De Tribus Lapidibus, Concentrates, The Secret Fire


“The work of the Stone” Glauberus concentratus
“The concentrates of Glauber”



“The Secret Fire”

“Translated after Glauber” Reference BN {R 12557- 12562
Edition of 1668. Translation by Me Catherine HUNT



When I was still young, strong and in good health, I took a comfortable house in Amsterdam to work there, single, because, at the same time, I had some money and the desire to undertake great and beautiful things in Alchemy. , moreover the house had been built by a lover of art, which encouraged me to install a good laboratory there, which I did, hired servants and young people, had small and large furnaces built, had different bellows large and small, created reverberator furnaces, and, as the house was large and beautiful in appearance, I had to equip it abundantly for the sake of the people, so that they could not say and make fun of that I had a big house and nothing in it, so I spent a thousand guilders every year. As I thought then that I had everything installed, there was always one thing or another missing, for, I was soon robbed by servants and young people of my means, and as I spent a lot on the house every year, I had to get that money back, and I also had to make expenses for buy coal and other materials. In fact, a lot of money spent and very little earned.

When people passed by and saw this large house among the small ones, they wondered; who lives here ? The neighbors answered them: an Alchemist or a gold manufacturer. And when, inadvertently, the fire came out of some neighboring house, everyone ran to see if it was not from the Alchemist's big house.

But the house was so well built and protected from fire, that it was impossible for it to suffer from fire; in fact, six large houses were built of stone and provided with chimneys so solid and high that one could have passed with a cart filled with hay. On the other hand, I wasn't sure who lived near me.

Indeed, it happened once that as the children were running and playing in the garden, a spark of fire fell from the cup that they were accustomed to carrying in their hands, when it was cold, into a bale of straw and ignited it. The neighbors, seeing the smoke rising, shouted fire, fire; broke the doors into pieces, made us enter and put out the fire, but it didn't exist. Then some neighbors arrived, curiously the founders, who lived nearby, and forcefully wanted to open the door. But they couldn't, the door was so hard. They also tried, but in vain, through the walls. Some broke the roof and poured water down to put out the fire which did not exist.

If these wretches had succeeded in entering the house, they would surely have completely ransacked it. Then, because of the damage, the house was divided into 4 parts, each sold in a particular way.

I had to put down all the doors and leave a passage for the visitors that habit brought. Not only those determined to buy came, but also a very impertinent Doctor Apothecary, master coiner, silver founder, and a number of passers-by who bought water, Vitrioli oleum and other Spiritus, only to notice the strange furnaces of my laboratory and learn something from it.

There was a merchant who divided the house into 4 parts. He made his purchase letters under the condition that the house would be for sale with the bottom and goods nailed up; he could have asked me, beforehand, if there were any goods in the house that could have belonged to me and verified at the time of the sale. But he was a bad man, who had no scruples, and an enemy of German artists.

This bad man, after I learned that he had also sold my property and had to answer for this illegal sale, replied that he asked me if I owned anything in the house that was nailed up and that I said or replied that No. But this is not true, because I could not have denied my own goods. But as I threatened to take him to court, and before I could do so, he was suddenly taken back by the devil. And the buyers remained on their claim that they had bought my goods, had had the seals placed; I did not see the way to recover my property, I had to sue these bad people, to take back my sealed property through justice. After which, I remained in litigation with the buyers for two years and obtained the right that they returned my goods to me without cost or damage.

But, as I noticed, almost all my belongings were damaged, the mice had made holes in the bellows and the numerous instruments for Copper, Tin, Lead and Iron had either been broken or stolen. So the damage suffered amounted to more than a thousand Gulden.

As I then hoped to achieve a peaceful outcome, my lawyer's wife died as did my prosecutor, shortly after, who was to conduct the trial. So I found myself between two chairs, not knowing what to do, if I had to hire another attorney and spend even more money. Finally, some friends advised me not to spend any more money, but I did not know what justice would give me in compensation for this damage. I wish to sooner forget this damage already past, rather than embarking on a lengthy procedure again, wasting precious time and money.

I had to think, if a bad dog had bitten my calf, I would have suffered the same damage. Indeed, my troubles could not be better compared to a dog bite; I would once have been wise not to have erected such a large and useless laboratory, for I would not have suffered such damage. It must indeed be a poisonous force, carried behind it by indiscreet Alchemy. Not only do we suffer material damage and cause the generous man to waste incomparable time, but we are also despised by people. my troubles could not be better compared to a dog bite;

I would once have been wise not to have erected such a large and useless laboratory, for I would not have suffered such damage. It must indeed be a poisonous force, carried behind it by indiscreet Alchemy. Not only do we suffer material damage and cause the generous man to waste incomparable time, but we are also despised by people. my troubles could not be better compared to a dog bite; I would once have been wise not to have erected such a large and useless laboratory, for I would not have suffered such damage. It must indeed be a poisonous force, carried behind it by indiscreet Alchemy. Not only do we suffer material damage and cause the generous man to waste incomparable time, but we are also despised by people.

Because the name Alchemist is very hated by men in this country. Nothing better than the times when the peasant Alchemists, scattered and hated, were abolished and the highly useful secrets of Alchemy were seized by the king.

This does not require a large laboratory, no furnaces or black coal; this secret alchemy that is ours does not require more expense, but can, while being played and without fatigue or expense, be very well exercised in the silence of a small room.

The neighbors won't complain about you setting their house on fire. The name of Alchemist, or gold maker, remains in your home: your Gold and Silver remain in your purse and will not be wasted unnecessarily, because you do not need them for your Universal medicine, your health will be preserved, until death puts an end to it. Your money and your goods will multiply, if you are not prevented from acting. The poor and the rich love you and defend what your helping hand has shown them of good.

You despise your enemies and obtain an immortal name. Do not be confused by the large number of scholars and ignoramuses, people of high or low rank who roam all over the world with this ordinary and expensive Alchemy for their harm and derision. They don't know any better otherwise they would just let their nonsense slide. How many years did I stay in this hospital, blind and sick, before God opened my eyes and restored me to health.

Going to my laboratory, I saw more than once, how, because of unzealous servants, my money and my property had been so shamefully despoiled; here, a glass, there an earthenware container filled with materials, had been broken, thrown into the fire, lost.

Then, more than once, my hair stood on end, but I again consoled myself with the thought that my good Medicines, with which I could compensate myself for the damage suffered. But, as it happens to those who earn nothing on the side, spend all the time and receive only smoke, dust and ashes, daily experience shows that this or that Alchemist hits rock bottom and must flee to town, and, as a result, people came to despise Alchemy.

After I became, by the grace of God, master of Secret Medicine and Alchemy, abolished the old mess with the big laboratory, moved from a large house to a smaller one, because, I could not, a year later the other, due to a long illness, set foot in my laboratory and that it was no longer useful to me, because the weakness of my body did not force me to stay in bed.

I then tried to concentrate and set up a small room for my secret medicine. I had the old stoves, glasses, earthenware and stone containers dismantled so that they could be carried into the rubble, not being able to have such a waste anymore, since I knew something better.

I was taken on a covered sleigh to a smaller house, not being able to take a step. I don't need ordinary wood or coal fire, but all I need is a solid fueling of the sages' secret fire, which gives me everything I need for my secret medicine and Alchemy.

No longer needing a stove, glasses and coal for my secret work, I no longer have any worries that had previously affected me so much, I can now accomplish everything that is essential to me in medicine. , praying to myself, on my bed.

For this, God be praised forever. Amen.


Panaceae Aureae: Purple in color is still available in weights of 2 pounds and real ounces; each ounce for 4 Ducat in
8 Reichst (Reichs thaler?) - Dose to gran.

Panacea Antimonii: Red, common, no longer prepared, too expensive.

On the other hand, we find another, better extracted from Antimony, slightly yellow in color. Uncia Una like purple color for 4 D. Dose is ½ gran (pellets?); This Panacea is still available 3. Pounds and real ounces.

From Lapis Ignis: Prepared from Mercurio Antimonii still exists 1. Pound 9 ounces, ounce for 8 Ducat, dose to gran; 1/8 1/4 ½ up to 1 or at most 2 gran. (pellets? grain?)

Its preparation and use are described in my little book
“Fewer und Edel Gestein”.

From the miraculous red Olei prepared from the Ignis stone. Still available in 15 or 16 books. We will also find in my aforementioned work the preparation and its internal as well as external use.

ELIXIRIS PROPRIETARIS: Prepared with a Spiritum Vini Alcolisatum, treated by Elia Artista or Sale Artis, still exists in real Pfunden. Of which each ounce is lowered for 1 Ducat; dose to gutt. (drops?) 1-3-6-9-12.

NEPENTHES: or all sedatives and sleeping pills with a
Spiritum Vini, medicine prepared by flame, still remains in
16. Or 18. Ounces. One ounce for 4 Ducats. Dose at large. 1/8 ¼ ½. Up to 1 or at most 2 grains.

MERCURII FIXI CORALLINI: Against Podagra, about 1 pound can still exist. One ounce for 8 Ducats. Dose to Gran.

OLEI TALCI COSMETICI OPTIMI: Still exists in real ounces, whose tax cannot be fixed, because not many, and one prettier than the other.

VITRIOLI AURI: Made without corrosive, golden yellow color, a wonderful Cordiale, Stomachal, and Sudorificum, still exists one and a half pounds. The ounce 4 Ducats. Dose at large.

AURI POTABILIS: Golden yellow, without corrosive. 8 to 10 ounces left. One ounce for 6 Ducats, Dose to gran;

VITRIOLI LUNAE: White bitter taste, called Absinthium Minerale slowly purges and exterminates worms in young people and adults. Dose at large 1 ounces for 2 Ducats.

POTABILE ARGENTUM: Green as grass, not as bitter as white vitriol. Purge and eliminate worms. Dose to gutt (drops?) One ounce for 2 Ducats.

ELEMENTUM IGNIS: ex Sulphide non fixo. The 4 Elements, Earth, Water, Air, Fire have always been immiscible. Treated by the Tribus Principiis, dose to gutt (drop?) One ounce for one Ducat. Only the element Ignis mentioned above, golden yellow, must be used, the other 3 elements are of no use in medicine.

ELEMENTUM IGNIS: ex Sulfur fixo, which gilds Silver, the famous*, superior*, sublime* (*hochst?) cordial. Dose at large
1.2.3. One ounce for 20 Ducats.

TINCTURA FER & FIXED ANTIMONII: Is a Universal Purgans, Diaphoreticum and Aperitivum famous in all obstructions. By projection. Dose at large 1.2.3. Ounce 1 for 8

ELEMENTUM VENERIS: large 1. For 1/8 Thaler

LIQUOR ALKAHEST: As described in part 7 Phar. Spagiricae. Still available in 100 books. Of which 1 pound is left for 1 Thaler.

SALIS TARTARI VOLATILIS: On which Helmont wrote, 1 ounce for 1 Ducat.

MERCURIi VINI: Five Salis Coelestis: ex Spiritu Vini separated by the flame, the famous Cordiale, Cephalium, Nephriticum, Stomachale, etc. 1 ounce for 8 Ducats.

4 Ducats.

LEAD MERCURII: nor per se, still exists about 5 or 6 ounces, each ounce for 8 Ducats.

OF MERCURIOS MARTIS: (mercury of iron), remains still 2 ½
ounces the ounce for 20 Ducats.

A small artificial oven in which one can prepare every day, with very little coal, 6.8.10 up to 12 pounds in addition to Olei Vitrioli, which is very good, because an Oleum Vitrioli is a base or foundation of all Spagyric Medicine and Alchemy. An artificial instrument, or refrigeratorium, in which the flame of the Spiritus Vini is cooled, and the Mercurius mounted with the flame is imprisoned, which instrument does not require cold water, but kept constantly cold enough to condense or cool the Aquam Vitae rising.

A small artificial instrument, containing the Spiritus Ardens, as a relief Agent cleans its incorporated Patiens, also leads to the perfect fixation, therefore compendiore, so that it is not necessary to pour back the Spiritum Ardentem often or all the time, on the contrary, the filling of the small instrument is done by itself, so that one only has to watch every 24 hours.

A small, comfortable oven, in which one can prepare from all metals, easily and without cost, a Mercurium Currentem in honest quantities.

An artificial oven, that a few men can, at home, at little expense, take care of a constantly resistant mineral.

A particular oven, in which we can, by burning them in a particular Tingir and Gradir fire, give pretty colors to pale precious stones, bad (false?) Hyacinths, yellow diamonds and similar stones of modest value, in order to be able to sell them more expensively and also earn a lot.

A special oven in which earthenware objects, such as cups, pots, bowls, plates, bowls or other household objects, can be enameled, giving them pretty and unusual colors, which enamel can be considered much finer and superior to Chinese porcelain, for one can enamel the earth most beautifully Gold and Silver, Copper and also like mother-of-pearl: which enamels are not altered by impure air as Gold, Silver and Copper but always retain their beautiful shine: so beautiful that it cannot be compared with the finest porcelain.

A small oven equipped with a special container, in which you can make Oleum Sulphuris, Acidum in Copia.

A secret special instrument (for or in Steel?), with which from the Virgilii opaca one can always (abhawen?) one Ramun Aureum after another as many times as one wants, to the great satisfaction of the artist.

A special Destillatorium Instrument in which one can subtract the unpleasant smell and taste of distilled wine made from wheat, honey and something else, so that it equals in quality the brandy of France. It is a very useful work, by which one can earn Centum pro cente per week if one devotes oneself actively to it.

A special melting furnace, in which yellow copper, or brass, can be graded and tinned, so that it does not darken in the air (Amsterdammisch?), but always remains shiny. Making (Wurztramer?) rings and knockers for house doors and also from the small and large shovels of the Apotheckers; they do not become green and dirty as easily, like ordinary brass, because this Copper is harder than other Copper, allows itself to be melted into all shapes and thanks to its hard polish remains beautiful like the best hardened steel, which copper does not lose its shine.

NB We can cook this Copper until it obtains a gold color. Of which small and large cast pieces, do not burn so easily as other copper and do not cost more than ordinary Copper.

In the same furnace, iron is also melted into a white metal, which flows easily like yellow copper, can also be treated like copper, does not tarnish but remains white like silver. Costs no more than other copper.

Also a special furnace, in which one can separate Gold and Silver in copia compendiossime, and that at little expense, from fatigue and work, therefore easily, so that a single person can separate more than a hundred marks daily with six (Reichs) thaler (German Thaler). This artificial separation, and never known in the world, still undoubtedly remains impossible for the ignorant; so I find it good to give belief to those who doubt, so that they can see with their eyes and touch with their hands that it is not a question of unfounded imagination or dreams but of founded truth. , that it is possible to separate 100 marks of silver so inexpensively.

This wonderful invention of separating Gold from Silver so easily, will be of great service to the whole world, and in particular, even to those places, where a lot of Gold and Silver are buried, and must be separated. Or silver leaves from Peru, which are imported each year in large quantities from Western India; the same for the very rich Gold and Silver mines in Hungary, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Corinth etc. or a lot of Gold and Silver are separated. Also a lot of Gold and Silver were always separated in the large commercial cities along the sea, such as Amsterdam in Holland, London in England, Paris in France, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Augsburg, Vienna, in Germany, and all this at a lot of expense, fatigue, and work.


First of all, you should know that none of these so many philosophers, who otherwise would have written about this secret fire, have given the slightest information, but that all, on the contrary, have kept silent, with the exception of only one, the ancient Artephius, who left traces, but so obscure, that we could learn very little from his writings, of whom Artephius also writes that, like the others he had always been miserly and envious, and had not wanted to write anything, and that only after he reached 900 years old, he only began to write on this subject.

NB It is unbelievable that he was so old, a zero had to be added, it must have been 90, because, often among the old people, we took 10 as 100. Whatever happened, it is he who first taught us to know this fire. Pontamus, in his writings, indicates that the right materials were known to him, but that he made mistakes 200 times and would never have succeeded, if he had not read
Artephius and learned from him the secret fire.

That such a fire has remained unknown to us for so long is due to the sins of men, who could not see it or notice it because of their blindness, because, as often said, the sins of men make the heart blind, because the majority of those who seek such a great secret, do not do it with a good intention to praise God, but only seek to enrich themselves and oppose Christians and make them their slaves, which God watches over and does not allow that these voracious wolves learn such a great secret and only become worse for it. But when those, for whom the world with all its vanities is dead, search, to them this art falls into the hands without having to search much. It is thus and not otherwise that God distributes his gifts and does not help in haste but only in the mercy of God.

If we open our eyes and look around us, we see nothing other than acid, the universal fire agent, that is to say the “sal vitrioli sulphurum”, from which all the metals in the earth come and which, in the long run, became partially fixed and, in the short run, remained partially non-fixed. Such an acid or agent is found all the more frequently in metals.

And when the metal is melted by means of a strong fire, a large part of the acid with the gangue separates from the metal and becomes slag, but the metal, whether cast, melted or forged, there is still something left of the agent, which the fire could not separate, especially when the metals are still smoky and timeless, just as if the agent meant, I don't want to let myself be separated from my patient, because I couldn't stand it yet, patient says the same thing,

I can't let myself be separated from my man, or agent yet, because we haven't stayed together enough. But when the fire occurs, there is no point in saying, the strong expels the weak, and the agent must let his agent go, no matter by will or by force, because constrained by force, but in a separation so violent and constrained that one being able to take from the other cannot be, as seen when the iron ore is melted, the mighty fire draws the agent from the patient and in fact slag, which slag however is not pure slag, having dragged with it a certain part of its "Mercurial Patient" which has not become slag and, when in the background again this slag, the powerful fire separates at again some of the iron slag.

If agent and patient had not been such friends together, they would surely have willingly allowed themselves to be separated purely and simply by the first fire, which could not have happened by the second or third fire. And even when the agent, by the power of fire, finds himself separated from his patient against his will, he cannot be entirely separated from his patient, because the patient, "Mercury and feminine sex", does everything possible to retain something of his agent, his dear “man or brimstone”.

So that every molten ore is not found without its agent, as acid, which has not kept its partner with it in the mighty fire. This is observed when only a little fresh water falls on a piece of smooth iron and it immediately corrodes, which cannot happen. if there was no acid in the fire; indeed, the acid held so firmly to its patient, that the fusion did not oust him, and when he receives only a little fresh water, then the acid draws him to itself by love and works in the patient according to his means, until he becomes rusty.

This does not happen with metals which no longer need their agent, such as gold and silver and which after fusion do not rust by water, because their own agent, salt of vitriol, has did his office and made their temporal patient, having willingly separated from him in the fusion fire. until it gets rusty. This does not happen with metals which no longer need their agent, such as gold and silver and which after fusion do not rust by water, because their own agent, salt of vitriol, has did his office and made their temporal patient, having willingly separated from him in the fusion fire. until it gets rusty.

This does not happen with metals which no longer need their agent, such as gold and silver and which after fusion do not rust by water, because their own agent, salt of vitriol, has did his office and made their temporal patient, having willingly separated from him in the fusion fire.

Copper or Venus also keeps in melting something of its patient, so it readily oxidizes, but not so easily as iron, because it has not kept in melting as much of its acid as iron.

Lead and Tin retained less than Copper and Iron; this is why they attract less humid air or rain which blackens them. Gold and Silver having only retained a little, they cannot rust easily, and only lose their beautiful shine through strong corrosion.

Copper perfectly retains its own agent and loses none of it. It is also necessary to know that sulfur, which contains a pure salt of acid vitriol, is a universal agent, by which all metals are generated by nature in the earth and made timeless, and that therefore every metal would have, in addition to the sulfur as a universal agent a specific agent which would help the universal agent, sulfur, in its action by providing assistance.

Gold contains, apart from the universal agent, sulfur, a little common salt (sodium chloride).

Silver and lead, apart from sulfur and vitriol salt, contain a little potassium nitrate.

Mercury contains a subtle, concentrated, fiery saltpeter, it is always flowing, alive and current. This is why salts or spirits of salt such as vitrioli acid, common salt, saltpeter, preferably dissolve these metals, which partly contain this or that salt, for example silver, tin, and copper partly containing apart from vitriol, a nitric salt, which makes niter or its spirit so willingly attack this metal, working and dissolving them.

Indeed, due to the fact that in these three metals there is a nitric salt, the spirit of niter has a good friend there, which willingly opens the doors for it and lets it penetrate, because the internal friend is in agreement with the friend external. Let's compare: An enemy arrives in front of a city to conquer it and take possession of it; if he has friends there who open doors to him, then he will be able to enter it easily; but if he encounters resistance from an enemy, he cannot undertake anything and must return without having done anything.

While a strong water, distilled by vitriol and saltpeter (iron sulphate or iron sulphide, pyrite, and potassium nitrate) attacks only silver, lead and copper and dissolves them, it is that the latter contain vitriol and saltpeter, like consanguineous elements, whereas similar water (this is nitric acid) does not attack gold, the cause being that it has no friendship (sympathy), containing no saltpetre, but a common spirit of salt; when you put in your saltpeter water (nitric acid) only a little common kitchen salt (sodium chloride), then it willingly attacks gold to dissolve it and acquires another nature and quality of salt from cooking, to the point that it no longer wants to attack silver but only gold, however it also dissolves iron, copper and tin, because these metals contain a lot of the spirit of gold and are willingly left dissolved by this spirit of salt (hydrochloric acid), just as we see here the reason why a common acid made only of vitriol and saltpetre only dissolves silver, lead and copper and not gold .

Thus it happens that a common kitchen salt, added to this common acid, only dissolves gold and not silver, it happens in the same way with "dry salts" when they are dissolved in water, and not distilled, and that a little universal acid - oleo vitrioli - (sulphuric acid) added to salt water, and the metals cooked in this way, that the latter allow themselves to be dissolved as well as with the spirits (acids ).

alum (sulfate) and table salt (sodium chloride) and the gold is cooked in this way, the salts would similarly dissolve the gold, but not as well as with the acidic composition, known as aqua regia or royal. Which does not mean that metals have to be dissolved with salts and sulfuric acid, because distilled waters (acids obtained by distillation) are better than undistilled salts still in a solid state, but it is only said in the end, that one would like to understand all the better with which type of salts such metal has a correspondence and agrees willingly with it, which makes it all the better to recognize the agent specific to each metal. If, indeed, someone wants to use the clean agent wisely, he must have a good understanding of it and know what such metal likes and what it reacts to.

powerful extracted as a spirit or natural agent from the metal, which would have made it timeless, if it had remained longer in the earth.

We now find that a salt of nitre (potassium nitrate) has always been found in silver, lead and copper, which is separated from the metal by the mighty fire of fusion. Now if such a timeless metal, taken too soon from its nest (mining) and, moreover, stolen by the mighty fire from its fortifying spirit (which causes it to grow), is again brought to grow and improve, it is necessary let him be given back what was taken from him by fire. Indeed, if a nitrated spirit has been taken with tin in addition to common sulphur, then it must render saltpetre (potassium nitrate) as an agent.

If a vitriolic sulfur (sulfide or sulfate) has been removed from the iron and copper, one must be given back to them, if an arsenical and spirit sulfur has been removed from the tin during the fusion, one must be given back to it, in order to to make the body grow again.

If the Sulfuric Salt left the gold during the smelting, which the gold willingly let go, because, already temporal, it does not need it, but if the gold wanted it even more matured and better than nature does not, then it would have to reenter its mother's body again, i.e. be united again with the spirit of sulfuric salt (aqua regia) and hatched, so that one obtains better than if it were given by nature.

Indeed, nature cannot give more than a perfect body, so that if we want an even more perfect body, we must replace this one with its own natural agent in its womb and, with the help of the fire of wood or coal rekindle the natural secret fire so that it can make its own body timeless in a more than perfect tincture. Indeed, nature cannot give more than perfect bodies, especially gold and silver, but if art again begins where nature left off, then it can make perfect bodies, with which dye more that perfect we can bring imperfect metals to the perfection of gold and silver, for which their own agent would have needed many years before bringing to maturity in gold and silver its quality of metal immature.

Indeed, in the same way that we want to bring gold and silver to maturity through their property of imperfect metals, a certain time is with which more than perfect tincture one can bring imperfect metals to the perfection of gold and silver, for which their own agent would have needed many years before maturing to gold and silver its quality of immature metal.

Indeed, in the same way that one wants to bring gold and silver to maturity through their ownership of imperfect metals, a certain time is with which more than perfect tincture one can bring imperfect metals to the perfection of gold and silver, for which their own agent would have needed many years before maturing to gold and silver its quality of immature metal. Indeed, in the same way that one wants to bring gold and silver to maturity through their ownership of imperfect metals, a certain time is necessary, but this maturation will not require any other expenditure than the wood or coal fire, so that the secret fire is always kept in action.

Such work in particular maturation of small metals can take on the importance that one desires, or also a great utility, such fixing also not requiring great funds; in fact, iron, copper, tin and lead cost little, we can also obtain the agent (salts or acids) easily, only the wood or coal fire costs, which is not either more than a great significance, because to whoever knows how to do it, this fixing can bring, each year, a great richness.

When I was younger, I couldn't generalize this particular inexpensive metal improvement to benefit thousands of poor people. Now the time is over and I must leave it to others, but if I had mastered this improvement earlier, I would not have neglected it. But God didn't give me light until my third year in bed by making me experience such a useful fixation, which now is of little use to me, having no children to go on. While I can no longer do anything personally, I command others, for which I have already indicated a good path, to make better understand the good and the evil that lie before everyone; I laid the foundations and showed how to continue and that this time it stays.

It only remains to show how to bring perfect metals like gold and silver to the maturation of a more than perfect tincture, and also make imperfect metals perfect by projection. A fundamental process and without any concealment of the manipulations described for making a dye of gold and silver.

Take one ounce of gold (30.59 g) and three ounces of silver (91.77 g), dissolve the gold in aqua regia and the silver in nitric acid, (Important: I remind that in this case the white color, in dyeing, will dominate whereas as I said above if we put as much gold as silver or if gold is dominant the red color will dominate in dyeing) pour these two solutions together, so that the silver will attract the gold to itself and will fall together and melt on the ground, but if for lack of salt they do not want to fall, then sprinkle water on them salty, because silver cannot fall without sufficient salt.

If now nothing wants to fall, it is a sign that the two bodies behave as male and female and have united. Pour the gold and silver together with the spirit of salt into a glass container, cook in a sand bath, then the two bodies unite even better, leave them to stand hot for 1 day and one night without touch in the glass then cool, then the two bodies will grow together, like herbs or small flowers, which we will have to pour into a paper container (filter paper), so that the salt water passes through the paper , the gold and silver remain retained in the container, running water is poured into it to grind well and allowed to flow; gold and silver are softened, dried and pulverized, and they therefore become ready to place themselves as their own agent with their secret fires and to fix themselves in a tincture. Regarding the proper agent of gold and silver, I say that it is like a mercurial water of antimony

"aqua Mercurialis Antimonii", which is also known to Artephius, who to obtain it did as follows: put the conjunction gold and silver (the mixture of the two salts of gold and silver obtained previously) in a clean container, put it between the coals, so that the gold and silver heat uniformly in the container without turning red or melting; the spirits thus do not go away, go up in smoke, when they no longer smoke, you must remove the container from the fire, let it cool, weigh the dry gold and silver, see how much heavier they have become, that they were before the dissolution and precipitation; they have kept as many spirits of salt as these dry spirits of salt must be preparing to fix in a tincture of antimony, our secret fire or proper agent of gold and silver.

(Important :
6 ounces: 2 ounces of spirit of salt therefore coagulated and caused the increase. For you must know that silver has the nature and quality when it is dissolved by nitric acid and precipitated by common salt, so that it draws from nitric acid and common salt many spirits, which cannot be softened with fresh water. Lead draws even more salt than silver and these spirits of salt are still a proper agent in iron and lead just as they are for silver and gold, working with lead and iron is similar to that of gold and silver, with the only difference, that the tincture of lead and iron does not extend as far as that of gold and silver, although both , gold and silver, as also lead and iron in this work have an agent of the same species.

Now that this agent, for gold and silver as for lead and iron has coagulated spirits of salt, must first be carried in mercurial water, before being able to act, penetrate into metallic bodies, to bring to maturity or improve, to bring things to that point; the 4 ounces of gold and silver coagulated the two ounces of spirit of salt; for these two ounces, put two ounces of pure and pulverized antimony mix them with the prepared gold and silver, put the mixture in a small lined still and distill the mercurial water of antimony, will then also be transported in at the same time gold and silver animated (animas auri and argenti) in the form of a butter of antimony (butiri antimonii) but colorful, because the “animas auri” are highly exalted by antimony it is to say “Arietem mineralem”.

This red solar butter is the secret fire of Artephius or the proper agent of Pontanus (Pontani proprium agens), to fix gold and silver thus in a tincture, which Artephius needs for gold and silver , but Pontanus, as we see in his writings, did not prepare his tincture from gold but from iron, for he testifies with God, that his materials from the stone, from which he prepares his tincture, possess much from "earthiness and superfluity" from which it was not separated, and yet had become, through its own agent, a veritable tincture. So we understand quite well that he prepared this dye from an impure metal, iron. Which is believable, because such an agent of fire, at the same time as an animated gold and silver, is itself a true tincture, that by its great force animated by tender and pure mercury,

NB But that such a pure and fiery agent, when used for the improvement of pure gold and silver, should not give a much higher tint than to the coarse yet impure metals; no one will doubt, for the gold is exalted and bettered in the depths by this mercurial water of antimony, that it must necessarily give a much more extensive tincture.

I will now make known, as well as I can, how our "Saturnian Antimony Mercurial Water" should be applied, to gold and silver, in order to enhance in its colors and transform into a tincture. The two ounces of spirit of salt, which coagulated with the four ounces of gold and silver and, in doing so, two ounces of regula of antimony again leave the gold and silver which had been dissolved in this and in the distillation carry with it the sweetest and purest mercury of antimony with the tincture of gold in the form of red butter, because antimony has a nature which takes its color from gold, the 'takes into distillation (the souls of the dead from the vessel). This butter of the soul of gold (anima auri) tinted or impregnated with red, is the secret fire of Artephius and the proper agent of Pontanus,

From the remaining gold and silver, one must wash with potassium nitrate the antimony regulus and separate the gold and silver with the appropriate acids, so that there is no loss, when the tincture of gold, which carries the oil of antimony (oleum antimonii) with it, which is called red oil or solar antimony butter of Nusement, but is known to me as Mercurial Water of Aurific Antimony, which is the right name, which we therefore use.

Take this Mercurial Water of distilled gold, finely beaten as much gold as silver, place together in a glass to fix, put them on a "capellen" of sand, which must be maintained at an equal degree of fire, thanks to to a small furnace, then the mercurial water will dissolve the gold and silver and together become a stone. However, the spirits of salt, after having dissolved the gold and the silver in addition to the mercury of antimony, separate themselves little by little from the mercury; because they are not of the same material and therefore cannot reach a tincture with gold and silver and mercury (of antimony), which Pontanus has well recalled.

This separation of the salt spirits from the tincture wants to take its time and does not want to be rushed. But we also know how to separate with subtlety, by artifice, the surplus of salt spirits from this sun butter, we then dissolve the gold and the silver, so we save a lot of time in the fixing, because the humidity is annoying , which the ancients left in the form of a fable, which the very learned Bracesius also mentions in his little treatise "De Ligno Vitae", that even of this superfluity, that it must be separated, is treated minutely. Which salt water is called Minerva by the poets, see the philosophers and in particular Brasecius, and you will find how it must be separated from the tincture.

NB You must not be fooled when Bracesius teaches the preparation not of gold and silver but of iron, because it can also be made from iron, but does not extend as much as that of gold , otherwise the work is identical and there is no difference. Say again, that when you want to have a short labor, let Minerva go in peace, because it is annoying for fixation.

That, perhaps, some could think that silver could not help in dyeing because it would not be colored but only white, to this I relate that silver is not white on the inside but red and could achieve a dye. Just as lead is not red externally and yet achieves a red dye with iron, so does silver with gold.

Equal now as, by the metals, the proper agent makes possible the transformation into tinctures not only of gold and silver, but also of other less important metals, therefore these other metals can also be fixed more particularly in gold and silver with incredible utility, because they can be produced in large quantities with a very cheap agent, and brought to the maturity of a good gold or a good silver, still very little known to the world until today, but I have no doubt that this art of bringing these metals to the maturity of gold will be better known and will put honest men back on their feet, because as has been said, the proper agent to ordinary metals is equally ordinary and inexpensive, so that ordinary and yet immature metals, at very little cost, by the action of their own natural agent, which is thrown off by the powerful fire of fusion, perhaps brought to the perfection of the gold and silver, thanks to the external fire of wood and coal.

NB But to be able to have such metals, which are still in their ores and have not yet been in the fire, and to each of the metals its own agent added, and, in a closed vase placed in the fixing furnace, and with a regular heat, as it should, brought to maturity, then the fixation occurs much more easily than with metals already melted, however the ores must first be well washed, skimmed and separated from their gangue, before be mixed with their agent and placed for fixation.

NB This fixing of metals into silver and gold, like that of gold and silver into a tincture by their own silver, can also occur by the wet process, notably when the metals are dissolved in their own menses and digested, together in their allotted time. NB But for similar moist digestion or fixation, plants are much better suited than minerals and animals even better than plants, but all used for the best for the fixation of common mercury or even non-common metallic mercury, to fix as well universally in dyes and particularly in gold and silver.

For the coarse metals and their corresponding ores, the universal agent, i.e., common and arsenic sulphur, together with their relatives cobalt and orpiment, is preferable. Gold and silver also have their peculiar agent by which they are brought to maturity in tincture, the anima agent being the best that has been found, for it is of such a nature that it does not makes visible the hidden colors of gold and silver, which no universal subject can otherwise do.

Because if we could not externalize the colors specific to gold and silver, it would be impossible to make dyes from them. Indeed gold and silver, as they were born in the earth of nature, ordinary metals have no other colors to color, they have nothing more than what is necessary to their perfection. But when they are, by artifice, exalted in their colors, they can transmit their colors generously to other metals, and if not at all. But which animae agent it is, by which such an increase of colors can occur, I cannot say but who wants to know, can ask Adam who brought this element of paradise.

You can also read my fifth Centuriam, as well as the corresponding explanation, which treats this subject. Equal now as the proper agent of metals, as well as their spirits, notably sulphur, arsenic, cobalt, orpiment and other metallic spirits let themselves be fixed in metallic bodies and thus become fixed metals, for they are already half-metals, on the other hand, salts which are also a good agent and also bring metals to maturity, do not become metals such as sulphur, arsenic, antimony, orpiment, cobalt, zinc, bismuth, Kakimia and other realgar or other half metals or metallic spirits do it; for salts are not of a partly metallic nature, for why they cannot become metals but the fact that they attack metals, dissolve, make fluid or again fixed, only occurs by reason of their acidity, which has an affinity with this acidity that nature has placed in metals, and to understand this, common mineral salts, i.e. common salt, nitric salt, rock salt, alum vitriol and their equivalent in the earth, stones and the rivers, and thus grow outside the earth in a natural way, are dug up by man, purified, and used for their own purposes.

These salts have great affinities with metals, because they are very partially of a metallic nature, especially animal salts are volatile and give a good salmiac, which has a great affinity with metals, as is sufficiently clear from my writings. The salts of plants alter in fire and become fixed alkalis, also finding their good use in metals, as will be seen in my writings. But the volatile animal salt prevails over all other salts by its strength and virtue, because not only does all metals, however fixed they may be, it makes them volatile, and separates the purest tincture from metals, minerals, stones. precious and ordinary, or the immortal souls of their gross bodies, achieves incredible things in medicine and alchemy, but also this miraculous salt makes the spirits the most volatile for both good and bad spirits, rapid and against all human understanding , visible,
carried out with such great strength, Almighty God endowed the animal salt and extraordinarily the microcosmic salt before all other salt, which is very little known in the world, indeed the microcosmic, volatile salt of other animals, birds , fish, as also herbs and woods have this power to make all fixed things volatile and again fix the volatile.

In this volatilization operation, the pure part is separated from the impure and coarse part, so when the pure part is fixed, we obtain a tincture and there is no simpler or less expensive way in the world to obtain the tinctures. true, only through salts which have the property of making them volatile. If tartar is taken from the spirit of wine, when it is still mixed or hidden in the lees, it is little considered, but when it is removed from it by distillation, and purified by rectification, exalted in its force and its virtue is increased, only then is it esteemed, and that is why one can do so much good with it.

It is thus and not otherwise that one must understand it with metals, in which such beautiful dyes are concealed, but to which one does not pay attention, and that is why there are so few in the world who know the great things that could be achieved. Likewise there are great treasures frequently hidden in ordinary stones, which are neither considered nor sought by the ignorant, just as the ancient philosophers recommended that we draw extractions by distillation and separation of the most beautiful tinctures from unworthy and coarse metals.

as well as stones, yet their good writings and teachings were accepted and recognized by very few. Basil Valentin mentions in his writings that the work of philosophers could not be better compared than to this known work of preparing the "spiritus vini", which preparation of an ardent spirit is known by all peasants, and that the distillation of the philosophers in separation of the tincture is always as easy as making the brandy of the peasants, which however is only done by very few. Paracelsus, speaking of the spirits of metals, writes explicitly in his "Coelo Philosophore", that it is a bad and weak thing to make gold and silver, that it is not worth write something about it.

Our Virgilius Mars, teaches us how easily it is possible to break the golden branch of the sad Vitriolo tree, says that it follows willingly, just grab it, break it, and when a branch that it is a bad and weak thing to make gold and silver, that it is not worth writing anything about it. Our Virgilius Mars, teaches us how easily doable it is to break the golden branch of the sad tree Vitriolo, says she willingly follows, just grab it, break it, and when a branch that it is a bad and weak thing to make gold and silver, that it is not worth writing anything about it.

Our Virgilius Mars, teaches us how easily it is possible to break the golden branch of the sad Vitriolo tree, says that it follows willingly, just grab it, break it, and when a branch is broken, you must also take the second. What could be said more clearly? But to this I say that it is much easier and more frequent to obtain this branch of gold from red earth and stones than from metals. But whoever does not want or cannot believe it, whoever can remain blind, I just have to make sure to describe and leave the truth positively to the bad world purely and simply without any reservations.

Our Armoniac Salt, but not the current, is a good Proserpine, to easily transport the tinctures of metals and stones, but intended to make good use of the subtraction of the branches carrying golden apples, the same is thought for prepare her Proserpina, so that she alone can reach the tinctures, transport them and leave the gross bodies behind.

Likewise the artificer must be sufficiently instructed in the separation of Proserpina or Minerva from the transported tincture, which minerva is inconvenient for the fixation of the tincture, which is why it must be separated from it, which constitutes the essential part of our perfection.

Indeed, all the tinctures of metals and stones, when they are separated by our Proserpina from gross and incapable bodies, they are still volatile, until they are further separated by Proserpina, which opens and closes, makes it volatile and fixed again, it also happens that few know how to use this salt and that is why I advise separating it from the tincture and then fix the dye.

But, when God loves you so much that he shows you, how you can fix Proserpine or to be clearer, our armoniacum salt, with such a tincture, which is taken from metals or stones at the same time, without separation of one with the other into a liquid stone like wax, red, penetrated and tinctible, then you can thank God every day, because you can have enough time and nothing will ever fail you, because no particular dye richer and no cheaper universal tincture can be found in the world. That's what you'll learn if God opens your eyes and shows you great miracles. It is an incredible thing for the ignorant that to speak of such grandiose things, that such great secrets can count among the miracles of God, because everything that surpasses human understanding must necessarily be considered.

Indeed, what can be greater among all the arts than to transport, in a few hours and with the help of our salmiac the purest tinctures of impure metals and stones and this, by distillation, as well as reaching the highest purity by rectifications which really requires only a few hours of work, and then, to make the space of a few hours, these volatile dyes, again fixed and resistant to fire, so that one can graduate and tint ordinary metals in good gold and this advisedly.

I Johan Rudolph Glauber, say this with truth, that this useful work which consists, by the aid of our salmiac, in drawing, exalting the tints of metals and stones and again fixing them, hardly requires 24 hours from start to finish, which will seem incredible to the ignorant, but I'm not interested in knowing whether you believe it or not. God desires that his great gifts do not fall into the hands of atheists but only remain with those whom he believes worthy of knowing such great secrets and of making good use of them.

Virgil was the first to speak of it only in a few words, then the Cosmopolitan explained this work in detail. Then Neusement was even more precise, but it was the pious Bracesius (or Bracescus) in his dialogue of the line of Life (Dialogo de ligno vitae) which was the clearest and most detailed, but was accepted by a small number. , while the haughty Tanlatanus disdains this inexpensive work, as if nothing were hidden in iron, and only discoveries were made in gold and silver, I acknowledge that variable secrets are known to me , by which one can have a good use of metals, but none that is easier and less costly than the work of Virgil from vitriol and from the mysterious tree (Arbore Opaca) by the aid of his Proserpine or my eagles and eagle claws, than breaking one golden branch after another.

Whatever good use one wishes to make of this work, it can be provided with a fair amount of claws or eagle wings, which one can also have in copia, as I have sufficiently taught how to get them in good quantity.

It is also necessary to know, when we extract the dyes of red metals and stones, with our alkahest, how to transform this one into metals, because while they are still volatile metals cannot be perfected, they must be fixed before which can be used, which fixation can be achieved in six hours, so that these dyes retain their ingredients and their slight fluidity and at the it can be provided with a good quantity of claws or eagles' wings, which one can also have in copia, as I have sufficiently taught how to obtain them in good quantity.

We must also know, when we draw the dyes from red metals and stones, with our alkahest, how to transform this into metals, because while they are still volatile we cannot perfect metals, they must be fixed before can be used, which fixation can be achieved in six hours, so that these dyes retain their ingredients and their slight fluidity and at it can be provided with a good quantity of claws or eagles' wings, which one can also have in copia, as I have sufficiently taught how to obtain them in good quantity.

We must also know, when we draw the dyes from red metals and stones, with our alkahest, how to transform this into metals, because while they are still volatile we cannot perfect metals, they must be fixed before can be used, which fixation can be achieved in six hours, so that these dyes retain their ingredients and their slight fluidity and at the moment they are brought to the incandescent metal, they flow and also willingly penetrate and tint like an oil in dry leather, which not all dyes do, but must first be brought there by artifice, the fact that it dissolve, only this tincture can do it, which prepares it thanks to our volatile spirits.

The cause is this: all gross fixed bodies are by nature fixed, on the other hand all volatile spirits, when they are coagulated in fixed bodies, must necessarily be volatile and penetrating. Note this, in fact which is said quite clearly, see on this subject “Arnold Epistolam ad queudam Papam” (Letter from Arnold to his father), you will find this teaching. Nothing can be achieved without this secret Armoniac salt of alchemy, which is profitable, there I close my explanation as to the secret fires, by which all metals particularly and also universally, can be, with incredible utility, brought back to the maturity of the perfection of gold and silver. It remains to indicate a little, how these secret fires or agents are carried to the maturity of dyes, by each proper agent in particular, also in a strange way.

We have learned that the proper agent of Lead is common sulfur, which with lead becomes fixed and, in doing so, also tints and fixes its patient lead in Silver and Gold. We have also learned that arsenic in cobalt as its own agent on its own patient is tin, and that the agent as arsenic willingly allows itself to be fixed by its patient on tin and, in addition of tin, also becomes gold and silver and that mercury allows itself to be fixed by lead into good silver, and also that all the volatile arsenic sulphides "Realgar", as auripigmentum (orpiment) and its equivalent could be fixed by iron and copper into good gold, which is the fundamental truth, of which no one should doubt (on different occasions, I have made similar inexpensive fixings, and am sufficiently assured of these things).

often for evil people, so that with their own eyes they have seen things easily doable, which however they cannot avoid, and this by the sole impediment of God, when they have had similar secrets evaluated by others at the same time. through wicked, perfidious practices and showed themselves ungrateful to their benefactor, they could do nothing, by the just judgment of God. Thus it is in general with wicked people, when they have rejected goodness, no longer know the benefactor; it remains, however, but rarely, that such ungrateful people are not punished by God, of whom I could, if I wanted to, cite numerous examples. I say that is why they do so much vain work, while they also know good things,

To put an end to these things and show that the universal agent, dissolved in ordinary sulfur, the grandfather "Daimorgon" (Demogorgon) of all minerals and metals, has also its agent, so that it can be brought to the maturity of a true universal medicine or tincture, I therefore judged it good and useful to make known to the evil world similar easy and inexpensive fixation of sulfur, curiously also because, a few years ago, I had carried out somewhat similar fixation of sulfur, but I had not discovered so clearly, that anyone could have done it but, now for the love of God, I will make it known as clearly as simple workers can understand and imitate, God willing kindly lend me aid and assistance. Amen.

A few years ago, I taught, by means of my admirable salt, sodium sulfate, "Sal mirabilis or miraculous salt", each common sulfur, which is still found linked to charcoal of wood or stone, and which does not not so easily set off by fire, but allows itself to become incandescent and treat volatile better than ordinary sulfur.

I showed some friends this marvelous work, hand in front of their eyes, and explicitly recommended them to take up this simple and inexpensive sulfur fixation and want to bring it to a successful conclusion, because I knew with certainty, that a dry and very widespread dye should come out, but as the sulfur did not want to be released fix, the work remained there.

In the meantime, I have continued, through my writings, to divulge and popularize my work although, until now, very little has been attempted, because everyone is in too much of a hurry, and cannot wait for the good end and these people do not think, that everything must have its time, and that from haste nothing can result but waste.

When he sees his wheat in the ground, in order to multiply it by a hundred, the peasant must know how to wait before obtaining the multiplication, why then should the chemist not wait for this useful fixation to take place, of which a thousand utility are to be expected. These people should take this proverb of the philosophers “misfortune comes from Satan” to heart more than they do; they would only be more happy and would not do wasted work.

But God wants evil people not to succeed, because God knows well that if he allowed them to succeed, they would make bad use of it, which is the cause of their great research and their rare discoveries. Some claim, because they have the means, to pile up gold and silver. But this is completely wrong, for God watches and does not allow wicked people to have the opportunity or receive help to exercise even more wickedness by their power.

On the contrary, there are many more poor people in the world whom we despise and on whose work he will give his blessing, because he knows that they will not misuse the gifts of God. In conclusion, God lifts up the godly have-nots and condemns the ungodly rich.

Now let us come to the point (ad rem) to explain that all common consumable sulfur, on all metals is a universal agent, for bringing to maturity into gold and silver, also has its own agent, by which it can be carried to maturity not only of gold and silver, but also of a true universal dye, and this by means of certain salt, which have the power to make sulfur fixed and resistant to fire.

Which the Cosmopolitan well recalls, when he says, that the salt, in fighting, brought a mortal wound to the sulfur, which is also the truth namely that without the salt or a strong spirit of salts, when they are detached have the power to freeze, which I also learned to do in a small treatise “de Tribus Principiis Metallorum” (of the 3 main metals). But a sulphurous salt, which has been fixed by strong water, to which the ingres will have been taken in the metals, but can be returned to it afterwards, it willingly goes into the metals and dyes them completely. Paracelsus says that one must reverberate the fixed sulfur in red, then extract the tincture by means of a spirit of wine, and then tint the mercury as also the silver in gold.

Well taught to drown the dragon in fluid waters (inaquis Stigiis), to fix, and, when it is brought to its maximum fixity, to make it alive again or volatile, to fix it a second time, in order that there is a better ingredient in the metals to fix these. Bracelsus teaches the same thing to extract its fixed sulfur from fixed slag and to fix into a penetrating volatile tincture. The Cosmopolitan also teaches this, notably that to bring his sulfur out of his poisoning, he will reward his deliverer with three crowns over the three kingdoms.

Thus we can learn enough about the true fixation, but I cannot neglect to also add my way of fixation, which the researcher would like to arrive at: this fixation of sulfur can be done in different ways, and first of all: regarding the preparations of my mirabilis salt called “miraculous salt” (sodium sulfate), I taught how to fix sulfur in “Barmferkelstein”? (spark stone?) red, fire resistant and fixed, which method of fixing is not at all expensive, but requires a certain amount of time, not too long however, which is the cause that few, until now, have tried something, or would however only achieve with difficulty a less onerous fixation of the sulfur, and even we have this at best, that the sulfur, when it is fixed by sodium sulfate, keeps its slight fluidity and ingredients, which does not happen when the sulfur is fixed by an acid, but the sulfur in this way is fixed to a fixed earth, which has no ingredients in the metals, but the ingredient must be made to it by artifice, which not everyone can do. Likewise Nusement described this clearly with these words: When you have brought your subject to maximum fixity, are read only superficially, and understood and imitated by very few.

But God wants these gifts of God not to be passed on to the ungodly and misused, but to remain only among the children of light, who will use them for the good of the poor. Hence there are many who run and seek and few who find. Finally, I still see a very conceivable way to fix all sulfur quickly and achieve with great things in medicine.

Charcoal or, failing that, pulverized charcoal, good saltpetre, common cooking salt and sulfuric acid, as much of one as the other, put these mixed elements in a retort, distill over fire free of any moisture, activate the fire at its strongest, then a green liquor of sulfur called "Green Lion" by the ancients forms above it, which dissolves the gold, and is digested together in due time; the green liquor is extracted from the gold so that they become fixed together, then the sulfur liquor with the gold becomes a tinting red stone.

NB But if we do not want the sulfur to leave, but on the contrary to remain fixed, then we can take, instead of the salt which makes the sulfur volatile, a good saltpeter (potassium nitrate), which nature also oil of vitriol (sulphuric acid), fixed all the sulfur, kitchen salt on the other hand, makes it volatile. With the strong waters of saltpeter (nitric acid), Jason killed the dragon who was watching over it.

Bracelcus, Basil Valentinus, Paracelsus, Nusement and others have done the same thing, who succeeds them well, cannot be wrong, but it is impossible to describe to the ignorant everything so clearly that he should be able to grasp it and restrict. We must take matters into our own hands and act diligently, otherwise nothing will and cannot happen.

This is said for common sulfur which is a universal agent for bringing to maturity all metals and is even in metals fixed in gold and silver, and can also be fixed only in a true tincture, by saltpeter (potassium nitrate). and oil of vitriol (sulfuric acid), as directed.

Here I finish the explanation of the fixation of the agent and the patient of metals, more particularly in gold and silver, as well as that, more universally, in tincture.

It now remains to provide a short explanation on the fixation of sulfur.

RECAP Dear reader.

In this little work, I have taught what is the proper agent of metals, by which they can in the earth, by nature, be brought to maturity, that Demogorgon, or sulfur, is not only a father of metals but also their universal agent, or what is the fire which makes nature, by which all metals are led to perfection in the earth by nature and also, outside the earth, by artifice , and, that in addition to sulfur as a universal agent, the metals have their private or proper agents, by which they help, in addition to the universal agent, the metals to achieve perfection.

I also taught that the volatile spirits of metals, as their own agents, not only bring their metals to maturity, but also become good metals themselves with their bodies. I also taught how sulfur, as a universal agent can be brought to dyeing by salts, which fixation by the salts must take a certain time, before it can be made completely fixed and resistant to fire, which long time was shortened by some work, so that the work was stopped, so convinced were they that nothing other than a good dye would result.

This stems from impatience, that they could not wait for harvest time. So if impatient people were to leave alchemy alone and stay near the vineyards, then it would be quicker and easier to drink a glass of good wine than to make easily consumable volatile sulfur resistant to fire, the ancient philosophers have told us. prescribes patience as the root of all sciences and arts, why, then, Do fools hasten like this in their actions?

All philosophers agree that haste comes from Satan. Paracelsus taught to fix the sulfur using powerful strong water (aqua fortis or pure nitric acid), when which was extracted 4 or 5 times. But I have taught in my "Tribes principis", to fix by a single abstraction of powerful etchings, but in this way it loses its fluidity and ingredients, which however can be restored to it, so that it readily penetrates and tints, which I have not yet revealed, however, for certain reasons.

Because we know that nothing fixes like sulfur, that flammable sulfur blackens and corrupts metals and only spoils them, but that, on the other hand, tinted sulfur has no ingredients, and that we only give it back to him when he is able to tint metals, because everything that metals have to tint permanently, must itself be fixed, otherwise the cups would not exist, from iron and copper one can also easily draw dyes, but by no means constant colors, if they are not fixed beforehand.

Many think that if they could bring a crocus “Crocum de Mars” (March saffron) in silver should immediately become gold, but they found themselves deceived, because even if a Crocus martis is carried in silver, it does not dye, but becomes ore again and makes the money breakable. NB If we know how to make the iron constant as a cup of red sulphide, so that it can no longer be remelted into iron in the fire and then extract from this fixed red sulphide, its purest soul or its tincture, then we have a good coloring for coloring all metals gold.

This is why the ancient philosophers cited the destruction of gold so much, that it could not become gold again, until the great secret was known.

But I could say nothing else about this destroyed gold, until I had learned to restore it to an ingredient indeed, when it is so destroyed, so it is in a little metal, but when entry is made to it, then it tints as also fixed common iron and sulfur cannot tint when they do not enter, as it is simple to believe. So there is a whole art to dyeing. First the red metals like gold, iron, copper must be made irreducible, the colors extracted from them, and an ingredient made to them. Which is a small thing for the one who knows, but is incredible for the ignorant or seems impossible. Indeed, a few years ago, I, with a good heart,

10 years should be able to do. I had hoped that they would also have taught me something about dyeing, if they had succeeded, but fortunately I find that they could not have done so, for God saw to it that they couldn't. So it is with those who learn the good secrets of others and, however, are prevented by God from being able to achieve something good, because God knows how to direct, let him not grow on the goat a tail as long as 'to the cow, so that they do not misuse it. Of all the methods given here, dyes extracted from red sulphide metals and stones are the easiest.

As I still have some elements for tinting white and red, what I had prepared before my illness, and which I am having preserved for my predecessors. Some might object that there should be a shorter route to preparing metal dyes than going through extraction and fixation, which requires time and money.

To those, I answer that certainly, there is a faster way, without loss of weight and without the help or addition of salts or spirit of salt, to fix sulfur in all its substance without expense and easily. Notably by the universal coagulant in a tincture, and by the particular coagulants in gold and silver, the corresponding coagulants such as I have just cited, notably the lead of common sulfur, as it is also the coagulant of common mercury , tin from arsenic and cobalt, iron and copper from orpiment, sandaraque and all the other realgars, and that gold and silver are coagulants of antimony mercury to coagulate this one into a tincture corresponding to the universal coagulant, this one is therefore not a liquid metal, but only an immature volatile mineral, not different from an ore of lead, hence its name Saturnian Magnesia by philosophers, which is not found uniquely, but in different shapes and colors, so whoever wants to use it, must know the differences and n do not introduce anything inaccurate into his work, which would render his work vain. The ancients did not make this volatile mineral known, but kept it in great secrecy as a universal coagulant, for they thus matured their volatile metallic spirits and tinctures. Otherwise, without this universal coagulant, the volatile dyes are still to be fixed, of dye fixed, in a short time, the most volatile metallic spirits, and which is the most subtle compendium in the art of chemistry. (see the treatise on the 3 main metals).

Now let's continue with sulfur and show that it is very easy to make fixed and fire resistant.

Take one part of common sulphur, 3 or 4 parts of lead ash, place this mixture in a cement pot made of good earth, lute it carefully by means of a lute. When the lut is dry, place the pot with the lead and the sulfur in a cement oven or in a fire such that the sulfur only melts and the lead ash can gradually penetrate and hide and get used to the fire, strengthen the fire then day by day, until the vessel finally turns dark red, increase the fire still more and maintain it as long, until the sulfur is returned, by the lead ashes, completely fixed and resistant to fire, which requires almost eight to nine months, during which time the sulfur will have become fixed and its body will have tinted and fixed the lead, insofar as it will have been able to do so, because, in this way, it is not possible for him to fix all the lead in gold and silver, but only a part and again, so that total utility results, if one proceeds as it should.

The cause of the improvement of lead is this: if lead has the power and the force to make a sulfur volatile and consumable, inconsumable fixed and resistant to fire, that it no longer smokes or burns, then it is good fixed and good. For the dyeing another sulfur, which was with much difficulty and labor made fixed by the abstraction of strong waters. During this fixation, the sulfur retains its ingredients, and this must not be returned to it, before first it penetrates when it is not yet fixed, and when, when it is fixed, it remains and does not don't go back up. It is for this reason that the proverb of the philosophers is correct.

When the sulfur first penetrates the lead (saturn) and the lead, because of its great dryness, draws it to itself and unites it to itself, then it is said: "nature enjoys nature". When it allows itself to be melted by the lead, it is said "nature conquers nature", when then, the fixed sulfur remains constant by the lead in the cupel, it is said "nature retains nature". What I state here so clearly, philosophers have kept secret, but the fact that I make known such important secrets has its reasons which not everyone needs to know.

Regardless of when then, the sulfur fixed remains constant by the lead in the cup it is said “nature retains nature”. What I state here so clearly, the philosophers have kept secret, but the fact that I make known such important secrets has its reasons which everyone does not need to know. Regardless of when then, the sulfur fixed remains constant by the lead in the cup it is said “nature retains nature”. What I state here so clearly, philosophers have kept secret, but the fact that I make known such important secrets has its reasons which not everyone needs to know.

Regardless of the teaching of the fixation of sulfur by lead it is thus and not otherwise that the fixation of arsenic by tin occurs, becomes fixed and resistant to fire and gives in the cup good gold and silver as a reward at work, which work has always been kept very secret by philosophers. The cosmopolitan writes that there is in the sea a small fish called a remora, which has such power, when it is on the oar of a boat, that it must stop even in high winds and under full sail, cannot move forward. Elsewhere we call this fish Eschanis which if read backwards gives zuin (tin) or zuin-esche (tin brother).

Other philosophers have also written about this work of fixation, that there are always two kinds of birds in the nest or two kinds of dragons in the mine, one wanting to stay, it is the body, the other flying away, and always wanting to fly away, but is compelled little by little to stay by the one who has no wings until he no longer seeks, finally no longer flies away. This is also what happens with our volatile arsenic for the fixed tin pot, the volatile-arsenic bird keeps wanting to fly away, but the tin pot binds and holds it, so that against its If desired, it must remain near its companion, which is the fixed part, and become fixed in turn.

As one has proceeded with arsenic and tin, as also with sulfur and lead, one must also proceed with orpiment, iron or copper. This is also what happens with our volatile arsenic for the fixed tin pot, the volatile-arsenic bird constantly wants to fly away, but the tin pot binds it and holds it, so that against its it must stay close to its companion, which is the fixed part, and become fixed in turn. As we proceeded with arsenic and tin, as also with sulfur and lead, we must also proceed with orpiment, iron or copper.

This is also what happens with our volatile arsenic for the fixed tin pot, the volatile-arsenic bird constantly wants to fly away, but the tin pot binds it and holds it, so that against its it must stay close to its companion, which is the fixed part, and become fixed in turn. As we proceeded with arsenic and tin, as also with sulfur and lead, we must also proceed with orpiment, iron or copper.

For sulfur and mercury of antimony with gold and silver the fixation occurs in a particular way, but as I have made known similar fixation, it is useless to repeat it. I wanted to make revelations about the agent and the patient of metals, but I am assured that this fixation is little and poorly similar to itself and yet cannot be easily achieved, only because I made these revelations in this simple style. The world is full of vanity and cannot give credit to such small things; on the contrary, he prefers to languish with boring, tiring, doubtful, sophisticated, and evil processes, when they only boast of delicate chatter, so God wants these important secrets not to reach the ungodly.

Concerning the fixation of common sulfur by lead, of arsenic by tin, of orpiment by iron and copper, I have spoken quite frankly and have not concealed anything, however, I know perfectly well that this may well remain unrealized, in part because of the time required for such fixation, which impresses some and will keep them away from the work, they will not understand not that this simple fixing can be done, because no one has yet written about the inexpensive improvement of metals, I want to keep quiet.

Many will be angry with me and will say that if it were true, what Glauber said about his easy fixation of simple metals, of their transformation into good gold and silver, then he would prefer to do it himself and get rich, and not publish these great things.

I answer to this, that my great age and my great illnesses do not allow me to take these things into my hands, from which nothing can come other than vain wealth, which has, until now, it has harmed people more than it has benefited them, which is something I have never sought and will never seek again. If others want to do it, it is up to them, I do not worry at all about "Mammon", but on the contrary I am leaving for a good journey, to retire to a more peaceful life, where I will find neither discord nor quarrels. , neither envy, nor hatred, nor pain, nor misery, but eternal rest, the eternal reigning light.

The fact of having discovered these secrets, by which those who seek it, can gain great riches, was a matter of good intention, I discovered these secrets carrying treasures not so that greedy and proud men would make them. bad use but so that many of those who, aided by good means, can help the poor with at least part of their property.

Just as I have described everything clearly, without reservation of one or another manipulation, so I have the conviction that God is watching, and will not give everyone without differentiation luck and blessing, but will also dispose of the fact that his gifts are not misused. I am also convinced that art will remain art, as clearly as it has been established in the eyes of everyone. Those whom God wants to protect, I also protect and, for the sake of good, I most seriously hope, when they are blessed by God, that they will not forget the poor.


Quote of the Day

“the red sulphur of the philosophers exists in the sun on account of its greater digestion, and the white sulphur in the moon on account of its inferior digestion.”

Richard the Englishman

The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers


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