Arnald von Villanova, Quaestiones tam essentiales quam accidentiales ad Bonifacium VIII., German / The question essentially and to vallend master Arnoldi von dem newen dorff von dem stein philosophorum.

Arnald von Villanova, Quaestiones tam essentiales quam accidentiales ad Bonifacium VIII., German / The question essentially and to vallend master Arnoldi von dem newen dorff von dem stein philosophorum.
-- Text and text basis : H. Buntz, German alchemical treatises of the 15th and 16th centuries. Diss. Munich 1969, p. 68ff.; Edition pages 73-83;
Dating of the ms.: 15th century, middle (Donaueschinger ms. 811, cf. Buntz p. 69ff.)
-- Digital version : Thomas Gloning; Feb 1996; 3/2003
Line-accurate recording, but hyphenation removed; the Roman numbering of the sections here in Arabic numbering; <>, <> added. The printed source also contains, among other things: 'Text-critical notes' (83f.) and 'Explanations' (84ff.).
-- (c) You may use this digital version for scholarly, private and non-profit purposes only. Make sure that you do not violate copyright laws of your country. Do not remove this header from this file.


Hye raise the question essentially and to vallend
master arnoldi from the new village of the stone


Item to the first one asks whether the making of the stone
must be made by the two light alleys and with the
living water, or whether it must be made by one light
and the living water? In other words, if you ask at the end
of the question, it will be evaluated.


Item a question, whether the stone must be removed from the living
water alleyn? Answer: No, if the mercury
does not work, it will then be thrown into the
mother of his wife, the sye jn ner, and our earth is
the woman, and the mercury is the man.


Item one asks, even though the stone may become well from the
lights, why do one then segregate the
human body? Answer: much of this work is
accomplished outside of the luminaries and the people who then
composed the philosophy, which appears to be much more orderly
and yet not of any order.


Item one asks whether the sun and the mon are both dissolved
or otherwise follow and rise through the
omnicum? Answer: eating is the safest and best way,
and that is only possible through food. But you have to
work with each other with great effort and effort, if everything
that belongs to it is eaten alone or mixed,
then it is necessary that the food goes through the allbicum, when the
work you can be sure when the light He brought him
his first material, which became quicksilver.


Item a question: why is it necessary that the light
be brought to light and reduced to material, that is
mercury? Answer: Mercury is sperm, that is
nature and sam, and the light did not become
sperm, that is the first matter, so it does not want to become
a popular and masterful metal. Neither was there
any fruit or harvest.


One asks whether our living water, which is then
the meyentaw, should be from the ercz or from the
corpus? Answer: the tav should be only from the
people of light and not from other things, i.e. bley or
zyn. When the philosophers say that the water from
the bley does not create our mastery, only
the water from the right lights or their ercz.
When the lead is vnreyn, and our water from the
right ercz, that protects above all vnreynem dott.


Item one asks, how do you know our Ercz water from the
water of the Pleyß? Answer: The one near the mountain Pessulon,
they bring it vell, they are sealed with the seals
and signs from Hyspania, they are full of the right
of our erczwasser. Mon sigelcz, the sye are not
faked. Nym of the water, you will not fall.
But if you are afraid of the felsery, then let him
run through the allebic, and live at the bottom
of the glass harbor, feces and uncleanness, then it is
made of metal, and according to the feces nature
you can see that it is made of what metal the mercury is.


Item a question whether you should reynigen the water or
eat it with an amalgama? Answer: you should
doze with common salcz as long as possible until it takes shape
as ashes, which is hymelblaw. Then you should
drink it and then sublimate it with a drink, then
put pure living water over it, and then
boil it with vinegar on a linden tree. Afterwards
let him run through a leather, and so you may
lay him, use him and use him by our masters.


Item a question whether the light and right corpora
will be punished before sullen? Answer: The Sunn shall
be repentant in the cement and the silver in the test.
After that you should paint it smaller than the painters
do, or you should paint it subtly. When
so ye ye vester become thin, small and subtle, so
sye ye ee become mercury. So everything
that affects our work should become very subtle.


Item a question whether the vnuolkomen corpora sullen
are also prepared? Answer: and whether it
is copper, one should clean it and refine it, as the kettlesmith
did, then finely refine it subtly and then
subtly amalgamate it. Afterwards
you may certainly benefit from the work of our stone.


Item a question, how much teyl one takes sol of the water
and how much teyl of the body? Answer: If you
mix the water and amalgamate it with a volkomen corpus,
then it will be iiij teyl water and j teyl corpus.
But if the body is one of light, then the
water shall be part of it and part of the light.


Item a question, how much teyl one takes the sol of the amalgamas
that the whole corpse becomes mercury and gee
through a leather or through a thick cloth? Answer:
It is keyn measured zal still measured sunder according to the
will of the Werckmanß, who should eat it for a few seconds on a
lind fewer, until the corpus everything becomes mercury.


Item a question: if the people's corpus is prepared,
that it goes through a leather and has become mercury,
what should one put in? Answer: yn a glass
vessel, which is made as a bowl, and should cover it
with a southern vessel, which is a little further away
, so that the bottom of the vessel goes into the top, and the
top should have a small neck. And there shall be a hole in his neck
, and it shall be covered up with a small
piece of cloth. And according to this measure, the relish should be
cut into the ashes of his oven. And the ashes shall
cover the matter all, and above that make a lesser
with a candle. And the heat should not be big then
a fever of fever, and it should last on the linden
fewer until the power of the material above
has even passed away.


Item a question, how the weight appears and how one
should distribute the weight and then do it? Answer:
on the first day it appears above as a mist that
is black, and this should then be done very subtly
with a spatula that is stone or gleßen, and
if the water is open, then the heavy snow
douon, and the heyst With the philosophers the dark kleyt.
Then cover the water and completely reduce it until the
heavy force appears. And then take the weight away
, and keep the weight in a clean, shiny vessel
with the first weight. Do this until
the heavy sea appears, and
then that is indeed the water, pure water, which
has been poured out from its earth. Then you have the element
of the stone, that is the earth and water.


Item a question, at what time and how long the death
should be in its weight, and what is that, right,
certainly a sign of the stone if it is soluated? Answer:
when the gravity completely disappears, that is the
right sign of the solucio of the Steynß, and the solucio
is accomplished. And the mists fell in the same day
on the xlvj day, and in the meantime mer and in the way
mynner after the imprisonment of the materials in much and little.
Time also extends according to the hard work and hard work
of the craftsman, whether he works well and subtly. Also
know: if the material is bad, it needs long-term use. If
the material is little, then you need the named time. The
knowledge of the Werckman helps the consultation
of nature, which forgives the severity of the ee.


Item a question, what happens to the earth that
is separated from the water? Answer: the water is
to be distilled into a glass and a glass of it with its
receptaculum, as it is, and eaten into ashes in
a distiller oven, and distilled with a linden
smaller, and let drip, the ye between a drop
and the other are vj eyes plick. This is what the
master says with shameful words, 136, and the
order is to be kept in its entirety in all distillation.
And that you then find out from the grunt of the pumpkin,
to let the soltu with new water iij or iiij
times like that. The tw, bis eß entirely to leave and
bekert to mercury, and distillir eat as ß before. Do this
for as long as it takes until it is completely distilled and mixed with gee.
So you have the living water completely.


Item a question: how long did the distillation take?
Answer: There is no number when it is big and
small. If the water is bad, the time is long.
If his little k, then sye is kurcz, so is the water
of the mynder. But fewer people keep it in moderation.


Item a question: once the distillation has taken place,
what needs to be done? Answer: the earth that you
have previously separated and kept, the puluer and
put sye yn a glass vas, the stickyb wool and
water of the distilled water on it, the food on it whether
swimming, and burn the iiij day with a linden fewer
than before, or for a little while longer, the water
bit up and turned to earth. Do this so openly with the water
until the earth becomes clearer and white, then you will have
a truck with water. But if the earth
flows with the water, then rayn sye, and when sye is watered, then with
the help of gocz the whole masterwork is well done.


Item a question, how long did the treatment and
cleaning take place? Answer: for a number of days
, for a number of days, for a number of days, according to which
the water and the earth are poor or little.


Item a question: what should be done with the reclaimed
earth? Answer: you should do it in glass and everything
on top, and the secen in ashes in a furnace of
sublimation. Underneath you should do a lot less,
and what there is of water there, which will flow up
through the allebic, so the earth will revive it in the green
and calcined. So you have the air, water, earth
and less, when the earth is of a ferrous nature.


Item a question whether the light should also
be prepared as the entire body? Answer: yes
, so when you want it, the fermentz will
not be released. They must be dissolute, defeated,
distilled and repentant, as it is said of the
people's corpus, and in the regime the lawman
was the key to the whole art.


Item a question, what should be done with the waters that
are distilled from the light and the human
body? Answer: The water of the common body
should be divided into two equal parts, and one
part should be added to the water that
is to be left from the sun, and the other part should be added
to the water of the moon, which is from are created by nature
. Afterwards the water of the monß teylen dissolves in
ix teyl. The teyl secz all yn a ash, but the
fewer is not big then the hicz of a hens,
which the eyer broods.


Item a question, what should be done with
the waters? Answer: want to work on the mon, so
called the earth of the entire body, but the white
and cleansed, iiij teyl, and the earth of the sun,
that is the heffel dez goldß, a teyl, and the earth
of the mons, the do the heffel of the silver is called a
teyl. So that's the earth of the vnuolkummen corpus
one lb. So six of the heffel of the Sunns iij teyl and
so much of the heffel of the monss, mix sy even well jn
a reyn gleßein vass that has a small neck, and on top
of it some of the waters of the monss j amppel, and finish
the vass wol with leynwat, and secz ate in an oven
philozophorum jn the ashes ij day, and halcz with fewer
than before. Doing this so often caused the material to fly as if it were a
gamble. Then the erczney is ready for the white one.


Item a question, how much a separation synd is enough until
the material is white and fair and the sy flyeß as a
dare? Answer: vij to the most and v to the most.


Item a question, how long is the separation from the
white? Answer: if the corpus is healthy, it will
quickly change to white and red in xl days. But
the story went on for a long time, for a longer time. The
story through the request of a white man, also
the vmb, that the material or mynner is vile.


Item a question when the erczney is ready for the
white one, how ready are you for the red one? Answer: nym
from the white erczney, which is popular and prepared,
half a pound. Keep it warmer than long,
until the Erczney truck and become puluer. Then
give me to drink the first light of the sunnen
water, which is distilled from the sunnen, and then do
the separation after a different length, until the material
becomes red and trucky and flows as if it were watery. So
the material becomes just and the people rot.


Item a question whether the gancz traffic light should be watered every once in a while
, is it from sunnen or from mon the
erczney? Answer: You should not pour the water
on white or red material, then cover the material
and so that the water does not go over it.
Then hold on to one measure until it
will be trucked, and then the other will do the same. The
order stops until the erczney popular is ready.


Item a question, how to throw the Erczney of the sunns or
the monß nucz and onto the corpora? Answer:
a part of the erczney should be thrown on the toe
part of the metal, which is vnuolkummen, or on
mercury, which is warm, then it becomes an erczney.
And of the medicine one should throw a part
for every hundred parts, and it is still an erczney, and
of the licked medicine one should throw one part for
a hundred parts of the metal that is purified and warm,
and that is silver or gold, leyt judgment, temptation,
was and righteous.


Item a question, how many ovens not synd to such
end of the work? Answer: one oven is enough, if
you are a white, careful worker, when it is an
oven of fermentation, distillation, pulping, sublimation,
compression and fixation, when the wol
was then revealed through the figures and beyspil mentioned above.


Item a question, how many vessels are necessary for the
work? Answer: if you have understood the essential
question well, then you have damaged all the vessels.


Item asks whether you should close the vessels and
what with them? Answer: the vessels of the healing should be
closed with a light cloth and even lifted
over. The vessels of fixation, distillation, should
be decided with gibß and white from eyren or
with mel, and the glue to add to all of them.
The pulping vessel and the receptacle should also
be glued to the same extent.


Item a question, how do the colors appear in the amalgama?
Answer: the amalgama appears as a white
, silver color, and in the fermentation
a black color appears at the top. But when you
add the ferment to the corpus, all the colors
that you may discover appear. But in the fixacio so
appear fix and stead varb, the keyn varb numbers
may be erased, verified or erased. That
's when the erczney is thrown onto the corpora,
the vnuolkummen are and flowed, or onto mercury,
which is warm.


The essential questions of Arnoldi from the new village have ended
, which are answered by Bonifacio VII, the
synd report on the whole of art.

Quote of the Day

“For it is a living water which comes to moisten the earth, that it may spring out, and in its due season bring forth much fruit; for all things springing from the earth, are endued through dew and moisture. The earth therefore springeth not forth without watering and moisture; it is the water proceeding from May dew that cleanseth the body; and like rain it penetrates them, and makes one body of two bodies. This aqua vite or water of life, being rightly ordered and disposed with the body, it whitens it, and converts or changes it into its white color, for this water is a white vapor, and there- fore the body is whitened with it. It behoves you therefore to whiten the body, and open its unfoldings, for between these two, that is between the body and the water, there is desire and friendship, like as between male and female, because of the propinquity and likeness of their natures.”


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