I want to divide this book into chapter 8 or part
1. In the first chapter I want to talk about Mercurio and his nature and also about the brimstone he has in him.
2. In the other I want to say about the nature of perfect bodies and their sulphur.
3. In the third, about the joining together of the body and spirit, and about the dissolution of the stone into its material primam.
4. In the fourth, about the extraction of water from the earth.
5. In the fifth from the foundation or pouring over its earth.
6. In the sixth about the way of sublimation of the earth.
7. In the end of the multiplication and fixation of the stone.
8 In the eighth and last chapter I want to say how one should throw the medicine and all the metals into the suns and moons.
Argentum vivum is cold and damp and God has created all the minerals out of it and with it and it is airy and so that the Fire breathes when it is but because it stands in it it makes strange and strange works and it is only a living spirit, There is no equal in the world that such an effect could be brought about but through this and it penetrates into all bodies and makes them lighter and gives way. It is a ferment of the bodies with which it is mixed and then the entire elixir will become white and red.
It is an eternal water, a water of life and Lac virginis, a Brun and Alum whoever from Trincket does not die. When it will be alive it will have a number of works, when it has died it will have other things and when it will be solvated it will have the greatest things. It is a horny snake that impregnates itself in one day it gives birth, it kills with its poison and flees from Fire.
But the wise ones make that they see the difference and then it does work and changes then as it is transformed, so it also transforms and as it is tinged, so it is tinged and as it is coagulated, so it is coagulated, that is why it is among all the minerals Prefer Argenti vivi conception. Then it is found in all minerals and has commonality with all (symbolum habet).
But apart from the earthly and brassy and watery or living oil, it is the subtle medium and many subtle spirits, apart from the earthly water, which has importance and its movement under itself is bright and flowing and has Silver color. Then it goes out from the earth and jumps back into the earth and protects itself with waves and in turn strengthens itself with the moist out of the earth and is figured with the wiped out spirit and mixed with all the minerals and whereupon it sits on which it will cling firmly hence they also call it a mother of minerals.
The Argentum vivum, however, can be seen as having a thick substance like a horn (monoceros id est unicornu) because of the weight of its great weight.
Then it weighs or is heavier than gold when it is in its nature and is of the strongest composition and uniform nature then it is not separated from one another and cannot be divided into other parts. Then it either leaves the Fire with its entire substance or remains in the Fire with it.
In him is necessarily the cause of perfection then it alone is sufficient in every degree for the path of perfection, namely with his strength because of his good attachment and strength of his mixture but when some of his parts are made fat through the desire then it cannot be further corrupted It also doesn't expand any further due to the influx of the angry flames, then it can't suffer its thinning because of the thickness and lack of combustion, which is caused by the sharpness that it doesn't have.
The Argentum vivum, however, in its works publicly and completely frees you from burning and makes you safe and spices up the pouring when it is figted then it is a tincture that glows with an abundant refreshment of a bright shine and does not deviate from the mixing because it lasts then one loves it and is a reconciled metal and a means of putting the tinctures together then it is mixed with them by the smallest ones and basically attaches itself to them in a more natural way then it is of their nature: But the moon is mixed with it more easily then through his nature he has a part in it in his nature but yet in him some of the metals are not drowned and suppressed then the sun and so you have the greatest secret nut then Mercurius takes into himself what is of his nature: but rejects the alien He wants his nature to be more happy with his own nature than with the most foreign and alien nature.
Then it is obviously greater Perfection in them is the mercury that has several parts in it, then it has a commonality (symbolum) in nature with the minerals, and God has given it a substance and the substance creates its properties, which in no way occurs in other things of nature To possess or to have possession is the one thing that surpasses Fire and is not conquered by him but rests in him in which he rejoices in a friendly manner.
This some because it is metallic, it understands the whole in itself, which is what we need for our masterpieces. Therefore it is evident that Argentum has its good brimstone within it with which the gold and silver are coagulated in the rarest way and manner of digestion.
From the nature of perfect bodies, that is, the sun and moon, and from their sulphur.
That gold is the most popular body, the lord of the stones, the king and head of all the others, which neither corrupts the earth nor does the burning things do any harm, it is not diminished in the Fire but made much better: then in it it becomes with a moisture moistened, it is not changed by water, its complexion is tempered and its nature is the court of the verme celt and dryness and one finds nothing superfluous or diminished in it because it is created from the subtlest and brightest substance of the Argenti vivi, and from the few substance of the pure and pure sulfur of the fixed redness and the whole tingiret the substantiam Argenti vivi. Man holds door and says the gold is a corpus and ferment of the white and red elixir.
Nor will it be improved or fulfilled with him and no one else: just as pasta cannot be fermented without its ferment, gold is a body that defends itself and remains for all eternity.
That's why the philosophists drew it here and held it then they said that gold stays in the bodies like the sun in the stars then the sun in its light and splendor greens all the vegetatives and produces all the moist ones. That's why Hermes saw : There will never be a true and right tincture without the Red Stone. Gold has the first gratum of nobility among all bodies, then it is the most temperate because of the mixing and purification of sulfur and mercury.
And it has a lot of the power of sulphur, and little of its substance, and on the other hand it has a lot of the substance of Mercurii and little of its power and effect. That's why it's important because of the Mercurii and because of the sulphurous power it's very raw. And because of the strongest compaction of the sulfur and mercury in their calc, it is not as moist when attacked and as fat as the other bodies.
Therefore, it does not produce as black lineaturas or lines and lines as the other metals when it is painted and drawn over bergament . (protrahitur) But when silver or another metal was mixed with it, it makes Schwartze paint then the fatness of the mixed body rises to the upper part (ad supersitiem rendit) and makes it white and moist and because the parts are usually poured ad center That's why it's more important for the sake of its Argenti vivi .
But the lead is more important because of its Argenti vivi, then the strength of the parts that are heavily and weakly attached to it and that is why it sounds the least of all the bodies. But the gold sounds the brightest and sharpest of all because of the strong and tenacious adhesion to one another. The gold is also not burned by the fire, which is evenly measured. When the fire is too violent, it consumes everything that is and arises under the Globo Lunari . It is also not burned by the things that burn bodies other than sulfur and arsenic, and the masters of art use it to purify and cleanse it to the highest splendor with bricks and salt.
Dz Silver has a lot of the substance of sulfur and little of its strength: but it has little of the substance of Mercuri and a lot of its strength, that's why it is white then the color follows the abundance and variety of strength and virtues but the strength has its own sit and place in the haze. Its material is the material of gold, then some other metal, which is why it is more easily transformed into gold and does not require any other work to change the color and give the weight.
The foam or smoothness of the silver (Lithargirium argenti) is above all good to the white tincture then its materia is close or related. The silver is a perfect corpus, a little less, but then the gold is not as heavy as that If it is gold and is from the parts of the moon, in a damp place it spoils and its reproach is sour; in the fire it diminishes and burns with sulphur.
The inner part of gold is the outer part of silver and its nature is cold and dry and takes the tincture into itself. Furthermore, the gold is a complete corpus and without superfluity or diminution, as it was only made under the earth by melting it, so whoever mixed the elixir in red. But the silver is a perfect body and feminine when it has been made with a popular pouring, it is a tincture to the white or elixir which is not because it is only brought to perfect bodies in nature .
And when these perfect bodies were mixed with the perfect bodies, the imperfect ones did not come into being nationally, but rather their perfection was diminished with the perfect ones. But when they become more than perfect in Duplo or in a variety of hundreds or thousands of parts, the imperfect ones are brought into being with them, then nature always works badly and the bad perfection in them is inseparable unless it is brought into alignment with the flying one then the sum of the fleeing body exceeds the sum of the fixed body and when we can have a complete corpus from the Argento vivo and from such red sulfur for the red elixir, and the silver of the same for the white elixir, then we should select them for our elixir , for our material then these 2. bodies are poorly digested and cooked with a natural quality, strong without an understanding cleansing.
That's why we can work in them straight away with our Artifical Fire . And even though nature accomplishes something, it does not have a bad effect on what it has. Then there is a two-fold sulphuriness in the bodies, some of which are locked up in them from the substance Argenti vivi at the beginning of its mixing, which we call that protrudes above. But the other is an external waste of his nature, which we call that it answers to him or is the same.
And it is very noticeable that the joining of the same two bodies is necessary in this art for whiteness and rawness. And there are two causes of which one is: even though gold is that The noblest of the metals and better packed together, perfect and fixed, but when it becomes dissolved it becomes spiritual and flees like Mercurius and the like because of its verme and then it has a tincture without number and the same tincture is called Warm Manly Seed when but that When silver is dissolved in warm water, it remains nevertheless less fixed than before and has no tincture, or even a small tincture, and yet is able and ready to accept the tincture in the temperament of warm and cold and is called female seed cold and dry: That's why you compose and send your combination via one.
There is also a different ration and the reason why the gold and silver are each difficult to pour and melt, but when they are put together they flow easily and are also easily melted, as the goldsmiths are well aware who make fortresses there Golde.
Therefore, if in our stone there is only one under these two defenses, the medicine will never flow easily through a masterpiece and no tincture will be given. And if he gives a tincture, it doesn't tincture so much that it resists so much that it doesn't accept the tincture. This should not be understood from the common moon but from the philosophical moon, which is why it is called lunaria. That's why I told you that you won't work without the mercury sun and moon. Then the entire wealth of art lies in these three.
On the joining together of the body and spirit, and on the dissolution of the stone into the material primam.
It is certain that every thing except that into which it is dissolved then the Celt is transformed into water by the verme, therefore it is evident that it was only water before the egg. But all metals are created from Mercurio, which is why they are also resolved into him .
That is why the first government of the stone is that one solves it like roughly Argentum vivum, that it is brought into its first material, but this is history through the Argentum vivum, so that it can bring the Sun of Mon back into its nature and material primam.
But when The Argentum vivum has in itself uncleanliness or a lot of yeast (feculentiam) and burning without ignition and a watery substance, therefore we have to consider its superfluity take away and fulfill what is lacking so that those who are jealous or envious do not create and bring an evil color into the rejection and erase its wateriness in the same form so that it does not make the entire material fleeting in the rejection. Which property is the substance of making good, not burning but figuring and defending before the medicinal burn.
That is why Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Eggs are created outside of Him: which must happen because of impurity. It is noticeable that a two-fold Materia Prima is one is close but the other is not.
(una est propinqua altera remota) the near materia is Argentum vivum, but the remota or distance is the water then the Argentum vivum, was first water and then Argentum vivum, therefore the right one and would be the beginning of our work is the dissolution of the stone The solvated bodies have been brought to the nature of spirit then they are no longer fixed.
Then the solution of the body is with the congelation of spirit. Therefore you should be patient, cook the grater and the incerir, and don't be afraid to repeat this often, then what will be eaten will be softened by the water . The more you rub it the softer you make it and make the rough parts subtle until it stands up enough.
And these parts are divided when the spirit impastiret everything that is impastired is dissolved from the whole and the impastation history with superfluous grinding inceration and frying then through the grinding frying and Fire the bound and glue-resistant parts are divided which are there in the bodies. But the bodies that are solvated and brought into the nature of spirit are never separated from one another: just as water mixes with water. Then nature rejoices when the bride and bridegroom are copulated then the opinion of our work is nothing different then that the purest substance of Mercuri was read from the bodies then the elixir arises solely from them.
The first mode or mode of solution and nature is putrefaction, but there are many species or types of putrefaction and corruption, which is why the first natural beginning is the material fulfilling materia as I said above: the other beginning is the color that moves the material and Putrefaction, the characters of Putrefaction are the Black color, a stinky smell and a material that is subtle to attack as the first Mercurius.
Then when the Werme does and works in the first wet it makes the sword, which is the raven's head, that is the beginning of the Werck. Likewise, note that submersion, combination, complexion, composition and mixing mean and are called one in this art. Then nothing will be put together and tied together if it is not mixed together. Then the premix is the mixing through the least that is through the indivisible union added to it. (unio)
You should also know for sure that the entirety of this masterpiece is not in the putrefaction, then when it is not rotten you can neither solvate nor pour it and when it is not solvated it composes itself and becomes nothing. Likewise, you should know that in every work there are three dimensions that divide one thing equally, namely the width, height and depth and this is obviously visible from the body that we see.
As an example (verbi gratia) our stone is white in its first creation and so it appears in the shape or appearance that's why we call it cold and damp then it is like that. Therefore we should study and learn why our watery stone is because it is cold and moist and a natural disposition or orderly destiny is called a clearly and high body, but the broad one is the middle orderly disposition through which one goes to the deep disposition or order.
But the middle one is under the depth and height as between which are kept like this or as under the objectionable ones there is a possible passage through it where the other qualities are not destroyed and corrupted then its high order is cold and damp that is why one should use the others Qualitatem destroy namely the moisture through the putrefaction, as then it becomes thick and its moisture turns into dryness and thus becomes a passage from the high order to the medium which is there celt and dryness and is called the breadth then it has from the cold and moisten the cold from the dry and warm from the dry: that is why it is the middle one. After that but through the Werme the Celt so in the body What remains is transformed into those who are external, which is contrary to the deep disposition and order. The body is the hidden part of the body which appears best and can be seen clearly in Aristotle.
About the extraction of water from the earth.
After the materia is putrefied to make a body and spirit, which is impossible to happen in another place then in the air through sublimation.
Therefore you should know that our stone is divided into two parts, namely the upper part that rises and the lower part that remains fixed in the ground. And yet these two are partly the same in strength.
And that is why the philosopher says that this is equal to the one above and this division is necessary to perform the miracle of one thing, namely the stone which is part of the earth which is called a plurality and ferment: the part above is the soul which is the part makes the whole stone come alive and forces it to wake up and live again.
Therefore, when the highly praised separation has taken place, many miracles are performed through the composition of the stone.
It is to be noted whether this stone of ours is not divided into four parts, namely into the four elements in the first expression as indicated above and said in four parts, namely one that rises up and is not fixed, the other that remains and is called fixed, and earth or ferment, which increases and ferments the entire stone , as said: you must have one of the part that is not fixed in a good size and give the stone that is the purest and completely without filth, it bites the entire stone through the power of the spirit, which is not fixed, leads to the heights with sublimation. And this is what the Philosopher says: He ascends from earth to heaven.
Then you have to repeat the stone that is so raised over marble stone with the element that was drawn from the stone in the first cutting . The same element is called the water of the stone: And it should be fried so often until through the subtlety the stone rises into the earth through the repetition and so it assumes the upper power by sublimating and the lower power by descending.
And so you have the honor of the clarity of this world and flee from you all darkness Poverty and illness then when it is so destroyed it calls all illness and it is a stone of all strengths then there is no comparison of this stone against other stones then it overcomes more visibly and naturally white pierces all solid things, penetrates them and is transformed by the defeat.
But the philosophers have said that only water does everything for itself, everything is dissolved and everything is torn apart without any help or assistance from anyone else.
Funny and beautiful colors tend to appear in it. The transformation of the body into water is a tincture of every body. This is a difference between the tincture of water and the tincture of oil. Then the tincture of the water washes away and cleanses the tincture but the oil tinctures and ferments.
From the foundation or pouring over its earth.
Therefore pour the water over the earth and mix it with the grinding and soon boil it every week and then gently calcine it until the earth drinks a fifth part of its water. You should know that the earth must be increased, first moderately with its water, then with greater or more water, as can be seen in the raising of a child.
Therefore, rub the earth open and soak it leisurely every eight days, boil it and then calcine it moderately in a few minutes and do not let yourself get annoyed or be tempted to repeat the work so often, then the earth will not bear fruit without constant and frequent moistening.
Therefore, because it is dry, it thirsts as a thirsty one, its moist and waterless and the soil is not good until the earth and water become one body. Therefore you should not hold back or stop your hand from cutting and frying until the earth is dry and white, which white is begotten and brought into existence apart from such constant, good and dry cutting and frying.
However, you should make sure that you constantly imbibe the earth and with long friction after the earth has dried out, you must therefore notice the weight everywhere so that the extreme dryness or unnecessary moisture does not spoil the work. And cook as much with frying as the dissolution with snacks requires and wants. Please note any and all changes During the calcination of the earth, the water from the temperate earth was poured over it, namely not too little nor too much.
Then if there is too much, it becomes a sea of confusion, if it is too little, it is burnt into an extinguished regenerated (in favillam comburetur) Then sweetly and not hastily from eight in eight days with moistening the earth, boil and calcine it until it has its water You will then drink, confirm the work with many changes, then you will not see the tincture for a long time and you will not be able to complete it until the work is perfect.
Therefore, when you are in the works, you should make an effort to remember all the signs that appear in every decoction and to investigate their causes.
Then there are three different colors: black, white and citrine, so when the black compts it is perfect but not fulfilled. That's why the Fire make all the changes in the calcination, (vigora ignem) until the earth comes out white outside the stercke of the fewer then like the calor agent in the moist begets and brings the swords so begets and brings the agent, (that so the white one does and eats in the drying area. If therefore the earth does not become white, then rub it with your water and repeat it and calcinir the Azoth and Fewer wash the earth and remove its darkness from it then the preparation story always with the water and how the comfort of the water is So will the clarity of the earth and the more you wash it, the whiter the earth will become.
Therefore a philosopher says, when you will find him you should know that it is the beginning of the work. After the putrefaction, however, it does not become red with the true red, it also becomes citrinent, of which one of the philosophers says: It often becomes red and also often citrine, often it melts and is also often coagulated before the right white. Therefore say to each other: It dissolves itself and also coagulates itself and decorates itself with redness.
It also turns green in front of the white. The peacock color appears in front of the white one. That's why someone says: You should know that all the colors in the world (that you can only imagine) appear in front of the white one and then the right white one follows . Someone says this: You have to wait for your benefit Let it cook until it appears louder, just like the fish's eyes shine, and then you should know that our stone is coagulated in justice or sincerity.
Another philosopher says: When you find that the white goes over everything, be sure and don't doubt then the red is hidden in the same white and then you don't have to pull it out but cook it until it becomes the right red. And yet under the right and true red and right white citrine of a gold color of which this is said. When the fewer is increased, it is added to the citrino or sweet-smelling oil. And another says: Do n't despise the grayling then God will in turn bestow and give it the melting and then the king will ultimately be adorned with a red crown by God's will .
That's why you have to try this masterpiece then the composition will not be without the marriage and without the putrefaction, and the marriage is the subtle thing with the thick mixing and putrefying, rubbing and frying, moistening until it is mixed at the same time and becomes one and there is no contradiction like that Water mixed with the water.
Then the thick will be able to hold the subtle and the soul will want to argue with the few and suffer such things and the spirit will be able to be squeezed and be poured into the bodies.
But you should know when you will mix the body with moisture and when the moisture will come to it, the moisture will be transformed over the body and dissolve the body and then the spirit cannot leave or leave it, then it will imbibe itself in the moisture and so on Spirits are otherwise volatile until they are mixed with the body, then he is able to fight with the fire and its flames: But these people cannot overcome them with a good tempering and long or great work.
But the ancient philosophers gave our stone many names such as Amalgama, Vitriol, Blood because of the red color and other unnamed names. They called it Eijsen because it cannot be watered . When the body is deprived of moisture, this is what happens needed that the dry corpus not flow, which first flowed through the moisture and was fleeting then the bodies become Necessarily figed by the priming or naming of the moisture, which is called calcination by the philosophers and the thing putrefaction or pulverization, from the moisture the solid part and through the calcination the spirits are now fixed and the white becomes hard and the fleeing becomes fixed So nature transforms nature .
The Turba says: One makes a change in the complexions, namely from the cold and wet to a warm and dry one or from the phlegmatic to the choleric according to the Medicis. Through the sun and with a slow boil the spirits are congelated from the remaining ones If the work is destroyed, as Bonellus says, then when you light a strong fire before taking the red one, something will become that is of no use to us.
Then all the right philosophers who say that it has to happen through a slight change and they testify to this for the sake of the reasons presented. Then they say that we must govern the holiday sweetly until our brimstone becomes incombustible. Hence from seeds. The seed must not be cut or cut off before the time of the earth. The philosophers have called this our stone Salamandram, then just as the salamander is nourished and lives only through the fire, this is accomplished and so is our stone.
How to sublimate the earth.
A great and excellent philosopher says thus: What you are looking for is in the yeasts, so you should take them when they are extracted from the alembic and rub them hard and soak them with their water and dry them in a leisurely session or in the sun and this should happen often. Then from such preparation the smoke structure is made for sublimation.
Therefore Geber says: Therefore, apart from the various repetitions of imbibition and frying, most of its wateriness is eradicated. The rest, however, through the sublimation, you take the previously mentioned yeasts and make them convenient for the sublimation that you first give them a mild smoke and moderately a larger bite, the same smoke rises pure and white to the heights and when it should not be history for the first time it is repeated so often about them that they become so and at least without any support attached to them as then history becomes a fixed part of them.
After its strange seasoning, it will too A variety of medicines were created and brought about: sometimes Saturnus or Jupiter &c. But no one should sublimate the earth into the works of sophism, but only into our elixir.
And you should not mix what remains like this with what is rising like this, but put each one in part, then what remains in the ground you should repeat to sublimate through the uncorrupted Mercurium until it rises completely and completely and remember that you don't even come As said before, this is the philosophical stone if you do not sublimate it beforehand because there is no unification of the body and spirit through the sublimation.
First you have to sublimate the material and fix it when a natural union has taken place before, the fixation should follow. But you should not make the materiam fixam fly away and at the same time incorporate a part of the materiæ fixæ, and two parts of the prepared Mercurii. Then sublimate the sublimated, bring it together and repeat at all times that what remains in the bottom and rub it through with new or fresh Mercurio the way and the way that was said, everything will be sublimated.
Then, as the philosopher says, the power of the sulfur, which is white and does not burn, congelates the mercury, and that is the best thing of our masterpiece through which the elixir turns into silver and when the best sulfur becomes clear with red and in it the by the power of the silver sulphur, which does not burn, it will be a thing from which the elixir will become gold. And as the philosophers teach, the sulfur should first turn white into silver and then turn red into gold: then there will be no gold unless it was silver first.
Then no thing can come from the first to the third then through the other then there is no passage from the first to the last then through the middle: that is why the black cannot become a perfect citrine unless it was first white because the citrine is made up of a few things the red one and the purest white one is judged. The Citrino cannot become white unless it was black in the first place.
So gold cannot become silver unless it first corrupts and becomes black. Then the better cannot be made worse by its corruption: then out of one corruption the other is begotten. Who therefore has the gold? The doer wants to transform silver through corruption and the silver into gold: Then you sulfur that doesn't burn can become red sulfur through a greater dilution of the fibre , then citrine is nothing else than a complete dilution.
The swords nothing then a wash because the verme so there in the wet which straightens out the swords and the verm in the dry causes the white and also in the white the citrine and excessive redness. Then the sulfur becomes white and red from a material of metals which is completely purified and yet boiled and digested by the variety.
That's why in Argento vivo the white sulphur, like in gold, is the red one. And there is actually no such sulfur on earth, neither white nor red, without it arising in these bodies. And that's why we have to subtly prepare the bodies so that we can have their sulfur and Argentum vivum from them, from which the gold and silver under the earth were brought.
Then when I didn't see gold and silver, I would say without a doubt that Alchimia wasn't true. Then there are shining bodies in which there are tinging rays that tint the other bodies in white and red after which they will be dressed. But the Alembicus and Cucurbita should be put together so that Mercurius cannot go out, then he will not be sublimated by the force of the air and therefore when he finds a place open, he comes out in smoke and destroys the Magisterium . Then the whole opinion of the work is nothing other than that the stone is taken that one knows well.
You should know that he is the stone that the philosophers know that has powers and virtues above all the powers of the stones to sublimate it and put it in a philosophical vessel and with it the stone will be sublimated until it is made pure and pure in the final sublimation .
And this is the first order, which is called the first eruption, which is the story of the fact that the purest and subtlest substance was lured out. The other is the solution that the materia was dissolved in water. The third , the putrefaction, then Morienes says: There has never been anything that a soul has been brought to birth, nor anything that then changes through the putrefaction and metamorphosis The putrefaction happens when one thing spoils, the other is shown.
The fourth is the washing away, then the purified and dirty thing must be washed away and cleansed from the uncleanness that is corrupt and harmful . And they said: Then as long as the water remains above the earth, the more the earth will be washed away and cerified, so that the washing and ceration are one. The fifth season is coagulation, then the water must be transformed into the earth by gently boiling in our sun and completely coagulated and made dry and then transformed into dust. The sixth is calcination, therefore you should know that a calcined thing is more convenient than that which is not calcined and is a bad fixion.
Therefore, there have been many philosophers who have called calcination a fixation and have been right about it: Then these paths are all in sublimation, then I say that for sure whoever makes the sublimation perfect commits the whole work. And you should know that this is completely accomplished in a furnace or oven and in a vessel. And these six orders can be accomplished by anyone with understanding . Therefore, do not be negligent in sublimation, then as the purification will be, you will also have perfection. I want to tell you now and here what sublimation is. Sublimation is an elevation of the subtlest parts from the fixed parts. The parts that are not fixed are raised and elevated by the smoke, that is by the wind: Then, as we said, you have to protect them so that they do not fly: but rather are made fixed with the fixed parts and remain: And a faster one give watering.
You should understand that the right sublimation is when we make a separation of the parts that are elevated by them above and that remain there and below. Yes, we want them to come at the same time as their own, then in our stone, first of all the first cleaning that is carried out by the solution, we don't think that anything is too little or superfluous. For this reason, Geber said: With him the stone should be sublimated until it ultimately complies with the purity of the solution. Then he said: With him this is without another, which is done without another external thing That's why all the laboratories have been deceived who sublimate with yeast and don't know what they're doing: Or what the philosophical stone is and don't do anything unless they know and have n't taught philosophical sublimation. Geber says: Then the Philosophorum, your stone, is a medicine in which the entire magisterium is located, which is not mixed with anything external and foreign, nothing is removed without what is superfluous, which is removed in the process and is the first purification that is accomplished through sublimation will.
Now I have shown you sufficiently that if you want to do our sublimation, you do not add or remove anything from our stone, but instead place the entire substance in a certain vessel , as we said in the first disposition, and that you close it tightly and place it put it in an oven and immediately do it with grayling on top and on top so that the two parts of the vessel are covered until the material is dissolved and then give it a gentle break until most of it is turned into dust, which happens within thirty days and when the distillations that we said happen, the sublimation solution, distillation down the slope, putrefaction, washing off, ceration, coagulation and fixio has happened.
And you should know that the philosophers have given many such and various names for the efforts and works that are in reality only one and with a single effort all at the same time and at once at one time and with one work are committed and accomplished and have such They did it so that it would be an unworthy and dark whiteness.
The philosopher then says the same thing about how the earth is soaked and rubbed with water and dried by the temperate heat of our suns and the entire material is transformed into earth - he only knows perfectly how to do this. Therefore Hermes the Philosophorum said to her father: His entire power is when it will be transformed into earth, that is, when the water will be transformed into earth .
On the multiplication and fixation of the stone.
Now it follows from the gathering and copulation of the dust that they bear fruit and their fruit remains for ever and I will teach how to sublimate the dust should show that they can remain in the Fewer and be united with the bodies and mixed with them.
But the fixation is a convenient combination of a flying thing in the apartment. But the reason for this invention is that all tinctures and modifications were prepared and transformed into a different nature. But it is figured like this: Take what is sublimated there and divide it by the cucurbitas or vrinalia, as the size of the material requires and the sign of its fixation is when the material no longer rises in the alembicum or you can see it growing very much do it and then it will appear on the hour. Or place the body over an iron sheet if it stays fixed so don't repeat it.
Then take the pre-coated powder straight away and place it over the oven of the replenishment and first give it a gently ashed Fire for several days so that you see that nothing more rises through such a Fire than then gradually make the Fire stronger and like that for and for six or ten hours and when you become inside that nothing arises and becomes elevated, surround it with the strongest fire and do the same until the material is fixed.
And one should know that the spirit and soul are not really united with the world: then all the colors that one can think of in the world appear then the work is secured and completed in one color, namely white and from there all the colors come together. Then the prophecy is the beginning and firmament of the entire body. It will not later be transformed into a variety of colors, except into red, which will finally be the end.
Citrination, however, is the difference between the white and the red and is not called a perfect color: in the decoction but after the white you will not easily be able to make mistakes and make mistakes. Then the government of the Fewers is gradually increased after the whiteness is complemented by the citrine and finally the redness as I said before.
And know that the Argentum vivum is a Fire that burns, kills and holds bodies together in one government. And the more the bodies are ground up and mixed, the more they are made more efficient and worn out.
Another philosopher says that the superfluous lighted fire makes the wet one emptied the cold but the fewers makes the work uncompensated. Mercke wol: The Fewer's government should therefore be based on nature and an example of the four times. At first, namely in winter, the earth received. In the other, namely in spring, she brings herbs and flowers. In the third season, namely summer, the fruits become ripe.
In autumn, however, that is in the fourth season, the fruits are collected, which is why Mercurius is killed in the same form in our work in the first season and the entire work is turned into dust and the earth is conceived to be transformed into a different nature She black in the same decoction . In the other seasoning it rises to its nature with the white. In the third the fruits appear and then the redness that is there at the end of the work appears. In the fourth season, the fruits are ripened and harvested.
This is enough of the fixation.
How you should throw the artzneij and how you like each metal in the sun and moon.
From what I promised at the beginning of this book, I have fulfilled the end up to making the great masterpiece the most excellent white and red elixir: Here I want to finally say how one should reject this mode and path is the fulfillment of the work and the joy we hoped for and desired. But the white elixir makes it completely white and brings every metal to perfect whiteness.
But it is necessary to know that one metal is more easily brought to the elixir then the other is then added to the elixir more perfectly than the others. And when we find a perfect and very closely related metal and the vice or lack of imperfection is excused in the near by the very further which metals but are now very distant or closely related, that is clear enough to see in many books.
And because the white or red elixir is very spiritual, it nevertheless affects nature less and it is no wonder that it can be mixed with the body over which it is thrown - it only melts the corpus alone. It's hard to throw over a lot of thousands (super mille millia) and they flow through obviously and visibly.
That's why I want to give you a big secret: you should divide one part by a thousand Mix the closely related body and close it completely in a convenient container and put it in an oven for three days until it is inseparably put together. And that is the work of the three days then you can throw a part of the same body together over a thousand parts of each body forever and ever without end, but those who are so related are always the closest and best to it. And that is the work of a day, an hour or a minute.
There is also another way of throwing: Take a hundred parts of the Mercurii, which has been washed with salt and vinegar, and place it over the fire in a crucibulo, but when it looks like it is smoking, throw a part over this hundred part of the Mercurii, like this the whole thing becomes a medicine. Then place a part of the same medicine over another hundred parts of Mercurii, by the warm Fire: And there is another medicine and so on.
In the last rejection, a part of the medicine that is finally congelated transforms a hundred part of the Mercurii into quite pure gold or silver according to which the second elixir is prepared.
There is another way of throwing: put a part of the medicine that is reported above over sixty part of which Mercurii has been washed off and put it in a glass vessel and keep the wool the nit ademeth and put in warm grayling three days and when your Medicine that Mercurium will keep, you should know that it is perfect and then all of these sixty parts are a medicine like the first.
And in this way you can taste the excellence of the elixir: which should always be multiplied. Sometimes one part of the medicine transforms fifty or a hundred or two hundred or even a thousand or untold parts. And the whole thing is always a medicine that is retained by the Mercurio and completely coagulated.
But the way of the work is that you throw a part of the above-mentioned medicine on a hundred pieces of cast gold, so that it breaks and it will be a medicine which throws a part over a hundred of each cast metal, transforming it into the best Gold and when you throw it over the moon it transforms all bodies into moons, in this way you can transform the sun into mon into the venerem, saturnum, jovem and Martem.
But if the medicine or pre-mixed elixir has no input, then take some of the extracted stone in the first effect and the above-mentioned Mercuri Ana, and mix at the same time and in Corporir, in the rubbing of the stone and then with the bathing distillation, so that it fits together the better and then make it dry and when you want, you can take the water through the Alembicum, and bring the same with Imbibirn as often as possible into Corporirn, drying until the aforementioned medicine with the melted Mercurio has been incorporated into Corporit. When this happens, put it in its entirety in an unrinal that has a round base or bottom and when you put the lid of the reprisal on it, you should give it the gift of a light and ashes through its degrees, as is shown above.
And when it feels good to you, do so by the appointed Mercurio until the pre-painted medicine or material is figured and is easier to cast than wax. And so you will have the elixir or the right stone that fills the Philosophorum, which transforms the Mercurium and all imperfect bodies in sun and moon over which you cannot have a better stone .
Closing speech of the entire epilogatio. Totius.
That's why I say that the whole summa of the whole work is nothing else than that man takes the stone that is known in the capitulis of the books and man should drive it for and for the work of the sublimation of the first degree, so that it is free from the impurity as perishable has been purified.
Afterwards, its white or red addition should be made subtle with the solvated until it becomes fleeting in the final mode of sublimation. But he is further portrayed with the wise men of fixation until he completely rests in the cruelty of the farmer . But after that you should keep the fixed part with the other and not make the fixed part flee through the modum of solution and sublimation and the fleeing fix and the fixed solve and repeat the fleeing and make it fix until it flows and ends in the fulfillment of the suns and moon.
And in this way the most delicious secret nut is brought about, which is superior to all the goods in the world and an incomparable treasure of all philosophy.
Quote of the Day
“No true Adept or perfect Artist can deny, but that the whole Work of the Great Elixir may from the very beginning to the end be performed on one only Furnace, in one only sort of Vessel, and by one only Person alone, at a very small charge.”
Aphorismi Urbigerani
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