Mirror of Wisdom - Speculum Sapientiæ

Mirror of Wisdom - Speculum Sapientiæ.

This is: A Book of Mystery From the Beginning of the World Called: The Heavenly Suns - Clarity and Mystery From Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

With the appendix of the Golden Practica.

De Tinctura Lapidis Physicorum, which was described in 1672. the 27th Martij.

Preface to this treatise.

In the beginning, when the Most High GOD Creator of heaven and earth placed the first man Adam in paradise and made him the ruler of all created creatures, the blessing of the Almighty was given to him to use such miracles in a holy order and to praise his master craftsman highly above them.

But after the fall of our first parents took away the paradise form and the curse so darkened the eyes of the understanding that we immediately run around blindly and strive for things that are transitory and have no defense. So human fear struck me as I saw the world's wickedness with its deceit and realized that we humans had fallen under the murderers of carnal lust.

Oh! how mortally they have wounded us! The little light of faith is almost extinguished and the body lies heavy with Lazaro. I stood here abandoned and wept with bitter tears for the misery of my misery. So a voice came into me saying: Seek and you will find ; You shall draw water from the wells of salvation with joy. And that is why GOD sent his single-bored Son into the world so that it might be saved through him.

I therefore thought back and forth about what this voice would be and remembered that our Lord Jesus Christ placed the true sneezing of his holy body and blood under the conception of bread and wine, with which the pronounced word Fiat should denote and present the inner eternal etc. In view of this, I resolved to try more thoroughly to re-infect my almost extinct little daughter in the mirror of great nature and to heal her body from it.

But when I was almost tired and exhausted from such work, the darkness finally disappeared in front of my eyes and that's when I really became aware of what the voice was saying to me. &c. I saw paradise and was overcome by the third power of the elements, a delicious medicine before people and metals, so I asked about the tree of life? and I found him in the middle, but from the cup full of grace and truth I drank the holy blood of my Savior JESUS ​​Christ and I was healed at that same hour; Before that, thank you to the one who created me and gave birth to me again, to the 🜂 Fire praised to some God for eternity Hallelu-Jah.


I will open my mouth to speak in parables and tell the secrets of the beginning of the world.

Cum Bono deodorant.

If we as human beings, after a drilled duty , undertake to look Christianly at the general misery of this temporal and earthly transitory life, we must confess that the image of God of the most holy confession has faded in us under the mud and curse of the sins of our own lust and desire in such a way that There is nothing left but vainly acquired unbelief, blindness of the understanding together with many infirmities of the body, temporal death and eternal damnation.

All the while the highest God had already seen this fall of the human race in this way, but he chose man apart from all creatures so that he would be pleased with him and he would have mercy on us again, like a father on q5p his children. So God ordered it in the beginning in a very exuberant way and through his powerful word he called for the light to break forth from the dark depths to enlighten us in recognition of the things that were formed as a witness to the invisible, terrible, wonderful, Almighty God's revealed word and his dear saints For this is what the Holy Scripture tells us: God is a light, dwells in the light and light is your garment.

Therefore, according to this text, with the light created at the beginning for the most holy recognition of God, we are given the task to focus primarily on 3. Lights Christian and St. Dionysius goes on to say this: Lux super intelligibilis, the super-intelligible light through which all supercelestial spirits are spiritually filled all souls are also purified as they are the origin of all light immortal and dwell in God.

Lux Intelligibilis - An intelligible light, the understandable light in angels and men. And Lux visibilis - Visible light, the created light in the sun.

So we humans stand like a midpoint between the incomprehensible and natural created light, participate in and from both and each also does the same to bring about its strange effect, grace and goodness of God in us, namely the incomprehensible light which is the eternal whiteness, innocence and justice of God of our Christ (so that although our first parents were married in paradise but unfortunately faded in all of us due to the fall of sin that we inherited on q6p ) spirited through the holy water bath in the word of new Christian souls, the same is supernaturally blessed by it and is such a one spirit or Sanctification other than the incomprehensible, super-heavenly, eternal seed of God's most holy confession, baptized into the pure in our corrupt nature, which is then spirit - and super-heavenly united with it and grows up in this time of suffering, biting into the perfect light and age of Christ under such rising as the soul is capable of of the fervent attraction of true faith as well as oral reception of physical sacraments, which retains the spirit - and physical benefit - or nourishment from the whole Christ and thus becomes a child and heir of eternal life with through and in Christ .

For where Christ is there is also true knowledge and where the true knowledge of God is there is also true faith, eternal life and blessedness, the same power of innocent suffering, merit and death that is perfect in us or, to put it another way, the holy descent of the resurrection and ascension of our God Christ. It is therefore up to every pious person to perceive how immeasurable the infinite love and goodness of God towards us poor lost sinners was, that for our sake he did not spare his one Son but sent him so deeply into the flesh and justified him in the spirit and received him into the glory. &c.

Whoever wants to be a disciple and follower of Christ in such true love, Christ the Lord Himself says: Keep the commandments, sell everything you have, give it to the poor , take up your cross and follow me. Because who me So love that my Father in heaven may be honored thereby and that his neighbor may be reformed thereby and believe the words that I said to him; he shall not taste death forever.

For I am the true light, the way, the truth and the life whoever follows me will never die; and whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him and there is nothing but holy light, eternal life and happiness.

From this foundation now stand the highly enlightened physicists, and establish that, like God, a soul or spark of super-heavenly light has been breathed into the people of the first creation, which, as said before, is also renewed in all of us and, thanks to the fervent outpouring of true faith, also receives oral reception Brought up full of physical sacraments and saturated with eternal life, the temporal life and movement of the created light become a parable and glimpse of the super-heavenly suns of Christ.

Because of this, to know that in the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth the 🜂 Fire some God HEWBREW LETTERS from his salvation. Let the mouth create a spirit - steam or smoke which is called a simulacrum & typus divinus Ruach Elohim, the breath of the Almighty and a bright glow of the Divine Flame.

The Book of Creation teaches about this spirit that in the beginning he floated as Universalis Genitor on the primordial 🜄 Water he then impregnated them according to the intention of God and subsequently the tactus in them was digested by him and hatched by the hens like the eggs that after the separation of the elements, each of them brought forth its particular genera prima and within it each one by virtue of the spoken sea gene.

Crescite & multiplicamini (Grow and multiply), therefore increased and discussed later in the appendix of this treatise.

If now, as previously known, from what we create human beings with the body in our kingdom from the beginning, then a spark of this spiritu illo mundi, or naturally life-moving ray, grows in us so that the body temporally grows into the perfect age and the intended goal of its life He receives and takes his increment and nourishment from such growth Spiritu fovente, partly through the free expulsion of the air and partly through the digestive members of the human body from the alimony and medicines, are then maintained with through and by this general world spirit not only in the ongoing physical life; Especially true believers in the miracles of Christ are born with all sorts of natural skills and skill .

If, in addition to such natural instruction, the illumination of the supernal light is added to the fact that we use these mere things in God's honor and the poor next best for healing, then the natural gifts also acquire a much better understanding and are thus drilled and gained to a much higher degree the foretaste of eternal bliss, the Holy Apostle Paul writes that he was transported to the third heaven.

But all of this is seasoned here in time, historically, so that the body is solvated through the temporal entry into the earth, and will come together again in the future in the appearing of the day of the LORD with the souls, well cleansed and washed from all sins All the more so, according to Paul's example, the whole human being is born again from the production of a new fruit to eternal life and remains eternally.

But now the Holy Apostle goes on to say of such rebirth as a mystery: We will not all die, but we will all be transformed; by which he wants to describe so much that two aspects of the transformation from this into eternal life are to be embraced in a Christian way: namely, the first he describes in the parable when the grain falls into the earth, dies or rots and is reawakened by new ones through and by the astral influence In the early days of autumn, when the sun shines most gloriously, a much nobler fruit comes forth; So the people who are dissolving into the earth through temporal death would be awakened again by the trumpet blast of the supercelestial star of the angels and would be resurrected to eternal life in the gaze of the supercelestial sun of Christ and would be brought to God's eternal kingdom The testimony of those dead from their graves was a powerful backstory.

But people are still doing this every second at such a time would live the same although would not die; to know that they are not to be altered, tested and glorified by any such slow change, but rather by God's supercelestial 🜂 Fire, as if moved by lightning in the Huij, of which the example of Enoch and Heliæ is a model.

Because of which the Spirit of Christ in the thunderclap of his words called out to the prophetic man : Take heed, for the day of the Lord comes upon you quickly, as quickly as a thief in the night, &c. to eternal life and he lets the light of nature shine on him from before because here lies the great secret and the secondary voice of thunder in Apocal. Orion's bond with nature is also completely evidently true and clear by day, and all the heavenly treasures are placed in the light with the most beautiful gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh . Whoever seeks good for this reason will find good and draw water from the well of salvation with joy, which David says: Your consolation, O Lord, refreshes my soul.

Now what the enlightened philosophers have said about this last transformation has pondered in depth and argued as follows: Did God put up with the process of our happiness in his beloved Son in such a way that he gave it to us, first of all, with the production of a new vegetable fruit If we want to draw and instruct at the same time and but the whole of created nature has become a useful glimpse of the super-heavenly whiteness of God, then beyond doubt this other and latter part must be hidden with a powerful Universalissimo in mineralibus, which is why they have also begun to look out of such minerals whether they We couldn't find a thing with which all the microcosmic frailties of the human body would be transferred even in the Huij and the lesser metal would be brought to plusquam perfection.

But as much as they strive for it, as much as we know from the Arcà Noæ, Hermes Trismegistus was the first inventor of such true science and wisdom, whom the others followed in art, so that they too, like us, are now following God's will still live in the world except for a mineral subject and know how to bring forth the true corporal lightning, the real incorporated spirit of the world, the drilled and Incorporated growing heat of all things brought to the highest degree so that everything in all is the Quintum Esse and 5th power of the elements, intituled by the Philosophis but Filius Ignis, the Philosopher's Stone and their earthly Salvatorem; Sintemahlen just as we humans are fermented before and here temporally in body and soul for eternal life by the Lapidem Supra cœlestem Christum (A stone above the heavenly Christ) in the power of his spirit and our true faith , so we also know through this ourn philosophical stone our physical life reason and being in his to strengthen vigor vigorously and to maintain it before all destruction until the intended goal of death .

Since the metal's own body and inner soul come from this spiritual 🜂 Fire of ours original nature and that it is in its natural flow in the 🜂 Fire whatever metal it may be, we throw a certain amount of the same into it, which is what happens with it the lightning in the Huij when it seizes the center of a rock and when the super-heavenly Numen with the believing children of God on the last day immediately encompasses it and transfers the entire being, corpus and soul, into the perfect nature of the ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna, which is not only this highest Mysteries, especially the greatest miraculous in total Philosophia Hermetica, can hardly be understood by human thoughts.

And Solomon the Wise boasts of having enjoyed such a high Arcanum when he says: He knows and understands the power of the elements; The prophet Ezekiel also shows the face of a stream flowing out under the threshold of the temple next to the H. Altar from which the waters of the sea become healthy &c. than with fingers, yes, it seems no less that this very millstone and book of the covenant of the law was made by the great naturalist and prophet with the Most High God and from it such wisdom flowed to them. Sintemahl it is a wellspring of all heavenly treasures and goods in the preparation of which one sees how the world was created from the beginning, why the first times are confused with the flood, but the latter are to be canceled in the 🜂 Fire and therefore which of time is the beginning, middle and end etc.

Yes, it is a treasure - chamber full of whiteness from which the saints of God prophecy come to Solomon the hidden and secret Thing was recognized and the highly learned Baco Angelicus wrote that the greatest nature of Christ's heavenly flesh is demonstrated because it is full of divine virtues and an almost heavenly power attests to himself and that is why the scripture is right to say: Light is your garment to the extent that we also refer to it The royal prophet David gives a way to recognize the natural light of God's wonderful power and strange, great goodness and sings: O LORD, you are my mighty light and you illuminate my lamp for me!

☉ Sol / ☽ Luna and stars bear witness to you.

But while this Philosophical Stone of ours now takes its heavenly Partes or Principia from the Radiis cœlestibus ☉ Sol & ☽ Luna which Radii, no matter how spiritual they are, are held up by the Philosophis in front of a housing of the great spirit of the world, we then see and notice hero as God Almighty also hid the brightest and clearest light in the outer darkness, and placed the highest heaven in the deepest abyss, whereof David continued: The earth is full of the mercy of the LORD it. The Spirit of the LORD will fill the circle of the earth.

But Hermes, the father of all true philosophers, said: The lower is equal to the upper, so we sigh with the psalmist: Oh LORD, how sweet is your spirit in all things.

So that this comparison can now be put to an end and we can continue to describe more thoroughly what this Universalissimum Medicamentum is actually about in front of a subject, how and where it is appropriate there and how to further deal with it according to its intention, knowing it is therefore in many ways equal to the Most High God is pleased that his incomprehensible light, spirit and life should have a tangible body in the virgin image of our corrupt human nature, that with the birth of the philosophical subject it is the same and there is no other difference between the two than that through the power of the light - prevented salvation.

Spirit received and professed with true faith that is created and retained by the life-moving power of the sun . As an example: After falling under the curse, it was by no means possible for us humans to return to the most holy knowledge of God.

God then bent down to us, reincarnated into our corrupt nature and took it into the deified flesh the fulfillment of the law of Christ as in the blood of the innocent lamb and introduced the same through his death, resurrection and ascension to the paradise eternal life of which Christ himself: But this is eternal life, that you are the father, that you alone are true God and whom you have sent will recognize JESUS ​​CHRIST. &c.

Afterwards, it is also not possible for us finitis & corporibus to use the previously announced spirit of the world neither to our microcosmic physical life strength and approved art entertainment nor to some metals improvement as purum ac merum spirit. absolute in front of itself and alone to catch or grasp the same then, as before, influence the things below and become such a means - nature which is a Corpus Spirituale from the union of this great corpore virgin (that is a 🜄 watery) earth attached to it physical strengths like the believing souls, physically fed by the deified Christ, spiritually built and the lowly metallic subjects, as previously said, may be transferred to the highest nature of ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna .

According to this, the theological Emanuel related to the incarnation of our LORD and Savior JESUS ​​CHRIST as follows: The angel Gabriel was sent by GOD and brought the blessed greeting to the Virgin Mary and said: Behold, you shall conceive and give birth to a son, etc.

The Virgin received this word as a true light, spirit and q15p life with fervent faith and, by virtue of such pure, believing desire (which only ever sought to fulfill the LORD's will), introduced it into human nature as the physical life of which the word is true spirit in the divine Grace resolved from the union of the spirit with the virginal blood and therefore God was born to us as a true human being.

The birth of the philosophical subject is evidenced by the fact that, just as Christ, our holy land and maker of souls, was not drilled from above by the old Adam out of carnal lust while lying in bed, but rather from God from above: so also not in honor of our subject the virginal element 🜄 Water he with of the earth, as in other births in history, a ball - it makes a difference when it pours out such things from its mother to know that the same does not pour out The earth's earthly and combustible 🜍 Sulfur is, especially from the Radiis Cœlestibus cast down and drilled from above, which is coated when the bright rays of the sun are nothing other than pure heavenly fire, spirit and life and in them the very same spirit that first appeared the primordial 🜄 Water er floated by means of the air in the free 🜄 Water he - belly of the great sea of the world decides and the same 🜂 Fire rigen therefore it of such light - and life - rich power to draw more into itself, eager for midnight but and if it be Modestly received weights coagulate and are immediately showered with a storm or hail from the Lord's superiors and thus our philosophical earth will be drilled out of it. City ; the philosophical ☉ Sol and most powerful 🜔 Salt of this lower globe of the world which Christ compared to his disciples in whose body the true salt of life Spiritus Universi and 5th power of the elements has its seat and is taken like God in the rational soul of man and from it appears as evident as lightning from the clouds.

The true Saltz covenant has been made with David and the philosopher says of this: our subject needs to be awakened anew according to the processes of Christ so that it can be led through the death of the law from excessive heat and cold and that is how it is Earth again in its full paradise green from which it is subsequently produced up to the highest diaphanity of the suns. &c.

Theologically and in Christ it denotes the holy baptism and transfiguration of his heavenly Father: Philosophically, however, and in our subject of heaven's dew and ☿ Mercury ii 🝆 Oil in these his 🜍 Sulphur qvalidates which brings the glow and sound to the metals and this process stands in his figure , as follows. Processus. When our LORD and Holyland Christ was born, he lay wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger, and because of his poverty he was in bad reputation in the eyes of the world, but the Jews saw that no one could do the miracles that he did, so they were still angry at him and did not want to recognize him out of pride. But he was baptized by John and then salvation came.

Spirit with a voice from heaven upon him and remained seated on him, being the Baptist recognized that this was CHRIST who was supposed to redeem the human race.

Philosophically, this figure is the same because even though all the sophistical magi and the obstinate Jews may well see that in the entire world there is no miraculous spice other than the common food - Saltz in all and through all things DS is the Saltz, they still want it Because of bad and low reputation to the end why the highest God put it like the unchosen reason - stone in Zion of the world and all lowly metals laid as the cornerstone out of arrogance not recognizing which, although no wonder, by looking for gold apart from God and therefore choosing the true initial Don't remember the principles. &c.

But the true artist does not baptize it and baptizes it with the glory of the LORD his Jordan sky fog water speaks with the gentle impulse of the 🜂 Fire ers the Benedicat over it and so he sees 🜄 Water he and corpus coagulates together and the glory as the spirit unites with it which of the deaf Kalck of all sincere philosophers and givers says when he found himself coagulated, he saw that art would come to a good end for him.

Sendivogius but written whoever 🜄 Water he can coagulate with the heat and unite the spirit with it has a thing 1000 times more worthy than that ☉ Sol and is this the first sign of true matter and Lapid. nostri benedicti.

Now when JESUS was baptized, he was led by the Spirit into the deserts and tempted, and therein stood the test in which Adam had fallen, knowing that he had departed from the serenity of God and imagined carnal lust.

The philosopher follows this with his solution and tries to ensure that the materia remains in its coagulated error; or else he meant to resolve himself again in the 🜄 water and therein lies the artist's real test of what he was looking for at the beginning with his baptism and whether he also hit the first note correctly, namely that the material turns itself into a flow and drinkable 🜄 Water can close more quickly.

Immediately after overcoming temptation, Christ surrounded himself with miracles and made the dead alive. As evidenced by our philosophical 🜄 Water he or ☿ Mercury sintemahl it excellently strengthens all reason and makes alive the 🜍 Sulfur lies bound in the ☉ Sol.

This annoyed the Jews because they were bound to Christ, captive, crucified, killed and laid down in the grave , and therefore the composite signs took place: ☉ Sol became dark and black, the curtain in the temple was torn, the stone rocks were cracked and the dead went out of their graves on the third Days the Lord rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, from where he sent the holy spirit, the most valuable comforter, so that the holy apostle Peter could convert 3,000 souls to the Christian faith at once.

Our philosophical work now accelerates in the follow-up work: After the artist coagulates the whole being together again, as it were, and throws it into prison like a dead corpse, the composite signs also occur to him in an arc of all kinds of colors The dark blanket of Moses tears apart before his eyes as the coagulated material, shatters and becomes dark and black and living 🜄 Water it wells up again like the dead from their graves and then death is even more swallowed up in the victory that this gives us 🝆 Oil of grace with which, after due further process, the common ☉ Sol is fermented in the raising to such a high degree that it also gains power to transmute all lowly metallic subjects into the highest nature of the suns.

And so that I can say it all at once to know with one part 10,000 parts of common metal in the perfect glow, sound, color and 🜂 Fire the stability of the gold tingiret before the highest God his price always and for eternity.



The previously commemorated Golden Practica of this treatise.

The Golden Testament, preface and ascription of this TESTAMENT are introduced here.

To my dear cousin and son of the true Hermetic Philosophy.

Johan.Henr.Vierorth Captain

Friendly, dear cousin and son.

Although I have never decided to give the secret of the Ancient Wise Men with some writings to someone of mine, I still have a strange affection and love for you, to which your relation to me has hidden the art for a short time and you therefore not so soon If you want to get to the desired end, the same is hereby accepted.

However, such a high pearl is not available The pigs must also be handled carefully and Christianly with this great gift from God. With the same confidence I have declared myself so far against you &c.

So I holyly complain to you with hand and mouth that you faithfully protect it (1) from all evil, greedy and vicious people .

(2) Do not exalt yourself in your actions and then ( 3) do not seek any other honor than the creator of all creatures and the best of the poorest neighbor.

Keep it holy so that my soul will not complain about you on the last day. &c. I hereby write to you in this treatise on my part of the kingdom of heaven how I myself found this precious treasure, worked with my hands and dried it with my fingers, to the end of which I signed everything with my blood when I lay on my death bed in Leijden on the 23rd . Martii, 1672.

Philosophia Naturalis, this testamant.

Cum Bono deodorant.

Although the theological Emanuel with the Negotio salutis temporalis compared to the previous Scopo in such a way and explained that it is possible to draw from it a sufficient basis for the philosophical practice and handicraft of the ancient philosopher's stone with reasonable reflection.

However , dear cousin and son, out of pure love and desire, before I get to the work itself and teach you this great treasure, I have prepared the strange natural evidence and visual evidence that is still available about this, which the manual work must follow at the same pace in order to complete you all the more If you understand this, you don't want to omit to set an example and that's why it's important to know; Although earth and water were ensouled and made fruitful by the Sp Nevertheless, according to the holy scripture and reason, Physica is that now Secundario and because of the fall of Adam coated the propagation of these things from movement of the soul or increasing strength through the daily influence of the Upper Astrn and with conspiracy of all four elements from which due mixing and contemplation all things create a new origin and in this way are maintained for as long as God pleases for the service and benefit of human life in its essential continuation .

And the philosopher writes about this: The four elementa require a sperm among themselves, which is thrown into the center of the earth and is worked out there by nature's servant, the Archæo, of the earth, so that many different plants arise from it, both intra and extra terrame, into which all nutrition springs Health, wealth and goods of the entire world are found to be dependent on a German philosopher, but he comments on this: It is also known that two different genera or plants emerge from these single sperm, namely when the Archæus terræ reports sperm through the inner motum and drives it up but partly in the earth in closed places there it is unable to continue to evaporate , so it becomes a mineral or metal, but what is brought up à centro usqve superficiem terræ from which the plantæ and vegetabilia become, whereby it should be noted in what close relationship these two both symbolize what is still fleeting in Regno minerali with foundation, but comparativè vegetable and growing may be mentioned and on the other hand the fixed in vegetabilibus mineral type may be awarded for this reason also the vegetable menstrua solventia as rain water and dew not in front of strangers and heterogeneous especially by the philosophers be friends with mineral things and thus also be brought into one nature and multiplied and considered to be as David says: Your othem, O Lord, creates everything and renews the shape of the earth and therefore the Catena aurea & annuli platonici also appear as one comes to the others and everything is connected and bound to one another.

Namely the Spiritus Universalis Mundi, as the first created being next to God, gives life and strength to the elements, then from the mixing of the elements arises the seed of all growing things and then from the seeds grow the mineralia, which are most closely related to the Centro terræ from their exaltation and But the Vegetabilia arise from volatile vapors in superficie terræ, the Vegetabilia feed the Animalia, and the Animalia together with the best core of the vegetables and prepared ones Minerals feed and provide human beings , so the entire created nature in man comes together as a center and that is why he is gifted by GOD above all creatures with a rational soul so that he should recognize these miracles of Divine grace and praise his master craftsman highly for them.

But in what way this sperm universal arises from the elements, just as the metals are born from them and the vegetabilia are regenerated, which we must follow with the philosophical practice of our earth's level footing.

So it is further to be known and as said before: The Spiritus Universalis Mundi flows into the elements of life and strength and therefore the true beginnings of things which are brought about by the highest God in the same number, measure and weight; He can initially be transformed into any element of nature: Into the element 🜄 Water he has it 🜄 Water's shape expands in the air and brings forth the 🜍 Sulfur which is the lightning ray and the growing warmth of all things.

He takes the form of the air and resolves himself into 🜄 Water he he becomes 🜄 Water he and therefore deserves that 🜔 Salt because the same is his spiritual body and container, turns it into a ball with the earth, unites with the same inner warmth and therefore generates the ☿ Mercury from which Sendivogius: that often and at times in spring, as we see in places where the earth is opened, the upper rock is distilled in the form of steam and drawn up into the air by the heavenly forces and is fed even more in the dew or Water - a drop falls down and such is the aforementioned sperm, namely a moist vapor or steam, because whiteness also says: the whole world is in front of you like a little tongue on the scales. &c.

All things lie hidden in them as in an abyss. If such vapor or steam is thrown into the center of the earth through the inner motum but is brought into place and end, the inner mountain - Arthen either:

Closed - Hot Cold Trucken Damp 🜄 Water is mixed or tempered.

Likewise, in superficie terræ many such species have been produced there and the sperm particulariter is taken from it with the same and then, according to the power of the upper fixed star, a mineral or metal is drilled out of it in such a mountain way through the boring decoction of nature. &c.

Now do the same in the earth so that the metal grows in a fog and dripping from it; evenly mist dripping and raining &c.

Also, apart from the earth, the quantity of fruits will be born to us as we have already grown from time to time and there is no other difference between these two births, except that these give birth to the roots in the earth and their fruits in the open air; The Metalla and Mineralia but the roots in the sea and their fruits are drilled in the earth as in a closed vessel and therefore they are also found to be in a fixed condition .

Every thing now says the philosopher, if it is to be promoted to new fruit, then it goes into its convenient mother from whence it came and in it it is putrificire as being there in animalibus female and Tiffischer in vegetablebilibus the 🜖 vitriol of the curses of the earth and in Mineralibus the 🜪ninian 🜔 salt by which he means here that 🜔 salt lies in the sea because the sea is the mother of all metals, and sun salt is the root and foundation of the entire large mineral tree. If we therefore want to return to our intention in the rebirth of the metals, to the extent that we become the philosophical great stone, we must go further and begin the manual work so that we do not err, then the main thing is to figure out what is possible or impossible, namely that we humans are not Can this or that ever create a metal in some way, because nature is absolutely capable of this and this is what we can do to help nature with art, as if from one grain of grain: metal also produces many grains in it Strength and virtue may be increased.

This is now our sole purpose and purpose and the philosopher goes on to say this: Just as an animal can produce its own kind and the fruit can produce its own nature, so it is part of our work to take that metal for whose purpose and purpose we are want to act and in which the metallic nature has been brought to the highest degree of its perfection which in mineralibus is that ☉ Sol to the red and ☽ Luna to the white elixir &c.

But now everyone is in gradu perfectionis so strongly linked that it is not possible for nature alone to reveal the same radical element in any element and to impress on them the frigiditatem metallici fumi de novo unless it is carried into its proper and well prepared soil by the help of our secret 🜂 fiery art So the vitalizing q29p spirits and strength from above are increasingly pressed into it so that the corpus of a spiritual, penetrating nature and, on the other hand, the incomprehensible essential spiritual force is made corporal with it through the 🜂 Fire and such is our H. Stein sought by many but by found a few so that we can do a projection afterwards, even on whatever metal the same wool is placed on, then after it has been put into the white or red ferment it is put into the very finest ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna, better than the same being dug out of the mountains.

For just as in such our medicine there is not only a metallic body, but also a spirit and soul, which are made essential through urgency and tinging by the 🜂 Fire at the same time, so in the said projection of the lesser metals a perfect metallic nature and form must necessarily arise from it &c. But what form should it be applied to the human body &c. should also be indicated in the following process, among other things, and in its immovable truth it stands like this:


Take in the name of God from the purest and clearest sea 🜔 Salt as it is cooked by the sun itself and brought here on ships from Hispania by S. Hübes 🜔 I took salt, let it dry until fine in a warm room and rub it with me a stone mortar to a delicate powder as always possible so that it can be melted more easily and warmly dissolved by our dew - water lukewarm .

Whatever happens in the month of Majo or Junio when the moon is full, be careful when the dew falls towards Beneden with an east or south-east wind ; because you must have stakes driven into it on the ground and put 2 or 3 of them on glass panes while the dew falls, so he builds up something of value for himself, then have a glass vessel ready and let the struck ones drip down from the corners of it the Glaze this with as many slices until you have enough, because the quarter of the full moon is always good. But afterwards he becomes too weak.

So when you have had enough of the chipped dew, make the glass finely solid with wax so that nothing is dampened by the spirits, which easily rise again and fly away like nothing. Then put it in a cool place so that it doesn't come into contact with any heat , otherwise the very light spirits will rise, which won't happen so soon; When you have completely filled the XX with dew water and sealed it with wax, then go to work in God's name.

Take as much of your dew water as you want and put it in a finely pure Solvir - Glass then throw all of it individually and dissolve a little of the intended 🜔 salt in it.

Do this until the dew can no longer be dissolved by the 🜔 salt If it remains undissolved until the 4th day, it has had enough and is the dew - water. Naturally, weights are measured as in the mother of the suns.

Now take as much of this mixed matter as you want , I took about a pound and a half, put it in a vial with a short neck like this, fill it up to the top and drink Hermeticè as I will teach it and use it to remove the subtle and Living spirit from our dew water cannot be given away unless it is gone and away. So the anima of the 🜔 Salt could not be moved nor the work come to the desired end.

Put it in the oven so that the moisture vapors can be prepared and purified as shown below . Fire and let it digest for 40 to 42 days which is the indication of its putrefaction, as soon as you have such a sign, I have a dry oven ready as well as I will prepare the same afterwards, place the glass with the material in the inner wooden O (ball) to coagulate it, give it a mild degree of the 🜂 Fire first and keep it going for 12 to 13 days so the material will start to coagulate and form like a gray salt in the glass as soon as you see it and before it gets too dry, stop giving fire 🜂 Fire that it slowly gets a little cold on it so I have yours putrificir - oven ready again like before, put the glass in it, give it to the one 🜂 Fire and stop again for 40 days as before, then the material will dissolve again and open up on its own.

But you must always see that the glass at the top is well and tightly closed, etc. Whenever you see blackness again, set the glass to coagulate again as before: as soon as it turns white again on the glass, put it to putrify for the 3rd time, proceed in the same way as before and in this way to putrify and coagulate again continue until the 5th or that you see that your 🜄 Water in the resolution is purely bright, translucent and clear in the coagulation but beautifully white and appears like snow, then it is ready and has become a vitriolum fixum so that it flows like wax on a glowing ☽ Luna sheet.

Before you take this 🜖 vitriol out, put it again in the putrificir oven to dissolve on its own and then let it cool down, so you will find the matter reduced by a third part but instead of the previous vitriol 🜄 Water is a finely sweet but penetrating and drinkable Water which the philosophers hide with strange names and is the ☿ Mercury of all true philosophers and the 🜄 Water he has become from ☉ Sol and ☽ Luna because, as they say, his father is Sol and the mother is Luna, so you have the power of both lights In this 🜄 Water he was happy together in natural weight.

Taking 25 drops of this 🜄 Water strengthens the memory and reason, makes it pious and reveals all the secrets that no one else has heard of and which I am not allowed to report further here because of the oath that I swore to God. Time and salvation. Use this given 🜄 Water ers but it will teach you by itself because as soon as you have it inside, such influences will happen to you as if the sky and all the stars with their powers were pouring into you.

All heavenly art and skill will be revealed to you straight away through a dream But the most wonderful thing is that you will learn to recognize all creatures in their depths and through all such miracles to recognize your GOD, our most holy Creator of heaven and earth, like Moyses, David and other Gods.

God more than the whiteness of our living 🜄 Water will fill you Salomon and other brothers of our blessed order and fraternity also teach . If you now move forward with our intention to prepare a tincture for the metal from it, then listen further, my son: take from your parade in the name of God or heavenly ☿ Mercury ial 🜄 Water as much as you want, put it in a solvor glass and put put it on a mildly ash fire so that it can only feel the warmth, so I have either prepared the ☉ Sol for the red elixir or ☽ Luna for the white elixir, because the process in both is completely the same.

This ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna let beat completely dinne like the book ☉ Sol then throw all the bits of it into the Solvir - pour it with the given water in the same way as what happened before and it will melt inside like egg in the warm 🜄 Water and then continue the same As long as the ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna remains undissolved on the fourth day, it has gradually naturally gained weight. Then put this solution into a round glass as at the beginning and fill it up to the third part to make it hermetic again, as before so that something is lost.

Put it in the oven of the moist vapor, make 🜂 Fire and keep it in the same way as 40 days ago in a constant steam bath, so the ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna radicaliter will dissolve in it and the greatest blackness in the entire world will happen to you; As soon as you see this, I have heated the other dry oven to the same degree, put the glass with the material in it and give it the same degree 🜂 Fire then, miraculously and miraculously, you will both see and hear a noise like 🜄 Water he and Egg will get excited all kinds and thousands of colors will appear to you and you will see how the world is created from the beginning as well as the beginning, middle and end of time: After 12 to 13 days, however, the material will turn into a deep brown - red powder like a cinnamon to the red to the ☽ Luna but white light and there the body , soul and spirit are brought into one, which is what philosophy talks about, that no true solution of the body exists without a previous coagulation of the spirit and no real coagulation of the spirit without the appropriate solution of the body

The one is brought into and the other out of the other and into the same proportion, thus the physical being spiritually penetrating nature and, on the other hand, the incomprehensible essential spiritual power was made physical with him through the 🜂 Fire because under this one, as close a kinship and friendship as the heavens down into the deepest earth, works and brings forth all the treasures and riches of the entire world : About this the philosopher in the turbâ also ô admirandam naturæ sympathiam orthodoxis cognitam.

With this powder you can now do projections on the Metalla in this manner: let 5 parts fine ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna flow into a crucible after your work has started, press a part of the medicine into wax, leave it in there and give it a good hour very strong 🜂 Fire take out the crucible and you will find the gold together brittle and clacinirt, then throw a part on 10 parts of melted common metal, be it whatever, it will be the same immediately in real ☉ Sol and ☽ Luna change it better than it from the If the earth is dug, I advise that you do not use the tincture immediately, unless it is just for the sake of a sample, because if you put your bright brown-red powder again to purify in the steam bath, it will turn into an 🝆 oil within 35 days; the red 🝆 Oil from the ☽ Luna but in a light brown and only 3 drops of it in 🜄 Water mellis: or even good pure wine taken does all the aforementioned miracles cures all diseases for the same reason as in Huij it rejuvenates the human corpse as if it were giving birth to new ones drives away all atrophy of the limbs, makes new hair, teeth and nails grow and in sum it drives out all evil evil through a great deal of sweat, restores what the physical strength has lost in some way and preserves the whole person in constant health until the intended goal of his life which is his ordained by GOD, if you take a metallic coin or other metal, glow the same and drink it as much as you want in this 🝆 Oil or ☉ Sol potabilis, it will immediately turn into fine ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna without losing the imprint, I will give you 4 samples attached here.

But there is a lot involved in the process, so do it nimbly if you want to try the sample yourself, if you want to take the oil further to the right true projection, put it in the coagulant oven again to harden it and it will be between 10 Days with incredible miracles of all kinds of colors returned to a powder but much redder and more beautiful than before, beautiful like a ruby and shiny like a carfunnel to the red to the white but much whiter than the snow, 1 part to 50 parts melted finely ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna worn hard for an hour 🜂 Fire given the same as said before, so it turns the same into pure powder and 1 part of molten metal worn changes the same from that hour into the purest and finest ☉ Sol and ☽ Luna after the work has been worked &c.

Now if you want to augment the medicine even further, put the powder and for the 3rd time to open it up in the steam bath which in 30 days it will become a high red translucent 🝆 Oil to the red to the white but like a transparent ☽ Luna of which does 1 drop of all the above Wonder ; But you have to continue with it twice every year; This is what I found for myself: but the powder is too hot and can easily be used by people, so handle it carefully because life and limb are concerned with it.

This last 🝆 Oil for the metallic transformation should now be coagulated in the dry oven as before, so it will once again show itself with an indescribable variety of colors, like living animals rising and descending. Finally, and after 8 days, a dead body will lie on the ground again. remain of it because 1 part flowed into 500 parts ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna worn whatever it may instantly transform it into the most beautiful and finest ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna after the work is better than what is dug from the miners.

If you augment it for the 5th time with solvation and coagulation in strength and virtue, it will resolve itself in 3 days and coagulate itself between 24 hours into an incredible, extremely bright red, shining like a brightly burning coal - fire to the red to the white but like a white lightning bolt I have left you a number of samples of this here too . Of this last coagulo, 1 part flowed into 50,000 parts ☉ Sol or ☽ Luna carried straight before it turned it into pure medicine, and tinged 1 part 100,000 parts of it melted imperfect metal into the finest and purest ☉ Sol and ☽ Luna.

I only got this far and I couldn't get any further with it than I did with the materia I want to use the 6th meal so that it becomes so subtle between 24 hours that most of it comes out of the glass like nothing (which is strange to see) with an indescribable fragrant smell, so I took care so that it doesn't just coat you in the same way etc.

Many of the wonders of this H. art would have to be described here, such as preparing all sorts of precious stones with it and many other wonders - but it requires a book that is too big to do everything with dignity and narrative, in vast quantities and not even all of them can look at it My intention was to guide you, dear cousin and son, with devotion into the hidden things of nature and this H. science and this has now been faithfully done by me.

Therefore, you only go with it, as I also have to do, fear God and love your neighbor sincerely from the bottom of your soul, everything will appear to you in your hand - work by itself and when you are done with it, many brothers of our Holy Order will reveal themselves to you in silence because I have given you my share of the kingdom of heaven I have written to the eternal God the truth which I have found through diligent invocation in prayer and investigation of natural possibilities, seen with my eyes and pulled out with my fingers.

At the end I also signed this testament to you with my blood on my death bed on the last day of time leave behind. This is what happened in Leijden 22 Martii Anno Christi 1672.

Illustration or description of the Athanor the wise man drawn here.

1. Grabbing the hat from the Athanor's pipe, where the coals are thrown into and then closed.
2. And the lid 3 ½ inches high.
3. Height of tubes 3 ½ feet high and 10 inches wide.
4. The circulatory area of heat 20 inches wide.
5. The air tubes from the Circulatorio, which are 4 and have Gradir Schotgen, must be reinforced.
6. The grate:
7. Guide arm of the 🜂 Fire ers 15 inches long and 3 inches wide.
8. The Coagulir – round 11 inches wide.
9. The inner wooden ball made of dry oak wood is thinly turned out to 8 inches wide.
10. Try this - glass with ☿ Mercury with you. Be careful with the degree of 🜂 Fire if it rises, it is too hot and the 🜂 Fire has to be reduced.
11. The Microscopium through which you can see how the material dissolves in the glass.
12. Gradir – Schott because of the heat.
13. The Cinder – Hole 3 inches wide. 3 ½ inches high with a locked door.
14. The walls surround the oven.
15. The little hat over the neck of the glass so that the 🜄 Water vapor does not disturb the sigil.
16. The joining of the round.
17. The circulation of heat.
18. 🜂 Fire foot in which the glass touches in the middle.
19. A wreath in which the glass rests in the balneo.
20. The Balneum 8 ½ inches wide and 13 inches high the 🜄 Water is just placed up to the valve: put in and covered with a perforated lid.
21. The round circulatory area of heat surrounds the balneum.
22. The glass in which the materia is.
23. On each circulatory 4 valves with graduations - Schottgens.
24. Room where the coals lie.
25. Tube through which the 🜄 water is poured into the balneum.
26. Hanichen so that you can tap off the water that is too hot.
27. Divorce the dry circulir oven so well that it has to fit together.
28. The middle part of the balnei must fit well on the balnei so that no vapor comes out of the can.
29. Handle on the upper part of the circulatorii, so that you can touch it and remove it.
30. The creutz on it can rest the wooden ball firmly and immovably is attached to the 4 Häckgens.
31. The prongs in the tube of the cabbage oven, which hold the dew so that it can be steamed inside, otherwise the copper would burn too quickly.
32. The top part or lid of the balnei must above all close.
33. Balnei handle.

This entire oven can be made of copper without the grate etc.

Below in front of the ash hole there has to be a ♀ Venus door that really has to close.

Quote of the Day

“To some foolish and shallow persons I have several times expounded this Art in the simplest manner, and even word for word, but they despised it only, and would not believe me that there is exhibited in our work a twofold resurrection of the dead.”


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