The Compleat Chymist

The Compleat Chymist


written by Christopher Glaser

The Compleat Chymist, or, A new treatise of Chymistry teaching by a short and easy method all its most necessary preparations

written in French by Christopher Glaser, Apothecary in Ordinary to the French King and the Duke of Orleans.

And from the fourth Edition Revised and Augmented by the Author. Now faithfully Englished by a Fellow of the Royal Society.

Illustrated with Copper Plates.

Printed for John Starkey at the Miter in Fleet-street, neat Temple-Bar.

Quote of the Day

“Common Mercury, amalgamated with Lead, is counted the most proper Subject for making Projection, which being in Fusion, your fermented Matter being divided into three parts, one part of it rolled, in Wax, is to be flung upon the Amalgam: then presently cover the Crucible, and continue the Fire, until you hear the Noise of the Separation and Union: then the second and third part, as before, and being kept for two hours in a continual Fire of Fusion, let it cool by it self.”


Aphorismi Urbigerani


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