Of the wondrous and mysterious natures

Of the wondrous and mysterious natures

Universal operation

Take the purest Salt, baked by the sun, do it dry it to make an impalpable powder, & the preserve; then in the month of March or June, in full Moon, take the Dew that falls, from this this way:

It is necessary to plant stakes of a foot and a half of height, level with each other, put on it large panes of glass on which the Dew attached to.

Have a glass vessel in which you will put the dew, & continue until you have had enough; because the whole quarter & the full moon is good, but other times it is too weak.

Get enough of that water, plug the vessel tight until you have to.

Put your ship in a cold place, far from any heat, lest the subtle spirits lose, which does not happen when the ship is well clogged & full.

So begin your work as follows, with a pure and sincere intention, so that God blesses her.

Take of this Dew as much as you want; put it in a clear & neat glass vessel, & add little by little your Salt until the Dew can no longer dissolve, what you know when the last salt you put in it will remain four to five days without melting; SO the Dew will have taken on its natural weight.

As matter sows

Take this water at discretion, (for me I took some a pound and a half). Put it in a glass vial with a short neck, that is to say a curcurbite, fill it with this water, & cover the vessel with a lid appropriate, & fight it so that the lively & subtle spirit of the Dew cannot evaporate. 'Cause when he's gone the soul of Salt can never again be brought back, nor work succeed.

Dry the lut well on its own, & put the vessel in the Bain Marie to make the material that is rotting inside.

It is necessary to give it a medium degree of fire, and the thus leave in putrefaction forty-two; you there you will see turning black, which is a sure mark of putrefaction.

Have a dry stove ready, that is to say sand or ashes, & put your curcurbite on it,
which will have to be locked up in another ship of glass, give it a low flame, & continue thus the space of thirteen days, & matter will begin to coagulate & to see around the glass, a grayish color.

So give no more fire, lest you overdry the material that you will let imperceptibly cool on the stove.

After which, have the Bain Marie ready & put your vessel to putrefy as before, give
him the same degree of fire that you will continue him too forty two days, & then you will see your matter self-resolve; But you have to take be careful not to break the lut, when you put it on putrefy in a Bain Marie: Cover the mouth of the vessel including lut also; because the humidity of the bath could well detach the lut, & for this, it is safer to lock up the vessel, in which is yours matter, in another vessel, & the good butcher, as explained above.

When you see that matter will begin again to blacken, you will put in the moment your ship to coagulate on the furnace of sand, or ashes, & when you see nature turn gray & become attached to the ship, return to the Bain Marie for the third times: Continue the fire as before, & repeat this work up to five times, i.e. to putrefy at the Bain Marie for forty two days, & coagulate on the furnace with sand, or ashes, for thirteen days, until you see your water clear, clean, & transparent in the resolution: But the coagulation must be white as snow; she is prepared & become fixed.

Before opening the vial to take what is inside, the matter must be resolved in the Bath Marie, then put it to cool: then open the vessel, you will find matter diminished, & instead of salt water that you put in it, you will find it
sweet, but penetrating, & a little harsh, from which makes the Sun & the Moon.

For medicine twenty five drops of this water, fortifies the mind and memory, makes man wise, gives revelations of things great & marvelous of all the Unheard-of Mysteries of which I dare not speak here by the Oath I have made to God.

The time & the way to use this water blessed, will be revealed to you; as soon as you take it, you will have influences, as if Heaven & all the stars with their force worked in you. All Celestial arts & perfections will come to you as in a dream; But apply perfectly to the perfect knowledge of Nature of all the creations, especially the Miracle du Grand God creator of Heaven & earth, & in doing so,
you will be like Moses, David, & other brothers Saints; for the Wisdom of this living fountain will make him well enough known, as she did to Solomon & other brothers of our fraternity.

Metallic Operation

If you want now, you can with this water achieve the transmutation of metals to make
a stain on metals. Listen : Take in the name of God, of this heavenly water, or of
Paradis, or Mercuriale, pour as much as you want in a glass vessel, then have good
Gold, or Fine sun beaten into leaves if you will work in Red, & if you want to work in White, take very fine Moon also in leaves: Throw it in this holy water to make it the dissolution, as you did above for the Salt, & it will dissolve as ice does in
hot water, ash fire.

Continue this little by little until you see that the Sun or the Moon no longer want to dissolve; So throw some more until after four days they can no longer dissolve, as it is said above, then this water will have dissolved its weight
natural ; this is what we call the weight of nature.

Put this solution in a glass vessel; in so that it occupies only the third part.

Let the lut dry after having luted it well, & then you will put it in a Bain Marie at the same heat & way than above for forty two days, after which the Sun or the Moon will be radically dissolved, & you will see black blacker than black.

As soon as you see your matter in such a state of blackness, put your hot ship on yours sand or ash furnace at the same heat that ahead, you will see & hear wonders
surprising caused by a sound like water, with various colors that will pass through your eyes, such as the world was created from the beginning, and who is the
principle, the middle & the end of time.

After the space of twelve or thirteen days, matter will precipitate into a powder of a very beautiful Red if you have worked in the Sun, & if it is on the Moon, it will be of a white color; then the body, the soul & spirit will be united together.

There is no real dissolution of the body that the spirits are previously coagulated; so they remain reduced one in the other in an equal proportion, so that personal assistance becomes a penetrating Spiritual power, & on the contrary the incomprehensible essential power unites with him bodily by fire, for there is such a
communication between these two, as Heaven operates in the deepest of the Earth, & produces all the treasures of the world.


Melt five parts of good Sun or Moon, according to your composition in a crucible, then throw a part of your powder encased in wax, and give great fire; one hour later remove the crucible from the fire, and you will find your Sun or your Moon
broken & calcined part of which you will take on ten of such metal as you please, when molten it will change in a moment into the Sun or the Moon, according to your composition, better than Gold drawn from mining; but I advise you not to keep a lot of your powder, if not to make one test & see the truth; Because if you put the
first powder to putrefy once again in the Bain Marie, it will turn into oil within thirty days ; the Red in oil Red, the White in oil White or Blue.

Three drops of this Red oil taken in water lemon balm or good wine, do all the wonders said above, fully heal in a moment, all diseases, rejuvenate the human body as if it was regenerated, drives out all weakness of the limbs, & outside all that is spoiled or bad by a great sweat, mend all that is corrupt, etc., puts man in perfect health until death. end which God has appointed for him.

If you take some metal well reddened in the fire, and you dip it in this oil or drinkable gold, it will change in the moment without melting, Full Sun or Moon as I taught you, having experienced it.

But by doing this a lot is lost, it is why if you want to do the test, you have to do it just & skillfully.

If you want to complete this oil to make a projection put it again coagulate & harden, it will change in ten days with a marvel incredible, in a powder that will be of all colors & which will then become much more beautiful & redder than she was: She has the Redness & the beauty of a Ruby, it sparkles like a Carbuncle when made for Red, & much whiter than snow, when it is made for the White: You will throw part of it on fifty of Gold, or Molten Moon, after having given a great fire for an hour, and it will become powder, part of which will in a moment splash on a hundred parts of such molten metal as you wish to sow, and who will truly be changed into Sun or Moon, all the finer as the work will be well done.

If you want to increase this Medicine, put still your powder in the Bain Marie to make it dissolve for the last time, which will be done in six days, & will make it for the Red in Red oil, beautiful & transparent, & for White, like transparent silver, a drop of which does all that we said: But we must continue to take it one drop per month, as I did & experienced on myself: This oil is so hot that it takes
use with caution, because it is life to use it otherwise.

It is now that this oil can make projection, if it is coagulated on the furnace of sand or ashes, you will see incredible wonders of all kinds of colors with infinite number of small animals, ascending & descending, & in eight days all matter will sink to the bottom like a dead body, & of which you will put one part out of five, either Sun or Molten Moon, do as before, & you will have a Medicine, one of which part falling on a thousand of imperfect metal, such as it may be, will change in a moment to very fine Sun or Moon. You can continue up to five times
resolve & coagulate this matter.

After the fourth resolution at Bain Marie & coagulation on ashes or sand, part falling over five thousand Sun or Moon, becomes after a hour of great fire, a Medicine of which a part falling on ten thousand parts of imperfect metal fades, changes in an instant to the end Sun or Moon.

After perfecting & augmenting it in this way until the fifth time, it will resolve into oil in three days, & in twenty four hours will coagulate at the fire of ashes or sand into a powder of a strength incredible, & to the White like a beautiful ray of light according to the samples.

That if you have left of this last coagulation of which part falling over fifty thousand Sun or Moon melted in a great fire for an hour, changes as before to projection powder of which a falling part sweats a hundred thousand of metal imperfect fade, converts to instant to very fine Sun or Moon better & purer than that of earth mines.

I have been able to drive it so far; having put for the sixth time this material to be operated on, it became so subtle in twenty four hours, that the greatest part flew away in such a surprising way with a smell so sweet that it surpasses all imagination.

So begin your work, I have done it from how I explained it to you. Be of all yours
devout & charitable heart, & you will succeed in your work, & while you are busy, you will be visited by several brothers of your fraternity; Because I write you the pure truth about the place that God has given me given to heaven.

Finally with the help of immortal God, with my prayers & diligences, I fortunately came to the end of this Great Work that I saw with my eyes & touched by my hands.

Amen, Farewell & Silence.


Quote of the Day

“As mercury is the element of all metals, so gold is their ultimate goal; hence in all metals, pure and impure, there are gold, silver, and mercury. But there is one true gold which is the essence of all.”


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