Taoist Practices with the Stars


Text by Juan Li

From the earliest times, the Taoists developed a whole range of practices in connection with the stars of the northern hemisphere. They had indeed found that celestial energies play a decisive role in the lives of human beings. During the pre-industrial period, human beings were closely connected with the cycles of the sun, the moon and the stars for everything related to agriculture, sacred festivals, the investiture of political figures, the start of wars, procreation and commerce. Heavenly energy was considered to complement earthly energy.

In Taoist cosmology, creation takes place through the union of celestial energy (Yang-masculine) with earthly energy (Yin-feminine). The Taoists had understood that creation cannot be done with a single polarity, and that the union of the two polarities generates a force beyond the polarities, an energy of harmony which is the raw material of all creation. Any practitioner who works with the energies of the universe must develop a great knowledge of both terrestrial energies and celestial energies, which emanate from stars, planets, comets and galaxies.

The importance of the North Star

The Taoists began by developing direct practices first with the pole star. This star presides over the central axis of the earth and seems immobile to us, due to the inclination of the terrestrial axis.

The Taoists developed the esoteric anatomy of the human body, the system of meridians, through which vital energy circulates and which are linked to organs and vital functions. The meridian system is like a tree with many branches through which the sap circulates, nourishing the leaves and the fruits. All the branches of the tree are linked to the trunk, which plays a decisive role in the process of energy circulation. It is rooted in the earth (Yin) and connected with the sky (Yang). From the Taoist point of view, it is the union of the celestial Yang with the terrestrial Yin which allows the trunk of the tree to nourish the branches so that the seeds of the next generation grow.

The human body also has a trunk which is connected with heaven and earth. This is called the “central channel”. It is found in the very center of the body and crosses it from the perineum to the top of the head. According to the Taoists, all living beings have a central channel, which connects heaven and earth. The earth, which is a living being, also has a central channel, which crosses it from the south pole to the north pole.

The North Star, which presides over the central channel of the earth as well as that of all living beings in the northern hemisphere, is the key celestial energy of creation. Taoists therefore begin practices with the stars by consciously connecting to the North Star.

The light energy radiated by the Polar Star presents qualities that the Taoist practitioner wishes to develop, such as a feeling of stability and calm. The practitioner who wishes to enter a state of deep mental silence connects with the North Star at the beginning of the meditation. It creates a direct line of contact between the subtle dimension of the physical star and the top of its head, the point through which its own central channel passes. If the internal dialogue starts again during the meditation, it means that the link with the North star has been lost and that it must be re-established.

The North Star also radiates an energy which helps the human being to persevere in all that he does, which helps him to maintain the purity of his intention, whatever the obstacles. It often happens that ordinary people show perseverance only for a short time. Through the flow of energy they establish with the North Star in their daily meditations, Taoists manage to develop great perseverance.

Any creative process, any energetic practice requires a good connection with the earth. The North Star favors the development of such a connection with the earth, because celestial energy has a strong tendency to penetrate into the earth. The more advanced the energy practices, the more a deep connection with the earth is required. This is why Taoists deepen their connection with the North Star as they progress on the esoteric path.

Another key quality that Polaris energy helps to develop is that of finding the path to follow in everything you do. The clarity of the North Star engenders a state of mental and spiritual clarity that allows the practitioner to spot the path to follow. The central area of ​​the brain, where the pineal and pituitary glands are located, develops. The Taoists call this area the crystal chamber or upper cauldron. Taoist advanced alchemy occurs in this cauldron, when the celestial light of the North Star merges with the Yin energy of the earth. Developing the crystal chamber using the Polaris allows the practitioner to enter a state of deep concentration in which the sense of self dissolves and the practitioner experiences a state of supreme clarity.This transcendence of the individual ego is realized through the high energetic frequencies produced in the crystal chamber. The ability to maintain this high frequency state plays a decisive role in human evolution. As, according to the Taoists, the energetic quality that we radiate attracts a similar quality from the universe, the supreme state of calm that develops from the crystal chamber sets in motion a process of attraction and a permanent connection with the highest frequencies of the Pole Star. The Taoists say that when the practitioner is there, he has opened the gates of the North Star and can continue on his way beyond the physical dimension. The ability to maintain this high frequency state plays a decisive role in human evolution.As, according to the Taoists, the energetic quality that we radiate attracts a similar quality from the universe, the supreme state of calm that develops from the crystal chamber sets in motion a process of attraction and a permanent connection with the highest frequencies of the Pole Star. The Taoists say that when the practitioner is there, he has opened the gates of the North Star and can continue on his way beyond the physical dimension. The ability to maintain this high frequency state plays a decisive role in human evolution.As, according to the Taoists, the energetic quality that we radiate attracts a similar quality from the universe, the supreme state of calm that develops from the crystal chamber sets in motion a process of attraction and a permanent connection with the highest frequencies of the Pole Star. The Taoists say that when the practitioner is there, he has opened the gates of the North Star and can continue on his way beyond the physical dimension. the supreme state of calm that develops from the crystal chamber sets in motion a process of attraction and a permanent connection with the highest frequencies of the Polaris. The Taoists say that when the practitioner is there, he has opened the gates of the North Star and can continue on his way beyond the physical dimension.the supreme state of calm that develops from the crystal chamber sets in motion a process of attraction and a permanent connection with the highest frequencies of the Polaris. The Taoists say that when the practitioner is there, he has opened the gates of the North Star and can continue on his way beyond the physical dimension.

The development of a connection with the Polaris and the development of the crystal chamber go hand in hand with the energetic evolution of the central channel, which, it should be remembered, is presided over by the Polaris. As the central channel increases its frequency, through the development of the crystal chamber, the meridians, which are connected with the central channel, also enter into an evolutionary process. The whole organism then increases its frequency beyond the ordinary level and the human consciousness, which is attached to the physical dimension by the ego, begins to vibrate beyond the physical dimension. The Taoists then enter the phase called the celestial journey for lack of an appropriate language.

The stars of the Big Dipper

In the circumpolar zone of the northern hemisphere, the North Star acts as the central axis around which the other stars seem to revolve. The Taoists regard the North Star as the celestial emperor and the stars that revolve around it as the various celestial ministers and officials. Among the circumpolar stars, particular attention is paid to the stars of the Big Dipper. This cluster of stars radiates a range of energies that influence the five elements of earth and human beings. In the same way that the energy of heaven and earth combines to produce creative energy that flows from the central channel to the branches, the Pole Star sends energy to the stars of the Big Dipper and from there to all living things on earth.

The first star of the Big Dipper is called, in modern astronomy, DUBHE. It radiates a strong yellow energy which strengthens the fire element and the heart of the human being. Its subtle light protects the practitioner and helps them to develop the highest frequencies of heart energy such as love and deep respect.

The second star of the Big Dipper is called MERAK. It radiates a strong blue light which strengthens the metal element and the lungs of the human being. Its subtle light helps the practitioner to develop a spontaneous courage and an internal harmony which allow him to work in situations which require a great calm.

The third star of the Big Dipper is called PHEKDA. It radiates a subtle white light which strengthens the wood element and the liver-gallbladder of the human being. The light of Phekda produces an attitude of generosity, openness, sharing and facilitates immediate action.

The fourth star of the Big Dipper is called MEGREZ. It radiates a subtle white light which strengthens the earth element and the human spleen. The energy of this star helps to develop the feeling of infinite possibilities, characteristic of the universe itself. The practitioner without this conception works with a limited perspective and a reduced potential.

The fifth star of the Big Dipper is called ALIOTH. It radiates a strong white light which also strengthens the earth element and this time the stomach of the human being. Its energy helps to assimilate and integrate lived experiences.

The sixth star is called MIZAR. It is in fact a double star, the second star being called ALCOR. Its white light strengthens the water element and the kidneys. It strengthens self-confidence, helps to dispel fear, to venture into the unknown. Taoists connect with the subtle light of MIZAR when they interrogate the I Ching.

The seventh star of the Big Dipper is called ALKAID. She presides over the lower part of the human body and helps to develop the connection with the earth, the roots and to keep the joints flexible. The Taoist hermits who lived in the cold caves of the sacred mountains during the winter connected with ALKAID to develop internal heat practices which allowed them to survive despite the cold without having to interrupt their meditation practices.

Taoist practices with the stars are not limited to circumpolar stars. As the practitioner advances in his esoteric knowledge, he is initiated into other celestial sources of support until he arrives at the point where the outer universe is clearly established in the practitioner's inner universe, in his subtle body. At this moment, the Taoist alchemist reflects down here everything that is up there.

Quote of the Day

“this water is friendly and agreeable with the metals, whitening sol, because it contains in itself white or pure argent vive.”


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