Written in Arabian Language by Ali Puli
and Translated into Portugall Language by H.L.V.A.H
and Into the German Language by D.F.O.H. 1682
and Into English by F.E.
Dr Helligius in his preface to the forementioned Treatise saith, that Ali Puli the Author hereof was an Asian Moor, who after he had left ye Mahumetan, and received the Christian Faith, wrote several small Treatises, of which this only came to his hand.
And that he himself through a friends (b)ounty to him, hath found out several ways, but chiefly one, wiz. With one part of the Regenerated Salt to six thousands parts of Lead, the firme out; working to the best Gold. Though he saith he never sought Riches by his work but only true understanding of the middle points, or Universal Spirit of all things.
Which alone may content a man, that is desirous of the Wisdom of Nature; Having this it opened many wonderful things to him, he found the Universal Spirit everywhere, but concentrated only in two places, in the Great and the Little World;
In the Air, and in Man, and in both in the most despicable Matter. The one yielded without Addition Animals, Vegetables and Metals after that there had been a suitable Motion given thereto; But out of the other, he could only produce Metals as yet, but never too great value, only sufficient to help the understanding of Nature.
But he testifyeth that Ali Puli in this little Treatise hath writt the Truth and that he himself hath (meyed) it with his own eyes & Hands.
Thou canst daily, yea, every moment see in Gods wonderful creation His Almighty Power, and great Wisdom, and mark well this incomprensible, and wonderful work of God, that out of base Metals, as Lead, Tin, Copper, Silver, and Quicksilver, a better, namely, Gold should be made.
And that out of one sort of Grass, Herbs, or Fruit, should be made Milk, Blood, Flesh, Bones, Horn, Fat, Skin, Hair, Salt, Oil, Sour, Sweet, Corruption, Phlegm, Water, Dung, Urine, Sand and Stone, in the Reines and Bladder, together with so many Liquors and Juices; And lastly, that out of the Seed of Man, or of Beast, without anything else, should a Man or Beast be made; yea the last is much more different than the first;
Because the Correction of the baser Metals into more noble, consist always in one sort of Nature and Essence; viz, that of the Metals; But the Bread or Grass, when it is only eaten, is changed into many sorts of things through the Salt of Nature in the Animals.
Here the Great Secret of Nature lyes hid, and he that understands this can without (hindrance) see into the very Center of Nature, and with Gods blessing use the same himself;
But while the (wereasing) of the people, and preparing the Bread, and the Green Grass in the Animals, is so common, and known unto all countrymen, little regard that, but seek to known somewhat new, although far mener.
Canst thou apprehend the Spirit which in Animals works upon all things that come into them, Through the motion of the Animals, what thou couldest not have performed therewith, if it were by Art set in the Metals as Agent.
Many ingenious inquisitive loves of Nature, coveting after new things, have indeed tryed to do this, but with unsuccessful event.
Therefore learn to understand first, which lyes before your Eyes, before you search into and strive to reach after strange things, that lye deep in the Earth.
Begin, therefore the new Creation through the Spirit in the Matter, and divide it into three parts, which three afterwards with their working together, should through the flowing out of one alone, be the beginning and all other things; yet that neither of the Three could subsist without the other two;
Also out of one only Chaos. Or waterish Slime, is fix, flowing and volatile, body, spirit, and soul; earth, water, and air.
The fixt body is too gross for the infused, splendid faculty of motion. The flowing Spirit too inconstant; and the Volatile Spirit too subtile; But when out of their union is born a fourth, a right seed of the Body, and Center of the Power, which properly is no water, because it is a Slime full of Earth, which can swim upon water, no Earth for it floweth and is wet; and no air, because it is wholly palpable and can be still, and yet Air, Water, and Earth together, are born out of all three;
So through the warmth of Motion, there springs thereout several sorts of Creatures, Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals which at last all go again out of their oneness into the Threeness, and become Air, Water and Earth; So it goes with nature in infinitum.
No Animal, Vegetable or Mineral can propagate and (merease) itself, when its seed neither is nor was a viscous water; All Animals increase themselves by Slime; that is also the manner in the seed of all Vegetables, that little gathering grows thereout firt in a Slime; The Metals and Minerals themselves grow out of Slime, and must again become Slime, should they without any addition in themselves receive in bettering by the Artist.
When an Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral dyes, vanishes away, or is radically shut up, it passes always into a slimy Earth, or slimy Water; Thence it is that the End doth very well agree with the beginning: As the Original of all is a Slimy Water, so by the universal Dissolvent every thing is resolved at last into a Slimy Water, which was its first principle.
Now in the Center of every particular Slimy Water, there lyes hid a Concentrated Center, which is called the Salt of Nature.
This is the light of the world, and in every thing where it dwells, it drives its Circumference on to Motion, and enlightneth and Upholdeth it in its Motion; But this Salt itself depends on the Divine Spirit of Nature, on the invisible breath of the Divine Word, feeds of the same Light and is therefore moved.
This Salt is the Spirit that ascends up into the Airy Heaven and descends down again, that binds and holds the Wind in its fists, and gathereth the Water in its garment. That Saline Spirit is the Middle thing whereupon the upper and lower hangs, and is abundntly fed by both, and richly imparts to every thing its share again;
Through it and by its Vertue is man conceived and born, through it, and by its Vertue do Vegetables and Minerals grow; Through it God doth what he pleaseth in the Firmament, in the Air, in the Earth, in the Sea, and in all Deeps, Through it He makes the clouds to arise from the End of the Earthl and makes the Lightning, together with the Rain; and fetcheth the wind from remote places;
And this is the Instrument whereby God lets himself be fearfully be heard in the Clouds; Therefore it distills from fat; and it is full of wonderful blessings; without it nothing can subsist;
It is everywhere, under, in the middle, and above; the Beggar is as well sustained thereby, as the King.
Out of this Salt, when it is regenerated by the Artist proceeds a royal and wonderfull thing, that can sweeten all sourness, and better all weakness, it gives Health and Richess, and is among Temporal things the richest Treasure, that Almighty God will bestow upon some of His servants in this Life;
It is a resemblance of the Resurrection and Immortality; In its nature and working, it gives unto us the understanding of many great and deep mysteries of the Creator;
I have seen therein, as in a glass the Image of the Creation; The Dividing the Chaos into several parts; The corporeal seed, or outflowing; The Three Principles; The Separation of the seed of the Body into several parts.
But this Salt, though ( as I said before ) is everywhere and in all things, according to the measure, number, and weight of each matter; yet never the less it cannot everywhere be easily got, neither is it fit for all, out of all things.
The learned say, when Gold is to be made, it must be done by Gold, as Golden matter, and the Imbettering any thing cannot spring out of any thing, but its like.
They hold also, that Animals, Vegetables, and the Virtue of the Air, are altogether unfit for the Exaltation of Metals; because they think that every one of the Three Kingdoms ( as they are called ) differ one from another in the very ground of Nature.
But that is false; They are blind leaders of the blind; For all things grow, and nourish themselves from their own Root; and the cause of so manifold differences, is only the different Matrices and Motions;
One sort of Virtue feeds the whole world, and formeth it into thick or thin, sweet or sour, hard or soft, Animal, Vegetable or Mineral.
Yet this I must likewise say, The Universal Spirit of Nature, or The Saline Spirit, although it depends upon the breath of the Divine Word, and was spoken unto all things, yet it produce nothing more new;
But it was only for the upholding and moving the things aforesaid, and work made through the especial breating Word of God, and acted by the Divine upholding Word.
The Doctor which make the aforenamed difference between Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals do manifestly contradict it in their daily practice; For they give to an Animal viz. To a sick man innumerable mineral and metal medicaments, whereby, when they are prepared without fire and corosives they are much better, the patient is cured sooner than by other medicines;
When he is now cured, it is nothing else but the correction of aerid (acrid), acid or degenerate Spirits, but no degenerated Essence can be corrected, unless the corrigent do radically enter with its best Essence in the thing that is to be corrected and unite itself inseparably therewith;
And so without contradiction it follows; That the Essence of Minerals and Metals may be united to the Essence of Animals; And can they be united, so must they in the ground of Nature be one, and the difference is only accidental.
The Crabs Eyes, Conelilia, Thells of Shellfish, Bete (Pete), better sweeten the Spirit and vomitive Salt of Vitriol and much sooner than Lime, or any other Mineral thing.
No aqua fortis can cut asunder Gold, when good Salt of Urine, or Sal Armoniack is not added thereto. East Indians make Gold plyable and of high color, with cow-dung; and bring Copper to the highest abiding Gold – color with the fat of an Animal.
With common thin Dung of children, or grown mens dung with gentle motion, into the silver, that is separated from the Gold, may be brought several grains of Gold.
Beaten wheat, when it is only laid stratum super stratum with thin plates of silver in a cementing crucible well stopt and burnt red hot in a fire; Then in Aqua Fortis it will yield Gold out of the silver.
New unsalted Butter with a small artifice and instrument doth deprive the Red Coral of its Tincture. The invincible Talk lets itself be dissolved and brought into Oil by nothing that is known to be so much as by Vegetables and especially by Animals.
The Oils and Volatile Salts of Herbs draw the Tincture out of Brimstone; And how powerful by the Spirit, Salt, and Oil of the Vine doth radically work in all Minerals, and Metals, and opens them, is abundantly known.
Without Wine and Man it is impossible to make a perfect and True Tincture of Gold.
How Grass, Herbs or Bread, which feeds sustains and repairs the Animals and in them are changed into many sorts of things, I have told you before.
All countrymen know that the Vegetables feed upon the dung and urine of Animals, and are thereby fatned and bettered.
Man hath in himself alone the strenght and virtue of Vegetables, and Minerals, so manifestly, that oftentimes he must with smart make it known;
Are not the great Stones and sand that are gathered together in the kidneys and bladder, Minerals ? Of what do they grow, but from Vegetable and Animal Juices, that men use for food ?
Hath not Gold grown out between the teeth of a dead man Skull ?
I myself through Gods Grace, know how to get a matter out of Animals, out of which, being prepared after a special manner, do proceed Animals, after another manner Vegetables; And again being prepared otherwise, Minerals or Metals, as Quicksilver, Copper, Vitriol, Chrystal, Saturine Glass, Lead, Mineral-mud etc, proceed out thereof, and all these without the least addition of any other thing, only out of itself.
But I go too farl whoever will know more of this, must simply and singly seek more in Nature. My purpose was only in short words to show you that Animals, Vegetables and Minerals, are essentially one and the same, and are only accidentally distinguished by reason of greater or lesser perfection;
And also that the Salt of Nature is found everywhere, and in all things, in due measure, number, and weight, according to the nature of each particular matter;
But it is not easy to get this Salt out of every thing, nor out of all things to all; Especially, to them, to whom the Masterpiece of the Wise ( as it is called ) is powerfull enough.
Therefore it is necessary to choose the best Salt out of whole Nature. If men would not work in vain. But would attain to the wished for Soul.
[ In the Salt of Nature they make three parts, which they call, the Body, Spirit, and Soul. The Body out of the Earthy part, the Spirit out of the Watery part, the Soul out of the Airy part, this he here alludes into. ]
But this is labor and Pains indeed, it proves very different to find that Universal Center, the strenght of all, seeing it is sought of many, but laid hold on by few.
For such an Universal Center, of Water, Earth and Air, ( to speak clearly and plainly ) is man, whom God created on the Sixt day, as on onlh Center of Light, who as their King should rule and reign universally over the Creatures;
And this Spiritual Center God makes bodily, over the (olderly, orderly) cause of Nature, by a Creation like to His Image for His Honor, that Man for whose sake all things were created in the first five days, should be a Lord over all Eartly things, and God a Lord over him.
He placed man also in the middle between the uppermost and undermost, He gave him Earth and Water under his feed, and breathed into him Breath through his Nostrals as the breating out two liives. This Mystery in Hebrew is marked with The Breath or Air of the Eternal Word, which is the Soul, and the Temporal Air of Life, which is the Spirit;
And these two inspired virtues of life do form in Man, yea in every one his own Ccenter, which is a Will that always desires the thing from which it ariseth.
Out of which two, Will and Desire, spring the Spirit; They suck Life from God, and the Air of the World.
The Body out of its own Nature desires to Eat and Drink of his Mother Nature and Earth; Thence he hath Spirit and Body below and Soul from above; so he lives as it were, a three-fold life, or hath a three-fold Priniple, etc...
His Spirit or Body must be maintained by Nature, The Natural man lives now out of Air, Water, and Earth two ways viz. From Above, and from Beneath.
From Above, by attracting Breath; He uses for his food the Spirit or Breath of the World, or the Air, of the Air;
And from Beneath their flesh ( Animals, Vegetables, Minerals ) And their blood ( Water ).
The Worlds Spirit or Breat doth with its Salt quicken and feed, not only mans Spirit itself, but out of it, or besides that, is also the Firmament, and the Dissolving Virtue of the Stomach, and the other parts of the Body, whereby all the Flesh and Blood of the greater World are easily dissolved, and their Salt is separated thereout, for the preparation of the Flesh and Blood in the Little World, whereby that can be sucked unto ( or into by ) the hungry parts; But the Feed or Excrements go away again through the Head, Pores of the Body etc.....
Knowest thou now, my friend, how to draw out of the under part of ye world, its Center, the Salt of Nature, or out of the upper part its Hearts Center, or Salt of Nature; Or knowest thow how to find the Central and Astral Salt of Nature united together, and that in great abundance is one thing, viz. In Man, so indeed is the Wisdom of Nature in thee, and thow canst with this Light see through and over whole Nature.
Does thow once know the little world well, nothing in the great world should hereafter remain unknown to thee. Therefore did the old Aegyptian Phisitian always call and write. KNOW THYSELF, and the Grecian Schools, through mistake understood this morally and therefore nailed it over their church doors.
O seeker of Natural Wisdom, findest thow nothing of these things ( which thow seekest ) in thyself; much less wilt thou find it out of thyself; Understandest thow not yet the nobleness and power in thine own dwelling ?
Why dost thou then trouble thyself to (encrease) after otehr things ?
In Man ( that is named according to Gods name ) lyes more and royaller things than in the whole Greater World; And when anyone desires to be master in the Knowledge of Nature, there is truly no where better matter to be found for his Masterpiece, than in himself.
Therefore I will here follow the Aegyptians and out of a true heart with grounded experiment call to my loving Neighbour, O Man know Thyself; In thee lyes the treasure of All Treasures; Thou enjoyest in the Air the breath of the Firmament which that wonderful Star sucks out of the light of this Upper Water and hath drawn it out in the Middle Air where it lets itself be thickned with the Air through the Motion;
Thou O Man through the Air enjoyest the breath of the Earth and Water both united into one, and unwitting by (bigettest) one thing out of all these wonderfull virtues, which by us who are experienced and knowing, is called the Great Wonder of the World
It is a true water – fire, and Fire – water, yea more than all Fire, Air, Earth and Water, For it dissolves and radically reduceth mature and exceedingly fixt gold into its first crudity, and reduceth it into a black fat Earth, Thick Slime, Salt and Water, without Fire, force or Aerdity, which no other thing in the world can effect, nothing is shut up, from it; And though it is clear by the most costly thing in the world, yet can the King have no more than the Beggar.
This have the Wise sought and found hereof hath Hermes set out his Twenty Eight Books which yet lye preserved unfalsefied by the Wise in the other part of the world.
And have been seen by myself; This you have also sought, my friend, in all sorts of things, but have perhaps not as yet known its (Spelunca) neither know how it will look when you see it.
It is ( I will clearly speak ) a Spiritual Water, a Watery Spirit, and a water of Temporal life, which Adam and Eve had and let it came to aftertimes by their children;
O Noble, O Sweet Water! O Despicable ! O Dark! O Bitter Water ! Which strengthens us until Death.
O Child of Man, do once thine Eyes open, Love God, and thy Neighbour hartely, be submissive and meek, so will the Lord favour thee, and enlighten the darkness of thy Mind.
I have herein truly shewed thee the way; And will yet add this over and above.
The World wherein the highest and next Matter of the Wise for the finding out their Masterpiece is Man. The (Spelunca), The Cave Therein, that tenth hole or hollow, and that Brass, that best and worst, that costlyest and Sleightest, Water, Air, and Earth together, and yet none of these alone, but a Son and Seed of these three, most Pure Body, Soul and Spirit is born in Man for his good and need, and is called Sessa (Tessa/Lessa).
Canst thou find it ( through Gods Grace, and thine Diligence ) Then separate the Clean from the Unclean, and make without Fire or Addition of any other thing.
The Virgin Earth, without Taste, Smell, or Colour. Get hereout and separate the Ccentral Salt, the Vitriol of the Little World, the Philosophical Venus; and the Astral Salt, the Mercury of the Little World, the Philosophers Luna, Purify them and beget thereout a Sonne that is better than his parents.
So shall you see why Quick-silver is so wonderfully marked by the Aegyptians viz. Under with the mark of Copper and above with the mark of Silver.
The Astral or upper Salt is very volatile, sweet, and shines as fine Silver, and it is also no other than the Silver of the Wise, and a Saline Mercurial Spirit.
The Central Salt is a Vitriol of wonderful and unspeakable virtue, which can coagulate the Quicksilver, and make it into fine Silver; But Venus lyes in a Saturnine Leaden coloured garment, which must be taken of it, when Man will see its Beauty.
Out of both these two Salts of Nature are all the Metals generated and it goes in the Great World as in the Little World;
Here have you Metals in your Body ( Mineral work in your Body ) and canst make hereof Gold, Silver, Quicksilver, Copper, Lead etc. Without addition.
Out of these with suitable fire I have seen the Medicine of Sick Animals, Vegetables and Metals prepared; concerning which there are so many hundred Books in print. With a little of this Regenerated Salt of Nature, I have made many of the superior Metals into Gold and Silver.
The Salt of Nature out of my Matter, when it is Regenerated by the Artist, performs as much as the Old Wonder and Masterpiece hath at any time done.
He that hath knowledge of Gods Wisdom in Nature will examine himself by the excitement of my small writings; so he will keep himself from all charges and greater trouble;
If he find the Tenth Hole or Hollow; so will Nature sand by him ( of heerself, without saying a hand thereon ) that he obtain posession of the wonderful Earth;
Let him only look well to it and heed will the work of Nature, for it is mean, light ( easy and without charges. )
Some understand the Mercury of the Philosophers is the very Regenerated Salt of Nature, or Philosophers Stone, which is not so; I go no farther than the Philosophers Mercury, because this little book I intend shall serve for thouse that seek Wisdom, not for thouse that seek money. Therefore, learn, first the Wisdom for your Soul, when you find that, it will after go well with you, and your hope will not be in vain.
If you find Mans Natural Center, so will the true operation follow according to your desire.
Therefore follow my own experience. If you have not a mind to (Hear/Err) with the great multitude,
If you please, read other Authors, and see how dark they are. None hath at any time so open by brought to day light the clearness of Mans wonderfull Matter;
But will any one write what is better; Well we would gladly see it, and will receive with great thankfullness the further opening of the Wisdom of Nature.
And will the Doctors, learned Naturalists, and Experienced Chemist deride me, because I have named Man, The World, The Tenth Hole or Hollow, The Venus Mine, My Tessa or Matter, Salt of Nature, and the Masterpiece ( unproperly called the Stone of the Wise ) The Regenerated Salt of Nature, I shall not at all regard it, for I have received the truth from God, and do with good will impart it; and care not at all for the Curse of the Philosophers, for I have not learned out of their Books.
God gives the Wise their Wisdom, and the understanding, their understanding; he reveals that which lyes deep and hid, He knowns that which lyes in Darkness, because pure Light is with Him.
I thank Thee, and Praise Thee, O God, my Father, that Thou hast lent and revealed unto me Wisdom and Strength, for which I have prayed unto Thee. O Lord enlighten also the Eyes of thy other Children, that they may see and praise Thee to the One Threefold revealing God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, from Whom alone proceeds Light, Truth, and Wisdom, be given Praise, Honor, and Thanks, now and for Ever.
O think upon me, My God, always, for good, help me Thy Servant, out of thy Grace, for Jesus Christ his sake,
Quote of the Day
“Our dissolving water therefore carries with it a great tincture, and a great melting or dissolving; because that when it feels the vulgar fire, if there be in it the pure and fine bodies of sol or luna, it immediately melts them, and converts them into its white substance such as itself is, and gives to the body color, weight, and tincture. In it also is a power of liquefying or melting all things that can be melted or dissolved; it is a water ponderous, viscous, precious, and worthy to be esteemed, resolving all crude bodies into their prima materia, or first matter, viz. earth and a viscous powder; that is into sulphur, and argentum vivum. If therefore you put into this water, leaves, filings, or calx of any metal, and set it in a gentle heat for a time, the whole will be dissolved, and converted into a viscous water, or white oil as aforesaid. Thus it mollifies the body, and prepares for liquefaction; yea, it makes all things fusible, viz. stones and metals, and after gives them spirit and life. And it dissolves all things with an admirable solution, transmuting the perfect body into a fusible medicine, melting, or liquefying, moreover fixing, and augmenting the weight and color.”
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