The Gathas

The Gathas



Prayer of the Atharvan to Ahura-Mazda, Asha and Armaiti.

He implores celestial and earthly gifts, for himself and for the first disciples of Zoroaster.

I-0. Happy thoughts, words, actions of Zarathustra-the-saint. Let the Amesha-Çpentas come and welcome the Gâthâs. Honor to you, oh pure Gâthas!
II-1. By (this) prayer, with hands raised (towards heaven), for the satisfaction of Mazda, the life-giving spirit, I want to honor first of all those who practice the holy actions which rejoice the spirit of Vohumanô and the soul of the bull.
III-2. I who am yours, oh Ahura-Mazda! I come to implore you, with a right intention, so that (you) give me the goods belonging to the two worlds, to the corporeal world and that of the spirit; (those goods which come) from purity and by which (this) gives happiness to those who delight (in it).
IV-3. I who am yours, O Asha, also want to praise you, as well as the original good spirit and Mazda-Ahura to whom are the incommutable power, and the wisdom which gives development; come running to my invocations, to satisfy me.
V-4. And I who, with (the help of) the good spirit, have applied my soul to heavenly thoughts, who know the blessings of the (lawful) deeds of Ahura-Mazda, may I persevere in the desire of holiness , as long as I have the power and the strength.
VI-5. Asha! how can I come to see you, knowing the good spirit and obedience, the path (which leads) to Ahura-Mazda, the life-giving spirit? By this law (by repeating it) with our mouth, we will be able to ward off the wicked better (than by any other means).
VII-6. Come with the good spirit, you who give the gifts of holiness. By your true words, Mazda gives powerful happiness to Zarathustra and to us for a long time, O Ahura; that through him we crush the hatred of the enemy.
VIII-7. Give, Asha, the blessing, the gifts of the good spirit. Give, Armaiti, to Vîstâçpa, (the object of) his desire; and me too. Give us your gifts, O Mazda, supreme master, that we may observe your laws.
IX-8. I implore you as a devotee, you the best master, who pleases you in perfect purity, asking you for the best gifts in favor of Frashaostra, for me and for those whom you will make participate forever in the gifts of the good spirit.
X-9. Through these favors, may we never offend you, O Ahura, nor Asha, nor Vohumanô; we who seek to satisfy you, by offering you our hymns of praise, to you who promote the desire and possession of useful goods.
XI-10. Of those whom you know, because of their holiness, as creatures of the good spirit and upright spirits, fulfill the desire by giving them goods. I know that (those who listen) to your teachings are provided with nourishment and gifts that (you) never lack.
XII-11.O you, Ahura-Mazda! teach me from heaven, from your own mouth so that I may proclaim (your teachings); teach me to preserve purity and good spirit forever, in the state in which the primitive world was.

The spirit of the herds complains to heaven about the mistreatment of which its protégés are the constant objects.
Ahura-Mazda announces the coming of Zoroaster.
Atharvan prayer.
The priest

1. To you the spirit of the flocks cried out: For whom have you formed me, who created me? On me (weigh) the murderous passion, the strength and violence of the impure man, bold and cruel. I have no other shepherd but you, show me good pastures.
2. Therefore the trainer of the bull asked Asha, what wilt thou do for the flocks, that thou mayest provide them, O mighty spirits, with the pastures, with diligent care that the flocks may prosper? What leader do you want to give them who will return violence with the wicked (who exercise it)?
3. Asha answered him: There is no leader of the flocks who does not harm them in any way. Even those who are righteous do not know how to walk in holy ways. It is towards the strongest that the worker comes shouting.
4. Mazda takes perfectly into account everything that has been done and everything that will be done again, in any way whatsoever, by the Devas and men. Ahura is the discerner, may it be done to us as he wishes.
Géus urvâ
5. Hands raised to you, heavenly masters, full of devotion to Ahura; my soul and that of the mother cow have said to Mazda with their requests: Let the man whose life is righteous, let not the shepherd live among the wicked.
6. Then Ahura-Mazda, who knows every end by his wisdom, said: There is not yet given the supreme master nor the (established) leader for the sake of purity. – For you, the creator made you for the shepherd and the cultivator of pastures.
7. Ahura created this Manthra of prosperity, in agreement with Asha. Mazda, the life-giving being, created it for the flocks as well as enjoyment, for those who enjoy it according to the law.
Géus urvâ
Do you have any man who, (endowed) with good spirit, will one day transmit these (gifts) to mortals?
8. I possess this man, who alone has heard our commandments, Zarathustra-the-holy. This one does our will, Mazda and Asha, to promulgate our teachings. This is why (it is necessary) to give him the art of elocution.
9. Then the spirit of the bull began to cry: "(Unfortunate) who has obtained a worthless gift, the voice of a weak man while I want him (this savior) powerful and strong! When will he exist who will give strong support?
10. For you, O Ahura, O Asha, give them and that by the good spirit 12 the strength and the power which gives them a happy and secure life, happiness. I, O Mazda, recognize you as the first possessor of this (spirit).
11. Where are the purity, the good spirit and the power? As for me, Asha and you Mazda, give me your gifts of reward for the development of the great work (of the propagation of the Mazdaite doctrine). O Ahura, our salvation (depends) on the gift that comes to us (from you).

Distinction of the two minds.
Final fate of the good and the bad.

1. And now I want to announce to those who come (to me) these (truths) which (are spoken) to the wise. O Mazda! Songs of glory for Ahura, hymns of praise for the good spirit; beneficial lessons (given) by Asha; and these lessons revealed by the luminous splendors.
2. Listen with your ears to what is perfect, see with your mind what is pure to discern the choice (to make), each man for his own body, before the great work. For here are the teachers who (are intended) to teach (what is necessary to know) for this.
3. Now (I will proclaim) these two primitive spirits which were called after their own operation in thoughts, words and deeds, the good spirit and the evil; which the righteous know how to discern truthfully and the wicked do not.
4. (I will proclaim) this also that these two spirits originally met to create life and death and the final fate of being; (these two spirits which are) the evil spirit of the wicked, the very good spirit of the righteous.
5. Of these two spirits, the one who was evil chose the sinful acts; the healthy spirit chooses purity, it which dwells in the immutable heavens; (as he did) those who seek to satisfy Ahura by essentially good acts, tending towards Mazda.
6. They did not know how to distinguish these (spirits) according to the truth, the followers of the Devas; to these (wicked) who plot destruction was united the evil spirit they had chosen, and mortals eagerly united with Aeshma to overwhelm the two worlds with evil through him.
7. To this (the righteous) came Armaitis the wisdom with power, (Khshathra) the good spirit and Asha (purity), and gave him prosperity for the body with vigor. May it be done for you that you abound with the gifts of these (geniuses)!
8. But when upon these (the wicked) comes the punishment of crimes; then may your reign be established by the good spirit, O Mazda-Ahura! he reigns over those who have subjugated the Druje (liar) by the truth.
9. May we be the ones to reconstitute the world! and wise teachers and by holiness bringing joys (to the renewed world). May our spirit be where wisdom dwells!
10. Then the blow of destruction fell on the Drujes; and those who practice the holy doctrine participate forever in the happiness of Vohumanô, Mazda and Asha.
11. O mortals! learn the teachings that Mazda has given to men, the rules of conduct and good life, and that long misfortune (is reserved) for the wicked and long-lasting advantages for the righteous. From these (teachings) comes salvation.

Announcement of religious truths. The poet asks for wisdom. Ahura-Mazda is the pure ruler of the pure world. Praise of pastoral life.
The soul is the principle of action. Ahura searches hearts.
Woe to the wicked; happiness reserved for the righteous.

1. Recalling your teachings, we proclaim these unheard words to those who, through the teachings of lies, destroy the worlds of holiness; but excellent words for those who have a heart for Mazda.
2. If faith in this belief is not, by this very fact, demonstrated to you to be better, then I will come to you all. For Ahura-Mazda constituted a head of this group of gifts, by means of which we live in accordance with holiness.
3. Give by the celestial fire and by Asha this knowledge which you reserve for the defenders (of your doctrine). This teaching (which you give) to the doctors (of the law), tell it to us, O Mazda, that we may know it, tell it to us through your tongue from your own mouth; that through him, I favor all living beings!
4. When Ahura-Mazda and holiness and wisdom are invoked according to the (law of) truth, give me by the perfectly good spirit strong power; that by its power, we would destroy the Druje.
5. Show me, so that I may clearly see it, this excellent good which you have given me according to holiness, so that I may know, through the good spirit, that I may understand what will be without harm to me. Tell me, O Mazda, all that will not be or what will be.
6. Perfect happiness be to the wise man who will tell me, in accordance with the truth, this Manthra of Haurvatât, Asha and Ameretât: Such is the reign of Ahura, that it develops for him through the good spirit!
7. He who originally formed these luminous bursts, so that they spread throughout the stars, he created by his intelligence the purity by which he supports the good spirit. You make them grow, O Mazda, you who are perpetually of universal power, O Master!
8. Now I recognize you, O Mazda, as the principle of the world created by intelligence, father of the good spirit; for I have caught you in (my) gaze. I recognize you as the true creator of purity, the master of the world, with regard to his actions.
9. Yours was the earth, yours was the spirit that formed the ox. Heavenly spirit, Ahura-Mazda! On this earth, you have given passage to those who lead a pastoral life, to those who are not pastors.
10. Of these two (men) Armaiti preferred the shepherd who cultivates it with care. You fill the righteous master with good spirit. But, O Mazda, let the nomad, worshiper of the Devas, not participate in the holy doctrines.
11. O Mazda, who, through your spirit, is the creator of worlds, and of laws and intelligences! it is for us the most important thing that you gave us a soul with a body and the ability to act and teachings. When (man) willingly performs acts of choice,
12.Then he raises his voice (he speaks) lying or speaking the truth, wise or foolish, by the virtue of the heart and mind of this (soul). Wisdom, which observes them everywhere, invisibly scrutinizes their dispositions.
13. Whether she scrutinizes for open research or in secret, O Mazda! That a man submits to the greatest expiation for a small fault, you see this, shining before (your) eyes, (you who are) Master (of men).
14. I will ask you, O Ahura, what is happening and what will happen. What ends are granted by the retributors to the just man; what ends, O Mazda, are given to the wicked How will they be accomplished?
15. I will ask you, what vengeance (will be taken) against this criminal who gives power to the wicked, O Ahura, who fails (to deserve) life, because of the harm he does to the shepherd, to the flock and to the innocent man?
16. I will ask you, O Ahura, how is he who, good and wise, has applied himself to developing, according to holiness, the power of the nmâna, of the town or of the region! How will he belong to you and what will his actions be?
17. Is it the righteous or the wicked who chooses the greater good? let the wise tell it to the wise (who is ignorant of it), let the ignorant not be assigned (to this teaching). Be for us, O Mazda-Ahura, the manifestor of the good spirit.
18. Let none of you listen to the maxims or teachings of the wicked, for he would deliver the nmâna, the town, the tribe, the region to misfortune, to destruction. But destroy the (wicked) with the sword.
19. Hear the sage who teaches purity to the worlds, O Ahura; who knows how to speak the words of truth; who speaks as master by your shining fire in the decision (of a dispute) according to what is good, O Ahura!
20. To him who makes the righteous a liar, let him henceforth be given, for a long life, an abode of darkness, of poisoned food, of lamenting voices. Let the law (which you follow), by your own deeds, lead you to this place, which is yours, O wicked ones!
21. Ahura-Mazda created the pinnacle of integrity and immortality, of wholeness and purity, of sovereign power and the collation of the good spirit, for him who is dear to him, by his thoughts and by his actions.
22. These things are evident to the good man, as well as to one whose mind can understand. He follows (the path of) holy purity, by his faculties, his words and his actions. This one, O Mazda-Ahura, will be the most useful being for you.

The celestial spirits and the Devas seek to win the favor of Ahura-Mazda. This rejects the Devas and proclaims the criminality of their works. Happiness reserved for the righteous; punishments of the wicked.

1. The master, the servant with the client and the Devas came to (win) the favor of his own spirit Ahura-Mazda! (saying:) Let us be your ministers, arrest those who hate you.
2. Ahura-Mazda who reigns by the good spirit, by virtue of the power (which is essential to him), answered them according to the truth, his happy and brilliant companion: We choose your holy, perfect Armaiti; (let it be) she (who) is ours!
3. But you, Devas, are all (of) the race of the evil spirit, (you come from it, you) and all that honors you, as well as the practices of lying and deceit and the deceptions by which you are known in the seven parts of the earth.
4. For it is you who have produced – and – spread those (doctrines) as a result of which men committing the greatest crimes say what pleases the Devas; fallen from good, by the spirit, these men are deprived of the spirit of Ahura-Mazda and of the truth.
5. By this you deprive man of the happiness of life and immortality, because the evil spirit, through criminal thinking, acting and speaking, gives you, Devas, power, as (he gives it) to the bad guy.
6. You have been the cause of many punishments which have been announced, since, through these punishments, retribution will reach beings. You know it, O Mazda, by your perfect intelligence; it is in you, in your power and your truth, that I will find the true doctrine.
7. He knows nothing of the punishments that will overtake the murderers, he who preaches these murders by the sharp iron, who makes him known. But you, oh Ahura-Mazda, you know perfectly the (terrible) execution.
8. It is by these punishments that Yima, the son of Vivanhâo, is known, who wanted to teach mortals to eat butchered flesh. I entrust myself to you, O Ahura, for their distribution.
9. The man of bad doctrine destroys sacred sentences; by his teachings, (he destroys the spirit of life. He has distanced the sublime, true good from the good spirit that belongs to me. These words of my intelligence, I utter (addressing them) to you, oh Mazda, and to Asha.
10. He destroys my teachings, he who says that the earth and the sun are the worst things to see with the eyes; he who lavishes his gifts on the wicked, who desolates the fields and brings the blow of death to the righteous.
11. From the master and mistress of the house he takes away the possession of happiness. They destroy life for me, those who esteem the wicked great and who deprive the righteous of a good, pure spirit,
12.As a result of this teaching by means of which they separated mortals from holy actions. Mazda has cursed those who teach to kill cattle, those through whom the Karapan has strayed from the truth through corruption, and the power (has become the portion) of (men) who love lies.
13. By this power, the corrupter made him pass into the domain of the perverse spirit, destroyer of this world; and so does he who delights in tormenting the minister of the law who shows them the path to holiness, O Mazda!
14. The corrupter, the follower of the Kavis, has inclined his intelligence in the path of this (bad spirit), producing these two fatal errors namely that he addresses the wicked for (have) support, and that the cow must to be immolated, he who promises (as a result) help which wards off death.
15. The perdition (which comes) from you (o celestial geniuses) has weighed on those who are the disciples of the Karapans and the Kavis and also on these despotic masters who do not give life. These will be carried by the two geniuses in the abode of Vohumanô,
16. Those who have completely taught everything that is good to the enlightened and pious intelligence. You are master, O Mazda Ahura, of those whose unbelief is persecutory for me and therefore delivers the wicked to punishment.

The laws given to the primitive world govern everything. The bad will be punished and the good will be rewarded. The poet asks for the knowledge of laws and divine worship and the goods promised to the righteous.
He offers his whole being in oblation to heaven.

1. Everything will be accomplished here below as (it must be done) following the laws which were given to the primitive world according to a very just (rule of) action, and (which are executed) for the wicked as for the righteous because of the deceitfulness in which the first (engages) and the (natural) righteousness of the second.
2. To him who does evil to the wicked, by thought, word, or deed; or who establishes the world in good, as much reward will be given as Ahura pleases.
3. If anyone is to the righteous a perfect master, a servant, a customer, or if he tends cattle diligently, O Ahura, he will dwell in the field of truth and good spirit.
4. (For me) who, through my prayers, remove from you rebellion and the evil spirit; from the master, contempt; of the servant, fraud near; from the customer, the quarrels; grazing cattle, bad care,
5. (For me) who calls to our aid your Çraosha, great above all, make us obtain a long life, in the possession of the good spirit and on the right paths of the holiness in which Ahura-Mazda has established his abode.
6. I who invoke you, according to the truth and with an upright spirit, I aspire to the supreme heavenly happiness; so by this spirit under (the inspiration) of which I apply myself to tending the pastures, by it I long for the two (goods), O Mazda, of your sight and your maintenance.
7. Come to me; show me, O Mazda, these perfect goods, these goods of your own; by the pure and holy spirit whose possession made me known to the very great. May the brilliant gifts that attach to devotion be manifested in our midst.
8. Make known to me these laws by which I will walk in the good spirit, and your worship, O Mazda, the sacred hymns of praise, and your gifts which are the goods of Ameretât and the offerings (that) Haurvatât provides.
9. May wisdom, O Mazda, full of the brilliance of a power which increases purity, bring (to us) with kindness this spirit (which comes) from you and which helps to obtain that perfection which souls seek to reach.
10. All the delights that have been, are and will be, O Mazda, distribute them to creation, according to your good pleasure. By Vohumanô, by Khshathra, by Asha, develops the happiness of the body.
11. Ahura-Mazda, life-giving spirit above all, Armaiti, Asha who develops the worlds, Vohumanô and Khshathra, hear me, be auspicious to me for every gift (that I may desire).
12.Arise to (favor) me, O Ahura, give me strength and growth through wisdom; give me this gift, Mazda, Most Holy Spirit, by virtue of this pure offering of invocations. By Asha, give me mighty strength; by Vohumanô, the power.
13. For my joy, let me see in a vast horizon this holiness which is for you in fullness, which is that of Khshathra, as of Vohumanô, O Ahura – Çpenta Armaiti, make me know the laws of purity.
14. Zarathustra presents as an offering the main vital of his own body, the fullness of the good spirit, the holiness of his actions and these two things: his obedience to the precepts and (all his) power.

Offerings and invocations to Ahura-Mazda – Homage to fire. Good works rejoice Ahura. Reward for good ones; misfortune that awaits the wicked. Kingdom of Ahura-Mazda. The poet asks for heavenly gifts for pastors and the righteous.

1. Of these deeds, of these words, of these sacrifices by which you give to your (faithful), O Mazda, immortality, holiness and the power of incolumity, (of all this) we are here to 'offer the firstfruits.
2. We offer to you in thought, and these things and the gifts of the good spirit and all the deeds of the righteous man, whose soul clings to purity. I honor you in this worship, O Mazda! (uniting myself) with the songs of those who celebrate your praises.
3. We offer you, O Ahura, these gifts with our prayers, to you and to Asha; so that you reign over all the dwellings that you have established in the good spirit and that you provide to the good, in all things, O Mazda, the prosperity that you possess.
4. We honor according to the law of holiness, O Mazda, your fire, (element) powerful, rapid and strong, which rejoices the world and helps with its brilliant (light), but manifestly chastises, by its powerful emissions, the one who the offense.
5. What power, what enjoyment is (given) to you by good works? May I proclaim it, O Mazda, so that through purity, through good spirit, I contribute to protecting the poor who belong to you. Let us proclaim it before all of you, before the Devas and the evil men.
6. If you are truly, O Asha, O Mazda, united with the good spirit, give me a sign in all places of the world, so that, honoring you with worship, I publish your praises for your satisfaction.
7. Where are, O Mazda, your distributors of the good spirit who teach its wise laws and restore the spirit at ease to that which is afflicted, overwhelmed? I don't know anyone other than you, Asha! So protect us.
8. They terrify us by their deeds which are the ruin of many as a stronger (terrify) the poor, these persecutors of your law. From all men whose thoughts are not holy, the good spirit is far away.
9. From those who, knowing your holy and sublime wisdom, O Mazda, reject it by evil deeds, (from these men) ignorant of the good spirit, holiness (Asha) quickly flees, just as (flee) wild beasts.
10. Let the wise man call forth (in himself) the acts which are the germ of good spirit and holy wisdom, he who knows the essential nature of holiness. All this, O Mazda, leads to your kingdom.
11. Both Haurvatât and Ameretât, Armaiti, as well as the power of Vohumanô and Asha have risen there for your glory. Through them are, O Mazda, happiness and power; you are happiness to yourself.
12.What are your ordinances? What do you want, O Mazda, a hymn of praise or of sacrifice? Tell us, O Mazda, that I may hear, what are the merits of your ordinances. Teach us, O Asha, the happy paths of the good spirit.
13. And the way of the good spirit that you taught me, Ahura! (the way) of the prophets of the law, perfect way which rises according to holiness. You prepare for the righteous a reward that you have established, O Mazda.
14. Grant then, O Mazda, this good spirit; give to those who care for the mother cow the perfect wisdom of your intelligence, O Mazda, and the works which develop according to holiness.
15. Tell me, O Mazda, (what are) the best maxims and actions; those actions which, by virtue of good spirit and holiness, are the object of our song of praise. By your power, Ahura, and your will, you give the world perpetuity and essential replenishment.

Homage to you, Gâthas, holy and pure

Wishes of happiness addressed to heaven for the minister of the law. Greatness of Ahura, distributor of rewards and punishments – Zarathustra's first interview with Ahura-Mazda. Zarathustra asks for the power necessary to make law and holiness reign, he implores celestial and earthly gifts for himself and for his disciples.

1. Hail to him, salute to every man to whom he wishes to give Mazda, the supreme master who governs at his will. I wish you happiness and power. To preserve purity, give me, Armaiti, riches, blessings, the life of the good spirit.
2. To this one, (may Ahura) give, by a brilliant gift 15, a radiance superior to all. Make yourself known, most holy spirit, O Mazda, give the holy industries of the good spirit, with the joy of a long life, for all the duration of the days.
3. May he attain the good greater than good, the man who teaches us the straight paths of prosperity of this corporeal world and of the spiritual, (paths which lead) towards these perfect worlds inhabited by Ahura, this minister worthy of you, full of wisdom, useful, oh Mazda.
4. I proclaim you holy and powerful, O Mazda; (you are strong) with this hand by which you make us have these goods which you give to the bad as well as to the good, by the heat of your pure and strong fire. May the strength of good spirit come to me.
5. I have recognized you as the spirit of life, O Mazda-Ahura, for I saw you at the beginning, at the birth of the world. I saw that, rewarding actions and words, you give evil to the wicked and holy blessing to the good, through your virtue, at the last term of creation;
6. At this term, O you, most holy spirit, Mazda, where you come, with Khshathra and Vohumanô – To those by whose acts the worlds progress in purity, to these, Armaiti teaches the laws of your intelligence that no one can deceive.
7. I recognized you, spirit of life (and holiness), O Mazda, for (this spirit) came to me and asked me: Who are you? Who are you? Where are the signs indicating (that it has come) the time of discussions relating to your terrestrial worlds and bodies?
8. I answered him, (I) Zarathustra. Let me be a scourge at my will, manifest to the wicked and to the righteous a joy full of strength. So that I give at will the splendors of power, as long, O Mazda, as I sing your praises and exalt you.
9. I recognize you, spirit of life, O Mazda-Ahura! for he came to me through Vohumanô. He asked me: What do you want to know? – Let me think (of offering) to your fire the oblation of my holy and pure veneration, as long as I can.
10. And you, give me the holiness which I invoke for myself (and ask for) in full, adhering to wisdom. Teach us through your conversations what we should ask you, for your conversations are those of the strong; he who reigns through you gives power to fulfill desires.
11.I have recognized you as the spirit of life, O Mazda-Ahura! for he came to me in the good spirit. Originally (the zeal for) the diffusion of the law, a thing so difficult, was inspired in me by your words and it excited me to carry out among men what you had told me was best.
12. And you said to me: “I have come to speak to you about holiness.” – But do not command me things that will not be listened to, (want) that I undertake them, before Çraosha has come to me, accompanied by a blessing abundant in goods and until through it he has distribute your blessings to the champions (of the law), to give them (give) success.
13. I acknowledge thee spirit of life, O Mazda-Ahura, for he came to me by the good spirit, to teach me things worthy of desire. Grant me (the fulfillment of) this (desire) that no one has yet obtained from you, (the possession), for a long time, of the perfect world that is said to be in your kingdom.
14. This is what a powerful man would give to a friend if he possessed it. Give me, Mazda, to accomplish what pleases you, so that by your power put into action for the (development) of holiness, I excite (and cause to act) the leaders of the doctrine and all those who remember your precepts.
15. I recognize you as the spirit of life, O Mazda-Ahura; because he came to me with Vohumanô and he showed me that the peaceful soul is the most perfect. Let not the rich man seek to please the wicked; for these support all those who attack the righteous.
16. O Ahura, I, Zarathustra, worship your spirit which is most holy in every way; may the corporeal being be pure and powerful through the soul! May wisdom dwell in a kingdom where the sun shines; may she bless us with good spirit, with good works.

Various questions asked by Zarathustra to Ahura-Mazda, relating to the origin of things and Mazdean law.

1. I want to ask you, tell me in truth, O Ahura. How shall I honor you with homage worthy of you, O Mazda! May an (atni) like you teach it to a friend like me. Give us your help through Asha (for us) benevolent, so that it comes to us through Vohumanô.
2. I ask you, tell me in truth, O Ahura! What was the origin of paradise? How should we ardently support the one who created it? It is he, in fact, august by his holiness, who is the master of the end of all beings, by the spirit, the friend of the worlds, O Mazda.
3. I ask you, tell me truly, O Ahura! Who was the first procreator, the father of holiness? Who set the sun and the stars in their way? Who is it by whom the moon waxes and wanes? From you, O Mazda, I desire to know these things and others.
4. I ask you, tell me truly, O Ahura… Who supports the earth and the clouds above? (and protects them) from any fall? Who (made) the plants and the waters? Who gave speed (of course) to the winds and the clouds? Who is, O Mazda, the creator of the good spirit?
5. I want to ask you, tell me, in truth, O Ahura… What perfect craftsman constituted light and darkness? What perfect craftsman formed sleep and waking? Who is he through whom dawn, daylight and night (exist)? and the rules directing the interpreter of the law?
6. I ask you, tell me truly, O Ahura! And I will proclaim these things if they are true. Does wisdom increase holiness by good works, giving power to your own, by the good spirit? For whom have you created the fattened cow, which provides offerings (to man)?
7. I ask you, tell me truly, O Ahura! Who created sublime wisdom with power? Who made the son naturally dear to the father? I wish to question you about all this, O Mazda, life-giving spirit, you the creator of all good things.
8. I ask you, tell me truly, O Ahura… To know what are your ordinances, and the teachings which I have requested (from you) according to the good spirit? and by what holiness is the perfection of the world to be obtained? How will my soul attain the goods by which it rises, which delight it?
9. I ask you, tell me in truth, O Ahura… How shall I sanctify the law of blessing which (only) the master of wise power, one (God) like you, can teach (as to goods) , O Mazda, who, by his holy power, dwells in the seat (where he sits) with Asha and Vohumanô.
10.I ask you, tell me in truth, O Mazda, this law which is the most perfect of all those that exist and which, united with purity, will give prosperity to the worlds; who, by the maxims of wisdom, will make us act in accordance with justice. May the desires of my intelligence be directed towards you, O Mazda!
11. I ask you, tell me truly, O Ahura… How will your wisdom come to those through whom your law spreads? I was the first of them to be known to you. – Preserve others from the hatred of the spirit (evil).
12. I ask you, tell me the truth, Ahura… Who is truthful, according to the questions I asked you? Who is a liar? Which of the two does the wicked or destructive being belong to? Why is the liar who opposes me and you by his power, even though he is such, not considered wicked?
13. I ask you... How shall we repel the Druje, shall I drive her away from here, her and those who, full (of spirit) of disobedience, do not delight in following the truth and do not love the advice of the good spirit.
14. I will ask you, tell me in truth, O Ahura... How shall I deliver the Druje into the hands of truth, so that it may destroy it by the teachings of your doctrine, to deal the wicked a violent blow and bring upon them anguish and torture?
15. I will ask you, tell me truly, O Ahura! if with Asha you command absolute master of events, when two armies meet with hostility, and (that) by the laws that you have established? How and to which of the two will you give the triumph?
16. I ask you, tell me truly, O Ahura! Who will conquer the enemies of your worship, by your law? Teach me wisdom in a certain way, (show) the worlds their ruler. May Çraosha come with the right spirit to whoever you want him to come to.
17. I ask you, tell me the truth, O Ahura! How, O Mazda, shall I attain the honor which comes from you, the power (which you bestow)? so that I am (given) a voice such that through Haurvatât and Ameretât, I find myself at the head (of your faithful), through this doctrine which is a gift of holiness?
18. I ask you, tell me the truth, O Ahura... How, through holiness, will I deserve this reward: ten big horses and a camel which (will be) to me, O Mazda, a gift from Haurvatât and Ameretât (gift bestowed) so that I can offer them to you?
19.I will ask you, tell me the truth, O Ahura! If someone does not give to the one who deserves it this reward which is given to the man who preaches the truth, what will be the punishment from now on for this fault which will reach the (prevaricator)? I know the one who will be the last for him.
20. Have ever, O Mazda, the Devas been powerful? I will ask you what (punishment is) for those who fight (the law), by whose help the Karapan, the Uçikhs delivered the herds to Aeshma , by whom the Kavis were raised in power; Asha! do not sprinkle dew on them to make the pasture prosper.

Preaching of the new law. Doctrine of the two minds. Curse pronounced against the wicked. Greatness of Ahura-Mazda. Final fate of souls. Coming of the prophet of the new law.

1. I will proclaim it, now give ear; now listen, you who are near, you who from afar desire (to know these things). Now learn everything clearly. May the master of error not cause the world to perish a second time, through his bad doctrines; the tongue of the wicked is hindered.
2. I will proclaim the two spirits, principles of being. The one of the two who gives life says to the destructive spirit: No, of us two neither the thought, nor the teachings, nor the spirits, nor the vows, nor the words, nor the deeds, nor the laws, nor the souls do not agree (among themselves).
3. I will proclaim the origin of this world told to me by the omniscient Mazda-Ahura. To those who will not fulfill your law here (O Mazda) as I know it and I publish it, to them may the end of the world be for their misfortune!
4. I will proclaim him who in this world is the most perfect in holiness. Mazda knows him who made him the father of the holy and active spirit. Armaiti of excellent works is his daughter. There is no need to deceive Ahura who disposes of all things.
5. I will proclaim what the Most Holy One has said to me, the best word for mortals to hear; those who will lend me such, obedience and gifts that Haurvatât and Ameretât come through the works of the good spirit (which they will practice) and Mazda-Ahura (also).
6. I will proclaim the highest praise in purity. Let him who gives the best gifts to men animated by the life-giving spirit, let Ahura-Mazda listen to him; by celebrating it I was instructed according to the good spirit; may he direct me by his perfect intelligence.
7. It is from him that all those who make offerings to him seek benefit, all those who live, who have been or who will be. The soul of the righteous desires immortality and the vigor which overwhelms wicked men. Ahura-Mazda is the creator of these powers.
8. By the songs of our veneration I want to serve him, who is now manifest to all eyes. By the purity of thoughts, actions, holy words, we know him, Mazda-Ahura. Let us bring him, let us place our hymns of praise in the Garônmanâ.
9. We desire to satisfy him with the good spirit, he who wanting our good produced the pleasant and the painful. May Mazda-Ahura give us estates, pastures, to prosper our flocks and our sons; according to purity through the begetting of the good spirit.
10. By our worship of wisdom we want to glorify him, who is called the wise teacher, without failing. Everything was given to him according to holiness and good spirit. To his kingdom belong integrity and immortality. He gives this world power and strength.
11.He came who despises and crushes the Devas and the evil men who despised him, all those who did not honor him. Of the apostle of the law, of the teacher of wisdom by the holy law, of the priest, you are, O Mazda-Ahura, the friend, the brother or the father by the holy law.

Complaints of the preacher of the Mazdean law persecuted by the powerful of the earth; he doesn't know where to run. – He implores help from Ahura-Mazda. –
He curses his persecutors and promises heaven to those who protect him and listen to him. Homage paid to the protectors and first disciples of Zoroaster, blessings which will be granted to them.

1. To which country will I head? In what direction will I go with the entourage of my loved ones and my clients? None of the pastors honors me, nor the wicked, the tyrants of the regions. How will I succeed in satisfying you, O Mazda-Ahura!
2. I know why I am thus helpless; I know that I am a weak man among weak men. Cast your eyes, O Ahura, on him who raises his complaints to you, bringing him that consolation which a friend gives to his friend. Give me through holiness the fullness of the goods of Vohumanô.
3. When will the demonstrators of the days come to support the pure world? when will the spirits of the prophets of the law come, with their deeds and their teachings? To whom, for their happiness, will the good spirit be granted? For my part, I choose you, O Ahura, as my tutor.
4. The wicked protects those who oppose holiness and the movement of flocks through the fields and regions. This man of wicked speech will perish by his own actions. He who deprives him of power or life has followed the paths of wisdom concerning the flocks.
5. If some powerful person does not give; if a noble torments the one who has recourse to him, by decrees or imposed obligations; let the faithful who lives according to justice, discerning this wicked one, reveal this fact to the authority, let Ahura-Mazda punish him in his pride.
6. And he who, being able, does not punish him, will go directly among the creatures of the Druje. He is wicked who is regarded as good by the wicked. He is righteous to whom the righteous is dear. Thus, O Ahura, you established the first laws (of the world).
7. What protector do you give me, Mazda? for the wicked one wants to hold me and torture me. What other than the fire and the spirit which come from you and by whose deeds you have established the holiness, O Ahura? give me this wisdom, in favor of your law.
8. From him who makes earthly beings serve to harm me, may not enmity touch me in his actions! let his body be struck by hatred in such a way that it distances him from all happiness but never from misfortune, (let him be affected) by hatred, O Mazda!
9. Who was the first to honor me with offerings, as we show our love to you by our actions, you most worthy of being invoked, holy and pure master? These things which according to the truth, according to the truth, the creator of the ox, these (my disciples) desire (to know) from me (animated) by the good spirit (which is) yours.
10.(With) all those who, men or women, O Mazda-Ahura! give me, who am righteous, the goods of this world which you know to be excellent, blessings and power consistent with the good spirit; (with) those also whom I can bring to your worship, with all of them I will cross the Cinwat bridge (and thus reach paradise).
11. The Karapans and the Kavis have united with the powers to destroy, through their sinful acts, the human world. Their own soul, their own nature hardens them so that they arrive at the place where the Cinwat bridge is located, (to be forever) the inhabitants of the abode of the Druje.
12. But if among the powerful descendants and great-nephews of the Turanian Fryâna one is born who through holiness and zeal make the worlds of wisdom prosper, it is because Mazda has united himself with them through the good spirit; Mazda-Ahura orders for their happiness.
13. He who among mortals honors Zarathustra-the-saint by his offerings, he is fit to preach his doctrine. Mazda gave him the world; for him he developed earthly goods through the good spirit. We consider him, O Asha, as your worthy disciple.
14. Zarathustra, what faithful friend do you have for the great work Who wants to announce it (to the world)? This is Kava Vîstâçpa, the illustrious warrior. I want to invoke with words of kindness those, O Mazda-Ahura, whom you have brought together (made to be born) in the same abode.
15. Hacat-Açpas, generation of saints, I will proclaim that you have known how to discern the just and the unjust; because of these acts that you have done, holiness has been given to you with the first gifts of Ahura.
16. Frashaostra, go with the ministers of the law, Huogvide, go with those whom we desire, and happiness be to creation! where the holy Armaiti meets, where the excellent forces of the good spirit are, where Mazda-Ahura dwells a (always) prosperous place;
17. Where (are) praises conforming to the holy rules but nothing outside them, O Jâmâçpa Huogvide. He who discerns the prayers, the offerings, made with prescribed obedience, (he who discerns) what is right and what is not, let Ahura-Mazda direct all by his omniscient holiness.
18. To him who is a (cause of) joy to me, may the best goods be (granted)! May I give to this one, in the good spirit, from my fullness of goods; but (I cause pain), distress to him who would cause distress to us. Mazda, Asha, I wish to fulfill your wishes. This is the resolution of my intelligence and my spirit.
19.To him who does Zarathustra for me, in the spirit of holiness, in a perfect way, what I most desire, to him will be given the reward of the future world with all the goods that I have obtained (and which come from ) of the mother cow. You know things perfectly, O Mazda, you who announced them to me.


Honor to you holy and pure Gathas!

1. By reason of words and actions proceeding from purity, through holy intelligence and (the good spirit), Mazda-Ahura confers the gifts of Haurvât and Ameretât, to him who thus speaks and acts through power (of Khshathra) and wisdom (of Armaiti).
2. (This man) operates what is most perfect in this most holy spirit; by his tongue, by the words (which come to him) truly from the good spirit; by his hands, by acts of wisdom, (of Armaiti), by this wisdom Mazda is the father of purity.
3. You make the (goods) of this spirit prosper which formed for us the cow which provides offerings. You gave this one Armaiti (the earth) for pasture full of charms after Armaiti consulted with Vohumanô, O Mazda.
4. By virtue of this august spirit of Mazda, we punish the wicked but not the righteous. The wicked, even when he is powerful, may be counted as little by the righteous; he is in great esteem with the man of lies.
5. August spirit, Mazda-Ahura! give to the righteous all the most perfect goods and may the wicked receive, through your good pleasure, the retribution he deserves, he who, by his actions, remains united with the evil spirit.
6. August spirit, Mazda-Ahura! You give these goods and the decision according to justice, to the two contending parties, by fire, by the development of wisdom and holiness. Because these powerfully protect those who desire it.

Future triumph of the righteous. The law of Ahura is the most perfect. Prayer for good leaders; id. for the flocks, for the triumph of the law and its ministers.

1. When the Druje is conquered by the truth, when the retribution which has been declared deception by the Devas and (perverted) men arrives in immortality, may this fact develop your worship with the advantages (which result from it O Ahura!
2. Tell me what you know, O Ahura, before the battle of the spirits overtakes me. How will the righteous overcome the wicked, O Mazda? for this is the perfect accomplishment, known , of this world.
3. The most perfect of laws for him who knows it (is that) which prescribes, according to holiness, Ahura, author of excellent gifts, holy (and wise) and these secret doctrines which (knows) him who belongs to you, O Mazda, through the intelligence of the good spirit.
4. He who created the good spirit and the blessings of holiness, O Mazda, he (also made) the law concerning deeds and words . The will must attach itself to its good pleasure and its desires. Is not the final fate in the power of your intelligence?
5. May good masters reign over us and not perverse masters (and govern us) by acts of pure wisdom, O Armaiti. Purity is the most precious good for man for his existence. For the cow (these are) the pastures. Make it prosper for our food.
6. For she is a precious possession for us; it gives us prosperity and strength according to the desire of the good spirit. For her, through Asha, Mazda made plants grow at the birth of the primitive world.
7. Let Aeshma be slain; reject violence, O you who want to preserve, through purity, the love of the good spirit to which the holy man must remain attached. To you, O Ahura, I entrust all his creations (for your preservation).
8. How, O Mazda, do you desire the right power to be? and the blessing that comes to me from you, O Ahura? With what holiness shall I present public offerings to you? for the development of (proceding) acts of the good spirit?
9. How can I know, O Mazda, O Asha, whether you are sovereign masters of him whose unbelief overwhelms me. May the true wisdom of the good spirit be in me so that (I have) an upright nature? Let the apostle of the law know how he will obtain purity!
10. When, O Mazda, will men come to me? When will they reject the impurity of this science by which the Karapans engage in acts of violence (driven) by anger and by which the heads of the provinces are tyrannical in spirit?
11. When will Armaiti come with Asha (wisdom with holiness)? When (will it be given to us), with power, the peaceful habitation provided with pastures? Who will stop the cruel acts of the wicked? To whom will the wisdom of Vohumanô come?
12.May such be the apostles of the countries that they attach themselves to science through good spirit, purity and actions (which command) your law, O Mazda. For they were constituted the adversaries of Aeshma.

Complaint of the persecuted reformer. – Perverse doctrines widespread in the world, their disastrous consequences. – The law of Ahura gives happiness. –
Prayer for the farmer, for Frashaostra. Imprecations uttered against the wicked. Prayer of Zarathustra.

1. While this mighty persecutor 16 fights against me who seek to teach those who exalt themselves in evil according to the truth; come to me, O Mazda, with the gifts of holiness, (come) to me with consolation. May I obtain for Vohumanô the death of this (tyrant).
2. It stops me the doctrine of this persecutor, fallen by his deception of holiness. For this wicked man does not seek to preserve holy wisdom in the world, he does not consult the good spirit, O Mazda.
3. Holiness is attached to true belief, to be useful (to the world). The lie (is) to (this false) doctrine to harm. All good things are under the power of Vohumanô, I proclaim it in the midst of all the followers of the wicked.
4. Those who favor Aeshma by their perverted intelligence, and violence, by their language; idle among active workers, delighting in bad actions and not in good ones, these favor the Devas, by this law which is that of the bad (spirit).
5. But Mazda is the (source of) happiness and (of) abundance; he who presides over the law by the good spirit. Everyone who knows wisdom through purity (will arrive) with all his goods in your kingdom, O Ahura!
6. I ask you, O Mazda, and I speak according to the truth, what is in accordance with the thoughts of your intelligence, to know in a sure and true way and to be able to proclaim this law which comes from you, O Ahura!
7. Let one listen to this with holy disposition, let one listen with purity (of intention), listen to yourself, O Ahura; who is under the laws the protector, the master who will give the pastor the appropriate praise?
8. Give Frashaostra this supreme joy, the primacy of purity. I ask you, O Mazda-Ahura! Give it to me in your perfect kingdom. May we be there for all eternity.
9. Let the worker created for the benefit (of the world) listen to your ordinances. Let not the truthful man give power to the liar. The laws provide an excellent reward to him who is united with purity, oh generous Déjâmâçpa.
10. I have entrusted, O Mazda, to your protection the good spirit and the souls of the righteous and the devotion from which (come) wisdom and abundance with greatness, strength and imperishable power.
11. But to the wicked (souls) of evil power, of evil deeds, of evil words, of evil tendencies, of evil thoughts, detestable foods will be brought and they will be seen dwelling in the abode of the Druje.
12.What help (what good) have you, O Asha, (to give) to Zarathustra who invokes you? What hast thou (to give me) by the good spirit, O Mazda-Ahura, (to me) who blesses thee with hymns of praise, asking only that which thou desirest (as that which is) best for thee ?

Mazda and Asha are the only supporters of the righteous. Prayer for the pastor, for the warrior. Ahura favors his loyal servants. Praises to Ahura; the poet wants to serve him with zeal and asks that everything turns to the glory of his God.

1. In what state is my soul? Who will I seek support from? What protector has been given to me for my flock and for me, other than Asha and you, O Mazda-Ahura, whom I invoke with ardor, and the perfectly good Spirit?
2. How will he treat the cow that provides the offerings, who wants it provided with pasture for (the benefit of) this world? Bring to me, through holiness, with great brightness, revelations that teach how to live well, give me your law!
3. Let it be thus, pure Mazda, to the warrior; that by the force of the holiness which he acquired through Khshathra and Vohumanô, he extends (his) possessions, the neighbor of which belongs to the wicked.
4. I will celebrate your praises O Mazda-Ahura, with (those of) Asha and Vohumanô and Khshathra also; that he may stand in the way of (my) desire, and that I may make public songs of praise heard in the heavenly abode.
5. For you, Mazda-Ahura, Asha, you favor, to make him perfect, the interpreter of your law, (and this) by a constant, visible, powerful support, such that by him we are established in glory ( of the future world).
6. Zarathustra who makes his voice heard, in accordance with the law, is (your) friend, by virtue of the pure worship (which he renders to you). May Mazda, who gives the world speaking according to intelligence, teach me (its) secrets, through the good spirit.
7. And I, your favorite, (driven) by the desire for your glory, I want, united with Vohumanô, to reach these desirable but formidable passages (which lead to your abode) O Mazda, O Asha! By these (ways) lead (me), be to my aid.
8. With these songs of blessing repeated aloud I will come to you (to implore you); hands raised, oh Mazda! (I will come) to you, Asha, with the homage of (my) offering; towards you, with the virile force of good spirit.
9. I come to celebrate your praises, by these (songs of) sacrifices, O Mazda, according to holiness and by the acts (which proceed) of the good spirit. If the desires of my righteousness can prevail, then may I obtain the wisdom I desire.
10. The clouds and the mountains (which rise) on all sides, everything that attracts the eye, in accordance with the good spirit, the stars, the sun, the dawn which announces the days, (all contribute) to your glory , O Asha, O Mazda-Ahura!
11. And I with my mouth will sing your glory, Mazda! as long as I have strength and power, according to the truth. May the creator of the world favor, through the good spirit, everything that most develops perfect works, in accordance with (his) will.

Honor to you holy and pure Gâthas!

Character of just and good power. The poet asks for good masters for his people and for them, the reward for their good deeds. He demands from Ahura a mark of protection which he grants to the good. –
Crimes of the infidels and the Karapans; their future fate. Happiness of the righteous at Garônmâna. Merit and reward of the first disciples of Zoroaster; homage to the Haecataçpas, to Vîstâçpa, etc.

1. Good power, part of desirable and very high destiny, is produced by holiness and actions which give prosperity (to the world). Mazda, (make) me produce this perfect (good) for us!
2. I ask you first, O Mazda-Ahura, O Asha! to you too Armaitis! give me the possession of wealth; give it to me by Vohumanô, for your glory and your usefulness!
3. Those who rule in accordance with your deeds serve you by their holiness of hearing (listening to your teachings); through their mouth, through the words of the good spirit, of which you were, Mazda, the first revealer.
4. Where is the power according to perfection, where will the reward be? Where will we reach Asha? Where is the holy Armaiti? Where is Vohumanô? Where are your kingdoms, O Mazda?
5. He asks these things of you that he may obtain flocks 17 through holiness, the shepherd just in his deeds, wise in his devotion and who, ruling according to justice, teaches the creatures, according to the truth, to know their master .
6. Ahura-Mazda gives the kingdoms to him who offers him what is better than good and who offers it to him according to desire. But he gives, at the last end of the world, what is worse than evil to him who does not make an offering to him.
7. O you who created the flocks, the waters and the plants, give me immortality and incolumity, O august spirit, O Mazda! (give me) power and prosperity, according to your law, through the good spirit.
8. And I will say to you, Mazda, as one should say to the wise, woe to the wicked, salvation (to him) who keeps holiness. He observes the Manthras who speaks (thus) to the wise.
9. This skill that you give to the contending parties, by your brilliant fire, Mazda! by the vibrating steel, make it appear in both worlds, for the destruction of the wicked, for the usefulness of the righteous.
10. He who would seek to destroy me in any other way than (according to justice) favors the creation of the Druje; he is among the wicked. (For me) I call upon Asha, for me may he come by your goodness.
11. Who is the friend of the most holy Zarathustra, O Mazda! Who has asked in truth (to receive his teachings)? What is holy wisdom? Who is righteous who teaches for the development of the right mind?
12. They do not delight in him, in Zarathustra-the saint, the pederast nor the follower of the Kavis, destroyers of the earth; because the corporeal world prospers through it. For they attack and repel him with all their triumphant power.
17.Harlez notes in a note that he translates the word gâm which literally means “cow” as “herds”. However, he specifies that it should rather be read gaém "life", which would fit better with the context. Perhaps we should rather take the meanings of flocks and shepherd figuratively, and that we should, consequently, understand the Mazdaist priest and his faithful.
13. Thus the law of the wicked destroys the existence of the good, whose soul curses the shining passages of Cinwat, (because) it wanted to destroy the ways of purity, both by its deeds and by its word.
14. By their teachings and their laws, by their actions and their words, the Karapans do not give the flock for its prosperity the abundant produce of pastures. Their doctrine will establish them at the last (day) in the abode of the Druje.
15. Let Ahura come first in the Garônmâna, which is that reward which Zarathustra caused to be obtained from the celestial spirits. There is happiness (which is obtained) by the good spirit and (deeds) which benefit holiness.
16. Kava Vistâçpa acquired by the maxims of the good spirit, with the possession of power, that wisdom which Mazda-Ahura (the holy being) teaches in accordance with the truth. Teaching it (will be) our salvation.
17. Frashaostra Huogvide desired the one who is dear to me for her beauty. Let for the sake of the holy law, Ahura give him that which he desires, Ahura-Mazda is the supreme master, sing (his glory) to obtain purity.
18. They desire this knowledge, O wise Jâmâçpa Huogvide, the most brilliant of goods, in accordance with the truth, those who know the power of the good spirit. Give me, O Ahura, what (can serve for) your satisfaction, O Mazda.
19. Mazda gives it, O Maidyomâonha Çpitama! to him who, wise according to the law, seeks the good of the world. Mazda the creator indicated the best acts to (promote) life.
20. All of you who are united to us by one desire, give us this good, purity according to the good spirit and the sentences in which wisdom (consists) (to us) who honor you and who desire the satisfaction of Mazda.
21. That man is holy who, by wise thoughts, words and deeds, develops holiness according to the law, and power according to the good spirit; that Mazda gives (these goods) I ask him for his holy blessing.
22. Mazda-Ahura knows those who have existed or who exist and whose greatest good is (what I seek) in my sacrifice for the sake of holiness. I honor them (by calling them) by name; I come to them full of devotion.

Prayer after reciting the Yaçna Vohû Khshathra

I-1. I bless all the righteous men and women belonging to the pure world;
2. All those who exist, who have been and who will be.
II-3. I bless Ashi (bliss) who spreads her gifts and always protects;
4. Spontaneous companion and protector (of the righteous),
5. Companion spreading (good) doctrine
6. And carrying (with oneself) all the curative agents (proper) to waters, flocks and plants;
7. Casting down all the hatreds of Devas and men who attack this house and the master of this house.
III-8. (I bless) all the excellent gifts, all the holy blessings, the superior excellent ones,
9. The others, perfect, spread their benefits, always protective.
IV 10. So that the greatest, the best, the most brilliant blessings come to us, for the honor, praise, satisfaction and glory of the Amesha-Çpentas, for the prosperity of this abode and all the world of pure being; to combat every creation of the evil spirit.

Honor to you, holy and pure Gâthas!

Wishes of happiness formed by Zoroaster for himself and for his first cooperators. Wishes addressed to his daughter Paouruciçta, on the occasion of her marriage to Frashaostra and in general to all young girls who get married. Curses pronounced against the wicked. Exhortation to marriage.

1. It has been stated this excellent wish of Zarathustra-the-saint, that Ahura-Mazda give him marks of favor, with a view to holiness, felicity for all ages, to him and to those who fight (the evil spirit) and teach the words and deeds of the holy law.
2. Let them attach themselves by their spirit, their words and their actions to the satisfaction of Mazda; to his honor, spreading his glory; Kava Vîstâçpa, disciple of Zarathustra, and the most holy Frashaostra, preparing straight paths for this law which Ahura gave to the apostles of the law.
3. To you Paouruciçta, descendant of Haecat-Açpa, Çpitamide, you, she of the daughters of Zarathustra who gave him descendants, may Mazda give you as master, (for) support of good spirit and purity. But converse with the most holy spirit of Armaiti who produces wisdom.
4. I want to love this man (who is) yours and the gifts he gave to (your) father, for the protection of the shepherds, to (establish) a pure kinship with the pure. Let the clear understanding of the world of the good spirit be (given) to me. May AhuraMazda give it forever, for (the sake of) the holy law.
5. I address these words to (you) young girls who are getting married. I tell you this way, imprint them on your mind. Learn to know, with these laws, the world of good spirit. Thus let one of you receive the other according to the holy rule for this will be a (source of) perfect joy for him.
6. These things are certain, O men and women who wait for propriety as a gift of the Druje. For him (who acts thus), I ask, may the loss of his body (come to him) from this Druje. May he obtain (only) disastrous brilliance, he who triumphs by evil means, source of evils to destroy by them the spiritual world.
7. May the reward of this great work be (given) to you as long as Azhus who resides in the heart moves forward, backward, from the depths of the body where the spirit first reaches the wicked. Do you abstain from this work, then let your last word be a cry of distress.
8. So let men whose deeds are evil be cast down, and let all cry out lamentably under the blows which overwhelm them. That by the power of the good, he strikes them with ills, with wounds; let him who sovereignly holds death in his power make them disappear from inhabited towns; may it come overwhelming them, and may it be soon.
9.By his perverse doctrines (the wicked) arouses hatred and acts of violence against your ministers, he seeks to destroy them completely, (such people) are Peshotanus. Where is the faithful leader who will deprive them of life and liberty O Mazda, the power is yours; through it, gives superiority to the weak whose life is holy.

Quote of the Day

“But because with philosophers gold is the most temperate body, having equal parts of hot, cold, moist and dry. Therefore it may with the more difficulty be corrupted and dissolved by reason of the equal agreement and proportion of the elements. Therefore there must a disagreement be made among the elements by contrary elements: and this discord makes a solution and mortification of the body: which being done there is made a cleansing mundification of Nature, which nevertheless cannot be done without a physical separation of the elements”

Marsilio Ficino

Book of the Chemical Art - Liber de Arte Chemica


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