Discription of the Stone Poetry

Discription of the Stone

Though Daphne fly from Phoebus bright,
   Yet shall they both be one,
And if you understand this right,
   You have our hidden Stone.
For Daphne she is faire and white:
   But Volatile is she;
Phoebus a fixed God of might,
   And red as blood is he.
Daphne is a Water Nymph,
   And hath of Moysture store,
Which Phoebus doth consume with heate,
   And dryes her very sore.
They being dryed into one,
   Of christall flood must drinke,
Till they be brought to a white Stone:
   Which wash with Virgins milke,
So longe untill they flow as wax,
   And no fume you can see,
Then have you all you neede to aske,
   Praise God and thankfull be.

Quote of the Day

“ Put therefore the perfect bodies of metals, to wit, sol and luna, into our water in a vessel, hermetically sealed, upon a gentle fire, and digest continually, till they are perfectly resolved into a most precious oil. Saith Adfar, digest with a gentle fire, as it were for the hatching of chickens, so long till the bodies are dissolved, and their perfectly conjoined tincture is extracted, mark this well. But it is not extracted all at once, but it is drawn out by little and little, day by day, and hour by hour, till after a long time, the solution thereof is completed, and that which is dissolved always swims atop. And while this dissolution is in hand, let the fire be gentle and continual, till the bodies are dissolved into a viscous and most subtile water, and the whole tincture be educed, in color first black, which is the sign of a true dissolution.”


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