Le triomphe hermetique, ou La pierre philosophale victorieuse. Traitté plus complet & plus intelligible, qu'il en ait eu jusques ici, touchant le magistère hermetique. Amsterdam: chez Henry Wetstein, 1689. [A number of editions were subsequently published in French, German and English.]
The Hermetical Triumph: or, The Victorious Philosophical Stone. A Treatise more compleat and more intelligible than any has been yet, concerning The Hermetical Magistery. Translated from the French... London 1723.
Transcribed by Jerry Bujas.
Quote of the Day
“The Bodies changing into water so long till out of the Water a part in it of the manifold vapours ascends, and falling downe againe are coagulated and consolidated that it may never rise againe, and the reason hereof is because the corporeal Spirit in the Spirituall and the Spirituall againe in the corporeal has mixed and soaked it selfe, and because the Spirituall Spirit is stronger than the Corporeall Spirit, they both are vapourous and ellevate themselves in the height of the allembick; but when the corporeall Spirit overcomes the Spirituall he must necessarily remaine with him at the bottome in the Cucurbit, and when they have united themselves the Spirituall Ghost which is penetrable makes the corporeall Spirit together with himself penetrable and permeable, for the corporeall Spirit has in him the tincture, that is, the red and white colour, and with all the Spirituall Spirit leads the corporeall in and without hinderance just as a man does goe through a house with an open doore, and is not spied by any, so it is here”
Arnold de Villa Nova
Chymicall treatise of the Ancient and highly illuminated Philosopher
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