By Basil Valentine - an extract from his book Revelation and Declaration
In my dominion are appropriated to me among the twelve Signs, Sagittarius & Pisces: I was born from Pisces because I was WATER before my LIFE; but Sagittarius placed the Sagette in my heart, by means of which I lost my wateriness, having become, by means of the Heat, a dry Earth; & although my Earth, by means of WATER, has become a soft substance, nevertheless you must hear that the Water has been dried by the hot Air, & that this soft Matter has been changed by the Heat into a Hard material.
From this, you who are learned, or you others who want to learn, you must diligently observe & take heed that TIN is subject to the four Elements & to the other Planets, which Elements have received in their center the virtues from above & are generated from it.
To say goodbye to you, I tell you that when you draw SALT & SULFUR from this good JUPITER, and join them to SATURN to make them flow together, you will see SATURN take on a more fixed Body, purging itself & becoming clearer, & will have a true Transmutation of SATURN into JUPITER.
Quote of the Day
“the Body is carved up, destroyed and carefully governed until its subtle Soul being extracted from its thickness, has turned into an impalpable Spirit. Then the Body is turned into a non-Body; which is the true Rule to operate well. Remember that this whole Body is dissolved by the acute Spirit and that it becomes spiritual by mingling with it.”
Bernard Trevisan
Verbum Dismissum
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