moon, the stars, shine in the eyes of mortals, O Vulcan, only as the inflamed members of your body. You frequent all houses, all cities, all peoples; blessed and amiable god, you insinuate yourself into the members of mortals. Be happy, be favorable to our libations, come to our aid in difficult work, extinguish rapid fires, and yet preserve in us a generative light.


Perfume of Asklepios
Healer of all men, Asklepios, who keeps away from all painful diseases, who gives sweet gifts, who comes bringing health, who drives away from the sick the Keres of death, happy Young Man, illustrious and venerable son of Phoibos Apollo, enemy of diseases, who has for wife irreproachable Health, come, O blessed savior, and give a happy end to our life.
Aesculapius, physician of all men, benevolent god, favorable god, who softens the evil contagions of all diseases, you who bring sweet presents and who always comes accompanied by Health, you who drive away the devouring flames of deadly plagues; amiable god, distributor of goods, honored son of Phoebus Apollo, enemy of Disease, husband of amiable Health, be favorable to us, grant us amiable destinies.


Perfume of Hygieia
O Desirable, lovely, Queen of innumerable dwellings and of all men, hear me, blessed Hygieia, universal Mother, who bringst riches, for the diseases of men are driven away by you, and all dwellings rejoice thanks to you. The Cosmos desires you as queen, and Aides alone pursues you with his hatred, O Eternal, who nourishes souls, ever flourishing, desirable rest of mortals; for, without you, indeed, all their labors are useless, there is for them neither wealth nor sweet unions, and the laborious man does not reach old age. Alone you govern all things and you command all. Come, O Goddess! be always kind to those who teach your mysteries, and deliver us from the sad pains of illness.
Health, fruitful and lovely and who reigns over all men, listen to me, O opulent mother who brings us all good things. It is you who chases sickness away from suffering men, it is you who by your grace brings joy back under the roofs of mortals. The world, struck by your power, desires you and the infernal divinity who presides over the terms of life pursues you with his hatred. O beloved and desired one, you are the consolation of all things. Without you the old man has no happiness during his old days; Plutus is nothing to him, you alone govern everything, you reign over everything. O goddess, be favorable to the wishes of your priests, remove from them the terrible plagues and diseases.


Perfume of the Eumenides
The Aromatics
Hear me, roaring and everywhere honored goddesses, Tisiphonè, Allèktô, and you divine Megaira, O Nocturnal and hidden ones, who dwell in the depths of the earth, in the depths of a dark cavern, near the sacred Water of Styx, and who do not approach men with good designs, furious, insolent, inevitable, dressed in the skins of wild beasts, vengeful, daughters of Aides, terrible and earthly Virgins, with a thousand forms, aerial, invisible, swift as thought. Neither the flames of Helios, nor the brightness of Selene, nor the power of wisdom, nor the virtue of a long laborious life, nor the charms of beautiful puberty can excite joy against your will; but you always have your eyes fixed on the innumerable generations of men, and you are their eternal judges. O fateful Goddesses, with serpent hair, with a thousand forms, be appeased and be merciful.
The Aromatics.
I invoke you, goddesses feared by all, horrible goddesses, Alecton, Tisiphone and you venerable Megara, goddesses friends of the night, who dwell in subterranean dwellings, in a dark cavern on the sacred banks of the Styx, cruel, terrible goddesses, always accompanied by pitiless Necessities, vengeful, inexorable goddesses, dressed in the skins of wild beasts, daughters of Orcus, goddesses with a thousand forms, aerial, invisible, lighter than thought. Neither the rapid works of the sun and the moon, nor virtue powerful by its wisdom, nor amiable old age, nor youth bursting with puberty, could inspire in spite of you in our hearts the joys of joy. You always govern on this earth the mortal generations of men, and you scrupulously render them golden justice. O terrible goddesses, goddesses with serpent hair, goddesses with varied forms, may your benevolent thought be appeased in the depths of your heart.


Perfume of the Eumenides
The Aromatics
Hear me, Eumenides of illustrious names, wise and chaste, daughters of the great subterranean Zeus and of the lovely Persephone with the beautiful hair, you who judge the life of impious mortals and who inevitably punish them, Blue Goddesses, Queens with resplendent eyes, whose terrible brilliance consumes! Eternal, with frightful looks, who act of yourselves, who dissolve bodies, furious in the night, who regulate all destinies, Virgins of darkness, with serpent hair, terrible to behold, I invoke you and implore you to be favorable to my pious prayers.
The Aromatics.
Listen to me, Eumenides of great heart, of prudent thought, beloved daughters of the great infernal Jupiter and of Proserpine with beautiful curly hair, who judge all the faults of mortals, goddesses with a thunderous gaze, eternal queens, powerful, fearsome, goddesses terrible to behold, daughters of the night, with serpent hair, with a frightful face, I beg you to be favorable to our respectful sacrifices.


Perfume of Lelinoè
The Aromatics
I invoke the Nymph Melinoè, subterranean, with a saffron-coloured peplos, whom the venerable Persephone bore near the springs of Kokytos, in the bed of Zeus Kroniôn, to whom the subtle Ploutôn also united himself by trickery; and then Melinoè took a double body of different colours in the womb of Persephone: Melinoè, who by aerial apparitions, monstrous images of herself, terrifies mortals, who is sometimes transparent, and sometimes shines in the night as she circulates through the darkness. I implore you, O Goddess, queen of the subterranean, who leads souls to the limits of the earth, to show a favourable face to those who initiate into your mysteries.
The Aromatics.
I invoke Melinoë, subterranean nymph with a saffron veil, whom Proserpine, united by a secret love to the immortal Jupiter, gave birth to on the banks of Cocytus. Plutus also united with her, carried away by the violence of his passion, and then she took from Proserpine's womb a double body of different colors. You who chase away the shadows of mortals and who change at will your horrible face, sometimes of a transparent color, sometimes black as night, and thus traversing the darkness of the deep night; I invoke you also, queen of the subterranean Avernus, who leads human souls to the ends of the earth, turn a favorable face towards the priests.


Perfume of Tykhe
O Tykhe, I invoke you in my prayers, good dispenser, standing in the path, guardian of great riches, illustrious Artemis, born of the blood of Plouton, very prudent, invisible and mobile, celebrated by men and who perpetually change their lives. Indeed, to some you offer the abundance of riches, and to others, in your anger, bad poverty. But, O Goddess, I beg you to come to me, benevolent and with hands full of goods.
I invoke you, O Fortune, sweet queen dispenser of goods, and Diana enemy born of the blood of wisdom. None can fight against you: you are obscure and mysterious to all mortals. It is in you that the opulence of men consists. To some, you give abundantly all goods; to others, in your anger, you give a harsh poverty. I pray you, O goddess, be favorable to me, grant me your riches and your benefits.


Perfume of Daimon
I invoke Daimon, magnanimous, venerable, benevolent Zeus, universal generator, who dispenses life to mortals, great Zeus present everywhere, avenger, king of all things, who gives good things. Let him enter joyfully into my dwelling! You lighten the life of laborious men; in you are sorrows and joys. Therefore, O Blessed and chaste one, remove from me all the sorrows that abound on earth and give a happy end to my life.
I invoke the Genius of the great heart, venerable god, benevolent Jupiter, who engenders all things and who distributes life to mortals, almighty Jupiter, universal master, present in the whole universe; dispenser of riches, enter under my roof with a sign of good omen. It is you who put an end to the infirmities of human life, you hold in your hands the key to joy and sorrow. Thus, powerful god, deign to remove from me all sorrows and grant me to arrive at the end of my life with a calm heart and a tranquil thought.


Perfume of Leukothea
The Aromatics
I invoke the Kadmèide Leukothea, venerable and powerful Daimôn, nurse of Dionysus with beautiful crowns. Hear me, O Goddess, who commands in the deep bosom of the sea, who rejoices in the waters, very great protectress of mortals! It is in you that the ships hope in the storm of the waves, and you come to the aid of sailors, and, alone, you ward off the lamentable destiny far from them. But, O powerful Goddess, be our salvation, be propitious in danger to the solid ships, and grant a favorable wind to those who carry your sacrificers on the sea.
The Aromatics.
I invoke Leucothea, born of Prince Cadmus, illustrious divinity, nurse of Bacchus with the beautiful crown. Be favorable to me, O mistress of the azure waves, you who delight in the waves, protectress of the sailors. Through terrible dangers it is to you that all ships rise; it is you who come to the aid of men engaged in the perils of the seas, and who help them in painful storms. Be favorable to us, then, in the midst of our dangers, be favorable to the ships that ply the sea with full sails, grant a favorable wind to your priests.


Perfume of Palaimôn
O you, nourished with the joyful Bakkhos Dionysus, who dwells in the stormy or calm depths of the sea, I call you, O Palaimôn, to the divine sacrifices, and implore you to show a benevolent face to those who initiate into your mysteries, on land and on sea. Indeed, you walk on the sea, appearing to ships in the storm, and, alone, you keep away from mortals the terrible anger of the sea wave.
You who have sucked the same milk as Bacchus, you who inhabit the liquid and stormy plains, O Palemon, we invoke you: may your lips smile upon us and your face be favorable to us, preserve your priests on land as in the waves. It is you who protects the ships in the midst of the sonorous storm, and you keep far from greedy mortals the tumultuous anger of the Ocean.


Perfume of the Muses
Incense Daughters
of Mnemosyne and of Zeus resounding, Pierides Muses, of illustrious names, most glorious, most desirable, of a thousand forms, who are present to mortals, generators of irreproachable virtue in youth, nurses of the mind, who inspire right thoughts, Queens, mistresses of souls, who have taught the sacred mysteries to mortals, Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene, Terpsikhore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Kalliope, come, O chaste Goddesses, with your powerful mother, come to those who initiate into your mysteries, and give us, O Goddesses, the love and glory of innumerable hymns.
Daughters of Mnemosyne and of Jupiter the Thunderer, O Muses famous and illustrious, goddesses who engender all the arts, nourishers of the spirit, who inspire right thoughts, who govern with wisdom the souls of men and who have taught them the divine sacrifices; Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Urania and Calliope, come with your august mother; come to us and be favorable to us, bring us the almighty Glory and Wisdom.


Perfume of Mnemosyne
I invoke Queen Mnemosyne, wife of Zeus, who gave birth to the sacred, pious and sweet-voiced Muses, Mnemosyne who heals the lost, who inspires all men, who haunts all souls, powerful Goddess, who strengthens the reason of mortals, very gentle, vigilant, who makes one remember all things, who excites the thought of mortals and gives them the will to act. O Blessed Goddess, grant memory to those who teach your mysteries, and drive forgetfulness far from them.
I invoke Mnemosyne, wife of the mighty Jupiter who gave birth to the sweet-speaking Muses, and who cures a deranged brain of its errors. Friend of reason, she inspires the souls of all that breathes; she increases the strength of men; vigilant and never resting, she gives a faithful memory to those who love to cultivate the arts; she awakens the thought of those who respect it. Grant then to your priests a mind that always remembers, keep from them tiring forgetfulness.


Perfume of Eos
Hear me, Goddess who brings the day and brings light to mortals, splendid Eos, who shines on the Kosmos, messenger of the illustrious and great God Titan, who, at your rising, drives away into the depths of the earth the dark and gloomy course of the night, conductor of life, who rejoices the whole race of men, for none flees your divine aspect; and, when you drive away the sweet sleep from the eyelids, all rejoice, men, reptiles, quadrupeds, birds, and all the races that inhabit the sea, for you bring life and action to all living things. O Blessed and chaste one, lavish sacred light on those who initiate into your mysteries.
Listen to me, goddess who guides the chariot of light for mortals, white goddess who makes the world shine with a sweet radiance, golden messenger of the great Titan the Sun. You who by your presence send back the thick darkness of night into the bowels of the earth. Conductor of all works, distributor of the life of men, you make the joy of mortals; none would want to flee your charming face. When you drive away from the eyelids the amiable sleep, men, reptiles, quadrupeds, birds and all that inhabits the bosom of the seas, all rejoice. You give men the food that is pleasant to them. Benevolent to your gods, increase for them the brilliance of your sacred chariot.


Perfume of Themis
I invoke Themis, the chaste daughter of Ouranos, born of illustrious parents, Germ of Gaia, Virgin with beautiful eyes, who first revealed to men the sacred prophecies and oracles of the Gods in the Delphian temple, and who also reigned over Pytho and the Pythians, and who gave King Phoibos the power to deliver oracles. O Illustrious One, honored by all, who wanders in the night, you were the first to teach men the sacred ceremonies and the nocturnal festivals of Bakkhos. From you come the mysteries of the Blessed and the honors that are paid to them. Come, O Blessed One, and be propitious, O Virgin, to those who initiate into your mysteries.
I invoke Themis, daughter of heaven engendered by earth, goddess with beautiful eyes who was the first to reveal to men the prophecies of the future and announced the oracles to the gods in the city of Delphi. She also reigned in Pythos and over the Pythians, and it was there that she granted Phoebus the gift of announcing the future. August, venerable goddess, who wanders during the darkness of the nights, you were the first to teach men to honor the gods and to offer nocturnal sacrifices to Bacchus. It is from you, indeed, that the mysteries of the immortals come. Come to us, O goddess, with a favorable thought, attend the mysteries that your priests celebrate in your honor.


Perfume of Boreas
The frozen Boreas Incense
, which, with your Keimerian breaths, upsets the immense air of the Kosmos, comes from the snowy Thrakè, chases away the motionless clouds of the rainy air, reassures all things and releases the dazzling Aither.
Icy Boreas whose horrible breath torments the immensity of the heavens, abandon the snowy mountains of Thrace, push aside the black clouds that cover the sky, chase far away the clouds that engender rain; you who reassure, wipe away the immense Ether.


Perfume of Zephyros
Zephyr breaths, born of the sea, who wander in the air, harmonious and sweet and who rest from fatigue, meadows and springs, loved by ports, who make an easy route for ships, come, benevolent, breathing gently, irreproachable, aerial, invisible, light and having the form of air.
Charming breaths of Zephyr, inhabitants of the sky, you who glide gently over the seas and console us for our hard labors; you who exhale a pleasant odor, you who make the earth germinate and flower; beloved breaths of the ports, you who open an easy route to ships on the immensity of the seas, I implore you, breathe gently near us, aerial breaths, invisible, with light wings, rapid as air.


Perfume of Notos
Swift wind, which runs in the humid air, borne on swift wings, here and there, come with the great clouds, generator of rain! For this power has been given to you by Zeus to run in the air and to lower to the earth the clouds which generate rain. Therefore we beseech you, O Blessed One, to be propitious to our sacrifices and to lavish on our mother earth the fruitful rains.
Swift, impetuous winds, with winged feet, come to us, you who roll precipitously with the immense clouds; for Jupiter entrusts you with this portion of the air so that you may bring to the earth the clouds that give birth to rain. Pour your beneficial waves on the arid earth, I beg you by the sacrifice that I offer you.


Perfume of Okeanos
The Aromatics
I invoke Father Okeanos, eternal and incorruptible, Generator of the immortal Gods and mortal men, who envelops the limits of the earth in a circle, and from whom come all the rivers, and all the sea, and all the terrestrial springs, and the waters of the fountains. Hear me, O rich Blessed One, purifier of the Gods, end of the earth, limit of the Kosmos, who follow a liquid path! Come with benevolence, and be always propitious to your sacrificers.
The Aromatics.
I implore you Ocean, father whose origin is immortal, father of eternal gods and men, who surrounds with your folds the immense contours of the earth. It is from you that all the rivers and the waves of the sea come; it is in your bosom that the reefs grow in multitude. Listen to me, illustrious god, purifier of the immortals, end of the earth, extreme limits of the world, I pray you, look with a favorable eye on all the priests who invoke you.


Perfume of Hestia
The Aromatics
Hestia, Queen, daughter of the powerful Kronos, who keeps in the midst of your dwelling the very great eternal Fire, make those who initiate into your mysteries always strong, rich, joyful and chaste! You who are the unshakable foundation of the happy Gods and mortals, eternal, with a thousand forms, very desirable, with a slender body, come, Blessed One! Receive our sacrifices favorably, give us riches and sweet health.
Illustrious Vesta, chaste daughter of old Saturn, you who keep in your house the eternal fire, give to your priests who approach for sacrifice, a pure heart, chastity, wealth, and strength of limbs. Be propitious to us, O unshakable foundation of all the gods. All-powerful, eternal, amiable and endowed with a beautiful form; happy and smiling, attend your sacrifices, grant us abundant goods and the happiness of sweet health.


Perfume of Hypnos
The Poppy
Hypnos, King of all the Blessed and of mortal men and of all the living that the wide earth nourishes, you alone command all and you envelop bodies in sweet bonds. You dispel worries, you rest happily from labors, you console from all pains, you remove the fear of death and you appease souls, for you are the brother of Lethe and Thanatos. Come, Blessed One! I beg you to come, sweet and deep, and to be propitious to those who offer you pious sacrifices.
The Poppy.
Sleep, eternal father, king of all mortals and all gods and all animals that the earth nourishes! you reign over all, all-powerful conqueror, you bind all bodies in pleasant bonds. You subdue all worries, you are the pleasant rest after fatigue, you chase away the sorrows of all sick hearts. You remove the fear of death and you calm the spirits, for you are truly the brother of oblivion and death. I beg you, fill us with your sweet favors, we who offer you pious sacrifices.


Perfume of Thanatos
Hear me, Queen of all mortal men, you who are all the closer to them as you give them a longer time to live. Your sleep kills the soul and the body, and, when you have broken the bonds of nature, you bring eternal rest to men; for you are common to all, and, unjust to some, you put a rapid end to the course of youth. In you alone all is accomplished; neither prayers nor libations appease your anger. But, O Blessed One, I beg you, by my sacrifices and by my prayers, to remove at least the limits of my life, and to grant mortals a happy old age!
Listen to me, queen of all men, the more time you grant to their life, the closer you are to them. You kill bodies and souls with an eternal sleep; you break the bonds of human nature and you eternally close the eyes of men. You are common to all, and you break the most charming flowers with a rapid end. It is in you that all things come to be resolved. You do not let yourself be moved by supplications or by vows. Blessed and formidable, come to us only very late, we pray you by pious sacrifices, and grant men a long and happy old age.

Quote of the Day

“there is in every Metallick species, equally as in Gold and Silver, a simple and single Sulphur, which is termed Quick-silver”

Bernard Trevisan

The Answer of Bernardus Trevisanus, to the Epistle of Thomas of Bononia


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