The Garden of Riches or The Garden of Wealth

The Garden of Riches or The Garden of Wealth

George Aurach


My God, my Lord, Jesus Christ most high son of God: I, unworthy sinner, I give thanks to your pity by which you deigned to call me to the knowledge of this mysterious art, which seemed to be unknown to all those who were unaware of the origin of nature and what this gift is made of, since it is only by your immense grace that everything is given.

Who freely gave this gift to me is given to many others who truly love you. Make my God most liberal, that all arrogance, avarice, all greed, lust and every other vice be far from those to whom you have given it, and that I may, O my God, most merciful Father, obtain with this gift, in your name, your mercy through Jesus Christ our Lord.

So be it.

In the name of Jesus Christ, son of the living God, and in the name of the most blessed, most glorious virgin Mary his mother, and of the most holy Knight and martyr George, and of all the triumphant celestial court.
So be it.

I will begin to write and compose the book where I will declare perfectly, fully, and clearly, and make known to the human mind, not the ungodly, perverse, proud, nor the unjust. But to the good, and faithful devotees of Jesus Christ, this Art to those who seek it faithfully, this greatest and most occult part.

First: the most secret of the lower Astronomy and second: of the Philosophy and Science of the sacred Alchemy, how by this Art the inerment and the natures come to an end because there is no work more worthy and more powerful than that, and neither any operation which, neither by Art, nor according to the courts of natures can truly and perfectly work there, has this Philosopher's Stone to be completed.

Children of this Science you will know that the philosophers have written this divine art and this most occult method, but so obscurely and enigmatically, by various figures, and in improper terms, that it would be marvelous if a man, even angelic, could understand it, if it were not a great philosopher admirably versed in this Art.

Which way to operate by the grace of God, I hope to make our children known and instructed so faithfully, that none of them can fail in the operation.

Come, children of philosophy, I will lead you to the garden of wealth and science, of pleasure and joy, where I will show you flowers of every color imaginable, and especially some very noble roots of their nature, and herbs of the 'Art of the Magisterium, very secret, and will teach them by putting them together and separating them, and picking their vermilion flowers, and drawing their sugar and their pure fragrant marrow, and finally continuing and perfectly fortifying these same things so that they cannot no longer be corrupted or destroyed by any element of the world.

But let them become radiant in the fire, let them grow in the air, let them produce leaves in the water, let them flower in the earth, and may they increase and never fail in their virtue;which thus by tasting their sweetness will defend you from thirst and hunger, will give you an abundance of treasures which will never fail, will give you perfect health, will preserve you from all diseases and will keep your life very long in health according to the will of God and yours.



Of the knowledge and manifestation of the things and matters of the Philosophers, by means of which the whole magisterium is completed in the operation of the blessed Peter of the Philosophers.

Notice children and know the roots of nature and most noble herbs of the Philosophers. Where the roots of the philosophers are green, mingled with whiteness, but their herbs are citrine, reddish, and white in color, some are livid in color, their flower smell and flavor is so noble that one cannot find in the world nothing sweeter, stronger, or more precious, nor can equal it in goodness; their extracted ripe juice is of various colors, which in the splendor of the Sun turns red, and in the moonlight turns white, and these herbs are common and a celestial gift which is found at all times and everywhere, and have them so the poor than the rich, they are vile and rejected, and never fall into the use of Medicines.

Their virtues are hidden, and the ancients did not want to show them,
I have named them perfectly, and I swear by the Creator of Heaven and Earth, that from them alone Art is made and not from other things of the world, this is why I beg strongly those to whom God will give understanding of this book, and will make them perceive the fruits of it, that they be secret, and that they enjoy this Divine Gift, not using it superbly or tyrannically badly, but giving praise to God: but for the use of the body and salvation of the soul, so that the poor, miserable and needy may receive consolation and help from it. And let them pray to God for me, so that I will not be reproached for it on the day of Judgment, but that I will hear with the elect this sweet voice: Come, blessed ones of my Father, enter the Kingdom, etc.


Of the Operation of the Blessed Stone of the Philosophers and its Sublimation.

My son, you are going to put your hand to work, say in the name of God: my God help me and make me thank you for it. So take all the herbs that you know with their roots and flowers, and draw from them the four Elements in this way. Take of the aforesaid herbs, in good quantity of each anna, cut off the very fine ones, and grind them, and put them in a philosophical vessel, and from there draw the four Elements, firstly water, secondly oil, thirdly fire, and the earth will remain at the bottom of the vessel, which you will grind subtly and you will pour on it its clean water that you will have drawn from it, and distill it again as before, make this sublimation seven times, that is to say mortify seven times by ascension, and quicken seven times by descent.

Father Hermes, King of the Greeks, being questioned what was the principle of the Art, said "raise the dead seven times and lower the living seven times". And you will have what you seek, then the vigor of each is changed inseparably into one or the other, and is made a firm conjunction of husband and wife, namely water and flour, and in this degree this water of life acquires this quintessence and absorbs, in say seven sublimations, all the natural substances and life of the aforesaid herbs, sublimated by itself two or three times this honored water which is called the fountain of Salvation without soil or without faeces, and is put in each sublimation its filth or refuse that it has left, then sublimate again slowly over low heat until the aqueous substance is extracted from it,which you will keep, for yourself in a clean and well stoppered glass, because it has excellent virtues, and when the said oil begins to rise put a new vessel to receive this very precious oil.

And thus continue the fire little by little, strengthening it until none of the said oil is sublimated, and keep this wounded oil and liquor of the Philosophers in a clean and well stoppered glass.This is our matter and our Secret to which the Philosophers have given an infinity of names, namely Azoth which according to the Indians is gold, and according to the Cumans azoth is as much as saying silver according to the Alexandrians and Macedonians, it is iron according to the Greeks, mercury, according to the Hebrews tin according to the Tartars bronze according to the Arabs and in Arabic language saturn, and according to the Latins especially the Romans: hoganubem. The Philosophers also called it by many other and various names like stone, and according to the different colors that it receives in its decoction and its different changes. They gave it as many names as they liked.


Of the Philosophical Division of Water and its Nobility and Effect.

My son, turn and see the whole expanse of my Garden and behold a living fountain having its Source flowing from the foundation, drawn from the most noble philosophical roots, and their wondrous blossoms.

For it is the fountain of living water, it is the fountain of joy, of youth, of beauty and of health, the water which flows from this fountain has such virtue that all the Philosophers have made it their praise, and it is said in Genesis chapter one, that the Spirit of the Lord was borne upon the waters in the Creation of Heaven and Earth, whence you know that all things are made of water.

God divinized this water, when he said and commanded that apart was arid, and called it Earth, and this Earth not changed afterwards, preserved it by watering and moistening it,because dry Earth bears no fruit unless it is moistened from above by its rainwater.

So I warn you by a natural condition in this matter of the occult Stone of all philosophers, namely, that you divide it into two parts, each part in its well-stoppered vessel, coagulate one part of this water and dry it up. and change it into earth, and keep the other part for the watering, imbibing or inceration of this same hardened water.


Of the Form or figure of the Vessel in which the matter is cooked.

The vessel of the Stone is one in which all the Magisterium is accomplished and it is a blind curcurbite which has no opening. It is a single vessel of thick glass, well fired, and closed on all sides, half a cubit long, which is round or plain above, and below is quite large; its bottom is either slightly curved, with plain sides and a spacious top so that the sublimating material can move up and down more freely.

Shape of the Ship.


Of the Closing and Closing of the Vessels of the Philosophers.

Now the manner of closing and sealing the vessels and such that follows.

Take the philosophical water above said, which has been set apart, with its very noble earth, and its recent blood well mixed, and put in a clean glass of which the figure is seen here, then close, and plug the vessel in the following manner.

Put a globe of glass in front of the neck of the glass, and also have some well plundered glass to sprinkle on the glass-necked gobe; afterwards take a pot of earth in which the glass can enter. And first take this glass, and put it in the pot, and all around it ashes of tillet, and let the neck of the glass be two fingers' length out of the ground, or a little more, then make a good fire so long let the neck of the glass redden, and then throw borax on the globe and immediately the glass will melt and be closed; then after let cool and take the vessel with the matter.

But the glasses must always be clean before we put the thing in them so that the Artist governs himself as the thing requires.

Land vessel.


Of the Philosophical Furnace and of the Vessel in which the Glass Vessel is put with the Philosophical Matter.

Have a vessel made for you, the shape of which is represented here, of good earth or very good potter's clay, in which you will put the old man, or the stone, or our contained water, that he can endure the fire well, and that it be of such size that the vessel of glass can be received there, and that it can hold around it two or three fingers of ash: but that a lid be made for the vessel of earth, that the flame do not touch or strike the vessel of glass where matter is, however they join together. Make a lid so that it can be lifted when it is necessary to see the material. In this way let us put the vessel of glass in the vessel of earth, in such a way, however, that the glass is well wrestled with the Lut of Sapience, and disposed within the vessel,

Let a stove be made, as shown in the present figures, of good earth that resists the fire well, and that it be coated with horse dung and a little sand, so that it resists the heat better. fire. That it be one cubit high and as wide, two fingers thick, and that it have a hole in the middle of the furnace through which the fist or the hand can enter, and that an iron sheet be fitted above with a concave cross in the middle, so that a lamp can enter it.

The width of the said lamina must be of such size that one can put three or four fingers between the said lamina and the sides of the stove, that the stove also has four doors below near the ground, to receive the air, in order to that a second furnace be made on this furnace, to which there must be a tripod of earth or iron,to support the weight of a bowl in which must be the glass with the material; now the tripod must be as far from the laminate as the lamp by a foot and a half.

And know that the height of the second furnace must extend to the lid of the earthen vessel which is placed on the tripod, and this so that when you want to see the matter, and the signs which must appear, the height of the said furnace does not you may way to see.

However, the width of the said second furnace must be so great that one can put all around put the fist or the hand at more or less three or four fingers, between the said vessel of earth and the sides of the furnace, so that the fire strikes not only the bottom of the earth vessel, in which is the glass with matter, but also the sides of the glass vessel and its cover.But let such a cover be made, and so conjoined with its furnace, that the heat of the reverberating fire cannot escape; that said second furnace also has a door underneath near the iron lamina, so that the lamp may be received there.

But let the lid of the said stove be round and let there be only a hole in the middle three fingers width. For the heat of the fire, the smoke and the flame must necessarily come out through the said hole and draw the heat upwards so that the heat of the fire surrounds the vessel of earth where the matter is, and above it must also have two handles to the said cover, so that it can be removed when it is necessary to see the signs of the matter.

that the heat of the reverberating fire cannot escape;that said second furnace also has a door underneath near the iron lamina, so that the lamp may be received there. But let the lid of the said stove be round and let there be only a hole in the middle three fingers width.

For the heat of the fire, the smoke and the flame must necessarily come out through the said hole and draw the heat upwards so that the heat of the fire surrounds the vessel of earth where the matter is, and above it must also have two handles to the said cover, so that it can be removed when it is necessary to see the signs of the matter.

that the heat of the reverberating fire cannot escape; that said second furnace also has a door underneath near the iron lamina, so that the lamp may be received there.But let the lid of the said stove be round and let there be only a hole in the middle three fingers width. For the heat of the fire, the smoke and the flame must necessarily come out through the said hole and draw the heat upwards so that the heat of the fire surrounds the vessel of earth where the matter is, and above it must also have two handles to the said cover, so that it can be removed when it is necessary to see the signs of the matter.



Of the Lamp and of the Philosophical Tealight.

That there is a lamp under the glass, which burns continuously, because the philosophical fire of the candlestick is that the candlestick must be of three rows and not more. And the tails should not be too big. Now the candle-light never burns and does not diminish, so that nothing else need be done except only to put oil in the lamp, with such a fire our operation is carried out and not otherwise, and take care that the light or the fire does not go out.

Second Furnace.


Of the degrees of Fire how they are to be governed.

Because a little experience shows the degrees in the quantity of fire, because in solution the fire will always be mild, in sublimation mediocre, in coagulation temperate, in continual dealbation, in rubification strong.

But if you make mistakes here, you will often regret your pains, and your work. However, as much as the colors change, it is all the more necessary to continue a soft fire until it reaches the end of the whiteness; but the white, it requires a higher fire especially as it is cold raw and half cooked.

And for the same lives are a thousand times whiter, we therefore make a soft fire while bleaching as long as the vapor is fixed with its similar, or else if the fire is lit before the end, it will be red, which does not benefit , d as much as red is made up of a lot of white and very pure black with very great warmth.

Therefore, let the heat be so great that you can safely hold your hand between the sides of the stove as long as you will, and hold it in such heat until you see the matter turn black.

Rejoice because this is the beginning of digestion. For then, continue the fire as long as all the colors have passed, so when you see the matter whiten at all, increase the fire imperceptibly, until you reach perfect whiteness.
Enough for then and the thing is over.

The two furnaces assembled.


How the philosophical Mercury being extracted, must be coagulated, fixed and reduced to earthen substance.

Put therefore the venerable mercury, the water of the philosophers, the first hylec of the Sages, which is said to be the first matter of the perfect body, as we know and know, in its round and clear vessel, having its orifice well stopped , and put it to suffocate in his well-made and warm bed, during the month of the philosophers, that is to say forty days, keeping him continually warm by sublimating him with his sweat, until he no longer sweats by way of ascension and descent so long as it begins inwardly to purify itself, suffocate and coagulate by the force of the continuation of the fire, and to congeal, so that it no longer rises in an aerated smoky substance, but remains dry at the bottom without moisture, putrefied and coagulated and converted into black earth, which is called the crow's head, black and the dry element of the earth.

Certainly the conduct of the Stone is one, which is to cook continuously in its vessel without any intermission, as long as the desired end has been obtained.
You just have to put the stone, together, in its vessel, and close it until all the Magisterium is completed.

So everything else is put in the secret of art.

To engender a man and a plant, the seed is never put in but once, but if it is put there otherwise for then, one destroys the other, either for excessive indigestion or because of the impression of air, or for the excessive abundance of matter. This is why women who surrender too frequently, conceive also very rarely; but if they conceive, they engender an abortion, because raw and indigestible things do not nourish the digestible, but kill them because the child is only nourished with menstrual blood, and takes its growth as long as it comes into the world. . It is certain that our work only needs a vessel, an arrangement of itself, to operate successively the white and the red.


Of the Transmutation of the Stone from nature to nature.

Know besides this my child, that in this single closed vessel and in a decoction, the seven provisions of this magisterium are perfected. The first is purification, so that you draw out the very pure and very subtle substance. The second is the solution, so that all matter dissolves into water. The third is putrefaction. The fourth is ablution. The fifth is the coagulation in water, drying gently in our Sun. The sixth, calcination. The seventh is fixing.

Now in these seven dispositions appear the nine admirable alterations of nature which you will see to the eye. Our Stone being put in our vessel and feeling the heat of the Sun, immediately it resolves into water, and either rises above to the top of the vessel, and rises by the wind, that is to say by the smoke, and such ascent in after being converted into water, finally the matter thickens and becomes earth, and this thickness at the beginning will remain on the water, and thus by thickening little by little the earth will fall into the water, and remain at the bottom of the vessel below the water, which earth will be black and starchy, and this starchy earth remaining under the water changes its color by long decoction into our Sun and loses its bad smell.This earth which remains under the water increases and the water decreases for the temperate decoction, after that all matter will change into earth and be reduced to solid substance, and will neither sink nor rise, but will remain constricted. But our matter freezes and then thickens for the great decoction of the Sun arriving at perfect whiteness and perfect dessuiation.


Of the various colors which appear in the work.

Notice that there are three main colors which appear in the work, namely black, white and red, but there are several other colors which are also noticed and appear in the work. The first is argentine, the second black, the third violet, the fourth citrine, the fifth green, the sixth peacock tail color, the seventh silver, the eighth perfect white, the eighth citrine, the tenth yellow, and the eleventh red. There are several other colors in melee to not worry about.


How quickly darkness appears, and how long it lasts.

Know then my son, that the darkness in the decoction of the stone appears in forty or forty two days, and lasts for forty or forty two days. And sometimes more or less depending on the amount of material.

Later it will change into various colors, until it comes to whiteness. And then it's called White Elixir, and after you've had the white it won't change until it comes to the perfect red, where the end of the work is.


How the White Stone divides into two parts, and working with one to white and reddening the other part by longer decoction.

Now, the brandy above said being coagulated and reduced to a tincture of whiteness, divide it into two parts, reserve one for the White Elixir and enclose the other part in its vase putting it in the philosophical furnace. And starting the fire of the lamp, but stronger at the beginning and in the space of ninety or one hundred days, it will become citrine, and finally will blush with a perfect redness and will be the red Elixir.


Of the increase of white or red dye, and how it is incised to be fluxible.

For over five parts of the white or red elixir, the fifth or sixth part of the philosophical water previously guarded, and these five parts dissolve with the sixth part of the raw water, which is put into five parts of the pure stone and being dissolved , freeze the philosophical vessel within it with the fire of the lamp. Being again coagulated, add reserved brandy, the fifth or sixth part, do this three, four or five times, and will be so subtle, that immediately it will coagulate, and seeing such subtle coagulation, for then proceed with the fermentation.


Of the Fermentation of the Philosophical Stone.

Take five or six parts of complete Medicine, white or red, perfectly fixed, and a part of the white or red body prepared and calcined, and mix them together in an aludel to be fixed, and putrefied in a water bath in the philosophical furnace , and govern the fire therein in a suitable manner until the volatile carries with it the fixed body and the volatile, and the volatile fixes it, and seeing the appearance of various colors, then increase the fire insensibly until what the whole remains in the manner of oil.

Then you have the real elixir with which you can dye whenever you want. And know that it is not necessary to do this fermentation only once because all the matter changes into ferment, which is why you do not have to start it again, because like the leaven of bread converts all the dough, so that this dough is reserved a leave to ferment again other dough, and is also excellent as before likewise properly in the philosophical matter.


Let the tincture increase by solution and also by fermentation.

Our medicine multiplies by dissolution and also by fermentation, but later by Solution. But our medicine is rather augmented by fermentation. Since, not being dissolved, it does not operate well unless first it is fixed in its ferment, yet it operates more abundantly in many medicines dissolved and fermented, than being only fermented, and keep this secret, because it is more subtle: so much so that by fermentation alone it can be multiplied even to infinity, this because the ferment which is added to it derives color and flavor from its nature. The philosophers are very different in the fermentations and augmentations of the Stone, both white and red, because they have laid down various ways, but in the preparation and mondification of the Stone,


That tincture can be increased in two other ways, namely in quantity and quality.

Now in quantity it increases thus: Take therefore one part of the reserved raw water, and three parts of the elixir, let them be mixed together by good mixing as benefits, and after the whole is put in a vessel to that clean, so that the vessel is put on a slow fire, until it changes into stone, then after crush them and put them in a whole curcurbite, pour over the water first rectified, and seal the vessel, and afterwards arrange it on its stove with a receptacle, the joints being well closed, and make a temperate fire as usual, as long as all the water is separated, pour it over again. on it and pull it as above. Repeat this so many times that you see the said matter at the bottom of the vessel, clear as a naked sword, and reduced to its first state, white or red,


How Medicine is increased in quality.

The Elixir is increased in quality. Namely, that he should take three parts of the Volatile Stone which is a feminine gender, and one part of the Elixir, and they may be ground and conjoined together as required, and after they are put inside a whole cucurbit, and put on it the first water which floats, seal it as usual and arrange it inside its stove with a container, the joints being well closed, and distill the water over a slow fire, being all distilled strengthen the fire so that all that can be sublimated rises above on what has remained below, and put water on it and distill it and sublimate and calcine in the fashion, and repeat this so many times by great industry, that the volatile is entirely fixed with the fixed, which must happen in once seven, or twice seven, or three times seven,which is the number of philosophers, and the first preparation.

And know that from the reiteration of this preparation, results a degree of greater goodness, alteration and diversity. Like Medicines, some fall twice, but some a hundredfold, and then according to the industry, it is necessary to repeat three times seven, and is called the second preparation but one out of a thousand and some in two thousand, some in four thousand .

And for then you must similarly reiterate three times seven, and that's the whole operation and the third way... and then according to the industry, it is necessary to reiterate three times seven, and is called the second preparation but one out of a thousand and the other out of two thousand, one out of four thousand.And for then you must similarly reiterate three times seven, and that's the whole operation and the third way... and then according to the industry, it is necessary to reiterate three times seven, and is called the second preparation but one out of a thousand and the other out of two thousand, one out of four thousand. And for then you must similarly reiterate three times seven, and that's the whole operation and the third way...

But afterwards by reiteration the Medicine falls on ten thousand and then on a hundred thousand, and again it is necessary to reiterate three times seven which is the fourth way and the fourth preparation of the Medicine.

But then, by the reiteration of the non-fixed part, it falls on two hundred thousand, and again in the fifth and last place it is necessary to reiterate the Stone three times seven, so that afterwards it falls on a million and transmutes the body, makes it into a perfect Moon or Sun according to what matter has been prepared for. And that only depends on repeating this non-fixed Stone several times, in this Work the most precious Secret is accomplished, which is a secret over all the sciences of this world, and an inestimable and incomparable treasure, and thus the order is perfected. multiplications and elixir in quantity and quality.


By what Manner the Medicine is finally fermented to dye perfectly.

When you want to dye, take such a substance with which you have perfected your work in fermentation, that is to say white or red, put it in subtle powder, and put it inside a pot of lute clay, or inside a crucible of earth , on the fire and pour oil of the elixir little by little on these powders, so that they imbibe and assemble, and will be made very subtle powder, and take care that you do not put too much oil in it, this ferment is the elixir with which you can dye all metals and quicksilver in Moon or Sun, which Medicine is prepared.


Of the Effect and Virtue of the Blessed Philosophical Stone.

My son, I have made you, and erected, and planted a garden of wealth, composed superabundantly of gold and silver, and precious stones, with all kinds of delights, pleasures and marvelously enriched joys and pleasures of all things precious and beautiful, as much as man can imagine and desire.

I have within you the magisterium and in possession of the lower Astronomy, which you will be able to govern, lead and train, to use it with power according to your will and that by the grace of God, sweetness and favor to which you will render happiness and praise.

And recognize that you are truly subject to the divine Majesty lest you fall into the curse of Lucifer, who, wanting to make himself like God, was forgetful of creation, and remember that you are a vile creature. He is Lord, you are Servant.

He is God, you are Man. He is eternal, you are Mortal. And do not imagine that you have from yourself all that you seek in this book, but from divine grace and piety, because the virtues and effects of this praiseworthy noble Science, or physical tincture cannot be shown, by whereupon the ancient sage philosophers found four or principal virtues in this glorious treasure, because firstly it heals the human body of many and various infirmities.

Secondly, because it perfectly restores the imperfect bodies of metals.

Thirdly, because it transmutes hard stones into precious stones.

Fourth, because it makes all kinds of glass ductile and malleable.

When at first all the Philosophers agreed when the red Ematite stone is reddened perfectly it does not only work wonders in solid bodies but also in the human body.

Because taking it internally, it heals all infirmities, and also those from the outside by anointing itself with it, and cardiac pation, etiquette, iliac pation, colic, icteritis, etc. .... Egidy disease with epilepsy.

All kinds of fevers are cured by it by taking it often: gout and sciatica are cured by it anointing itself with it. She removes all that is in a sick stomach, and stops all the fluxions of pectant humors and consumes them by drinking it or anointing herself with it.

Taken on an empty stomach, it chases away any melancholy or sadness of spirit. It dries up any flow from the common cold, it also perfectly corrects bad odors. It stops the flooding of the watery eyes, attenuates and dissipates the chassis. It chases away redness, stains by softening skin, leather, grain, taye, white spot, cornea, nail, cataract, having upturned eyelids, burning and sustusion, and naked of eyes, all these diseases are easily cured by philosophical medicine.

It comforts the heart and minds by drinking it, soothes headaches by anointing itself on the temples.

It restores hearing to the deaf, and relieves all pain in the ear, promises healing to hydropics, restores withdrawn nerves by anointing itself with it, and repairs decayed teeth by washing them. She soothes the stench of breath, her ointment heals all kinds of aposteme, plastering them or throwing her powder inside, dries ulcers, wounds, cancers, galls, antraies, galls. Itchy gripe and ringworm are cured by it, it erases the scars so that new flesh is engendered.
It restores corrupt and sour wine if mixed with it. Hence it dissolves the stone if one drinks it, it drives out the venom by drinking it, kills the worms if one uses it in powder form. The white hair is pulled out by her by anointing herself with it, she erases the wrinkles and spots from the face by anointing herself with it and promises a young face.

When taken it helps women in child labour, it pulls a dead child out of the womb by plastering it, induces urine, induces coitus and increases it, preserves from drunkenness, gives good memory, increases and strengthens radical humidity.
Besides, it does many other benefits to the human body, as being above all the medicines of hypocrates, Galen, Constantine, Pliny, Rasis, Avicenna, and of all the other doctors of this art, in smell, taste, virtue. and effect. And note that this medicine must always be mixed with the medicines that suit each disease.

As for the second, it is said that it perfectly transmutes all imperfect metals, this transmutation is quite obvious, because any metal that is not silver it makes it silver, and that which is not gold makes it gold in color, substance, hardness, weight, handling, melting, hardness and softness.

Touching the third, it is written that she transmutes rough stones into precious stones, because green jaspers, hyacinths, red and white corral, emeralds, chrysolites, victory stone and sapphires can be formed from this matter. Crystal, carbuncle, ruby ​​or topaz can be made by them which surpass the natural ones in virtues and substances and colors. Certainly this medicine by its excellence surpasses the natural virtue in these stones and others to which it will be put, in such a way however that the purified colors are mixed there, because it liquefies and fills any stone.

Touching the fourth it is written that it makes all glass malleable, mixing it with it when it liquefies, because it is convertible into any color.

However, the other experiments depend on the good judgment of the Artist. We read in the old chronicles of the emperor that at that time an emperor lost a very great fight with the Sultan. The Sultan having triumphed several nobles of the Emperor's army were translated into paganism among which was a certain Prothonotary of the Empire, a man of great knowledge, who was given as a guard to a certain pagan, who was also a great Philosopher in his country , and having been detained there a very long time, one day this pagan moved with compassion, calling the Protonotory, said to him: Would you like to return to your native country: may God please Your Servant had found favor before your eyes, to whom the Philosopher says, I pity you, do what I want.

He told him Monsignor I am ready to do whatever you want, to which the Philosopher said, when you will be back in your country, you will say these words to your great Lord, who is your earthly God, my Lord and Master to whom I belonged hail you Lord, and will declare to you his magisterium and his powers. Order that all sorts of metals be brought to you, which you will melt down and throw in the powder that I give you, and all will be converted into very real gold.

This done you will melt the crystal in the aforesaid way and throwing the powder inside it will change into ruby. Afterwards you will melt glass, and with the aforementioned powder it will become malleable.

Having seen and done all these things, you will say to him: This is the power and the majesty of my Lord.

After these things you will also tell him my magisterium that you will give a potion to the dirtiest lepers and that they go to bed. Who, being well covered, will sweat and immediately be healed, so that it will seem to them that they do not walk on the earth, but on the feathers of the wind.

Go therefore now in peace and fulfill my desire. He went away and with joy recognized the truth of the above things which he showed to the great Pontiff and Emperor, and thus the medicine of this Philosopher was approved before the great Pontiff and the Emperor then reigning, having the virtue of curing all the infirmities of men and to transmute to perfection the imperfect bodies of metals, and rough stones into precious stones and to make glass malleable. By thus the grace, the virtue and the operation of all powerful trinity and indivisible trinity, please prepare this medicine with all faithful which seeks it.
So be it.

Praise, glory, eternal thanksgiving be given to God the Father, and to his only son: and also to the Holy Spirit, our comforter reigning triune with God the Father forever and ever.


Quote of the Day

“all they who tinge with Sol and his Shadow, (viz.) with the Poison, that is Argentum vive, do perfectly complete our Stone, which we call the great and perfect Gumm.”

Bernard Trevisan

Treatise of the Philosophers Stone


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