Astronomical Geomancy

Astronomical Geomancy

Written by Gérard de Sabbionetta

In his 1661 edition, Luc Salerno followed the text with various additions: "Meanings of the houses in the 12 mansions of Heaven", "Meanings of the Planets in the 12 houses", Meanings of the Planets in their own house , & in those of others", "Of the meanings of the Lord of the Ascendant", as well as a chapter concerning spelling and numerology. 𝕍 the 1662 edition delivered as a source for consultation.

As astronomy is too long and too difficult a science, I composed this work which I call Astronomical Geomancy where I teach to judge without any difficulty, because to form a geomancy figure, it is only necessary to make four lines of points ; but these lines must be unequal, and the points which compose them must be made randomly. We must then join these points two by two, & points which remain at the end of each line, either even or odd extract a figure, & put as ascendant the sign of the Zodiac to which this figure responds, for example if it was Acquisition , we should put the sign of Aries .

If Joy or Minor Fortune the Taurus ,
If the Boy, or the Red the Gemini .
If the White, the Crayfish .
If the Way, the Lyon .
If the Dragon's Head, or the Conjunction, Virgo .
If the Girl, the Scales .
If Loss, or Sadness Scorpio .
If the Tail of the dragon, Sagittarius .
If the People, Capricorn .
If Major Fortune, the Water Pourer .
If Prison, Pisces .

Besides this, it is necessary to put in the second house the Sign which immediately follows the Sign of the Ascendant, it is also necessary to put in the third house the Sign which follows that of the second, and keep the same order in the others. Then we draw up a square figure divided into 12 equal parts, and we place the 12 signs in order in this figure, as we will easily see in the one I give as an example.

It is then necessary for each Planet in particular, to make four lines, with points made at random; we must also make some for the Dragon's Head, and then we must divide them by twelve, and keep the surplus. But in case there is nothing left, we must keep the same number of twelve, and place the Planet in one of the twelve houses of the celestial figure according to its number which remained, that is to say if there remain twelve the planet must be placed in the twelfth house, if four in the fourth, and so on with the others. But you must always start with the Sun, continue with the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the fortune part, & the Dragon's Head only; because for the Tail we place it in the opposite direction. However, be careful not to put on a show when the weather is dark, rainy, or when there is a storm in the air. One must not have a mind encumbered by affairs or sorrows, add that one must not put up a face for those who mock Geomancy, nor make several faces touching the same question.

First House Questions.

When you want to know if someone's life will be long or short.

Consider the Lord of the Ascendant; for if it is placed in the corners of the figure, it shows long life; in successive houses, he promises it to be mediocre, and in cadent ones, he makes it short. But if you find it in a powerful angle, it marks a greater number of years; if in a good succeeding house, a fairly long life, and if in a good succeeding house it means mediocre life.

The least years of Saturn are 30, the mediocre 43 & a half, & the greatest 57.
The least years of Jupiter are 12, the mediocre 45 & a half, the greatest 79.
The mediocre(?) years of Mars are 15, the least(?) 40 & a half, the greatest 66. (Note: least and mediocre are probably reversed here by mistake)
The least years of the Sun are 19, the mediocre 69 & a half, the greatest 120.
The least years of Venus are 8, the mediocre 45, the greatest 82.
The least years of Mercury are 20, the mediocre 48, the greatest 76.
The least years of the Moon are 25, the mediocre 66 & a half, the greatest 108 .

Or do it differently; look if Saturn, or Mars are in the first house, with the Lord of the eighth, & the Sun in the eighth house of the same figure: for then he who asks the question will not live long: as is the case with even if the Lord of the ascendant is in the twelfth, & Mars in the eighth, the Questioner will not live: but he will live a long time, if the Sun & Moon are conjunct in the seventh, Jupiter in the twelfth, & Venus in the second. Moreover, if you find Saturn in the Ascendant, the one for whom the question is asked will be a heavyweight; & great speaker, if you find Mercury there: if Mars & Mercury, he will be quarrelsome, if the Sun & Mercury, he will be sincere: And if the Sun is in Aries, he will have easy conception: if Venus is in the seventh , he will be lustful; & if Saturn, Mercury & Venus are in the background of the sky, he will indulge in dishonest loves. If the Sun & Venus are in the tenth, & the Moon in the first, it will be very liberal. If Venus, Mercury, & the Dragon's Head are in the first, it will be unofficial; and if Mars is Lord of the first, he will be slanderous and quarrelsome: If the Sun, he will be envious, beautiful in body, he will be neither fat nor thin. If Venus, it will be white. If Mercury, he will always be inconstant: however if the Moon meets in the same place, he will be slender, & will have a small face, & a weak stomach. If Saturn, he will be dirty and black in color: and if Jupiter, he will have a round face, a fairly beautiful forehead, a ruddy color mixed with some whiteness.

You will know the profession, whether the Moon is in the seventh with Saturn, or in the fourth, or in the tenth, or in the first: but it is not good to build a house in a city, nor to make a ship , nor to cultivate land, nor to plant a vineyard, or trees; but it is good to have some job on the water, or to get involved in marriages of small consequence, or to be a Courier, or Messenger. You should not be attached to a master; because we would get no benefit from it. If the moon is in the fifth, or in the third, this will also be advantageous for him, and if it is in the second, the eighth, the tenth or the twelfth, it will be neither good nor bad for him.

Jupiter means Bishops, Prelates, Nobles, Powers, Judges, Philosophers, Sages, Merchants, Bankers.
Mars means warriors, blasters, murderers, doctors; barbers, butchers, goldsmiths, cooks, bakers, and all works that are done by fire. And if Mars is in strong signs, the Questioner will be poor, and will die in captivity, if he does not attach himself to a Lord of merit.
The Sun signifies Emperors, Kings, Princes, Nobles, Lords & Judges.
Venus means Queens, & Ladies, Marriages, Conversations, Friendships, Apothecaries, Tailors, Ornament Makers, Cloth Merchants, Gamblers, Those Who Haunt Cabarets, Those Who Play on the dice, the Mackerels, & the Robbers.
Mercury signifies Clerics, Philosophers, Astrologers, Geometers, Arithmeticians, Latin Authors, Painters, & all ingenious & subtle workers, both men and women, & their Arts.

To answer the intention of the person asking the question.

Consider the sign of the Ascendant, & its Lord, because Nature, & the condition of the request will be of the quality of the house, & of the sign, where you will find the lord of this Ascendant lodged; & if the Sun is in the Ascendant in the question of the one making the request, the Questioner must fear some person in relation to him.
If Venus is lady of the Ascendant, the question concerns the Arts, to learn them, or what belongs to the female sex.
If it is Mercury, the question is for some loss or illness.
If it is the Moon, the questioner (questioner?!) has sore eyes or is otherwise distressed.
If it is Saturn, the Question is asked for a sick person, or for a Prince who remains in bed, and who has great affliction in his heart.
If it is Jupiter, the question is for a sick person, or for restitution, or for some office that one wants to acquire.
If it is Mars, the question is for some fear, or for an enemy, or for death, or for a sick person, or for some rent and income.


If you want to know if someone will be rich or not.

Consider the Planet which is in the second house: for if it is a good Planet which is joined with a good Planet, the questioner will be rich: but if the planet of the second house is a bad planet, or joined with a bad planet , the Questioner will be poor.

To find out if a deposit will be returned to you or not.

Consider if a bad planet is in the second house which is contrary to the lord planet of the same house, in this case, the one who holds the deposit will have difficulty returning it to you; but if it is a good planet which agrees with the lord of the second house, the deposit will soon be returned.

Moreover, if the lord of the second house is a bad Planet, in his own dignities, you will find that the one who has the deposit will be forced to return it. And if there is a bad planet in the second, I do not believe that the deposit will be returned: but if Mercury is in the second house, and it is in its dignities, it will bring hindrance to the restitution of the deposit which will however not fail to be returned. And if there is a good Planet in the second, it signifies the recovery of the deposit, although another Planet contradicts it;

Here you will find the friendship & enmity of the Planets among themselves.

The Moon & Jupiter are friends.
The Moon and Mars are enemies.
Mercury and the Sun are friends.
Mercury, & Venus are enemies.
Venus, & Jupiter are friends.
Jupiter and the Moon are friends.

The Planets agree with each other when they are of the same quality: like Mars and the Sun which are hot and dry, Venus and the Moon which are cold and humid.


If you want to know the number of brothers of a person.

Consider the Lord of the third house, for (if) he has joined with several planets, he means several brothers. Now the masculine Planets signify brothers, and the feminine Planets mark sisters. Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Jupiter, & the Head of the Dragon, are masculine, & the Moon, Venus, & the Tail of the Dragon are feminine: Mercury is indifferent: that is to say masculine with the masculine Planets, & feminine with the Feminine planets.


To know if it will be good to stay in some City, in some House, or in some country.

Looking at the Lord from the ascendant of the fourth & seventh house. If the Lord of the fourth is in the seventh, and he is good, and the Lord of the first and the tenth house are good, and with good Planets, it will be good to stay in the place you have chosen : but if the Lord of the seventh is with a good Planet, and the Lord of the fourth with a bad Planet, one should not stay in any place, because one will suffer a lot there.

To know whether the child, or the servant who has run away, will return to his father's house, or to his master's house.

See if the Lord of the Ascendant is in one of the four angles of the figure: in this case he will return in the year. Otherwise, consider the number of the House where it will be found outside the angles; he will remain absent for as many years as there are houses between the first and the one where this Planet Lord of the Ascendant is located.

To know if all things will be cheap, or expensive.

Consider the strong, successive, and cadent houses. Strong houses mark the dearness; the successive ones the reasonable price, and the successive ones the abundance of things. Furthermore, consider the Planets, and the signs where they are: if they are found in the angles, the things signified by these Planets will be rare. But notice that Saturn means the fields, my vines, & all kinds of tools specific to the countryside, it also means hides, horns, acorns, nuts & pomegranates.

Jupiter has oil, honey, silkworms, draperies, money, wine, wheat, and fragrant groceries.
Mars has wine & flesh, & mainly swine, weapons, war, & what belongs to them, & red clothes.
The Sun has wheat, wheat, wine, and all things that resemble gold in color, purple, drapery, horses and birds, as well as hawks and hawks.
Venus has fat, grapes, figs, pearls & diamonds.
Mercury has barley, millet, grain, currency & quicksilver.
The Moon has oats, milk, cheese, incense, salt, cows, rams, chickens & money; the Moon also marks the large or small quantity of these things.


To find out if a woman is fat, or if she will be.

See whether the Lord of the Ascendant is in the seventh, or the lord of the fifth in the first, or the lord of the first in the fifth, or whether the lord of the fifth is in the seventh, or whether the lord of the seventh is in the fifth, or the Moon with him, or if there are good Planets in the first, or in the fifth, or with the lord of the fifth, this woman is pregnant, or else she will become so; and if you don't find any of these things, and there are bad planets in the places I'm talking about, it won't be big. That if there are in the same places of which I speak, it will not be large. That if there are good and bad planets in the same places, perhaps it will have children: however they will not live; but if Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces are in the first, or fifth house, she can still have children. that if the Lyon and the Virgin are in the same place, it is no longer pregnant, and can never be: or if the lord of the fifth is in these same signs.

If you want to know how many years a woman will be pregnant.

See where you will find the lord of the fifth, especially since it will be big in this year. If this lord is in the first house, it will be in the first year, if in the second house, it will be in the second year, and so you can count up to the twelfth; & if there are poor signs in the Ascendant, the woman will be pregnant with two children, who will live, if a good Planet is in the first; but if it is a bad Planet, they will die, and if there is a good Planet, and another bad, one will live and the other will die. If the Ascendant is a mediocre sign, and it is in this sign the mother dies, and the child lives. If Saturn meets there, the child and the mother die, and if the Dragon's Tail is there, perhaps both will die: however the child will not survive. And so if the Dragon's Tail is in the first, and the tenth house is badly affected, the mother will also die, if Mars & the Moon, or Mars & Saturn are in the first, in the seventh or in the tenth, the mother will die.

To find out if a pregnant woman will have a miscarriage.

Consider if the Ascendant is a movable sign, because that being the case, she will have misfortune in her diapers.

If you want to know if a woman will have a boy or a girl.

See the Ascendant, & its Lord, because if it is masculine, or in a masculine fourth of the circle, it will be a boy: If it is feminine & in a feminine sign, or in a feminine fourth of the circle, it 'is a girl. Look again if there are more Planets in the masculine signs than in the feminine signs: because it is another mark that it is a boy; & on the contrary if there are more Planets in feminine signs than masculine, it must be a girl.

To find out if the child will be legitimate.

See if Saturn, Mars, or the Dragon's Tail, are in the fifth or with the lord of the fifth, this shows that the child is legitimate: but if they are good Planets, the child will be bastard. The same thing must be said if the lord of the first is in the fifth joint with his lord; or otherwise if the lord of the fifth is in the Ascendant, joined with the lord of the first.

To find out if the news circulating is true.

Look if Saturn, Mars, or the Dragon's Tail are in the Ascendant, because then all the news is false; but if the Sun, Jupiter & the Dragon's Head are in the Ascendant, they are true. Moreover, all these noises are true, if the masculine Planets are in masculine signs, and the feminine Planets in feminine signs. That if you find in the Ascendant good Planets and bad Planets, say that the news is partly true and partly false: but they will be invented if Mercury is in the first: however these rumors will be true, if the Moon is in the first in a feminine sign, or conjunct with the lord of the Ascendant in a feminine sign. Likewise if good Planets are in the third, fifth, & ninth, & in feminine signs, this news is true, and on the contrary.

To find out if someone should come, and when.

See if the lord of the fifth is in the first with the lord of the Ascendant, especially since the one who is absent will soon return, being then on his way to return: but if these two Planets are together in cadent houses , they indicate that the traveler has fallen ill, on the contrary he is very joyful, if the lord of the fifth is exalted in an angle, and if this lord is in a falling sign, the absent person will be very ill, or will die .

To find out if the absentee brings back what he went to get.

If the lord of the seventh is a good Planet, he will provide what is needed; but if it is a bad Planet, and in cadent houses, you should not hope that it will achieve what it wishes.


To know if a patient will recover or die from their illness.

See if Saturn, or Mars, or the Dragon's Tail are in the first house, & if the lord of this house is joined with a bad Planet: For then the sick person will die immediately; but if the lord of the first is a good Planet, and it is with very bad Planets in the ascendant, or in the eighth, the patient is sure to die. Moreover, if the Lord of the first is in the eighth, or with the lord of the eighth, otherwise the lord of the eighth in the first, or with the lord of the Ascendant, the death of the patient is doubtful. That if bad Planets are in the corners, it is still a bad mark; but the sick person will be cured if good planets are in the first, sixth, or eighth, provided that the lord of the first is not in the eighth, nor with the lord of the same.

To find out if the patient will be cured by medicine or other remedy.

Give the first house to the Doctor, the second to the patient, the seventh to the illness, and the fourth to the remedies: because medicine will not benefit the patient if bad planets are in the first house, and on the contrary he will have relief. if good planets are found there: That if bad planets are found in the seventh, they change, or prolong the illness instead of the fortunate delivering the sick without remedies. Added that illness and pain are increased by the presence of bad planets in the fourth; the opposite being the fortunate ones in this house who soothe pain and heal the sick.

To find out if you will cure the disease.

Consider the lord of the ascendant: for if he is with Saturn, Mars, the Tail of the Dragon, or with the Sun, you should not go to treat the sick, but it will be useful for you to go there, if Jupiter, Venus, or the Dragon's Head are in the first, or in the seventh, however if the Moon is with a good planet, go find the sick person, and give him medicine: but be careful not to go there, if the Moon is with a bad planet, mainly in the seventh or if in the angles there are bad planets, but if the Question is assisted by good Planets, the doctor must go to his patient and look in which part of his body the patient is tormented, 'as much as Ariès presides at the head.

The Bull at the pass.
Gemini on the arms.
Chest & Lung Cancer.
Lyon to the heart & stomach.
The Virgin, to the belly & entrails.
Libra at the navel & kidneys.
Scorpio, at the seat & shameful parts.
Sagittarius, on the buttocks & thighs.
Capricorn, on the knees.
The Water Pourer on the legs.
Pisces, on the feet.


For stolen things.

Look at the lord of the seventh house: if he is in the first, the theft will be returned: And if the lord of the first is in the seventh, we will search for a long time for what we have lost, but at last it will be found. That if the Moon is in the seventh, or with its lord, the things stolen will be recovered. Moreover, if the Moon is in the fifth with the lord of the first, what we have lost can be found again: but if the Sun & the Moon are in the fifth, & the lord of the eighth with the lord of the first in the first, flight will be found: If Saturn, Mars, & the Dragon's Tail are in the second, flight will not be found, and will be lost forever. If the lord of the second is in the first, he will be able to be found after a great work: And if the lord of the second is in cadent houses, theft will not be found; but if this lord is exalted theft will be easily found. Now the seventh shows the nature of the thief.

To know the condition of theft.

Look at the lord of the second; if it is Saturn o, will have taken lead, iron, a boiler, black robes, or leather.
If it is Jupiter, we will have stolen tin, silver or colored clothes.
The Sun shows gold & rich things.
Mars means fire, or things that are formed by fire.
Venus marks what is appropriate for women, such as gloves, rings, gems, & other ornaments.
The Moon signifies beasts: like horses, mules, & others; it also marks the merchandise.
Mercury shows money, books, papers, paint, and gray or various colored clothes.

To know the number of thieves.

Consider the planet lord of the sixth if it is in the second, or with the lord of the second; it shows that there were several thieves, and if these planets are in the third house, these thieves will be the brothers, or the parents of the one who asks the question.

To find out if these thieves are in the place where the theft took place.

See if the same Planets lord of the second are in successive houses; because then they are not far away; if they are in the cadents they are very far away.

To find out where they went.

Consider the signs of the Zodiac, or the lord of the seventh; for Aries marks the middle of the East.
Gemini the West towards the south.
Crayfish in the middle of the North.
Lyon the East towards the North.
The Virgin south towards the West.
Libras the middle of the West.
Scorpio the North towards the West.
Sagittarius, the East towards the North.
Capricorn the middle of the Midy.
The Water Pourer from the West to the North.
And Pisces, the North towards the West.

To find out if the thief takes everything he took.

Consider the lord of the seventh, & the eighth.

If the lord of the seventh is in a corner, the thief intended to take everything away. But if the lord of the eighth is in a corner, the thief must have the intention of taking everything away. But if the lord of the eighth is in the cadent house, and the lord of the second powerful, the thief takes everything; but if the lord of the seventh and the eighth are both in cadents, the thief has not taken anything away, and has put his theft in the hands of someone. But you will know the quality of his companion, and the profit he will make of theft, by the inspection of the seventh, and the eighth.

To know the nobility of a person.

Consider for the woman the lord of the seventh; if you find it in an angle, and the lord of the first in a successor, or cadent, it will be nobler than the man, but if the lord of the ascendant is in an angle, and the lord of the seventh in successors or cadents, the man will be more noble than the woman.

Moreover, if the lord of the seventh is in the ninth house, the man will take a wife who is not from his country.

To find out if a marriage will take place.

Take for the questioner the Ascendant, its lord & the Moon. Take the seventh & its lord for the woman; if the lord of the ascendant, or the Moon are joined to the lord of the seventh, or in the seventh the marriage will take place; but it will be even more if the lord of the seventh is in the ascendant or joined to the lord of the first because the desire to marry will be greater in the woman.

To find out if your wife, or your friend has another friend than you.

See if Mars is in the seventh without dignity, it has no other friend than you.
If Saturn, she loves someone other than you, without having any nasty business with him.
If the Tail of the Dragon they have blamable privacy.
if Jupiter, she barely keeps marital chastity.
If Venus, she plays and familiarizes willingly, being considered a whore even though she is not.
If Mercury, she sometimes has a friend, and sometimes she has none.
If the Moon, she does not yet have a lover but she will have them and will be in common.
If the Sun, and the head of the Dragon, it is chaste, and you can thus find by the eleventh what concerns friends.

To find out which of the husband or wife will live the most.

See which is better placed of the lord of the Ascendant or the Lord of the seventh, see I say the stronger of the two in the figure, or if it is joined with good planets without testimony with the 8 & its lord ; for the person who is subject to the stronger planet of these two will live longer than the other.

To create society, or to find out if it will happen.

Consider if in the seventh there is a good planet, then society will be established, good will come of it; and it will last as many years and days as the lord of the seventh marks.

To find out what the company is.

See which planet is in the seventh; because if it is a good planet, society will be established that year, or marriage, if it is in question.

To find out if the thing will succeed.

Look at the first house & its lord which belongs to the Questioner, & see the seventh, & its lord which looks at his companion, his wife, or his friend, if these two planets agree together, there will be profit & friendship among them. That if these lords do not agree, there will be hatred and loss between them.

To find out which of two people will win more.

Consider the two planets lord of the first and the seventh house; because the most powerful, the happiest, and the best disposed will give more gain to the person it signifies, or look at the second, its lord, and the eighth, with its lord; the happiest of these two houses, and which will have a better planet for lord will give the advantage to the person it marks, because the second marks the gain of the Questioner, and the eighth, the gain of the companion, or the woman . That if the promises of these two houses are equal in good disposition, the gains are equal between the partners, or the parties.

To find out if two partners work together.

See if the lord of the Ascendant is in good friendship with the lord of the seventh, that being the case they help each other: but if they are enemies the partners will not love each other.

To find out which of two people will win their case.

See if the lord of the first and the lord of the seventh are in the angles, not one will lose: And if one of these two Planets is joined with another bad one, neither of the two being in its fall, the person marked by the first Planet will lose its case. That if the two Planets lords of the first and the seventh are bad, the winner will kill the vanquished. since if one of the two is powerful, and the other weak, and the powerful Planet is not in its fall, nor joined with a bad one, and the weak Planet is not in its house, or in its exaltation , nor with a good Planet; he who is powerful will win his game. Likewise the Planet, which will be in mediocre places, will often give fear and hope sometimes of losing, and sometimes of winning, but in the question concerning war or the Kingdom, the strength, and the power of a Planet is greater in its exaltation than in its house, the opposite being of the other demands.

To find out if someone who is going to put themselves in danger will return happily.

See the lord of the ascendant; because if he is with a good Planet, and a good Planet is in the first he will return happily: but if the sun is with the lord of the first in some part of the Question he must not put himself in danger, because the Sun burns this Planet. If the lord of the seventh is with a good Planet, and the lord of the first is sufficiently a good Planet, this man will find difficulty in his undertaking. If the lord of the first is with a bad PLANET, and a good PLANET is in the ascendant, this man will be beaten & wounded in the fight, without however dying. Whether Saturn is in the first, or with the lord of the first, it marks the same thing, but if a bad Planet is with the lord of the first, and Saturn is in the first, or with the lord of the first , this man will be injured by some blow from a stick or stone. If Mars and the tail of the Dragon are in the ascendant, or with his lord, or bad Planets are in the first, or with his lord, he will be injured and in danger of dying. Judge in the same way if a bad Planet is in the eighth, because it threatens death. If the Sun is with the lord of the seventh or in the eighth it is dangerous to go there, the same being of the seventh, & the tenth.

To know the event of a war.

See if the first, the seventh and their lord represent the questioner, as the seventh and its lord mark his adversary, because if good Planets are in the first, and bad ones are in the seventh, and the lord of the first , & that of the seventh are bad, the Questioner will be victorious: but if a bad Planet is with the lord of the first, & a bad Planet in the Ascendant, & the lord of the seventh is good, the Questioner will be defeated , or taken, or killed, If the lord of the first or the seventh are in the ascendant, and from the first there are good Planets, until the end of the sixth house, & bad Planets from the seventh until the end of the twelfth, the Adversary will be defeated: but if both planets lords of the first and the seventh are together in the ascendant, and good Planets are on the side of the first, and the bad ones on the side of the seventh, they will both suffer the loss: but the questioner in the end will have the advantage. The contrary being, if the lord of the Ascendant is in the seventh of the Question; because if the lord of the seventh is in the Ascendant, it will be the advantage of the one who asks the Question. if the lord of the Ascendant is in the eighth or with its lord, or the lord of the eighth in the first, or with its lord, it signifies the death of the Questioner. If the lord of the eighth is in the second, or with his lord, or the lord of the second in the seventh or with his lord, it marks the death of the Enemy.

To know if the war will last long

If the causes are mediocre it will be mediocre, and if the lord of the first and the seventh agree, the parties will make peace, and end the war.

In the intention that you have to change your residence if you want to know if it will be better for you to remain where you are, than to go to another house or country: or of two matters, which it is more expedient for you to TO DO.

Take the first and second houses, and their lords for the house or country where you are, and for the profit or gain you make there. Moreover, take the seventh and eighth, and their lords for the house or country where you must go; & for the profit & gain that you can make there, & choose the places whose lords will be elsewhere, & joined with mediocre Planets. Or do it differently: See the lord of the ascendant, & the Moon; & if they are separated from bad Planets, & joined to good ones, it is better to go than to stay, & do whatever business you had in mind, & if the lord of the ascendant & the Moon are separated from the fortunes , & joined to bad Planets, do not move, & do not do this business.

Or do so.

Look at the Moon, and if the Planet from which it is separated is better than the one to which it is joined, do not move. And if the Planet it joins is better than the one it separates from, come on.


To know how a man or a woman will die.

See if Leo or Scorpio are in the eighth; for this being so, a beast will be the cause of their death. If Saturn is in the eighth, or with the lord of the eighth, in Scorpio, Cancer, or Pisces, they will die in the water. If a bad Planet is in the eighth or with its lord, and Mars or the Dragon's tail meets there, they will die by fire, iron or fever: And if a good Planet is in the eighth, or conjunct with his lord, they will die a natural death.


For a long trip.

See if the lord of the eighth is with good Planets, and if Saturn is in the ninth, having his exaltation in the tenth; without being in his own dignities; because in this case you do not travel, so as not to fall into difficulties or dangers of war. If a bad Planet is with the lord of the ninth, and the lord of the ninth in his fall, the traveler will make great loss on the way, because if he goes by water, the Ship will break, he will be unhappy, will be taken or will die. If Saturn is in the ninth, or with its lord, go assuredly, if a good Planet is in the ninth, or with its lord, the path will be good, & sure. If Mars is in the ninth you should not travel, especially as you will find mortal enemies along the way. And if the lord of the ninth is with a bad Planet, together with the Sun, he threatens the questioner with being taken prisoner, but he will not be taken. If the lord of the ninth is with a good Planet, the traveler will escape; but if this lord is with a bad Planet the traveler will be caught. If Venus is in the ninth or with its lord, the journey will be good; especially since the traveler will find women, from whom he will have consolation. If Mercury is in the ninth & the lord of the ninth with good Planets, the journey will be quite good; but if Mercury is joined with a bad Planet, the journey will be bad. And I say about the Moon as I just said about Mercury. If the Dragon's Tail is in the ninth, the traveler will find thieves, or other bad people. And if the dragon's head is in the ninth, the journey will be good, especially as he will find Lords with whom he will accompany, and thus make the third house for a little journey.

To find out when the trip will take place.

See the lord of the ninth and make judgment according to the strength or weakness of this lord, especially as it will signify the quantity of years, months, and days; depending on where it will be. You will thus do regarding its delay, to know after what time, or in what time it will come: Weak angles mean a good journey, mediocre angles mean a mediocre journey; which similarly denotes the lord of the ninth, according to the place in which he is found, and I say the same of the resort.

To find out if the traveler will return without completing his trip.

See if the Moon is joined with the lord of the first, third, or ninth, and this Planet is in its fall, the traveler will return without completing his journey; but if she is in her exaltation, the journey will be made quickly. That if the three Planets lords of the first, third & ninth, two are powerful, and one is weak, the journey will be made: but if only one was strong, & another in its fall, the traveler will return without completing the journey. journey.


To find out if you will have any charge, or benefit from a King, a Bishop, or a Lord.

See the first and the ninth, and their lords; for if the lord of the first is in the ninth or with its lord, or other good Planet, or (that) the lord of the ninth is in the first with its lord, or other good Planet: like Jupiter, Venus or the Head of the Dragon, or one of them is lord of the ninth, you will have the office or the benefit.

To find out if it will be in the native country, or in a foreign land.

See if the lord of the first is in the corners; it will be in your country, if it is in the successors, it will not be far away; & if in the cadents; you will get it in distant Provinces.


To know when to put a ship on the water.

Look at the sign of the ascendant, if it is fixed, it will be firm and heavy, but if the lord of the Ascendant is with a good Planet, the Ship will be of great port; & if the ascendant is in a mobile sign, the Ship will be light, & sail well, & of great load. If the sign of the Ascendant is common, the weight of the ship will be mediocre: And say so of a horse, if it is a question. If the ascendant is a mobile sign, and its lord in exaltation, or powerful in square and in sextile of the Moon, or in the third, ninth or eleventh, put the Ship on the water, especially as it will be very light & very fast.

To know when to sail.

Take the time when a fixed sign occupies the Ascendant, or when the Moon is in the third, fifth, eighth, ninth or twelfth house.

To know the wind that a ship will have.

See the Ascendant & its lord; for if it is with a good or bad Planet, and in a good or bad place, make a judgment in proportion; And

To have the powerful wind.

Let's set sail, when the sign of Aquarius rises on the horizon; but to have only a fresh and light wind, set the sail when Libra rises. If the wind is mediocre, set sail at the rising of Gemini.


For a prisoner.

Consider the twelfth and the first; for if the lord of the twelfth is in the first, or with his lord, he will not be long in prison. And if the lord of the first is in the twelfth, he will not leave it soon; the same being of these two Planets lords of these two houses, as you have judged of all the others.

Quote of the Day

“the Quintessence and the hidden things of our Stone is nothing else than our viscous, celestial and glorious Soul drawn by our magistery out of its mine, which engenders itself, and that it is not possible for us to make that water by Art, but Nature alone begets it, and that water is the most sharp Vinegar, which makes Gold to be a pure spirit”


The True Book of the learned Greek Abbot Synesius


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