Bernhard's symbol - Symbolum (Apostolicum)

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Symbolum Bernhardi Comitis Palatini Marcæ Trevisianæ.

Bernhard's symbol Count Palatine Marcus Trevisiana.

In this following teaching you will find the knowledge of God of the Holy Trinity, and the knowledge of the sphere of the earth; you will also find here the wealth of your soul, and the wealth with all the health of your body.

I believe in God ! We should place all our consolation and confidence in the pure grace and mercy of God alone, that he alone can help us in all fear and distress, and no creature, no matter how holy it may be.

The Father, and because he is our father, we firmly believe that he would like to help us with all his heart and will never leave us, here or there.

Almighty: And since he is an Almighty LORD, we believe that he can protect us and protect us from everything that is against us, because he alone is strong enough for our enemies through his omnipotence.

A creator of heaven and earth: and if he is also a creator of heaven and earth, we believe that he has all creatures in his power, that they cannot harm us without his fatherly will, therefore we are alone from this Almighty LORD, Father and Creator, responsible for all goods and eternal life, then from him alone all things come and are given.

Then he wants to completely defend himself against us, with everything that he is and has, with heaven and earth, including all creatures, so that they have to serve us and be useful and challenge us to eternal life.

Of the earthly art which comes from God and made it through his word, in the beginning God created heaven and earth, and the earth was desolate and empty, and it was dark in the deep, and the spirit of God hovered on the waters , everything was created by the Holy Spirit of God, and everything that he created he also made alive, and that it also seeded and multiplied and continued to sustain itself, and yet, in sum, everything on earth is everything that can be understood , but the living spirit which is in the earth and has come from the living God, a white one of an essential power, the same power, takes good and bad seed and multiplies it according to its kind. Then a living thing must always do so Whether it's good or bad. And that is what the philosophy calls fleeting, then it deviates from and the other, which is in the ground, is fixed, and both come from one thing, and both must become one thing, which is then called QE and is the highest power of the earth lapis Philosophorum. Now I set the earth before the white, which cannot give birth or multiply without the seed, that is what is said about the power of the earth, which is now made permanent and remains constant, eternally equal to GOD the Father, a constant thing is above all things, which is called Heli: But the strength of this earth is called Hyle. So the ancients gave him a name because of his great virtue, which cannot all be recounted.

Now to further recognize and come to our souls' salvation, as Christ says: man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matt. cap. 4. I believe in Jesus Christ, his one and only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of Mary of the pure virgins: We believe with all our hearts that Jesus Christ is the Father's single Son from eternity, and has for our sakes humanity is taken upon himself, he is also conceived by the Holy Spirit without anyone's intervention, and by the holy and pure Virgin Mary, as born of the right natural mother, and that such a person is truly God, as an eternal and inseparable person , made from God and from men.

He suffered under Pontio Pilato, he was crucified, died, descended to hell, rose again from the dead on the third day, ascended to heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God, the Almighty Father, from whom He will judge in the future the living and the dead.

And that such God and Son of Mary, our Lord JEsus Christ, suffered for us poor sinners, was crucified and died for us , so that he could redeem us from the sins, death and eternal wrath of God through his innocent shedding of blood Death's fear itself, and hell itself felt, and overcome, also that we were reconciled with God, and became one Lord of all his enemies. We believe that apart from this death of the Son of God, neither with works nor with eternal glory, we can attain God's grace or happiness.

We believe that JESUS Christ, our brother, rose from the death for the sake of our righteousness, so that he can no longer harm us, then we confess that we would have to die eternal death if JESUS Christ had not come to our rescue.

and would have taken upon himself our sin and guilt, condemnation and eternal death, as an innocent lamb, and would have paid for us through his suffering, and the curse would have been paid for us.

We believe that he still stands and speaks for us, as a true and merciful homeland, and priest and bishop of our souls.

We believe that Christ rules and fulfills all things at the same time as GOD, and that he is supreme over all things in heaven and on earth, one LORD over all lords, one King over all, and over all creatures in heaven and on earth, and among them On earth, over death and living, over sin and righteousness, the same King and LORD will go after us in our suffering and death, and fight and fight for us, so that we become one lord with him over all our sins, always and forever .

We believe that the crucified Christ is to come on the last day, and all those who have not believed in him will be judged and condemned, but he will protect us and all believers from the severe sentence of damnation, and say to us, come here Ye blessed ones of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.

In this other part of our Christian faith, you see how the deity had to take the human race into himself if he wanted to redeem us otherwise, then the spirit became physical and took the pure body from a pure virgin, who was without any blemish, and she has now given birth to the Son of God, who is also pure and has never committed any sin. If we, the damned, are now to be saved, an innocent man must die before the guilty, shed his blood, and rise again .

So also understand about the creation of the minerals, these are 7th stars, and if they are no longer perfect, the other 6th ones should also become perfect, this must happen through the 7th one, who must be killed and made nonexistent, his blood shed, killed, and resurrected from death to eternal life, then he has the power to give perfection to the other 6th stars. To be further interpreted: GOD the Father has given to every generation its seed, according to its kind, the right seed of the Miners is the perfect Sun, and no other, and his Terra, which is foreshadowed by the glory of the Father, as the seeds are, in At the beginning, okay one thing was more fleeting than another, and he brought them together through heat than other things; You should know that you are not supposed to do anything to things, nor take anything away from them, but only separate the evil from the good, and the subtle from the gross, so that you have the seed of man and woman, which you put together, that is our ☿ and Sulphur, they will bear many children according to their perfection, you will also see signs on the sun and on the moon, ☉ ☽ and they will become black, after which the ☽ will have a clear red glow, like a ruby, because they have it Power to make the imperfect bodies perfect, all who touch them become well.

I believe in the Holy Spirit

We believe in salvation. Spirit, who is one real GOD with the Father and the Son, and comes from the Father and Son eternally, but in one Divine Being and by nature a different Person. We believe that through the same Holy Spirit, as a living, eternal divine gift, we were raised from the dead, freed from sins, and made joyful and confident, free and secure in conscience, then that is our consolation if we witness such spirit feel in our hearts that God our Father wants to forgive our sin and give eternal life. In particular we believe that salvation. Spirit help to bear our weakness, and comfort us with inexpressible blessings, strengthen us, and enlighten our hearts to recognize the exceeding riches of fatherly mercy, which He has given and bestowed upon us , out of sheer grace, without any merit, solely for Christ's sake, ours for the sake of our dear brother, through whom this is given to us by the Father .

The Holy Spirit alone reveals all this to us and sets our hearts on fire and illuminates that such gifts come down from above, as Christ promised us in John: Whoever believes in me, as the scripture says, from the Streams of living 🜄 Water will flow throughout your body.

Yes, we also believe in a holy Christian church, which is a community of saints. We believe that there is a holy Christian church on earth, that is, the community and number of the assembly of all Christians, in which there is one Lord, one faith, one spirit, one baptism, which is JEsus Christ. Yes, we also believe that this Christian Church is the Christian body, and Christ is its unified head. We believe that Christ does this of his body and churches, and I presented myself before them so that he could sanctify them, and I purified them with the 🜄 water bath in the word, so that he might present himself to himself a holy community that had not a spot or wrinkle or something, but that it should be holy and blameless, a pillar and foundation of truth.

I believe that in this Christianity and where it is, forgiveness of sins is, id est, a kingdom of grace, and the right indulgence, and outside of such Christianity, is neither salvation nor forgiveness of sins.

I believe that no one will be saved because they will then be implanted in this community and churches as a living member of their body .

I believe that in this kingdom there is not just forgiveness of sins, but as often as one desires. Then Christ is the hospital master who does nothing, but waits for the sick, helps them up and makes them well, and as Esaias says on the 23rd: He will not break the bruised reed, nor extinguish the smoldering wick. I believe that there is a resurrection of the flesh, that our bodies, which the worms eat, will rise again as they were before, then Christ will raise them up on the last day, according to his prophecy, when he says this is the will of him who sent me, whoever believes in me has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day; and whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I I will raise him up on the last day. I believe that after this life there will be eternal life, according to his promise, when he says: Verily, verily I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never see death , John 9. I say Christ, I am the living bread that comes from heaven, and whoever eats this bread will live forever, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, help us, Amen. In this third article or part of our sanctification, we experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit, through which we can become holy and blessed. Then the Holy Spirit goes back to him from whom he came, namely to the glorified Corpori, that is, JEsus Christ, from God the Father, a creator of heaven and earth. Here note, from God the Father comes the Son, and from the Father and Son comes the Holy Spirit, and again no one can come to the Son, then through salvation. Spirit, and to the Father, then through the Son, but it is one God and being.

And the same applies to our natural things . We have three things, as Corpus, Spiritum, & Animam, that is our earth, our purified, fleeting stone, our fixed sulfur. It is also called our Earth, our Mercurius and Sulfur (in the 🜄 Water) you have previously understood that the metals are drilled in the earth, through the Mercurium and Sulfur, with the help of the heat. Why aren't they drilled in another element? Therefore, they are of the earth, and were made of the earth, in the first beginning of the Lord God, also the other two generations, Vegetabilia and Animalia.

Each one is born out of the earth from its seed, and so the earth must continue to maintain and form what is clear in the day. Then the seed has the power of life in it, you see what kind of seed it takes hold of, it breaks it down and unites itself with it, and makes the seed diverse, as from one little grain a thousand little grains.

So the earth also gave birth to a grain of the same generation, and the same grains from then on have the power of the first grain, so the earth is the woman who gives birth to the seed and is called the woman ☽ and the seed is the one who gave birth to the earth, that is ☉ ; Then the two come together ☽ & ☉ and are putrified with each other, first calcined, because 🝞 sublimation occurs, and the bottom is purified, and the top is united with the bottom, I won't say any more, then Fontinam don't forget which one the king goes into the bath, this 🜄 water is compared with the H. spirit, D D. gel. You see, when you distill (al. 🝞 sublimatirt) earth, then put them together, putreficir and distillir, so the spirit becomes fixed , with the earth, which dissolves all metal and all seeds, because with this last work you must begin the first, then your work will be rich. I have written these things to you in the love of Christ. If you follow me in my work and words, you will receive salvation from God.

Trinity the wealth of your souls and bodies, with all health. May God grant us this, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,


Quote of the Day

“Nature doth wonderfully and simply produce Gold of Quick-silver”

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