A Hall of Mirrors: Cabala, Spiegel Der Kunst Und Natur, In Alchymia

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A Hall of Mirrors: Cabala, Spiegel Der Kunst Und Natur, In Alchymia

What a thing the wise ancient stone is, which is threefold and only one stone.

Which, in honor of all laborious lovers of art, with God's help, is so clearly presented as a mirror: Dauon vil bishero written but known to few. Gantz obviously explained and presented the entire truth in short words through these accompanying figures .

By an unknown but named person like the signet in this first figure bears witness to.

To the honorable scholar Mr. Johann Remmelin, the doctor of art and philosophy in Burgern in Ulm, my particularly favorable gentleman.

Your Honor, Highly Learned Your Excellency, be always ready for my very diligent, willing service according to my limited ability. Your Magnificent Doctor, Your Excellency, will without a doubt still be able to remember what a lot of people are looking for in response to my diverse solicitations and desire them for me here, out of sheer good-hearted affection, so well towards myself as well as against the laudable and wonderful arts of true chemistry and philosophy (which is the only experience and experience in the same so that Your Excellency is gifted by God above others, let alone I as an inexperienced one ) a treatise in Latin on the wonderful fabric and nature of all and every part of the body of the noblest of all the creatures of man is inscribed Catoptrum Microcosmicum, with the same description Pinax Microcosmographicus inscribed, communicated and sent for.

Accordingly, I have been willing to publish such anatomical work for a while now, but in the end I was prevented from doing so by Your Excell. A generous grant was given to Your Excellency on the day. strange modesty in which you probably feel that you do not want to consent to let the same come to light under the author's name, your Excell. Contrafactur and coat of arms in addition to the frontispicio of the treatise may indicate something to the readers .

But when I dedicate this pinax to the noble Vesten Jungkher Philips Hainhofern in Augspurg, in view of his Vesten, a special lover and æstimator of such artifacts is also given to high princely persons and other heads of whose vilen your Vest is well-named and respected is to be commended, to which I am also very favorably inclined and weighed.

So then Honored Young Kher Philips Hainhofer out of delectation and good affect, which his vest wears to such artificialities, as well as other more noble art-loving learned people to know the name of the author Much sought-after but often sought-after Anatomical Works and Treatises, always ready for your Excellency. Approval that I may notify the name had already been made in truck.

So I now have a reason for this , because the current German, without a doubt of a sensible person, was handed to me without a doubt, a naughty little treatise from the Philosophical Stone by a person who was white-faced in the treatise itself, such Your Excell.

I want to diligently dedicate and appropriate my services, partly in response to the great desire and desire of many people, according to your Excellency. From me, with my earnest request, I have hardly received favorable permission, but the author Anatomici tractatus, or Microcosmici Catoptri, and whose Microcosmographici Pinacis are hereby notified, would also give me, with divine help, a better opportunity for a number of people, my owed gratitude to Your Excellency.

Because of the various kindness and beneficence I have received so far, I am highly obliged to show it. Please therefore kindly accept and receive this treatise from me in all favors and to be and remain my patron and supporter, Thu Your Excellency. together with the merciful protection of God Almighty, his relatives and loved ones, and Your Excellency.

give me complete subordinate orders Date Augspurg the 5th day May Anno M. DC. XV. (1615)

Your Excellentz under volunteer Steffan Michelspacher from Tyroll.

Entrance to the reader of this art.

Whoever leaves without understanding is like the shadow on the wall. Anyone who sees a lot with their eyes can't understand anything. Poorer is a completely blind man who cannot see and yet understand.

Therefore turn the mirror around and you will see in the sumb. What can be seen in the mirror, that there is no error or error. A straight line runs through the circle everywhere. So go through one to the center. Also outside the center in threej Through the four in the circle completely freej.

So that a mirror becomes complete.
This means that a blind man in the shantz.
You can see Schwartz, white and also red.
It's all hidden in the dirt.
Therefore it must come to light
and be taken away from the rudeness.
And again brought into the subtle
that he gives (100. 1000.) times as much.
Happy to him who completes it.
This is a gift for the New Year.
It is absolutely certain and also true.
That this is the end of art.


kind-hearted reader beloved in God, according to which all art and gifts are in the hand of God Almighty to give to whomever he wills through his mercy. So he looked at me as his creature and a miserable human being in the transitory world with mercy and showed me great graces in calling me as an unworthy one to whom he revealed his great secret pleasure : since he, as an Almighty God, gives more and more to others Higher also more learned and in dignified who would like or want to give this world enough being.

Since God has entrusted me with the light, this gives him praise and a benefit to my neighbor: it is fitting that I do not put this under a bench or a bushel, but rather freely on the table, so that everyone who comes there or goes in can see and understand it what he has to do and what not to do for him in this regard.

So I simply took this light for myself through a mirror that is common as my own for putting it into figures through the cabala and art Alchijmia to all art: and to have experienced the nature-loving artists of the Spagijrian hand movements. I hope that you will have a complete experience of this mirror so that you can create a lot of fruit and benefit for them to satisfy your desires.

For the physical health of human life: On the other hand, for Christian temporal maintenance, the body and the soul find their way into eternal life.


O beginning consider the end soon
O end consider the beginning content.
Then I give Stahel and also Spiegel shine
to the art lovers alone.
This is what you have been looking for for so long
with such good hopes.
In this with Kurtz the can understand
what way and street he has to go.
So that he comes to the right place,
follow my advice now.
Go Schmidten, go, dear Mr.
There will be someone else who wants it.
In Mars, the very angry man,
you can find delicious sugar.
Then the one who sits in Arte nihil,
who does not work in Mars,
who does not compete with anyone at the end of time.
That you will find in the dispute,
his balm, balms everything
and makes the man learn gring.
A point also disappears in the circle
He goes in the quatrant: and Dreijangl stands
If you hit the point then I've got it
And compensate for fear and danger out
of necessity With this you understand the whole art If you
don't understand that, that's it, otherwise
everything I've written
You'll soon complain about leave with that.

Explanation of art.

So I have created this heavenly mirror with the truth of art and nature by casting a heavenly light: through the strength and power of the steel, I have poured it into three different forms and made it so clearly transparent that I can see everything with my eyes see than heaven and earth can.

First of all I found one of the Saphyr colors that was so high in translucence, with a lot of white, a sprayed mirror in it that I saw the white Mercurii and their sal. As clear as if I had them in my hand.

Through this mirror I got another mirror through the strength and strength of pure steel in which I saw the sulfur of the white ones like the flowers called Chelidonio growing and multiplying with such rich treasure like vegatable kind that I didn't have enough of the flowers in this place to break off So it appears fruitful to me in this mirror.

The third mirror appeared to me, in addition to these two mirrors, to be completely fiery red and like a fire when I touched a little, it soon began to heat up like a pure fire that I was hardly afraid to take one in my hand: While I said and saw that God was strong and there was a great Arcanite in it.

Then the white fire I find that all in all can be created with the help of the visible elemental fire which fire is sought by many but found by a few.

Now, with great diligence, I brought these three mirrors together into one mirror using the Pure Spagyric Art, in which I see God and everything, including the needs of the poor Absolutely how often I want to see who can be called a treasure above all treasures. I have kept this in safekeeping with me so that it is not stolen from me or caused harm to others.

So, all in all, I hope that my simple contribution will have sufficiently indicated what kind of fruit these figures can create for lovers of spagyric art.

If they are united with God and nature in a different way, they will find in this mirror more than any other can describe that is ready to be seen written and presented through the figures.

Such a thing only comes to these so the just goods Alchymei Spagir art with all the handles well experienced: Then there is nothing so small hidden in nature that it would be obvious.

Through the degrees or stages so in order in laboratories should be passed. First, the figure N0 . 1. indicates the degree of calcination, which is understood to mean regeneration and cumming. The other figure contains its degree as exaltation, which includes sublimation and eleuation, including distillation. The third figure concerns the Coniunction, which also includes the Putrefaction, also the Solution, Desolution, and Resolution, also the Digestion, and Circulation. The fourth figure contains multiplication, also understood as ascending, lauiring, inbibiren, cohobirn, also coagulizing, figuring, augmenting, tinging.

So one must come through this gradus who desires to walk this path to bring the three mirrors into one mirror by understanding and guiding the four main pillars: first of all there is Philosophia, Astronomia, Alchymia, and the Virtutes. Next to the alphabet in the other figure: So in the circle of the circle from letter to letter the real material: so in our art its use is clearly and obviously explained.

If you now know the ABC and all the characters correctly and understand them correctly, you will see what you can see here. So also in the first and third figures there are the 4th qualities, as there are the elements First, hot, cold and moist, which show you the right prima & vltima materia, through which everything can be achieved as I described briefly and therefore from Kurtz's sake a I omitted to write several things right there, because before me for a long time there were heroes, stately, highly enlightened people, also highly learned, noble men of God of the German nation, and I wrote enough about the like: Given to you teachers on a daily basis what is possible to give, apart from these, you may continue to use your understanding to serve yourselves in this recover.

Then I see that writing a lot doesn't bring much fruit because everything is clear as I hope in these 4th figures on the day of light.

But I found out that those who love this art are not satisfied with this, but rather want to have further understanding and information.

My pen is not forbidden to give this everything into a better understanding and reason through personal experience. Then in short a dragonfly should be made when God and the time will give in it from point to point such in 4th part should be divided the content of the two main souls as seen in the first figure of nature and art.

In the meantime, with this simple display of my mirror as a forerunner of the simplicity, let me see for you what then stands in humility.

Those who have such high eyes can see more high things: Then high eyes do not need any lower understanding. So it was only designed and written for those who are experienced in the art of spagiric maneuvers .

Finally, an explanation of the Clock Old Stone. I hereby decide freelyj This is the fundamental highest artzneij In the chymia of art j The composed flower is j Highly honored and adorned Created and composed by God, aqua viscosa the first being As you the whites for reading out of and through art our nature born the highest tincture, Dreij principi: in it, our stone is three-fold , mineral, animal, and also vegetable .

This is body, soul and spirit , so nature gives us honey, sweet and a waxy salt , lunar, liquid fat like schmaltz, solar Leo Viridis green Occultum Sulphur is the white gain Anima of the body high and expensive Quinta Essentia our Fire The flower does regeneration No other Fire can do this The white Fire is the art Without that all the work is waste When you work I say for a hundred or a thousand years It's all in vain I'll ever do it No people want to see you lose your time and money That's why you should study diligently Also if you want to notice right next to it A couple without light and without cabbage Custom Spiritus viuificans comes alive with sound power all dead metal.

This Fire is supernatural in the living calf and horse dung. The Fire is mentioned by the wise . But remember, in the understanding. This can help you, except for now, but not in the horse. Whoever does you a great disgrace when you associate with such a dant man laughs at you Make the ancient stone known to all lands. Then you will have what your heart desires.

Blessed is the one whom God gives.


Kabbala, spiegel der kunst en natuur: in de alchemie - Dutch translation PDF


written by Steffan Müschelspacher

Dutch translation of the German 'Cabala, Spiegel der Kunst unnd Natur: in Alchymia', 1615. Translation: Ruud Muschter, the Netherlands.

Quote of the Day

“If the bodies are not dissolved by our Living Water, if they are not imbibed and softened by it and thus open and stripped of their hard mass to be reduced to pure and subtile spirit, our work will be nothing but a useless deception. As long as the bodies have not been converted into non-bodies, that is, into their first matter, the rule and the key of our Art will not be found. Thus, the only goal of our Art is to make bodies fluid hard and solid in order to make the Tinture.”


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