In it the seekers of the great mystery of the philosophical work find such news that it cannot be paid for with any money; But out of heartfelt pity for the long search, it is communicated to them freely and without anyone's attention from the son Sendivogii,
called IFHS
Printed in Amsterdam Before Christoffel Luycken, book seller on the Haarlemmer Creutzstrasse as they are being sold.
The LORD gives grace and honor. He will not allow the upright to lack any good thing; probably the person who relies on him.
That GOD will make the world created in the 6th days completely new on the shortened end of the great 6th days and confirm it into an eternal, immortal and imperishable heavenly entity consisting of the ineffable and bright light of the infinite, omnipresent glory of the Lamb of God and the rising from on high ; Not only has the faithful mouth of his and his servants spoken in Holy Scripture, but is also in the book of temporal nature in opere regenerationis Philosophorum, by means of the only opening and closing philosophical key (to whom the whiteness of God grants it) at all times as looking in the mirror since the living contrafait of the beginning of creation, the human fall and the curse of the world, as well as the work of redemption and the future most profound improvement of all things, appears visibly to the worthy artist, to which from Hermete Trismegisto up to our times not a little philosophy, much has been written and truly attested as their undoubted testimonies are sufficiently written in the wonderful book Turba Philosophorum and other writings of the wise men and it is unnecessary to introduce them here: However, even such a secret nature mirror (called by them Secretum Philosophorum) is from its first invention outside the watchful eye of human unworthiness and For the sake of abuse, it has been kept extremely hidden and secret, so that out of many thousands, hardly one person manages to do it; bite
Finally, in these final times when the clockwork of the world is running to an end through the will of the Highest, the long- obscured light of nature has revealed itself in many, that they have written theology and philosophy with enlightened efforts about God's intended miracles, among which ours have also been Teaching according to the most beloved GOD resting father Sendivogius, whose published novum lumen Chemicum is known almost throughout Europe and is dear to the wise, who also complain not a little that their worthy companion, who so splendidly testified to the philosophical truth and proved so kind-hearted against malicious and unwise slanderers He was prevented from allowing anything more than what had happened to come to light in accordance with his request, using the incomparable talent that had been bestowed upon him .
But since Divine Grace has also made us aware of the same great Magisterii, we want to follow in our father's footsteps and give the children of truth the much desired third beginning of mineral things, namely the Philosophical Saltz (because the previous 2nd beginnings of Mercurio and Sulfur in obgemeltem lumine Sendivogiano has already been described in the best way) fully explain and faithfully communicate without doubting that we will thereby make ourselves deserving of the opposite but hated and ridiculed by them and scoffers : because with this we (whose God should be our witness) do not seek anything other than our brotherly neighbor to serve and not to bury the little pound we have from the Father of Light as an unfaithful, lazy servant, but to use it for the honor of the Highest: So we pay no attention at all to what people will think of us, even as long as we live, and we do not seek vain honor or earthly prosperity, which is what we do but through a much closer path than others who know nothing of the treasure of nature could reach, because we could have all the treasures of the world except for a contemptible Koht (if we were of foolish mind); But we are happy to leave such desires to those who let their minds be drawn either by greed or inflated by pride or stimulated by worldly pleasure and rather have our joy desire desire and complete confidence in God our Creator who lets those who fear him know his secret pleasure and also to us this secret mirror of nature (for we will never see anyone unregenerate) announced what we want to give as much information as is appropriate here, as well as a request to note that this third beginning is dear to the children of the Secret Nuts and that they can perhaps participate in the Sendivogian Harmony from us: but they want to be admonished according to this Investigate the inner meaning of this little treatise because all goodness is found internally and not externally in what is contemptible on the outside.
We have also not written this to those who already understand it (who are extremely few, as we only know of one person in the world besides us who is the right owner of this science), but only to those who would like to experience such things through divine invocation We faithfully advise such a person not to desist from prostrating himself daily before the Divine Mercy Seat and begging the Heavenly Father for his Holy Spirit, saying from the whole of his heart: Oh, dear LORD, you great and terrible GOD , you covenant and grace save those who fear you and keep your commandments; I, poor, worthless worm, bend myself here for the footstool of your throne of grace and thank you from the innermost center of my heart with my slurring tongue for all your goodness, grace and mercy that you have shown to me, apart from my mother's womb, and especially that you have shown me apart from grace let me know that I cannot please you otherwise, if you give it to me and guide me in your ways through the spirit of whiteness: therefore I ask you, through the bitterness of the death of Jesus Christ, that you would give me wisdom and understanding so that I can know what May it please you and be found as your faithful servant at all times; O LORD, I am your servant, the son of your handmaid; let me find favor and mercy in your sight , and do not cast me away from your children; Give me the whiteness that is always around your throne, send it down from your holy heaven and from the throne of your glory, so that it can enter into me and work with me, because without the whiteness that comes from you, I am nothing and do not understand your holy will and Wolffallen; Give me the Spirit, Sense, Grace, Power and Love of Jesus Christ that I may thereby be born completely new and come out of the mud of sins that always cling to me and use me in this world for the service of your children for the glory of your name: make me a vessel of your mercy , breed me in the integrity and purity of your perfect divine Love that I may sink completely into it and die within myself, everything that you are nothing yourself: guide me through your Holy Spirit in your ways and let me be faithful to you until the end of my life: grace me, O Almighty, most beloved Lord, according to your infinite omnipotence, that I never waver from you , but cling and cling to you in invincible faith and divine strength; let the noble, dear life of JESUS Christ always shine outside me and bring essential fruits; Grant me also the means and opportunity to be useful to my brothers and sisters in this world and to serve them with all that you bestow upon me; O LORD, who made me and redeemed me from eternal death with your heart, I commit myself entirely to you, be the glory and power of all creatures forever and ever, Amen.
The loyal reader owes his love and service.
Given in Liefflandt on March 28, 1656.
IFHS From the third beginning of mineral things.
Nature of Nature's Salt.
The salt is the third beginning of mineral things, which contains the other two beginnings as mercury and sulfur, and in its original state the strict impression of Saturn as a mother received the metals from it. But the salt of three types is, first of all, the central which is generated without ceasing in the center of the elements through the qualification of the stars by the Spiritu Mundi and is governed by the rays of the sun and moon in the philosophical sea: the other is the spermatic salt as a heap of invisible semen which, through putrefaction, reveals its form and growth in lovely natural warmth ; the same invisible, fleeting seed is driven away by external heat because nothing further can develop from such a form .
The third salt is the final material of all things as it is found in it after its destruction . Now this triple salt is soon at the first point of creation.
When God said: Let the clock stand and become an entity outside of nothing, because the original chaos of the world was nothing other than a salty darkness, cloud or mist of the abyss, brought together by the speaking word outside of nothing and from the call of God as the initial one This is why they come here neither dry nor wet, neither thick nor thin, neither light nor dark, neither hot nor cold, neither hard nor soft, but only a mixed chaos from which everything that is there was created and separated: which we pass over here and only from In our salt, namely the third beginning of the minerals, there is also the beginning of the philosophical work and it is necessary for the reader that if he wants to make use of this and grasp our sense, he should read other philosophers, but especially the above-mentioned Sendivogian writings, diligently and outside the birth and origin of the metals, which all but one root must have made known to him thoroughly and well.
If he has learned to recognize our salt fountain from this, he should also be taught how, after heartfelt prayer, through divine blessing, he should obtain the precious snow-white salt from the same , draw the heavenly water of life and thus prepare the philosophical tincture, which is the highest Treasure in this life and an extremely noble gift that GOD bestows on the wise.
Ask God for wisdom, grace and favor.
This is how this art is achieved:
And don't set your mind
on anything but our hyle inside.
In the salt fountain of our sun and poppies
you will find the treasure of the sun son.
Where to look for our salt?
Just as our Azoth is the seed of all metals and has been placed by nature in the same elemental temperature and concordance of the 7th planets: So it is only in this and in no other thing in the world that the strongest strength can be sought and found than in this The whole of nature is no longer the one thing that our art is based on, that is a stone and not a stone and is called a wise stone, first of all because its mineral in the beginning out of the earth is in truth a stone and a hard truck subjectum, just like a stone is pounded and ground; On the other hand, because he After the destruction of its form (which must first be removed as a stinking sulfur), it must be broken down into its parts (as nature itself put it together) brought into one being and, according to nature, sweetly digested into a waxy stone that is resistant to fire .
If you now know what you are looking for, you will also know this stone of ours, because whatever you want to witness must have its seeds; But direct your attention entirely to the first metallic being that nature brings into a metallic form, but leaving it immature and imperfect, in it you will find our salt Mercurium and Sulphur completely delicate and pure, just as the salty Mercurial water is surrounded with the Fontin; and whether our stone is the same in all 7th planets as the philosophers say that the poor (namely the 5th imperfect metals) have it just as well as the rich (or 2nd perfect metals).
So it serves us best when Saturnus has covered it with his circle as the one who holds the gold spirit entwined within himself. We cannot describe our stone to you more clearly.
It is a stone and yet not a stone
in which art alone lies.
Nature made it that way.
But if it is not perfect,
you won't find it on earth.
It only grows in the mountains.
That's where all the art lies.
Whoever has it The thing's haze
The red lion's golden glow
Mercurium completely pure and pure
And inside the red sulfur kent
It has the entire foundation.
From the solution.
The Solution is the key to the entire art and is threefold: firstly in the Corporis Crudi, secondly in the Philosophical Earths and thirdly in Multiplication.
But because something that is so calcified can be solvated more easily than an uncalcified one, the calcination and destruction of the sulfuric impurity and combustible stanchions of the body must necessarily precede it, and any useful water or menstruation may be used afterwards and nothing foreign stay with it with the utmost diligent prevention so that the stone's innermost vis generativa & multiplicativa, burnt, are not destroyed and driven away by external heat or other harmful accidents, as the philosophers in Turba highly warn about this as part. 1. pag. 429. You should be in his Purification is the most important thing to be careful about and be afraid of using its power to ensure that the virtus activa is not stifled because no seed grows or is multiplied if its vis generativa is taken away by external heat; Once you have the sperm, you can then do all the work by gently boiling it.
Because first of all we collect the sperm from the magnesia, we put together the whole putrefied, we dissolve the putrefied, we divide the solvated, we clean the divided, we unite the cleaned, and so the work is fulfilled: and as the author of the ancient knights' war says: By the Almighty God and with the bliss of my soul I show you that, lovers of this wonderful art, out of the hard work and compassion of the long search, that our entire work arises only from one thing and is accomplished in itself and needs no more than dissolution and re-hardening and the like happen without any strange things.
Just like an egg that is put over the fire in a dry state and becomes water in the heat: the same is true with our stone and it no longer needs the help of the artist's handwork and natural fire because it can do this from itself not if it lays in the ground forever, so you have to help it, but not in the sense that you want to add foreign and recyclable things to it, but in the same way that God gives us the grain in the field and we have to grind it and bake it so that it becomes bread.
So here, too, God has created this resource for us so that we alone can destroy the gross body, extract what is good within, remove what is superfluous and make a medicine out of it.
So understand that you can't do anything without the solution because because Saturnus initially drew the Mercurial water together with his cold, so that it solidified and froze in its bonds, it must purge into itself through moderate heat and be dissolved back into the original water so that the invisible, incomprehensible tinging spirit, which is the pure fire of gold and is locked and trapped in the very innermost part of the congelated salt, can be turned out and the grossness of its body can be made equally subtle through regeneration and brought into an indissoluble union with it .
Drümb right and your stone will solve:
Not in a sophistic manner,
especially according to the wise sense .
No corrosive must be in it.
Because there can be no water anywhere.
So let our stone be dissolved.
Just a little fountain, pure and bright.
Opens up. That's the source.
Inside, the solution is hidden from man in time.
That too heated by itself, causing the stone to sweat its tears.
The gentle warmth is good for it.
Keep these words in good guard.
I have to tell you one more thing, even if you don't see a black smoke
below and the white one standing above,
then your work hasn't been done right
and you haven't solved the stone right.
This test will soon show it.
But if you do it right, that's
how it will be A black mist
settles down and soon
his spirit turns into a white form.
How our salt is divided into 4th elements according to philosophical understanding.
Because our stone is externally moist and cold, its very innermost warmth is a trucken oil or sulfur and a living tincture with which the fifth. Eat. must be united in a natural way : As if it were necessary that you separate such revaluable natures from one another and then unite them correctly and lead them into true concordantz, which all happens through our separation, which is called there in scala Philosophica : A separation of the pure watery vapor and moisture from the fecibus, an elevation of the subtle and light part and an extraction of the gross one, a division of what is connected together, a bringing forward of the beginnings, a division of the kinship so that it should be done in due balance &c.
But you must first digest the elementa in their dung because without the putrefaction the spirit cannot be separated from the corpore and it alone is what makes it subtle and fleeting, but if it is digested sufficiently that it can be separated, the separated can be cleaned the better and the Argentum Vivum becomes like clear water in its form; Therefore divide the stone into 2. special parts of the 4th elements, namely into volatile and fixed, the volatile is water and air and the fixed earth and fire of which only earth and water but not fire and air can be seen with eyes - these are now the 2. Mercurial substances, or the double Trevisani, whose names are with the philosophers in Turba.
1 The fleeting 1 The fixed
2 Argentum Vivum 2 Sulfur
3 The highest 3 The lowest 4
The water 4 The earth 5
The woman 5 The man 6 The
queen 6 The king
7 Beya 7 Gabricus
8 The white woman 8 The red servant
9 The sister 9 The Brother
10 Sulfur volatile 10 Sulfur fixum
11 The Geijer 11 The Toad
12 The Living 12 The Dead
13 The Water of Life 13 Nigrum, nigrius, nigro
14 The cold, wet 14 The warm, dry
15 The soul or spirit 15 The body
16 The Dragon's Tail 16 The Dragon
17 The Sky 17 The Earth
18 Their Sweat 18 The Ashes
19 Acetum Acerrimum 19 The Ore or Sulfur
20 The White Smoke 20 The Black Smoke
21 The Black Mists etc. 21 Their Bodies Out of It They Have Gone Into the Upper Spiritual
The fleeting part is the life of the dead earth and in the lower earthly-fixed part is the nourishing ferment, which forms the stone, which 2. parts consist of a root and both have to be joined together in the form of water.
Therefore, take the earth and calcine it in the warm moist horse dung until it turns white and appears fat. This is the sulfur that does not burn and can become red sulfur through several digestions, but it must first be white before it is raw because there is no passage from the black to the red without going through the medium, namely the white and if the white is present in the vessel then the redness is undoubtedly hidden inside and you don't have to take it out but just cook it until it is completely raw.
The Wise Gold is not common ;
Special water bright and pure
on which the spirit of the LORD floats.
From it every living being lives.
Because our gold is completely spiritual,
the spirit also guides
it through the helmet.
His earth remains black there,
which before was not to be found
and now resolves itself,
and also becomes thick water,
longing for the noble life
that it will be given back to him
because of thirst it comes loose and breaks.
This also made him very happy.
Because if it weren't for water and oil,
the spirit and soul wouldn't be able
to mix with him.
But now it can happen
that only one being will
be led to a completely perfect state,
united to such an extent
That it can never be separated.
The preparation of the snowy Dianæ.
The philosophists call our salt the ear of whiteness, and not unreasonably, because it is full of divine powers and miracles and all the colors in the world can be wrapped around it, but it is essentially snow-white on the outside and completely bloody on the inside, filled with the sweetest taste of life-giving life and heavenly tincture ; how not all of this belongs specifically to the salt because the salt only gives the sharpness and the bond of coagulation, but the inner calor is a pure, essential fire and light of nature, a beautiful, translucent oil of such sweetness that no sugar or honey can achieve it far from the other properties it may be decided the invisible spirit but which lives in it has the penetration like an unstoppable mushroom moving through.
If this all is united into a fire-constant being and figired, then the powerful tincture arises from it, which is like a strong mushroom suddenly passes through the body and everything that contradicts the core of life is immediately chased out and in this form the metals are transformed into gold or tinged, because they were previously gold and came into being from some gold beings but are covered with sevenfold leprosy and illness resulting from that But if they don't ward off the curse and wrath of God beforehand, they could n't turn the tincture into gold, just as a person doesn't turn into gold when he takes the tincture, even if it drives everything evil out of him and finds itself completely unique in the anatomy of metals that inside they are the gold being but externally they are surrounded with death and curse because firstly you can see in them a destructively coarse and hard being from this accursed earth, which understands their stone-like roughness in their mineral, secondly a deadly stinking water and thirdly in the stinking water a dead earth and, fourthly, a deadly, grim poisonous quality when this accursed evil is separated from all metals, then the noble gold being is also found, namely our blessed salt, which the philosophers recommend to us, saying: Bring salt out of the metals without being corrosive and nothing like that makes it white and raw to you.Item Omne secretum consistit in sale, ex quo constat perfectum Elixir nostrum. (All the secret consists in salt, from which our perfect Elixir is composed.)
Because now ours Saltz is initially an earthly heavy subject, a rough, impure caotic toe slimy and fog-watery corpus is so necessary that it is dissolved and separated from its impurity and everything terrestrial and aquosic-poisonous approach and thick shadow, purified, and sublimated to the highest level so that one can be that Christalline Sal Metallorum so that the blackness and leprosy of all fœcibus are purified, pure and white as snow and can be liquid and meltable like wax.
The key is the salt alone:
Our art cannot be without salt .
Even though this salt, as I report,
doesn't seem like salt in the beginning,
it is still salt, and
in the beginning it is black and stinky.
So in the work it does,
that it looks like thick blooms
And finally everything becomes completely white and pure.
It opens itself up and becomes alone.
How the red servant is married to the white woman.
Many people are fooled into believing that they are not ignorant of the preparation of the Philosophical Tincture; But when our red servant examines them, it is almost impossible to believe how few in the world there are that can exist: for where is such a book in which one could have complete instruction?
Considering that the philosophers kept this secret and wanted to keep it secret, just like our beloved father, we only left these few words to the investigators : una res sola mixta aqua Philosophica (only one thing mixed with philosophical water), and will no doubt have given many a philosopher a lot of help in his first operation past this sea cliff embark: See the form of the Author's discipline of the Little Farmer (who inherited his own handwritten writings from his highly defended Præceptore resting in God and has now known the entire philosophical art for the entire 30th year without any defect) and tells how his Præceptore thought it fared in this point Because when he got there for the first time, the 2nd Sulphura didn't want to mix at all, especially the sun swam on the moon, which caused him a lot of lamentation and again difficult journeys in order to experience such grief from an owner of the lapidis, so he too The following is something that no one has ever achieved through the experience of philosophy: he takes the very next path to perfection in 30 days
To achieve the lapidis we experiment, whereas other philosophers have to continue the cooking for the 7th and then the 10th month, which we consider the person in their sense to be a philosopher but the right hand work has not yet been tried as a reminder in order to test something They are lacking because for this course many a full-fledged artist has to lay down his wings.
Yes, there are also quite a few doctors and highly learned people who completely believe that our fermented Rother servant must be brought out of the common expensive gold through the Mercurial water, which is the mistake of the highly experienced one Author of the Clock-Old Knights' War recently showed this with these words, which he speaks sub persona succinctly: A number of people have come so far with me that they have been able to strip me of my tinkering spirit and have mixed it with other metals and minerals and brought it there with a lot of work that I gave less of my virtutibus and by virtue of myself to the metals that were somewhat attached to me and related: but if the artists had looked for my own wife and united me with her, I could have tinged a thousand times more &c. As far as our conjunction is concerned, a twofold mode has to be conjugated, namely one is moist and the other is humid.
The sun also has 3rd part of its water and her wife has nine or even 2nd against 7th and the same as the seed at the same time and up once left in the matrix and the same is then closed in terms of bit to the fee of the fruit: So also with our work we put together 2. Water, the sulfur of gold and its Mercury, animam & corpus, sun and moon man and woman two seeds 2. Argenta viva, out of this there is a living Mercurius and out of it the Lapis Philosophorum.
After the earth is ready to drink its moisture, take spirit, soul and life at the same time, which you must give to the earth. For what is earth but seed? A body that has no soul? Remember, I'll keep an eye on this. Mercurius will be brought into his mother outside and he'll come . Throw him in so you've got it pious. So the seed will dissolve the earth, the earth will coagulate the seed . VII. Of the degrees of fire. In the concoction of our salt the external warmth becomes The preparatory work is called elixatio, and takes place in the wet; But the heat of the finishing work takes place in the dry: and is called assatio, which two types of fire are described by the philosophers : We have to boil and fry the stone.
But it must be like the fourth part of the year according to the constitution of our given work ; The first part of the winter is cold and wet, the second part of the spring is warm and wet, the third part of the warm and cold summer, and the fourth part of the autumn, which is intended for fruit gathering.
The warmth of the first government should be like that of a hen sitting over the eggs to breed young chickens or like the stomach so that the food dews and nourishes the body or like the warmth of the dung or the sun when it is in the aria which protects heat even to the black and also until it is transformed into white, but where this is exceeded and the material is too warm and heated, you do not get the desired raven head, but rather a quick and rushing redness or a red oil swimming out at the top or even that the material begins to sublimate (at which event one had to take out the compositum again, imbiber it with our maiden's milk, and then the previous boiling had to be carried out with greater care until such defects no longer appear) when the white appears, the fire should be increased until the stone is completely dried out which Calor of the heat of the sun is compared when it moves out of Taurus into Gemini.
When the stone has dried up, the fire is made stronger again until the stone is completely raw. Which Calor of the sun's heat is compared to Leo.
Let it be said to you that it is very expensive to remember only for a mild fire. So you can hope for all the glory of being a part of this treasure. The vaporous fire beforehand must be understood according to wise sense , that it is not elemental, material, all sorts of things, especially water other than Mercury, what fire over nature, essential, heavenly Purely within, the sun and moon are united and rule with your fire and bring our work to the end.
About the miraculous power of our Saltz-Wasserstein.
Whoever receives the grace from the Father of Light to give him in this life the inestimable great Kleijnod, the Stone of the The wise man can not only be certain that he has such a treasure that the whole world and all its surrounding princes cannot repay: but he is also palpably assured that the Most High loves him and will give it to him forever with the wisdom of God is to remain united with his current bride, which union we wish for every Christian from the heart because it is the center of all treasures which Solomon also testifies to Sap. 7. When he says: I valued whiteness more dearly than I considered kingdoms and princes and riches to be nothing against them.
I did not resemble her as a precious stone, for all gold is compared to her as little sand and silver is like clay compared to her. I preferred her to a healthy and beautiful body and chose her as my light because the shine that comes from her does not fade.
But all my wealth came to me with her, and countless riches with her hand. As far as this stone is concerned, the highly praised Triune God and the works of his creation, redemption and regeneration, and the glorious state in the future can be seen in it. On the other hand, he drives away all diseases such as they may be until they reach the appointed goal of life, since the human spirit gently departs like an extinguishing light and passes through into the hand of God.
Thirdly, he tinges all metals into gold, which is better than what nature can otherwise produce; it can also be used to tinge base stones and poor crystals into the most precious stones; However, if the stone is to be tinged with the lesser metals, one must first ferment it with the best gold, otherwise the lesser metals cannot tolerate its great subtlety and would be harmful in the projection.
The lesser metals must also be purified beforehand where they are to be of use ; But to ferment the stone with gold to make it red or silver to make it white , you can do this with just a quintal of gold or silver and you don't have to take care of it with which you can then continue to ferment Multiplication goes and with the water of her white or red Mercurii from which she is made, she is dissolved and coagulated again, so her great power to tinger is multiplied tenfold You can repeat it as often as you want.
Qvi hanc artem semel perfecerit, si deberet vivere mille millibus annis,
& singulis diebus nutrire 4000. hominum, tamen non egeret.
He who has once perfected this art, if he had to live for a thousand thousand years, and feed 4,000 men every day, yet he would not need it.
Hæc est Sapientum Filia, & data est in manu ejus potestas, honor, virtus, & imperium, & florens Regni corona in capite suo, radiis septem stellarum rutilantium, tanquam sponsa ornata viro suo, habens in vestimentis suis scriptum literis aureis Græcis, Barbaris ac Latinis, ego sum unica filia sapientum, stultis penitus incognita.
O felix ergo cum sciente scientia, nam qui illam habet, incomparabilem thesaurum possidet, coram Deo ditatus & hominibus honoratus, quia non per usuram & fraudem, nec falsis mercimoniis neq; per oppressionem pauperum, ut jam divites mundi ditari gestiunt, sed per industriam & manuum laborem.
This is the Daughter of the Wise, and in her hand was given power, honor, virtue, and dominion, and the crown of the Kingdom flourishing on her head, with the rays of seven glowing stars, like a bride adorned for her husband, having on her clothes written in letters of gold Greek, Barbarian, and To the Latins, I am the only daughter of the wise, completely unknown to fools.
O happy, then, with knowing knowledge, for he who has it possesses an incomparable treasure, enriched before God and honored by men, because not through usury and fraud, nor by false merchandise nor by the oppression of the poor, as already the rich of the world manage to become rich, but by industry and the labor of their hands.
And finally conclude the philosophy with the following 2nd riddles about the white and red tincture.
The noble queen was born here.
The masters call her their daughter.
She multiplies and gives birth to children without number.
She is deadly pure and without anything.
The queen hates death
and poverty Earth like you We say this thanks to God of the kingdom of heaven.
Here the Emperor of all honors was born.
No one higher can fight against him, with art or through nature.
From no living creature.
The philosophers call him their son.
He is able to do everything that man desires from him.
He gives health with a strong maturity, gold, silver and precious stones, strength, youth, beautiful and pure; Anger, sadness, poverty, illness, he consumes.
Happy is the person whom GOD provides.
To the Holy Holy Holy Lord of hosts, the only wise and imperishable King, who has taken away the power of death and brought imperishable beings into light, be honor and power for ever and ever, Amen.
So here you have the brief overview of the philosophical work that you might still be missing, apart from the old philosophers' writings and sayings, which are entirely true and a good part of which is available in Turba Philosophorum .
Many of the new philosophers' treatises will also be researched for you, as there are:
Waterstone of the Wise, Gloria Mundi, Bernhardi Trevisani, Flamelli, Dion. Zachar. and Hollandi things and others explain quite a bit;
Above all, however, you must diligently research the foundation and roots of nature if you want to understand in the most thorough way, apart from the highly enlightened Jacob Böhmen's Philosophi Teutonici books, in which the whole of nature and its circulation stands bare and naked and can be grasped by you unless you The eyes are kept out of strange things so that your hardened understanding cannot understand it in itself, but it is explained so clearly that you can almost be frightened that such high secrets should be revealed so completely, since all the ancient wise men are highly admonished by the pearls of whiteness and to hide knowledge from the unworthy, just as each of them tries to wrap up such secret nuts with a special cover and keep them secret.
However, we notice that God now wants to have such secrets revealed and, through his will, let commemorated writings from his simple armaments come to light Such a providence is also demonstrated by the fact that because the author was so violently resisted in his excellent work by Satan's drive during his life , he brought the same to some Christians in Holland and transferred it into their language, since they also anitzo are received; However, it is to be hoped that all of them would be printed in High German for the lovers of whiteness, as their benefit cannot be expressed.
We would like to have provided instruction on all the circumstances of the philosophical art , but I am worried that such things might end up in unworthy hands (for whom this should also be very unhelpfully and conveniently hidden) as if we should not have written anything more .
However, if it should happen that a righteous lover of GOD and art should come to us and reveal his fervent desire for the complete opening of this secret delight, we do not want to promise him to serve him in GOD's honor and the next welfare: just like the one mentioned above of the authoris of the Little Farmer Discipulus (who, as reported, knows the philosophical art as well as Hermes or any other philosopher might have known it and is highly confidential with us conversiret,) is not disinclined to be compliant to one or other worthy lover through assured gratitude, as such one could perhaps be informed orally.
1. De Expressâ verâ unâq alterâ propinquiore materiâ demonstrando eam
- 1. Rationibus Philosophicis & argumentis Naturam rerum rodolentibus. - Philosophical reasonings and arguments about the nature of things.
- 2. Authoritate & concordantiâ Philosophorum. - On the authority and concordance of the Philosophers
- 3. Experientia vel praxi, nam & Spiritus crudus tingere debet. - Experience or practice, for the raw Spirit must be dyed
2. De Sale Philosophorum. - Of the Salt of the Philosophers
3. De Solutione primi operis. - The solution of the first work
4. De Aqua seu Mercurio Philosophorum. - On the Water or Mercury of the Philosophers
5. De Spiritus & Corporis rectificatione. - On the rectification of Spirit and Body
6. De coagulatione Spiritus vel aqua. - On the Coagulation of Spirit or Water
7. De separatione Elementorum in nostro Lapide, Philosophice intelligendâ. - Of the separation of the Elements in our Stone, Philosophically to be understood
8. Pondus, & tempus nativitatis Lapidis. - Weight and time of birth of the stone.
9. Verus furnus seu Athanor Philosophorum. - The True Furnace or Athanor of the Philosophers
10. Hermetis sigillum notabile quoddam. - A remarkable seal of Hermetis
11. De Latone ejus usu & operations. - Of Latone his use & operations
12. De primo regimine ignis. - Of the first government of fire
13. De secundo, tertio & quarto gradibus ignis. - Of the second, third, and fourth degrees of fire
14. De fermentatione, sublimatione, distillatione & omnibus gradibus, quos Philosophi ad decipiendum ignorantes legibus proponunt. - Concerning fermentation, sublimation, distillation, and all the steps which the philosophers propose to deceive the ignorant of the laws.
15. De multiplicationis series. - The series of multiplication
16. De projectionis beneficio, quod tamen advertendum. - Of the benefit of the projection, which, however, must be noticed.
17. De effectu & virtutibus Lapidis, non omnibus cognitis. - Of the effect and virtues of the Stone, not known to all.
18. De modo adhibendi vel curandi in genere & specie, homines, metalla, lapides. - Of the manner of use or care in general & particular, men, metals, stones.
19. De qualitate lapidis, quod sit gravis in pondere & dulcis in gustu, & per consequens in principio etiam hebeat gravitatem & dulcedinem, respiciente ultimâ materiâ primam & vice versâ. - Of the quality of the stone, that it should be heavy in weight and sweet in taste, and consequently in the beginning it should also have a dull gravity and sweetness, respecting the last material and the first, and vice versa.
20. De possessione una cum universali omnium particularium, sicut arbor ramos. - Of the possession together with the universal of all particulars, like the branches of a tree.
So, dear reader, if you want to make the best possible note of our mind that is inclined to serve you and, in the hope and complete trust in GOD, to fear Him alone, to be quietly diligent and to be loving and kind towards your neighbor, then GOD will not deny you anything.
Simple fear of God is the abode of whiteness.
When the assembly or synod of the alchemists and distillers described before, in their extensive, serious disputation about the materials of the philosopher's stone, was shattered by an unexpected storm before the desired conclusion and everyone was present left for the sake of his old-conceived opinion that the conclusion did not come to fruition ; So an unspeakable number of sophistic processes and alchemical delusions have arisen from this because no one has followed his own madness and fasted ideas.
It is true that some learned alchemists who were present at such a Reichstag had read the writings of the right-wing philosophers that sometimes Mercurius, sometimes Sulphur, sometimes Sal, were considered by them to be the material of the stone: but because they only understood common mercury, sulfur and salt, they understood them as such chosen as the material of the stone and, after its destruction, all possible work was carried out in it.
There was also one of this group who had found a thoughtful saying from the Gebro when he wrote: Sapientes antiqui concludunt de sale, qui dicunt saponem sapientum & clavem quæ claudit & aperit, & iterum claudit & nemo aperit, sine quâ claviculâ dicunt neminem in hoc seculo posse pervenire ad perfectionem, id est, nisi sciat salem post suam præparationem calcionare, & tunc dicitur sal fusibilis. (The sages of old conclude about salt, who say that soap is wise and a key that closes and opens, and closes again and no one opens; it is called fusible salt.)
And from the Rosario: Qui scit salem, & ejus solutionem, ille scit Secretum occultum antiquorum Sapientum. (He who knows salt and its solution, he knows the hidden secret of the ancient sages.)
In addition to these sayings , the alchemist was made to work in common salt, learned to make a spirit with which he dissolved the common gold and extracted his tincture, which he then wanted to combine with the lesser metals in order to transform them into gold, but such processes as Even though he started it, they didn't want to advise him; Then he remembered Hermetis' saying: Sal metallorum est Lapis Philosophorum.
I therefore thought that common salt would not be the same as what the philosophers think but would have to be calcined from the metals with strong fire, with aquis away. solving, distilling, preparing sales, devising many kinds of rivers to melt the metals and similar unassigned tasks, but in all of this he could not achieve the purpose of his desire, so he began to doubt all such materials and materials again and once again leafed through a number of philosophical books, hoping about finding a clear ear who would discover the materials for him until he finally saw the following saying: Lapis noster est Sal, & Sal noster est terra, & est terra virginea. (Our stone is salt, and our salt is earth, and it is virgin earth)
As he now thought about this more deeply, he looked at him as if a light had suddenly dawned on him and now understood so much that his intended work had failed because he had no Virgin Salt and that such a Virgin Salt could not exist in superficie terræ because the earth there was overgrown with a few herbs, grass and flowers whose roots contained such Virgin Salt and from this the salt would grow out of its virginity and would be, as it were, impregnated.
Therefore he thought that he should dig deep into the roots in good, solid soil and from there take a virgin, uncontaminated soil, especially because the Cosmopolitan also writes that in order to obtain the living Salniter water one must dig a pit down to the knees: which he not only directed his erroneous opinion to ruin, but also expressed in public pressure that this was the correct understanding of the philosophical writings: but he ran into such a state of his folly that all his wealth went to him and he also ended up in great poverty and sorrow and began to painfully lament the waste of time and work he had lost, which kept him from all the slack, and his sadness increased more and more day by day, so that he finally went to the place where he had been digging for the supposed philosophical earth there With great effort he threw himself down on the earth and began to curse and condemn everyone who had ever been written on the Philosophical Stone ;
As he was now hard asleep, a large crowd of brightly shining men appeared to him, one of whom approached him with these words: Friend, what is wrong with you that you read the philosophers who are at rest in God and curse them?
The alchemist replies with shock and horror: Sir, I have read your books a little and from them I saw the great praise that you give to your stone, which aroused in me an extremely strong desire for such your stone and I have followed your words with the utmost diligence so that I can use them I would also like to obtain stone, but I have been deceived by all their words and have now completely lost my food.
Face. You are doing them a great injustice because those whom you curse and deceive are the blessed ones Men who have never written lies but leave behind the pure truth in hidden words so that every unworthy person would not understand it and thereby cause great harm in the world, which is why you should not interpret their writings according to the letter but according to the essence of nature, nor should you interpret them by hand If you had undertaken the work, you would have previously laid a foundation through diligent prayer and diligent reading and understood where they all come together, which is only one thing, namely the wise salt of sulfur and mercury.
Alchemist: How can the salt sulfur and mercury be one thing? They are three things? Now we see your folly and that you still understand nothing. The wise men only have one thing that has corpus, animam & spiritum, which they call salt sulfur and mercury, which are all three in one subject and the subject is their salt.
Alchem. Where do you get such salt?
Face: In the dark dungeon of metals you can set up miracles and see all the colors in the world . Even small metals can be tinged with gold if it is fixed beforehand.
Alchem. Didn't I recently want to work on metals like this but couldn't achieve something like that ?
Face: You have looked for it in the dead metals in which the power of the philosophical seed is not equal, just as you cannot sow the baked bread back into the earth, nor can you produce a chicken from a boiled egg, but you must have uninjured living seed for generation : But the common man's metals are dead and have no life. Why do you look for the living among the dead?
Alchem. Can't gold and silver be brought back to life through the solution?
Face: Philosophically Gold and silver are life itself and do not need to be brought to life and are also available for free, but those that the common man has are dearly dead and remain dead.
Alchem. By what means can one obtain the same gold?
Face: Through the solution.
Alch. How does it work?
Face: In itself through itself without all foreign things because the dissolution of the body takes place in its own blood.
Alchem. Will the corpus all turn into water?
Face: Everything is solved, but the wind also carries the fixed son of the sun in its body - that is the fish without a straight line swims in the philosophical sea.
Alchem. Aren't other waters like this too?
Face: Isn't that what other waters are like?
Face: The philosophical water is not cloud water or a common fountain, but salty water and white gum, a permanent water that stays with your body when it is combined with it and boiled for a while, so it can no longer be separated from it, even if it is this water the essential life force of nature which is drawn to itself by the magnet of gold and is now resolved by the artist into pure water which no other water in this world can do.
Alch. Can this water also bear fruit?
Face: Because it is the Metallic Tree, the Solar Branch can be inoculated into it, which when it grows up can make all imperfect metals with the smell equal to
Alchim. How should you deal with it?
Total. No other way to cook continuously, first moist and then dry Alchim. Does it always stay together?
Face: In the preparatory work, body, soul and spirit must be separated from each other and put back together again, but when the sun and moon come together, the soul separates itself and turns itself back into a corpse.
Alchem. Can one separate the body, soul and spirit of each one separately?
Face: If you only worry about the water and the rocky earth, you won't see the spirit because it always floats on the water.
Alchem. What kind of blistered earth is this?
Face: Have you not heard that a small island appears in the Philosophical Sea? The same earth must be crushed and closed, so it will break itself in prison because of thirst and will be mixed with oil as a thick water - that is the terra foliata, which must then know how to combine with the water in the right weight .
Alchem. What weight?
Face: Pondus aquæ esto plurale, terræ vero foliatæ singulare. - Let the weight of water be plural, but that of leafy earth be singular.
Alchem. Oh Lord, your speeches are still too dark for me from the beginning.
Face: I don't need any other words and names than the ones the philosophers invented and described, and the men of this blessed group that you see here were true philosophers in their lives, and some were also ruling kings, ruling princes and mighty rulers who were not ashamed nature through your own handwork research and have written the truth about it, whose books you should read diligently and no longer blaspheme them but pay attention to their wise teachings and reject all sophistry and deceitful alchemists and then you will finally achieve the hidden mirror of nature.
With that, this strange face disappeared from the alchemist in a moment and his mind was encouraged by the slack face, not knowing what to think of it, without all the words of the previous philosopher still floating in his memory; So he went into his room and wrote down this face and all the words and carefully read the philosophical writings so that he would recognize his previous mistake and gradually become aware of the right reason for designing a memorial for him in the following bad rhymes:
It is a Thing in this world
So everywhere there is
earth, fire, air, water, it is not,
but none of it is broken
, because it can turn into fire,
into air, into water, and into earth,
because it has all kinds of nature in it .
It is
completely pure and pure
white and raw, also warm and cold,
wet trucking and very diverse.
The wise band only knows this thing.
From them it is called their salt. It
is also extracted from their earth.
The fool has cheated a lot.
Because not from the common earth
Saltz it must be understood
Specially only from the salt of the world
So all life is contained within itself
From this arises the Artzeneij
Which makes you free from all illnessj Desire now the wise stone
So the thing must be metallic
As nature has made it
And in metallic ash This is how
our stone is called.
This salt is extracted from it.
Now when you get this thing,
prepare it for your pious use
and draw from this salt
the innermost so sweet gahr.
Bring also to the light the red soul
So also a sweet, wonderful oil
And is called the sulfur blood
In this work the highest good
For apart from the two you can become
The highest treasure on earth
Just like you the two things I can't make
something out of this earth and make it obvious .
God wants it to remain hidden.
The pigs shouldn't be given a dish made of pearls at all.
But I tell you with the utmost loyalty,
there must be nothing strange in it.
Just as an egg from the fire
is brought into the first water:
so this stone of ours must also
have become water in itself.
A gentle bath is only given to him
. In it he will be dissolved in himself,
With the help of putrefaction,
For separate the water from it
The earth will turn into red oil
That is the purple color of the soul.
Now when you have the two things,
bring them together in a friendly
manner and do them in the wise way.
So be well sealed
and put it in the Athanor
according to all the wise customs and meaning
. Govern it with gentle fire, like a hen hatches
the eggs
The water makes an effort
And draws all the sulfur into itself
So that nothing can be seen from it anymore
But it can't last like this for long
Because this one is trucky and hot
So with diligence it overcomes
itself to do againb here again
is the Lunæ zier
And now it's time for the two to fight
so that they rise on each side
and start
to swing up in a very strange way.
But the wind drives them down.
But they climb up to the height again
and when they drive this long
they finally lie down stay
and melt now I say for now
into the first chaos completely and completely.
After that everything will be black,
like a gleaming hard thing on the fire.
And is called the head of Raven
A sign also of God's gift.
If that happens, you will soon
see a variety of colors,
yellow, blue, white and others,
all of which get lost
and you will continue to see that
everything will become green like the land and grass.
Then look at the moonlight.
Now let the warmth be greater
and let it stand there.
Then it will look like an old man.
Gantz Ice gray almost as white as silver
Control the fire with all
your diligence So in the glass there
Gantz the material will become snow-white
And is now ready for the white
But it will also become raw over time That
's why the fire will be reheated
so it will be painted yellow.
And finally all rubies are raw
, because thanks to the Lord of hosts.
You have achieved such a treasure.
To which nothing on the whole earth is like
Tin, copper, iron, silver, lead
and various metals.
Tingire it in nothing but gold
Yes much more should know
that all illnesses
can be completely cured with this.
Thank you from the heart to God the Lord
and gladly serve your neighbor
and use it well for God's honor.
He wants to give us his kingdom soon AMEN .
Fear GOD and give Him glory and worship Him who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and the fountains of water.
Printed in Amsterdam in the printing press of Cornelis De Bruyn, on Newn Lilien-Strasse in the town of Sonsbeck in
Quote of the Day
“Therefore Learn thou the Natural Roots, and those that are better, with which thou ought to reduce thy Matter, whereby thou may perfect thy work.”
Bernard Trevisan
Treatise of the Philosophers Stone
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