Clavis Inferni - The Key to Hell

Clavis Inferni - The Key to Hell

Book by Cyprianus

Translated to English

The Serpent Ouroboros and the seals of the Four Demon Kings.

The crowned serpent Ouroboros encircles a green disc around which is written: "Ego me circumcingo Virtute horum Nominum. Qiubus [sic] hie Circulus est consignatus" which means "I surround myself with the virtue of these names with which this circle is sealed." This indicates the importance of the direction in magical workings. The Seals of the four Demon Kings are located at the four corners outside the serpent. The text, written in 'Crossing the River' script, is the same that appears in Figures 8 and 9, and shows the godnames and Archangelic names that control the Demon Kings (shown by their four seals):

Maymon - GBRIAL (Gabriel) - HINV [ALHIM] - South
Egyn - URIAL (Uriel) - AChTh - North
Urieus - MIKAL (Michael) - IHVH - East
Paymon - RPAL (Raphael) - SHDI (Shaddai) - West

The Hexagram

In the centre is IHVH between Heaven and Earth, with an extra Yod fecundating the Earth. Clockwise from top, the vertices of the hexagram contain ©e-Tpa-Tpa^Ma-0-ov (Te-Tra-Gram-Ma-T-on). Surrounding the hexagram, from top left are the 12 Signs of the Zodiac in three rows: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo; Virgo, Libra, Scorpio; Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Above are the Seals of Och and Phul, and below Aratron, Bethor, Phaleg, Hagith, and Ophiel which are the 7 Olympic Spirits of the 7 planets.

The Holy Spirit

The picture shows the Holy Spirit, with flames coming from his eyes, and a two-edged Sword emanating from his mouth, walking on the clouds. Present are the seven candles of the menorah and the seven stars, both Jewish symbols which also appear in Liber Lunae. Exactly the same symbolism is seen in the etching by Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) of 'St John Beholding the Seven Candlesticks', shown in Figure 12. These images come from Revelation 1:12-20 illustrating the fact that this illustration is part of standard Christian iconography.

Although the central figure is referred to in Revelation 1:13 as "like unto the Son of man", it is more likely to be the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. In Revelation 2:7 the figure is just referred to as "the Spirit". Revealingly in Revelation 1:18 the figure says "I am he that liveth...and have the keys of hell and death" which is obviously why this image is so important to the Clavis Infemi. Furthermore, Revelation 1:20 explains that the seven stars represent the seven angels of the seven churches, and by extension the seven planetary angels whose names are inscribed around the picture in magical script.

The triangle above the picture features the extended Tetra gramma ton written in the form of the Pythagorean Tetraktys, in Celestial Character script I - IH IHV - IHVH, and numerically adding to 72 (the Shemhamphorash). On either side of the triangle are two smaller triangles containing one and three yods (') representing god as the Monad and the Trinity. In the top corners is the Hebrew for the four Archangels, MIKAL (Michael), RPAL (Raphael), GBRIAL (Gabriel) and URIAL (Uriel) plus AT (nt* Aleph to Tau which is the Hebrew equivalent of A to Cl, the first and the last letters of the Hebrew and Greek alphabets respectively) and AP (alpha rho).

On either side of the picture are a more complete set of the seven planetary Archangels written in Malachim script (see Appendix I), and beneath each Archangel's name is its Seal as used later in this manuscript. On the left: RPAL (Raphael), KMAL (Kamael), TzDQIAL (Tzadkiel). On the right: GBRIAL (Gabriel), MIKAL (Michael), and HANIAL (Haniel, often equated with Uriel). Below the picture is a Z-shaped symbol that could represent Tzaphkiel (whose name appears above it in magical script).

Immediately below the illustration is AO (the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet in black). The A and O are symbols commonly used as a Divine Name, and are specifically mentioned in Revelation 1:11. Underneath these letters are two symbols for Eternal God. At the bottom in the centre is a symbol made of three vertical bars cutting a horizontal line, sometimes used to represent Jesus Christ.




Alba & Nigra




App[e]ndas, ex filo noto componas [oratione]m


Magistri Ludi Cypriani

A Key to Hell
White & Black

proven by



Holy Spirit of the Pentacle appended,
from the string of notes compose a prayer

The Golden Seal

This golden seal may have been intended as a lamen to be worn for the personal protection of the conjurer. At the top are the seals of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, and at the bottom of the page the seals of Raphael and Sachiel.

The Seal is an equilateral triangle containing a smaller inverted equilateral triangle. This is circumscribed by a circle, drawn in (faded) red on gold. Above the Seal are the letters ASA (the second A sigilised), and P G P at the bottom.

Vrieus vel Oraeus est Rex ab Oriente
Sigillum est hoc aut tale
Apparitio ejus talis.

Paymon Rex ab Occidente
Sigillum Sic fingitur
Apparitio ejus talis,

Urieus or Oraeus is the King from the East
His seal is this or thus
His appearance is thus.

Paymon is the King from the West
His seal formed in this way
His appearance is thus.

The Demon Kings Urieus and Paymon.

Urieus (East) with a red winged Ouroboros is captioned MIKAL (Michael) IHVH. Paymon (West) is captioned RPAL (Raphael) ShDI (Shaddai). Both Demon Kings have a sceptre and a Seal.

The Demon Kings Maymon and Egyn.

The upper picture shows Maymon (South) in red with a bird and the caption is GBRIAL (Gabriel) HINV [ALHIM]. The lower picture shows Egyn (North) in blue with a bear-like creature and the caption is URIAL (Uriel) AChTh. Both Demon Kings have a sceptre and a Seal.

Maymon est Rex a Meridie

Sigillum est tale
Apparitio autem talis.

Egyn Rex a Septentrione
Sigillum tale e[s]t
Apparitio talis.

Maymon is the King of the South
His seal is thus
and his appearance thus.

Egyn is the King of the North
His seal [is] thus and
Appearance thus.

Nota: Omnia Sub Dio Invicem fiant, inque manu sinistra hunc teneas librum, dextrie vero manus tres digitos Priores arrigos, dicens:


Ego NN. [Nomen] Pater Domini Dotatum exorcizo vos Spiritus NN [Nomen] e fundo totius Mundi Infernalis & potentneter per nomina aeturnum vivi & veri Domini impero per forte & admirabile AL, ALHIM, ADONI, TzBVTh ut appareatis hie juxta Circulum in pulchra forma visibili humana, & sine tortuositate aliqua, uenite quia vobis impero per I, IH, AL, ShDI, IHVH, ALION, ALHIM, IHShVH, ARARIThA, ALVH VDTzTh, GIBR ALHIM...


Note: All things are subject to the power of the Divine, and are done one after the other, [so] let you hold this book in the left hand, and with the right hand, the first three fingers raised, say:


I [Your Name], [in the name of the] Father and Lord powerfully exorcise you Spirit [Name] from the bottom of the whole Infernal World, & powerful through the name of the ever-living and true Lord, I powerfully command you through the strong and wonderful [names] El, Elohim, Adonai, Tzabaoth, that you appear before this Circle in a fair visible human form, & without tortuosity, come because I command you through [the names] I, Yah, El, Shaddai, IHVH, Elion, Elohim, Yeheshuah, Ararita, Eloah va-Daath, Elohim Gibor...


...I call you through the Heavens, the Cherubim & Seraphim, Thrones, Dominations and Universal Powers and Virtues 1 +++ 2 and the merciful four chiefs of the heavens: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel; the Sun and Moon & revolving Stars; [the Elements] Earth, Fire, Water, Air; Summer, Spring, Winter, Autumn, & that praises M. N. Lord God Ti set above the Blessed and most Sacrosanct wonderful Raphael; strong Gabriel; redeeming Michael; eternal Haniel; praiseworthy Tzadkiel. Invincible Creator of the Sun and Moon, Christ Incarnate, and the Paraclete, 3 the Triune God, Amen.


Therefore allow the key of hell [to open] that place, come here in the Name of God Esi Tzabaoth, most Powerful King of Kings, do not defer to come Spirit by the glory of the ineffable Name of God, the Wisest Creator our Blessed Lord! Whose name is to be praised without end!


Since I [Name] conjure you Prince [of Spirits] again that + is in the Ninth Heaven & the Moon in the seat of the Baldachiae, 1 by the virtue of the Name Primeumaton, you most obstinate, inobedient powers of the Sun & Moon, I curse and deprive you of all place [in Heaven] and joy, and I banish you to eternal fire and the depths of the abyss, [below] the earth in brimstone till the day of the last judgement. And may the sword of wrath of the Almighty God, the Most Just Judge, the most dreadful and Invincible Emmanuel, afflict you unless you immediately appear before this circle to satisfy my wish, visible and affable in a fair form, come therefore in the most sacrosanct, praiseworthy and dreadful name of God, Adonai Tzabaoth, hurry, Haniel commands you, El, Aty, Titeip, Azia, Hyn, Ien, Minosel, Achadan, vay, vaa, Eij, Haa, Eije, Exe, a El, El, El, a Hy, Hau, Hau, Hau, va, va, va, va.


Say Three Times

Amorule, Taneha, Latisten, Rabur, Taneha, Latisten, Escha, Aladia, Alpha & Omega, Leiste Oriston, Adonai, O my most Merciful Father, have mercy upon my sins, your unworthy son, and make appear the Arm of thy Power in me this day against this most obstinate Spirit, so that I might adore and glorify your Name +++, humbly I call upon your judgement that this Spirit which I call may come subdued and constrained to answer my questions satisfactorily, not raging, nor terrifying or harming us, but may he be rapidly obedient to us in all things, through Jesus Christ your Son, and the Spirit of the Paraclete, Amen.



I [Name] summon and call you chief Spirit NN [Name] that you may now quickly and immediately appear in human shape through the ineffable Name of Jehovah, the Creator, the Ever-living and True God, and the chief angels of this holy world Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, & are in the Sun and Moon, I enjoin you to extract, show and hand over to me the treasure gold from the waters, in the Name of the Lord Bathat or Vachat rushing upon Abrac, overcoming Aberer, and that you may come here to this place hither [before] this circle in which I now am in this hour [of]

Jupiter Sun Mercury Venus Moon

Forthwith, immediately and as quickly as possible, do what I wish of you, and I in turn shall do honour to my [p. 14] Lord God Almighty, the invincible Emmanuel, and may it multiply, Amen, Amen, Amen.


Conjuration to be said thrice
I conjure you Infernal spirit [Name] through the whole entirety of that Tartarus in which you have your dwelling that you appear now to me, and I command that you submit to me, who through the Ruling and Great God, the Creator of the Sun and Moon, [to whom] I am devoted, and waiting upon every indulgence, you may grant the wish I expressed in the summoning beforesaid, though alpha and omega, I, Vy, Adonai, Achad, Alhim, IHVH, El, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel appear therefore by the virtue of the names Aye Saraye, Aye Saraye, Aye Saraye, do not defer to come through the Eternal Names of the living and true Lord Eloy, Archima, Rabur, to whom may there be praise, honour and glory for ever. Amen.


Binding & Address
I [Name] tie and bind you Spirit [Name] at this hour to here reside by the Lord God, Father & Son & Holy Spirit, and by the nine orders of Angels. Welcome therefore Spirit, for I have called you by him to whom every knee bends, in heaven, on earth and in the hells, in whose hand are all the kingdoms of Kings, nor is there anyone who can stand against his Majesty, whereby I constrain you now that you remain visible and affable before this Circle, as long and as constantly [as I wish], nor without permission and license may you depart, until you have granted my wish truly and without any deception, [p.16] by virtue of the power of him who set the sea its bounds, which it cannot transgress, nor cross its limits by the law of his power, of God, the most high, the King, the Lord who created all things. Amen.


Thrice Repeat

Banishment of the Demons

Hear my words, obey me, and be accustomed to fulfil my wish Spirit [Name] go now back again to your place where you were before I called you here, until I, God Willing, again call you, and be always ready to come [when] called by the name of the Living and True and Invincible God, most dreadful and strong, and I may from the law of his Majesty receive and take away from you the treasure 2 asked for in the aforesaid summoning; go now most peacefully to your place without murmur, tumult and without injury to us and the circle or to other men, in the Name of the Father + and the Son + and Holy Spirit +, Amen. Jesus

The Vinculum Maximum - The Great Bond

The cross is embraced by a white crowned and winged Dragon (similar to the dragon which appears in the East with Urieus) devouring a black lizard.

The Latin text underneath the dragon and lizard is Qui fads Mirabilia magna Solus, Finis coronat opus, which means 'You who alone perform great wonders, the end crowns the work'.

On the left hand side is the Greek text o theos agiotatos esti o megistos plutos meaning "God is most holy, the [giver of] greatest wealth".

On the right hand side is the matching Greek text: o kyrios [sigilised A] ton panton pnei which means "The Lord A moves upon everything". 3 The sigilised 'A' might indicate Adonai, or maybe some other darker Lord.

The Pentagram Seal.

The Pentagram has Libra and ATAA (AGLA) inscribed in the centre. A-D-ONA-Y (ADONAY the Hebrew for 'Lord') appears in the vertices. The 7 planets Saturn, Mars, Venus & Moon, Sun & Jupiter, and Mercury are inscribed between the vertices in a clockwise direction. The two slits for the parchment tongue used to close the book can be clearly seen at the bottom.

Quote of the Day

“The strength of the sulfur of the Mercury is like the seed of the father and Luna the mother, that is the actual - The substance of Mercury, namely the watery subtle mixed with the earthly subtle is equal to the menstruum, and that is Argentum vivum, which is called Mercurius by the Philosophis . But because Mercurius is the Argentum vivum, the root of the art is Alchemy, then out of him through it and in him are all metals, as the philosophers say. Versus: Everything the Wise are looking for is in the Mercurio. Then under his shadow this substance lives and grows, which is why its middle substance is incombustible, as Geber says: Then every thing of this art is from him and with him every tincture is composed of its likeness, namely Mercurio .”


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