Handbook of the Stone of the Philosophers


Theophrastus Paracelsus

It is necessary to know how the Stone of the Philosophers, which we call Perpetual and Perfect Balm, is prepared and how its action manifests itself. Let us take a common example, fire, and say how it appears to us and how its heat manifests itself: fire is excited by silica; but, this fire does not appear if it is not brought into contact with a friendly material, wood, resin, oil or other easily flammable body. And the more flammable material we provide him, the more violent he will be. Similarly, the Philosopher's Stone or Perpetual Balm only manifests its power when it is in contact with the human body.If this Stone is prepared with the desired material and in accordance with the principles of Philosophy, it renews and restores the organs of life, as the wood that one brings awakens the fire which is dying.

It is clear that the matter of this Balm which cures the human body of all accidents is complex. Also, before finding the real material, it is necessary to work for a long time, and, when it has been found, it is necessary to handle it carefully and to use it with caution and moderation. Only under these conditions will this Medicine purge the blood of its various impurities and restore health.

The probing doctor must possess real science and not be ambitious; he must not like pomp and argument, trust the apothecary, he must know illnesses and ailments.Now, you inept doctors, you treat your patients with the help of your pride and your ignorance alone! Such a sin should not go unpunished. It is a premeditated crime, committed with the aim of stealing money. These doctors who claim to be learned do not know the remedies they prescribe and do not know how the apothecary should prepare them. And the apothecary knows them even less.

The truth. Doctors and apothecaries do not concern themselves with the health of their clients, they think only of filling their purses. When they themselves are sick, they do not take the remedies they prescribe to others. Also, it is important to denounce these crimes. But, I am afraid that these rabid dogs are not easily put down.

To come back to my subject (from which my interest in the poor sick people took me away) I am going to tell you how to prepare the Philosopher's Stone and how to use it. Know therefore that many ancients described the matter of the Stone in allegorical words in order to deceive unintelligent men. Then Galen replaced these stories with his follies. And these follies are so well anchored in the poor brains that they still exist. Now tell me, doctor of the school of Galen, where does your doctrine come from? Have you ever cured leprosy, dropsy? You are silent, you do not know what to answer, you are forced to recognize Theophrastus as your master.If you really want to learn, read what I write, and you will understand that the human body does not need your herbs.

As for your pills, they will only act on the body when you have purged it of its impurities. Otherwise, they will do as much harm as good. It is therefore preferable not to use it. Your syrups are useless either, their bitter and repugnant taste brings nausea, they aggravate the evil, cause pain, operate by means contrary to nature. I'm not even talking about your other nonsensical, silly drugs.

If we want to imitate Nature and use natural medicine, let's seek the best to maintain health. Metals have a great affinity with the human body, they can act effectively on it.For, as he names, they are formed of sulphur, mercury and occult salt. Applying the Similar to the Similar is the great secret of medicine,

I have already said, in my other books, how Sulfur, Mercury and Salt form metals. I will therefore speak here only of the Stone of the Philosophers.

Know then that from the smallest thing one can derive another thing. Each thing is formed, engendered, multiplied and destroyed according to its nature, one can see what it has been and what it will be, and the accidents which will happen to it will only be due to its original imperfections. Nature alone can cure the evil caused by these accidents; fire could not. However, the Stone of the Philosophers can too. If you want to use the real matter in the making of the Stone, you must drive out the impurities from this matter, and believe the sea of ​​this matter and of its corresponding third matter. The material of the Stone is naturally imperfect; and, imperfect, it cannot do what it will do, once perfect; unprepared,it only gives a half-finished work; to complete it, she needs her match. The microcosm furnishes us with an example, the vital principle of man, which cannot complete its work until it has been brought into contact with its corresponding matter, that is to say with the feminine principle.

It is necessary first of all to reduce there Pierre in its first matter, it is necessary that its internal part becomes its external part and vice versa. Thus released, this seed will be able to reunite with the other in the desired vase; the fire will make them there more perfect and will give them the ability to restore the human body or purify the metals. It is the mystery of nature, and every doctor should know it.To speak more clearly of the matter and preparation of this precious medicine, I will say to the sons of truth-loving doctrine that they must know this: Nature has begotten a certain thing in which are mysteriously hidden 1, 2, 3, whose virtue preserves your health, chases away imperfections, protects old age.

About the preparation of this medicine, Galen, Rasés and their successors know nothing. This preparation, in fact, is not the same as that of the pills, and the Swiss cows cannot understand it. And then, the operations of this preparation are almost heavenly. This medicine purifies and restores the metals, as I said in my Archidoxes.Let him who has ears hear, let him find out if Theophrastus is telling the truth or lies, if he speaks like a demon like you, stupid sophist.

Preparation of the Stone Material.

Take electrified filings, put it in his semen to wash it of its impurities, purge it with antimony according to the alchemical method. Then solved in the stomach of an ostrich made stronger by the pungency of an eagle. When the electre is consumed, you will not forget to bring it back to its spiritual essence which is transparent and similar to amber. Then, add half of what you put in the extended eagle; frequently take it out of the stomach of an ostrich: thus you will obtain the spiritual electrify.

When the ostrich stomach is tired, it will have to be given strength. When it has lost its acridity, you will add the quintessence of tartar in sufficient quantity so that its red part forms a deposit the thickness of four fingers.Repeat the process until it turns white. This done, sublime: thus, the electra attains the whiteness of the exalted eagle and is transmuted.

This is the preparation of our medicine. This medicine will be used in all diseases where ordinary medicine cannot be used. According to the use you want to make of it, you will transform it into water, oil or red dust.

Truly I say to you: the best foundation of medicine is in the electrification. Undoubtedly, in the other minerals there are also great mysteries, but, besides the long work which these mysteries require to be drawn from them, they are often more dangerous than useful. The doctor must know all this.

The physicians of the school of Galen, who consult, not experience, but their own stupidity, say that the electra is a poison. I concede that, during its preparation, it is poisonous. But, it is not demonstrated that after its preparation it remains so: because nature (although certain gazelle heads do not want to understand it) always inclines towards perfection; with all the more reason will it incline towards perfection if art is added to it. Moreover, I concede that after the preparation the electra is still a poison, and a more violent poison than before the preparation: well, since the like seeks its like, this poison will attach itself to incurable diseases, not to allow them to run their course and harm, but to sixteen his fellow man,absorb it down to the root and clean it like soap cleans cloth. Also, this venom, as you call it, is more effective than your axong used by the doctors of the school of Galen. The mystery that hides in our medicine contains an Essence that cannot be compared to any poison and differs from the quicksilver that you are accustomed to using, as much as the sky differs from the earth. This is why this medicine is called God's blessed medicine and is not revealed to everyone. The mystery that hides in our medicine contains an Essence that cannot be compared to any poison and differs from the quicksilver that you are accustomed to using, as much as the sky differs from the earth. This is why this medicine is called God's blessed medicine and is not revealed to everyone.The mystery that hides in our medicine contains an Essence that cannot be compared to any poison and differs from the quicksilver that you are accustomed to using, as much as the sky differs from the earth. This is why this medicine is called God's blessed medicine and is not revealed to everyone.

I was not born for rest or laziness. It was not in a night vase, it was while walking, while wandering, as you say disdainfully, and thanks to a long work that I found this secret. You, you hold your science from the dusty grimoires of nigromantics.

Continuation and end of the preparation.

Your electra destroys as it has been said, if you want to continue and reach the goal, take the electra destroyed and made volatile the quantity that you desire to perfect, put it in the philosophical Egg, seal it in such a way that nothing evaporates , leave the Egg in the Athanor until, by itself, without any addition, the electra begins to resolve itself, like the island which in the middle of the sea disintegrates each day, and eventually turns black. This black color is the bird which, at night, flies without wings and to which the first celestial dew gives, by coction, ascent and descension, the black color of the head of the raven; the head of the crow is replaced by the tail of the peacock, then by the feathers of the swan: finally, comes the color red which is the mark of the nature of fire,

According to the opinion of all the Philosophers, this preparation requires only a vessel, a furnace, a fire.

Thus, this medicine is perfect and almost heavenly; it restores the human body and rids the metals of all their impurities; no one can reach and understand such an arcana without the help of God.

But, know that this electre will have no effect if it has not traveled 3 times the circle of 7 to the number 21. Also, you must, when you destroy your electre and make it spiritual, use the arcana of tartar to remove impurities. This mystery will not remain, but it will have helped to reach the desired number. It is thus that, of itself, in the philosophical egg, the fire is transformed into philosophical water, which the Philosophers call viscous water.I am forbidden to write certain things touching this mystery. This art is, indeed, a gift from God. So be it.

Use of Stone.

I must now say how this medicine should be used. Know therefore that it must be taken in very small doses, and in wine or other similar liquids.

I still have to give the reason for the obscurity that many will note in my writings. This reason is that pigs should not be given pearls or goats a long tail. Nature did not give them any. God has revealed the secret to enough people. I write for the initiate.

If you follow my recipe, your medicine will be like the air that penetrates everything and is everywhere, it will chase away diseases and bring health. This is the source of real potable gold. This book must always be consulted by the son of Doctrine. Thanks be to God. So be it.

End of the Philosopher's Stone Handbook.

Quote of the Day

“Its grossness is clearly perceived in an actual experiment: for first it is black and looks like lead or antimony; then it is of a whitish colour, and is called Jupiter (or tin, or magnesia), and this also before it has attained true whiteness, but when it has passed the white stage, it is called Mars and Venus; after that it becomes perfect and red.”


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