Translated by Atsro Takasaki
Three conventions must be observed in our art. First, prepare the appropriate materials. And continue working without interruption. Don't let interruptions ruin it. Finally, be patient. And always follow nature's lead. Obtain as your substance the exquisitely refined water of life. Keep it. But we must not think like this, that the fluid that moistens all things is the bright and clear fluid of alcoholic spirits. While you longingly look for wonders in the frontier, you pass over the glittering waves of the torrent of blessing.
Enter the palace, which has 15 rooms. There is a ``king'', his forehead surrounded by a crown. Sitting on a noble throne. In the palm of his hand he holds the royal power (scepter) over the whole world before him. "His son and his five servants" kneel, each wearing a different colored robe. He begs for his power to be bestowed upon his "sons and servants." But he doesn't even respond to their requests.
His son, incited by his servants, stabs his father to death while still on the throne. (Thus obtaining a finely purified mixture with water.)
In the third symbol we see the Son collecting his father's blood into his garment. (This is the second step of our art, the steps of which have already been described.)
In the fourth chamber, the grave is dug. (This is a furnace.) It is two hands' width deep and four inches wide.
In the fifth chamber, the son plotted to throw his father into the grave and abandon him there. However, due to our skill, both of them fell together.
In the sixth room, the son is still struggling to escape, but someone who has risen from the second stage of our technique appears and blocks his escape.
While father and son are imprisoned in a tomb called the seventh chamber, their ashes, or decay in a fiery bath, progress.
In the eighth house, an investigation is made into what can occur during corruption. Was the bottle cooled, etc.
In the ninth chamber, the corpse is removed from the tomb. This is only possible if the whole body is broken down by continuous dissolution, and once this has been done it must be carefully preserved.
In the tenth chamber, the remains are divided into nine parts and the dissolved material is subjected to a gentle boil for nine days. Until some of it turns black. Remove the latter and store it in a separate container in a superheated environment. Heat the water gently for another 9 days. Furthermore, take out the blackened one and place it with the residue. Continue working until the water is clear and purified. Pour the above Water of Life onto the black substance in a small glass vessel, for it will float an inch high, and let it withstand a gentle flame for nine days. Yes, change the water every day if necessary. (Thus the "earth" will begin to become white and clear, as the philosophers taught. "The earth corrupts and is purified by water.") An angel was sent to the cleansed and whitened earth. The bones are sown (the soil is now mixed with the seeds and everything is placed in a sealable bottle connected to the still. The thicker material is turned into "water" by a more intense flame and the solid-bottomed material is In the eleventh room, the servants pray to God for the resurrection of the king. All the following operations are related to his resurrection. To this end, A second angel is sent to the twelfth house. The angel places another part of the bone in the earth (until it is all thick and dense) and a miracle occurs. Thus the angels The successors of the will also be sent to sow the first, second, third and fourth parts of the bones in the ground, where they will become white and transparent and solid. The fifth and sixth parts will be yellow. The 7th, 8th, and 9th will be changed in the same way. The "earth of bones" will become as red as blood or rubies.
Then, filled with the grace of God, the king will rises from the grave. His body is now fully spiritual and celestial, and he has the power to turn all of his followers into kings.
At last he exercises that power over his followers and his son. , he will put a golden crown on their heads, and by his virtue he will make them all kings, because God has given him great power and dignity . Do not let your unclean hands touch this great work; bring here only those who are honest and wise in heart, who are capable of inquiring into the deepest causes of things.
Quote of the Day
“But most students of this art have spoken largely about the sublimation of common mercury, and have persisted in seeking the treasure of earthly wisdom where it cannot be found, because Nature has not placed it there. And, truly, the working even of common mercury is so wonderful that it has misled some who supposed themselves to be adepts in this art.”
The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers
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