Miscellanies upon the following subjects collected by J. Aubrey, Esq.
I. Day-Fatality.
II. Local-Fatality.
III. Ostenta.
IV. Omens.
V. Dreams.
VI. Apparitions.
VII. Voices.
VIII. Impulses.
IX. Knockings.
X. Blows Invisi∣ble.
XI. Prophesies.
XII. Marvels.
XIII. Magick.
XIV. Transportation in
the Air.
XV. Visions in a Beril,
or Glass.
XVI. Converse with
Angels and Spirits.
XVII. Corps-Candles in
XVIII. Oracles.
XIX. Exstasie.
XX. Glances of
XXI. Second-Sighted-Persons.
Collected by I. Aubrey, Esq
Printed for Edward Castle, next Scotland-Yard-Gate
by Whitehall. 1696.
Right Honourable
EARL of Abingdon,
Lord Chief-Justice in Eire of
all His Majesties Forests and
Chaces on this side Trent.
VVHEN I enjoyed the
Contentment of Soli∣tude
in Your pleasant
Walks and Gardens at Laving∣ton
the last Summer, I reviewed
several scattered Papers which
had lain by me for several Years:
And then presumed to think, that
if they were put together, they
might be somewhat entertaining:
I therefore digested them there in
this Order, in which I now pre∣sent
them to Your Lordship.
The Matter of this Collection
is beyond Humane reach: We be∣ing
miserably in the dark, as to
the Oeconomie of the Invisible
World, which knows what we do,
or incline to, and works upon our
Passions, and sometimes is so kind
as to afford us a glimpse of its
It was my intention to have
finished my* 2.1Description of
Wiltshire [half finish'd already]
and to have Dedicated it to Your
Lordship: But my Age is now too
far spent for such Vndertakings:
I have therefore devolved that
Task on my Countrey-man Mr. T.
Tanner, who hath Youth to go
through with it, and a Genius
proper for such an Vundertak∣ing.
Wherefore, I humbly beseech
Your Lordship to accept of this
small Offering as a grateful Me∣morial
of the profound Respect
which I have for You, who
have for many Years taken me in∣to
your Favour and Protection.
May the Blessed Angels be
Your careful Guardians: Such
are the Prayers of
Your Lordships
Most Obliged
and Humble Servant,
Page 1
Hermetick Philosophy.
NAtural Philosophy hath been exceed∣ingly
advanced within Fifty Years
last past; but methinks, 'tis strange that
Hermetick Philosophy hath lain so long un∣toucht.
It is a Subject worthy of serious
Consideration: I have here, for my own
diversion, Collected some few Remarques
within my own Remembrance, or within
the Remembrance of some Persons worthy
of Belief in the Age before me. Those who
have a desire to know more of Things of
this Nature, may be pleased to peruse
Historie Prodigieuse, Writ by Pere Arnault:
As also a Book intituled, Lux è Tenebris,
which is a Collection of Modern Visions
and Prophesies in Germany, by several Per∣sons;
Translated into Latin by Io. Amos
Comenius, Printed at Amsterdam, 1655.
I shall begin with Day-Fatality, of which
Mr. Iohn Gibbon [Blew-mantle] made a
Collection Printed in Two Sheets in Folio
1678, which I here Reprint with some
Additions Collected by my self.
Page 2
Or, Some
Days Lucky and Unlucky.
Luc. XIX. xlii.
In hoc Die tuo: In this thy Day.
THAT there be Good and Evil
Times, not only the Sacred Scrip∣tures,
but Prophane Authors men∣tion:
See 1 Sam. 25. 8. Esther 8. 17. and
9. 19, 22. Ecclus 14. 14.
The Fourteenth day of the First Month
was a Memorable and Blessed Day amongst
the Children of Israel: See Exod. 12. 18,
40, 41, 42, 51. Levit. 23. 5. Numb. 28. 16.
Four hundred and thirty Years being expi∣red
Page 3
of their dwelling in Egypt, even in the
Self-same Day departed they thence.
A thing something parallel to this, we read
in the Roman Histories: That that very
day four Years, that the Civil Wars were
begun by Pompey the Father, Caesar made
an end of them with his Sons; Cnaeus Pom∣peius
being then slain, and it being also the
last Battle Caesar was ever in. [Heylyn in the
Kingdom of Corduba.] The Calendar to
Ovid's Fastorum says, Aprilis erat menfis
Graecis auspicatissimus, a most auspicious
Month among the Grecians.
As to Evil Days and Times; See Amos
5. 13. and 6. 3. Eccles. 9. 12. Psal. 37. 19.
Obad. 12. Ier. 46. 21. And Iob hints it, in
cursing his Birth-day. Cap. 3. v. 1, 10, 11,
See Weaver, p. 458.
Early in a MorningIn an Evil Tyming,Went they from Dunbarr.
Horace, lib. 2. Ode 13. Cursing the Tree
that had like to have fallen upon him, says,
Ille nefasto te posuit die; intimating, that it
was planted in an Vnlucky day.
The Romans counted Febr. 13. an Un∣lucky
day, and therefore then never at∣tempted
any Business of Importance; for
on that day they were overthrown at Allia
by the Gauls; and the Fabii attacquing the
City of the Veii, were all slain save one.
[Heylyn speaking of St. Peter's Patrimony]
Page 4
And see the Calendar annext to Ovid's
Fastorum, as to the last Circumstance.
The Iews accounted August 10. an un∣fortunate
day; for on that Day the Tem∣ple
was destroyed by Titus the Son of Ves∣pasian;
on which day also the first Temple
was consumed with Fire by Nebuchadnezzar.
[Heylyn.] The Treasury of the Times says, the
Eighth of Loyon (August) the very same day
679 Years one after another.
And not only among the Romans, and
Iews, but also among Christians, a like
Custom of observing such days is used, es∣pecially-Childermas
or Innocents-day. Comi∣nus
tells us, that Lewis XI. used not to
debate any Matter, but accounted it a sign
of great Misfortune towards him, if any
Man communed with him of his Affairs;
and would be very angry with those about
him, if they troubled him with any Matter
whatsoever upon that day.
But I will descend to more particular In∣stances
of Lucky and Unlucky Days.
Upon the Sixth of April, Alexander the
Great was born. Upon the same day he con∣quered
Darius, won a great Victory at Sea,
and died the same day.
Neither was this day less fortunate to his
Father Philip; for on the same day he took
Potidea; Parmenio his General gave a great
Overthrow to the Illyrians; and his Horse
was Victor at the Olympick Games. There∣fore
Page 5
his Prophets foretold to him, Filium
cujus Natalis, &c. That a Son whose Birth∣day
was accompanied with three Victories,
should prove Invincible. Pezelius in Melli∣ficio
Upon the Thirtieth of September, Pom∣pey
the Great was born: Upon that day he
Triumphed for his Asian Conquest; and on
that day he died.
The Nineteenth of August was the day of
Augustus his Adoption: On the same day
he began his Consulship: He Conquered
the Triumviri, and on the same day he
died. Hitherto out of the Memoirs of King
Charles I. Hero's.
If Solomon count The day of ones death bet∣ter
than the day of ones birth, there can be no
Objection why that also may not be reckon∣ed
amongst ones Remarkable and Happy
days. And therefore I will insert here, that
the Eleventh of February was the Noted
day of Elizabeth Wife to Henry VII. who
was born and died that day. Weaver, p. 476.
Brooke in Henry VII. Marriage. Stow in
Anno 1466. 1503.
As also that the Twenty third of Novem∣ber
was the Observable day of Francis Duke
of Lunenburgh, who was born on that day,
and died upon the same 1549, as says the
French Author of the Journal History, who
adds, upon particular Remark and observa∣ble
Page 6
Ipa dies vitam contulit, ipsa necem.The same day Life did give,And made him cease to Live.
Sir Kenelm Digby, that Renowned
Knight, great Linguist, and Magazen of
Arts, was born and died on the Eleventh
of Iune, and also fought fortunately at
Scanderoon the same day. Hear his Epi∣taph,
composed by Mr. Farrar, and recited
in the aforesaid Memoirs:
Vnder this Stone the Matchless Digby lies,Digby the Great, the Valiant, and the Wise:This Age's Wonder, for his Noble Parts;Skill'd in six Tongues, and Learn'd in all the Arts.Born on the day he died, th' Eleventh of June,On which he bravely fought at Scanderoon.'Tis rare, that one and self-same day should beHis day of Birth, of Death, of Victory.
I had a Maternal Uncle, that died the
Third of March last 1678, which was the
Anniversary day of his Birth; and (which
is a Truth exceeding strange) many years
ago he foretold the day of his Death to be
that of his Birth; and he also averred the
same but about the Week before his depar∣ture.
The Third of March is the day of
St. Eutropius; and as to my Uncle it was
significative; it turn'd well to him, accord∣ing
to that of Rev. 14. 13. Blessed are the
Dead, &c. and that of Ovid Metam. lib. 3.
Page 7
—Dicique beatusAnte obitum nemo supremaque funera debet.—None happy callBefore their Death, and final Funeral.
The Sixth of Ianuary was five times au∣spicious
to Charles Duke of Anjou. Ibid. in
the Life of the Earl of Sunderland.
The Twenty fourth of February was happy
to Charles V. four times. [Ibid.] Heylyn speak∣ing
of the Temple of Ierusalem, hints three
of these four; his Birth; his taking of Fran∣cis
King of France Prisoner; his receiving
the Imperial Crown at Bononia. And so
doth also the Journal History before men∣tioned.
Of the Family of the Trevours, Six suc∣cessive
principal Branches have been born
the Sixth of Iuly. Same Memoirs.
Sir Humphrey Davenport was born the
Seventh of Iuly; and on that day Anniver∣sary
his Father and Mother died, within a
quarter of an hour one of another. Same
I have seen an old Romish MSS. Prayer-Book
(and shewed the same to that general
Scholar, and great Astrologer E: Ashmole Esq)
at the beginning whereof was a Calendar,
wherein were inserted the Unlucky days
of each Month, set out in Verse. I will re∣cite
them just as they are, sometimes in∣fringing
the Rule of Grammar, sometimes
of Prosodia; a matter, of which the old
Page 8
Monkish Rhymers were no way scrupu∣lous.
It was as ancient as Henry the Sixth,
or Edward the Fourths time.
The Tenth Verse is intolerable, and
might be mended thus.
Tertia cum dena sit sicut mors aliena.
Page 9
If any object and say, Deni is only the
Plural; I excuse my self by that admirable
Chronogram upon King Charles the Mar∣tyr.
Ter deno, Iani, Lunae, Rex (Sole cadente)Carolus exutus Solio, Sceptroque secure.
Neither will I have recourse for refuge to
that Old Tetrastich,
Intrat Avaloniam duodena. Caterva virorumFlos Arimathiae Ioseph, &c.
because I have even now blamed the li∣berty
of the Ancient Rhymers. He means
by Mors aliena, some strange kind of death;
though aliena signifies strange in quite ano∣ther
sense than there used.
I shall take particular notice here of the
Third of November, both because 'tis my
own Birth-day, and also for that I have
observed some remarkable Accidents to
have happened thereupon.
Constantius the Emperour, Son of Con∣stantine
the Great, little inseriour to his Fa∣ther,
a worthy Warriour, and good Man,
died the Third of November: Ex veteri Ca∣lendario
penes me.
Thomas Montacute Earl of Salisbury, that
great Man, and Famous Commander under
Henry IV. V. and VI. died this day, by a
Wound of a Cannon-shot he received at Or∣leance,
E MSS. quodam, & Glovero.
So also Cardinal Borrhomeo, famous for
his Sanctity of Life, and therefore Cano∣nized
Page 10
(Heylyn in his Praecognita, says, He
made Milan memorable, by his Residence
there) died 1584. this day, as Possevinus in
his Life.
Sir Iohn Perot (Stow corruptly calls him
Parrat) a Man very remarkable in his
Time, Lord Deputy of Ireland, Son to
Henry VIII. and extreamly like him, died
in the Tower, the Third of November 1592.
(as Stow says) Grief, and the Fatality of
this Day killed him. See Nanton's Frag∣menta
Regalia, concerning this Man.
Stow in his Annals, says, Anno 1099,
November 3. as well in Scotland as England,
the Sea broke in over the Banks of many
Rivers, drowning divers Towns, and much
People, with an innumerable number of
Oxen and Sheep, at which time the Lands
in Kent, sometimes belonging to Earl God∣win,
were covered with Sands, and drown∣ed,
and to this day are called Godwins
I had an Estate left me in Kent, of
which between thirty and forty Acres was
Marsh-land, very conveniently flanking its
Up-land; and in those days this Marsh-land
was usually let for Four Nobles an A∣cre.
My Father died 1643. Within a
Year and half after his decase, such Charges
and Water-scots came upon this Marsh-land,
by the influence of the Sea, that it
was never worth one Farthing to me, but
Page 11
very often eat into the Rents of the Up∣land:
So that I often think, this day being
my Birth-day, hath the same evil influence
upon me, that it had 580 years since upon
Earl Godwin, and others concerned in Low
The Parliament so fatal to Rome's con∣cerns
here, in Henry VIII. time, began the
Third of November (26 of his Reign); in
which the Pope, with all his Authority,
was clean banished the Realm; he no more
to be called otherwise than Bishop of Rome;
the King to be taken and reputed as Su∣preme
Head of the Church of England,
having full Authority to reform all Errors,
Heresies and Abuses of the same: Also the
First-fruits and Tenths of all Spiritual Pro∣motions
and Dignities were granted to the
King. See Stow's Annals, and Weaver,
page 80.
Not long after which followed the Visi∣tation
of Abbies, Priories, and Nunneries;
and after that, their final Suppression: This
Parliament being the Door or Entrance
The Third of November 1640, began that
Parliament so direfully fatal to England, in
its Peace, its Wealth, its Religion, its Gen∣try,
Nobility, nay, its Kings. So verifying
the former Verse of the Calendar.
Scorpius est quintus, & tertius è nece cinctus.A Killing day to some or other.
Page 12
The Third of September was a remarka∣ble
day to the English Attila, Oliver. 1650,
He obtained a memorable Victory at Dun∣bar;
another at Worcester, 1651. And that
day he died, 1658.
The first two Occurrences wonderfully
accord to the preceeding Verses.
Tertia Septembris, & denus fert mala
Being fatal to the two Members of Great
Britain, Scotland and England. The third,
as happy to them both, as the same day,
1666, was dismal and unhappy to the City
of London, and consequently to the whole
Kingdom, with its immediate preceeding
and two succeeding days, viz. the Second,
Fourth, and Fifth of September.
I come now to the Days of the Week.
Tuesday (Dies Martis) was a most re∣markable
day with Thomas Becket Arch-Bp.
of Canterbury, as Weaver 201, observes from
Mat. Paris: Mars, Secundum Poetas, Deus
Belli nuncupatur. Vita Sancti Thomae (se∣cundum
illud Iob, Vita hominis militia est super
terram) tota fuit contra hostem bellicosa, &c.
The Life of St. Thomas (according to that
of Iob, The Life of Man is a Warfare upon
Earth) was a continual Conflict against the
Enemy. Upon a Tuesday he suffered;
upon a Tuesday he was translated; upon
Tuesday the Peers of the Land sate against
him at Northampton; upon Tuesday he was
Page 13
Banished; upon Tuesday the Lord appear∣ed
to him at Pontiniac, saying, Thomas,
Thomas, My Church shall be glorified in thy
Blood; upon Tuesday he returned from
Exile; upon Tuesday he got the Palm or
reward of Martyrdom; upon Tuesday
1220, his Venerable Body received the
Glory and Renown of Translation, Fifty
Years after his Passion. Thus my Author.
One thing I make bold to gloss upon. His
Translation is here mentioned twice.
Note, This is no Tautology of the Histo∣rian;
but the latter Paragraph is a more
particular Recitation of the first, viz.
reference to the time when he was Transla∣ted
into the number of Saints and Mar∣tyrs:
Quando in Divorum numerum
relatus, as Camden.
Wednesday is said to have been the for∣tunate
day of Sixtus Quintus, that Pope of
renowned Merit, that did so great and ex∣cellent
things in the time of his Govern∣ment.
See The just weight of the Scarlet
Robe, [pag. 101. his desired Praises.] On
a Wednesday he was born; on that day he
was made Monk; on the same he was
made General of his Order; on that also,
was he successively created Cardinal, elected
Pope, and also Inaugrated. See Heylyn,
speaking of the Temple of Ierusalem.
Friday was observed to be very fortunate
to the Great Renowned Captain Gonsalvo,
Page 14
he having on that day given the French ma∣ny
memorable Defeats.
Saturday was a Lucky Day to Henry VII.
Upon that day he atchieved the Victory up∣on
Richard III. being August 22. 1485. On
that day he entred the City, being August 29.
[Correct Stow, who mistakes the day.] And
he himself always acknowledged, he had ex∣perienced
it Fortunate. See Bacon in his Life.
Thursday was a fatal day to Henry VIII.
[as Stow, 812.] and so also to his Posterity.
He died on Thursday Ian. 28. King Ed∣ward
VI. on Thursday Iuly 6. Queen Mary
on Thursday November 17. Queen Elizabeth
on Thursday March 24.
Saturday (or the Iewish Sabbath) was fa∣tal
to Ierusalem Temple; for on that day
'twas taken by Pompey, Herod and Titus,
successively. Heylyn.
Hitherto by way of Prologue. And be
pleas'd to take notice, as to the Days of the
Month, I have taken such care, that all are
according to the Iulian or old Account,
used by us here in England. [See Partridges
Almanack, Preface to the Reader] Pope
Gregory XIII. brought in his New Stile
(generally used beyond Sea) Anno 1585. in
October, as asserts the Journal History be∣fore
An Old Proverb.
When Easter falls in our Ladies Lap,Then let England beware a Rap.
Page 15
Easter falls on March 25. when the Sun∣day
Letter is G, and the Golden Number 5.
13, or 16. As in the late Years 1459,
1638, 1649.
1459, King Henry VI. was Deposed and
1638, The Scotish Troubles began, on
which insued the great Rebellion.
1648/9, King Charles I. Murthered.
I think it will not happen so again till
the Year 1991.
Now for Epilogue and Remarkable Re∣flection.
Turning over our Annals, I chanced up∣on
a two-fold Circumstance: I will not
say, that none else hath observed the same;
but I protest, (It a me Deus amet, ut verum
loquor) I do not know of any that have; and
therefore must justly claim to be acquitted
from the least suspicion of Plagiarism, or
plowing with others Heifers.
The First is, of William the Conquerour.
The Second, of Edward III. (I need not say
any thing of the Eminency of these two;
every one knows what great things they
did.) And making reflection upon the Au∣spicious
Birth-day of his Royal Highness
the Duke of YORK, I adventured upon
the following Composure. [I cannot be
proud of my Poetry; but I cannot but be
glad of my BON HEVR, d'avoir (en
lisant) tombe si fortuemènt sur les evenements
d'un si BON IOVR.
Page 16
Ad Illustrissimum & Celsissimum Principem,
de Natali suo Auspicatissimo Octobris XIV.
Anno 1633.
—DeusAnne nefasto te posuit die? Hor. lib. 2. od. 13.Octobris Decimo quarto Normannus HaraldumDux superavit, & hinc Regia sceptra tulit.Tertius Edwardus, capto pernice Caleto,(Gallica quo Regna sunt resarata sibi)Ire domum tentans, diris turbinibus actusIn pelago, Vitae magna pericla subit.Octobris Decimo quarto, tamen appulit OrasNativas. (His quàm prosperus ille dies!)Natali laetare tuo, quàm Maxime Princeps;Fausta velut sunt haec, Omina semper habe.October's Fourteenth gave the Norman DukeThat Victory,* 4.1 whence he Englands Scepter took.Third Edward, after he had Calais won,(The Mean whereby he France did over-run)Returning home, by raging Tempests tost,(And near his Life (so fortunes) to have lost)Arrived safe on Shore the self same Date.* 4.2(This day to them afforded so fair Fate.)Great Duke, rejoyce in this your day of Birth;And may such Omens still encrease your Mirth.
These Verses I presented in Anno 1672,
to a most Honourable Peer of the Land,
and of great Place near his Royal Highness.
Page 17
Since which time, Old Fabian coming
into my hands, from him I got knowledg,
that that advantageous Peace, mentioned by
Stow, Anno 1360, (concluded between
the forementioned King Edward III. and the
French King) was acted upon the Four∣teenth
of October, with grand Solemnity.
The two former Circumstances must
needs fall out Providentially: Whether this
last of Anno 1360, was designed by Edward
III. or no, (as remembring his former good
hap) may be some question: I am of opi∣on
Where things are under a Mans peculiar
Concern, he may fix a time; but here was
the French King concerned equally with
the English, and many other great Person∣ages
interested. To have tied them up to his
own Auspicious. Conceit of the Day, had
been an unkind Oppression, and would
have brought the Judgment of so Wise a
Prince into question: We may conclude
then, 'twas meerly fortuitous. And there∣fore
to the former Observation concerning
this Famous Edward, give me leave to add,
Insuper hoc ipso die (sibi commoda) GrandisRex cum Galligenis, foeder a fecit idem.An advantageous Peace, on day self-same,This mighty Prince did with the Frenchmen
A memorable Peace (foretold by Nostreda∣mus)
much conducing to the saving of Chri∣stian
Page 18
Blood, was made upon the Fourteenth
of October 1557. between Pope Paul IV.
Henry II. of France, and Philip II. of Spain.
Nostredamus says, These great Princes were
frappèz du Ciel, moved from Heaven to make
this Peace. See Garenciers Comment on
Nostredamus, page 76.
A Lucky day this, not only to the Prin∣ces
of England; but Auspicious to the Wel∣fare
of Europe.
Iohn Gibbons, 1678.
Thus far Mr. Iohn Gibbon. The Latin
Verses of the Twelve Months quoted by
him out of an old Manuscript, I have seen in
several Mass-books: And they are printed
in the Kalendar to the Works of Venerable
Bede. 'Tis to be presumed, that they were
grounded upon experience; But we have
no Instances left us of the Memorables of
those Days.
As for the Third, and Tenth of September,
I have here set dow some Extractions from
a little Book call'd The Historians Guide, or
Britain's Remembrancer; which was care∣fully
collected by a Club. It begins at the
Year 1600, and is continued to 1690.
There cannot be found in all the time afore∣said,
the like Instances.
Tertia Septembris, & denus fert mala mem∣bris.
September 3. 1641. The Parliament Ad∣journed
to the 20th. of October next, and the
Page 19
Irish Rebellion broke out, where were 20000
Persons barbarously Murthered.
September 3. 1643. Biddiford, Appleford
and Barnstable surrendred to the King.
Septemb. 3. 1650. Dunbar Fight.
Septemb. 3. 1651. Worcester Fight.
Septemb. 3. 1651. Earl of Darby defeat∣ed
at Preston.
Septemb. 3. 1654. A Third Parliament
at Westminster.
Septemb. 3. 1658. Oliver Protector died.
Septemb. 3. 1675. The Town of Nor∣thampton
neer burnt down to the ground by
accidental Fire.
Septemb. 3. 1662. William Lenthal Speak∣er
of the House of Commons died.
Septemb. 3. 4. 1665. Four Dutch Men
of War, two East-India Ships, and several
Merchantmen taken by the Earl of Sand∣wich,
with the loss only of the Hector.
Septemb. 2. 1644. The Earl-of Essex fled
to Plymouth, and the Army submitted to
the King.
Septemb. 2. 1645. The Scots raised the
Siege from before Hereford.
Septemb. 2. 1653. The Londoners petiti∣on
the Parliament to continue Tythes.
Septemb. 2. 1685. The Lady Lisle be∣headed
at Winchester for harbouring Hicks a
Septemb. 4. 1643. Exeter taken by Prince
Page 20
Septemb. 4. 1653. General Blake buried
at Westminster.
Septemb. 5. 1652. The French Fleet beat∣en
by the English.
Memorables on September the Tenth.
Septemb. 10. 1643. The Siege of Glou∣cester
raised. I remember over that Gate
which leads to Nimphs-field was this follow∣ing
Inscription in Free-stone: The Walls
are now pulled down.
Always rememberThe Tenth of SeptemberOne thousand six hundred forty three,And give God the Glorie.
Septemb. 10. 1645. Bristol surrendred to
the Parliament.
Septemb. 10. 1649. Drogheda taken as
appears by Cromwell's Letter to the Speaker
Septemb. 10. 1660. Peace with Spain
Septemb. 10. 1670. Peace concluded be∣tween
England and Spain in America, was
this day ratified at Madrid.
Septemb. 10. 1673. This day his Majesty
commanded the Earl of Ossory to take the
Command of the Fleet at the Buoy in the
Nore, in the absence of Prince Rupert.
Septemb. 12. 1679. The King takes from
the Duke of Monmouth his Commission of
Page 21
Septemb. 11. 1680. Mrs. Celier tryed at
the Old-Bailey, for Publishing a Book called,
Malice Defeated, &c. and found Guilty.
Septemb. 12. 1683. The Siege of Vienna
raised (after the Besieged had lost 10000
Men, and the Besiegers 70000) by the King
of Poland, and the Duke of Lorrain.
May 29. 1630. King Charles II. born.
May 29. 1660. Restored.
May 29. 1672. The Fleet beaten by the
May 29. 1679. A Rebellion broke out
in the West of Scotland, where they Pro∣claimed
the Covenant, and put forth a De∣claration.
The Emperor Charles V. was born on
February 24. 1500.
He won the Battle of Pavia, February 24.
Clement. VII. Crowned him. Emperor,
February 24. 1530.
Raphael d' Vrbin [the famous Painter]
was born on a Good Friday, and died on a
Good Friday.
At Feltwell in Norfolk [which lies East
and West] a Fire happened to break out
at the West end, which the West Wind
blew and burned all the Street: On that
day Twenty Years, another Fire happened
there, which began at the East end; and
burned it to the ground again. This I had
from a Reverend Divine. Quaere de hoc.
Page 22
Colonel Hugh Grove of Wiltshire was be∣headed
at Exeter [together with Colonel
Iohn Penrudock] on the Ninth day of May
1655: On that very day Three Years, his
Son and Heir died at London of a Malignant
Fever, and about the same hour of the day.
A very good Friend of mine and Old ac∣quaintance
was born on the 15th of No∣vember:
his Eldest Son was born on the 15th
of November, and his Second Son's First Son
on the 15th of November.
Day-Fatality of Rome, Written by Iohn
Pell, D. D. from whom I had it.
They that called the City of Rome, Vrbs
Aeterna, seemed to believe, that Rome could
never be destroyed. But there have been
great numbers of Men, that did verily be∣lieve,
that it shall have an irrecoverable
overthrow. Writers have proceeded so far,
as to foretel the time of Rome's final Ruine.
Some said that Rome's Perdition should
happen in the Year of Christ 1670. They
have now been decryed Nine whole Years:
So that few take care to know what Reasons
moved them to pitch upon that Number.
A Lutheran Historian, Anno 1656 wrote
thus: Finem Iubileorum Ecclesiasticorum om∣niumque
temporum in Scriptura revelatorum,
desinere in Annum Christi Millesimum sex∣centesimum
& septuagesimum, antehac obser∣vavit
Beatus Gerhardus cum Philippo Nicolao.
Page 23
But all Men are not of Dr. Gerhard's Opini∣on.
Many Men believe, that some of the
Prophesies in the Revelation do reach far
beyond our times, and that the events
of future times will unclasp and unseal a
considerable portion of the Apocalypse.
One of the Reasons that recommended
the Number of 1670, was because it is the
Sum of 410, and 1260.
Historians agree, that in the Year of
Christ 410, in the Month of August Rome
was trampled under foot, and her Hea∣then
Inhabitants were miserably slaughter∣ed
by the Victorious Army of Alaric, a
Christian King of the Goths. Paulus Dia∣conus
saith, August the 24th was the day of
King Alaric's taking Rome. Kedrenus saith,
it was August the 26th, perhaps the Army
first entred the 24th, and the King follow∣ed
not till two days after.
As for the other Number 1260. It is
twice found in the Revelation of St. Iohn
Chap. 11. 3. My two witnesses shall Prophesie
a thousand two hundred and sixty days. And
chap. 12. 6. Should feed the Woman in the
Wilderness a thousand two hundred and three-score
days. And it is there expressed in ano∣ther
form [42 times 30] chap. 11. 2. The
Gentiles shall tread the holy City under foot
forty and two Months. chap. 13. 5. Power
was given to the Blasphemous Beast to continue
forty and two months. chap. 12. 14. The
Page 24
woman is nourished in the Wilderness for [〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉]
a season and seasons,
and half a season. See Act. 1. 7. 360 and 720
and 180 are equal to 1260. So it seems every
〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 hath 360 days, or twelve Months at
thirty days to a Month. No doubt Daniel had
given occasion to this expression, chap. 7. 25.
A time, and times, and the dividing of time.
No Man can ground any distinct reasoning
upon such general words. But at the end of
the Chapter, he left off his Chaldean Tongue,
and wrote Hebrew in the rest of his Book; and
chap. 12. 7. he speaks more distinctly [For
a season, seasons, and a half his word [Moyed
(〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉) from 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉condixit, indixit, con∣stituit]
is not so large a word, as the other
Hebrew words which we Translate Time.
But yet it is not tyed to a just number of
days (as 360) but is capable of various in∣terpretations
in several Prophesies. Daniel
useth a Plural in both places, and not a Dual
[Two times, and two seasons] Nor doth Iohn
say, Two seasons: But by his Numeral Il∣lustration,
he teacheth us to understand him,
as if he had said (chap. 12. 14.) For three
seasons and half a season: I say Numeral
Illustration. For I take it to be no other
than an easie example (12 and 24 and 6
are 42) to direct the Sons of the Prophets
not yet arrived to the skill of dealing with
difficult supputations of Numbers not then
discoverable 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Revel. 13 18. Here is Wis∣dom,
Page 25
Let him that hath Vnderstanding count
the number of the Beast.
By 1260 days almost all the Interpreters
understand so many Years, but not a Year
of 360 days; because they find no Nation
that hath so short a Year. The Egyptians
had a year of just 365 days; but before
St. Iohn was born, the Romans had forced
them to allow 365¼ as we use now in Eng∣land.
In an enquiry concerning Rome it is fit
to consider the length of a Roman Year. (I
may justly say a Roman Moyed; for no City
ever had 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Years length and form of a
Calender Determined, Setled, and Command∣ed
with so much absolute Authority as
Rome had) Iulius Caesar by an Edict com∣manded
that Number of 365¼ to be obser∣ved,
and therefore it is called a Iulian year.
Three Iulians and an half have days 1278 3/8
But Iulian Years 1378 3/8 are 1278 Iulian
Years, and days 13631/32; or almost 137 days.
Almost 100 years ago, Pope Gregory the
XIII. by a Papal Bull introduced a Calen∣dar
wherein the Years length is supposed to
have days 36597/400. Then three Gregorian
Years and an half have days 1278279/800. But
Gregorian Years 1278279/800 are 1278 Iulian
Years and days almost 118. Wherefore in∣stead
of adding 1260, add 1278, add 137
days to the Year of our Lord 410, August 26.
Page 26
The sum shews the Year of our Lord 1688
August 163, that is, Ten days after the end
of December 1688 Old stile. This is the ut∣most,
or farthest day, beyond which no
Apocalypse account (reckoning from Alaric)
can point out a time, for the final Destructi∣on
of the City of Rome.
Again (instead of adding 1260) add
1278 Years, and days 118 to the Year of
our Lord 410 August 24. The sum shews
the Year of our Lord 1688 August 142,
that is, Eleven days before the end of De∣cember
1688 Old stile. This (December 20) is
the nearest or soonest day that can be ga∣thered
by Apocalyptic account (reckoning from
Alaric) to point out the time of Romes final
Ruin. But if it happens not before the
Eleventh of Ianuary, Men will make no
more reckoning of Alaric; but begin a new
account from Attila in the Year of Christ,
Calculation to a day (when we can do
it) may be defended by a great example.
Exod. 12. 41. at the end of 430 Years, even
the self same day, &c.
Io. Pell.
Dr. Pell told me, that St. Augustin writes
somewhere, to this purpose, viz. That it
were to be wished, that some skilful Ma∣thematitian
would take the pains to exa∣mine
and consider the Mathematical parts
of the Holy Scripture.
As for
Nobility in particular Persons, It is a
reverend thing to see an Ancient Castle or
Building not in decay; or to see a fair
Timber Tree sound and perfect; how
much more to behold an Ancient Noble
Family, which hath stood against the
Waves and Weathers of Time: For new
Nobility is but the Act of Power; but
Ancient Nobility is the Act of Time.
But Omnium rerum est vicissitudo: Fami∣lies,
and Places have their Fatalities, accord∣ing
to that of Ovid
Fors sua cuique loco est—
This piece of a Verse puts me in mind of
several Pla••es in Wiltshire,* 4.4 and elsewhere
that are, or have been fortunate to their
Owners; and è contra.
Sturton [the Seat of the Lord Sturton]
was belonging to this Family before the
Conquest. They say, that after the Victo∣ry
at Battaile, William the Conquerour
came in Person into the West, to receive
their Rendition; that the Lord Abbot of
Glastenbury, and the rest of the Lords and
Grandees of the Western parts waited up∣on
Page 28
the Conquerour at Stourton-house; where
the Family continues to this day.
The Honourable Family of the Hunger∣fords
is probably of as great Antiquity as
any in the County of Wilts. Hungerford
[the place of the Barony] was sold but late∣ly
by Sir Edward Hungerford Knight of the
Bath; as also the Noble and Ancient Seat
of Farleigh-Castle, about An. 167 ... But that
this Estate should so long continue is not
very strange; for it being so vast, 'twas a∣ble
to make several with-standings against
the Shock of Fortune.
The Family of Gawen have been long at
Norrington in the Parish of Alvideston in
Wiltshire. It was sold by—Gawen Esq
to Sir Wadham Windham one of the Judges
of the Kings Bench about 1665. They
continued in this place Four hundred fifty
and odd Years. Then also was sold their
Estate in Broad-Chalk, which they had as
long, or perhaps longer. On the South
Down of the Farm of Broad-Chalk is a little
Barrow called Gawen's Barrow; [which
must be before Ecclesiastical Canons were
constituted; for since, Burials are only in
Consecrated ground.] King Edgar gave
the Mannor and Farm of Broad-Chalk to the
Nunns of Wilton-Abby, which is 900 Years
Mr. Thinne in his Explanation of the hard
words in Chaucer, writes thus, Gawyn,
Page 29
fol. 23. p. 1. This Gawyn was Sisters Son to
Arthur the Great, King of the Britains, a
most famous Man in War, and in all man∣ner
of Civility; as in the Acts of the Bri∣tains
we may read. In the Year 1082 in a
Province of Wales called Rose was his Se∣pulchre
found. Chaucer in the Squires Tale.
This straunge Knight that came thus sodenlyAll armed, save his head, full royallySulued the King, and Queen, and Lords allBy order as they sitten in the HallWith so high Reverence and ObeisaunceAs well in Speech as in Countenance,That Gawain with his old Courtesie,Though he came again out of Fairie,He could him not amend of no word.—
Sir William Batton of Tockenham Baronet
[the Father] told me, that his Ancestors
had the Lease of Alton-farm [400 l. per
Annum] in Wilts (which anciently belong∣ed
to Hyde-Abby juxta Winton) four Hun∣dred
Years. Sir William's Lease expired a∣bout
1652, and so fell into the hands of the
Earl of Pembroke.
Clavel of—in the Isle of Purbec in the
County of Dorset was in that place before
the Conquest, as appears by Dooms-day Book,
The like is said of Hamden, of Hamden in
Bucks: Their Pedigree says, that one of that
Family had the Conduct of that County in
two Invasions of the Danes. Also Pen of
Page 30
Pen in that County was before the Con∣quest,
as by Dooms-day Book.
Contrary wise, there are several places un∣lucky
to their Possessors. e. g. Charter-house
on Mindip in Somersetshire never pass'd
yet, to the Third Generation. The Man∣nor
of Butleigh near Glastonbury, never
went, yet, to the Third Generation.
Bletchington in Oxfordshire continued in
the Family of the Pauures, for about 300
Years: It was alienated by—Pauure to
Sir Iohn Lenthall about the Year 1630, who
sold it again to Sir Thomas Coghill about
1635. He sold it to William Lewis Esq
whose Relict made it over to the Duke of
Richmond and Lenox, about the Year 166 ...,
His Grace sold it to Arthur Earl of Anglesie
about 166 ...
Fatality of Proper Names of Princes. e. g.
Augustus the first Roman Emperor and Au∣gustulus
the last. Constantine the first Greci∣an
Emperor and Constantine the last. The
like is observed of the first and last Mexican
Experors: And the Turks have a Prophesie
that the last Emperor will be a Mahomet.
Iohn hath been an unfortunate Name to
Kings. All the Second Kings since the
Conquest have been unfortunate.
London-Derry was the first Town in Ire∣land
that declared for the Parliament against
King Charles the I. and for the Prince of
Orange against King Iames the II. It was
Page 31
closely Besieged both times without effect.
The Kings Party were once Master of all
the Kingdom except London-Derry and Dub∣lin,
and King Iames had all in his power
but London-Derry and Iniskilling. One Taylor
a Minister was as famous for his Martial
feats in the first Siege, as Walker in the last.
'Tis certain, that there are some Houses
unlucky to their Inhabitants, which the
Reverend and Pious Dr. Nepier could ac∣knowledge.
See Tobit chap. 3. v. 8. That
she had been married to seven Husbands, whom
Asmodeus the evil spirit had killed, before they
had lien with her.
The Fleece-Tavern in Covent-garden [in
York-street] was very unfortunate for Homi∣cides:
there have been several killed, three
in my time: It is now (1692) a private
A handsom Brick-house on the South
side of Clerken-well Church-yard hath been
so unlucky for at least Forty Years that it
was seldom Tenanted; and at last, no body
would adventure to take it. Also a hand∣some
House in Holbourn that looked toward
the Fields; the Tenants of it did not pros∣per,
several, about six.
At the Sign of—over against Nor∣thumberland
House near Chearing-Cross died
the Lady Baynton [Eldest Daughter of Sir
Iohn Danvers of Dantesey.] Some years after
in the same House died my Lady Hoby [her
Page 32
Sister] of the Small-Pox, and about twenty
years after died their Nephew Henry Dan∣vers
Esq of the Small-Pox, aged Twenty
one, wanting two Weeks. He was Nephew
and Heir to the Right Honourable Henry
Danvers Earl of Danby.
Edmund Wyld Esq hath had more Deo∣dands
from his Mannour of Totham in Essex,
than from all his Estate besides: Two Mis∣chiefs
happened in one Ground there.
Disinheriting the Eldest Son is forbid in
the Holy Scripture, and Estates disinherited
are observed to be unfortunate; of which
one might make a large Catalogue. See
Dr. Saunderson's Sermon—where he dis∣courses
of this Subject.
Periodical Small-Poxes.
The Small-Pox is usually in all great
Towns:* 4.5 But it is observed at Taunton in
Somersetstire, and at Shirburne in Dorsetshire,
that at one of them at every Seventh Year,
and at the other at every Ninth Year comes
a Small-Pox, which the Physitians cannot
master, e. g.
Mr. Ax also promised me to enquire at
Taunton the Years it happened there after
It were to be wished that more such Ob∣servations
were made in other great Towns.
Platerus makes the like Observations in
the second Book of his Practise, pag. 323.
He practised at Basil 56 Years, and did ob∣serve,
that every Tenth Year they died of
the Plague there.
See Captain I. Graunts Observations of
the Bills of Mortality at London [indeed,
written by Sir William Petty, which in a
late Transaction he confessed] for the Peri∣odical
Plagues at London, which (as I re∣member)
are every Twenty fifth Year.
Ostenta, or Portents.
HOW it comes to pass, I know not;* 4.8
but by Ancient and Modern Ex∣ample
it is evident, that no great Accident
befalls a City or Province, but it is pre∣saged
by Divination, or Prodigy, or
Page 34
Astrologie, or some way or other.
shall here set down a few Instances.
A Rainbow appeared about the Sun before
the Battel of Pharsalia. See Appian; and
Mr. T. May's V. Book of his Continuation
of Lucan,
Ex Chronico Saxonico, P. 112. Anno
MCIV. fuit primus Pentecostes dies Nonis
Iunii, & die Martis sequente, conjuncti sunt
quatuor Circuli circa Solem, albi coloris, &
quisque sub alio collocatus, quasi picti essent.
Omnes qui videbant obstupuerunt, propterea
quod nunquam ante tales meminerant. Post
haec facta est Pax inter Comitem Robertum
de Normanniâ, & Robertum de Baelaesme—
Our Chronicles tell us, that Anno Se∣cundo
Reginae Mariae 15 Feb. two Suns ap∣peared,
and a Rainbow reversed: See the
Bow turned downwards, and the two ends
standing upwards; before the coming in
of King Philip.
This following Phaenomenon was seen at
Broad-Chalk in Wiltshire, on the first day
Page 35
of May, 1647. It continued from about
Eleven a Clock [or before] till XII. It
was a very clear day; but few did take
notice of it, because it was so near the Sun∣beams.
My Mother happened to espy it,
going to see what a Clock it was by an Ho∣rizontal
Dial; and then all the Servants
saw it. Upon the like occasion Mr. Io.
Sloper B. D. Vicar there, saw it, and all his
Family: and Servants of Sir George Vaug∣ham
[then of Falston] who were Hunting
on the Downs, saw it. The Circles were
of Rainbow colour; the two Filots, which
cross the greater Circle [I presume they
were Segments of a Third Circle] were of
a pale Colour. The Sun was within the
Intersections of the Circles.* 4.9 The next re∣markable
thing that followed was, that on
the Third of Iune following, Cornet Ioyce
carried King Charles I. Prisoner from Hol∣denby
to the Isle of Wight. The Isle of Wight
lieth directly from Broad-Chalk, at the X
a Clock point.
This following Phaenomenon was seen in
the North side of the Church-yard of Bi∣shops-Lavington
in Wiltshire, about the lat∣ter
end of September 1688, about Three a
Clock in the Afternoon.
Page 36
This was more than a Semicircle.
[illustration] Horizon.
B B Two Balls of light. They were
about Eleven degrees above the Horizon by
the Quadrant; observed by Mr. Robert
Blea, one of the Earl of Abingdon's Gentlemen.
Cicero de Natura Deorum Lib. II. Mul∣ta
praeterea Ostentis, multa ex eis admonemur,
multisque rebus aliis, quas diuturnus usus ita
notarit, ut artem Divinationis efficeret.—
BEfore the Battel at Philippi began, two
Eagles fought in the Air between the
two Armies: Both the Armies stood still
and beheld them, and the Army was bea∣ten,
Page 37
that was under the vanquished Eagle.
See Appian's Hist. Part. II. Lib. 4. §. 2.
The Silver Cross that was wont to be
carried before Cardinal Wolsey, fell out of
its Socket, and was like to have knock'd
one of the Bishop's Brains out. A very lit∣tle
while after, came in a Messenger, and
arrested the Cardinal, before he could get
out of the House. See Stow's Chronicle.
'Tis commonly reported, that before an
Heir of the Cliftons of Clifton in Nottingham∣shire
dies, that a Sturgeon is taken in the
River Trent by that place.
Thomas Fludd of Kent, Esq told me, that
it is an old Observation, which was pressed
earnestly to King Iames I, that he should
not remove the Queen of Scots Body from
Northamptonshire where she was beheaded,
and interred: For that, it always bodes ill
to the Family, when Bodies are removed
from their Graves. For some of the Fami∣ly
will die shortly after, as did Prince Henry,
and, I think Queen, Anne.
A little before the Death of Oliver Pro∣tector,
a Whale came into the River Thames
and was taken at Greenwich ... foot long.
'Tis said, Oliver was troubled at it.
When I was a Freshman at Oxford 1642,
I was wont to go to Christ-Church to see
King Charles I. at Supper: Where I once
heard him say,
That as he was Hawking
in Scotland, he rode into the Quarry, and
Page 38
found the Covey of Partridges falling up∣on
the Hawk; and I do remember this
expression farther, viz. and I will swear
upon the Book 'tis true.
When I came
to my Chamber, I told this Story to my
Tutor; said he, That Covey was London.
The Bust of King Charles I. carv'd by
Barnini, as it was brought in a Boat upon
the Thames, a strange Bird [the like where∣of
the Bargemen had never seen] drop'd a
drop of Blood, or Blood-like upon it; which
left a stain not to be wiped off. This Bust
was carved from a Picture of Sir Anthony
Van Dyke's Drawing; the Sculptor found
great fault with the Fore-head, as most un∣fortunate.
There was a Seam in the middle
of his Fore-head (downwards) which is a
very ill sign in Metoposcopie.
Colonel Sharington Talbot was at Notting∣ham,
when King Charles I. did set up his
Standard upon the top of the Tower there.
He told me, that the first night, the Wind
blew it so, that it hung down almost hori∣zontal;
which some did take to be an ill
The day that the Long Parliament began
1641, the Scepter fell out of the Figure of
King Charles in Wood in Sir—Trenchard's
Hall at Wullich in Dorset, as they were at
dinner in the Parlour: Justice Hunt then
dined there.
The Picture of Arch-Bishop Lawd in his
Page 39
Closet fell down [the string brake] the day of
the sitting of that Parliament. This is men∣tioned
in Canterbury's Doom by W. Prynn.
The Psalms for the Eleventh Day of the
Month are 56, 57, 58, &c. On the 11th.
day of one of the Months in the Summer
time, the Citizens came tumultuously in
great Numbers in Boats and Bardges over a∣gainst
White-hall, to shew, they would take
the Parliaments part. The Psalms afore∣said,
both for Morning and Evening Service
are as Prophecies of the Troubles that did
When the High-Court of Justice was
voted in the Parliament-House, as Berken∣head
[the Mace-bearer] took up the Mace
to carry it before the Speaker, the top of the
Mace fell off. This was avowed to me by
an Eye-witness then in the House.
The Head of King Charles Is. Staff did fall
off at his Tryal; that is commonly known.
The Second Lesson for the 30th. of Ianu∣ary
in the Kalendar before the Common-Prayer,
is concerning the Tryal of Christ:
which when Bishop Duppe read, the King
was displeased with him, thinking he had
done it of choice: but the Bishop cleared
himself by the Kalendar, as is to be seen.
King Charles II. was Crowned at the very
conjunction of the Sun and Mercury; Mercury
being then in Corde Solis. As the King was
at Dinner in Westminster-Hall, it Thundred
Page 40
and Lightned extreamly. The Cannons and
the Thunder played together.
King Charles II. went by long Sea to
Portsmouth, or Plymouth, or both: an ex∣traordinary
Storm arose, which carried
him almost to France. Sir Ionas Moor (who
was then with his Majesty) gave me this
Account, and said, that when they came
to Portsmouth to refresh themselves, they had
not been there above half an Hour, but the
Weather was Calm and the Sun shone:
His Majesty put to Sea again, and in a lit∣tle
time they had the like Tempestuous
Weather as before.
The Gloucester-Frigot cast away at the
Lemanore, and most of the Men in it, the
Duke of York escaping in a Cock-boat An∣no
1682. May the fifth, on a Fryday.
When King Iames II. was Crowned [ac∣cording
to the Ancient Custom, the Peers
go to the Throne, and kiss the King] the
Crown was almost kiss'd off his Head. An
Earl did set it right: And as he came from
the Abbey to Westminster-Hall, the Crown
totter'd extreamly.
The Canopy [of Cloath of Gold] carried
over King Iames IIs. Head by the Wardens
of the Cinque Ports, was torn by a puff of
Wind as he came to Westminster-hall: It
hung down very lamentably: I saw it.
The top of his Scepter [Flower de Lis] did
then fall, which the Earl of Peterborough took
Page 41
Upon Saint Mark's day, after the Coro∣nation
of King Iames II. were prepared
stately Fire-works on the Thames: It hap∣pened,
that they took fire all together, and
it was so dreadful, that several Spectators
leap'd into the River, choosing rather to be
drown'd than burn'd. In a Yard by the
Thames was my Lord Powys's Coach and
Horses: the Horses were so frighted by the
Fire-works, that the Coachman was not
able to stop them, but ran away over one
who with great difficulty recovered.
When King Iames II. was at Salisbury,
Anno 1688, the Iron Crown upon the Tur∣ret
of the Councel-house was blown off.
In February, March, and April, two Ravens
built their Nests on the Weather-cock of the
high Steeple at Bakwell in Darbyshire.
I did see Mr. Chr. Love beheaded on
Tower-hill, in a delicate clear day: About
half an hour after his Head was struck off,
the Clouds gathered blacker and blacker:
and such terrible Claps of Thunder came,
that I never heard greater.
'Tis reported, that the like happened af∣ter
the Execution of Alderman Cornish in
Cheap-side, Octob. 23. 1685.
Anno 1643, as Major Iohn Morgan of
Wells was marching with the Kings Army
into the West, fell sick of a Malignant Fe∣ver
at Salisbury, and was brought dange∣rously
ill to my Father's at Broad-Chalk, where
Page 42
he was lodged, secretly, in a Garret. There
came a Sparrow to the Chamber Window,
which peck'd the Lead of a certain Pannel
only, and only one side of the Lead of the
Lozenge, and made one small hole in it.
He continued this pecking and biting the
Lead, during the whole time of his sickness
(which was not less than a Month) when
the Major went away the Sparrow desisted:
and came thither no more. Two of the
Servants that attended the Major, and sober
Persons, declared this for a certainty.
Sir Walter Long's [of Dorset in Wilts]
Widow did make a solemn promise to him,
on his Death-bed, that she would not marry
after his Decease. But not long after one
Sir—Fox, a very Beautiful young Gen∣tleman
did win her Love: so that notwith∣standing
her Promise aforesaid, she married
him: She married at South-wrax-hall, where
the Picture of Sir Walter hung over the Par∣lour
door, as it doth now at Dracot. As
Sir—Fox led his Bride by the hand
from the Church (which is near to the
House) into the Parlour, the string of the
Picture brake, and the Picture fell on her
shoulder, and crack'd in the fall: [it was
painted on wood as the fashion was in those
days.] This made her Ladyship reflect on
her Promise, and drew some Tears from her
Page 43
See Sir Walter Raleigh's History Book IV.
chap. 2. §. 7. p ... The Dogs of the French
Army, the night before the Battle of No∣vara,
ran all to the Swisses Army: the next
day the Swisses obtained a glorious Victory
of the French. Sir Walter Raleigh affirms it
to be certainly true.
The last Battle fought in the North of
Ireland between the Protestants and the Pa∣pists
was in Glinsuly near Letterkenny in the
County of Donegall. Veneras was the Po∣pish
Bishop of Clogher, and that of the Par∣liament
Army Sir Charles Coot. They
pitch'd their Tents on each side the River
Suly. And the Papists constantly persist in
it to this very day, that the Night before
the Action, a Woman of uncommon
stature all in white appearing to the said
Bishop, admonished him not to cross the
River first to assault the Enemy, but suf∣fer
them to do it, whereby he should ob∣tain
the Victory. That if the Irish took
the water first to move towards the Eng∣lish,
they should be put to a total rout,
which came to pass. Ocahan, and Sir Henry
O Neal who were both kill'd there, saw se∣verally
the same Apparition, and disswaded
the Bishop from giving the first onset, but
could not prevail upon him. In the mean
time I find nothing in this Revelation, that
any common Soldier might not conclude
without extraordinary means.
Page 44
Near the same place a party of the Pro∣testants
had been surpriz'd sleeping by the
Popish Irish, were it not for several Wrens
that just wakned them by dancing and
pecking on the Drums as the Enemy were
approaching. For this reason the wild
Irish mortally hate these Birds to this day,
calling them the Devils Servants, and kill∣ing
them where ever they catch them;
They teach their Children to thrust them
full of Thorns: You'll see sometimes on Ho∣lidays
a whole Parish running like mad∣men
from Hedg to Hedg a Wren-hunting.
Anno 1679, After the Discovery of the
Popish Plot, the Penal Laws were put in
execution against the Roman Catholicks: So,
that if they did not receive the Sacrament
according to the Church of England in their
Parish Church, they were to be severely
proceeded against according to Law: Mr.
Ployden, to avoid the Penalty, went to his
Parish Church at Lasham near Alton in
Hampshire: when Mr. Laurence [the
Minister] had put the Chalice into Mr.
Ployden's hand, the Cup of it (wherein the
Wine was) fell off. 'Tis true, It was out
of order before; and he had a Tremor in
his hand. The Communion was stopt by
this accident. This was attested to me by
two of the Neighbouring Ministers, as also
several Gentlemen of the Neighbourhood.
Page 45
When King Iames II. first entred Dublin
after his Arrival from France 1689, one of
the Gentlemen that bore the Mace before
him stumbled without any rub in his way,
or other visible occasion. The Mace fell
out of his hands, and the little Cross upon
the Crown thereof stuck fast between two
stones in the street. This is very well
known all over Ireland, and did much
trouble King Iames himself with many of
his chief Attendants.
— 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉
Homer Iliad A.
HE that has a mind to read of Dreams,
may peruse Cicero de Divinatione,
Hier. Cardani Somniorum Synesiorum Lib.
IV. and Moldinarius de Insomniis, &c. I
shall here mention but little out of them,
my purpose being chiefly to set down some
remarkable, and Divine Dreams of some,
that I have had the honour to be intimate∣ly
acquainted with, persons worthy of Be∣lief.
Cicero de Divinatione Lib. I.
Coelius scribit, cùm Columnam auream, quae es∣set
in fano Iunonis Laciniae, auferre vellet, du∣bitaretque
Page 46
utrum ea solida esset, an extrinsecus
inaurata, perterebravisse: cumque solidam in∣venisset,
statuissetque tollere, secundum quietem
visam esse ei Iunonem praedicere, ne id faceret;
minitarique, si id fecisset, se curaturam, ut eum
quoque oculum, quo bene videret, amitteret:
idque ab homine acuto non esse neglectum: ita∣que
ex eo auro, quod exterebratum esset, bucu∣lam
curasse faciendam, & eam in summa co∣lumna
—Cum duo quidam Arcades familiares
iter unà facerent, & Megaram venissent, alte∣rum
ad cauponem divertisse; ad hospitem al∣terum.
Qui, ut coenati quiescerent, concubia
nocte visum esse in somnis ei qui erat in hospi∣tio,
illum alterum or are ut subveniret, quòd si∣bi
à caupone interitus pararetur: eum primò
perterritum somnio surrexisse: deinde, cùm se
collegisset, idque visum pro nihilo habendum esse
duxisset, recubuisse: tum ei dormienti eundem
illum visum esse rogare, ut quoniam sibi vivo
non subvenisset, mortem suam ne inultam esse
pateretur: se interfectum in plaustrum â caupo∣ne
esse conjectum, & supra stercus injectum:
petere, ut manè ad portam adesset, priusquam
plaustrum ex oppido exiret. Hoc verò som∣nio
commotum manè bubulco praestò ad por∣tam
fuisse, quaesisse ex eo, quid esset in plaustro:
illum perterritum fugisse, mortuum erutuum esse,
cauponem re patefacta poenas dedisse. Quid hoc
somnio dici divinius potest?
Page 47
—Somnium de Simonide, qui cum
ignotum quendam projectum mortuum vidisset,
eumque humavisset, haberetque in animo navem
conscendere, moneri visus est, ne id faceret,
ab eo, quem sepultum affecerent: si navigasset
eam naufragio esse perituram: itaque Simon∣dem
redisse; perisse caeteros, qui tum navigassent.
Cicero de Divinatione, Lib. II. Somnium
Alexandri. Qui, cùm Ptolomaeus familiaris
ejus in praelio telo venenato ictus esset, eóque
vulnere summo cum dolore moreretur, Alexan∣der
assidens somno est consopitus; tum secundum
quietem visus ei dicitur draco is, quem mater
Olympias alebat, radiculam ore ferre, & simul
dicere quo illa loci nasceretur (neque is longe ab∣erat
ab eo loco:) ejus autem esse vim tantam,
ut Ptolemaeum facile sanaret. Cùm Alexander
experrectus narrasset amicis somnium, emisisse
qui illam radiculam quaererent. Qua inventa,
& Ptolemaeus sanatus dicitur, & multi mili∣tes,
qui erant eodem genere teli vulnerati.
Cardanus Somniorum Synesiorum. Lib. IIII.
Cap. 2. Narrat Plinius 25 Lib. Nat. Hist.
vir ab omni superstitione alienissimus, Histo∣riam
hujusmodi. Nuper cujusdam mili∣tantis
in Paetorio mater vidit in quiete,
ut radicem sylvestris Rosae (quam cynor∣rhodon
vocant) blanditam sibi aspectu
pridie in fruteto, mitteret filio bibendam:
In Lacetania res gerebatur, Hispaniae
proxima parte: casuque accidit, ut mi∣lite
à morsu canis incipiente aquas ex∣pavescere,
Page 48
superveniret epistola orantis ut
parêret religioni: servatusque est ex in∣sperato,
& posteà quisquis auxilium simi∣le
Ibid. Galeni tria Somnia.
magis dignum miraculo, cum bis per somnium
admonitus ut arteriam secaret quae inter pollicem
& indicem est, idque agens liberatus sit à diu∣turno
dolore, quo infestabatur eâ in parte, qua
septo transverso jecur jungitur, idque in libri
de sectione venae fine testatus est. Magno certè
exemplo, quod tantus vir in medicina eam ad∣hibuerit
somnio fidem, ut in seipso periculam
vitae subierit, in arte propria. Deinde probi∣tatem
admiror, ut quò potuerit solertia ingenii
sibi inventum ascribere, Deo cui debebatur, red∣diderit.
Dignus vel hoc solo vir immortali∣tate
nominis, & librorum suorum.
In his fourth Book, chap. 4. De exem∣plis
propriis, he owns the Solution of some
difficult Problems in Algebra to his Dreams.
Plinii Nat. Hist. Lib. XXII. cap. 17.
Vernula charus Pericli Atheniensium Prin∣pi,
cùm is in arce templum aedificaret,
repsissetque super altitudinem fastigii, &
inde cecidisset, hac herba [Parthenio] di∣citur
sanatus, mostrata Pericli somnio à
Minerva. Quare Parthenium vocari
coepta est, assignaturque ei Deae.
Augustinus, Cui etiam praeter sanctitatem,
plena fides adhiberi potest, duo narrat inter
reliqua, somnia admiranda. Primum, quod
Page 49
cum quidam mortuo nuper patre venaretur tan∣quam
de pecunia quam pater illi ex chirographo
debuisset, dum incastus viveret, ex hac causae
nocte quadam umbram patris videt, quae illum
admonuit de persolutâ pecuniâ & ubi chirogra∣phum
esset repositum. Cum surrexisset, invenit
chirographum loco eo quem umbra paterna docu∣erat,
liberatusque est ab injusto petitore.
Alterum adhuc magis mirum.
Praestantius, vir quidam, à Philosopho peti∣er
at dubitationem quandam solvi: quod ille per∣negavit.
Nocte sequente, tametsi vigilaret
Praestantius, vidit sibi Philosophum assistere,
ac dubitationem solvere, moxque abire. Cùm
die sequenti obviam Praestantius eundem habu∣isset
Philosophum, rogat, Cur cùm pridie ro∣gatus
noluisset solvere illam quaestionem, in∣tempesta
nocte non rogatus, & venisset ad se
& dubitationem aperuisset. Cui Philosophus.
Non quidem ego adveni, sed somnians visus
sum tibi hoc officium praestare.
The Plague raging in the Army of the
Emperor Charles Vth, he Dreamt, that the
Decoction of the Root of the Dwarfe-Thistle
[a Mountain Plant since called the Caro∣line
Thistle] would Cure that Disease. See
Gerards Herbal, who tells us this.
In Queen Mary's time, there was only
one Congregation of Protestants in London,
to the number of about 300. One—
was the Deacon to them, and kept the List
of their Names: One—of that Congre∣gation
Page 50
did Dream, that a Messenger [Queens
Officer] had seized on this Deacon, and
taken his List; the Fright of the Dream a∣waked
him: He fell asleep and dreamt the
same perfect Dream again. In the Morn∣ing
before he went out of his Chamber, the
Deacon came to him and told him his
Dream, and said, it was a Warning from
God; the Deacon slighted his advice as
savouring of Superstition; but—was so
urgent with him, that he prevail'd with him
to deposite the List in some other Hand,
which he did that Day. The next Day the
Queens Officer attacqued him, and search'd
(in vain) for the List, which had it been
found, would have brought them all to the
Flame. Fox's Martyrology.
When Arch-Bishop Abbot's Mother (a
poor Clothworker's Wife in Gilford) was
with Child of him, she did long for a Iack,
and she dreamt that if she should Eat a
Jack, her Son in her Belly should be a great
Man. She arose early the next Morning
and went with her Pail to the River-side
(which runneth by the House, now an Ale-house,
the Sign of the 3 Mariners) to take
up some Water, and in the Water in the
Pail she found a good Jack, which she
dressed, and eat it all, or very near. Seve∣ral
of the best Inhabitants of Gilford were
invited (or invited themselves) to the
Christning of the Child; it was Bred up a
Page 51
Scholar in the Town, and by degrees, came
to be Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.
In the Life of Monsieur Peiresk, Writ by
Gassendes, it is said, that Monsieur Peiresk,
who had never been at London, did Dream,
that he was there, and as he was walking
in a great Street there, espied in a Goldsmiths
Glass-Desk, an Antique Coin, he could
never meet with (I think an Otho.) When
he came to London, walking in (I think)
Cheapside he saw such a Shop, and remem∣bred
the Countenance of the Goldsmith in
his Dream, and found the Coin desir'd,
in his Desk. See his Life.
When Doctor Harvey (one of the Physi∣tians
College in London) being a Young
Man, went to Travel towards Padoa, he
went to Dover (with several others) and
shewed his Pass, as the rest did, to the Go∣vernor
there. The Governor told him,
that he must not go, but he must keep him
Prisoner. The Doctor desired to know for
what reason? how he had transgrest. Well it
was his Will to have it so. The Pacquet-Boat
Hoised Sail in the Evening (which was ve∣ry
clear) and the Doctor's Companions in
it. There ensued a terrible Storm, and the
Pacquet-Boat and all the Passengers were
Drown'd: The next day the sad News
was brought to Dover. The Doctor was
unknown to the Governor, but by Name
and Face; but the Night before, the Go∣vernor
Page 52
had a perfect Vision in a Dream of
Doctor Harvey, who came to pass over
to Calais; and that he had a Warning to
stop him. This the Governor told to the
Doctor the next day. The Doctor was a
pious good Man, and has several times di∣rected
this Story to some of my Acquain∣tance.
My Lady Seymer dreamt, that she found
a Nest, with Nine Finches in it. And so
many Children she had by the Earl of Win∣chelsey,
whose name is Finch.
The Countess of Cork (now Burlington)
being at Dublin, dreamt that her Father
(the Earl of Cumberland) who was then at
York, was Dead. He died at that time.
'Tis certain, that several had monitory
Dreams of the Conflagration of London.
Sir Christopher Wren, being at his Father's
House Anno. 1651. at Knahil in Wilts,
(a young Oxford Scholar) dreamt, that he
saw a Fight in a great Market-place, which
he knew not; where some were flying, and
others pursuing; and among those that
fled, he saw a Kinsman of his who went in∣to
Scotland to the King's Army. They
heard in the Country, that the King was
come into England, but whereabout he
was they could not tell. The next Night
his Kinsman came to his Father at Knahill,
and was the first that brought the News
of the Fight at Worcester.
Page 53
When Sir Christopher Wren was at Paris
about 1671, he was Ill and Feverish, made
but little Water, had a pain in his Reins.
He sent for a Physitian, who advis'd him
to be let Blood, thinking he had a Pleurisy:
But Bleeding much disagreeing with his
Constitution, he would defer it a Day lon∣ger:
That Night he dreamt, that he was
in a place where Palm-Trees grew, (sup∣pose
Egypt) and that a Woman in a Ro∣mantick
Habit, reach'd him Dates. The
next Day he sent for Dates, which Cured
him of the pain in his Reins.
Since, I have learn'd that Dates are an
admirable Medicine for the Stone, from
old Capt. Took of K. Take 6 or 10 Date∣stones,
dry them in an Oven, pulverize and
searce them; take as much as will lie on
a 6 d. in a quarter of a Pint of White-wine
Fasting; and at Four in the Afternoon:
Walk or Ride an Hour after: In a Weeks
time it will give ease, and in a Month
Cure. If you are at the Bath, the Bath
Water is better than White-wine to take it
Sir Iohn Hoskin's Lady, when she lay in
of her Eldest Son had a Swelling on one
side of her Belly the 3d. day when the Milk
came, and Obstructions: She dreamt that
Syrup of Elderberries and Distill'd water of
Woormwood would do her good; and it
did so: she found ease in a quarter of an
Page 54
Hour after she had taken it. I had this Ac∣count
from her Ladyship's own Mouth.
Captain—Wingate told me, that Mr.
Edmund Gunter of Gresham College did cast
his Nativity, when he was about 17, or 18
Years old; by which he did Prognosticate
that he should be in danger to lose his Life
for Treason. Several Years before the Ci∣vil
Wars broke out, he had dreamt that he
was to be put to Death, before a great Ca∣stle,
which he had never seen; which made
a strong impression in his Memory. In
Anno 1642, he did oppose the Church Ce∣remonies,
and was chosen a Member of Par∣liament,
then was made a Captain, and
was taken Prisoner at Edge-hill by Prince
Rupert, and carried to Kenelworth Castle,
where he was Tryed by a Council of
War, and Condemn'd to Die: But they
did better consider of it, and spared his
Life; for that he being so considerable
a Person, might make an exchange for some
of the King's Party: And he was exchang'd
for the Right Honourable Montague Earl of
Lindsey (Heir of the General). Since the
Restauration he was made one of the Com∣missioners
of the Excise-Office in London.* 4.10
He did Protest that Kenelworth Castle was
the very Castle that he saw in his Dream.
Sir Roger L'Estrange was wont to diver∣tise
himself with Cocking in his Father's
(Sir Hammond L'Estrange's) Park; he dreamt
Page 55
that there came to him in such a place of the
Park a Servant, who brought him News,
that his Father (who had been Sick a good
while) was departed. The next day go∣ing
to his usual Recreation, he was resolv'd
for his Dream sake to avoid that way; but
his Game led him to it, and in that very
place, the Servant came and brought him
the Ill News according to his Dream.
Mr. Edmund Halley R. S. S. was carried on
with a strong Impulse to take a Voyage to
St. Hellens, to make Observations of the
Southern Constellations, being then about 24
Years Old. Before he undertook his Voy∣age,
he dream'd that he was at Sea Sailing
towards that place, and saw the Prospect
of it from the Ship in his Dream, which
he declared in the R. Society that it was the
perfect Representation of that Island, even
as he had it really when he approach'd to
A Gentlewoman dream'd that a Pul••ess
of Blew-Corans, would Cure her sore
Throat; and it did so: She was a pious
Woman, and affirm'd it to be true.
Anno 1690 one in Ireland dream'd of a
Brother, or near Relation of his, (who
lived at Amesbery in Wiltshire) that he saw
him riding on the Downs, and that two
Thieves Robb'd him and Murther'd him:
The Dream awaked him, he fell asleep a∣gain
and had the like Dream. He Writ to
Page 56
his Relation an account of it, and describ'd
the Thieves Complexion, Stature and
Cloths; and advis'd him to take care of
himself. Not long after he had receiv'd
this Monitory Letter, he Rode towards
Salisbury, and was Robb'd and Murther'd:
And the Murtherers were discovered by
this Letter, and were Executed: They
hang in Chains on the Road to London.
'Twas reveal'd to a King of Scots, that if
he drank of the Water of Muswell, he should
be Cured—After great enquiry, they
heard of such a place, not far from Hornsey
in Middlesex. See Weaver's Funeral Monu∣ments
of the Well: And Io. Norden's De∣scription
of Middlesex. Here was afterwards
founded a Religious-House for Austin
Monks: Since it belonged to Sir Tho. Row:
and in 1677, was pull'd down, and the Ma∣terials
sold. Anciently the King's of Scot∣land
were Feudatory to the King's of Eng∣land,
and did their Homage every Christ∣mas
Day. They had several Lodges be∣longing
to them for their Reception in their
Journey; as at Huntingdon &c. See Caxton's
Chronicle concerning this.
The Water of this Spring is drank for
some Distempers still.
Somnium ex Euburneâ portâ.
Mrs. Cl. of S. in the County of S. had a
beloved Daughter, who had been a long
time Ill, and received no benefit from her
Page 57
Physitians. She dream'd that a Friend of
hers deceased, told her, that if she gave her
Daughter a Drench of Yewgh pounded, that
she would recover, she gave her the Drench
and it Killed her. Whereupon she grew
almost distracted: Her Chamber Maid to
Complement her, and mitigate her Grief,
said surely that could not Kill her; she
would adventure to take the same her self;
she did so, and died also. This was about
the Year 1670, or 1671. I knew the Fa∣mily.
A Gentlewoman of my acquaintance
dream'd, that if she slept again, the House
would be in danger to be Robb'd: She kept
awake, and anon Thieves came to break
open the House; but were prevented.
Mr. Winstanly (Surveyor of the King's
Works) hath built a handsome House at
Littlebury in Cambridgshire near Audely-Inn
where are to be seen several Ingenious Ma∣chines;
one whereof is thus: A Wooden
Slipper finely Carved lieth on the Floor of a
Chamber about a Yard and an half within
the Door, which the Stranger is to take up
(it comes up pretty stiff) and up starts a
Skeleton. I. H. Esq had been there: And
being at West-Lavington with the Earl of
Abbington, dream'd December the 9th, that he
was at Mr. Winstanly's House, and took up
the Slipper, and up rose his Mother in
Mourning: And anon the Queen appeared
Page 58
in Mourning. He told his Dream the next
Morning to my Lord, and his Lordship im∣parted
it to me (then there). Tuesday Dec. 11.
in the Evening, came a Messenger Post from
London to acquaint Mr. H. that his Mother
was dangerously Ill: He went to London
the next Day: his Mother lived but a∣bout
8 Days longer. On Saturday Dec. 15.
the Queen was taken Ill, which turned to
the Small-Pox, of which she died Decem. 28
about two a Clock in the Morning.
There are Millions of such Dreams too
little taken notice of; but they have the truest
Dreams, whose IXth House is well dignified;
which mine is not: But most have some
Monitory Dreams. The Germans are great
Observers of them. It is said, in the Life
of Vavasor Powell, that he was a great Ob∣server
of Dreams, (P. 17 and 114 of his
Life) that he had many Warnings from
them; that God had spoken to himself and
others by them; for Warning, Instruction,
or Reproof: And it is also there averred,
that Angels had appear'd to him. See P. 8.
of his Life.
In Mr. Walton's Life of Sir Hen. Wotton,
there is a Remarkable story of the discove∣ry
of stoln Plate in Oxford by a Dream
which his Father had at Borton Mulharb in
Kent. See in Ath. et Fasti Oxon. Vol. 1.
P. 351.
Page 59
CYnthia [Propertius's Mistress] did ap∣pear
to him after her death with the
Beril-Ring on her Finger. See Propertius
St. Augustin [in—] affirms, that he
did once see a Satyr or Demon.
The Antiquities of Oxford tell us, that
St. Edmund Arch-Bishop of Canterbury did
sometimes converse with an Angel, [or
Nymph] at a Spring without St. Clements
Parish near Oxford: as Numa Pompilius did
with the Nymph Egeria. This Well was
stopped up since Oxford was a Garrison.
Charles the Simple, King of France, as he
was hunting in a Forest, and lost his Com∣pany,
was frighted to simplicity by an Appa∣rition.
Philip Melancthon, writes, that the Ap∣parition
of a Venerable Person came to him
in his Study, and bade him to warn his
Friend Grynaeus to depart from him as soon
as he could, or else the Inquisitors would
seize on him: which monitory Dream
saved Grynaeus life.
Mr. Fiennes Morison in his Travels, saith,
that when he was at Prague, the Appariti∣of
Page 60
his Father came to him; and at that ve∣ry
time his Father died.
See the Life of Iohn Donn D. D. Dean
of St. Paul's writ by Mr. Isaac Walton,
where it is affirmed, that the Dean did see
the Apparition of his Wife.
Henry IV King of France, not long be∣fore
he was stabbed by Ravellac, as he was
hunting in the Forest (I think of Fon∣tain
Bleau) met in a Thicket the Gros Ve∣neur,
who said to him, Demandez vous?
[or Entendez vous?] he could not tell whe∣ther
of the two.
There is a Tradition (which I have
heard from Persons of Honour) that as the
Protector Seymor and his Duchess were
walking in the Gallery at Sheen [in Surrey]
both of them did see a Hand with a bloody
Sword come out of the Wall. He was af∣terwards
Mr. Caisho Burroughs was one of the most
beautiful Men in England, and very Vali∣ant,
but very proud and blood-thirsty:
There was then in London a very Beautiful
Italian Lady, who fell so extreamly in Love
with him, that she did let him enjoy her,
which she had never let any Man do before:
Wherefore, said she, I shall request this fa∣vour
of you, never to tell any one of it.
The Gentlewoman died: and afterwards
in a Tavern in London he spake of it: and
there going to make water, the Ghost of
Page 61
the Gentlewoman did appear to him. He
was afterwards troubled with the Appari∣tion
of her, even sometimes in company
when he was drinking; but he only per∣cieved
it: Before she did appear he did
find a kind of Chilness upon his Spirits; she
did appear to him in the Morning before
he was killed in a Duel. This account I have
from an intimate Friend of mine, who was
an acquaintance of his.
Anno 1647, the Lord Mohun's Son and
Heir (a gallant Gentleman, Valiant, and a
great Master of Fencing and Horsemanship)
had a Quarrel with Prince Griffin; there
was a Challenge, and they were to Fight
on Horse-back in Chelsey-fields in the Morn∣ing:
Mr. Mohun went accordingly to meet
him; but about Ebery-Farm he was met
by some who quarrell'd with him and Pi∣stol'd
him; it was believed, by the Order
of Prince Griffin; for he was sure, that Mr.
Mohun being so much the better Horse∣man
&c. would have Killed him, had they
Fought. In Iames-street in Covent-Garden
did then Lodge a Gentlewoman a Hand∣some
Woman but Common, who was Mr.
Mohun's Sweet-heart. Mr. Mohun was
Murthered about Ten a clock in the Morn∣ing;
and at that very time, his Mistress
being in Bed, saw Mr. Mohun come to her
Bed-side, drew the Curtain, looked upon
her and went away: She called after him
Page 62
but no answer: She knock'd for her Maid,
ask'd her for Mr. Mohun; she said, she did
not see him, and had the Key of her Cham∣ber
door in her Pocket. This Account my
Friend aforesaid, had from the Gentlewo∣mans
own Mouth, and her Maids.
A parallel Story to this, is, that Mr. Brown,
(Brother-in-law to the Lord Conningsby) dis∣covered
his being Murthered to several.
His Phantome appear'd to his Sister and her
Maid in Fleet-street about the time he was
Killed in Herefordshire, which was about a
Year since, 1693.
Sir Walter Long of Draycot (Grandfather
of Sir Iames Long) had two Wives; the
first a Daughter of Sir—Packinton in
Worcestershire; by whom he had a Son:
His second Wife was a Daugter of Sir Iohn
Thinne of Longleat; by whom he had seve∣ral
Sons and Daughters. The second Wife
did use much Artifice to render the Son by
the first Wife (who had not much Prome∣thean
Fire) Odious to his Father; she
would get her Acquaintance to make him
Drunk; and then expose him in that Con∣dition
to his Father; in fine she never left off
her attempts, till she had got Sir Walter to
disinherit him. She laid the Scene for the
doing this, at Bath at the Assizes, where
was her Brother Sir Egrimond Thinne an E∣minent
Serjeant at Law, who drew the
Writing; and his Clerk was to sit up all
Page 63
Night to Engross it; as he was Writing, he
perceived a shadow on the Parchment, from
the Candle; he look'd up, and there ap∣pear'd
a Hand, which immediately va∣nish'd;
he was startled at it, but thought it
might be only his Fancy, being sleepy; so
he Writ on; by and by a fine White-hand
interposed between the Writing and the Can∣dle
(he could discern it was a Womans
Hand) but vanish'd as before; I have forgot
it appeared a Third time. But with that,
the Clerk threw down his Pen, and would
Engross no more, but goes and tells his
Master of it, and absolutely refused to do it.
But it was done by some body, and Sir Wal∣ter
Long was prevailed with to Seal and
Sign it. He lived not long after; and his
Body did not go quiet to the Grave, it being
Arrested at the Church-porch by the Tru∣stees
of the first Lady. The Heir's Relati∣ons
took his part, and Commenc'd a Suit
against Sir Walter (the second Son) and
compell'd him to accept of a Moiety of the
Estate; so the Eldest Son kept South-Wran∣chester,
and Sir Walter the second Son Dracot
Cernes, &c. This was about the middle of
the Reign of King Iames the First.
I must not forget an Apparition in my
Country, which appear'd several times to
Doctor Turbervile's Sister, at Salisbury;
which is much talk'd of. One Marry'd a
second Wife, and contrary to the Agree∣ment
Page 64
and Settlement at the first Wife's
Marriage, did wrong the Children by the
first Venter. The Settlement was hid be∣hind
a Wainscot in the Chamber where the
Doctor's Sister did lie: And the Appari∣tion
of the first Wife did discover it to her.
By which means Right was done to the
first Wife's Children. The Apparition told
her that she Wandred in the Air, and was
now going to God. Dr. Turbervile (Ocu∣list)
did affirm this to be true. See Mr.
Glanvill's Sadducismus Triumphatus.
One Mr. Towes who had been School-fel∣low
with Sir George Villers, the Father of
the first Duke of Buckingham, (and was his
Friend and Neighbour) as he lay in his Bed a∣wake,
(and it was Day-light,) came into his
Chamber the Phantome of his dear Friend
Sir George Villers: Said Mr. Towes to him,
Why, you are Dead, what make you here?
Said the Knight, I am Dead, but cannot
rest in peace for the Wickedness and Abo∣mination
of my Son George at Court. I do
appear to you, to tell him of it, and to ad∣vise
and dehort him from his Evil ways.
Said Mr. Tows, the Duke will not believe
me, but will say, that I am Mad, or Doat.
Said Sir George, Go to him from me, and
tell him by such a Token [some Mole] that
he had in some secret place, which none but
himself knew of. Accordingly Mr. Towes
went to the Duke, who Laugh'd at his Mes∣sage.
Page 65
At his return home, the Phantome ap∣peared
again; and told him, that the Duke
would be Stab'd (he drew out a Dagger) a
quarter of a Year after: And you shall out∣live
him half a Year; and the Warning that
you shall have of your Death will be, That
your Nose will fall a bleeding: All which
accordingly fell out so. This Account I have
had (in the main) from two, or three;
but Sir William Dugdale affirms what I have
here taken from him to be true, and that
the Apparition told him of several things to
come, which proved true, e. g. of a Pri∣soner
in the Tower, that should be honoura∣bly
delivered. This Mr. Towes had so of∣ten
the Ghost of his old Friend appear to
him, that it was not at all terrible to him.
He was Surveyor of the Works at Windsor
(by the favour of the Duke:) Being then
sitting in the Hall, he cried out, The Duke
of Buckingham is stabb'd: He was stabb'd
that very moment.
This Relation Sir William Dugdale had
from Mr. Pine, (Neighbour to Mr. Towes
without Bishop-gate) they were both great
lovers of Musick, and sworn Brothers. Mr.
William Lilly Astrologer, did Print this Sto∣ry
false, which made Sir Edmund Wyndam
(who Married Mr. Pines Daughter) give to
Sir George Hollis this true Account contrary
to Mr. Lilly.
Page 66
Mr. Thomas Elyot, Groom of the Bed-Chamber,
Married Sir Edmund Wyndham's
Daughter, and had the Roll (of near a
Quire of Paper) of the Conferences of the
Apparition and Mr. Towes. Mr. Elyot was
wont to say, that Mr. Towes was (not a Bi∣got,
or did trouble himself much about a
Religion, but was) a Man of great Mo∣rals.
Sir William Dugdale did farther inform
me that Major General Middleton (since
Lord) went into the Highlands of Scotland,
to endeavour to make a Party for King
Charles the First. An Old Gentleman (that
was second-sighted) came and told him
that his endeavour was good; but he would
be unsuccessful, and moreover, That they
would put the King to Death: and that several
other Attempts would be made, but all in vain:
But that his Son would come in, but not Reign;
but at last would be Restored. This Lord
Middleton had a great Friendship with the
Laird Bocconi, and they had made an Agree∣ment,
That the first of them that Died,
should appear to he other in extremity.
The Lord Middleton was taken Prisoner at
Worcester Fight, and was Prisoner in the
Tower of London under Three Locks. Ly∣ing
in his Bed pensive, Bocconi appeared
to him; my Lord Middleton asked him if
he were dead or alive? he said, Dead, and
that he was a Ghost; and told him, that
Page 67
within Three Days he should escape, and he
did so, in his Wives Cloaths. When he
had done his Message, he gave a Frisk, and
Givenni givanni 'tis very strange,In the World to see so sudden a Change.
And then gathered up and vanished. This
Account Sir William Dugdale had from the
Bishop of Edenborough. And this, and the
former Account he hath Writ in a Book of
Miscellanies, which I have seen, [and is
now reposited (with other Books of his) in
the Musaeum at Oxford.]
Anno. 1670, not far from Cyrencester,
was an Apparition: Being demanded, whe∣ther
a good Spirit, or a bad? returned no
answer, but disappeared with a curious
Perfume and most melodious Twang. Mr.
W. Lilly believes it was a Farie.
So Propertius—Omnia finieret; tenues secessit in auras:Mansit odor; posses scire fuisse Deam.
The Learned Hen. Iacob, Fellow of Merton
College in Oxford, died at Dr. Iacob's M. D.
House in Canterbury. About a Week after his
Death, the Doctor being in Bed and awake,
and the Moon shining bright, saw his Cousin
Henry standing by his Bed, in his Shirt, with
a white Cap on his Head, and his Beard
Mustaches turning up, as when he was alive.
The Doctor pinched himself and was sure he
was awaked: He turned to the other side,
Page 68
from him; and after some time took courage
to turn the other way again towards him; and
Henry Iacob stood there still, he should have
spoken to him, but he did not; for which
he has been ever since sorry. About half
an Hour after, he vanished. Not long after
this, the Cook Maid, going to the Wood∣pile
to fetch Wood to dress Supper, saw
him standing in his shirt upon the Wood∣pile.* 4.11
This Account I had in a Letter from
Dr. Iacob 1673, relating to his Life, for
Mr. Anthony Word; which is now in his
When Henry Iacob died, he would fain
have spoken to the Doctor but could not,
his Tongue faltered. 'Tis imagin'd, he
would have told Doctor Iacob, with what
Person he had deposited his Manuscripts of
his own Writing: (they were all the Ri∣ches
he had) 'tis suspect'd that one had them
and Printed them under his own Name.
—See there in the said Athenae Vol. or
Part 2. P. 90.
Mr. T. M. an old Acquaintance of mine
hath assured me, that about a quarter of a
Year after his first Wives death, as he lay
in Bed awake with his little Grand-child, his
Wife opened the Closet-door, and came in∣to
the Chamber to the Bed-side, and looked
upon him, and stooped down and Kissed
him; her Lips were warm, he fancied they
would have been cold. He was about to
Page 69
have embraced her, but was afraid it might
have done him hurt. When she went
from him, he asked her when he should
see her again? she turned about and smil'd,
but said nothing. The Closet-door striked,
as it uses to do, both at her coming in and
going out. He had every Night a great
Coal-fire in his Chamber, which gave a
light as clear almost as a Candle. (He was
Hypocondrical.) He Marry'd two Wives
since; the later end of his Life was uneasie.
Anno. 165 ... At—in the Moorlands in
Staffordshire, lived a poor Old Man, who
had been a long time Lame. One Sunday
in the Afternoon he being alone, one knock'd
at his Door: He bade him open it, and
come in. The Stranger desir'd a Cup of
Beer: The Lame Man desir'd him to take a
Dish and draw some, for he was not able to
do it himself. The Stranger ask'd the poor
Old Man, how long he had been Ill? The
poor Man told him. Said the Stranger I can
Cure you. Take two or Three Balm-leaves
steep'd in your Beer for a Fortnight, or three
Weeks, and you will be restor'd to your
Health: But Constantly and Zealously
serve God. The poor Man did so, and became
perfectly well. This Stranger was in a Purple
shag-gown, such as was not seen or known
in those parts: And no body in the street
(after Even-song) did see any one in such a
colour'd Habit. Dr. Gilbert Sheldon, (since
Page 70
Arch-bishop of Canterbury) was then in the
Moorlands, and justified the truth of this, to
Elias Ashmole Esq from whom I had this
Account: And he hath inserted it in some
of his Memoirs, which are in the Musaeum
at Oxford.
Mr. Io Lydill of Trin. College Soc. Oxon.
March 11 1649, 50. Attests the ensu∣ing
Relation, in a Letter to Mr. Aubrey,
Mr. Aubrey,
COncerning that which happen'd at Wood-stock,
I was told by Mr. W. Haws
(who now lives with Sir William Fleetwood
in the Park) That the Committee which sate in
the Mannor-house, for Selling the King's
Lands, were frighted by strange Apparitions;
and that the Four Surveyors which were sent
to Measure the Park, and Lodged themselves
with some other Companions in the Mannor, were
pelted out of their Chambers by Stones thrown
in at the Windows (but from what Hands the
Stones came they could not see) that their Can∣dles
were continually put out as fast as they lighted
them; and that one with his Sword drawn to de∣fend
a Candle, was with his own Scabbard in the
mean time well Cudgell'd; so that for the blow,
or for fear, he fell Sick, and the others forc'd to
remove; some of them to Sir William Fleet∣wood's
House, and the rest to some other
Page 71
places. But concerning the cutting of the Oak,
in particular I have nothing.
Your Friend,
to be commanded to my power,
Iohn Lydall.
One Lambert a Gun-Smith at Hereford,
was at Carmarthen, to mend and put in or∣der
the Ammunition of that County before
the first Expedition to Scotland, which was
1639. He was then a Young Man, and
walking on the Sand by the Sea-side, a Man
comes to him (he did verily believe it was a
Man) and ask'd him, if he knew Hereford?
Yes, quoth he, I am a Hereford Man. Do
you know it well, quoth the other? Per∣fectly
well, quoth Lambert.
That City
shall be begirt [he told me he did not
know what the word begirt meant then]
by a Foreign Nation, that will come
and pitch their Camp in the Hay-wood,
and they shall batter such a Gate,
which they did, (I have forgot the name
of it) and shall go away, and not take it.
The Scots came in 1645, and Encamp'd
before Hereford in the Hay-wood, and
Storm'd the—Gate, and raised the
Siege. Lambert did well remember this
Discourse, but did not heed it till they
came to the Hay-wood: Many of the City
had heard of this story, but when the—
Gate was Storm'd, Lambert went to all the
Page 72
Guards of the Town, and encouraged them
with more than ordinary Confidence: And,
contrary to all humane expectation, when
the Besieg'd had no hope o•• Relief, the Scots
raised the Siege, Sept. 2. 1645, and went
back into Scotland, re infecta. I knew this
Lambert, and took this Account from his
own Mouth; he is a modest poor Man, of
a very Innocent Life, lives Poor, and cares
not to be Rich.
—A Minister, who lived by Sir Iohn
Warre in Somersetshire about 1665, walk∣ing
over the Park to give Sir Iohn a Visit,
was rencountred by a Venerable Old
Man, who said to him,
Prepare your
self for such a Day (which was about
three Days after) You shall die.
Minister told Sir Iohn Warre and my Lady
this Story, who heeded it not: On the
Morning fore-warn'd Sir Iohn calls upon the
Parson early to Ride a Hunting, and to
Laugh at his prediction: His Maid went
up to call him and found him stark Dead.
This from my Lady Katharine Henley, who
had it from my Lady Warre. But Dr. Bur∣net
in the Life of the Earl of Rochester,
makes it a Dream.
This put me in mind of a Story in the
Legend, &c. of King Edward the Confessor
being forewarned of his Death by a Pilgrim,
to whom St. Iohn the Evangelist reveal'd it:
for which the King gave the Pilgrim a rich
Page 73
Ring from off his Finger: And the event
answered. The Story is well Painted in
Glass, in a Window of the South Isle of
Westmimster-Abbey (the next Window from
that over the Door that opens into the West
walk of the Cloyster) it is the best Window
in the Church: Underneath the Two Fi∣gures,
viz. of the King and the Pilgrim
are these following Verses, Viz.
Rex cui nil aliud praesto fuit, accipe, dixit,Annulum, & ex digito detrahit ille suo.—Evangelistae—villa Iohannis.—gratia petit.
The Verses under the Pilgrim are not
legible. This story is in Caxtons Chroni∣cle.
Dr.—Twiss Minister of the New
Church at Westminster told me that his Fa∣ther
[Dr. Twiss Prolocutor of the Assembly
of Divines, and Author of Vindiciae] when
he was a School-boy at Winchester, saw the
Phantome of a Schoolfellow of his deceased
[a Rakebell] who said to him, I am damned.
This was the occasion of Dr. Twiss [the Fa∣thers]
Conversion, who had been before
that time (as he told his Son) a very wick∣ed
Boy, [He was Hypochondriacal]. There
is a story like this, of the Conversion of St.
Bruno, by an Apparition: Upon which he
became mighty devout, and founded the
Order of the Carthusians.
Iohn Evelyn Esq R. S. S. shewed us at
Page 74
the Royal-Society, a Note under Mr. Smyth's
Hand [the Curate of Deptford] that in No∣vember
1679, as he was in bed sick of an
Ague, came to him the Vision of a Master
of Arts, with a white Wand in his Hand:
And told him, that, if he did lie on his
back three Hours, viz. from ten to one,
that he should be rid of his Ague. He lay
a good while on his back; but at last being
weary he turned, and immediately the A∣gue
attacqued him afterwards, he strictly
followed the Direction, and was perfectly
cured. He was awake, and it was in the
This puts me in mind of a Dream of old
Farmer Good, a Neighbour of mine at Broad-Chalk,
who being ill, dreamt that he met
with an old Friend of his (long since deceas∣ed)
by Knighton-Ashes (in that Parish)
who told him that if he rose out of his Bed,
that he would die. He awaked and rose
to make Water, and was immediateiy seiz∣ed
with a shivering Fit, and died of an A∣gue,
aged, 84.
The Lady Viscountess Maidston told me,
she saw (as it were) a Fly of Fire, fly round
about her in the dark, half an hour before
her Lord died: He was killed at Sea: and
the like before her Mother in Law [the
Countess of Winchelseá died, [She was then
with Child.]
A Dutch-Prisoner at Wood-bridge in Suf∣folk,
Page 75
in the Reign of Charles II. could dis∣cern
Spirits; but others that stood by could
not. The Bell tolled for a Man newly de∣ceased.
The Prisoner saw his Phantôme,
and did descibe him to the Parson of the
Parish, who was with him;* 5.1 exactly agree∣ing
with the Man for whom the Bell tolled.
Says the Prisoner, now he is coming near
to you, and now he is between you and
the Wall, the Parson was resolved to try
it, and went to take the Wall of him, and
was thrown down; but could see nothing.
This story is credibly told by several Per∣sons
of Belief.
Vavasor Powell saw several Apparitions.
See page 8. of his Life.
There is a very remarkable story of an
Apparition, which Martin Luther did see.
Mentioned in his Commensalia, or Table-talk,
which see.
Those that are delirous in high Fevers,
see [waking] Men and things that are not
there. I knew one Mr. M. L. that took
Opium, and he did see (being awake) Men
and things that were not present (or per∣haps)
not in being. Those whose Spleens
are ill-affected have the like Phantasies.
The Power of Imagination is Wonderful.
De seipso duplicato.
Cardanus. Synes. Somniorum. Lib. 11.
Cap. 12. In somniis mortis est signum, quia
duo fiunt, cum anima separatur à corpore. Est
et signum morbi in ipsis aegrontantibus, nec tum
aliud quicquam significat.
Page 76
As concerning Apparitions of a Man's
own self, there are sundry Instances, some
whereof I shall here set down.
The Countess of Thanet (Earl Iohn's La∣dy)
saw as she was in Bed with her Lord
in London, her Daughter my Lady Hatton,
who was then in Northamptonshire at Horton
Kirby, the Candle was burning in her Cham∣ber.* 5.2
Since viz. Anno. 167 ... this Lady Hat∣ton
was Blown up with Gun-powder set on
Fire by Lightning, in the Castle at Garnsey,
where her Lord was Governor.
The Beautiful Lady Diana Rich, Daugh∣ter
of the Earl of Holland, as she was walk∣ing
in her Father's Garden at Kensington, to
take the fresh Air before Dinner, about
Eleven a Clock, being then very well, met
with her own Apparition, Habit and every
thing, as in a Looking glass. About a
Month after she died of the Small-pox.
And 'tis said, that her Sister the Lady Isabella
(Thinne) saw the like of her self also be∣fore
she died. This Account I had from
a Person of Honour.
Mrs. E. W. Daughter of Sir W. W. af∣firms
that Mrs. I. (her Father's Sister) saw
Page 77
her self (i. e.) her Phantome half a Year be∣fore
she died, for a quater of an Hour toge∣ther.
She said further that her Aunt was sick∣ly
Fourteen Years before she died, and that
she walked Living, (i. e.) her Apparition,
and that she was seen by several at the same
time. The like is reported of others.
Mr. Trehern B. D. (Chaplain to Sir Or∣lando
Bridgman Lord Keeper) a Learned and
sober Person, was the Son of a Shoe-maker
in Hereford: Gne Night as he lay in Bed,
the Moon shining very bright, he saw the
Phantome of one of the Apprentices sitting
in a Chair in his red Wastcoat, and Head∣band
about his Head, and Strap upon his
Knee; which Apprentice was really abed
and asleep with another Fellow-apprentice
in the same Chamber, and saw him. The
Fellow was Living 1671. Another time,
as he was in Bed he saw a Basket come Sail∣ing
in the Air along by the Valence of his
Bed; I think he said there was Fruit in the
Basket: It was a Phantome. From him∣self.
When Sir Richard Nepier M. D. of Lon∣don,
was upon the Road, coming from Bed∣fordshire,
the Chamberlain of the Inn,
shewed him his Chamber; the Doctor saw
a dead Man lying upon the Bed: He look'd
more wistly, and saw it was himself: He
was then well enough in Health. He goes
forward in his Journey—to Mr. Ste∣ward's
Page 78
in Berkshire, and there died. This
Account I have in a Letter from Elias Ash∣mole
Esquire. They were intimate Friends.
In the Deserts of Africk,* 5.3 you shall
meet oftentimes with Fairies appearing
in the shape of Men and Women: But
they vanish quite away like phantastical
I Captain Henry Bell do hereby declare
both to the present Age and also to Poste∣rity,
that being employed beyond the Seas
in State-affairs divers Years together, both
by King Iames, and also by the late King
Charles in Germany. I did hear and under∣stand
in all places great Bewailing and La∣mentation
made, by reason of destroying
and burning of above Fourscore Thousand of
Martin Luther's Books: Entitled, His last
Divine Discourses.
Upon which Divine Work or Discourses
the Reformation, begun before in Germany,
was wonderfully promoted and spred in
other Countrys.
But afterward it so fell out, that the
Pope then living, viz. Gregory XIII. un∣derstanding
what great hurt and prejudice
he, and his Religion had already received
by reason of the said Luther's Discourses,
and also fearing that the same might
bring further contempt and mischief upon
himself and his Church, he therefore to
prevent the same, did fiercely stir up and
Page 79
instigate the Emperor then in being, viz.
Rodolphus III. to make an Edict through
the whole Empire, that all the foresaid
Printed Books should be burned, and al∣so
that it should be Death for any Person
to have or keep a Copy thereof, but to
burn the same: Which Edict was speedi∣ly
put in Execution accordingly; insomuch
that not one of all the said Printed Books,
nor any one Copy of the same, could be
found out, or heard of in any place.
Yet it pleased God, that in Anno 1626, a
German Gentleman named Casparus Van
Sparr, with whom in my stay in Germany
about King Iames's business I became fa∣miliarly
known and acquainted, having oc∣casion
to build upon an old Foundation of
a House, wherein his Grand-father dwelt at
that time, when the said Edict was Publish∣ed
in Germany, for the Burning of the said
Books, and digging deep into the ground
under the said old Foundation, one of the
said Original Printed Books was there hap∣pily
found, lying in a deep obscure hole,
being wrapped in a strong Linnen Cloth,
which was waxed all over with Bees-wax
within and without: whereby the said
Book was perserved fair without any ble∣mish.
And at the same time Ferdinandus II. be∣ing
Emperor of Germany, who was a severe
Enemy and Persecutor of the Protestant
Page 80
Religion, the foresaid Gentleman, and
Grand-child to him that had hidden the said
Book in that obscure hole, fearing that if
the said Emperor should get knowledge
that one of the said Books were yet forth∣coming,
and in his custody, whereby not
only himself might be brought into trouble,
but also the Book be in danger to be destroy'd,
as all the rest were long before; and also
calling to mind that I had the high Dutch
Tongue very perfect, did send the said Ori∣ginal
Book over hither into England unto me:
Related to me the passages of the preser∣ving
and finding the said Book; and ear∣nestly
moved me in his Letter, to Translate
the said Book into English.
Whereupon I took the said Book before
me, and many times began to Translate the
same, but always I was hindred therein, being
called upon about other Business; in so much
that by no possible means I could remain by
that work. Then about six Weeks after
I had receiv'd the said Book, it fell out, that
being in Bed with my Wife, one Night be∣tween
Twelve and one of the Clock, she be∣ing
asleep, but my self yet awake, there ap∣pear'd
unto me an Ancient Man, standing at
my Bed-side array'd all in White, having a
long and broad white Beard, hanging down
to his Girdle steed, who taking me by the
right Ear, spake these words following un∣to
me; Sirrah, Will not you take time to
Page 81
Translate that Book which is sent unto you out
of Germany? I will provide for you both place
and time to do it: And then he Vanish'd a∣way
out of my sight.
Whereupon being much affrighted, I fell
into an extream Sweat, insomuch that my
Wife awaking, and finding me all over wet,
she ask'd me what I ailed? I told her what
I had seen and heard; but I never did heed
or regard Visions nor Dreams. And so the
same fell soon out of my mind.
Then about a Fortnight after I had seen
the Vision, on a Sunday I went to Whitehall
to hear the Sermon, after which ended, I
return'd to my Lodging which was then in
Kingstreet at Westminster, and sitting down
to Dinner with my Wife, two Messengers
were sent from the Council-board with a
Warrant to carry me to the Keeper of the
Gate-house at Westminster, there to be safely
kept, until further Order from the Lords of
the Council; which was done without
shewing any Cause* 5.4 at all, where∣fore
I was Committed; upon
which said Warrant I was kept
there Ten whole Years close Pri∣soner;
where I spent Five Years
thereof about Translating of the
said Book: Insomuch as I found the
words very true which the Old
Page 82
Man in the aforesaid Vision said unto me, I
will shortly provide you both place and time to
Translate it.
Then after I had finish'd the Translation,
Dr. Laud Arch-bishop of Canterbury, sent to
me in the Prison by Dr. Bray his Chaplain
Ten Pounds, and desir'd to peruse the Book;
he afterwards sent him by Dr. Bray Forty
Pounds. There was a Committee of the
House of Commons for the Printing of this
Translation, which was in 1652.
Cicero de Divinatione. Lib. I.—
SAepe etiam & in praeliis Fauni auditi, &
in rebus turbidis veridicae vuces ex occulto
••issae esse dicuntur. Cujus generis duo sunt ex
multis exempla, sed maxima. Nam non mul∣to
ante Vrbem captam exaudita vox est à Luco
Vestae, qui à Palatii radice in novam viam de∣vexus
est, ut muri & portae reficerentur: fu∣turum
esse, nisi provisum esset, ut Roma cape∣retur.
Quod neglectum cùm caveri poterat,
post acceptam illam maximam cladem explica∣tum
est. Ara enim Aio loquenti, quam sep∣tam
videmus, & adversus eum locum conse∣crata
Page 83
—Neque solum deorum voces Pythagorei
observaverunt, sed etiam hominum, quae vo∣cant
Taciti Annales. Lib. XIV.
Nero—& lo'n dit qu'on entendoit un
son de trumpette dans les collines d'alentour,
des gemissemens sur le tombeau de sa mere.
In the Life of King Henry IV of France,
writ by the Arch-Bishop of Paris, it is re∣corded,
That Charles IX (who caused the
Massacre) was wont to hear Screaches,
like those of the Persons Massacred.
St. Augustin heard a Voice, saying, Tolle,
lege. He took up his Bible, and dipt on
Rom. 13. 13. Not in rioting and drukenness,
not in chambering and wantonness, &c. and
reformed his Manners upon it.
One Mr. Smith a Practitioner of Physick
at Tamworth in Warwickshire, an understand∣ing
sober Person, reading—Hollinshead's
Chronicle, found a relation of a great Fight
between Vortigern and Hengest, about those
parts, at a place call'd Colemore: A little time
after, as he lay awake in his Bed, he heard a
Voice, that said unto him, You shall shortly
see some of the Bones of those Men and Horses
slain, that you read of: He was surprized at
the Voice, and ask't in the Name of God,
who 'twas that spoke to him. The Voice
made answer, that he should not trouble
himself about that; but what he told him
should come to pass. Shortly after, as he
Page 84
went to see Colonel Archer (whose Servants
were digging for Marle) he saw a great
many Bones of Men and Horses; and also
Pot-sherds; and upon the view it appear∣ed
to be according to the description in Hol∣linshead's
Chronicle; and it was the place
where the Fight was; but it is now called
This was about the Year 1685. and I
had the Account from my worthy Friend
and old Acquaintance Tho. Mariett of War∣wickshire
Esq who is very well acquainted
with Mr. Smith aforesaid.
It was since the Restauration of King
Charles II. that Martin Luther's Table-Talk
was Translated into English, by—
but about half a Year before as he lay in his
Bed awake, he heard a voice, which did bid
him Translate that Book: but by reason of
some business he neglected it. The Voice
demanded, why he had not done it; he reply∣ed
he had not leisure: Said the Voice, You
shall have leisure enough shortly: And shortly
after, he was Arrested and put in the Gate-house
at Westminster; where he remained
many Months: and there was the Transla∣tion
finished. See the Preface before the
Extracts out of the Book, Entituled, Re∣lation
de la Noüeille France, 1662, and
1663. 21.
Les Saüvages avoient eu de presentiments
Page 85
aussi bien que les François, de cet horrible
Tremble-terre. Voicy la de position d'une saüvage
agé 26. fort innocente, simple, & sincere.
La nuict du 4 ou 5 de Febr. 1663 estant en∣tirement
éveillée, & en plein jugement, as∣sise
comme sur mon seant, j'ay entender une
voix distincte & intelligible, qui m'a dit,
Il doit arrive aujourdhuy de choses estrangees,
la Terre doit tremble. Ie me trouver ay pour
lors saisie d'une grand frageur, parce que je
ne voyois personne d'ou peut provinir cette
voix: Remplie de crainte, ja taschay à m'en∣dormir
auec assez de peine: Et le jour estant
venu, je dis a mon mary cequi in'estoit arri∣vé.
Sur le 9, ou le 10 heure de mesme
jour, allant au bois pour buscher, à peine
j'estois entrée en la Forest que la mesme voix
se fit—entendre, me disent mesme chose,
& de la mesme façon que la nuict precedente:
La peur fuit bien plus grande, moy estant
tout seale. She got her burden of Wood,
and met her Sister who comforted her, to
whom she told this Story, and when she
came to her Fathers Caban, she told the
same Story there; but they heard it
without any reflections.— La chose
en demeure la, jusquez à 5, ou 6 heures du
soir du mesme jour, où un tremblement de
Terre survenant, ils reconnurent par expe∣rience,
que cequ'ils m'auoient intendu dire
avant Midy, n'estoit que trop uray.
Envoyée au R. P. André Castill on Pro∣vincial
Page 86
de la Province de France par les
Missioners de Peres de la Campagnie de Iesu.
Imprimiè à Paris, 1664.
Livy makes mention, that before the
coming of the Gauls to Rome, Marcus Ce∣ditius
a Plebeian acquainted the Senate,
that passing one Night about Twelve a
Clock through the Via Nova, he heard a
Voice (bigger than a Mans) which ad∣vised
him to let the Senate know the
Gauls were on their March to Rome.
How those things could be, it is to be
discoursed by Persons well versed in the
Causes of Natural and Supernatural
Events: For my part I will not pretend
to understand them, unles (according to
the Opinion of Some Philosophers) we
may believe, that the Air being full of
Intelligences and Spirits, who foreseee∣ing
future Events, and commiserating
the Condition of Mankind, gives them
warning by these kind of Intimations,
that they may the more timely provide
and defend themselves against their Ca∣lamities.
But what ever is the Cause,
Experience assures us, that after such De∣nuntiations,
some extraordinary thing or
other does constantly happen.
Page 87
Cicero de Naturâ Deorum. Lib. II.
PRaeterea ipsorum Deorum saepe praesen∣tiae,
quales supra commemoravi,—
declarant, ut ab his, & Civitatibus, & singulis
hominibus consuli. Quod quidem intelli∣gitur
etiam significationibus rerum futu∣rarum,
qua tum dormientibus, tum vigi∣lantibus
portentantur.—Nemo vir mag∣nus
sine aliquo afflatu divino unquam fu∣it.
Oliver Cromwel had certainly this Afflatus.
One that I knew, that was at the Battle of
Dunbar, told me that Oliver was carried on
with a Divine Impulse; he did Laugh so
excessively as if he had been drunk; his
Eyes sparkled with Spirits. He obtained a
great Victory; but the Action was said to
be contrary to Human Prudence. The
same fit of Laughter seiz'd Oliver Cromwel,
just before the Battle of Naseby; as a Kins∣man
of mine, and a great Favourite of his,
Colonel I. P. then present, testifi'd. Car∣dinal
Mazerine said, That he was a lucky
In one of the geat Fields at Warminster
in Wiltshire, in the Harvest, at the very
Page 88
time of the Fight at Bosworth Field, between
King Richard III, and Henry VII, there
was one of the Parish took two Sheaves, cry∣ing
(with some intervals) Now for Richard,
Now for Henry: at last, lets fall the Sheaf
that did represent Richard; and cryed, Now
for King Henry, Richard is slain: This
Action did agree with the very Time, Day
and Hour. When I was a School-boy, I
have heard this confidently delivered by
Tradition, by some Old Men of our Coun∣try.
Monsieur de Scudery in his Poem, Entitu∣led
Rome Vaincus, fancies an Angel to be
sent to Alaric to impel him to over-run the
Roman Empire with his swarms of Nor∣thern
People. The like may be fancied
upon all Changes of Government; when
Providence destines the Ends, it orders the
By way of parallel to this, Pope—by
the like instinct, being at Rome in the Con∣sistory,
did speak of the Engagement in the
Famous Battle of Lepanto, and that the
Christians were Victors. The Fight at Sea
being 200 Miles or more distant from
King Charles the First, after he was Con∣demned,
did tell Colonel Thomlinson, that
he believed, That the English Monarchy was
now at an end: About half an Hour after, he
told the Colonel, That now he had an assu∣rance
Page 89
by a strong Impulse on his Spirit, that his
Son should Reign after him. This Informa∣tion
I had from Fabian Philips Esq of the
Inner-Temple, who had good authority for
the truth of it: I have forgot who it was.
The Lord Roscomon, being a Boy of Ten
Years of age at Caen in Normandy, one day
was (as it were) madly extravagant in
Playing, Leaping, getting over the Table-boards,
&c. He was wont to be sober e∣nough:
They said, God grant this bodes
no ill Luck to him: In the heat of this Ex∣travagant
Fit, he cries out, My Father is
Dead. A Fortnight after, News came from
Ireland, that his Father was Dead. This
Account I had from Mr. Knolls, who was
his Governor, and then with him; since
Secretary to the Earl of Strafford, and I have
heard his Lordships Relations confirm the
A very good Friend of mine and old Ac∣quaintance,
hath had frequent Impulses:
When he was a Commoner at Trin. College
Oxford, he had several. When he rode to∣wards
the West one time in the Stage-Coach,
he told the Company, We shall certainly
be Robbed, and they were so. When a
Brother of his a Merchant died, he left him
with other Effects, a share of a Ship, which
was returning from Spain, and of which
News was brought to the Exchange at Lon∣don
of her good Condition; he had such an
Page 90
Impulse upon his Spirit, that he must needs
Sell his share, though to loss; and he did
Sell it. The Ship came safe to Cornwal (or
Devon) and somewhere afterwards fell up∣on
the Rocks and sunk: Not a Man Pe∣rished;
but all the Goods were lost except
some Parrets, which were brought for
Queen Katherine.
The good Genius of Socrates is much re∣membred
which gave him Warning. The
Ethnick Genii are Painted like our Angels;
strong Impulses are to be referr'd to them.
The Learned Dr. Iohn Pell, hath told
me, that he did verily believe, that some of
his Solutions of difficult Problems were not
done Sine Divino auxilio.
Mr. I. N. a very understanding Gentle∣man,
and not Superstitious, Protested to
me, That when he hath been over-per∣swaded
by Friends to Act contrary to a
strong Impulse, that he never succeeded.
MR. Baxter's Certainty of the Worlds of
A Gentleman formerly
seeming Pious, of late Years hath fallen
into the sin of Drunkenness; and when he
Page 91
has been Drunk, and slept himself Sober,
something Knocks at his Beds-head, as if
one knock'd on a Wainscot; when they
remove the Bed, it follows him; besides
loud Noises on other parts where he is,
that all the House heareth.
It poseth me to think what Kind of
Spirit this is, that hath such a care of this
Man's Soul, (which makes me hope he
will recover.) Do good Spirits dwell so
near us? Or, are they sent on such Mes∣sages?
Or, is it his Guardian Angel? Or,
Is it the Soul of some Dead Friend, that
suffereth, and yet retaining Love to him,
as Dives did to his Brethren, would have
him Saved? God keepeth yet such things
from us in the Dark.
Major Iohn Morgan of Wells did aver,
That as he lay in Bed with Mr.—Bar∣low
(Son of the Dean of Wells) they heard
Three distinct Knocks on the Bed: Mr. Bar∣low
shortly after fell sick, and died.
Three or four Days before my Father
died, as I was in my Bed about Nine a
Clock in the Morning perfectly awake, I
did hear three distinct Knocks on the Beds-head,
as if it had been with a Ruler or Fe∣rula.
Mr. Hierome Banks as he lay on his Death
Bed in Bell-yard, said Three Days before he
died, that Mr. Iennings of the Inner-Temple
(his great Acquaintance, Dead a Year or
Page 92
two before) gave Three Knocks, looked
in, and said, Come away. He was as far
from believing such things as any Man.
Mr. George Ent of the Middle-Temple, told
me some Days before he died, that he had
such a deceptio Visus, as he called it.
In Germany when one is to Dye out of
ones Family, or some Friends, there will
sometimes likewise happen some Token,
that signifieth the Death of one, e. g. some
(or one) in the House heareth the Noise,
as if a Meal-sack fell down from on high
upon the Boards of the Chamber; they pre∣sently
go up thither, where they thought
it was done, and find nothing; but all
things in order.
Also at Berlin, when one shall Die out
of the Electoral House of Brandenburgh, a
Woman Drest in white Linen appears
always to several, without speaking, or
doing any harm, for several Weeks be∣fore.
This from Iasper Belshazer Cranmer,
a Saxon Gentleman.
Blows Invisible.
MR.—Brograve— of—near
Puckridge in Hertfordshire when he
was a young Man, Riding in a Lane in that
Page 93
Country, had a Blow given him on his
Cheek (or Head): He look'd back, and saw
that no body was near, behind him; anon,
he had such another Blow; I have forgot if
a Third. He turn'd back and fell to the
Study of the Law; and was afterwards a
Judge. This Account I had from Sir Iohn
Penrudock of Compton-Chamberlain (our
Neighbour) whose Lady was Judge Bro∣grave's
Newark (Sir G. L's.) has Knockings be∣fore
Death. And there is a House near Co∣vent-Garden
that has Warnings. The Pa∣pists
are full of these Observations.
The like Stories are reported of others.
CIcero de Divinatione Lib. I.—gentem
quidem nullam video, neq tam humanam
at{que} doctam; ne{que} tam immanem tam{que} barba∣ram,
quae non significari futura, & à quibusdam
intelligi, praedici{que} posse censeat.
To pass by the Prophecies of Holy-writ,
the Prophecies of Nostraedamus do foretel ve∣ry
strangely; but not easily understood till
they are fulfilled. The Book is now com∣mon.
Page 94
Peter Martyr in his Decads, tells us, That
there was a Prophet among the Salvages in
America, that did foretel the coming in
of Strangers in Ships, which they had not
The Prophecies of St. Malachi, are ex∣ceeding
strange. He describes the Popes
by their Coats of Arms, or their Names, or
their Manners: If his Prohecies be true,
there will be but 15 Popes more. It is
Printed in a Book in Oct. Entituled Bucelini
Historiae Nucleus. 1654. in calce Libri, thus,
Prophetia Malachiae Monachi Bangorensis, et
A. Episcopi Ardinensis, Hiberniae Primatis.
1655. in two Leaves.
Mr. Lancelot Morehouse in the time of the
Civil Wars, rescued a sheet of Parchment
in Quarto most delicately Writ, from a Tay∣lor's
Sheers. It was part of a Book, and
was a Prophecy concerning England in La∣tin
Hexameters; I saw it 1649. It pointed
at our late Troubles: He gave it to Seth
Ward, Bishop of Salisbury, and is lost among
other good Papers.
In a Book of Mr. William Lilly's are Hie∣roglyphick
Prophecies, viz. of the great
Plague of London, expressed by Graves and
dead Corps; and a Scheme with ♊ ascend∣ing
[the Sign of London] and no Planets in
the XII Houses. Also there is the Picture
of London all on Fire, also Moles creep∣ing
&c. perhaps Mr. Lilly might be conten∣ted
Page 95
to have People believe that this was
from himself. But Mr. Thomas Flatman
(Poet) did affirm, that he had seen those
Hieroglyphicks in an old Parchment Manu∣script
Writ in the time of the Monks.
In the Nave of the Cathedral Church at
Wells, above the Capitals of two Pillars, are
the Head of the King, and the Head of a
Bishop: It was fore-told, that when a
King should be like that King, and a Bishop
like that Bishop; that Abbots should be
put down, and Nuns should Marry: Above
the Arch, is an Abbot or Monk with his
Head hanging downwards; and a Nun with
Children about her. The inside of the Arch
is Painted Blew, and adorned with Stars,
to signifie the Power and Influence of the
Stars. This Prophecy was Writ in Parch∣ment,
and hung in a Table on one of those
Pillars, before the Civil-Wars. Dr. Duck
(who was Chancellor of Wells) said, that
he had seen a Copy of it among the Records
of the Tower at London. It was Prophecy'd
300 Years before the Reformation. Bi∣shop
Knight, was Bishop here at the Refor∣mation,
and the Picture (they say) did re∣semble
In the Spanish History it is mentioned,
that a Vault being open'd in Spain, they
found there Moors Heads, and some Writ∣ings
that did express, When People resem∣bling
those Heads should come into Spain,
Page 96
they would Conquer that Country: And it
was so. See this Story more at large in
Iames Howell's Letters.
There is a Prophecy of William Tyndal,
poor Vicar of Welling in the County of
Hertford, made in the beginning of Queen
Elizabeth's Reign. I have seen it: It is in
English Verse, two Pages and an half in Fo∣lio.
It fore-told our late Wars. I know
one that read it Forty Years since.
A Prophecy
Sexte verere Deos: vitae tibi terminus in∣stat,Cum tuus in medio ardebit Carbunculus
These Verses were made by George
Buchanon; but (perhaps) the Prediction
was made by some second-sighted Person.
King Iames of Scotland the Sixth was taken
with an Ague, at Trinity College in Cam∣bridge;
he remov'd to Theobalds (where he
died); sitting by the Fire, the Carbuncle
fell out of his Ring into the Fire, according
to the Prediction. This Distick is Printed
in the Life of King Iames by—
Before the Civil-Wars there was much
talk of the Lady Anne Davys's Prophecies;
for which she was kept Prisoner in the To∣wer
of London. She was Sister to the Earl
of Castlehaven, and Wife to Sir Iohn Davys,
Lord Chief Justice in Ireland; I have heard
his Kinsman (Counsellor Davys of Shaftsbu∣ry)
Page 97
say, that she being in London (I think
in the Tower,)* 5.5 did tell the very time of her
Husbands Death in Ireland.
OUR English Chronicles do Record,
That in the Reign of King Henry
III. a Child was Born in Kent, that at Two
Years old Cured all Diseases. Several Persons
have been Cured of the Kings-Evil by the
touching, or handling of a Seventh Son.
(It must be a seventh Son, and no Daughter
between, and in pure Wedlock.)
Samuel Scot, seventh Son of Mr. William
Scot of Hedington in Wiltshire, did when a
Child, wonderful Cures by touching only,
viz. as to the Kings-evil, Wenns, &c. but
as he grew to be a Man the Vertue did de∣crease,
and had he Lived longer, perhaps
might have been spent. A servant Boy of
his Fathers was also a seventh Son; but he
could do no Cures at all. I am very well
satisfied of the truth of this Relation, for I
knew him very well, and his Mother was
my Kinswoman.
'Tis certain, the Touch of a dead Hand,
hath wrought Wonderful Effects, e.g.—
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one (a Painter) of Stowel in Somersetshire near
Bridgewater, had a Wenn in the inside of
his Cheek, as big as a Pullets Egg, which
by the advice of one was Cur'd by once or
twice Touching or Rubbing with a dead
Womans Hand, (è contra, to Cure a Wo∣man,
a dead Man's Hand) He was directed
first to say the Lord's Prayer, and to beg a
Blessing. He was perfectly Cured in a few
Weeks. I was at the Man's House who at∣tested
it to me, as also to the Reverend Mr.
Andrew Paschal, who went with me.
Mr. Davys Mell (the famous Violinist,
and Clock-maker) had a Child Crook-back'd,
that was Cured after the manner
aforesaid, which Dr. Ridgely M. D. of the
College of Physitians, averr'd in my
The Curing of the Kings-evil by the
Touch of the King, does much puzzel our
Philosophers: For whether our Kings were
of the House of York, or Lancaster, it did the
Cure (i. e.) for the most part. ('Tis true
indeed at the Touching there are Prayers
Read, but perhaps, neither the King attends
them nor his Chaplains.)
In Somersetshire, 'tis confidently reported,
that some were Cured of the Kings-evil, by
the Touch of the Duke of Monmouth: The
Lord Chancellor Bacon saith,
That Imagi∣nation
is next Kin to Miracle-working
Page 99
When King Charles I. was Prisoner at
Carisbrook Castle, there was a Woman
Touched by him, who had the Kings-evil
in her Eye, and had not seen in a Fortnight
before, her Eye-lids being glued together:
As they were at Prayers (after the Touch∣ing)
the Womans Eyes opened. Mr. Sey∣mer
Bowman, with many others were Eye∣witnesses
of this.
At Stretton in Herefordshire in Anno. 1648.
when King Charles I. was Prisoner, the
Tenant of the Mannor-house there, sold
excellent Cider to Gentlemen of the Neigh∣bourhood;
where they met privately, and
could Discourse freely, and be merry, in
those Days so troublesome to the Loyal Par∣ty.
Among others that met, there was
old Mr. Hill B. D. Parson of the Parish,
Quondam Fellow of Brason-nose College in
Oxford: This Venerable good old Man, one
Day (after his accustomed fashion) stand∣ing
up, with his Head uncover'd to Drink
his Majesties Health, saying, God bless our
gracious Sovereign, as he was going to put
the Cup to his Lips, a Swallow flew in at
the Window, and pitched on the brim of
the little Earthen-cup (not half a Pint) and
sipt, and so flew out again. This was in the
presence of the aforesaid Parson Hill, Major
Gwillim, and two or three more, that I knew
very well then, my Neighbours, and whose
joint Testimony of it I have had more
Page 100
than once, in that very Room. It was in the
Bay-window in the Parlour there; Mr. Hill's
Back was next to the Window. I cannot
doubt of the veracity of the Witnesses. This
is Printed in some Book that I have seen, I
think in Dr. Fuller's Worthies. The Cup
is preserved there still, as a Rarity.
In Dr. Bolton's Sermons is an Account of
the Lady Honywood, who despaired of her
Salvation. Dr. Bolton endeavour'd to com∣fort
her: Said she, (holding a Venice-glass in
her Hand) I shall as certainly be Damned,
as this Glass will be broken: And at that
word, threw it hard on the Ground; and
the Glass remained sound; which did give
her great comfort. The Glass is yet pre∣served
among the Cimelia of the Family.
This Lady lived to see Descended from her
(I think) Ninety, which is mentioned by
Dr. Bolton.
William Backhouse of Swallowfield in Berk∣shire
Esq had an ugly Scab that grew on
the middle of his Forehead, which had been
there for some Years, and he could not be
Cured; it became so nauseous, that he
would see none but his intimate Friends:
He was a Learned Gentleman, a Chimist
and Antiquary: His custom was, once eve∣ry
Summer to Travel to see Cathedrals, Ab∣beys,
Castles, &c. In his Journey, being
come to Peterborough, he dreamt there, that
he was in a Church and saw a Hearse, and
Page 101
that one did bid him wet his Scab, with the
drops of the Marble. The next Day he
went to Morning-Service, and afterwards
going about the Church, saw the very
Hearse (which was of Black Say, for Queen
Katharine, Wife to King Henry VIII.) and
the Marble Grave-Stone by. He found drops
on the Marble, and there were some Cavi∣ties
wherein he dip'd his Finger, and wet∣ted
the Scab: In Seven Days it was per∣fectly
Cured. This accurate and certain
Information, I had from my worthy Friend
Elias Ashmole Esq who called Mr. Backhouse
Father, and had this Account from his
own Mouth. (May Dew is a great Dis∣solvent.)
Arise Evans had a fungous Nose, and said,
it was reveal'd to him, that the King's
Hand would Cure him: And at the first
coming of King Charles II. into St. Iames's
Park he Kiss'd the King's Hand, and rubb'd
his Nose with it; which disturb'd the King,
but Cured him. Mr. Ashmole told me.
An Advertisement.
A true Relation of the Wonderful Cure
of Mary Maillard (Lame almost ever since
she was Born) on Sunday the 26th of No∣vember
With the Affidavits and Certificats of the
Girle, and several other credible and worthy
Persons, who knew her both before and since
her being Cured. To which is added, A
Page 102
Letter from Dr. Wellwood, to the Right Ho∣nourable
the Lady Mayoress, upon that Sub∣ject.
London, Printed for Richard Baldwin,
near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane. 1694.
A Narrative of the late extraordinary
Cure, wrought in an instant upon Mrs.
Eliz. Savage (Lame from her Birth) with∣out
the using of any Natural means.
With the Affidavits which were made be∣fore
the Right Honourable the Lord Major;
and the Certificates of several Credible Per∣sons,
who knew her both before and since
her Cure.
Enquired into with all its Circum∣stances,
by Noted Divines, both of the
Church of England, and others: And by
Eminent Physitians of the College: And
many Persons of Quality, who have ex∣pressed
their full satisfaction.
With an Appendix, attempting to prove,
that Miracles are not ceased. London, Prin∣ted
for Iohn Dunton at the Raven, and Iohn
Harris at the Harrow in the Poultry. 1694.
IN Barbary are Wizards, who do smear
their Hands with some black Ointment,
and then do hold them up to the Sun, and
Page 103
in a short time you shall see Delineated in
that black Stuff, the likeness of what you de∣sire
to have an answer of. It was desir'd to
know, whether a Ship was in safety, or no?
There appear'd in the Womans Hand the
perfect Lineaments of a Ship under Sail.
This Mr. W. Cl. a Merchant of London, who
was Factor there several Years, protested
to me, that he did see. He is a Person wor∣thy
of beliefe.
There are wonderful Stories of the Ban∣nians
in India, viz. of their Predictions,
Cures, &c. of their Charming Crocodiles,
and Serpents: And that one of them walkt
over an Arm of the Sea; he was seen in the
middle, and never heard of afterwards.
The last Summer, on the Day of St. Iohn
Baptist [1694] I accidentally was walking
in the Pasture behind Montague-House, it
was XII a Clock. I saw there about two
or three and twenty young Women, most
of them well Habited, on their Knees very
busie, as if they had been Weeding. I
could not presently learn what the mat∣ter
was; at last a young Man told me, that
they were looking for a Coal under the Root
of a Plantain, to put under their Heads that
Night, and they should Dream who would
be their Husbands: It was to be found
that Day, and Hour.
Page 104
The Women have several Magical Se∣crets
handed down to them by Tradition,
for this purpose, as, on St. Agnes Night,
21 Day of Ianuary, Take a row of Pins,
and pull out every one, one after another,
saying a Pater Noster, or Our Father, stick∣ing
a Pin in your Sleeve, and you will Dream
of him or her you shall Marry. Ben. Iohn∣son
in one of his Masques, makes some men∣tion
of this.
And on sweet Saint Agnes NightPlease you with the promis'd sight,* 6.1Some of Husbands, some of Lovers,Which an empty Dream discovers.Another. To know whom one shall Marry.
You must lie in another County, and
knit the left Garter about the Right Legg'd
Stockin (let the other Garter and Stock∣in
alone) and as you rehearse these fol∣lowing
Verses, at every Comma, knit a
This Knot I knit,To know the thing I know not yet,That I may seeThe Man (Woman) that shall my Hus∣band
(Wife) be,How he goes and what he wearsAnd what he does all the Days.
Accordingly in your Dream you will see
him; if a Musitian, with a Lute or other
Instrument; if a Scholar, with a Book, &c.
A Gentlewoman that I knew, confessed
Page 105
in my hearing, that she used this Method,
and dreamt of her Husband whom she had
never seen: About Two or three Years
after, as she was on Sunday at Church, up
pops a young Oxonian in the Pulpit: She
cries out presently to her Sister, This is the
very Face of the Man that I saw in my
Dream. Sir William Somes Lady did the
Another way is,* 6.2 to Charm the Moon
thus; At the first appearance of the new
Moon after New-years Day, go out in the
Evening, and stand over the Sparrs of a
Gate, or Stile, looking on the Moon and
All Hail to the Moon,* 6.3 all Hail to thee,I prithee good Moon reveal to me,This Night who my Husband (Wife) must be.
You must presently after go to Bed.
I knew two Gentlewomen, that did thus
when they were young Maids, and they
had Dreams of those that Married them.
Alexander Trallienus, Of Curing Diseases
by Spells, Charms, &c. is cited by Casaubon,
before Iohn Dee's Book of Spiritis: It is now
Translated out of the Greek into English.
The Great Historical, Geographical,
and Poetical Dictionary. Abracadabra, a
Mysterious Word, to which the Supersti∣ous
in former times attributed a Magical
power to expel Diseases, especially the Ter∣tian-Ague,
worn about their Neck in this
Page 106
Some think, that Basilides the Inventor,
intends the Name of GOD by it. The
method of the Cure was prescrib'd in these
Inscribes Chartae quod dicitur AbracadabraSaepius, et subter repetes, sed detrahe summamEt magis at{que} magis desint elementa figurisSingula quae semper capies & caetera figes,Donec in angustum redigatur Litera Conum,His lina nexis collo redimire memento.Talia languentis conducent Vincula collo,Lethales{que} abigent (miranda potentia) morbos.
Mr.—Scoot a German hath Writ an
excellent Book of Magick: It is Prohibited
in that Country. I have here set down
Three Spells, which are much approv'd.
To Cure an Ague,
Write this following Spell in Parchment,
and wear it about your Neck. It must be
Writ Triangularly.
With this Spell, one of Wells hath Cur'd
above an Hundred of the Ague.
Page 107
To Cure the Biting of a Mad Dog.Write these Words in Paper, Viz.
Rebus Rubus Epitepscum, and give it to
the Party, or Beast Bit, to Eat in Bread,
or &c. A Gentleman of good Quality, and
a sober grave Person, did affirm, that this
Receipt never fails,
To Cure the Tooth-ach, out of Mr. Ashmole's
Manuscript Writ with his own Hand.
Mars, hur, abursa, aburse.Iesu Christ for Marys sake,Take away this Tooth-ach.
Write the words, Three times; and as
you say the Words, let the Party burn one
Paper, then another, and then the last.
He says, he saw it experimented, and the
Party immediately Cured.
Mr. Ashmole told me, that a Woman
made use of a Spell to Cure an Ague, by the
Advice of—A Minister came to her,
and severely repremanded her, for making
use of a Diabolical help, and told her, she
was in danger of Damnation for it, and
commanded her to burn it. She did so, and
her Distemper returned severely; inso∣much,
that she was importunate with the
Doctor to use the same again: She used
it, and had ease. But the Parson hearing of
it, came to her again, and thundred Hell
and Damnation, and frighted her so, that
she burnt it again. Whereupon she fell
extremely Ill, and would have had it a
Page 108
Third time; but the Doctor refused, say∣ing,
That she had contemned and slighted
the power and goodness of the Blessed Spi∣rits
(or Angels) and so she died, The
cause of the Lady Honywoods Desparation,
was that she had used a Spell to Cure her.
Jamblicus de Mysteriis de nominibus
Prophyrius quaerit, cur Sacerdotes utantur no∣minibus
quibusdam nihil significantibus? Iam∣blicus
respondet, omnia ejusmodi nomina signi∣ficare
aliquid apud deos: quamvis in quibus∣dam
significata nobis sint ignota, esse tamen no∣ta
quaedam, quorum intepretationem divinitus
accepimus, omnino verò modum in eis signifi∣candi
ineffabilem esse. Neque secundum ima∣ginationes
humanas, sed secundum intellectum
qui in nobis est, divinus, vel potius simpliciore,
praestantioreque modo secundum intellectum diis
unitum. Auferendum igitur omnes excogitati∣ones,
& rationales discursus, atque assimulati∣ones
naturalis vocis ipsius congenitas, ad res po∣sitas
in natum. Et quemadmodum character
symbolicus divinae similitudinis in se intellectu∣alis
est, atque divinus, ita hunc ipsum in om∣nibus
supponere, accipereque debemus, &c.
To Cure an Ague, Tertian or Quartan.
Gather Cinquefoil in a good Aspect of ♃ to
the ☽, and let the Moon be in the Mid-heaven,
if you can: and take—of the
Powder of it in White-wine: If it be not
thus gathered according to the Rules of A∣strology,
Page 109
it hath little or no Vertue in it.
With this Receipt—Bradely, a Quaker
at Kingston upon Thames, (near the Bridge-end)
hath Cured above an Hundred.
To Cure the Thrush.
There a is certain piece in the Beef, called
the Mouse-piece, which given to the Child,
or Party so affected, to Eat, doth certain∣ly
Cure the Thrush. From an experienced
Another to Cure a Thrush.
Take a living Frog, and hold it in a
Cloth, that it does not go down into the
Childs Mouth; and put the Head into the
Childs Mouth till it is dead; and then take
another Frog.
To Cure the Tooth-ach.
Take a new Nail, and make the Gum
bleed with it, and then drive it into an Oak.
This did Cure William Neal, Sir William
Neal's Son, a very stout Gentleman, when
he was almost Mad with the Pain, and had
a mind to have Pistoll'd himself.
For the Iaundise.
The Iaundise is Cured, by putting the
Urine after the first Sleep, to the Ashes of
the Ash-tree, Bark of Barberries.
To Cure a Bullock, that hath the Wisp,
(that is) Lame between the Clees.
Take the impression of the Bullock's Foot
in the Earth, where he hath trod; then dig
it up, and stick therein five or seven Thorns
Page 110
on the wrong side, and then hang it on a
Bush to dry: And as that dries, so the
Bullock heals. This never fails for Wisps.
From Mr. Pacy a Yeoman in Surrey.
To Cure a Beast that is Sprung, that is
Poysoned. It lights mostly upon Sheep.
Take the little red Spider, called a Tent∣bob
(not so big as a great Pins-head) the
first you light upon in the spring of the Year,
and rub it in the palm of your Hand all to
pieces; and having so done, piss on it, and
rub it in, and let it dry; then come to the
Beast and make water in your Hand, and
throw it in his Mouth. It Cures in a mat∣ter
of an Hours time. This rubbing serves
for a whole Year, and it is no danger to the
Hand. The chiefest Skill is to know whe∣ther
the Beast be Poisoned, or no. From
Mr. Pacy.
To stanch Bleeding.
Cut an Ash of One, two or three Years
Growth, at the very Hour and Minute of
the Sun's entring into Taurus: a Chip of this
applyed will stop it. If it is a Shoot, it must
be cut from the Ground. Mr. Nicholas Mer∣cator,
Astronomer, told me that he had tried
it with effect. Mr. G. W. says the Stick
must not be bound, or holden; but dipp'd
or wetted in the Blood. When King Iames
the second was at Salisbury 1688. his Nose
Bled near two Days; and after many essays
in vain, was stopp'd by this Sympathetick
Page 111
Ash, which Mr. Will. Nash a Chyrurgeon
in Salisbury applied.
Against an evil Tongue.
Take Vnguentum populeum and Vervain,
and Hypericon, and put a red-hot Iron into
it; you must anoint the Back-bone, or wear
it on your Breast. This is Printed in Mr.
W. Lilly's Astrology. Mr. H. C. hath try'd
this Receipt with good success.
Vervain and Dill,Hinders Witches from their will.
A House (or Chamber) somewhere in
London was Haunted; the Curtains would
be rashed at Night, and awake the Gentle∣man
that lay there, who was Musical, and
a familiar acquaintance of Henry Laws. Hen∣ry
Laws to be satisfied did lie with him; and
the Curtains were rashed so then: The Gen∣tleman
grew lean and pale with the frights,
One Dr.—Cured the House of this distur∣bance,
and Mr. Laws said, that the princi∣pal
Ingredient was Hypericon put under his
In Herefordshire, and other parts, they
do put a cold Iron-bar upon their Barrels, to
preserve their Beer from being sowred by
Thunder. This is a common practice in
To hinder the Night-mare, they hang in
a string a Flint with a hole in it (naturally)
by the Manger; but best of all they say,
hung about their Necks, and a Flint will
Page 112
do it that hath not a hole in it. It is to pre∣vent
the Night-mare (viz.) the Hag from ri∣ding
their Horses, who will sometimes sweat
all Night. The Flint thus hung does hin∣der
Mr. Sp. told me that his Horse which was
Bewitch'd, would break Bridles and strong
Halters, like a Sampson. They fill'd a Bot∣tle
with the Horse's Urine, stop'd it with a
Cork and bound it fast in, and then bury'd
it under Ground: And the party suspected
to be the Witch fell ill, that he could not
make Water, of which he died. When
they took up the Bottle, the Urine was al∣most
gone: So, that they did believe, that
if the Fellow could have lived a little longer,
he had recovered.
It is a thing very common to nail Horse-shoes
on the Thresholds of Doors:* 6.4 Which
is to hinder the power of Witches that enter
into the House. Most Houses of the West-end
of London have the Horse-shoe on the
Threshold. It should be a Horse-shoe that
one finds. In the Bermudas, they use to put
an Iron into the Fire when a Witch comes
At Paris when it begins to Thunder and
Lighten, they do presently Ring out the
great Bell at the Abbey of St. German, which
they do believe makes it cease. The like
was wont to be done heretofore in Wiltshire;
when it Thundred and Lightned, they did
Page 113
Ring St. Adelm's Bell at Malmsbury Abbey.
The curious do say, that the Ringing of
Bells exceedingly disturbs Spirits.
Transportation by an Invisible Power.
A Letter from the Reverend Mr. Andrew
Paschal B. D. Rector of Chedzoy in Somer∣set,
To John Aubery Esq at Gresham
College London.
I Last Week received a Letter from a Learn∣ed
Friend, the Minister of Barnstable in
Devon, which I think worthy your perusal.
It was Dated May 3. 1683. and is as follows.
[He was of my time in Queens College in
There having been many Prodigious
things perform'd lately in a Parish a join∣ing
to that which Bishop Sparrow presented
me to, called Cheriton Bp by some discon∣tented
Daemon, I can easily remember that
I owe you an account thereof in lieu of that
which you desired of me, and which I could
serve you in.
Page 114
About November last, in the Parish of
Spreyton in the County of Devon, there ap∣peared
in a Field near the Dwelling-house
of Phil. Furze, to his Servant Francis Fry,
being of the age of 21 next August, an aged
Gentleman with a Pole in his Hand, and
like that he was wont to carry about with
him when living, to kill Moles withall, who
told the Young Man he should not be afraid
of him; but should tell his Master, i. e. his
Son, That several Legacies that he had be∣queathed
were unpaid, naming 10 s. to one,
10 s. to another, &c. Fry replied, that the par∣ty
he last nam'd was Dead. The Spectrum
replied, he knew that, but said it must be
paid to—and named the next Relation,
These things being perform'd, he promised
he would trouble him no further. These
small Legacies were paid accordingly. But
the young Man having caried 20 s. order'd
by the Spectrum to his Sister Mrs. Furze of
the Parish of Staverton near Totness, which
Money the Gentlewoman refus'd to receive,
being sent her, as she said, from the Devil.
The same Night Fry lodging there, the
Spectrum appear'd to him again, whereup∣on
Fry challenged his promise not to trou∣ble
him, and said he had done all he desir'd
him, but that Mrs. Furze would not re∣ceive
the Money. The Spectrum replied,
that's true indeed. But bid him ride to Tot∣ness
and buy a Ring of that value, and that
Page 115
she would take: Which was provided for her;
and receiv'd by her. Then Fry rode home∣wards
attended by a Servant of Mrs. Furze.
But being come into Spreyton Parish, or ra∣ther
a little before, he seem'd to carry an
old Gentlewoman behind him, that often
threw him off his Horse, and hurried him
with such violence, as astonish'd all that saw
him, or heard how horridly the Ground
was beaten; and being come into his Ma∣ster's
Yard, Fry's Horse (a mean Beast)
sprung at once 25 Foot. The trouble from
the Man-Spectre ceased from this time.
But the old Gentlewoman Mrs. Furze, Mr.
Furze's second Wife, whom the Spectre at
his first appearance to Fry, called, That
Wicked Woman my Wife, (though I knew
her, and took her for a very good Woman)
presently after appears to several in the
House, viz. to Fry, Mrs. Thomasin Gidley,
Anne Langdon born in my Parish, and to a
little Child which was forced to be remov'd
from the House; sometimes in her own
shape, sometimes in shapes more horrid, as of
a Dog belching Fire, and of an Horse, and
seeming to ride out at the Window, carrying
only one pane of Glass away, and a little
piece of Iron. After this Fry's Head was
thrust into a narrow space, where a Man's
Fist could not enter, between a Bed and a
Wall; and forced to be taken thence by the
strength of Men, all bruised and bloody;
Page 116
upon this, it was thought fit to Bleed him;
and after that was done, the Binder was re∣mov'd
from his Arm, and convey'd about his
Middle, and presently was drawn so very
straight, it had almost killed him, and was
cut asunder making an ugly uncouth noise.
Several other times with Handkerchiefs, Cra∣vats
and other things he was near strangled,
they were drawn so close upon his Throat.
He lay one Night in his Periwig (in his Ma∣ster's
Chamber, for the more safety) which
was torn all to pieces. His best Periwig he
inclosed in a little Box on the inside with a
Joind-stool, and other weight upon it; the
Box was snapp'd asunder, and the Wig torn
all to flitters. His Master saw his Buckles fall
all to pieces on his Feet: But, first I should
have told you the fate of his Shoe-strings,
one of which a Gentlewoman greater than all
exception, assured me that she saw it come
out of his Shoe, without any visible Hand,
and fling it self to the farther end of the
Room; the other was coming out too, but
that a Maid prevented and help'd it out,
which crisp'd and curl'd about her Hand like
a living Eel. The Cloaths worn by Anne
Langdon and Fry (if their own) were torn
to pieces on their backs. The same Gentle∣woman,
being the Daughter of the Mini∣ster
of the Parish, Mr. Roger Specott, shewed
me one of Fry's Gloves, which was torn in
his Pocket while she was by. I did view it
Page 117
near and narrowly, and do seriously confess
that it is torn so very accurately in all the
Seams and in other places, and laid abroad
so artificially, and it is so dexterously tatter'd
(and all done in the Pocket in a Minutes
time) as nothing Human could have done it;
no Cutler could have made an Engine to do
it so. Other fantastical Freeks have been very
frequent, as, the marching of a great Bar∣rel
full of Salt out of one Room into another;
an Andiron-laying it self over a Pan of Milk
that was scalding on the Fire, and two
Flitches of Bacon descending from the Chim∣ney
where they hung, and laid themselves
over that Andiron. The appearing of the
the Spectrum (when in her own shape) in
the same Cloaths, to seeming, which Mrs.
Furze her Daughter-in-law has on. The
intangling of Fry's Face and Legs, about his
Neck, and about the Frame of the Chairs,
so as they have been with great difficulty
But the most Remarkable of all happen'd
in that Day that I passed by the Door in
my return hither, which was Easter-eve,
when Fry returning from Work (that little
he can do) he was caught by the Woman
Spectre by the Skirts of his Doublet, and car∣ried
into the Air; he was quickly mist by
his Master and the Workmen, and great
enquiry was made for Fran. Fry, but no
hearing of him; but about half an Hour af∣ter
Page 118
Fry was heard Whistling and Singing in
a kind of a Quagmire. He was now affe∣cted
as he was wont to be in his Fits, so that
none regarded what he said; but coming
to himself an Hour after, he solemnly pro∣tested,
That the Daemon carried him so
high that he saw his Master's House under∣neath
him no bigger than an Hay-cock,
that he was in perfect sense and prayed God
not to suffer the Devil to destroy him; that
he was suddenly set down in that Quagmire.
The Workmen found one Shoe on one side
of the House, and the other Shoe on the o∣ther
side; his Periwig was espied next Morn∣ing
hanging on the Top of a tall Tree. It
was soon observ'd, that Fry's part of his
Body that had laid in the Mud, was much
benum'd, and therefore the next Saturday,
which was the Eve of Low-Sunday, they car∣ried
him to Crediton to be let Blood; which
being done, and the Company having left
him for a little while, returning they found
him in a Fit, with his Fore-head all bruis∣ed
and swoln to a great bigness, none being
able to guess how it came, till he recover'd
himself, and then he told them, That a
Bird flew in at the Window with a great
force, and with a Stone in it's Mouth
flew directly against his Fore-head. The
People looked for it, and found on the
Ground just under where he sat, not a Stone,
but a weight of Brass, or Copper, which
Page 119
the People were breaking, and parting it
among themselves. He was so very ill, that
he could not ride but one Mile or little more
that Night, since which time I have not
heard of him, save that he was ill handled
the next Day, being Sunday. Indeed Sir you
may wonder that I have not Visited that
House, and the poor afflicted People; espe∣cially,
since I was so near, and passed by the
very Door: But besides that, they have
called to their assistance none but Noncon∣forming
Ministers, I was not qualified to
be welcome there, having given Mr. Furze
a great deal of trouble the last Year about a
Conventicle in his House, where one of this
Parish was the Preacher. But I am very
well assured of the truth of what I have
written, and (as more appears) you shall
hear from me again.
I had forgot to tell you that Fry's Mother
came to me, grievously bewailing the mise∣rable
condition of her Son. She told me, that
the Day before he had five Pins thrust into
his Side. She ask'd, and I gave her the best
Advice I could. Particularly, that her Son
should declare all that the Spectre, especi∣ally
the Woman gave him in Charge, for I
suspect, there is aliquid latens; and that she
should remove him thence by all means.
But I fear that she will not do it. For I hear
that Anne Langdon is come into my Parish
to her Mother, and that she is grievously
Page 120
troubled there. I might have written as
much of her, as of Fry, for she hath been
as ill treated, saving the Aerial Journey.
Her Fits and Obsessions seem to be greater,
for she Scrieches in a most Hellish tone.
Thomasin Gidley (though removed) is in
trouble, as I hear.
Sir this is all my Friend wrote. This Let∣ter
came inclosed in another from a Clergy-Man
my Friend, who lives in those parts.
He tells me, all the Relations he receives
from divers Persons living in Spreyton and the
Neighbouring Parishes agree with this. He
spake with a Gentleman of good fashion,
that was at Crediton when Fry was Blood∣ed,
and saw the Stone that bruised his Fore-head;
but he did not call it Copper or Brass,
but said, it was a strange Mineral. That
Gentleman promised to make a strict en∣quiry
on the place into all particulars and to
give him the result: Which my Friend
also promises me; with hopes that he shall
procure for me a piece of that Mineral sub∣stance,
which hurt his Fore-head.
The occasion of my Friends sending me
this Narrative, was my entreating him
sometime since to enquire into a thing of
this nature, that happen'd in Barnstable,
where he lives. An account was given to
me long since, it fills a Sheet or two, which
I have by me: And to gratifie Mr. Glanvil
who is Collecting Histories for his Sadducism.
Page 121
Triumphatus. I desir'd to have it well attested,
it being full of very memorable things; but
it seems he could meet only a general con∣sent
as to the truth of the things; the Re∣ports
varying in the Circumstances.
A Copy of a Letter from a Learned Friend of
mine in Scotland, Dated March 35. 1695.
Honoured Sir,
I received yours Dated May 24 1694. in
which you desire me to send you some
instances and examples of Transportation
by an invisible Power. The true cause of
my delaying so long to reply to that Letter,
was not want of Kindness; but of fit Mate∣terials
for such a Reply.
As soon as I read your Letter of May 24
I called to mind a Story which I heard long
ago, concerning one of the Lord Duffus (in
the Shire of Murray) his Predecessors, of
whom it is reported, That upon a time,
when he was walking abroad in the Fields
near to his own House, he was suddenly car∣ried
away, and found the next Day at Paris
in the French King's Cellar with a Silver Cup
in his Hand; that being brought into the
King's Presence and question'd by him, Who
he was? And how he came thither? He
told his name, his Country, and the place of
his Residence, and that on such a Day of the
Page 122
Month (which proved to be the Day im∣mediately
preceeding) being in the Fields,
he heard the noise of a Whirl-wind, and of
Voices crying Horse and Hattock (this is
the Word, which the Fairies are said to use
when they remove from any place) where∣upon
he cried (Horse and Hattock) also,
and was immediately caught up, and trans∣ported
through the Air, by the Fairies to
that place, where after he had Drunk hear∣tily
he fell a-sleep, and before he awoke, the
rest of the Company were gone, and had left
him in the posture wherein he was found.
It's said, the King gave him the Cup which
was found in his Hand, and dismis'd
This Story (if it could be sufficiently
attested) would be a noble Instance for
your purpose, for which cause I was at some
pains to enquire into the truth of it, and
found the means to get the present Lord
Duffus's opinion thereof; which shortly is,
That there has been, and is such a Traditi∣on,
but that he thinks it fabulous; this ac∣count
of it, his Lordship had from his Fa∣ther,
who told him, that he had it from his
Father, the present Lord's Grandfather,
There is yet an old Silver-Cup in his Lord∣ship's
Possession still, which is called the
Fairy Cup; but has nothing Engraven up∣upon
it except the Arms of the Family.
Page 123
The Gentleman by whose means I
came to know the Lord Duffus his sentiment
of the forgoeing story, being Tutor to his
Lordships eldest Son, told me another lit∣tle
passage of the same nature, whereof he
was an Eye witness. He reports, that when
he was a Boy at School in the Town of For∣res,
yet not so Young, but that he had
Years and Capacity, both to observe and
remember that which fell out; he and his
School-fellows were upon a time whipping
their Tops in the Church-yard before the
Door of the Church; though the Day was
calm, they heard a noise of a Wind, and
at some distance saw the small Dust be∣gin
to arise and turn round, which motion
continued, advancing till it came to the
place where they were; whereupon they
began to Bless themselves: But one of
their number (being it seems a little more
bold and confident than his Companions)
said, Horse and Hattock with my Top, and
immediately they all saw the Top lifted up
from the Ground; but could not see what
way it was carried, by reason of a Cloud
of Dust which was raised at the same time:
They sought for the Top all about the place
where it was taken up, but in vain; and it
was found afterwards in the Church-yard,
on the other side of the Church. Mr.
Steward (so is the Gentleman called) decla∣red
to me that he had a perfect remembrance
of this matter.
Page 124
The following Account I received No∣vember
last, from Mr. Alexander Mowat a
Person of great Integrity and Judgment,
who being Minister at the Church at Lesly,
in the Shire of Aberdene, was turned out for
refusing the Oath of Test, Anno. 1681. He
informs, That he heard the late Earl of
Cathnes who was Married to a Daughter of
the late Marquess of Argyle tell the follow∣ing
Story, viz. That upon a time, when
a Vessel which his Lordship kept for bring∣ing
home Wine and other Provisions for
his House, was at Sea; a common Fellow,
who was reputed to have the Second-sight,
being occasionally at his House; the Earl
enquired of him, where his Men (mean∣ing
those in the Ship) were at that present
time? The Fellow replied, at such a place, by
name, within four Hours Sailing of the Har∣bour,
which was not far from the place of his
Lordship's Residence: The Earl asked, what
Evidence he could give for that? The o∣ther
replied, that he had lately been at the
place, and had brought away with him
one of the Sea-mens Caps, which he deli∣vered
to his Lordship. At the four Hours
end the Earl went down himself to the
Harbour, where he found the Ship newly
arrived, and in it one of the Seamen with∣out
his Cap; who being questioned, how
he came to lose his Cap? Answered, that
at such a place (the same the Second-sight'd
Page 125
Man had named before) there arose a
Whirl-wind which endangered the Ship,
and carried away his Cap: The Earl
asked, if he would know his Cap when he
saw it? He said he would; whereupon
the Earl produced the Cap, and the Seaman
owned it for that, which was taken from
This is all the Information which I
can give at present concerning Transporta∣tion
by an invisible Power. I am sorry that
I am able to contribute so little to the pub∣lishing
of so curious a piece as it seems your
Collection of Hermerick Philosophy will be.
I have given Instructions to an Acquain∣tance
of mine now living at Kirkwall, and
took him engaged when he left this place, to
inform him concerning the old Stone Mo∣numents,
the Plants and Cures in the Or∣cades,
and to send me an Account. But I
have not heard from him as yet, tho' I
caused a Friend that was Writing to him,
to put him in mind of his promise; the oc∣casions
of Correspondence betwixt this
place and Orkney are very rare.
Your Faithful Affectionate Friend
and Servant,
I. G.
Page 126
'TIs very likely my Lord Keeper
[North] (if an Account of a thing
so considerable, hath not been presented to
him by another Hand) will take it kindly
from you. I would Transcribe it for Dr.
Henry More, to whom, as I remember, I
promised some time since an Account of the
Barnstable Apparition; but my Hands are
full of Work. May I beg of you to visit
Dr. Whitchcot Minister of St. Laurence
Church, and to communicate a sight of
this Letter from Barnstable: Probably he
will be willing to make his Servant Tran∣scribe
it, and convey it to Dr. More. Pray
present my humble Service to him, as also
my affectionate Service to our Friends Mr.
Hook and Mr. Lodwick. I ever rest
Your most Faithful
and Affectionate Servant,
Andrew Paschal.
Page 127
There was in Scotland one—[an Ob∣sessus]
carried in the Air several times in the
view of several Persons, his Fellow-Soldi∣ers.
Major Henton hath seen him carry'd
away from the Guard in Scotland sometimes
a Mile or two. Sundry Persons are living
now (1671.) that can attest this Story.
I had it from Sir Robert Harley (the Son)
who Marryed Major Henton's Window;
as also from E. T. D. D.
A Gentleman of my Acquaintance Mr.
—M. was in Portugal, Anno. 1655.
when one was Burnt by the Inquisition for
being brought thither from Goa in East In∣dia,
in the Air, in an incredible short
Page 128
Visions in a Berill, or Crystall.
A Berill is a kind of Crystal that hath
a weak Tincture of Red; it is one of
the Twelve Stones mentioned in the Reve∣lation.
I have heard** 9.1, that Spectacles
were first made of this Stone, which is the
reason that the Germans do call a Specta∣cle-Glass
[or pair of Spectacles] a Brill.
Dr.—Pocock of Oxford in his Com∣mentary
on Hosea, hath a Learned Dis∣course
of the Vrim and Thummim: as also
Dr.—Spenser of Cambridge, That the
Priest had his Visions in the Stone of the
The Prophets had their Seers, viz.
Young Youths who were to behold those
Visions, of whom Mr. Abraham Cowly writes,
With hasty wings, time present they out∣fly,And tread the doubtful Maze of Desti∣ny;There walk and sport among the years to
come,And with quick Eye pierce every Causes
Page 129
The Magicians, now, use a Crystal∣Sphere,* 9.2
or Mi∣neral-Pearl for
this purpose,
which is in∣spected
by a Boy,
or sometimes by
the Querent himself.
There are certain Formula's of Prayer
to be used before they make the inspecti∣on,
which they term a Call. In a Ma∣nuscript
of Dr. Forman of Lambeth (which
Mr. Elias Ashmole had) is a Discourse of
this, and the Prayer. Also there is the
Call which Dr. Nepier did use.
Iames Harrington [Author of Oceana]
told me that the Earl of Denbigh then
Ambassador at Venice did tell him, that
one did shew him there several times in
a Glass, things past, and to come.
When Sir Mermaduke Langdale was in
Italy, he went to one of those Magi, who
did shew him a Glass, where he saw him∣self
kneeling before a Crucifix: He was
then a Protestant; afterwards he became
a Roman Catholick. He told Mr. Thomas
Henshaw R. S. S. this himself.
I have here set down the Figure of a
Consecrated Berill, now in the possession
of Sir Edward Harley Knight of the Bath,
which he keeps in his Closet at Brampton-Bryan
Page 130
in Herefordshire, amongst his Cime∣lia,
which I saw there. It came first from
Norfolk; a Mini∣ster
had it there,
and a Call was to
be used with it.
Afterwards a Mil∣ler
had it, and both
did work great
Cures with it (if
Curable) and in the
Berill they did see,
either the Receipt
in Writing, or else
the Herb. To this
Minister the Spirits
or Angels would
appear openly, and
because the Miller
(who was his fami∣liar
Friend) one day
happened to see
them, he gave him
the aforesaid Berill
and Call: By these
Angels the Mini∣ster
was forewarned of his Death. This
Account I had from Mr. Ashmole. After∣wards
this Berill came into somebodies
hand in London, who did tell strange
things by it; insomuch that at last he was
Page 131
questioned for it, and it was taken away
by•• Authority [it was about 1645.]
This Berill is a perfect Sphere, the Di∣ameter
of it I guess to be something more
than an Inch: It is set in a Ring, or Cir∣cle
of Silver resembling the Meridian of a
Globe: The stem of it is about Ten Inches
high, all gilt. At the Four quarters of it
are the Names of Four Angels, viz. Vriel,
Raphael, Michael, Gabriel. On the top is
a Cross Patee.
Sam. B••isardus hath writ a Book de Di∣vinatione
per Crystallum.
A Cloathier's Widow of Pembridge in
Herefordshire, desired Dr. Shirburn [one of
the Canons of the Church of Hereford, and
Rector of Pembridge] to look over her
Husbands Writings after his Decease: a∣mong
other things, he found a Call for a
Crystal. The Clothier had his Clothes
oftentimes stolen from his Racks; and at
last obtain'd this Trick to discover the
Thieves. So when he lost his Clothes,
he went out about Midnight with his
Crystal and Call, and a little Boy, or lit∣tle
Maid with him [for they say it must
be a pure Virgin] to look in the Crystal,
to see the likeness of the Person that com∣mitted
the Theft. The Doctor did burn
the Call, 1671.
Page 132
Visions without a Glass, or Crystal.
About the later end of the Reign of King
Iames the First, one—a Taylor in
London had several Visions, which he did
describe to a Painter to paint, and he writ
the description himself in an ill, Taylor∣like
hand, in false English; but legibly:
It was (at least) a Quire of Paper. I re∣member
one Vision is of St. Iame's Park,
where is the Picture of an Altar and Cru∣cifix.
Mr. Butler of the Toy-shop by
Ludgate [one of the Masters of Bridewel]
had the Book in Anno 1659; The then
Earl of Northampton gave Five Pounds
for a Copy of it.
Page 133
Converse with Angels and Spirits.
DR. Richard Nepier was a Person of
great Abstinence, Innocence, and
Piety: He spent every day two Hours in
Family Prayer: When a Patient, or Que∣rent
came to him, he presently went to
his Closet to Pray: and told to admira∣tion
the Recovery, or Death of the Pati∣ent.
It appears by his Papers, that he
did converse with the Angel Raphael, who
gave him the Responses.
Elias Ashmole Esq had all his Papers,
where is contained all his Practice for about
Fifty Years; which he, Mr. Ashmole, care∣fully
bound up, according to the Year
of our Lord, in—Volumes in Folio;
which are now reposited in the Library
of the Musaeum in Oxford. Before the Res∣ponses
stands this Mark, viz. R Ris.
which Mr. Ashmole said, was Responsum
In these Papers are many excellent Me∣dicines,
or Receipts for several Diseases
that his Patients had; and before some of
them is the aforesaid Mark. Mr. Ashmole
Page 134
took the pains to Transcribe fairly with his
own hand all the Receipts; they are about
a Quire and half of Paper in Folio, which
since his Death were bought of his Relict
by E. W. Esq R. S. S.
The Angel told him, if the Patient were
curable, or incurable.
There are also several other Queries to
the Angel, as to Religion, Transubstantia∣tion,
&c. which I have forgot. I remem∣ber
one is, Whether the Good Spirits, or
the Bad be most in Number? R Ris, The
It is to be found there, that he told Iohn
Prideaux D. D. Anno 1621, that Twenty
Years hence [1641] he would be a Bishop,
and he was so, sc. Bishop of Worcester.
R Ris, did resolve him, That Mr. Booth
of—in Cheshire should have a Son that
should inherit, Three Years hence [Sc.
Sir George Booth, the first Lord Delamere]
viz. from 1619. Sir George Booth aforesaid
was born December 18. Anno 1622.
This I extracted out of Dr. Nepiers Ori∣ginal
Diary, then in the possession of Mr.
When E. W. Esq was about Eight
Years old, he was troubled with the
Worms: His Grand-father carried him to
Dr. Nepier at Lynford. Mr. E. W. peeped
in at the Closet at the end of the Gallery,
Page 135
and saw him upon his Knees at Prayer.
The Doctor told Sir Francis, that at Four∣teen
Years old his Grandson would be
freed from that Distemper: and he was so.
The Medicine he prescribed was, to drink
a little draught of Muscadine in the Morn∣ing.
'Twas about 1625.
It is impossible, that the Prediction of
Sir George Booth's Birth, could be found a∣ny
other way, but by Angelical Revelati∣on.
This Dr. Richard Nepier was Rector
of Lynford in Bucks, and did Practise
Physick; but gave most to the Poor that he
got by it. 'Tis certain, he foretold his own
Death to a Day and Hour; he dyed Pray∣ing
upon his Knees, being of a very great
Age, 1634. April the First. He was near∣ly
related to the Learn'd Lord Nepier Ba∣ron
of M. ... in Scotland; I have forgot
whether his Brother. His Knees were hor∣ny
with frequent Praying. He left his E∣state
to Sir Richard Nepier M. D. of the Col∣lege
of Physitians London, from whom Mr.
Ashmole had the Doctor's Picture, now in
the Musaeum.
Dr. Richard Nepier Rector of Lynford was
a good Astrologer, and so was Mr. Marsh
of Dunstable; but Mr. Marsh did seriously
confess to a Friend of mine, that Astrolo∣gy
was but the Countenance; and that he
Page 136
did his business by the help of the blessed
Spirits; with whom only Men of great Pi∣ety,
Humility and Charity, could be ac∣quainted:
And such a one he was. He was
an Hundred Years old when my Friend was
with him; and yet, did understand him∣self
very well.
At Ashridge in Buckinghamshire, near
Berkhamsted, was a Monastery, (now in the
Possession of the Earl of Bridgwater,) where
are excellent good old Paintings still to be
seen. In this Monastery was found an old
Manuscript Intituled Iohannes de Rupescissâ,
since Printed (or part of it) a Chimical
Book, wherein are many Receipts; among
others, To free a House Haunted with Evil
Spirits, by Fumes: Mr. Marsh had it, and
did Cure Houses so Haunted by it. Ovid in
his Festivals hath something like it. See
Thesaurus Exorcismorum writ by—
è Societate Iesu. Oct. Wherein are several
high Physical and Medicinal things.
Good Spirits are delighted and allured by
sweet Perfumes, as rich Gums, Frankin∣cense,
&c. Salt, &c. which was the reason
that the Priests of the Gentiles, and al∣so
the Christians used them in their Temples,
and Sacrifices: And on the contrary, Evil
Spirits are pleased and allured and called up
by Suffumigations of Henbane, &c. stinking
Smells, &c. which the Witches do use in
Page 137
their Conjuration. Toads (Saturnine A∣nimals)
are kill'd by putting of Salt upon
them; I have seen the Experiment. Ma∣gical
Writers say, that Cedar-wood drives
away evil Spirits; it was, and is much used
in Magnificent Temples.
Plinii Natural Hist. Lib. XII. Cap. XIV.
Alexandro Magno in pueritia sine parsimo∣nia
thura ingerenti aris, paedagogus Leonides
dixerat, ut illo modo, cum divicisset thurife∣ras
gentes, supplicaret. At ille Arabia potitus;
th••re onustam navim misit ei, large exhortatus,
ut Deos adoraret.
One says why should one think the In∣tellectual
World less Peopled, than the
Material? Pliny in his Natural History
Lib.—Cap.—tells us, That in Afri∣ca
do sometimes appear multitudes of Aeri∣al
Shapes, which suddenly vanish. Mr. Ri∣chard
Baxter in his Certainty of the Worlds of
Spirits, (the last Book he Writ, not long
before his Death) hath a Discourse of An∣gels:
and wonders they are so little taken
notice of, he hath counted in Newman's
Concordance of the Bible, the word Angel
in above 300 places,
Hugo Grotius in his Annotations on Io∣nah,
speaking of Nineve, says, That Hi∣story
hath divers Examples, that af∣ter
a great and hearty Humiliation, God
delivered Cities, &c. from their Calami∣ties.
Page 138
Some did observe in the late Civil
Wars, that the Parliament, after a Humi∣liation,
did shortly obtain a Victory. And
as a three-fold Chord is not easily broken;
so when a whole Nation shall conjoin in
fervent Prayer and Supplication, it shall
produce wonderful Effects. William Lawd
(Arch-bishop of Canterbury) in a Sermon
Preached before the Parliament, about the
beginning of the Reign of King Charles I.
affirms the power of Prayer to be so great,
That though there be a Conjunction or Op∣position
of Saturn or Mars (as there was
one of them then) it will overcome the
malignity of it. In the Life of Vavasor
Powel is a memorable Account of the effect
of fervent Prayer, after an exceeding
Drought: And Mr. Baxter (in his Book
afore-menioned) hath several Instances of
that Kind, which see.
St. Michael and all Angels.
The Collect.
O Everlasting God, who hast Ordered and
Constituted the services of Men and Angels, af∣ter
a Wonderful manner: Mercifully grant, that
as thy Holy Angels alway do thee service in Hea∣ven:
So by thy Appointment, they may succour
and defend us, through Iesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Page 139
Corps-candles in Wales.
Part of a Letter to Mr. Baxter.
* 10.1 I am to give you the best satis∣faction
I can touching those Fiery
Apparitions [Corps-candles,] which do,
as it were mark out the way for Corpses to
their 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, and sometimes before the
Partie••〈◊〉〈◊〉 fall Sick, and sometimes
in their ••••••kness. I could never hear in Eng∣land
of these, they are common in these
Three Counties, viz. Cardigan, Car∣marthan
and Pembroke,* 10.2 and as I hear in
some other parts of Wales.
These 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 in our Language we
call Canhwyllan Cyrph (i. e.) Corps-can∣dles;
and Candles we call them, not that
we see any thing besides the Light; but
because that Light doth as much resemble
a material Candle-light, as Eggs do Eggs,
saving, that in their Journey these Can∣dles
be modò apparentes, modò disparentes,
especially, when one comes near them;
and if one come in the way against them,
unto whom they vanish; but presently
appear behind and hold on their course.
If it be a little Candle pale or bluish,
Page 140
then follows the Corps either of an
Abortive or some Infant; if a big one,
then the Corps of some one come to Age:
If there be seen 2, or 3, or more, some
big, some small together, then so many
and such Corpses together. If two Can∣dles
come from divers places, and be seen
to meet, the Corpses will the like; if a∣ny
of these Candles are seen to turn some∣times
a little out of the way, or path, that
leadeth to the Church, the following
Corps will be forced to turn in that very
place, for the avoiding some dirty Lane,
or plash, &c. Now let us fall to Evi∣dence.
Being about the Age of Fifteen,
dwelling at Lanylar, late at Night, some
Neighbour saw one of these Candles ho∣vering
up and down along the River∣Bank,
until they were weary in behold∣ing
it, at last they left it so, and went to
Bed. A few Weeks after came a proper
Damsel from Montgomery-shire, to see her
Friends, who dwelt on the other side of
that River Istwith, and thought to Ford
the River at that very place where the
Light was seen; being dissuaded by some
lookers on (some it is most likely of those
that saw the Light) to adventure on the
Water, which was high by reason of a
Flood: She walked up and down along
the River-Bank, even where, and even as
Page 141
the aforesaid Candle did, waiting for the
falling of the Water; which at last she
took, but too soon for her, for she was
Drowned therein. Of late my Sexton's
Wife, an Aged understanding Woman,
saw from her Bed, a little bluish Candle
on her Tables-end, within 2, or 3, Days
after came a Fellow enquiring for her
Husband, and taking something from un∣der
his Cloak clap'd it down upon the
Tables-end; it was a Dead-born Child.
Another time, the same Woman saw
such another Candle upon the end of the
self-same Table; within a few Days after
a weak Child newly Christned by me,
was brought to the Sexton's House,
where presently he died: And when the
Sexton's Wife, who was then abroad came
home, she found the Child, on the other
end of the Table, where she had seen the
Some 30, or 40 Years since, my Wife's
Sister, being Nurse to Baronet Rudds
three Eldest Children, and (the Lady
Mistress being Dead) the Lady Comp∣troller
of the House going late into the
Chamber where the Maid-servants lay,
saw no less than Five of those Lights toge∣ther.
It happened a while after, that the
Chamber being newly Plaister'd, and a
Grate of Coal-fire therein kindled to hasten
Page 142
the drying of the Plaister, that five of the
Maid servants went to Bed as they were
wont (but as it fell out) too soon; for
in the Morning they were all Dead, be∣ing
Suffocated in their Sleep with the
steem of the new-tempered Lime and
This was at Langathen in Carmar∣than-shire
—Io. Davis.
See more— Generglyn, March
To this Account of Mr. Davis, I will
subjoin what my worthy Friend and
Neighbour Randal Caldicot D. D. hath af∣firm'd
to me many Years since, Viz.
any Christian is Drowned in the River
Dee, there will appear over the Water
where the Corps is, a Light, by which
means they do find the Body: And it is
therefore called the Holy Dee. The Doctor's
Father was Mr. Caldicot of Caldicot in
Cheshire, which lies on the River.
Page 143
Hleronimus Cardanus Lib. III. Synesiorum
Somniorum, Cap. XV. treats of this
Subject, which see. Iohannes Scotus Erigena,
when he was in Greece, did go to an Ora∣cle
to enquire for a Treatise of Aristotle,
and found it, by the Response of the Ora∣cle.
This he mentions in his Works lately
Printed at Oxford; and is quoted by Mr.
Anthony à Wood in his Antiquities of Oxon,
in his Life. He lived before the Conquest,
and taught Greek at the Abby in Malemsbury,
where his Scholars stabbed him with their
Pen-knives for his Severity to them. Keland
mentions that his Statue was in the Choire
Page 144
Cardanus, Lib. II. Synes. Somniorum.
Cap. VIII.
—IN Ecstasin multis modis dalabuntur
homines: aut per Syncopen, aut ani∣mi
deliquium, aut etiam proprie abducto om∣ni
sensu externo, absque alia causa. Id vero
contingit consuetis plerunque, & nimio affectu
alicujus rei laborantibus;—Ecstasis medi∣um
est inter vigiliam & somnium, sicut som∣nus
inter mortem & vigiliam seu vitam—Visa
in Ecstasi certiora insomniis: Clariora & evi∣dentiora
—Ecstasi deprehensi audire possunt,
qui dormiunt non possunt.
Anno 1670. A poor Widow's Daughter
in Herefordshire went to Service not far
from Harwood [the Seat of Sir Iohn Hoskins
Baronet R. S. S] She was aged neer about
twenty; fell very ill, even to the point of
Death, her Mother was old and Feeble,
and her Daughter was the Comfort of her
life; if she should die, she knew not what
to do: She besought God upon her Knees
in Prayer, that he would be pleased to
Page 145
spare her Daughters life, and take her to
him: At this very time, the Daughter fell
into a Trance, which continued about an
Hour; they thought she had been Dead:
When she recovered out of it, she declared
the Vision she had in this Fit, viz. That
one in black Habit came to her, whose Face
was so bright and glorious she could not be∣hold
it; and also he had such brightness up∣on
his Breast, and (if I forget not) upon
his Arms: And told her, that her Mother's
Prayers were heard, and that her Mother
should shortly dye, and she should sudden∣ly
recover: And she did so, and her Mo∣ther
dyed. She hath the character of a
modest, humble, vertuous Maid. Had this
been in some Catholick Country, it would
have made a great noise.
'Tis certain, there was one in the Strand,
who lay in a Trance a few Hours before he
departed: And in his Trance had a Visi∣on
of the Death of King Charles the II.
It was at the very Day of his Apoplectick
There is a Sheet of Paper Printed 16 ...
concerning Extasies, that Iames Vsher, late
Lord Primate of Ireland, once had: But I
have been assur'd from my Honour'd Friend
Iames Tyrrel Esq (his Lordship's Grand∣son)
that, this was not an Extasie; but
that his Lordship upon Reading the 12, 13,
Page 146
14, &c. Chapters of the Revelation, and
farther reflecting upon the great increase of
the Sectaries in England, supposed that
they would let in Popery, which Conside∣ration
put him into a great Transport at
the time when his Daughter (the Lady
Tyrrel) came into the Room; when he
Discoursed to her divers things (tho not all)
contained in the said Printed Paper.
Glances of Love, Malic.
AMor ex oculo: But (as the Lord Bacon
saith) more by Glances, than by full
Gazings; and so for Envy and Malice.
Tell me dearest,* 10.3 what is Love?'Tis a Lightning from above:'Tis an Arrow, tis a Fire,'Tis a Boy they call Desire.
'Tis something Divine and Inexplicable.
It is strange, that as one walks the Streets
sometimes one shall meet with an Aspect,
(of Male or Female) that pleases our Souls;
Page 147
and whose Natural sweetness of Nature,
we could boldly rely upon. One never
saw the other before, and so could neither
oblige, or disoblige each other. Gaze not
on a Maid, saith Ecclus. 9. 5.
The Glances of Envy and Malice, do
shoot also subtilly; the Eye of the Malici∣ous
Person does really Infect (and make
Sick) the Spirit of the other. The Lord
Bacon saith, it hath been observed, That
after Triumphs, the Triumphants have
been sick in Spirit.
The Chymist can draw subtile Spirits,
that will work upon one another at some
distance, viz. Spirits of Alkalies and A∣cids,
e. g. Spirits Coelestial (Sal Armoniac
and Spirit C. C. will work on each other
at half a Yard distance, and smoke); but
the Spirits above mentioned are more sub∣tile
than they.
Non amo te Sabati, nec possum dicere
But if an Astrologer had their Nativities,
he would find a great disagreement in the
Schemes. These are Hyperphysical Opticks,
and drawn from the Heavens.
Infants are very sensible of these Irradia∣tions
of the Eyes: In Spain, France, &c.
Southern Countries, the Nurses, and Pa∣rents,
Page 148
rents are very shy to let People look upon
their young Children, for fear of Fascina∣tion.
In Spain they take it ill if one looks
on a Child, and make one say, God Bless
it. They talk of mul dé ojos. We usually
say, Witches have evil Eyes.
Accurate Account
Two Letters from a Learned
Friend of mine in Scotland.
Page 151
To Mr. John Aubrey Fellow of the
FOR your Satisfaction I drew up
some Queries about the Second∣sighted
Men, and having sent them
to the Northern parts of this King∣dom,
some while ago I recieved Answers
to them from two different Hands, where∣of
I am now to give you an Account,
Page 152
Query. I.
If some few credible well-attested Instances
of such a Knowledge as is commonly called the
Second-sight, can be given?
Many Instances of such Knowledge can
be given, by the Confession of such who are
skilled in that Faculty: For instances, I re∣fer
you the Fourth Query.
Query. 2.
If it consists in the discovery of present, or
past Events only? Or, if it extend to such as
are to come?
The Second-sight relates only to things
future, which will shortly come to pass.
Past Events I learn nothing of it.
Query. 3.
If the Objects of this Knowledge, be sad and
dismal Events only; such as Deaths and Mur∣ders?
Or, joyful and prosperous also?
Sad and dismal Events, are the Objects
of this Knowledge: As sudden Deaths,
dismal Accidents: That they are Prospe∣rous,
Page 153
or Joyful, I cannot learn. Only
one instance I have from a Person worthy of
Credit, and thereby judge of the Joyful∣ness
or Prosperity of it, and it is this. Near
40 Years ago Macklend and his Lady, Sister
to my Lord Seaforth, were Walking about
their own House, and in their return, both
came into the Nurses Chamber, where
their young Child was on the Breast: At
their coming into the Room, the Nurse
falls a Weeping; they asked the cause,
dreading the Child was Sick, or that she
was scarce of Milk: The Nurse replied,
the Child was well, and she had abundance
of Milk; yet she still Wept; and being
pressed to tell what ailed her; she at last
said, Macklend would dye, and the Lady
would shortly be Marryed to another Man.
Being enquired how she knew that Event,
she told them plainly, that as they came
both into the Room, she saw, a Man with
a scarlet Cloak and a white Hat, betwixt
them, giving the Lady a Kiss over the
Shoulder; and this was the cause of her
Weeping. All which came to pass after
Macklend's Death: the Tutor of Lovat
Marry'd the Lady in the same Habit the
Woman saw him. Now by this instance,
judge if it be Prosperous to one, it is as Dis∣mal
to another.
Page 154
Query. 4.
If these Events, which Second-sighted Men
discover, or fore-tell, be visibly represented to
them, and acted, as it were, before their
Affirmatively, they see those things vi∣sibly;
but none sees but themselves; for in∣stance,
if a Man's Fatal-end be Hanging;
they'll see a Gibbet, or a Rope about his
Neck: if Beheaded, they'll see the Man
without a Head; if Drowned, they'll see
Water up to his Throat; if unexpected
Death, they'll see a Winding-sheet about
his Head: All which are represented to
their View. One Instance I had from a
Gentleman here, of a Highland Gentleman
of the Mackdonalds, who having a Brother
that came to visit him, saw him coming in
wanting a Head; yet told not his Brother,
he saw any such thing; but within 24
Hours thereafter, his Brother was taken,
(being a Murderer) and his Head cut off,
and sent to Edenburgh. Many such In∣stances
might be given.
Query. 5.
If the Second-sight be a thing that is trou∣blesome
and uneasie to those that have it? and
such as they would gladly be rid of?
Page 155
It's commonly talk'd-by all I spoke with,
That it is troublesome; and they would
gladly be freed from it, but cannot: Only
I heard lately of a Man very much troubled
in his Soul therewith, and by serious beg∣ging
of God Deliverance from it, at length
lost the Faculty of the Second-sight.
Query. 6.
If any Person, or Persons, truly Godly, who
may justly be presumed to be such, have been
known to have had this Gift or Faculty?
Negatively, not any Godly, but such as
are Vitious.
Query. 7.
If it descends by succession from Parents to
Children? Or, if not, Whether those that
have it, can tell how they came by it?
That it is by Succession, I cannot learn;
how they came by it, is hard to know, nei∣ther
will they tell; which if they did, they
are sure of their stroaks from an invisible
Hand. One Instance I heard of one Allen
Miller, being in company with some Gen∣tlemen,
Page 156
having gotten a little more than
ordinary of that strong Liquor they were
Drinking, began to tell Stories and strange
passages he had been at: But the said Allen
was suddenly removed to the farther end of
the House, and was there almost strangled;
recovering a little and coming to the place
where he was before, they asked him,
What it was that troubled him so? He
answered, he durst not tell; for he had told
too much already.
How came they by it?
Some say by Compact with the Devil;
some say by Converse with those Daemons
we call Fairies. I have heard, that those
that have this Faculty of the Second-sight,
have offered to teach it to such as were
Curious to know it; upon such and such
Conditions they would teach them; but
their proffers were rejected.
This is all I could learn by Tradition of
that Faculty, from Knowing and Intelli∣gent
Men. If this satisfie not these Queries
aforesaid, acquaint me, and what can be
known of it, shall be Transmitted.
I cannot pass by an Instance I have from
a very honest Man in the next Parish, who
told me it himself. That his Wife being
big with Child near her Delivery, he buys
Page 157
half a Dozen of Boards to make her a Bed
against the time she lay in. The Boards
lying at the Door of his House, there comes
an old Fisher-woman, yet alive, and asked
him, Whose were those Boards? He told
her they were his own; she asked again,
For what use he had them? He replied, for
a Bed; she again said, intend them for what
use you please, she saw a dead Corps ly∣ing
on them, and that they would be a Cof∣fin:
Which struck the honest Man to
the Heart, fearing the Death of his Wife.
But when the old Woman went off, he
calls presently for a Carpenter to make the
Bed, which was accordingly done; but
shortly after the honest Man had a Child
died, whose Coffin was made of the ends
of those Boards.
Sir, The Original, whereof this that I
have Writ, is a true Copy, was sent by a
Minister, living within some few Miles of
Inverness, to a Friend of mine whom I em∣ployed
to get Information for me; as I insi∣nuated
before: I have other Answers to
these Queries from another Hand, which I
purposed to have communicated to you at
this time; but I find there will not be room
enough for them in this Sheet; howbeit, in
case you think it fit, they shall be sent you
Page 158
In the mean time, I shall tell you what I
have had from one of the Masters of our
College here (a North Country-man both
by Birth and Education, in his younger
Years) who made a Journey in the Harvest
time into the Shire of Ross, and at my
desire, made some enquiry there, concern∣ing
the Second-sight. He reports, That
there they told him many Instances of this
Knowledge, which he had forgotten, except
two. The first, one of his Sisters, a young
Gentlewoman, staying with a Friend at
some 30 Miles distance from her Father's
House, and the ordinary place of her Re∣sidence;
One who had the Second-sight in
the Family where she was, saw a young
Man attending her as she went up and down
the House, and this was about Three
Months before her Marriage. The second
is of a Woman in that Country who is re∣puted
to have the Second-sight, and decla∣red,
that Eight Days before the Death of a
Gentleman there, she saw a Bier or Coffin
covered with a Cloth which she knew, car∣ried
as it were to the place of Burial, and
attended with a great Company, one of
which told her it was the Corps of such a
Person, naming that Gentleman, who died
Eight Days after. By these Instances it
appears, that the Objects of this Knowledge
are not sad and dismal Events only, but
Page 159
joyful and prosperous ones also: He de∣clares
farther, that he was inform'd there,
if I mistake not, by some of those who had
the Second sight, That if at any time when
they set those strange Sights, they set
their Foot upon the Foot of another who
hath not the Second-sight, that other will
for that time see what they are seeing; as
also that they offered, if he pleased, to com∣municate
the Second-sight to him. I have
nothing more to add at present, but that
I am
SIR Your Faithful Friend
and Humble Servant,
Page 160
To Mr. John Aubery Fellow of the
Royal Society at Gresham College,
Honoured Sir,
SInce my last to you, I have had the fa∣vour
of two Letters from you: To
the first Dated February 6. I had replied
sooner, but that I wanted leisure to Tran∣scribe
some farther Accounts of a Second-sighted
Man, sent me from the North,
whereof (in obedience to your desire) I
give here the Doubles.
May the 4th
Page 161
A Copy of an Answer to some Queries
concerning Second-sighted Men, sent by
a Minister living near Inverness, to a
Friend of mine.
Query. 1.
That there is such an Art, commonly
called the Second-sight, is certain, from these
following Instances,
First, in a Gentleman's House, one
Night the Mistress considering why such
Persons whom she expected, were so late,
and so long a coming, the Supper being
all the while delayed for them; a Servant
Man about the House (finding the Mistress
anxious) having the Second-sight, desires
to cover the Table, and before all things
were put on, those Persons she longed for
would come in: Which happened ac∣cordingly.
A Second Instance, concerning a young
Lady of great Birth, whom a Rich Knight
fancied and came in sute of the Lady, but
she could not endure to fancy him, being a
harsh and unpleasant Man: But her
Friends importuning her dayly, she turned
melancholy and lean, Fasting and Weep∣ing
Page 162
continually. A common Fellow about
the House meeting her one Day in the Fields,
asked her, saying, Mrs. Kate, What is that
that troubles you and makes you look so ill?
She replied, that the cause is known to ma∣ny,
for my Friends would have me Marry
such a Man by name, but I cannot fancy
him. Nay, (says the Fellow) give over
these Niceties, for he will be your first Hus∣band,
and will not Live long, and be sure
he will leave you a rich Dowry, which will
procure you a great Match, for I see a Lord
upon each Shoulder of you: All which
came to pass in every Circumstance; as
Eye and Ear Witnesses declare.
A Third Instance, of a Traveller coming
in to a certain House, desired some Meat:
The Mistress being something nice and
backward to give him Victuals; you need
not, says he, churle me in a piece of Meat;
for before an Hour and an half be over, a
young Man of such a stature and garb will
come in with a great Salmon-fish on his
Back, which I behold yonder on the Floor:
And it came to pass within the said time.
A Fourth Instance, of a young Woman
in a certain House about Supper time, re∣fused
to take Meat from the Steward who
was offering in the very time Meat to her;
being asked why she would not take it?
replied, she saw him full of Blood, and
Page 163
therefore was afraid to take any thing of
his Hands. The next Morning, the said
Steward offering to compose a difference
between two Men, at an Ale-house Door got
a stroke of a Sword on the Forehead, and
came home full of Blood. This was told
me by an Eye Witness.
Query. 2.
Those that have this Faculty of the Se∣cond-sight,
see only things to come, which
are to happen shortly thereafter, and some∣times
fore-tell things which fall out Three
or four Years after. For instance, one told
his Master, that he saw an Arrow in such
a Man through his Body, and yet no Blood
came out: His Master told him, that it was
impossible an Arrow should stick in a Man's
Body and no Blood come out, and if that
come not to pass he would be deemed an
Impostor. But about 5 or 6 Years after
the Man died, and being brought to his
Burial-place, there arose a Debate anent his
Grave, and it came to such a height, that
they drew Arms and bended their Bows,
and one letting off an Arrow, shot through
the dead Body upon the Bier-trees, and so no
Blood could issue out at a dead Man's
Wound. Thus his Sight could not inform
him whether the Arrow should be shot in
Page 164
him Alive or Dead, neither could he con∣descend
whether near or afar off.
Query. 3.
They foresee Murthers, Drownings,
Weddings, Burials, Combates, Manslaught∣ers,
of all which many Instances might
be given. Lately (I believe in August last
1695.) one told there would be Drown∣ing
in the River Bewly, which came to pass:
Two pretty Men crossing a Ford both
Drowned, which fell out within a Month.
Another Instance, a Man that served the Bi∣shop
of Catnes, who had 5 Daughters in his
House, one of them grudged, that the bur∣then
of the Family lay on her wholly: The
Fellow told her that ere long she should be
exonered of that Task, for he saw a tall Gen∣tleman
in black walking on the Bishop's
Right-hand whom she should Marry: And
this fell out accordingly within a quarter of
a Year thereafter. He told also of a cover∣ed
Table, full of Varieties of good Fare,
and their Garbs who sat about the Table.
Query. 4.
They see all this visibly acted before their
Eyes; sometimes within, and sometimes
without-doors, as in a Glass.
Page 165
Query. 5.
It is a thing very troublesome to them
that have it, and would gladly be rid of it.
For if the Object be a thing that is terrible,
they are seen to sweat and tremble, and
shreek at the Apparition. At other times
they Laugh, and tell the thing chearfully,
just according as the thing is pleasant or
Query. 6.
Sure it is, that the Persons that have a
sense of God and Religion, and may be pre∣sumed
to be Godly, are known to have this
Faculty. This evidently appears, in that
they are troubled for having it, judging it
a Sin, and that it came from the Devil, and
not from God; earnestly desiring and wish∣ing
to be rid of it if possible, and to that
effect have made application to their Mini∣ster,
to Pray to God for them, that they
might be exonered of that Burthen. They
have supplicated the Presbyterie, who ju∣dicially
appointed publick Prayers to be
made in several Churches, and a Sermon
Preached to that purpose in their own Parish
Church by their Minister, and they have
compeired before the Pulpit, after Sermon
Page 166
making Confession openly of that Sin with
deep sense on their Knees; renounced any
such Gift or Faculty which they had to God's
dishonor; and earnestly desired the Mini∣ster
to pray for them; and this their Re∣cantation
Recorded, and after this, they
were never troubled with such a sight any
Page 167
A Copy of a Letter, written to my self
by a Gentleman's Son in Straths-pey
being a Student in Divinity, concern∣ing
the Second-sight.
I Am more willing than able to satisfie
your desire: As for instances of such a
Knowledge, I could furnish many. I shall
only insert some few attested by several
of good Credit yet alive.
And First, Andrew Mackpherson of Clunie
in Badenoch, being in sute of the Laird of
Gareloch's Daughter, as he was upon a day
going to Gareloch, the Lady Gareloch was
going somewhere from her House within
kenning to the Road which Clunie was
coming; the Lady perceiving him, said to
her Attendants, that yonder was Clunie,
going to see his Mistress: One that had
this Second-sight in her company replied
and said, if yon be he, unless he Marry
within six Months, he'll never Mary. The
Lady asked, how did he know that? He
said, very well; for I see him, saith he,
all inclosed in his Winding-sheet, except
his Nostrils and his Mouth, which will
also close up within Six Months; which
Page 168
happened even as he foretold; within the
said space he died, and his Brother Duncan
Mackpherson this present Clunie succeeded.
This and the like may satisfie your fourth
Query, he seeing the Man even then co∣vered
all over with his dead Linens. The
Event was visibly represented and as it
were acted (before his Eyes) and also the
last part of your second Query, viz. That
it was as yet to come. As for the rest of
the Questions, viz. That they discover pre∣sent
and past Events, is also manifest, thus:
I have heard of a Gentleman whose Son had
gon abroad, and being anxious to know
how he was, he went to Consult one who
had this Faculty, who told him, that that
same Day 5 a Clock in the Afternoon his
Son had Married a Woman in France, with
whom he had got so many Thousand
Crowns, and within two Years he should
come home to see Father and Friends, leav∣ing
his Wife with Child of a Daughter, and
a Son of six Months Age behind him:
Which accordingly was true. About the
same time two Years he came home, and
verified all that was fore-told.
It is likewise ordinary with Persons that
lose any thing, to go to some of these Men,
by whom they are directed; how, what
Persons, and in what place they shall find
it. But all such as profess that Skill,
Page 169
are not equally dexterous in it. For In∣stance,
two of them were in Mr. Hector
Mackenzi Minister of Inverness his Father's
House; the one a Gentleman, the other a
common Fellow; and Discoursing by the
Fire-side, the Fellow suddenly begins to
Weep, and cry out Alas! alas! such a Wo∣man
is either Dead or presently expiring.
The Gentlewoman lived 5 or 6 Miles from
the House, and had been some Days before
in a Fever. The Gentleman being some∣what
better expert in that Faculty, said,
No, saith he, she's not Dead; nor will
she dye of this Disease. O saith the Fellow,
do you not see her all covered with her
Winding-sheet? Ay, saith the Gentleman, I
see her as well as you do; but do you not
see her Linnen all wet? which is her Sweat,
she being presently, cooling of the Fever.
This Story Mr. Hector himself will testifie.
The most Remarkable of this sort, that I
hear of now, is one Archibald Mackeanyers,
alias Mackdonald, Living in Ardinmurch
within 10 or 20 Miles, or thereby, of Glen∣coe,
and I was present my self, where he
fore-told something, which accordingly
fell-out. In 1683. this Man being in
Strathspey in Iohn Mackdonald of Glencoe his
Company, told, in Balachastell before the
Laird of Grant, his Lady, and several o∣thers,
and also in my Father's House; that
Page 170
Argyle, of whom few or none knew then
where he was, at least there was no word of
him then here; should within two Twelve
Months thereafter, come to the West-High-lands,
and raise a Rebellious Faction, which
would be divided among themselves, and
disperse, and he unfortunately be taken and
Beheaded at Edinburgh, and his Head set up∣on
the Talbooth, where his Father's Head
was before him: Which proved as true, as
he fore-told it, in 1685. thereafter. Like∣wise
in the beginning of May next after the
late Revolution, as my Lord Dundee re∣turn'd
up Spey-side after he had followed Ge∣neral
Major Mac Kay in his Reer down the
length of Edinglassie, at the Milatown of Gar∣tinbeg
the Machleans joined him, and after
he had received them, he Marched forward,
but they remained behind, and fell a Plun∣dering:
Upon which, Glencoe and some o∣thers,
among whom was this Archibald, being
in my Father's House and hearing that Mac
Leans and others were Pillaging some of his
Lands, went to restrain them, and com∣manded
them to March after the Army;
after he had cleared the first Town, next
my Father's House of them, and was come
to the second, there standing on a Hill,
this Archibald said, Glencoe, If you take
my Advice, then make off with your self
with all possible haste, for ere an Hour
Page 171
come and go, you'll be put to it as hard
as ever you was: Some of the Com∣pany
began to droll and say, what shall be∣come
of me? Whether Glencoe believed him,
or no, I cannot tell; but this I am sure of,
that whereas before he was of intention to
return to my Father's House and stay all
Night, now we took leave and immedi∣ately
parted: And indeed, within an Hour
thereafter Mac Kay, and his whole Forces
appeared at Culnakyle in Abernethie 2 Miles
below the place where we parted, and hear∣ing
that Cleaverhouse had Marched up the
Water-side a little before, but that Mac
Leans and several other stranglers had stayed
behind, commanded Major Aeneas Mac Kay,
with 2 Troops of Horse after them; who
finding the said Mac Leans at Kinchardie in
the Parish of Duthel, Chased them up the
Morskaith: In which Chase Glencoe hap∣pened
to be, and was hard put to it, as was
fore-told. What became of Archibald him∣self,
I am not sure, I have not seen him
since, nor can I get a true Account of him,
only I know he is yet alive, and at that
time one of my Father's Men whom the
Red-coats meeting, compell'd to guide them,
within sight of the Mac Leans, found the
said Archibald's Horse within a Mile of the
place where I left him. I am also inform'd,
this Archibald said to Glencoe, that he would
Page 172
be Murthered in the Night-time in his own
House Three Months before it happen'd.
Touching your 3d. Query, The Objects
of this Knowledge, are not only sad and
dismal; but also joyful and prosperous:
Thus, they fore-tell of happy Marriages,
good Children, what kind of Life Men shall
Live, and in what Condition they shall
Die: Also Riches, Honour, Preferment,
Peace, Plenty and good Weather.
Query. 6. What way they pretend to
have it? I am informed, that in the Isle
of Sky, especially before the Gospel came
thither; several Families had it by Succes∣sion,
descending from Parents to Children,
and as yet there be many there that have it
that way; and the only way to be freed
from it is; when a Woman hath it her self
and is Married to a Man that hath it also;
if in the very Act of Delivery, upon the
first sight of the Childs Head, it be Bap∣tized,
the same is free from it; if not he hath
it all his Life: By which it seems, it is a
thing troublesome and uneasie to them that
have it, and such as they would fain be rid
of. And may satisfie your 5th Query. And
for your farther contentment in this Query;
I heard of my Father, that there was one
Iohn du beg Mac Grigor a Reanach-man Born,
very expert in this Knowledge, and my
Father coming one Day from Inverness,
Page 173
said by the way, that he would go into an
Alehouse on the Road, which then would
be about 5 Miles off. This Iohn Mac Grigor
being in his Company, and taking up a Slate∣stone
at his Foot, and looking to it, re∣plied;
Nay, saith he, you will not go in
there, for there is but a matter of a Gal∣lon
of Ale in it even now, and ere we
come to it, it will be all near Drunken,
and those who are Drinking there, are
Strangers to us, and ere we be hardly past
the House, they'll discord among them∣selves:
Which fell out so; ere we were
two pair of Butts past the House, those
that were Drinking there went by the
Ears, wounded and mischieved one an∣other.
My Father by this and several o∣ther
things of this nature, turned curious
of this Faculty, and being very intimate
with the Man, told him he would fain learn
it: To which he answered, that indeed
he could in 3 Days time Teach him if he
pleased; but yet he would not advise
him nor any Man to learn it; for had he
once learned he would never be a Minute
in his Life, but he would see innumerable
Men and Women Night and Day round
about him; which perhaps he would think
wearisome and unpleasant, for which rea∣son
my Father would not have it. But as
Skilful as this Man was, yet he knew not
Page 174
what should be his own last End; which
was Hanging: And I am Informed, that
most, if not all of them, though they can
fore-see what shall happen to others; yet
they cannot fore-tell, much less prevent
what shall besal themselves. I am also in∣formed
by one who came last Summer from
the Isle of Sky, that any Person that pleases
will get it Taught him for a Pound or two
of Tobacco.
As for your last Query. For my own
part, I can hardly believe they can be justly
presumed, much less truly Godly. As for
this Mac Grigor several report, that he was
a very civil discreet Man, and some say he
was of good Deportment, and also unjustly
Hanged. But Archibald Mackenyere will
not deny himself, but once he was one
of the most Notorious Thieves in all the
Highlands: But I am informed since I came
to this Knowledge which was by an Acci∣dent
too long here to relate, that he is
turned honester than before.
There was one Iames Mack Coil-vic-alaster
alias Grant, in Glenbeum near Kirk-Michael
in Strathawin, who had this Sight, who I
hear of several that were well acquainted
with, was a very honest Man, and of right
blameless Conversation. He used ordinari∣ly
by looking to the Fire, to fore-tell what
Strangers would come to his House the next
Page 175
Day, or shortly thereafter, by their Habit
and Arms, and sometimes also by their
Names; and if any of his Goods or Cattel
were missing, he would direct his Ser∣vants
to the very place where to find them
whether in a Mire or upon dry Ground; he
would also tell, if the Beast were already
Dead, or if it would Die ere they could
come to it; and in Winter if they were
thick about the Fire-side, he would desire
them to make room to some others that
stood by, tho they did not see them, else
some of them would be quickly thrown in∣to
the midst of it. But whether this Man
saw any more than Brownie and Meig Mal∣lach,
I am not very sure: Some say, he saw
more continually, and would often be very
angry-like, and something troubled, no∣thing
visibly moving him: Others affirm
he saw these two continually, and some∣times
many more.
They generally term this Second-sight
in Irish Tashitaraughk, and such as have
it Taishatrin, from Taish, which is properly
a shadowy substance, or such naughty,
and thing, as can only, or rather
scarcely be discerned by the Eye; but not
caught by the hands: for which they as∣signed
it to Bugles or Ghosts, so that Taish∣tar,
is as much as one that converses with
Ghosts or Spirits, or as they commonly
Page 176
call them, the Fairies, or Fairy-Folks.
Others call these Men Phissichin, from Phis,
which is properly Fore-sight, or Fore-knowledge.
This is the surest and clearest
account of Second-sighted Men that I can
now find, and I have set it down fully,
as if I were transiently telling it, in your
own presence, being curious for nothing
but the verity, so far as I could. What
you find improper or superfluous, you
can best compendise it, &c.
Thus far this Letter, written in a Fami∣liar
and Homely stile, which I have here
set down at length: Meg Mullack, and
Brownie mentioned in the end of it, are
two Ghosts, which (as is constantly re∣ported)
of old haunted a Family in
Straths-pey of the Name of Grant. They
appeared, the first in the likeness of a
young Lass: The Second of a young Lad.
Dr. Moulin (who presents his service to
you) hath no aquaintance in Orkney; but
I have just now spoken with one who not
only hath acquaintance in that Country,
but also entertains some thoughts of going
thither himself, to get me an account of
the Cures usually practised there. The
Cortex Winteranus mentioned by you as
an excellent Medicine, I have heard com∣mended
as good for the Scurvy; if you
know it to be Eminent or Specifick
Page 177
(such as the Peruvian Bark is) for any
Disease. I shall be well pleased to be in∣formed
by you.
Thus, Sir, you have an account of all
my Informations concerning Second-sight∣ed
Men: I have also briefly touched all
the other particulars in both your Letters,
which needed a Reply, except your Thanks
so liberally and obligingly returned to me
for my Letters, and the kind sense you
express of that small service. The kind
reception which you have given to those
poor trifles, and the value which you put
on them, I consider as effects of your
kindness to my self, and as engagements
on me to serve you to better purpose when
it shall be in the power of
Your Faithful Friend
and Servant.
Page 178
Additaments of Second-sight.
DIembroke in his Book de Peste, gives
us a story of Dimmerus de Raet,
that being at Delft, where the Plague
then raged, sent then his Wife Thirty
Miles off. And when the Doctor went to
see the Gentleman of the House, as soon as
he came in, the old Chair-woman that
washed the Cloathes fell a weeping: He
asked her, Why? said she, My Mistress
is now dead: I saw her Apparition but
just now without a Head, and that it
was usual with her when a Friend of hers
died, to see their Apparitions in that man∣ner,
though never so far off. His Wife
died at that time.
Mr. Th. May in his History Lib. VIII.
writes, that an Old Man (like an Her∣mit)
Second-sighted, took his leave of King
Iames the First, when he came into
England: He took little notice of Prince
Henry, but addressing himself to the
Duke of York [since King Charles I.]
fell a weeping to think what misfortunes
he should undergo; and that he should be
one of the miserablest unhappy Princes that
ever was.
Page 179
A Scotch Noble Man sent for one of
these Second-sighted Men out of the High-lands
to give his Judgment of the then
great Favourite George Villiers, Duke of
Buckingham; as soon as ever he saw him,
Pish, said he, he will come to nothing. I
see a Dagger in his breast; and he was
stabbed in the breast by Capt. Felton.
Sir Iames Melvin hath several the like
Stories in his History.
A certain Old Man in South-Wales told
a Great Man there of the Fortune of his
Family; and that there should not be a
Third Male Generation.
In Spain there are those they call Salu∣dadores,
that have this kind of Gift. There
was a Dominican Fryar one—
a Portugues belonging to Queen Katharine
Dowagers Chapel, who had the Second-sight.
See the whole Sto∣ry in Ath. & Fas••••i Oxon. Part. ••. p. 91. This very Story Dr. Iacob told me himself being then at my Ld. Teynhams in Kent, where he was then Physitian to my El∣dest Son; whom he recovered from a Fever.
Whatsoever was pretended, yet the true cause of the Cap∣tains Commitment was, because he was urgent with the Ld. Treasurer for his Ar∣rears: which amount∣ing to a great Summ, he was not willing to pay, and to be freed from his clamours clapt him 〈◊〉〈◊〉 into Prison.
“Look therefore for nothing but the Sun, the Moon and the Mercury prepared by the philosophical industry, which does not wet the hands, but the metal, and which has in itself a sulphurous metallic soul, namely, the light igneous sulfur.”