Chemical Process in the Form of Mass



Miklos Melchior of Szeben

Dedicated to Ladislaus, King of Hungary and Bohemia

Said Nicolaus Melchior Szebeni
Said Nicolaus Melchior Cibinensis
Said Melchior von Hermannstadt



Introit of the Mass

According to the intonation of the Gaudeamus etc., it will be necessary to sing:

In truth, the foundation of Art is the solution of bodies, which must not be resolved into rainwater, but into mercurial water, by which is generated the true Stone of the Philosophers.


Verse : Introit of vitriol and vitreous salt, in equal parts, bearing witness to the solution: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, through the Holy Spirit.

Kyrie - Source of Goodness, Inspirator of Sacred Art, from whom proceed all goodness to the faithful - Eleison .

O Christ, O Sanctissimo, Blessed Stone of the Art of Science, you who, for the salvation of the world, inspired the light of Science, to eradicate the Turcoman - Eleison .

Kyrie - O divine fire, help our breasts, that, for your praise, we may likewise pour out the sacraments of Art - Eleison .

Gloria in excelsis : according to the double intonation, let it be sung to the strong God.

Collect - God, giver of all goodness, you who, especially at the end of time, only by your goodness and wisdom, to your servant NN, not for his previous merits, but by your ineffable mercy and prevenient grace, breathe in the light of the Sacred Art of Alchemy, we beg you to ensure that he receives this as a gift from your majesty, and that it serves the health of his body and soul. Mortify in himself all the vices and permeate him with the grace of virtue, so that he faithfully spreads this sacred Art for the sole praise and for the sole glory of your name, as well as for the propagation of the Christian Faith. , through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Epistle - O altitude of the riches of the wisdom and science of God!

Gradual - Arise, Weatherlight, and you, come, Auster! Blow on my garden, and let its aromatics flow.

Verse : Let it come down like rain on a fleece, and like drops, dripping on the earth. Hallelujah .

O blessed founder of the Earth, whiter than snow, sweeter than sweetness, more penetrating than a balm at the bottom of a vase! O salutary Medicine of men, you who cure, in a short time, all languor of the body, and who give a term of long life, you renew human Nature, you put poverty to flight, you distribute wealth, you calm the sadness and you keep life safe and sound in your custody. O sublime fountain, from which, in truth, springs the true Water of Life, as a reward for your faithful ones - Alleluia .

Sequence of the holy Gospel : according to the intonation Ave prae clara , let it be sung; I want it to be called a testament to the Art, because all the chemical Art is concealed in these metaphorical words, and blessed is he who will understand this sequence.

Hail, O scintillating lucifer of heaven, radiant light of the world; that here, united with the Moon, is the martial union, and then the conjunction of Mercury. That, above all, from these three, by the narrow bed of the river, is born this strong giant, that thousands of thousands, all seek with the magisterium of Art: that they themselves are dissolved, not in rainwater , for, by it, our gum is never amended; but, in mercurial water, let them be resolved, so that our blessed gum, dissolved by it, then bears the name of the Philosophers' sperm.

Now the Lightbearer asks to be a husband, to be betrothed to the virgin bride, and to impregnate her in the bath by the temperance of fire. But the virgin is not suddenly impregnated if she is not granted a kiss by frequent embraces. SO, in the womb, the happy embryo is conceived, and it is thus procreated, and this by the order of Nature.

Then, at the bottom of the vase, will appear the Ethiopian fort, consumed, calcined, discolored of its color, and dead to its heart, deprived of life; he then asks to be buried, and to be raised by his temper, and to be gently calcined, until, by the force of the fire, he appears more than white. But often, he takes a beverage beforehand, which is why he rises entirely towards the ether, whereas, by himself, he is thus already well washed in the perseverance of the fire. Now he is at last made agreeable, reborn from his own sweat, and his body, previously darkened, becomes purified by ablution.

and this by the order of Nature. Then, at the bottom of the vase, will appear the Ethiopian fort, consumed, calcined, discolored of its color, and dead to its heart, deprived of life; he then asks to be buried, and to be raised by his temper, and to be gently calcined, until, by the force of the fire, he appears more than white. But often, he takes a beverage beforehand, which is why he rises entirely towards the ether, whereas, by himself, he is thus already well washed in the perseverance of the fire. Now he is at last made agreeable, reborn from his own sweat, and his body, previously darkened, becomes purified by ablution. and this by the order of Nature.

Then, at the bottom of the vase, will appear the Ethiopian fort, consumed, calcined, discolored of its color, and dead to its heart, deprived of life; he then asks to be buried, and to be raised by his temper, and to be gently calcined, until, by the force of the fire, he appears more than white. But often, he takes a beverage beforehand, which is why he rises entirely towards the ether, whereas, by himself, he is thus already well washed in the perseverance of the fire. Now he is at last made agreeable, reborn from his own sweat, and his body, previously darkened, becomes purified by ablution. deprived of life; he then asks to be buried, and to be raised by his temper, and to be gently calcined, until, by the force of the fire, he appears more than white.

But often, he takes a beverage beforehand, which is why he rises entirely towards the ether, whereas, by himself, he is thus already well washed in the perseverance of the fire. Now he is at last made agreeable, reborn from his own sweat, and his body, previously darkened, becomes purified by ablution. deprived of life; he then asks to be buried, and to be raised by his temper, and to be gently calcined, until, by the force of the fire, he appears more than white. But often, he takes a beverage beforehand, which is why he rises entirely towards the ether, whereas, by himself, he is thus already well washed in the perseverance of the fire. Now he is at last made agreeable, reborn from his own sweat, and his body, previously darkened, becomes purified by ablution.

it is thus already well washed in the perseverance of the fire. Now he is at last made agreeable, reborn from his own sweat, and his body, previously darkened, becomes purified by ablution. it is thus already well washed in the perseverance of the fire. Now he is at last made agreeable, reborn from his own sweat, and his body, previously darkened, becomes purified by ablution.

Behold then well the admirable regeneration or renovation of the Ethiopian, who now claims for himself, after the Baptism of regeneration, that which the Philosophers call sulfur of Nature, and their son, who is the Stone of the Philosophers. But the darkness of the wisps causes them to be deceived by their ignorance of natural Philosophy and by various disagreements with regard to fire.

So then, one is the thing, one the root, one the essence, to which nothing extraneous is added, but from which much superfluity is found removed, by the magisterium of the Art. At the end, he affects to be comforted, to be puffed up by his nature, to be straightened by his temper, and to be reduced in moderation, after he has had enough to drink.

And it is then that he begins to reign, and to fight against the force of fire, then he wants to be lifted up into the heavens and crowned with a diadem; then he strikes down all his enemies and rebels and subjugates them to his empire.

Such is the treasure of treasures, the high medicine of the Philosophers, the celestial secret of the Ancients. Blessed is anyone who discovers this!

He who lives such things writes and speaks manifestly, and I know that his testimony is true. Bless God forever and ever through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen .

Let the Gospel according to Saint Matthew and Saint Luke, chapter X, be read. revealed to children.

Let the Creed in unum Deum always be recited . Offertory - The stone, which the builders pushed aside, became the cornerstone. This was accomplished by the Lord, and this is marvelous in our eyes.

Secret - Omnipotent God, as we diligently immolate the salutary victim to your majesty, we pray and beseech your mercy, that our science, for the honor of your name and the blessed art of Alchemy, may always be dedicated to your glorious name and consecrated to the salutary reformation of the universal Church, by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Communion - Since our King comes from fire, illuminated and crowned with a diadem, honor him in perpetuity.

Compline - Lord of our salvation, we choose the help of good health, and we ask active graces from your majesty, that it may benefit us for the health of soul and body, and that it be the extirpation of the Turcomans, and may it serve to strengthen the Christian faith, through our same Lord Jesus Christ. Amen .

Ite Missa is. Hallelujah!

Quote of the Day

“no metal is so base as not to contain a single grain of gold or silver Nature would always change quicksilver that has within itself its own sulphur into gold, if she were not often hindered by some outward impediment, viz., impure, fœtid, and combustible sulphur.”


The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers


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