Second Grade Excellent Knight Adept Price of the RC





The laboratory is called: sky(?), it is hung with green and decorated with 9 columns, one white and one red alternately, each column will have an arm bearing 9 stars which will give the number 81, this number can be reduced to 27.

There will be above the head of the president who will be called Prince excellent or very excellent a tricolor canopy green white and red. In front of him on a table is spread a carpet of the same color, finally on this table will be a statue of a woman representing the truth, a vertical flame from her head, she will hold a mirror with her left hand, her right will be raised to the heart and she will hold in this hand a golden triangle. This statue which is the palladium of the rank will always have to be covered with a tricolor veil like the carpet. It must be 27 inches high without including the pedestal which will be triangular and hollow so that it can contain in a drawer of the same shape a book as triangular and covered with an envelope. This book which is that of the truth encloses the explanation of all the emblems of the rank such as one will see it thereafter. There will also be on the table an arrow three feet long, the wood will be white and the wings green and red and the tip will be gold.


The president is dressed in a tricolor tunic, he wears a crown surrounded by 9 gold arrowheads. He holds in his hand an arrow which serves as a mallet and with the tip of which he strikes to demand silence.

The clothing of the other knights consists of a red apron, a white and green triangle adorning the middle. They have moreover as well as the president a tricolor cord green white and red in saltire and at the end of which is suspended for jewel a large equilateral triangle.


The President is called Very Excellent and the first and second supervisors Excellent, all three are armed with an arrow instead of the mallet. All FF:. indiscriminately have in this grade the title of Excellent. In addition to the three officers there is a secretary, an oratory, a brother examiner/introducer, a treasurer and a sacred guardian who answers to the palladium on his head and finally a priest brother.


The T:. Excellent having the F:. sacred guardian on his right and the priest on his left, all other FF:. in their respective places asks the first excellent if there are any ignoramuses among the adepts, with these words all the FF:. make the sign and the first excellent responds:

A: Don't you know, T:. Excellent, that they cannot rise to the vault of the third heaven.

The T:. Excellent then strikes a blow on the table with his arrow by three, five and seven. The FF:. first and second Excellent repeat drums and T:. Excellent says:

Q: How old are you F:. first Great?

A: Eighty-one years.

Q: What time is it F:. second Great?

A: Regeneration time.

So the T:. Excellent takes off his crown and says:

R: Harmony reigns, matter awaits, let us prepare for the work, the third heaven is open.


The table of rank must be unrolled on the third heaven even on days when there is no reception. It must contain the following figures in a triangular shape:
1 a lit pyre
2 an arm armed with a cutlass
3 an angel in a cloud
4 a large cross
5 a spear
6 a crown of thorns
7 the ark of the covenant
8 the tablets of the law
9 a censer
10 mercury with the attributes
11 a stove with a crucible
12 a gold ingot
13 a burning candle
14 a globe rotating on its axis
15 an equilateral triangle in gold


After the neophyte has been proposed and accepted in the desired forms and has arrived at reflections, the third heaven being open, the T:. Excellent orders the F:. purifier to go to the entrance of the third heaven to seize the neophyte and to the F:. examiner/introducer to pick it up. The neophyte having his eyes blindfolded and having arrived at the entrance to the third heaven, he knocks on the door 12 knocks and the T:. excellent says:

Q: F:. excellent, find out the motives which may lead an apprentice to disturb the great work.

The first excellent repeats the request that the second excellent passes on to the priest. This one opens the door and after having communicated with the F:. examiner/introducer, he says:

A: T:. excellent, the apprentice who presents himself would like to rise up to this region. His name is NAME. His soul is strong, his mind enlightened and his hands skilful. The F:. examiner responds.

The T:. excellent says:

Q: Well, I commend his zeal; that it leaves the earth's atmosphere and is introduced into these places.

We open the door, the F:. examiner brings in the neophyte who presents himself by the five steps of the previous grade.

The T:. excellent says:

Q: F:. priest seize the neophyte who has the audacity to want to rise up to us by crawling like a vile reptile.

The priest takes it.

The T:. great says:

Q: I realize from your attempt the noble ambition that drives you, but tell me what is the meaning of the irregular walk you have adopted to present yourself here?

The recipient replies:

A: It is to prove that without difficulty one cannot arrive at the truth and that all the roads which can lead to it must be sought, provided that they do not lead us away from the paths of equity.

The T:. excellent says:

Q: We will judge whether your courage matches your audacity. Give him wings and let him ascend to heaven.

One fixes on the shoulder of the candidate two wings in the shape of oars, one ties in his hands the sleeves of these wings which cross in front of his chest so that he can move them easily and the T:.

Q: You are now ready to undertake the difficult and perilous journey that you want to take. Do you still have the same knight intentions?

The recipient responds:

A: Yes.

The T:. excellent continue:

Q: That being so, one places the footstool near the abyss and makes the journey.

We advance a step of 9 steps and 5 feet high, we place it between the FF:. first and second Excellent, the steps facing the side of the front door and the T:. excellent says:

Q: Sacrificer guide the neophyte on the step from where he must take his flight towards the celestial vault.

When the neophyte has mounted the 9 degrees of his wings, the priest leaves him alone, telling him in a low voice to wait for the order of the T:. excellent which then says:

Q: Knight you are going to cross a road that we have all traveled; It is therefore not above human strength, because we are men like you. Although the wings you are given are made by one of the most skilful mechanics, I warn you that they will be of little help to you if you are not supported by feelings which must animate you. These precious feelings are the ardent desire to learn in order then to direct your knowledge towards a goal worthy of the virtuous man, the courage necessary to overcome the obstacles which embarrass the path of life and to triumph over the passions which bind mortals and divert great things, finally an extreme confidence in your project which must be founded on the peace of your conscience and the purity of your principles. If such is your soul, if such are your resolutions, you can leave without fear. There exists within you an ascension force powerful enough to lift you safely beyond the circumscribed regions of our planet's atmosphere. This temple has no other vault than that of the heavens and our eyes as our wishes accompany you; but if, on the contrary, shameful vices defile your soul, if your apparent energy is only effrontery and your supposed courage a vain ambition, take care not to leave this footstool which still serves you as a support, the slightest movement that you you would rush into a deep cistern where you would find inevitable death. There exists within you an ascension force powerful enough to lift you safely beyond the circumscribed regions of our planet's atmosphere. This temple has no other vault than that of the heavens and our eyes as our wishes accompany you; but if, on the contrary, shameful vices defile your soul, if your apparent energy is only effrontery and your supposed courage a vain ambition, take care not to leave this footstool which still serves you as a support, the slightest movement that you you would rush into a deep cistern where you would find inevitable death. There exists within you an ascension force powerful enough to lift you safely beyond the circumscribed regions of our planet's atmosphere. This temple has no other vault than that of the heavens and our eyes as our wishes accompany you; but if, on the contrary, shameful vices defile your soul, if your apparent energy is only effrontery and your supposed courage a vain ambition, take care not to leave this footstool which still serves you as a support, the slightest movement that you you would rush into a deep cistern where you would find inevitable death. This temple has no other vault than that of the heavens and our eyes as our wishes accompany you; but if, on the contrary, shameful vices defile your soul, if your apparent energy is only effrontery and your supposed courage a vain ambition, take care not to leave this footstool which still serves you as a support, the slightest movement that you you would rush into a deep cistern where you would find inevitable death. This temple has no other vault than that of the heavens and our eyes as our wishes accompany you; but if, on the contrary, shameful vices defile your soul, if your apparent energy is only effrontery and your supposed courage a vain ambition, take care not to leave this footstool which still serves you as a support, the slightest movement that you you would rush into a deep cistern where you would find inevitable death.

Are you still planning to make your trip?

The neophyte answers: yes.

The T:. excellent continues as follows:

Q: The starting signal will be 3 claps, on the third you launch yourself into the air waving your wings and God will do the rest. Your thoughts are done, are you ready?

The neophyte answers: yes.

The T:. excellent hits 3 equal and slow strokes in the hand and at the last the candidate must swing.

Observations: There are two ways to stop the recipient in his fall. The first is to pass under his arms and in front of his chest a strong strap which is firmly fixed by placing the wings on him. This strap leads to a thick rope attached to the ceiling so that its length keeps the candidate suspended half a foot from the ground. The second and simplest way is to hold the FFs below. a woolen blanket which must be stretched tight so that the fall of the candidate does not cause it to sink to the floor. In this way there will never be an accident. After this test we will get rid of the wings and the T:. excellent said to him:

Q: Knight we are pleased with you and the reward you expected came close to a promise. I announce to you that you are now in the space of the firmament where wandering stars roll. The enormous distance you have traveled without realizing it must doubtless astonish you, but you must still see only with the eyes of faith. Are you willing to undergo new trials and rise from the first heaven where you are to the second heaven?

The candidate answers: yes.

Q: Let him climb the mysterious ladder so that he can achieve this desired stay.

The candidate is brought a ladder with three rungs and which stands on its own, his left foot is placed on the first rung and the priest tells him to wait for the order that the T:. excellent gives in these terms:

Q: Knight you will ascend to the second heaven by following this mysterious ladder. This is where you need to gather all your strength and above all maintain a presence of mind that will be more useful to you than ever. Remember the name of the three columns that serve as the base of the building of all R+C Princes and repeat the name of one of these columns for each rung on which you will climb.

The recipient must say while ascending the first rung: FAITH; the second rung: HOPE; the third rung: CHARITE then the T:.

Q: Knight, you don't feel like going any further, why are you hesitating?

The neophyte replies that he cannot find another level.

The T:. excellent says:

Q: Foolish man! aren't these three rungs that you have crossed by the power of the three theological virtues the symbol of the most sublime ternary number of known numbers? Hey! what, did you expect to find another degree above perfection! Reach out with your left hand and search if you find anything above you and you will convince yourself that you are at the end of the journey.

Here we approach a light from the hand of the neophyte who hastily steps back.

The T:. great says:

Q: You shudder knight! Have no fear, the heat you felt is that radiated by the fixed stars. You are near the region assigned to them by the supreme Arch:. of the world. If you have recoiled in fear, it is because you are not yet pure enough to bear the atmosphere of the second heaven. So come back from your presumption and think that without our help you could never overcome the obstacles around you.

Make the neophyte drink the ether of the second heaven.

They give him a glass full of white soap suds, of which he can only swallow a few particles, then they take him off the ladder and put him on the floor.

The T:. great says:

Q: The effect of this precious liquor has just manifested itself in you with the rapidity of lightning. You are now freed from the impure parts which held to your existence during your stay on the terrestrial globe. Your body, which has become lighter, has required the property of resisting the action of fire, because you are surrounded by a luminous world whose rays no longer act on your senses. Learn that man in striving for perfection concentrates, so to speak, without his soul and resumes a new life.

Knight, you only have one more step to take to rise to the third heaven which is the end of your journey. Are you ready to attempt this difficult undertaking?

The neophyte answers: yes.

The T:. great says:

Q: Think that you are going to enter the region of super-celestial waters, do you not fear that this difficult step will be subjected to heat and humidity and will have a dangerous effect on your organism?

The neophyte answers: no.

The T:. excellent says:

Q: I see, knight, that you are emboldened by your (?) and that moral strength prevails over physical feeling.

Since the candidate's resolve seems unshakable F:. priest seize him immerse him in the third element we will see if he does not succumb to the test of immersion.

The F:. priest seizes the neophyte by the middle of the body swings him to test him and puts him back on his feet.

The T:. great says:

Knight I praise your perseverance in good but do you not feel inconvenienced by the waters around you?

The neophyte answers: no.

The T:. excellent says:

Q: It must be, you are certainly unaware that the upper waters do not wet because of their extreme rarefaction but when you are more versed in the higher sciences, you will be taught to know the physical causes of the wonders of the nature and we are happy with you. Knight, do you want to demote or advance?

The neophyte replies: I want to move forward.

The T:. excellent says:

Q: Enjoy the fruit of your labors, the third heaven is open to you.

At these words the T:. excellent shoots a pistol, the F:. priest tears off the blindfold of the recipient and all the FF:. make the sign.

The T:. excellent says:

Q: FF:. excellent get back. F:. sacrificer make the neophyte go around the emblematic triangle 3 times and let him notice carefully the 3 times 5 figures which are traced.

The F:. priest obeys the order.

The T:. great says:

Q: Knight, you have arrived in the third heaven, we have unrolled before your eyes the triangle which contains 3 times 5 figures on which are established the principles of the sublime rank of the princes of Mercy adept knights and we are going to reveal the mysteries to you sacred which they contain. But before revealing these important secrets to you, we require you to take an oath of secrecy regarding everything you have learned and can learn from us. Take this oath.

The candidate says: I undertake under my previous obligations never to discover the secrets that have been and will be entrusted to me.

The T:. excellent then says:

Q: We receive your oath look listen meditate.


You see:

1° a lit pyre 2° an arm holding a large cutlass 3° an angel in a cloud. These three figures represent the sacrifice of Abraham, submitting to the orders of the Eternal who, to test him, ordered him to sacrifice his only son. This generous sacrifice is the emblem of the wise man who must constantly resign himself to the secrets of providence.

4° a large cross 5° a spear 6° a crown of thorns. The three figures remind you of the passion and death of JC a God who became man and who suffered to redeem sins, an ignominious death is the most sublime act of love and devotion: sacrifice is the emblem of a generous father who gives his blood to save children. He is represented in the grade of the Rose-Croix.

7° the Ark of the Covenant 8° the tablets of the law 9° a censer. The three figures recall the manifestation of the Lord to Moses who ordered him to build the Ark of the Covenant. The tables of the law contain the precious Decalogue which is the principle of the religion and the censer indicates the cult of the true God of which Moses becomes the founder by instituting the high priest Aaron head of the priesthood.

10° Mercury with its attributes 11° a crucible on a stove 12° a gold ingot. These three figures represent the principle of money and the product of the great work.

13° a burning candle 14° a globe revolving on its axis 15° an equilateral triangle Or. The three figures are the emblem of the astral fire which animates all that exists, of the movement imprinted on the golden universe from which results the eternal harmony and finally of the creator of all things.

Knight, the material blindfold has fallen and you are beginning to read our mysteries, but as science is acquired slowly, you can only advance step by step, we will guide you. We demand another oath from you, do you agree to do it?

The neophyte answers: yes.

Q: Since that is so raise your right hand and repeat with me.

I swear and promise by my oath of M:. Mason never to reveal to any mortal the sublime mysteries that will be entrusted to me.

Knight, the bandage that covers your spirit is torn, you are going to be initiated. Pay your full attention to what you are about to hear.


1° a lit pyre 2° an arm armed with a cutlass 3° an angel in a cloud. The three figures relating to the sacrifice of Abraham are the type of the first covenant of God with men whose sign was circumcision.

4° a large cross 5° a spear 6° a crown of thorns. These three instruments of JC's passion should constantly remind us of God's second covenant with his people.

7° the Ark of the Covenant 8° the tablets of the law 9° a censer. These three figures are the pledges of the third covenant that the Lord made with the Israelites through Moses in the desert. Knowledge of these figures gives us the right to the sign whose mask we wear.

The T:. excellent makes him see the sign, this sign which is the second is called sign of character.

Q: From this moment you leave the name of knight for that of T:. Excellent by the triple alliance of the blood of J C.

Now cast your eyes on the painting and receive T:. excellent explanation of the last figures.

10° the figure of mercury 11° a crucible and its stove 12° a gold ingot. Mercury here represents the mercury of the philosophers, the stove and the crucible are the instruments which serve us to decompose and recompose the elements which must enter into the composition of the great work and the gold ingot is the positive result of our sublime operations.

13° the burning candle 14° the globe 15° the equilateral triangle of gold. Demonstrate to you -1° that the torch of genius must illuminate our work because it is the principle and the food of science -2° that the works made in the image of those which came out of the hands of the great Architect are from all eternity a globe having neither beginning nor end -3° that it is 3 kinds of gold like astral gold, elementary gold and vulgar gold represented by an equilateral triangle. But:. excellent as the explanation of these last figures is not clear enough to satisfy your mind I am going to question one of our illustrious collaborators in front of you:


Q: F:. first:. excellent, what is the first study of a philosopher?
A: It is the research of the operations of nature.1
Q: What is the term of nature?
A: God, as he is the principle.2
Q: What does the light of the masons represent?
A: The divine breath, the central and universal fire which vivifies all that exists.3
Q: What quality must the watchers of nature have F:. second great?
A: They must be as nature is itself, that is to say true, simple, patient and constant. These are the essential characteristics which distinguish good Masons, and when these sentiments are inspired in the candidates in the first initiations, they are prepared beforehand to acquire the qualities necessary for the philosophical class.4 Q
: What is the true and first material of metals?
A: The first and foremost is a moisture in the air mixed with warm air, adhering to everything pure and impure.5
Q: What did the philosophers name this moisture?
A: Mercury.6
Q: What is the second matter?
A: It is the heat of the earth ie a dry heat that philosophers call sulfur.7
Q: What is the life of metals?
A: It is nothing but fire when they are still lying in their mine.8
Q: What is their death.
A: Their death and their life have the same principle since they also die by fire, but a fire of fusion.9
Q: Do the various known metals each have different seeds?
A: They all have the same seed but the place of their formation was the cause of their difference.10
Q: First excellent:. how is gold formed in the gashes of the earth?
A: When the first of which we have spoken is sublimated in the center of the earth and passes through the hot and pure places where a certain fat of sulfur adheres to the walls, then this vapor, this mercury of the philosophers unites, joins this grease which sublimates again while passing in other places cleaned by the preceding vapor and where the ground is more subtle pure and humid, fills the pores of this ground, joins to it and it is then what produces the or.11
Q: What is the object of the research of philosophers?
A: It is the knowledge of the art of perfecting what nature has left imperfect in the mineral kingdom and arriving at the treasure of the philosopher's stone.12 Q
: What is this stone?
A: The philosopher's stone is nothing else than the radical humidity of the perfect elements purified and brought to a sovereign fixity which makes it produce such great things.13 Q
: F:. second excellent:., what road should the philosopher follow to arrive at the knowledge and execution of the physical work?
A: The same as the big Arch:. of the universe:. followed for the creation of the world by observing how chaos works out.14
Q: How many operations are there in our work?
A: There is only one which is reduced to sublimation which is nothing other than the raising of the dry substance by means of fire with adherence to its own vase.15 Q: When a
philosopher can he undertake the making of the great work?
A: When he knows by theory how to draw from a dissolved body by means of a raw spirit a digestible spirit, which will again have to be joined with the vital oil.16 Q
: F:. first great:. explain this theory to me clearly?
A: Here is the process. It will be when the philosopher will know by means of a vegetal menstruation united to the mineral, to dissolve a third essential menstruation with which united, it is necessary to wash the earth and then to exalt it in celestial quintessence to compose their sulphurous sulfur, which in a instant penetrates the bodies and destroys their excrement.17
Q: How many kinds of gold do the philosophers distinguish?
A: Three as you said above, astral gold, elemental gold and vulgar gold.18
Q: What is astral gold?
A: It has its center in the sun which communicates it to all lower beings. It is an igneous substance which receives a continual emanation from the solar corpuscles which penetrate all that is sensitive and vegetal.19
Q: Is it in this sense that we must consider the sun painted in the table of the first degrees of the order?
A: Yes, T:. excellent:., all other interpretations are veils to disguise philosophical truths from the candidate.20
Q: What is elemental gold?
A: It is the purest and most fixed portion of the elements and of all the substances which are composed of them, so that all the bodies included in the three kingdoms contain in their center a precious grain of this elemental gold.21 Q
: Explain to me vulgar gold?
A: It is the most beautiful metal that nature can produce, as perfect in itself as it is unalterable.22
Q: Where do we find its designation in the symbols of royal art?
A: In the three main jewels: the square, the compass and the level.23
Q: What kind of gold is the philosopher's stone?
A: Of the second kind as being the purest portion of all metallic elements after its purification.24
Q: Where is the matter that we use?
A: It is found everywhere, but it must be sought mainly in metallic nature where it is found more especially than elsewhere.25
Q: F:. second:. excellent:., which should we prefer to any other?
A: We must prefer the most mature, the cleanest and the easiest to implement and above all that it has a metallic splendor.26
Q: F:. first:. excellent:., is everything contained in this subject?
A: Yes T:. excellent:., but it is nevertheless necessary to help nature so that the work is better and rather done27, that by the means indicated above and by employing the sulphurous sulfur of which we have explained the origin. It is by this process that one extracts pure philosophical gold from matter.

After this explanation of the system of the great work, the Very Excellent addresses the recipient the following discourse:

You see T:. excellent by this light outline of our theory that the transmutation of metals is known to us, it is time that you perceive the goal and the object of all our works. We hold from the philosophers who have preceded us the important secret of composing gold, but the danger entailed by this admirable knowledge obliges us to work ceaselessly at the means of distrusting ourselves. In a few days, from a continued study and by becoming the secret witness of our operations, you will not fail to cooperate in what we call the great work, you will become a skilled chemist and you will make gold.

It is an important thing to reveal to you that none of us has the right to divert the slightest parcel of this precious metal. If the philosophers around me did not take wisdom as a guide for their actions, they would immediately appropriate the gold they would make and procure all the enjoyments that wealth gives. What would result? that the public, even the government, would be interested in knowing the source of so much good and that, finally, the imprudent would compromise and infallibly cause our ruin. To prevent all misfortunes here is the regular march that we have adopted. All the gold taken out of our laboratory where you were introduced we deposit it in an artistically made case and which contains about three million in ingots. The slowness of our operations and the precautions that we must take in order to avert all suspicion require three years of work from us to fill this fund. When this numerical value is complete, the eldest among us who is responsible for three years of the functions of which I am the depositary takes this box and says an eternal farewell to us after having pronounced a terrible oath and goes to enjoy in a distant country the fruits of his work, his studies and his discretion.

Every three years we lose one of our collaborators who is replaced in our bosom by a new F:.. Judge now of the importance of our work and of the happiness which awaits you if death does not surprise you before your turn is come to participate in our riches.

I congratulate you T:. excellent to have been called there by your knowledge and your virtues. As this lucky day may come sooner than we dare to hope for and as we have to foresee everything, it is necessary according to our regulations, which nothing can be changed, that you answer three major questions which will be put to you. Think carefully before you speak and remember that your answers will give us the measure of your prudence and your discretion.


1° What country will you choose to retire to when you leave us with your treasures, Russia, England, or the United States of America, the only ones where you are allowed to go according to the portions of the globe assigned to each of us?

The recipient responds.

2° What means will you take to carry your money without danger and what precautions will be yours to exchange your gold against pieces of course, by preventing that one cannot harm our tranquility.

The recipient responds.

3° What use will you make of the three millions that you will possess, when you have reduced them by exchange in currency.

The recipient having responded, the T:. excellent can make objections to him to ensure the solidity of the answers, then he says:

Q: Finally T:. excellent, you have victoriously overcome all the obstacles to your reception. You have now reached that degree of elevation demanded by Solomon, the wisest of kings, of those who helped him to accomplish the great work. But that's not all, T:. excellent, the material blindfold and the blindfold of the spirit no longer exist for you and yet a third blindfold, the one that intercepts the torch of truth whose rays must illuminate your soul is not yet torn. Gather all your moral powers for the painful return that you will make on yourself, because you need it.

Q:F:. sacred guardian bring us the palladium.

The F:. guardian brings the statue of truth covered with her veil.

Q: Discover this immortal emblem of our work.

The F:. goalkeeper removes the tricolor veil.

Q: Do you know this figure from the attributes that surround it?

The neophyte answers: yes.

Q: What is his name?

He answers: the truth.

Q: That's her, T:. excellent; you have to understand what his presence means. Remember that up to this time the truth has not come out of our mouths, so whatever you have seen what you have heard instead of emanating from this resplendent goddess, has been opened to you under the veil of allegory, but this thick veil, this blindfold of the soul is about to fall. Pronounce with me your third and last obligation.

The candidate is made to kneel on the ground with his right hand raised on the side of the statue.


I swear by all that is most sacred to my honor and to the truth never to say, write or communicate in any way the secrets of the Sublime:. grade of excellent:. knight Adept Prince of the R+C of Mercy, not to confess to anyone, even at the risk of my life, neither how nor by whom I was conferred this rank unless the one or those from whom I received it don't give me express permission. May Jehovah contain me until death.

The T:. excellent continue like this:

Q: T:. excellent your third headband has fallen; the truth will speak.

At these words the T:. excellent approaches the statue makes the first sign and takes from the pedestal the sacred book which he reads:


Mortal, get to know yourself! everything that flatters your pride or your greed immediately seduces you; come back to your mistake. How could you believe that philosophers, friends of wisdom dedicate their lives to looking for a despicable metal that gives so many evils. The philosopher's stone exists, do you want to own it? do you want to enjoy all the good it provides, remember your past faults, think of the good you have done. Put in a just balance the good and the evil, you will see that the sum of such vicious inclinations, of your errors outweighs that of your benefits and your virtues. Forms, according to this examination, the noble resolution to change conduct. Solemnly swear in your heart to avoid doing evil and to seek to do good.

Penetrate yourself with the importance of the commitment you contract in the face of heaven, then you can walk without fear in the path of life. If you experience annoyances, if misfortune pursues you, if unexpected setbacks overwhelm you, may your heart remain firm in the midst of the storm, like a rock beaten by the waves. Offer your sufferings to the Eternal who with a glance embraces the universe and demands that you come out of your error. Do not cast your eyes on the opulent man for you would think only of the radiance which surrounds him and you would not notice the worries which gnaw at him, the remorse which perhaps tears him apart, but cast your eyes on this unfortunate class that floods the heart of the cities. Reflect, dwell on the privations she experiences, the miseries she feels! Think of the cruel fate assigned to him without compensation, without hope of alleviation! Tremble and if you don't have the heart of a tiger, you will no longer be moved by your sorrows, you will resign yourself.

The strength to bear one's destiny, the courage to bend to one's condition, to be satisfied with it, the peace of mind that comes from a pure conscience and boundless confidence in the justice of the Sovereign. arbiter of the worlds, that is the philosopher's stone. Then your stoic soul will hover above the human miseries that will no longer be able to reach it. Not that she becomes insensitive to sorrows, a necessary flight from the goods that bind us to life, but she will be calm, unshakable within the activity in a way in the future to taste the reward reserved for virtue.

T:. excellent I like to think that the purity of these principles agree with your heart.


1° The lit pyre is the one where Jacques Molay and his unfortunate companion expiate in torments
faith heroic resignation
2° The arm armed with a cutlass is the heavens
crimes unpunished pains revenge
3° The angel in a cloud is the genius of great things that rise in the heavens
freedom enthusiasm glory
4° The spear is the weapon of the knights who followed Godfrey of Bouillon in Palestine
nobility value origin of the Templars
5° The cross is the standard of the heroes of the holy land which recalls the greatest memories
tribulations humility
6° The crown of thorns spreads the hand of the reckless pain is seized with pleasure
sacrifice martyrdom triumph
7° The ark of the covenant announces the manifestation of a God who strips himself in a way of his immensity to live among men
David religious alliance divinity
8° The tables of the law govern the peoples of a sublime morality emanating from 'a celestial intelligence
religion decalogue justice
9° The censer indicates the worship from which the priests of wisdom
priesthood ceremony imagination learn
10° Mercury with his attributes represents Menes one of the first kings of Egypt
empire art protection
11° The stove surmounted by a crucible reminds us that just as metals are purified by fusion, the soul is regenerated by prayer
purification doctrine instruction
12° The gold ingot is the motive of human actions that the force of reason reduces to its just value
corruption ambition prudence
13° The burning torch is the emblem of the truth which must illuminate our actions in the difficult path of life
light strength safety
14° The globe turning on its axis warns us that the worlds thrown into space are submitted in their revolution to an invisible power
eternity centripetal force harmony
15° The equilateral triangle of gold is the most perfect figure under which the aspect of divinity strikes our eyes
delta ternary trinity

The T:. excellent makes the candidate approach the altar makes him kneel down and makes him a knight Adept very excellent Prince of Mercy by striking 15 shots, 3, 5 and 7 on his arrow with another arrow and putting the cord on him and the apron he says to him:

Q: T:. excellent, I'll dress you in the tricolor garment that characterizes our rank. Be worthy to wear it. Now receive the signs, words and touches.

He gives it to her and tells her to go get recognized. That done he says:

Q: Applause T:. excellent to the happy acquisition we have just made.

We applaud.


Q: Are you a Knight Adept Prince of R+C as seen by Mercy?
A: I have seen the great light (the delta) and am like you T:. excellent by the triple alliance of J:.C of which you and I carry the mark.
Q: What is this triple alliance?
A: That which the Eternal did with Abraham by circumcision, that which he did with his people (heliham) in the desert through Moses and that which he did with men by death and the passion of JC his dear son.
Q: How many words do you have?
A: Six including one pass, two profane, two sacred and one sublime.
Q: Tell me the two profane words.
Q: What does the first word mean?
A: Excellent Master which is the name of a Scotsman.
Q: What does the second mean?
A: It is the name of the chamber of the third heaven which was only open to those who had infinite knowledge and who assisted Solomon in the making of the great work.
Q: Tell me the two sacred words.
Q: What do these two words mean?
A: One God alone eternal and sovereign master of all things.
Q: Tell me the word sublime.
Q: What does this word mean?
A: It is a Chaldean word which means do what you would have done to you.
Q: What is the sign?
A: There are three:
The first that we call entry is to raise the right hand above your eyes in the shape of a triangle as if you wanted to protect yourself from too strong a light or to protect yourself from the light of the delta.
The second which is that of character is to form a triangle with the two thumbs and the two index fingers and carry it on the stomach.
- The third is that of call or help, it is done by crossing both arms above his head, hands outstretched and the palm turned outwards. This is only given in lodges or in pressing needs by saying: Mine are the widow's children.
Q: What is touching?
A: It is to take the shoulders of the examinee with both hands and press them a little three times while pronouncing the words:
Q: What is the order?
A: Standing with your right hand resting on your hip.
Q: What is the walk?
A: Three equal steps, always starting with the left foot and each time bringing the two heels together with the toes open at right angles.
Q: What is the battery?
A: 3 5 7.
Q: What is the assignment?
A: It is done by 9 times 9 which makes the number 91.
Q: How old are you?
A: 81 years old.
Q: What time is it?
A: Regeneration time.


The number 3 being the most perfect in the eyes of the masons, we must have noticed that everything was done by 3 in this sublime grade. But the duty which is made up of this number leads its cube by the following progressions: 3 times 3 make 9, 9 times 9 make 81. Understand everything that appears by 3 in this grade: 1 3 skies 2 3 colors 3
3 columns
4 3 times 3 stars per column
5 3 arrowheads
6 3 times 3 arrows to the crown
7 3 journeys
8 3 rungs to the ladder
9 3 times 3 steps to the step of the first journey
10 3 theological virtues
11 3 strokes hand
12 3 times around the board
13 3 times 5 figures in the board
14 3 board explanations
15 3 oaths
16 3 allegorical words to each figure of the last explanation
of the table
17 3 bands, the material, that of the spirit and that of the soul
18 3 alliances or the triple alliance
19 3 species of gold
20 3 explanations of these 3 species veiled in the first grades
21 3 million promised
22 3 years of work indicated
23 3 steps in walking
24 3 pressures in touching
25 3 signs
26 3 profane words
27 3 sacred words


WORKS works close as they open.

Before applauding the T:. excellent puts the book of truth back in its place and we take the oath of silence with our hands turned towards the palladium that the sacred guardian covers with his veil.


The order of the banquets will be the same as in any other grade for health and discipline.

There is no change except in the denomination of the objects that make up the table service as follows:
1° To make a banquet will be said: to work on the great work
2° The bottle will be said: shuttle
3° The wine will be said: incense
4° The glass will be called: censer
5° The liquors will be called: spirit
6° The water will be called: wisdom
7° The knife will be called: arrow
8° The bread will be called: philosopher's stone
9° Dishes will be called: metals
10° Dishes and plates will be called: crucible
11° The tablecloth will be called: standard
12° The napkin will be called: veil




Quote of the Day

“The student must not suffer himself to be misled by the language occasionally employed with regard to salts by the philosophers whom we have quoted, as, for instance, when it is said, in the mystic language of our Sages, "He who works without salt will never raise dead bodies"; or, again, when he reads in the book of Soliloquies," He who works without salt draws a bow without a string." For you must know that these sayings refer to a very different kind of salt from the common mineral.”


The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers


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