Leipzig and Zittau,
Published by Johann Jacob Schöps, Bookseller.
Noble, art-loving, inclined reader! Let the true understanding of nature in the mineral kingdom mostly consist of the fact that one should find and acquire the very beginning of this kingdom or the prima materia of metals. This is a truth that no one will be able to refute; that, however, the understanding of this matter, after thorough consideration, is so rare and is a truth that no one will be able to refute; however, the understanding of this matter, after thorough consideration, is such a rare and secret thing that among thousands, hardly one achieves their true purpose here.
This is well known, as the world is filled with various opinions from the authors of chemical books regarding such matters, which easily mislead and confuse those who wish to choose something without experimenting or following nature.
I myself experienced this for many years with such considerations, until I finally turned away from no more books, nor accepted this or that guidance from the art-minded, but rather focused solely on the effects of nature, consistently following her secret, albeit simple, ways and allowing neither black nor white to mislead me; thus, I gradually discovered that nature works correctly, and all her effects are often so straightforward that one hardly pays attention to them, as most of her effects consist in the orderly governance of heat and cold.
However, the initial seed powers from which the mineral kingdom has its entire origin are such a secret and hidden matter that it comes from
Page 3powers, from which the mineral kingdom has its entire origin, is such a secret and hidden matter that it comes from its first beginnings, which are spiritual and born of celestial impression.
This seed then gradually makes itself comprehensible in the depths of the Earth over time and forms a metallic or mineral body under the coagulation of heat and cold.
Since this generation mostly occurs in the Earth, and we can see little of it with our own eyes, it remains so foreign and unknown that we can hardly say anything substantial about it. Most of the chatter regarding this, with which nearly all chemical writings are filled, is empty opinion and does not truly address the real basis of such understanding; hence our work, which is based on this, cannot be accurate but must fail according to its conditions.
These natural secrets, which should be justly considered and recognized, will be revealed here to the extent that God, the Lord of Nature, grants enlightenment and blessing. And because, without this understanding of nature in the production and melting of ores, it is impossible to achieve anything useful and because, without this understanding of nature in the production and melting of ores, it is impossible to achieve anything useful, I will faithfully present such natural workings, as they are accomplished from the upper seed in the Earth. An art and wisdom lover will be completely satisfied with me and will know how to arrange his matters accordingly, for whose favor and goodwill I commend myself.
May 1754
This matter is precisely that which makes it the greatest difficulty in the world to understand and thoroughly know, and over which scholars still cannot reach an agreement; and because the descriptions of it are manifold and varied, it is also very difficult to present a true basis or truth about it, which must first be confirmed through natural experience. It is
Page 4a true basis or truth about it, which must first be confirmed through natural experience. It is indeed quite easy to answer questions whose conclusion appears to show a semblance of truth; but to always find a proof that agrees with nature daily is still an art. For example, a question arises: from what kind of seed are metals and minerals generated?
Answering this question is one of the greatest difficulties, as it cannot be just guessed, but must be accurately identified, given that the metallic seed is so unknown that few can boast of having seen it or found it in any location. Yet the whole world desires to know it, and much effort and expense have been put into extracting it from the four and unstable metals, but to date, there have been few such works successfully completed.
However, there is no doubt that the creatures of this kingdom, like those of the other two kingdoms, must also have a seed for their beginning and further propagation of metals in the veins and paths of the Earth. But what can one find if he does not know what he is seeking, and under what form and appearance he should acquire such matter? Although the prima materia metallorum is laid out before our eyes, and the first beginnings of this kingdom are always discussed here, we may still not recognize them or distinguish them from other subjects because their inner nature and hidden power are unknown to us.
An example of this can be seen in saltpeter, whose power and terrifying effects were hidden for a long time and were not known until the use of gunpowder, despite saltpeter or niter having been known since ancient times in the Old Testament.
For the spirit that is in saltpeter, and which gives us such a terrifying effect through its striking power, is also worthy of further investigation, as there is likely more to it and deeper thoughts behind it than one might imagine. It is also a significant and powerful spirit of fire, and whoever recognizes its power and knows how to apply it appropriately in the mineral kingdom will be able to achieve great things with it... Although I do not intend to speak of gunpowder here, but of those
Page 5will be able to achieve great things with it... Although I do not intend to speak of gunpowder here, but rather of the power that it demonstrates in the mineral kingdom, as it is the most powerful key to it among all salts, and this is solely due to its volatile yet significant spirit, which is also astral and of no determined nature, but can be used in all three kingdoms, wherever one wishes to have and apply it.
However, the greatest cold is evident in it; whoever can surround it and reveal the natural fire within will be able to prepare a spirit that is to be used in the mineral kingdom with particular benefit.
§2. The generation of this mineral wealth occurs quite differently than in the other two natural kingdoms, and since such processes lie too deep in the Earth for our eyes to perceive, the true and right basis of it has remained hidden from us. Some traces and guidelines can indeed be found in the old writings of the philosophers, but they are often presented in such a dark understanding that one cannot find their way without significant and laborious natural investigation; however, no art and science in the world is more pursued than this secret philosophy of finding and encountering the seed of metals.
The reason for the impossibility of finding this seed, or why so few can attain it, is that many are misled into believing that whoever has the seed of the metals or can obtain it from the mineral kingdom can, in a short time, prepare a tincture from it to transmute all metals into true gold. However, since this does not succeed in that way, one has not yet been able to recognize the true seed of the metals; this, however, contradicts nature.
For if we believe that a seed exists in the Earth from which metals and especially gold can grow, then it is not specified for any tincture to transform other metals into gold, but only to bring forth gold over time as a noble metal, just as from an apple seed, which is also the seed of the apple, only a tree grows that again bears apples of its kind, not that one can produce other inferior fruits from such apples
Page 6grows a tree that again bears apples of its kind, not that one can turn such apples into other lesser fruits, like sloes and hazelnuts.
From this, one can recognize what it means to seek the seed of the metals, and what the reasons are that so few have been found from this to date.
§13. Many have endeavored to destroy the metals and, in various ways, both wet and dry, to obtain the quintessence as their first seed, and to produce a tincture from metals that could transform lesser metals into gold and silver.
Sometimes, it was said that the first metal, like Mercury, must have all the powers of the others combined, and that its quintessence or metallic seed, because it is a fluid body, must serve for this; at other times, it was said that already separated gold, whose seed and inner essence had already been separated, was to be used for this transmutation. However, nothing has ever come of it, and the seed of the metals has still not been found with all this.
Then Mars and Venus, as male and female, resolved to have this metallic seed in themselves, and to guard it for such tinctures. Moreover, Jupiter and Saturn were also greatly heated and discussed, because the metals stem from good; yet, with all this, nothing has been achieved. Hence, one turned to minerals and sought to force the first seed out of these untimely results through all kinds of chemical work.
However, the seed of the metals has remained hidden until finally, some suggested that this so-called Mountain Juar or Mountain Butter-Milk, which is sometimes found in rich silver mines, is nothing more than soft and pure silver, the true seed of the metals and minerals in the earth.
Many hold such opinions, yet it has ultimately been found that they cannot prepare any tincture from such materials as they wish. This gives rise to a philosophy that asserts: the metals have no own seeds in the earth, but grow continuously as they were initially ordered in the earth; and this is called being beautifully concealed and excellently philosophized
Page 7but they grow continuously as they were ordered in the beginning of the earth; and this is called being beautifully concealed and excellently philosophized, so that one would become dull in thought about it. What is not found today through thoughtless searching should not be expected in nature either. But note, I will point you to something else that can lead you to find and encounter the true metallic seed.
§4. That the metals and minerals in the earth have their own seeds from which they are generated, and through whose power they achieve their perfection, just like creatures in the other two kingdoms; no philosopher or naturalist can disagree with this.
However, that each metal and mineral should have a particular seed according to its kind has never been proven through experience, as the generation of these beings in the veins of the earth is of a different nature than in the other two kingdoms. Hence, the knowledge of this kingdom's seed is a rare thing, as we see no metals being sown or planted; therefore, their growth and time of appearance can only be perceived because we find them in our mines as they were prepared by nature at that time.
Thus, it happens that we find gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, and lead, yes, also various minerals, though we know very little about the mixtures of various metals regarding their initial arrival and growth. Because they are very solid and hard bodies, one might discover something from them, like something from vegetables, and their seeds.
The sulfur and arsenical substances found among the metallic elements show some volatile nature, coming from the first type of metallic seed, but it is still not sufficiently proven from this to determine the foundation of the generation of the metals. Therefore, it remains a questionable matter whether metals and minerals are derived from a seed, just like other growths.
Those who still believe this, knowing nothing about the nature and properties of such seeds, may have a poor conception of the matter, especially when one tells them something substantial about such seeds and the generation of metals
Page 8one can have a poor understanding of such things, especially when one tells them something substantial about the seeds and the generation of metals. Generally, sulfur contains a volatile, fiery spirit, which may resemble the first metallic essence in part; however, it is too sluggish and earthy to yield the initial metallic growth.
The mixture of the subtle vapors of the earth has already infected such substances and has overly retained the saliferous part within itself (although it must be naturally purified and elevated by nature alone within the ore), so that it may become a metallic nourishment for gold and can increase, form, and improve itself in its essence.
For there is a very significant difference in the properties of sulfur in the earth, from which all natural effects arise, and if this is not carefully considered, it will be at the root of true knowledge.
Whoever does not know the seed of the metals or their first origin, from which they have grown and sprouted, can never attain a profound understanding of the mineral kingdom and, consequently, achieve little good in the processing and smelting of ores, as daily experience proves in many places.
For whoever does not know what a metallic ore has grown from, and what its first seed was, nor through what it has been perfected, how will he afterwards elevate it in roasting to maturation, without which work nothing good can be created in the smelting of ores? Therefore, one should learn to understand well what each ore consists of and how far it has progressed in its development, for it is essential if one wishes to understand metallurgy and aims to improve what nature has left fleeting and incomplete.
However, no one should heed the detractors and mockers of this true art, who claim that it is unnecessary to know from what metals and minerals have grown and sprung forth, and what their nature and properties are, asserting that this is merely a ruse and subtle speculation that fills one's head; when one knows how to extract them as they are found in the earth, they think
Page 9fills one's head; when one knows how to extract them as they are found in the earth, it is, according to their opinion, sufficient. This would indeed be quite good, but whoever does not know the type and properties of each ore, and cannot judge from such, how it has progressed or developed in its maturation, will never be able to improve it, nor extract gold and silver from it; for not all ores have the same type and properties, nor is every existing metal such that one can immediately extract gold and silver from it.
Rather, most are still volatile, and thus are of a nature that one must use appropriate techniques and necessary additions during roasting to obtain a metallic product; however, everything must be recognized and discovered beforehand based on their type and properties.
For in one ore sulfur predominates, in another arsenic, and these are two different natures, and thus different types of ores, which must be understood and considered, since one generally leads to gold, the other to silver ores, and often carries copper along with it. All of this is taught through investigation.
§ 6. So now, if we want to closely examine the seed of the metals, from which metals and minerals are known to grow in the earth, which the ancients called prima materia metallorum, we must take a very wide approach and seek the spirit of the first essence as its first birth, which is not of earthly nature but rather of astral or spiritual type and property, and which is found not in the earth but in the upper regions.
Such unusual knowledge may seem strange to us, and appears nothing more than new marvels, because such teachings are not pursued by our modern scholars, and the foundation of nature is not considered or understood, as it requires more than just reading books.
However, we want to take this into account and consider this spirit of the first essence, which is entirely of an invisible and incomprehensible nature, yet is the soul of the world and the primum mobile of all things. The first beginning of all metals and minerals, indeed of all visible things in all three kingdoms, is in fact the spirit that exists at the beginning of creation within the nature and creature essence, as in the first chaos, coagulated
Page 10of all visible things in all three kingdoms. This spirit, which exists at the beginning of creation within the nature and essence of creatures, as in the first chaos, has coagulated and taken form, through which the creature has received its life, movement, and growth, according to the divine fiat that brings everything into being. This everlasting spirit of the Lord is indeed present in all things, as the wise David says.
This pure, spiritual, and fiery principle of light has been enclosed by God in every creature, only that tangible earthly matter conceals it and keeps it hidden from our fleshly eyes. The purpose of alchemy, therefore, is to discover this once again. Hence, the right and true art of separation is to divide the pure from the impure, to redeem it once more, and to present it clearly and distinctly before our eyes.
If we want to contemplate this ensouled, fiery, and all-sustaining spirit, or the first essence of all things, in its form, as it comes from the region of the upper emanations into the sidereal being, we must elevate our senses and thoughts and undertake a perspective entirely different from the earthly, although I know that this is not the doing of everyone. In the sidereal realm, the simplest and most subtle spirit is first grasped, and it takes on the first material (but not yet earthly) form, as a spiritual source, from which the necessary sustaining forces flow to us daily and hourly.
However, since this spiritual main source is still too subtle and simple for our earthly material bodies to maintain through life, because this penetrating spirit would more likely dissolve and destroy them than conserve them, it must first be tempered in the astral realm or astral region, so to speak, and become the spirit of life maintenance, as we, alongside all creatures, receive it from above daily, hourly, indeed moment by moment; for in the upper astral region, this outpouring spirit takes on a material earthly form, and is thus tempered so that its forces can be borne by our earthly bodies.
This astral spirit, or spiritus mundi, is now the prima materia of all things in the entire world, the life and movement of us all; it dwells in the air, and through this, we humans enjoy it ourselves through breathing. Every creature, not only in the animal kingdom, but
page 11it dwells in the air, and through this, we humans enjoy it ourselves through breathing. Every creature, not only in the animal kingdom but also in the mineral kingdom, in the depths of the earth, draws, by virtue of its magnetism, the spirit that lies within for its sustenance. To recognize and thoroughly understand this is the most profound foundation of all nature and creature. I write truths, and as clearly as possible. May God grant everyone their enlightenment!
This described astral spirit, which has its dwelling throughout the entire earth and flies freely in the air back and forth without wings, is now the prima materia from which, in the beginning, the metals and minerals were created and formed, as well as all other creatures in the entire realm of nature. Philosophers call it in their writings mercurium universale, or a matter from which the entire world was created. The prima materia of metals is not this Mercurial spirit, for it is already a specified being in the mineral kingdom, or the source from which all creatures in that realm take their beginning and origin.
Here, let no one think that I have borrowed the philosophers' terms from their writings, for I know that they are deemed obscure by many. However, we must not read such texts only to replicate their high tinctures, as they teach and present from that very matter, but rather to explore the secrets of nature and to perceive its hidden workings, for which their writings are generally useful; it is indeed in their time that the essence of it can be found in the mineral kingdom... For although their so-called Lapis Philosophorum lies deeply concealed in their secret writings, they nevertheless show us the way to natural effects, through which such contemplations may often lead to the high secrets of the mineral kingdom.
I must, for the sake of truth, once again borrow from the philosophers' terms and say: This great spiritus mundi, or universal
page 12I must, for the sake of truth, borrow the philosophers' terms once more and say: This great spiritus mundi, or universal world spirit, is, in and of itself, an invisible bird on our earth, which by nature does not come into view before our eyes; however, when it associates itself with a certain realm, to refresh its creatures, it appears in the form of water. Thus, it stands to reason that the metals and minerals were also once in water at the beginning, namely in such prima material water.
This spirit reveals itself somewhat through such a water form to strengthen and refresh the vegetative beings, as the delicate, subtle creatures draw as much from it as is necessary for their sustenance, especially from the cooling night dew.
The same also occurs in the animal kingdom, where this spirit, through the inhalation of breath by animals, as already mentioned, is drawn in, and they are sustained by it. Man himself, as the noblest creature of God, enjoys the outflows of heaven in an instant, as he too must maintain his life through inhalation. Oh, dear human! In our air, there is a hidden food of life that no one values highly, as it is not recognized; it is a coagulated water that lives in the air, which will soon be comprehensible.
This deeply founded philosophy should not be misunderstood or thought to have no connection to the recognition of minerals. It is the highest point that no one has touched upon with such clarity and comprehensibility, and I know what is necessary for this. In the previous text, I have presented the great world spirit in its active nature, in the form and essence as it is constituted, and in such readiness that it can serve all three realms here without hindrance. Now I will also show you the same spirit in its passive nature, in which it endures and carries all natural effects with patience.
If you were previously amazed that this powerful and effective spirit should appear in the form of bad water, you will be even more astonished when
page 13that this powerful and effective spirit should appear in the form of bad water: you will be even more astonished when you see the same spirit lying in the ore mines and veins of the earth as a dead being in the ores. This is so much talked about that you should see and believe that in the ores, stones, and quartz, where neither rain nor movement occurs, there should be life; for it is well known that the world holds that which is not alive, where no moving being is present.
The metallic and mineral ores are alive, as long as they remain in the earth, yet they neither rain nor move, nor do they breathe, according to their nature, but attract the previously described air spirit to their existence in the solid earth, though not in the same manner as animals do.
Now I would like to find someone who can show me this passive spirit and recognize it, even in all mineral creatures, even in the smallest grain of sand; for without it, nothing can become comprehensible, for nothing exists without it, and in this spirit is life.
Thus, the first water matter of the metals lies in such ores in a dry and coagulated form, which, in its destruction, resembles smoke and vapor, and by its penetrating fiery quality, has become something that is hardly comparable, in the long run, under elemental mixed effects.
In this manner, the first watery form is no longer recognizable, because it has been transformed into a metallic or mineral being through the alternation of heat and cold, so that it now achieves a magnet through its body, which, by its life, still attracts the upper watery air for its sustenance, and by which such a state is generated, just as animals and plants refresh themselves through this spirit and may achieve further fertility; notwithstanding the great differences that these three realms have in external appearance, which are not so easy to grasp.
Now, in order to thoroughly understand the seed of metals, or how from the first great world spirit in elemental action the first matter
page 14Now to thoroughly understand the seed of metals, or how from the first great world spirit in elemental action the first matter of the metals, as the source of the mineral realm, has its origin; know this: that such in its action leads solely to the magnet, or that which comes at the beginning from the elements’ source, coagulated spirit, which lies enclosed in all things, including minerals. This spirit, regarded as dead in the ores, is nothing other than a spiritual salt, in which life resides; which, indeed, must spread and scatter through its growth throughout the entire body into the elemental action, yet still retains enough strength in each realm to bring its creature as much from the upper air through its breathing as it requires.
Now, since this first matter of metals has been divided by all natural means into three parts, namely salt, sulfur, and mercury, I will stop here for the sake of better clarity, even though these principles of metals are quite difficult to reveal and achieve, and the same must be understood as a philosophical spiritual existence of their first beginnings, not that it is so easily to be divided, and each one from it, according to their teaching, so easily obtainable.
S. 12. The first beginning of the metals in the earth was indeed only one single matter, but the threefold nature, namely salt, sulfur, and mercury, were hidden within it, and it was only in the elemental action that such a mineral being became manifest for growth. For when this chaotic liquid, by the stirring of the upper elements, reached a pleasant warmth, a fermentation or decay arose from it, through which the moist, vaporous spirit, which is called mercury, rose high, leaving behind a slight saline mass at the bottom, whose part or moisture indicated the sulfur here, which had an attractive sharp taste, but was named sal.
These two principles were so long subjected to heat and cold
page 15the attractive sharp taste was named sal. These two principles were subjected to heat and cold for so long until, through daily pouring of mercury, or its now attracting first water, a fiery metal was formed. So much I know to write about the profound prima materia of metals, how it is found and arranged in the veins and arteries of the earth, from which metals can grow.
S. 13 From this, it can now be somewhat understood what the prima materia of the mineral realm is, and on what basis such an indescribable large number of minerals or ores can grow and come to the surface; but I fear that this may still be too dark for most, especially for beginners. I prefer to explain a matter briefly, as it can be more easily grasped by everyone; however, through such brevity, one can also express the matter in such a way that anyone can understand it.
When I consider the prima materia of metals in the earth, from which nature produces metals: it appears, in its appearance, as a pure vapor or smoke, but not exactly as air or wind, as we can enjoy the universal mercury here for our sustenance; rather, it is a mineral, thickly expanded mist, mixed with sulfur and arsenical vapors, and in the earth, through its crevices, the first matter of the metals and minerals is now drawn back and forth.
For their sustaining spirit has enclosed the nitrating air salt within it, from which nature, under elemental action—that is, heat and cold—can make metals. For metals and minerals have a single matter for their beginning and a single seed, although nature has so many varieties of creations of this realm to show. The cause of this will follow in the future, as it is not a small piece of knowledge of nature, for I know that there is no heavier study in the world than natural knowledge in the mineral realm, and this is solely due to the fact that we know little of its essence
page 16in the world than the natural knowledge in the mineral realm, and this is solely due to the fact that we cannot gain a proper foundation from philosophical books regarding its essence, because of their dark and hieroglyphic writing style, which they all employ to keep the matter concealed; yet this knowledge, due to the very secret natural workings of nature in the depths of the earth, is itself difficult enough, and without many experiments with such metallic ores, it cannot be easily encountered. All this happens because they do not wish to reveal their Lapidem Philosophorum, and under this secrecy, many useful insights of nature regarding this realm remain unknown to us, which could provide much good for human life—partly regarding the medicinal properties of this realm, which would be completely beneficial for us and our bodies to maintain health, and partly due to the true treatment of these substances, through which we could achieve much greater benefit.
S. 14 Every nature lover will admit that the knowledge of these secrets is so carefully guarded at the mineral gate, and all of their truths are so well concealed that, according to their writings, one can only form a solid idea with great difficulty. Yet, when one seeks to better understand the matter and observes the ways of nature in her workings, it turns out that there are purely possible things to comprehend, which are nevertheless so simple and straightforward that one must wonder about them; for nature has nothing to do with high matters at the beginning of her workings; she is a simple master, teaching all her works in simplicity.
Her first beginnings in all three realms are all the same: through the workings of the elements, the great changes occur, and great things are thereby birthed. The veins of metals and minerals are quartz and flint in the earth, which were also initially formed from this matter.
Heat and cold, fire and water are tools through which all three accomplish their work. Thus nature works in the earth; just as
page 17to be. Heat and cold, fire and water are tools through which all three accomplish their work. Thus, nature works in the earth; likewise, we should also work with the ores in our roasting and smelting; for without finding their ways, which they keep simple and straightforward, one can certainly do little in metallurgy, especially with the first roasting of nuts.
Therefore, the writings of true philosophers should not be read merely to learn how to make tinctures and gold from them, but to explore the ways of nature in her secret workings, which can be of great benefit to an understanding person, especially to one who intends to thoroughly practice metallurgy, mining, and smelting work, of which this treatise will shed bright light.
S. 15 Everything that the blind world holds as dead will be seen again in new life through the working nature, also reaching a better state through her governance, all according to her hidden degrees. When we bring a metallic ore, be it gold, silver, copper, and the like, from the ore mines to the roasting and processing; one must revive the life in such seemingly dead bodies, free their magnetism, and make them suitable for extraction and increase, all according to nature.
For every metallic ore, as long as it retains its mineral and metallic appearance, as it should, and has been broken off from the earth, is not dead, but its life is still within it; it merely rests and does not move unless its inner spirit is revived by fire, where it can best reveal its liquidity. In these ores, to reveal the magnet or inner spirit, which can draw the upper forces back to its maturation; this is the trick that everyone who wants to work towards increase must employ. That all ores, especially the molten raw stone, have an open body within them, where their magnet can be easily discovered
page 18must. That all ores, especially the molten raw stone, have an open body within them, where their magnet can be easily discovered, and they can be made suitable for the upper attracting force and for a rich increase, experience shows in the work. As this spirit does not only like to attract to itself, but also works and seeks everything that has an attractive force to fully dissolve and unite with it, and to work in it, so do such things come together in a very fire and rich metal, which maturation cannot occur otherwise, because the inner magnet, or the first salt, is the principle of the minerals, and the dissolving spirit are one essence, and the beginning of a common origin.
Through heat and cold, among the metallic workings, the occasional distinction has arisen, which is the single main piece, so that such work is well regarded; everything else will be found and recognized from these, for it all reveals itself gradually.
S. 16 In the preceding, I have now more thoroughly shown what the prima materia of metals is, and from what all metals and minerals in the earth have their first origin, as well as from where this matter, as the seed of the metals, comes, and how the upper effluents, the first seed of the world, work in synergy with us for our preservation and propagation here, and how this spirit, through the workings of the elements, such as heat and cold, is brought into growth and coagulation in every mineral, as we have here referred to as the magnet. I have also shown here thoroughly how this magnet is always eager to attract the upper forces to its own dissolution, for the better perfection of their natures and the enrichment of the metals.
To illustrate the proof of this magnetic action somewhat more clearly, as is known: look at an old mine in a mining operation that has been worked for a long time, and whose mountains have rested for such a long time, now investigate it and melt it again,
page 19in mining operations that have been worked for a long time, and whose mountains have rested for such a long time, now investigate them and melt them again. I know that, depending on the circumstances, you will extract much good metal from them, sometimes even more than was originally obtained. Not that I mean to suggest that such ores were initially as good when extracted, and thus a mistake was made in this regard, but rather that in such free conditions, over a long time, the magnet in such metallic residue and vein stone has settled, allowing the acting spirit within to work and create new metals again, regardless of the fact that it had been broken off from its vein in the beginning.
This weathering particularly occurs most intensely on the remnants, especially when dealing with copper ores, because this metal has an open body compared to all other metals, making it easy to dissolve and remold into a mineral and vitriol. Likewise, one finds, for example, in the old slag heaps at smelting plants that have been lying there for a long time, that although they have been smelted out so pure, and all metal has been drawn from them, they will still yield metal in the smelting, especially where old copper slags are found, which will reward the effort with a rich surplus.
What is the underlying cause here other than that in such slags, especially at copper sites, the pores have opened through the long weathering, and the alternation of the sun's heat and rain causes a new augmentation and saturation, resulting in the growth of new metal? For the magnet of the first seed lies hidden in the slags just as it does in other materials, and when the material is broken down, it either loses its life or regains a new life, in which it can work and have its movement, as experience in our mineral kingdom always shows.
Therefore, mining and smelting works should be regarded in such a way that the old ore and slag heaps are not discarded or given away without the acknowledgment of the old works, unless such old and deep-seated waters are
page 20slag heaps should not be discarded or given away without acknowledging the old works, unless such old and deep-seated operations are impossible to reopen without incurring the greatest costs. For through this, such a work can recover, and the costs of the processing can be recouped when they are reprocessed with such materials, thereby maintaining a significant authority over their mining profits.
§. 17. That the seed of metals in the earth is a pure life, which continuously stirs and moves in subtle properties, is indeed a vapor or mist that travels back and forth in the veins and crevices of the earth. This volatile life is known to move slowly from one place to another. However, this metallic seed, when transformed from its liquid state into a volatile vapor by excessive heat, will again settle onto a stone and create metals. But if such a vapor escapes from the ores and flees, then the life of that ore also departs, and the yield or metal therein dies; for it is not insignificant to recognize the first seed of metals and minerals if one wishes to be successful in the examination of ores in the mineral kingdom.
If one does not know what a substance essentially consists of and what has generated and born it, how can they assist it in times of need with its weakness? One who does not know the life, movement, and essence of metals in the earth, along with their rising and descending, will find that their subsequent work in smelting will not improve the ores; rather, the best will likely dissipate into smoke.
For the closer a mineral is to the original seed, the more volatile it will be found; therefore, greater caution must be exercised during the roasting of such minerals to not completely destroy their seed, and to properly preserve the metal that lies in its primitive form. This requires skillful handling, so that during the roasting, the fire does not exceed the natural grades of the ore, thus
page 21to properly preserve the metal, which requires skillful handling, so that during roasting, the fire does not exceed the natural grades of the ore, thereby destroying it, and everything is chased away in smoke, which often happens with unnatural roasting and burning of the ores.
§. 18. There is a single nature, yet there are so many effects. There is one single seed, and yet so many ores come to the surface from the earth. Nature behaves wonderfully in the natural kingdom; in both the vegetable and animal kingdoms, each creature has its own particular seed for its propagation and can thus multiply infinitely. One can cultivate trees, plants, shrubs, and garden crops from such seeds, through art, as an experienced gardener can demonstrate with great skill.
In the mineral kingdom, however, it is quite different; for there, a seed force is laid at the beginning, and elemental action brings forth so many different creatures from it. Many have claimed that each metal, as well as each mineral, stone, and earth, has its own particular seed from which it is generated and grows; it seems almost unbelievable to them that, in comparison to the many seeds in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, where every little plant and shrub has its own seed, the same should also apply in the mineral kingdom.
However, despite all this, the contradiction can be found here, and indeed in this kingdom, nature exhibits a different effect (although under one government, which is wondrous), and many ores are produced and formed from a single seed through the power of magnetism, due to the mixing of earthly vapors.
Although it is evident that mineral metals and other stones may only have names, they are not generated or sprouted from themselves but are produced from a seed, and their perfection is solely a good disposition of the growth of nature, thus being entirely successive
page 22from a single seed, and that its perfection is solely a good disposition of the growth of nature, thus occurring entirely successively, and even more slowly than in the other two kingdoms. However, it is undeniably and indisputably true that this mineral seed in the earth is initially only one kind and one material, namely a fatty and thick saline liquid, which is essentially the seed of all metals and minerals.
S. 19. Now, this contradicts all well-known natural principles if one were to claim, and thus without any particular recognition, that there is only one single seed in the entire mineral kingdom, from which so many different ores, minerals, and stones would then grow continuously, which, according to their internal and external nature, are entirely unlike one another. This has caused many to struggle greatly in understanding this kingdom, as I have experienced myself.
However, I still wish to reveal what I have learned through various experiences. I mentioned in the previous section that the seed of metals, or the prima materia metallorum, has been divided by the ancient philosophers into three main parts, which they called salt, sulfur, and mercury, and this is our chaotic liquid. Then, through the activation of the two upper lights or elemental actions of the sun and moon, it is brought to a gentle and pleasant warmth; thus, in such a moist and warm vapor, as has been said, fermentation occurs, it corrupts, and is transformed from its original state. The original state dies away, and a new and better one emerges in its place.
Through this fermentation and g fermentation, the three principles, salt, sulfur, and mercury, are born from this first universal liquid. This is now indeed the specified seed of the mineral kingdom, the true mineral source from which it was ultimately possible for various creatures, such as mineral and metallic ores, noble and base stones, each according to its kind, to arise in this kingdom, through the formation of nature, according to their particular
page 23creatures, such as mineral and metallic ores, noble and base stones, each according to its kind, are capable of emerging through the formation of nature, according to their particular idea.
Thus, it is ultimately also facilitated that, so to speak, each mineral and stone also receives its own special seed from which it is generated and grows, like other creatures.
This follows thoroughly in the chapter on the generation of metals and minerals in my natural mining and smelting art, when this great work, made up of 18 letters, is allowed to see the light of this world.
S. 20. That gold is the most beautiful, best, and most perfect metal that can be found in the earth, whereas iron is a lowly, fleeting, and imperfect metal, is known even today by the farmer. However, why both attain such an unequal degree of maturation, and what causes it, since they are both generated from a single seed, and why iron does not become gold, has, to my knowledge, never been reasonably demonstrated.
However, both can be examined in small and large fires; since the universal matter, or the upper fiery liquor, is specified for the Regnum Minerale and thus divided into its three parts: salt, sulfur, and mercury (note this, as I repeat it not without a particular reason, since the understanding of the mineral kingdom depends on it), this seed must encounter a very pure stone and earth in which it is enclosed, so that in the daily action and evaporation of this mineral liquor, no part of the three principles is lost or spoiled. Moreover, in the elemental action, care must be taken that heat and cold have a mutual superiority, which can be sustained over several hundred years, as is necessary for the extraction of gold and silver.
Whichever part of the principles suffers damage will determine the nature of the metal, thus it becomes another seed from which no gold will emerge anymore, but rather another metal or mineral appears;
page 24metal, and thus another seed arises from it, from which no gold will emerge anymore, but rather another metal or mineral appears; for the spirit does not cease but continually works, regardless of what may arise from it, or according to how the three principles may now be arranged. Under such circumstances, I must also admit that there are not just one, but many thousands of different seeds of minerals and metals, stones, clays, and the like, in the earth; indeed, nature can easily produce another seed from the pure principles in every contrary effect.
S. 21. It is a firmly established philosophical principle, which has been held for a long time, that nature in the earth is willing to produce nothing other than gold and metals. That now the seed of our metals is also inclined in this direction, due to the pure three principles, which are united in the first universal matter, can be well concluded from this principle.
However, these three principles are divided into three different parts and are thus separated by nature, which, as soon as it is subjected to the slightest passion, separates from one another, and thus can destroy the otherwise orderly and natural operation of metallic generation and bring them to another degree of maturation, in which imperfect and volatile metals, according to the circumstances, can also be produced as minerals.
This is similarly the case with all volatile metals and minerals, through the exaggeration of their natural effects, which often occurs in the destroyed and mixed elements; thus, from these pure three principles, which possess the qualities of gold, another seed is prepared, from which, according to its nature, volatile metals or minerals can grow and be generated.
From this change of the seed, many types of stones, sand, and clays can also be produced and generated in the earth, yet they remain a metallic seed, although the casual effect is hindered in such pure fiery degree: that the seed of metals is so hard to find
page 25yet they remain a metallic seed, although the incidental effect is hindered in such a pure fiery degree: that the seed of metals is indeed so hard to find, and soon this opinion, soon that one is held, seems to me like in the alchemical books regarding the prima materia of the so-called Philosopher's Stone, where with astonishment and greatest confusion it is seen how one moment this matter is proposed as its subject, and the next that matter; for it must soon be cinnabar, vitriol, antimony, zinc, bismuth, saltpeter, lead, hair, eggs, and even excrement and urine, and whatever else their proponents may claim, each one defending that one should believe in it, there must be something real behind it. And when this is considered in the light, one finds nothing but pure opinions and high-minded or even fanciful imaginations, while the true philosophers say of their secret art that there is only a single matter, their philosophical mercury, or a water mixed with fire, which is indeed to be believed.
But what confuses us in such natural and highly necessary considerations? The caprice and pride, and since such a study is applied for the least amount of time, and mostly conducted only as a side project, despite it being the greatest main work, nothing reasonable can be achieved in this regard.
S. 22. To know the true matrix of metals in the earth is primarily the main point of mineralogy, to find the growth and perfection of metals in the earth, namely, if we know the matrix or the field in which metals grow and are formed.
The second main point, however, is to know and recognize the seed of metals and minerals correctly. Of what kind and quality we will still deal thoroughly in the following.
Here, we want to examine the matrix of metals and minerals in the earth closely, and through this, approach the true understanding of the mineral kingdom
page 26and here we will examine the matrix of metals and minerals in the earth closely, and through this approach, establish the true foundation for understanding the mineral kingdom, both from a physical and philosophical perspective.
That metals, such as gold and silver, grow in the earth is known to all people today; however, how and in what way this happens remains a mystery for most. The knowledge of the true growth of metals and their products in the earth is fundamentally connected to the well-being and harm of our usability, and without understanding this, we can never properly deal with them up here, nor can we attain the true natural content when melting. This has not yet been sufficiently considered.
That we cannot reach this crucial understanding without a natural and thorough examination of them in the earth, and how the secret natural effect occurs in such generation, is a well-established fact. Many who have pursued this natural examination and wanted to understand the growth of metallic products have drawn the false conclusion that the metallic products were laid in the earth at the very beginning of creation and that they did not continue to grow. However, this is not a fundamental principle of natural effect but rather merely their own mistaken notions.
Others held the view that God, in nature at the time of the first creation, had given each metal its own particular seed, from which they could continually procreate and generate in the earth. However, this has also not been investigated through natural effect and proven, but rather is composed of unfounded false principles, through which one is led away from true natural understanding, and thus can never reach a useful extraction when melting; for this does not arise from any natural principle, but is written according to the corrupted style of writing, which until now in our German lands has produced natural knowledge as a genuine poison, and
page 27which until now in our German lands has produced natural knowledge as a genuine poison, and as those who will confess with me, sufficient grounds or real evidence demand from such, but not the slightest has been found therein. For it is not enough for such a matter if it consists merely of well-stylized writing in artificially constructed speeches, which is today called learned and for which every taste seeks to be attentive. I consider this reasonably in accordance with the knowledgeable, even if poor writing leads to useful sciences within itself. Now, if even the smallest spark of true natural understanding still remains, that we might recognize the light in the darkness, it will still require enough effort to fully reignite it and to maintain it on the candlestick of respect, as it is extinguished all around with the winds of adversity, making it very difficult to raise.
§. 23. That the ores in quartz or gravelly stones lie in the veins of the earth is known to every miner; however, that these quartz veins are solely their matrix, in which they tend to grow, has not yet been proven, as we find gold and silver, iron, and copper in horn and slate, spar, limestone, and sandstone, which then appear quite unremarkable and bear no resemblance to quartz veins. Nevertheless, we find that the same has also grown therein, and consequently must have had a matrix in which it was first generated and formed, and then also secondly could achieve its specified perfection successively.
The whole world considers quartz in the veins of the earth to be the true mother of metals, as we have indeed found according to external physics until now, that the metallic ores, as they are mined today, are commonly encountered in such quartz, and the metallic juices often spring forth from the same.
However, only in such a mixture that one can
page 28the metallic juices are often found springing forth from the same, but only in such a mixture that one can actually recognize them within and distinguish them from the rocky or gravelly nature. That the ores, whether they are metallic or mineral, must have a certain mother in the earth in which they are generated by their nature, and can lie completely enclosed and carefully sheltered from all adverse effects until their perfection, is an established fact, and as naturally founded as the astral effect can be reached in the mineral kingdom. However, that quartz or gangue rock of the earth, in which the known ores are commonly found, should be the first matrix or effective birthing mother is not well philosophized.
To provide a physical proof of this, I have already stated at the beginning of this paragraph that we do not only find our known mineral ores, such as gold and silver, copper and lead, in such quartz or ordinary gangue rock of the earth (and what else comes to it, not even always in orderly-streaked veins, but also in completely irregular and careless stones, such as in hornstone, limestone, sandstone, and slate, as well as in spar and clay; from which I will not cite evidence for brevity's sake, because such is well known to those knowledgeable about ores, and I could bring forward over a hundred experiences), and from this evidence I can conclude that, since all these aforementioned metallic ores must be accounted for (that is, all kinds of metals grow and are found in them just like in quartz), quartz can never be the only true matrix of metals and minerals.
S. 24. Upon my thorough proof and asserted conclusion, an opposition can undoubtedly be made against me, namely that, through the aforementioned proof, it has been established without contradiction that quartz, or the solid gangue rock of the earth, in which most of our known mining works find the majority of metallic ores
page 29that the quartz, or the solid gangue rock of the earth, in which most of our known mining works find the majority of metallic ores, is not the matrix in which nature alone generates and produces metals and minerals. Rather, these can also be found in various forms, such as hornstone, limestone, slate, and sandstone, which would not require any quartz to serve as the matrix for their further enclosure. However, this does not exclude quartz as a proper matrix of the metallic ores (as it has been for a long time); it must also be conceded that such metallic generative powers are naturally found in the other mentioned stones, and thus each of these stones can serve as a matrix for new metals.
Therefore, the conclusion is drawn that quartz is indeed the true matrix of metallic ores, but one must also allow that the other stones, such as hornstone, limestone, sandstone, slate, and spar, can also perform this function.
This physical opposition and the thoroughly presented proof could not be further challenged or disputed from a physical standpoint if philosophy (which is guided by reason and regards no person) did not summarily dismiss everything. It does not acknowledge quartz, flint, sand, hornstone, slate, or any other stones as the true metallic matrix. Therefore, physics is in need of considering something else more profound, as it cannot progress with this; however, since it only deals with external observations, it seeks to recognize and explore how a thing is constituted according to its body, from what kind of texture it appears in essential form, judges its outer surface and periphery, and what more such phenomena might entail.
It must yield here and leave the primary assertion to philosophy to fully execute what it is not capable of doing and to show what it cannot achieve with its insights.
Thus, these two natural sciences, as two corporeal sisters, should be loved and maintained together
page 30insights cannot be achieved. Therefore, these two natural sciences should be loved and maintained together as two corporeal sisters, if we wish to attain thorough knowledge, because neither can show us anything substantial about their effects without the other.
Without external physical consideration of a thing, we cannot grasp the internal philosophical secrets, for one must reveal and indicate the other; one must explain the other in this regard.
The philosophical secrets rest in the internal radical opening and closing of metals and minerals, whose true content of metals and inner potential powers depends on how something is to be applied and handled.
Since we generally find our common metallic ores in quartz rock on regular veins, it has indeed become a saying that such quartz in the earth is the matrices of metals. This has always been spoken of one to another, as it is evident, and without internal insights, it cannot be better recognized or understood. However, if we were to examine this more closely and speak of it with a natural understanding, it would sound no different than if I said: hornstone is the matrix of silver, sandstone is the matrix of gold, and likewise for tin, as it is often found in it.
There is another knot behind this; we must have deeper insights if we wish to recognize the true matrix of metals in the earth. There is only one, and yet we see that so many metals and minerals can be born from it, for just as there is but a single seed in the mineral kingdom, from which the entire mineral essence with all metals comes to light, so there is also but a single matrix in which so many creatures can be born. All of this must be left as a mystery without philosophical consideration, and it cannot be reached with physics alone.
In the animal kingdom, we see that indeed every animal produces its like, but
page 31cannot be reached with physics alone. In the animal kingdom, we see that indeed every animal produces its like, but it does so in two genders, male and female. In the plant kingdom, we have a closer examination, but it is only physical and touches on the external concept of the matter, failing to reach the inner core.
It would be like saying that the best variety of pears or apples can be grafted onto a wild willow or strawberry tree, as the trunk, now the regular mother of the grafted branch, changes its initial wildness into nourishing fruit. However, no matter what one demonstrates physically here, it can never bring forth the inner light for illumination, nor can the true appearance be seen, as it lies too firmly hidden under the earthly shells.
That in quartz and other stones, the metallic ores grow from a seed, and lie concealed and hidden within them as in an afterbirth, is a complete natural truth. However, that this so-called afterbirth, which has sprung up simultaneously with the metals from a seed and has grown alongside them, should be their matrix, according to philosophical reasoning, is still not the right opinion. (One must understand me correctly, for I speak here as a philosopher, and aim to return to the very beginning.) The actual first and true matrix of metals, from which and within which they are born and brought forth, and from which they also receive their life in an astral manner, is their pure after-salt: magnet, which represents this place as soon as it has overcome the principle of moisture and is closest to the salt of metals.
This matrix is the only one capable in all metallic ores of attracting the necessary life and sustaining essences: this is the point and center from which all metals are born.
This matrix, which contains the young and untimely birth within it, lives, and has its movement in the stone-forming waters, that is its afterbirth, with which it will, along with its young brood
page 32untimely birth lives, and has its movement in the stone-forming waters, that is its afterbirth, with which it, along with its young brood, lies sealed in prima materia, from which, at a certain time when the metal enters coagulation, the quartz and the salt band emerge; this then serves as its outer enclosure, which preserves the core so that not everyone can recognize it. I know that this demonstration may seem too advanced for some, but I will strive to explain it in a somewhat more elaborate and comprehensible way, as I am convinced that these insights are held in high regard and not easily shared, far from it, as at a point of perfection, which is most closely related.
§. 27. I have written in the preceding paragraph about a matrix and made such statements that may seem difficult for some to grasp; however, I cannot refrain from providing a thorough natural explanation and must express it in this manner to guide the art-loving world to the true foundation in all natural knowledge.
Those who are familiar with the mysteries of nature in the mineral kingdom will testify to me that this matrix I have proposed of the mineral essence and all ores is indeed present; yes, those who have only some insights into natural things will find so much light on the mysteries of the mineral kingdom in reading this that they will be compelled to recognize it. However, when we speak philosophically and wish to examine a matter in its innermost details, we must sometimes elevate ourselves and detach from those physical or external considerations, instead turning our eyes to the working and engaged nature, so that we may recognize what it intends to do with its creatures and how far it proceeds with them in their unfolding.
For in recognizing the only matrix of all metals, we must not allow ourselves to rest easy; rather, we must also investigate and observe what causes the transformation of metals and ores in this single matter, for here a profound question arises since only a single matrix can also only
page 33the transformation of metals and ores in this singular matter, for here a profound question arises, since only a single matrix can also only produce a single seed in the mineral kingdom, from which so many metals can grow. This is no trivial question to answer superficially; rather, it requires a more elaborate explanation than one might initially conceive.
Let us suppose that there is a single seed (which contains the forces of the mineral essence within itself), we will let this be the case and now turn to the only matrix. This matrix must, by its nature, at the beginning acknowledge itself to be the seed, and in this our sidereal region must be of one essence with it until it travels into the womb of the Earth for mineral and metallic generation, and from elemental action is cooked into a comprehensible essence, which then is compelled to assume a form and shape, precipitating in the mineral kingdom to become the matrix.
And this is the first separation of nature from its moist and fluid metallic seed into a comprehensible, dense, mineral essence, where then all earthly matter, or comprehensible earthly encasement, falls to the ground in the salt of the seed matter, and this comprehensible earthly matter is again the afterbirth, in which the true salt-magnet is contained, wherein the metallic forces concentrate and strengthen until the birth proceeds from its prima materia to a state of dryness and coagulation.
When this occurs in due time, the magnet or true metallic matrix must first be established, strengthening itself in its fiery attractive force, taking the spirit of preservation as a true mother, nurturing and strengthening its enclosed delicate child; for without this means, quartz or flintstone in the earth would never be able to do anything, otherwise all flints and quartz must be capable of producing gold and silver from themselves.
But nature knows best that such quartz rock is most suited to the retention of metals; therefore, it often prepares such rock for its afterbirth and encloses its fine metals therein for the sake of good quality and durability
page 34rock for their afterbirth and for the sake of good quality and durability, their fine metals are enclosed therein.
Because, according to philosophical consideration, neither the ore nor any other type of stone can be the infinite matrix of metals, even though metal is found in it, there must still be a matter that is much more suitable for these subtle tools. This matter, however, must necessarily be of an inconspicuous and hidden nature before our eyes, as it is supposed to govern hidden and secret matters in the generation and birthing of metals, the form and essence of which one cannot see or recognize afterwards; although one might go to great lengths and be occupied in every way to understand the cause of such effects, all this helps nothing, as it often leads to discovering what one did not initially consider.
In the previous paragraph, I have indeed spoken obscuredly about this secret and hidden matrix of metals, but whether everyone will understand me and create a profit in their further insights, I do not know. However, for the sake of better clarity, I will reflect further on this matter.
That the metallic matrix is such an unknown matter, as the prima materia of metals, requires no proof, for it is confirmed by most people’s experience, as one openly shows and demonstrates that one is blind in recognition regarding such insights, not even showing the slightest trace of knowing anything about such things of which one should be a master or at least seek to learn, even though these matters are before one’s eyes every day.
Therefore, it is no wonder that all these things remain a mystery to us afterwards.
I tell you again from sincere knowledge that the first matter of metals in the Earth, at their stage, makes the necessary matrix itself, and in the beginning, both the seed of the metal and the matrix are of one essence, forming a matter together, which matter
page 35makes, and in the beginning, both the seed of the metal and the matrix are of one essence, forming a matter together, which matter thereafter comes into movement in the Earth through driven natural effects, and only through this, it increases in its internal power and capacity, separates into a passive and active form, assumes a body (which represents the matrix), and then, through the upper and lower effects, is awakened into life and is strengthened and sustained by the magnetic force of the matrix within it.
This is now the first beginning of metallic effects in the depths of the Earth. Since little has been clearly written about such natural foundations, but rather we have been favored so far with the husks rather than the core; I also believe I am not wrong to consider this matter in the opposite way, as one must always explain and prove one thing by another if one wants to gain a profound insight and understanding of a matter; for I do not think that I have written a letter in vain.
Now, let us further consider the metallic generation in the Earth, and as we look around at their matrix, we will indeed find it, but see it transformed into a completely different form than it was before, or than it was in the beginning. When a metal in the Earth, while still in its essence, faces coagulation and hastens according to its formation and figure from the prima materia, it gains the kind and property of its matrix, taking on a completely different form and essence, which it did not possess beforehand; it retains and coagulates itself within it and yet remains the most eager, fiery magnet, it is dry and still provides the moisture contained within it for the promotion of growth, and attracts, through its dry magnetic nature, the moist life spirit of all things.
The common waters, which are blessed by this spirit, rejoice and contribute to the coagulation of the superfluous stones, especially those quartz and flint that nature has set aside as an afterbirth or reservoir of pure metals
page 36especially those quartz and flint, which nature has set aside as an afterbirth or reservoir of pure metals; for this living spirit works the stone-making water in the Earth, from which the stones grow afterward; and since in these waters the first natural salts must necessarily disperse too widely, it becomes impossible for nature to create metals in all these stones of the Earth, since the foundation of metallic growth lies in the salt, as the purest and most consistent main magnet.
I hereby assert, through nature's workings, as far as it has been granted to us humans by God to know, that the quartz and gangue rock in the Earth, along with all other stones, are not the true and first matrix of metals but only their workshop, in which nature, like in a firm vault, has securely laid the metallic seeds. I must further elaborate on this wonderful type of stone in the following paragraph to prevent any misunderstandings.
§ 30 If we only consider the coarser matrix of metals physically, as it generally tends to happen nowadays, then certainly quartz takes precedence over all others, and not without just reason. There is a common saying: "You can see the effect of every bread in its flour," and this also occurs in the generation of metals with quartz; the more refined and beautiful the quartz appears, the nobler and better its metal will also be; indeed, if the quartz is beautifully crystalline and diaphanous, one can expect a high and noble metal from it; for, if one wants to judge the quality of an essence, one should only consider its quartz, in which such essence stands; it will adequately express itself from its nature. Experience shows that the true Hungarian fine gold ores, as well as those from the Constable and French regions, and those found in the outcrops in many places in Germany itself, and which to this day remain unmined, exhibit a gangue of crystalline quartz from their workshop
page 37that I have found in Germany itself, and which remain unmined to this day, that they have a vein of crystalline quartz from their workshop or cooked matrix; indeed, the druses and attached crystals within them appear no different than if they were polished, which is not the case with the quartz of other metals, even if they are already rich gold ores. For the purer and more refined a metallic ore is in its quartz, the purer and more transparent the quartz of the metal will be. The pure and naturally grown silver ores, regardless of where they are found, will never have a truly transparent quartz for their matrix, much less the inferior silver ores.
One must be content if such quartz is only of a semi-transparent type and subjected to the greatest roughness, so that one can often enjoy the advantage of seeing them without pounding and washing, partly due to their malleability and partly because nothing is lost by further pounding and washing them. However, very few quartz can be smelted with the ores without first being pounded and washed due to their hardness and fluidity, which they have been endowed with in the Earth. They must always allow their noblest essence to be withdrawn by the inner living magnet's force, thus serving as nourishment for the purest metal, like a child in its mother's womb.
Copper, when it is in pure ore, appears in open quartz veins, and it rarely leads to a crystalline quartz for its matrix, but sometimes only has a semi-transparent appearance, sometimes with a yellowish and reddish hue, or even greenish. Thus, druses of copper quartz are found that are very pure; they can sometimes be nearly transparent and are often decorated with the most beautifully colored quartz, so that they can please and delight anyone who looks at them.
When melting, one must first check whether they are easily or strictly fluid, and whether they can be smelted; instead of flowing or melting, they must be retained, otherwise they can be lost through pounding and washing. The iron ore, or so-called iron stone, is very rarely found in regular vein structures
page 38and washing them can lead to loss. Iron ore, or the so-called iron stone, is very rarely found in orderly vein structures; instead, it is mostly located in alluvial deposits, for each metal has its matrix within itself at the first matter, as I have already indicated. The stone-forming waters shape the surrounding material according to the inner forces and how the stars are inclined. This iron ore's matrix or quartz, as it is found in the Smalkaldic works, as well as in Sweden, from which the best steel is melted, is rarely taken for melting, but rather a pure ore. There is also rarely anything malleable or crystalline in its matrix, although I have seen semi-transparent crystals coated with a red mirror-like sheen.
Tin has many ores for its matrix, where it is often found, and each type of rock is the same for it, as the metal does not conform to the quartz or mother stones; instead, the stone conforms to the metal. It is found both in slate stone, as well as in hybrids, such as in Silesia, or in sandstone, as in the Saxon region near Au and Eibenstock, or in white quartz, such as at Altenberg, or in beautiful, pure, black-brown, shiny druses and nodules, as in the Vogtland region around the Brundabra and Zwoda, in a beautiful transparent topaz, as on the Kuttenhende in Vogtland, on the St. John's vein.
However, it is also found in the tin ores that the more malleable, purer, and more transparent the quartz is, the more malleable the metals also are. The described quartz now, or mother stones, thus show with their hardness or malleability what should be done with such ores at that time, and how one should proceed in their processing, for whoever has an ore sees a quartz from the outside and recognizes what its spirit child is, and here I will conclude the history of quartz.
Now, this raises the question: how can there be so many different metals growing from a single seed and also a single matrix of metals in the earth? However, I will address this through the experience of their incidental occurrences
page 39a single matrix of metals in the earth, from which so many different metals grow?
However, since I have deviated too far from the path by lingering too long on the description of the quartz, I will now provide the answer to the question raised: That the seed of the metals, along with their matrices at the beginning of their mixture, is one and the same, and that it is not subjected to any further mixing apart from what happens to it through the specification of the mineral realm and to what it is destined. Thus, according to the nature of its seed and the suitably pure matrix that is composed, as far as the mixed actions allow, no other metals could exist in all ores than the best, purest, and most genuine gold.
Now, since we observe the transformation of so many ores and the hidden metals within them, where one is always more volatile and another more fixed, it must be noted that all of this happens in a purely incidental manner through the disorderly action of the mixed elements (because heat and cold here do not maintain a balance with one another for too long but rather tend to dominate each other, thus creating a disharmony that turns friendship into enmity). When the two acting forces, such as heat and cold, influence everything on our earth, locked into the two elements, fire and water, and unite in the highest grace, they do not remain united for long, for the base is only a point, comparable to the base of a globe or round sphere, which can be easily moved on its surface, even if the load is so great, since, as already stated, it is only a single point.
Therefore, we recognize that it is a great fortune if nature, so to speak, remains in its order and bestows a single, unblemished matrix upon the ores in the earth to create metals. If the heat of the cold salts is too overpowering, the matrix must also remain intact, and the sulfur of the metals becomes too strong, causing it to rise against its ordinary action, then the inner matrix suffers damage, and no perfect fire metal will emerge; instead, such metal, after the purity of the matrix, may still be contested
page 40damage to the matrix, and no perfect fire metal will emerge from it, except one that may still contest the purity of the matrix and can be maintained in a state; for it harms the matrix in the earth as long as it lies with the seed of the metals in its primal state, nothing but an overly strong elemental movement of heat and cold, which then creates the disharmony and thereby spoils the matrix.
Nature creates the quartz and stones as a garment to cover its child, whether it is now composed of metallic birth or not.
When the magnet of the metals in the ores, which we now want to call the matrix, is excessively filled with rising earthly vapors and thus becomes completely infected and thickened, such that the strong agitation of the earth causes the fire of the sulfur to be overly expressed, and the stone-like quality of mercury can no longer be affected by the salt's power in the matrix nor drawn to it, and these raw and unrefined earthly vapors take over and destroy all solidity, then no metal can be born therein, but only a volatile sulfurous mineral, regardless of how it occurs according to the influence of the upper astral forces.
Thus, it can be seen and recognized from these considerations that there is no more than a single type of generation of metals in the earth, and also only a single matrix; however, the contingencies alter the nature and form this unique matrix in so many different ways that it is hardly possible to ascertain which hidden workings may not be recognized or comprehended without deep natural insights, for nature does not have many matrices in the earth, nor many types of seeds, nor many fields, nor many tools, if it wishes to prepare metals; for a single seed, a single field, is sufficient here, to produce all metals and minerals in the earth through the two tools, heat and cold (that is, fire and water).
In these few aspects lies the understanding of the overall upper and lower workings. With this, all is said that has been written in many books since the beginning of the world
page 41In these few points lies the understanding of the overall upper and lower workings. With this, all has been said that has been written in many books since the beginning of the world about these secrets, but it should not be understood that everyone can comprehend it, for in short and few words, one can never express a matter that requires so much elaboration clearly. Now there are many kinds of people, some of whom have much deeper insights into secret matters than others, and yet they are all lovers of natural considerations.
Therefore, care must be taken in contemplating a matter to present it in such a way that it serves every lover; however, it is advisable that what one does not grasp or notice in a single reading may occur in a second reading: it must be repeated, so that the explanation may be found.
This metallic matrix is nothing other than a comparison to the metallic field, in which nature wants to receive its seed to produce metals. A field that is to be sown with good seed, from which one hopes to harvest a perfect good fruit, must also be well tilled beforehand, well fertilized, and subtly worked together, so that it, being the other matrix of the seed, is prepared to better catch the elemental workings of heat and cold, and help in tempering them. Thus, it must also be the case with the metallic field in the earth; nature must prepare itself in the earth and choose a suitable and well-prepared place for its other matrices.
The earth in which our vegetable seeds are sown is also not the seed's own matrix, but merely an elemental earth in which the other temporal elements can easily temper and make the seed suitable for fruitfulness. The true and proper matrix of the vegetable seed is the comprehensible grain of the seed itself, which contains the right growing vegetative power within itself, and when this grain is cast into the field, the salting forces of the field pull it in, thereby strengthening and enabling it
page 42power within itself, and when the same grain is cast into the field, the salting forces of the field pull it in, thereby strengthening and enabling it to attract the astral life sustenance. Therefore, not the whole seed grain is the actual growing seed, but its matrix, which contains the seed's power within itself.
In the same way, this described method also applies in the mineral realm; here the earth is not actually the true mother that generates and extracts the metals, but merely the stepmother, who does no more for her children than what she must, as long as the true mother provides her assistance in the veins of the ores. However, the true matrix, the right maternal origin, must be of the same nature as the seed if anything perfect is to be born out of love.
However, the metallic seed has a very different nature than the vegetable seed: the former is poured into the earth by the astral influence of the two upper gods, Sol and Luna, and already contains a far greater influencing heavenly power within it. The latter, like the vegetable seed, is thrown into the earth by us humans and prepared for its rebirth. The metallic seed has not yet been born here above on our earth, for it essentially depends on the first essence of the entire mineral kingdom, whereas the vegetable seed has long been a specified grain.
The mineral generation occurs from beginning to end over a very long time, often spanning many hundreds of years, depending on what kind of birth is to be generated. In contrast, the generation of the vegetable kingdom occurs within a year, or even less, depending on the creatures that are to be conceived and born. This makes it easy to deduce that the matrices between the two kingdoms are not of the same substance and essence, yet the mode of proceeding in generation is the same, just as the first beginnings of the three kingdoms were alike in the beginning. Therefore, the salt
page 43mode of proceeding in generation is the same, just as the first beginnings of the three kingdoms were alike in the beginning. Therefore, salt is always the true and closest matrix of the births in all three kingdoms, even if this is already hidden within them.
We have ample examples and evidence that gold ores, indeed even pure gold, have been found in the pebbles, both in those located in water, which were generated by nature, and in those found either in large pieces as nodules and clusters on our earth. These stones are not unknown to me, as I have often encountered them in the mountains (particularly in Bohemia, around Harke, near Brocksberg, and Fichtelberg).
What is then the actual matrix of these stones, and how can nature produce gold within them, since it does not firmly grow in the earth, and they cannot enjoy their life juice (as many believe)? This is what we want to investigate here. It may seem, at first glance, as if a small stone has not grown just as much as a large one, and many people believe that the stones found here or there must all have been broken off from large rocks and brought to us by heavy rain or water, just as sand is thought to be nothing other than pieces washed away and broken off from large pebbles and quartz, carried together by water and directed to the shores.
Others, who claim to know the matter more precisely and want to base it on a natural foundation, assert that the stones we find on our earth, in fields and mountains, in very large and small pieces, were broken off from the great rocks by the flood that once swept over the entire earth, and thus mixed with the immense, groundless waters (as they believe, the earth and water were thoroughly mixed together), and that the large pieces, rocks, and stones were thus mingled with us beneath the earth, just as we still find them on our soil. However, all these opinions
page 44rocks and stones thus mingled with us beneath the earth, as we still find them on our soil.
I will therefore pass by all these opinions and consider nothing but nature and its effects, believing only what it reveals to us through daily experience, by which we may come to a clearer understanding of these matters.
A large stone is a piece that consists solely of smaller pieces, and through the various ideas or forms possessed by nature, is seen to take this or that shape and metallic essence; hence they often appear as if they were all baked together from small grains of sand and tiny stones. Indeed, there are very large stones that are made up of many hundreds of thousands of small stones, the size of hazelnuts, of various colors, such as brown, green, red, white, and yellow, all grown together and yet very firmly bound to one another.
Therefore, it is evident that each stone, whether it exists on a rock or lies on or in our earth, grows by itself without any foreign matrix and gradually reaches its size. Consequently, metal, both silver and gold, is also found to have grown in such stones when they are separated from one another; since from outside they appear to show nothing, it clearly indicates that they possess their own particular matrix within themselves, and thus have grown either in the sand of the earth or in water since their beginning.
One might interject here that the pebble stones are indeed the true matrix of metals. If I consider this in the sense in which physics speaks externally, namely that the pebble, quartz, or hornstone, which indeed contains an ore, is the matrix of the same metal, it may well be the case; but if I regard this philosophically, according to their natural growth, I find another and closer matrix that is more related to the seeds of metals and is also dearer and more agreeable to them, which remains unknown to us before our eyes, and is only revealed through the secret and
page 45more related to the metals, and is also dearer and more agreeable to them, which remains unknown to us before our eyes, and must only be recognized and understood through the secret and hidden workings of nature; otherwise, we will not find this science.
We do find the pebble or quartz stone in which the metal has grown, but if this has already coalesced, its matrix has already prepared the quartz for its enclosure.
To prove this, we must consider the pure metallic ores, geodes, and grains that can be found in the earth (where no water has reached them, and such may have been washed from fresh veins) in many mountainous areas, and of various metals, often found in their pure form, such as gold, as seen in the Guinea chest, which sometimes shows and provides geodes, from which several marks can be taken, as well as smaller nodules and grains, to loads and weights, in pure form, even on flat land and small hills, often at depths of several ells. I will not mention silver and lead grains, as one might respond that they were washed from the springs and streams of the mountains containing rich, pure veins and were then coincidentally transported into another earth, which sometimes happens.
However, I will now mention the widely known so-called tin granules, which are found in many washing and refining works, in sand or clay, completely pure, and not having grown or found in any quartzy matrix, in large nodular pieces, weighing many pounds, marks, and small granules. Are these not of a pure metallic essence, so shiny, bright, and semi-transparent, that it is truly a masterpiece of nature? Furthermore, I would like to consider the truly pure, beautiful, and well-shaped sulfur and copper nodules that are found here and there in many places in clay, often round or quadrangular in shape, such as in the clay pits three hours from Hesse: Caffel, where the famous smelting crucibles are made, as well as in Harz near Gernrode, and also in the Voigtland near Schönberg, and at Fichtelberg near Wohnsiedel.
What kind of stone is now this very pure metallic growth
page 46and near Schönberg, and at Fichtelberg not far from Wohnsiedel, there are found. What kind of stone is this very pure metallic growth's matrix? I believe it is neither quartz nor sandstone, but rather shows us so much from its Creator that it is formed from His power in its own inherent matrix and has reached its perfection through His strength. This should indeed be a verifiable principle of this great philosophical principle, as the field of metals, in which nature reveals itself so splendidly and presents to us the purest juices of the earth, which will be discussed more extensively in my great work on natural mining and metallurgy in its particular chapters.
S. 37. That all quartz and vein stones, whatever names they may have, were originally associated with metals or existed on their own, without metallic ores, teaches us nature, and if we pay attention, daily experience supports this. What kind of matrix did they have in the earth? Is it not their own from the first matter? One might answer that the earth is their matrix, just like for the vegetable ones. But what does the earth consist of? Is it not, for the most part, made up of large, small, and very small stones? Or, to be more precise, of small sand and stones, and a very small amount of sticky slime or soil? But all these things come from the mineral realm and have grown from its seeds; thus, our earth contains nothing else but stones and baked clays, which are creatures of the mineral realm, all successively produced from their own seeds, poured out in their particular matrix, born and thus grown, as we can now see before our eyes.
It would be very difficult for anyone to prove this otherwise: God has given us the beginning and end of all nature and creation into our hands, and it is not a secret reserved for this knowledge and how to use it, as a mystery,
page 47and the creatures into our hands, and this knowledge is not kept as a secret (as some, according to their imagination, might think), so that we should not better investigate natural matters than how they appear to us. Whoever believes this is certainly deceived and will likely never learn what wisdom is.
S. 38. Thus I have now thoroughly demonstrated how every metal or ore has its own and special matrix for its generation in the earth, which it must bring with it; therefore, the earth is indeed a workshop, wherein to produce them and to preserve them safely, for it is not so easy for anyone to get to them; it costs a lot of work and effort to bring anything from these underground treasures, as is well known in mining.
The earth is a cool and convenient workshop for processing something natural within the mineral realm, as it can moderate heat and cold, which does not easily happen on the surface of the earth. Hence, nature has surely planted both the vegetable growths and the mineral creatures in it.
Now, while the earth is indeed called the mother of all creatures, since most creatures emerge from it, and also pass away into it, turning to dust and ash, we still do not understand the natural generation of these creatures in this way if we look deeply into the essence of nature and wish to speak with proper understanding.
How could our earth be called a witness mother of all creatures, when it consists of nothing but purely extracted and mined creatures of the mineral realm? And if there cannot be found even a grain of sand or a speck of dust that does not have to declare and testify that it is an offspring and creature of the mineral realm, unless it were a tree from the vegetable realm or a carcass of an animal from the animal kingdom, then both sides must have fortuitously fallen or been buried there
page 48or a carcass of an animal from the animal kingdom, but both sides have fortuitously fallen or been buried there. That nature has planted the vegetable realm on this mineral ground, as well as the animal realm, so that their creatures dwell upon it and also nourish themselves from it, has been done for the sake of harmony and convenience, since in the beginning all three of these natural realms also sprang from one universal matter.
But now these realms are so far distinct in their nature and essence that their creatures cannot mix with each other, and as male and female species cannot come together for further generation, but they must be satisfied if they can only provide each other with a helpful hand as friends. Therefore, no realm’s seed can fall to the earth unless it is already enclosed and wrapped in its own matrix; the seed’s power alone will achieve its growth in no other form within the earth.
S. 39. To provide evidence for this preceding assertion, I will give a comprehensible example in vegetable growth and its seed (since the seed of the mineral realm is still too distant from us and thus unknown): Soak a pea or bean, or any other seed that one plants in the earth, in water for a little while to allow the germ to emerge and show itself. This germ now represents the true essential seed power of the pea or bean; however, the greater part, or its entire body, is merely its matrix, which encloses the seed and through which the generative power is preserved before destruction, so that from this seed, after a long time, when it is once again set into the earth, a new growth can arise, and thus the vegetable realm may multiply infinitely.
Now take such a swollen pea or bean, break its germ from its matrix, and place it in the earth, and see if it will recover or persist as if the pea or bean were still together. I believe it will not recover anymore, and the minerals
page 49see if it will recover or remain as if the pea or bean were still together. I truly believe that it will not recover anymore, and that the mineral realm, or our earth, will serve as a matrix for them, if the seed does not bring its own matrix with it into the field from the very beginning.
For the earth serves merely as a convenient workshop where rain and sunshine can mix best with each other (for the benefit of the fruit), circulating together. Because of this circulation of alternating dew, rain, and sunshine, the fields are also sown for the benefit of the fruit, and the fertility of the fertilization is the salt that is present in this fertilization, for all vegetabilia, animalia, and mineralia, when they decompose or are burned in fire, give forth a fixed salt, and this fixed salt is the sole promoter of growth in the vegetable realm.
Thus, an alkali-treated or fertilized field can yield fruit sown upon it, while a salted earth, through its alkali attraction, keeps the seed fruit constantly moist, and attracts to its growth the vital air spirit, like a magnet, which the rain then enhances, maintaining an alternation with warm sunshine, through which the seed can achieve its fertility.
When you have already harvested other peas or beans that have grown, take out a stem and look at the first seeds; you will find them in full form as a pea or bean, which will show you that their entire body is not the seed, but only its matrix in which the essential seed power was contained. The seed itself is a composite spiritual breath, wherein the matter lies hidden.
S. 40. Let us now further consider the workshop within the earth, wherein nature makes metals, looking at their veins and ore veins, and observing diligently what is indicated therein and how the matrices appear there: one will first find that the seed in its matrix unfolds, as nature with
page 50indicator, and how the matrices look there: one will first find that the seed unfolds in its matrix, as nature, with its works, knows how to beautifully and well temper the heat and cold, forming the metallic hardness, and how it transforms itself firmly in the stone of the earth, which is nothing other than coagulated water, and the matrix presents itself before our eyes here as a stone or ore juice, which can be neither destroyed nor grounded by anything in the earth, and which also protects the metals from destruction.
These quartz, as I shall repeat once more, find themselves in the workshop where nature generates ores and metals, taking its heat and cold, and what is most wondrous is that, when nature is working in such a workshop on a high metal to coagulate it, the heat is concealed; conversely, when a metal of lesser value is present, the cold conceals itself, for doing cold and warm is the masterpiece of nature, and it brings forth all creatures, and these secrets it has hidden in the curd or flint, which is nothing other than water coagulated by strong heat.
Whoever wishes to grasp and understand this will soon learn the arts of nature, for everything is openly revealed in the earth; there one can still learn something from her, but one must be attentive and have further contemplation. What appears to the nature to be excessive and obstructive during its growth, it expels into the stone and purifies itself as well as it can; thus, it matters to nature, when she intends to make high metals, not at all, but on a good medium, which is the first shelter in which she lays her seed, the stone-forming quartz water. For the purer nature makes the stone, the higher and more perfect the metals will also be, for the seed and its matrix are good everywhere.
Now, if I wish to regard the curd or gangue as the matrix of the ore in which they actually stand, I can also say that if the matrix of the earth is pure and good, then pure metal will also be produced therein, which will certainly be sufficiently abundant. I will thus conclude from
page 51and is good, then pure metal will also be produced therein, which will certainly be sufficiently abundant. Therefore, I will break off from the metal matrix and will mention a bit more about the prima materia metallorum.
The philosophers say that metals consist in the earth of salt, sulfur, and mercury, and this is true, but it is very difficult to understand, for it is neither common sulfur nor common salt, nor expressed mercury; rather, it must be a kind of fume, smoke, or vapor that consists of these three principles of nature, or it must be these three principles—salt, sulfur, and mercury—of a spiritual and not a corporeal nature and quality. Whoever recognizes and finds this will also learn to understand its matrix, for the salt (or its implanted natural spirit) is the key to the whole realm of nature, through which all their bodies are opened and closed, and it also changes in coagulation into their permanent matrix, wherein the salt is always magnetically affected when it is alkalized by sulfur vapor; for it is true that the prima materia of metals is the most difficult question in the world, and therefore those who hold only a mere opinion about it have not yet come to a consensus until this hour.
However, it remains a well-founded natural matter that everything that grows and flourishes and produces itself in a movable life must have a seed as its first beginning. Thus, it can undoubtedly be said that the metallic ores in the earth did not sprout forth by themselves and have reached such a high degree of maturation, which is indeed recognized by most.
However, what such a seed actually is, what its essence is, from where it can be obtained, and how it has come into our earth, this is still not settled among the lovers of chemistry and philosophy. Some say that sulfur is the father and that mercury is the mother of all metals and minerals; this should now be spoken of so much: that sulfur is the seed of metals, through which metals are generated, and that mercury is
page 52this should be said of him: Sulfur is the seed of metals, through which the metals are generated, and Mercury is the mother or matrix for it, in which it is conceived and coagulated, and comes to a metallic form.
But now the question arises: what are this sulfur and mercury, and where can one obtain such things? The philosophers always refer to the seed of metals or their seed as: 'our sulfur, our mercury.' They primarily want to indicate that the seed of metals does not consist of common sulfur and mercury but has a completely different meaning, which I have already discussed in detail at the beginning of this paragraph.
In describing such an unknown matter (as the three principles of metals), one cannot avoid maintaining a mystical writing style, as one cannot give the thing another name (so as not to make it even more unknown) than what it carries with it from the beginning of its essence.
Now, this metallic seed (of which I have already made many remarks at the beginning of this tractate and will continue to follow up on in this context) is indeed such an unknown thing to us humans (for which reason I must write extensively for its explanation), which is not to be wondered at. For when one seeks to truly learn about it, the astral infusion of it in the earth is here invisible to us, so that we have no concept of this first sowing of the seed, nor do we become aware of anything regarding it.
Now, if we seek it in the earth and examine the places, we do not recognize it, and we do not know in what form it should appear to us. Many who are well-versed in the earth and want to investigate the first seed of metals, when they have descended into the depths and explored the finest gravel veins, might have been able to extract the flowing and pure Mercury from the earth, and they thought they had found the first virgin Mercury and the first seed of metals, according to the philosophers' writings
page 53by printing, they now believed they had the first virginal Mercurium and the first seed of the metals, according to the writings of the philosophers. However, it had to remain so until they finally saw that they had been deceived.
Many still regard it as the material, but as nature-researchers, they should see and recognize that this so-called Mercurius has now separated from its origin and has itself become a mineral offspring, in which neither sulfur nor salt (which the philosophers require) are abundantly found. So how can it be recognized as the seed of the metals?
But its wondrous nature and properties deceive the inexperienced, whereby every natural philosopher must acknowledge that it is a true Miraculum Mundi, the like of which is not found in the entire mineral kingdom—fluid like water, yet as heavy as lead, and it does not wet the hands when touched. Even if divided into many thousands of small particles, they all appear perfectly round, and in an instant, they can reunite. They attach themselves only to metallic substances, which shows Mercurius' affinity and affection, as it readily mixes with all metals but nevertheless remains a volatile substance, as it was before.
However, through its peculiar properties, it shows that it comes from a domain of more perfect nature than itself. And now, having appeared in the form of quicksilver, the first beginnings have separated, and it has become a metal. § 43.
One should now take a closer look to see whether these first beginnings can be recognized more clearly and fundamentally in the earth. For they are both heavenly and earthly at the same time. In the previous section, I have taught how these first beginnings descend from above, namely from the sideric outpouring alone. There is no metallic appearance to them yet, but rather a material that the ancients called Chaos, and it does not yet show any material or specific nature. If we want to seek the first beginnings in the mineral kingdom, we must indeed learn to search for them in a different form than the sideric one, for there they are in
page 54if we want to seek them in the mineral kingdom, we must learn to search for them in a form other than the sideric one, for there it has entered into a mineral hardness, a coagulation, which the sages call their Saturnum. This Minera Saturni is the subject in which nature performs the first metallic work, but it has not yet fully prepared a metal, instead leaving it incomplete; whereas in common Saturn or lead ore, the metallic nature has already been formally and comprehensively developed.
Therefore, one must make a great distinction between the two if one does not wish to go astray and fail entirely in their search.
For now, according to the opinion of ancient philosophers and the testimony of nature, sulfur is the father and Mercurius the mother of metals (as has already been mentioned earlier). So, indeed, such a Minera must still be found in the earth, in its fissures and veins, where these first seminal powers of the red and white stars—that is, the male and female essences—can still be found. However, whoever does not recognize this according to nature but searches for it according to the prescriptions of chemical books will not know which subject among all those presented to him he should choose, even though in truth there is only one that contains within it the solar and lunar seed, after the proper natural weight has been mixed.
This mineral carries within itself nothing but this first metallic smoke and vapor, and because of this, it is also a very volatile and poisonous mineral. Yet it sometimes also contains something metallic within, especially gold. But this comes from the matrix that, in its generation, held the idea of gold, while the other mineral is entirely excluded from this.
However, this mineral remains largely unknown to us in terms of its powers and potential because its natural anatomy and true dissection are still hidden from us. Thousands do not know what key might lock the door to nature, even though the mineral is well-known and can be found in every material shop.
§ 44. But now, what is the cause that philosophers and true chemists
page 55since the mineral is well-known and can be found in every material shop.
§ 44. But now, what is the reason why the philosophers and true chemists so greatly hide the external and common name of this subject from the mineral kingdom, and only speak of it in parables in their writings? It is because, according to their statements, the secrecy of all nature lies hidden in such subjects. Whoever knows it could cause great fortune or misfortune in this world, depending on their disposition.
However, whether simply the name of such a wondrous mineral, if it were plainly and commonly named, would also reveal its power and force, and whether it could, without further hidden natural preparation, turn everything into pure gold and silver, I do not easily believe. For I flatter myself with the notion that even more knowledge is required for this, and that the first unlocking of its mineral nature demands such an accurate key, which not every locksmith or smith can easily replicate.
Furthermore, I also believe that even if someone knows the great material as it comes from the earth and also knows the proper key, they would still never achieve anything useful without the correct work and specific techniques. For just as this mineral holds within itself the first beginnings of metals, hidden in the earth, yet remains a solid mineral body in and of itself, without being completely destroyed, so the question remains: How, and in what manner, can the first beginnings be extracted from it? Also, in what form should they appear?
The blind world speaks of all these matters as a blind man speaks of colors, thinking that the secrecy concerning just the name of this subject is handled too strictly—especially since the greatest curses were laid upon those who, having knowledge of such an Arcanum (secret), would reveal it or bring it to an unjust person. However, I leave all this to be considered elsewhere. As far as one knows what metals are made of, one must diligently investigate this mystery."
page 56"§ 45. I was not originally inclined to delve so deeply into chemistry in this writing. However, since natural effects in this unfathomable mineral kingdom inherently lead to it, I could not avoid it. Chemistry is greatly undervalued nowadays, mainly because so few find anything or achieve their hoped-for goals. Anyone who has spent as much time and effort exploring this natural kingdom as I have must admit that it is full of wonders and curious phenomena. Nevertheless, although one may think at first that it is difficult to find anything useful, it is actually easier than one imagines when first starting out.
People labor and toil day in and day out, not knowing where to properly begin or end, even though they believe they are working according to learned writings. In fact, one often ends up more confused than they were at the beginning.
Therefore, the surest foundation is to be found in diligent investigation of natural effects and knowledge in this tightly sealed mineral kingdom. One must form a solid and well-founded idea of something in one's mind and seek a firm rock upon which to build, whether one is merely enjoying theoretical knowledge or moving toward practice in large or small chemistry. For if someone cannot grasp and understand something intellectually in this kingdom, they will not be able to craft it by hand either.
This present writing will offer more guidance for such tasks than it claims, as I do not even claim to fully understand these secrets. I write out of compassionate motivation, in the hope that future generations may gain better benefits in the roasting and smelting of ores, according to true natural knowledge. I am happy if anyone can learn something from my writings, and I am not as malicious as I have been treated in certain matters. However, as the saying goes, 'One's loyal servant strikes his own master.'
page 57learn something from my writings. I am also not as hostile as some have treated me in certain matters, yet as the saying goes, 'One’s loyal servant strikes his own master.'
§ 46 I must admit that this natural description of the first seminal powers of metals and minerals will seem strange and wondrous to many, because I have traced their origin from the higher astral realm or the upper influences, whose beginnings are of a completely watery nature and do not seem to relate or correspond to metals.
However, one should know that I have not yet presented this as the prima materia of metals, but as their first beginning derived from the universal essence. I aim to present this to reveal the true and fundamental origin of all comprehensible things.
This universal fluid or watery essence is common to all three kingdoms (mineral, plant, and animal) as their first beginning, and all things have thus far emerged from it. However, when we speak of the first beginnings from which nature intends to make metals, a different substance is required. For nature must take this initial fluid universal matter and prepare it over a long period of time, turning it into an incomprehensible vapor and smoke, and greatly enhancing its powers before it can forge metals from it.
Thus, to grasp the true natural foundation of this still completely unknown matter, I must establish the very first beginnings as they manifest on our earthly soil. Otherwise, if something were to appear in other natural writings, no one would know what is being described. Therefore, I will introduce as much as necessary to make this knowledge comprehensible.
§ 47 I mentioned earlier that the first seed of metals is absolutely not material or comprehensible, but rather, its first beginning is a water, a true spiritual, penetrating, mercurial water. For its specification in the mineral kingdom, it receives the formam of earthliness
page 58a true spiritual, penetrating, mercurial water. For its specification in the mineral kingdom, it receives the formam of earthliness, which here is nothing more than the vapor and fumes that are driven out of the earth by the evaporation of the earth’s fire and then absorbed by the sun’s rays, becoming a sulfurous essence — a sulfur that remains constantly invisible in our air. This is the first union of the earthly with the heavenly, which, through the spirit, gains the ability to become bodily and material. Since this union of two parts happens in love, with one acting sensitively within the other to complete the act, growth and increase can follow from this union in all three kingdoms (animal, plant, mineral), as evidence clearly shows in all three.
§ 48. I am often quite amazed when I find people who feel a great desire and urge to explore the secrets of nature, particularly the miraculous birth of the mineral kingdom. Yet, when one tries to show them the true foundation, to reveal all the errors, and to speak of the upper influences, of the seed of metals and their pure, undefiled matrix, they refuse to listen or understand, as if these were poisonous matters or some kind of fabricated, false illusions.
However, in truth, without this fundamental knowledge, humanity knows nothing, nor can one learn to understand either oneself or the creature in its inner essence.
To what else should we direct our greatest thoughts in this world, other than toward this hidden wisdom, from which everything flows? This wisdom will enlighten our understanding so that we may see with entirely different eyes. I have eyes, just like other people, yet I know that I see very differently when it comes to understanding the seed of metals and how to obtain it from gold, silver, and other metals and minerals. Many books and alchemical writings are filled with claims, where one asserts that the seed of metals
page 59and minerals. Many books and alchemical writings are filled with various claims: one asserts that the seed of metals lies in antimony, another that it is in vitriol, still others claim it is found in bismuth, cinnabar, aurum pigmentum, and similar substances. If these authors merely meant that the first beginnings of the metal seeds were hidden and enclosed within these ingredients, just as in other things, this would still be understandable.
However, since each person insists that one or another substance is the absolute great universal matter, often without even knowing what they mean by it, confusion arises.
Now, if an honest mind comes forward and speaks the plain truth through natural observations, it is immediately dismissed as falsehood, especially if they do not present a subject taken directly from the mineral kingdom with metallic nature and properties. No one wants to hear about the higher influences or the astral realm, from which the light and life of all things arise, and from which humanity itself originates. Not only because it is too mystical and incomprehensible, but also because the philosophers have written about it in connection with the making of gold. I do not know who is to blame for this—whether it is the one who writes sensibly and naturally about such hidden matters, or the one who cannot understand or grasp it correctly.
To read through unknown matters just once or twice, without deeper consideration, and then believe one has gained a complete and solid understanding, without making any mistakes, is not something that everyone can do. The revered Ancients, who wrote about natural secrets, did not present things so clearly either. Instead of making the effort to explain things plainly, they strove to obscure the matter. As a result, this already very difficult and arduous study often does not yield the desired result for many.
§ 49. Here, I ask every lover of natural truths: is it truly possible in rerum natura (the nature of things) that something
page 60Here, I now ask every lover of natural truths: Is it truly possible, in rerum natura (the nature of things), that a specific material in the mineral kingdom, which consists of a body—whatever that subject may be—could be the seed of all other bodies? The prima materia metallorum (first matter of metals), or the seed of the metals, must be the same and uniform for all mineral and metallic creations, since this realm has only one seed, despite the many creatures that are born from it and come into being. How could vitriol be the seed of metals?
Or how could anything metallic grow out of vitriol, since vitriol itself is already a fully formed mineral creature, like a mineral earth? There is plenty of it in the earth, and our soil is quite full of it. How could this be the true metallic seed? The mercurial forces have already escaped from it, and thus no specific body can be the acting seed.
Nevertheless, the metallic seed force is found in one mineral more strongly than in another, and nature has in the earth a single mineral in which the metallic seed has coagulated, and in which it is enclosed, yet it has not yet generated or brought forth anything metallic.
However, this seed is so enclosed that it cannot proceed further or propagate metals, as it has dried out too much and has been deprived of all its moisture. It lacks the salt that should act as the magnet to bring forth further growth and maturity in it. All volatile and incomplete minerals in the earth lack this equal balance of the Trium Principiorum (Three Principles), namely the salt, which has been too firmly pressed within it. In this regard, if we are to speak honestly and plainly, it can be considered nothing more than two principles—sulfur and mercury. The regenerative power of the salt must be restored to it through its dissolution, and this is the most secret key of the art.
It is not a lie when the philosophers in their writings attribute this effect to the true seed of the metals, and they are not to be
page 61It is not a lie when the philosophers, in their writings, attribute this effect to the true seed of the metals, and they should not be criticized for writing about high, mystical matters unknown to common life. However, no specific body can play a role here, meaning that no specific material should be assumed to be effective in this matter. What name, then, should I give this highly praised material, the first seed of the metals, which in its perfection cannot be found throughout the mineral kingdom, and no specific substance should be taken up?
Therefore, I should not invent a new name to make things clearer, as it would indeed make the matter more strange and obscure. Thus, I prefer to stick with the old name and call it what it appears to be: a heavenly, dry water mixed with earthly vapors.
Now I tell the truth: whoever does not wish to believe this should not be hostile toward my account, for it will still provide them with some degree of satisfaction in one way or another.
What one person finds difficult to grasp, another will understand—until, at last, enlightenment comes to all. I have called the seed of the metals a spiritual yet dry water, within which earthly elements are mixed; no one should take offense at this. This earthliness is not to be understood as if it were in the form of water, like river or rainwater, mixed with muddy clay and silt, making it appear sufficiently earthy. Rather, it refers to an earthliness of vapors and fleeting shadowy mists. If the universal watery matter had not been mixed with such earthy vapors, the mineral kingdom could not have had its beginning from such a source.
There is so much talk about the prima materia of the metals or their first seed that a sincere mind can hardly form any idea of it, as it is said to be this material or that one, as previously mentioned. Yet, I declare again, from my experience with nature and from what I have found in the maturation work with ores themselves, that the universal matter is a moist substance that works
page 62from the operation of nature and from what I have found in the maturation work with the ores themselves, that the universal matter is a moist substance, while the active matter of the metals is a dry water. Yes, the water in which the Sun and Moon bathe (in the highest sense: gold and silver), or into which the forces of the Sun and Moon enter, is also the water that eagerly draws in their rays. The philosophers speak of their universal matter, saying that the Sun is its father, and the Moon is its mother, that the wind has carried it in its belly, and that its sustenance is the Earth. This is indeed also to be understood of the seed of the metals, but not in as high a sense as the universal matter of the wise, which is not meant to refer to this here.
Let no one think that I am alluding to alchemical chimeras or borrowing secret phrases from the chemists. This is not my intention, as I do not need to borrow the terminology of other artists. I could write all my life, simply from the sciences that God has granted me, if I were to write thoroughly and extensively about them. Nonetheless, my writings will hold true, even if the whole world were to dispute against them, for in writing this I have undertaken to offer a favor to many good friends, and thus I have used a certain level of detail in this matter, so that I might explain what cannot be clarified in other ways.
We have now considered the metallic seed in various ways, and first we examined its origin from the upper influences. We found and encountered it as an unspecific substance in the simplest form (namely, before it had mixed with the rising earthly vapors in the siderial realm), and conversely, we understood how it must be constituted if it is to be the seed of all metals. Further, from deep and natural considerations, we have concluded that if a seed is to belong to a specific kingdom, it must first be brought into that kingdom
page 63Further, from deep and natural considerations, we have considered that if a seed is to belong to a specific kingdom, it must have been directed towards that kingdom and must have gained an ingress into it. Therefore, if this seed is to be directed towards the mineral kingdom and all those creatures that are to be generated and born from it, it must be homogeneous: thus, this seed must be infused and brought forth with the Quinta Essentia, or the subtlest part of the earthly essence, and must exist in such a mixed state that it can serve both, such that there are now two kinds of mixtures among them: one heavenly and one earthly, one spiritual and one corporeal; so that now one can perform its effects within the other.
The earthly subject from which all things should emerge, or in which the center of the entire mineral kingdom was hidden in a prima material sense (notwithstanding that it was only to be seen as an invisible smoke and vapor at first, and was recognized as nothing specific), must now yield to these elemental operations of the spiritual and heavenly being, and could be nothing other than the patient (so that passive earthiness may be overcome by the heavenly in all things). The spirit, or the upper universal forces, remain in this natural realm as the agent, which this great heavenly spirit has also reserved for itself in all three kingdoms, so that it may always dwell with the patient and perform its effects within it, yet without suffering and in pure love, for the heavenly being does not suffer; rather, suffering is solely and exclusively attributed to earthliness. For all creatures, as long as they remain infected and bound by earthly essence, where, as has happened so often, earthliness has dominion over them, they feel and experience their suffering. However, once they have been released from it (which may occur only after this life), all hindrance and suffering vanish, and the spirit regains its freedom.
Now we have considered the seed of metals in its spiritual and
page 64and suffering has vanished, and the spirit has once again enjoyed its freedom.
Now we have considered the seed of metals in its spiritual and earthly essence, and we have seen and found the truth of their union and connection. Now we want to seek and explore in what manner and way they come into the earth, (for it has now been entirely made known that the origin of this our metallic matter was entirely universal at the beginning, that is, the same for every kingdom, which I have previously repeated under special circumstances,) and how from it further metals may be generated and brought to growth.
The earth, as a gathering place of all mineral spirits and the powers of metallic seeds, which has drawn to itself so many thousand seed outflows since the beginning of its creation, and has intertwined and coagulated within itself, attracts by its magnetic attractive force those spirits that are floating in the upper air, as well as those from the center of the earth, constantly drawing them to itself, just as it expels them as a moving breath, so that the surplus comes from it, and where something is lacking, it may be replenished with fresh life.
Now, regarding the previous descriptions, where the metallic field or its matrix has been discussed, it has been said that every seed carries its own specific and suitable matrix, and even if it is again a metallic seed, it exists in a flowing and liquid form. This seed and its matrix are thus connected with each other and united in love, such that no earthly force can separate them, for if too great a force is exerted against their nature and essence, they would rather both return to their chaos, that is, into the air, since they had both previously been air. However, this matrix does not reveal itself until the spiritual upper essence of the seed has overcome its earthliness, which must have died off and, through the spirit of Mercury or the upper air spirit, must become a spiritual body or magnet.
This is now a clarified salt body, the matrix
page 65spirit of Mercury or upper air spirit must become a spiritual body or magnet. This is now a newly clarified salt body, the matrix, a body in which the spirit can bring about its effects from the beginning to the end, provided it is not interrupted and destroyed by a disordered elemental effect. This is the effective matrix in which Nature truly makes metals: the quark, which was mentioned earlier, and in which we find and encounter the metallic essences in the earth, is and remains only the afterbirth in which the ores become manifest.
When I have previously said that the first seed of metals is of a pressed kind and nature, yet of a penetrating fiery essence, I have not spoken incorrectly, for as soon as the mixture of the upper with the lower, the spiritual with the earthly occurs, a fluid, viscous substance arises in the veins and channels of the earth, which continuously thickens more and more in their natural and elemental effect, concentrating its strong spirits to such an extent that a pressed matter is produced from which the metals are gradually baked together, according to the nature of the upper influences, that is, the properties of their seed type, as they are accepted in the earth.
We see this dry characteristic, still subtle in the first metallic nature, in all sulfurous properties, as these concentrated mineral spirits always manifest themselves stronger than in others, as we perceive in all metallic essences, where these first seed spirits can be found in such a sulfurous, penetrating form, in large quantities. However, it will be well acknowledged that these spirits also have their sustenance and further effects in the metals from the upper stars; no one who recognizes life in them can deny this (those who have melted metals before dying, freely have no part in this knowledge), for the astral fiery air spirit alone has power in such
page 66those who have melted metals before dying have no part in this knowledge, for the astral fiery air spirit alone has power in such spirits to work, to unlock them, and to bring them into further metallic nature and form. Whoever has knowledge of these astral salt spirits and the two mixed seeds in the essences will not be burdened by the understanding of the mineral kingdom any longer.
When now this our metallic seed in the earth, so far as it is infused anew, has its first arrival, and from the overflow of it must adhere to the stones and earth, clays and veins, or whatever it finds, it will immediately be surrounded by those metallic spirits already swirling in the earth, driven up by the excess heat, which will unite with it and increasingly join together until from such a being a fluid and viscous substance is formed (of which was reported earlier), and this substance is then first rightfully called metallic, or the beginning of metals, as it has undergone the metallic action and is already impregnated with the embryonic sulfur, so that from such a mixture a mineral birth must now occur, for it is advisable in its timing to whatever it desires.
In the earth, as the nature of its workshop, it appears colorful and wondrous, and an inexperienced person cannot comprehend it when they see and encounter so many metallic and mineral essences lying next to one another, which not only differ widely in their colors and shine but also are mixed from various metals, high and low. The most remarkable thing would be to observe how the industrious nature, in its action, takes away the sinter and ash from one earth and pushes it back as an excess, while from another it expels the wild vapors and odors, and through its breath creates pure, healthy air; yet from another essence, it drives towards complete coagulation and hardness, from which the excessive moisture is smoked away, to which one
page 67nor does it create another essence that drives it towards complete coagulation and hardness, from which the excessive moisture is smoked away; it allows one to receive sunlight and another to receive moonlight until they both achieve their purpose, all according to the diversity of elemental actions and their determined progress.
That the metallic spirits in the earth are constantly strengthened in their power and action is evident in the earth when we come upon them at inconvenient times in their workshop, as they attempt to make metals timely and fixed, engaging with such volatile spirits. Oh, how they drive us away so quickly that no one can linger there any longer, nor do they willingly remain in such escapades of distraction; indeed, such unexpectedly rising metallic spirits extinguish many miners’ lives before they realize it and before they can escape them again. This is called bad saw, or bad weather, arising from the mixed sulfurous and arsenical vapors, which ascend and become a very poisonous and dangerous cloud.
For we do not always approach nature so as to enter her metallic workshop in the earth with our mining operations, even when she has produced fire-resistant metals like gold and silver, but we also find her engaged when she still has to deal with volatile and subtle metallic spirits, which appear merely as smoke and vapor and have not yet coagulated into metals.
Indeed, it is true that one finds very volatile types of sulfur mixed among the metallic essences, as they would have been further advanced in their maturation and shaping had they remained in their proper time in the earth and had not been disturbed by the overly early mining, thus being discovered. Now, it has been sufficiently stated earlier that every creature, both above and in the earth, has a fiery salt magnet that gathers the fiery air particles more and more to itself, and through this finally leads to a kind of
page 68in the earth a fiery salt magnet, which gathers the fiery air particles more and more to itself, and thus finally creates a kind of mineral sulfur, according to the nature of elemental action. This salt magnet, or its saline alkali, is the attractive force through which sulfur and mercury (understood in the higher region) gather, and it constitutes a metallic seed within its matrix in a comprehensible and material form. This has been explained extensively and in various ways for a good reason; for it is known only to the wise that much of our metallurgy lies within this very secret philosophy, and it is indeed the subject of much writing in various books, which few can thoroughly grasp and understand due to the obscurity of the texts.
For nature works in such subtle things, and its initial principles are unremarkable and despised subjects, in which God has wished to shape the everlasting light; the imprint of its brilliance has been concealed here (as far as earthly conditions allow) and hidden from the unworthy mob. That we may not immediately encounter such matters in our blosmath (presumably a type of treatise or scripture) creates a great breadth in our understanding, making the art seem foreign and unknown, such that almost all masters despair of it and become frustrated with the growth of metals and their essential seed, despite the fact that the generation of metals in the earth still occurs daily.
Nature shows us in its workings that according to its astral influence, many types of sulfur are revealed in the earth, all of which differ greatly from one another in their maturation. Nevertheless, they have all become capable of a special earthly quality, which has linked them to their innermost essence, even though the initial sulfur of all metals, or the true semen of gold, must be completely pure and super-fine, without any earthly mixture; for otherwise, nature in its operation could not create any incorruptible sulfur, or better said, an incorruptible essence, from which it could be made, except from the once
page 69nature in its operation cannot create any incorruptible sulfur, or better said, an incorruptible essence, from which it could be made, except from the once specified mineral sulfur, regardless of what type it may be (even if it is the grown Hungarian or Tyrolean sulfur). No incorruptible oil can be prepared from it, nor can it revert to its original form, as its earthly nature and its specified comprehensible essence prevent this.
Now, the sulfur of the wise, or the true semen of gold, is not such a comprehensible corporeal sulfur as can be found in sulfur ores, antimony, auripigment, or vermilion, but rather one of a completely unknown spiritual nature. Perhaps those who have pondered alchemy for a time might come to understand this, and those who find nothing in it could be led to other thoughts. Because alchemy has the same foundation and basis in both small and great fire, I will mention a bit more on this topic.
When sulfur, in both small and great alchemy (that is, in the small experiment of distillation and investigation, and in the large process of smelting and working in great fire), is supposed to distill and solidify the imperfect and untimely ores, it must also have an essential essence of central fire, so that its effect is carried out within itself, through the blowing of air, just as the great universal fire of the sun is nourished and maintained in its burning by such an effect.
If this is the case, and one can comprehend this through deep insights, then one should also think further about what sort of properties such sulfur must inherently possess. If someone considers producing the universal tincture in smaller alchemy, they should also reflect on what purpose they wish their tincture to serve and what service it will provide them within the metallic realm.
Mustn't everyone agree with me that such a concentrated essential fire should be one that must demonstrate its astonishing fiery effect during the moment of transmutation? What an exceedingly swift operation it must be, for in eternity no earthly fire force nor corruptible mineral
page 70it must demonstrate its astonishing fiery effect? What an exceedingly swift operation it must be, for in eternity no earthly fire force nor corruptible mineral sulfur can be compared to it.
I have indeed mentioned previously that from common mineral sulfur, or that which can be found among the metallic ores, nature prepares the sustenance of metals and boils it down to their fixation, also bringing it over time into a fiery metallic essence, as daily experience shows us. However, one must recognize this: that while the first essence of sulfur of metals, or the first incorruptible oil of those metals, lies buried within, it is nonetheless in its corporeal nature, by no means such an essential sulfur, even though it may be the one in which the semen of gold is hidden and which brings forth such metals after its earthly mixture, as has been previously established.
In the earth, the alkaline salt cannot be had as pure as is needed, wherein the heavenly sulfur, as the seed of metals, can be generated, which the artist here on earth can replicate through his handiwork, distilling and clarifying. And as far as this salt in the earth, as the true matrix of metals, differs from those (that is, it also differentiates the small alchemy from the great smelting and fiery work of metals), nature also drives, to this degree, its secret operations with metals in their selection during the veins and channels of the earth.
And this cannot be explored or understood without secret speculation; thus, the exploration of nature in its workings is required, which one must diligently observe if one wishes to gain anything profound from it. Whoever now diligently engages with this and closely observes its transformations will know how to align their work accordingly, better than if they merely bind themselves to certain processes, for the workings of nature are very changeable. Therefore, the processes
page 71will hardly occur: what nature provides us can be followed accordingly.
When one has grasped the essence of the metallic seed through this profound knowledge (for one cannot see and thus recognize it with superficial eyes in the ores; hence, it also remains a secret to take into one’s hands, and can only be recognized and revealed according to its effects), and learns to judge the other sulfurs or realgar found among the metallic ores according to their essence, one can then easily see and recognize how far an individual has progressed in their development. However, since I have mentioned in the previous passages the very subtle gold sulfur, as the first seed of metals, that it has no essential and material sulfuric form, it is true, and it is better to show this to everyone than to state it, as it is an entirely invisible fiery spirit, which can neither appear nor be comprehended until it has entered its matrix naturally, whereby it is magnetically attracted to it and has become, together with the true Mercury, a mineral electrum, in the form of a slightly viscous saltiness. This is now the true beginning of metals, and the prima materia of the mineral kingdom, of which I cannot write more thoroughly; for anyone who considers all I have reported here will easily guess and comprehend my meaning.
Therefore, investigate and examine all types of stones and minerals, and see in which you will encounter such spiritual sulfuric essences, although it is not so necessary for the treatment of ores but rather belongs to the profound understanding of chemistry in small fire, about which the works and writings of chemists can be read.
As for the consideration of the ores in mining, I cannot deny that their innermost metallic essence often appears
page 72now, as for the consideration of the ores in mining, I cannot deny that their innermost metallic essence can mostly be seen and recognized, specifically what is found in such metallic forms; (how much or whether more of them are found together, that must be determined by anatomy), also regarding what kind the realgar may be, as is generally found.
I would wish to recommend to nature and mining enthusiasts, who for reasons of their physical constitution or other circumstances cannot visit deep mining sites, that they might observe the artistic play of nature in metals and minerals in the Riesen Mountains in Silesia at two locations, namely: 1) at the so-called Schwärgen Cliffs, another Eule, near the village of Wolffshau, towards Schmiedeberg, where a strong thunderstorm overturned a large rock several years ago, thus revealing such a pleasant view of various ores that one can indulge in it.
There are copper ores, silver ores, mixed ores, and a large quantity of iron ores and iron stones lying in all forms and veins over and beside each other, and above that also the so-called garnet broken stones, which is especially noteworthy since nature does not allow its metallic treasures to be seen everywhere. The second location is at the so-called great Schnee-Grube, opposite the village of Schreibershau, where three years ago, namely in 1750, a strong thunderstorm and cloudburst tore apart a large rock, and beneath it revealed a great quantity of beautiful colorful ores: glittering ores, talc ores, and slate ores, so much so that people came running from many miles away to see this mineral spectacle. Since I happened to be in Silesia at that time in this mountain region, I visited it along with good friends.
But what is this, when one wants to observe the work of nature in certain aspects against the backdrop of the ores visible in the mining sites, where one can see the metals and stone-forming water flowing along the seams and cracks, which, although very slow and incomprehensible in their effects, still brings forth the purest and most
page 73and cracks flowing forth, which, although they may be very slow and incomprehensible in their effects, still lead to the purest and clearest spring waters that, over time, can create even the hardest stones, of which I will mention something further in the following.
One can observe in some workings, where it is not very clear, the inhalation and exhalation of the ores in the veins quite well, but this is not a good time, especially when nature has to remove such as excrements that are obstructive to her workings. One finds both half-coagulated ores, in which the primum ens also lies, and which can be spread and smeared like butter.
However, I say to you, pay attention to the materials that nature prepares in her veins for her ores, and in what kind of pots she cooks her flesh there; for it is mostly concerned with what lies ahead: If nature encounters a good, pure rock, where the metallic seed can settle, and if it can choose the materials and the workshop according to its will and not under duress, then it has already half succeeded; it will not be contaminated at such a place with impure and rotten earth, and the matrix will not be polluted, so that the seed can also find its rest within it.
§ 61 I have already mentioned in the previous paragraph that nature coagulates the hardest stones from its pure and clear water, and over time extracts them. That this water belongs to the growing nature in the mineral kingdom, but that the actual seed of the metals is not yet present, but is only a matrix in which mineral and metallic things can form, is shown to us by daily experience, and that one must only imagine the force of such water in the earth near the cliffs and veins of the ores is well known; since the firmness of the mountains does not allow us to view particular miracles of nature with respect to such effects closely.
For further amusement and a deeper understanding of nature, I want to draw the interested lover's attention to the renowned great mason’s cave on the Harge in the Riebes Land.
The wonders that nature creates through such stone-making.
page 74lover to the renowned great mason's cave on the Harge in Riebes Land. The wonders that nature shows through such stone-making waters there are particularly worthy of consideration, as many figures have grown and been built together from such stalactites that everyone might rightly be amazed.
In these caves, which are called the mason's caves, there are many large interconnected caves. I was in one such group of five caves five years ago, while in the others, water was present, and one could not proceed further, which was very contemplative to observe how nature, beyond the metallic formations, has held so many peculiar ideas, that from such stone-making waters, or the so-called stalactites (since this water continually drips down from above in such caves), not only animals and humans are formed in outward and inward parts, but also architectural works such as cities, fortifications, organs, baptismal fonts, and altars, all modeled in large scale and crafted like a sculptor with particular embellishments.
This mason’s cave, which is a true wonder of nature and is visited annually by princely and countly persons, along with other notable curiosities, is denied to the common folk for any desired entrance fee, except that some may be present together, so that this path is rewarded, since the caves are long and large, and one might not emerge for about five hours if one wishes to observe something special. However, if one wanted to closely examine all the walls full of curiosities, one would not suffice for many weeks therein.
Now I want to present two things to consider: 1) the types and figures in the caves, and 2) how the same were actually formed and created.
§ 62 If we want to consider the types of these figures from the dripping water or the stone-making waters, in what form and shape nature has incomprehensibly formed them, we must first look at the caves and
page 75if we want to consider the waters in what form and shape nature has incomprehensibly formed them, we must first envision the caves themselves, so that one may gain the correct understanding of the matter. These caves are very wide and high, particularly the first and second, such that entire regiments of people could be accommodated within them. At the top, they appear as if vaulted or hewn out of stone rock; thus, they have also been attributed to the handiwork of certain people, especially in regard to the first dwellings of giants, as it is said that a giant's body, 64 cubits long, was once found there.
Upon entering this first cave, immediately to the left is the so-called artificial fountain, at which one can see such beautiful decorations made from dripping works that it appears to have been crafted by a sculptor. To the right stands a small virgin on the wall, about half a cubit high, appearing as if she is kneeling in prayer. Right in the way, under other stones (of which the passage of the first cave is full of large and small), there is a monk in life-size, with his robe and cap.
Then, turning to the right, one comes to a cauldron, where very beautifully adorned garments can be seen, very artistically made, leading to the large fortress and the so-called city of Jerusalem (which are not far apart). There is also the oven with butter cakes, looking curious, as one sees the cakes beautifully round with the edges crimped, and also indented in the middle, rising along the edges, appearing yellow-brown from the outside, just like a proper butter cake. The Duke of Brunswick had a piece broken off with a crowbar to see how they looked up close, but it was nothing else than white inside and glistening like glass as a stalactite.
However, what mostly draws the greatest attention in such caves is the so-called great organ, which stands on the right hand in the fourth cave, where one must climb over to reach it (this 'horse' is a sharply pointed long stone). This organ has well over a thousand organ pipes, and it is very tall, constructed one above the other against the flat wall, or more aptly stated in German, built with such stone-making water from nature
page 76it is very tall, constructed one above the other against the flat wall, or more appropriately stated in German, built with such stone-making water from nature over time; there are not so many accurately placed pipes in the same way, but rather as if sausages were hung there, which happens because nature prepares them through her craftsmanship; however, the two hanging trumpets, which lie above the organ on the upper broken arch, cannot be improved by any artist.
In the same way, there is the resonating column (which stands on the mountain as one ascends to the organ to the right), it is between 31 to 34 cubits high, about a quarter of a hand in width, and reaches up to the upper ceiling of the vault, as it stands on a raised rock. When struck with iron or a hammer, it sounds like the most beautiful bell.
As for the large banner, it also hangs down from the upper ceiling before one reaches this organ, and is very artistically crafted; through it, one can also see light if it is held behind a long pole; anyone can find it to be a delightful sight.
However, in the fifth cave, there is the baptismal stone which demonstrates the diligent work of nature, as it is used in the crafting of such artworks. The baptismal stone has a geometrically broken figure at its upper opening, as well done as if it were crafted with care, particularly the cornice around it, which is adorned with neatly arranged large and small elements and drippings, as if made in a grotto, so artistically crafted as by a sculptor.
Next to this baptismal stone, nature has also formed three figures representing people (as baptismal witnesses), which indeed have heads and arms, but lack a refined design. However, when one looks over this beautiful baptismal stone, which is formed through a long crevice, about 3 fingers high, one must see and illuminate a lamp, then one can see a vault in which large natural stones lie next to each other, and upon which long images, such as judges and knights, are carved, and on the side, their coats of arms are carved in, like lions and eagles; however, they are not easily recognizable.
To the left, in the fifth cave, there is a hollow containing many skeletons and dead bones lying beneath a petrified substance, so that in such times
page 77cave in the fifth cave, where many skeletons and bones lie beneath a petrified substance, which has transformed into flint over time. Whether such growths are a result of natural processes or if they have been buried there by the first inhabitants cannot be determined, nor does it really pertain to this material; however, I will say this much: this is now somewhat extensive and thorough regarding the Baumann’s Cave, although not half of the curiosities are mentioned, yet the most prominent ones are touched upon, as these immediately catch the eye and are also the most well-known; because with regard to the mountain formations, mountain crests, wall sconces, wall altars, large churches, and other flat figures that can be found on the side walls, alongside other curiosities, it is all very extensively observable there.
However, I must also remind you that the upper ceiling of such underground vaults is adorned with large stalactites resembling thick ice stalactites, making them look like ice. And with this, this description may be concluded.
§. 63 As nature forms such figures in this cave, one can see from everyday experience that this happens from the dripping water falling from above, as one can particularly recognize from the large stalactites hanging down from above, which still have naturally crystalline water droplets hanging from the bottom. However, after such a point, it leads into soft sand, like clay, which also hardens with every half inch, until it ultimately becomes flint. And in this manner, these figures have been formed over the length of time.
Moreover, this water drips very sparingly; in my estimation, if it should take about four weeks, as I have seen, such droplets should fall upon it (since during my comings and goings, I barely had four droplets on my clothing), I recognize that such formation and growth of these stones proceed very slowly. And this is indeed a reason why one does not really know whether the rocks and stones on our earth are still growing or if their growth has ceased because their development is exceedingly slow, and one cannot tell whether
page 78rocks and stones on our earth are still growing, or if their growth has ceased because their growth is very slow, and one cannot even discern it on the largest rocks and mountains, since the weather breaks and destroys more than can noticeably grow in such a time. For assuredly, if nature were to lay before our eyes, as in Baumann’s Cave, clearly and visibly how it makes hard and solid stones from clear water, no one would want to believe such a thing (since the natural workings at both poles of the earth are too secret and hidden).
This operation can certainly not be seen on earth by those who recognize it, and thus be acknowledged, although it happens in this manner, although through other kinds of water; for the principle is the same, regarding the type of stone that is in the initial water, and what formation nature has in the mineral realm that happens as well. Such stone-forming water, which creates stalactites of various figures, can also be found more abundantly than just in the Scharkfels and Schwarzfeld on the Harz (not far from there) at the Devil’s Hole, among others.
§. 64 Now let us also look at the opposite, the vegetable seed; we indeed find that it is well known, alongside the generation and reproduction of all creatures; yet the mineral seed remains a mystery to the world, up until this hour, despite being mined in all lands of the earth, and many mining operations being established in various places. Thus, many ores have been discovered, as well as smelted and made useful, but of the original seed of these ores and metals, no miner can tell me what it looks like, for no one has seen it.
Is this not a peculiar kind and property? The world knows that metals grow in ores from their own seeds, and it believes, through reasonable consideration, that this is well studied and diligently pondered, regarding the form and shape that must be recognized and found. The vegetable kingdom is also alongside the mineral creatures in and on the earth, with their roots spread, just like the high mountains, yet they
page 79it is also alongside the mineral creatures in and on the earth, with their roots spread, just like the high mountains; yet one can see that their seed is renewed every year. However, from the highest rocks, one does not notice the slightest thing; they do not produce any seed, even if one waits patiently for many years. This is indeed a very distressing matter. If one now consults writings and books about this, which are supposed to discuss the seeds of metals, they are nothing but philosophical books, and no one can provide us with accurate information about them except these individuals, as the knowledge of nature and the secrets are buried in this seed.
Therefore, they have written so highly and hidden about this material that among thousands, hardly anyone can comprehend it, and yet they have given their hearts a jolt if they have even heard the slightest about it. I will not cite any of it; those who are natural enthusiasts are already aware of them, and it is unlikely that anyone will gain wisdom from them on this matter, because they always want to boil their Lapidem (Philosopher’s Stone) from such materials, which does not concern me. Enough, it is necessary for us to approach the discussion of the matter better here, for assuredly, if one knows the beginning and end of nature, its seed and its generation, one holds all creatures of the mineral kingdom in their hand; yet the world is more concerned with the pursuit of gold and wishes to capture that art process, while a natural consideration, however, paves the right way to it; we should give more attention to that.
§. 65 It cannot be denied that when one approaches the explanation of natural things, with the prima materia of metals, or with their first seed, which, indeed, according to the profound concept, cannot be otherwise, the world shows a true aversion to it; yes, they want and can hear nothing about such things because, in their opinion, it leads into chemistry, which is just as much hated and scorned, and not because of its beautiful art, which might please everyone, but rather because of the many deceptions that it entails.
The letters of those books work against this
page 80which might please everyone, for due to the many temptations it brings, those who show such books are not working according to natural experience, which is too deeply hidden within. It is true that the books and writings of the philosophers, especially those written about the Philosopher's Stone, all mean the same thing as they explain and present it, and not because they want us to learn such art, but rather so that we do not easily arrive at it and that their art does not become so common. Only someone who is particularly graced by God can reach such a secret from their writings without any other guidance, for a good philosopher knows from what everything is generated and has received its true essence; however, it is also necessary to know how and from what we can regain that primary matter from the coagulated bodies, for what a thing holds concealed within itself is often not seen from the outside. Thus, it is the same with this philosophical material.
To despise such convoluted causes while having and cherishing the art would not be well done; whoever does not dare to proceed well with it should not engage with it or delve so deeply that they fall to the ground, as through chemistry, many beautiful and useful arts can be explored. Where then does brewing and distilling spirits, along with the entire medical art, find their origin if not from noble chemistry? How many colors, distilled waters, and healing powders have been discovered through it? Yes, all metallic work in the art of assaying and smelting has its origin in this, so one should neither scorn nor slander such things, but rather, it is the one who does not use it correctly who should be laughed at.
§ 66 I speak and act here concerning the seed of metals and minerals, not to learn how to make them from metals or minerals or to give guidance for that, for this is not necessary for the mineral consideration. Rather, we should learn to recognize their nature, shape, form, and essence, how it initially is a liquid or fluid spiritual substance, under pressure in the middle entrance
page 81shape, form, and essence, from which one can learn to recognize how it is, namely, initially a liquor or fluid spiritual substance, under pressure in the middle entrance, a heavy and penetrating spirit, but in the end, a coagulation of metallic bodies. And when, after subsequent work in the earth or maturation, such a bird comes to hand, one can then immediately see in its feathers and recognize what further should be done with it.
Whoever now looks closely at what has been previously stated and familiarizes themselves with the beautiful dicta will fare well in roasting as well as in further melting, but all of this is interconnected. The first and most significant, the manual work, teaches my mineral main key sufficiently; this treatise, however, explains the secrets of nature as far as it can be done in such few pages, for the separation of the pure from the impure is not as easily seen in the great fire as in the dissolution and unlocking, and this is simple and straightforward.
§ 67. What the seed of metals in the earth is has been sufficiently explained in the previous sections, and since it has settled into the stones as a spiritual essence, it can also not be obtained otherwise than through smoke and vapor. In the maturation of ores, it is not necessary to hunt or drive it out; rather, it must be left with the metallic essence and thus be figuratively processed with it, as a very particular dissolution and separation is necessary in minor chemistry. Therefore, there is a significant difference here: In chemistry, it must be regarded as a fiery sulfurous liquor, which, in its innermost being, is nothing other than a pure salt-magnet. This is a fundamental essence and can now guide us in such a manner more effectively than if we were to consider it solely in the first matter, how it is passed on by God, by nature, to make metals in the earth.
This essence is proven by all sulfur ores and related sulfurs, as one can almost begin anything with them here in the great fire to understand. I do not say that the sulfur in the form in which we have it from the earth for our use is the prima materia of the metals
page 82I do not say that the sulfur in the form in which we have it from the earth for our use is the prima materia of metals, in its raw form, for it is indeed a fierce and consuming fire, which is not only the greatest and most dangerous enemy to all metals but also to all three kingdoms below. Such a form can hardly be found. However, if we can calm its fury and turn its essence inward, it appears to us in a friendly and ruby-red form, which one would not have suspected before.
This color can be recognized when one ignites a little of it, for then under the flame, it shows a ruby hue during the burning, which indeed proves that within common and otherwise combustible sulfur, something good is still hidden, which cannot be recognized otherwise from its outward appearance. But no one here should think that through this, sulfur would be the initial beginning of metals, or their first seed, of which has already been sufficiently shown in the previous sections, that it must have no burning sulfuric property. Otherwise, the philosophers could not prepare the unburnable oil of the wise from it, and because the mercurial essence is hidden therein, and since this mineral, according to the nature of the wise, is hermaphroditic, it can be understood in a completely special sense, just as it has a preference over all other minerals due to its qualities and properties, as it is moistened and pressed, and has a ruby-red appearance.
Common sulfur can easily be dissolved into a red oil with its yellowish and mercurial properties, but it is not therefore fixed and fire-resistant, but rather remains a volatile substance, just like the seeds of metals are in the earth over time, and is closest to mercury. Therefore, it still requires time and patience before the astral effects, under alternating heat and cold, can prepare a fire-resistant metal from it.
However, I will only say this much: I am still capable of, in such a manner, giving everyone on earth, if required of me, the seed
page 83I will, however, only say this much: I am also capable of, in such a manner, showing everyone on earth, if required of me, the seed of metals as it is found in the earth when it is at rest, and intends to make metals. This is none other than the purest juice of the earth, mixed with the upper powers, a fatty, fiery, and liquid substance, which the divine nature presents to us more clearly than in common sulfur. However, this pure natural essence is so deeply hidden that no one, as an experienced natural artist, can dissolve and transform it, that is, can extract the inner essence purely and clearly, entirely without any loss.
Let us consider this a wonder of nature; for although the graspable earthly nature distorts all good and pure beings in the mineral creatures and penetrates deeply into their center through the external, cold air, which overcomes the fire and natural warmth in everything, thus concealing their shape and appearance: there are still means and ways in this realm of nature to extract the pure and good essence, which has not been corrupted in anything, but only temporarily preserved through the overcome elemental effect, and to present its joyful rich appearance to human eyes. And for this, I will find the one who can drive this away from me.
Our fleshy eyes often regard something with such contemptible expressions, and if we were to consider it in its innermost part, or if it were turned inside out, we would find particular pleasure in it. The philosophers unanimously testify that their great universal matter also has one of the very worst forms and shapes in itself, and for this reason, it is not recognized or regarded by anyone; it may be a stone, and yet it is not a stone, but rather its secret gum, with which children play, so common is it.
We now know this, and it is well known; therefore, the stone of the wise is not found more easily, as it does not only depend on the recognition of the matter but also on the same preparation. [Page 69] Take, for example, just a hornstone or spar: within it
page 84does not only depend on the recognition of the matter but also on the same preparation.
Let us take, for example, a hornstone or spar: within it, gold or silver may be concealed in a manner completely unnoticed by us, which stones often resemble grinding stones or sandstones, so that no one, based on their external appearance, would suspect gold or silver within them. Nevertheless, such stones can be found in many mountains, where nature has hidden its treasures in the earth.
In such cases, one may observe the glassy silver ore, as well as the white lead ore, to see whether any metallic traces can be discovered based on its external appearance. However, this is particularly difficult, and thus it reveals its metallic weight. If one were to show this to someone who has never seen metallic ore in their life and allow them to judge it, they would certainly respond with 'no,' considering it more likely to be spar or another large stone, which resembles a metallic ore.
This is indeed very strange to observe, how nature is capable of concealing such a noble metal under the guise of a sparry, crystalline heavy stone. All of this is done by the sulfuric earthly nature abundantly spread in the earth, which, with its penetrating sharpness, is capable of entering into all metals and minerals and transforming them into another shape.
One can see here among us, for example, common sulfur and arsenic: are these two not capable of mixing with all metals? Do they not enter into them, just as wax enters leather?
Do they not transform everything into the shape of a pure metal, and even change their inner essence, making it brittle and unyielding? Who is able to extract such spirits from the metals without great effort and loss? Are these not all indications of the corrupting earthly mixtures that arise from the earth, which cling to metallic ores from their very birth, infecting them and hindering their perfection until we take them into our smelting work? I mean, one should examine these spirits for their
page 85and hinder their perfection until we take them into our smelting work? I believe that one should be able to observe these spirits without much fuss, as they can still be recognized by their external appearances and internal scent, even though often one does not understand why they are so corrupted and what kind of soul might still be hidden behind this external body. However, since we are already accustomed to seeing their form and it is nothing new, people seldom think of higher matters in this regard, as this is not a task for everyone.
Hereby, I openly confess to everyone that sulfur is nothing other than the seed of metals, drawn together and coagulated by great cold, which nature can never again warm and open up in the earth. In the small alchemy, the true beginnings cannot be recognized because the earthly solidification has corrupted it and infected it, and it has greatly separated itself from its magnetic salt.
Through all this, it has turned into the most cruel and fierce form and essence, so that it is, as already mentioned, harmful and a poison in its effect in all three kingdoms.
However, it must be transformed and presented in another essence. Therefore, I say this much: whoever does not know sulfur in the ores and cannot judge it has not accomplished much in the school of nature, since this is where the beginning should be made, so that theory aligns with practice. For sulfur, in its inner consideration, according to the first beginnings, is the fundamental basis of the entire mineral kingdom.
I do not believe that anyone will fault me for this statement, and may no one be envious and spiteful towards me for it, as I am here intent on revealing what the world does not yet know, and what envy and resentment have long kept from us. It is well-known what arguments and disputes exist in the world, only concerning the seeds of metals and minerals, or the prima materia of metals, and how for this single
page 86arguments in the world exist, only concerning the seeds of metals and minerals, or the prima materia of metals, and how for the sake of this single substance thousands of chemical books have been written. But can one truly recognize anything substantial from them, or find anything useful in their works? It will be known to everyone, and pure philosophy also warns us that one should not think of the upper government of the heavens, from which these books are also written. However, if we only stand on the right foot once and learn to see and recognize what common sulfur is in the ores and what it is good for, we will soon find experiments that will prove the conviction.
Sulfur also appears in the veins of the earth in different forms, such as aurum pigmentum, which is nothing other than a compressed metallic seed that has already been brought back into the mineral nature by nature, and must coagulate and congeal in the suffocation of the salt and the therefore necessary astral moisture in incomprehensible cold, so that its life particle, in relation to common sulfur, is far removed from the metallic seed.
Antimony is also of the same sulfuric fumes, deadly and poisonous, for it is already far advanced in the birth of the correct balance of the solar seed. However, due to the lack of the upper mercurial moisture, it has been firmly baked in the sulfuric earth, so that no one can see from it what nature has intended to do with this mineral; yet it seems that, according to the natural effect performed on it, it was well aimed at gold. However, the effect has been interrupted, and thus a volatile and imperfect mineral has remained.
This has inherited a perfect memorial from both its father's side and the maternal seed, as sulfur and arsenic, which together in their reversed effect have given birth to such a wondrous mineral, in which yet the particular sign of sulfur dominus Solis dominates, just as such mixed substances
page 87mineral to the world, in which, however, a particular sign of the Sulfur of the Sun dominates, just like the mixed sulfur of the spirits, or zinc, bismuth, and gallium, as it shows itself in its investigation.
For a better understanding of this secret effect in the mineral kingdom, I must show here the difference between the two types of seeds, namely the lunar and solar seeds, which, however, in their essence and mutual mixing, constitute only one material and thus only one seed. It has been sufficiently taught and discussed previously that the true matrix of metals makes up a part of the three principles, or metallic seeds, and is to be mixed with them right from the beginning.
Here, this matrix receives the name of the lunar seed, which, after the upper astral infusion, is continually and hourly mixed together here. It will not contradict each other in the explanation, and must inevitably be divided in such an extent, and then also, according to the altered effect, be explained piece by piece, naturally and thoroughly.
Now, the solar and lunar seeds mixed together produce in the mineral kingdom the true matter of metals. The solar seed alone, just as the lunar seed alone, cannot and is not able to work by itself, nor can it bring forth any fruit, for these two seeds are to be viewed as male and female; they belong together and are united in their proper natural weights.
Now, what I have said previously applies here, for this female or lunar seed is indeed the matrix in which the metals are actually conceived and generated, for the father begets, and the mother gives birth. The relationship of such seeds to their matrix is similar to that of seeds of vegetables to a fertilized and well-prepared field. They are called two seeds and hold together, like man and wife, and this mixing is wondrous and yet natural
page 88well-prepared field; they are called two seeds and hold together like man and wife, and this mixing is wondrous, yet natural; for sometimes it is called the seed and the matrix, and sometimes the solar and lunar seed. What these two bring forth under the elemental effect will be explored further and for no other reason in the entire mineral kingdom.
For better understanding of the powers of these two mixed seeds, I will provide a clearer explanation here, starting with what the frequently mentioned solar seed is: it is nothing other than the forces of the upper region, drawn from the concentrated rays of the sun into the purest part of the earth, and found therein even to this hour. From these minerals, however, in which this fiery solar seed is hidden, no metal is melted, nor is the slightest corporeal sulfur produced, as in the metallic ores, but dryness has its seat and dwelling with the most subtle spirits, and yet there is water and moisture, which appears resistant before its release.
This is now what the wise have kept hidden in their writings, and they easily do not think of it; therefore, the Sulphur Salis (to be understood according to metallic seeds) is nothing other than a subtle warm influence, which seeks to make itself comprehensible in such pure earth and can be compared to warm sunshine, spiritually. The lunar seed, or the matrix, is indeed the subtle and comprehensible earthiness, which coagulates in the salt, captures this solar seed, unites with it, and in this union, metals are generated when the same enters the mineral kingdom.
This metallic seed is formed and made comprehensible from the heavenly and earthly. Here you see now, in few words, the origin of the entire world, for after such upper seed touches the nature of each realm, its creatures are generated and manifested accordingly. However, this has already been sufficiently taught in the preceding sections.
page 89creatures are generated, and thereby manifested. However, this has already been sufficiently taught in the previous sections.
If we now wish to further consider the effect of these two mixed seeds, namely the solar and lunar, in the earth, the same occurs just as in the animal kingdom (as I will mention for better clarity, those who do not yet have sufficient insight into this realm cannot provide a thorough example). For these two seeds interact with each other, just as the seed of the sun works in the womb of the moon, its feminine matrix. In this action, the seed overcomes, thus leading to the birth of either a female or male creature.
We must not, therefore, absolutely believe that the acting entity, as here the male seed, must always predominate and prevail; no! Sometimes the female seed also dominates, and in this manner, female creatures come to the fore in all three realms. If we accept this rule as a basis for philosophy and believe that what occurs daily through the workings of nature will be, then we will have no particular difficulty in distinguishing the creatures in the mineral kingdom.
If the seed of the sun or the male seed prevails in this action, there is hope for a solar offspring; when this is brought to a degree of perfection, provided that the elemental effects allow it, such will also attain a level of fixation. But since this solar seed (as I can now call it after its victorious action) is hindered at the outset in its effect, being frozen by too great a cold, thus not allowing any active life to emerge at all, it does not have anything metallic, nor even the slightest semblance of metallic essence or any trace of it; thus, it becomes the common sulfur.
In this, I say (and here I especially note this) that the three principles of metals are still completely enclosed
page 90this becomes the common sulfur. In this, I say (and here I emphasize this) that the three principles of metals are still completely enclosed. (But no one should think here that I am speaking of the chemical subject and that a tincture or Philosopher’s Stone could be prepared from common sulfur, for it has become a corporal and self-contained offspring of the mineral kingdom.) Otherwise, it is the main subject in this realm, but also the most defenseless and contemptible mineral. Where this exists among the metallic ores, the metal still has life, whether it is already melted and coagulated, or whether it lies still in its primal state; it can nonetheless be assisted, as circumstances require, for this is certain: if we burn the sulfur from a ore, we also drive away its life.
Now one might respond to me again that one cannot melt a metal from an ore while its sulfur still remains with it; therefore, it must necessarily be removed? I am well aware of all this, and even better than some might think. Here, one may learn what it means and signifies that sulfur does not so easily and willingly leave the ores or raw stones and thus the metals. This indicates that it has ingrained itself so firmly and has closely united with the metals because they have been born and sprung from the same essence and origin. (One sees here that it still possesses a lasting spirit and its warming fiery redness, as it is presently enclosed within itself, and has not yet become destructive to all creatures, as it was not always so.)
Thus, its inner fiery spirits of love do not readily wish to depart; they must ultimately be driven away by strong fire and leave their otherwise faithful friend behind, as they are volatile and cannot make use of their power while they remain enclosed. The more one seeks to free this sulfur from its tightly bound earthly chains, the more one will also attain the nuts of the metallic content from the same. It is a completely natural work; there are no false interpretations involved. (It is not a lie, as I do not wish to be a discreditor of honor...)"
page 91achieve. It is a completely natural work; there are no false interpretations involved, and it is not a lie (as I do not wish to be a discreditor of honor). These are truths, and it must be noted: open your eyes!
§ 75. Here we shall now consider the offspring of the wise Astraea, or the foundation of lunar sulfur, and its metallic and mineral effects, and see where this leads. However, let no one become displeased while reading if I, for the sake of better explanation and expression, repeat something in different paragraphs, since the subject is indeed worthy of such writing.
For due to its effects and functions, it is soon referred to by this name or that name, even though there are only two kinds of seeds in one thing, from which everything in this mineral kingdom has been born, and there are not more than two tools in the earth, namely, heat and cold, by which they have been worked, and they derive their life and sustenance from nothing other than two influxes from above, namely, the radiation and vapor of the Sun and the Moon.
This important philosophy cannot be confined to narrow lines nor demonstrated clearly if one only speaks of it once, but it requires a more extensive elaboration and explanation, so that one may thoroughly elucidate the other. Enough, in my opinion, no word is written too much from which a beginner and art lover will not find a satisfactory understanding, for what is written is not for those who already know this all or understand it even better.
It is really meant for those who contemplate the world, wishing to stir something up in mining and metallurgy, to please their crafts and those who carry the desire to explore the hidden and secret workings of nature. This should be guided on a right path, from which they will never lack the right foundation, but can make themselves and others happy by this, according to the drive of their desire.
§ 76. Now, concerning the lunar feminine seed, it is such that
page 92make themselves and others happy, depending on their desire to pursue this.
§ 76. Now, concerning the lunar feminine seed, it is such as with the solar masculine seed, regarding its nature and effect, only that a different birth occurs after their operation. It has been said previously that when the lunar seed overcomes and prevails over the solar or masculine seed in its action, a lunar or feminine offspring arises from this effect. When this offspring reaches its peak, nature generates silver through it; however, if this effect is interrupted at the beginning, such that nothing metallic can emerge, then the feminine sulfur is brought into the world, which is arsenic in the mineral kingdom. This arsenic, born from the workings of the white Astra, signifies in this context as much as the sulfur is begotten through the red Astra in its realm. It is otherwise commonly found in the veins of the earth, among bismuth and cobalt ores, as well as in arsenical ores. Moreover, according to its spirit, it can be found in all silver ores, indeed in everything that is akin to silver and inclined towards it, whether in small or large quantities.
However, even if these white offspring are solely attributed to Luna, just as the red ones are to Sol, neither offspring would come to be if both seeds had not been mixed together, and both had shared their powers with the acting elements. For the fiery degree of the solar sulfur is tempered by Luna's moist temperament, so that they can always act on one another until perfection, or at least a final natural purpose, is achieved.
Two seed powers must always be present together in an action; otherwise, no birth can emerge. A single entity, even if it has life, can never generate within an acting force, for one must be the agent, the other must be the patient, and this must occur in a lovely union; otherwise, there can be no increase from it for eternity. Thus, both natures, male and female, must
page 93union; otherwise, there can never be an increase from it for eternity.
Thus, these two beings, of the male and female sexes, must not be of the same nature, for the agent is the male, while the patient is indeed the female subject when they do not overcome one another in their effect. Consider an egg from a hen; if it has not been laid by a rooster, then from its eggs no breeding or increase will ever follow, and even if the hen sits on it for a long time, it will be the same in the mineral kingdom. The lunar seed cannot utilize another matrix for its generation if it has not overcome the solar seed; rather, the matrix, as a lunar nature, is simultaneously the ruler and the agent; what Sol should have, by right, been.
One should not dwell too much on this, for the matrix is ready, the act is completed, and the birth of both is awaited, as it is in the mineral kingdom.
§ 77. From this previously described reason, the philosophers teach us of two kinds of Mercury, one male and one female, or rather say that their Mercury (when they wish to understand the mixed matter) is a hermaphrodite, that is, of both male and female sexes simultaneously. In this metallic seed, the essences of the seven metals are included, so that when one is spoiled, another metal can still arise from it. For when the perfection of the gold grade has been spoiled and such a goal can no longer be achieved, there is still hope that silver may arise from it. However, if the ability to do so is no longer present and the seed has been too spoiled with earthly matter, then nothing else can come forth but volatile and imperfect metals.
This seed of the seven metals, the ancients say, also has seven kinds of Mercuries; they would be indistinguishable, and they are united in their innermost being. What do they want to say by this other than that if a complete body, like gold
page 94they are indistinguishable and united in their innermost essence. What do they want to say by this other than that if a complete body, like gold, is to be contained in the first seed, and all metals have only one single seed (namely, the mixture of Sol with Luna), then the properties of all seven metals must be perfectly understood in this one seed? And this is true; for otherwise, it could not be a perfect seed of the mineral kingdom, because if the perfection of Sol is interrupted, and his seed is thereby overcome, Luna retains the right (counting purely from above).
Now, if in the government of Sol the process is equally lost, then instead, (according to the effect of the red Astra) iron or copper must arise; and similarly, if the government of Luna fails,* then no silver can be generated in this effect, but there is still hope for tin or lead.
Therefore, nothing must be lacking in the mineral effect; rather, it must be completely and wholly perfect, for if this were not the case, the rising and falling of the metals would have no basis. Thus, the details must be equal in their innermost essence, according to that seed, but not in their external form and properties. For these always adjust according to the timing, and as long as a seed does not prepare a metallic essence or substance, it has not yet entered into the metallic nature, for nature works in the seed and produces both the core or stone, within which it lies, and the essence of its earth; it brings forth life, wherein lies the shimmer and the glimmer, it separates the coarse as a foam, that is, their roughness and color, and it gathers them into pure parts.
From the stone-forming water, which shapes the quartz and veins, and in which it lies hidden, it nourishes itself, and this stone-forming water is full of the spirit of formation. Therefore, fossils also arise, for this is the nature's work, which it performs in the timing of the metals, and it does not exceed any degree of timing until it has attained that timing, for the higher a metal rises in its
page 95it has attained that timing, for the higher a metal rises in its timing, the more pure essence it must have, and all of this is provided and prepared by nature.
Printed by Gottfried August Stopffel
Quote of the Day
“(Man and Wine) so do these two comprehend the powers of all Animals and Vegetables as contracted into one; yet that the great work of Philosophers could be made from them, was never in the thought of any Adept, it is therefore requisite to be sought in the Mineral Kingdom”
Tomb of Semiramis
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