Dawn's Rising - Aurora Consurgens

Dawn's Rising - Aurora Consurgens

Thomas Aquinas



There are several versions of the manuscript and depending on the library, the number, order and certain details of the figures differ. The Zurich manuscript is the oldest. We also recovered the additional figures present in the Leiden manuscripts ( Vossiani Chemici F. 29. Glasgow Ferguson 6 figures are available PSI

To the extent that the text accompanying the images is an anthology of biblical and alchemical texts which are not necessarily linked to the images, we will not reproduce it here, especially since the French translation is not a priori free from right.

Aurora Consurgens A Document Attributed To Thomas Aquinas - PDF English Translation

Quote of the Day

“The Sages have striven to discover how those sulphurs may be extracted from those more perfect bodies, and how their qualities may be so refined by Art, that that which was not manifest before (although it always lay hid in them) may appear by the mediation of the said Art with Nature.”

Richard the Englishman, following Avicenna, affirms (cp. xi.)

The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers


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