The Hermetical Triumph: or The Victorious Philosophical Stone

The Hermetic Triumph

Le triomphe hermetique, ou La pierre philosophale victorieuse. Traitté plus complet & plus intelligible, qu'il en ait eu jusques ici, touchant le magistère hermetique. Amsterdam: chez Henry Wetstein, 1689. [A number of editions were subsequently published in French, German and English.]

The Hermetical Triumph: or, The Victorious Philosophical Stone. A Treatise more compleat and more intelligible than any has been yet, concerning The Hermetical Magistery. Translated from the French... London 1723.
Transcribed by Jerry Bujas.

The Hermetical Triumph - English PDF

Quote of the Day

“we must add nothing that is strange, save the Sun and Moon for the red and white Tincture, which are not strange (to it) but are its Ferment by which the work is accomplished”


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