Pleiades Philosophicae Rosianae Or Philosophical Seven Star

Philosophical Pleiades Rosianae - Pleiades Philosophicæ Rosianæ Or Philosophical Seven - Star of Roses - Kreutzer,

consisting in 7. very secret and hidden processes concerning the universal.

Like those in the will of the soul. Author, who was a true possessor of the Lapidis Philosophorum, bequeathed it to a good friend in a writing written in gold on parchment, from which such a prohibition was copied and, at the earnest request of many lovers, given to the Publico for publication;

Hertzen's most trusted friend.

Here you will find the thing after my death, which you longed for so much during my life, but which I could not grant you at the time because my hand and tongue were tied: By breaking the bond of life, I am released from this bond and Hermetic Sigillo rejoice, and find here together what I can only give you piecemeal or bluntly in my life. But here you will find everything in the clearest clarity and see what God can and wants to give to those who love him in terms of natural wisdom and treasures.

If you continue to turn to the fountain of all wisdom, grace and mercy, you will not be able to lack any good, and this clear light that has been given to you will not let you fall into any darkness of error . Just stay with JESUS, the true light, and let the light of faith shine brightly in your heart through the power of the Holy Spirit , from this faith reach out at hand when God has made you share in this treasure through the happy completion of these magical mysteries The poor receive their needs, and the sick receive their praise.

I assure you, you will see what great secrets of health and wealth God the Almighty and Merciful has placed here and will have all the more reason to love and praise him. However, as helpful as you are to your neighbor's needs, be secretive about it, and keep this secret as your eye - the apple of yours, lest you make the loving God an angry judge, and his vengeance - heavy on your neck to punish you , that you His secrets, which he claims to have kept hidden, are shared and exposed for abuse .

By the way, I would probably have a good portion of the finished ones for you But because you were more interested in the whiteness than in the treasures, and because you also saw the truth of the philosophical tincture given to you by God , I gave it to another friend and brother. Only go to work with joy with a believing heart, attentive eyes and caring hands. God of hearts - Herald, if He sees that your heart is honest before Him and your intentions are pure and holy, you will succeed, whose grace is eternally recommended.

Pleiadum Philosophicarum Stella Prima scilicet Cornu Copiæ, Sanitatis, & Divitiarum (The First Star of the Philosophical Pleiades, namely the Horn of Plenty, Health, and Wealth) or The Great Tincture in the Dry Way.

Heart's most trusted friend!

The holy scripture says: Whatever a man sows, that will he reap. If you now want to have a rich gold and silver soil , you must sow gold and silver. Whether other philosophers could extract this seed from the air, from dew, from the sun's rays, from salts, and impure minerals, seemed to me at first difficult to believe, because it seemed impossible to me that a human being should draw seeds from universals, vegetables, and impure minerals , and can specify the true gold nature.

No more than a gardener or a farmer could make seeds from the rain or dew from the wheat , scatter them in his field, and from this expect multiplication of the wheat with certainty. Therefore , until I was better enlightened by God and through the means of a secret philosophical friend, I remained with the nature of the perfect metals, drew from them the seeds according to philosophical use and acquired the seed of multiplication in the very species that I sowed and found myself encouraged by the philosophical saying: Nothing foreign has to come into our work, neither at the beginning, middle nor at the end.

And in order to make the unerring certainty of my then unique hypothesis a little clearer to you with philosophical rationibus and to encourage you in this work, please note: There are 7 metals according to which 7 planets, but only two of them are perfect, namely gold and silver , the others are mixed with a sulfur combustibili, and a coarse earth. And although Mercurius is considered by most to be a metal , it is not he who has the requirement of a metal, but he is the primum ens of all metals, and loves them all as the metalla coagulata love him.

He especially loves those who participate least from the coarse earth and pingvedine combustibili metallica , and unites with them, although because of his own impurity he cannot adhere to them in the center, nor can he mingle with them at the minimum until he himself cleansed of its inner uncleanness, and skillfully made to do so by the philosophical hand. Through this Mercurium we unite gold with silver, as man with woman, to achieve our philosophical secret. The melted gold and silver are dead because of this not only running but also living mercurium, which is why the philosophers call Mercurium animatum.

They are resurrected from their death. But what is supposed to share life with another must certainly have a strong life itself, which the common Mercurius curens does not have: for the blackness that he has within him testifies to his uncleanness and fatal ruin, and cannot do so to him through any means Amalgamation with the Regulo Antimonii solari, & lunari, and the like makes it dizzy, much less animated by it, but certainly corporalized . What is cited by some for the suppression and alleged incompetence of the Mercurii currentis, as the true menstrui philosophici, is partly the reason that those from other regnis sought their arcanum, partly worked in via humida, and partly, out of ignorance, got the Mercurium from the Mercurio currente Philosophorum to prepare this main key discarded.

When others claim that Mercurius is itself a metal and therefore cannot be a key to the metals, I answer: Mercurius is not a metal and, even in its crudeness, I do not recognize it as a key to the metals, but the secret art can to do so , and to remove that which hinders it, to add to it what is necessary for greater enlivenment, and to unite it with it. But the more life a thing has, the more fire and light must be concentrated in it: Since our Mercurius must be a Mercurius animatus if it is to be the true key of the metals, it must also be full of fire and light.

This fire of Mercurii is called by the philosophers the fire of nature, and the fire in turn is called the fire. The fire of nature It is called: Because it destroys gold and silver more than any other fire. Fire goes against nature: Because it is cold on the outside, again the nature of all fire, and yet carries the greatest heat within. The Philosophi also call such fire their sulfur embryonatum potentiale, and their secret fire. Ratione of this Sulphuris embryonati he will immediately reward the silver in the most beautiful way, and not once, but when he is caught again, he will do this 100 times, and several times Ratione of his animæ solaris, or because of his inner golden fire.

But it must also be full of light and splendor, there should be true life in it. However, no one will be able to see this inner beauty of his through washing, amalgamation and distillation, and no matter how beautiful he becomes as blue as a sky and as clear as a mirror, his beauty is not yet such , but he only achieves it through us Saltz - fire, and sublimation after a long time, and work: For this Saltz fire drives out all inner impurity from him, and represents him as the clearest water with sun-bright rays, and yet unchanged in his running nature, kurtz, as one Crystalline water that doesn't wet your hands.

This is his purification, but not yet his animation, although he achieves this at a time, but through the reinforcement and addition of a mineral fixed sulfur, which he perverts into his nature and hides behind his bright light power . If your Mercurius does not have these qualities, you will have no use for him and he would deceive you . In him lies the fire of nature, which sweeps out the animam of the fixed and perfect metals delivered to him in the philosophical calcination as black smoke. So if your Mercurius were not pure, you would catch sight of his own black feces, which he then throws off, in front of the animam metallorum, and get an empty smoke as your reward.

Therefore, make every effort to see your Mercury in the above-mentioned purity, transparency and rewarding power; So you will then experience how he, as the true fire of the wise, will radically dissolve the gold and silver without the aid of kitchen fire , and how the spirit of the closed metals will emerge in the form of smoke, which will rise above your chaos will spread, and you will see here as in a mirror that at the creation of the great world the Spirit of God noted, saying: And it was dark in the abyss, and the Spirit of God hovered on the water.

That's how far the power of nature's fire goes without your help, and if you needed wood or coal - fire alongside it to speed up your work, you would ruin everything and end up like the person who first boiled the peas. and then sowed. Because where nature ends, art begins. Since the fire of nature dissolves the metals itself, the solution does not need your assistance, but it does need it later in coagulation and fixation.

Because if you wanted to let nature work alone, your life would not be nearly enough to see the perfection of this work . For this purpose, nature does not intend to cook the philosopher's stone, nor to produce the philosophical universal medicine , because its power does not extend that far.

Therefore, you must come to your nature's aid - fire with coal - fire rationally, when through your Mercurium animatum the gold and silver have been turned into mercury and the Mercurius duplicatus has been drilled. Just like an embryo, as long as it lies in the mother's womb, the warmth of the mother is enough for it and does not need any other warmth, but once it is born, it wants to have beds and clothes, and over time it will grow into a completely strong human being . Whatever else the Philosophi write about their 3 principiis, from which they put their stone together, do not worry about that, your Mercurius is Sal, Sulphur, and Mercurius, he is everything in all, and you are not allowed to separate the 3 principia from him , whichever they are well from your eyes and from all people's eyes will remain hidden in this work or in this via sicca. For if one has to follow nature in a work , then this is certainly the case.

The farmer does not first separate his seed into the 3 Principia, then put them back together again, and then sow the reunited Principia, but he takes the pure, ripe, undamaged seed, sows it in a fertile soil, and gives it to kind nature, which, through alternating warmth, rain and sunshine, in time produces a delicious fruit in abundance.

This is how your Mercurius becomes duplicatus even without it to separate into 3 special and distinct principles , and to put these back together again through his internal fire, and to give birth and multiply himself again with the help of external heat.

But just as if I sow the best seeds in a dry soil that has no moisture and no rain or dew from above , nothing can come of it, but the spermatic - nitrosalinic fatness of the field must help The rain first softens the seed into a milky type, and turns it into a viscous vegetable primordial gur, which watery fatness, as the Principium agens , pushes the Käumgen, as the Principium spermaticum patiens , apart and above itself, and thus through the 2 Contraria moist and dry, or rain, and sunshine finally bring about the ripe fruit: So nothing can come of our philosophical nature - works unless the gold and silver are first brought into a radical solution through the moisture and fatness of Mercurii been.

But if gold and silver are to be solvated radically by the Mercurium, there must be more to Mercurii than gold and silver, otherwise Mercurius as solvens could not overcome the gold and silver as the corpora solvenda, visenim major vincit minorem.

But just as nature does not dissolve the seeds all at once, because then it would flood them and drown them , but it always does it successively through a cool dew and rain with alternating sunshine: So you do n't have to keep your gold and silver with the amount of yours philosophical Mercurial - flood with rain, but here also imitate nature, and only give your gold and silver as much Mercurii at a time as it can swallow, and if it digests it after a few days, then give it something again and you will see how your seed will come in 40 to 50 days, and the anima metallorum will appear above in the form of a black smoke, from which you can certainly conclude that your gold and silver came to the real solution through the mercury, which is in 90 days will reach its end.

But then your Mercurii duplicati will be 50 times more than the animæ metallorum floating above or the tincturæ nigræ, which if they both stayed together, nothing good would align. A gardener or farmer moistens his meadows and lets the water flow over the meadows for several days, but he already knows when it is time to stop, because he calls out with the Virgilio:

Claudite jam rivos, pueri, sat brata biberunt. - Close the streams, children, they have drunk enough.

Otherwise it would drown everything. Therefore, when you see that your corpora dissolves gold and silver through the rain of Mercurii, and they have drawn so much of Mercurio into themselves that their seed comes out as a black smoke in the appointed time of 90 days, or a quarter of a year; So carefully separate your living water from your black Anima, and only leave it with enough Mercurii so that the dryness of the Animæ can overcome the moisture of the Mercurii.

For now your rain must change into the nature of the seed and become dry or coagulate. Just as in the first place there had to be more in the solution of the water to dissolve the bodies, so here in the coagulation of the animæ there must be more than the water, so that the Mercurius can turn into the naturam animæ and become a black powder: If If this happens, give it again so much Mercurii that it can overcome it, until finally in 90 days your strained Mercurius is all soaked and turned into a black powder.

This imbibition, say the philosophers, must take place according to the weight of nature, such nature - weights I have clearly explained to you here with a few, and this cannot be weighed with any scale, but your rational eye and sense must show it to you: Absolutely You can do too little to the thing rather than too much, because if you overwhelm it with so much mercury, your work would be made volatile by the same and the accompanying coals and fire and would also slowly coagulate. Because when the philosophers say: Fac fixum volatile & volatile fixum, & habebis magisterium.

So what is meant here in this work is not that the anima metallorum has to transcend in the sublimation, but rather its sublimation is a subtleization, since the anima metallorum, as a black ash, lays itself on top of the mercury, which, however, does not pass through the force of fire over the helmet must be driven away.

And this anima metallorum is nevertheless also fleeting and has been made fleeting by the fixed ones, so that you do not make it even more fleeting through the power of fire may. Now you have turned the first wheel around, and the fixed has disappeared sine separatione & conjunctione principiorum, the solvens, and solvendum have remained together, there is nothing strange to come, neither a corrosive nor anything else, the king has gone into his fountain and now has the black velvet coat on.

Now order the calefactorem to gently warm the king's chamber until he has taken off his black coat and put on his white silver shirt: That is, you must now turn the wheel around again and fix the volatile thing in your designated oven the fire just until it became white and fixed, then you have won the first philosophical victory, and now you cannot miss the fact that you have not yet perfected the true Cornu Copiæ, but only the first degree of re- birth, you But if you want to achieve a certain level of mastery, you must bring your work to perfection through the numerum septenarium, so that its strength will prove to be more than a hundred thousandfold.

For now one part of the elixir, when melted together with silver, only amounts to 10 parts in silver, and so your hard work and expenses would be poorly repaid if you only wanted to break off an unripe apple from the Horto Hesperidum after having learned it once Art of killing the growing dragon.

But when you have come this far through divine grace, turn your wheel around the next time and make your fixed elixir volatile again by adding new Mercurii animati, and proceed with the evaporation as before, leaving it through this fire of nature Solve again until the sign of the raven head, or the Tincturæ nigræ floating above , appears to you, which is now more historical because your previously dead gold and silver have already been made alive by the spirit of Mercurii: For separate your Mercurium from the anima again metallorum, and only gradually soak in as much mercury as the weight of nature requires so that the fixed can overcome the fleeting and transform it into its dry nature, then it will be increased a hundredfold in virtue by this other degree of rebirth, like this that only 1 part of the elixir tinges 100 parts of Mercurii.

For the fact that the new rebirth makes the tincture more powerful can be seen in the regno vegetabili of the wine, the more open it is is reversed by new fermentation, the nobler it becomes, so much so that the common country wine in the 4th year is already equal to the noblest pure wine. So here too the spiritual inner fire of Mercurii is strengthened more and more and awakens his virtutem tingendi to distribute to many thousands of parts: Just as when you turn the wheel for the 7th time, one part of the tincture becomes capable of tinging more than a hundred thousand parts be.

Just look at red mercury and see how much it can make other metals, especially gold, superficially white with its whiteness, even though it doesn't last, because this fleeting bird disappears again at the slightest heat. But if he fixes it and burns his wings, he will accomplish much more, as your eyesight will most certainly tell you.

If you have brought your elixir this far, you can keep part of it as a tincture on silver for medicine, but let the other part flow with gold, and then make it volatile again with fresh Mercurio animato and, as before, with the making it volatile, so too Proceed in the fixation: When your elixir solvates again, the Tinctura nigra will appear completely clear to you, and will show you sufficiently that Mercurius himself has all 3 Principia within him, and carries a strong, pure viscous sulfur with him, hence your Tinctura is correct Oh light, and an extremely easy flow, and will have ingress into the Metalla.

When your tinctura nigra is burned white again with the help of the coal fire, which will happen in a few days, then increase the fire gradually until the tincture flows together as a dark purple-red stone and melts without smoke on a silver sheet, and the yellow one penetrates through and through. So with one work you have the white and red elixir, and the double universal medicine for all human ailments, from which a patient who suffers from morbo acute labor is given a grain of mustard large in wine, which will completely restore him with divine assistance .

But whoever is suffering from morbo chronico, & qvidem inveterato , give him a mustard - grain large in the wine every 7 days. If the illness lasted a year, it will recover in 7 days, if it lasted 2 years, it will go away in 14 days and so on. But be aware of yourself that you are in no danger of this and that you are being persecuted, as you well know that they are many died for the sake of this secret.

Now keep one part of the tincture for multiplication, use the other for transmutation, namely let 100 parts of Mercurii purgati be hot, apply a part of this tincture projected at the other time, let it flow well for an hour, then it is the highest graded gold , higher than it is smelted from the best gold ores. With the other part in the multiplication, however, as before, you decide that you solve it again with 3 parts of Mercurii animati, then you can augment it in infinitum, and the time of solution and coagulation becomes shorter and shorter, and everything is done in a few days happen.

For this subtle, spiced fire of the tincture will soon bring it to its high perfection; What the hand gestures during the process will inform you about in detail , as I hereby communicate these to you clearly and in a complicated manner, given all the circumstances.


Take in the name of the triune God 4 pounds of Mercurii vivi, mix it with 2 parts of lime lime and calcined tartar, put it in a stone retorde, pour into it a large glass container, half filled with pure water, and add fire per gradus, until Mercurius has passed over everyone: In this way clean 12 pounds, of which 3 pounds rub it under 2 pounds of purified and crystallized vitriol, pour in a little distilled vinegar, rub it well together in a warmed iron mortar until you If you don't see any Mercurius anymore, then put it together in a wide, strong, cut-off flask, put on the helmet , and light fire in the sand for 8 hours Add Mercurii to the sublimate, mix 1 pound of laminated gold and 1 pound of laminated silver into these 6 pounds , put it together in a strong stone retorde with 16 pounds of good purified potash, mix it well, put in front of a large glass container, and pour per gradus Fire, then Mercurius goes very clearly into the template, turns it into a sublimate again in the above-mentioned manner, melts the pure gold and silver, laminates it again, mixes it with the sublimate and potash, and makes yours from a fresh retort in the above manner Mercurium vivum over, repeat this work in all pieces, as before 10 times. Because take fresh gold and Silver, laminate, and repeat the work after the prescribed sublimation, and rectification again 10 times, until your Mercurius is diaphanous like distilled water, and the silver gilds.

This includes time, effort and costs before this first main work is completed. You can do the work in 2 or 3 retordes at the same time, although at the beginning you only need 5 pounds of this Mercurii animati.

You can separate your gold and silver after the animation , so you will see how much of it has been lost and how much your Mercurius has absorbed.

Now take 2 solders of gold poured 7 times through the antimonium, let it be subtly beaten with the gold beater, also beaten into leaves 2 solders of the finest silver, put them together in a glass grater - bowls, along with 12 solders of the Mercurii animati, amalgamate them constantly for 12 hours, then put it in a strong white vial with a fairly wide neck, in which a stopper is carefully enclosed, then well melted with Barrax so that nothing evaporates. To do this, have an oak box made for you, which can be cut lengthways and held together with an iron ring.

At the bottom of the box, place 3 fingers high of oak leached and again dried, finely sifted ash, then put the glass in it and pour it around with the ashes, close the can, let it stand for 4 days without fire, on the 5th day open the jar, add 4 more drops of Mercurii animati, turn it over, let it stand again for 4 days, on the 5th day put 4 again Loth Mercurii, and the continuire, keep adding 4 Loth Mercurii until you have added 36 Loth to the first 12 Loth Mercurii , which together make up 48 Loth Mercurii and 4 Loth gold and silver, so this is done in 40 days If between the 40 and 50 days a blackness like black smoke appears on top, let it stand until 90 days are over, this blackness will hardly be the 50th part of the use. When you see this blackness, rejoice, for your work goes well with God, and this blackness is Mercurius the Wise.

Since the sign of the solution is now present, you must now proceed to coagulation and remove the excess mercury from your work: Therefore, open your vial, tie a clean hair towel over the orisicium of it, and relax If you pour the mercury into a clean, dry glass, the black anima metallorum remains behind, along with a little bit of mercury.

Store the mercurium that has run through in the best possible way, and put the black animam back into your vial, put it in its box with the ashes, leave it Stand for 2 days without fire, the third day put it in your Athanor, who has his accurate registers, so that you can give weak and strong fire as you want, give him 8 days of mild fire, and the Mercurius who was left behind will also be with you dried up and turned into black powder; When this has happened, take out your glass, add so much of the filtered Mercurio that the dry powder in the vial is more than the Mercurii animati currentis, put the vial back in the box with the ashes, leave together for 2 days stand, then Mercurius mixes himself with the dry powder and moistens your philosophical soil with this living water, then put it back in the oven for 8 days and let it coagulate with a gentle fire.

This work of imbibition with the Mercurio continues in all the pieces until your filtered Mercurius coagulates them all, and because in the 3 4 and further imbibition the black powder becomes more, more Mercurius can also be added, but that the weight of the Nature should be careful that the black powder predominates. But in general, be as comfortable with imbibition as with fire - measures, because just as 90 days are required for the solution, so the coagulation of the Mercurii will also take 80 to 90 days.

When all Mercurius has dried up and become the prima materia lapidis proxima, increase the fire gradually until your black tincture becomes white. Now the other work follows, namely the first Multiplicatio spiritualis. Take the glass out of the oven, put your white elixir in a glass bowl, rub it subtly, add 3 parts of your Mercurii animati, put it back in your vial, let it stand in the ashes box without coals for 10 days, then corpus and spiritus unite, and your Mercurius dissolves the elixir again, and the oily blackness above is the sign of the solution: If no blackness appears in 10 days, then the Mercurii animati is not enough to dissolve the elixir, which is why you set a little more, but not too much, otherwise the coagulation would become severe walk slowly.

Collect the above blackness as before and separate your Mercurium from it, place your vial with the black Mercurio philosophico in the ashes without fire for 2 days until the Mercurius currens, which is still there, is coagulated, with the further imbibition of the filtered Mercurii, go in All pieces continue as before: The time of coagulation becomes shorter and shorter with this other impregnation, and now the fire can also be increased a little, in 40 days this other multiplication spiritualis will be accomplished: When everything is coagulated again into a black powder, then burn it with more fire until white.

Through this other degree of re-birth, your elixir already has 100 parts, but this does not yet reward the effort and initial Herculean work ; For this reason, repeat your multiplication spiritual for the 3rd and 4th time and when it coagulates again into an oily substance, because through the repeated spiritual dissolution and coagulation it becomes more and more fiery and liquid, and always comes to an end in a shorter time, then burn it again to the highest whiteness. Because take 1 part of this white elixir, as much as you want, let the silver flow in just as heavily, put your elixir on it, stir it well together, then the silver will become the elixir, let it burn well together for 3 days, then take it, rub it into a delicate powder in the glass bowl, mix it with 3 parts of your Mercurii animati, put it in a phial proportioned to it, strong enough and so large that 3 parts remain empty, close it up , put them in ashes for several days without fire, then it will become black again from above, let it stand for 30 to 40 days, then collect your blackness as before and imbibe your filtered Mercurium successively until all Mercurius has become black unctuous powder, then set put it into your Athanor, and give it fire gradually until it has reached the highest whiteness, for give it strong fire so that it becomes really fixed and flows onto a glowing copper sheet without smoke, and the same white tint throughout; So you have the tincture on silver, because let 100 parts of Mercurii purgati get warm so that it starts to crack, put 1 part of the tincture in it, let it flow together for an hour, then it has become pure tincture , this tincture transmutes 1 part , and figures 100 parts Mercury or copper in the finest silver, and you can get ten thousand pounds of good silver from 1 lot of the tincture .

Now take your white elixir, which has not yet fermented with silver, and multiply it with 3 parts of your Mercurii animati for 5, 6 and 7 times, however, as before, burn it white again, the time of the solution becomes shorter and shorter, as does the coagulation , so that in the end you don't need a month to do it, and now move on to the high universal. Take 1 part of your tincturæ albæ, which has gone through rebirth 7 times , as much as you like, let the fine gold flow in the same weight so that it floats quite strongly, put your elixir in it, stir it, let it flow well for 1 hour, but take strong double Crucible so that it doesn't go through, then let it stand in Schmeltz fire for 3 whole days so that it comes together properly, and figure, then take it out, rub it gently, mix it with 3 parts of your Mercurii animati, set it into your vial into the ashes, let stand without fire until you see an oily blackness at the top .

If it does not multiply in 14 days, then separate your mercury in the above-mentioned manner, and gradually imbibe your mercury back into it, in all the ways First of all, let it go through all the colors with a lot of fire until it flows together as a dark red ruby, then let it stand in strong fire for several days, then try out whether it flows on a glowing silver sheet without smoke, and The yellow one penetrates through and through, then take it out. Let 100 parts of Mercurii, purified with salt and vinegar and printed through a leather, get hot, add 1 part of the high tincture, let it flow for an hour, then it will be pure tincture, take 1 part of this again, project it to 100 parts of heated Mercurii, let it flow for an hour, then it has become pure tincture again, this 1 part matures again 100 or more parts of Mercurii into the highest graded, noblest gold, better than nature can produce, therefore if If it is too high and too supple for you, you can melt it together with some silver until the hardness and color suit you.

And so now, through the special grace of the Almighty and loving God, you have the high, great philosophical Arcanum minerale, through which one part you can tinge Mercurium and all other metals into the most precious gold in thousands of thousands of parts, and you are the true owner of the Cornu Copiæ. And if you multiply the first use of your tincture 7 times without taking anything from it, you would get over 100,000 loth of tincture, and each loth would give you 274 centners and 14 pounds of mercury or other metal to gold, where you wanted metal and mercury enough to transmute and what use it would be to you, so guard your abundance in the most holy way, as all true adepts do, to whom the great God will grant it, he will find it well in his time.

In order to experience the more or the glory of God's omnipotence , you can use 1 part of the high tincture for further multiplication, but you must have a very strong glass , because the tincture becomes too fiery and penetrating, and would be best if If you could have a glass prepared for you from the good porcelain , you would see astonishing miracles of God, which God forbids me to write about.

God will make you worthy, and you will see it, but I freely confess to you that they are little philosophy of our order, who can perform the eighth multiplication, because of the excessive spirituality of the tincture; But whoever sees it has a door opened for him to see the glory of the heavenly Jerusalem and the creation of the new heaven and earth with the greatest wonder and superhuman joy.

According to his most holy will, the high miracle of God, through the spirit of truth, knowledge and the fruit of the Lord, make you capable of this, and prevent that the clear discovery of this high magical secret does not serve as a snare to entangle you in the love of vanity , but rather to learn to love God above all else and to ignite the desire for God and heaven in you , where all miracles, beauties and glories are concentrated. God the Father Son and the Holy Spirit give you grace so that you live in true living faith, live through the same true love, and die in faith, then the heavenly tincture and its golden graces will also be given to you by Crone.

This is what your friend and brother, who will soon be leaving for this glory, wishes for you from Hertzen's heart.

The Second Star of the Philosophical Pleiades, or the Philosophical Neptune. - Pleiadum Philosophicarum Stella Secunda seu Neptunus Philosophicus.

Just like in the first big Vniversal – Wercke the way to Principio spermatico of the philosophical tincture from the Mercurio minerali currente, has been shown to be the next origin of metalness; So I now want to show you how to reach this high universal tincture through a remote path .

But after the merciful God led me into a deeper insight into nature, I saw and experienced that everything is born and nourished from a viscous- salinic seed, and that such a mucilaginous principle exists in all three regions as well as in the universal – Rich is found, and that such a thing is produced by nature specifically from the element of water at certain times , which happily and pleasantly associates itself with the metallic kingdom.

But the path to the first shown Tinctura magna per Mercurium currentem requires great work and costs; However, in order to obtain this wonderful tincture, even more caution is required , as you will understand from the process. In June, Julio, and Augusto on the East Sea in bright, calm weather, collect the Brand-Saltz, as it is called by the boatmen, which floats on the sea during these 3 months and comes from the center of the lake see from the outside viscose, sometimes white, sometimes green, you must catch it with an instrument like a narrow net, take as much of it as you like, because filter this viscose saline sulfur through a linen and squeeze it out well when it is When filtered into a pure glass , the water appears in two different colors, from one side it appears green, from the other purple colors.

If you place the matter in a silver bowl or spoon over a cabbage fire, the silver is covered with a golden, sky blue and red color, which is difficult to remove. If you put it in a melting pot in the open fire, it burns sky blue and leaves behind a greenish ash. If you filled a flask to the top with it and plugged it, it would shatter the glass with great force. Because of its many sulfuric parts it easily goes into putrefaction with the slightest heat and smells horrible.

If you want to put it into a vial, you have to let it run through a funnel whose tube reaches almost to the bottom of the vial , and only enough so that 3 parts of the glass should remain empty, otherwise because of its viscosity it would stain the entire glass so that one would not be able to see the alternation of many wonderful and beautiful colors.

When it has been kept in the mildest warmth for 2 months, it separates into water and earth, the latter floating on the water like an island or egg. Afterwards the earth swallows up all the water, then the water comes out again and presents an island on which all kinds of white, yellow and blue flowers grow. Sometimes the fish eyes also appear, which disappear and come back again: a terra foliata also appears, like beaten silver over the water. After several months the whole mass collapses and becomes black like a shiny oven - soot.

After 7 months, when the raven head is complete, the fire is increased by one degree, the material becomes ice-gray, after which the peacock tail appears.

After 8 months it becomes white, and then from 1 to 2 grains it is a universal medicine for all diseases, and if you take 3 parts of this with 1 part of Mercurii currentis, which is made from vermilion, and rectified 7 times, over Sal Tartari and living lime mixed, and let go through the Gradus solutionis & coagulationis until it is fixed and then this medicine is mixed 1 part with 3 parts of pure capelle - silver , it is the tincture on silver of which you can take 1 part for a sample .

Let the other stand until 10 months have passed, then it will turn yellow during this time and finally the desired purple-red color will appear. These, when they are fixed, ferment with Mercurio, and when they are fixed together again, then let 3 parts of gold flow finissimi, apply your tincture pt in wax to it, let it melt for 3 days, and it will become a red ruby ​​stone, with this tingire Mercurium and other Metalla.

But if you want to multiply it, then divide the white medicine before it has been brought into the mineral nature with Mercurio, and let 1 part become red per gradus, then put it into the metallic nature with Mercurio, let it dissolve and coagulate, then take 3 again Parts of the white medicine, and rubify them. Therefore you must collect a good quantity of matter, and albify it in different glasses.

The Third Star of the Philosophical Pleiades, the Philosophical Charcoal prepared by the Fire of the Philosophers. - Pleiadum Philosophicarum Stella Tertia Carbunculus Philosophicus Per Ignem Philosophorum paratus.

This stone leads you into the vegetal realm and shows you how you should take a key out of it to radically solve the gold and, through this fire, to increase the gold in its fire, or rather to bring out the fire hidden in gold, and to transform it into a tingling carfunnel stone with your sensible assistance.

Therefore, take 3 pounds of the purest Salis Tartari, which is freed from all the earth and looks like a greasy fat, mix with it freshly branded live lime of the same weight, calcine it together in a cold melting crucible for several hours, when it is cold, add it for a long time Well distilled water, filter, and coagulate it to the salt, to this take fresh lime again, calcine, elixir, and coagulate it again, as before, repeat this work with fresh lime for the 3rd and 4th grind, if it coagulate again, then put it in a flask that is not cut too deep, pour 4 fingers high of the strongest distilled and rectified wine - vinegar from Rein - or Frantz - wine prepared over it, gently drain the phlegm from Balneo Mariæ, pour fresh Then, again ex Balneo Mariæ, abstract the phlegm, which repeat with pouring fresh vinegar and abstracting until the vinegar again goes over as strongly as it was poured, which happens when the vinegar is really concentrated for the 5th or 6th time, then mix in the resolved salt is distilled 4 times with the heavily rubbed trippel, and distilled from a strong retorde, which is provided with a large template, and lutited per gradus with free fire, then a gold-yellow spirit comes over, rectify the same carefully once more over the helmet, This is Ignis Philosophorum, it is extremely penetrating, so keep it out of the air so that you don't lose it before you know it, because it catches fire easily.

Now amalgamate pure Gold 4 Loth with Mercurio purgat. 8 Solder then let sulfur 4 Solder flow in a glazed dish, gradually add the amalgama underneath, stir it well , when it has cooled down, let it smoke under a muffle with a gentle fire, prevent it from burning Don't melt it when the Mercurius and Sulfur are gone, because let it glow for half an hour, then grind the powder in a serpentine mortar and pour it into an Aqua Regis Solve when this happens, because knife-point wise , put 4 lot of pure salmiac into it, put it in a retorde, digest it for several days, then extract the aqua regis from the ashes down to the third part, and the excess again with 4 lot of fresh aqua Regis poured on it, because ex arena exaggerated with strong fire, if there is still some gold left, you dissolve it in fresh Aqua Regis and drive the cohobiren until the gold has spread to a little dead earth, then abstract the Aqua Regis with it the gold from a low flask, so that no fermented aqua regis passes over, your essentially highly graded gold sweetens with distilled vinegar, sometimes by abstraction, but with distilled rain - water completely edulcoriret.

This subtle gold - calc, put into a white kolbgen, quickly pour the Ignis Philosophorum 3 fingers high over it, put it in sifted ashes, well drained day and night, dig it gently, then the gold closes on sine strepitu, the extraction is completed , pour fresh Philosophorum fire onto the undissolved fire, digest it again, and do so until only a white earth remains at the bottom.

Divide the Extracta into 2 parts, put one in a Kölbgen with its helmet and template, pull it off ad oletatum, because drive ex retorda ad melleitatem, now melt the retorde and give it a gentle fire, in the sand 8 days, that's how it comes the remaining moisture into the neck of the retorde, take it out, melt the retorde again and fire as before, then you will see how little branches grow out of this black earth, this is the beginning of the red crystals, because they continue to fire, So the crystals rise into the neck of the retorde, transparent like a ruby, take them out, keep them away from the air, put them in a warmed calf, and add the remaining part of the extraction of gold to it, then it dissolves like ice warm water, and unite, put on a helmet, and lubricate a template carefully, and distill ex cineribus gradatim, then a ruby ​​red oil comes out, this is the Aurum potabile, 3 to 4 drops of which are taken in Spanish wine, on it sweat a little, the other day or 3 it can be taken without sweating, it helps in all human accidents after God.

But to the universal take the earth retained in the flask, put it into philosophical egg, pour it The aurum potabile states that only a third part of the glass is full, then dissolve it immediately, sigil it hermetically, place it in Athanor, over the lamp fire.

Namely, let a tin square box be made, which is a good span, and 3 fingers high, and a good hand's width the length, with a lid on it, at the bottom at the end there must be a small door through which you can pour water, through the lid be a little hole through which a tube goes to the bottom, and no further at the top than the lid, through which the roof can be pulled out and lit, the tube must rest on the ground below and have teeth in it so that the materia can flow to the thought, the thoughts are pulled through the tube and lit at the top, the materia consists of 2 parts of Spiritu Vini, and one part of pure tree oil, with which the box is completely filled, because 4 threads of tree wool are twisted, If the first degree is lit, the same is kept for 40 days, then the materia is putrified, but be careful that one does not rise before the other too early, because the 2 bodies must first remain at the same time, then rise at the same time, and ultimately each other If this happens, increase the fire by 4 fathoms, then the peacock swan comes, but it soon disappears, and when the swan gives birth, give it 12 fathoms 40 days, then the red carfunnel stone is obtained, this is the highest medicine.

The exaltation and multiplication history thus: Take the medicine 1 part of the ignis Philosophorum 3 part, put it together in the philosophical egg so that 3 parts remain empty, sigilize it hermetically, put it in the athanor in lamps - fire, let it through If you go to 4 degrees, it dissolves in 40 days, becomes black, white and red, and in this way it can always be augmented, and tinctures ever higher.

Take 1 part of the medicine, 3 parts of purified gold, let the gold in the crucible flow well , because the medicine is carried on it in white wax, let it flow gently first, then strongly, then the gold has become the medicine. Now let 1000 parts of metal flow, carry your medicine in wax, then let it flow strongly, if it is too high in degree, add more metal until it suits you in color and smoothness, then it will also have a higher tinge, your passed fire You can still use Philosophorum.

Star of the Philosophical Pleiades Fourth Philosophical Tincture Per Aurum Obryzon. - Pleiadum Philosophicarum Stella Qvarta Tinctura Philosophica Per Aurum Obryzon.

Many 100 years ago, the wise ancients discovered, discovered and experienced the great power that the kind creator placed in the well-known but despised mineral, the auripigment, which is commonly used for bad things, and therefore they even revealed this, as well as with advertised under hidden names. But one of them writes clearly about this subject: Sicut natura in cavernis montium accipit auripigmentum, ex qvo facit metalla, ita illa ipsa natura miserta arti, creavit hoc Arsenicum, qvod si natura hoc non fecisset, ars nulla prorsus & inanis fuisset. (Just as nature in the caves of the mountains receives the pigment of gold, from which it makes metals, so nature itself, pitiful to art, created this arsenic, so that if nature had not done this, art would have been absolutely nil and empty.)

How the Philosopher's Stone is prepared by us from this and the pure gold by means of Mercurii, I want to reveal to you here briefly and clearly.

In the name of the Lord, take the carefully selected and weathered Auripigmentum Hungaricum, which looks beautifully red and bright yellow, shiny, and without mountain is 2 pounds, rub it covertly and subtly, and beware of the smell, in the same way, also rub 4 pounds of Mercurii Sublimati the pure one Been sublimated by Hungarian vitriol, as you well know, put your auripigment in a strong, fogged glass retorde, for the sublimate, swirl it well with each other so that it combines properly, immediately present a good recipient, and drive per gradus everything that wants to go, finally sublime the vermilion with strong fire, and take out the vermilion, rub it subtly, pour your mercurial menstruum over it, digest it together in a retorde for a day, then drive it over again, this digestion and cohobation with each other 7 times.

Take your mercurial water, put it in a flask, mix it well, put it in digestion for 14 days, then it separates into a dark brown oil and light spirit, separate it from the heavy oil, keep each one separately. Now take an ounce of well-opened gold, as I showed you in the previous process , add to it 3 ounces of your white spirit, put it together in gentle digestion for 8 days, then the gold is completely combined and solvated, then add further to your strength Kölbgen 1 ounce of cinnabar-driven mercurium, clean it 3 times over salt tartari and live lime, let the 3 pieces stand in mild ash heat for 14 days; So it goes into the putrefaction and becomes black, just the same degree of fire, As long as the blackness lasts, then increase the fire by one degree, then the peacock tail appears, and becomes gray rather than white, then add another ounce of Mercurii to digest until it is white again, because the fire increases by one degree, until it turns dark red, then let it stand for another 14 days, then try to see whether it is fixed on a glowing silver sheet, then take it out, rub the bright red tincture of gold in the middle until tender, mix it with 3 parts of the reserved heavy one Oil, which you first have to rectify 3 times; let it go through the colors again and so you can multiply it further and further.

If you want to use it for transmutation, then proceed as shown in the next process, that you let 3 parts of gold flow, and add a part of the tincture into it, and cement it together for 3 days, then add 1 part of the tincture to 100, 1000, 10000 or more metala in flow, after you have repeated the spiritual imbibition many times , you have the highest graded gold.

The Fifth Star of the Philosophical Pleiades, the White & Red Eagle. - Pleiadum Philosophicarum Stella Qvinta Astrum Aqvilæ albæ & rubræ.

Many, since they have read the saying of the philosophers: Fac fixum volatile fixum, & habebis magisterium, have tried in different ways to make the physical gold and silver fleeting and to discover this secret, the many ways of which I do not want to dwell on here, but rather I recently described to you our secret and speedy path . For you know in advance how no body can pass into another and improve it, but what is supposed to ennoble another metallic body must be a spiritually glorified corpus.

But the reason why I am not only taking gold in this work , making it fleeting and fixed, but also the silver, is that silver is not only closely related to gold and so to speak is gold's sister, it is an aurum immaturum, and becomes Both are made spiritually warm to one another with gold of the same nature; But we also need silver here for this work loco menstrui, because it can be made more volatile than gold, because it is not as fixed as gold, and once it has been made volatile, it can become gold also make it easily fleeting , as follows: Therefore, take 2 or more pounds of black or brown tallow, anneal it well, then extract it with a good aqva Regis from aqva Fort and Spiritu Salis prepared, filter the extraction, and drain the aqva Regis to dryness, grate it small, and dissolve finely Capellen - Silver 12 Loth in good precipitated aqva Fort præcipitir it with salt - water, dry the Lunam Cornuam, mix it in your Extractum Talci, put it together, in a shortened flask, with a wide neck, put on the helmet, and sublimate the sand in the fire - fire for 8 hours, then the silver rises as a heavy, bright, shiny sublimate, the remanence rubs again, and Sublime at the next meal, then 8 lots of silver will rise in all, the Caput mortuum reducire with a good flow, then you will get your remaining silver back, solve this sublimate in aqva Regis, abstract it, and sublime, then you will get the astrum Aqvilæ albæ .

Now dissolve 4 lots of pure gold in strong aqva Regis, dissolve the 4 lots of aqilæ albæ gluten à part, then pour both solutions together, put in 4 lots of purified salmiac, let it settle well , because pour the pure from the fecibus, put it Digest in a low flask in the Balneo Mariæ for 3 days, then distill the aqva Regis ad oleitatem, cohoby it 3 times, all the time ad oleum, for the 4th time, drain it to dryness. For if you give Sublimir - Fire, the glow rises to many colors, white above, then light yellow, then bitter orange color, and then crimson, the crimson, and golden yellow, take special care, keep it, the white yellow, and at the bottom, the corporal gold lying at the bottom Solve in fresh aqva Regis, digest and distill, as before, because sublime, always the crimson and golden yellow removed until the entire corpus solis sublimes, except for something ineffective.

If you take some fresh Glutinis Aqvilæ albæ to the white yellow sublimate and the corporeal gold below , and digest, sublime and cohobate it several times, you get more of the red and golden yellow sublimate. This double branch is now rubbed subtly, dissolved on a glass tray to form oil, this is filtered and coagulated, and this work is repeated until it becomes fluid, quick and turns into an oleum incombustibile, this then transmutes silver and the mercurium in gold. The Mercurius is first digested heavily with it for 3 days before it is melted in free fire. Pleiadum Philosophicarum Stella Sexta Arcanum Mineræ majoris mundi Paracelsi.

It is well known from her writings that a very special power is hidden in Antimonio, and that it is therefore recommended by many Philosophis naturalibus pro unica Lapidis materia . Theophrastus Paracelsus therefore calls it Mineram majoris mundi, and Basilius Valentinus places this Mineram on the triumphal chariot above all others. How many graffiti the sophists carry out with this noble subject is well known.

In order not to keep you long in praising this subject, since I have already made it known to you for your satisfaction, I want to lead you viam regiam to this secret: Solphire 5 pounds of sincere Vitriolum Hungaricum nativum in pure rain - water, only enough so that the vitriol can dissolve, filter the solution, place it under a cover so that neither sun nor rain can reach it to the north - air so that it grows out, this full-grown vitrioli take 3 pounds and a pound and a half of pure mercury currentem, rub both in an iron jar Mortar well together, with a little aceti distillati added, the mortar must be warmed up and rubbed until no more Mercurius can be seen, then put into a wide flask, a helmet put on, the beak of the helmet must remain open, because sublimir - give fire, if Mercurius currens is still there, you rub the sublimate again, and put the mercurium underneath, along with a little vinegar, and sublimate it again, from the extract left in the flask you extract the sal fixum with aceto distillato, such per filtration, coagulation, new solvation, filtering and coagulating, so that it becomes Candide like sugar , then rubbed under the sublimate and sublimated with each other, the sublimation repeatedly repeated until all the fixed salt has risen with it and been made volatile.

Take 1 part of this sublimate, 2 parts of the best Mineræ Antimonii Hungaricæ, rub each one à parte, then mix them manu celeri, put it together in a shortened flask with a wide helmet, along with a template, lubricate it well with a bowl, then Give ex arena quick Sublimir - fire, then a white salt rises into the helmet, and afterwards a yellowish heavy liquor flows into the receiver, take the salt out, keep it safe from the air, and rectify it twice more by retordam, the liquor rectificire also about his caput mortuum.

Now take pure laminated gold 2 solders, grate 2 ounces of the salt in a warmed grater - bowls well together , so the salt dissolves the gold, put it in a vial along with another ounce of salt, pour the liquor 4 solders on top, set aside put it in a balneum siccum in mild heat, then it goes together into the putrefaction, when it has become black, take it out, put it in a retorde, and distill per gradus, what has passed over again into what has remained in fundo, and ad tertias is always distilled for 3 days and then abstracted again ad tertias, and this together 4 times, for the 5th time down to the dryness, then all the gold will have passed over, but if there is still some left behind, you cohobe it a few more times The excess is left in a retorde in a Balneum Mariæ and the moisture is gently abstracted until it is thick liquid like honey, this is put into a vial in sifted ash, and the first degree is given for 40 days, and then the Pfauen-Schwantz comes out .

If it has stood for several days, you give the third degree, and it becomes gray, then white as the fire increases, because if you divide the white elixir into 2 parts, you put one in a vial and bring it to redness with several fires If it is bright red and fixed, then multiply it in this way: rub it gently, dissolve the 1 part in 3 parts of your yellowish liquor, as well as the white elixir for tincture on silver, let it go through the putrefaction in the manner shown first, and all colors work, and you can repeat the imbibion ​​and fixation as you wish. If you want to do projection, add 3 parts of silver to the white, 3 parts of gold to the red, put 1 part of the medicine on it, leave for 3 days well flow together, because it pulverizes and thus taints other metals.

The Seventh Star of the Philosophical Pleiades is the purple blood of Venus. - Pleiadum Philosophicarum Stella Septima Sanguis Veneris purpureus.

In the vitriol, many have searched for the philosopher's stone following the guidance of the saying: Visitando Interiora Terræ, Rectificandoque Invenies Occultum Lapidem Veram Medicinam. (By visiting the interior of the earth, and rectifying it, you will find the hidden stone of true medicine.)

But how little was done by most of them is now clear. Our wise men take a metallic vitriol and find in the copper such sweet and not at all emetic vitriol, but they proceed in the same way as you are taught here in every step of the way. So the menstruum is used to solve the Kupffer.

Take 3 pounds of good Hæmaritis pulverize soften the same, mix with it 3 pounds of dry pure salmiac so that it combines well with each other, put it together in a flask, distill the spiritum urinosum, and sublimate the corporeal salmiac, which rises partly white, partly yellow in floribus.

Pound the caput mortuum small, pour a strong spiritum vini over it, degirate it together, then pour off the yellow spiritum vini, and then add another until no more spiritum vini wants to be colored, this colored spiritum vini is drained into Balneo Mariæ, it remains at the bottom A salt that smells like saffron, mix this with bricks - flour that has been well washed, put it in a glass retort, give it a gentle fire, then a corrosive spirit will come over, if nothing will work anymore, then give it a stronger fire and it will come red and yellow flores after the distillation is complete, swish the flores under the spirit and distill ex Retorda with a gentle fire, then the spirit corrosivus Salis Armoniaci passes over very fleetingly and penetratingly, and the flores remain behind.

With this spirit, solvate a copper purified with antimonium, digest it in a closed jar until the spirit turns green, then pour it off, and then pour it on, until all the copper solvates, then pull off the menstruum ad tertias, let it crystallize, do so, until there is no more vitriol, this vitriol is sweet, not emetic, nor corrosive, grassy green, and slightly liquid like wax. You must now solve this vitriol radically and exaggerate it as a grassy green oil, so take 1 pound of the vitriol.

The menstrui corrosivi 3 pounds. Digest it together in a retorde, then gently peel off the menstruum ad tertias, and pour the excess back over the vitriol , add another 1 pound of menstrui, digest for 24 hours, detsillire again ad tertias, cohobire what has been poured once more with 1 pound of fresh menstrui, digest, and distill with strong fire, then the vitriol will rise with it, if there is still anything left , cohobir it a few more times.

Put this spiritual vitriol into a flask, abstract it per cineres lento igne the spirit, if the spirit wants to go colored, stop with the Gradu ignis and pour more gently until it stands in the flask like a thick oil. You must further subtly subtly this with the following vinegar. Namely. Take several meals of the best wine-vinegar, evaporate the phlegm in the flask, mix the bottom with it Capite mortuo Vitrioli, that it becomes like a must, distill the vinegar strongly from it to the truckne, pour this Acetum distillatum 3 fingers high over your spiritual Unctuosum Veneris, digest 3 days and nights.

For filter through the pure, or pour the clear gently, over the other fresh vinegar, until it no longer colors, the colored Aceta vini distillata pour together abstracthire ex cineribus lento Igne the phlegm to the thickness of honey, the Caput mortuum veneris subtilisatæ, from which If you don't want to extract anything more, calcine gently, lye with distilled vinegar to get the sal fixum out of it, purify it by solvating, filtering, coagulating until it becomes snow-white and slightly liquid.

In such salt, add a few drops of your thick vitriol oil, put it in a vial in ash, let it coagulate, when it is dry, imbibire more, until all the oil is successively soaked, then let it go through the colors through lentos ignis gradus, and become fixed, when it is fixed imbibire more of the oil, and augment with it open it as much as you want, then tinge gold in flow so that it flows together into a purple-red stone, and proceed with it as you have been widely taught in the process of Cornu Copiæ, then tinge mercury, silver and other metals, and use this and the previous 6 Philosophical Secrets for the great miracle - for the honor of God and for the good of your neighbor, and be mindful of my faithful admonition and warning at all times.

I also hand you over here to the eternal triune God, to whom I commended my soul into trustworthy hands, and here I impart to you my blessing, in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Amen, amen, amen.

Quote of the Day

“It is necessary therefore, to dissolve and liquefy these bodies by our water, and to make them a permanent or fixed water, a pure, golden water leaving in the bottom the gross, earthy, superfluous and dry matter. And in this subliming, making thin and pure, the fire ought to be gentle; but if in this subliming with soft fire, the bodies be not purified, and the gross and earthy parts thereof (note this well) be not separated from the impurities of the dead, you shall not be able to perfect the work. For thou needest nothing but the thin and subtile part of the dissolved bodies, which our water will give thee, if thou proceedest with a slow or gentle fire, by separating the things heterogene from the things homogene.”


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