Rabbi Simeon. Ben. Cantara.
Originally published in the 1700s
Fodina Mercurii nostri Sal Petra nostrum non vulgi.
The mine of our Mercury, our Salt Rock, is not common.
Ponticitas vitriolum nostrum non vulgi Aeuatio
The height of our vitriol is not the age of the common people
Acuatio Armoniacum Nostrum Non Vulgi
Our ammonia is not common
The mine of our Mercury, our Saltpeter, not of the Vulgar, our Ponticity & our Vitriol, not that of the Vulgar, Our aecuating & Our Salarmoniack not of the Vulgar
Mercurii Germen, Aqua viva, volatilis, Partes, novem, Fixae pars una Mercurii, Homogenitas Aqua viva Acuata
Branch of Mercury, Living Water, Volatile, Parts, Nine, One fixed part of Mercury, Homogeneity of Living Water Watered
Mercurius noster Aqua viva pontica
Mercury is our Pontic living water
Mercurii Germen Aqua viva Volatilis Partes Novem Fixae Pars una Mercury Homogeneitas Aqua Viva Acuata Mercurius Noster Aqua viva Pontica
Of the Germe of Mercury or Living Water or Volatile Water 9 Parts of the Fixe one part. The Homogeneity of Mercury, The living accuated water, our Mercury, our living & Pontick water. The mercury of the wise, the homogeneous mercury
Duae, ad plus Tres partes, Mercury nostri, Liquantunam Unam partem Luna vel Solis, vulgi subtilitati, et Corpus unum, fiuna, spongiosum, in separabile, Quod vocatur Luna nostra, vel Sol noster, non vulgi
Luna per Mercurium Aquilarum Quinque
Sol per Mercurium Aquilarum Septem
Two, at most three parts, our Mercury, Sixty one part of the Moon or Sun, common to the fineness of the people, and one Body, thin, spongy, separable, which is called our Moon, or our Sun, not common
Moon through Mercury of the Five Eagles
Sun through Mercury of the Seven Eagles
Calcinatio Sophica Solis
The Sophic Calcination of the Sun
At the top of the image says: "Symbol of Sol and Mercury mixed 1, Mercury 2 or 3 by 5 & 7 Imbibitions"
Duae ad plus Tres Partes Mercury Nostri Liquant Unam Parten Luna Uel Sol Vulgi Subtiliati, et Corpus unum Fiunt Spongiosum Inseparabile Quod Vocatur Luna Nostra Uel Sol Noster, non Vulgi
- Luna per Mercury Aquilarum Quinque,
- Sol par Mercury Aquilarum Septem
Let two or at the most 3 parts of our mercury liquefie, one part of Luna or Sol Vulgi, subtiliated, & they will become one body spongious & inseparable which is called our Luna or Sol & not of the Vulgar
- The Luna by a Mercury of 5 Eagles.
- The Sol by a Mercury of 7.
This is the sophick calcination of Sol
Sol noster, de Calcinatione, nostra irrigatum novi Mercurii, partibus duabus in pondere, Solis vulgi fit corpus unum nigerrimum non spongiosum
Our sun, from Calcination, our watered by the new Mercury, in two parts in weight, the sun of the common people becomes one black body not spongy
Sol de nigredine Colore Mutatio viridascens Germen, suum pandit in vegetationem
The sun, from its blackness, changes its color to green
Sol Noster de Calcinatione Nostra Irrigatum Noui Mercury Partibus Duabus in Pondere Sol Vulgi Fit Corpus unvm Nigerrimum Non Spongiosum: Sol De Nigredine Colore Mutatio Germen Suvm Pandit in Vegetationem
Irrorate or Water our Sol comeing from our Calcination - 2 parts of Mercury, in proportion to the Sol Vulgi. It will become a black body not spongious.
The Sol comeing from the blackness at the change of color Openeth its germe shews its Vegitation. This is the Sophick Putrefaction, & Vegetative Germination
Sol noster mutatio Colore viridi, Transit in sulphur Album, Quod est corpus Animalum Anima inCorruptibili
Our sun, changing from a green color, passes into white sulphur, which is the body of animals, the incorruptible soul
Sol, Hic noster albus, sine Manuum impositione ulla, nee vasis Apertione, iterum liquescit Colore Continuatio, cum variis vaporibus, ad cauda pavonis, similitudinem, Tune Sol noster. Albus, volatilisatur per liquidum
The sun, this white one of ours, without any laying on of hands, nor opening of a vessel, melts again with the Continuation of Color, with various vapours, like a peacock's tail, likeness, Tune our Sun. White, volatile through the liquid
At the top of the image says: "This to be done all with leafe Luna"
Sol Noster Mutatio Colore Viridi, Transit in Sulphur album. Quod est Corpus Animatum Anima incorruptibili:
- Sol Hic Noster Albus sine Manuum Impositione Ulla Nec Vasis Apertione Iterum Liquescit Colore continuatio cum Variis Vaporibus Ad Caudae Pauonis Similitudinum Tune Sol noster Albus Volatilisater per Liquidum
Our Sol changeing its Green Color, Becomes the White Sulphur, which is a body animated to an Incorruptable soul. This our White Sol without imposition of hands & opening of the Vessel melts or dissolves again to Various Vapours like the Peacocks tayle, by continue of the heat, Then is our Sol made volatile, & this is a Volatization the Wet way
Continuato Colore Sol noster volatilis, jam factus per liquidum desiccatur et fit corpus lucens Quasi Aurora consurgens, hac est volatilisatio per siccum
After continuing the color of our volatile sun, already made through liquid, it dries up and becomes a luminous body like the dawn rising, this is the evaporation through the dry
Hac Aurora paulatim Evanescente, consurgit Sol noster in Granula pulcerrima, et Rubicundissima, Que sunt sulphur nostrum Rubeum a sophis, Tam desideratum, Qod tamen non est finis laborum.
As this Dawn gradually fades away, our Sun rises in the most beautiful and ruddy Granules, which are our Red Sulfur from the sophistry, so longed for, yet that is not the end of our labors.
Continuvatio Calore Sol Noster Volatilis Jam Factus Per Liquidum disiccatur et fit Corpus Lucens Quasi Aurora Consurgens Haec est Volatilisatio Per siccum: - Hac Aurora Paulatim Evanescente Consurgit Sol noster in Granula Pulcherrima et Rubicundissima quae sunt sulphur nostrum Rubeum. A Sophis tam Disideratem Quod tamen Non est Finis Laborum.
Continuing the heat Our Sol being made Volatile, the wet way becomes dry, & becomes a Lucid body. The dawning of thoday and this is the Volatilisation the dry way. This dawning disappearing by little & little, Our Sol riseth in Very Fine red graines or Powder, which is Our Red Sulphur so much wished for by all the Sophi, But not yet the End of their labours. The Volatilisation the dry way
Sulphur hoc rubeum, imbibitur novi mercurii quinario sui corporis pondere, paulatim et paulatim, per septem diversas imbibitiones, a continuatio Colore rotata rota Naturae, mense uno Transeunt putrefactio a jam dicta Regimina
This red sulphur, is imbibed with the weight of the new Mercury, a quinary of its body, little by little, through seven different imbibitions, by the continuation of the color wheel of Nature, in one month the putrefaction of the above-mentioned Governments passes away
Finito Mense, surgit rex, omnipotens, seu Lapis noster, perfecta medicina, fersii ordinis, potens in sui projectione, omnia Mettalla transmutare.
Deo sit aeterna lauset gratiarum actio incessabilis Amen.
At the end of the month, the king rises, almighty, or our stone, perfect medicine, of the iron order, powerful in his projection, to transmute all metals.
To God be eternal praise and unceasing thanksgiving, Amen.
Sulfur hoc Rubeum, Imbibitur noui Mercury Quinario Sui Corporis Pondere, paulatim et Paulatim, per septem diuersas imbibitiones, a continuatio Colore Rotata rota Naturae, mense uno Transeunt Putrefactio et jam Dicta Regimina: Finito. Mense, Surgit Rex, omnipotens, Seu Lapis noster, perfecta Medicina, fersii ordinis, Potens in sui projectione, Omnia Mettalla Transmutare.
Deo sit AEterna Lauset Gratiarum actio Incessabilis Amen.
Our Red Sulphur is Imbibed in 5 parts of new Mercury in Proportion to the said Sulphur weight, and this by leaven divers Imbibitions and with continuation of the heat. By the rotation of the Wheel of Nature, in a Months of time is made Putrefaction & at the foresaid Regimens, at the End of which Month the King riseth Omnipotent which is our perfect stone. The medicine of the 3rd order capable in its projection to transmute all Mettals. To God Eternal Praise Be.
At the bottom of the image says: "The figure pointing upwards should be **** the other" (**** it's hard to read)
At the bottom of the image says: "The volatile should be upon most its Imbibitions"
Quote of the Day
“We must again repeat that our substance is not collected from many sources; but, as Basilius says, it is one universal thing, and is found in, and obtained from one thing, being the spirit of mercury, the soul of sulphur, and a spiritual salt, united under one heaven and dwelling in one body.”
Basil Valentine
The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers
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