The Great Miracle of a Metallic Nature

imitating it without Sophistication, all imperfect metals will turn into fine Gold, and incurable diseases will be cured.

Highlighted by the Reverend Father Castagne Counselor & Chaplain to the King

Dedicated to Monsignor the Very Illustrious Prince & Very Christian the Duke of Maine,

Chez Charles Sevestre, rue de la Vieille Bouclerie, at the three Trumpets, near Saint Séverin.

With Privilege of the King
Illustrious Prince & Very Christian.

The very great obligation that all of France owes to your very illustrious & very Christian house is such: that the preservation of the goods & of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Religion depend on it, & neither a sane & wise man who does not recognize it , if they don't want to be held willful, blind & ignorant. I have so much personal knowledge of it, that I dare say, that the goods which have come to us, and the conversion of the late King have been caused, more by the late Monseigneur your father, than by any other means, although everything contributed to it.

And the French cannot thank you condescendingly for these things done, apart from the zeal you have for all the virtuous and generous courage that you alone maintain in a Century so depraved as ours. I would like to be able to testify to you what I feel about it in myself, you would see an effect similar to my will, which being completely dedicated to the service of your greatness, took the boldness to dedicate to it this little book which will satisfy your beautiful spirit. & very luminous intellect, & will assure him of the admirable secrets that nature hides in her womb, & that God has often revealed to those who humbly asked him to use them well, & will show the proof when it pleases your greatness, despite the boring or rather ignorant who deny what cannot hear. The present is worthy of a very great Lord, like you, since it contains the very great work.

Receive the therefore, of like will, that you offer it. who, being entirely devoted to the service of your greatness, has taken the boldness to dedicate to it this little book which will satisfy your beautiful mind & very luminous intellect, & will assure it of the admirable secrets that nature hides within it, & that God often has revealed to those who humbly asked him for them to use them well, & will show the proof of it when it pleases your greatness, in spite of the boring or rather ignorant people who deny what cannot hear.

The present is worthy of a very great Lord, like you, since it contains the very great work. Receive the therefore, of like will, that you offer it. who, being entirely devoted to the service of your greatness, has taken the boldness to dedicate to it this little book which will satisfy your beautiful mind & very luminous intellect, & will assure it of the admirable secrets that nature hides within it, & that God often has revealed to those who humbly asked him for them to use them well, & will show the proof of it when it pleases your greatness, in spite of the boring or rather ignorant people who deny what cannot hear. The present is worthy of a very great Lord, like you, since it contains the very great work. Receive the therefore, of like will, that you offer it. & that God often revealed to those who humbly asked him to use it well, & will show the proof of it when it pleases your greatness, in spite of the boring or rather ignorant people who deny what cannot hear. The present is worthy of a very great Lord, like you, since it contains the very great work. Receive the therefore, of like will, that you offer it. & that God often revealed to those who humbly asked him to use it well, & will show the proof of it when it pleases your greatness, in spite of the boring or rather ignorant people who deny what cannot hear. The present is worthy of a very great Lord, like you, since it contains the very great work. Receive the therefore, of like will, that you offer it.

Your very humble & very obligated servant of Castague Chaplain to the King & Bishop Elected by His Majesty.

As the work of Saunier is very real: For I saw it done by a very virtuous lady in Dauphiné, who gave me a little of it for a Grand Seigneur of the Court of the King.
FIRST, here is what this great Philosopher Nicolas Flamel says about it, who really made the Philosopher's stone, both for the health of human bodies, and also to make imperfect metals very perfect. Numquam (he says) ad opus peruenissem nisi Artephium legissem. Now Artéphius was the Master of the wise Saunier. So who will have them both so much the better.

He will have that Holy work, which all wise & beautiful minds must diligently seek, as did this great Legislator of God Moses, & the fountain of Sapience Solomon, & these excellent Poets, Orpheus Museum: Homer: Hesiod: These great Philosophers Pythagoras : Plato: Aristotle: Theophraste Chrisipe: Cato the Censor: Varro: there is nothing dearer than to know the virtue of the doctrine so rare, which belongs only to the aforesaid, & to their fellows, to the ignorant tando dinaso .

De Castagne Chaplain to the King.


But also what shall we say of this Great Angelic Doctor Saint Thomas Aquinas, of the Order of the Venerable Fathers Preachers, who himself did this Holy work of Potable gold. And I myself have in my hands its original written with his own hand in Latin, & begins. Sicut lilium inter spinas. And if he helped the sick by doing the holy works of mercy. Would it not be taken up by any envious Physicians of this time here? yes: But he would say Canto dinafo to them. And the same would apply to this great & famous Doctor Raymond Lully, to the great Philosopher Arnauld de Villeneuve.

To Count Trévisan & his like from La Roche Taille. And to the great Roger Baccon, and to Paracelsus, an admirable Physician, as is also the very learned Monsieur Mazuier, one of the Counselors & Ordinary Physician of Monsignor the Prince, who in my presence after having heard him discuss very learnedly, received him as such. As the King also did, when he received as his Counselor & Ordinary Doctor the famous Philosopher, Monsieur Maître Eglissem, who made him drinking gold with Monsieur de Verville, also famous Doctor in my presence at the Louvre where the liras are in chains.

But the aforesaid envious did not have enough to attack such admirable & scholarly characters. Let them boldly go and see the Potable gold of the said Sieur Mazuier, Physician of my Lord the Prince, and will see something very rare and admirable. Even Mr. Jacques Bedene Distiller of my said Lord the Prince, who is one of the character experts for the century who is in everyone: for all very precious essences that one could ever desire & all balms & cordial waters of all kinds. He has them & makes them every day, & the same has done at my presence in an hour, of the best Potable gold that is in everyone, with which I have cured various incurable diseases.

Let us do well, continue, and let them say: for our free will that God has given us, is not jub potestate pretensorum quarti ordinis medicorum, but under ours, as the Holy Scripture says in Genesis. Subte: Subte: Subte: erit appetitus tuus, under your power & your power will be your free will boldly minerals & plants that could serve you for your health. I make you the Master. Ideo who potest Capere capiat. As I put in my two books titled,

De Castagna Prothomedicus

GREAT WONDER OF nature that by imitating it & reducing it to its first matter as the wise & very learned Philosopher Aristotle says, you can then transmute them into fine gold & fine silver by means of the very noble & most perfect metals which are gold & silver by reducing them to current mercury, of which alone we can do all that is said.

But here is the way.
First to convert fine silver into common mercury.

Take a pound of it in lime & pound it hard in a marble mortar & soak it hard with oil of tartar then dry it & again soak it & pound hard & dry it in the sun or at similar heat & do this until the moonlime drank six ounces of oil of tartar. Then put it in a long-necked matrass with the water which follows which floats two fingers & hold it in the stove at low heat until you see it dissolve & when it will no longer boil let it cool. Then put everything in an Alembic with its container & distill by degrees until you have received all the water then increase the fire until the material is well dried then, being cold, put it into an impalpable powder.

The oil of tartar is thus made.

Take ten pounds of fine & large Montpellier tartar & put it in an unglazed earthen pot over the reverberation fire as glassware is by ten o'clock & will be charred white so put it in moist & have good oil The aforesaid solvent water.

Take vitriol one pound salt nitre one pound, cinnabar three ounces, pillage the whole thing hard together, distill in a sandstone retort & have your water.

To convert vulgar mercury into fine silver with that of the moon.

Amalgamate one ounce of the moon with three ounces of the vulgar mercury & put it in a matrass with one ounce of your moon mercury on a small fire light as the sun until the matter is black as coals then increase the fire a little so much from hand to hand which comes white as snow then you will have the lime of the philosophers which by way multiplies to infinity starts projecting four ounces of it little by little with borax on an ounce of molten moon & will have five ounces of fine cup moon to God be praise.


by I. Saunier.

MY Son I (like your father) give you very wonderful & excellent practice, certain & true on the fact of the transmutation of metals, which transmute into fine sol & fine moon according to the species of which one wants to work, with the help of God who is the principle of all things.

I never had it from a mortal man & I had the grace of God my creator, who pleased him to send it to me & give me the understanding to understand the art & science of the natural Philosophers I humbly thank him. My child I (as a father) defend you & enjoin that you do not discover it to any man nor tell it to anyone alive; For it is something that must be held secretly: For no natural men say it, nor declare as I will declare it to you, & also for the inconveniences that could arise from it you must very secretly hold it & keep it & also that you do good with it, & that you have your life in this mortal world. And I pray you that you govern it so well that it is to the honor & glory of God The blessing of the father, of the son, & of Benedict Saint Esprit be given to you & granted Amen.

Anything can be made lime, if lime also salt, if salt also water.

Here I begin the preparation of common salt, and I do so.

Take coarse sea salt, and then a vessel of earth, or two or three, then grind the said matter very finely in a stone mortar, and put it in common fresh water.

until the said matter is dissolved & then distills it in a glass vessel, & puts it on the ash oven as if to distill strong water, & fires it until all the water has evaporated & the said salt remains dry at the bottom of the vessel, stirring it with a wooden spoon, & then put it back in another vessel of Beauvais earth like a gourd which is very wide on top & is a furnace of ashes which dries out very well that it does not have no humidity, & take care not to break the vessel & that the said salt does not form a mass, & for this it must be stirred continuously as long as it is on the fire.

And when it dries up, take it out of the fire, & let it cool then put the said salt in a new pot which is not leaded & that the said salt is well ground into a well loosened powder, & then put it to cook in a furnace between coals as long as the pot is red, & keep that the said salt does not melt, and that the said pot is well covered so that no garbage falls into it. And all the things above say you will repeat seven times, & so it will be melting like wax on coal & at the seventh time if it is not melting you must put it on a diet above said as long & as long as it is melting: & to make it melting quickly you must anneal it two or three times, & grind it each time, & keep it from melting, then dissolve it in common water, which is fresh water, & it is the greatest treasure:

To make etching.

Afterwards you will take two parts of saltpeter & one of Alum de Roche & will make strong water of it as you know, then take the said salt thus prepared as above is said as long as you see fit, & take strong water of it & put your say salt to dissolve in it, and do not put the said strong water there except only what is needed to dissolve the said salt, which will dissolve willingly.

And keep the faeces from becoming cloudy & put this water aside; then take new strong water similar to that before implementation which has not been implemented and throw it on the faeces which remained in the vessel after the water has been evacuated stir & incorporate everything together, & by shaking scrambling said vessel, as you did before & put it to rest on the ashes, & evacuate it pure as you did before & repeat these operations as long as the matter is completely dissolved & put it in a curcurbite by adding the still to it well with the said curcurbite & put it to distil it by the bath putting the container under it a little struggle with the end of the still, & you will make a small fire as long as all the boiled water the phlegm are out, & that the said bath is of medium heat & that this heat is also continued, Because it is the mastery to continue this heat, & the said fire must be made with sawdust or clods of tan & if the fire has continued well your matter will be dissolved within the said term of fifteen days.

And if it did not happen that it was not dissolved in the said time, it would be necessary to wait until it was dissolved by this regime: For that is the whole secret of dissolution. Quia quicquid putrfit est aquarera because this dissolution is done by heat & humidity, & believe that better & more would be the dissolution by horse droppings: Because in the heat of the dung there is great humidity, & there is no dryness but rather temperate calidity equal in the calidity of fire, is greater that which is annexed with, the humidity of cold water, and therefore cannot melt the salt: For it is made harder by the dryness of the fire than the humidity of the fient above. And when it is thus dissolved by hot & moist it is frozen to the cold, & if you can, come to this point you have the key to the art.

And blessed be he of God who will seal him well. And know that for each dissolution & freezing you will gain half: For the first chet one pea out of seven, the second one pea out of fourteen, the third out of twenty eight, the fourth out of fifty six; And so up to an infinite number. And know that freezing happens by itself when cold, if not perfect freezing. But it must be frozen in a vessel in the oven on the ashes & that it is very well dried then let cool, & let it be first slowly, & then increase.

Secondly to medium heat while frozen, by this diet, & it must be done continuously in natural oven wine. And when you see that it is thus frozen you have perfect white elixir, & can project it onto Venus or brass as many & as few as you want, & do not cast it onto any other body, & when you want to project it you will take in the name of God seven peas of the finest brass & yellowest that you can find, for at the end of Venus there is a dye, which should be removed & in the brass there is a little sourness notwithstanding that the redness is removed, which does not is not suitable for scale which is alone & brass is composed of scale & other mixtures which keep it soft,

The composition of the Red Elixir follows.

& it is necessary that the moon be prepared & that it have weight & its ground as hereafter will be said, & when one wants to make projection, one takes seven ounces of moon prepared as said is & melts it in a crucible, & then we throw in an ounce of fine soil which has passed through the Cement seven times, & that it be increased in color will be said below. And when everything is melted, throw in an ounce of the Red Elixir, & let everything be well incorporated together, & must be careful not to put iron or metal, & then throw in an ingot , & will have fine ground at twenty-four carats supporting Cement, & any other trial & test, & better than mining.

One takes seven ounces of moon prepared as said is & melts it in a crucible, & then one throws into it an ounce of fine sol which has passed through the Cement seven times, & that it be increased in color it will be said here -After. And when everything is melted, throw in an ounce of the Red Elixir, & let everything be well incorporated together, & must be careful not to put iron or metal, & then throw in an ingot , & will have fine ground at twenty-four carats supporting Cement, & any other trial & test, & better than mining. one takes seven ounces of moon prepared as said is & melts it in a crucible, & then one throws into it an ounce of fine sol which has passed through the Cement seven times, & that it be increased in color it will be said here - After.

And when everything is melted, throw in an ounce of the Red Elixir, & let everything be well incorporated together, & must be careful not to put iron or metal, & then throw in an ingot , & will have fine ground at twenty-four carats supporting Cement, & any other trial & test, & better than mining.

Then follows the preparation of the ground for the aforesaid work.

& the Alembic above, putting on the ash furnace to distil the vinegar & the vitriol will remain, & will freeze in the vial, take this vitriol & dry it in a new jar between the coals & it will redden & be red as blood, then make a very fine powder of it & pass through the sieve. Afterwards you will take verdigris in the same way, which is also dissolved in vinegar distilled by the Still being dissolved, you will distill it by filter, & put it in a cucurbite to be distilled on the ashes, adding its Still to it to remove the vinegar, & put your verdigris to dry in a new pot, in a furnace on the coals, then to make powder of it like other things said above.

Item take Armoniac salt & dissolve it in strong vinegar then distill it, then take powders on it said as many of one as the other, & sprinkle them with a little vinegar, in which is dissolved Armoniac salt, like one of the said powders, then make a bed of the said powders in a crucible or in a cement pot , & then a bed of laminae & make a bed of one & a bed of another, & powders on top, then covers them with its lid, & lutes it then leaves a small hole on it through which it can have air so that the pot does not break because of the Armoniac salt then sit your pot on the stove & put it on fire, & let it light everything by it without blowing & make a very small fire for the space of three hours. And if you make your cement in a reverberation kiln, slowly fire coal for half an hour and consequently only wood that flames without smoke, & will always be in its first weight as you melted it first. But it will be increased in color by the virtue & corrosion of the said cement.

As the Moon is prepared in weight & ground sound.

Take in the name of God thin moon of cup or ashes as much as you want, & melt it in a crucible, then take Vitriol Romain, & make strong water without putting anything else in it, then take Armoniac salt, & do it dissolve in the said water, as long as the water will be able to dissolve it, & put it in a vessel on warm ashes in the furnace, & throw in as much powder of living sulfur as you put armoniacal salt, & stir it very well while seems, shaking the vessel, without fanning anything except as little as you can, & then let it rest in the said furnace on the ashes & put the Alembic on it, & distill the water & the sulfur with a part of Armoniac salt which will sublimate then take the sulfur thus sublimated & throw it into the crucible where the moon is melted two or three times by incorporating everything together very well & the moon will take weight & sound of soil, & give her as much as she can drink, as much & as long as she will be melted in the crucible: red, then let it cool then put it in the kettle which is made of tartar of water & common salt & boil it until it is white as before & thus your moon is prepared having weight of soil without losing its good & suitable value to receive tincture of Red Elixir.

Our white or red Elixir, is said to be stone & not stone, for it is an unformed thing, it is salt in many ways, & the name of it is first salt, For it is composed of sea salt & is made from & spirit of another salt which is said Saltpeter & of the substance & spirit of another salt for the white which is said Alum, & if are these three salts made a white Elixir, & into the red Elixir is changed Alum for Vitriol & also in the red elixir, preparation is needed both with regard to the perfect body, as with regard to the imperfect body, the perfect body needs an increase in tincture, & the imperfect body needs the addition of weight.

For this my child we call these two Elixirs of the aforesaid both white and red, common salt, hissic salt, natural salt, diet salt, compound salt. It is said to be the current menstrual, and first in its sperm Royal salt, very noble salt, it is eau de vie, oil of ice, it is very dignified, very secret water which dissolves all nature. He is himself Mercury of Mercurys who dissolves all spirits, he is called stone & not stone, he is said to be medicine at the beginning of the great stone, he is said to be lime, living sulfur, strong water, he is said to be salt Armoniac, he is says Master & Dominator of all salts & without it have no power, the others of, nothing to perfect, he binds & unbinds, he conjoins the male with the female he transmutes from one species to another, he makes the body mind & spirit body.

My child, we will repeat this present chap. by what means do we say & the Philosophers that they have neither Sun nor Moon which are not alive, & those of the mines are dead, For there are three things, body, spirit & soul, & no one can do true transmutation by himself but all three together, & an animated body is made of it, & know for sure that no one can can do true transmutation of metal nor perfect generation without corruption of perfect body. Namely, sol & moon from the body we draw its sulphur: For our menstrual which is strong water is retained in the matter of the feminine which is our melting salt which dissolves our Menstrual, & when our said matter has conceived the germ & sperm metalin with her menstrual in her womb, does it not follow that until water is put in it, before we put water in it, we make them a homogenous thing, & when they are together in beautiful clear water without faeces,

My son, do you know why you are giving you this instruction? it is so that you know how our ground & moon are alive & those of the dead mines & also so that you know that our said Elixir is white or red, have in them all these points to make our transmutation of metal & to make a body lively.

We take in the name of God from our earth which is an imperfect body of metal & do it XXXXX Missing 2 or three lines XXXXX
Libavius ​​calls Chalcanteuze: Metals having Mercury as matter & Sulfur as their form or external agent which freezes it. Where does it come from that Mercury is of the seas, & sulfur the father of metals, Mercury the feminine principle, cold & humid, & the Sulfur masculine principle, dry & hot: as the said Libavius ​​testifies & discusses it more fully in his book of the nature of metals.

Gold of the metals none are perfect, others imperfect. The perfect ones are those which nature has brought to the absolute limit of the metallic kind, and are Silver & Gold. Therefore, to pass beyond this, we will return to our Poet, whom the Reader will be able to understand more easily by our preceding introduction.

So (*) the dazzling gold, King of the whole band, This metal drags people, who warm, above all commands, Comes from a (**) Pure subtle sulfur, & red joined To the white & lively silver, which pure, don't burn.

* As well as the celestial Sun is the center of the Cicl, & King of the Stars, mainly of the summer Stars, the Lion the King of the irrational animals, & the man of all the animals. Thus Gold is the center & King of metals, & the most noble creature that God has created after man. For there is nothing in the World that is of its kind nor anything so precious, yet is & was to be the ornament of Kings & Monarchs.

** Gold is therefore the most perfect metal, subsisting from a very ripe & very pure Mercury & being by force from a very excellent Sulphur, cooked & mixed with it; is made very firm, to transmute, & first of the perfect body, from which we want our aforesaid dough, & knead them & incorporate very well with each other when it is melted, then throw our elixir which will be a part extracted from such a body of our leaven, & knead again by incorporating it with a small stick or charcoal at the end of a tweezer, or wheel, & thus we make the imperfect, perfect & lively body.

Then follows Chap. which is of the great Elixir both white and red, & of the perfection of the great major & lunar stone hot on all metals.

MY son, I declared to you above simply & precisely the whole truth without adding anything of the major stone & the Elixir as much to the white as to the red which is called stone & not stone: For strictly speaking as is already duly said, it is an unfinished thing to form what is only instructed, & beginning with regard to the red Elixir of the great stone of the Philosophers which is said & called the great major stone & this stone converts from 'one species into another all metals, & perfect what is in them to perfect converting them into fine sol of twenty four carats. When the metal that one wants to convert into soil is melted, thrown over it from the front says leavens & soil which is increased, & then the stone over it,
With regard also to the white elixir before named, which is only the beginning of the Lunar stone: for it is likewise an unfinished thing to form, and if you do it, it will likewise convert all molten bodies into fine moon, as the major stone on the ground, by throwing a little white leaven on the said molten body does not matter to me what & after the moon stone that the major stone on the ground does & it will convert into a fine moon as good & better as that which is found in the mining of the perfection of which I will begin with the major stone solar & after with the lunar.

If the Major stone begins.

My son you take in the name of God your red elixir before named & put it in putrefaction in the Marie bath for the space of twenty four natural days & after the putrefaction of this time your Elixir will be in clear water provided that you have composed the fire & the heat in your said bath as I said above & adding quicksilver which will have been sublimated by the way that hereafter will be said, in a Chap. apart, and if you will know likewise before putting your said Elixir in purification how much it can weigh precisely and will you put as much weighing precisely of your quicksilver sublimated in your Elixir which is in water without fanning it as the least as you can? these things very well incorporated with each other without the vessel remaining open.

Mercurius is fons & origeomnium metallorum.

My very dear & very beloved son I tell you that quicksilver is called verbis latinis, fons & origeomnium metallorum, that is to say quicksilver is the beginning, & the birth of all metals & mines & by the means of this thing when it is conjoined & & homogenous with the front said Red Elixir which is made of & extracted from the body of the fine sun which is the only perfect metal which has designed the means of all the transmutation of metal which binds them without department together it is our said fondant salt garnished with ordeal & menstruation. For it is the material of our metal when all these things are assembled & homogenized & fixed together, then the major stone is made, which is the great stone of the Philosophers.

This is followed by the sublimation of mercury which is used for the work formerly known as knowing the red elixir only so much.

take one another if you have composed the fire well it will have fallen from its first weight of an ounce or so, reiterate & put your said sublimated to grind it in the said mortar with as many new ashes & powder to similar to those in front & put them back in the bottom of the sublimation, & sit back in the said furnace & fire in the way in front dictates & draw the mood as before, & repeat in this way up to seven times & each sublimation after its first will not dry out whenever a quarter of an ounce, & is right after the said seven times, it is good & proper, & such as it should to the said work of your Red Elixir. My child, with regard to sublimating the Mercury, for the work of the moon & of the white Elixir, it suits you to change vitriol,

To make moonstone.

My child to make the moon stone which converts any metal body into a moon as I told you before. You will take in the name of God your white Elixir, & put it in putrefaction in a bain-marie for twenty four natural days, & after the putrefaction of this time your said Elixir will be in clear water, & in this water you will dissolve the weight of as much Mercury sublimated seven times with common salt & saltpeter as was your Elixir before you put into putrefaction without fanning anything as little as you can & do as I said before in the projection of the major stone, then put back in putrefaction for up to forty days, & then freeze it in a secret oven for the space of twelve natural days, & by the way I told you,
Follows the way of making lut which does not soak in water nor in the heat of the bath

My child, to make your bed which does not soak in water except in the heat of the bath. It suits you to do double lut, one on top of the other. You will take, in the name of God, egg mucus & whisk them until they are in white foam & in the manner of broth, & afterwards you will let them sit again, & there will be white water, of which you will take an ounce, & a quarter of an ounce of mad flour from the mill, a large of Armenia bowl, & half a large of dragon's blood, a strong cheese fat which is very fine & which is plundered, & will grind very hard all these things together in a mortar of stone & you will pass by linen where by an untied cheesecloth then you will have strips of size, & you will put them to soak in this lut & in lutes your vessel, then let it dry.

This lut here is used to lute the still, the gourd, & if used to fight glass vessel which would be trodden, & if there is another one which is used to fight on the lut after it is dry, which is done thus, you will take loam which is the earth of what we make the pots, at your pleasure, & a quarter of as much Armenia bowl, half as much dragon's blood as Armenia bowl, quicklime, like loam which is powdered very finely, & all these things soaked half in egg mucus & half in hot ox or mutton blood, then you will have scrapings of old sheets as heavy as bowl Armenia. But before soaking these things, you must make very fine powders of everything, & knead everything together, like a paste, very long; & beaten with a stick.

This serves,
My very dear & loved child, I have declared to you in this present book, all the work, & all the secret of Natural Philosophy, & look at the major stone, & the lunar stone, how many & how they the whole truth has been begun & completed, as it has been the most intelligible that I have been able to do without adding anything to it, & if I had thought that you could have understood in briefer substance, & as Natural Philosophy puts it with Moral philosophy which is very difficult thing to understand, who would not have studied all the books of Moral & Natural Philosophy, & for this I withdraw in time from this chap.

My child, the great love that I had in you, made me declare this work and this science entirely true, as I did and practiced it in my time, and if nothing is put in it except the fine truth without anything else. From what (my child) I made fine sol & fine moon, & also God gave me the grace that I made in my time the major stone, & the lunar, & if I will not declare it to anyone oncques, I did not say that I had done it, if not to you (my child) & if nothing has been known about it, it has been that people think it of themselves, because of the gold & the gold. money that I have distributed many times, because it suited me to do so, and I have always kept my secret. My very dear child, I forbid you that you never tell anyone in the world.

My beloved child, you must know that the major stone, nor the lunar stone are not made nor accomplished, except by the way in which I gave you the doctrine, & also from which the materials & compounds are made, be prepared , putrefied & cleansed by the manners above written. For do not brag about the said matters to work at your will otherwise than said is, for you would spoil everything, and would waste your time, and if you would do nothing. Because in our stone enters only purity, & honesty without any rubbish, & for this (my child) when you prepare the said materials prepare them as clearly as you can, because it is necessary to do so, as when you prepare the common salt prepare it as said is, & work in these tasks without hurrying them nor trying hard:

But let nature work & work, because it is not a work that one can begin at will, but one must do things as it belongs, & let work & work nature according to its course & the time it must work. And also, my child, one thing is that this work is not begun today and finished tomorrow. Because certainly before she can reach her first Elixir whether white or red to make all these preparations that it belongs & let nature work according to its course & elected time, that we put nine months into it & the completion of our stone is done, & accomplished in three months after which are twelve months in total, which is one year, & when a man, whether you or another, wants to start this task quickly, he must put his care & his expectation in all respects to postpone all other tasks:

For when one has entered it & the work has begun, who wants do good, you have to be a deer there, and you have to expect it, and work continually, and for that don't start it if you're not at all disposed to perfect it right away, and you I will say the reason why: For matters are spirits conjoined together in congregation which have no perfect permanence are volatile, & go away smoky & in the air invisibly, for what they are not yet fixed nor established . Because you could leave your task at such an hour and at such a point that if it were in water,
The property of common salt & what it is made of, & why it is put in Elixir & the fact of our stone, & that without it the work is not perfect & accomplished.

Sal naturale
Sulph. philosophorum
Sal mirabile Sulp. mineral
Sal Menstrual Sulp. natura
Sal metalicum
Sulp. fuse
Sulfur nostrum Neutrum.
Mercury. philosophorum

My child salt is water that has been frozen by the dryness of the sun on the shore of the sea in certain countries there are waters that taste of sea water in wells & in cisterns & come through the veins of the earth sourness salt & the said waters come by any conduits above ground from the sea, & none because of the lands through which they pass take on this taste, & these waters are frozen by virtue of the heat of the fire, & in fact one hot & dry white salt, & that which is & that one takes at the shore of the sea is frozen on the clouds by the heat of the sun & of the water; is hotter & drier than the other, & it suits us to work & no other, this salt we must prepare & cleanly strip of all filth,

Virtues of common salt.

Salt is purgative, corrosive, scarificative, mortificative & for the said causes we put it & joint homogeneous in our said stone & Elixir. The property of one is that it makes lightning & flows, that is to say, dissolves all bodies of metals, when it is dissolved in strong water.

& coagulates & retains in itself the spirit of the body & also strong water in its sharpness & bitterness. For it is said & called of the Philosophers the matter of our metalline For there is such power in it to keep the emptiness & evaporation of all spirits: For since they are once dissolved with it & once blended together at menstrual ever will not depart, & if it fixes all spirits & without common salt our Elixir is neither perfect nor accomplished, nor our stone, for if they were not put there all spirits would go up in smoke, & would not have power to enter into imperfect bodies when they are melted to transmute them into sol or lune, and for what common salt is, it must keep and preserve its strength,

My child, you see that it is necessary for the common salt prepared, as I told you, to be homogeneous & joined in our Elixir & stone, & if you need to know one thing from which you must expressly guard yourself, it is that of the said common salt thus prepared said is you put only certain weight, & certain quantity: For if it overcomes in all respects the other spirits in the composition of your Elixir all would be worth nothing & for this understand well the manner of your diet & as I told you in writing above in the said homogenization.

For since we have dissolved in our strong water twice the amount of this common salt that rises the ground or the moon that we want to conjoin & homogenize with it as said is, never since has any of the above-mentioned salt entered there, again the freezing as said is & thus we made our first sulfur & Elixir after this fact it is advisable to putrefy for a certain time or it becomes water which is called water of Mercury & that which suits us, & belongs to dissolve our quintessence & quine spirit, which is the Element of all things liquefied & minerable because without it we can do nothing it is the beginning & birth of all metal which is perfect; & illuminates any body, & if the perfect & perfect our stone, & Elixir, & fifth spirit is mercury by seven times sublimated, it is dissolved in the water of our said Elixir when it comes from putrefaction precisely by half & the weighing as much mercury as elixir water,

How the Mercury is reduced to fine sol & fine moon in any test, & better than the metal of the mines.

My child, I want to show you how I reduced the mercury into body, that is to say in end Sol & fine Moon, by the grace of God. So if you want to convert mercury into fine soil, Take in the name of God, twelve pounds of mercury & put it in a large crucible, & put a very large effusion of coal, as who would like to melt so much metal, & leave it there light the fire by yourself without blowing bellows or anything else, & when you see that your fire will be lit, & that your crucible is red, & that your mercury smokes strongly & that it is lost & goes up in smoke , & that it is heated you will put in your crucible an ounce of melting common salt which is prepared, & put as if you wanted to dissolve in strong water to homogenize it with sol or lune as said is before.

is more beautiful than any other, neither of mine nor of that which is made of another body of mineral, & of the said stone, when one sees that everything is melted & that the stone is thrown on it. You must leave it to cool in the crucible & throw it into the ingot who wants it, & if you throw your said melting salt on it as said is, you will have as much fine sol as you put mercury in it (if you don't leave it too long evaporate & spoil in smoke) & more, For the leaven & the salt which are put in it & the stone increase the pitch, certainly the major stone gives ground pitch to all metals & if converts them into fine ground, & s' it is well governed as it belongs, the twelve pounds of mercury being converted into soil, may be increased in weight, which has many times happened to me,

My child, there is one thing which is true that I have experienced, which is that since I had converted an imperfect body of metal into a moon by the virtue of the moon stone & its white leaven, since again I melted & cast red water & then great stone, & was converted to fine ground.

My child, understand that melting common salt is prepared as said is, & is nothing other than fire, & this fire is nothing other than sulphur, & this sulfur is nothing other than Philosophical mercury & not vulgar altered & returned from vileness to Nobility to conjoin & homogenize it with sol & moon, & is put to the Elixir, which will enter into all bodies of molten metal, & which can perfect what is imperfect in them, & transmute into another species ,

My child, there are two kinds of bain-marie, one is used for putrefaction, and the other for distilling, because the bath distills nothing but simple phlegm, provided the heat is gentle enough as I t I have before said, & I will declare to you the manner of both. How much you could know by the practices of this science. For there are few who do not know it well & their own way.

And for what several that I saw working, in my time used in their bath only putrefaction of horse droppings as I did since as much as it is very necessary there. I was fluent for a long time like the others, and this was revealed to me by an old Chartreux man in Paris. And having put the said dung in my baths as he had taught me, I had a shorter & more perfect putrefaction than none I had ever had, the bath of putrefaction is such that it is good & holds its heat well, notwithstanding that there are several other ways & others which are of earth that the Potters make, & these are dangerous & do not hold their lively heat as are copper or brass also those of earth on a few occasions can be broken, by which the job could be such arrangement that the work could be lost.

By which I advise you that the vessels be of bronze, so that we can be out of danger, it is the vessels which must have a round bottom like a pot without feet, and that they are round and so big that one foot wide & four fingers wide, can stand in front of this round, & each one must be one foot & four fingers high, one of the said vessels will be seated on a round stove one foot high & wide, inside the said vessels, they will be sealed precisely to the said furnace. And in this said furnace there will be four pipes from above in a cross so that the fire that will be made there will have air: for otherwise it would not hold its heat, & afterwards the other vessel must have its bottom full of small openings.

& round that we put the end of the small finger there, & this vessel thus pertuated at the bottom will be seated on the mouth of the other vessel which is sealed on the stove, & they must be made in such a way & if precisely that the pertuated vessel enters a little into the mouth of the other, about four fingers wide & that no slits appear outside, & these two vessels you will fight well with each other by the joints that no air vapor can come out of them, & it is necessary that the first vessel that is sealed in the furnace has a duck neck, that is to say a pipe through which it can be filled, and that there is four fingers of space between the water and the vessel. Namely, the pertuated bottom, & above the pertuated vessel there must be a round lid so that it was a vessel that was only full palm high, & that it be made in such a way that the mouth of the cover enters a little inside the mouth of the aforesaid pertuated vessel, and which it closes so precisely that what is put in the vessel cannot breathe.

of the Horse, which is the same name for this fact of all others as I approved.
My child, in this furnace you need an equal fire as you said & when you need water in your bath, you will not put it too cold nor too hot: But in your opinion of the same heat as that which is in the bath, & if you must not look into your bulb nor open the vessel where the dung is, until the time has expired which is declared above, & when the time has expired you must not hasten nor let everything cool, & take good care as I have shown you & put it in writing, & when you want to put anything else back or that even in putrefaction you must remove the said droppings & put new ones.

My child, the other bath for distilling is another such vessel, and in this way like the one where the bath water is put into putrefaction; except that it is necessary that the pipe take higher to be able to precisely fill its vessel, & that there must be such a furnace & similar the other, it is necessary that in this bath there is a lid which closes precisely above & it must be of two pieces, & that there be a hole in the middle big enough that it can attach a bulb or a gourd when you want to distil,

My child, I am sending you this little book which is written by my hand & signed by my blood, certifying to you that the content in it is all truth, & the tasks to have done & practiced as it is written by the grace of God & his help, & to have arrived at the major & lunar stone in the manner above written & not otherwise, which I certify to be true on the peril of my soul & on the joys that I claim in Paradise. It was written the year & day above said & was thus signed Ioannes Saulnier.

On the ground.

Take fine soil & rosette, as much of another one & bottoms together, & laminate them quite subtly then cement in laminates with the following cement.

Take rubefied vitriol, common salt prepared verdet, bricks, Sarrasines, blood stone, about two ounces, Armoniac salt one ounce & in fact very subtle & well mixed powders & cement your said medium in laminates every six hours, at the end of which will give him fusion fire so that the ground melts & if the Venus had not gone away cements it again & this until the weight of gold or only, & your gold will be colorful like coral after making strong water of Saltpetre & vitriol, in which you will dissolve part of the said gold in a separate matrass & part of Mars filings in another matrass then combine the dissolutions & distill water until your material remains like honey, then put the water back on it & redistill it as before & do this so many times that its hay material fuses like wax, after drying it out on a slow fire & with a from it you will add part of the moon & melt together & have 24 karat gold.

Arsenic oil to color the moon, & the Jupiter & Saturn in ground color.

Take a pound of Arsenic, quick sulphur, armoniac salt, æs ustum, good cinnabar, crocum ferri, as much of one as the other & in fact powder & rubéfie it with a little sublimate & in fact paste with linseed or wheat oil & put in a vessel fought in a hot fient bath for thirty or forty days as long as everything is dissolved keep this oil well because if you throw it on the above-mentioned metals which are molten it gives them the color of fine soil.

Sulfur oil from Monsieur de Seraze.

Take bright sulfur or yellow twelve ounces quicklime twenty four ounces, Armoniac salt four ounces, all well mixed put in a retort & distill it at the meeting fire or in an alembic adding its screed to it, gradually firing the whole well fought.

Take antimony & ana tartar & calcine them in reverberation fire for twenty four hours then soak them in strong vinegar & put them in a damp place on the marble or in a sleeve & drip off a very red oil put it in the bath to make it go away vinegar.

Finis hujius operis.

For all this it is necessary to put fourteen crowns so much to buy vessels, pots of earth & crucibles as other necessary thing, these fourteen crowns at the end of the year could be worth more than two thousands of money.

The stone is blood-colored very excellently shiny & when you project it it becomes citrine, & the lunar stone is silvery-colored & shiny in the manner of those worms that glow at night they are metals, which can be calcined & to make lime, & of it to make salt, & of said salt, water, & for this said Geber de quacumquere potest proudi calx sal & aqua. It is the beginning & the way of calcining the metals so that from them face salt & never other metals are to be heard in this work than those which are made of metals because these are the ones that the philosophers want to say which enter into this art because they are of the nature of metals & also quicksilver, & these two have the power to fix the other salts of the other imperfect metals by means of & with what is added to it & what is put therein, white lime & for the citrine the citrine lime as hereafter will be declared in chap. following the metals also are variously calcined & long in the fire.

First we will tell you the calcination of those who are for the citrine as well as sol Venus, Saturn & Mars, the calcination of sol is done in an open vessel in the furnace of the glassmakers, or in another furnace of reverberation six days after it is made of lime, it must be washed with rainwater distilled by the Still in a glass vessel, & then the said vessel must be put on the ashes with the aforementioned lime with the said weight of water & give it fire slowly until water consumption,


Take as much vitriol as you like & put it in a well-glazed earthen pot & put it on the fire to evaporate, stirring it with a stick until it is well dried & then remove it from the fire & allow to cool, take said vitriol 2. pound. & put it in powder, saltpetre a pound. & put them well together & put them in a well-strung retort & the joints & the receptacle & give him three ounces of common water for each pound of the vitriol in your receptacle, & give him a small fire at the beginning for two hours, & then increasing your fire for six hours, & that for the last four hours your retort will be red as fire, & will see your receptacle red as blood, after eight hours let your retort cool & take your water out of your receptacle, & put it inside your matrass, & there, you will deflame it in the following way,

You will take an ounce of the said water & half silver end in first rolls & put it in your said ounce of water, & put it on it hot ashes to dissolve, & when it is dissolved thus hot, throw in your other water that you have kept, & let it stand for twelve hours, & will be a white pumice at the bottom. When you want to work with your said water, squeeze out three ounces of water & give it an ounce of fine silver from a cup in small laminates & put it on top of the hot ashes to dissolve in a long-necked matrass,

Flee to make hot water to dissolve the silver lime on it said.

You will take the best wine you can find, & if your vessel holds five pints, put only four in it, & fight the yoke & the receptacle well, & put it on the Marie's bath, & take care that the said bath does not boil. : because in that is the secret, because if it boils your water will not be worth anything over your said lime, & from the four pints of wine take only a good half glass, & then let your vessel cool down & throw away the one wine where you will put it in vinegar, for it is worth nothing in anything else, you will put other wine back into your Still to be distilled, & fight it well & do neither more nor less like the other time, & so many times will you have three pints of fiery water drawn,made in the way above said & when you have three pints of the said water, you will put it in a vessel that has a long neck & fight the joints well, & put them on the Marie's bath, & keep it from boiling, & n take only two pints out of it, & let your vessel cool then take two jars, & put them back to iron another time:

but do not strain it at all, & see the third time if your water is good & do so, take clean cotton & wet it in your water, & then put it on fire & your water will burn, & after your water will be burned if the cotton burns, it must be repeated, id is to distill until she makes the sign on it says cotton, then she is will put it in a vessel that has a long neck & fight the joints well, & put them on the bain-marie, & keep it from boiling, & take only two pints out of it, & let your vessel cool then take ice two pots, & put them back to iron another time:

but don't put it at all, & see the third time if your water is good & do so, take some clean cotton & wet it in your water, & then him put on the fire & your water will burn, & after your water will be burned if the cotton burns, it must be repeated, id is distilling until it makes the sign on it says cotton, then it is will put it in a vessel that has a long neck & fight the joints well, & put them on the bain-marie, & keep it from boiling, & take only two pints out of it, & let your vessel cool then take ice two pots, & put them back to iron another time: but don't put it at all, & see the third time if your water is good & do so, take some clean cotton & wet it in your water, & then him put on the fire & your water will burn, & after your water will be burnt if the cotton burns, it must be repeated, id is distilling until it makes the sign on it says cotton, then it is fine.& let your vessel cool then take two pots, & put them back to iron another time: but do not pass it at all, & see the third time if your water is good & do so, take clean cotton wool & the wet your water in it, & then give it a fire & your water will burn, & after your water will be burned if the cotton gets burned, it must be repeated, id is to distill until it makes the sign on it says du cotton, so she's fine.

& let your vessel cool then take two pots, & put them back to iron another time: but do not pass it at all, & see the third time if your water is good & do so, take clean cotton wool & the wet your water in it, & then give it a fire & your water will burn, & after your water will be burned if the cotton gets burned, it must be repeated, id is to distill until it makes the sign on it says du cotton, so she's fine.& after your water will be burnt if the cotton gets burnt it must be repeated, id is distill until it makes the sign on it says cotton then it is fine.& after your water will be burnt if the cotton gets burnt it must be repeated, id is distill until it makes the sign on it says cotton then it is fine.

You must take one part of this oil of silver, & twenty-four parts of sharp quicksilver, and put them together in a matrass, & always wrestle well the top of your matrass. Because if there is some small breath the spirit flies away & is lost, whereby be warned on this passage, because many have been deceived & are there. Then put your matrass in Athanor's oven over a low heat, so long that your material is completely frozen & hard, & you keep from the high fire; For the great fire destroys it, and the small feeds it. You must be able to hold your matrass for a long time between your hands without injury to your hand, & when your matter will be thus frozen & hardened you will take a small one & reduce it to a body with other silver in this way.

Melt fine silver & when it is well melted throw it little by little that you have taken & let it incorporate well & then throw it in an ingot & weigh your silver & see if it is increased by its weight, that is to know what have thrown on it & if it is not increased repeat your said frozen matter on it, its oven & cook it better as long as it increases on the silver as said is & when will be at this point it will be able to powder it, & add to it its weight of quicksilver & put them on the water bath for twelve days & then put them back on the Athanor oven to freeze in the manner & manner as it is said above, & when you want to have silver take in such quantity as you wish & reduce it in body as it is said,but you must never reduce everything, for you would have to start your work over again & taking part of this material & reducing what you take & then adding to it quicksilver the weight of what you have taken from it, by this point you have perfect silver mining by dissolving & freezing as above said.

And note that neither more nor less you will be able to make lime from gold as you made lime from silver, but lime from gold does it as follows & note well so that you do not fail.

You shall take two pounds of dried vitriol, one pound of saltpeter, & four ounces of common salt & mix well together & put in the well-strung retort with its receptacle to which receptacle have put water like 30 ounces, for each pound of vitriol & make your water by giving it a low heat at the beginning by two hours & then increasing to eight & then let it cool & take your water & weigh it, if there is 6. ounce of water give it 1.ounce of salt of cine & mix them together inside a small body of lanbre with its receptacle & fight the joints well & put them on the oven from the ashes at very low heat & distill it & keep it from boiling & when it will be distilled let it cool & being cold give it back the water over your salt which is in your body, & then fight it & have it distilled & also do it seven times & at the seventh time & last give a good fire & you will have good water to dissolve gold as well as he runs away.

Take four parts of the said water & one part of gold in very subtle laminae & put them inside the said water inside a long-necked matrass over hot ashes & your gold will dissolve & when dissolved, you will have fountain water in which you will have dissolved common salt, four times as much as your gold weighs on it, said dissolved, & when your said salt is dissolved & clear, take care to take it very clear, because if there was any earth at the bottom, throw it away & do not take that clear water & said dissolved salt & then in a glass cup you will put this salt water,

& then you will throw your top called gold on it & let it rest for twelve hours & your gold will dissolve at the bottom of the lime cup you will gently throw your water out & take good care to spill your said lime & your lime gone down to the bottom, take all this water from the gold of the salt & all together put in a body to be distilled as long as all the water is out & put on a good fire at the last for two hours & then let it cool, & when will do cold put some fountain water
on it & boil it for a quarter of an hour & then leave it to stand & distill
all the water out by filter & then put some fountain water back on it & make
boil & then remove the water & see if there is any salt with the gold that you will know on the tongue when there is no salt dry your gold lime & when it is dry take this lime & the put in it hot water made as said is, & to a heavy weight of lime give it twelve or sixteen times as much hot water so much the more water there is so much sooner the said lime will be dissolved & put them in a matrass with a long neck well stamped above the vapor of the bath, & that the said bath does not boil & leave it until it is dissolved, & being dissolved put it to distil & your water will come out & your gold will remain in the form of oil.

You will take a para of this oil & twenty four pars of neat quicksilver & put them in a matrass & seal it well & put it inside the athanor oven until it is decooked & over a low heat you it could endure the hand & when it is demolished all will test it as with silver, you will melt fine gold & give it its weight of this material little by little, & if the gold has increased by what your material put on it is enough decoction, otherwise it must be put back in decoction until it is decoctioned & fixed, & when thus you can multiply it by always giving it its weight of very clean quicksilver, & incorporate it well together in a stone mortar, & put it in a matrass,& incorporate & sigille well & then above the bath for twelve days, & then above the Athanor to freeze, & when it is frozen, you will do neither more nor less as before is said, & thus you have red or white mining by the grace of God.

There follows the manner of making the salt of urine to put with the water before said to reduce the gold to lime. You will take the urine of a young man with a good complexion, who drinks good wine, & that of the morning after digestion, & not that of the evening & of the evening, & have five or six pints of it & put them to evaporate on a low heat in it a pot of earth well glazed inside & out, & keep it from boiling, & let it evaporate until it is thick as honey, & put common water on it & boil it for an hour & then remove it from the heat & distill it, by filter & what will be distilled, put a glass urinal in it & let it evaporate on a low heat until all the moisture is out,

times a day & then when the two days are over, you will pass them through the linen sheet as before & grind them for an hour & then put them back on the bath as before & do as said is & from two days to two days you will pass it & grind until everything passes among the sheet; & then you have the quicksilver of the philosophers which gave me so much trouble all my life before I was able to find it. you will pass them through the linen sheet as in the past & grind for an hour & then put them back on the bath as before & do as said is & from two days to two days you will pass it & grind until everything passes among the sheet; & then you have the quicksilver of the philosophers which gave me so much trouble all my life before I was able to find it. you will pass them through the linen sheet as in the past & grind for an hour & then put them back on the bath as before & do as said is & from two days to two days you will pass it & grind until everything passes among the sheet; & then you have the quicksilver of the philosophers which gave me so much trouble all my life before I was able to find it.

In the name of God take your quicksilver of the Philosophers on it said & put it inside a matrass & seal it well with fire & then put it for forty days on it bath without moving & see that it will turn black & when the, forty days are over you will put your matrass in the Athanor oven at a low heat such that you can endure it by hand without injury & let your material freeze & when it is frozen you will take it back & put it back on the bath until it is dissolved,that is to say revived & when it is like this you will put it back to freezing again & will put it back to dissolve & freeze for seven times & at the seventh time you will see if your material is fixed you will take a small one & throw it on a sheet hot red copper from the fire if your material does not smoke & which melts slightly it is good, & if it smokes it must be dissolved again & then freeze until it melts & does not smoke above said hot laminate & then you have medicine to throw on quicksilver, in doing so take quicksilver & heat it strongly in a crucible & when it is very hot that it will begin to smoke throw on your melting medicine & incorporate them well together & you will have fine silver,the quantity of the weight you will see infinitely so that the first projection must be one weight out of ten, and if it were not malleable you must throw more quicksilver on it until the thing is yours. will,.

Note well that neither more nor less you will be able to make lime from gold by giving it four times its weight in quicksilver & will put on the bath neither more nor less as you have made silver, so it must be make gold by dissolving freezing & grinding with its quicksilver.

And will make your projection on quicksilver just as you did silver & for that way you will have true medicine to gold as to silver.

Note that two parts of quicksilver of the Philosophers made of silver lime & one part of quicksilver be made with gold lime & which are put in regime above the bath & then above the furnace, of Athanor & solvent & freezing by seven times or until your material is melting fixed on the laminate without smoking & that is the way from the stone to the blank which you can by so many times dissolve & freeze until your medicine is for projection a weight, about, 1000 & that I leave to your discretion.

Note if you want to make the stone to the red you will take two parts of quicksilver of the Philosophers made with the silver lime & mix them well together & put them inside matras well signed, above the bath & then inside the oven of Athanor to freeze & dissolve & so doing neither more nor less as you have made money for 7. times, or for so many times which is fixed & fusible as said is & can so often dissolve & freeze that it will go a weight over infinity , & that is the beginning of amicable drinking gold which cures all diseases coming from the human body of any mood or quality whatsoever & to work on it I reserve myself to write about it.

End of the great, very true work.


Since in this book: you have learned there: where can learn, to reduce gold to mercury: And silver too, Take therefore in the name of Jesus Christ three ounces of the mercury of gold: And icelui amalgamated with a ounce of gold filings. Then put it between two lute cups: in the furnace and in Athanor: where similar as an oven, And in four days will be made & converted into yellow powder: then must be buried in a large unvarnished earthen pot that is full of ashes, your two suction cups:

And give them fire from hand to hand, which is flame above, & street lamps everywhere, & then the powder or amalgam will be calcined like yellow lime then it must be incorporated with as much vulgar mercury, & return the all at the same fire of reverberation, & continuing this from four to four days, adding to it each time as much vulgar mercury, you will multiply ad infinitum. And when you want to make ingots of fine gold from your lime, melt a little gold in a crucible, & when it is melted put on top half your lime, mixed with a little borax & nitre salt , & will have everything in fine gold to all judgments thanks to God For you work according to nature.


Quote of the Day

“The property therefore of our water is, that it melts or dissolves gold and silver, and increases their native tincture or color. For it changes their bodies from being corporeal, into a spirituality; and it is in this water which turns the bodies, or corporeal substance into a white vapor, which is a soul which is whiteness itself, subtile, hot and full of fire. This water also called the tinging or blood-color-making stone, being the virtue of the spiritual tincture, without which nothing can be done; and is the subject of all things that can be melted, and of liquefaction itself, which agrees perfectly and unites closely with sol and luna from which it can never be separated. For it joined [joins?] in affinity to the gold and silver, but more immediately to the gold than to the silver; which you are to take special notice of. It is also called the medium of conjoining the tinctures of sol and luna with the inferior or imperfect metals; for it turns the bodies into the true tincture, to tinge the said imperfect metals, also it is the water that whiteneth, as it is whiteness itself, which quickeneth, as it is a soul; and therefore as the philosopher saith, quickly entereth into its body.”


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