Concerning The Philosophers Stone


written to his especiall good Freind, G. S. Gent.

Edward Kelly (or Kelley, or Talbot)

The Enochian Alphabet
By Edward Kelly, 6th of May 1583

The heavenly Cope hath in him Natures sower,
Two hidden; but the rest to sight appear:
Wherein the Sperms of all the Bodies lower;
Most secret are, yet Spring forth once a year,
And as the Earth with Water, Authors are,
So of his parte is Drines end of care.

No flood soe greate as that which floweth still,
Nothing more fixt than Earth digested thrise:
No Winde so fresh as when it serveth will;
No Profitt more, then keep in, and be wise,
No better happ, then drie up Aire to dust,
For then thou maist leave of and sleepe thy lust

Yett will I warne thee least thou chaunce to fail,
Sublyme thine Earth with stinking Water erst,
Then in a place where Phoebus onely tayle
Is seen art midday, see thou mingle best:
For nothing shineth that doth want his light,
Nor doubleth beames, unless it first be bright.

Lett no man lead, unless he know the way
That wise men teach, or Adrop leadeth in,
Whereof the first is large and easiest pray;
The other hard, and meane but to begin.
For surely these and no one more is found,
Wherein Apollo will his harp-strings sound.

Example learn of GOD that plaste the Skyes,
Reflecting virtues from and t'every poynt,
In which the mover wherein all things lyes,
Doth hold the virtues all of every Joynt:
And therefore Essence sift may well be said,
Conteining all and yett himsèlfe a Maid.

Remember also how the Gods began,
And by Discent who was to each the Syre,
Then learned their Lives and Kingdomes if you can,
Their Manners eke, with all their whole Attire;
Which if thou doe, and know to what effect
The learned sophets will thee not reject.

If this my Doctrine bend not with thy brayne,
Then say I nothing though I said too much:
Of truth tis good will moved me, not gaine,
To write these lynes: yett write I not to such As
catch at Crabs, when better fruits appeare,
And want to chuse at fittest time of yeare.

Thou maist (my Freind) say, what is this for lore?
I answere, such as auncient Physicke taught:
And though thou read a thousand Bookes before,
Yett in respect of this, they teach thee Naught:
Thou mayst likewise be blind, and call me Foole
Yett shall these Rules for ever praise their Schoole.

Quote of the Day

“And therefore our ultimate, or highest secret is, by this our water, to make bodies volatile, spiritual, and a tincture, or tinging water, which may have ingress or entrance into bodies; for it makes bodies to be merely spirit, because it reduces hard and dry bodies, and prepares them for fusion, melting and dissolving; that is, it converts them into a permanent or fixed water. And so it makes of bodies a most precious and desirable oil, which is the true tincture, and the permanent fixed white water, by nature hot and moist, or rather temperate, subtile, fusible as wax, which does penetrate, sink, tinge, and make perfect the work. And this our water immediately dissolves bodies (as sol and luna) and makes them into an incombustible oil, which then may be mixed with other imperfect bodies. It also converts other bodies into the nature of a fusible salt which the philosophers call "sal alebrot philosophorum", better and more noble than any other salt, being in its own nature fixed and not subject to vanish in fire. It is an oil indeed by nature hot, subtile, penetrating, sinking through and entering into other bodies; it is called the perfect or great elixir, and the hidden secret of the wise searchers of nature. He therefore that knows this salt of sol and luna, and its generation and perfection, and afterwards how go commix it, and make it homogene with other perfect bodies, he in truth knows one of the greatest secrets of nature, and the only way that leads to perfection.”


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