Riddles from the Vision of Arislei - Aenigmata ex Visione Arislei

Riddles from the Vision of Arislei - Aenigmata ex Visione Arislei.

Follow a number of Retzel or Ænigmata, including the face of the Philosophi Arislei, and the Allegories of the Whites.

Aenigma 1.

Because again and again the students of the Philosophorum were gathered together and especially they were a little more diligent than the others than Pythagoras, who was the one next is Arisleus of Abladi, son of Meditantalus, Phaliseus, Echamisius and Parmenides, also Eximesias des Admiri son asked the Auerca the Arslieum if he too with his saying he could direct and bring about that except for an example and parabola researchers of art would like to be admitted by this immortal tree the fruits to read which tree which the above-mentioned students of the Philosophorum and the others in the Turba described?

Then he says that I would like to say it as best as I can, but I will perhaps yours will not be enough.

Then Pythagoras says again, so say it the best you can. And so he began. I saw that I and some people rode out of the Turba on the shore of the sea, when we saw that the inhabitants of the sea slept together and nothing was begotten by them, and that they sprouted trees and yet did not take any fruit, and that they saw it growing but nothing up. And I said Quid vobis (what to you)? What are you doing? Because you are so big, don't you have any philosophy to teach you?

Then they answered: What is a philosopher? Then he who presides over things says and she: What is the purpose of his whiteness?

and I: When did you become a philosopher? your children were multiplied and became trees for you grow and do not die, nor do the fruits become extinct or perish: and ye became kings, and all ye Outdo enemies. Then they went away and showed such things their master on the sea king. And as we of him He was called and we gave him the gifts he asked for in response we have a hidden and secret gift namely the art of showing something and trees to plant and sow and which of these trees and If you eat fruit you will never go hungry.

And he says.

This is the greatest gift and gift when your master gives you certainly sent something like that. So say what you have?

and I answered.

Dear Lord, even if you are a king, you are exploited and yet you rule badly: Then you have placed the men among the men and yet you know that the men do not belong to the history of procreation when the woman and man are put together and that will be the case right generation, when the nature to the nature of man to woman a comfortable to an equal and comfortable done and is mixed.

And he indeed I have a son and a daughter and therefore I am a king of my subjects They don't have one and yet I have my son and daughter carried in my brain.

And I drove here to yours Son Thabritium*, when he heard this, I asked that they also want to bring his sister Beyam** to us.

The king says:

Why do you want the Beyam? and me: Because without these nothing can be conceived, even if they are like their brother Sister is and Fraw but she emends him because of that she is outside of him. How they now bring the Beyam into our presence brought here there was such a beautiful, white, delicate and lovely young girl.

But when we put Tabritium and Beyam together, the king said, "Look, has the man married his wife?"

And this is what our father Adam commanded his sons to do, and O king, if you were satisfied with it and were satisfied with it, you would be blessed:

and they begot you kings and queens, your children's children and your children's daughters, and yours Son Thabriti and his sister Beya will be your gain bring: and when they have died they will be reborn come to life.

How now the king was satisfied and Son and daughter kept in camp, lo and behold, Thabritis died soon. That's why the king, because he scolded me and you, locked us up in a glass house, over which house he built another house over which another one, and we were trapped in three of these houses.

Then I said to the king: Whatever reason you have So hastened with us to punishment? Just give us your daughter again, maybe she will give life back to your son Thabriti.

And he: Do you want to continue killing my daughter?

And I: Don't be too much of a king and don't torture us so much, just stop for a bit and give us back your daughter and soon you will have your son and daughter alive again.

As she was shaped for us, she remained with us in prison for 80 days and we remained in the darkness of the waters because the heat of the summer became greater and the sea movements like this have never happened to us before.

So when we were tired, we saw you Master in your sleep and asked that you would help us and send your student the harforetum to us, who is a beginner or inventor of food.

When this was granted to us, we rejoiced and said to the king.

Your son lives who was destined to die.

Aenigma 2.

There is a round fish in the sea that doesn't have any size yet Schupen has (ossibus & corticibus carens - lacking bones and bark) and has wonderful fatness in it which, when it is cooked with a gentle salt, until its fatness and moisture completely disappears from it and then it should be rubbed finely and strongly moisten until the sea water is visible: then you should bury it for a week and then whiten it with frying.

But when it has become really and well white and its water has been given back to it, it is then wetted with its own moisture and then, after wetting the moisture, it is fried until the citrine color appears: then it becomes an eye medicine Philosophorum whose eyes are lubricated easily see the secret of the Philosophorum.

Aenigma 3.

It's a root of how to do the same with your greens Stam and juice irebet and your own moisture on the Suns are then sent to the bath and washed until the spirit or the salt of the roots and urine are added fluid and soft and just like Tingirent appears which you have to pick up and read together and the body or black yeast and the rest flakes in the bath wash off thoroughly.

There is something inside that is flowing and polluted that you cannot bring out without great effort and subtle understanding. That's why you have to take the body and wash it and rub it with the warm water and sometimes sprinkle it with sea water until it tastes good When it becomes white, you should tell it Spiritum is given back either with urine (lotio) and over time it becomes a solid and popular elixir, this root also becomes sublimiret, per retortam infrigidam, and from it becomes a Mercurius (& Mercuria scit).

Aenigma 4.

Take an otter that is encountered by Rexa and behave it of the head and tail in these two places and Stuck melts and produces a spirit goes. Therefore, divide the head and tail and insert Each one is put in a jar, take the rest of the body and cook it with gentle heat until the flesh is separated and separated from the legs. And then place them over sheet metal and hide them until the body turns into a spirit and the bigness or crookedness is taken away from it.

Then the toe cannot be used thinner or made smaller: then put it against its head and rub it with it because the body defends itself and as long as it bends (quam in flexibilitas in eo consisti) such a body presses or dry out with the sun or water so that you can get what you are looking for.

Now when all of this fills up, know that you have a corpus that permeates all bodies and that you have a nature that supports the other nature and a nature that delights in the other, which is a purple perfection Philosophorum is called.

Aenigma 5.

Mercurius talks about himself.

The mother gave birth to me and she is going through it herself conceived me: but in the new year she ruled over me at the last I want to rule over them.

Then I became a persecutor of my mother. But now she will treat me like a pious mother and nurture her son, whom she has borne, until he comes to his right state and old age.

Therefore put me in a damp fire and grind me until the end of the work is brought in.

When the work is done, drive me to blush with a strong wave.

Then the dampness of heat increases me and the consumption of dryness deadens me.

Aenigma 6.

Immediately put the red servant over the pregnant mother, the mother would cut off her hands and feet, but the servant would bathe and flour them both in a glass from Leinent (in lindeo viteo) which is given to Sera: and put on it the clay, and before it was well with the glue of the whiteness and after that take the glass with the bridegroom and bride and throw them into the open and leave them 3.

Roast for days and then you two will be one in the flesh.

Then finally take the white man out of the vessel and paint him in a place where there is a mill (mola per molendinum - mill by mill) and then use the key of art with the nobleman (cum aquila - with the eagle) and rub it again with the oil of the oil nut until long bit it dried up. Do it like this for the third time you have the end of perfection.

Aenigma 7.

We start by reading the earthly Dawes together Size that is there 2nd meal 10. So understand that all untidy earth or earthly things are removed from it with common washing and that the menstruo poisoning is cut off (mestruosa infectione præcisa - precise menstrual infection) One puts a single grain on the day of flouring to the branches that are supposed to bear fruit Exposing oneself to order and alteration or change should be covered with a philosophical gut.

And should be made ripe or timely with one soluble or loose (solubili amplexu - in a loose embrace) with this natal pregnancy one should not lose it (sortiature) until the smallest fruits are removed with a comparison or pearl for the first time so that the disposition of the vapor of each combination shines with praiseworthy confluence (elucescat vaporis dispositio utriusque connexionis liquorosa propabili. - The arrangement of the liquid vapor of both connections is available) Man sol it act with prudent experience which belongs to the sons of Discipline or breeding is part of it.

I say such a fragrant or hot Daw (unctuosus.) Firstly, the inseparable Hyle the Philosophorum, from which or Three proportioned qualities of the faces are carried out, which you are not told to split or cut from one another, whenever the afferent intestine is poured out, the Hyle eijlends and soon be placed in an alembico phæbo so that the noble one is deprived of life (vtilitate distituatur - to be separated by virtue) and that the the first equitable existence or that which is left over is lured out and that such things happen through the appearance of related mortality.

Nothing should shine when such a deadly man in his heated suffering is laid down in a scratching being of the extinguished gneiss or fire.

(Favillarum hypostasin confricabilem - The hypostasis of the shards can be crushed) therefore sol you know the first degree of the planted tree Under the cold, watery and earthly (terreo) order, with what action is he adopted as a child in the strong alveolum: When the element is burned up, his body will become one's own, one should rule in with a clever, intelligent and sharp mind and understanding, he bit glowing or turned white in the thunderbolt.

And these miracles and signs at the same time tell and show that the stone would now be filled. It is commanded that it be done by moving in the mixture with hands porphyrio sedulè, until he runs completely for as estimated and said before.

Note that at the present time, with the alveo, and some government of the phæbi or suns, the white and red tincture are taught, both of which are to be viewed in the body shown before when he has accepted the digestion (digestione accepta - accepted by digestion), he should be killed or suppressed again In the shine and glow of the white or in the few, it should be crushed together with a stone in very small pieces with a trembling movement so that they are united with the moistening in part a voraciously. The application must be done three times or whichever one sees that it is more necessary with natural Milk 200 times under the size of the weight.

Through this government it is seen that he was killed by Phæbo, who brought death, and that he was raised again by the gravest dead.

That's why you wish the king luck that he will have an unforgettable and eternal life.

Then you open it as often as you want to see it as it goes down.

Afterwards return with an essential life. (essentiali vita) until he is completely ready for the artzneij completely through no fault of his own healed and not subjected to corruption, he is renewed again health. Then that will be required after that Anointing of the olive trees of our Sulphuris, which is completely flowing in the purification of the substance or the essence of the sensitive thing, so an ungodly fruit is picked together according to the degree of division or decision.

But you should also look for when you notice that our snake is pregnant, that it doesn't do its sting in vain or lose it, when you eat it too much, when you put it in the nest or lay it, so you should give it a warm one that feeds with the strength of the snake drying out and should be kept in a large one that absorbs them (immensa susceptibili) so that they do not mix with the rest Food devours its own tail and spoils.

Then under consideration it is necessary and good that you know the end to explore with the type of cleaning. The opinion of the Philosophorum is unchangeable and agrees that all power rests with the man the moisture changes with the consequence of earthiness:

and so that is the end.

Quote of the Day

“This Magistery grows from one original root, which branches out into several parts, and from which springs one thing.”


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