Salt of Art - De Sale Artis


(see ref. BN in secret fire)

After having learned how, using the salt of the art fixer (Sal Artis Fixatum), it is appropriate to prepare Gold and Silver for a dye on the men and metals, for curative purposes, it remains to be said how it is possible, by means of Sal Artis volatilisans in particular and also in general, to prepare very easily, inexpensively and in a very short time, the best medicines from plants, animals and minerals.

You should know that our Sal Artis has the property of fixing volatile metallic subjects and making them incombustible. All its fixing force can therefore without difficulty and at little cost be taken away from it in a few hours, and on the other hand, another force capable of making any fixed thing absolutely volatile can be given to it, and through this, things the greatest and most incredible can be achieved in medicine and alchemy. Nothing of this miraculous salt is known to the world and perhaps it will be so until God allows it to be made known through Eliam Artistam.

What I know about it, I will deliver it as best I can, and the rest is God who in his time, and through certain good people, will make it known.

To make this Sal Artis fixative volatile is a very simple art for those who know, on the other hand, it is an incredible thing for the ignorant. But it's very easy for me to make that believable. Pour our Sal Artis, which will have the correct weight, with a good spirit of wine, extract the spirit of wine again, then you get a wonderful spirit, because thanks to the Sal Artis it receives a powerful force, but the Sal Artis being on the other hand weakened, it can no longer be used: But the Spirit of Wine achieves such great things, which are not yet known to the world, as we will see later.

Indeed, the Spirit of Wine has indeed become ten times stronger than it was before the abstraction; otherwise he could not achieve such great things, because not only did he easily enter from the large bodies the essences of all plants, animals and minerals and lead them to the (helmet, dome, cupola?) (this is only a term to indicate the upper part of the distillatory )?, but it also extracts dyes from Gold and Iron; as also of all precious and ordinary stones to carry them with him towards the (helmet, dome, cupola?). No philosopher has yet touched upon such artificial extraction and separation of tinting souls from fixed and volatile bodies. but it also extracts dyes from Gold and Iron; as also of all precious and ordinary stones to carry them with him towards the (helmet, dome, cupola?).

No philosopher has yet touched upon such artificial extraction and separation of tinting souls from fixed and volatile bodies. but it also extracts dyes from Gold and Iron; as also of all precious and ordinary stones to carry them with him towards the (helmet, dome, cupola?). No philosopher has yet touched upon such artificial extraction and separation of tinting souls from fixed and volatile bodies.

The fact that I am so generous and express myself so clearly is for reasons that not everyone needs to know. I just need to reveal as much as possible to the world, which no living person has done before me.

Let's see the great secrets that we obtain thanks to our alcoholic Wine Spirit. Paracelsus called his Spirit of alcoholic wine, Wine Alcohol, with which he achieves great things. But that his Alcohol of Wine was equal to mine in strength is unbelievable, because it could not have remained hidden for so long.

Whatever happens, Paracelsus remains a Monarch of Physicians and Alchemists, whether he did not know how to use our Sal Artis for the preparation of such a miraculous Wine Alcohol, no one can know, God bestows his gifts whomever it pleases. Everyone should be satisfied with what God has given him and not envy his neighbor if he has received more from God, like this worker grumbling in his vineyard.

Every day I am envied by the ungodly because God has given me so much and they have received nothing. But I don't pay as much attention to it as I used to.

I will not, furthermore, please God, allow a general apology to be made against these impious thieves of honor, this would have happened before, if I could have known their names, they will not escape to the punishment of God, as to that of the Devil, who took to himself his faithful servants, masters of lies, the others will follow in their time.

Now let's get to work and see what good we can do with our Wine Alcohol.

First of all, you should know that plants and animals must first be pulverized, when they are dry, because, not dry, they can only be crushed a little, then, pour Wine Alcohol over them when they are dry. dry, somewhat digested; but when they are not dry, one can immediately extract the Spirit of Wine, which then carries with it all the forces of plants and animals, in addition to a perfect taste and smell, and sometimes also with flowers, colors, which until now, perhaps no one has yet done.

For the minerals, however, it is necessary to carry out another preparation, because our alcohol is not powerful enough, to attack the hard minerals and the compact metals and to extract their essences. We must first dissolve them with non-corrosive water, pour our Wine Alcohol over them, let it digest a little, and then distill it: it is only on this condition and not otherwise that the spirit of wine carries the essences with it.

Plants, animals, minerals and metals properly prepared, when the plants and animals, once dry, are pulverized and those which are not yet dry are crushed, before the spirit is extracted. And, as has been said, the metals and minerals must first be dissolved in non-corrosive menses or liquors, before the alcoholic Spirit of Wine is poured upon them. before the spirit is extracted. And, as has been said, the metals and minerals must first be dissolved in non-corrosive menses or liquors, before the alcoholic Spirit of Wine is poured upon them. before the spirit is extracted. And, as has been said, the metals and minerals must first be dissolved in non-corrosive menses or liquors, before the alcoholic Spirit of Wine is poured upon them.

Only this must be taken into consideration in the manufacture of fixed metals and stones, that these must be dissolved with fixed waters or liquors and not with volatiles. Indeed, if the Solution (solvent) were volatile, this volatile Solution would also leave with the Spirit of Wine in the distillation, and would spoil everything, because, after the distillation, the Spirit of Wine must be separated again from the quintessence transported: however, if the Solution was also transported, it would remain in the medicine and deteriorate them, which should not be the case.

This is why you must be very careful with the Solutions (solvent), which must be free of corrosives, odors and harmful substances. If this solution, and the Spirit of Wine, are to be taken into consideration for this work,

Who now wants to plant good fruit in this garden of golden apples must be provided with these two main keys; namely, as has been said, of a non-corrosive as well as non-volatile menstruation, so that it dissolves minerals and metals, and also knows how to alcoholize its spirit of wine, otherwise, it will not obtain the metal dyes. I had to say that, about the preparation of plants, animals, and minerals, in general. Therefore, we are now going to begin, in the name of God, to teach, in particular, the preparation of plants, animals and minerals for the most incomparable and noble medicines.

First, the plants. The essences of the plant must be immersed in a bath at medium temperature and, if the spirit must be collected in different containers, the part which overflows has a different property than the middle part or the lower part. Indeed, as far as plants are concerned, the best part leaves first, the poorest part last. For the others (minerals and metals?) the poorest leaves first and the best last. This is why the overflowing part must be collected in different containers.

It is easy to verify that the strengths of flowers and herbs go strangely before those that are still green, such as hardwoods, to which the species are bound more strongly than in soft flowers and herbs. What experiences well and makes it true. If we proceed properly during this distillation, we will see to the greatest joy of our hearts and we will not be able to thank God enough for such great light: Indeed, the Spirit of Alcoholic Wine carries with the essences of plants, the most fragrant odors, which a common Spirit of Wine can never do.

With the common Spirit of Wine, we can extract plants and minerals, but we cannot lead the extracted essences over the capital; we can only make extracts, which in relation to these essences, such as they are transported by our Wine Alcohol, are not comparable, but must on the other hand be considered as bark? (Huben).

Indeed, our essences, when they are taken into the body, leave it immediately, and seek their enemies, touch them, and expel them,
what crude drugs cannot do. They also do with the flame: thus the mounted Spirit of Wine, the volatile mercurial salts, the tinctures or the Animae Metallorum (souls of the metals), leave the body and expel their enemies. The tinctures of the stones transported in this way do no less. It should not be understood, that the Spirit of alcoholic Wine should be taken, together with the tincture in the body. Absolutely not.

The Spirit of Wine must again be separated from the tincture. This is by way of example: I transport, by means of our Wine Alcohol, the quintessence from the large silicas and crystals, and I want to act in the same way with the stone of the bladder and kidneys, such as it is accustomed to form ; so I must mix the Essence of Stone (Essentiam Lapidis) with the Spirit of Wine, do not give them to the body, because what the essence would do good, the powerful spirit would spoil it because of the great heat.

This is why we must first separate this hot Spirit, before being able to use the essence, which separation cannot occur by distillation, because the essence is not to be separated from the Spirit of Wine, because the two would rise together very quickly. Thus, we cannot, in any way, separate the tincture into the stone essence from the Spirit of Wine by precipitation. as the two would rise together very quickly. Thus, we cannot, in any way, separate the tincture into the stone essence from the Spirit of Wine by precipitation. as the two would rise together very quickly. Thus, we cannot, in any way, separate the tincture into the stone essence from the Spirit of Wine by precipitation.

What to advise then? The only way to achieve a separation is this: namely, when we light the fiery spirit and burn it under a dome provided for this purpose, the spirit of Vin is consumed with the flame and the non-consumable crystal essence (essentia crystalli) remains, unburned, in the form of a beautiful soft oil. And it is necessary to know this, that when the Spirit of Wine burns and only the Sulfur Vini, and not the incombustible Mercurius Vini can burn, which leaves intact with the flame in the capital and the container or condenses into a beautiful sweet water .

NB You should know that as rectified as a Spirit of Wine may be, it is nevertheless made up approximately half of water, which water rises with the flame and allows itself to be caught in the cold container. But this water is not just ordinary water; it is a strong brandy, strangely when the wine spirit has been rectified with medicinal species. And even if this were not the case, this water would nevertheless be good; in fact, the Mercurius Vini is hidden there, which must also be separated from it; when we extract its sweetness from this water in a steam bath, the Mercurius Vini remains in the form of a beautiful white salt full of celestial strength and virtue.

Which explains why this salt or Mercurius Vini has always been called Celestial Salt by true philosophers. It is also necessary to observe this, when water is abstracted from the Mercurius Vini, such water is not however without force, but invisibly locks up, hidden within it, still a little celestial Salt, strangely when the Spirit of Wine has been impregnated with good subjects during distillation or rectification. After one has used subjects for impregnation, then the Celestial Salt or Mercurius Vini is also strong.

We have seen here how to extract their essences with silicas and crystals using our Wine Alcohol and how to transmute them.

When this Wine Spirit Crystallisatum is burned under a suitable dome, then the greater part of the Crystal Essence (essentia crystallorum) remains in the form of a beautiful clear liquor, excellent medicine against all Tartarischs (tartaric?) diseases, to dissolve and expel stones from the bladder, kidneys and other parts of the body.

But the purest part of the crystal also rises with the flame in the dome, in the form of a beautiful water, which water, when we extract from it, in a steam bath, all that is the sweetest, remains the Mercurius Crystallorum (crystal mercury), in the form of a beautiful white salt, which in Calculus, Podagre and others, acts much more powerfully, because it is volatile, than the oil or liquor which has remained fixed in the container. We must proceed with the other stones as we did with crystals or silicas. However, you should know that the stones are not of a single kind and quality, that we have sometimes found five or six species, namely: many kinds of crystals, white, transparent, clear, opaque also , white, green, blue, red, yellow, black, etc.

All of them can be enameled in glasses of various shades: Also belonging to this species of crystals are all silicas, white or colored, fine or coarse sand, which can be enameled in glass with salts. These kinds of stones can be melted with Fixed Alkali Salts, and transformed into liqueurs, about which I wrote in detail in the second part of The Furnaces (de furnorum). you should know that the stones are not of a single kind and quality, that we have sometimes found five or six species, namely: many kinds of crystals, white, transparent, clear, also opaque, white , green, blue, red, yellow, black, etc.

All of them can be enameled in glasses of various shades: Also belonging to this species of crystals are all silicas, white or colored, fine or coarse sand, which can be enameled in glass with salts. These kinds of stones can be melted with Fixed Alkali Salts, and transformed into liqueurs, about which I wrote in detail in the second part of The Furnaces (de furnorum). you should know that the stones are not of a single kind and quality, that we have sometimes found five or six species, namely: many kinds of crystals, white, transparent, clear, also opaque, white , green, blue, red, yellow, black, etc.

All of them can be enameled in glasses of various shades: Also belonging to this species of crystals are all silicas, white or colored, fine or coarse sand, which can be enameled in glass with salts. These kinds of stones can be melted with Fixed Alkali Salts, and transformed into liqueurs, about which I wrote in detail in the second part of The Furnaces (de furnorum). also opaque, white, green, blue, red, yellow, black, etc.

All of them can be enameled in glasses of various shades: Also belonging to this species of crystals are all silicas, white or colored, fine or coarse sand, which can be enameled in glass with salts. These kinds of stones can be melted with Fixed Alkali Salts, and transformed into liqueurs, about which I wrote in detail in the second part of The Furnaces (de furnorum). also opaque, white, green, blue, red, yellow, black, etc. All of them can be enameled in glasses of various shades: Also belonging to this species of crystals are all silicas, white or colored, fine or coarse sand, which can be enameled in glass with salts. These kinds of stones can be melted with Fixed Alkali Salts, and transformed into liqueurs, about which I wrote in detail in the second part of The Furnaces (de furnorum).

These kinds of stones, which can be melted with alkaline salts, can also be transformed into a transparent glass, with a lead ash. On the other hand, precious stones, whether Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, Hyacinths, Garnets or others of a completely different nature, cannot be transformed into glass by either alkaline salts or lead. This is why there is no one who could claim to have been able to use it for the good of medicine. Indeed, it is no more possible to dissolve these stones with the most powerful corrosive waters that exist.

NB Although I do this without corrosiveness (but it is not appropriate to divulge it here), we cannot, in our madness, make the world blind to knowledge, and how many experienced men have we already spoken about, when with these stones, they want to do great things, their dirty medicines don't help anything, so they come with their Confectio Hyacinthorum (hyacinte preparation) which is of no use.

What they do, one finds out at the end, because these ignorant doctors only harm the sick person with their helpless stones, bring no help and that, because for their ineffective preparation, they take not only the five diamond stones hard, Hyacinths, Rubies, Garnets, Sapphires, Emeralds, but also beaten leaves of Gold and Silver, which in no way cure the sick stomach, but can only be harmful: indeed, Gold and Silver 'Silver can do as little service as hard stones, but cling almost to the folds of the stomach, preventing digestion.

To more than one doctor, I pointed out this defect and indicated that the inventor of this stupid preparation was a real donkey and had understood nothing about natural things, and we could rightly call them children the successors, although the oldest and most distinguished Galénici, almost suggest that their medicine is good. I am going to say something about the Galenicis who did nothing with fire, understand nothing about Gold and Silver, even less about hard precious stones: These, we could still forgive the gross error : But there are many doctors who imagine they understand chemistry, and spend their time on it, only to remain constantly in error.

From many I received ingratitude when I spoke of this madness. But the saying goes, training old dogs makes them mean. I have no doubt, however, that future young people, in time, will reflect, that they will discover these great errors and also correct them.

I couldn't miss this little thing, he who knows, doesn't need to learn it, but those who are still ignorant in the matter, can get a lot of good out of it.

Now back to the stones. There are also stones which generally lie in good soil but also in waterways, such as Lapis Judaicus, Linci, and others similar, which are not very hard, but which can be dissolved. with a good Saline Spirit (Spiritus Salis), which current chemists use at present only for calculations but without much success, because the coarse stone is not improved by the Saline Spirit in the solution, but rather spoiled. Indeed, the separation of the pure and the impure does not occur. But if these stones are treated according to my prescriptions and transformed into their essences, one should be able to achieve an improvement of what preceded.

There is also a quantity of hard calcareous stones, which cannot be melted either with alkaline salts or with lead ashes, but which, by burning them in a powerful fire, can be transformed into lime. whitened. We can also count among these limestone stones the Helmontii Ludus, which we can sublimate with our powerful Salmiac in the same way as other similar limestone stones, and transform into liqueurs. This has already been dealt with in my writings, especially in Part Seven of my Spagyric Pharmacopoeia.

From these kinds of stones, an excellent medicine against all species of Podagra can be prepared, with our wine alcohol, if they are first transformed by fire into a white lime. As the pious German philosopher Basil Valentine writes, who with essence of quicklime (Essentia Calcis Vivae) would have saved from Podagra, the chancellor of the all-powerful German emperor. It is therefore probable to be able to artificially prepare such a noble medicine with a despised quicklime and is all the more probable since Basil himself had knowledge of the method by which to separate Mercury from a Spirit of Wine, by flame. For what separation, he also learned to make a strange brass instrument.

If he knew this, he also knew well, when the Essentia Calcis Vivae is transformed into the Spirit of Wine, purified by the flame, clean and improved, if it was possible to separate it again; It is thus, without a doubt, starting from quicklime, that he must have prepared his medicine. the chancellor of the all-powerful German emperor. It is therefore probable to be able to artificially prepare such a noble medicine with a despised quicklime and is all the more probable since Basil himself had knowledge of the method by which to separate Mercury from a Spirit of Wine, by flame. For what separation, he also learned to make a strange brass instrument.

If he knew this, he also knew well, when the Essentia Calcis Vivae is transformed into the Spirit of Wine, purified by the flame, clean and improved, if it was possible to separate it again; It is thus, without a doubt, starting from quicklime, that he must have prepared his medicine. the chancellor of the all-powerful German emperor. It is therefore probable to be able to artificially prepare such a noble medicine with a despised quicklime and is all the more probable since Basil himself had knowledge of the method by which to separate Mercury from a Spirit of Wine, by flame. For what separation, he also learned to make a strange brass instrument.

If he knew this, he also knew well, when the Essentia Calcis Vivae is transformed into the Spirit of Wine, purified by the flame, clean and improved, if it was possible to separate it again; It is thus, without a doubt, starting from quicklime, that he must have prepared his medicine. It is therefore probable to be able to artificially prepare such a noble medicine with a despised quicklime and is all the more probable since Basil himself had knowledge of the method by which to separate Mercury from a Spirit of Wine, by flame. For what separation, he also learned to make a strange brass instrument.

If he knew this, he also knew well, when the Essentia Calcis Vivae is transformed into the Spirit of Wine, purified by the flame, clean and improved, if it was possible to separate it again; It is thus, without a doubt, starting from quicklime, that he must have prepared his medicine. It is therefore probable to be able to artificially prepare such a noble medicine with a despised quicklime and is all the more probable since Basil himself had knowledge of the method by which to separate Mercury from a Spirit of Wine, by flame. For what separation, he also learned to make a strange brass instrument.

If he knew this, he also knew well, when the Essentia Calcis Vivae is transformed into the Spirit of Wine, purified by the flame, clean and improved, if it was possible to separate it again; It is thus, without a doubt, starting from quicklime, that he must have prepared his medicine. he also knew well, when the Essentia Calcis Vivae is transformed into Spirit of Wine, purified by the flame, clean and improved, if it was possible to separate it again; It is thus, without a doubt, starting from quicklime, that he must have prepared his medicine. he also knew well, when the Essentia Calcis Vivae is transformed into Spirit of Wine, purified by the flame, clean and improved, if it was possible to separate it again; It is thus, without a doubt, starting from quicklime, that he must have prepared his medicine.

If this had not been the case, he certainly would not have been able to indulge in such care.

You should also know that there are still other, better stones that can be transformed into lime by burning them, from which it is possible to extract, thanks to our Wine Alcohol, a Universal Medicine, against podagra and stones, the scales of sea snails, called oysters, give a lime. It is the same for all marine plants, whether the stones in sponges, or all other kinds of corals, pearls and mother-of-pearl, which give a beautiful lime.

Of all the stones, those which I hold to be the best are those which are found in animals, birds, fish, and men, which are transformed into lime by burning them, from which one draws the essence by means of wine alcohol and which is transformed into a beautiful liqueur.

Among the fish, we can retain the rattlefish (?) (Shelfisch), Witting (?), the small perch, the Bosten (?), like the crustaceans; but they must be burned, before anything useful for the preparation of medicine can be extracted.

So, using the smoke, they must first regenerate stones in the bodies, which then expel themselves, it should be noted.

We have sufficiently studied how, starting from precious stones, it is necessary to prepare a good medicine to fight against all kinds of painful Podagra, as well as to expel stones from the kidneys and the bladder.

We will now see which stones can be usefully extracted with our wine alcohol and prepared for tinctures on men and metals.

Let us go a little further and see what kind of stones would be suitable for, by means of our Spirit of alcoholic wine, extracting tinctures from men and metals. For all stones, when they have many fixed colors, are not suitable for the extraction of dyes; in fact, even if we only used a few fragments, real precious stones would be too expensive. The real ones cannot be treated, whether it is Garnet, Sapphire, Ruby, Hyacinth, Emerald, Turquoise.

Those which have a high and fixed color are not suitable for color extraction. But on the other hand, with all the colorful stones, which allow themselves to be treated or dissolved, it is not possible to extract the color from the fixed bodies, without prior solution. This is why it is necessary to grind stones which can be treated and which have a lot of fixed dye; whether it is red or green jasper (jaspis), Lapis Lazuli, blue or black magnesia: which are frequently filled with golden dye.

All stones, colorful and free from splinters like glass, found in mountain streams are also good. If Jasper or Lapis Lazuli were not so expensive, they are the ones to take. That jasper is better than gold, old writings attest:

What is better than gold? The noble jasper. What is better than jasper? the youth. What is better than youth? God . What is better than God? Nothing.

We note that the ancients looked at the dyes of Jasper and not at the beauty, otherwise they would have cited, after Gold, a more expensive and also more beautiful precious stone: Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, or other expensive stone. It is therefore no less certain that one can extract a beautiful tincture from a good Jasper than from Lapis Lazuli. And better yet black magnesia, which is inexpensive and contains a lot of dye. Let us therefore use this neglected stone and see how easy it is, with the help of our wine alcohol, to remove its beautiful color and how also this tincture can subsequently be used not only for medicine but also for Alchemy.


Take a half pound or two of heavy black Magnesia (Manganese Oxide? Pyrolusite?), grind it to a fine dust and dissolve it with our Universal Stone Water, to dissolve almost any hard stone, you will get a green solution like the grass, filter the solution and if you did it well, you will have very little lees left, as if it were not dissolved. This solution is then complete and it is easy to immerse it in our wine alcohol, extract the tincture and lead it into the still.

NB Although the solution is green, the spirit of wine becomes a beautiful golden yellow in the distillation. And when it burns under the dome, the purest Mercurius Magnesiae converts with the flame and can be used as medicine. And it remains a blood red liquor, like a very high tincture not only to improve in human body, but also metallic.

With this dye one can also dye the crystals in different beautiful colors similar to that of precious stones, but not hard ones. Because if this could be the case, one could hardly wish for better, to obtain great wealth easily and in a short time. But the means of applying this tint to white metals, I cannot thus reveal. The one to whom God hands this tincture, he will find it well how to use it.

Medicinally this tincture is good for use against obstructions of the liver, spleen and also of the lungs. The white Mercurius, which rises with the flame, is an excellent cardiac, Stomachale, Cephalicum, Nephriticum, as well as an excellent Podagricum.

Whoever has prepared this beautiful tincture only once will be able to quintessence. He will find even better there than I will be able to write to him.

He has here the method of preparation clearly described; as we proceed with the magnesia stone, we can also proceed with other stones, extracting tinctures from them, each tincture of stones having its kind and its particularity. If it were possible to dissolve all the precious stones, as it is not possible, one could work miracles.

But we must content ourselves, and thank God, with being able to extract tinctures and essences from the most beautiful among the real ones. Indeed, it is not useful for us to know how to dissolve all the stones, we know enough, if only we pay attention and consider with zeal what we have learned here; then, we will find, that such a Great Arcanum was not yet known in the world.

For this time, enough has been said about the extraction of dyes from hard stones.
However, there is still something to be said about the means of very easily transmuting the tinctures or essences of minerals and metals, with our Alcohol Vini, without prior solution or other analogous preparation. This is what happens: Incandescent door in an earthen container between the coals of a wind oven 2, 3 or 4 half pounds (more or less), that is, (1, 1.5, or 2 kg) of Sulphide Marcasite (native iron sulphide) or else iron, copper, tin, lead, silver rich in sulphur, or gold nugget, and when they are well incandescent, then only you must throw these hot stones in whole pieces into my second distilling oven, to which a large container should have been granted and immediately pour over the stones a full spoonful, about an ounce, of our wine alcohol; quickly place the lid on it, the spirit of wine will crawl into the stones, but due to the heat it will not be able to stay for long; on the contrary, it will rise immediately, carrying with it the spirit of the metal. Only then should a spoon full of spirit be poured again and allowed to transmute, repeating the operation as often as necessary.

But when the nuggets, ores or marcasites have cooled, we remove them, bring them to incandescence again, place them in the distillation container, pour wine spirit over them and thus extract the spirit of the metal from the ore. And do this for a long time, reheating often and pouring in wine spirit, until you have enough metal spirit. but due to the heat, he will not be able to stay long; on the contrary, it will rise immediately, carrying with it the spirit of the metal.

Only then should a spoon full of spirit be poured again and allowed to transmute, repeating the operation as often as necessary. But when the nuggets, ores or marcasites have cooled, we remove them, bring them to incandescence again, place them in the distillation container, pour wine spirit over them and thus extract the spirit of the metal from the ore.

And do this for a long time, reheating often and pouring in wine spirit, until you have enough metal spirit. but due to the heat, he will not be able to stay long; on the contrary, it will rise immediately, carrying with it the spirit of the metal. Only then should a spoon full of spirit be poured again and allowed to transmute, repeating the operation as often as necessary.

But when the nuggets, ores or marcasites have cooled, we remove them, bring them to incandescence again, place them in the distillation container, pour wine spirit over them and thus extract the spirit of the metal from the ore. And do this for a long time, reheating often and pouring in wine spirit, until you have enough metal spirit. you must pour a spoon full of spirit again and let it transmute, repeating the operation as often as necessary.

But when the nuggets, ores or marcasites have cooled, we remove them, bring them to incandescence again, place them in the distillation container, pour wine spirit over them and thus extract the spirit of the metal from the ore. And do this for a long time, reheating often and pouring in wine spirit, until you have enough metal spirit. you must pour a spoon full of spirit again and let it transmute, repeating the operation as often as necessary.

But when the nuggets, ores or marcasites have cooled, we remove them, bring them to incandescence again, place them in the distillation container, pour wine spirit over them and thus extract the spirit of the metal from the ore. And do this for a long time, reheating often and pouring in wine spirit, until you have enough metal spirit.

Then burn the spirit of wine, and you will have a marvelous Essence of metals (Essentia Metallorum), which you can use, according to your knowledge and your understanding. I can tell you that this method of obtaining the spirits of metals “in copia” is the easiest. This process should be viewed with as much simplicity as it should be given great attention, for there is more to discover than one might imagine. I know that it matters little that what I have written is not understood by everyone. It must be like this and it must remain like this, that such great Arcana remain secrets and not be divulged. Now, he who does not understand how, in this way, to make his metallic Spirits, he can dissolve the metals in their menses,

But enough has been said, that metal spirits, when poured together, enhance each other. I won't divulge more this time. Too much has already been given to the unworthy; God will help the one who fears him much more.

In this way, the essences of all common stones, silica sand, metallurgical ores can be transmuted into red, green, blue or other colored earths without preparation. May God be praised for this in all eternity. Amen.

We understood, starting from marcasites or metallic ores with sulfur content, how we could, without any preparation, transmute great tinctures or strong essences, by means of our wine alcohol. In this way, we can also, starting from many other mineral subjects, transmute their essences, and this without prior preparation, but, particularly starting from those mineral subjects which would otherwise be volatile. Be it Minera Kobolti, Arsenic, Auripigmenti, Bismuth, Zinc, Calamine from which we know how, by means of this prescribed method, to transmute a very dangerous but wonderful kind of spirit for the improvement of metals. Likewise, we can, from hard compact metals, transmute spiritual forces, without prior solution, provided,

Then the spirit of the metal is transported with its natural smell, its taste and its color, and in these spirits of metal wonderful things are hidden, of which nothing can be entrusted to the pen. For the improvement of metals, such spirits are most apt to be used. Refer to the Vexirbuch der Alchimisten on this subject, you will find satisfaction. But, if you think about this thing, then you will find more than I can say, for it is not so simple to transport pure and immortal souls out of their compact and still whole metallic bodies.

NB Certain metals, melted with ores then filed, also transmute their colors and odors much more strongly than other simple metals.

Take a sample of yellow copper (brass), place a small piece on glowing coal, until it becomes hot. You will discover that a foul smell emanates from it; or again, put a little coal in a pan made of yellow copper or messing, on which you heat the dishes, the pan, when heated, will give off a harmful and noxious stinking odor, an odor that cannot be tolerated not only by strong heads.

This smell occurs because red copper, which itself does not smell bad, is mixed with calamine. However, Calamine (native Zinc Oxide) is a stinking volatile mineral which, when in contact with copper and heated, gives off such a nauseating odor. And, when the copper is whitened by Arsenic, it stinks even more, only when it is yellowed by scale. We can call it a bodily spirit or a spiritual body, is this smell a spirit? which emanates from yellow copper and which is however not without body.

The peasants or even our current gentlemen the poorly learned Philosophers have nothing to say about these spirits, because they do not know any other spirits than the spirit of wine or beer, and if that did not rise to them to the head so that they experience it, neither would they know.

I am only giving an indication here of what is causing the stench of this odor and the distressing effect it has on the brain as well as the heart of man. A man, connoisseur of nature, protects his heart and his brain from such a stench, seeks to catch this volatile salt and fix it, artificially, in a yellow dye. The stench of copper gives a tincture, to constantly color red copper white.

That's enough said: the ear has what it needs, if it knows how to hear and whoever wants to know a little more about the smell of such a metal, let him read Bracelsius: that's where he will find that from such a metallic stench can be prepared the True Stone of the Philosophers, the Greatest Medicine against all diseases of men and also of metals.

That's enough for this time. We'll see a little more elsewhere, God willing.

Now it still remains to be said how to extract from hard stones, without dissolution, the spirits, into tinting souls and obtain through them honor and goodness in medicine. The process is completely identical with metallic ones, because when stones, white silica, crystals or colored stones like Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, and others, are immersed (poured), incandescent, in our vini alcohol, then the Spirit of wine carries with it the colors of the stones; colorless stones, it only carries white which is however wonderful and very expensive to use in medicine. Of all limestones, when previously well burned, it carries a spirit as strong and as subtle as no other can be compared to it in strength.

You should not heat the corals and pearls to incandescence because their strength would go away, but only heat them and then pour in the spirit of wine. Then the spirit of wine transmutes the essence of the corals into a beautiful red and that of the pearl, white as milk. We can only immerse pulverized fish and shellfish when cold and extract the spirit of alcoholic wine by Arenam (by struggle), which will immediately transmute its strength.

When the spirit is separated from them, burned, according to my teaching among other inventions, then remains the true magisterium of these stones, beautiful strong salt without all the corrosives. This salt is the true magisterium of these Fischsteinen (fish stones) and these true magisteriums cannot be prepared, without all the corrosives, only from corals, mother-of-pearl pearls,

And let no one be surprised that I write about eggshells: Indeed, eggshells also have their origin in stones. We can see this when, in winter, the chickens are locked up and, not going into the ground, they cannot eat sand or small stones, and so they lay eggs without shells. This is why the eggshells should not be neglected, because if, according to my teaching, they are transmuted into a beautiful magisterium, much good for calculus and podagra (who has gout) can thus be achieved. They are good especially for pregnant women, to speed up childbirth, to give strength to the mother and child, and to help with the aftermath of birth.

It is simple to get enough eggs with shells, when, by themselves, they fall from the nests.

They give a good remedy for epilepsy. Hoopoe eggshells would be the best, if they could be had, for no bird is more tormented by epilepsy than a hoopoe. When, in winter weather, he is caught and finds himself among other birds, he often suffers from epilepsy: he wiggles on his feet, shakes his head and tail, finally falls on his back, does not stay in the this position, gets up, plucks some of his feathers, runs after the other birds, eats and drinks, as if he had never been sick. Although one cannot have the eggshells of this bird, one could pluck its feathers and make a magisterium from it. This bird is gray in color and emits a curious cry when it flies; in winter it is taken prisoner with other birds and in summer it is not seen.

Empty Colerum.

Let no one be surprised that I write here about eggshells and feathers, for much good is hidden in the Superfluis Naturae.

Some, among the most distinguished philosophers, have taught how to make the stone of philosophers: among other things, let us slip these lines, as he wrote about the hairs of men and the shells of eggs.

Licet haec absurda videantur, nemo tamen omnia novit, namscriptumest: Stulti Aliquando safinut Collège tu, si quae Tibit placent, quae vero desplicent abjice, etc...Vide Divum Thomam.

Magisteria could be made from many other stones. Time does not permit writing further on this subject. Everyone can think about it and look it up for themselves. One man alone cannot do everything. I think with regard to magisteria that as they are currently usable in drugstores, they cannot be considered magisteria, but dead earth.

For twenty years I have written against these vain magisteriums. The highly educated Zwolferus, the emperor's physician, did the same afterwards. Nothing was done, because these vain and unworthy magisteriums of such a name are still in use today, and the poor patients find themselves so lamentably neglected. But we must believe, when Elias Artista comes, that he will eliminate a lot of evil and, on the contrary, he will institute good, which we hope and of which we do not doubt.

In addition, it is useful to publicize the preparation of plants and animals. Indeed, much importance must be attached to this preparation, because, if plants and animals are of different species, they must also be treated in different ways. Opium, for example, is a tenacious juice which cannot be pulverized.

This is why we can cut it into small thin slices, and dry it on a hot plate or other warm place and only then pulverize it, pour our wine alcohol, digest it a little together, then transmute: then rises a very subtle essence, including the spirit of burnt wine, which partly remains and partly rises with the mercurial water, and is caught in the container in the form of beautiful water.

This Opium Mercurius is so powerful that, without being taken, but only smoked, it produces a greater effect than any other common Laudanum Opiatum.

The red liquor remaining in the container can be administered to the body; the rest remaining in the small still cannot be used for anything other than discarding.

Or if we want, we can; only dissolve with ordinary water, filtered and condensed ad consistentiam Pillurarum Massam, use something else, still perhaps as good as a Laudanum Opiatum, as it is generally given in apothecaries' shops.

If the oil, remaining in the container, is excellent for its virtues improved during its passage in purgatory as well as by the flame of the spirit of wine. This oil, or liquor, has no off-putting taste or odor as all opium usually has, and this is because it has been improved by the flame.

But this mercurial force, rising with the flame, is better than that which remains behind: we can more easily give the patient this clear water which has neither taste nor odor, than oil. And if one wishes, one can inspect the oil with the crocus and the Sulfur Narcotico Vitrioli Martis, take it to Massam Pillularum, make pills from it and administer in this form.

This remedy can bring a lot of good to the patient who suffers or cannot sleep or can hardly sleep. Because sleep alone is an excellent remedy for man, especially for the elderly. Just as physical rest, sobriety and abstinence from excessive rest and drink are very beneficial to the patient and will be more useful to him than the common bad remedies.

And I can say with truth, that I have seen many diseases cured only by rest and abstinence, without any help of remedies. The measure is sleep should therefore always be taken into consideration in patients. It has been taught here how, with our Spirit Tartarisatum, to extract the best essence from opium, and with the consumption of the Spirit of Wine, to improve the extract. Now in this same way, the most powerful virtues can also be extracted from all flowers, herbs, wood, and similar plant subjects.

NB Hyoscyamus also provides us with a rather effective soporific so that we can do without opium. The same is true for tobacco and its equivalent.

NB Aloine, Myrrh and Crocus treated in this way give an Elixir Proprietatis, ten times better than that prepared according to the description of Paracelsus or Helmontus. In fact, our vini alcohol has transmuted, starting from the Spaciabus, only the purest essence, and moreover, it makes this pure and transmuted essence even purer by the flame of the Spirit of wine and improves it with the maximum. Whoever seeks to obtain a good cordial of herbs, flowers, seeds, roots or wood, has only to, according to his good judgment, choose or look for the species which he considers to be good.

In the same way he can prepare a good Cephalicum, a good stomach, a good nephricum, a good venereum or whatever. He will be able to obtain more than what has been done to date. But we must be careful if we want to proceed universally. That we can do without all plants and animals rather than the green coat of Grandfather Demogorgon. For a small piece of Demogorgon's ore is of greater consideration than all of its green mantle.

This is why having a universal medicine that can do more than all plants and animals is impossible to achieve. So you should consider having a piece of Demogorgon's coat for yourself and treating it according to my instructions! Only then will we find a universal medicine, which will do more good for all diseases, whatever their names, than all herbs, whatever the zeal taken in their preparation. For this, refer to the little treatise of the incomparable Jeannis Bracesus “de ligno vitae”, and you will discover who the Demogorgon was. You will also discover what was the noble blood of its precious ore. You can find sufficient satisfaction there.

To finish just a little with Demogorgon, you should know that the ancient philosophers did not divulge the great universal work so that everyone could understand. They have, instead, revealed the art through multiple puzzles to totally obscure it and who, this way, who, the other.

However, almost all of them referred to Demogorgon, who would have his seat or dwelling in the center of the earth and would be enveloped in a large and solid green cloak. Demogorgon means nothing other than the central fire, which God, in creating the world, placed as the center, in perpetual fire generating life. Not only are all metals and ores born from this generating fire in the earth, but all plants, herbs, bushes, dust and large trees of all kinds come from it,

This is why Demogorgon was held by philosophers to be a great father of all pagan gods, metallic subjects, as well as the holder and provider of all that exists within and without the earth. .

Because everything that grows inside and outside the earth has a single beginning: the Demogorgon. Refer to the little treatise on Cosmopolite 12.

Metals and ores are immediately attributed to Demogorgon, as for man, the shirt comes before the pants, the metals and ores therefore representing the shirt of Demogorgon, and the plants or all that which grows on the earth, his pants. This is why the plants and Animals, Demogorgon's coat, are not to be taken into consideration as much as his shirt.

The ancients have written much about this Demogorgon, namely that not only the immutable stones, but also the stones which grow, as well as the metals, would be generated by him in the earth and kept in growth, but that the mobile spirits living in the mountains would take their origin from him, Demogorgon.

It is well known that the mountain people, when they dig the earth in search of gold and silver, encounter strangely shaped spirits, who, in a half-human appearance, come to see them, as if they wanted to help them, put the ore in the boxes next to the men. But this is only a decoy, their work does not advance anything, it is only an appearance.

The mountain dwellers do not fear these spirits, for they do not harm them. But very bad, terrible spirits also appear to the mountain people, who prevent them from working, beat them, throw stones at them; from the heights they also precipitate the good, who will crash down screaming. These evil spirits breathe a poisonous breath on the workers that is quickly fatal. Many then fall at once and die suddenly. These spirits appear to men not in one, but in a number of forms, dressed in the habits and wearing the hoods of monks.

Sometimes they also appear in the form of horses or other animals, but all of them are evil, because they do not willingly let their great treasures of gold and silver be taken. These evil spirits are called Cacodaemones by the mountain people and they are very greedy. They could also be called misers, those rich people who, rightly and wrongly, love these dross of gold and silver so much that their senses and their thoughts are almost entirely focused on them and they would not give a coin to the poor so that he can buy a piece of bread.

We have these evil guardians of gold and silver on earth, permanently before our eyes. These Cacodaemones are much worse than those of the mountains with the exception that they cannot beat people to death, as they do in the mountains. But their venomous tongues do not fail to strike pious people, and if they could, they would kill them themselves. Wie bei Farner Amelung-Becher und ihoen Ehsen diebischen auhang genigsam eroviesen.

From here, may God be praised a little more with what follows. Anyone who wants to know a little more about these mountain spirits, refers to the little treatise by Georgii Agricolae “De Animantibus Subterraeis” and he will be satisfied.

To return, now, to Demogorgon, I say, that we find certain metals in which the forces of all plants and animals are concentrated and united, which minerals are born from the very pure mineral blood of Demogorgon, which minerals we should take in hand to prepare a universal remedy.

One should not process so many herbs; a single remedy would suffice, not only to treat all diseases universally, but also to make a tincture on white metals, in order thus to perfect the latter to a good end. It should be noted that such a universal remedy is very easy to prepare, but can also be prepared in a few days and at little cost. Indeed, minerals cost next to nothing.

The non-corrosive solvent (it could be a dilute solution of potassium cyanide which dissolves the gold) also costs very little: One can also obtain a Spiritum Ardentem for very little money. So that one hardly needs a ducat for the preparation of such a universal remedy (in order to improve the three kingdoms, vegetables, animals, and minerals). It is a profit for me to implement a universal remedy with so little expense, trouble and labor. Thrifty young doctors should aspire to this remedy and trample on the old tiring and expensive bad work.

This profit, which consists of obtaining so easily and at little cost good universal remedies, the Spiritus Vini vere Alcolisatus, alone provides it to us. Indeed, without it, the mineral cannot be transmuted and purified to the maximum, just as without the flame, it cannot be softened and fixed. If then our Elias Artistas, or Sal artis (is this sal artis potassium tartrate or potassium cyanide?) with which we accustom the ordinary Ardent Spirit and from which we make this miraculous Menstruation (what would the dissolution of cyanide give of potassium with the rectified alcohol?), is inexpensive, we can rightly, we can rightly qualify a Monarch Salt as inexpensive.

And I have no doubt that our Sal Artis will remain a Monarch, who will not be defeated by any other. Indeed, if anyone in the world shows me how to prepare so easily and so cheaply such a powerful remedy, by which the three kingdoms are improved, then I will remain ashamed with my Elia Artista in Dirty Artis, and, like a vanquished, I will I'll take a step back. But I have no fear that such a thing will happen, because our Sale Artis is not yet known, although with time, no doubt it will become so. In the meantime, he remains the master of the art.

But what I certify is that this remedy, prepared thanks to the Salis Artis and the Spiritus Vini from metals or minerals, not only improves the metals, and cures the diseases of men, but also possesses the power and the strength to help plants, restoring their strength and health when they are weak or sick.

If this were not the case, we could not call this remedy universal. Indeed, plants also belong to the universal and without the help of plants and animals, a universal remedy could not be prepared from metals. This is why Philosophers have always written that their medicine is at the same time plant, animal and mineral. If it therefore comes from the three, it must necessarily be a master for these three kingdoms to have reigned and imposed itself on them.

And if this is the use of this universal remedy on the three kingdoms. When you have, from the mineral or metal, by means of our Spiritum Vini Tartarisatum, transmuted the pure essence and have, again, separated the Spiritum Vini from the pure essence of the metals, by means of the flame, then there remains in the vase the Anima Sive (Sine?) Quinta Essentia Metallorum transmuted into the universal remedy, which must be used as is, in medicine, without other preparation, in order to treat all curable diseases.

But when this essence must be used for the improvement of metals, it must first be mixed with gold or silver as the chemists say, fermented or put into copulation, and immobilized in the fire or frozen. Indeed, without the participation of ordinary gold or silver, this Anima Sive (Sine?) Quinta Essentia Metallorum transmuted by means of our Alcohol Vini from metals or minerals, purified from superfluous Sulfur by the flame, and dissolved, has no ingredients to unite with other metals in the fusion fire. This is why it is useful to give these tinctures an ingredient, by means of common gold and silver.

And you should know that when we have given an ingres to the Quinta Essentia Metallorum by means of gold or a ferment, that this Quinta Essentia becomes a golden tincture. But if a ferment is given to the Anima Metallorum by means of Silver, this Anima or Quinta Essentia only gives a white color. This is why it is preferable to only give the ferment or ingres with Gold and not with Silver.

But you must know this, that when you need 2 parts of gold and 1 part of silver for the ferment, silver does not prevent you from dyeing red, but that with and in addition to Gold, which has superiority, it also becomes a red dye. It is the same for Gold, when 2 or 3 parts of Silver are added to it for fermentation, no red dye is produced, but with Silver predominating, they tint white. Because, always, the largest proportion overcomes the smallest, leads it to its side, and forces it to be, with it, immediately practicable.

This reminder is important. However, this cannot harm, but extend to the ignorant by enlightening them more, so that they have better information on this thing to accomplish their task all the better. But he who has only one horse still wants to find him a bridle, in order to be able to lead him.

Anyone who only has a well-prepared Quintam Essentiam Metallorum would still like to find the leaven and learn how to apply it properly. Because it is very important to apply correctly. I have known some who had extracted good tinctures from Mars and Antimony, but did not know how to proceed with the ferment, nor to make the conjunction with the tinctures correctly. They also did not understand inceration to give the dye a slight fluidity (flow) and thereby ingres. Thus they remained confined in their error. I tried my best to help them as much as possible, but they thought they knew more than me, although they had little experience of it. There are many who blind themselves, in their vain stubbornness in believing they know a lot.

We cannot help such people, because they think they are too old to learn from others. They do as they please, causing harm to themselves. If I did not fear that this impious, unfaithful and ungrateful world would find itself even more proud and more evil, I could show it a very short path, to extract easily, almost without cost, with little work and in a short time. time, lots of gold from red metals. Everyone, who only knows how to distill, melt and cup, could install a permanent and inexhaustible gold mine in their home. But it is better to remain silent than to encourage wicked people in their pride and their guilty lives.

As soon as we do good to the ungrateful world, we can only expect trouble. It is therefore better to remain silent than to receive ingratitude in doing good. However, if I can only write in my bed, I want to publish, next winter, real "Centurias", from which lovers will be able to learn a lot of good.

To return now to the use of prepared tinctures, which provide a lot of good in medicine, you should know that we can use the red oil remaining in the vase at best for the tincture of metals, but only Mercurius mounted with the flame, or mercurial celestial salt, for remedies intended for man. This pure, sweet mercurial water is the best Aqua Vitae and the one suitable, not only for relieving men and livestock in their illnesses, but it is also the best remedy for relieving plants in their illnesses.

And although we extract from the earth a good food for the maintenance and nourishment of plants, it is, besides the warm rays of the sun and the fertile rain, the best remedy. Conversely, when the earth soaks, thin and without strength, by the absence of the warm rays of the sun, causes the plants to die and wither, then, against this death, this withering of the plants, nothing can be used better as a remedy, our Water of Life, or celestial salt, sweet, warming and stimulating for all that lives, moves or believes.

Indeed, this Water of Life, thus mounted with the flame and collected in the receptacle, is of such force that the seed (sperm) of herbs, when it weakens and is no longer hidden in lean and pure sand , immediately begins to grow, and this visibly.

So if our Aqua Vitae acts in this way on herbs, accelerating their growth, why could this growth or development not also be favorable in men? This is why I still say that man, to obtain health and to evacuate pernicious illness, will not be able to find a better remedy than our universal and blessed Aqua Vitae, celestial rain water, in order to stimulate, strengthen and revive the bodily spirits of man.

If we only thought about it, we would discover that all life or growth of plants, animals and minerals, has its origin in the air or the volatile air spirit.

Indeed, we can, and visibly, make any hard stone or metal grow with the help of our Spiritus Volatibilis, on the spot. I spoke of this growth in the second part of Furnorum (the Furnaces).

Many years ago, I showed friends this rapid growth of stones and metals, who were, admittedly, surprised at such rapid growth of Moonstones and metals. But not one of them, no matter how philosopher, could have understood on what force such rapid growth rested. No one, therefore, could notice that it happened by the force of a Spiritus Volatilis.

And if this rapid growth can bring great light to the young doctor, I thought I would publish something more detailed on this subject, thus clearly displaying the truth in the eyes of those who are still ignorant. And this is to clearly show that all growth in the big world, like the small world, only occurs through a spirit or volatile salt, which has its origin in two opposites, corrosive and alkali. Indeed,

What the Spiritus Volatili encounters, it makes it grow. If a human absorbs such a spirit into his body, it will give him health, and, like a plant, he will undergo the same rapid growth. During a harsh winter (but still in a warm room) one can, with this spirit, grow a small shoot on a table, visibly. This is the truth, and let no one doubt it, because I have done it more than once.

That one can touch with the hands, that this rapid growth was obtained only by a Spiritu Volatili, which was born of two opposites, this example attests: Pours a pound of Olei Vitrioli, not of a single blow, but little by little and 1/3 after the other, on one or two pounds of calcined Tartar, then these opposites will ignite, and visibly fight against each other, from which struggle will be born the Spiritu Volatilis. Place the dome on the still and give fire to the sand: a subtle Spiritus Volatilis will then rise.

If one has dissolved a stone with calcined tartar and a metal with the oil of vitriol, then these two opposites produce a spirit that is all the more powerful. Indeed the force of the stone like that of the metal circulates at the same time as the Spiritus Volatili.

In this way, one can prepare a Volatile Spiritus from all acids and alkalis.

This is to prove even better that two opposites cause the growth of all things. This is what happens in this example: Dissolve a little iron or copper in a Spiritus Salis or Oléo Vitrioli, extract the phlegm. The spirit of acid (Spiritus Acidus) does not circulate, but remains with the iron, so that it animates it and disposes it, thanks to an opposite, to grow rapidly or visibly, like a tree with branches. Break into small pieces like large peas or small beans this Spiritum Salis Vitrioli made dry and concentrated by iron. This breaking should only be done when the martial vitriol leaves the furnace and is still hot. In fact, when cold, it attracts air and dissolves into oil, which should not be.

These small pieces of animated iron must be placed in their opposite, which opposite cannot be better than a fatty Silicon Liqueur prepared as I taught it in the second part of Furnorum (Furnaces). The glass in which the liqueur rests must not be rounded but straight, of equal width at the bottom and top and filled to approximately the height of a dwarf's hand (?) with Alkaline Silicon Liqueur. In which liquor we must put the acid concentrated by the iron, but in an orderly manner, not all together in one place, but spaced about a finger width apart, we must also place the glass in a quiet place , or it is neither moved nor shaken.

As soon as these two opposites come to meet, one always wants to act on the other. Indeed, because the acid has been concentrated by the iron and hardened, one of the two opposites cannot mix with the alkali, and destroy the other, reducing it to nothing.

They only impregnate each other, warm up a little by their own strength, and by this reciprocal restlessness, one opposite incites the other to growth. So that the harder and drier part, namely the animated Iron, draws so much moisture from its fine part, its opposite, the Liquori Silicum, that it can swell and grow. It is no more different than observing than happily observing brush and shrubs. Indeed, this growth is very rapid; In one or two hours, the glass is full of small iron bushes. Which become harder and harder, which happens in 24 hours (?) (there, bad reading and erasures in the translation, read maybe 2 or 4 hours to check in the work).

We then make the Liquorem Silicum flow through a small Grange (umlaut on the a), which must be under the glass. There remain the small shrubs, which we do not observe other than the shoots of plants. And if you want to find even more pleasure, you can pass in a glass shrubs from different metals, iron gives black, brown, copper green, lead, tin, mercury white and gray; the silver of blue, the gold of yellow. Minerals also give other colors, like metals, the Galmey (?) does not give a shrub, but grows, like small and large mountains, pitfalls or rocks of white and gray color. If one also wants to grow stones, one can do so. First of all, you have to melt the stone, whether it is white or colored with Alkali Salt or Salt of Tartar to make a transparent glass; pour this glass into a flat copper container, that it flows very wide and thin and that we can break it into small large or small pieces, as desired, we put these small pieces of stone glass in a flat-bottomed glass (as we saw above for the growth of metals); an acid must be mixed with water, not too strong, not too mild, because if too much water was added to the acid, it would cause growth too weakly.

But if the acid were to be too strong, the stone made of alkali would break and be spoiled, so that none of it could pass; she would stay on the ground, like mud. Therefore, it is necessary to act with zeal, when it is advised. NB Magnesia gives a blood red tree, more beautiful more beautiful than all metals.

This growth of stones must be done well, otherwise it gives nothing. But that of metals is easier to achieve.

From this it clearly emerges that two opposites are necessary for all growth of plants, animals and minerals as well as for that of stones: which I would have liked to be able to prove even more clearly and in more detail, if time and opportunity had given me. been given.

But, I think I have done enough, especially when I have also provided good information, in my other writings, on this growth of metals and stones. And what I have written here is only the superfluous of what has been done for a long time, in order to recall again, and all the better to apprehend the truth of a discovery. It is enough, that I have kindled a clear light for the blind world and will neither envy nor harm my enemies. The time will come when the thieves of honor will be known and receive their reward from God, which should not be doubted. God takes a long time before punishing, but when he comes, he surely comes at the right time. These diabolical and lying spirits, these thieves of honor can count on it.


Dear reader; at the end of this little book which deals with Proserpina, infernal goddess, I wrote that Elias Artista, long prophesied by philosophers, will come to light, perhaps shortly after my death, to shed light on a great light to the dark world, thus abolishing evil and bringing with it good to place it in good place. So that great changes will occur in the kingdoms, one potentate wanting to defeat another, seize his kingdom and reign over it as a monarch. I also showed what Paracelsus revealed about this monarch and the misinterpretation of truly rude people, who spread inaccuracies in a quarter of Germany. I also showed that this prophecy should not be taken literally and attributed to the great postulates of this world,

And, as far as the two words are concerned, they mean, if we interchange the letters of “Elias”: Salia, just as we also find “Salia” in the word “Elisa”. In my little treatise: "De Natura Salium", I also explained the meaning of the two words. It is therefore not useful to repeat it here, but to mention it briefly. Thus Elias Artista means among philosophers the extraordinary Salia, not yet known to the world, with which to achieve great, incredible things. If this secret salt were to one day be known to the world, a great change would undoubtedly result because, thanks to this Salia Artis still unknown to the world, great things will be done in secret philosophy, Alchemy and Medicine.

In fact these two salts were known to the Philosophers. It has been written quite clearly on this point in the Tourbe des Philosophes (Assembly of Philosophers). Among other things, our Salt increases the red in gold and the white in silver. And the peat of the philosophers says, that if God had not created such salt, it would have been impossible to prepare the Elixir.

But it is possible that these philosophers who wrote about this miraculous salt were not aware of other good salts and that they meant that only this salt would be necessary to make the dyes. I must admit that we find no other similar salt in the world, which has this power and this force to increase, enhance and exalt the ordinary and extraordinary philosopher's Gold as well as silver in their colors, and, in the same way, immediately, when this salt arrives, this monarch of all salts.

And our salt also has this great virtue, of not only enhancing the colors of gold and silver, but also of putting in constant copulation (check if Potassium Cyanide has these qualities of non-corrosive dissolution on the gold and silver?), but also to put into constant copulation among metals, the King and the Queen (gold and silver), in such a way that no artifice can separate it anymore. It is astonishing that such a volatile white salt has such a force that it immediately improves, exalts and, through these virtues, constantly increases.

We understand even better, I truly say this without the slightest reservation, that this salt or Monarcha Salium, which the Philosophers' Peat mentions, has the property of allowing itself to be sublimated to white and also to dissolve to white, in water. White it is white it remains inside and outside the fire. It is also quite volatile, which led me to call it Armoniacum Secretum years ago in my writings. But, as soon as it is transformed into Gold and Silver even more fixed than they were, so that they become more than perfect and one can no longer be separated from the other. But let no one imagine that it is the same for this Salmiac, which is made up of Oleo Vitrioli and spirit of urine and which I treat in the seventh part of my Spagiric Pharmacopoeia. Indeed, our Monarchal salt has no similarity with this one.

Indeed, this one volatilizes all things and separates, by sublimation, the pure part from the coarse feces. But this white salt, although it is in itself volatile, nevertheless has the power to fix the volatile metals, so that they remain in the cup, although this exalted force of the not yet fixed salt has also been made fixed. previously by Gold and Silver. Indeed all the substance of this salt, called by the philosophers, bishop or high priest, when Gold and Silver, either the king and the queen were inseparably copulated and do not remain entirely with Gold and Silver; all that remains is the hidden tincture and exhilarating force of all colors with Gold and Silver, the weak part of the salt going away or separating itself again even after copulation (marriage): As any priest who, after uniting a couple, returns and does not stay with the bride and groom.

This inseparable copulation of Gold and Silver can be compared to that of man and woman, when blessed by a priest ordained by God. Indeed, when a priest unites a couple, they must then remain united constantly and inseparably until death, to face the good and the bad and must not separate for futile reasons, because they have been bound by the sacrament of the priest. And, just as a separation among married beings is not granted by the spiritual authorities without particular cause, in the same way, our metallic copulation of Gold and Silver, authorized by the metallic copulator, or high priest, does not can easily lead to separation, because the high authorities of metals, i.e. the four elements, from which it was born, do not allow this separation.

Indeed, when this metallic copulation is carried out by the metallic priests consecrated by Jove, no separation of the two bodies is no longer possible. Indeed, as has been said, the four elements do not allow; damp water has no ingredients, earth and air even less, the strongest element, fire, does not have the power to separate Gold and Silver like a couple married by the sacrament, but they remain constantly united and multiply according to their kind to infinity. This is what happens when they are maintained through normal meals. Indeed, men, when they do not have the enjoyment of food and drink, can neither live nor multiply. The multiplying force must come from man, as to cattle on the earth, to birds in the air, to fish in the water, and to all living things, food and drink, when they are to be multiplied . As regards the metallic multiplication, it must be understood in the same way, because, even if the Gold and the Silver are united by the metallic priests until they can no longer be separated, this is not enough: It does not there can be multiplication, when the spouses are not maintained on a regular basis,

Just as men, to support themselves, first need breast milk, then, then, ordinary meals, whether bread, beer, wine, meat, butter, cheese, the fruits of the earth, so that they are maintained, strengthened and multiplied. It is in the same way and no other that our united Gold and Silver require their proper nourishment, when they are to grow and multiply, for without nourishment, the smallest herb cannot grow on the earth and give forth seed. generator of its species. Therefore, their nourishment must also be provided to Gold and Silver, when they want to multiply.

Just as man needs, in the beginning, mother's milk, philosophers, for the nourishment of Gold and Silver, their mother's milk, need them to be their Prima Entia (first object or being) , from which they first take their origin.

We now know that, in the despised antimony, the Primum Ens Auri (first object of gold) is frequently hidden, which is also very easily extracted in the form of a white milk, to nourish the Gold and Money and encourage their multiplication. Indeed, in the copulation of Gold and Silver, no other help is given to the bride and groom by the priest than that of blessing.

He abandons them, saying: Increase and multiply. When he has done this, he returns, and there remains no help for the bride and groom from him. In order to multiply, therefore, they must seek their nourishment in comfortable meals and drinks, which food, meals and drinks, can be our Lake Virginis or Aquam Mercurialis. Indeed, Gold and Silver together are restored, obtain a new life of growth and find themselves ready to multiply infinitely. Then our virgin (Young Girl) Milk, strengthens, nourishes and multiplies the seed dispensed with Gold and Silver, in quality and quantity, and similar nutrition, or incineration has always been recommended by philosophers as a necessary work to restore Gold and Silver made inseparable by copulation, and breathe into them a new fertile life.

To speak of this more clearly, we must also know this: When common Gold and Silver are united inseparably by the metallic priest, that is to say the Sal Artis, and exalted in their colors, that it does not there is nothing to achieve with them, because they lost their ingest in other metals during copulation, reason why the material taken must be returned to them by the mercurial water, by which the multiplication will be introduced in the deranged Gold and in the Silver in addition to the material and a slight fluidity. For when our mercurial water has also been made fixed by fixed Gold and Silver, then there is no Volatile Mercurius, but a tincture made fixed by Gold and Silver exalted in their colors. .

When one wishes to produce this and multiply such a fixed tincture, it is not necessary to do anything other than to conjugate the tincture again with the new volatile and fluid Mercurial Water, to fix them together, as at the beginning, and this multiplication can be repeated in this way, as often as desired. Indeed, if, only once, we have made Gold and Silver irreducible or more than perfect by means of Sal Artis, then we have sufficiently laid the basis or foundations (without renewing the work), but only to mix the fixed with the volatile, and as we did at first, to make fixed; indeed, Mercurial water is better internally than Gold; therefore, it brings Gold and Silver to a strong tincture, when it is congealed with it.

And let no one be surprised that, not only Gold but also Silver is embedded which however, by its external appearance, has no color. However, its interior is more colorful than Gold itself, both of which could never again have true tincture, if the Sal Artis did not raise their colors and if there was no inceration with the Mercurial Water.

Because Gold and Silver don't have more colors than they need and they can't transmit anything. But when they are first multiplied by the Sal Artis dye, only then can they have white metal colors, but in no case, before. And you should know this, that with our Sal Artis, we can (when we want) exalt Gold alone, without the presence of Silver and fix mercury into a red dye. Likewise, money can also be multiplied alone, in its own way, thanks to the Sal Artis, so that after the incineration, and by the ingress given by the Mercury, a part of the exalted Silver; dyes many parts of Copper into good and constant Silver.

Indeed, our Mercurius, with which we incerate and multiply, can be fixed in a red and white tincture also after a ferment has been added to it. With Gold it turns red, and with Silver it gets a white tint. But it is better to mix together the Gold and the Silver, according to the exact weight, which one exalts with the Sal Artis. can be fixed in a red and white dye also after a ferment has been added to it. With Gold it turns red, and with Silver it gets a white tint. But it is better to mix together the Gold and the Silver, according to the exact weight, which one exalts with the Sal Artis. can be fixed in a red and white dye also after a ferment has been added to it. With Gold it turns red, and with Silver it gets a white tint. But it is better to mix together the Gold and the Silver, according to the exact weight, which one exalts with the Sal Artis.

The whites then turn into Silver, with the Gold also turning into red, which my eyes saw and my hands touched.

Before my illness, I showed some friends this exaltation of Gold in red of the most extreme purple and of Silver in the whitest color. But no one continued the work, and I couldn't continue it either because of my painful illnesses, which is regrettable. All my life, I have been very lucky in discovering great secrets, but I have also encountered many obstacles, so that I have not been able to bring many things to an end. But I hope that, among those with whom I communicate, there will be one who, if he reads these detailed explanations, will one day undertake and carry out this work, which is so simple to do and so inexpensive. The preparation of this tincture, Ovid describes it very nicely when he says that Jupiter, transformed into a shower of Gold and unable otherwise to Daphne,

From there acquired Perseus, who Perseus, mounted on the winged horse, Pegasus, and equipped with a spear and shield, flew to the aid of the beautiful Andromeda whom a sea monster threatened to devour, fought and killed this one and took the beautiful Andromeda as his wife, terrified, or dissolved. Then he defeated the Gorgons and captured the garden of golden apples.

In this fable, the whole work is clearly described, but the fact that few understand it proves that few think about the thing and that it will be even rarer those who will spend a coin for coal, in order to make a test. Men today indulge too much in idleness, they are more attracted by a golden cup filled with good wine than by black coal. If we looked into the question, we would easily understand what the king of Archives represented among our philosophers and we would discover that it was our black lead, from which we prepare our Lake Virginum in Aquam Mercurielle, which Water Mercurielle is the beautiful Danae, pregnant by the golden rain of Jupiter.

Archivum is a Whole, where the greatest secrets are kept. Indeed, in no substance (subjecto) more things are hidden than are our black Magnesia in the royal archives. What could be prettier than the golden rain of Jupiter, with which the beautiful Danae is impregnated.

Where does this beautiful rain come from, other than from our Sal Artis, without which it would have been impossible for Jupiter to transform Gold into such beautiful rain? Who is the beautiful Andromeda other than Diana, the wife of Apollo. What sea monster? Water condemned to be devoured, is saved by Perseus. The whole work of preparing a tincture from the substances mentioned has been so clearly revealed by Ovid that it can scarcely be more clearly revealed. Now the lack of understanding it arouses is not the fault of the author, who cannot grasp the subject with their stupid minds. I clearly discovered all the ingredients specific to the question. All that remains is to extend your hand and ask God for luck and blessing. Because nothing good has ever come out of idleness.

I will, with that, finish with the use of Dirty Artis in the preparation of this universal dye on all metals, in order to transform them into Gold and Silver. And it is clearly shown, that the prophesied Elias Artista cannot be held for other than the Dirty Artis, by which the red of Gold and the white of Silver are increased in tincture and exalted.

This is why this salt was named Monarcha Salium by the philosophers who knew it: For all things have their Monarch, who surpasses the others by their excellence, their art of sublimating and their uncommon science.

This is why Paracelsus, who in his time had no equal in the world, was called the Monarch of Philosophers, Physicians and chemists. And, since our Sal Artis has no equal in the world to achieve more or better in Alchemy, it is not unfair that we honor it with the title of Monarcha Salium, because we can with this salt achieve many miracles, which it is not useful to report here. It is enough to show that Elias Artista, when he comes, will not be a great king nor another potentate, but our Sal Artis, monarch or sovereign of all metals.

In fact, not over all, but over one except, who surpasses the one described, as Elias surpassed his servant, Elisa. For as Elias ascended into heaven in his chariot of fire and left his cloak with Elisa, this salt described can be attributed more easily to Elisa than to Elia, because Elisa remained below and did not ascend like Elias. At all times, what rises by the force of fire has been held by chemists to be better than what remains, which must nevertheless be understood according to the circumstances. Indeed, what remains does not always have to be thrown away, because many good things are still hidden there.

As can be seen in the ascension of Elia, he left his cloak, which was not devoid of strength, because it allowed Elisa to share the waters of the Jordan, in order to be able to leave her a dry passage. If there hadn't been strength, Elisa couldn't have performed the miracle.

Chemists generally call Caput Mortuum, which remains behind in distillation or sublimation, which, however, is inaccurate, because it is not always death but, very often, a great vital force which is there. found hidden.

As for the cloak left by Eliah, with which Elisa parted the Jordan, and as for her dead legs (namely Elisa) which touched a dead man in the grave, and the dead man, by the touching of Elisa's dead legs , resurrected. If Elia's coat had been dead, Elisa could not have dried up the Jordan. If Elisa's dead legs had been dead and without strength, they could not have raised the dead.

Think about it, you will find out more than I can tell you. Consider what the Jordan has been: nothing but our Mercurial Water.

AFTERWARE (De Sale Artis)

Dear reader; I have revealed in this little treatise many great secrets and I have no doubt that my well-intentioned revelations will help more than one blind person to find the right path. So I address my kind remembrance to all the young doctors, who have not yet drunk from the cup of pride and avarice, whom they leave aside, like an incapable being, this vain scattered work, and that they undertake true Spagyric medicine, for which this little book will be a good guide.

Because I have made known here this Sal Artis, which has always been kept secret by philosophers, without concealing the primary useful use that can be made of it in medicine and Alchemy. So whoever just wants to do something, has sufficient elements to develop great things. Because from what I wrote about Sal Artis,

What I wrote about the Spiritu Vini Alcolisato, namely that it extracts from all metals and hard stones, as well as from animals and plants, their purest essences, and conducts them over the dome: C This is also the truth. Because there is more to achieve with the Spiritu Vini reinforced by Sal Artis, than I have written. Indeed, for particular reasons and against my will, I had to make reservations, because otherwise I would have happily published more details.

But enough has been done; Let my successors first learn to do what I said so clearly and they will find the rest. Nor can I give up sharing an even greater gift from God than the one I have dealt with in this little book: Namely that God, for the maintenance of human health, has placed in nature a substance (subjectum) which perfectly combines the vegetable, animal and mineral forces and virtues. And this substance can be obtained in sufficient quantity and free of charge in all places, because the ignorant consider it as something negligible, while nothing more important can be found in the world to serve as a medicine. Any man can obtain it, in sufficient quantity and free of charge, not only from others but also by himself, as much as he needs for his health and the temporal maintenance of his body.

because the ignorant consider it as something negligible, while nothing more important can be found in the world to serve as a medicine. Any man can obtain it, in sufficient quantity and free of charge, not only from others but also by himself, as much as he needs for his health and the temporal maintenance of his body. because the ignorant consider it as something negligible, while nothing more important can be found in the world to serve as a medicine. Any man can obtain it, in sufficient quantity and free of charge, not only from others but also by himself, as much as he needs for his health and the temporal maintenance of his body.

And to make this even clearer, I say, truly, that our first parents, Adam and Eve, brought this substance from paradise. And not only them but every man, rich, poor, Jew, Christian, Turk, Pagan, carries it into the world with him from his mother's body. But no one wanted to imagine, when I referred to human urine or excrement, that these contained a great remedy. It is something else, less considered than urine and excrement.

That a proud donkey painstakingly invents this substance, God will have to tell us. And even, if it were to be known to an impious, God would prevent it. And, that he doesn't know the application, that wouldn't harm anything. If only I had enough strength to be able to move a little and not stay in bed constantly, I would like to be able to say, with Archimedes: Da pedem terram move bo. But now I must say, with those who are about to die: O Domine, da pedem in Coelis, Terram relixquo.

I say this: When a man knows this substance and knows how to apply it in medicine, he can consider himself very lucky, because he does not need anything else in the world. But it should however be preserved, when he has enough strength, space and opportunities to make this remedy. We obtain this substance for nothing, and we use it neither for the manufacture of glass or coal, nor for that of ovens: everything can be done in silence.

If God grants me a little more life, I would not allow this universal remedy to be made on my bed, unless God willed it. I am satisfied with what he will continue to attribute to me, whatever it will be. But I recommend this substance to all physicians, above any other in the world. Indeed, it can be obtained at any time without money and its preparation is simple and inexpensive, because it does not require money. It can also be done in a few days. In summary, the knowledge of this substance, its simple preparation does not result from a human invention, but from an unmerited gift of God and granted by grace. This, to address all proud donkeys, conceited usurers, debaucheries and gossips, to assure them that they do not consider themselves worthy of such heavenly remedy, and even less to become possessors of it. On the other hand, those who despise the world with all these vanities, love Gods and fear him, avoid Satan and his unbelief and hate him, are only able to obtain this heavenly remedy from God, and no one else.

Let's stay there.

Dear reader,

From the Purgatory of the Philosophers


From the Purgatory of the Sages

Concerning the first purgatory of the philosophers, by which they prepare their universal and particular medicine also, in the three kingdoms of the world, we must know that this fire has always been kept in the greatest secret by the philosophers. But it is out of friendship that I divulged the very useful use of this secret fire. We also saw later, how unworthy people, learning this too, wanted to discover this great secret and how some having succeeded, this secret fell into the hands of false and wicked people; however, they will not have learned more than the simple and ordinary Spiritus Vini, which is used for this fire.

They could learn nothing about Sal Artis, by which the Spiritus Vini is alcoholic, which is for the best. As, however, the Spiritus Vini was known and, undoubtedly, in time could be divulged in other places, I found it good to indulge in such disclosure and to make the secret known to the whole world.

But from the secret Sal Artis, which gives its strength to the Spiritus Vini, like
also the agent peculiar to all vegetables, animals and minerals, by the fact that they are brought in the flame to the greatest purity and improvement, no one of my knowledge has taken possession of, because I will know better how to preserve it from people false. But let no one think, that a Spiritus Vini is the secret fire of Artephius, thanks to which certain minerals or metals are transformed in a short time into a pure tincture, without prior separation of the pure part from the impure totality without weight loss: not in the least.

Indeed an ordinary Spiritus Vini does not contain such force and power. What a Spiritus Vini can do, we will let you know here, but no more this time. But I have no doubt that some will think they can do without Spiritus Vini. This is a great mistake and, who doubts it, just read Artephius, Pontamus and a few others. Which wrote that a Spiritus Vini has no equivalence in relation to the fire of Artephius. Indeed, the philosophers, writing about it, have always remembered that their fire acted as a proper agent in its patient, continuous, aqualiter in uno grades, with an invisible flame, to transform it into a tincture.

Which cannot be compared with a Spiritus Vini, because this one, first of all, neither burns continuously nor aequaliter uno gradu, but with a flame that is not invisible, but visible, irregular and of unequal degree. Which is enough to see that a Spiritus Vini is not the fire of Artephius nor can it be compared to it in any way whatsoever. Which wrote that a Spiritus Vini has no equivalence in relation to the fire of Artephius. Indeed, the philosophers, writing about it, have always remembered that their fire acted as a proper agent in its patient, continuous, aqualiter in uno grades, with an invisible flame, to transform it into a tincture. Which cannot be compared with a Spiritus Vini, because this one, first of all, neither burns continuously nor aequaliter uno gradu, but with a flame that is not invisible, but visible, irregular and of unequal degree. Which is enough to see that a Spiritus Vini is not the fire of Artephius nor can it be compared to it in any way whatsoever.

Which wrote that a Spiritus Vini has no equivalence in relation to the fire of Artephius. Indeed, the philosophers, writing about it, have always remembered that their fire acted as a proper agent in its patient, continuous, aqualiter in uno grades, with an invisible flame, to transform it into a tincture. Which cannot be compared with a Spiritus Vini, because this one, first of all, neither burns continuously nor aequaliter uno gradu, but with a flame that is not invisible, but visible, irregular and of unequal degree.

Which is enough to see that a Spiritus Vini is not the fire of Artephius nor can it be compared to it in any way whatsoever. continuous, aqualiter in uno grades, with an invisible flame, to transform it into a tincture. Which cannot be compared with a Spiritus Vini, because this one, first of all, neither burns continuously nor aequaliter uno gradu, but with a flame that is not invisible, but visible, irregular and of unequal degree. Which is enough to see that a Spiritus Vini is not the fire of Artephius nor can it be compared to it in any way whatsoever. continuous, aqualiter in uno grades, with an invisible flame, to transform it into a tincture.

Which cannot be compared with a Spiritus Vini, because this one, first of all, neither burns continuously nor aequaliter uno gradu, but with a flame that is not invisible, but visible, irregular and of unequal degree. Which is enough to see that a Spiritus Vini is not the fire of Artephius nor can it be compared to it in any way whatsoever.

What the fire of Artephius is in fact, I have made it known sufficiently in my little book on fires, for it to be useful to add more here. It only remains to be made known how plants, animals and minerals can be purified to the maximum and transformed into the best remedies, only by means of a Spiritus Ardentus, when it is not prepared from wine, but only wheat, honey, fruits of trees, leaves of grass etc.

In Elia Artista's little treatise, I taught in detail how to transmute, using an Alcoholic Spiritus Vini, the essences of metals, plant and animal stones and prepare universal remedies. The amateur will find satisfaction there.

Let us still want to hear what good we can do thanks to a Spitirus Vini in medicine. We will be, that in principle, there are only two ways of purifying (cleansing) unclean things, namely, with Water and Fire. Water can only remove what is outside the subject or on the surface. She can't reach the center. Fire, on the other hand, can cleanse not only the exterior part but also the central or most interior part, separating and removing the improper from the clean, which was previously discussed.

We also know this, that a flaming fire can consume nothing but its own combustible sulfur; he cannot consume, annihilate, burn or reduce the incombustible Mercury to nothing, he can only serve it as best he can. Indeed, it is better not to purify any mercury other than by a flame, or it will disappear and reappear constantly, because it is incombustible. In fact, mercury is the purest and best part among the three beginnings of all things precisely because it is incombustible. And, it is because it is Homogeneous, that it cannot be damaged and even less spoiled by any element, even by almighty fire.

Three things in the world are incorruptible: the Mercury of plants, animals and minerals, which, when it is martyred by its opposite and rejected from its body, this rejection cannot in any way undermine its virtue; it is only cleansed and improved. On the other hand, its enemy, the fire, by which it is rejected, is itself completely ruined and annihilated, so that we cannot see where it has remained or gone.

This Vegetable Anima, Anima and Mineralium is a part of the three which are in the world, which is and remains constant and unalterable in all peril or pursuit.

The second in the world so constant, unalterable or invincible is the truth, which no lie or other disguise can oppress. For God himself is the truth and, as God cannot be defeated, the truth cannot be.

Christ calls himself Truth in the Gospel of John in the 14th chapter, when he says: I am the way, the Truth and the life etc. To the Jews who said: If Christ had been the truth, how could she have been killed by her enemies? I answer: That the truth was not killed in Christ but that it only suffered and that on the third day, resurrecting triumphantly, and regaining its power over its enemy the devil, ascended to Heaven, is also seated at the right hand of God, his heavenly father to judge the living and also the dead etc.

If this had not happened and Christ had remained in his tomb, then the Jews could have said that the Truth of Christ was dead. But, as he rose from the dead, then they have nothing to say. We therefore speak here of the Truth and show that this, if it can be pressed and pursued, it can in no way be oppressed, and this because the Truth is God, and God is the Truth. Pagan philosophers also recognized this and freely expressed that Truth is God and God is Truth, as will be seen in what follows.

“Deus Veritas est ladem Ethnicorum cum Christianis Sententia”
God is the truth of the opinion of the ethnics with the Christians

We have thus understood sufficiently that the Truth is God and that God is the truth, and that it is therefore invincible. Since we cannot doubt it, may the lying spirits servants of the devil, like FARNER, ARELUNG, BECHER, IHS (this one cannot make his name known), and other thieves of honor please consider how they will justify having challenged the most recognized Truth against their own conscience.

Let this therefore be said about the Truth, the second invincible part in the world, against which time, Fire, the Sword and other torments can do nothing.

Let us now reveal the third unalterable part in the world: I say she is the immortal soul of man. Indeed, when a pious man must suffer evil in the world from an unbeliever, this evil cannot nevertheless reach him in his soul, which only finds itself purified and ennobled.

For the more Gold suffers in the fire, the purer, better and nobler it becomes. How much more is man's eternal soul uplifted and improved by temporal renewal? So that she is finally purified by earthly fire and prepared to go to the eternal kingdom of God.

These are the three parts to lead to great purgatory and immortality thanks to earthly purgatory, immortality of the human soul of which we will learn later, a little more, with the second and third purgatory.

Let us now return to our business and demonstrate what must happen with plants, animals and minerals, through their own purgatory, which can be an ordinary Spiritus Ardent.

We will therefore begin with Wine, God's noble creation, and examine what good it can bring to its own purgatory, which otherwise could never again have been brought to the light of day.

To now talk about the subject, you must first know that wine contains different spirits, which must in principle be removed from it: first of all the Ardens Spirit known to everyone throughout the world. Then, the Spiritus, as it is taken from Tartare Crudo (raw tartar?) and which is of a completely different nature (tartaric acid?) and quality than that distilled from wine or lees, which is allowed to burn, so that all the Sulfur is consumed by the flame and nothing remains except its incombustible Mercury or Essential Salt which is obtained in very small quantities but which has very great strengths.

On the other hand, this Spiritus Tartari, removed by retort, although much more subtle than the Spiritus Ardens, does not allow itself to be ignited and burned. Do its best, otherwise, in all tartaric diseases or obstructions of the body.

Likewise, a Spiritus Contra Calculum is also drawn from the salt of fixed tartar, which also has great strength. Otherwise the salt of fixed tartar is also made volatile with distilled vinegar (acetate of tartar?), so that it can readily be sublimated and carried into a strong spirit. We do not have time to talk about it here, but it is still necessary to show how the wonderful Mercury of Wine in Essential Salt is very easy to obtain in order to do great things with it in medicine: Here is how to proceed.

R/ (take). A pound of finely powdered white wine stone and half a pound of fixed tartar salt: mix the two well and fill a glass vase only three-quarters full. Pour 3 pounds of Spiritus Ardentis and immediately lower the dome, because, when the 2 opposites, Tartarus Crudus Acidus and Sal Fixum Urinorum, deal with each other as enemies, then one opposite works within the other, it 'heat, and produce in this struggle a very subtle spirit, and a wonderful essential salt, which Mercury is transported in the distillation by the Spiritus Vini.

When the Spiritus Vini is consumed by the flame, the Mercury or Essential Salt is delivered most subtly, rises with the flame into the receptacle, is caught with the phlegm, is separated from it by distillation in a steam bath and is used for its job. This Celestial Wine salt is full of Celestial forces, of which I have given good elements in my recent writings.

Its virtues are essentially these, that it must be used before any other remedy for calculus, Podagre, and other tartaric diseases, it has priority and yields to no other. Likewise, this Celestial salt passes through the entire body, opens all obstructions, enlivens the heart, the brain and all the limbs, acts powerfully on sweat and urine.

Everyone can easily think that a Quinta Essentia Vini, when purified to the maximum by purgatory, should do a lot of good in medicine. We will say more about this in what follows.

In addition, it is possible, with the help of its Spiritus Ardentis, to separate a wonderful Volatile Salt from the wine, namely in the following way: Dissolves completely in a strong Spiritus Vini, Oleum Vini, (oil of tartar?) , which will be driven away from the dregs by distillation, so that the oil unites well with the Spirit of Wine. Then, ignite the water of life and let it burn under our large refrigerating dome; then, the Mercury or Wine Salt rises with the phlegm, is caught and separated from the water of life.

In the same way, one can, by burning the foul-smelling oil and by means of a Fiery Spirit, separate a marvelous Volatile Salt from this foul-smelling Oleo Vini, which is expelled from the wine stone by retortam (retorte), and, well that full of good strength, cannot be used because of its great stench. This volatile salt has lost its stench in the flame and can therefore be used in medicine, as it can be prepared from wine.

Just as we proceeded to prepare the Mercury of Wine, we can proceed in the same way with all plants, to obtain their purest incombustible Mercury and no more easily than to burn its distilled oil with its own - or other - Spiritus Ardenti, and that to seize his volatile Mercury.

All this oil, distilled from these herbs which give a star flower, gives more volatile salt than the oil emanating from other herbs. And, when you cannot have green or fresh herbs, you have to take the seeds which give more oil and volatile salt than the herbs themselves. All oils which are distilled from seeds yield more volatile salt than those which are prepared from roots, leaves, and also wood. Because the seed always has more volatile salt than grass or wood? For God has placed the force for the growth and perfection of all things in their seeds, from which they are also easier to separate and can be useful to the health of man. Seeds of anise, fennel, dill, caraway, cumin, kratz, colchearia (spoon grass), mustard and others give a lot of Salis.

Likewise, all natural superfluities, whether human or animal hair, the horns and klawen (?) of animals, birds, as well as their feathers, give a lot of salt. Succin, soot and black stone charcoal also give a lot of salt. When the foul-smelling oil is burned from it, it can then be used with confidence as a remedy, thus providing great help to the sufferer.

The seed of Hioscymo, Nicotiana, or tobacco, give a wonderfully powerful salt. Likewise the distilled Aromatum oil, as well as its pressed oil, gives wonderful salts, when they are driven into a strong Spiritus Ardentum and burned. But I do not advise anyone to burn this very expensive oil, because we have other subjects, which cost nothing, and from which we obtain much better salts than the Aromate (aroma), because the minerals and metals when they are led, without corrosive, in a strong Spirutus Vini, give a much better Mercury (all the forces of the herbs being concentrated there) universally more recommendable against all diseases of man and metals, than all salts of herbs.

when they are taken to a strong Spiritus Ardentum and burned. But I do not advise anyone to burn this very expensive oil, because we have other subjects, which cost nothing, and from which we obtain much better salts than the Aromate (aroma), because the minerals and metals when they are led, without corrosive, in a strong Spirutus Vini, give a much better Mercury (all the forces of the herbs being concentrated there) universally more recommendable against all diseases of man and metals, than all salts of herbs.

when they are taken to a strong Spiritus Ardentum and burned. But I do not advise anyone to burn this very expensive oil, because we have other subjects, which cost nothing, and from which we obtain much better salts than the Aromate (aroma), because the minerals and metals when they are led, without corrosive, in a strong Spirutus Vini, give a much better Mercury (all the forces of the herbs being concentrated there) universally more recommendable against all diseases of man and metals, than all salts of herbs.

In this way, one can obtain very easily, without trouble or labor, and without particular expense, from all minerals and metals, a Mercurum Currenteus, which Mercury of metals is left, by its own agent and secret fire burning constantly, without loss of weight, fix in a real tincture on men and metals. A common mercury is not necessary, so we must choose a metallic one. This Mercury, thus prepared from Iron/Copper and Antimony, is the best of ordinary metals. But those prepared from fixed Gold and Silver are the best.

And we can be amazed to note that from such hard and closed bodies, or homogeneous metals, which pass for indivisible, we can extract a volatile mercury. If I hadn't done it myself, I would hardly have believed it was possible. The Salia Resuscitativa must do it. He who knows how to apply them properly to metals, it is for him a little thing, even "Child's Play", to make all the metals and minerals, almost without cost and without labor, and "in a single day », similar to Mercurium Currenteus.

There is a salt in the world which has the advantage of reviving metals, costs no money, and can be found in abundance. This despised salt, the philosophers have always kept it secret and said of it that it will be "thrown on the dunghill" and all the more loved by the wise as it will be hated by the fools.

In this salt are hidden greater secrets than in the revealed Sal Artis, the preparation of which requires pains and labor, but this much more secret Sal Artis Resuscutativum is much nobler than the other; indeed, it increases the colors of Gold and Silver as well as the other and still possesses the virtues of radically opening up all metallic subjects, of separating the purified mercury from the coarse faeces, of transmuting it, this that no other salt in the world can do similarly.

There are many other salts that truly resuscitate metals and extract common Mercury: wine stone, human urine and others. But they cannot be compared to our Sali Artis Resuscitativo. This is why our Sal Mundi Resuscitativum remains invincibly a monarch among all other salts. Because little has yet been found which could, without cost, and so easily, extract a Mercurium Currentem in Copia from all metals and fix it in a true tincture.

This is why one should learn to study and recognize salts and what they are for, because they contain a lot of good, which is believed or understood by few people. So Plato thought that known cooking salt contained something divine. This is what made other philosophers say: In Sole et Sala Omnia (everything is in the sun and the salt). He who does not know what fire and salt are knows nothing and cannot be considered a philosopher.

Enough has been said about fire and salt, and how great things can be done with it. Now, whoever wants to do good in medicine and Alchemy must learn to know fire and salt and know how to differentiate them, otherwise he will not be able to do anything good in both disciplines. Let's stay there.

Let's go back to our Spagyric Purgatory and show that through them, the great philosophers have realized their greatest secrets.

It is enough to quote Paracelsus, Monarch of Physicians, when he said of the element fire, when discussing sulfur in his little book: that if a physician did not have the element Ignis ex Sulfur under his arcana, he could not to be considered a doctor but a charlatan. O, my dear Paracelsus, we must not hold it against you for speaking so jealously of (Fanllenzes? Faullenzes? others?), and, if we are to believe you, we should say that perhaps no good doctor exists in all of Germany, because the element Ignis ex Sulfur was not known in your century and continues not to be.

But we can't say that, because without the Ignis element, there are still many more good medicines that make a good doctor.

But as I write this, there must be no doubt that some are about to learn how to prepare their medicine by fire. For everything that passes, unharmed by the fire, must necessarily be pure and good.

David gives a “Gleichnus” of Silver, which he says he had to pass through the fire 7 times, before it was enough. The art of cleansing by fire is known by ancient philosophers under the name of Ysopaica, of which Paracelsus speaks.

We can marvel at how everything that is black and ugly comes out as white as snow once it has been cleansed by fire, as evidenced by Mercury alone emerging from black Antimony or Iron. If the fire of flames completely transforms black into white, in this whiteness the most beautiful red is hidden.

Ysopaica, or the art of cleansing with fire and transforming black into white, must have been used anciently, according to the words of David, when he thus addressed God. O lord, sprinkle me with Isopon and I will become pure, if you cleanse me and whiter than snow. David desires no other washing than a purification by the fire of the Holy Spirit of his soul which was blackened like coal by sin, which is why he speaks metaphorically of Ysopaica, or the art of whitening by fire everything that is black.

The art of whitening everything with fire is and therefore remains an essential art of all philosophy, medicine and Alchemy. God heard David's prayer, pardoned him again, but had to subject the whole country to a great punishment, which we can read in the book of Kings, with the Prophet Samuel, etc. In speaking here of Ysopaica, the ancient art of washing by fire, and thus purifying all black matter, until it becomes white as snow, it cannot hurt to cite more examples of the way to wash unfit black materials by fire and purify them as much as possible (the amateur would like to understand the exact process all the better).

Indeed, due to the fact that this marvelous and incomparable art had been completely lost for centuries, and was only taken up and disseminated by Paracelsus, I saw fit to place this royal art in its exact position, such that in the Royal Schools of ancient Egypt it had been officially shown and taught to the royal lineage. Like the daughter of a pharaoh, who, while walking in her garden, took Moses in his shell of rushes and had him raised in the royal school to grade other royal children and teach all the free arts.

At this same time, Ysopaica, or the art of purifying by Fire, was flourishing, and the Egyptians must have been very powerful, which is enough to be seen in the fact that they defeated the children of Israel (who were then also powerful) and forced them to become their slaves. And the Egyptian retained its power and prestige until the monarchy exercised by the Romans and their submission to the Roman monarchs. But in the meantime, they had understood Ysopaica and Chrysopocia.

And having been able to make a lot of Gold immediately after the plunder of the Romans, they thus had the power to free themselves from the Roman yoke, revolted against the Romans, were however again humiliated by the great power of the Romans and again suffered their yoke. The fall of the Egyptians occurred several times, until the Emperor Diocletianus then invaded the kingdom again, seized and burned all the chemical works of the Egyptians.

Who were then forced to submit to the Roman Monarchs until, finally, the Turks took this kingdom from the Romans and submitted the latter. And this is how Ysopaica, a royal art, was lost in the many times repeated collapse of the Egyptians. I hope to make it bloom again (God permitting). And, if death were to prevent me from doing so, which I do not hope, the Elias Artista must not neglect to do so. For in my recent writings I have expressed myself so clearly on this art, that anyone who can do anything in fire could become a master in the art. until the Emperor Diocletianus then invaded the kingdom again, seized and burned all the chemical works of the Egyptians.

Who were then forced to submit to the Roman Monarchs until, finally, the Turks took this kingdom from the Romans and submitted the latter. And this is how Ysopaica, a royal art, was lost in the many times repeated collapse of the Egyptians. I hope to make it bloom again (God permitting). And, if death were to prevent me from doing so, which I do not hope, the Elias Artista must not neglect to do so. For in my recent writings I have expressed myself so clearly on this art, that anyone who can do anything in fire could become a master in the art. until the Emperor Diocletianus then invaded the kingdom again, seized and burned all the chemical works of the Egyptians.

Who were then forced to submit to the Roman Monarchs until, finally, the Turks took this kingdom from the Romans and submitted the latter. And this is how Ysopaica, a royal art, was lost in the many times repeated collapse of the Egyptians. I hope to make it bloom again (God permitting). And, if death were to prevent me from doing so, which I do not hope, the Elias Artista must not neglect to do so. For in my recent writings I have expressed myself so clearly on this art, that anyone who can do anything in fire could become a master in the art. seize and burn all the chemical works of the Egyptians.

Who were then forced to submit to the Roman Monarchs until, finally, the Turks took this kingdom from the Romans and submitted the latter. And this is how Ysopaica, a royal art, was lost in the many times repeated collapse of the Egyptians. I hope to make it bloom again (God permitting). And, if death were to prevent me from doing so, which I do not hope, the Elias Artista must not neglect to do so. For in my recent writings I have expressed myself so clearly on this art, that anyone who can do anything in fire could become a master in the art. seize and burn all the chemical works of the Egyptians.

Who were then forced to submit to the Roman Monarchs until, finally, the Turks took this kingdom from the Romans and submitted the latter. And this is how Ysopaica, a royal art, was lost in the many times repeated collapse of the Egyptians. I hope to make it bloom again (God permitting). And, if death were to prevent me from doing so, which I do not hope, the Elias Artista must not neglect to do so. For in my recent writings I have expressed myself so clearly on this art, that anyone who can do anything in fire could become a master in the art. the Turks took this kingdom from the Romans and submitted the latter. And this is how Ysopaica, a royal art, was lost in the many times repeated collapse of the Egyptians. I hope to make it bloom again (God permitting).

And, if death were to prevent me from doing so, which I do not hope, the Elias Artista must not neglect to do so. For in my recent writings I have expressed myself so clearly on this art, that anyone who can do anything in fire could become a master in the art. the Turks took this kingdom from the Romans and submitted the latter. And this is how Ysopaica, a royal art, was lost in the many times repeated collapse of the Egyptians. I hope to make it bloom again (God permitting). And, if death were to prevent me from doing so, which I do not hope, the Elias Artista must not neglect to do so. For in my recent writings I have expressed myself so clearly on this art, that anyone who can do anything in fire could become a master in the art.

Coming back to Ysopaica, I say that I have revealed in detail the use of a Spiritus Ardentis to cleanse until perfect purification all black, unsuitable vegetable, animal and easily flammable mineral matter, so that great things can be carried out, particularly in medicine, which was previously impossible to do using other known methods. If anyone will just acknowledge this marvelous, very useful discovery, and you will find that I have led into the light of day a new world of art, left in the shadows for hundreds of centuries. And may this work of moist cleansing by fire be a guiding light for physicians, to easily become a master of Spagyric medicine: For, I have no doubt, that little by little much invalid work will disappear,

Enough has now been said about wet cleansing by fire using a Spiritus Ardentem. It remains to be clarified and made known to the ignorant, how to improve the hardest metals, precious and ordinary stones, by a dry washing fire. A Spiritus Vini is much too weak to penetrate compact metals and clean them until perfect purification. It is therefore necessary to use a very strong washing fire to control or improve fixed and volatile metals.

The more you know how to make a dry wash fire stronger and more powerful, the more you can put it to good use. Art has put into our hands that dry washing fire, by which the ancients improved metals, precious and ordinary stones. But this dry washing fire did not become common, I do not know of any author who spoke of it clearly, except Paracelsus in his Coelo Philosophorum, in which mercury, this fire of flames was described. R/. A quarter of a stone of wine, 2/3 of Sulfur, and 3/3 of Saltpetre: Mix well and use: Paracelsus calls such a composition a liquid powder, however gives other things to be understood by this, which we notes in the words he placed before Fulmination, namely Pulvis adoles Verbenas (dust makes verbena leaves burn?).

Behind these 3 little words hides a big secret, which we will soon encounter. We must improve this composition of Paracelsus, when we do not take so much sulfur, but 1/3 sulfur, 2/3 wine stone and 3/3 saltpeter. This mixture gives a good dry wash fire. (Personal notes: to be compared with operation of docimasie of Kernadec). But there are still many other dry washing fires and better ones, to better purify or ennoble metals than the one we will soon talk about. Now follows the use of this known dry washing fire.

When this fire performs its operation well, care must be taken that the Species, even if they are small and tender, are sufficiently rubbed (sprayed) clean and dry. The cleaner the saltpetre, the sulfur, and the stone of wine, the more powerfully the fire acts. When we want to wash and make clean a dirty metal, the metal, whether it is dirty Gold or Silver, must be filed fine and we must mix for a third of this metal 3 or 4/3 of the described liquid fire, put in a container, kindle by fire using an incandescent coal.

The liquid powder will transform into a fire of flames burning quickly, and in the flame, the unclean part of the metal burns up, separates from the clean part, Gold or Silver, attaches itself to the bottom of the container washed like a king. If this has been done well, the King will also have been washed, than if it had been purified on a cup with Lead. But if we wish to make this fulmination or washing fire even stronger, we must, instead of the wine stone, use half as much small sawdust from linden wood. This sawdust gives a much stronger flame than wine stone and unclean metals are cleaned all the more cleanly.

With such a live flame, one can cleanly clean in memory a small piece of improper Gold or Silver in a walnut shell and melt into a king?, which in itself does little but only shows what such fire can do of washing flames in the improvement of metals. use half as much small linden sawdust. This sawdust gives a much stronger flame than wine stone and unclean metals are cleaned all the more cleanly. With such a live flame, one can cleanly clean in memory a small piece of improper Gold or Silver in a walnut shell and melt into a king?, which in itself does little but only shows what such fire can do of washing flames in the improvement of metals. use half as much small linden sawdust.

This sawdust gives a much stronger flame than wine stone and unclean metals are cleaned all the more cleanly. With such a live flame, one can cleanly clean in memory a small piece of improper Gold or Silver in a walnut shell and melt into a king?, which in itself does little but only shows what such fire can do of washing flames in the improvement of metals.

NB But if we want to make good use of this washing fire, we must not use saltpeter or sulfur, but take a material which burns faster than common sulfur and the saltpeter must be better purified than current. Of which, more will be said.

A good fulmination or a good purgatory, to cleanse and purify the common Mercury, so that it can easily be fixed afterwards.

You should know that a common Mercury hid within him a particular spirit of fire, which prevented him from becoming metal: which spirit of fire also causes him to remain constantly in liquefaction like a molten metal and that it is not suitable to coagulate or fix it.

But when we chase this fire into Mercury, only then can it be treated in particular and conducted into a metallic body.

And you should know that, always, the biggest fire conquers the smallest and chases it away. To chase away the fire in Mercury, nothing beats a strong Fulmination: what Paracelsus recognized in these 3 words: Pulvis Adole Verbenas.

As if he had wanted to say: Go away in Fulmination, burn the wings of the volatile bird, so that it can no longer fly. But it is to another Fulmination, stronger, than the one he described, that we must have recourse. In this work I did a lot in my youth, having practiced different Fulminations, but I did not discover any better than the Jovis Fulmination. Regarding the Fulmination Jovis here is his preparation.

R/. Melt a pound of Mercuri Crudi and Fine Tin in a crucible starting with the Tin. When they have cooled in the container, pour the Mercury onto the Tin. The hot Tin will draw the Mercury to itself and make an amalgam of the whole, which will be rubbed and ground on a stone with purified dry Saltpeter. The liquid powder must then be triturated quickly (as we learned above to do), however difficult it may be to chop the amalgam with the Saltpeter, and the mixture is ready to burn.

But, when you want to light or burn it, you should not do it in the house, but outside, in a place where the wind can carry the poisonous smoke. You can put this mixture in a solid earthenware pot, light it and burn it with charcoal: remains a liquid mass (hard) which is put in a dish and separated with the water, we then obtain improved Mercury and Tin, Silver and Gold, which compensate well for the trouble, the work and spending. When the Fulmination is well lit and burned well, you must have at hand a red-hot iron hook, with which to stir the mass in the pot, so that everything ignites, nothing remains without being burned but becomes incandescent.

Yet another Fulmination by which all Red Copper can be graded into an improved White Silver.

R/. A pound of Sulfur / Saltpeter described above and liquid powder (Flutz Pulver) made with wine stone: Grind with 8 half ounces of Mercurii Lunae and also put in a vase 8 half ounces of Lead and Finely beaten Copper Stratum super Stratum with the liquid powder, light the Mass above, let this silver flame consume will graduate part of the Copper into a good and current Silver, if you have proceeded correctly. With this fulmination, iron can also be graded into Silver and better yet, because it does not melt like Copper. Pins (needles) are best suited for this.

Another quick Fulmination changing iron and steel into good gold.

A: From the previous Flux powder, 6 or 5 drachmas. mix with it a dram or half an ounce of Aurum fulminans precipitated from the Aqua Regia, not with salt of tartar, but with salt of urine; with this Fulmination and steel needles, make Stratum Super Stratum in a crucible. Do not put needles above an Ounce in weight, otherwise Fulmination will not be able to graduate them all to G. This well-managed process provides a good increase in Sol.

Nor is it a contemptible curiosity to see the Needles changed into Sol, retaining their primitive form. I took 20 or 30 needles, which I put with their points in the middle into the said Fulmination, their upper halves remaining uncovered by it, and after Fulmination was done on the needles, their lower parts were of pure Sol, the upper part remained of iron, which I distributed among my friends and art lovers as a souvenir. The same can be done with nails.

Now, although in this graduation of March there is no very great profit, yet nothing is lost; and moreover this curiosity, is a convincing demonstration that Mars without abandoning all its terrestriality, can have its entire body transformed into Sol.

NB The remaining Fulmination can with a little niter be melted into Regulus, and by which means the Sol is recovered, and we therefore have our graduated needles at no cost.

NB When we came up with the idea of ​​making use of the Fulmination of Ground, we placed the crucible well, in which the Fulmination cannot fly outside, or if necessary if it does, it can stick to the sides of the pot, peeled off with a feather, and can be reduced with the Fulmination that remains in the crucible, and there is no loss.

NB It sometimes happens, when too large a quantity of mars is taken to be graduated in G, and the flame is too strong, that the hands merge into one, especially if they are placed too close together.

NB Sometimes the needles do not fully change to Sol in the first Fulmination, the work can be repeated with fresh Flux powder. And if anyone wants more profit from this operation, mix a part of the Amalgam of Jupiter and Mercury with the Fulmination of Gold, and fulminate with the same needles, or thin iron wire, by which means the mercury will better diffuse the graduation of Sol, or Spirit through the mars, and therefore it changes more into Sol.

NB Anyone who would like to derive considerable benefit from this operation would do it better in a narrow earthenware vessel, with a large container mounted on it, to catch the mercury, which can be used again, which means that the gain will be more considerable.

NB To do an even more lucrative job, we can instead of Sol mix with Jupiter's Fulmination fine powder red, brown, or black pebbles that are found in running water, and broken as smooth as glass , and containing a lot of volatile materials [Ground], grinding them well together. This Fulmination when lit, conducts the volatile [Sol] onto the pebbles, and is received by Jupiter and Mercury and fixed by them, which means that much Sol and Luna can be obtained on Jupiter, Venus and Mars. From these pebbles with the Aqua Regis much Sol may be extracted, and if the Sol be volatile in them, still partly by the Aqua Regis, and partly be precipitated into the Mercurial water on Jupiter, and by the reduction it is fixed:

but of great virtue; which by the fire of Artephius can easily be fixed in universal tincture for men and metals. A Livixium can then be poured on the extract which remains, to mortify the corrosive Spirits, and then be distilled by the retorte, it will give more Mercury of Sol. Like the fixed Sol which was in the pebbles, it can be easily reduced, and will be a good Sol, although a little pale in color, the salt of the world having taken part of its color to the mercury.

NB Our Earth Reviving Salt is a wonderful Salt, when joined to the dissolution of Sol, takes not only a common mercury, but some of the color of the Sol with it, also this Mercury of Sol offers a medicine more glorious, when it is duly fixed. In the same way, you can obtain a mercurial moon tincture, but much better, and more easily from a moon, which is volatile in its own matrix, and which has never touched Fire.

NB But this moon Mercury does not tint in Sol, but only in moon. In the same way mercury can be extracted from all metals and in large quantities. March mercury and antimony] are the best; those of venus, jupiter and saturn are good too, but not as colorful, like that of mars, which is the best. However, to make the mercury of mars, we do not need to dissolve the common mars, and from there with salt of the world extract a mercury; but it is better to take iron stones, which have never touched the fire, and having extracted it, add to it salt of the reanimating world, which, when distilled will give more than common mars mercury. In the same way much more mercury can be obtained from Saturn,

I remember in my younger years I worked continuously for two years with a very good person, to get a saturn mercury, we tried all sorts of ways, but got nothing. Whether it was due to lack of experience, or that the given process was not true, or because God did not want to make us capable, I do not know, but what I do know is that we do not We had no knowledge of the universal reanimating Salt of the world, using only common Armoniac Salt, and its volatile Spirit.

I have, in the seventh part of my Pharmacopeia Spagyrice, taught a means of attracting a common mercury from the metals, but in a small quantity, while through this salt of the world much more is obtained. I therefore say that, if in my last published writings, men cannot discover the way of making the Mercurys of the metals in good quantity, it will be a sign to me, that God will not permit it, after having clearly put each thing , except for the resurrecting salt of the world. And now I say once again, that the said salt is not sold anywhere, and enough of it can be made for free.

God must reveal it to men who ardently desire it. It is a simple gift from God to know this salt and its use. La Turba says about it: If God had not created this salt, it would be impossible to perfect our Elixir. From which we can see, that this salt is not prepared by art, nor made with hands, but created by God from nothing. Think carefully about what is said here, and you will find wonders. Cosmopolitan speaks of this sort of this salt, viz. Nature offers us a Chalybs, who can extract from the sun's rays what many have looked for and have not found.

Other philosophers speak of this salt in these words: The Spirit and the salt of the world, brings back the souls of the dead from hell. What is this hell, the water of the Styx, in which we dissolve the metals, and then we bring out their souls with the salt of the world. Which Spirit and salt of the world, Nuisement wrote a curious Treatise. I say therefore, that he who understands the right way of applying this salt, to draw mercury from metals, has obtained the greatest secret in the world, this mercury being easily fixed into a true tincture.

I have known several, who could fix the mercury of Saturn and antimony prepared by others, into tinctures, but were not able to prepare the Mercurys themselves: And to this day, I do not know only one man who can make common mercury from metals, but I have communicated the way of making this mercury to many, as it is in the seventh part of my Pharmacopeia Spagyrica: But seeing such a small quantity prepared in this way , they gave up.

If they had been good, they might have been satisfied with this: But men are generally in such a mood; that if they cannot have everything without toil or work, they immediately become discouraged and give up; but those who persevere to the end get the Crown of Honor.

Thus it will be sufficient for many, by the way, concerning the preparation of the Mercurys of the metals in large quantities, by means of our reanimating salt of the world.

Let us now return to our fire-dry washing, and see what more can be done with it. We know that, with a rapid and violent flame, the volatile part of metals is driven out, the fixed and the coarse remain behind: By example. If I dissolve a metal or mineral in Aqua Fortis, and then add good nitre to the solution, by this means the metal remains with the nitre and pulls with it into crystals, which from March onwards are Red, from green venus, white mercury and jupiter, and yellow sol. When this niter is ignited, the volatile part of the metals sublimes out of the coarser, and is better for medical use, than the body of the crude metal.

NB But if there is not this niter impregnated with a metal, we add a little salt from the world; then detonate it, said salt through the Flames carries the immortal soul of our metals out of hell, it is their mercury, which can then be fixed in tincture. The said niter impregnated with metal, and the salt of the world, also, by means of a live flame draw out the colors of precious and common stones, and introduce others, and new ones more beautiful; which is a very lucrative thing for one who has the skill. This is the quickest way of improving metals, when by means of a living Fulmination, in a moment, we separate the pure soul, or incombustible [sulphur] from the raw metal: Because this living Flame consumes the superfluous sulfur of metals,

In this manner, a pure mercury can be drawn in quantity from all the metals, and as much mercury as has been obtained in this way, as much Tincture, for each mercury of the metals which can be fixed in tincture, which cannot be said of the common. And yet, among these metallic Mercurys, one gives a better dye than the other, the Mercury of Mars as has been said is the best, although of Saturn is good too. He who has come so far to be able to make mercury from any other metal, using the salt of the world, can easily do the same with everything else, and then try the mercury which is best.

I've tried several, and haven't found one better than the one from March. Reason why also some time before falling ill, I purchased a large quantity of steel points unfit for common use, intending to make a large quantity of March Mercury, but being seized with illness shortly afterwards, and continually confined to bed until now; my project was hampered. Now, if God is pleased to raise me up, that I can prepare a good quantity of the said mercury, for what will happen to it afterwards, I do not know; at the moment due to my weakness I have no hope of doing anything. And therefore I have determined with myself, to manifest this and the great secrets of the world, as much as my weakness will allow me; so that those who are lovers of art may know them, and work on them, or abandon them as they please: For if that should be enough for me,

It is here to be noted, that the mercury which, by means of the salt of the world, by the wet method is drawn from Aqua Fortis, and other corrosive liquors, is purer than that which, by the dry method is forced over a strong fire, but both are good, and can be fixed in dye. It is also less difficult to put on the [mercury] of metals by the wet way, than by a strong flame.

Because, when a metal is dissolved in the Aqua Fortis, and the Salt of the World added to the solution, then if you separate through the alembic the Menstrue, some of the mercury will come with it, which, as is before mentioned , must be separated from it; Then extract what remains in the still through a retort, and the salt of the world will carry away more mercury, which means that a good amount of mercury will be obtained. Praise be to God, who showed us his poor needy children so close to the straight path to the promised land.

For I persist in saying (as I have always done) that nothing more excellent can be found, either in Physics or Alchemy, than the mercury of metals, all other works being trifles in comparison with this. this; Because such a well-fixed mercury is not only the highest medicine, but also tints the moon and mercury in Sol. I have plainly and completely described the manner of Preparing it, except that, that I have not named the salt of the world, for there is such a vile and contemptible thing, and thrown upon the dunghills:

And yet, nothing in the world lives without it. No living creature in it or on the earth, bird in the air, nor fish in water is maintained without this universal salt of the world. Concerning this salt of the world, or the true matter of the great Universal stone of the philosophers, an unknown author in the thirty-fifth chapter of his book writes thus,

That the first work of the Elixir, can be found everywhere.

Concerning the true making of the Elixir, at its first working, say the philosophers, that true matter may be found everywhere; for it is in every man, and found with every man. Adam brought it with him from Paradise, and when he died, he took it with him to his grave. And an allegory of the Sages says, that the said matter is the subtilized Sol, which is the Sol advanced to the highest degree of mineral virtue.

Regarding this Sol it is said: Thanks to our gum and little Sol we can buy a lot.

And Albertus in his Book of Minerals says, and proves it, that Sol can be found everywhere: Because there is nothing in the four elements, in which, after its highest refinement, Sol is not found , and therefore they say it is found everywhere. The same Albert also affirms that a great mineral virtue is in every man, especially in his head and between his teeth: because in his time, in old tombs the Sol was found in small, rather long grains, between the teeth of the Skulls of the Dead, which could not be, except for the said Mineral Virtue was in man, the mineral virtue is in the matter of our Elixir. And therefore it is said that the stone is in every man, and that Adam brought with him from Paradise, etc. except the said Mineral Virtue was in man, the Mineral Virtue is in matter of our Elixir.

And therefore it is said that the stone is in every man, and that Adam brought with him from Paradise, etc. except the said Mineral Virtue was in man, the Mineral Virtue is in matter of our Elixir. And therefore it is said that the stone is in every man, and that Adam brought with him from Paradise, etc.

The philosopher tells us here, proven by several authors, that the true matter of the Elixir, in the First work, can be found in each thing: concerning which matter, one could perhaps say more, but it is worth better keep silent for fear of abuse from bad men.

Yet I cannot help hinting here, how it may be established, that Sol can grow in the skulls of dead men, as before mentioned. It seems likely, therefore, that there were skulls of these men who, in their time of life, used a lot of mercury, either by taking it internally, or by handling it in their trades. Therefore, it is the property of mercury to rise to the top of the head, and to lodge between the teeth, we can suppose, that over time the microcosmic sulfur coagulates into Sol. Let no one think that this is impossible, because the sulfur of human excrement has a very great affinity with Mineral sulfur, of which no one can better testify than the one to whom God revealed it, and who found true by experience.
The Reader at this time has sufficiently perceived, how the Mercurys of all metals can easily be extracted, by the medium of the salt of the world; and also, how one can have it with the help of a Fulmination or a strong flame of fire.

Now, he who is master of these Mercurys will not be far from seeking the way of fixing them; for which there is no shorter way, than to ripen them to a tincture, by means of the fire of Artephius, because all other means are very laborious, concerning which fixation by the said secret fire , the reader will find more in other parts of my writings.

Herewith then I conclude this first part of my purgatory, or cleansing by fire, with which all black and dirty matters may be washed to the highest degree of purity and whiteness. If, by chance, I have omitted one or other circumstance of the work (as I hope not) I must, as it occurs to me, put it in my following writings. While waiting goodbye, and do not forget the salt of the world, learn to know it, and its use, and thus you will be able to make Mercurys of all metals, which in value exceeds all Sol and stones precious.

Quote of the Day

“The stone is one, the medicine one, which, however, according to the philosophers, is called Rebis (Two-thing), being composed of two things, namely, a body and spirit [red or white]. But over this many foolish persons have gone astray, explaining it in divers ways.”

Richard the Englishman

The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers


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