Now follows a broken piece of Rachaidibi, Veradiani, Rodiani and Kanidis, the Philosophorum of the King of the Persians , who talk to one another in sharp detail about the material of the stone.
Rachaidibi, Zetheibidæ son of a philosopher of the Persian king and Roman prince, said: the sperm of the stone is cold and moist in the open but warm and dry in the hidden.
Therefore he says put the cold and wet in the hidden and the warm and dry put in the public or bring to light and so its cold and wetness will be hidden so that it will never be diminished then when it is diminished so do the same thing with the stone.
Therefore, when the cold and damp is hidden, do so with the hiding so that you put together the warm and dry that is hidden in the truth and open and so a corpus of the spirit will become in two degrees, a globe or ball will become blood and flesh .
Rodianus says. The sperm is white and soft, this liquor and moisture first forms a ball in the place where it should be in five days. And take flesh and blood in limbs and likeness, and a soul having the image of God the Most High, and come to the exit, and shine, and arise in his time. Which 9th degree are (duo & septem gradus) and soon we will say about the other seeds.
Veradianus says of the other seed that it is a single stone and there is no other that is the same in the world, which impregnates itself in itself, commends itself and in this it is understood as a stone and is called a white and flowing seed Roht.
But Rodianus says that the same sperm is a fleeting stone from the wet and dry, airy and fleeing and is cold and damp, warm and dry.
And after this living thing dies from the red dead one, the dead one is now like heat and dryness and so don't breathe from what is warm and don't breathe the fire, don't read any smoke from it, don't make any sound or pour it loudly Wax and is like oil and is dry which dryness Tingiret with a red tincture, and also white and so the spirit has become a corpus after which the same corpus must be transformed into a spirit and then it will become clear and bright water without any turbidity from the lower part to the uppermost and all of its parts are in various ways in the water so that the permeated tincture, which is added there (subiunctiva), is not prevented from holding and tinging all the bodies of the metals and the same tincture always remains in them and with this tincture all the dead are made alive so that they then live always and this is the first elemental ferment and is to the moon and is a light of all lights and a flower and fruit of all lights which is everything enlightened and is a good and living tincture, a red and white and a rectified oil of tinctures.
Therefore give him the other fermented fermentum, of each elemental element no matter which is gold, give him the four part that is first calcined and solvated in water.
Then elementized water is equal to all the elements.
Give him also the other fermentum, when I say the other, I mean the other band and in it is a light sulfur tincture, and is called an oil of the band, which is the greenest and purest vitriol, the lightest, which is rightly turned into water.
Also give him saffron water (aquam Safferanicam) made from Enda cuto, like water of the green ore which is the poison Merrcurii, and give the Mercurio some of the water that labors in his spirit and is brought, which you stripped from his body and thus killed him The same laboratory produced the water namely Argenti vivi, so that the Argentum vivum is transformed into water which the Wüdente Fewr does not swear, that it does not make any substance but always remains by force and from each one and it gives him as much as he himself has also Salarmoniacum, which is a delicious spirit that solvates and coagulates and that is transformed into water but is first sublimated with five or seven changes and it should be a double (duplum) of the first ferment, so give it dry and warm water and fava with it a strong clarity and a subtle moistening, namely one drop after the other and if you give him too little of the same drink (bibimentum) he will spoil.
And do this with warm suns or the ashes of a closed verme or as all this can happen and the same water all together They should first be mixed after 21 days in the purest and warmest place and should boil at the same time and make a substantiam.
Then it should be congelated into a stone and turned back into water. And among all of these there is a great power and effect: Anatron, or Salnitrum, and Salgemma, and Alkali. When they are thus congelated and turned into water, they shall become imbibed.
But with the red, who suffers long and great thirst, they become the two-fold part of him and in these Atinckar has great power. And over all of these floated a vncia of this water and of the water of the living salt Armoniaci, so that the parts of the volatile the better Solviret became the other in red color or ialneum, or green or heavenly.
But the green color shines for everyone, let the composition in rotumba, that the bright water Solvire was bit from the bottom to the upper part like sifted honey afterwards so one congelates it at the place of congelation in a green stone sometimes in a raw sometimes in Ialneum , sometimes into a celestial and againb he has to be solvated and become congeliret for the 2nd or 3rd time and it is a duplication, tripartite, quadruplicated and sublimation and then all the others.
Then the Persian king's philosophers said that we want to take the cold and moist and the watery stuff and cleanse it of all superfluous liquids and lead and with a pure and many decoction we should dry it from the damp in the sun boil and damp cloths.
And it's a nice chapter. (pulchrius capitulum) to those who want to know a miracle of all miracles from the moist waters, cold and burning, Kanide said that in a few hours alone without the water measurement and tempering all distillations took place, including the sublimated calcinations, the rednesses and deaths of Mercuri and then friendship has been made between him and the Fewr: and runs like oil in an instant (in uno ictu) then the oil enters, penetrates and everything mixes in abundance, coagulates and remains (then it overcomes all subtle things and everything that is solid it penetrates) it joins together, abides and purifies: and is given: a living oil, a living and justifying color, and causes all the dead to rise again.
And is a ferment over all ferment, impregnates itself and also gives birth to itself. Therefore, everyone who seeks this wisdom must know how everything is and how it is not and how it can be and so they are deceived, how they can be emendired and after Above all, they have to know that the work is necessary and Clare and obvious trials.
And that is the first of all tests, namely that when is the end and another term is a little of him was placed over gluent Eijsen when it flows like wax and does not make a smoke or noise but runs completely and the iron sheet Tingiret or the Ertzne or Silver and agree with them and have not been diminished by the fire nor ever separated from the metals, then it is perfect and that is the trial above all trials.
But when the signs do not do it, bring it again over the Fewr until it is like this: and these trials shall happen to everyone between the first and the other solution and congelation.
And according to this one should know about those who are put together with the dead and the same combinations and the saffron color of bright iron and the color of vitriol and the flower of the brass which is poison of Mercurii and lime of salt and the laboratory water Mercurii so that it does not escape from the flea and is alive and lasting water and a spirit that rectifies and old Salarmoniacus, and among all of these each one should be dissolved in water and then mix them all and congelier them with a mild flea and so on the corpus has become alive and is then dissolved again in water and so the mixing is accomplished.
All the philosophers in Persia were once gathered together in one place, which was secret and full of a good smell and was located in mountainous parts. Under these philosophers we spoke a lot in many ways and said: besides the tinctures that tincture the metals and in high and precious gold transform and the way and manner of the tincture, which is more precious in the upper part of all tinctures, is this one which is revealed and allows them to understand the second part through the divine grace, the whole work of the Alchemy and the first part or word (particula). enough to weight the other, multiply and multiply the first in others A thousand weigh a thousand times more in the precious suns by the grace of God.
But this story is now red with an artificial egg, this Alchimia was thrown over hard water and which is melted in the sea and some of the water is white and some of it is white (Subalba) and soft and is quickly poured from one another by the sea and the daughter is Roht and hard and the oil of the tinctures of which we say is so and permeates the same waters everything that enters it makes friends with them and a citrine union from the fabler it will not be separated and separated nor will it be diminished for all eternity.
Remember what was said above, namely that the first term kills the Celt and moisture among so many and makes the terms red, the other term fills the death of the first dead, increases the redness and makes the dark one clumsy and bright like the fruit of one spruce tree and shines like the leaves of gold and spreads out and tingiret as it should to citrine or citrine color.
This is the justification Mercurii which is a fixed oil and which makes it subtle which rectifies all corrupt metals and brings them back together their health and a better nature and this deceased will therefore prove that it has diedj after this a fermented fermentum will be given to it like from all natures of which we want to say: which is the first fermentum that is the other from the first and the first binds.
After this is given the other from the other, namely the bandt of the green one solves in an oil jug or a gutter of glass: after this of the ore flower which is a poison and aqua saffranica, and water of the Salis Armoniaci, and old water which water resolves all bodies and all spirits, and congelirt them again.
Then we think of the instruments in which all the cooking of the alchemistic works are to take place: and that which is the first and of course which shows all the effects of the alchemy, which is seven and that is the one which shows all the distillations and sublimations and all the calcinations Resolutions Congelationes and Mortificationes according to the manner of the art of the Fire.
In the art of alchemy it is an art that labors with five elements under which the first white is the other Ialdus, the 3rd is green the 4th is raw like a ruby, the fifth but completes the entire work of Athanor in seven days and days and so you can look at it as if it had faded from the beginning of the seven days It is basically congelirt and immediately as Schwartz sees Roht because of the perfection of its red color and that is the best and strongest effect of the alchemy which again fights the fewr and again all the samples (contra examinations) and that is the work of the same colors that are there from the Endanico or Phaulet, the internal is the entire Mercurius, and the bark is Phaulet: from the same Mercurio one can bring the folk work of Alchemiæ, and I say that all metals internally are sun and moon according to all the opinions that have mastered this art and from this Phaullet can be Safferanum, which is the color Phaulet to Tingiren in the suns.
Quote of the Day
“we must add nothing that is strange, save the Sun and Moon for the red and white Tincture, which are not strange (to it) but are its Ferment by which the work is accomplished”
The True Book of the learned Greek Abbot Synesius
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