“I am of no time or place; outside of time and space, my spiritual being lives its eternal existence and, if I plunge into my thought going back through the course of the ages, if I extend my spirit towards a mode of existence distant from that which you perceive, I become the one I desire. Consciously participating in the Absolute Being, I regulate my action according to the environment that surrounds me.
My name is that of my function and I choose it, as well as my function, because I am free; my country is the one where I momentarily fix my steps. Date yourself from yesterday, if you like, by enhancing yourself with years lived by ancestors who were foreign to you; or of tomorrow, by the illusory pride of a greatness which will perhaps never be yours; I am He who Is.
I have only one father: different circumstances of my life have made me suspect great and moving truths on this subject; but the mysteries of this origin, and the relations which unite me to this unknown father, are and remain my secrets; that those who will be called upon to guess them, to glimpse them as I did, understand me and approve of me. As to the place, at the time when my material body, some forty years ago, was formed on this earth; as for the family I have chosen for this, I want to ignore it; I don't want to remember the past so as not to increase the already heavy responsibilities of those who knew me, because it is written: "You will not make the blind fall." I was not born of the flesh, nor of the will of man; I was born from the spirit. My name, the one that is mine and from me, the one that I have chosen to appear among you, here is the one that I claim.
What I was called when I was born, what I was given in my youth, what in other times and places I was known as, I left them, as I would have left old-fashioned and now useless clothes.
Here I am: I am Noble and Traveler; I speak, and your soul shudders in recognizing ancient words; a voice, which is in you, and which had been silent for a long time, answers the call of mine; I act, and peace returns to your hearts, health to your bodies, hope and courage to your souls. All men are my brothers; all countries are dear to me; I go through them so that, everywhere, the Spirit can descend and find a way towards you. I only ask of kings, whose power I respect, hospitality on their lands, and when it is granted to me, I pass by, doing around me as much good as possible; but I'm just passing through. Am I a Noble Traveler?
Like the South wind, like the dazzling light of the South which characterizes the full knowledge of things and active communion with God, I come towards the North, towards the mist and the cold, abandoning everywhere in my passage some parcels of myself, expending myself, diminishing myself at each station, but leaving you a little clarity, a little warmth, a little strength, until I am finally stopped and fixed definitively at the end of my career, at the hour when the rose will bloom on the cross. I am Cagliostro.
Why do you need anything more? If you were children of God, if your soul were not so vain and so curious, you would already have understood! But you need details, signs and parables. Now listen! Let's go back a long way in the past, since you want to.
All light comes from the East; all initiation, from Egypt; I was three years old like you, then seven years old, then the age of man, and, from that age, I no longer counted. Three septenaries of years makes twenty-one years and realizes the fullness of human development. In my early childhood, under the law of rigor and justice, I suffered in exile, like Israel among foreign nations.
But, as Israel had with him the presence of God, as a Metatron guarded him in his paths, in the same way a powerful angel watched over me, directed my actions, enlightened my soul, developing the forces latent in me. He was my teacher and my guide.
My reason was taking shape and taking shape; I questioned myself, I studied myself and I became aware of everything around me; I have made trips, several trips, both around the chamber of my reflections and in the temples and in the four parts of the world; but when I wanted to penetrate the origin of my being and ascend towards God in a surge of my soul, then my impotent reason was silent and left me delivered to my conjectures. A love which attracted me towards every creature in an impulsive way, an irresistible ambition, a deep feeling of my rights to everything from Earth to Heaven, impelled me and threw me towards life, and the progressive experience of my forces, of their sphere of action, of their play and of their limits, was the struggle which I had to sustain against the powers of the world; I was forsaken and tempted in the wilderness; I wrestled with the angel like Jacob, with men and with demons, and these, overcome, taught me the secrets, which concern the empire of darkness so that I could never stray into any of the roads from which there is no return.
One day after so many journeys and years Heaven granted my efforts: it remembered its servant and, wearing nuptial garments, I had the grace to be admitted, like Moses, before the Eternal. From then on I received, with a new name, a unique mission. Free and master of life, I thought only of using it for the work of God. I knew he would confirm my deeds and my words, as I would confirm his name and his kingdom on earth. There are beings who no longer have guardian angels; I was one of them.
Here is my childhood, my youth, such as your restless spirit, eager for words, demands it; but whether it lasted more or less years, whether it passed in the country of your fathers or in other countries, what does it matter to you? Am I not a free man? judge my morals, that is to say my actions; say if they are good, say if you have seen more powerful ones, and, therefore, do not concern yourself with my nationality, my rank and my religion.
If, continuing the happy course of his travels, one of you lands one day in these lands of the East where I was born, let him only remember me, let him pronounce my name, and the servants of my father will open the gates of the Holy City to him. So let him come back and tell his brothers if I abused a false prestige among you, if I took something from your homes that did not belong to me! »
Quote of the Day
“It is called Elixir, from E, which is out of, and Lixis, which is Water, because all things are made out of this Water: and Elixir is the second part in the Philosophick Work, as Rebis is the first in the same Work.”
Bernard Trevisan
The Answer of Bernardus Trevisanus, to the Epistle of Thomas of Bononia
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