Flores astrologiae - Livre des révolutions des années du monde - Kitāb taḥāwīl sinī al-'ālam

Flores astrologiae - Livre des révolutions des années du monde - Kitāb taḥāwīl sinī al-'ālam

by Albumasar

Quote of the Day

“the Earth which remaines in the ground, thou must not at all despise nor villify, understand the earth of the body, and that same earth is the right end of the permanent and constant things, after that with a good water thou must annoint and errigate the Leaven, and the Leaven is called by the Philosophers a Soul; they call also the prepared body a Leaven, for as a Leaven does make other bread sowre, so does this thing, and I tell thee freely, that there is no other Leaven but Gold and Silver, of necessity must the Leaven bee Leavened in the body, for the Leaven is the Soule of the body”


Chymicall treatise of the Ancient and highly illuminated Philosopher


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