Spray Powder Treatment Divided into Two Letters


Analysis from Holy Scripture

Means for achieving projection powder
By the substantial moist first principle

DLB (Sieur de La Borde)

17th century



Being convinced of the first principle of the unique substance, of which all beings are formed, by the different degrees of the four accidental qualities, I will only point out to you how they derive from it, by explaining to you what Moses tells us about it, under a beautiful similarity (Gen. Chap.2 vers.10) where it is marked: There came out of the Earth a river which watered Paradise, which from there is divided into four channels .

The first is called Physon, and it is the one that flows all around the Land of Hevila, where gold comes from, and the gold of this Land is excellent, there also is Bdelion and the onyx stone.
The second river is Gehon which surrounds the whole land of Ethiopia.
The third is the Tigris which goes towards Assyria.
The fourth is the Euphrates.

The river that flowed from this place of pleasure is the only principle. He watered the Garden, which represents the world to us, and what was in the Garden, all beings.

The river separated into four chiefs, which are the four qualities contained in the one principle, as the four chiefs were in the river, from which they derived, and likewise they were only accidental rivers, so the qualities are only accidental.

The different matrixes where the perfect metals grow are also represented to us by the different situation of the places that its river branches surrounded, as can be seen by these words. The first is named Physon, which surrounds the Land of Hevilat, where gold grows etc. .It is only mentioned the most perfect metal, which must make us understand the less perfect, by the different dispositions and situations of the Earths where the metals grow by the same principle, since the four chiefs of the rivers came from the same source, which not only contributed to the production of the metals, but also of the plants and other beings, by their humidity in the Earths which they traversed, it is a remark, Sir, that I beg you to make to undeceive yourself from the false principles of the non-philosophical writers , who bound ent their thoughts to say: In auro inventitur semen auri in argento argenti etc. That in gold is the seed of gold, in silver that of silver, etc.

Hateful and erroneous opinion as I want you to see by reasoning while waiting for you to learn it by experience.

I maintain that in the metals there is no seminal seed when they have received the metallic form, because the metals are only a moist condensate from the circumference to the center of the Earth; whereas all beings which have the seminal virtue to be acted out, are formed from the moist first principle from the center to the circumference, which seed produces and multiplies its kind by corruption of which is formed a germ which grows and increases by addition of the moist principle, but from a single seed, all metals are formed differently only by the different disposition of the Matrixes without seminal virtues.

And I say that in the destruction of the metallic form, there is only an incorruptible humidity, and consequently which is not seminal, because it has no vegetative germ, nor which can grow, so it is better to say: in Auro non est semen Auri etc. that in gold there is not the seed of gold, nor in silver either, but that it is very certain that the moisture of which gold and silver are composed, is found one in the other, not as a seed which can multiply its species. Here is the reason.

It is that every seed must produce a germ by corruption, the germ grows by the addition of humidity which is incorporated in the germ of the beginning, and the germ expands in the addition of humidity which increases little by little by succession of time, until the germ and germinated addition, having received the perfect form which the seed contained in potency before its corruption during which this potency passed into a new compound of the germ where it was fortified, having expanded in the germ by the addition of the four qualities which have arisen with the augmentative humidity, its principle multiplies this power until it has received the perfect form to which it was destined in the seed, from which accidents caused it to issue by movement, so that this seminal power, having once acted to acquire its perfect form,is lost in the perfection of its form, unless the moist principle gives a new seed to the compound, in which the compound is contained in potency, without this seed being of the essence of the compound, which is not found in the metals, since nothing can be separated from waters without destroying their perfect form and their compound.since nothing can be separated from waters without destroying their perfect form and their composition.since nothing can be separated from waters without destroying their perfect form and their composition.

Let us rather say, Sir, that the gold is in his seed and the silver in his, and so on with the other metals. Books are deceivers who deceive, marking effect for cause, and cause for effect: causing matter to be sought in form, and yet form is contained in matter.

You would be right, Sir, to say that the philosophers have not written the truth, so I want to prove to you the error which is in their writings when they say with impunity that the seed of metals can only be found in metals, and not in other subjects; and I, on the contrary, will prove to them by sound reasoning and by experience that this metallic seed is found in other subjects and not in metals.

The philosophers cannot deny that the seed of the metals comes from the moist first substantial principle which forms it in the Earth, moist which serves it as subject and as matrix by which this moist principle is received with the influences of the stars which gives it the name of universal spirit which causes all things to germinate and produce in different form according as it is received differently by the different disposition of the subjects on whom this universal spirit first principle influences, carrying with it the four accidental qualities, which must act naturally in the seed seed. al both metallic vegetative and sentient beings of nature, where all is composed of substantial moist first principle.

What makes us see that the forms also come from this humidity by the different arrangements of the matrices or subject in which the four qualities of the first principle act more or less accidentally, which alone makes the difference of the beings whose substance derives from the single principle.

From which I conclude, are moist made of one and the same substantial principle, and that they are determined to different seeds only by the different dispositions of the matrices of different subjects, where the accidental qualities act differently to give different forms, thus one need only dispose a subject in the manner in which the Earth is disposed, in the four qualities act the same, and where the metallic seed will be found in that subject, just as it is formed naturally in the Earth. But Sir, it is not the metallic seed that the children of science must seek in the philosophical art, their care and labors are for something more perfect than the nature of the most perfect metals,

I do not know Sir if you have found in the books of the philosophers the truth that I am telling you without emblem and without enigma, making it my duty to speak to you with an open heart, while waiting for you to be able to achieve the execution of such a curious work, knowing that you were born for science and for great things.

The knowledge of nature is the most excellent, only the true children of Hermes possess it. You will be, Sir, one of his most illustrious, your sublime genius easily allowing all the difficult points of the momentary operations, where the hermetic bastards cannot reach. Which made many say that the thing was impossible, notwithstanding that they were on the right path; the number is very small in proportion to that of those speakers of big words who support the thing on false principles, not speaking the truth when they assert that art must imitate nature, and instead of imitating it they destroy it by their compositions opposed to nature, even if they are good. Their way of working would make them useless and prevent them from operating,

This matter must have a consistency to receive the perfection of the quality of the substance in which they must be incorporated, and this matter must also have the virtue of retaining and preserving them as they flow. This can only be done insofar as matter participates in the substance of the first principle and consequently in its qualities.

The first substantial principle is moist, dry, hot and cold, substantially, matter also must be so by nature at a certain point, which creates the sympathy of the ascendant and the descendant, as much as the qualities of matter unaltered in the destitution of its first form, rise to its surface to receive those which the substantial principle influences them to the center, which qualities merge together, and remaining in this matter which contains them by nature, because those of the matter are like the seminal seed which grows by addition of new ones which come to join, and by the movement of their incorporation, a growing germ of qualities is formed, which multiplies until the last perfection.

This matter is capable of receiving, of which the compound becomes in time any perfect germ, which perfectly communicates its perfection to the imperfect forms with which they are joined. This is what is called projection powder.

This matter, sir, is less heterogeneous in the simples than in all other beings, because the moist substantial principle and its qualities are there more abundantly, and in a purer and more perfect manner, and it is very easy to make them take their first form without altering their matter, which must incessantly preserve its qualities without being altered itself. Experience has made me know the truth as I expose it to you, I can assure you that it is not necessary, to make the powder of projection, neither salt, nor sulfur, nor mercury, such as we are described, which are only names that have been given to the qualities of the substance of the first principle.

Salt representing to us the dryness, the sulphur, the heat, the mercury, the cold and the humidity of the unique substance of beings, which is found to an eminent degree in the simples, both in their form and when they have been made to lose by a gentle distillation which separates the humidity from the dryness, without the spirits evaporating. One and the other must be carefully preserved to incorporate them appropriately, when necessary, and increasing the dry to the dry and the wet to the wet in the compound which is made of them, so that they sympathize better with the qualities of the substantial principle from which both are derived in their production.

This is the whole mystery: I am also going to teach you what is described to us in Genesis from the beginning to the end of the book, which you would never have believed; but I hope afterwards to have the pleasure and the honor of convincing you of it.

Before developing the obscure and the most hidden secrets, I will tell you that from my tender youth, although I had many misfortunes, pursued by bad luck, I have always been curious to know how could be the construction of all that I saw, without thinking of the projection powder, of which I have only heard for a few years as the most perfect being of nature, even superior to nature, and to learn the compound, I have read the most famous authors who falsely believe they are writing the truth of what little experience has taught them, either by revelation, or by means of a friend or an adventurer. If one wants to believe they are told, one must be at a degree of the highest sanctity to do this precious work,

Their first words are true and their last words are right, but the rest are wrong. I agree with them that one can only know the thing by revelation from God, or by a friend, and use it only for good works; but that by doing it one is holy, I formally deny it because I would flatter myself to reach this secret, having no other holiness than the memory of a past and libertine life, having been brought up richly and in honors. I started with a piece of canvas cut at my collar in a small collar, then not taking disgust at this state, succeeded the desire to know the analysis of simple, mixed, of the human body, and by all the degrees by which I passed, I could not still reach sanctification, and if I spared nothing to learn everything.

I dare say to you, Sir, that if their experience has taught them only the truth which they have written, it is a very false truth, since they agree that art says to imitate nature, and yet nature is destroyed by art, reading such books has taught me one and experience the other.

However, being convinced of the possibility without knowing the principles of this unknown accidental being, I set out to discover the principles of all the other visible beings contained in the holy writing filled with riddles and mysterious parables, where the truths of the greatest mysteries are contained therein. And after a long study, chance and the state in which my parents reduced me, made me know in my travels a mysterious man, with whom I spoke of the holy mysteries, who later made me see the reality of the powder of projection, and wanted me to learn the operations without giving me any principle of the work.

I myself discovered all the most mysterious principles in Genesis, which I am going to explain to you, to teach you without riddle, by these principles, the truth of this powder whose authors treat mysteriously, and which they do not understand, convinced that they have never known this mystery except in idea, and if they made the projection, it was only by the work of another, who did not teach them the way to compose the powder of which here is the enigmatic explanation, its first form, its compound, the operations, its perfection and its prodigious effects.

Of all the men in the world, God chose Abram and Sarai and Lot to bring them to the Land of Canaan .

It is the projection powder which is the most perfect earth in the universe as the Earth of Chanaan was the most desirable.

Terah, Abram, Sarai and Lot had come out of Chaldea.

The Land of the Chaldeans represents the field where the simple grow, Terah the simplistic nature, Abraham the simple solar, Sarai the lunar and Lot the one who holds both, because he was Abraham's nephew and Sarai's ally.

The Lord said to Abram: come out of your Land and from your kindred and from your father's house, and come into the Land which I will show you, I will bring out a great people from you, I will bless you and I will make your name famous and you will be blessed (Genesis, ch. 12). Abram, Sarai and Lot came out with all the possessions they had and all that had been born to them in Haram to go to the Land of Canaan.

The Lord represents the artist who brings the simple out of their natural Earth, working them away from their kindred, and makes them pass into another Earth, so that they multiply in virtue so that they are magnified in the future, as Abram was in the Land of Canaan.

The goods that Abram, Sarai and Lot took away from Haram represent to us the virtues and qualities that the simple drew from their natural Earth: their journey from Haram to Canaan, the distillation which makes them change form as these three people changed their dwelling.

Abram, Sarai and Lot took away from Haram the goods they had possessed and what had been born to them.

In this new land the simple must also retain their natural virtues in the new form that the artist gives them, which must be earthly, because it is said in verse 5 that Abram, Sarai and Lot came to the Land of Canaan.

Abram passed through this country to the place called Shechem to the illustrious valley, and the Lord said to him: I will give this Land to your posterity.

On which it should be noted that it is spoken only of Abram, not of Sarai, nor of Lot. To show that the three kinds of simples being reduced to the Earth, it is necessary to make of them a compound of which the noblest bears the name, just as Abram passed through the Earth to Shechem, an illustrious valley, because it produced the bread and the wine that Melchizedek, king of Shechem, offered to the Lord.

Likewise it is necessary that the mere reduced to Earth, which is our compound, be put into a flat vessel, represented by the Land of Shechem and the illustrious valley, and that it be substantiated by the wine and food which is to be in that vessel, that is, by a compound of substantial humidity produced from that Earth.

Abram having passed by there towards the mountain which is to the east of Bethel, he stretched out his tent and again erected in this place an altar to the Lord, he invoked his name.

The compound of our powders being watered becomes in a mass like a mountain, it must be exposed to dew for a certain time; the consistency and the time that the powders must remain, are signified by the mountain and by these words he stretched out his tent: Like the dew on the east of Bethel.

Abram went even further still walking and advancing towards the south.

When the powder has received the dew it swells and rises as Abram advanced, it must also be exposed to the Sun which is signified to us by noon.

But when the famine arose in that country, Abram went down to Egypt to spend some time there, because the famine was great in that country. Ibid.

After these operations the powder having become spirituous by the influences of the Sun and the dew, it must be given food by mixing it with sal ammonia, rock alum, powder of blood, cinnabar and salt of mercury, which serve it as a foreign land like Egypt to Abram, and by trituration, our compound which is in the form of a mountain in mass, descends and mixes with the other powders.

When he was ready to enter Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife, I know you are beautiful, and when the Egyptians see you, they will say, it is the wife of that man, they will kill me, reserve you for them, say therefore I beg you, that you are my sister, so that they treat me well because of you, and save my life in your consideration . Ibid.

These foreign powders which are signified to us by the Egyptians, would spoil the Solar without the Lunar, with which the others have the most relationship, just as the man enters into the woman, as gold contracts in silver, so the powder of the simple Solar is included in the Lunar and appears to be husband and wife, because they have produced nothing. The Lunar is called sister of the Solar, and Sarai sister of Abram, especially as she had not yet begotten a child.

Abram having then entered Egypt, the Egyptians saw that this woman was perfectly beautiful, and the first people of Egypt having given notice of it to Pharaoh, and having greatly praised her before him, she was brought to the palace of the king, they treated Abram well because of her, he had a great number of sheep, oxen, donkeys, male servants, female servants, and camels . Ibid.

The mixtures of these powders with the simples is the arrival of Abram in Egypt, the sal ammoniac, the alum of rock and the powder of blood are the Egyptians, the cinnabar, the princes of Pharaoh, the salt of mercury is Pharaoh, these powders sympathize with the Lunar as the Egyptians found Sarai beautiful, Sarai was led to the palace of Pharaoh, the Lunar units with the salt of mercury, which presides over the other powders and communicates its virtue and increases that of the Solar by means of the Lunar, just as Pharaoh gave Abram wealth and wealth in consideration of Sarai.

But the Lord struck Pharaoh with great plagues and all his household, because of Sarai Abram's wife . Ibid.

The artist must triturate the compound to release the Lunar powder from the salt of mercury and the others after she has drawn the substance from them, and sprinkle them so that the salt of mercury and the foreign powders do not act with power on that of the simples.

Pharaoh having summoned Abram, said to him, why did you treat me like this, than you told me who your wife was? Where did you tell me who your sister was to give me reason to take her for my wife, since that is how it is, here is your wife whom I return to you, take her and you go away. Pharaoh having ordered his people, they went to bring back Abram, his wife and all that he possessed.

The compound being triturated, it is exposed to the Sun, and the powders of the simples rise above the others by sublimation, after having drawn from them its qualities. The Lunar being incorporated with the Solar and that which holds of the two, separate from the terrestrial and from the others which do not sublimate, thus one takes the sublimated powders and one keeps the terrestrial ones of those which remain.

Abram, therefore, having come out of Egypt with his wife and all his possessions, Lot with him went southward . Chap. 13

The compound of powder of three kinds of simples represented by Abram, Sarai, Lot, must do the same thing in its sublimation to the rays of the Sun, which is represented to us by the south, everything that sublimates is good, so we should not be surprised if there were only a few things left without sublimating, foreign powders, whose substance would have changed into that of the simples which attracted them with them, which is meant by these words. Abram, Sarai and Lot having come out of Egypt and all that he possessed, as it is written in the singular, if everything sublimated everything would be perfect.

Abram was extremely wealthy and had plenty of gold and silver.

But it should be noted that he only had sheep, oxen, donkeys, and camels.

After this sublimation our powder has the qualities of gold and silver, as Abram had the equivalent, which is still not enough.

He returned by the same way as he had come from the south to Bethel, to the place where he had previously pitched his tent, between Bethel and Hai, where was the altar which he had built, there he called on the name of the Lord.

It is important to notice that the place where Abram returned is the mountain of the illustrious valley of Shechem in Canaan where Abram was naturalized, by the promise that God made him to give him this Land, because he was of the race of Sem eldest son of Noah, native of Ur of the Chaldeans, whence he left with his father Terah, and dwelt for some time in Haram.

Our compound which followed Abram without his journey must also follow him in his return, that is to return en masse in the form of a mountain which is hard as in the operation signified by verse 8 chap. 12, but by another manner than the first time that it had been exposed to the dew, signified by the east of Bethel, whereas at present our powder must take on consistency in the rays of the Sun. As it is marked by these words: Abram returned by his way towards the south , which signifies the Sun. And it is said that he called on the name of the Lord to make us understand that the compound needs the hands of the artist.

Lot who was with Abraham also had flocks, sheep, oxen and tents.

The simple solar-lunar powder which Lot represents to us increases in virtue in operations, just as Lot received gifts and benefits from Pharaoh with Abram, through Sarai.

The land was not enough for them to dwell with each other, because their possessions were very great and they could not dwell together.

The qualities of our compound are so great that we must put back what we have kept of the earthly in the preceding sublimation, signified in chap. 12v. 18 19 and 20 which are all explained in an article, so that it expands, it is necessary to triturate, water and put back in mass in the Sun.

Therefore a quarrel arose between the shepherds of Abram and those of Lot, at that time the Canaanites and the Perizzites dwelt in this land.

Our compound is this Earth, the sal ammonia and the rock alum are the Canaanites and the Perese; the qualities of the simple pastors of Abram and Lot. Their herds, and the debate of the shepherds, it is the agitation which these salts give to the powders of the simples which have increased in different virtues, some being for gold and others for silver, which must necessarily be separated.

Abram therefore said to Lot: Please let there be no contention between you and me, nor between your pastors and mine, for we are brothers. You see the whole Earth in front of you, please withdraw from me. If you choose the left, I'll take the right. If you take the right, I'll take the left.

This is the separation that must be made of the compound in mass, so that the influential is not confused in the difference of the subjects of our powder, which would be determined neither for gold nor for silver, if it remained together.

And so that you take Monsieur the Solar powder for itself and not the Lunar one for the Solar one, I want to introduce you to both. So that we are not mistaken.

The compound must be in mass like a high cake, represented by the mountain of Bethel. All that will be white above this cake is the Lunar powder which must be scraped off with a knife: for the Solar is of a greyish color bordering on red, although it has a little of one among the other, it does not matter because naturally in gold there is silver, and in silver gold. It is better, however, that there be Solar in the Lunar than if there remained Lunar in the Solar. The separation made you grind them each in particular and work as follows.

Lot then lifted up his eyes and looked at all the land along the Jordan, which before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, stretched from that place until one came to Segor, and appeared a very pleasant land all watered with water like a garden of delights, and like Egypt which is watered with the waters of the Nile, and he chose his abode along the Jordan as he withdrew from the east. So the two brothers separated from each other. Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot in the cities around the Jordan, and he dwelt in Sodom.

It is good to notice that when Lot raised his eyes, he was on the mountain, our compound is in mass when we make the separation, just as Lot raised his eyes, the Lunar dust rises above the compound, the gold and the silver being melted together, as I said before, the silver appears above the ingot and the gold remains hidden in the center.

It is remarked that Lot chose the plain of the Jordan, which was all watered like a garden of delights, and like the land of Egypt, and went from the east, came to dwell in the cities which were towards the Jordan, to show us also that we must spread our powder for money and water it well as was the plain of the Jordan, which means watering and moist, which powder should not be exposed to the sun until after eight or nine o'clock in the morning when it is very warm, and take it out an hour before he goes to bed , being ordered to us by these words and departing from the east: that is to say, we must avoid the coldness of the morning and make him feel the heat which is signified to us by the Land of Egypt .

Here are the accidents of the Lunar powder which must be worked in a completely different way than the Solar.

At that time Amraphel king of Sennaar, Arioch king of Pontus, Chodorlahomor king Elamite, Thadal king of the Gentiles, made war against Bersa king of Gomerrah, against Senaab king of Adama, against Semeber king of Seboin and against the king of Bala which was afterwards called Segor. All these kings assembled in the valley of the Woods (Siddin) which is now the Salt Sea. These kings had been subject to Chodorlahomor for twelve years and in the thirteenth year they withdrew from his dominion. So in the fourteenth year Chodorlahomor came with the kings who had joined him, and they defeated the Raphaites in Astaroth Carnaim, the Suzites who were with them, the Emites in Save Carthaim, and the Chorreans in the mountains of Seir to the fields of Pharan, which is in solitude.having returned,

The four kings represent to us the cold, the hot, the dry and the humid, the five the powder of the simples Ch. *** Im... An… the rock alum, the powder of blood, the sal ammonia and the cinnabar of the compound for money.

These four kings gave battle against the five in the valley of the Woods, where there were several wells of bitumen which means the vessels and the furnaces of the sophist philosophers named by the valley of the Woods and the battle, by the agitation where they put the compound of the powder.

But the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah were put to flight and their people cut to pieces, and those who escaped fled to a mountain.

The king of Sodom represents the animation of our powder, and the king of Gomorrah his virtues which are destroyed in the agitation which one gives them in their vessels, and those which fled in the mountain it is the terrestrial one of the powders.

The conquerors having taken all that there was of wealth and food in Sodom and in Gomorrah, withdrew and carried away among the spoil Lot, son of Abram's brother, who dwelt in Sodom, and all that was his.

This is what happens to our gunpowder on the fire, not only does it lose its qualities and its substance, but also accidents destroy its nature as it is marked by these words: they withdrew and also took Lot away .

At the same time, a man who had fled came to give notice of it to Abram Hebrew who lived in the valley of Mambre Amorrean brother of Scol and Aner who all three had made an alliance with Abram.

What sometimes remains in our vessels of the compound for money represented by Lot still contains some virtue, as is conveyed by these words: a man who had saved himself . When this happens it can be remedied by means of powder for gold, as I will show later in this treatise, where I want to follow point by point the order of Moses, without departing from the thirteenth chapter, which I resume to teach you how to work the compound for gold in a different way than for silver.

So I will tell you Sir how the compound of the powder which is to project the gold is perfected, and to do this we must go back to Chap. 13 of Genesis vers. 12 where it is marked that the brothers separated and that Lot chose for his dwelling Sodom towards the plain of the Jordan, and Abram dwelt in the Land of Canaan, which means better Land, Land of desire.

Then the Lord said to Abram, after Lot was separated from him: Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are north, south, east and west, all this Earth that you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever, I will multiply your race like the dust of the Earth, if anyone can number the dust of the Earth, he will also number the following of your descendants, now go through all the expanse of the Earth in its length and its breadth, because I will give it to you.

As the Lord caused Abram to lift up his eyes, even as the artist by his work causes the Earth to lift up by giving it an increase of the four qualities of the first principle by a natural compound which is found in the simples which I have referred to you in an eminent degree, which four qualities are marked for us by the north, south, east and west which the Lord told Abram to look upon.

This operation is very difficult because it must be done in pondere numero et mensura with weight and measure. It is also very important, since it gives the power to our compound to act on all things, as we see by these words: all this Earth that you see, I will give it to you etc.

This operation being done as it should, our compound receives the seminal, multiplicative power and the virtue of acting on everything in the continuation of its perfection, each grain becoming a multiplicative germ, as it is marked by the words I will multiply etc.

The powder of the simples having appropriately received the four qualities, by the care of the artist, spreads in all the compounds in a more perfect way and with more power than it had done before, even as Abram wandered among the Earth in its length and breadth, instead of which he had only passed in certain places hitherto, in his first journey he had arrived in the illustrious valley in the mount of Bethel by the east, and on his return from Egypt by the south, where he had stretched his pavilion, which represents to us the consistency of our compound after the first time only by the dew, and the second by the Sun, that is to say by the warm temperate humidity. But in this third operation, it is necessary that our powder take consistency by a temperate humidity of the four qualities in weight and mensura.

Abram, therefore, raising his tent, came to dwell near the valley of Mambre, which is in the vicinity of Hebron, and erected there an altar to the Lord.

After the above culture, the artist must spread the powder, not in a raised cake, but flat, as it is represented to us by the plain of Manbré, it must take consistency, as it is said that Abram erected an altar to the Lord.

Abram lived in the plain of Manbré Amorrhoean brother of Scol and brother of Aner, all three of whom had made a covenant with Abram.

In the previous culture, it is necessary that the artist mixes with our powder, the salt of mercury signified by Manbré Amorrhéen and two liquors represented by Scol and Aner his allied brothers of Abram, because in the operation the whole thing is incorporated in the compound of the powder and it is the salt of mercury, and the two liquors which give it the above qualities represented by the north, the south, the east and the west that Abram had looked before to traverse the Earth in its length and breadth.

After that, the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision, and said to him, do not be afraid, I am your protector, and your reward will be infinitely great, Abram answered him Lord my God I will die childless, and Eliezer steward of my house, has a son who is this Damascus, for me he adds, you have not given me children, so the son of my servant will be my heir . Chap. 15v. 1

Our powder having arrived thus far has the qualities and the virtue of germinating the seeds of metals, but not of forming them nor of multiplying them, which germs that our powder would produce would rather be determined in the form of imperfect metals, than of the perfect ones, both coming only from the same germ to which the accidents and the different dispositions of the matrices, where this metallic germ is produced gives different forms, as the disposition of the matrix of the woman gives to the germ produced from the human seed, the form of a male or a female, this is why Abram answered him, Lord my God I will die without children and Eliezer steward of my house has a son who is this Damascus who represents to us the chance of accidents in our compound .

It is apropos to notice that Abram also says, you bore me no children, so the son of my servant shall be my heir .

Which means that our powder which can produce the metallic germ with all its virtues and qualities cannot form the gold for which it is intended, as Abram could have a legitimate heir, the germ of our powder being able to be determined in this state in imperfect metals, as well as the seed of Abram could generate bastards. Abram fears that the servant born in his house will be his heir if the Lord does not fulfill his promise.

Our powder would throw out only imperfect metals if it did not increase in quality by the artist's care, gold being the master of the other metals represented by Abram's servants. When Abram says that the Lord gave him no seed, it must be understood as the productive seed of a lawful heir, for Abram had the power to beget as our dust has that to germinate, but not to form the gold which is in power in his germ, as the lawful heir of Abram was in his seed.

The Lord answered him immediately, he will not be he who will be your heir, but your heir will be the one who will be born of you.

The artist must also know how to perfect our powder to produce gold, as the Lord gave Abram a rightful heir.

After having taken him out, he said to him: raise your eyes to the sky and count the stars if you can, it is thus, he added, that your race will multiply. Gen. Chap. 15

Just as the Lord brought Abram out of his tent, the artist must destroy the consistency of the compound to make it sublimate, as it is marked by these words, raise your eyes to heaven and count the stars, to show us that we must put the powder in the serene when the weather is fine, and make it sublimate in the Sun.

And Abram believed in the Lord, and his faith was counted unto righteousness.

The compound obeys the artist and becomes perfect, Abram's justice signifies to us the perfection of the powder, and faith his obedience to the artist, but the science must be just as the promise of God was true.

The Lord said to him, I am he who brought you out of Ur in Chaldea, to give you this Land, that you might possess it. Abram answered him, Lord my God by what shall I know that I shall possess her? Chapter 15

If the artist wants to see then how good the compound is before moving on, when he has reached the above perfection. This is how he must make the experiment, which will be useless on all metals, except on mercury.

The Lord answered him, take a three-year-old cow with a three-year-old goat, and a three-year-old ram with a dove and a dove. Abram therefore took all these animals and divided them in half, and put the two parts that he had cut facing each other, but he did not divide the dove or the dove. Chap. 15v. 10

The cow signifies copper to us by its yellowish color, the goat tin or lead, the ram iron, the dove and the dove mercury which is volatile. It is said that Abram divided all the animals down the middle, and that he divided each part opposite to the other, but that he did not divide the birds.

This means that all the tin, lead, copper and iron must be cut to pieces, each in particular, which cannot be done with the mercury represented by the birds, because when it is separated it joins together, which pieces of the metals, one infuses in a solvent with the powder of the compound, as it is marked below.

As the animals which represent the metals were separated as it is noted in verse 10 that the birds of prey came to swoop down on the bodies of the dead animals and that Abram drove them away. v. 11

The action which Abram did to us means the dissolvent which must act on the parts of the metals represented by the body of the animals, like the powder of our compound by the word vale, that is to say pinch or handful of Earth.

When the Sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, he found himself, as in the darkness, seized with great dread.

Abram's sleep represents to us the time of the infusion of the metals with the dissolvent and the powder and the darkness which falls on him, the effect of the useless experience which goes up in smoke.

So he said to him, know from now on that your posterity will pass into a foreign Land and that he will be reduced to servitude and overwhelmed with evils for four hundred years.

Let us say the same of the powder which one put on the metals in infusion, to make this experiment it will be reduced in another Earth, and the metals will destroy these qualities forever, which is marked to us in these terms: your posterity will pass in a foreign Earth and it will be reduced in servitude, overwhelmed with evils for four hundred years, that is to say forever with regard to the powder.

But I will exercise my judgments on the people to whom they will be subject and they will then come out of this land with great wealth. For you, you will go in peace with your fathers in a happy old age.

This test will make known to the artist that the gunpowder does not yet have enough virtue to project the metals, just as the Israelites from the seed of Abram who were led into captivity for having separated from the worship of the true God and served in Egypt as slaves, where they all died, so if all the gunpowder were put to tests on the metals, it would perish afterwards. The Israelites emerged triumphant from the land of Egypt with great goods, but it was only those who followed the commandments of the Lord, so the powder which will be worked according to the rules, will draw great goods from the metals which destroyed that of the previous experience, just as Abram prospered in the Land of Canaan, and his seed multiplied there ad infinitum in the sequel.

So will it happen to our compound if it is cultivated as I will show it to you in what follows, but let us finish following the effect of the experiment contained in this chapter and explain these words: for you, you will go in peace with your fathers in a happy old age.

That is to say, our compound represented by Abram, will become perfect like the principle which gave it life in its new form, which is the unique substance, and our compound having reached this perfection etc. will multiply in all beings, as does the first principle, and will last as much as the other, since our powder multiplies as long as it finds subjects to be able to communicate its virtue to a certain point, just as a piece of leaven by proportionate addition would change the whole universe into dough if the universe were flour.

Your descendants will come to this land after the fourth generation, because the measure of the iniquities of the Amorites is not yet filled . Ibid.

It would also be necessary to start the work all over again if we had put all the powder of the compound to this experiment and worked more, that is to say until its perfection to act on similar metals, just as those who left the captivity of Egypt, had received being long after those who had been brought and had in their hearts a more perfect knowledge of God, who represents to us the greatest virtue that our powder must have in order to be able to project on metals similar to those of the test.

After the sun set, a gloomy darkness formed, there appeared an oven from which issued a great smoke and a burning lamp was seen which passed through the divided beasts.

It's the end of the experience, the smoking oven represents the furnace, and the crucible is marked for us by the burning lamp, the flame are the sparks coming from the saltpeter and the borax that are thrown to melt the metal. This is why it is said that a lamp of fire passed through the divided beasts, and the great darkness that there was was the smoke of the operation of the solvent and the powder of the compound, having remained only an entirely dark metal, that is to say imperfect.

On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram saying, I will give this land to your people from the river of Egypt to the great river of Euphrates, all that the Cineans and the Cenezites, the Moneans and the Hittites, the Perizzites and also the Raphaites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Jebuzees possess.

The covenant that the Lord made with Abram shows us that the artist must work on our compound to acquire the perfection of projecting on similar metals, as is marked by the promise that God makes to give him the Earth from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates. The powder must act with power on all the metals represented by the name of the peoples above, as the Israelites did on these nations whose sects they destroyed, as well as our powder compound will change the species of the metals when it is perfect.

Now Sarai wife of Abram had not yet given him children, but having an Egyptian servant named Hagar, she said to her husband, see that the Lord has put me in a condition to have no children, take, please, my servant so that I can have children by her and Abram went to prayer.

Sarai means the powder, Abram the compound. Sarai was Abram's wife, the man and the woman are one, because the woman is formed and the man is begotten by the woman.

You will perhaps not be sorry sir that I am making a curious little digression here by asking you to pay attention that human nature or the human race has received being in four different ways, namely, without man and without woman, it is Adam. Of a man without a woman, it is Eve. Of a woman without a man, such was Jesus Christ. Of the man and the woman, it is the rest of the mortals. I return Sir to the explanation of the enigmatic symbol and I say that the man and the woman being one, our powder signified by Sarai and the compound by Abram our powder is contained in our compound and our compound is our powder, it is said that Sarai had not yet given birth to children.

Sarai means that the powder that one would put to do an experiment on the metals named in Genesis Ch. 15 v. 9-10 would produce nothing, as we have seen in the sequel where it is only spoken of the divided beasts, which means the aforesaid metals.

Sarai told Abram to take Hagar her Egyptian servant to see if she could have children through her.

It is another test that the artist can make of our powder not on these metals, but on the mercury represented by Egyptian Hagar, as also by the dove and the turtledove which Abram had not divided, by the smoking furnace and the lamp of fire which had passed only through the divided beasts, and as Sarai was mistress of Hagar her servant, our powder will dominate over the mercury represented by Hagar if it is put on it, as Abram known t Hagar.

So Sarai took Hagar his servant who was Egyptian and gave her to wife to her husband, after they had lived ten years in the Land of Canaan, Abram obeyed Sarai. Hagar seeing that she had conceived began to despise her mistress . Ch.16

They were ten years in Canaan when she conceived, which means that our powder must be ten months old to be able to project, so if the artist mixes the powder of our compound with mercury even before it is entirely perfect, he will find metal instead of mercury which will be neither gold nor silver, as we will see for the birth of Hagar who despises her mistress, this means that what remains in the crucible is a shiny and beautiful metal without which the rest of the compound of our powder can no longer act. that it has not increased in quality.

It also happens that in the mercury only a metallic germ is formed which is fixed only without having the form of any metal without our powder being able to determine itself further, but by melting the mercury fixed with gold, increases the gold. If it is with silver it increases silver, with iron iron, and likewise with other metals.

Then Sarai said to Abram, you are not doing me justice, I have given you a servant to be your wife and seeing that she is pregnant she despises me, may the Lord be judge between you and me. Abram replied, Your servant is in your hands, use her as you please, so Sarai treated her badly, and Hagar fled.

The complaint of Sarai makes us acquainted with the mystery because we have noticed before that Sarai represented the simple Lunar who took the substance and the quality of the mercury and communicated them to the Solar to increase her virtues, which in this operation fix the mercury in an apparent silver by addition of the qualities of the first principle, this is why it is said, I have given you my servant . The word servant of Sarai , which represents the Moon, shows us that Mercury is dominated and formed by the Moon, but seeing that she has conceived, she despises her. May the Lord be judge between you and me, this metal produced by the powder has an appearance of goodness and a beautiful eye like silver, in which also there appears some yellow approaching gold, but the knowledge of the artist must judge of both, and for this it is said to Sarai that she had Agar in her hands and that she could do with it as she pleased, the artist also must test this metal to see whether it is good or not.

And as Sarai mistreated her she ran away. This form of metal which truly contains only the metallic germ, is consumed, destroyed in the crucible and in the dish and the fixed mercury flees like Agar did.

The angel of the Lord having found him in the desert near the fountain which is on the way of Seir said to him: Hagar servant of Sarai, where do you come from and where are you going? Hagar replied: I am fleeing from Sarai my mistress. The angel of the Lord said to him: return to your mistress and humble yourself under his hand, and he added: I will give you such a great posterity that she will be innumerable you have devised as you see you will bear a son whom you will call Ishmael, because the Lord has heard your voice in your affliction, he will be a proud and savage man, he will raise his hand against all and all will raise their hand against him and he will set up his flags in the eyes of all. his brothers.

The angel found Hagar pregnant in a desert near a fountain and he told her to return to her mistress and to humble herself under her hand and that she would multiply her posterity ad infinitum.

Moses describes to us in his words the place where the mercury is found, which is a sterile and humid earth where there is only the metallic germ, which receiving the influence of the stars represented by the fountain, receives the form of iron by the arrangement of the matrix of the Earth.

These words, return to your mistress , only want to show us that for mercury to have the metallic shape it must be in the earth its mother and therefore its mistress and humiliate yourself under its hand, that is to say that it receives the influence which is also a master to give it the shape that it wants in concert with the earth, being spoken here only of a deserted place after having spoken of the soil as the most fertile.

Moses deals with the more or less perfect metals by the more or less fertile lands and by the great and lesser influences represented by the rivers, and by a single fountain, to show us that all the metals come from only one principle and from one single germ, and that their different forms and qualities are only more or less perfect in relation to the different dispositions of places and matrices which receive influences differently.

This is also marked for us by the person of Hagar, servant of low condition, who shows us the disposition of the womb and the place of the desert, the sterility of the Earth, notwithstanding that the womb of Hagar had received a noble seed like that of Abram, she gave birth to Ismael who was an archer.

In our subject the seed of Abram in the matrix of Agar and the condition of Ismael, means to us the production of metals naturally more or less precious according to the places where nature makes them grow, each mine containing the cressive germ of its species; as we see that the angel says to Hagar mother of Ishmael who represents iron to us by these words: he will be a proud and savage man and will raise his hand against all, and all against him and will raise his flags in the eyes of all his brothers.

As it is true that we use iron for all the work we do, of which it is said, I will multiply your seed so much that it cannot be numbered.

Then Hagar invoked the name of the Lord, saying to him: You are the God who has seen me, for it is certain, she added, that I have seen here behind him who sees me, therefore she called the well, the well of him who is alive and who sees, it is the well which is between Cades and Barad.

Moses wants to show that God takes care of all things and does not abandon the afflicted. So Sir, the meaning of the subject we are dealing with is that our powder has power over all things when it is perfect. As God made all things perfect in their different species, so the one substance first principle forms and multiplies all beings, so our compound will perfect the most imperfect things in all metals.

Hagar bore has his to Abram who named him Ishmael. Abram was four hundred and six years old when Hagar bore him Ishmael.

Abram represents to us the metallic germ, Ishmael the form of iron, and Agar the womb of the base Earth where the iron is formed. The age of Abram teaches us that the metallic germ remains eighty-six years before it can receive the form of iron in the Earth by receiving the influences which determine this germ into a base form.

Here, Sir, in a few words, is the way to achieve the great work signified and marked by all the verses that I have quoted to you. So I finish, time does not allow me to tell you more while waiting for the reflections you will make, to supplement what I have not been allowed to discover and for me to have the honor of writing you a second letter, where I will explain to you clearly all that I have advanced to you. I am with deep respect,


Your most humble and obedient servant



Proofs on the Means of Arriving at the Powder of Projection by the Substantial Wet First Principle


The short interview that I had the honor to have with you obliges me today to recall all my ideas to let you know that the false philosophers had abused your kindness and too great credulity, by exposing to you principles contrary to the truth of the work, the surprise you were at my speeches surprised me very little, although they seem to you to be quite opposed to the books which have occupied you until now.

I confess to you Sir, that your astonishment gave me pleasure, persuaded that the effects of reality which I hope to make you see, will completely disabuse you of the sophists who wanted to surprise you. I know the channel which many people have used to deceive you, who apparently spoke well without knowing what they were saying, repeating only what they had memorized in the books full of riddles, which few people are able to penetrate: although everyone prides themselves on explaining them clearly, but when it is a question of experience, these speakers of big words are known as sellers of Mithridates.

An honest man must be sure of his facts and in a position to prove what he advances, especially to persons whom God has endowed with a discernment equal to your birth and your merit: both should impose on the audacity of these affronts, who had the temerity to make you occupy and give all your time to things which tended to the destruction of what they claimed to do, convinced that they would never do them, ignoring the unique principle of the compound without which nothing can be, since in production everything comes from it and in the destruction of the compound everything is reduced to this principle.

The greatest men have lost and lost themselves in research, confusing their unique substance with accidents, which they qualify as substance, and make them independent of this single principle, such as fire, air, earth, which they call substantial element, without penetrating that these three accidents are only compounds which represent to us the hot, the cold and the dryness of the unique substance of water which is the only principle of which all beings are composed, which has for fourth quality the humid . And to throw a smokescreen they place these three so-called substances in regions where they could not subsist without destroying nature, putting the element of fire above air, that of air above water, and water above earth.

Whereupon I thus say that they all agree that the productions of nature are made on earth, and that in all the compounds the four qualities found there, they come only from their principle. How then do they want the heat of the fire to penetrate the cold of the air which is its opposite to come and join the moist and the dry which cannot rise in the region of the fire, because the air would oppose it as well as the nature which is present, like that of the light fire and consequently one could not rise, nor the other descends to form the compound, since the characteristic of lightness is to rise and of the heavy to descend. Other philosophers who knowing this incongruity have fallen into a greater error, want the elemental fire to be in the center of the earth.If that were the earth would first be consumed, without cold or humidity being able to remedy it, only in the surface which would be nearer to them than the center would suffer, and the flame that we see would descend to join its element rather than rise. And it would be true to say that the deeper we dug into the earth, the more heat we would draw from it, which would force us to raise our coolers to the cold region of the air instead of doing what experience teaches us and that everyone does.

The different feelings of the region of fire make us understand that there is no elemental fire, and the infinite number of substance convinced me, that there was only one substance and that all the rest were only accidents coming from a single principle, and experience made me see that everything returned to it.

Aristotle, Plato, Trismegistus, and others have defined it without knowing it, they have spoken learnedly of its effects without having thoroughly penetrated its cause; if some have succeeded in the work, as they say in their books, I dare to assure you Sir that it was by chance, or else they did not write the truth, I have read the most famous without giving credence to telling them who is entirely opposed to the production of the fact, the volume dealing only with the raw material of the universal spirit, the four elements which produce a fifth which they call quintessence, which Aristotle calls the lion which makes all things germinate here below; Trismegistus designates her wounded greenwithout explaining in what it consists, and what is its principle, nor what must be done to find this quintessence which must provide and serve as food for the child, being the philosophical wine.

The Cosmopolitan says that the matter is in the bosom of Aries, it is indeed there. But Aries means the ram, the month of march, mars the tension. This enigma is nearly impenetrable. You admitted to me in good faith sir that the philosophers had not accused just (I am for your feeling) as well as the most skillful people who have lost their time to follow the reveries of the authors who make the descriptions of funnels, stoves, lamp fires, sands, charcoal and a thousand other nonsense which only leads to spend money to have money to have money to have money to have money and smoke to have the nse work.

The reason is plausible: it is that they do not know the principle of the single substance which makes the production of the compounds. Without enigma I will have the honor to satisfy your desires by continuing to explain to you the first chapter of Genesis which led me fortunately, and as if by chance to the knowledge of this principle which God used to create all things.

I will visibly show you the productions of nature and the error of all prompters.

In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth, which were formless: Spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas.

This is the principle and the matter from which God created all things, but not by the form which God gave them with the power to produce and multiply according to their beings and their substances which are diverse by accident, although substantially they are not created by a single principle to which they are reduced in their destruction, which is the only substantial substance which subsists without alteration in its elementary center, containing the four qualities which the philosophers foolishly took for various substances, being only accidents, which we only know in the compounds accidentally contained in the unique unbegun principle in matter and form Spirit us Dei serabarur super aquas, the spirit of God was carried on the waters before the beginning of the world .It was therefore necessary that the waters existed before the creation of other beings, and that they had been the principle and the matter for forming all things which are only destroyed when the radical humidity is corrupted or evaporates by some accident. On the contrary, they subsist, grow and multiply as long as this radical humidity grows and subsists in them in proportion to the accidents whose multiplication of one and the other even changes the forms of all things by the increase of the unique principle which is found in everything, without which nothing is permanent, which alone contains in potency cold, heat, humidity and dryness, since in the act these four qualities which we believe in their beings are produced only from it.

For example, the generation of man is only made by the moist sperm which is heated by the movement of the blood and the generic act, from this sperm an embryo is formed in the womb of the woman, from this embryo a child is formed in the womb of the woman, which grows from day to day by adding flows of the months which are necessary for the woman, from this embryo a child is formed, from this child a man by the moist food that he takes, and this man remains as long as the radical substance is in him; but as soon as it is destroyed by corruption or by some other accident, man ceases to live and returns to his corruptible principle by corruption. I do not pretend to speak here of the soul. It is the body that becomes earth, the earth becomes corrupted water, this water becomes air,

This, Sir, is how God created all things at the beginning of the world, before which his spirit was carried over the waters that made up chaos. From one part he formed the heavens, from the other the earth, from the other the Sun, the Moon and the stars, the fish, the birds and generally all the animals, the trees, the plants, the roots, the metals and all the beings which are in the midst of the waters. Spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas (Genesis 1) God made the firmament to separate the waters with the waters separavit aquas ab aquis .

The heart of man represents the firmament, the heart being in the midst of the waters, the will the light, the eyes the Sun and the Moon, the stars the flesh, the earth the belly, the sea, the rivers and streams the veins. Fish, birds and animals, the worms we have. Rocks, stones and metals, bones. The trees, the plants, the roots of the earth, the hair, hairs and nails. The mountains the joints. It is certain that the perfect man is the true model of the world, both sublunary and elementary, since everything that is found in one is seen equally in the other.

It is not enough to penetrate this great point which only establishes my unique principle and rightly destroys the multiplicity of so-called elementary substances which never were, since one cannot find a center without making them act against nature.

It is also necessary that the children of philosophical science know how a tree produces its fruits, by what spring an apple, a pear, an apricot, a peach, a nut, a pomegranate, a grape, a rose, a jasmine, a carnation or some other fruit are formed at the end of their stems.

It is absolutely necessary that they conceive how a part of this humid changes in bark, the other in wood, the other into sap, the other in sheets, button, in flower, fruit, pepper, in glitch and how in this nucleus forms an almond, and in this glitch is contained in power the tree and the rod, wood, and leaves and flowers and fruits and fruits and the same. act.

When they have arrived at this knowledge, they will not be long in discovering the production of metals, which, deriving from the same principle, serve as matter for all the beings of the world, which differ only in form, by the rarefaction or the condensation which claims to be made pondere et mensura, with weight and measure, such as suits the subject one wishes to construct, matter being of itself disposed to receive whatever form one wishes to give it, when it is taken up in its principle or when one knows how to make it into one. determined, that is to say, to make it leave one form to give it another, and which must be done in an instant . For being determined, it could not receive any other form than that of the determined subject, as you very aptly objected to me.

This operation must be done without violence by a means which only destroys the form without altering or absorbing the matter, to imitate nature in the destruction of the compounds, which is done by corruption and dilation, which disunite the parts by separating the matter from the form by mutual agreement, by the evaporation of this one substantial principle, which would return to its incorruptible center having been corrupted after, if art or accidents did not arrest it to make it take a new form whether metallic or other, by the increase or decrease of this humidity, which has just left the form in which it was determined, by determining itself easily by condensation or rarefaction, in the form one wishes to give it.

This destruction of the form without altering the matter can only be done by a means which is of the nature of the matter, that is to say, it contains in its compound the moist and the hot, so that the moist of the medium receives the moist of the compound, which the heat of the medium destroys by the junction and the increase of these two moist, which are found to be dominant, because the forms of the compound and the medium are destroyed by expansion and heat. You will find these two moistnesses of the first principle, which are the indeterminate prime matter, disposed to receive all forms by a siccative powder which must join these two moistnesses and the whole be made only into a new compound by the cessation of the form of the first.

The heat of this medium in destroying the form of the compound to make its principle indeterminate, which becomes all moist, loses its force by the coldness of the superior humidity, and the coldness of the humidity condenses the pores of the first principle, which becomes heavy and consequently more solid and less in volume by this condensation of the humidity.

For example mercury is a compound of viscous humidity by liquid and flowing condensation, which being separated is joined by the viscosity which becomes indeterminate in the other metallic forms, although it is of their nature, and that it has the gravity, it is necessary to dilate by a medium the viscosity of its nature, to separate its condensed and flowing parts by their humidity to reduce it to its first wet principle, which one can only do by reducing it to water by a hot medium. and moist and a siccative powder, which being joined with the cold humidity of the medium and of the principle which formerly composed mercury, removes the viscosity, and its liquid humidity is found condensed in an instant, and thus fixed it is changed into Solar or Lunar metal,

It is therefore not accidental fire like that of coal or lamp which can destroy forms without altering the matter of the compounds, and render this unique principle indeterminate and capable of receiving another form by producing a new compound. Since accidental fire is destructive of matter, being unable to separate or disjoin it from form, except by consuming one and the other by violence, being the enemy and the opposite of the moist principle of all beings, which truly contains within itself the hot and the dry by temperature of the cold contained in its humidity, its only substance.

These four qualities were in potency in the first principle, that is, in formless or indeterminate matter before the beginning of the world. But God having entirely determined this first matter by the diversity of the forms of so many different beings, which he has created, by putting this power of the first principle into action, this first matter can no longer be without form, the destruction of one compound causing in the same instant the production of another, corruptio unius fit generatio alterius .The destruction of a compound is done in two ways without altering the matter by the excessive abundance of humidity, or by its evaporation, both in animate and inanimate things, vegetable and metallic, but the production of one and the others can only be done by adding condensed or more or less rarefied humidity.

When this moist principle is at a certain point rarefied it becomes air, more or less cold, dry or moist, according as it is agitated upwards it is more or less hot; when this same moist principle is condensed, it is called earth more or less dry, moist or cold, in proportion to the motion in which it is found, there being only the one accidental motion, which can increase or diminish one or the other of the four qualities of the substance of this first principle of which all beings are composed, which increase or decrease of the four qualities of the first principle comes only from the difference of the movement, according to the situation where the compound is.

On these indisputable principles, it is necessary that the children of science, in order to be able to succeed in the production of metals and other compounds, know perfectly after having known this first principle, in what degree the four qualities must be in the compound which they want to make, at what point this principle which contains them must be condensed or rarefied, to make their compound perfect without deviating from the rules of nature, which art can only imitate in the construction and destruction of the more perfect forms to imperfect compounds, and to shorten the time that nature takes to produce them, of which here is Monsieur the infallible way and the true composition of the projection powder and how it must be projected.

First, there must be a compound which serves as the subject of the projection which consists only in giving a more perfect form to the imperfect compound, which can only be done by a more perfect compound, which is joined to the less perfect, and by the union of these two compounds a third is formed which is less perfect than the more perfect, and more perfect than the less perfect.

This more perfect compound which is to give a more perfect form to the less perfect compound, is what we call powder of projection, which contains in it the four qualities of the third compound, which we want to make in a greater degree than it is after the union which has been made with the less perfect compound, which has become more perfect by adding the four perfect qualities of the more perfect compound, which becomes less perfect in the form of the new more perfect compound than was the less perfect, and less perfect than the more perfect.

To make this union of the perfect compound with the less perfect, it must necessarily be by an agent which dilates the pores of the less perfect compound, so that the qualities of the most perfect penetrate them to communicate their perfections to them.

because all the qualities of the nature of beings are found in its compound entirely perfect, when the artist knows how to separate them from each other, and to set aside the humidity of this agent, to add to the humidity of the compound if it is necessary to increase the humidity, the cold to the cold, the hot to the hot, and the dry to the dry; on the contrary, it is necessary to use the humidity of this agent to diminish the dryness, and the cold to reduce or temper the heat of the imperfect compound if it is necessary, to give it a more perfect form. hot to hot, and dry to dry; on the contrary, it is necessary to use the humidity of this agent to diminish the dryness, and the cold to reduce or temper the heat of the imperfect compound if it is necessary, to give it a more perfect form.hot to hot, and dry to dry; on the contrary, it is necessary to use the humidity of this agent to diminish the dryness, and the cold to reduce or temper the heat of the imperfect compound if it is necessary, to give it a more perfect form.

This is why Sir, I will point out to you that it is of absolute necessity that the children of science know the degrees of the four qualities which must be in the compound which they wish to make. Otherwise they would work at random, even if they had in their possession the indeterminate prime matter, as it was before the creation of the world, which is at all impossible, because this matter to be indeterminate, such as the sophist philosophers claim to find, would have to be formless. But it is constant that since the creation of the world there has never been matter without form, the destruction of one compound making the construction of another. Corruptio unius fit generatio alteris.

It is only the unique degree of the four qualities of the first principle which must make the difference of the forms of all the compounds in proportion as this degree is different in the beings.

This, Sir, is what the philosophical science consists of, which is in the sole knowledge of the degrees of the four qualities in each compound, all the rest is very easy, weight and measurement cause the multiplication and increase of the compound when one has reached the knowledge of the different degrees of the qualities. Composition is child's play, there is only the mixture to be made and joined to the imperfect compound with the medium or agent of which I have spoken, and the imperfect compound thus takes on a more perfect form of itself. The mixing of the degree of qualities must be done with weight and measure, this is what we call projection powder.

The medium or agent which dilates and condenses the pores of the imperfect compound is a solvent which the philosophers call the philosophical wine which is not corrosive, and consequently never alters the matter of the first principle.

This solvent is derived from three kinds of simples, as I had the honor to name them to you above, one is Solar, the other is Lunar and the third is both. The moist of these simples containing in itself sulphur, salt and mercury, without being separated from one or the other moist, which must be extracted by pressing each simple in particular, these three moist being mixed together in pondere et mensura, with weight and measure to make of it a single wet compound, in thirty-six hours reduced all kinds of metals into metallic water which is the matter of this first principle, one mixes a powder, which contains the degrees of the four qualities, which must be in the metallic compound that one wants to make and by the only movement that one gives with a spatula, to make incorporate the powder in this metallic water, it condenses and becomes in lumps which are held together in a crucible which one puts on a slow fire to evaporate the humidity of the solvent, and what was impure in the imperfect metal, then melting what remains, you will find the perfect compound according to the degrees of the qualities of the powder which one has mixed in the metallic water.

This powder must be made of the moist principle of all beings, its composition is the salt of the simples, or Lunar or Solar, picked in the season it takes and according to the constellations which give them productive influences of the said salts which are found more abundantly in the said simples in Spring or during Autumn.

The salts must be watered with the water of the first principle which is taken from the simples and exposes the whole to the Sun, which makes the effects of the salts reduced to powder grow and increase, both by adding the humidity of the waters, and by the rays of the Sun, which gives its influences to condense the humidity of these waters with the dryness of the said powdered salts, which become a solid compound, which must be triturated in all cultures before watering them; this operation must be done until these powders have reached the perfection of the degree of the four qualities, which must give the perfect form to the less perfect compound.

This powder, composed of the salts of plants, in its first operation is similar to the embryo formed in the womb of the woman by the moist sperm which is increased by the addition of the flow of the months to form a child, which is the second operation of nature.

It is also necessary to sprinkle this powder in the second operation with distilled water, the blood of a certain animal which has a heat in the supreme degree although it is always in the cold: which water contains these two qualities in all degrees by the addition of the phlegm which one separates from the said blood and which one mixes with weight and measure with this same blood water of which one makes a wet compound with the waters drawn from the simples to water the said powders in the cultures of the second operation, where they must change color, on this water of blood which the philosophers have called innocent blood (as it is true) because the animal is most innocent, certain sophists had the cruelty to cut the throats of young children by an effect of their ignorance;the quality of human blood is not that which is necessary for the work.

Just as the child grows and gains strength by the nourishment of the flow of the months until its birth: so also does the powder in this second operation when it is watered, it is only necessary to take care not to drown it by too great a quantity and to give it enough of it lest it languish.

The child being born, we feed it with milk and as it grows we give it porridge, and then more substantial food, we must do the same thing to our powder, by increasing the dose of the waters drawn from the simples and not from the blood, in which waters of the simples we put to soak wood of F.... and B... from which the waters draw the substance, which is very strong, which is communicated to the said powders in the cultures during the third operation which represents childhood, and the adolescence in which it is necessary to give it for food the salt of mercury, by making the culture after having triturated them in this third operation, it still changes color.

The fourth operation is similar to the third, except that it is necessary to increase the dose of mercury salt and water, which is necessary in all cultures until the powders are perfectly red.

The powders in their vegetable principle of the simples are green and grayish, when they are in the form of salt and that one mixes them to make a compound, they are dark; in the first cultures of the first operation they turn black by watering. In the second operation they whiten little by little. In the third they are reddish, and in the fourth they become quite red.

It is necessary in all the cultures of the four operations to mix a little clean common water and a little bit of spirit of wine in the compound waters, of which one wants to water the said powders in the cultures, and which must be done by sprinkling.

In all the cultures the material increases, but mainly in the fourth after the second culture, if the powder has not languished in the preceding operations.

The wind is very contrary to them, the bad air, and if the woman approaches it in certain times, she corrupts them, especially when they have been given culture.

They must always be kept in the sun or in the air in good weather, when it rains, they must be in a dry and warm place, never water them or grind them when the weather is fine and there is no wind, there are only two days in each month to give them their culture, if the weather is bad, it is better to leave them unless you have a well closed place where the heat is at forty-four degrees, or at least at thirty-eight, in these cases we can grind them. er and water them, always by sprinkling.

We know when the fourth culture is perfect, when the powders sublimate, we can take the sublimated ones and use them as above. If you keep them, it must be in a tightly corked bottle so that they don't go flat, and give them from time to time well-washed mercury, which they devour like a magnet does iron filings. You will take care that they are in a dry place and that they do not suffer from the cold or the humidity.

These powders in these operations, after having been triturated and passed through a silk sieve, they are watered, and as they dry they become hard, in a mass like a stone, that is why the work is called the philosopher's stone, but when they are perfect and have sublimated, they are always powders, forming only small lumps which in handling them are reduced to powder.

We can also project in this way. Soak this powder in the rectified oil of gold, dilate the mercury by the solvent above, and mix a few drops of this oil of gold, in which powder dissolves with the said mercury, eleven drops project a pound of the said mercury.

You must be happy, sir, with what you demanded of me, I tried to take advantage of the lessons that were given to me. I have given all my diligence to obey your orders, although I have recalled in my ideas all that I have been able to learn, either by reading or by experience, I will boldly confess In vanum laboraverunt qui quaesirunt eam dormierunt somnum suum et nihil juvenerunt in manibus suis . I count as much on the honor of your esteem as on all the chemical treasures, being with great respect,


Your most humble and obedient servant


Quote of the Day

“This Spirit is found in all Metals, more abundant in other Metals than in Gold, because Gold, by reason of its well digested, ripened, and fixt body, is tight, close, and compact, and therefore no more can enter into its body than is just requisite; but the other Metals have not such fixt bodies, for their pores are open, and far extenuated, therefore the Tincture Spirit can the more abundantly pass thorough and possess them. But because the bodies of the other Metals are inconstant, the Tincture cannot remain with those inconstant bodies, but must depart.”

Basil Valentine

Of Natural and Supernatural Things


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