Manuscript 14765 from the 18th century
of the
national library
of the Chevalier Molinier
In the name of God be done Amen.
The first step in Wisdom is the fear of God.
I Nicolas Flamel Writer of Paris this year of 1414 of the reign of our prince benoiste Charles VI whom God wants to bless and after the death of my faithful companion Perrenelle, it takes my fancy and jubilation by recording me from her, to write in grace from you, dear nephew, all the mastery of the secret of the Powder of Projection or Philosophical Tincture that God took to want to distribute to his puny servant, whom I spotted as spotted by working as I will tell you. Follow therefore by right engine and understanding the sermons of the Philosophers writing from the secret, but do not take their sayings as they say because they would not benefit you, less want to be heard according to Nature. That is why do not forget to pray to God, that you have an understanding of reason, of truth and of nature, that you will see in this book, where the secret is written word for word and sheet by sheet, and so as I I did and worked with your dear aunt Perrenelle whom I greatly regret. So I put the mastery in this book so that you don't forget your soul from above, although God grants you and helps you. It is so that you record in remembrance of him singing and chanting his praises and could not be more suitable to place such a beautiful fact if not among very high songs; I therefore wrote this said book with my own hand and which I had intended for the Saint-Jacques church being of the said parish after I had recovered the said book from the Jew Abraham, did not take it that I wanted to sell it for money and I kept it for him. moult with cure to write him said secret of alchemy in letters and characters of my imagination of which yawns the key. So take care to keep it secret and don't forget to keep yourself secret and to remember me when I will be in the shroud in memory of you having made such a document, it is to know so that you will become a grand master. in philosophical alchemy because such is my pleasure, my soulful desire and my fantasy to give you the said secret. So do as I have done and still let it be known that I am advanced in decrepit age it is to know all in the honor of God of the Church in the aid of the poor needy widows and orphans as have at this hour that I have founded pensions and hospitals and adorned twenty-two houses of God in piety and fidelity. So listen to your documents and put to the bottom of your heart and do not be diverted from the straight path of truth. So give thanks to the very good God who made you through me imbue such mastery and do not forget that you are giving you a clear word-for-word sermon for all that Perrenelle and I have worked on and that we have sought so much by many more than twenty -three years of pain, concern and labor and which we have finally spotted mastery on many occasions as we have shown you and which we have promised to give you before my death for the memory of the two of us and when you are close to dying have this book put in your ashes: it is so that the world does not damage it and of which you and I would be wedded for what all worldly order would be for nothing and would believe all worldly to be master and would be all lost. So that love of you does not harm me towards God. So keep secret such mastery pray and invoke the Holy Spirit illuminating our intentions and our spirit and impetrate our intentions and our spirit by such way the device to work in the mastery of alchemy by way of Nature.
So I'm going to start your document with a clear and full sermon in order to (not) confuse your understanding before saying a word on the practice of working, I wanted to lead you by theory to know what alchemy is namely science changing metallic bodies into perfection of gold and silver producing health in human bodies and quickly changing stone and pebble into sincere and precious fine. So is this knowledge and has no other like it and by this is constituted an art which has no equal to itself, namely to the Philosopher by which is made a universal medicinal body changing Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Moon and Mercury in pure clear gold shining clean and colorful as well as the mineral and still better than any other metallic gold and includes in itself virtue and strength to heal all ailments and to advance all plants before their term and to change all stones into diamonds and ruby: such art and mastery is therefore made in a machine of Nature, secret regime of appropriate fire and industry of the operator: and everything according to natural reason of understanding and little by little is finished provided that you do not get bored of cooking in non-anxious patience, therefore, for the impetuous work of philosophy which is over the whole course of Nature, you must, like a man of understanding, have two principal intentions. The bonus is right understanding and having the intelligence of the things that I will say to you. Because I had well before working and imbibing the right way as a man of understanding the reason of nature in Mercury, Sun and Saturnia as I said in my book or are engraved the figures that you will see in the arches of the mass graves. Ains I have remained short by many more than twenty-three and a half years in plowing without being able to marry the moon which is quicksilver to Gold and to draw from it the manure of Gold and the seminal Silver which is deadly venom for what the agent or medium did not know in order to fortify the Mercury because without it, the medium is like vulgal water and that cannot fuse Moon or Gold or even, thus water becomes sharpened everything thus fixes this Mercury to acuity what after a force of plowing and opening and what finally moult finally I depicted in the fourth and fifth leaves of my book of Abraham.
It is for this reason that the second intention is to know how this mercury must be fortified by a metallic agent, otherwise one cannot go to the center of Gold and Silver which are hard, which cannot be worked fors. by the sulphurous spirit of gold and silver. So profession is that after first of all iceux with metallic agent it is namely lead poisoning and afterwards Mercury by philosophical device so that after icelui fuses in liquor Gold or Silver, pulls the gignative manure of the rot of them and know that there is no other way to master this art, except the one that yawns to you word for word, which job is not easy to do, and very thorny to spot if n is taught as you say, because Gold and Silver are very hard bodies and cannot open fully, strong by mercurial spirits sharpened by philosophical ways and processes, and everything else is wrong and induced to fail and deceive as I have worked to my great regret for a long time, and without thisprocedure Mercury remains cold, dropsical and earthly, and I am not very satisfied in this stance to deepen the viscera of the two perfect bodies Gold and Moon and if Mercury is not first of all heated with sulphurous metallic fire, its fresh water out of its body and its black fecal earth rejected, it is always vulgar mercury. Then is in this state entering the belly of ice, and ice in his take astral life, growth and vegetation and are then alive as were in the rocks of the mines and thus is made marriage of the sun, moon and mercury not vulgal philosophers and not otherwise; but how can mercury be so accused? Notice first of all that no other water, apart from Mercury, does not treat Sulfur from the belly of metals, especially since apart from it at the beginning, medium and at the end, no one can work or do anything that is good because it is the attractive virtue made active which does everything, and grows fat on Sulphur, just as Sulfur lives on it; what you see in the mines, water of dry sulphurous steam and moist mercurial vapor are made of all metals, because both love each other and seek nature suitable to itself, it is to know that nature pursues nature and never otherwise is not made a machine of nature, and even of art because one loves his companion thus as a female male trait to himself rejoicing when and when, what many deduce see clearly and engraved in the image of the fourth figure where I noticed the young mercury with the caduceus and the hideous serpents around the golden rod that he held in his hand: for without this, I would never have known the hermetic mercury which we compose by industrious engine philosophical Sulfur and Mercury metallic in prime preparation.
Advise, then, to hear my sayings honestly and sincerely written to you, dear and beloved nephew, so that I do not fail and that God prays for the salvation of my soul, and that uses it in the way and equity of our good God who prays. from now on give you health of body, of understanding, the intention and will judicial and honest righteousness of heart. Have firm belief that the whole industrial machine lies in the preparation of the philosopher's mercury, especially since in it is all that we seek and that we have (queried) the ancient sages and that we have less than them of nothing worked without him to prepare with the Gold and the Silver because fors him nothing is in all the mundane orbit which can make the said philosophical and medicinal tincture.
Now tell what mineral is a thief who eats everything but gold and the moon, what makes him a thief very good, because when he has them in his belly, then he is good at preparing quicksilver as I will tell you in time.
So do not stray from the right path and refer to my other words. In after work has the practice that will yawn in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Adorable Trinity Amen.
You will advise first of all to take the eldest of the prime child son of Saturn who is n'mie le vulgal 9 parts, of the chalybé saber of the warrior god 4 parts. Make them blush in a crucible, when the 9 of Saturn will be melting, throw the 9 of Saturn that I told you, into it, when this one will suddenly eat the other: cleanse the faecal refuse coming up from Saturnia with saltpeter and tartar four or five times will be good when you see an astral sign on it regulates it in star mode.
So from gold is made the key and cutlass which opens and incises all metal, even especially Gold, Silver and Mercury, all of which eats and devours and keeps in its belly, and has by it a straight machine, path of truth appears, if you have worked as well as is profession,
because it is the saturnal machine the triumphant regal grass for what it is the Money and imperfect little king that we promote to the degree of moult of glory and honor and is even the queen it is to know the moon and closes from the sun.
So is male and female and our hermaphrodite which is mercury and is this work in image in the seventh sheet and premium of the Jew Abraham which is namely two snakes around a golden rod, as you will see in it book that I made myself to my fancy as best as I could imagine it for you for clairvoyance and philosophical document.
Advise therefore to besogner good provision and ammunition because it is a job to have many, that is to say 12 or 13 pounds or even more depending on whether you want to work in many operations.
So you will marry the young Mercury, it is to know quicksilver with him who is saturnial philosopher's mercury, so that by him you can avoid
and fortify the said quicksilver current by 7 or even 10 to 11, times with the aforesaid agent who is named key or saber of sharpened steel, so that it cuts incises and penetrates the body of metals, and when done you will have such mastery, then you will have the double and triple water painted in the image of the rosebush of the book of Jewish Abraham which comes out of the foot of an oak tree, that is to say from our saturnia which is the equal key, and here goes to rush into the abyss as the aforesaid Jew says, that is to say in our receptory that is arranged at the neck of the retort where the aforesaid Mercury will throw himself doubles by art and engine of a proportionate and suitable fire.
But here is found thorn anxious with or even impossible to work if God does not reveal the aforesaid secret or that master does not yawn it, because mercury does not marry mie with Saturnie regales without a thing which is hidden in machine right to examine like itself does and plows, because if you don't know the machine as said courage and peace with the above-mentioned quicksilver, you will find nothing worthwhile. So dear and beloved nephew, I don't want to hide anything from you so as to tell you everything without keeping anything and show you how you must advise rightly to the point and to the point that is profession in this philosophical mastery, so tell yourself that without sun or the said work will not be profitable to you. You will then make him eat our old man or voracious wolf gold or silver by weight and measure as you say. Give full ear to my words so that I don't err and fail as I did in this task. How is it then that we have to yawn to eat gold to our old dragon? Advise right gear in natural reason, because if give a little gold to the Saturnia fuse, it is very apparent, but quicksilver will not come to life here is an incongruous thing which is not profitable, and I have plowed greatly in sadness before finding right gear has this fact. So if there is plenty of gold for him to devour, he will not be so ready and ready, but will then take quicksilver from him and will both be married in paste. Do as you have seen me do.
Note that you have to work in everything according to weight that you say because without that you will not plow for your benefit but to your detriment, record of this, here is the machine found. So seal the said secret because it is everything and never write it on paper or anything else that can be seen written because we would be the cause of the damage of worldly universality. But I yawn it to you under the sigil of the secret of the conscience in love that I have towards you. Advise to take X parts of gold, namely clean end and purged 9, 10 to 11 times by the voracious wolf alone, then after 11 parts of Saturnia regale, fuse them in a crucible; so it fuses, then throw in X of fine gold, fuse the two and stir with a flaming coal, so your Gold will appear a little bit; throw him into a marble, pounded into powder with 12 quicksilver.
Make it take like butter or cheese by pounding and shaking here and there when and when the other and washing with clear water until the water comes out clear, and the mass seems clear and white (thus will you do sur lune fuse) then is made a conjunction of it with the solar regalia saturnia. When is therefore now as well as butter, you will take the trap that you will gently dry with a canvas or fine cloth with plenty of equipment. Here is our lead and our mass of Gold and Moon not vulgal thus philosophers,
then put it in a good retort of earth in a crucible, much better steel, then in a furnace, and give fire going little by little. Arrange a receptacle at the retort as is a trade two hours, and after vigor your fire as long as the mercury stays in the above-mentioned receptacle, and this is mercury the water of the flowering rosebush,
even the blood of the innocents slain in the book of the Jew Abraham, being therefore icelle eau d'Or e de Argent philosopher. So believe that Mercury has eaten a small part of the King's body and that he will have much more strength to dissolve the other after he will be much more covered with the body of Saturnia.
So you ascend the ladder of art one degree or rung. There take the faeces of the retort, fuse them in a crucible on high fire and bring out all the Saturnian smoke and when the molten Gold is clean, infuse it like the prime times two of Saturnia. So the sun IX is infused in said faeces much more apparent than the first time. And as Mercury is already more sour than it was before, it will have hidden much more of its strength and vigor to scrutinize it and, so to speak, eat it again and fill its belly little by little with it. So advise dear nephew the degrees of the machine of Nature and Reason, in order to climb by steps to the highest part of Philosophy which is on the whole course of Nature and which you would never have found if you did not give yourself this mastery. So bless the Lord for what I gave to want towards you, because without this would have worked nothingness as some do with damage of moult pecune, infinite pains and labors, anxious vigils and detrimental cures. So do the same as the prime times, mix with the mercury released above-said and strong in degree by grinding and pounding so that all darkness comes out, dry as you said. Put everything in the above-mentioned retort and do not do anything less as you have just plowed for two hours on a small and suitable fire, afterwards strong and good to push and bring the mercury to the receptacle, and you will still have the mercury moult more accused, and I will have climbed to the second degree of the philosopher's ladder. Do and work again as you have just worked by throwing Saturnian son in suitable weight, that is to say little by little and working with the machine neither more nor less as you worked at the beginning, as long as you are at the tenth degree of the ladder, and then you rest and are already at the said igneous mercury acuteness, fully pregnant, big with male sulfur and vigor of astral salt that is in the deepest caverns and viscera of gold and of our Saturnian dragon, and hold in belief that you are writing something which no philosopher has ever said or written.
This is the marvelous caduceus of which all the sages preach in their books, and affirm that it has the power to do the philosophical work alone, and to tell them is true as I advised Mercury to work by it alone and so that you will be able to master if such is your fancy because it and no other is the close nature and the root of all metal, advise that you have this mercury and no other liquor as some fools and fools believe who only advise These metals are made of this liquor that the aforesaid mercury reduces fused into liquor the Gold and the moon in order to work naturally and simply with the philosopher's tincture or powder turning all metals into the sun and the moon that some believe they have mastery in jubilation when have this own celestial mercury, but greatly fail for this, barely finding before collecting the rose for lack of understanding. It is quite true that if they understood the weights and the regime of the fire in the right engine, they would not have much to work with and could still fail only if they wanted to, but in this art it is a mode of working in this way. Learn and therefore advise to plow as you say.
Therefore, in the name of God, take 2 or 4 parts of your animated mercury, which you will want at your desire,
of this you will put in an obtuse vial alone or with two of solar saturnia, one of which is gold and two of saturnia, all finely combined. skillfully as butter, washes, cleans and dries. Put on top of good candied wax, that is to say sapience lut; put this confection to know as well as the hen broods her eggs. Let the said mercury thus appropriated go downstream by no days, that is to say in 40 or 50 days as long as you advise to generate in the vial a white or red sulfur of philosopher's sublimate, which comes out of the rays of the said mercury. a feather, and this is the living gold and silver that Mercury begets out of itself.
So take white or red sulfur from it, grind it in a glass or marble mortar, sprinkling it with a third part of its weight of the mercury from which it was taken by sublimation, which sulfur came out of the rotting of the said mercury. Make both of them a paste as well as butter, put this mixture back in an obtuse flask on a stove with a suitable fire of ashes, soft and appropriate with a philosopher's device, cook as long as the said mercury is turned and turned into sulphur, and during this coction you will advise in your ship amazing things it is to know all the colors which are in the world what you will not be able to advise without raising your heart to God in grace of such a high gift.
So when you are purple red, you will pick it, for then the alchemical powder is made, turning all metal into pure and clean fine gold, which you will be able to multiply by watering, as you have done by grinding with new mercury, cooking in the same vessel, even stove, same fire, and will be much shorter and its strength is ten times stronger. Here is the full mastery of mercury alone that some believe not true for those who are imbeciles and deaf, and who are not yet learned; to generate such a task.
If you wish to work in another way, take fine gold three parts in fine powder or in very fine sheets, make of it as well as paste with 7 parts of your philosopher's mercury which is our moon; put ice in an oval flask, in the stove, the very obtuse vessel and set to a very strong fire, that is to say how to hold lead fire without sitting down and coagulating because when the right engine of fire regime is found, and your mercury, which is the philosopher's wind, rises and falls below on the body of gold that eats little by little and carries in its belly.
Cook as long as gold and mercury no longer rise and fall and both remain silent and there will be peace and harmony between the two dragons who are fire and water together. Then you will have in your vessel black face as well as melted pitch which is mark of death. And rotting gold and the key to all mastery.
So let them resuscitate and regenerate by cooking 40 days, and don't get bored; then various mutations will take place, namely black, ash, green, white, orange, and in a finished term, a red like blood or crimson poppy. Don't care about the last one, because from here the real sulfur is finished, and you have the alchemy powder, I won't tell you exactly the term, because it lasts there according to the machine of the worker, but will not be able to fail by toiling what I give you.
Advise therefore that if you wish to multiply the powder. Take one part of it, and sprinkle it with two parts of your animated mercury, cook as you did in phials after having made soft and sweet paste of it, same stove, same fire, and then in less time the second turn of the philosopher's wheel will be made, then the powder is invigorated ten times stronger than was the first birth of it. Rotate it again, or even as long as you want, and then the priceless treasure will be completed, which is the best for the whole world, which cannot be desired here below. Because you have health and wealth if you use it as you do. So have the treasure of all the worldly bliss that I poor rural native of Pontoise have made and mastered three times in my house rue des Ecrivains very close to the chapel of St Jacques-de-la-Boucherie and that I Nicolas Flamel yawns to you for the love that I have towards you in honor of God for his Glory and praise of the Father Son and Holy Spirit and sacred Trinity that I pray from now on to illuminate you and want to lead you in the path of truth and light as well as in the way of salvation. So be it.
You will already know the right way to work, that is, to make the philosopher's dough rise and work hard to increase it with appropriate and philosophical leaven. So you will take three parts of powdered fine gold, six parts of animated mercury with one and a half parts of red sulphur. Combine these ingredients and ice them, grinding everything in a glass mortar as well as butter or cheese, put this confection in a condamphore or flask extinguished over a heat of hen heat. And then don't be bored, and then you'll see the marvelous thing of what human understanding remains silent and can't argue with me, so beautiful is the work of nature and from it the mutations that are seen in all colors that dazzle with their lively apparatus and obliterate the workman's eyes so hard that nothing in this world is buried that does such a thing, so at congruous temples you will notice your vessel that will have blood-colored bright red powder as well as purple. Then the art of philosophical alchemy is complete, even the great, even unbelievable miracle. Don't you dare say that you have this worldly treasure, and know that it cures all illnesses, even any infirmity that no doctor except the philosopher can cure. Thus moults all metal being fused into a crucible by injunction of it itself knew boiling mercury in fine pure and clean and colored gold to all judgment of men, of fire, even of lead and voracious wolf who is a thief carried away by all strengths. it, but even better, molts pebbles into fine rubies and mining or rock crystal.
Then do another thing, namely, that if you wish to have flowers and fruits in the cold of winter, dissolve 6 grains of the said red powder on leaving the vessel in 10 pints of lukewarm dew water and in water such large tree or flower as you want by entering them in your house, or covering them with straw or hay and you will see in a short time a sudden and marvelous vegetation and growth which will amaze you.
Jà in order to warn you as it is necessary to use icelle medicine for your health of the body and memory, have cure at the exit of the vial it is to know when icelle is purpurin, to put some fuse, it is to know dissolve, in white wine or eau-de-vie, no grains, as long as the wine is tinted, only golden, because it is the right mark, when do not be afraid to give the patient 12 or 15 drops of it in wine, broth or other liquor, and will then be cured miraculously. But never blame yourself for having done it, for men are wicked and envious when they cannot do what others do. So in order for you to be in daily health, take 9 drops of this golden fuse, at four times of the year, namely March 22, June 22, September 22 and December 22, in such liquor whatever you want, and by using as you say, you will never have infirmities and will enjoy a happy life, full of health and wealth, even will be master of all Nature, because you will have more than princes and kings of precious stones, of gold and silver.
In this mode. Fuse 10 ounces of fine gold in a crucible, inject into the fused gold an ounce of red powder, leave it on fire very high for two hours, then pull the crucible, let it cool, break it, and see at the bottom a red glass which is granted gold and sincere and royal powder,
turning all metals into pure gold better than that which is found in mines. So you have the power to make many fortunes which kings cannot do without asking others. Advise then, dear nephew, to do as I did, namely to relieve the poor our brothers in God, to decorate the temples of our Redeemer, to release from the prisons many captives held for money, and good and loyal use that you will make of them. will lead you to the path of glory and eternal salvation in the abode of God, which I, Nicolas Flamel wish you in the name of the Eternal Father, Redeemer Son and Illuminating Holy Spirit, Holy Sacred and Adorable Trinity Amen.
Note to crush red glass and to put in a vial in a closed box and when you want to make good gold of lead, tin, brass, silver and mercury, let them fuse in a crucible and purge them there for the moon and the mercury that is so much only smoking , then inject on 30 or 40 pounds of this mercury or other that I have said, 5 or 6 grains of powder multiplied and wrapped in wax, and suddenly amazed to find them turned into gold, the faeces taken out apart from the aforesaid metals, you will pass them to the ashes, and if were too red and creasable in powder, fuse silver and throw the molted mass above red, or if you wish, marry with mercury and pass everything to the ashes, and Saturn , jupiter, mars, sun, mercury, moon will be colorful soft end as is craft. Remember to give thanks to God.
This is all the mastery without missing a word that my so dear and beloved nephew of my so dear wife Perrenelle yawns to you, to God be blessed Amen.
Note that the prime imbibition of this red powder one part molts one hundred parts. One of the second thousand parts, of the third ten thousand, of the fourth hundred thousand and always stronger and stronger, something that I will not be able to understand if you do not notice it with your eyes.
So if you take it upon yourself to make a lot of gold, dear nephew, which you shouldn't, however, for what harmful incongruity may happen to it, put a hundred thousand ounces of quicksilver in a large iron cauldron over a strong fire, and when will be hot that will smoke, I have an ounce of crimson powder from the fourth imbibition, including it in wax as a pellet, throw it on the said quick smoking silver and it will be stopped suddenly: Vigorates the fire and then will be moved, part in mass and part in yellow gold powder that will fuse in a crucible and will make a mass or ingot and will have mercury from all of it at approximately 99,710 ounces of pure gold at the last end point. Which you will use as you see fit. Here you are, dear nephew, much richer than all the kings, because you have more than them, and which never can have in any worldly kingdom, but only make gold little by little, it is to know in prudence without saying a word. and don't trust others. So what have you yawned about is the treasure of all the treasures of this world that I possessed and made with my own hands with my so dear and beloved companion Perrenelle. So use this treasure... so that you may live without cure, rich in this world and have a palm of glory in the Kingdom of God that I wish you Amen.
Quote of the Day
“If you desire to operate, you must necessarily begin your Work in the solution or sublimation of the two Luminaries;”
Tomb of Semiramis
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