OCCVLTA PHILOSOPHIA - About the Hidden Philosophical Secrets

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OCCVLTA PHILOSOPHIA - About the Hidden Philosophical Secrets

of the secret gold flowers and Lapis Philosophorum, which the same: and how to obtain this detailed report in a philosophical conversation written with The Emerald Tablet Paraboln Symbolis, and 18. strange figures of the highly famous philosophers

Hermetis Trismegisti, and F. Basilii Valentini

Through which this art of the Philosophical Gold Flowers is fully explained.

The first part.

A colloquium or conversation between an old and a young student.


I wish you my kind regards and all the best of luck, dear old senior: don't let me promise you displeasure. After I saw you from afar, I went around searching and standing by this tree, talking to you yourself as if you were worried about something special.


Yes, my young friend, what I still experience every day at my age, that I would not have known in my youth when I was a young student. I think I waste everything. Yes, but now I never leave the school bag. My time bit into the grave. First the big book Learning about nature would mean my time would be much too short.


My old man, I'm surprised that the time is becoming too short for you and far too long for me. That's why I go out in the field on horseback and foot every now and then trying to find company in a short time because the time is often too long for me .


My friend, you are still in your beautiful, blooming youth, what are your actions and background so that I know how to talk to you, tell me the truth and what is your name, so there should be no suspicion.


My name is Adolphus: Hesse is my fatherland because I started studying but became a student at the university after I got tired of it and have now become the master of my patrimony. I now want to get land and people from other places or visit and especially I started my trip to Rome through the opportunity of a number of company. What do you think you want to tell me like that when you, as an old person with experience of the world, know more than I, a young person, know.


My friend, if you want to follow me, I want to give you good advice because I have passed through this place and time.


Yes, I'd be happy to let you tell me about your age because you have to learn from the old people. Don't talk to me, I want to listen to you diligently and with pleasure.


You say you want to visit Rome but others put Roma Sodoma: because I have been in these places, not in my youth but in my old age because I was able to understand everything is an earthly parade full of lusts and worldly pleasures, forgetfulness of all godliness and is the place of the governor and servant of the world leader a fine, pretty worldly splendor, you will see there from all carnal lusts or the fruit of the flesh which is of no use and as an external letter without spirit Spirit is not the kind of spirit that is chased up there inside and up, but where God awakens the inner spirit, which the blind Jews also did not want to see, how the curtain in the temple was torn or the Lamb opened the book of seven seals, done or said (it is finished )

That's why we must first consider godliness in all our actions, but not the world or nature beforehand, as you will hear later. One thing I'm saying to you is that while you're saying that when you're healthy it 's going to be too long for you since you're healthy and you haven't hurt a finger yet, that impatience is the evil herb that's coming soon and the knowledge of God comes with hearing, seeing, grasping or feeling with our five senses. That's why we humans are an image of God and not like the animals that were subsequently created before us to serve us. We should therefore study every day or our eyes should not be idle and If we need ears divine , the time will just be too short for us.


Dear old man, I think I've studied enough or tried Ruth enough, I know my Latin and I've heard Aristotle in his Philosophy quite a bit, read what else should I spend my time on such things? I see that it 's an imperfect thing in everything Where do you see the master who can certainly do his job in judging so that falsehood does not enter or prevent the course?

where can one have astronomy with certainty, since much emphasis is placed on the right medical philosophy, what enormous error is currently taking place in the holy scripture, which is clearly in front of our eyes in the holy Bible, and yet most people turn it out to be false Looked at way and badly, since it is right and there is no end to the arguments, errors and wars, this robs the person of his life, the soul of the third, the temporal wealth, the fourth is a thief of honor, one writes to his learning, the other to his wisdom, the last of his manhood They are powerful people, so I see a lot of abuse in my younger years that I can learn this even if I don't study any further.

There are few meetings available, as a simpleton from Bavaria recently accused me of the scholars being crooked, and we ultimately have to pay with our skin and make the decision why don't you stick to the right truth as the word of God is clearly given to us and through the word everything has been opened to the flesh, no matter how you talk about it in summary Human art and whiteness are imperfect, that's what I see What do you think about this? you will applaud me.


Yes, I've got Latin right so far, but languages have their own locum and it's part of it and you have to have it, like Hebrew, Greek and other languages in ancient times It is very necessary to understand Mr. Höff because of foreign nations and trade and is a beautiful gift from God because see the example of the haughty Babijlonian people: many languages had to be spoken so that God would make them err from their superiority and would be divided into the wide world and much error and their high tower or building and high meaning are also destroyed, but God works so wonderfully that it must once again be for the glory of God and through the work of the Holy Spirit must be gathered together against the godly and called together and a humble temple of God must be built out of the hopefully destroyed tower through the holy apostles, in which the holy Trinity is recognized because God does not like separation but the devil God wants to have a unity and a peace like he himself is triune, that is to say the holy peace which is set above everything in which the world is built and preserved shall be governed and all the government of men like us because Christ and his governors have preceded and shall be like his image.

This is about languages, but in the soul's happiness it is not necessary for everyone to spend their lifetime in all languages, but to listen to and read the Word of God preached as it is interpreted in the three main languages, nor is it necessary to spend time in natural philosophy alone, nor for preservation of the temporal wealth, the clever people and evil foxes look for various ways and hatches who do not want to be satisfied with the right scepter that God and nature gives us, there will be a lot of noble time and a lot of innocent blood and souls corrupted under which we are only now at the last time Since Christ will also visit the last great Jerusalem, namely the entire world, he also has as a forerunner three main demons and spiritual enemies, as they were present before the destruction and first future of Christ and did not exist in the presence of Christ as they announced in the last future Their plan will be less valid and will have to be put to shame before the judge's office.

If such come in the last times, let them come We would notice that the end is near at the same time , Pharisees, Saducees and Esseers would diligently notice who they were: Do not the Pharisees preserve the outward appearance of saints and letters, priests or priests and do not recognize the Spirit nor the Messiah?

If the Saducees were not those who did not believe in the resurrection, then the Essees were right of the anti-baptism spirit and opposed the holy Trinity as a sect against omnipotence, the others against mercy and the third against the righteous, true spirit of God, so we humans always want something different If, God willing, sects were to go, these were the heads and they only argued against the Trinity, each of them fighting separately, only that the names were refreshed at all times and that such weeds grew violently and were always planted by the enemy - they would not be much more pious Jews found who had to keep themselves secret for the sake of the evil world and heresy as before the breeding of vipers, so test every spirit except God's Word as the judge and test and everyone himself, so the spirit will tell him and judge your conscience so let it go now be told to the languages and that man's natural daily and eternal preservation and knowledge should not be sought in animal reason alone, since to err is human, but go to God's Word in both parts according to nature, for they always go out of God and should go back to him as the Word If a true scepter, like nature, is a true cord of all creatures, that is to say, the paths that are right for soul and body, and from this one is to be recognized as a true person taught by God. Aristotle did not know anything reliable about it, but rather, as a blind man, he judged according to his own discretion, how excellent his human understanding was in front of others but it is pure darkness with all its followers who are greatly respected in the eyes of the world, so let us not disregard time so little but always listen and see according to truth and justice with prayer for the help of the Holy Spirit who learns to recognize everything that is spiritual We take care so that we don't get stuck in the earthly labyrinth, but rather tear ourselves out and pursue the good, not spending a day or an hour in vain, but doing everything for the glory of God and for the good of our neighbor.


Dear old man, you talk so much about things that I can't tell you about everything. I have good things to look at, but I don't know everything about it, it will be done gradually.


My dear friend, learn what you don't know, because I also got it from old paved roads, you will have it too if you want.


I would like to learn something from you and I shouldn't be driven away to hear about you because I hear everything good from you.


Yes, if we consider the nobility of the seven glories that I now describe as peaceful health and the high times that are precious when they are three years old and afterwards do not let us take over the beauty or reputation as well as the strength or power of body and power and according to our whiteness Finally, we pay attention to our wealth and food.

These are four gifts which are all misused by us incomprehensible people, even if God does not visit us with the crucifixion and daily examples through all kinds of weakness and often sudden death and many countless other inconveniences through his loud trumpets, for there is no respect of the world and of persons before our dear LORD God, and no one knows the burden of tomorrow.

How do we consider the salvation and eternity of our souls, eternal health, eternal peace, you angelic beauty, heavenly strength and whiteness and mighty heavenly wealth of all needs, as this has been promised to us and is ready to be shared with our bodies through our Redeemer and Savior Christ not compared to this one, but if we walk in his ways and persevere to the last end in living in the true covenant, as the one who does the will of God in the book of life, which is explained and commanded to us, and such a faithful servant will not be removed from this book but within it remain written because we are all called.

And no matter how much I can say about the glory of this world, which is realistic, it is nothing compared to the heavenly one, and is almost a deadly thing, however it is an exuberant treasure like I know and know, but it is only vain and not eternal like that Heavenly Tincture Treasure Christ.

But those who are saved are those whom God opens reason through the Cross and carries out in it the spiritual battle and fights, and what kind of weapons one must have, so that it is not this earthly work that does it but the Word of God in the last throes of death, but it is not for every person True, that's why we pay so little attention to it and live in the wind and are wonderfully courageous and think it's as if we now have to fight with nature alone, but what follows from this is far different than the safety of people and the entire world - how can you see that? that man's inner spirit also suffers in the same way as he first sinned Afterwards, the body is used to destroy the body.

So the spiritual fear and terror of death and the end also composes and makes death big and strong and especially evil and safe for people, which means that the conscience is always on the way to the front of it. May God wish that in the time of grace one would learn the glory of God by seeing and hearing it, both in the past, in the present and in the future, as well as in his word before that the heavenly treasures are there that will defend eternally when everything is past. As it is all full of the whiteness and glory of God, and all the creatures and works of his hands in heaven, under heaven, on earth and under the earth bear witness to it, in it one sees and recognizes the LORD in his great power and goodness, if we had taken better care of him, we would have whiteness have enough to learn in addition to his word so that we have to be horrified because of our weakness against such a great LORD who has made everything so powerful and good for us poor people, because God sees this right in the spirit and can boast about it while he is a Image of God is in the spirit and in the form that is acting and living according to God and knowing everything for the best is not wrong but like our model and predecessor Christ the other Adam.

Yes, we will only see all the knowledge of God's glory in the perfect world and will not learn everything with great effort as in this corrupt world. Only then will all praise become honor and glory and have no end forever, because we already know that His goodness is new every morning and his glory cannot be expressed with angelic tongues in the five senses, just as we humans cannot express or investigate the natural works of God, everything must be done by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God.

But the evil householders have to fear, in turn, the eternal unbearable torment as eternal hunger, thirst and terrible spectra and sight and immeasurable cold, heat and torment, which will also torment the evil spirits, which no elemental torment can harm, but the spiritual torment is sufficient for us in not knowing what to do with this life without God's Word.

Yes, if we still consider eternity, which never has an end, we have to watch every moment and pray that God will protect us from the enemy who will do untold harm to us in every way Other creatures and elements and heavenly forces and other spirits also cause damage if God does not protect us. Therefore, nothing is more necessary to us than to pray for the Spirit of God and to listen to his holy word without ceasing and through this we gain faithful confidence because it is as if God were speaking to us orally and through this we are judged according to a standard He says do it that way and you will live.

And further, whoever sins, repent and sin no more, because he has no desire for the sinner's death, but rather that he be converted and live. It seems more earthly white, as if we don't have to fear any leader, because we see nothing more than what we can understand and do not see God with physical eyes or hear with physical voice.

But not so we have Moijsen and the prophets and the calling voice with us who proclaim the word of the LORD and prepare the way for the future day of our death and the great world day when judgment will be held according to the book of life and the testimony of the spirit and since the sentence is spoken to all people and the unbelievers will then see in whom they have stabbed, who do not want to see him invisible in faith and spirit, they will also put their fingers in the wounds that were pricked in him by the unbelieving Jews but will see more on the world nature than on the heavenly king.


Yes, you tell me so much as a sermon, it is well said and such spiritual talk is too difficult for me to live. Something may still come when I get to my age because how can you keep everything so clear but I want to do so much to become more polite than I can according to my human ability and on a daily basis, but I'm asking you here what do you think since you previously told me about a treasure in this world and how the whole world knows it, I know it too, it's nothing other than money and good silver and gold, that's why you can get almost anything, you know, but I would like to learn something different from you.


I would like to know as soon as possible. Many people would like to know, I would like to tell you that a virtuous, spiritual being is not only endowed with wealth but also with medicine.

Yes, the greatest thing over all that cures people of the most serious head diseases with the help of God, which no other common doctor can cure through his herbal medicine, that is the highest above silver and gold that also serves human reason and is full of incredible secret joy: of it For the sake of a more detailed report, read the Hermetic Apocalypsm described by Theophrasto and realize that I will soon say what it is, because I don't want to be the first, because this great secrecy is an arcanum that has remained from the beginning of the world until this time God's will is that I also want nature's seal breaker to not only be parabolic and sealed as the true ancient philosophers did, because without that art is manifest in writing that I am surprised that it remains stuck like that, but by God's fate the secrecy is for the pious Art permitted and given because God alone exists: for he knows before all things what will be there and such is the divine foresight before which everything must be reduced.


I now notice even more clearly what you mean by long speeches and yet you speak as spiritually - it is nothing different than the work of the old masters and old naturalists or philosophers that they take their stone made from the Prima Materia, which is Sulfur Saltz and Mercurius there A lot of things have been written about and are still written about every day, as I now know a number of vagabonds who have talked to me a lot about such things and I have seen their scripts but they have been changed a bit and things like that, whether they were good or not, they were corrupted by such things Unknowingly, journeymen and book truckers and the common man are led into the Labijrinth and are only dependent on the salesman's recipe, which really annoys me.

On the other hand, you don't see anything in the work and are such journeymen who are supposed to be confident in this art and have never thought anything of it at our school but would be considered by the præceptoribus to be a pure fantasy, a seduction of the people as I often state I have heard noble and well-off men argue about it with alchemist lovers and have heard them scold in front of land grabbers, fraudsters and others because nothing stands in the test and I have to say myself that an unbelievable thing is, as they say , silver and gold out of all the bad metals as well as making wine out of water, that the power must be a divine work or magic with us humans as I hear that many of them also deal with spirits.

I ask you as an old person to experience these things if you do not reveal the art to me I would like to tell you whether it is still certain that a person is allowed to have so much in nature through the goodness of God. I can't sufficiently surprise myself about it.

I have probably read something about it, but I can't take anything from it because they have a special one stylum in these things that not everyone can understand, one has put a lot of effort and time into it beforehand and there is a lot of doubt about it because I hear that many thousands of people of high and low status have over-artisted themselves in it and that some things died unaccomplished and the other part was spoiled and a lot of people have to let go of it because the test doesn't show O doubt and hope.


Yes, certainly and surely you should see that the art is certain and speak to you only in secret that I have it and know it and everyone who is devoted to such philosophy knows the root of this tree, but no one else bites that the fruit falls off the tree than knows it It's the common people what it is that I introduce something to you in a broad way, let's not be mistaken because that's more important, the best must come first, the earthly after I want to ask you all modest questions that I have.


So tell me how compts that you can't find any people or samples of such work at the moment and that nothing at all is thought of by these learned doctoribus who are supposed to know everything and probably because there is such exuberant use in it, you don't hear that anyone is rich It has happened and you yourself are also giving up on this thing. They are only warning you of a bilgram and hermits. I want to create peace and great glory for myself. No king or prince should be satisfied with this work as they shout out its power and also the many parables and the properties of all things. I would be happy to pass this on to you listen.


You speak according to all the world's opinion, who only think and strive for money and goods and all lusts, which has never been the meaning of the true philosophers. Such people are not even worthy of the name, but only those who look after the glory of God, even though God also has a piece of bread At the same time, they serve God and their neighbor in all humility and willingly, not for their own benefit, nor with any ambition or pride and ambition to pursue it, if the world wants it and investigates it, the philosophers keep themselves secret and hidden with this art So that no violence of the ungodly Nimrotic violence is exercised on them, nor is it revealed to the evil vagabonds and people deceivers, so that everyone remains in his state in which he must be kept except for great emergency, which is why God has created all states and many people so that one member belongs to the other Serve in unity so that God separates them from each other again through death, just as an alchemist separates body, soul and spirit in his art and puts them back together again, which divine separation is not permitted to any human being, whatever his status, unless according to this The command of God's word to punish evil, which is the only truth and justice like God himself and everything that is outside of it is abomination before God. Therefore the divine authority wields the sword for God's sake.

Therefore the law is neither for those who have no command nor that The law of shedding human blood is of no respect to God. This divine divorce is also to be held in high regard by us. I may be a bit off the mark, but it is useful for us humans to consider, so I cannot omit the warning along with the following: we know that Ezekiel remembers the four winds The bones were blown on and they were covered with flesh Item of the spirit that went into them again Item as is often said in holy scripture about the dispersion and return and thought outside of the winds We see that in the death of people everything separates, namely the four elements the spirit and the soul, both of which are called a spirit, and join together in its magnetic place.

Instead of the elemental water and cold earth, they come together again and love one another. The sidereal spirit of life, the inner invisible human being, also comes together again His heavenly place is above the element the soul but also in its place to God in Abrahamb's bosom according to the word and rests under the altar bit into the assembly that the number and time of the world as our earthly grandmother and the sky as the father of nature too When it is fulfilled we see how the earth gives us earthly food and within it lies the spirit of the elements as the nutriment and the heavenly essence.

So we also have the water food of the Fewer food so that we can keep ourselves in the temperature of the earthly body, which has the spiritual Fewer and water also in itself to strengthen the inner spirit because just as the earth has both of these, so does the heaven which has them Essence means because it is nobler than in the elements and is the spit of the spirit, just as God's word is the spit of souls, the bread of heaven which God has given us out of grace and has subsequently become physical so that our body, soul and spirit can also share in eternal life not a body's food or nutrition but a band and seal of the certain handwriting and book of life of the certain truth too good for our evil distrust of God and knowledge and that God loves this naturally and spiritually and wants to have his entire creature in man all in one Hum and thus an incorporation of Christ and the fallen man will be raised up again and just as God's word is the beginning of everything, so it is also the beginning of an image of God because from the hearing of God's word the holy spirit composes the sunflower of faith and from the seed of the same flowers the one grows The tree of good fruit does not make those who are blessed, but faith in God's word, which seemed impossible before us.

This word is the magnetic love that draws us and the godly to him and no one can separate them: so Sidera also has his magnetic love The earthly nature of this is also to be considered highly for us, because how highly is it to be considered in nature what the inner man does to nature, which is invisible and heavenly but the soul is supernatural and super-heavenly, which we know nothing about without God's revelation but which nature shows We cannot fathom the natural spirits, however high and low they may be.

The physical human being cannot understand or recognize anything spiritual, unless the Holy Spirit is revealed to him through the King of all spirits the spirit of truth: and through it all art, all whiteness and knowledge must be weighed, this ignites the superheavenly spirit of love and also the magnetic spirit of whiteness in the Christians and also washes us with water beautifully white so that we repent and our sin daily do away with and die away, therefore there is much thought about the water and water of the blood and water of the spirit, who is the one who gives life. Our sin is rosin rot. Blood rot of sins With this I want to decide for the sake of broadness and tell you about your desire for the sake of the natural work.

If you ask further, I will also let you see a test that you should believe a certain work that sees. That is one thing: also that the scholars don't know much how you ask , is this good in its place and is God's will the same as before, because God does not want to have any pride or splendor involved ?

It is the poor simple people who most of the time God gives and gives gifts to some people who know what and not to the world's pompous people but we must lay it down as a bestowed treasure of right usury, so that God may receive his praise and honor from it as a help to the poor and to God's praise and honor, not to skulk or laze about it, but also to work and earn according to Divine will and pleasure, even if they do The world should have in common what would happen to the evil people and the saying that says My child wants to be God's servant, so send yourself to the temptation, which is talking about poverty and weakness, thinks according to him, it was also not allowed to people like that to use his lust because they are evil and full of wantonness , so don't reveal it to anyone, don't let your honor and pride be betrayed so that you can be respected and respected in the eyes of the world, because the honor of God is because it says in great happiness don't rise in misfortune Also, don't despair because God is the man who can turn around happiness and misfortune, because as much art as it is before science is great art, silence afterwards is also great art and if you reveal it differently than it already is, then the highest natural art is not art more.

Therefore a philosopher says: Treat this work before everyone like a word on your tongue or like the scar in your eye, don't say anything about it to yourself so that the wind doesn't carry your word to someone else and this comes to your disadvantage or harm .

See, I have warned you, so be careful so that your body and conscience don't have to suffer. Oh, how great is the misuse of the wonderful gifts of God that he gives us so generously, how they are still despised and eaten away, so it goes with the gifts of philosophers, which are widely ignored by the ignorant, so that they will not see such things in the world is so poor in money for the sake of lust that even his own servants are not to be trusted, even the right-wing people are imprisoned, so strange things are happening with the world's goods.

I have to tell you an example that I saw in a city where a rich man has a number of sons Father was meager and careful to save on his own body and collect a good treasure for the children. The children would be raised in the wealth and abundance by their mother and grew up and learned about food, learned nothing but sheer opulence and became more and more dependent and so their time was running out as their own will grew stronger, old age came, the father died, the children became courageous, feasted and celebrated with company, all obedience went away from them and all godliness and virtue and they thought their money would grow as before.

But the birds came and took the dead ones with them and let them fly away and never came back because they were now fat enough and now they were looking for other shelters and the sons didn't know how it was so difficult to get back, nor how to do it, and they had to become beggars and so on stay all their lives and have the ridicule for it and almost got into evil deeds and whoever knew him better and with a good conscience of the father and also the children He would have let them learn more in the first place and learn something honest in arts or actions than that Good first and afterward, as they have done, to serve God will have a reputation for one another and all the nations of the world are servants and workers in their calling for our head the LORD Christ also served his disciples and washed their feet and that is the glory one before the other unequal, one high and the other low, as well as the gifts, the blessing and the rule, God, the great householder, gives us As everyone serves, he wants to reward him because God often gives more in a day neither a whole Keijserthumb can and remains a rich God.

The more he gives, the more he has, therefore God alone is to be loved above all who gives money and goods one has the title that there must be two journeymen, one who experiences it and one who wastes it, as the scholars also say: Mammon's wealth gives courage and arrogance and brings many people into trouble and is in the bright happiness because in the abundance one hardly recognizes it Noble health and divine peace are not given to those in need, but one thinks gold and silver are everything in everything and God is forgotten.

That is why youth is not useful to rule in such things, but with good understanding and old age, however good understanding, the right age is called the godly The ungodly people drink the last of their wine from Creutz cups. But now it must be the time to raise children to high status, gender and wealth - it goes against conscience and do not think that the whiteness of God must come first and that without it nothing exists in the world nor can it be possessed Also a beautiful ending for many and especially in the last hour. Oh how little we consider our happiness in humility.


You talk a lot and other introductions no matter how you meet me, but you always go on saying that in the end I want to expect fine, but tell me how come that the philosophical art will not be betrayed once, since all the arts will soon become common, that often annoys me.


I have already told you that all those who recognize this art will be silent and concealed in order to avoid the Tyrannen fornicators, gluttons and drunkards, idlers and courtiers, usurers and other honor thieves and nefarious abusers, because all philosophers keep quiet about their highest conscience They handled it carelessly and badly, they didn't get very far , it disappeared under the radar and a number of people were murdered by sudden death and a lot of them from the world .

If you deal with yourself in a pious and sincere way, God will give you something like this, so keep quiet and keep quiet before you. Don't sell it to anyone who has just done what the fraudsters are doing, but study it and put your hand to good work, because we should pass on good things to the next person As we are then also born to do good to our enemy and let the fountain flow into the streets but keep the fountain ourselves, that is a Christian masterpiece but we should vigorously oppose the enemies of God in the divine and we should be grateful to God with us and extend all good things to us and do that Others also praise God because of ingratitude a lot is hidden from the world that it has to get stuck in the darkness of ignorance because ignorance does a lot of damage but knowledge gains a lot and is the light of it.

Many people want to overcome this mystery and neither know what to do with it To keep silent or anything else, it's just like Phaethon in Ovidio who wanted to lead the sun couldn't do it and was therefore corrupted. It also wants to be kept with care, not like a child with a sharp knife when you only have the beautiful parable and other great ones In this sense, one should have enough mystery just to see that a seal of God's goodness and all of nature has been imprinted in nature and how nature prepares and works everything so diligently, right down to the last detail, much better than man does according to the word and command of God, since man is even closer to God and the most sensible and dearest creature of God, so that we may well see how much more we are before God compared to all creatures, which is why he has also given us commandments and eternal life.


It was a lot to look at, but tell me about half of the parabola. There's something useful to be had out of it because you also point to it and mostly go partly there.


Oh, of course, that's why I say so much that I no longer hold the other things in such high regard, because there is almost no need to explain something of this kind, because anyone who knows the work and looks after it sees it for themselves that the heresies should not be given instructions with it Some pointed people want to make a Bible out of it which the world will soon accept and it is idolatrous to put another work next to God's because God's Word is our guide Jacobs as Christ himself is the right mediator and point from and to whom everything of the entire book of life goes one sees in our work of nature that life and death and resurrection also the creation of the world of numbers, the concept of measure and weight, the multiplication, the power of the stars and elements, especially the entire power of the sun and moon, because through the sun it will be given down according to the order of God That's why it is likened and called the sun, because like the uppermost so the lowermost so that miracles and wonders can be achieved, it is also a woman and a man and a servant of the whole world and also has the wealth and strength of the whole world in it and is a ruby red valid sun Here are two to be noted, as from one and twoj God the LORD made something out of nothing, the same something became now a single thing in it everything is hidden from creatures of heaven and earth because he said it would be, so it came to an end when everything was made through his word and There stood the whole of nature and separated from the thing and good was always present in its essence and pleased God because it was very good but it had soon passed and the time of the great world had not been exhausted - there must still be something there through a message, do not stop how it began for the sake of the weakest creatures that God would also have, but said, grow and multiply, then it also began and is ready for the second year and multiplies so much that nothing happened until the great age of the End of the world and this was the blessing of God that he gives to people with his word and everything is accomplished obediently to the end and ruled by the spirit of God, so Adam is also a little man and Frewlein can now be seen as through one thing Creation through the second the multiplication and maintenance and through the third the government goes as through the spirit this now has a lot of attention in itself praised bej the Trinity Lastly, God also gave man a commandment and prohibition regarding his nature and has given him everything he should have and without any lack and has power to eat from all fruits in the Garden of Parade but from the one tree of knowledge of evil and good of which he is not allowed to eat, perhaps because of the evil enemy in whose will man ultimately falls out of disobedience to know only the good because evil is hostile and so that a way is made for the enemy, God alone is the LORD who knows everything but all creatures rule subserviently the commandment makes sin because they did not keep it, the devil did it and his own will, that was the first offense, it became idolatrous and turns the knowledge of everything into ignorance and blindness of the good, even in the knowledge of everything evil still bites at him today.

In evil vice, sin and shame and sorcery in which we renounce everything in holy baptism in our new birth in the new Adam as the tree of life as he was taken away from our first parents as in the temporal parade garden of earthly life but yet again promised and people again In the promise of the woman, seed would be provided, which is our tree of life, spiritually and physically, so that not only the soul but also the body should live with it and, like Adam, was cast out of the earthly parade into the world of darkness and all gloom and death of the flesh and blood so we will be new again when we hear about the manna and heavenly bread, which is God's word, and live according to it and enjoy the same that has become flesh with faith and live again through it and be lifted out of the house of all ignorance into the heavenly parade and how The dead Adam was taken up so he must let us go again against his will through the one word Christ through whom everything is because in the old Adam we die but in the new we rise again as he is for us, therefore he is the tree of life from which we eat In the sad house and like the old Adam, we are forbidden to eat anything other than what God wants, so we too: we are not supposed to direct any other means or way to the right or to the left than the Word of God in the Book of Life, which is given with the was closed with seven seals that Christ opened and so we want to know more and Wanting to eat good and evil from the tree is to serve two masters than to obey the devil with his lies before truth and to consider the truth to be lies, then there is also evil reward and it is done to drive out God's holy face because God is not equal to man but the People should obey his image in his commandments and not do anything higher to or from it, but both with wisdom and knowledge of what fruit God has allowed us to eat, out of his word, from which man lives and in the book of life in the spiritual pleasure garden is broken off and brought to us from it everything good comes from and through the word created everything that is seen with eyes and grasped with hands and has become visible out of the invisible, so also out of the hearing of God's word, faith out of faith, the good fruit and work that is out of an invisible a visible and beyond that Word a Christian created.

So that's why people have to be careful and not take us all by themselves to make jokes and ask how this can happen because that is the order and possibility of God and, as an example, he has given people a figure and a mirror , but Thomas knew what he was doing not to judge because he understands nothing more than human nature and knowledge of the lowest elemental heaven and especially what concerns the lowest things like earth and water, which are nevertheless the keepers of death and this is the rejected philosophy of Pauli, on which no perfection can exist alone Heavenly philosophy comes to an end through faith, dear hope, then notice here how everything is preserved through the word of God and we must believe the word of God that comes from the mouth of God, so Christ gives the Father honor that without faith nothing is acquired Most people don't believe what they see, they don't think that God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit is not seen with our physical, sinful eyes, as sinful people see his beautiful splendor that shines brighter than the sun when they are still physically with him have not seen each other because of corrupt nature and have not been able to see whether Christ is still physically present today and is in the right hand of God, that is in the most holy purity and divinity, as he has fulfilled all of the Father's obedience and has traveled through everything from the Depth into the very highest in the Flesh and spirit and as all in all, who is the man who can devise the highest height? We know that heaven is God's seat and the earth is his footstool Word of God which St. Paul saw and was not able to express, but he brought the word our bread from heaven with us as a certain symbol because our salvation is important, namely the will of God to enjoy the verified tree of life, his blood and body, and to firmly believe that So it is up to him how and where his words are spoken and therefore the correct nature in a single seal does not bear witness to many miracles, nor does it have to be written in more detail, because it should only be commanded by the holy scripture and left to God's will You can see all of this as the Heijdenische also noticed something.


You've come too far that I'll soon forget the other thing. You tell me, this work has a spirit in it that gives it a change because you say of the other number that it multiplies, so it has to live.


Yes, of course there is a living mineral spirit in it which does its work if it is done by the artist and with it in turn is dealt with according to all due consideration because God, through his goodness, has made man the master of something other than making a new world out of it He gave it to him with the gift and incorporated it according to the order given to him by the Almighty Creator, otherwise nothing will come out of it and it will also be completed and used in God's name and good intentions and purity as previously stated, so whether Haintz or Kuntz doesn't know much about it It doesn't really matter how much it floats in people's hands and may be in their hands and used for other things and with hand-held animals, but out of a hundred thousand, hardly anyone knows how to master it and also probably not that such a treasure is locked and hidden in it That's why it is considered Kersel because it is carried out and thrown away and is still gold but still darkened in the black darkness, so it must be that everything has already been fulfilled but is hidden from human eyes but the right philosophers know it so soon If you just tell them about Mercurio, they will have it floating before their eyes, whether he is already spiritual and invisible, yet materially, he is also a virgin who has not yet given birth to anyone else, a frail creature, which is why he is called virgin milk and earthly mountain honey and milk also harms children. They have searched for it in everything but have not found anything right because it has to come from the metallic material from the best of them.


I now realize that it will be gold because it is so noble, I can tell you just take a look at it.


No, I want to talk to you in advance because you are still too valid, so it is not yet possible to do something that will follow in the end, which I want to tell you in writing, whether there is something hidden in these speeches of ours, not only that I put it in the same place again show.

Is not therefore common Golt Schmitsgolt Silver Mercurius, nor Sol, Antimonium, Saltpeter Salmiac Sulfur Cobalt Talck nor any of them but it is the spirit of Goldt and Mercurius, which the Philosophi their primam or secundam materiam called does not need to be Germanized.

Its own kind must be in It has never been a few and yet it is the best oriental gold that you can find under the sun and softer than the other common gold that has been cast and comes into the bottle: it is the real living mercury of gold, our antimonium, which has its nature outside the corporibus in To prepare the work when it is liquid is nothing other than washing and frying with water and water, as almost all things in the world have to be made daily so that God and man are pleased with it Learn to preside over the figure and get to know the right egg of nature, which has been searched for a lot from the beginning and written about it, read Bernhartum the Count and others that I want to show you in detail. I would also like to give you parables at the end.


Since it has caps on the back and, as I understand, you have to own it with all the danger, with restlessness and yet you also have to work at it and can so easily get caught, as I understand, my speedy joy has decreased somewhat.


Yes, it does not mean lazing around, but rather being with the hospital master, unnecessarily sharing all the good deeds as a father of the needy whom God sends to him and who are not poor .

I am not talking now about the wanton poor: in the first case, mercy is to be communicated and dispensed and also to be earned will give as well as widows and orphans thereby praised and praised God and which would give honor alone and to no one else as well as comfort from God's word and before that should go because God's word goes far before nature because the servant follows the Lord who is the father more than the mother, I say to you that we must act as if we knew nothing of this glory, but rather keep working rather than in heavy tasks or studying for the betterment of our neighbors and other common benefits and for the suppression of all evil, including ignorance and Darkness, reason and body should always produce good.

Idleness is the devil's pillow and highly forbidden and is the first commandment against all vices that come from idleness like eating, drinking, greed, murder, driving, lying and the like, avoiding all vices and what produces good, like our work Don't celebrate a moment like the whole of nature, as soon as it is admonished and encouraged, it begins to struggle and continues to struggle every day and hour until the sixth time of its weeks is over and its Sabbath or Sunday is here, so it stands and honors its Lord the people which it must serve by God's order because it fulfills his commandment, so we humans should do the same until we are called to the kingdom, but it is difficult for us to feed ourselves in sorrow and sweat and eat our bread until we return to earth That's where we come from, and we don't like to work, but we'd like to be rich gentlemen soon and easily, and we don't like to be lazy, nor do we like to pray, because we still have to pray for everything and have to be beggars every day Because we are supposed to tell our enemies, anger, greed, envy and disbelief all go hand in hand with the rich and not very godly.

Because of our sins, the goods in this world are also taken away from us, as is the knowledge of the noble medicines that exist in this one What is hidden from the common doctoribus is that they have to remain silent about it They do not yet have it in their schools and preaching at the present time and the purpose of nature is hidden from their visible eyes, like the Pharisee's, the inner spirit of the holy scriptures, namely to recognize the right Messiah, the right soul artzneij whether he was already present than Christ The right physician of souls says Father, I thank you for not revealing it to the wise people of this world because you liked it, so I also talk about this natural medicine of ours, that the will of God must come first and must be requested beforehand and God comes first As in all things in the world, where are the apothecaries with all their simplifications and sympathies who deceive the doctor with false truth full of rust, even though the recipe beforehand is weak? They only remain far away and the little bits of strength make the more good they do for the next person double on the other hand because it costs him his life and his poor food and thirdly the doctor is cheated so that pride and splendor is carried out with such poor money - only once a bad Bawersman has told and complained about this and not from a lowly person and with one The only means of defense were to help his body and property, his wife and children were destroyed, so the way things are in the world is that we humans only care about great honor and prestige and being title holders, not that we consider how we should help our neighbor with reason and In another way, the dispersed particulars are gathered together among the community and come to the universal and bring them.

Because of this, everyone should learn to separate evil from good like an alchemist and learn the virtues and fruit of the good tree with threefold root as gentleness, humility and patience as well as faith, love , hope of the souls distinctions should be learned so that one knows what truth and justice are both of the soul and the body, that is heavenly and physical goods, and God give us theology and law, that is the holiness and nature, how to know that virtue and proper work and right There is a special whiteness and philosophy in it that Solomon is the highest among men, but God has highly admonished them all to carry out their office and stand in a divinely Christian fair and right way Servants of God with his beautiful gifts so that we can stand for the judgment of all arithmetic since everything will be revealed, while only everything good comes from the LORD.

The rich man heals the wise like the poor or the foolish or the simple, the beautiful heals like the weak or the shapeless or the inconspicuous and whoever that is lowly and ugly poor and simple people despise the one who created it, who created one thing, made the other, all good comes from God, evil comes from the devil as his origin, but evil must pass through as well as good, so God does it For the best sake but the devil for the evil will because everything evil must serve God and the pious for the best.

Yes, the devil himself must serve against his own gratitude if God wants it but that evil is with good with no one else is to blame but our own sin and injustice half and God's justice as a sign that God's loving mercy preserves us and God has also given it to us.

He has commanded us to put away the evil and the blessing or the eternal curse Which Christians should be shameful and baptized and married for this purpose: but are like the unbaptized as Jews, which they consider to be a divine work if they take the goods of the Goyim to themselves, but woe betide those who insult their poor neighbors with usury Item the revelers who day and night in the Drinking wine and the Sevish trough sweeps ruin a lot and carouse at the mouths of the poor, weak and widows and orphans.

These two types should be combined together so that the greedy man supports the spendthrift who mishandles the mammon - it is actually a thewer thing on the World the lives of the rich elders whom God richly blesses as Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph and the holy Job and in full humility and obedience to God and respect God far before the creatures.

They lived and strived very much for justice and purity and thereby strengthened their prayer and the soul was preserved and just as in the Old Testament there was great wealth among the majority and they held firm: so in the New Testament there was poverty in the world's goods and yet they should remain steadfast and love, fear and trust God above all.

Now you have heard enough about what is the cause in these things that there is a secret nut because the evil enemy can soon make a way for us through lust and worldly goods because in the knowledge of all evil he leads us because he is cunning and has deceived the wisest man Adam.

Yes, all the saints have fallen: that is our weakness and the first wrath of God about Adam's sin, that everything is appointed with care, trouble, anxiety, sorrow and strife, the crucible drink or cup in this restless world, our great Sabbath is the right rest of God, since one can no longer drink the cup of the vine with Christ but in a different form to us and we to him God wants to help us through our mediator and holy spirit in which we are incorporated into the covenant and we have also dutifully made his vow to abstain from evil and obediently pursue the good, so we should sacrifice new Israelites with a broken heart and Keeping vows to God.

In them the Spirit of God works through faith, dear hope, miracles, just as in nature, desire and habit of doing impossible things, because you should know that few people have the patience to remain in divine knowledge, but the world is now rushing towards earthly goodness and glory Pride and violence are why Christ expands the world and its kingdom and has also deprived himself of world trade and despised it, even if he himself knew all things, master and master of all wisdom and earthly art, just as he allowed himself to be called a master, so he has it To plant eternal kingdom and whiteness in us, that's why we should love it above all and I myself will be steadfast in this - that's my desire and I know what's on your mind now?


I certainly can't despise it, but you talk to me completely and completely against my name and hit me against a lot of people because I myself am of opinion like all world thoughts, but as you give me a different text, I also have to sing a different melody and I will open myself up Bear in mind that you have given me a lot of reason and now you may well ensure that the secret of God cannot be common, it is almost in all arts so that they have to remain the same, it is the same as the art of inclination or the art of teaching, that there will be God's grace and want hard work and hard work and not laze around like in all classes.

I would also like to have the short-term people in my house as fools or fat bosses Item Fuchsschwentzer Item magnificent pillors and also modesty or drunkards but you find people who come dissolutely into glory and gifts to use according to my desires and to use more violence than usual.


Kings and kings, princes and lords, the right power belongs to God. Instead of defending all wickedness and protecting justice, truth and piety or obedience of the good, planting and handling so that everything goes in good order and now and again to punish the spiritual vices as well as the worldly ones Authorities with the body sword, so the spiritual authorities and shepherds with the spiritual sword with the staff of God's word and commandments or laws and after the astonishment heal again if the sinners want and not with the worldly sword because Aaron Moijses and Joshua each had their own office to rule the people until they came into the land that the LORD has promised them, just as the subjects of God also have their command as servants and obedient subjects to follow their rulers and shepherds and are not to rise up themselves to become rebels with cunning or Violence bites that he is called and may be able to do so, because whoever exalts himself will be lowered, because all who enter into something higher will be lowered, because it is the sinful ambition and pride that God resists violently, powerfully, because Lucifer did it that way.

Pride is that supreme idolatry because God alone is the exalted one and he establishes and orders all the states of the worldly government, he overthrows and establishes it, he rules everything because he alone can see it all in the light and darkness long before and after he is a creator of so much good order and righteousness as other tangible things or creatures, he also reads the tree and the mountains not growing in the sky, no harmful animal grows, he reads wide ramblings about destroying the world, as well as the great giants and all the Tyrannians and all who oppose God and his beloved ones All good deeds will come to an end in the end, whether the sun shines on him as well as on the good one.

In the end, God knows how strange it is to bring down a strong tower through a storm wind, of which we see enough daily examples. But I have to say that there are also many people who would like to raise themselves above all trees in lowly arts and do not know themselves and pay attention to gods and do and forget God and live like the Gentiles, while by nature we also like to fall and the natural like to fall to whatever is seen and yet not know how the creation of the world happens through the word and in the word and the holy spirit from which the image of God emerges that Moses is promised by God which he will see afterwards when he saw the LORD passing by in the rock.

For at that time it was not yet known to see the LORD Christ with physical eyes.


Your proposals are most spiritually minded and therefore come from the work I was longing for, but I had not previously thought about many things as far as I am reminded by you.


It is as fitting to learn and understand oneself in the holiness and glory of God as in natural goods, since he has translated us into masters who only serve us for physical well-being, but his will is that all people should live in his holy word and law and night, then our souls would be encouraged to heal and learn to ask everything from him alone and not to cling to earthly things alone, to make idols out of the gifts because the Sathan does the same thing the most, then not for a moment are we in front of him and his innumerable ones Dangers are certain where GOD does not protect us, because what good is it for a man to have all the wealth, all the lust and medicine and yet the man remains in his wickedness, that is because of his soul's sickness because that is the greatest thing that our dear Lord Christ forgave our sins with The physical help then said to some, get up, your sins are forgiven: They would be helped in body and soul, as some were helped to physical health through faith alone.


But it is how little we consider such things. God knows and it is obvious how I find myself and my mind is also more focused on the earthly kingdom of heaven or paradise , but because it is not against GOD to love his glorious work in nature and If you don't look for wealth against GOD alone in all things the abuse: so I hope I want to carry it out and use it rightly.

It's almost like the Pharisees who don't want to believe. They then see signs and wonders, but I don't know what I'm doing Believe should lead to happiness but to better strengthen the faith in God's miracles and also to the beautiful parabolas as you say, I agree if I know it but if I know it better than you, I would also have tolerated it.


You probably know what I'm talking to you so broadly that it's so that you don't think of it as an idol, as you can make anything into an idol, nor in the eyes of magic, as many people think when they hear about it, and in the meantime it's not a lie The strange thing is: You will only find out why this should remain hidden and there is no abundance in this world for one person alone then it cannot be with each other and with the majority of people GOD is handing them a club.

That is why Christ gives us the beautiful Gospel of Matthew on Chapter 6. no one can serve two masters and we also have to see that GOD shows himself in nature so that his miracle can be recognized in everything and in many ways in need and fear and not in lust then he saw the sea sickness Zacheum and looked down on him don't and stay with him while Zacheo's magnetic love comes true and let his wealth happen to him, but in common we will haughtily think about what would be bestowed on us and learn that it is only for his person alone, since we also want such things for the sake of others for the best We shouldn't let the poor Lazarum lie and be friends with the big brothers so that we can only be respected by the world and conquered through the vile Mammonian goods, which are like thief or mischievous things, because the world doesn't look at it if there is only wealth there Then everything would be crooked, because it is called Christ Mammon, and you don't have to experience or try much, but the whiteness is stuck in the socket.

There is whiteness, the poor understanding one has to stay there, but Christ teaches differently and says how difficult it would be for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven and for his poor ones He also knows and knows the simple and unsightly pious ones and helps them.

The rich ones are taught to go there because they think they can't help anyone, so God makes the world a fool with their vanity, so they lose out, so dear friend, let's first look into that Seek the kingdom of God and also say and ask with the royal prophet David that God does not give us too much or too little, but rather our modest portion so that we do not abuse each other while the ways of this world are slippery. Solomon asks God for wisdom so that he can honor his people God's right could rule and God gave him even greater wealth.

Item he says that whiteness walks around in the streets and looks at those who love it and fear God, for great is the glory of God in all places, but very few go to look at such things in ours short lifespan which is too long for many people and is spent with useless waste because the secret of the LORD is among those who fear him and he knows his covenant Psalm 25. And the light comes to the pious in the darkness from the gracious, merciful, just God Psalm 112. That's why we shouldn't close our time to acquire meaning and thoughts in worldly goods, and we shouldn't pay any attention to the stinking goats who stink with their pride, but rather we should serve the pious God-fearing ones, whether they are single -minded or wise, in the Lord.


One more thing humbles me: How is it a thing that some philosophers say you have to ask for it from God and get it through prayer when you, on the other hand, are too spiritual.


I tell you now and to eat more, as I have already done, that if you seek the kingdom of God beforehand, God will give everything else.

Item man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God as if it had been heard how the devil tempts Christ because he fasts and also seeks us in times of need where there is no faith and God's word or dwells with us, so we despair In times of trouble and adversity and also in happiness, go after the evil one and look for help through impatience with him.

He wants to give us humans, since it is not a penny, brings up a lot of worldly darkness, so let the heavenly manna take precedence over the earthly manna But the fact that they call Godb is right in itself because there is only GOD, but God does not want to have prescribed measures or goals or let his will rule for him, because he is the truth, whiteness and righteousness who gives everyone according to his share through the Holy Spirit Just as what happened spiritually to the apostles, why is it holy for us to give our daily prayer to the Father that we should demand daily bread and not forget it because we do not know what we should ask because we ask openly that it is disgusting to us as it is good for us At times it would be admitted to temptation, therefore it is more necessary only for the sake of the Holy Spirit, health and peace, from whom we obtain everything, all knowledge sent and whiteness, both spiritual and natural, is permitted because Christ is true, it is in order to do people's salvation as he says that his kingdom is not of this world but that he only blesses people and lifts them up to heaven from all the dark burdens of both the world and the wise masters and has had a lot to do with people until he has turned some of the world good and against that Holy, childlike Father, learn to pray and let you know that you can now ask the Father more through him and that you are children of God.

We who, out of sheer ceremonies and laws, keep our servants and carry out our fear and anxiety like a servant whose sack is thrown at the door.

Another thing you don't know is that the natural comes from the supernatural and the kingdom of GOD is from eternity, the temporal kingdom is coming after the item, the sky and the firmament were not prepared beforehand, after which the element as then the earth would be the last of all and then a new creature as man would become the small world a summa of all creatures as first of all GOD begins with man on the earth as in the center of a circle out as he had previously started from the large circumference so it was in The soul and spirit are breathed into the human body, life and the eternal soul, which is beyond heavenly as the divine sky and sidereal as the essential spirit of all living creatures of nature and finally the elemental body as in a single corpus the center terræ which is the salt of the earth would be told by Christ to salt nothing rotten, it abolishes the rotten as can then be seen in the great natural sea of the world what an evil air from such rot could come where God has not ordained it to be saltz and especially where it has no movement.

So then even the holy teachers are compared to the salt let nothing rot, but rather the lazy etching away and tightening through the Holy Spirit drove in the Word of God under the human sea the law commandment Gospel and Spirit does just that : the old Adam of all creatures also has it Knowledge as a universal because we are now disturbed and particular about it and have to confess and yet uncertain no matter how many people will ultimately be recognized for one Adam in many and that should be an Elias Artistæ as they say all artists should still be before the court God will be revealed and an Elijah under the arts is yet to come, so we know that no one in this world would be worth as much as our first Adam and Christ the new Adam, he also grants this to his spouse, which is calculated into one for many and so bites we go into eternal life where everything would be new and obvious and we would give everyone his dime then in this world we are subject to all the hardship, misery, toil and work of all ignorance and forgetfulness because of the sins that result from a lot of damage caused by the enemy and his instrument: we have become an abominable image of our own will because we do everything wrong with God.

Now continue to listen to how Christ continues to teach us to collect treasures that cannot rot nor be consumed by thiefs and murderers, but rather collect treasures spiritually so that we do not have to starve for their meal in the need of great fear when we In turn, we are attacked by the spiritual enemy when our inner spirit and also the body tremble violently with fear and trembling and it is difficult to fight in mortal distress because everything human and natural is helpless and all the world's glory cannot be used to help us God's armor is very much needed when you first see the beautiful help of the four rulers of the world, so that you have placed your trust before GOD in the time of grace as beauty, whiteness, wealth and strength and power and how the Divine Glory is much different and in Christ alone to seek Christ in his holy word is to seek Christ in his holy word as in the manger and swaddling clothes and so that in our progeny time we do not make this world of darkness worse or slack but always be brave and bed and make our lamps with oil so that the light shines and May the bridegroom burn when the bridegroom comes, that we will be sent, that is with faith, dear hope and with gentleness, humility and patience as the spirit of Christ, as the bridegroom is, and then we will go with him through the path of Jacob's ladder to the father of Abraham and Isaacs who have let their light shine openly on the holy mountains of the LORD of hosts and see the glory of the rock of faith as Peter and the lovely and dearest disciple of Christ, the dear self, sleeping on the divine breast, the evangelist John and as an eagle which in the Sun of Justice has seen.

In the divine clarity and heavenly righteousness of God and further than Jacobus, who also strengthens and drives hope.

These three disciples of Christ have found the taste on Mount Thabor - this is all painted as an example for us so that we should pay more attention to God's word and commandment and strive and diligently and daily ask for the Holy Spirit and beware of all worldly lust and whiteness and wealth that we would like to be most encouraged in faith, hope, meekness, humility, patience in God and therefore also want to get the foretaste of the heavenly parade and Jerusalem: for such things must be learned outside of God and not outside of the world because God alone is just, merciful and merciful Therefore, whoever is chosen to be an image of God is not to be forgotten because of his mercy the love of one's neighbor is evident because we are many bodies, one body in Christ and one wife and spon of Christ.

I had to answer this to you out of necessity because of your questions, as you undoubtedly hear this from God's Word on a daily basis and should also give it more time than that, according to the saying of Paul ad Timotheum: it is a great gain whoever is godly and Let it be enough for him, for we have brought nothing into the world, but if we have food and clothing, then let us be content: for those who want to become rich fall into temptations and into many foolish and shameful lusts, which sink people into ruin and damnation : for greed is a root of all evil which some have lusted and have gone astray from the faith and cause themselves much pain, but you, the human being of God, seek such a pursuit of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and meekness Kempffe the good fight of faith take hold of eternal life for which you have also been called and have made a good declaration before many witnesses: command the rich of this world that they should not be proud, nor should they hope in uncertain wealth, but in the living God who gives us all kinds of things in abundance enjoy the fact that they do good, become rich in good works, gladly give their treasure, and collect for themselves a good basis for seizing eternal life in the future.

This is the summation of our entire report, which I have since told you widely and which will alleviate your temporal desires somewhat, then these words will come from the Heavenly Gold Center of the suns of justice and rays of the holy spirit through the armament of God and carried forward so blessedness goes The temporal precedent is more important to God, which we should follow after living in the flesh as Christ did and then we are called a spiritual flesh which removes itself from all worldly opulence and lust and certainly fights chivalrously with it and all enemies the yoke of the spirit gives.


It surprises me that you still explain so much to yourselves in spiritual matters, while there are very few people who respect the divine in such high art, because you are so wide-ranging in your opinions that many people will probably be put off and give more to gold than God: but listen I like it because because I listen to it a lot and I don't pay as much attention to it as one naturally doesn't pay much attention to God's will but it is very evil, I continue to insist.


Dear friend, why shouldn't we do that because this natural work of Divine glory is very rich in education and interpretation and in addition to the temporal abundance I also see so much that I have no desire to have fellowship with everyone then very little are worthy of such gifts then I, when I was a young student, poor and abandoned, many people despised me until I got a godly Christian who gave me support and then helped me until I came to my senses and then I got my opportunity and I probably have a lot of needs I have endured until God helped me to get a strange, strange bread, while most of me have been rejected at the door and the glorious and respectable ones have been welcomed.

If I saw the spiritual blindness of the world, I will keep it in mind and keep my eyes and ears on Christ open and let my mute tongue loosen and help me and everyone from the spiritual and physical weaknesses then you see the weakness of the world like so many proud, respectable and also somewhat learned men with great, high ambition, so no one then pays attention to themselves the lowly pious one next to him is not because his worldly whiteness is too dignified, his wealth is given to him alone, he thinks that everyone in the world should look at him alone, he now has everything, including his worldly power, one should fear God and do not think if that little hour comes through To drive some people away without even flying is a vile, devilish world outside of God's image, a disgusting larffy image.

Why are we brought into the world? for the sake of sparrowing and praising? in front of the poor , weak neighbor and in front of the whiteness of God, which is ignored and miserably despised by such people and would not be received nor accommodated as Abraham Loth and the Virgin Mary with whom the whiteness has come and made dwelling in them, that is the Spirit of God and God himself now has to notice what the word of God is that wants to dwell in us if we open the door to him because that is the whiteness perfect and not in those who are of a hopeful spirit and who do not seek what they desire except the whiteness that comes and look for those she loves, namely the God-fearing and obedient ones, who are therefore ordained to begin with whiteness the different spiritual and physical beings as presented as theology, law, medicine, then the mechanical and the 7. free arts: so all arts and crafts are brought to a true path and justice through these 7. gifts and free arts and that falsely separated from the good, they lie from the truth then God wanted evil and good to be separated from each other and to have lit the light while after the fall of Adam, through the devil's wrath, envy and cunning, everything became complicated and confused and the new Adam with us as his new Eve everything must be separated from the evil and a new life and world must be created through itself and its holy word and afterwards body and spirit should never be separated but remain eternally in the image of God - this is God's will and so he is with us until the end of the world but the Jewish world hangs cover and darkness in front of the eyes of the vile world and wants to follow the old Adam, not to kill him in the faith of the holy baptism to suppress physical desires, that is the holy exaltation of the Holy Spirit through the word in faith than without the word of Christ nothing but he is the word of God himself and whoever does not believe the word remains in death with the old Adam and has no hope of happiness because how can such a person stand without a reason but is a pagan heretic who clings to the cornerstone which he loves us Johannes hoch lets the evil ones be repelled, so the good God has graciously given us all the best means so that we can be helped against many sorrows according to his Divine will and against the devilish spirit and false doctrine which attack the soul and the property with thousands of snakes guile and deceit like the secular authorities and courts to protect the pious from the evil force and also for Tijrannen to maintain unity and the holy peace also abolished all falsehood and deceit so that everyone gets their justice and does not want to give way to people's own evil emotions but walk according to the righteousness and will of God.

Item of the medicine for the body's weakness because the devil tries with heresy, with enmity, with falsehood and deceit and lies, especially when we are in trouble as weakness, poverty and attack of the evil world, so he shuns us with impatience, defiance and timidity against faith, dear hope like dear Petrum Joannem and Jacobum was caught in the garden when Christ was caught there, you could see the human steadfastness that is why it is very important for us to hear the word and holy saying of Christ and the apostles and to keep them, which are treasured pennies for our pilgrimage and to strengthen our faith with the holy sacraments and Confirmation for the last part Our bilgerfart into the other life against all Hellish spirits and gates and not with the earthly goods Let the conversation be a reminder to you and not be disheartened to hear then in the dear, pious Thobia we also have an example of who a pious man of God He was and did not seek wealth, but rather a small, honest diet, and yet he trusted the good God through firm faith, served his neighbor with his poor wealth, left his son in the grave with mediocre goods and God's fearful life and let God rule with him afterwards with everyone blessed.

Now I want to honor you with a gift based on you and my long conversation, but this would be explained to you by God's grace so that you can receive a rich scholarship to live in God's glory and study and help the next one all to the praise and honor of God alone Then it is such a treasure if God opens your eyes that no doctor of the high school has described in his books, no apothecary in his books, nor , as we know, no money exchanger nor usurer have it in their money boxes and it cannot be paid for by any good So there is an opportunity with our water and fire, which is good for good but evil for evil, so delicious and good it is so bad that the abusers who only seek pleasure from it do not think that everything that is difficult to earn and conquered is better than what comes easily than in Pharaoh's court, one wears soft clothes and is therefore bad, simple, humble, patient, meek and silent and then you will sit in peace and quiet and be able to serve God and your neighbor and learn the miracles of God in abundance with such a scholarship I want to let you see the old Egyptian priest and King Hermetem beforehand with his saying in a charragtin tablet item fratrem Basilium, Graff Bernhartum, Theophrastum in Tincturam Physicorum.

Item that he writes about the imprisoned man, which is too extensive to explain here, but I would like to report on a number of things that I would now like to explain to you.


I have been waiting for this with desire and I tell you with my highest truth that I want it to be a good fruit for the glory of God and the welfare of those in need, and also to divest myself of all opulence so that I do not cause a bad example or my inner vices Much of my human weakness is always possible, as well as all gentleness by giving alms to the villagers and letting the little fountain enjoy.


You can also be as gentle with a few things as with a lot, and with more respect towards God than with anything excessive, but because I feel your faithfulness and good sense, you should receive this secret from me at the end of our wide-ranging conversation Parabolic knows and read everything philosophical with it and Hermetic friends, you have this in memory of what I have written to you, the rest of which God commands.


Dear old father, I would like to thank you very much for all the good reports and for this hand in which I will work very diligently from now on. I will pray to God in advance for help and will keep myself careful in the future, but I want to be and remain a son and servant and I want to do so with reverence to receive and anticipate you.


Amen to that and if God gives you the happiness of this knowledge and art that you put it into practice and are grateful, give God the honor like the prophet Jeremiah did in Chapter 9. says: A wise man should not boast of his whiteness, a strong man should not boast of his strength, a rich man should not boast of his wealth, but he who wants to boast should boast that he knows me and recognizes that I am the Lord, and that he has mercy and justice, as I see fit, says he Mr. Mr. Amen.

End of this first part.

The other part


I carry heaven and earth upon me, and I fundamentally observe them.

I am cautious rather than simple, so that my daily wages will follow soon.

Nowhere is this art more evident than through parabolas, which one should look at diligently and read through other tried-and-tested philosophical writings - but in our art there is not much headache, expense, or equipment needed - someone can learn this art in half a day and in 8. Days into the work so that it then has its own beginning, but otherwise you have to work on many other arts for the 6th or 7th year until you can bring them to work and benefit the artist, but in the 30th or 40th year you have to do a lot Expenses are spent on it and yet very little and rarely come to it and the masters of this art do not want to let it be noticed that the whole world is strange - in God's grace you only need the elixir Azoth and Feuwer which is nothing other than washing and cooking , putting, coagulating and figuring, blackening, whitening and reddening, the poor can do and accomplish them as well as the rich, and you can't forget to write them down in books but keep them in your mind as long as you live.

I can't do it more clearly with a clear conscience For the sake of revealing this inconceivable violence, I only tell you that there is no art of monk water or silver water in which the sun's rays are contained and this is, as the ancients say, a woman's work and yet so many books have been written about it and so much high and low according to this draw but slowly hit then nature has pushed forward the barrier within, now followed by a number of parabolas and firstly the old realistic one and finally the new one as the Hermetis with its Schmaragt table and the another according to which Hermes was one of the most excellent philosophers.

Verba Hermetis in Pimandro.

When I thought about the nature of all things and directed the understanding of my mind to the things above, when the senses of my body were at rest, as is usual for those who are burdened with slack because of fullness and tiredness, I quickly thought how I see one a very large body which calls me by my name and calls out to this white.

What is it, O Hermes, that you both desire to hear and look? What is it that you desire to learn and understand? I then reply. Who are you? He answered: I am Pimander, the Mind of the Divine Power, and see what you will.

But I myself want to be with you everywhere. I answer: I desire to learn the nature of things and to know God, then he said, convert and love me with your mind and I will teach you in all things that you would desire.

When he had said this he changed the form and shape and very quickly revealed everything in nature to me .

Schmaragt tablet Hermetis- Emerald Tablet of Hermes

Verba Secretorvm Hermetis - The Secret Words of Hermes

Truly, without lying, certainly and most truthfully: What is below is equal to what is above: so that one can achieve and accomplish miraculous things, the work of a single thing. And just as all things come from one through the consideration of one, so all things come from this one thing through sending and union, their father is the Sun. And its mother is the Mon. The wind carried it in its belly, its renewer is Earth, the father of all perfection in the whole world, this power of its is whole and perfect when it would be transformed into earth, then you should separate the earths from the earth subtle or thin from the thick or coarse, fine and lovely with great understanding and modesty, it rises from the earth into heaven and in turn it descends to the earth and takes into itself the power of the highest and lowest things.

So you would have the glory of the whole world, therefore all darkness and darkness should flee from you, which is the strongest strength of all: for it can overcome every subtle thing and can penetrate every hard or solid thing.

So is the world This is why his strange combinations are created and many miracles are created.

Which way to spice them up is this, which is why I have been called Hermes Trismegistus. Because I have three parts of the whiteness and philosophy of the entire world, what I said about the work of the suns is complete .

This is the main motto of all the books and parabolas of this high art and the entire art is completely contained in it, just as Theophrastus now also leaves a short dictum saying: We say no more than that you take the moon from the firmament and turn it up in its place pure water and throw it into the ground and you have done a miracle in the whole world when you have finished it and thrown it from his regiment into the dusted soil that in our practice compared to the dirty soil, clean it and get rid of it so brightly If you now notice that he is melancholy and his nature is wrong, then lead him into the bath of beauty and clothe him with lasting splendor with his raw earth so that he is comfortable. Let him stay there in his own time in it always and forever and you can tame it according to your pleasure, this is the practice of the wrong moon, if you understand that, you have won.

Symbolvm Fratris Basilii Valentini. - The symbol of Brother Basilius Valentinus.

A stone would not be found expensive.
Apart from that, you will get a nice price.
The stone itself is made of white and red brought together.
It is a stone and yet not a stone.
Nature alone works in it.
It's clear that a little fountain springs out of it and drowns its fixed father.
Devour him whole, body and life.
Bite his soul and give back.
And his fugitive mother became like him in his kingdom.
Although he himself also gained strength and power, he achieved a lot in great strength.
The sun surpasses her in age and she destroys her mother.
Through Vulcan, then, the Father was born through the spirit.
Body, soul and spirit stand in two. That's where the whole thing comes from.
It only composes itself and is a thing that binds together fleetingly and quickly.
If you are two and three years old and still only understand one thing, you don't understand anything.
Adam sat in a water bath in which Venus was like her.
What the old dragon already did
when he lost his strength and power.
There is nothing, says the Philosopher,
Than a double Mercurius.
I don't say anymore it's mentioned.
Look for it and you won't get tired or math.
Exitus acta probate - Check out the results.

Symbolvm novvm - A new symbol.

I am a goddess high and delicate.
I was born in our sea.
So that the whole earth
doesn't stand still for a moment.
In addition to my breasts, tender and good,
I give milk and also red blood.
You should cook the same two
pieces and get silver and gold from them.
My equal cannot be found.
Happy to him who compensates me with cunning.

O blessed fundamentality beyond the ear,
everything born on earth apart from you.
You are a poison in the first being.
A fleeting eagle is your name.
Prima Materia God's blessing
Red and white even dry and rain
Hidden in your body
An impious person like this is never in sight.
This makes your virginal dress
And you are wide and wide on earth.
Sunday and Monday you are your parents
and you also give water and wine to both of you.
There is also gold and silver in the earth,
so that man may be happy.
So the good Lord gives his blessing
With sunshine and the rain:
To man also many a whiteness,
So that he can be praised in his throne.
Now listen to what God also likes to grant you
with a gift that rewards you greatly.
Punish the eagle so that he cries.
The lion would weakly cry to death.
His blood is the earthly treasure
of Beij Adler trehnen, it has space.
They eat and love each other
and become like the salamander.
If he remains constant in fire,
he drives out the greatest weakness
in human, animal and metal bodies.

When the ancient truthful philosophers immediately recognized such a sign in this magnificent art, they were forced to fight for and find the center of the middle tree in our earthly parade and had to fight through five controversial gates in order to first recognize the right, truthful material is a mighty battle and in the second port, as it should be prepared to get the eagle's glow and the lion's red blood, there is a lot of snorting because it is water and blood and a spiritually clear body that is the third port Feuwer to fight for the fourth port is the increase because the weight is only needed as high as the commandment of Our Father the last and fifth port is to do proiection on metals O how glorious is he who still achieves the fourth port than he has an Artzeneij vniuersaliter for physical health, which may be the capital letter of the book of nature, the alphabet follows, the fifth is used for the metals alone, this is the oldest art from Adam, and the knowledge of the loving nature of the Almighty Creator and Lord through his Word in spoken a mighty strength and blessed fire of life a translucent ruby raw gold a superfluous blessing in this earthly life but difficult for the human race to bear because of the wickedness that is why it is called the great Natural secret nut to give to a few but the whole world before their eyes. And live as you can hear from these following parabolas.

Material Prima.

A poisonous trach that's really monstrous.
I'm not that expensive anyway.
On which I rest and on which I stand
Is only in me who takes care of my rights.
Break and also make good
My water and fire who alone does.
You can lift a green and red lion from my body.
But if you don't really know me, burn your fifth sense with my fire.
A hot poison makes me pale, so that many people get wet.
Therefore, I roughly distinguish this from pure law.
Or must be a poor servant.
Heaven and earth, woman and man, I can agree with you on your strength.
You must treat me chivalrously if I am to stand with you in the fire.
Many a person has died spoiled because of it, in poverty and great misery.
That Aij of nature I am called is known most often to the wise.
Apart from me, they prepare a microcosm quietly and piously.
Ordained by God only for man to wish for a few but many. Your heart should not serve your poor neighbor based on earthly gold.
Artzneij Understand and you can give daily bread in case of any need.
Quicksilver or Mercurius fine I will be called in common.
My right house host is the Golt philosophically should notice me.
An old trach, an old gentleman.
I'm near and far everywhere.
Am father mother old and young
That strengthens and weakens city and refreshment
Visibly invisible hard and soft Tilt
towards heaven and back to earth.
The high and the deepest, the lightest and heaviest,
Nature opens with me.
In colors number size and weight
which of course contains light.
Dark and light from heaven and earth and nothing can be found.
I have all the colors in me, almost
all metal through the sun's glass.
The Appolisch Karfunckel becomes
a clarified noble earth.
So that you should transform
Copper Iron Zinc Lead into Gold & c.

Appreciation of the philosophical work first figure.

A weak born old man
with the last name Traco hot.
That's why I was locked up
because I was born a king.
That I may make my family rich too.
Now I am a fleeting servant.
After this we can all
share equally in the kingdom.
The Fewrig sword plagues me badly.
Death gnaws my flesh and bones.
Until 6 weeks have passed.
O help me to overcome the enemy.
My soul and my spirit depart from me, leaving me stinking.
There is a terrible horror.
I am like a black raven.
This is the gain of all wickedness.
I lie in the dust in the bottom of Thal
O that apart from three there would be one number.
O soul, O spirit, do not forsake me,
that I may shine again in the light of day.
And besides me comes the peaceful hero
whom the whole world wants to see.
Out of Sulfur Saltz and Mercurius in.
That's what you'll find in my body alone.
They should be properly sublimated,
distilled and also separated.
You should also purify diligently,
and gently coagulate.
Also learn how to fix it.
Otherwise you'll be wrong about all of your things.
Just salute and coagulate,
wash and cook me so you won't go wrong.
So that the filth comes from Braden,
which is straight for some philosophers.
Now listen to what's wrong except for the grace of God &c.

The other figure of Werck.

When many of the colors are gone
and the ruby hero appears:
That's when the mighty child
is small but you can't find it anywhere.
He almost has no equal in the whole world .
In addition, all Kreuter power has been victorious through everything.
It is the right raw gold
So that you should make known.
If it's cleaned by Fewer it's clear.
Seven times I'll tell you true.
Now lead him among the common people
who surround him like a cloud.
Grant him his great honor
But notice what I teach you against &c.

The third figure.

Toes evil man
scold the new heroes with their vices to earth.
And take away the hard life
that he has done and forgive him
because he in turn is able to live
forever in all honors.
A fair portion of them will die through their death
and those who stand their ground forever will acquire.
The entire substance is to be sneezed.
But the place would be completely occupied.
Since they also have to suffer and die
or perish in the beginning.
When Sun and Mon are darkened,
such a shepherd is defeated.
But it cannot be separated.
Because he is not equal to first earth.
But his enemies must die with him
if they want to earn honor.
The rainbow appears out of mercy
because the king favors it.
Until he knows that he will wash them soon,
then sing praise and praise &c.

The fourth figure.

Now the king's enemy also suffers,
being thrown into a heap.
She han recognized her wickedness greatly.
With one hand she let go of the dead.
On the other hand, they are criminals and
their place is occupied by fire and enemies.
Now spiritually but physically
they are completely contentious against him.
Same as their first fall,
the second also accomplish this.
But he wants to show himself
as a king and not give up on him.
Do not repay evil for evil
so that they praise him before a Helten.
How they are now a single thing
that looks very small.
This is what the sun's darkness does
and all things worry about.
As a result, black ravens come
to eat the flesh of the evil boys.
The soul and spirit have nothing to do
but live with the lazy body.
Schwartz stinks like a dead man ate.
So you can see that.
The king is completely incorruptible.
That's why soul, body and spirit would agree.
That he in him and she in him
The fix makes the fleeting thing fix.
The result is a new birth.
Beautifully white: but continue to listen.
The colors of the rainbow are
displayed in all measure
That she dresses in white for a wedding
will be far for the goats.
When they embrace him with love.
The golden piece should also be obtained.
A Feijer dress on the seventh day,
which may enjoy peace and quiet.
That they should honor
their Creator without any dwelling.
Now the obedient Mon comes here
. The sunny day is at the door. Gantz
's beloved friend appears,
dressed in white and the silver is good.
Now listen and have good courage.

The fifth figure.

Out of my grave, rise from the dead,
appear to my brothers before and before.
My brotherhood does declare
that in me his love does honor.
So that even my brother, weak
Tingir, can stand strong and make his spirit white.
Also make the king's strength visible,
so that he will soon be victorious.
And make us all equal to
the suns in the kingdom of heaven.
Because he is beautiful in me and has
arisen without all evil cunning.
A glass fixing Crijstallen Meer
Equally I out of obedience good teaching.
For I weep greatly for the
misery of my evil brothers' evil teachings.

Beware of their imperfection
so that they can move away from me.
Mix with stone and dirt
and in trial become mockery.
Because they hold the strange, earthly Thing
Hencken in the highest regard.
Then I do nothing then shed tears
and then the loving blessings flow.
I don't rejoice in all the opulence
like my sister Venus spreads.
It won't do anything then laughter and lust,
but she can get my dress.
To which I have five to give
if they want to live right with me.
My wicked brother Mars called
his wrathful fear of no shame.
Let me cry and scream for a long time.
He kills a lot and frightens
many an innocent mother child.
His little anger blinds him.
Eight Art Whiteness and Peace Not
My brother Saturnus helps nicely.
This shows his melancholy,
he adds salt to some people's porridge.
To flay and harm with vitriol a lot of
bite into one's grave, such a thing has no purpose.
Shun the welfare of all his brothers
and rather see the fall of all of them.
That's why he looks so sad
because this kind of thing is a horror in time.
What is Jupiter doing to his person?
He is working towards the crown.
There's still something seriously wrong.
In sum, who ever has the right measure.
The status of the earth is completely unequal.
People should all become united.
Mercurius, my youngest and yet old,
the same who stands his ground even in a very divided manner.
He laughs and cries at the same time
. He should be like a salmander.
He's a real brave
and can do wonderful things.
Just someone who travels
around the world and keeps good company.
But they shall see me and
follow me on the right path.
So the King of Heaven would give us
good things in abundance.
The dear sun loves the rain
When the rain gives her great wealth.
Like a housewife loves his husband,
and no one ever grieves the other.
So I will tingirn
my king with gold and tingirn it with silver.

The sixth figure.

I have overcome all my enemies.
Outside of me a high level of clarity appears.
Except a lot and a lot to a
from high sex a big to small.
The deepest strength in the world
would be counted with the highest one.
I am all one and much in me.
With tens I multiply myself.
So many times I improve
my six friends out of all unrest.
But if they are willing to be in the river,
like my friend Mon, they are untrustworthy.
I have six beautiful dresses
from Gold and a crown for each of them.
They should all rule equally
and be equal to one king.
In front of others who haven't yet become one.
Protected me and my loved ones from enemies.
What is about to happen on earth
must be revealed through fire .
Wash white before then sanguine purple and give big profit.
No matter how God the highest composes the beginning and the end and everything that is beneficial.
He is the A. and also the O.
Can also be found here and there.
In all places, all in all, to please people.
That earthly AZOTH they call me But be the glory of God above all.
Latin the A. and the Z. da. AZ
Greek Alpha & Omega. Α Ω
Hebrew Aleph and the dew, א ת
Thereupon seen in many things.
Make all together the sum A..... { Z. Ω ת
God grant us the wealth of souls.
Now went into the fire compared to the anger that disturbs the waters of the lower ones.
The six other metals
shall all praise me without sound.
Because I can constantly tingir them
and lead them in the solar kingdom.
Because my clear body and spirit
welcome her and the whole world praises her.
Plus other minerals.
That's why I'm called universal.
At the moment she is making a fool of herself.
In the best way, she is highly respected.
To whom no water, fire, air, earth,
poison, or accident will harm.
Also make healthy weak people's bodies
In God's honor drive such art.
It is a royal treasure.
There is room for it in pious hearts.
What God gives to a poor drop
to prove his miracle showed him to be loved.
That's why you acquire this art.
Be quiet and see that you are not at all proud.
Envy envy and even many a thief
would deal with you against love.
Selling betrayers and kissing Judas will bring much sorrow.
If you don't keep yourself safe,
use this art secretly.
Yes, many a big lie in the country
would be happy to guide you by the hand.
Who doesn't otherwise consider you as worthy
as the one who defecates from his shoes.
But now you must follow his little brother and be the next one in front.
Until he catches the hare,
you'll have a good slap afterwards.
You are not safe anywhere.
The world is becoming more jealous.
That's why only God hears the opening.
I faithfully warned of the trouble.
That finally gives untimely death &c.

That's all the work of philosophers.

The old the first beginning is
revealed through Hermetical cunning.
Is Sulfur, Sal, Mercurius,
Inferius sicut superius.
Astrum solis, full of rich colors
Fire Lufft Water Eartht at the same time.
The lineage of the goddess Dianæ is
at the same time Apollo without guile.
Mannisch Feuwer and Lufft indicate
Weibisch Erdt and Wasser anbeudt.
Heavy in weight and also light,
durable and also light.
Take off his earthly clothes,
naked, and bare him.
Put him in a warm little room,
locked up and kept safe.
Vaporically hot day and night
And I'm right with all the diligence.
So the sevenfold star would
appear as soon and gladly.
Running around the Spheram
and drowning in the flood.
The Rabb is the first bird
to nest around the stinking carrion.
Bite that the white dove grows up
The raw bird compt
first First spiritually wipe out apart from the ravens
This is how all the world's colors come.
The unicorn rests gently and quietly Now
the mon wants to become physical.
Prepare the way for the king.
Beautiful silver and white stands in the gate.
The king comes in a short time,
the beautiful red shines through.
Then he's still lonely.
But absolutely pure and pure.
Let him run with his mother through all the kingdoms. So he will then be able to buy a lot more and be able to share his wealth with his brothers and help out of the ban.
Blessed is he who can do this art.

A statement from Adolphi.

After I Adolphus, through pleasure and in the end with habit, I also set my sights on Rome for name and accomplished the arts and was unable to get a shelter in a single night, due to the exhaustion of my strength and the overpowering of my strength, I reported great slackness due to a storm that lasted all day in which I found myself Because I was overtired, I had to lie down overnight in an old hole or den, like those that are common in Rome. I did my prayer, and GOD commanded me to sleep, so I fell into sweet sleep, hungry and sober .

But when I woke up half way through midnight and thought about my hostel with a little fear of the unfamiliar place and thought of all sorts of miracles of God and of people's miserable journeys of toil and work, I also sighed to God and imagined my noble philosophical work very hard in my mind As usual, as I was lying still, I heard a noise in the hole and was struck still. I was very frightened and anxiously asked GOD for protection and assistance.

I didn't know where to go or whether it would be a ghost or a murderer As I stood there, I saw a little brightness from far away and getting brighter and always rustling closer to me and I became exhausted but as I looked more and more dimly I saw for myself a person shining through brightly like the air has a crown on its head full of stars I saw a miracle because everything that it was inside became visible : the brain like Crystalline water, which always spreads like a cloud and the heart in the chest like a cloud Rubinstein didn't say anything else, I see in him but these two and the other 4. Gliders like the lungs, liver, the stomach and the bladders but everything was clean as a glass. I didn't see any gall, spleen or intestines .

I can't say how clean it is So when I saw it, I didn't know whether I was in a dream, but encouraged me as much as I could tell, and finally shouted, Lord, help me from all evil. This person leaned towards me and said Adolphe, follow me without danger.

I want to show you that this is reserved for you and out of the darkness I should come to light, but I said, I don't know what you are, the spirit of the Lord of heaven and earth rules me, but he said follow me, then if you love me and my Lord, I will love you and you should praise the eternal In I rose to my feet and went to hell, and I saw clearly that he had a raw, shining star in his crown, which dazzled me because his rays penetrated his entire body and especially into his heart.

He also had a white one The inside of the linen dress was full of flowers of all colors, but from the heart to the brain and from the brain to the heart there was always a moving haze that I saw, that face hit the wall with its hand, that it made a loud noise and then disappeared Then it became dark all around me: I was filled with terror, distress and fear, my old clothes were reflected and I remained bored with joy and terror until the day dawned and when the time of day came I did n't see anything in the living room until I found myself with one I secretly went back in and inspected everything and found the warmark to be shattered from that moment on and a rusty little lead box in it, a little book opened on the white bark of beeches because there was an old book in it and a parabolic figure with an old poem by old Adam I have I have explored a lot in it day and night, it has been opened to me with a single voice and I have also recognized a lot of things as soon as I look through it and then I see the hot lions at midday as in Affricam and the bears under the place of the Poli in midnight and I thank God forever for his great miracles and I have achieved the purpose of the sealed book of nature as I also set it for eyes and look at the previous summation &c.

Symbolvm Satvrni. - The symbol of Saturn

There was an old Adam and his wife Eve who had overlooked the bulwark and had made himself subservient to the damned young and were in great fear, so they all fled into a bush where they would not be seen except for the fear of their master and were ashamed of their nature and whoever became nothing so the goodness of their creator was not so great and set it against the appreciation of perfection in the future then they also fathered imperfect children before they were renewed but they were no longer of any use in such a garden because they still had to be revealed in it The whole world was therefore driven out by a fiery ray from the garden which was full of all the glory of the world and although the garden was beautiful, Adam and his Eve were better off promoting the woman out of feminine stupidity, but Adam as a man with a strong heart and a lion Courage didn't want to follow so soon because after six strokes in which Eve took in his blood and protected him with magnetic art and brought him out because he became weak and didn't show signs of regaining his strength until the end that Adam and Eve were in one Bath rooms washed anointed and out of great love for each other died and against one and became perfect and a son of higher nature outside them would after their death but the same must also be killed again and live again so he permeates everything and is to be multiplied by tens, as his Brothers of the imperfect state attacked him otherwise nothing could be preserved and after the same they will all die with him and rule and shine like the sun of the earth because you were obedient to the king and they would be rich in wealth forever and in their hundreds and thousands once counted: Praise be to God alone, who gives understanding to all and opens what is hidden &c.

Amen, in ☿ which there is water without feet that the handle does not wet and the metallic type has a very saliter effect. So let us praise God for his works, like the holy prophet Daniel in his revelation, when he also said, praised be the name of God from eternity, then with him is the whiteness and strength, he changes time and hour, he sets down kings, he sets up kings, he gives To the wise their wisdom and to the wise their understanding He reveals what is deep and hidden He knows what lies in the darkness with him it's a little light.

I thank you and praise you, God of my fathers, that you have bestowed upon me whiteness and strength and have now revealed what we asked of you, namely, you have revealed King Sach to me. Item from the 104th Psalm of Dauidt. Lord, how great are your works ? live. And Psalm III. Great are the works of the Lord. Whoever respects them has a certain pleasure in what he orders, which is praiseworthy and glorious and his goodness endures forever.

Item Ecclesiastic. on the 43rd Capt. I now want to praise the Lord's work and proclaim his work out of the holy scripture as I have read: the sun gives light to all the world and its light is the brightest light of all. The Lord's saints have never existed so that they can express all of his miracles, then the Almighty Lord has made them too great and all things are too great for us to praise him, he alone searches the abyss and the hearts of men and knows what They think because the Lord knows all things and behold at what time everything will happen: he proclaims what is past and what is to come and reveals what is hidden, he understands all secrets and no thing is hidden from him, he proves his great whiteness gloriously and he is of Eternity bites into eternity, you can't make it bigger or smaller and it doesn't need any advice.

How lovely are all of his works, how you can hardly recognize a single spark in them? Everything lives and remains forever and wherever it needs them, they are all obedient. It's always two against two and one against one and what he does is not wrong and has arranged each one where it should be particularly useful and who can get enough of his glory.

In sum, everything exists through his word. If we say the same amount, we can't achieve it. Kurtz, it's even when we're about to praise everything, what's that? He is still much higher than all of his works, the Lord is unspeakably great and his power is wonderful. Praise and praise the Lord as high as you can, but he is even higher. Praise him with all your might and do not give up nor will you reach those who have seen him that he could say about him? Who can get it that high? price it as it is?

We see his works that at least then they are much greater, still hidden from us, then everything that is there is that the LORD has made and gives to those who fear God to know it.


Quote of the Day

“did men know what a great Treasure they had in Saturnus they would not give it for a small summe of Money, but they would make so much gain by it, that one might bring the whole World into his Subjection”

Aristotle spoke to his King Alexander

Chymicall treatise of the Ancient and highly illuminated Philosopher


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