The stone of the philosophers emerging from the earth is raised or perfected in the fire. Drunk from the beverage of very clear water, at least in twelve hours, visibly swells everywhere. After putting in an oven of moderately hot & dry air, & purified of strange vapor, acquires solidity in its parts: & exhausted of superfluous humor, becomes suitable to break. This done, from its purest parts is squeezed out the virginal milk: which immediately put into the egg of the philosophers, is so long heated, by continual & own heat, as to hatch & brood chicks, that being devoid of the variety of her colours, rejoices with her like in whiteness of snow: & henceforth without danger resists the forces of increasing fire, till being dyed a color of crimson, she comes forth from the monument with regal power.
Quote of the Day
“About Quick-Silver Merucy - Fools who deform its kind from its Metallick disposition or dissolution, and by dissolving its radical moisture, corrupt it, and disproportion Quick-silver from its first Mineral quality, which needs nothing but purity and simple de∣coction. For example, they who defile it with Salts, Vitriols, and aluminous things, destroy it, and change it into some other thing, than is the nature of Quick-silver:”
Bernard Trevisan
The Answer of Bernardus Trevisanus, to the Epistle of Thomas of Bononia
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