Arcana Divina: The Divine Arcana


The Divine Arcana


18th century

We want to teach you in our present writings, the true way of wisdom transmitted to us by the goodness of God to work out, from the three universal kingdoms, the stone of all the sages, blessed from all eternity.


Adam, the first man was a divine universal, from which derived the children of his son Seth who possessed these sciences and erected two columns, one of which was to be guaranteed from water and the other from fire. But the deluge having struck Syria and Chaldea, then by Abram Egypt, then Greece, these columns fell into total destruction. There was a disaster and such a universal desolation in nature, that nothing remained but the brightness of the sun with its aurific rays which the mercy of God was good enough to preserve for us.

O almighty power! O mystery of creation! Eternal and impenetrable light, enlighten us through your spirit, so that we walk in the ways of your will and that we transmit as much as possible to those of the human race who will be worthy of them the great mysteries which you have entrusted to us, to bring to you alone praise and glory in all eternity.

Know then, O man who will have been found worthy to come to the knowledge of our present writings, that it is the divine work and the most sublime mystery that we manifest to you, by which great miracles can be performed; that if it were not contrary to the Majesty to stop the sun for 24 hours only, as in the time of Joshua, whole mountains would be set on fire and flame. We have limited ourselves to undertaking, governing and wisely employing our universal work for the glory of the great Jehovah .

In transmitting to you the works of the three kingdoms, we charge your conscience not to divulge them to the profane; for it is the most sublime treasure, the basis and foundation of all wisdom, a reliever of all the poor, a spirit healer of all diseases, a savior of all prisoners, an overcomer of all things, possessing all the divine holiness which draws its principle from all eternity, and remains eternally immutable with Adonai .

Part 1

By the use of our machine, we prove the way of proceeding to make the spirit of Mercury that we will never carry in its first Ens without it and from our fire of nature from which it draws its only principle, as well as all in the world.

Take therefore for this spirit of the common Mercury , put it in a curcurbite. Adapt a container to it. Start by giving it the 1st degree of distillation of our nature fire. Successively increase by one degree. When Mercurywill be moved by its own heat which is enclosed within it, it will set in motion, will pass into the capital in the form of mist, and from there into the receptacle where it will resolve itself into spiritual water or viscous water by making itself visible. This is therefore a dissolving menstruation, but not universal, which will have the power and the force to reduce all metallic bodies to their first matter, that is to say to their natural essence, and to make a spiritual of a corporeal. , which we will pass on to the artist for later use.

Of this sublimation of Mercury, there is nevertheless nothing else to be done than to put it in an open glass capsule, and to evaporate it gently by our fire of magical nature, coagulating it into a metallic salt. , then apply the entire focus to it to melt it into a glass, which glass we call our philosophical vitrified stone with which one can operate particularly great things. But how to be able to do this operation, so much to be able to be used for the health, as for the subsistence of the life? I am only tracing for you here a process. Know :

Take one part of our philosophical vitrified stone with ten parts of fine silver. Put them together in fusion in front of our machine by our fire of nature. You will get a white and brittle material that will very easily be reduced to powder.

Take one part of this powder to one thousand parts of common mercury. Put them in an open capsule or on a tile stone in which you will have made a proportionate cavity. Melt it all together in front of our machine and by our secret nature fire. Maintain the fusion until the mercury no longer smokes. You will then have frozen it in good money. But as this silver will be too compact and it is equal to the weight of gold, you will put it in fusion with the alloy of two ounces of copper which, by its sulfur opens its pores , and you will then have a very good money.

But if you join fine gold to our said philosophical vitrified stone , proceeding by our fire in the same way as above said, your profit will be greater in bringing you gold instead of gold. 'money.

As for medicine, the said stone should not be used in diseases, being still too far from the required purity.

Second part

From the mineral kingdom

This chapter deals with how to get good use out of all mining by employing our magical nature fire; either mining gold, silver, iron, venus, mercury, tin, lead; either aurific, venereal, sulphurous, bismuth pyrites, or arsenical, antimonial, cobalt, marcasites, pomegranate stones, yellow ochre, brown pebbles, calmet, all kinds of talc, vitriol and finally all metals and imperfect mining.

To operate by our machine, the main rule is this. Know :

1° Take any mineral you want. Weigh it and record its weight. Use it raw as it comes out of the mines. Only wash it of its impurities, as much as possible. Then dry it and grind it fine into seblick . Spread it on a marble dish, but not too thick. Let our magic fire act on it to calcine it by continually stirring the material with a stick of glass or wood, so that the fire catches everywhere.

This finished, weigh the material thus calcined. You will find an increase in the weight that has frozen in there, without you adding anything else to it, and you will have obtained the most beautiful and fixed metal. So this manipulation is complete.

2° We also teach you how to refine all the metals by our magic fire to bring them to their highest degree of finesse. Know :

Take a very good cup. Take great care that it is superiorly good. Without this, we will not be able to cup with our fire in ordinary cups; because the spirit of the world is abundantly impregnated there, would break the cups and prevent your operation. So put your molten metal in the cup. Let our magic fire work. Project it gradually and little by little from our philosophical Saturn , that is to say from the nitre (saltpeter) who is the master of all metals to wash them well. Continue our fire, as it should, all impurity will pass through the smoke, and the metal will remain fixed and pure behind. In brighter luster or splendor and of stronger title than will ever be obtained from the ordinary way of cupping by common fire.

Let us now follow the mineral kingdom and leave aside the spirit (scale) of mercury of which we have spoken above, and take for the transmutation and improvement of imperfect metals an ordinary mineral which is not yet metal, but which nevertheless contains in him a seed and metallic sulphur . We mean here such minerals which contain in them a mercurial sulphur , or better a golden sulphur . So choose such a mineral. Pulverize it, drive out all the impurities with water; then calcine it by our nature fire. You will see in this work with surprise the spirit of the world being magnetically impregnated there, freezing and metallizing there. This being done, you will add fine gold to the saidsulfur of gold, for gold is its natural body. Put them together in fusion, and betroth them by our fire of nature. Maintain the fusion as long as it presents the red cat's eye like fire, uniform like a ball or round stone which remains without movement. You will then have completed your work, and through it you possess a treasure that nothing can fail you, either with regard to health or with regard to fortune. It is our mineral philosophical stone which presents itself as a carbuncle in the highest purity and beauty, playing all the most beautiful colors in the world.

One part of this precious stone out of 100 parts of fine gold, fused together before and by our nature, acquires an increase in fusion by the magnetic attraction of the spirit of the world, and the whole becomes at last a powder. and perfect tincture, one part of which projected upon 1000 parts - even more - of other imperfect metals, converting them into the finest gold.

of the universal

To arrive at the knowledge of the elaboration of the universal, it is necessary to be worthy of it that man has a pure and upright soul, that his spirit has more inclination to divine things than to worldly things. The Lord then grants him what he asks for, and the gates of wisdom will be opened to him. Let us therefore begin under the auspices of the Holy Trinity to show you and prove that our universal matter emanates from God from all eternity, that it is the principle of all creatures, and that it is still nothing other than the breath eternal of God and of his Spirit who dwells in the elements, according to the order of God. If you know this universal spirit and if you know how to obtain it in its required quantity, by our fire of magic nature to make of the spiritual a corporeal,

Everything is in God. Everything emanates from God, imploring his goodness, he grants us through his Holy Spirit the true wisdom that instructs us in everything.

Consider the universal spirit of the world, and see if, according to the creation and immutable order of God, all creatures do not draw their life and preservation from Him, and that without Him nothing could exist. As soon as this spirit leaves man, and all living beings, there results a natural reduction so that all return to their primitive element, id est in materiam ultimam, and become what they were before their birth. birth. Know then that this work of nature is nothing other than the universal spirit of the world which insinuates itself though invisibly into all men and living beings, but which it becomes visible and corporeal when it joins to the element of earth, coagulating therein into a nitre salt, which is destined for the generation, growth and preservation of all things.

Be therefore a scrutineer and an attentive observer of the things of nature and a true magician. Know above all how to arrange your work in such a way that it derives from the nature and from the seed proper to each thing that God has impregnated in it; that is to say, if you want to make metals, or improve them, or raise them to a higher title than they have, it is necessary to resort to a metallic seed which is nothing but our philosophical mercury, id is, the spirit of the world. But to obtain it, observe that there is nothing in the world which does not have its magnet analogous to it, its sympathy and its antipathy. This is how the common nitre is a magnet to attract a great quantity of the spirit of the world, like its own blood, from which it took its principle, and makes itself visible to us. This should be done as follows. Know :

1° Take well crystallized common nitre. Mix it with quicklime. Let them blush well together in a well-lit crucible. Then, pound this mass. Wash it off with warm water. Filter, evaporate until half, make crystallize. Then take these crystals. Mix it again with quicklime. Repeat this manipulation three or four times. Then melt these crystals in a very clean crucible in front of our machine by the fire of nature. They will become so igneous and magnetic, that if you deposit them afterwards in large capsules, or other suitable vases under our machine, on a fine sunny day, and give it the 3rd degree of our fire , you will get in an hour's time more than two pints of the purest, most blessed dew from heaven, or the spirit of the world.

As soon as you pick up this spirit, you keep it in a tightly corked bottle separately. You also put your magnetic crystals separately in a glass, and keep them well for our next use.

2° After this manipulation done, we take this spirit of the pure and celestial blue world and we begin by applying to it very gently in front of our machine the distilling rays, then those calcinations of our magic astral fire of nature, in this as long as it is entirely coagulated in celestial blue salt. Arrived at this point, we apply on it the whole fire of our fire and continue as long as this salt is reduced whole in a glass, or stone quite round like a fixed ball, and which does not move any more, which presents the most beautiful celestial colors to the highest degree, which can be done in two or three hours.

And it is thus that you will have completed with the help of God the most sublime work, and you possess the universal and the philosopher's stone, at the same time the faculty of prolonging or shortening your life, of being eternally happy. or unhappy, depending on whether you have made good or bad use of it, by abusing this sublime gift of God. Always look ahead, and not back, if you want to contemplate and penetrate the marvels of your Creator, who by his great goodness has imbued you with the sublime mystery of the philosopher's stone.

You see in this stone, day and night, until all eternity, the course of the sun and the moon with the revolutions of the planets and stars, in a word, the entire course of the firmament, very distinctly, although in very small figures; how each and everyone consumes the order of movement prescribed to them. The whole microcosm presents itself in the same way in our so-called stone. It generally contains everything within itself, except that in its constellation quality and fixed nature it will not gladden your desire for gold, because it would not tint or transmute imperfect metals except that you take one part of this blessed stone out of a thousand parts of the fine gold which is its leaven, and put them in fusion before our machine. In sulphurous solar addition, the whole mass will melt again into a glass full of fire and red as a ruby which will be very brittle and grind easily into the most beautiful red powder. It will be what will rejoice and content you because by projecting a part of this powder on a thousand parts of imperfect metals, in fusion before and by our fire of nature, it dyes and transmutes the whole into the finest gold, supporting all the tests. Here, we must urge you to give thanks and glory to God from the bottom of your soul, for such a sublime benefit which his goodness has kindly bestowed on you. If you neglect this advice, beware, you will not enjoy it for long. It will be what will rejoice and content you because by projecting a part of this powder on a thousand parts of imperfect metals, in fusion before and by our fire of nature, it dyes and transmutes the whole into the finest gold, supporting all the tests. Here, we must urge you to give thanks and glory to God from the bottom of your soul, for such a sublime benefit which his goodness has kindly bestowed on you. If you neglect this advice, beware, you will not enjoy it for long. It will be what will rejoice and content you because by projecting a part of this powder on a thousand parts of imperfect metals, in fusion before and by our fire of nature, it dyes and transmutes the whole into the finest gold, supporting all the tests. Here, we must urge you to give thanks and glory to God from the bottom of your soul, for such a sublime benefit which his goodness has kindly bestowed on you. If you neglect this advice, beware, you will not enjoy it for long.

Now, we are going to describe what the philosopher's stone is, its virtues and the powers it contains within it, in which it makes us participate, how to use it and preserve it in its purity.

The philosopher's stone is first of all a sublime gift and grace from God. One can see in it not only all the marvels of God, but also scrutinize and penetrate all the treasures and mysteries in this divine work. It also gives the faculties to know oneself better. It brings wealth, honor, love and friendship to man. It preserves the one who wears it from all misfortunes. She infuses him with all wisdom, strengthens memory, pacifies all enmity, heals all illnesses, rejuvenates man, prolongs his life for several hundred years, if the Will of God allows it, by invoking his goodness with fervor and from the bottom of the soul. Finally, this blessed stone restores all human infirmities and inconveniences.

If a man takes only half a grain of it a year in wine, and perspires well after taking it, he will see himself rejuvenated. He will grow new teeth and nails on his hands and feet. Gray hair will fall out and be replaced by new ones. The old man's outer skin disappears. There comes a new, rejuvenated one. So man will be like a newborn, like an adolescent. This is how we end this article in praise of God, father son and Holy Spirit.

Other universal work

We want to transmit to you yet another universal work which likewise derives from our universal basis and root. We explain it to you briefly and clearly. Know :

Our universal matter is nothing else, as we have already said before, than the pure solar spirit of the world, which being coagulated mechanically into a body, and made visible (which is well to observe), becomes a nitre. named Dragon of the Philosophers, which presents itself in its external form of a beautiful white, but in its interior is a dragon of pure solar fire, which, turning it over, produces in its nature the most beautiful red; that is to say to make an invisible body from a visible body, and a visible body from an invisible, permanently fixed to the fire. And you will again obtain a universal tincture, one part of which transmutes a thousand parts of the imperfect metals into the finest gold. All this must take place in front of our machine and fire of nature and can be completed in two or three hours.

Having treated above of the mineral kingdom, in our description of the universal work, and since it belongs at the same time to this kingdom, the object of all the precious and imperfect stones, as well as all that grows in the water, like pearls, crystals, shells, and any other kind, we will here trace you an example as they can be brought into a higher perfection before our machine by our fire of magical nature. The resulting advantages are immense, not only in regard to worldly wealth, but also in the preservation of health without infirmity and the prolongation of life. To then end his days in the term prescribed by Divine Providence and to return our spirit almost in sleep to God from whom it emanated.

As it is indubitable that by fear and love towards God we can triumph over everything, also by his grace and by our magic fire of nature, by means of the application of our machine, you can overcome everything and reproduce everything in the most perfect and the highest perfection: which would be impossible without the use of our fire of nature.

We defy anyone to say if he has ever seen or heard that talc, pearls, and especially alumen plumosum can be molten, without addition, by material fire, such violent as it either. No one will boast of being able to do this if he does not know the use of our natural fire, as we will prove and demonstrate below.

For convincing proof, we take only half an ounce of Oriental pearls; we put them in a clean dish in front of our universal machine, so that our fire of astral nature touches them in the center and can embrace them. One then sees in the instant the marvels of God, as they will be calcined in the moment, and then will be put in fusion like celestial water (sign of Aquarius) , increasing by a few grains by the attraction and the impregnation of the Spirit of the world, and becoming more precious by acquiring a greater degree of vitrified fixity than they had before.

Know that these must not be regarded as mere experiments, for the reason that the pearls have been carried out of their nature and transmuted by our magic fire of nature into a vitrified stone of eternal fixity and incomparable brilliance. , celestial and infinitely brilliant in color.

Observation and natural demonstration of the reasons why these things can be carried by us into a high and invaluable transmutation, and that per se, and se solo.

Know then that all the corporeal things which we calcine, then put in fusion in front of our machine, attract and are impregnated with the pure spirit of the world; of course, each thing of the nature of its like; which spirit of the world infuses and appropriates in them these great beauties and virtues by congealing in them and becoming corporeal with them, and thereby demonstrates the most complete proof of nature.

Consider these great wonders of God, the greatness of his goodness and mercy toward us poor humans, having arranged everything in nature for our good, to employ it and make holy use of it to his praise and to his glory, to ultimately enjoy and achieve eternal bliss.

I therefore pray that whoever has been worthy to come to the knowledge of these holy mysteries, to be their faithful guardian, as we have already observed above. Know that it is this stone that provides eternal life, if it is the will of God. It is this stone that provides all wealth and cures all human diseases and infirmities. She is the one who rejuvenates man, protects him from everything, has the power to revive the dead.

It is this stone whose use inspires us with all the wisdom and all the secrets of all of nature. Let us give thanks to the mercy and goodness of God, and let us not cease to sing his praises.

Finally, we therefore transmit to you here the use of this blessed stone. Know :

Take, by invoking the most holy blessing of God, on a part of the said stone, 10 parts of fine oriental stones which are its leaven. Put everything together in fusion in front of our machine by our fire of nature. You will get from it an invaluable tint full of all the most beautiful colors. So one part out of 1000 parts of unripe pearls, mother-of-pearl, etc. transmute them into the finest pearls in the world which you can mold into prepared shapes, make them big or small, as you choose.

But by giving fine diamonds as ferment to our aforesaid stone, and by putting them together in fusion by our fire of nature, you will obtain a tint of them on all crystals, pebbles, glasses, etc. being previously well purified.

As for health, this stone operates only to protect the person who wears it from all infected air and all pestilential diseases.

arcanum arcanorum
Secret Instructions of the Mineral Kingdom
on the alumen plumosum
incombustible under ordinary fire

Calcine, then put in fusion, the alumen plumosum by our secret fire and nevertheless visible to everyone. Take raw alumen plumosum as it comes out of the mines. You will get it by proceeding in the above manner about pearls, a precious and beautiful stone which far surpasses a carbuncle in its sparkling brilliance, and in the fire of nature which has been imbued in it. For the alumen plumosum contains within it the most fixed fire and the true quintessence of the fire of nature, which then was manifested and exalted by the application of our magickal fire of nature, proceeding as follows. Know :

Take one part of this stone out of 10 parts of fine diamonds. Crush these two materials into a powder. Melt them together by our fire of nature. The diamond will receive the property of the fixed nature of this stone and will also be magnetically impregnated by our fire of the nature of the sun and its ever-living rays, whose fire will present itself eternally in this living and sparkling stone, always giving a brilliance so brilliant that nothing in the world can compare to its beauty.

The natural carbuncle is only pale and dead comparing it against that of our celestial carbuncle stone, fixed and full of fire. The fire of the first is weak and is lost. It always remains without movement, except that it is turned and moved, it will always shine very little. Ours also greatly surpasses the aforesaid stone of the pearls, by employing it for the transmutation of other stones, after having previously given it a ferment by another stone, such as you please.

It is a universal tincture for vile stones and for crystals.

To make talcum oil

Our real talc oil, as well as any other oil that we would like to extract from metals, minerals, pearls or precious stones, must not and cannot be produced by any other art than in front of our machine, by our fire which we must thus govern. that follows:

Take common talc. Put it on a glass capsule that we talked about before. Expose it on our machine to give a calcining fire. Calcine until it falls into a blue powder, and it no longer smokes. Then withdraw the calcined matter, little by little, successively from our machine, so that the fire is for two hours only a fire of digestion. You will then see with astonishment how abundantly this calcined earth, pregnant with its own spirit, attracts the universal spirit of the world, and how this spirit dissolves it into oil and the color of flesh.

By the same manipulation and the same process, all metals, minerals and stones can be reduced to oil.

Observe that the more a mineral has been calcined and opened by our magical nature fire, the more it attracts the universal spirit of the world, and dissolves with it into spirit and oil; which solution then coagulates giving our stronger fire and settles in the supreme degree, both to make use of it for health and to produce precious stones. Let us render our homage to God who by his great goodness fills us with so many sublime benefits. His Name be praised.

Of the vegetable kingdom

Let us now decompose plants in front of our machine by our magical fire of nature, and prove that without it nothing essentially good and useful would be produced.

One sees with pity and pain thousands of men toil uselessly for immense expense with their alleged marvelous decomposition of plants, and what depends on it, by employing material fire to digest, calcine, distill, cook in every way; but they never obtain that truly good Ens which we obtain with and by our fire very naturally, very easily, in a short time, and even in a few hours. For our fire generates, preserves, nourishes and gives maturity to everything, whereas the material fire diminishes, burns, destroys and consumes everything. Conclude from this difference that nothing can result from the use of material fire, or at most very little good, while our nourishing fire demonstrates in a thousand and a thousand ways what we are advancing.

Let us now talk about how one can obtain the only true essence of plants and take for example the seed of wheat. Let us observe that there are two tinctures to be drawn from plants, one of which serves for increase and the other for health.

Let's start by rightly giving preference to the tincture serving for augmentation. Know :

Take very pure powdered nitre. Spread it out on a glass dish. Calcine gently and slowly in our nourishing fire, and this until it smokes no more and the nitre has turned a reddish-yellow. So you artistically remove the matter from the fire so that it retains only the degree of digestion. She draws into this degree the spirit of the world, to your astonishment, like her nearest fellow, in such abundance that one can pick up in a very short time, and even in a few hours, several pints of this blessed spirit. of the world.

Penetrate well here the importance of what we are telling you. Think about it well; and if you will not or cannot understand us, then take it for granted that God has not destined you for this great work.

We have no need to add anything more to the clarity with which we speak to you than to assure you and to affirm to you that on this one thing in which all mysteries are impregnated, in a word, depends all the philosophical work. .

The spirit of the gathered world, as above said, must then be brought nearer under our magic fire, so that it is successively reduced by firing into a red or yellow powder. If we were to say only three more words here, you would have the philosopher's stone before your eyes and you would have already prepared the tincture on the plants.

Finally, by throwing a very small portion of the above powder into plenty of cool water, it will begin to effervescent in an instant. We throw away the foam that the effervescence forms and we sprinkle the grains of wheat, or some other seed, with this tingent water. Then we sow them. You will obtain an infinitely abundant harvest, but also the seeds will come of a size of which we will have had no example.

When the increase, multiplication of plants, trees, etc., we must sprinkle the roots with this tingent water.

For medicine

No one should ignore, unless he is the most ignorant on earth, that all things were created by the Creator for the good of man. We therefore show you an example of how plants must be treated by our nature fire to serve as medicine.

Although all the distillations can be done in front of our machine, by our natural fire, and we obtain by the still a clear and pure spirit which is undoubtedly a thousand times better than that of the apothecaries made by the material fire. But you must feel that anything distilled per descensum is infinitely better and preferable than anything distilled by the still. We therefore show you how to use our machine and fire of nature to act per descensum so that you can obtain the spirit and the oil at the same time. You must consider it a very big secret.

So fill a curcurbite with rose leaves or other flowers, very full and very clean. Seal it above very tightly. Fit a container to the bottom of the curcurbite. Place the latter on a ring applied to a wooden stick in front of our machine and make our fire act very gently. He will push down the spirit and then the oil. Of this spirit and oil, a single drop produces a better effect than a thousand common distillations.

Dyeing flowers or plants

Here we pass on to you a greater secret than the previous distillations. It is to make the dyes of all the flowers or plants.

If you desire to make a tincture for the augmentation or multiplication of any herb, put the said spirit and oil which you have obtained per descensum into a capsule or other suitable glass. Let the rays of our magic fire act upon them. You will see with extreme joy that the spirit and the oil, by means of the attraction of the spirit of the world, are reduced at the end, by cooking, into a very fine and beautiful powder, of the color that was the flower, which is a very secret tincture.

Take a grain of it on two pints of cool water, they will be tinted in the best rose water or such colored water of the flower used.

Some wine

Having traversed the vegetable kingdom so far, we are left with the principal and universal work. That is to say the noble wine, or blood of the grapes. So we will tell you the composition of the tincture and its great usefulness. Just as it will be possible for a man to make and carry on him 200 barrels of wine, and even more.

So choose the best wine, good for health and pleasant to taste. Fill a capsule. Adapt our machine so that the rays of our fire of nature always embrace the wine. It will start to boil. Do not let it bubble too strongly, but boil it little by little to reduce it by cooking successively to half, always pouring in other wine, until you have reduced it by cooking to dryness 3 to 4 marks, that is to say 6 to 8 pints of France, and even more. Then you will increase the fire. Keep for another hour on the fire what you have reduced by cooking. It will increase by a third. Then remove the machine and let cool. You will have obtained a stone that transmutes water into wine.

But to carry this tincture much higher, we melt this tingent stone in an open capsule of glass in front of our machine by our natural fire, but by a very gentle fire to make it flow into liquor: and so that this operation takes place. Do it quickly, we calcine the stone with our fire, then grind it into powder. Then the attraction of the universal spirit becomes more abundant and permeates it more effectively, and makes the tincture much more fluid, so that the weaker heat of the sun will cause it to dissolve into an infinitely precious liquor.

Then approach this liquor closer in our magic fire to reduce it again by firing it into a stone. This dye will then dye ten times more than the previous one. This is how this tincture can be infinitely increased to transmute water into wine. The more often this manipulation is repeated, the richer the increase becomes. Let us give glory, praise and grace to God alone in all eternity.

From the animal kingdom

Let us now move on to the animal kingdom and explore the great wonders it contains to prove to you and convey to you an infinity of possibilities contained in nature, as much as God will allow us to reveal to you. But seriously urging you to shut up. A thousand times cursed be he who dares to abuse these sublime graces of God by using them for wickedness and diabolical works. Woe therefore to him who takes it into his head to transmit these divine secrets to the wicked or to those who are not worthy of them. We impose anathema and curse a thousand times the one who, once attained to the knowledge of our present writings and holy sapience, would use them otherwise than to the glory of God.

We also curse those who would truncate or falsify our present writings. Be certain that by not complying with these injunctions, this curse will strike you without you being able to escape it. For the objects in question touch too closely the divine majesty and influence its omnipotence. Do not undertake anything, therefore, until you have implored the goodness and grace of the Supreme Being and then you will succeed in all these holy mysteries.

Know above all, all of you who want to undertake something in the animal kingdom, that there will be very little useful to operate for men.

We are going to show you an example and ask you what could be the use of locking up the sperm of an animal in a hermetically sealed philosophical vase, and that you expose it under our fire of nature for a very short time. It wouldn't do you any good except to result in a monster, or a creature called a homunculus, which comes in a very small shape. This monster is just a creature against nature, against the order of God's will. So it happens from there that the devil incarnates himself in these accursed creatures, serving man for a short time, in order to draw him into his nets.

It is for these reasons that we do not allow ourselves to make a fuller detail of many homunculi, but we will occupy ourselves with useful things and permitted by the supreme being.

Nature takes her time in everything and in the course that the creator has prescribed for her. But his kindness allowed us to shorten the production time with the help of the art he revealed to us, and to make it more perfect.

If you take many eggs from chickens, ducks, geese or other poultry and put them in a box with wool or hemp, placing them under our magical fire of nature at a suitable distance so as not to light the box or the nest, you will operate in three or four hours more than nature can do in four weeks.

One can also produce marvelous things with human excrement, blood, flesh, bones, horns etc. and it would be possible to operate great and very secret things by our fire of nature, and even to have predictions by the appearance of the dead, if we did not have to apprehend to attract the just punishment of Heaven. So we prefer to limit ourselves there.

electors and characters

Let's see if it is possible to produce extraordinary things by characters, etc. No one will boast of being able to represent the wonders of the world by characters, signs or electres if he has not previously a perfect knowledge of preparing an electre by our magic fire of nature at the hours and times of the planet which is assigned to each metal. For this effect, we want to tell you the composition of a magic mirror.

magic mirror

First choose the time, then take the seven fine and well-purified metals in equal weight. Put each separately in a large and strong crucible before our magic fire of nature at the hours and at the time which is proper and assigned to each metal, so that you melt the gold on a Sunday at the hour when the sun is regent, then silver on Monday when the moon is regent, then iron on Tuesday, mercury on Wednesday, Jupiter (tin) on Thursday, Venus (copper) on Friday, and Saturn (lead) on SATURDAY ; all always by our magic fire of nature.

These fusions being thus completed, you will find each metal fattened in its weight, which indicates to you a complete proof that the Superior has mixed with the inferior and that it has imbued itself with its fellow man with all the virtues that it possesses, in such a way that all the electras, signs and other unspecified things fused, receive from there their quasi-supernatural virtue and effects.

The seven metals thus prepared, you fuse together into one mass and one day of Sunday in hora solis . Then, pour the fusion into a mold made in the shape of a mirror, which you then polish very cleanly like any other metal mirror. After being well polished, made very pure and clear, you will observe the time when the sun is in the sign of Leo as in the months of July and August, that the days are very clear with a beautiful sun and especially on a Sunday day . And you will then expose the mirror several times to the sun from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. so that the unpolished part is always exposed to the sun, and the polished part of the mirror is underneath placed on a board that you line with a nice clean white canvas.

Here you will see marvels with surprise and in what correspondence and magnetic virtue there is this mirror and our electra prepared with the stars, the planets and all the regions above. You will see marvelous colors that he draws to himself by representing to you all celestial and terrestrial things very clearly and naturally, almost as if alive. Happiness and misfortune, life and death, and almost everything you want to know. This is how all the seals, characters, etc., are prepared.

We can also melt a very marvelous little bell of our electra which, when you carry it on your person and pass over a hidden treasure, will begin to ring and thus reveal the hidden treasure to you.

This bell still operates many things and even miraculous ones. It brings out good and bad spirits and forces them to obey you in everything. This little bell is capable of many other great things, but we cannot reveal them to you and we contain these sublime mysteries under the seal of wisdom.

We reiterate to you that the metals must be melted each separately in front of our machine by our fire of nature in the time and in the hour that reigns the planet of each metal because without this scrupulous observation, all the work would be null and madness.

This is how we finish our present sublime mystery which we have obtained from God on our ardent prayers, so that after this life, our spirit will return to God from whence it came in the beginning, and that it may enjoy in Him. of eternal bliss.

Fundamental rule to make our machine

Our fiery glasses must be made of the purest and finest material, then superiorly polished. The larger these glasses, the greater their strength will be to operate more quickly and efficiently to complete an operation.

However, their size will suffice for all the works detailed above when the main glass contains 24 inches in diameter and 3 inches in the center, then the collective glass in its twelve inches diameter and 2 1/3 inches in the center. For the too great force of fire, whatever comes from nature, nevertheless harms and oversteps the lesser kinds which could not be brought to perfection, as by comparison we can observe, when a summer has been excessively hot and dry. Therefore each operation must be directed according to its kind and by the degree of fire it requires.

If you need to give fusion fire, the entire hearth needs to hit the exposed material. If you want to give fire of calcination or that of digestion or that of distillation, you push the exposed machine of some degrees, as we indicated it with the drawing of the machine, in proportion that it will be necessary, either behind, forward, which practice will teach you easily.


Out of love for God, in favor of the poor destitute, we are going to indicate some individuals to provide for their subsistence, so that the mercy and almightiness of the supreme being may be recognized more and more, and that he may be given thanks. alone of all the benefits with which he has showered us.

1° Take fine gold, as much as your faculties permit. Lay it on a smooth stone that supports the fire in front of our machine. Calcine it with a few very fine crushed pebbles, and this until everything turns red and the pebbles no longer give off smoke. So you increase the fire little by little and, at the end, you give the whole hearth. Everything will melt together and vitrify into fiery red glass like a ruby and increase in weight. Then weigh this solar glass. Add ten times as much of its weight in fine gold. Melt everything together on a small flat test. You will get a very crumbly scarlet red powder.

A grain of this powder thrown on a hundred grains and even more moon (silver) will tint everything in the best gold. All this operation is completed in 2 or 3 hours in front of our machine by our magic fire of nature.

Other more important individual

2° Take ammonium salt. Calcine it and remove all moisture. Mix in some slightly dry potter's earth. Form small balls the size of peas. Dry them, then push them per descensum in front of our machine by our nature fire. You will then have prepared your extraction period.

If then you pour this menstruation on gold calcined by stones, as it is said above, it will make on the spot the extraction of its sulfur. Then distil the menstruation, there will remain at the bottom of the glass the solar sulfur or anima solis .

This solar sulfur dissolves by the smallest heat of the sun that we could give it in front of our machine into a dark red oil. Then this oil coagulated and congealed by a stronger degree of our fire of nature, we obtain a tincture of which a part will transmute more than a thousand parts of Moon (silver) into gold.


3° Melt silver and copper together before our machine of fire of nature. Project there a little common sulfur and successively as long as the mass appears to resemble quite a red scoria. In this operation, the copper with its sulfur will freeze the lunar cold woman and it enters with her into the house of fixed solar honor.

We can proceed in the same way with all the other metals. We don't want to stop here any longer. We prefer what can be used for health by telling you how to prepare the precious drinking gold.

Drinking gold

Melt before our machine by our fire of nature six parts of fine gold. The fusion done, withdraw the gold a little behind, and give calcining fire. Spray a little common sulfur. Pulverize successively and little by little the ten parts of gold. Stir continuously with a glass stick. The gold will open, swell, rise and become all porous. Continue the calcination until everything has turned scarlet red and will allow itself to be ground into a very fine powder.

Put this powder in good wine or spirit of wine, it will dissolve there instantly. It colors the wine a beautiful red and thus makes it drinkable.

But if again you wanted to make this corporeal gold, expose it in a glass capsule in front of our nature fire to reduce it by cooking. You then obtain the body in the form of a golden sulfur which very gently dissolves into a golden oil. Then coagulating this oil, you will have a particular tincture of it, one part of which can tint more than a thousand parts of silver into gold.

All metals can be made drinkable in the same way and what is surprising in this operation is that each matter increases and improves under our fire of nature by the blessed Spirit of the world.

Observe that in calcination the sulfur opens the pores of the metals, and that they become, by the attraction of the universal spirit of the world, very fluid and disposed to dissolve in the spirit of wine or in wine, and thus making themselves drinkable.

All minerals, corals, agate stone etc. can be reduced to liquor by our philosophical calcination.

Fixing and coagulation of living Mercury, of the spirit of wine and other spirits

On the occasion of what we said above, we remember having to also instruct you to congeal and coagulate before our machine by our fire of nature the living mercury, the spirit of wine and other spirits . Know :

We put the living Mercury in an open glass capsule or on a test in front of our machine. As soon as it smells the scorching fire and begins to smoke, then small pieces of sulfur are successively thrown into it. It receives the sulphurous heat and coagulates into the finest silver, of which a few pounds can be made daily.

The spirit of wine or other spirits must simply be cooked and congealed in salt, which any pretended chemist or alchemist will never do by the material fire which burns and consumes everything. All his pains, all his labors are and will be null. He will never do any good. Material fire being diametrically opposed to that of nature. If therefore you pay attention to our fire of nature, you will bring about your fortune and happiness.

The particular stone of the wise

We will continue under the auspices of God to describe what the particular stone of the wise is and how to make it.

You see in our observation meteorica sagaci where the dew, the vapors, the frosts come from, that is to say from the superior region and from the Universal Spirit. All things are created through him and flowing from him. They are thrown upon us by the common air and then manifest as visible or comprehensible bodies.

For example, in winter we take in the crystal clear air, frozen and tied to trees, hedges. In the spring and autumn, the dew. We expose it in open glass capsules under our magical fire of nature and we reduce it by cooking into an astral salt. Then we calcine it by a stronger degree of our fire until it is fixed and it no longer smokes. Then we apply to it the full focus of our fire, whereby we melt it into a round, spangled, vitrified stone which is full of the most beautiful colors and many other marvelous things.

Although this astral stone has great beauty and incredible virtues, it is still far from being comparable to our universal stone. One can make of the first a particular tincture if one puts it again in fusion with equal part of gold or silver for its leaven.

If the ferment is gold, one part converts into gold at least three thousand parts of silver. If the ferment is the moon, one part of the tincture will convert one thousand parts of mercury into silver.

Secretum secretorum

Where the truth made understandable. What is our above mentioned spiritus mundi , what are its qualities and virtues, of which we will briefly describe meteorice hereafter.

Know that no one will be able to work out the great mystery without knowledge of our spirit of the world and our philosophical magic fire of nature. We are speaking here of the great secret of all secrets which had its beginning in divine and eternal virtues, and which will have it until the end of the centuries. So, all of you who long to attend to these divine things, begin by making yourselves worthy of sharing the spirit of God, that you may obtain from him the light of wisdom and his eternal grace.

We therefore say that meteorica minor is nothing else in its generation than meteorica sagax. From this philosophical chaos are generated, in the upper region, the rains. But these rains do not reach us as rains, but as vapours, from the chays from which the dew emanates. All of these things are not poured out on us with substance because they are spiritual. They also form thunder, lightning, but do not strike our earth because they are too far away. Their species and parts spread through the higher element of air. It is then that they fall on the globes, so that sagax generates blood, metals etc. dragons, haloes, apparitions, similitudines, figuras, etc. All these things emanate from above, when they come under the intersticia media . Sometimes they are consumed and dispersed by meteorica minora .

In this meteorica sagaci, is found the tinting of metals, gemmarum and other colors. From this Olimpe emanate all the colors. In this Olimp resides Vulcanus meteoricus which is the progenitor of all colors, tinctures etc.

From meteorica sagax comes conjonctio tincturae in corpora elementata. Thus are born in this meteorica the rains by coction in media intersticiis. There is the spirit of the world which coagulates all the bodies of metals, those of precious and imperfect stones etc. For from this spirit proceed the rays of the sun and insinuate themselves into all things, so that a creatum results . This is therefore s agax meteorica and the true membrum scientiarum sideris . He is also our true Ens philosophical that we must collect in the time of a beautiful heat of the sun, when there is a clear day, pure and not windy or cloudy.

One will especially obtain this spirit in greater quantity and in better quality in hot and heavy weather or a sky where one must expect thunderstorms.

All this knowledge is great divine secrets and mysteries: and believe that if your spirit does not feel them or understand them, God has not destined you for these works. In this case you will do well to renounce it and confine yourself to following the state which is proper to you, to walk in the fear of God in order to end your days in his honor and glory. Amen.

Of the great lunar and cold fire

Having faithfully and clearly indicated in our preceding divine mysteries all that concerns our solar machine, we will deal here with the great lunar fire and we will teach the truly divine miraculous virtues which are contained therein. No one is unaware that by the will of the creator, all created things are found in a perpetual correspondence of the two great solar and lunar luminaries of nature; let them maintain themselves there by a sympathetic order which is impregnated in them, so that everything tends to the glory of God and to the utility of man.

The Creator has established such a disposition, such a permanent order in his works of nature, in all created beings and species, that nothing reaches its maturity and perfection before the time prescribed for it, except that we find ourselves in a position to help nature through art. If we say by art, we want to hear and talk about our solar and lunar machine. For without their help and means, everything would work in the natural order of things, and nothing could be produced before the prescribed term, nor be improved and multiplied.

For this reason, we instruct you again what our solar machine is and how, in a very few hours, we can bring before this machine in the last and highest perfection all the minerals, pearls and other , and convert them into precious stones whose value it is impossible to tax: what the experiments detailed below will tell you more fully.

All the operations that we want to undertake with our universal machines, must be done according to nature and in such an order that each species can rejoice in the nature of its fellow, so that all corporeal things return to their center, their first principle, and that they become ens primum , as they were in their beginning, without the destruction of their bonds of life, or of their roots, of which we have already spoken in our divine mysteries.

Here we present some experiments. How to carry by our lunar machine, in their first principles, or raw materials, all frozen waters, all crystals, corals, pearls, mother-of-pearls and generally all minerals and precious stones of whatever denomination and nature they may be .

1° We lay out our machine and begin to expose before it for an operation an ordinary and common crystal in a very clean and convenient vase, and let the focus shine on it. Then this crystal, without much movement, will reduce and calcine into a very pure white powder by its own innate cold fire, and that within an hour of time. Then we expose the said powder thus calcined under our principal solar machine, and we give it the whole hearth; then it will melt into an eternally fine vitrified stone. This will therefore be a precious stone playing many colors and resistant to all tests. It does not melt in the material fire, does not break, nor does it ever change in its colors.

2° The same operation is done with the corals. We begin by reducing them in front of our lunar machine, as we indicated above on the occasion of the crystals. Then we melt them in front of the solar machine. The result is a vitrified stone of a brilliant and noble red, which, carrying it on one's health, is invaluable. This stone is an inconceivable amulet against any kind of spell.

3° One acts in the same way with regard to pearls. A good quantity is calcined in front of the lunar machine, thus reducing them to powder. Then the powder is melted in front of the solar machine. See in this respect what we have said in our divine mysteries.

4° Mother-of-pearl, the alumen plumosum , will be calcined in the same way . Everything becomes precious stones that play all kinds of colors, and so beautiful that one will charge a very high price, without one ever being able to guess what they were before.

precious stones

Diamonds, emeralds, adamas, magnés, daisies, hyacinths, sapphires, rubies, carbuncles, corals, chrysophages. It is a stone which radiates all fire in the night, and fuses to gold during the day.

1° Calcine many small diamonds, as I indicated to you above, under our lunar machine. Because without the application of its cold fire, you will do nothing on the diamond. Then melt these charred stones together in front of our solar machine, and you will have made a great stone out of them, which is certainly a masterpiece of our art, for the stone is created again without blemish. By carrying this stone on oneself, it procures honors and favors from the great .

2° The emerald can be regenerated in the same way. She becomes brighter and more beautiful than she was before. It is a transparent green stone. It is good for the eyes and for the memory by carrying it on you. It retains chastity and, more surprisingly, it breaks by transgressing it.

3° Adamas must be regenerated by the same method. This stone is also called diamond and enax because it is harder, it brings Joy.

4° Magnes is a ferruginous stone. Once regenerated, it becomes so exalted in strength that if you bring a piece of iron near it, you will not be able to detach it. It will hold many quintals of iron suspended in the air. By pounding this stone between two stones to reduce it to powder, it has the virtue of stopping all diarrhea instantly, taking only one grain.

By throwing a grain of this stone on 1000 grains of molten tin, copper or lead, the whole is converted into iron. The sulfur of this stone is aurific and dyed gold.

5° Marguerita is a white stone. It grows in shells. Being regenerated, she possesses great virtues so that men and animals love her and follow her. If you rub a bird's beak with this stone, it will follow you all its life and never leave you.

6° Hyacinth is a yellow stone. Regenerated by our two machines, its beauty will be exalted to the point that it becomes inappreciable. It possesses the virtue of protecting man from all wild beasts. One can tame lions and tigers by it.

7° The ruby acquires in regeneration a red so beautiful that it will be beyond price. Its sympathetic virtues provide friendship and to be agreeable to everyone.

8° The carbuncle is the stone of the sun. She plays with light like the sun. Being regenerated, its radiance and light are increased far beyond double, so that it will light up a place day and night. This regenerated stone is invaluable. She comes closest to the philosopher's stone. It generally contains in it all the virtues of all the other precious stones. It has within it the superior and the inferior, that is to say the celestial and the terrestrial.

9° Chalcedony is a stone of many intermingled and cloudy colors which, in regeneration, become so brilliant and so beautiful that it can be regarded as a true wonder of the world. This stone freezes and vitrifies compact and hard like a diamond. By carrying it on oneself, it is a preservative against any disease.

10° Topaz is a stone which shines at night and casts a very great fire. Being regenerated, it attracts such brilliance from the sun that it can be compared to the carbuncle. All ghosts withdraw before its brightness, as well as all those who dwell in darkness.

11° The amethyst acquires in the regeneration a red, brilliant luster, intermixed with yellow. It vitrifies very hard. His sympathetic virtue makes you agreeable to everyone.

12° Chrysopage comes out of its regeneration infinitely brilliant and presents all the colors in the greatest beauty. This stone acquires the virtue of extinguishing material fire. It announces good and bad weather. If you wear it, you are warned of death; because a few days before, it turns pale, it becomes cloudy, and in the end, it breaks.

Enough about the perfection of gemstones. In their regeneration by our solar and lunar machine, and the two great luminaries of the world.

Of the transmutation of imperfect stones

Here again we pass on to you a very big and important secret. To know how to proceed to transform and tint imperfect stones in a very high degree, of which we have already mentioned in our divine mysteries, speaking of the alumen plumosum .

The incombustible alumen plumosum cannot be altered by any material fire, but by our two great luminaries of the nature of the world because it contains within itself the most fixed fire of nature. So we take:

1° The alumen plumosum and we calcine it before our lunar machine into a very pure and fine white powder. Then we put it in fusion in front of our solar machine, so that it becomes vitrified. He will then emerge from regeneration with a body so clarified and beautiful that nothing can compare to his radiance. It is the unique, the only material and the only fixed fire of which we can make a dye for all the precious stones as we have already faithfully indicated to you in our divine mysteries.

2. Talc will present itself with almost the same beauty in regeneration. Note that there is with regard to this matter to be observed that it flows under the solar engine at the smallest fire in a whitish oil, when it will have been calcined in front of the lunar engine. We thought it necessary to make this observation to you because it is another way of making talc oil than that indicated in our previous mysteries.

3° One can prepare a stone from common fountain water. Know: Freeze water in a vase in front of our lunar machine, so that it becomes ice. Then take it out of the lunar machine, and put it back under the same machine, so that it is continuously struck by the 3rd degree of fire. Crystals will form. Then give these crystals the whole hearth which will calcine them into a dry white powder. This powder exposed under the solar machine will flow like water and then coagulate into a clear, vitrified stone, which is barely distinguishable from a diamond, except that it does not have the same hardness. Know therefore that it is necessary to help him by the tincture indicated above, and you will have completed the art of preparing a diamond or other precious stone from the common water.

Minerals and matter growing in the earth

1° Let's start with the element of fire which is nothing but a living mine of sulphur. When this mineral is exposed in front of our lunar machine, under the cold fire of nature, it alters and falls into a brilliant and crystalline powder so that from its sulphurous kind it acquires another kind because of two fires of nature, one contrary to the other, like cold and hot. But then exposing this powder under the solar machine, it melts on the field. Then, maintaining the fusion for a longer time, the sulfur vitrifies into a crystalline stone which insinuates itself and enters the metals and can operate particularity very advantageously. If you put this congealed sulfur with molten gold, the latter will be brought to such a high degree that it no longer appears gold. Then project it on money, you will be richly rewarded.

2. Mercury is considered among mineral bodies as the element of water. It coagulates and fixes itself on the field by the lunar machine. Then exposed under the solar machine, it quickly merges into a lunar body.

3° Nitre is the element of air. It falls in white powder in front of the lunar machine and melts like water in front of the solar machine. It then becomes a vitrified stone of ultimate fixity.

Pay serious attention to this stone here, and remember what we have said in this regard in our divine mysteries. You will reach a treasure impossible to appreciate if you give it gold to ferment in front of our magic fire of nature. You will have enough wealth, and the same for health. We don't want to say more, that should be enough for you.

4° We look at vitriol, rock salt and common salt for the element of earth. When the vitriol is brought to a philosophical calcination by our lunar machine, and then put into fusion by our magical solar fire of nature, a beautiful red glass results. Then this glass is fermented with gold and a tincture is obtained, one part of which tints more than a thousand parts of silver into gold.

5° We are going to tell you again how to make the most of all the minerals and how to reproduce from each of them its primum ens . Know then beforehand that the three mineral principles are sulphur, mercury and salt, in which is contained and is found the primum ens of the metals which is the vivifying and growing spirit.

As you find the primum ens of gold in the marcasites of the garnets, in the aurific red talc: thus, one finds the primum ens of the silver in the white marcasites, in the white talc, in the orpiment, the arsenic, litharges.

The primum ens of copper is found in cobalts, in zinc, in vitriol, atramena and verdigris.

The primum ens of tin is found in the zwitteng (Note of LAT: or zwitter, according to another version, having the meaning of hermaphrodite, androgyne ).

That of lead in antimony and that of minium.

In cinnabar alone is the primum ens of quicksilver.

The primum ens is a volatile, growing and vivifying spirit which rests in the mineral matrix until by the lapse of time and the influence of the seasons it becomes a metallic and fixed body.

Pay attention here and understand that it is a living species that rests there in its tender spiritual youth. It is for this reason that we maintain the impossibility of obtaining this spirit, or this primum ens , by the material fire of wood and coals, having observed enough in our divine mysteries that material fire destroys, consumes and annihilates all life to living things. So never go outside. Act prudently with it and through it, and treat these works only with the life-giving fire of nature, from whence they originated, and by which they were created and nourished.

We are therefore going to indicate to you the manner of procuring for you spiritually and bodily these living spirits by the two great lights of the world, using our machines for the glory of God and for your advantage.

We therefore take one of the so-called mines all raw and fresh from its mineral root and expose it under our lunar machine and living light of nature to calcine it without destroying its vital spirits, and by this means open its matrix in which rests the Ens primum .

Then we enclose this calcined matter in a well-luted curcurbite which we expose in front of our solar machine, and distill with a very weak heat of the sun. Then the living spirit will pass through the capital into the receptacle, in all its virginity, and presents itself as bluish water which continually remains together without leaving one another like common mercury. But as soon as this spirit takes air, it suddenly returns to its chaos. This is why it must be promptly enclosed in a philosophical vase, which secret which retains it and which must be joined to it, is nothing other than a gold, silver, or other virgin metal which has no not yet felt, nor which will not have been purified by material fire, but that which will have been taken immediately from the mines.

We observe that nothing else can be done with this primum Ens of minerals than the golden tree called philosophical tree which grows continuously. Here is the process.

Take two parts of virgin gold or silver and one part of the above living mineral spirit which we also call our philosophical mercury. Put them together in a big, beautiful glass cylinder. Fight it well and put everything in a temperate place. Leave him there alone. It will grow branches of gold or silver in two or three months which will rise like the branches of coral.

After this time, you again feed it with our philosophical mercury . Then you let it sit for as long as before. Repeat this food up to three times. In the end, the tree will grow as long as it fills the glass with many beautiful and small branches. At the same time it acquires a real root. It has then become the veritable philosophical tree of gold or silver which produces from month to month its virgin gold or silver and will reap a rich harvest. You will remove some with a small tweezer for your use as follows.

Weigh and note exactly the weight of the golden branches that you will have detached from it in order to nourish this philosophical tree again with as much weight of philosophical mercury. By this means, you retain an everlasting harvest and a rich income without cost and without much trouble.

Consider this work in all and by all, and agree that it is a real transplantation in its living roots, following the divine order. In the quality acts nature by the magnetic spirit which it possesses in it, seeking to multiply and to reproduce its similar with the virgin parts, with the glory of God and for the good of the man.

He who pretends to do the same thing with common mercury or cinnabar, or gold or silver purified by material fire is a falsifier of the virtues of nature, and he will be incapable of undertaking the least thing in our works.

To make known the greatest virtues of this virgin gold of which we speak and which will never have experienced material fire, you only have to take this virgin gold, put it in fusion by our solar machine, maintain the fusion until until it is vitrified into a glass of beautiful scarlet. Then give him a ferment of gold of equal weight to make a tincture that tints - although particularly - much more than a particular tincture made of common gold, as we have already mentioned in our divine mysteries.

By carrying the said virgin gold on oneself, it is an incredible fortifier of the heart and a singular preservative against all infected air and other diseases.

Let us also observe that no one thinks of claiming to be able to produce the philosopher's stone by common fire, or the universal tincture of such a primum Ens mineralium. For the philosopher's stone derives from a completely different center and from a completely different substance than the mineral kingdom.

Each species, or genus, bears its particular seed. This is why all created things must remain in the order that the Creator has infused into them. Each thing will eternally produce its like, except that we know how to help nature by nature itself. This knowledge is a special light which God bestows on us and which can only be performed with the aid of the two great luminaries, by their astral influence and by the application of our solar and lunar machines.

We therefore tell you here to take the said living spirit, that is to say the said Ens mineralium , to reduce it by coction in an open vessel until it becomes a dry salt before our solar fire and living in nature. Then again the coction until a red stone like the most beautiful vitrified and fixed ruby. You will then obtain from it a tincture which can always be increased by a ferment, and which will never end. But despite all this, it is far from being a universal tincture, because it has not been taken from the universal root.

Finally, by finishing our present divine mysteries, we charge the conscience of each one who will have communication of it not to abuse it and thus finish all these elementary things which are temporal, and which will be consumed at the end of days, instead that, we human creatures, provided we are righteous, and have lived in the fear of God, will be clarified in God, entering eternal bliss to praise and glorify God, forever and ever. Amen.

We are still going to add to the present some curious processes to be carried out by the lunar machine. Know :

A pleasant fishing

If there are many fish in a deep or even almost bottomless basin which are difficult to catch, we only have to establish our lunar machine on a small boat in the place where the water will be deeper. The focus is on the water, only as big as a shield. This will give a big shine and cause all the fish to rise to the top. We then give the fireplace in all its grandeur. The fish, by this means, will be very dazzled so that they can be caught with the hands or with suitable instruments.

Another secret

Calcine vitriol by the moon engine. It becomes a beautiful white and falls into powder. It is then the true antipathetic powder that is employed in different diseases.

Unsympathetic swallow powder is prepared in the same way.

By freezing and numbing a bat by the lunar machine, the operation will be done: but it will be better to do it on a Sunday, because bats are Saturnine in the supreme degree. With this powder, you can destroy spells; but we can also practice them, either good ones or bad ones.


When the moon is full, a large mirror is exposed in front of the lunar machine, but not too close so that it does not break. You will see there represented the whole moon, stars, landscapes, mountains, valleys, water, fire, and in the latter, a thousand and a thousand frightful figures moving with more speed than each other. Their gaze causes a frightening sight. The darkness can be observed there in a superior way.

Curious establishment of a crayfish fund

By means of which they multiply greatly and become large and fat: and that from such a pond neither crayfish nor fish can escape, if even a stream of living water passed through the middle .

Have a pond dug the size you want. Wall it all around with large bricks. Have large ehrenholz beams (Erable Champêtre, Acer campestre ) placed in the ground in the middle of the pond. Crayfish are particularly fond of this species of wood. A grass called diebstökel is planted all around the German. This grass acquires large roots which, for the most part, growing, extend towards the water. The crayfish eat it and become very lecherous, so much so that they multiply in a short time by the thousands. A small stream of running white water should be passed through the pond, so that the water always remains cool at the places where this stream enters and leaves. A few eagle stones are placed on both sides of the entrance and the exit of the passage. Because the eagle stone is antipathetic to all aquatic species. Arrived at the passage, they withdraw. After having deposited in the pond crayfish at will, and that they have multiplied, they must be fattened in the following manner.

If, for example, you have put in 300 crayfish, you throw into the pond at least once a month a pound of new cheese in small pieces, and two or three eggs, cooked and quartered. They are also thrown raw liver from time to time. With this food, the crayfish grow and fatten up singularly. Their taste becomes exquisite.

stablishment of a water fund by means of which many sources can be collected and increased.

Take a pound of real magnet stone and half a pound of alum. Make the magnet redden well on the fire two to three times, extinguishing it each time in vinegar. The stone will become brittle and crumbly. Pound it into a powder then calcine the alum in an earthenware pot until it turns brown. Crush it into a powder and mix these two materials. Dampen them with plain water. Make large dumplings the size of a florin (a small crown). Dry them in the sun. When they become dry, you put them in a wind stove or in front of a marshal's hearth to make them redden well. Let them cool. The bottom of the water will thus be prepared. Note that if your two pounds of magnet and alum would not bond well to form pellets,

If, therefore, you want to increase the waters and unite some springs to then flow through light cavities which they themselves will form, you must carefully examine the ground where the springs flow, which would be 50 to 60 feet away from each other. other. Observing then to attack in the first place the weakest, by inserting a strong iron stick into it in the middle of the hole of the source, in this to the depth of three feet, and even more, according to the ground permitting. One then throws into the hole made by the iron stick one of the pellets above, thus leaving it alone. The dumpling will open in a few days. The water will rise and flow through a stream that it forms itself and which will increase more and more.

It should be observed that this operation must always be undertaken in the crescent of the moon, for all the waters increase or decrease with the moon.

End of the divine mysteries

Quote of the Day

“That all Metals clean and unclean are internally Sol, and Luna, and Mercury, but there is one true Sol, which is drawn from them”


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